#im so unbelievably unwell
p4nishers · 1 year
so uh. how is everyone?
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gornackeaterofworlds · 3 months
It's 1am where I'm at but ah well... Here's a sneak peak!
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Oh my lord
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limblesstar · 21 days
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pov u ask me who the little blond man on my itabag is (recipe for disaster)
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iinryer · 10 months
#said it in the tags of the marjan tk carlos doodle I posted but. feeling very unsure about how i will be engaging w ls moving forward#still very much support most of the cast and I do enjoy this silly show#but it’s difficult coming to terms w the fact that their golden boy is a nationalist and zionist#just so unbelievably disappointing and depressing to see#so unless some personal views make some drastic corrections sometime soon im going to be engaging differently than before#i don’t know what that looks like yet. bc i know there are people who still deserve the love#but it’s frustrating to see. i wish it wasn’t the case but if he wants to make this bed he can lay in it and deal w the concequences#i also apologize for wording this kind of vaguely I just don’t know how to be eloquent about it#but for clarity: im genuinely nauseated by the shit ronen has been posting#and I fucking hope he finds his sense but shit dude.#this isn’t about boohoo an actor I liked has bad views#it’s about having a moral fucking backbone and a shred of dignity and critical thought before spreading genocidal propaganda#to your massive audience#so#anyways#i felt like it was important to at least address my position bc silence is not an option with shit like this#and also it’s been making me feel physically unwell since I first saw it and i think I needed to get it off my chest lol#viva palestine. now and forever. no caveats. no ifs ands or buts#iinryer talk#also sorry for making this an all tags post but this isn’t up for discussion. so.
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rosykims · 3 months
😥 and 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 for Ashara
😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
ashara's funny in that she gets pissed off quite easily over small inconsequential things, but when the going gets tough and she's facing real problems she has pretty remarkable emotional regulation and can keep composed through pretty much anything. she believes in leading by example mostly, and tries to project an aura of strength and unflinching control in order to inspire morale in her people and make them feel.... idk. safer! more secure. like they can depend on her. which they can.
but ofc if some marquis decides to cancel a meeting on her last minute or a shipment of flour has been stolen by scavengers on the road, all that goes out the window and shes in a bad mood for the next 3 hours lol
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
ashara has a pretty wild family tree + history which i talked about a bit in a seperate answer, but long story short she has a LOT of family lore, tho currently the only surviving dhavise descendants are her, her sister mithra, and her nephew samahl
quick namedrops:
mithra is her twin sister, another mage, tho she rejected her abilities because she believes its ultimately more trouble than its worth. she prefers archery and has trained with the clan's hunters since early teens.
she also has a 5 year old son, ie ashara's nephew samahl (hard launch of that name i just decided on the spot lol). he's a very sweet inquisitive boy who ashara absolutely dotes on. mithra struggles with motherhood to the point where it's a frequent source of fights between them, because ashara sees mithra's relationship with her son as a mirror for THEIR relationship with their late mother. aka, bad and neglectful lol. anyways just realized he'll be 17 in datv :( cries and dies
numina dhavise was ashara's aforementioned mother. ashara's father arlan was a free marcher circle apprentice who'd been taken in by the clan after escaping the templars. the two quickly fell in love, conceiving ashara and mithra. arlan disappeared shortly after with no clue as to what happened and numina was never quite herself afterwards. she remained an adept healer for the clan, but ended up alienating herself quite a bit due to frequently resorting to blood magic in the hopes it might help her locate arlan. it never did, though her relationship with her children suffered in the attempt. it culminated in her death after the clan encountered nearby templars who were escorting an enchanter, and numina panicked. her blood magic went wrong for the first time in 13 years and she became a despair abomination, icing out half the camp and inflicting frostbite on several other members of the clan.
lastly, arlan is ashara's absent father lol. she and mithra found out years after numina's death that he had turned himself back into the circle of magi for a few reasons, mainly because he learnt what happens when dalish clans have too many mages and wanted to do right by his family. he'd been forced to complete his harrowing shortly afterwards and failed, becoming tranquil. i like to think when ashara became inquisitor she was able to keep better tabs on him and insure he was safe during the mage/templar conflict and all that followed afterwards.
so yeah. lots to unpack within ashara's family. everything in ashara's character really does come back to her family and the people in it, and although its mostly a sad story she is very much a family oriented person and wants to provide/protect them (she wants to protect everybody, really). if datv doesnt end in tragedy id love to end her story with her having her own little family and ending the cycle of pain which has kind of followed them around for generations.
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piplupod · 2 years
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grugruel · 5 months
His Little Killer
Pairings: Cooper howard x f!reader
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Summary: in reluctant companionship with a ghoul, which turns out to be exactly as dreadful as you'd thought. You find yourself in a shoot-out where–post battle–one of your usual fights end way more pleasurable than usual.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: (violence, blood, death, in typical fallout manners), enemies to lovers, choking, pinv sex, rough sex, fingering, creampie, pet names (darlin', honey, killer, sweetheart), praise, a pinch of degradation.
AN: not yet proofread! Hope yall enjoy! (Yes, I'm unwell.'
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Wood shattering, explosions booming–and charging footsteps heading straight for me. 'At my right!' I shout, gesturing in the direction of the steps. My voice barely registering above the racket of the fight.
Nonetheless, he heard me, I knew he did. Because bullets suddenly whizz past my makeshift cover in every direction except to my right.
The ammunition creating sick squelching noises as they collide with their targets, bloodsplatter spraying the walls a horrifying deep red. Meanwhile, in my corner. The heavy footsteps were left wide open to plough through the old wooden barrels I was hiding behind, 'Holy shii-' I squeak as im tackled to the floor with enough force to knock the breath out of my lungs. I try to cough, try to make my lungs open up as the man grabs hold of me. I hit my chest hard, desperately hoping it would do something–
He grabs my boots, pulling me toward him and finally- I get a breath of air. 'Stupid, fucking asshole.' I mutter through clenched teeth as I lunge and wrestle my attacker, our quarreling bodies kicking up a cloud of dust to swirl around us.
The man was big and foul-smelling, maybe it would've been better refered to as an it, considering the animalistic growls, snapping teeth, and fraying lips that bit and lunged at my face. He attempted to pin my arms to the ground while aiming its teeth at my jugular, but I was quicker. My knee smashing into his balls before he had a single thought of defending himself. He cried out in pain and I took my chance to roll him over, pinning him down with my weight instead, and I began throwing a wave of punches to his face, over and over again. 'I said MY right!' I shouted over my shoulder, weeks of fury and frustration bubbling up inside me as it fueled me into beating the ugly mut unrecognizable–when a second force slammed into my back, knocking me onto the ground once again. Another man, now climbing on top of me, his dirty fingers slithering around my throat and-
Another splatter, this time it's his blood–the second man's, and its sprayed all over me.
'Finally. . .' I exhale heavily, thudding back against the floor, splaying out with relief.
'Were really polishin' up on our teamwork.' A gruff voice announced, words coming out slow and steady with that self-satisfied tone which never failed to get on my nerves.
I heaved myself up on my forearms, angling my body so what remained of the man slumped off of me, and the source of the voice appeared like a specter from the dead man's shadow. 'You're a real pretty sight when ridin' a man like that.' He said, nodding to the guy with a bashed face.
I rolled my eyes, unbelievable. 'You mean while beating the shit out of him?' I ask, my voice pitching higher as I couldnt quite fathom the nerve of that man, despite forcing myself to get used to it over the past few weeks.
He hummed. 'Mhm, really got me goin' for a sec.'
My face scrunched up in disgust. 'Fucking cowboys.' I spat, renouncing the idea loudly. But, quietly, inside my mind, the thought had my core purring unwillingly.
'I shot right, just like you asked.' He shrugged, stalking closer, the drawl in his voice washing through the barren and now battered bar.
'The hell you did!' I hissed. He stopped at my feet, looming over me with his tall frame, frayed coat swaying around his chins, and that stupid cowboy hat covering half his face just like always. We'd been forced travelling companions for a while now, and I could say a lot of nasty things about him, but it was hard to deny- he was a real fucking apocalypse cowboy. Pretty cool if you cut his personality out of the picture.
'I said my right, what the fuck else do you think I ment with "my"?' I kick the lifeless body with my boot, emphasising my point.
'Well. . .' He shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. '. . .my, right.' He smirked.
I shook my head, shooting him daggers. 'Not even you are moronic enough to get that wrong, ghoul.'
'Well, you're right.' He admitted, shocking me for a second. But then, the problem I've always had with him, inescapable and always the same–he never shut his damn mouth. 'You need to work om your phrasin', honey.'
I shut my eyes, screwing them together so tight I began wishing I could disintegrate from annoyance and seep through the cracks between the weathered floorboards like a corn of sand. But no, I was stuck with him, and had to lay there listening to his idiocy. 'How–?' I sighed a heavy, exasperated sigh. '–is it possible for a man to be so full of himself, yet- never talk about himself?'
'Tricks of the trade, sweetheart.' He winked, clicking his tongue while those forsaken eyes roamed my body like a predator sizing up it's prey, and extended a hand toward me as if it were no big deal.
Exhausted as I was, accepting his help seemed sorely tempting to my tired body. After a moments hesitation, I decided–once, wouldn't harm my morals. So, I grabbed his hand with reluctance and let him pull me to my feet. 'I could've died, I hope you realise.'
'Yes. . . But you didn't.' His lips pulling into a grin. 'I wouldn't let that happen'.'
'You're a real bastard, y'know that?' the words left my lips with an unintentional drawl, damn that man.
The ghoul cocked an inexistent eyebrow. 'If I didnt know any better, I'd say im rubbin' of on you, honey.'
Another scoff from me. 'The only thing you're rubbing–is me the wrong way.' I spat, this time making a point of speaking as plainly as possible.
His eyes lit up suspiciously, filling with mischief as his widening smile creased them. 'Well, tell me how you like it then and I'll do it the right way.' He smirked, his voice gravely as it scraped along my spine with a shiver. He always did this, He'd call me nicknames, flirt with me. All cause he knew I hated it. But now he's just bordering on harassment. It did however, not, stop the heat from rising to my cheeks, or for a blush to seep through my skin. He'd staggered me, I truly didn't know how to react. What happened next was purely instinctively driven–
The palm of my hand made contact with his cheek, a crisp slap sounding out through the room. I even confused myself for a moment, almost as I was the one who'd been hit. But I would've been furious, how he reacted, well. . .
'There you are. . .' He purred, his tone lethal. '. . .my little killer.' A grin spreading across his face as he took a step closer.
He was pure poison, somehow both hot and cold as he ran through my veins. 'I ain't yours.' He wss the only person- ghoul, who could get on every nerve I possessed, lighting it ablaze with frustration.
'No. . .? You ain't?' He chuckled, 'You're sure startin' to sound like it, sweetheart. I see the way you look at me, the way you blush when I call you pretty little names.' He nodded toward my eyes, his hat tipping with the movement as he took another step, gaining on the precious distance between us. I feared he was right, too, my cheeks burned in a way I'd never noticed before. Had I always reacted like this? Before I knew it–I'd flung my palm for his face a once again-
Only this time, he caught my wrist. 'Tsk tsk tsk, you can do better than that, killer.' He let go off me, forcefully shoving my arm back to my side with a scoff.
But now, I'm the one stepping closer, pushing him away by the chest simultaneously. 'I hate you.' I spit, taking another step and push again, but this time he doesn't budge, and I was left standing mere inches away from him, my hands pressed firmly against his chest as my own heaved with frustrated breaths, strands of hair hanging over my face from the ordeal.
'Good. . .' He whispered, brushing wild strands of hair from my face. '. . .Now, show me how much you hate me.'
I could've slapped him again, pushed him again, done anything else than what I actually did. But my body acted on instinct, again-
I crashed into him, my hands grabbing his face as our lips met in a battle for control. He released a breathy moan, his trigger ready hands finding my waist impossibly quick to pull me flush against him, our bodies clashing together in a thud. He hummed. 'That's right, killer. Show me.' He whispered in the air-swallowing gasps between our kisses.
I put pressure behind my hands, walking him backward while my fingers found the buttons of his vest. Undoing them along with the shirt, then slid his coat and vest down his shoulders in one go, right before his back collided with the bar top. My hands found themselves making their beneath his shirt, feeling the dents of his scarred chest as I sucked his lip between my teeth, and bit down. A sharp hiss escaped him, quickly being replaced by a wide grin. 'Naughty girl.' He breathed.
Smiling, I pushed myself off of him. 'You bring it out of me.' I panted, pulling my shirt over my head and unhooking my bra, letting it fall to the floor.
He leaned back against the bar, bracing himself on his elbows as his eyes roamed over my bare chest and flushed face. 'Those are the prettiest fuckin' tit's I've ever seen. . .' He spoke in a low voice, too filled with lust to allow him anything else. 'Now, would you mind.' His hand gestured below my waist, his index finger sliding through the air as he traced the buttons of my pants from a distance.
And an idea struck me, suddenly feeling like I wanted to indulge myself in a little torture. Turning around, I did as he told me and began unbuttoning them, slowly. Terribly, terribly slowly. Sliding them over my hips and down my thighs, bucking my knees and bending over slightly as I pulled my panties down along with them. Just as I stepped out if them and looked over my shoulder to give him a coy little look, perhaps revel in the feeling of his pained expression–I was in for a surprise.
Turning my head over my shoulder, I came fave to face with him, but he wasn't just standing there- no. He collided with my back, his arms already wrapped around ny front to catch me. His shirt bow nowhere to be seen. 'Enough.' He growled, one strong arm wrapping around my breasts as the other wrapped around my waist. He raised me off the floor, held tightly against his chest. I squeeked, giggling as I pulled my legs up. Completley overcome with the anticipation of what was about to befall me–then I all of a sudden found myself pushed over the bar top, chest against the smooth luke warm surface. The quality off it telling me it hadn't been bought when fitted into this weathered building.
Then, the clanging of metal, leather groaning, friction, and his belt hit the floor. Gruff hands ran over the swell of my ass and down the arch of my back, taking his time to feel all of me. 'Been thinkin' 'bout this, how you'd feel falling apart beneath me, on top of me–' he leaned over me, hand wrapping around my neck as he pulled me flush against him only to whisper in my ear. '–around me. . .' He breathed, dragging the words out. '. . . All wet 'n messy with my cum fillin' you up.'
A moan left my lips. 'Show me.' Was all I could get out, a silent pleading to make all those thoughts a reality–and so he did.
Before I knew it, a hand had disappeared to line himself up with my entrance, pushing inside me without as much as a warning.
'Fuck!' I cried out, my voice breaking as my breath left me. It felt never ending, he was huge. But oh, he felt so good.
He groaned, finally stopping as he'd sunken all the way into my core. 'So wet for me already.' His hand slid over my back and shoulder, molding itself to my throat as the other grabbed my hip. Already flush with my back, he inclined his head, leaving trail of kisses along my spine and neck.
'Fuck me, please Coop-' it was the first time I'd called him by his name, and I realised it the second it left my lips.
His lips curled against my skin, a smile-
He thrusted into me, again and again. My back arching into an angled I had no idea it was capable of, helping him hit my core at every rut of his hips–not that he needed it. The 200+ years of experience really showed, and they were definitely felt.
The bar was dead silent, no noise except for our joint breaths of pleasure and the sound of slapping skin. It was lewd and brutal, and It made me absolutely delerious. His low, pained grunting in my ear did nothing to ease the matter. He'd created an aching so strong within me I wasn't sure It'd ever be able to be tamed.
'Harder, harder, please.' I stuttered, the words barely coming out between my heavy pants. Fuck, he made me feral. Without even trying, that's just what he was capable of. It annoyed me, he managed to annoy me while fucking me senseless. Oh, how I wish I could hate him, but there was no going back now.
Coop left little love bites all along my shoulder, and up the side of my throat, nipping and kissing in equal meassure as his breathing warmed my skin deliciously. Doing it all with such precision I couldnt understand, his thrust were rocking my emtire body, his chest rubbing againdt my back, yet he could be so delicate. I side ive never seen before. 'Little killer ain't so tough no more, is she?' He whispered, placing a kiss behind my ear before biting the lobe, tugging in it gently.
'. . . Mmh- 'm not, I'm not.' I got out. I was whatever he said I was while he delivered this type of pleasure on a silver platter. I didn't care, my morals had been thrown out the window the second his lips touched mine.
'Well, look at that. Admittin' defeat already?' I could feel his stupid grin again, his pace slowing- still ruthless, but it did enough for that feeling of building pressure to wain inside me.
I shook my head, shutting my eyes hard as I tried to focus on his member moving inside me, desperate not to lose that red string that'd lead me to climax.
'Words, sweetheart. Use em'. .'
'Dont fucking care.' I cried. 'J- just- Fuck. Me. Harder.' I ground out, my teeth clenching real hard from a mix of desperation and frustration for the pressure to start rebuilding.
'That'll do.' He groaned, squeezing my throat. All the while his other hand slid down to my cunt, starting condensed circling around my clit. And just like that, he'd made me into a whimpering mess for him to steady, falling apart beneath him just like he'd thought. Then he simply took up right where he left off, without missing a beat he thrusted so ferociously I was sure I'd be bruising on every single part of my body from the vibrations that rumbled through my muscles alone.
The darkness of my lips were specking with white, a wall of pressure building brick by brick in my abdomen. 'Close, so fucking close.' I whimpered.
'Good- Good job sweetheart. Doin' so good for me.' He burried his face in my hair, nuzzling his nose into its scent, inhaling it as he too approached climax. And there it was, that sudden softness. It was almost unsteadying my senses more than his touch, more than his thrusts, but only almost. 'You sound so sweet for me, honey. Let me hear ya'. . .' He moaned, exhaling warmth against the nape of my neck.
I obliged, of course I did. 'Feels so good, Coop- so close. . .' I panted, tears burning my eyes as they began rolling down my cheeks.
He slid his hand upward, keeping it between me jaw and throat, still choking me as he angled my face over my shoulder, enabling him to kiss me properly. And I've never been more thankful because I was about to cry myself dry as the wall broke. Pleasure flooding through my body in tidal waves, my knees bucking beneath me. 'Good girl.' He praised, voice muffled against my lips. Fingers stopping to instead cup my aching cunt. 'My good fuckin' girl, my little killer.' He moaned softly, my lips vibrating from the roughness in his voice as he caught me, delivering a final few ruts of his hips before he too came. Doing just as he promised, filling me up with his cum.
He loosed his grip around my throat and slit, letting me depend on the counter for support while he held me. 'Still hate me?'
'Yes.' I didn't, but it'd be a long time before I admitted that to him.
'Good.' And then there was silence, our lungs catching up with our breaths. 'Still wanna see those pretty hips ride me.' He murmured as he hugged me from behind, his hand sliding lower, pinching my hipbone.
'Ow! Asshole.' I yelped, and he kissed my shoulder to make up for it. But the thought was alluring nonetheless. I wriggled in his embrace, looking around at the destruction we'd caused, at the- dead bodies. And a pang of guilt hit me. 'Fine, but not here.' I agreed, actually wanting nothing more than to get out of there and sit in his lap, maybe ride his thighs too.
We redress, and share a kiss before leaving. 'Can't wait to taste that cunt of yours, killer.' He murmured suddenly. Leaving me staggered once again.
Ugh, I'm done for.
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celticwoman · 2 years
starting to feel nauseous while on the bus is the worst thing that could happen to a girl
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fellsoleander · 6 months
just watched that scene in xiv where flint introduces himself to abigail as james mcgraw…. im so unwell it’s unbelievable
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chickenlittlefan · 4 months
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Been drawing so much but just day dreaming all I do is day dream about hetalia like wow🤤😵‍💫 I just think about ame and my head starts hurting, how do I characterize him without being TOO obnoxious 🧐 im already obnoxious but I can’t pass that invisible line. Keeping to myself is awesome from time to time. Ame ame ame ame ame aneamerammeeamme.. don’t know whether he’s too nonchalant (brain dead can’t read the atmosphere) or too erratic (also brain dead) both can co exist. He reminds me too much of an obnoxious girl. All I think is obnoxiously cute. He’s an obnoxious girl. What an obnoxious girl. So obnoxious. So cute and obnoxious. OBNOXIOUS! Looks at him with crazed eyes.. I like how different people characterize him but he’s still him at his core. Although I can’t handle when he’s characterized in a way I hate. I don’t think im making any sense but there’s some characterization where I think of and I just get mad STOP! He can’t be too masculine, just boyish. I saw a fanart with him with a beard and I almost cried noo maybe im sensitive im not maybe idk. He can’t be too manly he has to be a girl. A cute maybe unwell girl. Close my eyes and tilt my head to the side. So wonderful!!!!! He’s too impulsive and his ego is so high. So asuka coded so awesome. I love asuka. I was looking at asuka and shinjis dynamic and I was this is definitely ame this has to me ame (not making any sense) THIS HAS TO BE AME! I only make ame girl unless it’s a guy that reminds be of a cute girl. So cute and annoying. Annoying girl ame
Lana del Rey coded (im annoying so annoying) off to the races is good idk he’s so awesome I just think of mentally unwell girl. To me he is unable to love, thrives off attention. TRUE PURE LOVE IS UNBELIEVABLE TO HIM!!!!! He’s too caught up with being so annoying. When I think of him I think of him sitting down with his knees held to his chest where he tilts his head and squints with a smile. And I just stare at him with wide eyes wow.. he’s like taunting me, mocking me in some way. He likes to mock, he’s a TROLL! He needs constant attention even if it’s negative attention! Give me attention! give me attention! #BASED #AMEILLNESS somehow I can’t really describe him as beautiful but as cute. Those are two very different things to me. Maybe beautiful in some scenes where it makes you sick to look at, looks at you with a grin and eyelashes too noticeable “sickening..” just makes you shiver and scrunch your face. Stop taunting me.
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
So I don’t wanna be a downer but I’m speaking as someone who has actually e6’d multiple units (and c6’d a few genshin characters): always prepare for the worst case scenario. 700 wishes is definitely doable but only if you get a 5 star at/before soft pity every time and win around half of your 50/50s.
There’s also the light cone banner to consider: are you pulling s1? Add another 130-160 wishes. Don’t count on the 75/25.
For example: my e6s1 imbibitor lunae cost me $700 on top of the 235 ish pulls I had saved (+guarantee on e0 and LC banner win at soft pity). It was about 595 wishes in total which is incredibly lucky. E6s1 Acheron was about double that. Which is about middle of the road. Max dollar amount you’re looking at is ~$2k ish.
I don’t say all this to dissuade you, but as someone who has spent the money I just think it’s important to be realistic and remember that even with luck you’re still probably going to be spending several hundred dollars to e6 a character unless you save for at least 8 patches (how long it takes to accumulate about 700 f2p pulls). I hope it goes well and you’re able to get your e6 Sunday but in this case please do not be misled into thinking it’s easier/cheaper than it is by someone who’s never actually e6’d a character (sorry for making an assumption but from their wording it sounds like other nonnie hasn’t).
700 wishes sounds fine and dandy in a vacuum but don’t ever count on luck in gacha or you’ll probably be disappointed. Anyways, gl with your saving and please spend responsibly!!! Pls let me know if you have any questions about e6ing!!!
reading this felt like getting steam rolled AHSKFJE not in a negative way just in the way of like goddamn these games are really gambling hell holes LMAOOO
and its okay i am insane but also broke so my plan to e6 sunday is overtime / through several patches!! though being honest i am unwell enough to spend several hundred during his first release !! i do appreciate the advice though but given my dogshit luck i am always betting on worst case scenario. my luck is unbelievably bad so i am never betting on it being on my side LOLLL
ironically it’s probably one of the reasons pulling on this game does not haunt me. im going to lose so i only pull if i Really Want A Character. still i think this is good advice for other people interested in e6ing and in general. the insight is appreciated
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saintshigaraki · 1 year
im so sorry to the canon yandere megumi inquirers in my inbox im trying to put together something coherent but im just rotating him around in my mind being unwell over him. just know he's so unbelievably possessive and obsessive and he does not know how to be in a relationship. he just kind of wants to swallow u whole.
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leveractionlesbian · 9 months
quinton reviews' anunciation makes me so unbelievably angry and i dont know why
listen ok. listen. listen. listen to me. i cannot stand the way this man talks. ever since i noticed that he says every single sentence with the exact same way it drives me insane. i have not watched a Quinton Reviews video in like 2+ years because of it and it STILL makes me mad
because i need you to understand ok man. listen. are you listening? listen to me goddamnit. its not his voice. his voice is fine. it's the WAY he talks. it's HOW he says, EVERY SENTENCE, like THiIiIiIiIiIiS. i cant stand it. it drives me insane. it makes me so ferally ravenously angry to think about
if anyone started speaking to me in that voice i would grip them in my teeth and shake them around violently like a dog with a chewtoy. if i ever see a bearded man with glasses wearing garfield merch in my entire life im going to snap into sleeper agent kill mode and end up in a 4 hour shootout with the police outside of a panda express. it is solely by my feelings about some guy on youtube who i havent watched since high school that i will not be allowed into the pearly gates of heaven
you do not understand. you do not UNDERSTAND ME. you need to LISTEN TO THE WORDS IM SAYING. if i ever hear the video essayist voice in a video now, i cannot watch it. the fight or flight instinct kicks in and i am utterly helpless to do anything but cower in fear. i am unwell. i am not okay. i have been traumatized by the lead poisoned garfield glass cup that is the way this man says words
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bedforddanes75 · 28 days
every once in a while i see this picture and it throws me into a blind rage every time
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first of all. the shape is disgusting. they look like when i was seven and didnt know what acrylics were supposed to look like and drew them on my ocs. theyre so fucking pointy. im gonna vomit. second of all. they look disgustingly fake. as though theyve been edited on on photoshop. third. the colours are vile. maybe its for pride but theyre terrible. theyre blended so unbelievably badly and its making me sick. theres barely any blend. its just two colours on each. again. looks like when i was seven and didnt understand acrylics. fourth. the nails are BAD. i understand its for sex but jesus fucking christ. the short ones look pathetic. theyre vile. they look out of place (because they are) and they look stupid. its making me unwell. the way the short ones are so squared and rounded at the same time is terrible. combine that with the stupidly pointy long ones its just vile and i hate it and i think whoever WILLINGLY WENT AND GOT THESE should be shot dead. i need to kill myself after seeing this.
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1800titz · 3 months
Hi!! so after reading the teaser thing for spanko harry i had no choice but to subscribe to ur patreon (im very happy i did😁) and just wanted to say that u have such a special gift for knitting words together and creating something so pleasing to the eyes like I’ve never read anything that’s even close to the beauty of ur writing style
Cause to me there’s nothing better than reading words that stick together like honey and English isn’t my first language but i read quite a lot in English cause i just enjoy it sm especially in romance books and fics and I’ve learned so many new words from ur stories and sometimes i have to read some of ur sentences a few times to fully understand what u mean but like in a good way cause it’s not like lazy entertainment yk it’s like a challenge to my brain as well (which i love cause sometimes it gets tiring to read similar sentences over and over again)
And it’s honestly so fascinating how ur able to describe something so simple in such a unique and fresh way and im constantly in awe of ur mind!! and also im so so excited for part 3 of spanko harry cause the tension and chemistry between them was insane like i felt like i was reading something filthy while they were just talking and i was on the edge of my seat the entire time!! and the concept is so so good im actually going feral over him and the way u were describing his hands and the fact that she was just casually binging all of his videos and he must’ve heard her when it connected to the bluetooth😵‍💫😵‍💫
and also trivia harry was SO cute like the way he just made her watch baby monkeys while he finished his shift omg i am unwell and yn’s nervous rambling was soooo adorable too but okayy this is so long but just wanted to say that i love ur brain and appreciate the dedication u put into ur stories so so much and going crazy feral insane over spanko and trivia harry literally in love w them already <33
HELLO this is so unbelievably sweet 😭 Thank you so much for taking the time to send this in (because my favorite thing ever is in-depth feedback to my silly little fics and I’m glad that so many details stuck out to you!!). And thank you so much for subscribing :’) you guys supporting me through patreon literally grants me the opportunity to create more content because I’m more financially stable and therefore have more time to work on it, and it really does mean SO MUCH, I can’t even put it into words.
AND ALSO, this is so immensely flattering! I think, genuinely, my favorite compliment to receive is regarding my writing style because I know some people can find it tedious or difficult, etc, but it’s so much fun for me to become immersed in my own writing AS I write and use loads of metaphors and stuff so this is really, really sweet. Thank you 🥹 I hope you’re enjoying what I’ve got up on patreon right now, and I hope you enjoy what I’m planning to put up in the near future 🫶
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liesmyth · 2 years
crazy to me how many really good fics there are about john & the original lyctors. it’s just banger after banger as they say. anyway this is not about any particular existing fic or theory but I’m obsessed with the fact that augustine and mercy and john developed that “shorthand” language that they seemingly only use with each other. weird immortal bonds that show how much they understand each other (or how much they used to)! they’re so much! their relationship is of course incredibly fucked up but i feel like there’s this extreme and intimate hyperawareness of each other that’s become a permanent part of the way they think, something that can’t be disentangled from any of their minds. they’re the emperor’s gestures but they’re also each other’s gestures. or whatever. to me that adds another level of existential horror to john’s realization that there’s no one around to “laugh at his jokes” anymore. i mean, that is 100% his fault, but the idea of being the only person left who remembers earth is just unbelievably sad and horrible no matter who it is—so is losing the only people alive who speak your language. and right after all of those connections are lost, *that’s* when kiriona gets named kiriona? possibly in an attempt to revive another connection to a lost language? god there are a lot of layers to these people. wow
crazy to me how many really good fics there are about john & the original lyctors. it’s just banger after banger as they say.
tbh they are extremely fucked up psychosexually codependent immortals! it's fic writer catnip. Also, ime, medium-sized fandoms that have a very popular juggernaut ship nearly always have excellent fic for more minor characters! there are enough people in the fandom that the pool is large, and enough content scarcity that people craft it lovingly. Anyway #blessed.
to me that adds another level of existential horror to john’s realization that there’s no one around to “laugh at his jokes” anymore. i mean, that is 100% his fault, but the idea of being the only person left who remembers earth is just unbelievably sad and horrible no matter who it is—so is losing the only people alive who speak your language.
and right after all of those connections are lost, that’s when kiriona gets named kiriona? possibly in an attempt to revive another connection to a lost language?
this made me unwell. I loved this ask but also. Wow
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