#1. tequila makes me barf (she knew this)
cheapxseats · 10 months
Fairly certain that my work secret Santa is just gifting me things from their house that they don't want lol
0 notes
baekguuuuu · 5 years
My Uber’s Here (1/2)
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Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: romance, fluff, mature content
Word count: 5.5k
AN: crappy smut you’ve been warned. also, please drink responsibly.
one / two
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First things first — I’ve never been intoxicated by alcohol in my life. I do drink of course, being a senior student in uni. I, obviously, went through a lot of shit throughout the semester in my college life. Frat parties, club night with my friends, or just a simple barbeque night with soju have been my stress reliever.
However, I never went past my limit. Once dizziness kicks in, I would stop.
But tonight is different.
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I couldn’t even remember how many times I went to the toilet to barf. My credit card statement would probably show a whole page of receipt for the tequila shots I ordered from the bartender.
And gosh—an earful rant from my mom would surely take place in the morning.
You see, I was supposed to finally say Yes to the insanely good-looking giant who asked me to be his girlfriend few months ago. I wanted a serious relationship, not a toxic boyfriend-girlfriend thing for a while then would jump to strangers once break-up happens due to idiotic and childish reason.
Chanyeol is a Lacrose player, a star one, in our uni. I had the biggest surprised of my life when he came up to me in the cafeteria to ask if he could share the table with me and my friends, and yeah, he also asked for my number. He was a shy goofball and liking him wasn’t a difficult task.
He courted for me for months, showing me the charming yet manly side of him. I could honestly admit that I was swept off my feet. He was caring and a gentleman. I couldn’t ask for more.
Until I received an early morning call from my friend, Jisoo. She was talking so fast that I didn’t understand a word.
“Are you serious right now?” I could imagine Jisoo rubbing her forehead in exhaustion. “It’s almost noon and you just woke up?!”
I groaned, “I was busy last night with my final thesis. Mind you, I actually take my studies seriously.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Again, I could imagine how she rolled her eyes. “Anyway! I thought you’d finally make it official with Chanyeol?”
“Fuck,” she cursed under her breath, along with: oh, gosh, she has no idea. I could already feel a lump forming in my throat from the tone she was using. Thousand of circumstances were running in my head. Yet, I have no idea what actually was happening. I don’t want to assume things and create scenarios in my head.
I needed confirmation. “What?”
Jisoo hesitated for a while before muttering, “I’m so sorry, sweetie.” Her voice was soft and comforting. A thing she would always do whenever I am stressed out or in need of someone to talk to when things get overwhelming.
“Wha—what happened?” I pressed, licking my dry lips, my heart thumping inside my chest loudly.
Jisoo explained how she saw Mina’s Facebook page. The said girl status changed to In a Relationship. And oh, with freakin’ Park Chanyeol. I know who Mina is. We have the same thesis advisor. She is a nice girl—prim and proper. It’d be difficult to hate the girl.
Jisoo, being the protective friend she is, immediately sent a message to Mina, confronting her about the news, and the girl firmly denies that she knew my state with her-now boyfriend. “It’s impossible she has no idea Chanyeol was wooing you! Everyone knew! Both of you were always—”
I cut her off, making up some terrible excuse that my mom was calling me. She let me off the hook, reminding me to call her later that day, and made me promise not to do stupid things.
My heart felt like it was going to fall off from my chest, and I couldn’t breathe properly. I don’t even know if Mina had an idea that I have a thing with Chanyeol, or she just didn’t care. How could Chanyeol do this to me?
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Well, the thing was, I didn’t call Jisoo.
I went out by myself, relied on Google for a good pub to drink my heart out somewhere far from our usual hangout place, scared that someone might recognize me.
It’s not like I haven’t had a boyfriend before, but Chanyeol made me thought that I finally found my significant other whom I could be with after graduating uni.
I smell like vomit and I feel really sticky, and the worst part of my night is that I removed my contact lenses when I went to the toilet and forgot where I put them. I didn’t bring my eyeglasses and all I have is my phone and my credit card. With my horrible eyesight, I doubt I can go home in one piece if I use public transportation.
My other option was to call Jisoo, but I remember how I promised to call her and how she told me not to be stupid just because of some boy. Or I can call my dad… he always covers up for me from my mom. She’s an adult, it’s not like we didn’t go through this phase in our lives. Give her a break, he would always say, following a: just don’t get yourself knocked up.
I was about to dial his number then I remember how he left town for some conference he had for his work.
I huff and turn to the line of taxi by the curb. I would gladly take the ride but with my current physical state—or appearance, I don’t think any ahjussi will be pleased to have me as a passenger.
I’m typically dramatic, but being drunk as well, my situation makes me cry. I’m sniffing while banging my forehead on the light pole where I was leaning on until an imaginary light bulb appear on the top of my head.
“Shit!” I’m crying and laughing at the same time, fishing out my phone from the pocket of my jeans. I honestly forgot that Uber existed and totally a life saver.
I pin my location and destination, drafting a note to the driver for me to send: sir im drunk but ill pay for the inconvenience fee if needed I want to go home please thank you
With clasped hands, I look up on the sky, thanking Him when I was notified that a driver had accepted my booking. I had to squint my eye to check the vehicle displaying on the screen, and it’d be a Black Toyota Camry.
I waited by the curb, leaning against the pole while I held my phone in my hand. I could only identify an object by their color and shape—letters and numbers are all blurry. I need to be at least a foot away to read them.
I will surely spend my first paycheck to get a Lasik surgery.
I sigh in relief when I could see a black vehicle slowly pulling up in near me. I immediately open the door and place my freezing butt on the passenger seat.
As soon as I close the door, I greet the man beside me – telling my name in haste to confirm I’m his Uber passenger. I don’t know if it’s the side effect of consuming too much alcohol but despite my slur, I was talking rapidly.
“Sir, I know I pinned to my apartment building, but do you mind dropping me off to Taesok Building instead? It’s just a block away, I swear.”
“Taesok… building?”
I nod my head to answer his question. A bad decision, really. My head spins and I feel really nauseous. I thought my barfing session has ended, but I guess not.
“Holy—fuck! Are you going to throw up?”
I nod my head and he instantly reach his hand to open the passenger door. I run to the pavement, crouching down on the sidewalk to heave the alcohol left in my system.
I’m totally aware that I was being a nuisance to the driver, and I was about to tell him that I will cancel the ride since he must be utterly terrified —and probably disgusted, by my drunk state.
However, I saw a tumbler on my peripheral vision. I peek through my lashes and see that the driver is handing me a drink.
“This should make you feel a bit better. It’s still cold.”
I thank him quietly, getting the drink from his hand. I gulp the cold water and feel like crying again on how the liquid flows through my dry yet acidic throat. My organs are probably thanking me right now.
“I’ll just cancel the ride, sir. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.” I mumble, handing his tumbler back to him. My eyes are set on the ground, totally abashed by my current state.
He was quiet for a few seconds, and then he got up on his feet. I completely sat on the ground, brushing my hair out of my face, regretting my decision of drinking irresponsibly.
It is already past midnight and I am no stranger about the danger for a female to be alone at this hour. I was in the verge of crying—again, but a hand gently tug my arm to stand on my feet.
The driver is holding a duffle bag and a shirt on his other hand. “You can change into this in the car.”
“Taesok Building, right? Come on, I’ll send you there.”
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My eyes are wide as I stare at the man behind the wheels. I didn’t get a chance to see his face clearly inside the vehicle since the light was off earlier, and I am totally hammered.
But holy… cow.
He is gorgeous – drop-dead gorgeous. He isn’t tall as Chanyeol – probably taller by just few inches than I am, and he definitely has more soft features than I do, but his broad shoulders could remind anyone that despite his looks, he is a man. A good looking one, I must emphasize.
The drive is in complete silence. I tried switching my phone on but the battery is empty. I thump my head on the window, feeling helpless and stupid. This could possibly be my worst day... ever.
“Need to plug it in?”
I look to my left and the driver tip his head to the direction of my phone in my hands, “We have the same model of phone. You can charge it there.” He points to the plugged lightning cable on the center console of the car.
After muttering a gratitude, I raise the cord to my sight, trying to connect the cable to my phone’s port. But my physical body is too drunk to function, unlike my brain that keeps running down to the nonsense things I could ever think of.
I heard a sigh, then he suddenly snatch the cord out of my hand, “Hold your phone out, I’ll plug it in.”
“Thank you.” I left the phone to charge on the console, and get back on leaning my head on the window.
The driver hums, his eyes are on the road. “You live in Hannam-dong?”
My heart thumps in my ribcage, not quite expecting the sudden conversation. “Yes.” I respond with a small voice.
“Must be loaded.” The man chuckles deeply, making my heart beats faster. He sounds so hot – or maybe it’s the alcohol making me think this way.
I didn’t answer, making the ride quiet once again for a few seconds until he spikes another dialogue. “Work giving you a hard time?”
“Huh?” I turn my head to look at him stupidly. My eyes meet his and I gape a little when he throws a subtle smirk.
“Getting drunk on a Thursday night? You probably have a lot of sick leave credits.”
I shake my head, making me hold on the seatbelt across my chest from the movement. I gulp and the man eyes me carefully, ready to pull up when needed.
A deep trembling sigh escape my lips, and I heard him did the same. “I’m a college student – a senior one.”
His eyes are wide when he turns his head to look at me. “No way…”
My shoulders slump, feeling dejected about his statement. He probably thought that I don’t look my age. Do I look that old? Geez, maybe that’s the reason Chanyeol looked for someone else. Right, Mina is known to have a baby-face in uni. I am nothing compared to the perfect student image.
I didn’t even notice that a tear escape my eye if it wasn’t for my unconscious sniffing – a habit that I have whenever I’m feeling down. I look away from the driver and wipe my tears with the back of my fingers.
The driver must’ve seen my action as he coughs awkwardly before speaking, “I didn’t mean to offend you. I just thought that—”
“It’s okay, sir.” His eyes lock with mine and he purses his lips when he saw how I was giving him a small force smile. “None taken.” I assure him.
The ride is in silent again. My fingers are gripping the sweater on my lap that I was wearing earlier. It reeks puke and sweat, I feel really guilty sitting in someone’s car and messing it up. Though, I will surely pay for the cleaning fee.
“Seriously, I—”
“Am I ugly?”
The man behind the wheel looks at me in surprise, his mouth opens a few times, trying to get some words out but nothing came out.
“It’s okay, sir.” I let out a smile, though sadly, looking on my lap. “Don’t answer that stupid question.”
I heard how he clears his throat, his clothes create shuffling sound against the leather seat, “Hey, you’re not ugly.”
Coming from a very attractive man, my cheeks has the urge to blush. I couldn’t be more thankful that it is quite dark inside the vehicle.
“I think you’re very beautiful.”
I swear to my ancestors’ soul, my heart skips a beat. Even though I heard them from my past boyfriends, and even Chanyeol, this time it feels really different, good different when the compliment came from this man. He sounded so unfeign.
Being drunk, I couldn’t stop my mouth from uttering the most idiotic and presumably the most embarrassing thing to say. “You’re very handsome, too, sir.”
A deep husky chuckle escape his plump lips and I can’t help but to notice how moist and pink they are. “Sir’s name is Baekhyun, sweetheart.”
I blush more deeply with the endearment, nevertheless I manage to utter my name much clearly this time which he repeated. “So, may I know now why you are drunk on a Thursday night?”
I swallow almost audibly, “Are you supposed to know?”
“Well, I’m driving you home – not really home, but let’s just say I’m doing you a favor.”
A frown forms on my face for the first time on that ride, “You’re my Uber driver—of course you’re supposed to drop your passenger off to their destination.”
Baekhyun laughs at my statement, his eyes forming a crescent shape, and damn it to hell, I just want to jump off my seat and straddle and kiss the hell out of him. Wait, what?
“Uber, huh?”
I look at him, totally confuse by his reaction. But when he saw how clueless I am, he shakes his head, giving me a lopsided smile. “Make sure to give me a five star rating then.”
“Of course.” I chuckle, biting my lower lip to stop myself from grinning too widely.
Baekhyun seems nice, given that he gave me water and handed me his extra shirt he mentioned that he always have in his gym bag. I’m aware how drunk I am, and how I am in someone’s car—a stranger’s car, I could easily be taken advantage of.
I unconsciously sigh, fingers fidgeting on my lap. “I was left hanging.” I start, the memories and emotion I had when I learned how Chanyeol is now together with someone else are coming back.
Baekhyun keeps his mouth shut, and I sense the urge to continue. “He told me he was serious about me, and he proved it – courted me for months, even brought me to his house to meet his parents and sister. I even played with his dog, Toben. I might have took too long on saying, hey! I’d love to be your girlfriend, something along those line so he looked for someone else.”
It made me feel more dejected upon realizing that the opportunity to meet his family again who are very nice people would now be apparently unsustainable.
“And then my friend called me while I was asleep and clueless on what has happened.” I smile sadly, shaking my head from the recollection. “A girl from our uni updated her status on social media for the world to know that she is now dating the stupid guy I trusted.”
I sniff, and a pathetic quiet sob slipped away from my lips. “I shouldn’t be crying over this. We were not even in a relationship—this is stupid. I’m so stupid.” 
My upper body leaned forward, only to be stopped by the seatbelt on my waist and across my chest, when the vehicle abruptly pulled up on the side of the road and Baekhyun hit the brake. It was pitched black outside and only few cars would pass by. He’s still for a while, the only sound resonating inside is the blinking of the hazard sign of his car.
“Maybe…” Baekhyun breaks the silence. “Maybe he realized that you are too good for him and went to someone else who can deal with his pathetic ego. You’re not stupid, you were just being smart. Look on the bright side, what if he cheated on you after you said yes? You got rid of a possible asshole who tried to enter your life.”
I don’t say anything but my eyes are glued to his side profile. We met like an hour ago, and he exactly know the words to say to make me feel a bit better. “Baekhyun, how old are you?”
The guy rolls his eyes, though playfully. “Thank you for ruining the mood.”
I wipe the moist in my eyes with the sleeve of the borrowed t-shirt I’m wearing, and chuckle in amusement. “You finally knew what happened to me, at least exchange some information about yourself.”
My movement freezes when his hand reaches out to wipe the tears on my cheek – I must’ve missed a spot. “How old are you?”
“22 this year.” I answer his question.
Baekhyun raises a brow, an amuse and suggestive smile playing on his lips, “I’m five years older than you, then.”
We are just starring at each other, I’m leaning on the side of my figure so I could face him comfortably and he’s doing the same. I’m entirely captivated by his profound stare that I didn’t notice how his thumb were rubbing my arm in consolation.
The way his finger moves against my skin creates tension inside the vehicle, it isn’t unpleasant, just different. The air grows thick and I could feel how the man in front of me thinks the same.
“Baekhyun,” I call his name, softly. As if knowing what is going inside my mind, the guy shakes his head with a tight smile on his lips.
He withdraw his hand from my arm to change the gear and move the handbrake so he could continue to drive, but my hand is fast enough to shift them back. His eyes are focused on my action as I unbuckled my seatbelt and crawl to the driver’s seat.
“W-what are you doing?” Baekhyun hiss. His eyes reflect fire and I admit I was discourage for a second and I could already feel my cheeks turning red, and my whole body warming at the thought of my intention.
My hesitation flies out to the window when I completely settled myself on Baekhyun’s lap. I honestly thought he’d push me away in an instant, but his hands were settled on my hips as I place my hands on his shoulders.
His gaze flickers to my eyes then to my lips, hands travelling upwards my body to rub my side. Gathering all the courage in me, I lean down just enough to feel his breath on my lips.
Baekhyun called my name, warningly. “Stop this. You’re drunk.”
“That, I am.” I respond, a tiny squeal escape my lips when I move and bump on his forming tent. “But I know what I’m doing.”
“No, sweetheart–no!” Baekhyun pushes my body away from his when I started to move my hips a little to create friction.
To say I was embarrass is an understatement. I am not the type of person who sleeps or be intimate with a person who is not romantically related to me, what more with a stranger – but with him, gosh, it’s different.
I feel different. There’s a strong desire in me for Baekhyun to touch me like a woman.
But I’m not going to whore myself out either. If he doesn’t want it, to the point that he pushed me away even with my action of going too far. Be that as it may have been my fault, and it was not his responsibility, I’m still hurt– now by a another man.
“Okay,” I whisper, following an apology. “I’m sorry.”
Baekhyun eyes my action with mixture of regret and firmness. However, his eyes went wide when I open the door on the driver’s side instead of going back to sit my ass on the passenger’s side.
My feet are tumbling as I walk on the road. I don’t even know where we are, I am not familiar with this side of the city, yet I didn’t stop walking away from the vehicle regardless of the sound of my name being called, followed by echoes of footsteps trying to catch up with my clumsy phase.
“What the hell—stop walking—hey!” Baekhyun caught up to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me to his side. He’s yelling and the grip on my arm is a bit tight and I’m sure it would leave a mark. “You are drunk, and I’m not going to take advantage of some drunk college girl who is trying to get over—”
He closes his mouth upon realizing what he was about to say. I snatch my arm from his, “Okay. I’m a drunk college girl whose heart is just trying to forget everything, and I know I look really stupidly desperate right now, but can you not rub it on my face?”
Baekhyun is looking to my eyes that are drowning in regret, “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant. I—”
“It’s fine.” I said, “You can end the ride here. I’ll find my way home, don’t worry about the ratings.” I huff before turning around to walk away from the guy.
I heard him groan behind me and the next thing I know, he’s on my side again, “Look—I didn’t mean what I said. I’m really sorry, but can you please get inside the car? It’s cold and it’s not safe for you to walk by yourself.”
I opened my mouth to refuse but a wind suddenly passed by, as if mocking me. It is indeed freezing and I can’t stop shivering.
Baekhyun smiled, warmly. He grabs my hand in his and walks us back to his car. He even buckled the seatbelt for me.
“How drunk are you?” He suddenly asked when he shut the door on his side.
I give him an exasperated look, “Can we just drop it? I’m ashamed enough to talk about that.”
Baekhyun stares at me, his expression unreadable as his eyes dance around my face. I feel like throwing up when I met his intent gaze. “Come back here.” He said, patting his lap.
Before I could even form a word to respond, he is already unbuckling my seatbelt, pulling my arms to sit on him. I am too entice by his eyes that my body automatically follows whatever he wanted me to do.
Just like our positions earlier, my hands are on his shoulder, while his are on my sides. We are just looking into each other, basking the presence of one another.
“Whatever’s going to happen right now,” I started, my voice came out like a whisper. “I just want you to know that I don’t usually do this. I’m—”
Before I could even finish my sentence, a lips captured mine. I wasn’t prepared from the sudden lip-lock, making me groan on his mouth. He’s nibbling on my upper lip before his tongue asks for an entrance which I gladly accepted.
There’s a hint of coffee and mint taste in his mouth, and I can’t help but feel bad on how many times I vomited.
Shit! I barfed!
I push Baekhyun’s face away a little bit to cut the breathtaking kiss and his confuse expression is so adorable that I had to drop a quick peck on the tip of his nose.
“I vomited earlier.”
“I don’t care, baby.” Baekhyun holds my nape to bring my lips down to his again. His lips travel to my neck, he’s licking and biting on my soft spot.
“Baekhyun–shit,” I curse, my hands are on his chest, caressing over his dress shirt, but his hand leads me to touch the hardness in his trousers.
He’s moving too fast for me, yet I have no complain nor I want to do something to stop him.
The guy groans, stopping his ministration on my neck to lean his forehead on my shoulder. His eyes are closed shut when I put more pressure in my touch.
I watch how his lips parted when I leaned back a little to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. My eyes met his lustful gaze and it gives me encouragement to continue my action.
I take out his length and circle my fingers on his girth, my thumb experimentally traces his slit. “Oh, baby…” his eyelids fluttered shut and he threw his head back on the headrest. “Keep going.”
My hand moves up and down his length and he let out a breathless gasp when I tightened my grip a bit more. “You like that?” I asked for confirmation.
Baekhyun bit his lip, trying to stop himself from moaning too loudly. “Oh, fuck—yes.”
Without any warning, I position myself on the floor, trying to fit my body on the small space. I lower my head and put his tip inside my mouth, swirling my tongue around his mushroom head.
Baekhyun jerks his hips upward in surprise, making me gag a little bit from the sudden action. I let out a snicker, “I’d love to blow you but I might seriously throw up.”
The male chuckles quietly, nodding his head. “Whatever you want to do.”
I don’t waste any time to wrap my hand around his length again, going even faster this time. One of Baekhyun’s hand went to my head and the other one went to cover his mouth.
“Holy–fuck! I’m going to—” he didn’t even manage to finish his sentence when his cum spurts on my face. I gather all my strength and hope that I won’t throw up before placing his tip inside my mouth again, sucking the salty substance he’s releasing.
“Baby…” Baekhyun groans, his hand caressing my head. “No more, please.”
I let go of his member and went back to sit on his lap. He eyes the mess he made on my face, his sultry gaze makes my inside so warm.
“Whoever he was,” I immediately knew who he’s talking about–Chanyeol. “He is dumb for letting you go. You’re perfect.”
I smiled, a bit abash from the compliment. I don’t think I’m that especial. Heck, I don’t think I have something about me worth complimenting.
“Because I suck your dick good?” 
Baekhyun laughs, his hands caressing the side of my body, inducing. “That. And I think you’re very sweet.”
I crinkle my nose on him before leaning down to capture his lips on mine. His hand sneaks inside the t-shirt I’m wearing, feeling my hot skin on his palm. When his thumb reaches the underside of my mound, I let out a moan.
“Baekhyun…” I call out to him.
He nods his head in understanding, but after a few seconds, he curses under his breath. “Fuck, I don’t have a condom.”
I smiled at him fondly. I appreciate how he cares about protection, unlike some other males out there who would just go hump and dump.
“It’s okay, I’m clean.”
“I’m clean, too, love,” Baekhyun responds, giving my lips a smooch. “But are you sure? I mean, I—”
“Just pull out, okay?” I look at him in the eye. Though, I’m not in my ovulation period, I still want to make sure and to be safe.
I got rid of my pants and underwear with the help of Baekhyun. I was about to remove the t-shirt as well but he requested to leave it on. “I want to see you in it.” And fuck, did I blush deeply by that.
My back arches, fingers claw on his shoulders, when he rubs his tip against my folds, spreading my wetness around. My bottom lip clamps down between my teeth when he starts entering my hole.
A strangled moan escapes my lips when I feel him stretching my walls, “Ha… Baekhyun…” I lean my head on his shoulder for support and he turns his head to give my temple a kiss.
“You’re so tight,” Baekhyun grunts, his fingers gripping on my thigh as he struggles to enter me fully.
We both groaned loudly when he’s fully inside me. He showers my shoulder and neck with kisses while waiting for me to adjust to his length.
I start by moving my hips up and down, Baekhyun guiding the speed by holding my hips. When I finally got used to his size, I start slamming my hips against his. I lift my head, my arms around his neck for support.
“That’s so good,” Baekhyun moans. His hand went inside the t-shirt I’m wearing and grab my mounds, cupping them over my bra.
My hips grind against his as I arch my back and lift my shirt up to my torso. I free a boob and held it out to him. Baekhyun gladly accepted my areole into his mouth, twirling his tongue and sucking it into his cavern like a lollipop.
“Oh, fuck,” I close my eyes as I start to feel the familiar knot on my stomach. “Baekhyun…”
As if knowing my body very well, Baekhyun let go of my nipple and held my hips as he starts slamming his hips upwards to meet mine. His thrusts are rough and I could feel myself exploding from the pleasure he’s giving me.
“I’m coming… oh, gosh,” I moan loudly, my hand travels to my clit, rubbing it furiously–adding fire to my incoming climax. “Shit, please don’t stop.”
“I won’t,” Baekhyun assures. He goes faster as he encourages me to come. “Come on, baby. Let it go.”
My thighs convulse when a strong wave of pleasure hits every nerve inside my body, I stop rubbing my clit but Baekhyun continues with his powerful thrust. “Baekhyun, fuck…” I’m breathing heavily from the aftermath of the mind-blowing orgasm I’ve ever experience in my life.
Baekhyun groans, “Almost there.”
I slump against his body as he thrusts inside of me, my walls tighten from the overstimulation.
“Shit, shit!” He lifts my body to pull out and to wrap his hand around his length. I immediately replace his hand with mine, adding pressure, while my other hand went to cup his balls.
“Fuck, baby,” Baekhyun grunts, “I’m going to come.” I go faster making the guy whine when he spurts his cum second time that evening.
We were both breathing loudly, our bodies are now covered with sweat despite the cold weather outside. His hands still on my bare skin under his t-shirt I am wearing, caressing my back comfortingly.
“Are you still drunk?”
I giggle on his question, lifting my head up to peck him on the corner of his lips. “A little.”
He pushes my hair back, caressing the apple of my cheek with his thumb. “You’re beautiful.”
I had the cheek to blush, my face is surely now in crimson red. “Thank you, Baekhyun.”
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Baekhyun helps me dress up, and get back on the passenger seat. It’s now 2 in the morning and I would have to sneak inside the house to escape my mother’s wrath.
I turn on my phone which is now fully charged and see several missed calls and messages from an unknown number. My brows furrow as I scan the messages:
“Good evening, this is your Uber driver. I have arrived.”
“Miss, where are you?”
“If you are not going to take the ride, please cancel.”
“I’m cancelling this ride, miss. Have a great night.”
With my eyes wide open, I turn to the man behind the wheels. He has his right hand on the wheel and the other one is on his lips, tracing its shape, his elbow leaning on the window sill beside him as he drives—gosh, he looked so hot. Wait, no!
As I’m starting to sober up, I slowly shift my gaze inside the vehicle to inspect the interior. And I honestly want to slap myself for not noticing the luxury design—the red light accent, outlining the dashboard and console of the vehicle, and shit, the expensive leather around me.
My heart is hammering inside my chest when I look closely on the logo placed on the middle of the wheel.
I just confirmed my idiocy.
Because I am sure that Toyota’s logo is not a fucking four rings lined horizontally.
I am in an Audi—and the guy beside me, the good-looking man behind the wheel—most importantly, the one that I just fucked with, is not even my Uber driver.
Fuck, what have I done?
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gimmeyoon · 5 years
Drink About [1]
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       ↳ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader x Jin
       ↳ Setting: College AU
       ↳ Word Count: 4.3k
       ↳ Warnings: mentions of binge drinking, language
       ↳ Songs: Waste It One Me by Steve Aoki ft. BTS and Hands by the Vamps
       ❝you just wanted to get drunk and dance and now he’s all you think about❞
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    There’s nothing quite as humbling as vomiting in a fraternity bathroom with two people getting it on in the stall next to you.
    Sana hits at the stall wall as if that will stop the wild animals from doing exactly what they came here to do. Joy tries to sooth you as she pulls your hair out of your face, but she’s so drunk and it’s clear she wishes she was anywhere else at this point. You have to agree with her on that.
    If your life was a cheesy teen romantic comedy, a record would scratch and an older, wiser version of yourself would say, ‘I’m sure you’re wondering how I wound up in this mess.” Though, you figure no one would stay to watch a movie that starts this utterly disgusting. The prop department could have at least mopped the floor before letting your bare ass sit on tiles hopefully made sticky by spilt alcohol, though the moment of sobriety that comes as one is barfing up their brains tells you that’s only one of the residues at best. You suppose the fashion department wouldn’t have let you walk on set without underwear under your dress the way that Joy and Sana had.
    “Honestly, _____, fuck him,” Sana says, abandoning her attempt to stop the actual fucking happening right next to you. “If he’s already with Chaeyoung, then he’s an even bigger fuckboy than any of us thought, and we do not cry over fuckboys.”
    You wonder if you’re supposed to respond as you dry heave next to your friend, but figure Sana will understand. She does have a point though, your makeup is absolutely ruined at this point, which is more than he deserves.
    It’s a process. Sitting in front of your mirror on a Friday night, you carefully beat your face to the gods in preparation for your favorite part of the week. It’s the same every time, the plans slightly different, but the process the same. Your shift at the gym’s reception desk ends at 5:00 and you head back to your apartment where you become slightly jealous at the sight of Joy napping on the couch and head back to your room. You stare at your closest until you figure out which of your outfits sparks joy, Marie Kondo style, and then you grab your tools. You turn on one of your favorite beauty guru’s videos and then the craft begins.
    Joy never misses a chance to tease you about the pure time commitment this process is, but you haven’t been late to a pregame yet.
    Now in your second year of college, you can say without a doubt that this process is the highlight of your week. Sure, occasionally something happens that outshines it, but it’s a constant. You have three hours secured to yourself where it’s just you and tasks that at the end of the day mean very little, but when finished, you have something to show for yourself. It’s about the only productive thing you allow on Friday night.
    You surprise your friends back home with how often you go out, but you promised yourself after a failing your first class Freshmen year due to the sheer amount of time you spent with your friends that you would focus completely on school work during the week and that on the weekend you would let yourself be free and unstructured. Joy and Sana knew better than anyone how hard it was to get you to deviate from your color-coded planner for even the tiniest thing. They liked to joke that if they didn’t schedule getting fries at McDonald’s with you three weeks in advance, there wouldn’t be an opening. They weren’t that far off.
    The weekend was different. It was the only time you let yourself give into the part of your soul that screamed to live life on the edge.
    That was how you had ended up at Beta Tau Sigma months ago with Joy and Sana by your side. You were standing in the kitchen talking to the one member of the fraternity that Joy knew when you saw him for the first time.  
    Well, for the first time in person. You had followed Jungkook on Instagram after one of your friends had tagged him in their photo. He had followed back, and you could always count on a like from him on your posts.
    You grabbed Joy’s arm when you saw him, drawing everyone’s attention towards yourself and the deer in headlights look you could only imagine was on your face.
    “What,” Hoseok asked as he followed your gaze. “You look like you saw a ghost. Do I need to kick some asshole out?”
    “No, sorry. I-I thought I saw someone, but I was wrong.”
    “You sure? Taehyung’s too nice, he’ll just let anyone in.”
    You smiled as you released your grip on Joy’s arm. “Seriously, it was nothing. I think I just need a drink.”
    Hoseok nodded and motioned upstairs. “We keep the good stuff upstairs, and since Joy is the only reason I’m going to pass the human machine, you guys are welcome to it. Consider it my penance.”
    “Oh, so you know penance, but an introductory biology class is too much?” Joy teased as you followed Hoseok.
    “My dad’s a literature professor so he used big words at dinner and made us figure them out. I learned penance when I hid my sister’s laptop in the attic.” Hoseok leads you into the first room on the right and pulls back a curtain to reveal a fully stocked bar. “Jimin’s really into mixology and also showing off his money. So, help yourself,” he said with a dramatic bow.
    “Hoseok, when I say you’re my hero, I want you to really hear me,” you said. “You are my hero and two shots from now, I will tell you that repeatedly.”
    “She’s a very nice drunk,” Sana confirms as she pulls a bottle of tequila from the bar. She pours four shots from the bottle and after those have been forced down, she pours another four.
     That’s how you find the courage to move onto the dance floor, an act that normally doesn’t require much liquid confidence. It’s also an act that doesn’t usually include being as close to Jungkook as it currently has you.
     “Joy,” you start with a giggle. “How many times do I have to look at Jeon Jungkook for him to get the message that I want to put my ass on his dick and pose on that shit?”
     “Firstly, if you ever quote a New Boyz song in presence again, you will be excommunicated from our apartment. Secondly, I think it’s going to take more than a look to communicate all of that.”
    “Not if I have very expressive eyes,” you say with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
    “If you do that, he’ll file a restraining order with the college,” Joy laughs.
    “Joy,” you whine.
    “_____,” she teases. “Seriously, you are a 21st century woman, just tell that boy that you want to dance.”
    “If he says no, I can never show my face here again, you know that, right?”
    “We’ll throw the whole fraternity away if we have to, babe.”
    You decide that a sensible person would at least wait for the song to change before making their move, so three songs later you turn to acquire your target. He’s standing with one of his friends, Jimin you think, and you hate how good he looks. He’s in all black, like he usually is, but the dance room is so hot that his normally straight hair now frames his face in waves. You push back the thought that this is what his hair would look like after sex and make your way across the floor. He’s just a boy, you remind yourself the closer you get. Then you’re there, and you realize you probably should have practiced what you were going to say to him during the previous three songs. And now as Usher guides your movements, it’s too late.
    He looks over as you approach and he offers you a smile, which you know is meant to be inviting, but he looks so damn good that it makes your arms break out in goosebumps.
    “Hi,” you manage with a smile.
    You think you might let the silence fall for a beat too long, because Jungkook’s friend that may or may not be named Jimin has the time to look between the two of you before you continue.
    “I follow you on Instagram,” is out of your mouth before you can stop it, and you can feel your ears visibly redden once you realize how stupid that sounds.
     He laughs and you pray to whatever god might be listening that he wasn’t laughing at you.
     “I follow you too,” he says.
     “Thanks for that,” you cringe. It’s silent again for a beat too long, but then you think some god must have been listening, because his friend becomes your second hero of the night.
     “He’d love to dance with you,” Maybe Jimin says as he pushes Jungkook in your direction, and that’s exactly the intervention you need to reach out for his hand.
      You pull Jungkook through the crowd of people and begin to dance with him as soon as you find a spot that doesn’t make you feel claustrophobic. You think for a second how ironic it is to find an open space when you place your hips flush with his and begin to dance to whatever overplayed song the fraternity brother playing DJ has chosen.
      He’s a better dancer than you would have guessed, his hips moving heavenly with the music, and the way he hardens beneath you helps heighten the confidence the alcohol gave you. His body is strong behind yours, and for a moment you wish you hadn’t had so much to drink because then you might have invited him back to your place to see what his body felt like on top of yours.
    It’s four songs later when the sound of his name breaks your heart.
    “Jeon!” Someone yells, from across the room, causing Jungkook to pull away from you and search for his friend. He must find him when he grabs your hand and pulls you with him. The culprit is smiling as you meet him and motions for you to follow him. “We need two more for beer pong and it’s time for you to put your money where your mouth is.”
    Jungkook looks back at you, “Do you want to play?”
    Considering your options appear to be leaving Jungkook to writhe around in the dance room with some other people that you are absolutely no longer interested in or play a drinking game with Jungkook and potentially speak to him about something other than the fact that you follow him on Instagram, you do not hesitate to say yes.
    You find out two things about Jungkook very quickly. Firstly, he is very good at beer pong and secondly, he is very competitive, which the first thing helps.
    “Taehyung is going to regret asking us to play,” Jungkook smiles as he hands you a ping pong ball.
    “Less trash talking, and more playing, yeah?” Taehyung raises an eyebrow.
     “Don’t rush my partner, yeah?” Jungkook copies Taehyung’s stature, and you can’t help but laugh at how theatrical he is.
     “Patience is a virtue, young Taehyung,” you say as you aim for a red solo cup.
     The ball lands in the drink with a satisfying slosh and Jungkook high-fives your success. It’s five more games of this and then your stomach betrays you. No longer are you focused on winning. No, now you are focused on feeding whatever beast entered your system with the alcohol.
     “Jungkook,” you start. “How do you feel about shenanigans?”
     His head tilts to the side as he looks at you. “Shenanigans?”
     “Do you trust me?”
     He smiles and nods his head. “Lead the way, Captain,” he says with a salute.
     Your fingers intertwine with his as you lead him out of the fraternity house and onto the streets.
     “Shenanigans,” you say turning around to look at him, continuing to walk backwards, “are what happens after the party. Anything can be a shenanigan if you really set your mind to it.”
     “And what does tonight have in store for us,” he asks.
     “Well, Jungkook, I hope you’re hungry. Because it’s waffle time.”
     “Lucky for you,” he laughs. “I’m always hungry.”
     You laugh as well as you turn in a circle. When you stop your whirling, you find Jungkook’s arms braced, clearly ready to catch you.
     “You’re going to fall, drunkie.”
     “Please call me by my government name, Drunkard Joseph Montgomery Alabama the third.”
     “Wow, that is a name.”
     “Thank you, it was my father’s and his father’s before him.”
     “Thus, the third.”
     “Thus, the third,” You laugh.
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     The fluorescent lights of your local Waffle House should make Jungkook look slightly worse for wear as you know they are doing to you and as they do to most humans, but clearly Jungkook is not like the rest of the mere mortals that roam this Earth, because you swear to god his eyes sparkle as he looks at the plastic menu before him. He keeps switching between the breakfast and the lunch/dinner side of the menu, mumbling under his breath that his not sure which he’s in the mood for at the moment.
    You do not face the same problem, as you order the All-Star breakfast every time. There has never been a moment where you have sat in these yellow booths and not wanted waffles. You figure if the establishment is named after a specific food, you should probably order that food, and you’re just about to tell Jungkook as much when he sets his menu down and looks up at you.
    “I have decided,” he said, his tone serious.
    “Do tell.”
    “Burger,” he smiled.
    His face falls at this. “Wrong?”
    “We’re at Waffle House, the only right answer is waffles.”
    “Wrong,” he responds, copying your tone from before. “They sell more than just waffles; therefore, you are meant to order things other than waffles as well.”
     “Okay, IHOB.”
     “What did you just call me?” he asks, his face breaking into a large smile.
     “IHOB, as in the International House of Burgers,” you stick your tongue out, which earns a laugh from your companion. “When in Rome, order waffles.”
     “I don’t think that’s the saying,”
     “I don’t think this is a burger establishment.”
     The waitress approaches your booth at this moment, and Jungkook quickly places his burger order, sticking his tongue out at you as she writes his burger on the ticket.
     “And since I’m a responsible adult, I’ll be having the All-Star breakfast,” you said when it was your turn to order.
    The waitress nods as she writes down your order, “Bacon, sausage, or ham.”
    “Sausage, please.”
    “Wrong,” Jungkook responds as the waitress walks away. “The only valid choice when bacon is an option is bacon.”
    “Oh, grow up,” you roll your eyes. “Sausage is a valid option.”
    He shakes his head, “Only when bacon isn’t available.”
    “Pretty bold talk from a guy who might be asking me to choose his sausage later.”
     He reddens at this, his eyes widening, but never leaving your face. The words were out of your mouth before you could think better, and you’re pretty sure the only reason you don’t get up and leave is because you’re still pretty drunk.
     Jungkook shakes his head, as a smile spreads across his face. “I don’t think any bacon will be present at that moment, so sausage would be a valid choice.”
     You can’t help but laugh at this, and Jungkook joins you. You talk about school after you calm down, and you’ve started to talk about your hometowns by the time the waitress brings your meals. You both shake your heads at the other’s order, causing the laughter to return, and it takes a few moments before you can actually begin to eat.
     You’re almost finished with your waffle, when you realize everyone else in the restaurant is focused on the staff behind the counter. Jungkook is telling you a story about his older brother, but you can’t focus as you try and figure out what has everyone’s attention. You’re not sure if it’s the fact that you’re drunk, or the fact that talking to Jungkook comes so naturally, but you’ve completely missed the altercation brewing between the staff. Their voices get louder with each word, and before it can get any worse, you take money out of your wallet, quickly making sure that it is enough to cover both meals plus the tip and stand up. You reach for Jungkook’s hand, while he stares up at you dumbfounded, and you make your way for the door. You’re just about to make it out, when one of the employees finally makes contact with the other. You freeze at the action, and stand stunned, not sure if you’re waiting to see if he’s okay or if anyone will do anything to stop it. The next thing you know, the punched employee, is grabbing the other by the shirt and throwing him against the counter.
    Jungkook takes action at this, pulling you out the door with him and through the parking lot. You turn to look at Jungkook with wide eyes, not sure how your shenanigan ended up quite like this.
    “Holy shit,” he breathes, as he rakes a hand through his hair. “I guess that’s Waffle House at 2:00 a.m. for you.”
    You can’t help but laugh at this, though you feel a bit of guilt considering how awful the situation is. Jungkook smiles at this and for that alone you’re glad that you laughed.
    “Come on,” you say, as you look at your surroundings. “There’s a river around here, I want to show you.”
    Jungkook follows, not having dropped your hand yet, and you walk like this in the direction of the park you like to go to sometimes. It’s pitch-black as you near the location, which causes you to grip Jungkook’s hand a bit tighter than before. If he’s as nervous as you, he doesn’t let on, but he does pull his phone from his pocket and turn his flashlight on, which you are thankful for. Your pace quickens after this, the excitement of showing Jungkook the river driving you forward, and when you arrive, you drop his hand before skipping towards the bank.
    You turn around to face him, positively beaming as you stretch your arms as if to say here it is, the grand finale, and Jungkook matches your wide smile. He walks towards you, as you bend down to take your shoes off. When you look back up, he’s looking at you with confusion on his face.
    “Well, I’m not going to wear my shoes into the water,” you answered.
    “We’re going in the water?”
    “Shenanigans, Jungkook. They’re not done yet,” you said, as you turned around and made your way into the river. The silence of the night is inviting, and you find yourself closing your eyes and leaning your head back in relaxation. You hear Jungkook wade in behind you, and you only open your eyes when his movement stops.
    He’s looking at you and he smiles when your eyes meet his. “How did you find this place?”
    “I used to babysit these kids freshmen year, and their mom took them to this park.”
    “I haven’t really left campus that much,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’d be nice to run here though.”
    You nod in agreement, turning to look up at the few stars above. Jungkook reaches for your hand in the dark, and you reach back, feeling comforted by his presence here. You think for a moment that it’s nice that you two can just stand here in the silence like this, and you’re about to say something to that effect, when suddenly Jungkook sends a wave of water hurtling towards you. You’re shocked when you look down to see him crouched, ready to splash you again.
    “Shenanigans,” he says, simply, as he launches another attack on you.
    This time you’re prepared, and you block your face, though it does very little to help. Quickly, you’re crouching as well, not one to go down without a fight, and soon both of you are soaking wet and breathless. Jungkook’s hair hangs heavy around his face, water dripping from his black locks onto his cheeks, and you hate to even think about the state that your makeup is in now.
    The smirk on Jungkook’s face, tells you all you need to know, and you shake your head in response. “I look like a monster, right?”
    “You could convincingly be cast in a horror movie.”
     You give him the middle finger at this, before trudging back to land. You’re about halfway back, when you hear Jungkook running after you, and as you turn around to see what he is doing, he’s wrapping his arms around your middle and picking you up.
     “Jeon Jungkook!” you scream, as you pound at his back. “Put me down.”
     He only laughs in response, carrying you the rest of the way to the shore. He finally complies with your demand, placing you underneath a tree. He sits down, and when you don’t immediately follow, he pats the space beside him, looking up at you with big eyes.
    You chuckle as you join him at the base of the tree, and he smiles triumphantly.
    “Maybe it’s too soon to call, but I think I might be better at shenanigans than you.”
    You scoff. “You made me look like the grudge. That is foul play and not allowed during a night of shenanigans.”
    “Oh, excuse me. I was under the impression that there was only one rule and that was to have fun.”
    “I am not having fun.”
    “You’re not?” he frowns. “I don’t know, seemed like you were having fun.”
    “Nope, not anymore. I spent too much time and money on this makeup to consider this fun.”
    “What a shame,” he smiles. “I kind of like this look.”
    “Really?” you deadpan.
    “Yeah, it says ‘just know that if you ever break up with me, I will murder your ass.’”
    “Oh, good. That’s the energy I want to be putting out into the world.”
    Jungkook laughs. “You’re very welcome for helping you achieve your truest form.”
    You’re silent for a beat after this, both of you smiling widely at each other, and you think that you are in no rush to get home. You think that he may lean in and kiss you, because he keeps looking down at your lips, and he moves slightly forward, but his eyes completely leave yours, and he’s reaching for something on the ground instead.
    You’re about to stand up and leave, your new found sobriety horrified that you might have just embarrassed yourself, but then Jungkook is looking at you again and smiling.
   “A geode,” he said, bring a rock between the two of you. “My dad and I used to collect this when I was little.”
   You nod your head, not sure what to say because your brain just keeps screaming about how much of an idiot you are but also how cute he is, and it’s too much for you to come up with a reasonable response.
    “For you,” he smiles widely, as he reaches for your hand and places the rock into it. “Never forget our shenanigans.”
     “Never,” you agree, bringing the hand holding the rock to your heart.
      He beams at this and then stands up. “We should probably try and get home before the sun rises.”
     You nod your head, though you don’t agree. You would stay out here until the sun set again if you got to keep talking to Jungkook.  You begin the walk back to campus, showing Jungkook a shortcut you had found a few months ago, and when Jungkook should veer off to head back to his fraternity house, he keeps going straight with you. You try to fight the blush that creeps up your neck as you realize this.
    He’s talking animatedly about something Taehyung did a few weekends ago when you finally make it to your apartment. He seems to hesitate for a moment, but then he’s smiling and staying firmly on his side of the hallway.
   “Thanks for walking me back,” you said finally.
   “Of course,” he nods. “I’ll see you around, yeah?”
    You nod your head as well, a bit disappointed that yet again he isn’t attempting to kiss you, and you think for a moment that maybe this meant way more to you than it did to him.
   “Tight,” he said. “Then I better get going. Goodnight, _____.”
   “Goodnight, Jungkook.” You watched as he walked down the hallway towards the exit, and once he was out of sight you unlock the front door and make you way inside.
     You sigh as you kick off your shoes and make your way further into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water. You’re taking your first sip when there’s a knock at the door. You check quickly to see who it is, and your heart races as familiar doe eyes stare back at you. Goosebumps cover your arms as you open the door.
   “Sorry, I just-” he nervously rubs at the back of his neck. “I forgot something,” he said, as he closed the distance between the two of you and pulled you into a kiss. Your damp clothes rub awkwardly against your body, and Jungkook’s burger breath catches you more off guard than the kiss itself, yet still you melt in his arms, and you think this is the kind of thing people write songs about.
    And when he’s pulling away, you think you want to capture the way he looks at you in a photo and look at it all day long.
    “Goodnight again, _____.”
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© gimmeyoon — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or translation onto other sites even with proper credit given is not permitted.
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