#1 day learner insurance
briancampbell0706 · 12 days
The Complete Guide to Temporary Insurance for Learner Drivers ?
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Learning to drive is a major milestone, but it comes with a unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to insurance. If you’re a learner driver in the UK, you might not need a full, long-term insurance policy yet. That’s where temporary car insurance learner policies come into play. These policies offer short-term coverage that is both affordable and flexible, allowing you to focus on learning to drive without the commitment of a full-year policy. In this complete guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about temporary car insurance for learners, including the benefits, how it works, and how to choose the right plan for your needs.
What is Temporary Insurance for Learner Drivers?
Temporary insurance for learner drivers is a short-term insurance policy designed specifically for those who are learning to drive. Unlike a traditional car insurance policy, which typically lasts for 12 months, temporary insurance can cover you for a much shorter period, ranging from one day to several months.
The flexibility of these policies makes them perfect for learner drivers who may only need coverage for occasional lessons or practice sessions. Whether you’re borrowing a friend’s car for the weekend or practicing with a family member, learner car insurance temporary policies allow you to stay legal on the road without the long-term commitment.
Why Temporary Insurance is Ideal for Learner Drivers
There are many reasons why temporary car insurance learner policies are ideal for learner drivers. Here are just a few of the main benefits:
Flexibility: Perhaps the biggest advantage of temporary learner insurance is its flexibility. You can get coverage for as little as 1 day learner insurance, which is perfect if you’re just looking to take a few lessons or practice driving for a day or two.
Cost-Effective: Learner drivers are often quoted high premiums for long-term insurance policies due to their lack of driving experience. Temporary insurance provides a cost-effective alternative, especially if you only need coverage for short periods.
No Impact on the Car Owner’s No Claims Bonus: If you’re borrowing someone else’s car, the last thing you want is for their no claims bonus to be affected if you get into an accident. Most learner car insurance temporary policies are separate from the car owner’s insurance, meaning their no claims bonus stays intact.
Immediate Coverage: Many providers offer immediate coverage, so you can get insured and on the road within minutes. Whether you need 1 day learner insurance or something longer, you can arrange coverage quickly and easily online.
Perfect for Test Days: If you’re about to take your driving test, a temporary insurance policy can cover you just for the day. Once you pass your test, you can then look into long-term policies suitable for fully licensed drivers.
Types of Temporary Insurance for Learner Drivers
There are different types of temporary car insurance learner policies available depending on your needs. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular options:
1 Day Learner Insurance
As the name suggests, 1 day learner insurance provides coverage for a single day. This option is perfect if you’re borrowing a car for just a day, perhaps for an intensive driving lesson or some last-minute practice before your test. It’s also ideal if you’re renting a car for a short period.
2. 1 Week Learner Insurance
If you need more time behind the wheel, 1 week learner insurance might be the better option. This type of policy is ideal if you’re practicing intensively over the course of a week or borrowing a car while you’re on holiday.
3. 1 Month Learner Insurance
For learners who need more time but still want the flexibility of a temporary policy, 1 month learner insurance provides a great balance between short-term coverage and peace of mind. This is a good option if you’re spreading your lessons over a few weeks or practicing regularly before taking your test.
All of these options allow you to practice driving safely and legally without committing to a full-year policy. To explore these insurance options, you can visit temporary learner driver insurance providers here.
How Does Temporary Insurance for Learner Drivers Work?
The process of getting temporary car insurance learner coverage is relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how it typically works:
Choose Your Coverage Duration: Whether you need 1 day learner insurance, 1 week learner insurance, or something longer like 1 month learner insurance, select the duration that best suits your needs.
Provide Your Details: You’ll need to provide some basic information about yourself and the car you’ll be driving. This includes your name, age, learner driver status, and details about the vehicle you’ll be using.
Get an Instant Quote: Most temporary insurance providers offer instant quotes online. You can adjust the duration of your policy and see how it affects the price.
Purchase and Get Covered: Once you’re happy with the quote, you can purchase the policy and get covered immediately. Your insurance documents will usually be sent to you via email.
Practice Driving with Confidence: Now that you’re insured, you can hit the road and focus on learning to drive, knowing you’re covered in case of an accident.
What to Look for in a Temporary Learner Insurance Policy
When shopping for learner car insurance temporary coverage, there are a few important factors to consider:
Coverage Limits: Ensure that the policy covers the full value of the car you’ll be driving, especially if it’s an expensive or newer vehicle. Some policies may have restrictions on the type of cars they cover, so double-check the terms.
Age Restrictions: Some insurers have age restrictions for temporary learner driver insurance. Make sure that you’re eligible for the policy based on your age and driving history.
No Claims Bonus Protection: As mentioned earlier, many temporary learner policies do not affect the car owner’s no claims bonus, but it’s worth double-checking this to avoid any surprises.
Add-Ons: Some policies allow you to add on extra features such as breakdown cover or legal expenses. If these are important to you, look for policies that offer these options.
How Much Does Temporary Learner Driver Insurance Cost?
The cost of temporary car insurance learner policies varies depending on several factors, including your age, the type of car, and the length of coverage. On average, a 1 day learner insurance policy might cost around £20-£30, while a 1 month learner insurance policy could range from £70-£150.
The exact cost will depend on your personal circumstances, but temporary learner insurance is typically much cheaper than committing to a full year of coverage. This makes it a more affordable option for those who only need coverage for short periods.
Who Can Benefit from Temporary Insurance?
1 day learner insurance, 1 week learner insurance, and 1 month learner insurance are ideal for:
Learners Practicing in a Family or Friend’s Car: If you’re practicing in someone else’s car, temporary insurance ensures you’re covered without affecting their main insurance policy.
Learners Taking Intensive Courses: If you’re enrolled in an intensive driving course and need coverage for just a few days or weeks, temporary insurance is perfect for you.
Those Preparing for Their Driving Test: If you need extra practice right before your driving test, a short-term policy allows you to get the coverage you need for a few days or weeks.
Temporary insurance is a smart, flexible, and cost-effective solution for learner drivers in the UK. Whether you need 1 day learner insurance or 1 month learner insurance, you can find a policy that suits your needs without the financial commitment of a long-term plan. With immediate coverage, peace of mind for both you and the car owner, and the ability to practice driving legally, temporary insurance is the ideal choice for learner drivers.
To explore more options for temporary car insurance learner, check out this link for learner driver insurance and get covered today!
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sirfrogsworth · 8 months
I'm moving out of the city and I'm going to have to learn to drive. Any advice for someone (reluctantly) looking into cars for the first time?
Sorry for the late response, but I really wanted to answer this because I think I have some relevant advice.
I started driving the very day I was allowed to get my learner's permit. I took it very seriously. My dad was a mechanic, my brother literally built a car when he was 16. They were car guys and I was the goofy comedian they didn't really understand. So I wanted to be a really good driver to impress them.
I practiced every chance I got. I took driver's ed in school and got a 100% in the class. And I got a perfect score on my written driver's test and only got dinged for 1 thing on the main exam (it was bullshit, but apparently there is no way to protest a near perfect score).
But then I got sick and it didn't make sense to pay for car insurance and maintain a vehicle. So I didn't drive for roughly 15 years.
Then both my parents got sick and they became dangerous drivers and so I had to figure out how to drive again. And at first I was nervous, but after about a week of driving, I was nearly as good of a driver as when I was younger.
The reason?
Muscle memory.
Muscle memory will save your life over just about anything. The less you have to concentrate on the physical actions and habits required to drive, the more you can concentrate on situational awareness. If you don't have to think about turning the wheel, or braking, or even activating the turn signals, you can use all of that brain power to pay attention to all of the dumb fucks they let drive cars.
So my biggest piece of advice would be to break down all of the physical actions required to operate a vehicle. Even the tiny stuff like switching the station on the radio or turning down the fan on the A/C. Then find a way to practice these things over and over and over until you have that muscle memory embedded into your brain. My muscle memory was so deeply ingrained that it lasted through 15 years of not driving and a batch of mind-wiping electroshock treatments.
Find a safe place to practice and just repeat things until they feel like second nature. Especially checking your blind spots. If you can get checking blind spots to the point where you do it without even thinking about it, you will increase your safety substantially.
Other tips...
Small cheap cars are best first cars. Big cars can make you feel disconnected from the road. Almost like you are piloting the vehicle in a video game. I started on my grandma's 1987 Chevy Cavalier. It was tiny. It had no power. It was free. But I could feel everything I was doing. I could feel the turns. I could feel the road. I could feel braking and acceleration. And it really helped me understand the relationship between driver and vehicle. It was like a big go-kart but I think having that as my first car really helped me develop my driving skills.
And my last tip is to learn gradient braking and acceleration. It's mostly for the comfort of your passengers. It gives them a smoother experience but it also makes them feel safer driving with you. Basically you want to figure out how to apply pressure to the pedals in such a way that almost no G-force is felt. So you start with very light pressure and gradually transition into the max pressure you need. And you need to do it quick enough to stop and accelerate at the proper rate. If you don't transition fast enough you might not stop in time or be able to merge onto the highway. And if you transition too fast people will be lurching back and forth in their seat. But, again, practice makes perfect.
My brother is horrible at this, though mostly on purpose. He likes driving like everything is a race. And with his muscle cars, that can be fun at times. But when you are just going to the store it can make one a little nauseous. I find myself just grabbing the "oh shit" handles and never letting go.
But if you can smooth out your acceleration and braking to the point it is barely felt, all of your passengers will thank you for it.
Hopefully that helps. And maybe other folks can reply with additional advice. And if you have any more specific concerns feel free to ask. I wasn't sure if you were more worried about driving or picking out a car, so hopefully we can collectively cover both.
I wish you luck and hope you learn to love driving. It is pretty cool once you get the hang of it.
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magicalgirlmascot · 3 months
I am curious: What are your current thoughts about the Toa Inika's drivining situation when they become Toa Inika?
Hahahaha I am SO glad you have asked me this because I have Thoughts
Terminology for non-Canadians (and/or Ontarians, idk what other provinces call things):
G1 - learner's permit, obtainable at 16, written test only, must have someone in the passenger seat who has had their full license at least 4 years, can't drive between midnight and 5am, can't go on certain high speed highways (401, QEW, etc) unless the person in the passenger seat is an accredited driver's ed instructor, must pass G2 exit test within 5 years or restart process
G2 - must have had a G1 for either a) 1 year or b) 8 months if graduated from driver's ed, practical exam, can drive alone, on any roads, at any time of day, certain other restrictions apply (esp if under age 19), must pass G exit test within 5 years or start over
G - must have had G2 for at least a year, practical exam, no restrictions except for basic road laws lol
MTO - Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, basically the DMV but for Ontario
Jaller: got his G1 the day after he turned 16 because his birthday was on a Sunday and the MTO was closed. Took the driver's ed course affiliated with his school that same year. Just got his G2. Has to beg and plead to borrow a car because both his parents work and need vehicles for that, and he can bike to work from the house.
Hahli: has been driving farm vehicles illegally for several years. Has her G1 but isn't eligible for her G2 yet. Is learning how to drive from her uncle because he's the only person in her family who respects road safety laws. Can occasionally convince her parents to loan her the truck if she fills up the tank.
Kongu: got his G2 a couple months ago. Inherited his grandparents' junker. Mostly just drives himself and Tamaru to school and back. Grumbles about being his sister's taxi service but also uses this as an excuse to hang around in town.
Nuparu: almost eligible for his G2 but not quite. Took driver's ed exclusively to lower his insurance premium. The only Inika who knows how to drive stick. Wants to get a motorcycle license too. Does all his family's car maintenance in exchange for money being put into the "Nuparu Gets His Own Car" fund.
Hewkii: can't drive. Wants to move to a big city with good public transport so he never has to learn how.
Matoro: was forced to get his G1 against his will and avoids driving like the plague. Sometimes his parents make him drive to the store or something for practice and he hates it. Wants to move out to the woods so he never has to drive again.
Takua: had to learn to drive so they could take on more cleaning jobs. Is actually almost eligible for their full G license. Has the most experience driving because their mom would make them drive between jobs for practice when they had their G1. Is not allowed to cover their mom's company car with bumper stickers to their immense dismay, and also isn't allowed to borrow it for non-work reasons if it's not an emergency.
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morgenlich · 1 year
can i ask what resources you used for info on moving to europe? its something im considering and i have been doing research myself, but a lot of good advice was on reddit and im not really sure if reddit is still usable.
well, first i'll say that most of reddit is still usable to me so don't lose hope on that front!
there's not a lot of advice i can give in general, only wrt moving to germany because that's where i'm going specifically so i've been doing So Much reading the past few months from official govt sites more than anything else--tho regardless of what country you want to move to, govt sites with info on immigration are a good starting point.
tldr, more details under the cut:
-you're gonna need housing and health insurance
-you're gonna need to look into visas/residency permits (visas are for entry into the country, if you're from the US or Canada you probably won't need one) and their specific requirements
-ur nearest consulate is going to be a good source of info and point of contact
the first things, imo, that you need to know are:
1 do you need a visa to get in (if so, what kind, what are the requirements, etc)
2 steps for establishing a residency permit once you're there
and getting all your ducks in a row on those fronts (often the visa and residency permit will have the same requirements as each other from what i've noticed, though as a US citizen i haven't paid much attention because i don't require a visa to enter the vast majority of european countries). this is all info that will be available on official websites, including consulate/embassy sites. it may be helpful to start out looking for info on the site of the relevant consulate website, they will often include links to further resources, or just shoot them an email with questions you have if you can't find answers there.
but important questions for these:
-is there a language requirement? for example, in germany, to be able to work you need to be at a B1 level of german on the CEFR scale. C1 is required for university admissions. etc.
--is there a possibility of a language learner's visa/permit if you're not at that level? what are the requirements for that? (again with germany as an example: you will not be allowed to have a job while you have this residency permit and therefore must prove to the govt that you can financially support yourself for a year through a locked bank account with a minimum of around 11k euro in it).
-what additional documentation is required, besides just your passport? how do you acquire it?
--you will probably have to get passport photos taken again after you've moved because (i'm assuming anon is from the US but i'm sure this applies to other countries too) required biometric photo sizes vary by country and you will almost certainly need one for any residency permit or other documentation.
the other important thing will be securing housing, which gets to be a massive fucking pain when you live on the other side of the ocean. doomspiral and i lucked out massively finding a prefurnished place in berlin (which is an especially hard city to find housing in in general). you are just going to have to keep trying to contact places until someone actually responds to you, unfortunately. and, realistically, you're going to have to trust that the listing is actually accurate to what you saw on the website.
also, i know that in both germany and austria, once you've actually moved, you will have to register your address with the local government (like within a matter of days, this is not something you can put off literally at all), so look into if you need to do that and what forms are required if you do (i forget the reqs in austria, but in germany it's your passport and a specific form you and the landlord fill out)
european countries are going to require that you have health insurance. there are companies that cater specifically to immigrants and/or students (if you happen to be doing uni there--look into the student insurance it'll be much cheaper lol). try to familiarize yourself with the way the insurance system works; for example, in germany it's not unheard of for you to have a deductible (this is still going to be Much Cheaper than a deductible from an american company lmao). also in general it doesn't hurt to be aware of things like abortion and birth control access (fun fact! abortion is totally illegal in germany and has been since the 1930s and yes you are doing that math correctly about who put those laws in place).
i highly highly recommend putting together checklists of documents you need for each major thing mentioned here. also learn how to use excel to create budgets because it's a lifesaver lol
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Master Medical Coding totally free: Your Complete Guide to Learning Online
**Title: Master Medical Coding for‌ Free: Your⁣ Complete Guide to Learning​ Online**
**Introduction:** Medical ⁣coding‌ is a ⁢vital component ⁤of⁢ the healthcare industry, ensuring that⁤ patient records are accurately documented and insurance claims are processed efficiently. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in ‍medical ​coding but ⁤are⁣ hesitant about the costs ​associated with formal ‍education programs, fear not. There are ⁣plenty of ⁢opportunities⁤ to learn medical⁣ coding online for free. In this⁢ comprehensive ⁢guide, we’ll explore the⁣ various resources available to help you ​master medical coding from the comfort⁤ of⁤ your own home.
**Benefits of⁤ Learning Medical Coding Online:** 1. **Cost-Effective:** One of the most ​significant advantages of learning medical coding‌ online for‌ free is that it saves you ​money on expensive‌ tuition fees. 2. **Flexible Schedule:** ⁤Online learning allows you to study at your⁣ own pace and balance your ⁣education with other commitments. 3. **Accessible Resources:**⁣ There ⁢is a wealth of online courses, tutorials, and ⁣forums​ dedicated to medical ‍coding that ‌are⁣ easily accessible for beginners.
**Practical Tips for Learning Medical Coding Online:** 1. **Set Goals:** Establish clear⁤ objectives for what ​you ⁢want to achieve with your medical coding education. 2. **Stay Organized:**​ Create a study ⁢schedule and set aside dedicated ⁢time each day for learning. 3. **Practice Regularly:**⁢ Repetition is key to mastering medical coding, so make‌ sure to practice consistently. 4. **Join Online Communities:** Engaging ⁣with fellow learners and ⁢professionals in online forums can provide valuable insights and support.
**Top‍ Online Resources for Learning Medical Coding:** 1. ⁣**American⁢ Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC):** The AAPC offers free webinars, study guides, and coding practice exams to help you prepare for certification. 2. **Coding Dojo:** This online platform offers⁤ free medical ​coding ‌courses that cover topics such as ICD-10 coding and CPT coding. 3.⁤ **Khan Academy:** While not specifically tailored to medical coding,‍ Khan Academy provides free lessons on healthcare-related topics that ⁤can be beneficial for aspiring medical ​coders.
**Case Study:** Sarah, a stay-at-home mom with a‍ passion for healthcare, decided to learn medical coding online for free.⁤ With⁤ dedication⁢ and​ perseverance, she completed online courses and practice exams, eventually ‍obtaining her certification. Sarah now works as a remote medical coder,⁢ enjoying‍ the flexibility and fulfillment that her new career brings.
**First-Hand ⁣Experience:** As someone‍ who has personally navigated the world ⁣of online learning in⁤ medical coding, I can⁢ attest to the ​invaluable resources ‍available to aspiring ⁣coders. With determination and a commitment to continuous learning, mastering medical ‌coding is⁢ within reach for anyone with an internet⁣ connection.
**Conclusion:** Learning medical ⁢coding ‌online for free is an ⁣excellent option for individuals⁣ seeking a rewarding career in the ⁤healthcare industry without breaking the⁢ bank. By taking advantage of the plethora of‌ online resources available, you can acquire⁢ the knowledge and skills necessary to excel‌ in medical coding. With dedication and‌ perseverance, you ⁤can embark on a fulfilling career as a certified medical coder, all from the comfort of your ⁢own⁢ home.
Mastering medical coding doesn’t have to ‍be a daunting task, thanks to the abundance of free online ‌resources at your disposal.⁤ Start ​your journey ⁣today and unlock the⁤ endless possibilities that a career ​in ⁤medical coding has to offer.
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sarjeevvarshney43 · 7 months
Unveiling the Essence of CA Inter Accounts Syllabus: Your Pathway to Financial Expertise
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In the realm of finance and accountancy, the Chartered Accountancy (CA) Inter level stands as a significant milestone for aspirants seeking to delve deeper into the intricate world of financial management and reporting. At this crucial juncture of their journey, a comprehensive understanding of the CA Inter Accounts syllabus becomes indispensable. Guiding aspirants through this academic odyssey is the esteemed team at Sanjeev Varshney Classes, spearheaded by the renowned mentor, Sanjeev Varshney sir, acclaimed as India's No.1 teacher. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the essence of the CA Inter Accounts syllabus, exploring its key components and the invaluable insights it offers to aspiring finance professionals.
Navigating the Terrain of CA Inter Accounts Syllabus
The CA Inter Accounts syllabus is meticulously designed to equip learners with a profound understanding of accounting principles, practices, and standards essential for navigating the dynamic landscape of modern-day finance. Divided into distinct modules, each segment serves as a building block, fostering competencies vital for success in the professional realm.
Module I: Accounting Standards and Corporate Accounting
At the core of Module I lies the elucidation of Accounting Standards (AS) – the bedrock of financial reporting integrity. Learners delve into the nuances of AS, comprehending their application in diverse scenarios to ensure transparency and accuracy in financial disclosures. Furthermore, Corporate Accounting unfolds the intricacies of corporate financial statements, consolidations, and amalgamations, enabling aspirants to decipher the financial health of enterprises with precision.
Module II: Financial Statements Analysis
Module II ventures into the realm of Financial Statements Analysis, empowering learners with the prowess to dissect financial statements and extract meaningful insights. Through ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, and comparative financial statement analysis, aspirants gain a holistic perspective on evaluating an entity's performance, liquidity, and solvency – essential skills for making informed financial decisions.
Module III: Cash Flow Statements
Cash Flow Statements constitute the focal point of Module III, shedding light on the intricacies of cash flow reporting. Aspirants unravel the operating, investing, and financing activities of an entity, discerning the nuances of cash flow generation and its implications on financial viability and sustainability.
Module IV: Accounting for Special Transactions
Module IV delves into the domain of specialized transactions, encompassing areas such as partnership accounts, insurance claims, and banking companies. By dissecting these unique scenarios, learners develop a nuanced understanding of accounting treatment, ensuring adherence to regulatory frameworks and financial reporting standards.
Unraveling the Pedagogical Excellence of Sanjeev Varshney Classes
Amidst the labyrinth of accountancy concepts, the guidance of seasoned mentors plays a pivotal role in nurturing academic excellence and professional acumen. Sanjeev Varshney Classes stands tall as a beacon of pedagogical excellence, leveraging a multifaceted approach to empower learners on their CA Inter journey.
Comprehensive Curriculum Coverage
With an unwavering commitment to academic rigor, Sanjeev Varshney Classes ensures comprehensive coverage of the CA Inter Accounts syllabus. Through meticulously crafted study materials, live lectures, and interactive sessions, learners are equipped with a holistic understanding of accounting principles, fostering confidence and competence.
Expert Guidance from Sanjeev Varshney Sir
Central to the success saga of Sanjeev Varshney Classes is the visionary leadership of Sanjeev Varshney sir – a luminary in the realm of finance education. With his unparalleled expertise and pedagogical prowess, Sanjeev Varshney sir elucidates complex concepts with utmost clarity, inspiring learners to transcend academic barriers and strive for excellence.
Personalized Learning Experience
Recognizing the diverse learning needs of aspirants, Sanjeev Varshney Classes offers a personalized learning experience tailored to individual requirements. From doubt-clearing sessions to one-on-one mentorship, learners receive the guidance and support needed to surmount academic challenges and realize their full potential.
Embracing Excellence: Your Pathway to Success
Aspirants embarking on the CA Inter Accounts journey are poised at the threshold of unparalleled opportunities and challenges. In this transformative quest for knowledge and expertise, the CA Inter Accounts syllabus serves as a guiding compass, illuminating the path to financial acumen and professional success. With Sanjeev Varshney Classes as your trusted companion, equipped with its unparalleled pedagogical excellence and visionary leadership, you're poised to traverse this academic odyssey with confidence and conviction. Embrace excellence, unlock your potential, and chart a course towards a future adorned with triumphs and accolades – for the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and your journey towards CA Inter glory commences today !! Join for more daily information sanjeev varshney classes  .. Read more : ICAI
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jimsdriving · 1 year
Usefulness Of Driver Education Course In Wolfville, N.S.
In our hectic lives, car driving has become a part of our daily routine, especially for working professionals. We drive cars every day to reach our workplaces. Although some individuals learn to drive without anyone else or with the assistance of their friends or family, others in the region need to pursue a driver education course in Wolfville, N.S. Taking such courses comes with sundry usefulness for the drivers. In this article, we will concern and learn about the same.
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Explore The Importance Of Driver Education Course In Wolfville, N.S.
Many people who don’t know how to drive wonder about the importance of in car driving lessons. Read through the pointers below and learn.
1. Enhanced Safety
One of the primary reasons for the importance of driver education courses in Wolfville is the emphasis on safety. These courses provide students with essential knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, and defensive driving techniques. By equipping new drivers with this knowledge, they become better prepared to handle challenging situations on the road. These in car driving classes, in turn, reduce the likelihood of accidents and make Wolfville’s roads safer for everyone.
2. Reduced Traffic Violations
Driver education courses not only show students the street's standards but also impart a feeling of obligation and discipline. This can prompt a lower pace of traffic violations among people who have followed through with these tasks. Fewer traffic violations mean fewer fines and penalties, contributing to Wolfville's smoother and safer driving environment.
3. Confidence And Skill Building
Learning to drive can be a grim experience for new drivers. Driver education courses help build confidence by offering practical driving experience under the guidance of qualified instructors. These courses provide a structured environment for learners to practice various driving skills, including parallel parking, lane changes, and defensive maneuvers. This hands-on experience helps learners become more confident and capable drivers.
4. Familiarity With Local Roads
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, is known for its pleasant scenes and novel road conditions. Driver education courses frequently remember guidance for local road conditions, guaranteeing that new drivers are good to go to explore the particular difficulties of the area, like winding roads, steep slopes, and winter weather patterns. This familiarity with local roads enhances safety and minimizes potential hazards.
5. Positive Community Impact
Driver education courses benefit individual drivers as well as decidedly affect the local area all in all. With additional dependable and taught drivers out and about, there is a decline in mishaps and gridlock. Additionally, reducing traffic violations and improving road safety contribute to Wolfville's more harmonious and pleasant living environment.
Take Your Path To Safe Driving in Wolfville, N.S.
Jim’s InSync Driving School is a leading provider of driver education courses in Wolfville, N.S. With a strong commitment to road safety and skill development, our certified instructors equip new drivers with the knowledge and confidence they need to navigate the unique challenges of Wolfville’s roads. We offer comprehensive training that covers traffic rules, defensive driving techniques, and local road conditions. Our courses enhance safety and lead to lower insurance costs and fewer traffic violations. At Jim’s InSync Driving School, we believe in shaping responsible, skilled drivers who contribute to a safer, more harmonious community.
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charlestonlaw · 1 year
Motorcycle Laws in South Carolina: What You Need to Know
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Cruising along the scenic highways of South Carolina on a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience. The Palmetto State offers breathtaking views and winding roads that beckon riders from far and wide. However, before you hit the road, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the motorcycle laws in South Carolina to ensure a safe and legal journey. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the key regulations and important information every motorcyclist should be aware of.
1) Licensing and Endorsements
To legally operate a motorcycle in South Carolina, you must possess a valid motorcycle endorsement or a motorcycle-specific license. Here are the key points:
Motorcycle Learner's Permit: If you are under 18 years old, you can apply for a motorcycle learner's permit. This permit allows you to ride a motorcycle during daylight hours only and with specific passenger restrictions. To obtain a learner's permit, you must pass a vision test and a written knowledge exam.
Motorcycle Endorsement: To add a motorcycle endorsement to your regular driver's license, you must be at least 18 years old or have held a motorcycle learner's permit for 180 days if you are under 18. Passing a road skills test or completing an approved motorcycle safety course is necessary to obtain this endorsement.
2) Helmet Law
In South Carolina, helmet laws for motorcyclists are in place but with some exceptions:
All Riders: All motorcyclists and passengers under 21 years of age must wear helmets that meet the Department of Transportation (DOT) standards.
Riders 21 and Older: If you are 21 years or older, you can choose not to wear a helmet if you have at least $30,000 in insurance coverage for bodily injury or death resulting from a motorcycle accident.
While the law permits some flexibility for adult riders, it is highly recommended that all motorcyclists wear helmets for their safety.
3) Equipment Requirements
Ensuring your motorcycle is equipped according to South Carolina's regulations is vital. Here are some key equipment requirements:
Rearview Mirrors: Motorcycles must have at least one mirror that provides a clear view of the road for at least 200 feet to the rear.
Lights: Headlights must be turned on at all times, even during the day. Your motorcycle must also have working taillights and brake lights.
Mufflers: Your motorcycle's exhaust system must have a muffler and be in good working condition to prevent excessive noise.
Turn Signals: If your motorcycle was manufactured after 1973, it must be equipped with turn signals.
4) Lane Splitting and Filtering
South Carolina does not explicitly prohibit or permit lane splitting (riding a motorcycle between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic) or filtering (moving to the front of stopped traffic at a red light). Therefore, it's advisable to exercise caution and follow general traffic rules.
5) Riding with Passengers
If you plan to have a passenger on your motorcycle, there are specific requirements to consider:
Your motorcycle must be equipped with a passenger seat and footrests.
Passengers are required to wear helmets if they are under 21 years of age, as mentioned earlier.
As a rider, you should ensure your passenger is securely seated and has a firm grip on the passenger handholds.
6) Riding in Groups
Riding with a group of fellow motorcyclists can be a fantastic experience, but it's essential to follow some guidelines:
Maintain a safe following distance between bikes to allow for quick reactions.
Use hand signals or communication devices to convey your intentions to other riders.
Obey traffic laws and signals, even when riding in a group.
7) DUI Laws
Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in South Carolina, and the consequences can be severe. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for motorcycle riders is the same as for drivers of other vehicles, which is 0.08%.
8) Vehicle Inspection
Motorcycles in South Carolina are subject to safety inspections. These inspections cover various aspects, including brakes, lights, tires, and exhaust systems. Ensuring your motorcycle is in good working condition is not only a legal requirement but also crucial for your safety.
Riding a motorcycle in South Carolina can be a thrilling experience, but it also comes with legal responsibilities. Futeral & Nelson LLC stands as a dependable ally for motorcyclists in the state. With their expertise, local knowledge, and commitment to personalized service, they are well-equipped to assist riders in navigating the complexities of motorcycle laws.
Whether you're seeking representation after a motorcycle accident, need advice on compliance with helmet laws, or require assistance with insurance claims, Futeral & Nelson LLC has the knowledge and experience to guide you through the legal process. With their support, you can ride confidently, knowing you have a trusted legal partner to turn to should the need arise.
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madthimmy · 1 year
August 1, 2023 - Digital Diary
I had a conversation with Danielle while walking earlier, and I told her that I'm somewhat anxious about my future since it's my first day of work next week. I have so many "what ifs" in my mind, to the point that I even asked her if she thinks I'm a fast learner or not, coz' I admit that communication is my weakness. Yet, I had the audacity to apply for a customer service position in a health insurance company. Sometimes, I find it easier to express my thoughts in writing rather than speaking them out loud.
Then she told me this "It's okay to be scared because feeling scared means you can do it. People who are scared about their future are actually the ones who are ready and prepared for what lies ahead. If you don't fear your future, it means you don't care about it." (Non-Verbatim)
This is one of the reasons why I love talking my thoughts to Danielle—her mind is full of wisdom, and I always get the chance to learn something from her. It helps me enlighten my mind about the things I couldn't figure out myself.
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briancampbell0706 · 2 months
Flexible, Affordable Insurance for UK Learner Drivers – Cover from 1 Day to 1 Month!
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Looking for flexible car insurance in the United Kingdom? Temp Cover Now offers ideal solutions for learner drivers. Whether you need 1 day insurance for a learner driver, 1 day learner insurance, 1 week learner insurance, or even 1 month learner insurance, we’ve got you covered. Our learner driver temporary car insurance plans provide short-term car insurance for learner drivers, ensuring you’re protected without long-term commitments. Experience the convenience and peace of mind with our temp insurance for learner drivers, designed to fit your schedule. Choose Temp Cover Now for reliable and affordable insurance options tailored to your needs.
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Best Short Notice Driving Test Cancellation Car Rental In London
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Prepared to take the practical test? Need a rental car for the exam since you don't have an instructor? If necessary, they offer 1- to 5-hour short courses that are intensive over 1-2 days with an short notice driving test cancellation. This course is appropriate for experienced international drivers, test repeaters, or learners who are nearly test-standard.
last-minute driving tests in practise. Want to rent a car for your driving test? For short notice driving test cancellation, they offer very seasoned short-notice driving instructors. Has extensive knowledge of the exam locations at the driving test centres in London. Last-minute manual and automatic automobiles for practical driving tests are readily available. Learners who are taking the test again. 
They locate last-minute emergency driving tests and offer prompt, emergency driving instructors. They can assist if you need to study for a driving test quickly but don't have a car.
In order to provide you with the greatest short notice driving test cancellation preparation available, Their DRIVING TEST CAR HIRE COMES WITH: A fully qualified expert driving instructor. Perfectly maintained and fully insured dual controlled car. Pre-test instruction to help you pass the standards set by the examiners. Free pick-up and delivery are available within two kilometres of the test site.
For more information you can visit their website:
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privatemiddleschool · 2 years
Facts About College Prep High School in Albuquerque Revealed
In 1981, the Liebers moved the school to the Skinker-DeBaliviere neighborhood and extra a high school. Because then, Crossroads College Preparatory School has developed into a college preparatory middle and high school with a solid file of partaking pupils actively in their Mastering and educating students to Assume critically and creatively.
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liojack · 2 years
Why Are Finance Studies So Important For My Future?
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Learners who wish to learn about the workings of the global economy and the secrets of Finance, trades, and financial freedom should consider pursuing a degree in Finance. Because we make financial decisions every day, even though Finance is among the oldest sciences in the world, it continues to be one of the highly prominent academic fields. So, will a degree in Finance be valuable in 2022? If so, why should you pursue a finance degree? Let's find the answer to the questions with finance homework help experts.
1. Finance positions pay well and are in high demand.
Everyone depends on the financial methods and concepts in the world today and the economy. They all require Finance and are prepared to pay top dollar for professionals in this industry, from little start-ups to major enterprises, local stores to global supermarket chains, legal firms to insurance organizations.
2. To live a prosperous life, one needs to be financially literate.
In a capitalist society, having more financial information is advantageous because knowledge is power, at least conceptually, because it's one thing to grasp Finance, finances, and investing. However, putting this information into practice, taking chances, and being prepared to lose funds and begin over again separate success from failure in terms of personal economics. As a finance scholar, you will investigate a variety of topics and ideas that will assist you in:
Recognise that money tends to make every choice an emotional one.
Recognise the distinction between assets and liabilities
Establish funds for catastrophes, children's schooling, travel, pension, etc., and learn ways to save money.
Learn how to spend and where to put your money.
It will be much simpler to maintain financial records, cut back on unnecessary spending, and gradually move toward financial independence — a goal that only a few individuals can realize — if you learn these financial ideas and put them into practice in your life.
3. You learn about the distinction between price and worth in Finance.
Warren Buffett once said, "Price is just what people pay; quality is what you receive". This sage advises that simply because something is on sale or included in a package deal will not mean it is worth the list price.
A lot of retail stores employ this as one of their techniques. Since it is practical, if people believe they are pinching pennies, they are more inclined to purchase something. Even if the alleged "discounted pricing" does not reflect the item's value.
This lesson, like much financial advice, may also be applied to life in general if we allow ourselves to be a little philosophical. It doesn't always imply something is worthwhile just because it's simple to accomplish or doesn't cost much. Small risks, though, might have huge repercussions.
By using the lessons of Finance, you also can discover - how to spend your time.
4. Finance may be boring
The financial sector is continually evolving and altering in ways that, even a decade earlier, no one could have foreseen.
The finance homework help professional has given an instance, of fintech is currently in style. Cryptocurrencies were huge a few years ago. And even if they've lost some of their initial enthusiasm and appeal, they continue to be supported and used by many individuals.
You won't become bored when learning and working in Finance, whether the upcoming fintech is a universal basic income, worldwide virtual money, or something nobody has yet invented. It is one of the societal spheres whose evolution is closely tied to the creation of new technology, and therefore advancements are inescapable.
5. Discover low-cost Finance degrees
Even though Finance revolves around money and investments, obtaining a quality financial degree doesn't require sacrificing your arm and a leg. On the other hand, bachelor's and master's programs in Finance can be obtained at affordable prices.
The Essay Homework Help expert says that in several European cities, candidates can access a free degree even if they aren't from the EU (European Union) or the EEA if we are talking about the European countries. Also, Australia provides a wide range of programs that let students from other countries study there for free. However, some fees, including those for a visa, could not be covered by your scholarship.
To help in your financial studies, always confirm if the tuition costs apply to you and hunt for scholarship alternatives. To know the scholarships and their processes you may consult with finance homework help.
6. Studying for online finance degrees is more convenient 
In this situation, you should search for financial bachelor's and master's degrees. Without putting your job or personal life on wait, you can learn courses at your speed. It's also a terrific method to save money on travel, relocation, medical insurance abroad, and other expenses.
The principal gains are:
Flexible timetable: As far as you complete projects and tests by the due dates, you may study whenever you choose.
Lower costs: Online Financial courses are quite reasonable because they need fewer resources.
A study from anywhere: You may take classes at home or at colleagues' houses with a decent set of headphones.
Best Support: You will get all the necessary support through discussion forums, chats, Q&As, and Facebook or WhatsApp groups.
7. A variety of Finance specializations are available
The best degree for a very sound study is one in general Finance. The finance homework help service providers have listed some courses for you -
BBA Banking and Finance
MBA Banking and Finance
M.Com Banking and Finance
Banking & Finance Certificate Course
Diploma in Banking and Finance Courses
B.Com (Finance)
B.Com (Banking Management)
M.Com (Finance)
8. You'll improve your ability to solve problems.
Mathematics, Excel spreadsheets, and ratios are all part of Finance. But it also entails looking at these figures and translating them into valuable business insights. Think about the idea of value and how it influences business choices, for instance. Learning about Finance can assist you in comprehending how to produce value, how pricing and value vary, and how the future influences value now.
An important skill that may help you in your work today and in the future is using statistical data to solve issues and make wise business decisions.
9. Money Matters Outside of the Office
Understanding money is essential for your career, but it's also crucial for your finances.
Every day, we must make financial decisions of different sizes. A fundamental understanding of money is necessary to decide what to order takeout or dine in, if to pay your fitness centre in one considerable amount or over time, and whether to turn a pastime into a side business.
10. Finance is pervasive
Whether you work in technology, academia, consultancy, or advertising, it makes no difference. Your business requires cash flow to pay everyone's salaries, distribute rewards, and engage in innovative products.
Even if you don't personally handle a budget, finances form the basis of all company decisions. Knowing how you can transform that investment into income for your organisation can assist you in making a more compelling case, whether you're proposing a project or financing.
These were the few illustrations that state why finance study is important for an individual’s future. If you want to know more, connect to Online Assignment Bank. Here you will enjoy the best finance homework help. Also, you can download free finance assignment samples for your topic.
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nahasmystic · 2 years
Tx drivers license check
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In-person. Take your registration renewal notice and proof of current liability insurance to your county’s Tax Assessor-Collector office or an approved substation.Track your driving eligibility status Track verification of lawful presence status This online service is provided by, the official website of Texas.
Mail. Send the renewal notice, a copy of your Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR), proof of current liability insurance, and all fees to your county Tax Assessor- Collector office. Welcome Official Texas Driver License Eligibility System.
If you don’t want to create a TxT account, you can still use this online option to renew.
Complete the Vehicle Registration Renewal application.
See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Drivers License Check locations in Irving, TX. To learn more about TxT and create an account, visit the Texas by Texas page on . Find 102 listings related to Drivers License Check in Irving on YP.com. To begin the online process, please enter your driver license number and date of birth. Renew with Texas by Texas (TxT). TxT is an official, account-based digital government assistant that provides an even easier, faster, and more secure way for Texans to take care of government services – like vehicle registration renewal.You must be at least 15 years old to get your Texas Learners Permit. Type 2, a three-year history that includes all the information contained in Type 1 in addition to a list of crashes, moving, and non-moving violations. Online. You can renew your vehicle registration online 90 days before the expiration date or up to six months after the expiration date, if you have not received a citation for expired registration. If you renew online, you’ll receive $1.00 discount. Teens (Age 15-17) Applying for a Texas Learners Permit. Type 1 status record, which includes date of birth, license status, home address and the date you originally filed for a Texas driver’s license.Remember, you must have a passing vehicle inspection before you can renew. Possess a commercial driver's license (CDL). A variety of things can be checked with the online system. To gain access, you must provide the last four digits of your Social Security number, drivers license number, and date of birth in the MM/DD/YY format. Make your DL, CDL and ID card services easy by completing them online today. To be eligible for a defensive driving course, you must NOT: Have taken a defensive driving course within the past 12 months. Texas has set up an online eligibility database on the Department of Public Safetys website. Texas Driver License and ID Cards Online Services Eligibility The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) offers online services to renew, replace, or change the address on your driver license (DL), commercial driver license (CDL), or ID card. There are several ways to renew your vehicle registration. If you receive a traffic ticket for a moving violation, you may be able to have the charges dismissed by attending a defensive driving course.
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longreading · 2 years
Texas driving test documents
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#Texas driving test documents how to
#Texas driving test documents drivers
#Texas driving test documents registration
#Texas driving test documents verification
#Texas driving test documents License number
You cannot receive a Texas provisional license without completing the ITTD program.Īfter completing the course, you will receive a completion certificate that is only valid for 90 days.
#Texas driving test documents drivers
Now you can begin your behind-the-wheel training! Impact Texas Teen Driver Course (ITTD)Īs of September 1 st, 2015 all aspiring Texas drivers must complete the Impact Texas Teen Driver (ITTD) course.
#Texas driving test documents verification
A Verification of Enrollment and Attendanceįor more information on these items, go here.A certificate stating you passed the knowledge exam.If your course provides the permit exam or you passed the permit exam at a local Texas DPS, then you must bring the following items to your local DPS: If your course does not provide a permit exam, your next step is to take and pass the exam at a local Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). Other courses will require you to complete the entire 32 course before letting you take the permit exam. In fact, our course allows you to take your permit exam after completing the first module. Some Texas driver education courses will offer the permit test as part of the course, as our 100% online Parent-Taught Driver Education course does.
#Texas driving test documents registration
Course must be approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration (TDLR)Īfter you complete this course, you have to take a permit test.
You cannot complete the course in less than 16 days.
The course must be a minimum of 32 hours, though some traditional courses may take longer.
To start driver’s ed, you must be at least 14 years old (though you cannot get a Texas permit until you are 15).
No matter the method you choose, the following qualifications must be met:
Take a parent-taught driver education course (PTDE).
Take a public school driver education course (offered, obviously, through a public school).
Take an approved driver’s training school (a traditional classroom course).
In order to obtain your Texas permit, also known as a learner’s license, you have the following options: Students between 14 and 18 Getting your Texas learner’s permit
#Texas driving test documents how to
Let’s break down how to get a Texas Driver’s License.Īll students hoping to get a Texas driver’s license should read the Texas Driver Handbook. These steps can seem daunting and intimidating to students (or parents!) like you seeking a learner’s permit or provisional license. Therefore each state requires different steps to create safe and well-prepared drivers. With 2,000-3,000 teenage drivers dying in a car accident per year, car crashes are the number one killer for teenagers.
#Texas driving test documents License number
Note: An assigned driver license number for the testing applicant must be entered when scheduling for a driving test.What First Time Texas Drivers Need To KnowĪ milestone in any American’s life, getting a permit and driver’s license is an exciting if daunting endeavor. To schedule your driving test visit Driver License Services – Appointments. NO additional passengers will be allowed in the vehicle during the driving test. You must show proof that the rental vehicle is covered by liability insurance either by accepting the liability damage waiver when you rent the vehicle or by showing proof that your personal auto liability insurance covers rental vehicles. If you use a rental vehicle for the test, the person taking the driving test must be listed on the rental agreement as an authorized driver. All of the vehicle safety requirements described at How to Prepare for a Drive Test.No unusual mechanical issues (such as having doors that do not open from inside or outside the vehicle – this will result in failure of the vehicle inspection) AND.Two license plates one plate affixed to both the front and rear bumpers.A vehicle for the road test that meets all of these requirements:.( Note: applicant cannot be listed as an excluded driver and must be listed as a driver on a Named Driver Policy) AND Proof of current liability insurance for the vehicle to be used for the road test.Adult Driver Education Certificate (ADE-1317).Parent Taught Driver Education Certificate (PTDE-964) OR.Texas Driver Education Certificate (DE-964E) from a public high school.Texas Driver Education Certificate (DE-964) from a certified driving school.If you are younger than 25, proof of driver education:.Certificate of completion for meeting the ITD requirements.You will be required to make payment again after expiration.) ( Note: payment is good for only 90 days - date of expiration is listed on the payment receipt. The driving test fee or the payment receipt if you have already paid.Your Texas learner license or Texas driver license with B restriction ( Note: if lost, one approved identity document is required).To make sure you have everything you need for your visit, please carefully review what you will need to prepare for a drive test and bring the following items to your appointment: Please carefully read the requirements below to ensure that your visit is as fast and efficient as possible.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Although companies have made progress toward gender parity in the workplace, women have yet to achieve true equity with their male colleagues. 
The number of female CEOs in the Fortune 500 rose to a record high this year — 44 — which means women now run 8.8% of Fortune 500 companies. There are more women on the boards of America’s 1,000 largest public companies, too: The percentage of women on these boards increased from 23.8% to 28.2% between 2019 and 2021, JUST Capital found. 
Yet women — and particularly women of color — continue to face a significant wage gap, hiring discrimination and harassment, among other barriers in the workplace. 
To determine which companies are making strides in building a supportive, inclusive work environment for women, company review site Comparably compiled a list of the “Best CEOs for Women” using data from its platform. 
Comparably analyzed anonymous survey feedback from female employees across 70,000 companies between June 24, 2021 through June 24, 2022 to determine the ranking. Each company’s rating was based on employee feedback about the CEO’s effectiveness as a leader and the overall workplace culture, with additional weight being given to companies that had more participation from their employee base. Companies also needed a minimum of 75 employee ratings on Comparably’s website to qualify for the ranking.
Yamini Rangan, the CEO of software company HubSpot, ranked as the top CEO for women among companies with 500 or more employees. Rangan, who became CEO of Hubspot in September 2021, is just one of seven female leaders to make the top 50. 
She is also the second female CEO to come in the No. 1 spot since Comparably first created its list of the best CEOs for women in 2018, following Annette Brüls, the CEO of medical device company Medela, who won the honor in 2020. 
Here are Comparably’s 10 top-ranked CEOs for women, according to employee reviews:
HubSpot: Yamini Rangan
IBM: Arvind Krishna 
ADP: Carlos Rodriguez 
Adobe: Shantanu Narayen
RingCentral: Vladimir Shmunis
Farmers Insurance: Jeffrey Dailey 
Experian: Brian Cassin 
Uber: Dara Khosrowshahi
Estee Lauder Companies: Fabrizio Freda 
Elsevier: Kumsal Bayazit 
Rangan tells CNBC Make It that her tenure as CEO has been guided by two principles, which she encourages other leaders to emulate: balancing “radical candor with radical compassion” and “leading with humility.”
“As  leaders, we need to hold a high bar for our teams but we also have to create a nurturing environment for them to get there,” she explains. “I try to be vulnerable in receiving feedback, asking questions, and learning from my mistakes … great leaders are great learners.”
From the start, Rangan says her career was built on perseverance. “I knew I needed to work harder and longer than my peers, and to advocate for myself,” she says. “But that can’t be how the next generation of women get to leadership.”
She continues: “Companies need to walk the walk on inclusive hiring practices, development and retention programs for underrepresented leaders, and must focus on creating a culture of belonging each and every day … we are all responsible for closing the gender gap.”
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