featherlinneawriting · 5 months
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Pokémon electric type Word Search puzzle!
Occassionally I make word search puzzles like these for my nieces to play with. Now I thought having one for my fellow Pokémon enjoyers is also nice.
You can download the pdf here on my google drive, I left a Screenshot in that folder as well if that is easier for you:
Have fun playing! Hope you can find everything! I may make more depending whether or not any of you want more.
This puzzle and future ones, are completely free, just something fun for everyone to play with. Share it around if you know someone that likes word searches or play it yourself.
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Our programmer Shawna implemented a very fancy new way of letting people add their own information into the story and now it'll be possible to input more complicated details we couldn't add using the normal choices/flag system ✨
The prologue will be updated to allow you to determine exactly where you moved from, your race, and your nationality heritage! You can't talk about it with the other characters then, however Moments will be written with this feature in mind. So scenes are going to come up eventually where you can share with Tamarack and Qiu your own culture or let them know your family comes from the same place as one of them.
And this feature will be used for various other things, too.
A demo expansion and the Kickstarter are going live next month!
Our Life Now & Forever Kickstarter Page
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Our Life: Now & Forever is a nostalgic Visual Novel where you create your own character and grow from childhood to adulthood with your two closest neighbors. It’s currently in development by GB Patch Games.
Steam Page
Itch.io Page
Discord -  Twitter - Website - Patreon
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I love how dynamic we can have the backgrounds be in OL: N&F!
They've got perspective changes and close up versions of the same location 🥰
A demo expansion and the Kickstarter are going live next month!
Our Life Now & Forever Kickstarter Page
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Our Life: Now & Forever is a nostalgic Visual Novel where you create your own character and grow from childhood to adulthood with your two closest neighbors. It’s currently in development by GB Patch Games.
Steam Page
Itch.io Page
Discord -  Twitter - Website - Patreon
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What’s the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
When do they fake a smile? How often?
How do they put out a candle?
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
How do they greet someone they like / love?
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Who would / do they believe without question?
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
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I'm in Love with the Villainess (review kinda)
The book series finally been concluded with 5 books and me finally finishing to read it, it was a pretty good novel series in my opinion! 
I saw this serious on a different website before it got its publishing on Kindle and so forth in which the title of the translation was “I favour the Villainess” which is the title I usually first remember it by haha.
The Novel series was written by Inori and Illustrated by Hangata, according to amazon at least. 
We follow the protagonist that wakes up as Rae Taylor in front of her person of affection Claire Francois. Instead of being bullied by Claire, Rae even encourages Claire to do more. Which sounds bizarre but gets quite the comedic reactions therefore.
Sets in a middleagish magic world where they are currently going to the academy. Rae is a commoner while Claire is an aristrocat/noble.
Noble are usually the only ones with magic, but much like with Rae are not the only ones that can use it.
POLITICS ahh, well for people who like politics and conflicts of different countries and issues, than you are in luck, after all the possibility of Revolution is mentioned right from the beginning, cause not only is Rae reincarnated, she is recarnated with the knowledge of Revolover an Otome game she played in her last life, where Claire is the Villainess btw!
The world is fairly detailed, from the kingdom to its conflicts and more, personally I wasn’t that interested in it, but even in later books where they go outside their own country you still have plenty of country and political conflicts to read. Might be hit or miss for everyone in that regard.
Another great thing is the LGBT+ representation! From very early on you’ll get to know Rae as a Lesbian, who is very much in love with the noble Claire. But there are multiple mentions of trans people, gender disphoria, even nonbinary people were mentioned I think and and the conflict that arises when you won’t be accepted for who you are. I found myself quite touched and felt like I could relate to most of these characters, as a trans nonbinary ace romantic lesbian myself.
Personally I really, really like when a reincarnated person uses their knowledge be it of just their own world or here as basically precognition to their advantage. However unlike in many other novel series, we are ultimately left in the dark for most of it, while still feeling like we have a similar amount of knowledge as Rae. She explains plenty, but the most important she only reveals as things start coming together in her favour. So basically you know what the world is about, but you don’t know as much as Rae as she does everything for the sake of Claire. It makes for quite the nice reveal and tension as we realize why Rae said certain things we could not understand until later. And I loved that.
Romance: Is plentiful and earned, and there maybe more than just Rae that loves Claire, so Rae has quite the rivalry to capture her beloved heart! But there are even people that also like Rae, who got no chance at her love for Claire of course!
Maybe a tad spoiler but I found that the author might have added Aleah and May despite the plot relevances just as like a sweet selfindulgend fantasy. Personally I don’t think these two were necessary at all, I found it a bit staggering even. I mean I did get used to them, but I still find it odd, I’d rather would have had more of Rae and Claire scenes then with these two, but meh maybe I am just biased. I do like Aleah and May, but their addition still feels strange even after finishing the novel series. At least their plot relevenacy was pretty good in the end haha
Also, the last book is such wack that I was like “wtf is happening and why does it make sense???”, not that I am gonna say more since I want to keep this mostly spoiler free.
It it is certainly not your typical otomo reincarnated/isekai novel that is for sure, but if you like lesbian women romance, than this is absolutely worth it.
For me it was a bit dry of a read, because I am not that fond of politics and similar information based stuff etc. Information dumps. But either way I still liked the series a lot, and you know having some actual romantic lesbian story without sex being in the story, is very good. It is not a smut story, just nice romance between two women.
Give it a read while you have the time! Especially the first 2 books!
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Happy new year!
I have a good feeling about this year, so I wish as all the best of luck for 2023.
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I love it when anons/guests find my works and kudo/leave reviews, but given the new revelation that Elon Musk is using bots to mine AO3 fanfiction for a writing AI without writer's permission, my works are now archive-locked and only available for people with an AO3 account.
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Otherside Picnic (review kinda)
Dunno if you can really call that a review and not just me loving it to death.
Otherside Picnic is a novel series by Iori Miyazawa, illustrated by shirakaba and translated into english by Sean McCann. (according to amazon haha)
At this moment this novel series has 7 volumes, I am not sure wether or not there will be an 8th one, as the story can technically be left at 7 volumes and leave a vague but good open ending.
So anyway, we follow the perspective of Sowaro Kamikoshi, that meets the girl Toriko Nishima in the “Otherside” which is basically what I like to think of a parallel dimension with ghosts in it. 
This novel series uses “real” ghost stories and folklore for the ghosts that appear, so you’ll be met with often multiple different ghosts in each volume, each different but just as interesting. With for example the “elevator” ghost story that many may know, which is a ritual with certain button orders you need to press, a woman on a floor you must ignore etc. is for example a method they use to enter the otherside. Not really a spoiler either pff.
The author also includes these notes and folklores they used for the volume at the end of them. The visuals are fine, not really a fan of them, obviously still very well done! Just didn’t add much for me, other than actually having faces for the people.
Genre vise it has horror, lesbian romance, fluff, mystery all that sort which just gets you hooked after a while. Ah romance is a constant progression as well.
My favourite character is Sowaro pff fight me and my fav volume is probably 6 because T-san is hilarious. All characters have their charm, but Sowaro is usually so blunt and uncaring I just find her hilarious to read.
I also watched the anime, which is why I bought the novel in the first place and waited for each new volume haha.
While I like the anime and specifically how horror is handled or works in that story, with 2 charming protagonists, that are apperently adults(considering they drink, apartment and buy certain stuff) mind you even if they act like teenagers more often than not (and visuals not helping), I don’t like how much was left out.
They made it virtually impossible to make another season, they left to much important stuff out and changed a lot of the order of which things are happening. It makes me kinda mad, because the novel series is super good and the animation and style for the anime was great! 
Even if there was a chance for another season, it be chaotic, as all important info necessary for context or progression has been left out, watch the anime then read the novel or vise versa and you get what I mean.
But man would I have loved to see some of these later ghosts animated.
Want some ghost stories with two lesbian uni student characters that shoot ghosts and go to a insanely dangerous filled with ghost dimension out of their own free will (and for money)? Then I recommend reading the novels and/or watch the anime!
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Discord Server is ready!
Join here:
It really is nothing special in any way. It is a Sfw server and I’ll try to interact as much as possible with whoever joins too. No members other than me yet.
Ah but introductions are mandatory to become a full member of the server. Lurkers that aren’t members will be removed for safety reasons.
Freshly finished haha
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Comic Announcement! I'm working on a Pokemon Comic
I, FeatherLinnea, am working on a short Pokémon Comic named “Sunshine”!
Figured I might as well announce it now to pressure myself a bit more to work harder.
Sunshine is a short Pokémon Comic based on a drawing I made in 2020:
It is basically a short romance story. A slightly darker one, but has a happy ending.
“Umbreon has lost her previous mate, protecting her mates final resting place, she meets an Eevee that sticks around her like glue.” And not saying more since the story premise is so short it would spoil everything lol. Good old shipping with an Umbreon and Espeon haha I still have a few months worth of work for this comic to do.
I decided to give this comic its own little “art-style” so it differs from my usual art-style(s). Which is also partly why it takes a bit longer. I already finished the script/story for the comic, as really it is super short haha I’ll still go over the script and maybe expand to 1-2 more scenes. I still have about roughly 10 reference-sheets to make for the different characters and their unique looks for the comics art-style. I already made some concept art ages ago and finished one of the reference-sheets necessary to keep the art-style consistent later.
The story has a prologue, 3 chapters and an epilogue. Again very short and not particurlarly detailed, but sufficent for what it is intended. That said. I will only start uploading pages, after I finished drawing the prologue in its entirety. And you know all the previous work that needs to be done before that. This will still be a while, can be 1-2months or more it depends, not making any time-based promises.
Besides drawing JoaW this is the only other Comic, I’m going to be actively drawing until it is done. I’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned!
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Reaching for the Stars Concept
Just a rather short story- pokemon fanfiction, where a random guy gets reincarnated as a shiny Corpish and gets caught by a shiny Hunter.
The shiny hunter named Jay, travels the Flavumia Region looking for shiny Pokémon. Shares the same universe as Unlucky is the Stranger and plays roughly 20ish years before that.
Shiny Corpish now named Red, has to learn to navigate his new body and as well as this new world along side his new Trainer Jay as they traverse through the Flavumia region to find shiny Pokémon.
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More for me to look at since I need to keep track of them. There is a chance that nothing comes to frutition of course, but I like to at least see which ideas/concepts I have and have worked on.
Active(working on it whenever I get the creative spured obsession again)
-Reaching for the Stars  (Pokémon)
-Sunshine (Pokémon)
-Mewgnet (Pokémon)
-Unlucky is the stranger (Pokémon)
-Anomaly in the System (Digimon)
(Active like in, writing on it more or less frequently, expending concepts and ideas and writing the stories themselves)
Semi active or rather on the backburner for once I complete active ones:
-Undying Love formerly Little World (Pokémon)
-Complicated Friendship (Pokémon)
-Stray(s) (Pokémon)
-Stranded Ashore formerly "The Daily Pokemon" (Pokémon)
-Wild Spirit (Pokémon)
-Tales of Rubberbandman (bnha)
(That mentioned I am working out rough ideas for the semi active ones. So that when they are "active" I can get to it more easily)
For now in a hiatus(/and or cancelled) for a unknown amount of time:
-PMD Saga (Pokémon)
-Nuzlocke Saga (Pokémon)
-Undertale AU
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When you re-read your started fanfiction with nearly 40k words and it is still at the beginning lol.
Just re-read a fanfiction that I started writing months ago. Time to re-obsess with it! 
“Unlucky is the stranger” is a Pokémon Fanfiction with OC-Insert, and Journey elements in it. Plays in a original region(since I am not confident enough to use cannon characters yet) and River the nonbinary MC has a Bidoof as a Starter.
Can be as dark as it can be humouros. 
This is a fanfiction where I largely only do it with little planning, I mean I do outline roughly and have a bit of characterisation, but this is largely pansy writing. I do hope to finish this fanfiction and rewrite it with the appropiate criticsm. Soooo stay tuned! I will not post any chapters until I finish it in its entirety and than do weekly uploads, taking time to edit the chapters and perhabs translate it too.
I do hope to write some novels someday, might as well get comfy with fanfictions and comic stories before doing so.
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Words to use instead of said
I'm pissed:
rasped(not always angry)
told off
chortled(breathy, gleeful laugh)
cried out(Not always in a positive sense, but can be used that way)
I'm an asshole:
sneered(yes, twice.)
I have a question:
Yeah..I dunno about that/unsure:
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Tales of Rubberband man! Bnha fanfiction concept
Well yeah to the concept in a moment. I love writing self inserts, generally what I like about is the knowledge or cutural/advanced understanding that differs from the usual characters. We have someone we can somewhat relate to since they are from our world and time.
So in one of my creative spurts I wrote a few little self inserts, though only for self indulgence, that didn’t go very far. however!
In one of the my hero academia/boku no hero academia ones, I needed some sort of hero to interact with Mc, so I made one up named “Rubberband man”, and it has been stuck in my head ever since.
So Rubberbandman as a fanfiction concept. Imagine a grown up dude with a quirk that allows him to make rubberbands out of nowhere, he can shot those and change the size of it while creating. But that is it haha.  Now imagine that this dude is extremely delusional and over-the-top, thinking he is doing a very good job helping citizen, while in reality it is the complete opposite and usually accidently confuses, annoyes and lets villains escape if they give a sob story.
A very good and kind dude, that is just too delusional to realize that he pretty much sucks as a hero. Ohh even better, getting scared in real fights and scolding villains for such actions as if he was an old man and kids stepping onto his lawn haha
I do intend to write this type of fanfiction at some point. I’ll name it “Tales of rubberband man” and it just a collection of short stories of his every day “good” deeds and sometimes interacting with the bnha cast, utterly baffling them in the process.
I’ll see when I get to it, but it really would be a fun, nonconsequantel story, that doesn’t add anything, but hopefully would still be a fun read. Ah and the fact this is more slice of life/a collection, I wouldn’t have to worry about whenever I make a chapter since those aren’t necessarily connected to the previous chapter.
So! This had been on my mind for so long, I really wanted to share it haha
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I didn’t like the distinct lack of regular Mewtwo lol, so I added 3 more haha.
2 Mew frozen in ice, 1 Mewther of 3.
A mysterious Mew/Mewtwo Hybrid and where do all the mewtwo come from?
The Lillipup and Espurr would be Ferns Pokemon btw. For now I have planned in 3 Regions, possibly a 4th were things happen. Or better said where Fern goes to. Also, who doesn’t have cats sleeping on their face and throat?
Still in conceptional phase lol. 
But, lots of interesting stuff, currently playing around a timeline, but yeah, I like to write some grim stuff lol. So, while slice of life parts would be very sweet and wholesome, the story itself not so much haha.
I’ll see if I make a story, but otherwise I think I’m good on characters for now. 
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