#1 i wanna finish the astro boy designs first
canisbeanz · 8 months
Me finding out your a Megaman fan: Megaman pony when?
Also I was surprised to find out you didn't like Shibugaki in Astro boy 03 that much, is there reasons why? And are there other characters that you don't like as well?
Oh, my brother has suggested mega man horses already don't worry, they're coming lol. And I don't like Shibugaki because he's rude/mean at every chance he gets, has basically no personality, does something useful like a grand total of once in the entire series, and I just find his voice really annoying. It is only the 03 one I don't like tho, I actually really like him in the manga and the 80s anime!
The only other character id say I don't like is Blue Knight, he causes so much of the conflict but just doesn't have a very compelling backstory to justify his actions. (in my opinion anyway, but I'm a grumpy lump who gets annoyed at characters very easily)
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kenkamishiro · 5 years
Ishida’s Q&A comments from YJ compilation, Part 8
Once again Ishida continuing to give answers that don’t actually answer the questions at all lol.
For anyone who doesn’t know about the relevant Questions to Ishida contest, please read here. You can start from Part 1 here.
The recent set of zakki:re and interview translations take a lot of time and effort, so if you enjoyed it please reblog or leave a like. Thank you!
No. 1
Still 1 month left of this year! What’s something you still have left to do for 2015?
The storyboard.
Good luck.
No. 2
Sensei, please share with us a piece of news that was important to you in 2015!
I forget.
I wasn’t feeling so great in 2015.
No. 3
December 17 is Airplane Day! Now then, please share with us a memory you have that is related to airplanes!
I like the window seats.
Probably that time on the plane to head to the New Years party, when the staff was forced to stop because of me...
[T/N: Referring to his New Year’s party escapades in the volume 6 omake.]
No. 4-5
December 24 is Christmas Eve! Now then, please share with us a present that you want now as an adult!
I don’t need one since I’m an adult.
Even adults want presents too, you know!
No. 6-7
When you think of New Year’s Day...you think of New Year’s money!! Please share with us one way you spent the money you received from New Year’s when you were a child!
On games.
I was jealous of other people’s families since I didn’t have a lot of relatives.
No. 8
Sensei, please tell us your philosophy when it comes to food!
I think of meals as work.
I consider meals as work when I’m eating alone. When I go with people I eat whatever I like.
No. 9
January 28 is the birthday of the late Komatsu Sakyou! Now then, please share with us one of your favourite sci-fi works!
It’s not Star Wars...
No. 10
Please share with us one aspect or behaviour of the opposite sex that you unconsciously care about!
Their face.
How they use social media.
No. 11
Please share with us a Twitter account that you’re most interested in now!
Inagawa Junji-san’s for his ghost story tweets.
I find that accounts of artists are helpful for studying.
No. 12
Please share with us one of your favourite genres/videos that you end up watching on video streaming sites.
I got Netflix so I could watch Terrace House.
I still use it.
No. 13
If you were to ever film a Taiga drama who would you pick as the main character?
But why?
[T/N: A Taiga drama is a type of long-running TV drama period piece, often produced by NHK.]
No. 14
Graduation season is in full bloom! Now then, please share with us one of your favourite graduation songs!
“Lion” by Amano Tsuki.
Uh-huh, yup.
[T/N: "Lion” was one of the songs included in Ishida’s Spotify playlist.]
No. 15
Sensei, if you could decide the design of the 10,000 yen bill, who would it be a portrait of?
A cat.
A cat...?
No. 16
Today is Weekly Manga Day! Please tell us your number one favourite manga that is released weekly!!
I’m curious about what Ooima Yoshitoki-san will draw for her next manga.
Just how much do you care?
No. 17
Sensei, please share with us one thing that makes you go, “Man, I wanna go see this,” now?
Commentary on demonstration boards for shogi.
I went to one! Man, was it interesting.
No. 18
The final day of March is...Orchestra Day! Now then Sensei, please share with us a memory you have that’s related to musical instruments!
I bought a piano recently, and I’ve been playing it almost every day.
And I still play it.
No. 19
Entrance ceremony season has arrived! Now then, please tell us about a schoolteacher who’s left the biggest impression on you!
Some student hacked the school server and the teacher intercepted the culprit.
That’s the kind of school I attended.
No. 20
New dramas are starting one after another! Now then, please share with us a series that’s left the biggest impression on you among all the dramas that you’ve seen recently!
Right now I’m currently watching Mad Men.
I watched all of Mad Men. I can’t believe what happened at the end of “Meditations”...
[T/N: Not entirely sure what Ishida meant by that last line, but I think “Meditations” refers to the last episode of the second season, titled “Meditations in an Emergency”.]
No. 21
Sensei, please share with us one game that’s popular in your circle!
The staff and I often play Mafia a lot together.
Recently we’ve been playing table RPGs.
No. 22-23
Today is the day in which the elephant was first introduced to Japan! Now then, please share with us a person/thing/culture from overseas that you would like to come to Japan!
David Downton-san.
I don’t think that.
No. 24
It’s that time of year where it’s getting warmer even at night! Now then, please share with us something about hanging out at night that you still remember!
That time I went drinking at a bar in the outskirts of Tokyo with Takahashi Kunimitsu-kun.
I don’t want to go there again.
[T/N: Referring to that time in April 2016 where Ishida and Takahashi were at a bar and a middle-aged woman started hitting on Takahashi for 3 hours lol.]
No. 25
May 19 is Boxing Day! Now then Sensei, please share with us what you thought was the best match ever!
I like the match with David Haye.
Clearly it’s Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan.
No. 26
Please share with us a story about a debacle that you or someone else caused at a drinking party!
The first time I met Nakayama Atsushi-sensei, I made so much of a fool of myself.
I was so piss-drunk that I fell asleep in the bathroom I think.
No. 27
When you think of June you think of June Bride! Now then Sensei, please share with us a story that you remember that has to do with weddings!
I drew the welcome board for my friend’s wedding.
That time I left early since I didn’t want to be late for my senpai’s wedding, but the flight ended up being delayed by over an hour...
No. 28
Sensei, please share with us one of your favourite literary works for children!
Ringing Bell by Yanase Takashi.
Stormy Night.
[T/N: Ringing Bell (Chirin no Suzu) was referenced in :re by Kaneki during Arima’s death scene. You can read about it here. Stormy Night also seems to have influenced :re.]
No. 29
June 16 is Wagashi Day! Now then Sensei, please share with us a confectionary that you like!
It’s not available in Fukuoka, but sweet mochi cake.
I want some now.
[T/N: Wagashi is traditional Japanese confectionaries.]
No. 30
June 23 is Olympics Day! Now then Sensei, please share with us a competition from the Olympics that you still remember to this day!
Uchimura Kouhei’s horizontal bar performance at the London Olympics.
I don’t really watch TV much, so questions like these are tough for me to answer.
No. 31
Please share with us your slogan for the latter half of 2016!
I won’t be late. I wasn’t able to keep that promise for the first half of the year.
Good luck with that.
No. 32
Sensei, please secretly tell us about one shop that you think is the King of Restaurants!
The Chinese restaurant by my previous workplace.
The stir-fried oyster with lettuce was perfection.
No. 33
Summer has arrived! Now then Sensei, what do you think of as “summer food”?
The spicy Mexican crispy noodle salad from Family Mart.
Ah that, that was so good. But I don’t see them sold anywhere now...
No. 34
If you could see exactly one historical event or incident live in person, what would you want to see?
I want to see Tezuka Osamu-sensei’s workplace.
The Perry Expedition.
[T/N: Tezuka is the “father of manga”, having drawn iconic manga like Astro Boy, Black Jack, and the currently airing anime Dororo.]
No. 35
When  you think of summer, you think of the ocean! If you could raise just one sea creature as a pet what would you choose?
An octopus.
So I can eat it.
No. 36
Sensei, please share with us the most nerve-wracking moment you’ve ever experienced in your life!
That time when I had to address a speech to over a hundred people for the launch of the anime.
Finishing the manuscript before the deadline of the final chapter.
No. 37-38
Sensei, please share with us a word or phrase that’s been stuck in your head recently!
“Pandas exploding in the wild.”
It’s from group_inou.
No. 39
Sensei, please share with us a small luxury that you use in your everyday life!
On days I stay up all night I buy carbonated drinks.
Feels kinda pathetic huh.
No. 40
The disbanding of idol groups nationwide is hot news, but please tell us about an experience that you’re still reluctant to part ways with.
A little while ago, I bought a copy of Jump every week for several months.
It was so I could read Hunter x Hunter.
[T/N: Question is most likely talking about the disbanding of the top male idol group SMAP which was announced around this time of the year.]
No. 41
Sensei, what item makes you think, “whoever invented this is a genius”?
The PC.
No. 42
What was the most interesting reception you’ve received up until now that has made you the happiest?
I got a shikishi from the staff to commemorate 100 chapters of being serialized. Though no one from that time is left anymore...
I also got a shikishi from the current staff. I was happy.
No. 43
Sensei, please share with us a moment that’s made you feel the generation gap the most!
Encountering people who were born in the 2000′s.
No. 44
It’s Reader Autumn! Please tell us what you consider as your bible!
Recently it’s “Speak Aloud and Rhyme”.
Now it’s “Drawing the Morphological Human Body with Boxes and Cylinders”.
No. 45
Sensei, please tell us about a manga/anime/novel that you’d like to see as a movie!
I’m looking forward to “Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow” being released this fall.
I missed the chance to watch it.
No. 46
Sensei, what were you most enthusiastic about playing with when you were in school?
Smash Bros.
Games that are updated periodically.
No. 47
Sensei, please tell us about something that you’ve used for many years and have been unable to throw away!!
I throw things away when I need to.
My Cintiq 22HD (DTK-2000/K1) LCD tablet. The size and responsiveness of it matches it better than the latest model.
No. 48
Sensei, when was the moment you felt you became independent?
If I’m living.
What? Probably when I got my pay cheque.
No. 49
November 2 is Family Culture Day! Sensei, please tell us about a rule that’s only found in your household!
Playing no more than 1 hour of games a day.
That’s proper.
No. 50
Sensei, please share with us any furniture/interior work that you want to replace right now!
The bookshelf.
No. 51
Sensei, please share with us the first CD you’ve ever bought!
Morishita Reika’s “Your Wind is Blowing” (most likely).
Most likely, yeah.
No. 52
This year has had various movies become blockbuster hits, but in your opinion what work do you consider as a hit?
It’s actually a drama, but Game of Thrones.
I recommend it.
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