#1 teaspoon of milk and a pinch of turmeric powder can cure this problem. Method: Mix sandalwood powder and a pinch of turmeric powder with m
What Are The Benefits Of Sandalwood Powder For Skin?
What Are The Benefits Of Sandalwood Powder For Skin?
Sandalwood powder is a natural and holistic method to treat skin conditions. It has numerous health benefits and has been used for centuries in Ayurveda. Sandalwood powder can treat skin rashes, blemishes, acne, and many other skin problems. Here are the methods to treat some common skin conditions using sandalwood powder.
1. Pimples
When the skin produces sebum and oil in excess quantities,…
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#00:00 4. Dry Skin sandalwood powder for dry skin Dry#1 tablespoon of black chickpea powder and rose water. You may also use milk instead of rose water. Method: Mix the ingredients specified and#1 teaspoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of sandalwood paste. Method: Mix the three ingredients into a paste and apply it on your face and neck.#1 teaspoon of milk and a pinch of turmeric powder can cure this problem. Method: Mix sandalwood powder and a pinch of turmeric powder with m#2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and 1 egg yolk is all you need. Method: Mix all the ingredients into a paste and apply it on your face. A#a small tablet of camphor and 1 teaspoon of milk. Method: Mix all the three ingredients and make a paste. Gently massage it on the face and#acne#adulterated imitations.#and many other skin problems. Here are the methods to treat some common skin conditions using sandalwood powder. 1. Pimples sadalwood powder#and then gently dab your skin dry with cotton dipped in rose water. 6. Radiance gives radiance to skin Sandalwood powder is beneficial for s#as essential oils may be lost due to frequent washes. This causes wrinkles#blemishes#crow’s feet and laugh lines all occur with age. Sandalwood powder makes the skin firm and yet supple. It improves the skin texture and preve#dirt and germs clog the skin pores. This traps the sebum and oil below the skin surface and results in pimples. A mixture of 1 tablespoon of#dry skin and other skin conditions that make the skin look old. Sandalwood powder is an effective method for anti-aging. Just 1 tablespoon o#dust and pollution can lead to premature skin aging. Even washing the face frequently with face-wash to remove the dirt and grime does not h#everyday. Wash it off with cold water and pat dry with a soft towel. 00:00#flaky#impurities#including skin cancer. You’ll require a pinch of turmeric#itchy skin can be extremely annoying and even unsightly. Sandalwood powder can help cure these skin problems and make your skin soft. The oi#making it look and feel younger. Make sure that the sandalwood powder you buy is genuine and is from an authorized trader. Due to the high d#rashes or injuries can mar the beauty of the skin. The ingredients you need for this paste are turmeric and sandalwood powder in equal quant#sagging skin#Sandalwood powder is a natural and holistic method to treat skin conditions. It has numerous health benefits and has been used for centuries#the market is flooded with cheap#wash it with cold water for a radiant skin. 7. Blemishes fix blemishes Blemishes caused by pimples#wash it with cold water. Using this technique regularly improves the skin elasticity and prevents the skin from sagging. Sandalwood powder h#What Are The Benefits Of Sandalwood Powder For Skin?
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via HEALTHY AND FITNESS https://ift.tt/2vW5rac
How To Stop Sneezing And Runny Nose Allergy?
Early morning you wake up and then you start sneezing along with running nose, and this goes on for the next few hours with regular intervals. This annoying sneezing spell may continue for minutes nonstop. But sneezing is necessary for our body as it helps us stay healthy. It is an involuntary action that acts as a defense mechanism of the body. When any kind of bacteria or virus enters our nasal lining, the brain responds to it. The act of sneezing is this reflex response when our nose protects us from external germs or any other unwanted particles. This gets most irritating when sneezing is associated with running nose. It can be a very uncomfortable feeling especially when you are in public. A running nose though is quite a simple problem but it can disturb your daily activities. Children especially find it difficult to deal with a runny nose due to the fact that it can cause a disturbed breathing pattern. A runny nose (Rhinorrhea) or running nose is the excess flow of clear fluid or thick mucus, produced by the nasal tissues and blood vessels in the nose. As it gets irritating and annoying, all you want at that moment is to just get rid of it. So if you are looking out for a solution to these problems, then try out home remedies. These help in providing immediate relief from such sneezing.
The previous night you might have gone to bed perfectly fine and then suddenly in the morning you wake up sneezing. So what could be the cause?
-: Causes Of Constant Sneezing and Runny Nose Allergies:-
1. DUST ALLERGY: When the dust and pollen enter your nose, these cause irritation to the mucous in the nose and throat; this leads to continuous sneezing. This allergy is a reaction to tiny bugs that thrive in the dust of a house. People who suffer from this allergy are prone to develop a runny nose.
2. THE COMMON COLD: This is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, and can cause a runny nose. The viruses that cause common cold also lead one to sneeze continuously.
3. SINUSITIS: This condition causes the cavities around your sinuses to become inflamed, causing mucus to build up.
4. INFLUENZA: This is a viral infection that affects the nose throat and lungs. It is also a cause of a runny nose.
 Symptoms Associated with Runny Nose Allergies (Rhinorrhea ):-
1. SNEEZING: This occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and the throat.
 2. COUGH: A dry cough or a productive cough may also be associated with a runny nose.
3. FEVER: Fever may also be noticed if you are suffering from a runny nose.
Several medications might be available for sneezing, but among all the available treatment methods, home remedies are the best to get rid of sneezing as it actually treat the problem from the root and keep you away from a constant runny nose allergies.
Try these natural home-based medicines for treating constant runny nose allergies:
Ginger contains anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a decongestant that helps cure the cold and also can help lessen coughing. Chewing fresh ginger is a magical remedy, which cures a runny nose very quickly. This is an excellent home remedy for running nose allergy! Cut a 3-inch piece of ginger and mix it with 2 tablespoons of honey. Put it in boiling hot water and sip daily before bedtime for instant relief. One could either have ginger in the form of tea.
Curcumin is a vital component present in turmeric is an effective decongestant. It is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of allergies and incessant sneezing. It helps in providing relief from sneezing immediately. Mix one teaspoon of turmeric in one glass of warm milk. Drink it before going to bed. Do this daily until you find some difference. This is one of the best medicine for constant runny nose allergy.
Honey and lemon is one of the best combinations to get rid of sneezing. Honey is antibacterial and lemon is rich in vitamin C. Add both to warm water and sip it. This is one of the best natural remedies to reduce sneezing.
If you are annoyed with incessant sneezing then take about half a teaspoon of pepper powder and have it with lukewarm water. It helps in providing relief from cold and sneezing. You may also wrap 5-8 pepper seeds and a pinch of saffron up in a pepper leaf. Warm it slightly then chew it. Brush your teeth afterward.
If your morning sneezes are being caused by an allergenic, drink a cup of orange juice or eat an orange at breakfast to help prevent them. A vitamin C infusion can effectively reduce the amount of histamine present in your body.
Antibacterial properties of refined peppermint oils make this homemade remedy particularly effective, against sneezing and stopped up noses. Boil 2 cups of water with 5-6 drops of peppermint oil. Inhale the vapor to relieve congestion and sneezing.
This is a natural remedy for runny nose and is very effective. Mix two teaspoons of salt to one cup of warm water. Now, using a dropper put a few drops of this solution into each nostril. Repeat this twice a day. This is one of the best medicine for runny nose allergies. A great runny nose remedy you must try!
Hot beverages like tea are more helpful than cold ones. The reasons behind this for their heat and steam, which helps to open and decongest airways.
Certain herbal teas may contain herbs that are mild decongestants. Drink some fennel tea, which is also antiviral and antibacterial, to develop a resistance against allergies that may cause morning sneezes. You may also opt for teas that contain anti-inflammatory and antihistamine herbs, such as chamomile, ginger, mint, or nettle. Take a cup of hot herbal tea (preferably non-caffeinated) and inhale the steam before drinking. Sore throats often accompany runny noses and sneezing — drinking hot herbal tea can help soothe a sore throat, too.
Drinking fluids and staying hydrated when dealing with a runny nose can be helpful if you also have symptoms of nasal congestion. This ensures that mucus in your sinuses thin out to a runny consistency and are easy for you to expel. Otherwise, it may be thick and sticky, which congests the nose even further. Avoid beverages that dehydrate rather than hydrate. This includes drinks like coffee and alcoholic beverages.
Capsaicin is the chemical that makes chili peppers spicy. It’s been used to treat nerve pain and psoriasis, but if you apply it on your nose, it can help with a runny nose caused by congestion.
Try out these remedies to stop sneezing and runny nose allergy and see the difference for yourself!
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
A Natural Remedy To Fight Inflammation And Soothe Sciatic Nerve Pain
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/a-natural-remedy-to-fight-inflammation-and-soothe-sciatic-nerve-pain/
A Natural Remedy To Fight Inflammation And Soothe Sciatic Nerve Pain
Tanya Arora August 29, 2018
“Go natural” is the prevailing mantra of the current times! Natural remedies for skin, hair, and body health issues (whether internal or external) are emphasized on. You can almost say there’s a rush to go back to the old times! To harness the ancient wisdom of our forefathers who treated every malady naturally.
It’s good to go down the road of natural remedies though. We mean, even if they don’t work as promised, at least you won’t be plagued by a number of reactions and side effects as in the case of allopathic medicines. The safety of natural remedies is why people consider it to be an attractive option all over the world!
Of all the diseases and health problems natural medicine can cure, sciatica happens to be one of them. In this article, we will share with you a highly effective natural remedy for sciatic pain that helps reduce inflammation to keep you ache-free! But before we get to that, let’s take a look at what sciatic pain really is.
What Is Sciatica?
Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that originates and spreads from your sciatic nerve (1). It mostly affects your lower back, legs, buttocks, and hips. This kind of pain is actually very common among the age group of 24 to 45 years.
There aren’t many symptoms of sciatica. Those who suffer from it experience a radiating pain in their lower back and buttocks that extends to the backside of their legs (2). This is the most major symptom. Apart from that, patients may feel discomfort in the sciatic nerve in general.
Sciatic pain can be either excruciating or mild. It can sometimes be sharp and feel like a burning sensation or even like an electric shock. Sneezing can worsen your pain. In certain cases, you may also show symptoms such as numbness and weakness in the affected muscles.
The most prevalent cause of sciatica is a herniated disk, which pinches your sciatic nerve. Other causes can be a bone spur as well as nerve damage caused by diabetes or a tumor. Degenerative disk disease, pregnancy, muscle spasms, and spondylolisthesis are other causes (3). Plenty of risk factors can make you susceptible to sciatica such as your age, the nature of your job, obesity, sitting for long hours every day, and diabetes.
How Can Sciatica Be Treated Naturally?
Conventional treatment of sciatica revolves around the administration of medications to help ease the pain. These medications also aim to relax the muscles and reduce inflammation so other symptoms of sciatica can be dealt with. In severe cases, treatment can range from physiotherapy to steroid injections and surgery (4). Needless to say, all these treatment methods carry with them the risk of side effects, including severe ones.
If the side effects of conventional treatment methods deter you, you should try out natural remedies for sciatic pain. Although you’ll find several remedies for it, we want to share a particularly effective one with you. This natural remedy attempts to reduce the inflammation associated with sciatic pain to bring you some much-needed relief.
The key ingredients of this remedy are garlic, turmeric, and almond milk. Both turmeric and garlic are packed with anti-inflammatory properties that make them highly effective in relieving pain (5), (6). In fact, the two of these are also effective in treating arthritic pain and pain caused by injuries and sprains. They also pack in other benefits, which include a boost in brain function and immunity.
Almond milk too can decrease inflammation and help you fight a number of chronic diseases such as those that affect the heart as well as diabetes, osteoarthritis, and more.
Anyway, let’s get back to the remedy. The full list of ingredients you’ll need for it has been mentioned below:
3 teaspoons of turmeric powder
A cup of almond milk
5 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoons of honey
First, peel and blend the garlic cloves.
Next, take a glass and add the almond milk to it.
Mix in the turmeric and garlic and add honey to the mixture. The honey will help enhance the taste of this drink, which many may find a little harsh on the taste buds.
Once all the ingredients have been thoroughly mixed, drink it straight from the glass.
Ideally, to get relief from sciatic pain, you should have this drink twice daily. However, before you make this a ritual, check if you’re allergic to any of its ingredients. Proceed only if you’re not allergic. Also, consult with your physician to know if it’s safe for you to have the drink as other pre-existing conditions (or even prescribed medication) can interfere with its effectiveness.
Although we don’t recommend self-diagnosis, we believe this simple natural remedy is worth a shot to get some relief from low to moderate sciatic pain.
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/trending/natural-remedy-to-fight-inflammation/
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Home Remedies For Gastric Problem
Are you embarrassed by gas problems??? Explained below are, some of the causes that result in gastric trouble and simple home remedies that help you get rid of this annoying problem. Gastric trouble is not actually a disease but it is a kind of health condition that is an outcome of some other disease or a disorder. It is also termed as flatulence.
Gas problem may be very annoying at times. Generally gas is formed in the stomach due to numerous reasons such as
Excessive alcohol intake
Consuming very spicy food
Chewing the food improperly
Too much of anxiety and stress
Intestinal malfunction
Eating sauces and condiments frequently and in large quantities
Digestive disorders
You may suffer severe gastric trouble due to infections caused due to bacteria such as H Pylori. Some of the symptoms of gas in stomach are as follows
Coated tongue
Abdominal bloating
Abdominal belching
Bad breath
Lack of appetite
Now you need not worry about this problem, as this condition can be treated with simple and natural home remedies. Ingredients for these home remedies are in your kitchen. Here are the simple and easy home remedies for treating gas:
Turmeric leaves
Turmeric leaves are one of the best remedies for gas. Drink chopped turmeric leaves mixed with a one cup of milk daily for better results
Guava leaves
Take guava leaves and boil them in water. Once they come to a boil strain the leaves and drink the water. This is a simple remedy for gastric problems
Potato juice
Another best cure for stomach gas is potato juice. Take potato juice and drink about ½ cup of it before your meal. Repeat this three times a day for best results
Ginger is an effective remedy for gastric trouble. It is best for treating indigestion as well. In order to prevent the stomach gas from getting formed, chew fresh ginger after your meals on a regular basis. Otherwise you can drink the mixture of water with a generous pinch of ginger powder, a small pinch of rock salt and asafoetida. You can even add fresh or dried ginger to your food. One of the best ways to control gas formation is to drink ginger tea, as it promotes proper digestion and prevents gas.
Ginger tea can be made by mixing one tablespoon of grinded ginger with water and boiling it for few minutes. Now drinking this tea 2 – 3 daily will help you get rid of gas. You can even use ginger externally by adding a few drops of ginger essential oil to any carrier oil and massage it on your stomach.
Baking soda
Baking soda gives instant relief from gas. Drink 1/4 tsp of baking soda mixed with a glass of water. This water solution is one of the most conventional remedies for stomach gas. It can be used as an efficient antacid.
Add a pinch of baking soda to fresh lemon juice in a glass, which is a fizzing drink. Now add some more baking soda and one cup of water to it stir well until the baking soda dissolves. This solution acts as antacid and gives to instant relief from gas. You can also try drinking a glass of water mixed with a small amount of baking soda on empty stomach.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another effective natural remedy for a number of health conditions. It gives instant relief from stomach gas and also helps you treat indigestion. Take a glass of warm water and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Now drink it to get instantaneous relief from your gastric problem. It also leaves a soothing effect on the stomach. You can use normal vinegar if apple cider vinegar is not available.
It is another common remedy that gives instant relief from stomach gas. Boil cinnamon in some water and allow the cinnamon solution to cool in room temperature and drink it. This helps you prevent the formation of gas. You can even take 1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with one glass of warm milk or add some honey to cinnamon powder stir properly and drink it. Cinnamon tea can provide you relief from stomach gas. To make it, you have to add some cinnamon power to boiling water and leave it to rest for a few minutes and before drinking it. This home remedy will prevent further formation of gas and soothes your stomach as well.
Asafoetida / hing
Take a generous pinch of asafoetida mixed into a glass of warm water. Now mix it properly before drinking it. To get more relief drink it at least 2 – 3 times every day. To use it externally, make a paste of asafoetida by adding a little water. Apply this asafoetida paste on the stomach and leave it to dry for a couple of minutes. This helps you get rid of stomach gas problem. If you do not want to take it directly you can insert a little amount of asafoetida into a ripe banana and consume it two times a day.
Caraway Seeds
Caraway seeds are good for various health problems such as indigestion, stomach gas and cramping. When consumed regularly it helps in stimulating proper digestion. Add one teaspoon of the caraway seeds with a cup of boiling water, to make caraway seed tea. Allow the tea to steep by covering it with a lid for a couple of minutes. Now strain off the seeds and drink the water before eating your meals. Drink this tea 3 – 4 times a day for better results. Chewing some roasted caraway seeds by mixing with a pinch of rock salt will help you get relief from gas.
Garlic provides great relief from gas. The pungent odour and heating quality of garlic will help you in stimulating the gastric fire, which helps in proper digestion and offers relief from gas. If you are suffering from gas then you have to try some garlic soup. Use fresh garlic for better results. Take 2 – 3 garlic cloves and roast them on fire directly and consume it after peeling it. Else you can make a solution by taking some freshly ground garlic and add some water, black pepper and cumin seeds and boil them for some minutes. Strain all the ingredients and allow it cool in room temperature. Drink this garlic solution at least twice or thrice daily for better results.
Fennel gives you quick relief from gas and bloating. Take a few fennel seeds and mix it with hot water in a pot and boil it for about 5 minutes on a low flame. Strain the water and drink it fast relief. Or if you can bear the taste of fresh fennel leafy plants chew them raw. You can even take fennel leaves, cardamom and mint leaves together with some water and boil them to make a concoction. Drinking the concoction will help you get rid of stomach gas.
Gas problem can be treated in 2 ways using peppermint. Peppermint tea is one solution for stomach gas. To make the peppermint tea, add fresh peppermint leaves in a cup of water and boil them, now let it steep for a couple of minutes. Strain the leaves and add honey for taste. Drink this herbal tea two to three times daily. Chewing some fresh pepper mint leaves helps you get fast relief from gas. Another option is to add two drops of peppermint oil to 1/2 cup of cool water and consuming it 1 – 2 times a day.
Cardamom is another spice that is available in the kitchen. It helps you in speeding up digestion and relieves you from stomach gas problem. Make a habit of adding a pinch of roasted and ground cardamom powder to rice, lentils or vegetables before cooking. Chewing the whole pods of cardamom solves the gas problem. Do this 2 – 3 times for quick relief. You can even make a cardamom tea by steeping cardamom, a tiny slice of fresh ginger, 1 tsp of fennel in boiling water for a few minutes. Drink this tea a number of times a day for instant relief.
Onion juice will help you get rid of stomach gas, but avoid eating any vegetables that cause gas
Two teaspoons of brandy mixed to a glass of warm water will help you get relief from gas. Drink this solution daily before going to sleep.
Dill oil
Dill oil has some good properties that help you get rid for gas. Consume 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with a drop of Dill oil after every meal, to get relief from stomach gas trouble. Pregnant women should not use dill oil.
You can get fast relief from stomach gas by chewing celery leaves
Charcoal tablets are another simple home remedy for gas trouble by attracting the excess gas present in the intestine. Consuming one charcoal tablet before and after your meal will help you in subsiding acidity and gas. This method is not recommended for children below 12 yrs of age.
You have to make little alterations in your daily lifestyle in order to get good results from the above mentioned home remedies. The changes to be observed are:
Exercise regularly
Do not consume poultry and dairy products such as eggs, milk etc.
Take time and chew your food properly. Don’t be in haste, as chewing properly helps you in digesting the food quickly
Avoid using straw while drinking as you may swallow more air while using straws
Never sleep immediately after eating your meal
Do not drink aerated drinks
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via HEALTHY AND FITNESS https://ift.tt/2vW5rac
How To Stop Sneezing And Runny Nose Allergy?
Early morning you wake up and then you start sneezing along with running nose, and this goes on for the next few hours with regular intervals. This annoying  sneezing spell may continue for minutes nonstop. But sneezing is necessary for our body as it helps us stay healthy. It is an involuntary action which acts as a defense mechanism of the body. When any kind of bacteria or virus enters our nasal lining, the brain responds to it. The act of sneezing is this reflex response, when our nose protects us from external germs or any other unwanted particles. This gets most irritating when sneezing is associated with running nose. It can be a very uncomfortable feeling especially when you are in public. A running nose though is quite a simple problem but it can disturb your daily activities. Children especially find it difficult to deal with a runny nose due to the fact that it can cause a disturbed breathing pattern. A runny nose (Rhinorrhea) or running nose is the excess flow of a clear fluid or thick mucus, produced by the nasal tissues and blood vessels in the nose. As it gets irritating and annoying, all you want at that moment is to just get rid of it. So if you are looking out for a solution to these problems, then try out home remedies. These help in providing immediate relief from such sneezing.
The previous night you might have gone to bed perfectly fine and then suddenly in the morning you wake up sneezing. So what could be the cause?
-:Causes Of Constant Sneezing and Runny Nose Allergies :-
1. DUST ALLERGY: When the dust and pollen enter your nose, these cause irritation to the mucous in the nose and throat; this leads to continuous sneezing. This allergy is a reaction to tiny bugs which thrive in the dust of a house. People who suffer from this allergy are prone to develop a runny nose.
2. THE COMMON COLD: This is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, and can cause a runny nose. The viruses that cause common cold also lead one to sneeze continuously.
3. SINUSITIS: This condition causes the cavities around your sinuses to become inflamed, causing mucus to build up.
4. INFLUENZA: This is a viral infection which affects the nose throat and lungs. It is also a cause of a runny nose.
 Symptoms Associated with Runny Nose Allergies (Rhinorrhea ):-
1. SNEEZING: This occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and the throat.
 2. COUGH: A dry cough or a productive cough may also be associated with a runny nose.
3. FEVER: Fever may also be noticed if you are suffering from a runny nose.
Several medications might be available for sneezing, but among all the available treatment methods, home remedies are the best to get rid of sneezing as it actually treat the problem form the root and keep you away from a constant runny nose allergies.
Try these natural home based medicines for treating constant runny nose allergies:
Ginger contains anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a decongestant that helps cure the cold and also can help lessen coughing. Chewing fresh ginger is a magical remedy, which cures a runny nose very quickly. This is an excellent home remedy for running nose allergy! Cut a 3-inch piece of ginger and mix it with 2 tablespoons of honey. Put it in boiling hot water and sip daily before bedtime for instant relief. One could either have ginger in the form of tea.
Curcumin is an vital component present  in turmeric is an effective decongestant. It is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of allergies and incessant sneezing. It helps in providing relief from sneezing immediately. Mix one teaspoon of turmeric in one glass of warm milk. Drink it before going to bed. Do this daily until you find some difference. This is one of the best medicine for constant runny nose allergy.
Honey and lemon is one of the best combinations to get rid of sneezing. Honey is antibacterial and lemon is rich in vitamin C. Add both to warm water and sip it. This is one of the best natural remedies to reduce sneezing.
If you are annoyed with incessant sneezing then take about half a teaspoon of pepper powder and have it with lukewarm water. It helps in providing relief from cold and sneezing. You may also wrap 5-8 pepper seeds and a pinch of saffron up in a pepper leaf. Warm it slightly then chew it. Brush your teeth afterwards.
If your morning sneezes are being caused by an allergenic, drink a cup of orange juice or eat an orange at breakfast to help prevent them. A vitamin C infusion can effectively reduce the amount of histamine present in your body.
Antibacterial properties of refined peppermint oils make this homemade remedy particularly effective, against sneezing and stopped up noses. Boil 2 cups of water with 5-6 drops of peppermint oil. Inhale the vapor to relieve congestion and sneezing.
This is a natural remedy for runny nose and is very effective. Mix two teaspoons of salt to one cup of warm water. Now, using a dropper put a few drops of this solution into each nostril. Repeat this twice a day. This is one of the best medicine for runny nose allergies. A great runny nose remedy you must try!
Hot beverages like tea are more helpful than cold ones. The reasons behind this for their heat and steam, which helps to open and decongest airways.
Certain herbal teas may contain herbs that are mild decongestants. Drink some fennel tea, which is also antiviral and antibacterial, to develop a resistance against allergies that may cause morning sneezes. You may also opt for teas that contain anti-inflammatory and antihistamine herbs, such as chamomile, ginger, mint, or nettle. Take a cup of hot herbal tea (preferably non-caffeinated) and inhale the steam before drinking. Sore throats often accompany runny noses and sneezing — drinking hot herbal tea can help soothe a sore throat, too.
Drinking fluids and staying hydrated when dealing with a runny nose can be helpful if you also have symptoms of nasal congestion. This ensures that mucus in your sinuses thins out to a runny consistency and is easy for you to expel. Otherwise, it may be thick and sticky, which congests the nose even further. Avoid beverages that dehydrate rather than hydrate. This includes drinks like coffee and alcoholic beverages.
Capsaicin is the chemical that makes chili peppers spicy. It’s been used to treat nerve pain and psoriasis, but if you apply it on your nose, it can help with a runny nose caused by congestion.
Try out these remedies to stop sneezing and runny nose allergy and see the difference for yourself!
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