#10 weekend events
prettyflyshyguy · 18 days
Re-wrote some chunks of the Virtual Ground pilot hahaha hah
Officially on V3 of the script. Went down a research rabbit hole on bellow-knee amputation recovery time because oops I didn't write that in properly.
Now I'm stressing about writing more content before I draw anything, or wondering if what I've made is any good at all.
Jesus Christ writing is hard!!!!! How do predominantly-writers do this!!! Oh my god. I'm tired of writing!
But at the same time- I love having my shitty little blorbos come to life in text form. Wish it happened faster. Argh!
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June 23, 2023: ooh I should finally watch the Good Omens TV adaptation, wonder if it was any good, totally forgot they made that. oh, David Tennant’s in it!
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dogwhizzer · 9 months
what's fun for me is if an actor was involved in anything william finn ever in anyway i say well that right there is my best friend. we went to william finn together. Even if i don't really truly care about the bitch
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It’s really hit me that before I make any big life decisions of any kind I have to heal and grow more. Like what do I want to DO or BE. I want to get better. I want to be better. (In a healing way. Perfectionism dni)
#it’s not like this is news. or anything anybody who knows me hasn’t already been saying#I’VE said it before#but it’s only very recently (this weekend lol) that there are just parts of me that need attention and healing#not to sound too pseudo-psychological current babble about it#but it’s just true!!!#I talk so much I expose so much to light and air#and there are parts of myself. things memories events that are just …. frozen#I was such an anxious kid. and I forget nothing and things play on a loop in my brain over and over and over#and there are just some areas of life … that have been just completely taken over#by anxiety and panic and fear#and they’ve stayed frozen because I won’t bring them into the light and let the sun fall on them and let them shrink to a normal size#and they hurt me!!!!!#and most of the time I just walk around (or have) like. guess I have to carry this burden with me forever#this sack of rocks around my neck#and everything that’s happened lately. the whole past year it’s just been like. but you don’t.#there are ways of getting help that work for you#because I AM a quick healer and I am resilient and I’ve grown so much in so many ways over the past 10 years. even just the last few years#and things are not insurmountable#they FEEL like it. they’ve felt like it for years#and yeah there is no perfectly healed state of being#but I can be better than this#my whole Steve harrington journey last year is actually like … so profoundly connected to and demonstrative of the way I have certain issues#especially when I was young.#like things happen. I misunderstand. I cry out in fear. I FREEZE. and then I quietly lock it away and never speak about it again#at least I did. and you know what I can’t actually work like that#I have a deep need to bring things into the light.#and I don’t even really care if I never fully heal#everyone has things they carry and scars and wounds and marks from their history#but just distinguishing between them to see which ones are permanent#and which one is just Steve harrington locked in the emotional freezer
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nerdie-faerie · 2 months
I've got two family events coming up during term time and I'm trying to decide if the trips are worth the cost by asking if my family is actually going to be attending them and my mum's response was 'I might be able to convince your dad if we know you're going :)' girl I'm not spending nearly £60 just to come down for the weekend only to then find out I'm going by myself
#+Extra#travel tag#one of my cousins has a babyshower coming up in may on a Sunday when i have class on Monday#i already know my mum isnt intending to go to that one and my aunt that lives in between me and them also isnt going so i cant go with them#its the most inconvenient of the two and i have to be home a week after so ive declined that one#but another cousin recently announced an engagement/housing warming party weekend at the end of april#and when my mum told me about it i asked if she was going so i knew whether or not to look into tickets#and she hit me with the 'might go if you do :)' girl im not risking £60 on a maybe especially cus getting there will be a nightmare#its not all the way down south with the rest of my family so its technically closer but if im travelling there i need to know#whether to come early and go all the way home so i can arrive with my family on the day or travel down the day of & get there a little late#in the day in the city where its happening and figure out how to get to the event by myself and sort out getting ready and everything#or like to not bother what so ever and theres no guarantee which day theyll go cus its both Saturday and/or Sunday#ideally id only go Saturday cus i got class first thing monday but i also dont wanna be there by myself#im not close with my cousins and my dad doesnt get along with my mums side of the family so its highly likely id be there by myself#which i absolutely do not want especially if im getting there late cus of relying on public transport#edit: itll cost between £50-£120 to travel o.o depending on how i travel#if i get the train the whole way cus its quicker and times are more convenient itll cost £120 for a return for a 3 hour trip#or i could spend £40ish to get there by train then £10 on an overnight coach back#which is cheaper than the £60ish it would cost to get coaches both ways and the travel times for coaches were ridiculous#but jesus christ 🤦‍♀️
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 10 months
I'm taking tomorrow off (actually the most excellent timing in the world) and I'm going to the BEACH and I'm visiting the Watch Hill Lighthouse and I am getting ICE CREAM
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siroofington · 7 months
my archaology class is pretty interesting but this week its just slamming me with so many assignments compared to usual ahhhhh why
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yotd2009 · 9 months
can't wait until guaranteed benny tomorrowwwwww
#i've been playing genshin for over a year and my luck w pyro characters specifically has been ABYSMAL#but he's free from the current event and i just need to farm a lil and then he'll be mine <3#have a lot planned genshin-wise this weekend. going to farm the event a bit more after getting benny for the crown + various shards#then i'll build my benny + qiqi bc i'm done seething abt my lack of scara and have decided to accept that 1. i literally started playing th#game FOR HER and i love her dearly 2. it'd be nice to have a healer who doesn't apply hydro everywhere when i'm fighting cryo enemies#3. i'm a cryo sword user bitch (kaeya main + layla's strongest soldier + ayaka wanter) and she's part of the collection#+ farm a bit for heizou + albedo + barbara + layla + fischl and do the world quest for the cryo artifacts domain bc. i'm literally the#world's most neglectful kaeya main bc i need 4pc blizzard stayer on him but. i can't even farm for him rn (he's on 2pc blizzard strayer#2pc gladiator's finale rn and his damage is p decent but sometimes my lvl 70 heizou (kaeya's at 89) does more dmg than him bc he's actually#so cracked so like. i need kaeya to do better so i feel better abt using him and not heizou in coop)#then on tuesday i have a 10 pull on the standard banner i got w my monthly stardust rations for august + september and i'm going to let the#kids pull for me bc i need their gacha luck. hoping for either diluc. Or kaeya/barbara constellations#(standard banner bc i'm saving my acquaint fates for neuvillette + various sumeru reruns but mainly nahida and scara)#romeo.txt
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pepprs · 2 years
waking up early for work is killing me
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lucy-hale-fashion · 1 year
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What: Weekend Max Mara Martina Silk Shirt and Acciuga Silk Trousers - $655.00 / $465.00 Where: Weekend Max Mara’s Pasticcino Bag World Tour Event in Paris - May 10, 2023
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lunaetis · 1 year
my muses at the back of my head : *poking and pulling at me to let them out so they can spend time with their loved ones on v-day* me : I AM WORKING AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL I CLOCK OUT GDI
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soldierboys · 2 years
I don't remember which year, but there was a jibcon that almost happened on jj's birthday and Jensen asked daniela to change it because he doesn't book things near his kids birthday, and when the twins were born, they were in the hospital, Danneel told him to go to the con bc there was a lot of people there with her, nowadays his kids are old enough to understand things, they probably would feel a little hurt if Jensen decided to go to a con instead of spending the day with them.
oh i think he’s right about this tho! he should spend the weekend with his kids 100% and i’m not at all disappointed if that’s the reason he won’t come
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fairy-ganj-mother · 2 months
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crossroadsdimension · 5 months
Either I need more spells or I just need to study the Carnivale events more. Hmmmm...
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ravio-the-cabinet-man · 10 months
accidentally stayed up past the 'sleepy med make sleepy' threshold and now ive watched 50 minutes of the movie Spirit (Stallion of the Cimarron) (one of my fav childhood movies) and then decided "i should try to sleep" then couldnt fall asleep in 5 minutes and then decided "well if i finish the movie thats too late at night. ill watch youtube instead" and proceeded to watch the equivalent of the rest of the movie in shorter videos.
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