#the market is flooded with cheap
vivanightcity · 9 months
for real
anyone who likes stardew/harvest moon style games
roots of pacha is the fucking best
holy shit. So good.
It does something really different and interesting with what's become an over saturated genre. And. Amazingly. It has an actually pretty fun and not annoying fishing mini-game. And a little rhythm game to tame animals.
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xbraveheartx · 10 months
Honestly kind of glad over the immense feeling of despair that comes with trying to find LoP merch? Because it truly just means... Neowiz had a passion for their game, having focused all energies on creating it rather than trying to market something to people.
It shows their love and dedication to their game rather than wanting to make a profit from merch (I'm looking at you, indie horror scene).
They believed in their creation, and as a result, we all want the merch that'll inevitably be made in the future for us. That's the difference between making something out of love, and making something out of profit.
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cryptvokeeper · 1 year
I can’t draw for shit but I am locking in the concept of a spidersona from an Atlantis-esque New York that is flooded due to climate change and rising sea levels that’s based on Desis and Diving bell spiders
#I say locking in AS A JOKE multiple people can have the same idea Ive already seen multiple diving bell spider people and they’re all lovely#A real oh boy two cakes moment yknow#Anyway tag rant time#[blank] Parker a high school student living in the lower levels of a flooded New York#Where buildings were air sealed and protected but in poorer neighborhoods not very well#Seals will crack and leak and it’s not particularly uncommon to find out your neighbor drowned in his sleep because his apartment flooded#So they develop a web fluid that can seal the cracks and can harden underwater and works better than anything currently on the market#Cheap to make too#Word gets out and they’re invited to their universe equivalent of oscorp or alchemax or whatever that’s above the water in some skyscraper#And big corporation does as big corps do#wants to buy the rights to the web fluid and sell it back to people who need it to survive at a horribly inflated price#Parker doesn’t like that obvs and on the way out gets bitten by a radioactive spider#And Spider-Man plot progresses from there#I’m thinking big corp tries to steal the web recipe (either through break-in/espionage or maybe some hired muscle intimidation)#and either way the uncle Ben stand-in dies in the crossfire#Powers include the usual super strength climbing walls etc#Also can stand on the surface of water and hold breath a really long time#And can make airtight webbing with their web fluid that can make air pockets#Their superhero suit is a repurposed diving suit#….it only now occurs to me this may be in poor taste due to recent events#Sorry I got underwater shit in the brain#I wonder why#Anyway#theyre part of the spider society but only technically#They’re kinda mid compared to other spider folks so they Don’t really come into play much unless it’s an aquatic mission#Miguel raises the alarm for miles and theyre like “yeah? Ok well if he jumps into any pools lemme know”#Also like. Water and electricity powers do not mix so only spiders without that ability can come help them in their universe#And not all web fluids are waterproof#And most normal webslinging is kinda hard with the drag underwater…#They may or may not be kinda lonely
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zarla-s · 2 months
Why are there so many bots on TF2 in the first place? It's a free game, and afaik most of the bots were idling--how are they making any money or gain out of it?
Well the aimbotters were just trolling and being destructive, that's simple enough. The idlebotters are a bit more complicated though.
In TF2 you get random item drops as you play, I think capped to about ten a week. They're usually just different weapons for each class, although rarely it'll be a hat or something cool (in all my time playing I have gotten ONE cosmetic drop, a wintery coat for Medic, but I've gotten some cool name tags and such). You can smelt down extras of those weapons into metal that you can use to make other hats or weapons. Easy way for actual players to keep their inventory clean and maybe make a hat or two (I've made a few! But it takes a while to get enough metal). You can also get loot crate/case drops as you play, these are unrelated to the item drops and can't be smelted down.
So basically what these idlers do is they set up private servers and have their bots (which can range in the hundreds or thousands) constantly farm for drops. They then usually sell what they get in bulk to traders - they can sell bulk crate/cases to traders, smelt down weapons into metal and bulk sell that to traders, use the metal to craft hats and sell those, or use the metal to buy keys (which are used to open loot crates/cases) and then sell what they get out of the crates, or sell the keys for a profit. Either way.
A piece of scrap metal or a weapon is worth less than a penny and most everything you can make out of metal is also extremely cheap (because of this very thing), so the only way to really make a profit off of this is do it in bulk. It doesn't seem like a lot of money if you're in America, but in other countries a few dollars can go a longer way, and a lot of the bot farms seem to be in Russia or Turkey. I don't know exactly how much money is made doing this but it's enough for a whole ton of idlers to hang around in TF2 doing it, so.
The end result of all this is massive inflation in the TF2 market - originally when the crafting system was first introduced you could get a key (about 2$) for something like 3 refined metal (there are three tiers of metal you can get, with ref taking 18 weapons to make), while now it takes 60ref to buy a key, and it just keeps going higher as the market is flooded with more metal/items/cases. The recent banwave removed some like 20k cases from the steam market according to one person, which again points to it hitting the idlers.
It's an interesting thing for Valve to do... getting rid of the aimbots is obvious because they make the game unplayable, but getting rid of idlers points to interest in cleaning up the TF2 economy, which is completely unexpected. What is Valve up to...
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razistoricharka · 3 months
Very interesting + concise article, pertinent with how much I've seen the joke about that "sadness in his eyes you only see in east european gay porn". Warning for pretty much everything you can expect.
Describing the wave of Eastern European gay pornography that flooded the US market following the dissolution of the USSR, Jones said: “They were products of a crude imperialist enterprise: cheap and nasty looking, with an atmosphere of coercion and cultural misunderstanding pervading them. Customers adored these videos, and expressed their breathless admiration whenever given the chance”
It gets pretty rough from here onward.
The Fall… opens with a short clip of a young man in profile, undressing. He looks uncomfortable, alternating between staring forward and glancing in the direction of the camera, his eyes showing a mix of discomfort and contempt. Jones’ voiceover states: “even in an unlikely place, it is possible to find traces of recent history” followed by b-roll taken from the aforementioned porn films including maps of the former USSR, market scenes, beggars and street footage. Their purpose in the aforementioned films appears to be part exoticism and part poverty fetishism, attempting to show the former glory of the Eastern nations as an emphasis on their subsequent fall. They’re an essential part of the set-up, speaking directly to what made this genre of pornography appealing to a western, primarily American, market. It’s easy to comprehend the mixture of exploitation and exoticism that made these videos popular in the US, but Jones goes further, aiming to establish a firm link between the booming Western economy and a more global, less visible form of exploitation.
The latter half of the film compounds the atmosphere of coercion, focusing specifically on the casting and screen tests of performers. The voice from behind the camera probes the subject on their sexual preferences, their motivations for being filmed: “I’m doing it for the money” “That’s a very good reason” Western audiences were turned on by the idea that the performers were under some form of duress—the ostensibly straight man either consuming their sexuality through the guise of pornography, or in the case of several scenes, the performer showing visible discomfort at either the sex or the presence of the camera. The films are low budget, low production value and low brow—by intention, rather than necessity. Jones speculates that the developing Eastern European sex industry, with the influx of Western producers and a Western market in mind, could be seen as an indicator of fertile ground for fascist ideologies—an aspersion confirmed by the global rise of far-right ideologies in tandem with the economic pressure of late-stage capitalism, a point at which more contemporary comparisons can be made.
The brief conclusion on the contemporary form of this exploitation aesthetic is also noteworthy:
In the same way that the fall of communism was exploited by the West, the financial and social insecurity of a generation living in recession, under permanent austerity, is exploited now. The aesthetics utilised in Jones’ film are still broadly present, albeit perhaps in a slightly altered form, now accompanied by a new visual language born from a culture numb to being told to “like, comment, share and subscribe”.
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gothhabiba · 10 months
The immediate impact of the Israeli occupation was to exacerbate unemployment: service jobs for the Egyptian army and UN forces vanished, trade with Egypt halted, and the port was closed. Moreover, since the combined GNP of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was only 2.6 percent of the Israeli GNP in 1967, they faced inevitable integration into the Israeli economy as the occuption continued. Furthermore, Israeli policies increased the Strip's dependency. These practices included permitting only certain Gaza products to be sold within Israel, flooding the Gaza market with Israeli goods, restructuring Gaza's agriculture, and encouraging Arab laborers to work in Israel.
The Balance and Composition of Trade. After only one year of occupation, 72 percent of Gaza's imports came from Israel; no imports were allowed from Egypt, and 1 percent of its imports came from Jordan (the balance came from Europe). This represented a dramatic shift, since all the prewar trade had been either directly with Egypt or with Europe and Asia through the Gaza port. [...]
A decade later the shift in trading patterns was even more pronounced. [...] 91 percent of imports came from Israel, and nothing was imported from Jordan or Egypt. [...] Dates, strawberries, and vegetables were also sold to Israel, and local industries engaged in subcontracting for Israeli firms.
Agriculture and industry were both hard hit by Israeli competition. Israeli eggs, poultry, and even vegetables sell at lower prices than local produce, and virtually all canned and bottled goods come from Israel. [...]
A 15 percent excise tax and soaring inflation erode the profits of merchants and factory owners. Gazans have no way to hedge against inflation, since the Israeli shekel is the only legal tender on the Strip.
Restructuring Agriculture. Israel has prevented farmers from exporting to Israel any items that compete with Israeli produce and has imposed restrictions on the planting of certain crops. As a result, the output of melons, onions, grapes, almonds, olives, and fish has decreased. Farmers need permits to plant trees and vegetables.
[...] The government has encouraged production of some specialized crops, such as strawberries and dates. Farmers in Beit Lahiya village say that they were ordered to grow strawberries and would otherwise have been prevented from using their land and well. These strawberries are marketed exclusively through Ashkelon port by the Israeli export firm Agrexco. No permits, however, have been given to farmers to plant such crops as mangoes and avocados, which are also grown in Israel.
Arab Labor in Israel. In 1970, 10 percent of the Gaza labor force was employed in Israel, but at present approximately 40 percent (35,000 persons) work there. This includes 25,000 workers who are registered with the official labor exchange and another 10,000 who work illegally. The high unemployment within the Strip and the fact that wages inside Israel were five times those in the Strip made such employment irresistible.
[...] Even those holding regular jobs face difficult conditions. For example, it is illegal for them to remain inside Israel from 1:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. But employers and workers collude in circumventing the law so that the workers will not have to spend several hours every day commuting. Farmers let laborers sleep in huts, abandoned buses, or even in the open under the orange trees. In town, workers jam into hostels, sleep on construction sites, or spread out on the floor in restaurants. There have been cases of disasters when workers locked into factories at night were unable to escape when fires broke out. [...]
The overall impact of Israeli economic policy is to turn the Gaza Strip into a large labor camp. The Strip is a source of cheap labor for Israel and its internal economic base is continually eroded.
– 1985. Ann M. Lesch, "Gaza: Forgotten Corner of Palestine." Journal of Palestine Studies 15.1, pp. 43-61. Emphasis mine.
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foundtherightwords · 2 months
Love, If You're Near
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Pairing: Michael (Hoard) x OFC
Summary: With a troubled past and a hopeless future, Gwen is just trying to survive on the streets of London. When she meets a man named Michael with a rather strange request, she shrugs and goes along with it, never dreaming that she will find a soul just as broken as hers, or that sometimes broken pieces can fit together perfectly, to bring healing and hope when one least expects it.
Warnings: discussions of prostitution and domestic abuse
Word count: 6.8k
A/N: I've had this idea for Michael even before "Hoard" was released, and after watching the film, I was happy that it was still viable. I don't condone Michael's actions, but I can see where his desire for love and affection comes from, and I hope that after what happened with Maria, Michael could start his own journey of redemption and healing. It is what I based my idea on. I also took some inspiration from "Frankie and Johnny" (the 1991 movie with Michelle Pfeiffer and Al Pacino, not the song).
"Hoard" takes place in 1994, and this is about 4 years after that.
Also, big thanks to @wheels-of-despair for sending me a transcript of the movie. It's helped me tremendously in deciphering the East London dialogue!
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Gwen dropped down on a bench outside Dalston Junction Station, slipped her right shoe off her aching foot, and gingerly touched the raw red spot on the back of her heel, through her fishnet. "Cheap piece of shit," she grumbled. Except the shoes weren't exactly cheap. Twenty quid down the drain and they hurt like fuck, even after she'd tried every trick in the book to break them in. But her last pair had broken beyond repair, so it was either this or go barefoot, and she didn't want to step on broken needles and used condoms and whatever garbage that littered the backstreets of Hackney. Plus it was freezing. She'd met a stag do the previous night, and they had kept her out until the morning, eventually straining her all the way over in Chiswick. It was almost noon by the time she crawled back to her flat. It was too cold to sleep in, so she'd whiled away the day in coffee shops and pubs, waiting until it was time to go back out on the street. At this rate, she would take a five-quid blowjob in a car if it meant getting somewhere warm.
Across the street, the Hackney Carnival Mural shouted at her with its peeling musicians and protestors waving their "Unite for Peace" banners. Gwen turned away, annoyed. Idiots. What good is peace, when one is cold and tired and doesn't even have a decent pair of shoes?
It was almost Christmas, and a slow night. The nights had been slow for a while now, not like when she first started. Ten years on the streets, she thought she'd known how it worked. Then three years in the clink, and when she got out, it was like Brave New World out here. Foreign girls flooded the market. The pimps and the punters liked them because they were younger and easier to control, but the local girls knew that naïveté was just an act. These newcomers were tougher and meaner, and they wouldn't hesitate to pull a knife on those that dared to encroach on their territory. That was if they were still on the streets in the first place. It was all indoors now, and they didn't even have to rely on the old tart-card-in-phone-box method of advertisement. The Internet had that covered.
Gwen readjusted her long blonde wig and sighed. Sometimes she felt much older than her thirty-one years.
She put her shoe back on with a grimace. Perhaps she could try her luck up the road, near the Shacklewell Arms. Her friend Medusa worked that corner, and sometimes she would let Gwen stay with her so they could team up against the new girls.
Medusa's real name was Melissa, but all girls needed some exotic street names. For Halloween one year, back when they were both younger and sillier and full of hope, Gwen had even helped her attach plastic snake's heads to her dreads, both giggling like mad.
Gwen took the backstreets to avoid the twinkling lights, the sound of Christmas music, and the scents of evergreen and cinnamon that spilled out from every door and shop window. They depressed her. Her feet would not thank her for the detour, but her heart would.
By the time she reached the Arms, she was sure her blister had burst and was bleeding. Some indie band had just finished their gig, and the front of the pub was crawling with people. Gwen peered into the crowd, trying to make out Medusa's statuesque form. As she spied Medusa's dreads swinging to and fro, Gwen opened her mouth to call her friend. Her eyes fell on the man next to Medusa, and the call died in her throat. It was Medusa's boyfriend and pimp, Nico.
Despite Medusa's insistence that Nico was "not that bad", Gwen knew better than to face him. At best, he would cajole her into coming to work for him, and at worst he would threaten and force her. Gwen knew what it was like to tie yourself to a man. Usually, she could chase Nico off with a few choice words, but in her current state, cold, exhausted, and irritated, she had no strength to deal with him. She beat a quick retreat.
And collided with someone.
It was a man coming out of one of the cheaper and seedier establishments that lined the back alleys behind Shacklewell Lane. "Excuse me," he mumbled.
"'s alright," Gwen said. And, because he was a man and she was working, she added, out of professional habit, "You looking for company?"
"No, thank you," the man said, a little too quickly, and started to walk away. A few steps, then he seemed to have second thoughts and turned back. "How much?" he asked.
Gwen gave him the once-over. He was probably in his mid-thirties, medium built, dressed in old jeans, an older jumper, and sturdy boots. A working man, then, not a tourist or an out-of-towner looking for some cheap thrills. Not her ideal client, but beggars cannot be choosers.
She told him her hourly rate. "Forty quid and I'll do whatever you want, darling." It wasn't high, all things considered, but it wasn't cheap either. She had her dignity.
The man shook his head. "That's—that's out of my—sorry." He turned away again.
Gwen slumped against a brick wall with a sigh. Maybe she should call it a night. The prospect of her cold flat with its empty fridge was not very welcoming though. Maybe she could find Medusa again. She was desperate enough to even risk Nico.
As she struggled to her feet, she staggered backward and collided, for the second time that night, with someone. This time it was a little girl who was coming out of a doorway with her mother. The girl was holding to the hem of her mother's coat with one hand and in the other was a teddy, which she dropped to the ground.
"Sorry," Gwen said. She quickly picked up the teddy, dusted it off, and handed it to the girl with a smile. "Here you go, love."
The girl stared back at Gwen with enormous eyes but said nothing and made no move to take her teddy. The mother snatched the toy back. "Why don't you watch where you're going, you slag!" she snarled. "And stay away from my kid."
"You watch where you're going!" Gwen spat. "What are you doing, dragging a kid out on the street this late anyway? She should be in bed!"
The mother's nostrils flared. "Don't tell me how to raise my own kid! What does a slut like you know about being a mother?" With that, she snatched the kid up in her arms and stormed off. Swallowing her anger, Gwen walked away in the opposite direction.
A moment later, a wail from the little girl caused Gwen to turn back, just in time to see the woman yank the teddy out of her hand and toss it into the nearest bin.
An inexplicable fury prompted Gwen to chase after them despite her blister, not even knowing what she would do if she caught them, but the woman turned down a side street and disappeared. Only the teddy stared up at Gwen from the bin with a rather mournful look, or so she imagined.
She picked it up and straightened up the bowtie around its neck. "I know more about being a mother than that bitch," she said to the teddy, and, without knowing why, she put it in her bag.
Feeling eyes on her, she looked up to see the man who had rejected her still standing at the mouth of the alley, watching her with a strange expression. Something in his dark eyes made blood rush to her cheeks, and she growled, "What the fuck are you looking at?"
He approached her slowly. "Forty an hour, you say?"
She stood up a little straighter. "Yeah."
"And you'll do whatever I want?"
"Within reasons," she said warily.
"Where can we go?"
"You have a car?" He shook his head. "Well, then that depends on what you have in mind," she said. "Even an alleyway would do, though I have to tell you, I'm not keen on getting any more blisters tonight." He colored slightly, and Gwen found herself wondering if this was his first time. She glanced at his hand. No ring. But then again, this type always takes care to leave their ring at home, don't they?
"My flat's not far from here," he said. "Do you mind—?"
Gwen hesitated. She made it a point never to go with a customer to a place she was unfamiliar with. Too risky. But she was cold and tired and just wanted to get this done.
She scrutinized the man, more carefully this time. He had dark hair pushed away from his forehead in soft curls, and a face that, had she been feeling better, she would have found quite handsome. What really struck her, though, were his eyes. They were dark and large, fringed by ridiculously long lashes, which made him look almost boyish. Gwen, who had to rely on false lashes and mascara to get such a doe-eyed look, stared at those lashes enviously. Noticing her scrutiny, he glanced at her briefly and looked away again. That shy, beseeching look finally cinched it for her.
"Alright," she said. "But cash up front."
"Fair enough." He opened his wallet and handed her some crumpled fivers and a tenner. Gwen counted them carefully before stuffing them into her bag. She also checked that her pepper spray was still in her bag—no matter how unassuming the man looked, or how sad his eyes were, she had to be careful. Technically, it was illegal to carry pepper spray, but Gwen never let a small thing like legality stop her.
Her fingers brushed across a little card, and Gwen paused momentarily. She'd been given that card by a group of women who roamed the area in twos and threes, who might be mistaken for working girls at first glance. She supposed that was their disguise. They were a non-profit helping to get women off the streets, they said. Give us a call anytime, they said. Gwen had scoffed at their optimism, yet for some reason, she still held on to their card. 
"What's your name?" the man asked.
"What do you want it to be?" she said, again out of habit, too tired to actually be coquettish. The man raised his eyebrows at her, and Gwen relented. "You can call me Queenie." Medusa wasn't the only girl with a ridiculous street name.
She didn't ask his name. She didn't care.
They went down Shacklewell Lane, away from the bright lights and loud noises of the Arms, crossed the A10, and through some side street lined with terraced houses. Then the houses gave way to chippies, greasy spoons, Laundromats, and off-licenses. Gwen was whimpering by the time they reached a block of council flats, its brown brick façade the color of dry blood under the dim streetlamps.
"You all right?" the man asked, glancing at her.
"How far up?" Gwen managed, looking up at the looming building, trying to calculate how quickly she could run out of there, if necessary.
"Fifth floor."
She let out an involuntary groan. The man looked at her for a moment. And then, before she realized what he was doing, he scooped her up in his arms in one smooth movement and carried her up the stairs, bridal style.
"Do you mind?!" she protested. The man said nothing, only kept walking.
Gwen tried to wriggle out, but she was too tired and his arms were too strong, and after a moment, she gave up and leaned her head against his shoulder. He smelled, not unpleasantly, of soap and sweat and rollies, and she found herself pressing her nose into the crook of his neck, breathing in his human scent, to purge from her memories the stench of piss and stale beer and rubbish that had assaulted her all through the night.
For all his strength, the man was panting a little by the time they arrived at his door. He set Gwen down on her feet and fumbled with the lock. The moment they were through the door, she collapsed on the nearest available surface, which happened to be an old, rather threadbare sofa, and pulled her shoes off.
"Take it from me," she said. "Never wear heels."
He seemed amused. "OK, I won't." He went about flipping on the lights. "Do you want some Epsom salt for that?"
"Nah, I've had worse."
The man disappeared behind a door down the hall—the bathroom, she supposed—and emerged a second later with a plaster. He then knelt in front of her, rolled down her right stocking and lifted her foot into his lap, not in a sensual or seductive way, but rather matter-of-factly, and stuck the plaster on her heel, like a parent cleaning up a child's skinned knee. This done, he pulled out the sofa and made a bed on it, still in that same matter-of-fact manner.
Something rolled out from under the sofa—a piece of Lego. Gwen's eyebrow went up. Following her eyes, the man saw the Lego as well and turned red. He quickly kicked it back under the sofa and went on making the bed as if nothing had happened. Well, if he wasn't going to say anything, then she certainly wouldn't either.
"Right," she said, rolling down her other stocking. "Let's get started, shall we?"
He turned toward her, looking alarmed. "No, no, no," he said and put his hand over Gwen's, stopping her. "Clothes on, please."
Gwen tilted her head. It wasn't the first time she'd been asked to keep her clothes on, though it was rare enough that it still came as a surprise. She wasn't keen on having her dress all wrinkled and stained. It would be a nightmare to get it clean. But she pulled her fishnets back up anyway
The man sat down next to her on the sofa bed, sheepishly avoiding her eyes. "I'm Michael, by the way," he said.
"Nice to meet you, Michael," Gwen said, because that's what one is supposed to say when someone introduces themselves.
"Would you like something to drink? Cup of tea?"
If he'd offered her some wine or whiskey or even beer, she might have accepted, but tea was probably the least erotic drink Gwen could think of. "No, thanks," she said. She didn't trust him not to slip her a Mickey—hey, Mickey and Michael, that's rich, she thought, chuckling to herself. When Michael didn't say anything, she reminded him, "You only paid me for an hour."
"Could you—" he began, looking down at a spot on the scuffed floor. "Would you mind—could you just hold me?"
Is that it? Gwen had to stop herself from grinning. This really was his first time then, poor lamb. She scooted closer and wrapped her arms around him. "Like this?" she whispered into his ear. Michael nodded and eased them both down on the bed until they were spooning, with her behind him, so she couldn't see his eyes. "What else do you want me to do?" she asked.
"Just this."
Gwen frowned. "What?"
"Just hold me like this, please."
She sat up to look at him properly. He was lying on his side with his eyes open, staring not at her but at something or somewhere else, miles away.
"You're not going to make me put a giant diaper on you and breastfeed you, are you?" Medusa had once met a punter with that request. It had been part of the reason why she'd decided to work for Nico, so she could avoid another awkward situation like that, though, in Gwen's mind, it was rather like out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Michael turned to her. "What?"
"You don't want to tie me up, and you don't want me to tie you up?"
"You don't even want to have sex?"
He blushed again. "No."
"So let me get this straight," she said. "You're paying me forty quid to—spoon you?"
"Yeah." He sat up as well. "Look, if you're not comfortable with it, I understand. I'll pay you for your time, and then you can go."
She considered. As far as requests went, it was an odd one, but certainly not the strangest she'd had. And it sounded innocent enough—perhaps the most innocent of all. Still, she would not be lulled into a sense of safety. She pulled her bag a little closer to make sure she could reach inside and get the pepper spray if necessary. Her shoes would be a write-off—she could run faster barefoot anyway.
"Just—hold you?" she asked again, wanting to make sure. "For an hour?"
He looked up at her with those dark eyes, imploring, infinitely sad, like those of a lost child or a dying animal, and Gwen felt her heart stumble. "Yes, please," he said.
"I'm not charging you the full rate just for a bit of cuddle!"
"It's OK, really. I don't mind."
"I do," she insisted. "It's about being professional. What do you do for a living?"
He seemed taken aback by her question, but he answered anyway. "I'm a cleaner. At St. Mary's Hospital." He was quiet for a moment, then added, "Used to be a bin man. But I couldn't take the stink anymore."
Something in the way he said it made Gwen think that there were other reasons besides the stink for him to give up being a bin man, but it was none of her business. "You wouldn't take the full wage for cleaning half the hospital, would you?" she asked.
Something like a smile crinkled the corners of his eyes. "I guess not."
"OK, so let's say twenty an hour, and we have a deal."
A moment's hesitation, and he extended a hand. They shook on it. His hand was warm, his grip strong and steady, and Gwen wondered why such a man could be so alone, and so lonely.
She made to give him back the twenty quid, but he pushed her hand away. "Keep it. I may ask you to stay longer."
"All right," she said, tucking the bills into her bra. "No funny business, mind."
She lay back down and put one arm around him again, leaving the other free so he couldn't easily pin her under him. "Is this OK?" she asked.
"It's fine," he said. "You don't have to do anything. Just—be natural."
Natural. Gwen wasn't even sure if she remembered how to be natural in bed anymore. She knew how to be enthusiastic, how to be dominant or submissive, how to be seductive, even how to be afraid. But natural? She no longer knew what that meant.  
The minutes ticked by.
While they lay there, Gwen let her eyes wander around, trying to find some clues that might point to danger. She saw a sparsely furnished flat, similar to her own. There were only the sofa bed, a coffee table, and a TV taking up the front room, a kitchenette to the side, and two closed doors, one leading to the bathroom, the other she had no idea. She saw more evidence of a kid—childish drawings on the fridge door, a small toothbrush, a bowl of half-eaten cereal on the coffee table. If he had a kid, she certainly hoped the kid wasn't locked in that spare room.
Her wandering eyes returned to Michael. He had taken his jumper off and was now in a vest. There was a tattoo on his bicep. "Who's Billy?" she asked.
"Mate of mine, from school," he said in a small voice. "He OD'ed."
"Shit," she said. And then, "I'm sorry."
"It's all right." His hand found hers, clasped it to his chest.
"What are you doing?" she asked, pulling away.
"Sorry," he said quickly. "Your hand's cold. I was just trying to warm it up."
"I would've worn a coat, but unfortunately it doesn't go with this outfit," she joked. Her only warm coat would've covered up what she was trying to sell. She left her hand in his, feeling the heavy thump of his heart under her palm. He nestled into her with a sigh, but she remained stiff, keeping some distance between her chest and his back, so she could bolt at the first sign of danger.
But it never came. Instead, his breath evened out, and soon he was asleep.
Gwen must have dozed off as well, for she remembered jolting awake. Michael was still sleeping, holding her hand to his chest as if afraid she would fly off if he let go.
This could be her chance. After making sure Michael was sound asleep, Gwen carefully slid her hand out of his grasp, got out of bed, and tiptoed down the hall. She opened two closed doors. One was a bathroom, just as she suspected. The other was a bedroom, a kid's bedroom, painted in bright, buttery yellow, with a frilly little bed and cheerful toys and books piled on the shelves, a complete contrast to the sad, gray flat outside.
Gwen's feet took her into the room almost of their own volition. She gazed about, a strange melancholy washing over her. No, there wasn't anything strange about this sadness. She knew exactly where it was coming from; she just didn't want to think about it.
There was a framed photo on the bedside table, and she picked it up—it was of Michael, smiling a big, happy smile, carrying on his shoulder a little girl of about two or three years old, who had his same brown curls and his chocolate button eyes.
"What are you doing?" said his voice behind her.
She jumped and dropped the picture, which landed safely on the bed.
"Sorry," she said, fumbling to pick up the frame. "I was looking for the—uh, bathroom. I didn't mean to snoop."
"It's OK." He didn't look angry, only a little awkward, like she had stumbled on an embarrassing secret. It emboldened her.
"This your kid's room?" she asked.
"Yeah." He took the picture frame from her and set it back on the table. "She lives with her mum. I only have her on weekends and when her mum has to work nights, but I try to keep the room nice and clean for her," he explained.
Gwen let out a small breath and reminded herself to stop watching so much The Bill. From the way he had been so secretive about it, she was expecting something tragic. She was glad it wasn't.
"That her?" She nodded at the picture.
A ghost of a proud smile hovered over Michael's lips. "Her name's Amelia."
"Pretty name. Suits her."
"Don't let that face fool you, she's a little terror."
"How old is she?"
"Turning four soon."
"Oh, that's a great age," Gwen said without thinking. "That's when you can start to have a real conversation with them, and it's so fun."
"It is." Michael looked at her sharply. "Have you got a kid?"
For a moment, Gwen considered telling him the truth. It felt so nice, so normal, to talk in that cheery little room, as if sunshine had been stored in its bright yellow paint and the warmth of it was seeping into her, chasing away the cold of those long, lonely nights out on the street. She wanted to hold on to that feeling a little longer.
But she was here to work, not to have a heart-to-heart like she was on some bloody chat show.
"No," she lied.
"Because you sound like you know kids," he said.
Anger pricked at Gwen's insides. Who did this punter think he was?
"It's none of your business," she snapped. Michael continued to stare at her, and the intensity of his eyes forced her to look away. The flat was closing in on her, suffocating her, like her old prison cell. She couldn't breathe. She had to get out of here, get away from this strange man whose eyes seemed to penetrate her very soul.
She grabbed her bag. "I have to go."
Michael glanced at the clock on the wall, surprised. "But I paid you for two hours."
"Here." She tossed the money on the bed, picked up her shoes, and all but ran. He caught her at the door.
"What did I do?" he asked.
"Nothing. I just have to go."
"Don't do this," he said, clutching at her arm like a child afraid of being separated from its mother. "Don't leave. Please." The pleading note in his voice now sounded more like a command. That voice, the hard grip of his hand, and the dark glint in his eyes awoke something savage within Gwen, a cold fury she hadn't felt in years.
"Let me go," she said quietly, "or I'll kill you."
He dropped her arm in an instant. "I'm sorry," he muttered, his eyes glistening with what looked like tears. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you—I just don't know how to—"
As suddenly as it appeared, Gwen's anger vanished. She couldn't afford to lose her temper like that.
"It's fine," she said. "Just let me—"
Before she could finish, there was a knock on the door. "Michael?" said a voice on the other side. "You in?" A woman's voice.
Michael turned to Gwen, his eyes enormous on his pale face. "Hide," he mouthed to her.
A part of Gwen wanted to be defiant and face whoever was at the door—a wife? A girlfriend?—so she could watch Michael squirm, but another part of her took pity on his panic. Rolling her eyes, she made her way into the bedroom and shut the door behind her.
"Leah," she heard Michael say, as he opened the front door. "What's wrong? Is Amelia all right?"
Peeking through a crack of the bedroom door, Gwen saw a woman standing in the doorway. She had auburn hair pulled into a tight bun and a scowling, disapproving expression that seemed terminal. A little girl was asleep in her arms.
These must be his ex and their daughter then. Gwen retreated into the shadow of the room, feeling strangely embarrassed, like she had intruded on an intimate scene. In some way, she had.
"She's fine," Leah said, and Michael let out a breath of relief. "It's my mum," Leah continued, looking harried. "She's had a fall. I have to go to Cardiff to see her. Don't know when I'll be back, so I can't take Amelia with me—" She looked around the flat, her eyes narrowing as they landed on the bills scattered on the sofa bed. Michael looked away, his cheeks flushed. "Is this a bad time?" Leah asked.
"No, not at all," Michael said quickly. "I'll take her. Call me when you get to Cardiff and let me know how your mum is."
With a curt nod, Leah handed their daughter over. She brushed a curl away from the sleeping child's forehead and went downstairs, but not before throwing another suspicious look over her shoulder.
Gwen waited for another moment or two until the coast was clear, and emerged from the bedroom. Michael, with his arms full of a sleeping toddler, gave her an apologetic look.
"Well, I'll be off then," Gwen said, trying not to show how the sight of the little girl was affecting her.
Michael hesitated. "Listen," he said. He tried to take her hand, but his arms were too full to reach. "You don't have to run off like that. I'm sorry about earlier. Stay for a bit. It's cold out."
"I'll be fine," Gwen said lightly. "And you're busy. I should go." At the door, she paused. "Good luck, Michael."
At that moment, Amelia lifted her head from her father's shoulder. "Daddy?" she said, her voice thick with sleep.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," Michael said, and the tenderness in his voice made Gwen want to cry. She knew she should be going now, but some invisible force was rooting her to the spot, making her watch Michael with his daughter as if hypnotized. "Mum has to go to Grandma's," he was saying, "so you're staying with me for a bit. Is that all right?"
The little girl rubbed her eyes with a chubby fist. "Where's Snappy?" she said.
Michael looked around. He patted the pockets of Amelia's coat and came up empty. "You don't have him with you?" The girl shook her head. "You must have forgotten him at home then."
"I want him."
"We'll get him when Mum comes back—"
"I want him now!" Amelia demanded. She no longer sounded sleepy.
Michael gave Gwen an exasperated look over his daughter's head. Despite the twist of pain in her heart, Gwen couldn't help but grin back in rueful sympathy.
"What's Snappy?" she whispered to Michael.
"Her crocodile." Turning to Amelia, he said, "Don't worry, Snappy will be fine—"
But Amelia was not having it. "No!" she shouted. "I want Snappy! I'm not going without Snappy! Give me Snappy!"
"Let's just go to bed first, and then I'll find Snappy for you, yeah?"
"No! I don't want to stay here without Snappy!" The little girl started kicking and wriggling to get out of Michael's arms, and there was a shrill note in her voice that Gwen knew well would be followed by a tantrum. Wincing, Michael set Amelia down on the floor. The little girl pushed at her father, shouting, "I want Snappy!"
"Hey, hey, stop," Michael gently admonished her. "I don't have a key to Mum's place, so we can't get in. You have a lot of toys here—"
"I don't wanna stay here! I wanna go home! I want Mum!"
At that, something seemed to break within Michael. Without saying a word, he dropped Amelia on the sofa bed and went over to the kitchenette, where he plopped down at the table with his head in his hands. All the while, Amelia kept crying for Snappy.
Gwen looked between the despondent father and the wailing toddler. None of this had to do with her. She did not need to get involved. She should leave now.
She didn't leave.
She sat down in front of Amelia, who continued to sniff and snuffle. The violence of her tantrum seemed to have passed into a sulk.
"Hi," Gwen said. "You're Amelia, right?"
The little girl wiped a sleeve across her runny nose. "Who're you?" she asked.
Gwen glanced at Michael. He was still sitting with his head in his hands. Odd, that. Why was he acting like a tantrum was the end of the world? "My name's Gwen," she said. Michael raised her head at this, but made no comment. "I'm—I'm a friend of your dad's. Amelia's a very pretty name. Have you ever heard of Princess Amelia?"
At the mention of a princess, the girl's large brown eyes, so like her father's, widened in interest. "Who's she?"
"She was the youngest daughter of King George III. She was very nice and kind. Her father loved her very much, and so did her mother and her brothers and sisters." Gwen paused. Perhaps she shouldn't mention that it was Princess Amelia's death that drove her poor father to madness. "And there's also Amelia Earhart," she said. "She was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic." Again, Gwen paused when she remembered that Ms. Earhart disappeared while trying to fly around the globe. She looked at Michael to see if he'd noticed her bungled attempt to cheer his daughter up. He was still at the table, watching her with an inscrutable expression, just as he had when they first met in the alley. She cleared her throat and returned her attention to Amelia. "Now, can you be kind like Princess Amelia and brave like Amelia Earhart?"
Hesitantly, the little girl nodded. Gwen smiled. "Good. Tell me about Snappy then."
Amelia's little mouth screwed up, and she blinked rapidly, threatening tears again. "He's—m-my croc-crocodile," she hiccupped. "He's gold and has black teeth and he's very scary and he protects me."
"Ah, so that's why he has to stay home then," said Gwen, as if she'd just made a great discovery. "He has to keep it safe for when you and your mum come back."
"Yes. He knows you'll be perfectly safe here with your dad. And"—here Gwen pulled out the teddy from her bag and handed it to Amelia—"in case you're feeling lonely, here's Teddy. He may not be as scary as Snappy, but he can keep you company until you see Snappy again, all right?"
Amelia took the teddy, turned it this way and that, and held it experimentally. Finally, satisfied that the teddy was safe, she hugged it to her chest and smiled at Gwen through her tears.
"Now there's a great big smile," Gwen said, smiling back and giving the girl's nose a little bop.
"My dad always says my smile's as big as Christmas," said Amelia.
"And he's right."
As if on cue, Michael appeared next to them. He nodded at Gwen gratefully and took Amelia into her room.
Gwen was still sitting on the sofa bed when he came out a few minutes later and sat down next to her. "You're really good with her," he said.
"So are you."
"No, I'm not. You heard what she said. She didn't even want to stay with me."
"Michael, she's four," Gwen said. "She's knackered. A four-year-old would say they hate you one minute, then turn around and kiss you the next. That's what they do."
"How do you know?"
Gwen rubbed a hand across her eyes. Amelia wasn't the only one who was tired. Gwen felt like she could lie down and sleep for a thousand years. "I lied earlier," she said. "I do have a kid. Her name's Emma. She's six—no, seven now."
Michael tilted his head, looking at her more closely. "Where is she?"
"She lives with a foster family in Croydon. I haven't seen her in three years." The foster mum sent photos, and Gwen tried to call when she could, but it wasn't the same. "Sometimes I'm afraid she's forgotten me."
"Why can't you see her?"
Gwen didn't answer. It was a wound she wasn't ready to open yet.
Michael went back to the kitchen and fiddled about with the kettle. He came back a moment later with two steaming cups, and handed Gwen one. It reminded her of the tea she used to make for herself as a kid, too sweet and milky for her liking now, but she said nothing. They sat sipping their tea in companionable silence.
"Do you believe some people just can't be loved?" Michael asked.
"Some people always seem to end up alone. It's like they can't be loved."
Gwen took a moment to answer. The punters all liked to talk. They would complain to her about their jobs, their wives, their girlfriends, their mothers. She could hear Medusa now, telling her, "We're like trick cyclists, darling"—Medusa was not Cockney, but she'd heard that slang for "psychiatrist" on The Bill or EastEnders and liked to slip it into her talk because she thought it made her sound cool—"except we're cheaper and they get some sex on top of that." So when a customer talked, Gwen would just nod absently and say "Is that so?" while thinking of something else.
Now, having been brought closer by the talk of their kids, she asked Michael, "Why do you think that?"
"Everybody in my life is gone," he said, his voice bleak. "My parents—well, they weren't fit to be parents, really. I lost count of how many foster homes I lived in. None of them wanted me. My brother took me in, but then he moved to Australia with his wife and kids. Maybe it's my fault." His head drooped. "I met someone once. I loved her. Or I thought I did. But I fucked it up. I didn't see what she was going through, and I made it worse."
"Was it Amelia's mum?"
"No." He sighed. "But I fucked it up with her as well. She's too good for me. They're all too good for me."
"Is that why you hired me?" Gwen asked before she could stop herself. Michael turned to her, and the look in his eyes went through her heart like a pin. It was the same look he'd given her when they first met, so lost and vulnerable, the look of a lifetime of hurt and loneliness. Now she understood why she had been so taken by it. It was a look she knew well, for she had seen it plenty of times when she looked into the mirror.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean—"
She shrugged. "It's alright. I'm used to that."
He put a tentative hand over hers and closed his fingers around it. "Thank you, Gwen," he said. "Thank you for being here. Thank you for helping me with Amelia."
"Hey, my pleasure." She grinned. "She's a good kid."
"I was frightened to death when she was born, you know," Michael said. "I didn't know what to do. I still don't. What if I fuck it up like I fuck up everything else in my life?"
Gwen squeezed his hand. Finally she understood his despair earlier, just as she had understood his loneliness; understood it because she saw it in herself.
"Want to know why I went to prison?" she asked. "Why I haven't seen my daughter?"
He looked at her, not with morbid curiosity as most people did when they learned she'd been to prison, but with interest and sympathy. She pulled off her blonde wig, and, turning her head, spread her mousy brown hair over her ear to show him the ragged scar just above it, which the hair couldn't quite cover.
"Her father, my piece-of-shit boyfriend—he gave me that," she said. "And worse. Then one time, he pushed me too hard. I pushed back. He hit his head on the kitchen counter." Her voice trembled. It was the first time she spoke of this in three years. She steadied herself, and continued, "I could've called an ambulance, but I didn't. I just stood there and watched him die. Got me three years for that. Involuntary manslaughter." She lifted her eyes to Michael's face. "Think you can fuck up your kid's life worse than I did?" she asked. She tried to laugh and began to cry.
Michael reached out and drew her to him until she was in his arms with her head on his shoulder, just like how he'd held Amelia. He said nothing, but in his embrace, she could feel her fears quiet down, if not fade away entirely. She thought of Emma, and herself, of Amelia, and Michael, of the frightened child inside all of them, waiting only for someone to reach out and hold them and tell them that it's going to be all right.
She buried her nose in Michael's neck, taking in his scent of soap and sweat and smoke, and let out a breath she had been holding for three years, or perhaps even longer. "This is nice," she said. "I can see why you'd pay for this."
Michael's shoulders and chest rumbled pleasantly with laughter, and Gwen smiled as well.
"Can I see you again?" he asked.
Her smile faltered. Somehow, his question made her sad. It brought her crashing back to reality, a reality in which she would have to go back out on the street soon, back to the cold and the loneliness and the emptiness.
But professional habit won out in the end, and she didn't even sigh as she gave him the answer she'd always used with all her customers, "You know where to find me."
"No, not as Queenie," he said. "I want to see you again as Gwen. And without the wig. Can I?"
She lifted her head to look at him. He didn't let go, only slid his hand up her shoulder and her neck to cradle her cheek. As the warmth of his gaze and the tenderness of his caress enveloped her, Gwen made a decision.
Tomorrow, she would go and buy Emma a Christmas present. And bring it to her in person.
Tomorrow, she would ring that number on the card of the non-profit group.
But today, tonight, she would stop running away.
"Yes," she told Michael. "Yes, you can."
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Yes, "Snappy" is the crocodile that Maria gave to Leah.
And of course, it wouldn't be my fic without a Snow Patrol song to accompany it (the title comes from the first line of lyric):
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solarpunkbusiness · 1 month
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Italian company converts discarded fishing nets into chairs, car mats and Prada bags
Since 2009, Giulio Bonazzi, the son of a small textile producer in northern Italy, has been working on a solution: an efficient recycling process for nylon. As CEO and chairman of a company called Aquafil, Bonazzi is turning the fibers from fishing nets – and old carpets – into new threads for car mats, Adidas bikinis, environmentally friendly carpets and Prada bags.
For Bonazzi, shifting to recycled nylon was a question of survival for the family business. His parents founded a textile company in 1959 in a garage in Verona, Italy. Fifteen years later, they started Aquafil to produce nylon for making raincoats, an enterprise that led to factories on three continents. But before the turn of the century, cheap products from Asia flooded the market and destroyed Europe’s textile production. When Bonazzi had finished his business studies and prepared to take over the family company, he wondered how he could produce nylon, which is usually produced from petrochemicals, in a way that was both successful and ecologically sustainable.
The question led him on an intellectual journey as he read influential books by activists such as world-renowned marine biologist Sylvia Earle and got to know Michael Braungart, who helped develop the Cradle-to-Cradle ethos of a circular economy. But the challenges of applying these ideologies to his family business were steep. Although fishing nets have become a mainstay of environmental fashion ads—and giants like Dupont and BASF have made breakthroughs in recycling nylon—no one had been able to scale up these efforts.
For ten years, Bonazzi tinkered with ideas for a proprietary recycling process. “It’s incredibly difficult because these products are not made to be recycled,” Bonazzi says. One complication is the variety of materials used in older carpets. “They are made to be beautiful, to last, to be useful. We vastly underestimated the difficulty when we started.”
Soon it became clear to Bonazzi that he needed to change the entire production process. He found a way to disintegrate old fibers with heat and pull new strings from the discarded fishing nets and carpets. In 2022, his company Aquafil produced more than 45,000 tons of Econyl, which is 100% recycled nylon, from discarded waste.
More than half of Aquafil’s recyclate is from used goods. According to the company, the recycling saves 90 percent of the CO2 emissions compared to the production of conventional nylon. That amounts to saving 57,100 tons of CO2 equivalents for every 10,000 tons of Econyl produced.
Bonazzi collects fishing nets from all over the world, including Norway and Chile—which have the world’s largest salmon productions—in addition to the Mediterranean, Turkey, India, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan, and New Zealand. He counts the government leadership of Seychelles as his most recent client; the island has prohibited ships from throwing away their fishing nets, creating the demand for a reliable recycler. With nearly 3,000 employees, Aquafil operates almost 40 collection and production sites in a dozen countries, including four collection sites for old carpets in the U.S., located in California and Arizona.
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thedeliaishere · 4 months
Very comical that the callout post about me is acting as if wanting the war in Ukraine to stop is a radical pro Russia idea lol
Is it pro Ukraine to constantly supply them with weapons and flood their market with cheap grain to price out local farmers and make them a puppet state of the US while sending them to die in a meat grinder?
Liberals are completely fucking infantile and won't be satisfied until every Ukrainian kills themselves for nato
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doctormastertardis · 3 months
So, to address the people defending RTD's writing THIS SEASON,
this is what I mean by UNNECESSARY BAITS.
it feels like RTD only came back to market New Who again.... these "Susan" baits ain't got shit to do with:
The song inside Ruby's soul
The maestro coming back
73 yards
Mrs flood
Why Ruby can make it snow
(see my tags)
#Don't dangle baits that you won't answer in the same damn season???#It screams “we want more viewers next year please come back" NO INTEGRITY IN WRITING AT ALL#If you want more viewers - THEN WRAP UP THE SEASON in a way where the audience aren't speculating WHY the “baits” that were dropped through#the season - why were these “baits” dangled to us when they play NO coherent part WITHIN THIS SEASON'S “mystery”??#It's cheap tricks for MARKETING#baits like these (Susan baits) have NO INTEGRITY
#but why is he dangling baits though#baits that have NOTHING significant to do with the season's “big reveals”#I have no issues with the silliness tbh#I feel like the theme of his comeback is “mirroring (his) debut series”#and also the adoption theme parallel to Chibnall's Timeless Child arc#but the “red herrings” or whatever baits he dangled on the viewers weren't even weaved together at the end of this season?#people say it's on purpose but he could have been NOT OBVIOUS about the baits that he knew he won't address till next season#UNANSWERED cliffhangers and baits FOR NEXT SEASON are a weak move#at least WRAP UP THE “SEASON BAITS” OLD MAN#the “Bad Wolf” arc felt “finished” after Rose's first season#THAT was good writing because obvious baits were NOT dangled and we weren't left with more questions AT THE END OF SEASON#we see Bad Wolf slowly comes back during Donna's run and that was good writing because it was IN THE SAME SEASON#we weren't left w/ UNANSWERED BAITS that was SO OBVIOUS throughout the season ONLY FOR IT TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BIG SEASON REVEAL#does that make sense#like the SNOW FALLING and the SONG IN HER SOUL and Maestro's speculations??? WHY BRING THOSE UP? And sutekh hitching a ride in time vortex?#COME ON
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physalian · 2 months
I think the other thing that bothers me with the flood of AI into everything is how grandiose the companies marketing it make it seem. A Meta AI ad (when every Meta commercial is equally pretentious, ngl) treats it as the next great thing to bring the world together, an inspiration to us all, making our lives easier, yada yada.
The part of that commercial that stuck with me was this lady on a train, looked like a student, asking the Robot to summarize something for her. Looked like a page of notes. And like… lady you aren’t learning a damn thing if the Robot takes your notes and then summarizes them. Yes we’ve always had the means to cheat and no attempts to defend against it will ever work so long as cheaters lack the desire to learn, or suffer under too much pressure to get a good grade over an actual education.
Pretending you didn’t manufacture the problem your new product exists to create is nothing new. Tech is just like that. Capitalism is just like that. But I see people, smart people, buying into this bullshit and not seeing the forest for the trees. AI as a concept isn’t the problem, I know this. “AI” is such a broad term that lumping extremely useful tools in with art theft doesn’t help either side of the argument.
I don’t think for a second that any of the companies pushing it feel an ounce of guilt or had a shred of forethought before unleashing their utopian tools onto the market beyond the profits they could make. I don’t think the people who first made it did so maliciously. I’m just sick of the argument that “it’ll make lives easier and that’s worth the side effects”.
I was a student who rarely had to study for things—if I didn’t learn it in class during lecture, staring at my notes and cramming the night before the test wouldn’t fix anything. I had a very good retention of knowledge and a mental block to the concept of studying.
But when I really needed to make sure I didn’t wing it on a test, shocker, studying actually helped. I’d completely skipped over a concept on the study guide when reviewing, and that was the only question I got wrong on that test.
So seeing that actress on the train, pretending like the Robot summarizing her notes, while she’s on a train and has nothing better to do with her time anyway, as if it will in any way help her in the long run, is bullshit.
Nobody’s saying that artificial intelligence in medicine or forensics or computer science is a bad thing. It’s supposed to make the hard jobs, the menial jobs, the jobs that human error cannot compete with, easier. It’s not supposed to remove any sense of ambition, of trial and error, of failure and learning from it.
I can’t say these people had no idea what the world would do with these tools. Did you not think someone would use ChatGPT to cheat and do their homework and write their essays for them? Did you not think freelance writers and graphic designers would get fired en masse by cheap companies who can consult a computer for free? Did you not think copyrighted art, made by artists who are already struggling, would be stolen, and that they’d be mad about it? Did you not think singers and musicians might have something to say about their voices, wholly unique to them, and their lyrical and songwriting ability, being generated by a machine for free? Did you not think about the rampant misinformation that would abound by a robot that cannot have integrity, common sense, or think critically? Did you not think about how easy it is now to forge political images and speeches, to incite violence in gullible people who can’t spot a fake? Did you not think about how those images can start wars and cause catastrophe?
If you thought people would only use it for Instagram filters and generating surrealist nonsense at parties, you're criminally naive.
Piracy has always existed. Cheating has always existed. Ripping off someone else's book or script or speech or art style has always existed. The thing is though, that piracy comes with a risk of viruses and malware if you don't know what you're doing. Cheating takes finesse and risk if you get caught, especially now. Ripping off another's work still takes the time and effort to replicate it by hand. AI didn't invent any of this, AI just removed the barrier of entry and asked, why not?
I’ve quoted this movie before in my argument but goddamn, nothing fits better:
"Don't you see the danger, John, inherent in what you're trying to do here? Genetic power is the most awesome force the planet has ever seen but you wield it like a kid who's found his dad's gun.... I'll tell you the problem with your scientific power that you're using. It didn't require any discipline to attain it. You know, you read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourself, so you don't take any responsibility for it. "You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and you packaged it, and you slapped it on a plastic lunch box and now you're selling it. You're selling it. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
--Ian Malcom, Jurassic Park
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kedreeva · 7 months
Husbandry question (I keep ducks, not peafowl, but I think this is a universal issue):
How do you store their spare bedding/straw so it stays dry? My current system is "wrap in tarp and store under awning" but that is... lacking
I store it by leaving it at the store until I need it.
If you have to get more than you need at once, a pallet will keep it off the floor and prevent it from getting wet unless there's a flood. Most people storing straw in quantity on farms are doing it in the hay loft, which I'm guessing you don't have. I have one, but it doesn't have a good floor or easy access, so we don't use it. But, pallets, wrapping in a tarp, under an awning should be fine.
You can also consider a tarp shed
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I used one of these as a bird shelter for a year while I was house searching and it held up find. I put it up against an outbuilding. It has a flap door you can zip closed. They're far less expensive than an actual shed, but you can get an actual shed, too. Sometimes if you're willing to rent a trailer bed, you can find people on Craigslist of FB market or wherever that want to get rid of a wooden shed, and you can just go pick it up. It's kind of a pain in the ass but it's often free or VERY cheap compared to $1k+ for a new one. Rubbermaid sheds work, too.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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DAY 21
WARNINGS: drug use 🎃 male reader 🎃 smut🎃 nsfw 🎃 pet names (doll, baby, darling, pretty, good boy) 🎃knifes (cutting clothing off) 🎃dick piercing 🎃 dirty talk
Kinktober masterlist
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(Name) giggles in Sanzus lap, the two having a night to themselves and Sanzu being clingy with his pretty doll who gave back equal cling.
"I got something..." Sanzu mumbled as he held a small baggie with a heart sticker on it, two small heart shaped pills on them "fresh off the black market, supposed to make you horny as shit"
"Like Viagra on steroids"
Sanzu watches (name)s eyes dilate and subconsciously buck into Sanzus lap at the thought of what those pills would do.
"Wanna try em?" Sanzu asked knowing the answer, (name) nodding dumbly as be but his bottom lip and stared into Sanzus eyes "please Haru..."
Sanzu held (name)s mouth open and set the heart shaped pill on his tongue "don't swallow" he commanded before placing the other pill on his own tongue and pulling (name) into a bruising kiss, teeth clashing as they pills that strangely tasted of strawberries to probably mask the taste of the drugs flooded their mouths until they both swallowed the drugs.
The effects didn't take long as both tented their pants and heavy blushes "how does it feel baby?" Sanzu practically panted as he watched (name) crumble in his hold "so goood Haru..." He said hazily, humping Sanzus lap and lulling his head "play with me?"
Their bodies felt on fire, erections almost painful and it did Infact feel like Viagra on steroids but so so much more.
"Get the lube"
(Name) stumbled off the others lap to go and grab the lube in the bedroom.
Sanzu never cheaped out on lube, getting the good shit that made sex feel amazing for both of them.
When (name) came back Sanzu pinned him to the couch and pulled out his switch blade with a feral grin and cut off the others clothing into shreds and revealing the Hickeys and bite marks he left this morning.
Outside of the house Sanzu was a feral dog, inside though he was a total horn dog.
(Name) loved it.
(Name) couldn't help himself as he fumbled with Sanzus buttons, not wanting to be the only one naked "god fuck... I need it in me so bad" (name) said almost out of breath, his erection almost hurting and Sanzu wasn't much better "gonna fuck you into the couch" Sanzu hissed and once his own cock sprang free he immediately took the lube and rubbed it on his cock.
"Lemme see your ass" Sanzu spat and put a throw pillow under (name)s hips, putting the others legs together and pushing them against his chest "you're still loose..." Sanzu grinned and freed (name)s legs only to get pushed down against the couch "wanna ride you" (name) said teary eyed, unable to take not having Sanzus cock in him anymore.
"Then stop yappin' and get the fuck on" Sanzu said smacking the others thigh and grinning when (name) moaned at said smack.
The two were practically leaking pre cum as (name) slowly sunk into Sanzus cock, the sensation of the pink haired mans dick piercing hitting all the best spots, causing (name) to cum by time he sinks down to the hilt.
"Fuck..." (Name) chokes out, legs shaking from the full feeling and the climax but Sanzu didn't care.
He needed to fuck his boyfriends ass before his dick exploded.
Sanzu gripped his hips before fucking him up and down on his cock, the room getting heavier as sweat dropped down their skin.
"Fuckfuckfuck!" (Name) was sobbing on his cock, the pain barely noticeable compared to the shots of pleasure he felt, the drug having them in a chokehold as Sanzu sat up and licked a tear from (name)s cheek "fuck, such a good little cock sleeve aren't ya? You only exist to take my cock!"
The sight of (name) crying just made him harder as he prematurely came.
"I wasn't planning on stopping, till this drugs out of our systems you're my fucking cum rag got it?!" Sanzu hissed out and (name) nodded dumbly as Sanzu began jackhammering him, (name) swore he could feel the pink haired man in his throat.
"Fuck baby so good, you're tight little ass is the best!" Sanzu was babbling as (name) was far to gone to even comprehend as he came over and over again until he was cumming dry.
"God you're never gonna be able to do anything without the thought of my cock in you and my cum sticking to your insides" Sanzus voice was venomous, making (name) shiver and moan.
(Name) was a crying mess at this point tongue out as he let Sanzu do what he wanted.
"aw? Are you crying? God your fucking hot as shit crying on my cock! Come on cry some more!"
"no man's ever gonna want you after this, though if any come near ya I'm gonna blow their fucking brains out"
"Fuckfuckfuck! Take it whore!"
Sanzus words were the tipping point for (name), the venomously hot degrading always made (name) close, sobbing harder and subsequently making Sanzu hornier.
Sanzu came hard as they felt the drug wear down "wait that's it?! Oh I'm gonna kill that fucker! He said five hours!"
(Name) was a cum filled mess as Sanzu seethed, shaking and crying in pleasure as Sanzu pulled out "so good...." He was barely coherent at this point and Sanzu felt kind tonight.
"Let's clean you up babydoll"
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tanadrin · 1 year
There's a German economic historian named Eckhard Höffner who has argued that during the early 19th century, German science and industry benefited strongly from a lack of copyright law, as compared to England and France in the same period. Specifically, copyright law improved the profits of publishers, who could set high prices for books, but not really authors--while in England books, including scientific monographs, were published in small editions mostly at higher prices, publishers in Germany in the same period had to be more innovative, with editions aimed at both the high-end and low-end market, lest competitors flood the market with cheaper editions of the same works.
This meant that both popular works and academic titles entered the market in large numbers and at low prices, and this in turn motivated scientists in particular to publish, since it was comparatively easy for their work to get to readers. There was also a proliferation in the kinds of books published, since the cost of books was lower, and many more types of customers could enter the market. This situation might be seen as one where it was hard for authors to make a living, but the opposite seems to have been the case: Höffner cites, by way of example, a chemistry and pharmacy professor of the era in Berlin who earned far more in royalties for his book on leather tanning than Mary Shelley did for "Frankenstein" in the same period.
The accessibility of books, and scientific literature in particular, laid the foundation for the period of rapid German industrial expansion in the 19th century. As copyright law became gradually established (starting in Prussia in 1937), German publishers reacted in much the same way as British ones, increasing the prices of books. The market for cheap editions dried up, often to the frustration of authors whose readership declined.
Nowadays we think of copyright as being almost a requirement to create a market in intellectual property, and while the marginal costs of distribution are even lower in the electronic age than they are in the age of print, I think this thesis (to the extent it holds up) is an interesting argument against that proposition! It's also especially interesting as an adjunct to arguments for openness in scientific publication--between criticisms of the peer review system as contributing to perverse incentives in the structuring of science as a profession and being not really fit for purpose (not contributing at all, for instance, to preventing the replication crisis), it seems that that the gradual turn towards more open channels in scientific publishing should only increase with time. Weakening copyright law (which mostly serves the interests of publishers and not authors anyway) might help not only with artistic innovation but scientific innovation as well.
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puraiuddo · 1 year
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So by popular demand here is my own post about
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and why
This case will not affect fanwork.
The actual legal complaint that was filed in court can be found here and I implore people to actually read it, as opposed to taking some rando's word on it (yes, me, I'm some rando).
The Introductory Statement (just pages 2-3) shouldn't require being fluent in legalese and it provides a fairly straightforward summary of what the case is aiming to accomplish, why, and how.
That said, I understand that for the majority of people 90% of the complaint is basically incomprehensible, so please give me some leeway as I try to condense 4 years of school and a 47 page legal document into a tumblr post.
To abbreviate to the extreme, page 46 (paragraph 341, part d) lays out exactly what the plaintiffs are attempting to turn into law:
"An injunction [legal ruling] prohibiting Defendants [AI] from infringing Plaintiffs' [named authors] and class members' [any published authors] copyrights, including without limitation enjoining [prohibiting] Defendants from using Plaintiff's and class members' copyrighted works in "training" Defendant's large language models without express authorization."
That's it. That's all.
This case is not even attempting to alter the definition of "derivative work" and nothing in the language of the argument suggests that it would inadvertently change the legal treatment of "derivative work" going forward.
I see a lot of people throwing around the term "precedent" in a frenzy, assuming that because a case touches on a particular topic (eg “derivative work” aka fanart, fanfiction, etc) somehow it automatically and irrevocably alters the legal standing of that thing going forward.
That’s not how it works.
What's important to understand about the legal definition of "precedent" vs the common understanding of the term is that in law any case can simultaneously follow and establish precedent. Because no two cases are wholly the same due to the diversity of human experience, some elements of a case can reference established law (follow precedent), while other elements of a case can tread entirely new ground (establish precedent).
The plaintiffs in this case are attempting to establish precedent that anything AI creates going forward must be classified as "derivative work", specifically because they are already content with the existing precedent that defines and limits "derivative work".
The legal limitations of "derivative work", such as those dictating that only once it is monetized are its creators fair game to be sued, are the only reason the authors can* bring this to court and seek damages.
*this is called the "grounds" for a lawsuit. You can't sue someone just because you don't like what they're doing. You have to prove you are suffering "damages". This is why fanworks are tentatively "safe"—it's basically impossible to prove that Ebony Dark'ness Dementia is depriving the original creator of any income when she's providing her fanfic for free. On top of that, it's not worth the author’s time or money to attempt to sue Ebony when there's nothing for the author to monetarily gain from a broke nerd.
Pertaining to how AI/ChatGPT is "damaging" authors when Ebony isn't and how much of an unconscionable difference there is between the potential profits up for grabs between the two:
Page 9 (paragraphs 65-68) detail how OpenAI/ChatGPT started off as a non-profit in 2015, but then switched to for-profit in 2019 and is now valued at $29 Billion.
Pages 19-41 ("Plaintiff-Specific Allegations") detail how each named author in the lawsuit has been harmed and pages 15-19 ("GPT-N's and ChatGPT’s Harm to Authors") outline all the other ways that AI is putting thousands and thousands of other authors out of business by flooding the markets with cheap commissions and books.
The only ethically debatable portion of this case is the implications of expanding what qualifies as "derivative work".
However, this case seems pretty solidly aimed at Artificial Intelligence, with very little opportunity for the case to establish precedent that could be used against humans down the line. The language of the case is very thorough in detailing how the specific mechanics of AI means that it copies* copywritten material and how those mechanics specifically mean that anything it produces should be classified as "derivative work" (by virtue of there being no way to prove that everything it produces is not a direct product of it having illegally obtained and used** copywritten material).
*per section "General Factual Allegations" (pgs 7-8), the lawsuit argues that AI uses buzzwords ("train" "learn" "intelligence") to try to muddy how AI works, but in reality it all boils down to AI just "copying" (y'all can disagree with this if you want, I'm just telling you what the lawsuit says)
**I see a lot of people saying that it's not copyright infringement if you're not the one who literally scanned the book and uploaded it to the web—this isn't true. Once you "possess" (and downloading counts) copywritten material through illegal means, you are breaking the law. And AI must first download content in order to train its algorithm, even if it dumps the original content nano-seconds later. So, effectively, AI cannot interact with copywritten material in any capacity, by virtue of how it interacts with content, without infringing.
Now that you know your fanworks are safe, I'll provide my own hot take 🔥:
Even if—even if—this lawsuit put fanworks in jeopardy... I'd still be all for it!
Why? Because if no one can make a living organically creating anything and it leads to all book, TV, and movie markets being entirely flooded with a bunch of progressively more soulless and reductive AI garbage, what the hell are you even going to be making fanworks of?
But, no, actually because the dangers of AI weaseling its way into every crevice of society with impunity is orders of magnitude more dangerous and detrimental to literal human life than fanwork being harder to access.
Note to anyone who chooses to interact with this post in any capacity: Just be civil!
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
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Pairing: Demon!Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a heroic, green-eyed hunter, but now, not much of him and his emerald eyes are left after he made a grave mistake and broke the wrong girl’s heart, leaving her empty behind. Y/N, however, is dressed for revenge and ready to take back what once belonged to her...
Warnings: +18!, language, smut (fingering, p in v, dirty talk & slight degrading), canon-level violence, a lot of evil scheming & some dark fluff
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: First time I’m daring to write Demon!Dean. This has been on my writer’s wish list for goddamn ages. Written for my wonderful bestie’s @avanatural‘s 1,000 followers celebration & antagonist challenge. 😈 You and your stories completely amaze me, so here’s to 1,000 more! Collect ‘em like Pokemon, babe! The crown truly belongs to you! 🥳🥂🖤 My prompts were Billie Eilish’s You Should See Me In A Crown 👑 and a quote, which you’ll find in bold. I also based parts of it on The Bravery’s Hatefuck 🔥 because it certainly is a fitting song for Demon!Dean. Enjoy, my loves!
Feedback is highly appreciated! Get me drunk on it and fill my writer’s juice 🤓🥃
Main Masterlist | Dean Winchster Masterlist
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High noon. The bar was virtually deserted, tranquil, and almost peaceful, cradling every new arrival in a false sense of security if they weren’t smart enough and came equipped with a sixth sense for peril. After all, some dangers lurked in bright daylight and weren’t as easily identified by the naked eye.
Luckily, Y/N was smarter than most and knew exactly what kind of threat was waiting for her there as her black heels on fiery red soles stormed through the doors of the rundown tavern. The remaining guests of the establishment consisted of drunkard patrons lingering around dirty tables and halfway falling asleep in front of their glasses. Her determined and vibrant eyes, however, immediately landed on a tuft of sandy-blond and disheveled locks.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A beautiful, flesh-eating flower. A blazing hot mess. Dean fucking Winchester.
Y/N was a big girl, though. She knew better than to get lost in something shiny, the glitter and glamour, the cheap thrill. Fuck diamonds. They were just a marketing scheme, and she already fell for good packaging once in her life and got severely burned like a child touching the hot plate of a stove. And while the cold emptiness in her chest prevented her from feeling anything, not even a tingle, her heart still pounded a few beats faster once her eyes caught sight of the main prize.
Her mind flooded with memories, vivid images of a life she once possessed. The endless movie nights, the laughs and talks, the tears and touches, the love that was lost. Lost because of him and his selfishness. And while none of it mattered anymore, she swore a long time ago, she wouldn’t let him get away with it. No, he still had to pay for what he did, suffer the same fate she had. She was deadly set on making her vision a reality. 
So, you could say Y/N came prepared, came with a plan. After all, the perfect revenge wasn’t something you could whip up in an hour and implement haphazardly. It took years – years of executing moves, forming questionable relationships, and conducting the most boring research in dusty libraries and tombs. Y/N was absolutely playing the long game, a strategy that’d certainly make every grand master of chess blush.
Of course, the asshole of all assholes didn’t even reward her with a meek glance over his broad shoulder, the bang of a door apparently not thrilling enough for him to spin around. The clicking of high heels on sticky floorboards as she stalked closer to the bar counter, however, seemed to do the trick, her target intrigued enough to finally face her.
The promise of a willing woman, of his next potential prey, naturally forced a predatory smirk onto his plush and sinful lips. A smile, which dropped quite abruptly once her former lover realized who truly stood before his acid green eyes. Oh, she was definitely not the corruptible angel he’d hoped for in his wettest dreams. And while he might be anything but human these days, the shock was big enough to let the black-eyed mask slip, and for a moment, she was reminded of the person he used to be. The good, kind, and selfless hero, full of shame, guilt, and regrets.
God, she hated that fucking guy.
“Remember me, Winchester?” A smirk played across her lips when his instinctive first answer was a light swallow, still subtle enough to pretend he didn’t care. The longer he stared at her, the more it became a scathing glare until the shock had subsided enough, and his defined jaw began to clench under the rough layer of scruff.
“Y/N.” Her name rolled off his wicked lips and nearly caused her to sink to her knees in front of him. It had been too long since he’d last said it, and she almost forgot the sound of it, the deep, shuddering timbre of his voice. The strength it took for him to utter her name in the first place was hidden behind a stoic exterior, however. He’d never thought he’d say it again, either, and it showed. “What the hell are you fucking doing here?”
Her head tilted like a lost puppy’s, brow puckering as her gaze innocently drifted to Crowley next to him, who’d been suspiciously quiet this whole time. “Aw, you didn’t tell him?”
Y/N wasn’t in the least bit surprised that A, the demon tried to cross her, and B, tried to make a run for it with his new bestie. It was what demons, especially Crowley, did best, after all. They couldn’t be trusted. And although she warned the scumbag several times, she naturally expected her peasant’s next move. No one beat the queen of chess.
“Tell me what?” Dean gritted through his pearly white teeth, his glare quickly swerving to his new partner in crime, who swallowed the enormous and craven lump in his throat.
“Crowley, Crowley, Crowley…,” Y/N tsked and casually crossed her arms. “You know, I’ve waited.” She took a step closer to the demon king, the flames in her eyes speaking volumes. “I bid my time. I paid my dues. Don’t you think I deserve credit?”
“Of course, of course,” Crowley scrambled for words, the coward in him ducking so much that even a woman of her small stature practically towered over him. “I couldn’t have done it without your extraordinary genius, my dear.”
“What the fuck is she talking about?” Dean’s patience had dried up like a raisin as he demanded an answer, swiftly pulling out the First Blade. He forcefully slammed it into the wooden countertop of the bar, piercing straight through Crowley’s palm and pinning the demon in place before the slippery bastard could pull a Houdini act on him again.  
“Ow! Bloody–!” Crowley hissed in pain and anger at the former hunter, who, in return, smirked quite complacently at the achievement.
“Tell him,” Y/N prompted with an unsympathetic look toward the demon in agony. “Tell him who found Cain in the first place and came up with the idea. Tell him who told you what the mark would do to him. Tell him you truly did nothing because you’re worth nothing. Tell him who made him into what he is. Tell him who cursed him.”
“You did,” Crowley croaked out while his hand soaked the countertop and painted it crimson red. “And may I add, your Majesty looks incredibly pretty today.”
With a scoff, Y/N rolled her eyes at the demon’s obvious attempt of flattery before she snapped her fingers and painfully forced his meat suit to his knees, his palm still nailed to the bar top as he let out a loud scream. She smirked when she noted Dean’s look of surprise at her little trick show. She certainly had leveled up since the last time he’d seen her. It scratched the little tingle in her belly.
“Yeah? If you think I’m pretty, you should see me in a crown. Don’t make me come for your job, too. Let’s face it, Crowley – you’d make a better servant than a king. Cross me again, and I’ll end you, demon scum,” she threatened, her jaw tightening and nostrils flaring. “Did you pathetic weasel really think I wouldn’t find you, slurping chick drinks in some dive bar no less? Do I really need to wear a warning sign next time I make a deal with you? You were supposed to deliver him on a silver platter for me. Did you really think I wouldn’t hunt you down?”
When the reigning king submissively ducked his head and swallowed like a beaten dog, her lips curled into a satisfied smirk. Cheerily, she leaned over the hunter’s lap and the mahogany counter, her hands going through several liquor bottles till she found one to her liking. She purposely stuck her butt out, wiggling and swaying it in front of the former hunter, still remembering a few preferences from the good ol’ days. It didn’t take long before she felt Dean’s long, thick fingers crawl down her spine and smooth over the leather-clad globes of her ass.
“Wanna take this somewhere more quiet, princess?”
Y/N gleefully hugged the chosen bottle of bourbon and pressed the cool, amber glass to her tits, nodding quite eagerly before placing a contrastingly soft kiss on his cheek. “One step ahead of you, my love. It’s time to celebrate!”
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As Dean closed the door behind them, he watched as Y/N stalked through the motel room he’d called his home for the past months, curious Y/E/C eyes observing the remnants of his meaningless existence. It had been two years since he’d last seen her, since he kicked her out of the bunker and broke his own useless heart with it. She still looked the same. Stunning and breathtaking like the day he’d met her and bitter, cold, and angry like the day he’d lost her.
“You might’ve acquired those pretty new eyes, but your preferences are still the same, Winchester,” she teased, spinning to him with a grin that reached her ears. “Still picking the shady dive bars and gross motels over the five-star hotels. What’s wrong with a little luxury and a comfortable mattress, huh?”
Dean only rolled his juniper eyes, not in the mood for chit-chat or amusing banter, and prompted, “Why did you do this? Apparently, I owe those pretty new eyes to you.”
“Oh, c’mon, don’t play dumb,” Y/N huffed, annoyed with his act of innocence. “You know why I’m here. Contrary to popular belief, you’ve never been stupid, Dean.” A smirk spread across her face and lit up her dimples as she swayed closer. Her index finger hooked into the waistband of his jeans, pulling him flush against her small body, pointed teeth denting her bottom lip. “You’ve never been-,” her hungry gaze wandered down, palming the growing erection behind the denim, “-disappointing, either. At least not in that regard. You know, I fell for these eyes once before, and they’re even prettier now...”
Her teeth sunk into his pulse point as she left her first mark there, the tip of her tongue licking the salt from his skin. His hands didn’t deny themselves the pleasure of roaming her frame, her perfect curves, and her taut skin either, before one hand found rest on her exquisitely rounded ass, her cheek a perfect fit for his large palm as he cupped and groped it, pushing her against his bulging crotch that achingly pressed against the tight fabric of his jeans and begged for release and a warm, wet hole to fill.
While he hadn’t come to a clear decision about her yet, he knew he could postpone any thinking for later. After all, he did whatever the fuck he wanted, no consequences, and right now, he wanted to shove his cock inside her tight cunt and fuck her like there was no tomorrow. Albeit feelings and past attachments didn’t really play a role for him, he still remembered enough of their time together to know she’d always been a good fuck and certainly the best time. The things she’d do for him, say for him, and let him do, had always been wicked, way before his heart was corrupted, and Dean was all about celebrating the good times these days.
Craving the feeling of a blissful high, his mind flooded with images of the bruises and bites he’d left behind on her skin in the past and filled with thoughts of how much he’d missed her taste and smell. He certainly wouldn’t turn down her irresistible offer. So, throwing his resolve out the window, his mouth roughly claimed hers, tongue slipping inside, teeth biting flesh until it drew sweet, scarlet nectar.
His wet lips trailed along her jawline and down to her delicate neck as she became soft and bendable in his hold. “How did you do that to Crowley?” His question reverberated against her throat before he drew and lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “Last time I checked, you were soulless, not magic, princess.”
He at least had to ensure she couldn’t butcher him before he had a chance to do the same. It didn’t help, though, that their little stand-off was part of the turn-on. Who’d snap first? After all, they’d both been hunters once and knew the game all too well.
Amused, his former lover chuckled with a devilish twinkle in her gorgeous eyes that lit up her entire face. “God, don’t you just love it when they scream? It’s the best sound after cutting someone’s tongue out.”
Dean’s hands then wrapped around her throat, pushing her back into the next wall as he pinned her there and fixed her with a deathly glare, feeling her swallow harshly in his grip. He squeezed a little harder, his jaw tightening with his hold on her. A smirk played across his lips, practically smelling her arousal trickle into her panties.
Dean then pulled the blade from his back and thrust it into the papered wall dangerously close to her head, even drawing a little blood from the tip of her ear. He knew she was smart enough to understand it as a warning. Collecting a scarlet drop on his thumb, he licked his pad and relished in the metallic taste on his tongue.
“You better start answering some questions before I do what I shoulda done a long time ago, sweetheart,” he growled, his nose running along hers as she inhaled his scent like life-supplying oxygen.
But Y/N only smiled mysteriously, puckishly shrugging her shoulders. “Things change. Learned a thing or two after you exiled me. Made some friends in high places.”
“So, what? You did all this for revenge? Little pathetic, don’t you think? All over a good lay…,” he taunted her and scoffed.
Her greedy hands clasped his cheeks, sharp nails piercing his skin as she dragged him back to her addicting lips. “No, baby, I did all this for you, for me, for us. Don’t you see? After everything that happened, after what you’ve done to me… you can finally make it right. I know that’s what you wanted the most, even now with that little curse on your arm. And now, we’re the same without all those icky feelings getting in our way. We can just fuck and make the world ours. One by one.”
“There’s no more us, sweetheart,” Dean bit, flashing her a set of onyx orbs.
“Cute. There’s always an us,” she replied like his answer didn’t even matter to her, leaving no room for further discussions. “Do you still feel guilty about it, hm? You were so, so selfish. At least now, you’re honest about it and not hiding behind feigned heroics anymore.”
“Old me felt guilty, yeah,” he admitted and let out a dark chuckle. “But that’s kinda one of the perks of the new me. Now, I just think those people we used to be were pathetic and weak... I was weak. I sent you away when I shoulda just fucking killed you.”
“Or maybe you should’ve just let me die the way I was supposed to in the first place,” Y/N gritted bitterly. “Maybe you shouldn’t have been so fucking self-serving and let me go. But you couldn’t do that, could you? You had to save me because that was what the great hero Dean Winchester did, right? But the other thing you did so well was fucking things up, and boy, did you fuck this up, didn’t you?” she mocked and smirked when his look darkened and his upper lip twitched in shameful admittance, teeth grinding down. “Do you like my plan so far? You know, not having a soul is almost like already being dead. No dreams, no future... There’s nothing alive inside of me. Might as well sleep in a damn coffin. And because you showed me no mercy, I made sure I showed you none either, my sweet baby boy.”
It was true. It was all his fault she had lost goddamn everything. Her love, her family, her home. As weak as he was, Dean couldn’t let her go when she got hurt during a run-of-the-mill hunt. He brought her back to life, a spell that chipped away her soul till there was nothing left of it. And still, as foolishly smitten and in love as he was, he thought he could goddamn fix it, fix her, fix them. But there was nothing left for him to love and nothing that was capable of loving him back. Yet, he still didn’t have the guts to kill her in the bitter end.
“Want me to correct my past mistake, huh? Is that why you’re fucking here? ‘Cause I’d be happy to do just that,” he growled warningly into her ear as he leaned closer, hearing how her heart rate accelerated as his hot breath fanned against her delicate neck.
“You might be a demon, but I know you still don’t have the fucking heart to kill me,” she giggled in amusement and placed her palm on his chest where the miserable muscle pounded underneath. “Who’s pathetic now, huh?”
“Don’t fucking test me, Y/N. It won’t end well for you, honey,” he threatened, far from admitting that she’d seen right through him and called his bluff. “But then, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve always been a slut for me.”
While Y/N’s little plan, apparently forged in hellfire itself, certainly made them more alike, the difference between them was that he still had a soul. His was just blackened, clouded by darkness, and disfigured over time by an abundance of pain and anger and, well, one little curse. Hers, on the other hand, wasn’t there at all. She was just an empty vessel, no feelings and emotions inside.
Old him couldn’t trust her; new him didn’t care, though. The new and improved version of him even recognized her worth. Y/N had always been cunningly smart, certainly smarter than him and even smarter than Sam. Dean could recall memories of vivid discussions with Bobby, the two of them rattling off weird trivia facts almost to a competitive degree.
Dean needed her. He could use her to his advantage. She was valuable.
Plus, Crowley had started to become annoying fairly quickly. The only reason the former hunter hadn’t stabbed the demon’s meat suit yet was that Dean really didn’t want to take over the duties of kingship. He could care less about Hell. All he wanted was to fuck around, drink excessively, and do a little karaoke.
Y/N, on the other hand, would make a good queen. Smart, driven, just. She’d make fair decisions and reign with an iron fist and a fucking brain. In fact, Dean thought she’d make an excellent ruler of Hell even. She was right from the start: This was what he’d wanted since the day she left him – a way to have her back in his life, didn’t matter if the plan was perfect, good, or straight-up evil. Being a demon, freed from all the chains of humanity, was the best fucking thing that ever happened to him – and he owed it all to her.
“Yeah?” She provokingly nudged his nose as her hand slid under his waistband and inside his boxer briefs, her palm rubbing along his throbbingly hard dick, causing him to growl lowly. “Show me, baby. Show me what a bad guy you can be,” she purred and tore into his plump bottom lip before letting it pop back in its place. “Show me how much you used to love me, how much I meant to you. Show me by fucking me like you hate me now... I wanna be your favorite toy again. Play with me, baby. Love me mercilessly.”
Effortlessly, he twirled her in his hold, pressing her tits against the wall. With one motion, he roughly pried the tight leather leggings over her asscheeks, his hand slipping to her front and cupping her bare and leaking pussy, her arousal trickling onto his finger pads.
“So fucking wet, hm? Did my slut miss me this badly, huh? You missed this cock, baby girl?” he breathed against the nape of her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent once more before his teeth tore into her smooth flesh, making her cry out. His dick twitched in delight when her moans filled his ears as his digits rubbed at her clit and set the sensitive nerve endings on fire, her nails clawing away at the grimy motel room wall.
One hand then gripped her upper arm tightly and pinned her writhing body in place, his broad chest pressing against her back as his mouth marked her shoulders and spine.
“Cum once now, and I’ll fuck you into the next life, my little plaything,” he husked challengingly into her ear, and just as he thrust his first thick digit inside her waiting, hot center, she came undone and trembled in his hold.
That was one.
Kissing the salty drops from the slope of her neck, his chuckles vibrated against her heated skin. “Still a good girl after all this time. Impressive. You were almost fucking polite. Some things really don’t change, huh?”
Breathlessly, Y/N spun around to face him, the swell of her breasts that spilled out of the revealing top heaving with each erratic intake of air. She grinned crookedly up at him and locked her fingers behind his neck. “Well, haven’t you heard? All the good girls go to Hell. And I believe you promised me something,” she sang like the prettiest, most innocent damsel.
“Don’t be a brat, baby girl. Impatience is a vice,” Dean reminded her, eyes as dark as midnight while his thumb traced her kiss-swollen lips before stuffing his wet fingers into her mouth. Hungrily, he watched her suck them clean as she tasted the mess she’d made, the tip of her tongue provoking his pads and desiring something with more girth.
“Thought we were all about those vices now, my love,” she giggled darkly and kissed his open palm on her cheek before chasing his lips in a drunk delirium, clashing with pointed teeth and tongue.
His hand traveled to the back to cup her head, fingers weaving into her hair and tugging a fistful. Her knees were becoming wobbly, bending and giving in slightly, pulled down by his gravity on her planet, an instant reflex that only came from years of orbiting around each other.
“I want you so badly, De,” she breathed needily against his lips and caressed his cheek with a gentle touch, almost treating him as breakable, whispering, “I might not be able to love you anymore, but I still remember what it felt like, you know? It was so… pure.”
A smile graced his lips, one corner of his mouth rising higher than the other. “Yeah, I know what you mean, sweetheart.”
“You don’t have to worry anymore, baby. I’ll take care of you again. I’ll turn us into something great, amazing even,” Y/N vowed pantingly, the excitement sparkling in her eyes before she desperately claimed his pillowy lips like an addict chasing their next high.
Swiftly, the zipper of his jeans opened, the denim and cotton boxers pooling around his ankles before he gripped his rock-hard cock. Y/N rid herself of her leggings, her hand wrapping around the grip of the First Blade, still firmly stuck in the blood-stained wall. His hand quickly curled around hers on the weapon, a distrustful look glazing his dark green eyes.
“Trust me, okay? I’m not here to cramp your style, baby,” she assured him, a smile playing across her pink lips, and something in her vicious eyes told him that he could confide in her.
Dropping his hand from the blade, he smoothed his palms down her curves and gripped her hips tightly instead as she hoisted herself up on the blade and wrapped her legs around his waist, ankles crossing behind his back. His lips crashed against hers in a scorching kiss, teeth tearing and biting before he lined himself up with her entrance and violently thrust inside her dripping pussy to the hilt. She gasped a loud moan that surely could be heard all through the motel as he bottomed out completely, his dickhead slamming harshly against her cervix. He groaned and closed his eyes for a heartbeat as her warmth enveloped his entire cock. She’d always been the perfect fit for him.
“Missed this, huh?” Y/N teased him, grinning smugly, and watched his brow form furious creases.
“Shut the fuck up,” he grunted and pulled out enough to slam back into her with full force, one hand finding its way back to her throat.
“Oooh, bossy. I like the new you. So raw,” she smirked and gasped anew when he hammered into her again. “F-fuck, baby... That’s it.”
This time, it seemed to do the trick as Y/N’s voice stumped, and she fell silent, her head thumping back against the wall in pleasure as his hips snapped against hers, pounding into her at a furious and relentless speed, the motel room wall shaking with her body.
“You know, by the end of the night, I’ll make sure my cum’s leaking out of every pretty little hole of yours, baby girl. How would you like that, huh?”
With one deafening scream at his next hard and deep thrust, Y/N sinfully smirked at him and nodded eagerly. “Oh, I’d fucking love that, baby.”
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Dean tenderly kissed the burning red scratches on her bare back, soothing the bittersweet pain a little as his fingertips traced his marks along her spine. He made good on his promise, fucked her into oblivion without showing her any mercy, so much so that they both lost their sense of time and the meaning of life and love. In the end, it all just trickled down to meaningless, random shit. Pleasure and power were all that truly mattered in this deranged world, after all.
Y/N giggled sweetly as he found another ticklish spot before she turned in his embrace and caught his lips. “So, morning light is here, baby boy. Time to make a choice,” she prompted, smirking broadly. “Wanna team up for a little destruction?”
Dean sent her a smile, brushing a few loose strands of hair out of her face as he gently caressed the rosy apples of her cheeks. Finally, he sealed their deal with a sacrilegious kiss.
“Alright, glad you made the right decision, baby,” Y/N teased, her wicked smile almost splitting her face in half. “You know what we have to do first, though, right?”
“Yeah, we need to kill Sammy, Cas, and Crowley before they ruin our fucking fun,” he replied and kissed a path down to her tits, sucking a hardened nipple into his mouth.
“Ding, ding, ding,” Y/N grinned happily upon his correct answer and wiggled her eyebrows before pushing his head further down between her legs to her abused cunt. “But first, make me scream for mercy again, my love.”
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Dear Chuck, you better hide from this toxic af couple 😂 Hope you enjoyed this, babes! There’s another smutty one-shot coming tomorrow for V-Day and then I’m done harassing you 💖😉
Everything Jensen Tags: @extraterrestriali @this-is-me19 @writercole @awkward-and-indecisive @eevvvaa @panicking-outside-the-disco @globetrotter28 @imherefordeanandbones @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @xlynnbbyx @jassackles @maggiegirl17 @perpetualabsurdity @deans-spinster-witch @deandreamernp @foxyjwls007 @roseblue373​ @lyarr24​ @deanwanddamons​ @deanwithscissors​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @justrealizedimmascifygurl​ @akshi8278​ @flamencodiva​ @chriszgirl92​ @lhymer1995 @wittyboldsoul​ @djs8891​ @leigh70​ @snowlovespie​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @recoveringpastaaddict @ladysparkles78​ @muhahaha303​ @mimaria420​ @creepzeyecandy​
Dean Tags: @parinarain​ @hobby27​ @fromcaintodean​
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