#1 discourse ask down a couple more to go.. though prolly not tonight i still need to do homework lmao
klanced · 7 years
New concept: white people should keep their fingers of of characters of color and stop pretend that they can understand the characters' struggles or dynamics. People who blame and vilify Keith are just as bad as the people who call Allura racist. Especially, when they're twisting what really happened. Keith ever said "not all Galra". You all want to make yourselves look so problack when you're not.
Lmao. Imagine being this far up Keith’s ass :)
Anon, are you a fruit harvester? Because I’ve never seen someone cherry-pick a narrative this hard before. Let’s dismantle your argument one one piece at a time.
“People who blame and vilify Keith are just as bad as the people who call Allura racist.”
I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume that you can’t tell the difference between a rock and bird, because you seem to be completely incapable of comparing and contrasting anything :/ Wow! 
Are you… implying that the feelings of an asian character are more valid than those of a black character? That an asian character… deserves more respect than a black character? That Keith… needs to protected, while Allura deserves to be condemned? Wow. That’s a lot to unpack!
Let’s do a check-list, and hopefully this’ll jog your memory since you seem to have an incredibly selective memory of season two, anon :)
Keith’s Galra arc caused him a lot of insecurity over his identity. It’s totally reasonable that he wanted support and validation from his friends/team, and it does suck that Allura wasn’t immediately accepting of him.
HOWEVER, you forget that Allura kind of has a valid reason to be wary of Galra! Maybe because she… idk… witnessed the Galra turn against her people and then slaughter them right in front of her? 
And don’t forget! Allura saw the beginning of the Galra Empire… and then she woke up 10,000 years later to find that it was still alive, and even stronger than before. Why? Because no one had ever stood against Zarkon. At least, publicly speaking.
Oh, sure, we know now that the Blades exist, but Allura had no idea when she woke up. Instead, she fell asleep to her father’s face against a backdrop of war, and awoke to the same war, only worse this time, because it wasn’t a war anymore, not really. Calling it a war implies that the other side had a chance to fight back.
Allura opened her eyes to see an Empire that has lasted for 10,000 years, with no (apparent) internal conflict. She woke up to an army that has never doubted Zarkon. What she saw was an entire race who never tried to stand up and say that this is wrong, or we shouldn’t be doing this. She saw the Galra, she saw their complacency, and she saw nothing she could trust.
What was it that Allura said to Kolivan? “Your caution is the reason Zarkon is still in power!”
Now, let’s rehash what happened in the show!
Keith cautiously broaches the idea of working with the Galra to Allura. She immediately dismisses the idea because the Galra have had 10,000 years to do something, and they just let things get even worse. Voltron can handle Zarkon on its own. Cue shot of Keith looking sad.
After revealing his Galra heritage, Keith looks at Allura. Her face is carefully neutral. Cue shot of Keith looking sad for a few seconds.
Cut to another shot of Keith looking sad.
Another shot of Keith looking sad.
A scene where Keith vents to Hunk about how Allura is making him sad. Hunk tries to comfort him by essentially boiling the situation down to “this is all just Allura’s problem, but eventually she’ll get over it” (with ‘it’ being the Genocide And Destruction Of Her Home Planet Along With Countless Others That Zarkon Has Murdered Over The Past 10,000 Years)
Surprise, a shot where Keith is sad again (x10)
And then the scene where Allura suddenly realizes that She Was Wrong All Along and apologizes to Keith. Keith starts to say something in return, but Allura cuts him off, because this was obviously all her fault and Keith did nothing wrong :(( Allura wipes away his tears and gives Keith the most awkward comforting hug ever, because obviously it’s her responsibility to ensure he’s emotionally stable :)
“Especially, when they’re twisting what really happened. Keith ever said “not all Galra”.”
Are you sure about that? Yeah, Keith never said ‘not all Galra’ but… his bullshit argument and your bullshit argument can be summed up pretty nicely with a reference to this bullshit argument. Looking at my above bullet points, we can conclude that the narrative (with all its shitty writing) is wholeheartedly in support of Keith. The audience is supposed to feel sympathy for Keith. We are supposed to empathize and weep alongside him. 
We are supposed to coddle him. We are supposed to forgive him. We are supposed to excuse him. But where does that leave Allura?
I don’t think the writers intentionally wanted Allura to be the villain of Keith’s (show-spanning) character arc, but they needed someone to… be a foil? To be so extreme(ish) that it pushes the audience in the other direction, towards sympathizing/liking the Galra? Yeah. They needed that kind of catalyst. But this Hell Fandom took that and ran with it and somehow produced the idea that Allura is a racist. 
So no, anon. There is nothing comparable about ‘Keith getting called out’ to ‘people calling Allura a racist.’ You’re pissed because this show worships the toilet Keith shits on, while the fandom is willing to call out the blatant favoritism and bullshit of the writers. 
If this arc had actually been written well, Keith and Allura would have been left on equal ground. But that’s not what happened. Neither characters were perfect in this situation; both were flawed in how they approached the issue. And that’s okay! That’s great, even! But things started tilting sideways when the show writers refused to admit that Keith was wrong. And not just about his Galra plot-line, but also about how he acted/what he did this season in general. They excused away all of his actions, even when they were shitty moves and choices! Keith held a king at knifepoint, Keith shouted at his teammates, Keith did x and y and z and was surprised when it all blew up in his face. But he never, ever, faced any consequences for it. But you know that if Lance or Hunk had done something like that, they would’ve suffered hell for it. They would’ve been treated as a joke. They would have been demonized for it.
And you know how I know that? I know because I still see posts in the tag about how ‘Allura is a racist.’
Oh, and finally?
“New concept: white people should keep their fingers of of characters of color and stop pretend that they can understand the characters’ struggles or dynamics. (…) You all want to make yourselves look so problack when you’re not.”
1. I’m Chinese-American you fucking jackass.
2. How dare you insinuate that I, and anyone else speaking up against this, is doing this simply for ‘brownie points.’ How dare you imply that certain races cannot weigh in on this problem, and then turn around and pretend that ‘vilifying’ Keith is somehow more racist than calling Allura, a black woman, a racist. How dare you claim all this while ignoring the fact that this entire conflict centers around a pale male character versus a black female character. How dare you pretend that last sentence wouldn’t have some degree of impact on the fandom and its treatment of both characters.
3. The next time you feel obligated to try and lecture, shame, and belittle me, at least have the decency to do it off anon so I can rip you apart to your face, you fucking coward. 
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