#10600 notes !!
colourme-feral · 9 months
Last Twilight and open spaces, ep 5
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Last Twilight: Mhok takes Day to a bridge that he likes to visit IRL: Chao Phraya Sky Park on Phra Pok Klao Bridge, PFQX+J95, Phra Pokklao Brg, Wang Burapha Phirom, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10200, Thailand (Note: They are not on Memorial Bridge, which is the "green bridge" in front of them)
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Last Twilight: Mhok takes Day to a bridge that he likes to visit IRL: Memorial Bridge (aka Saphan Phut or Buddhayodfa Chulalok Maharat Bridge), PFQX+P29 สะพานพุทธยอดฟ้าจุฬาโลกมหาราช, Khwaeng Wang Burapha Phirom, Khet Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10600, Thailand
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Last Twilight: Mhok takes Day to a bridge that he likes to visit IRL: Wat Arun, 158 Thanon Wang Doem, Wat Arun, Bangkok Yai, Bangkok 10600, Thailand (Also identified here and here)
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Last Twilight: Mhok discusses the language of flowers with Day IRL: Pak Khlong Talat (Flower Market), สน พระราชวัง Pak Khlong Talat - Wat Kanlayanamit, Khwaeng Wang Burapha Phirom, Phra Nakhon, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
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✏️Not: Türkçe, İngilizce, Almanca, İtalyanca ve Arapça açıklamaları aşağıdadır(Turkish,English,German,İtaliano and Arabic description)❗️
🇹🇷🦋👉Yeni nesil ‘Radyofrekanslı Fraksiyonel Karbondioksit(CO2) Lazer’ ; Türkiye ilk defa kliniğimiz tarafından kullanmaya başlanmıştı(Amerikan 🇺🇸üretimidir)
✏️FDA onaylıdır.
✏️10600 nm gibi diğer lazerlere g��re çok uzun dalga boyuna sahiptir.
✏️Fraksiyonel ve Radyofrekans özelliği ile ciltte 120 mikrometrelik delikler açar ve dein tabakaları etkiler.
✏️1-2 hafta içinde iyileşen yeni cilt, sütunlar halindeki boşlukları kapatırken, yeni cilt hücreleri daha sıkı ve canlı görünüm kazanmasını sağlar.
✏️Ortalama 2-3 ayda tam etkisi devam oluşur, Estetik ve Plastik Cerahınızın önerdiği ilaç ve kremleri uygulama sonrası kullanınız!
✏️İstenizse 2.3.4. seasnslarda yapılır. Ancak bu FDA patentli lazerin en büyük üstünlüğü, daha az seans seans uygulama ve kısa sürede sosyal hayata geçiştir.
🦋Radyofrekanslı Fraksiyonel Karbondioksit(CO2) Lazer nerelerde kullanılır❓
✏️Akne (sivilce) izleri: altın standart❗️
✏️Yara, ameliyat, yanık ve jilet izleri
✏️Derin kırışıklık çizgilerinin azaltılması ve sarkma
✏️Leke tedavileri: Güneş lekeleri ( melazma ve lentigo ),yaşlılık lekeleri
✏️Gözenek küçültme
✏️Cilt Çatlaklarının(karın çatlakları) tedavisi
✏️nevüs(ben) alımı
✏️Siğil(HPV/ kondülom) tedavisi
✏️genital estetik
✏️genital beyazlatma
✏️vajinal daratma
✏️idrar kaçırma
✏️Note: Turkish, English, German, Italian and Arabic explanations are below (Turkish, English, German, Italiano and Arabic description)❗️
🇻🇬🇱🇷👉New generation 'Radiofrequency Fractional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser'; Our clinic started using it for the first time in Türkiye (it is an American 🇺🇸 production)
✏️FDA approved.
✏️It has a very long wavelength compared to other lasers such as 10600 nm.
✏️With its Fractional and Radiofrequency feature, it opens 120 micrometer holes in the skin and affects the deep layers.
✏️The new skin heals within 1-2 weeks and closes the gaps in the columns, while the new skin cells provide a firmer and more vibrant appearance.
✏️The full effect takes approximately 2-3 months. Use the medications and creams recommended by your Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon after the application!
✏️If you want, 2.3.4. It is done in sessions. However, the biggest advantage of this FDA-patented laser is fewer sessions and transition to social life in a short time.
🦋Where is Radiofrequency Fractional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser used?
✏️Acne scars: the gold standard❗️
✏️Wounds, surgery, burns and razor scars
✏️Reduction of deep wrinkle lines and sagging
✏️Blemish treatments: Sun spots (melasma and lentigo), age spots
✏️Pore minimization
✏️Treatment of Skin Stretch Marks (abdominal stretch marks)
✏️nevus (mole) removal
✏️Wart (HPV/conduloma) treatment
✏️Hinweis: Nachfolgend finden Sie türkische, englische, deutsche, italienische und arabische Erklärungen (Beschreibung auf Türkisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Italienisch und Arabisch)❗️
🇩🇪🇩🇪👉Neue Generation „Radiofrequenz-fraktionierter Kohlendioxid (CO2)-Laser“; Unsere Klinik hat es zum ersten Mal in der Türkei eingesetzt (es handelt sich um eine amerikanische 🇺🇸 Produktion).
✏️Es hat eine sehr lange Wellenlänge im Vergleich zu anderen Lasern wie 10600 nm.
✏️Mit seiner fraktionierten und hochfrequenten Funktion öffnet es 120 Mikrometer große Löcher in der Haut und wirkt auf die tieferen Schichten.
✏️Die neue Haut heilt innerhalb von 1-2 Wochen und schließt die Lücken in den Spalten, während die neuen Hautzellen für ein strafferes und lebendigeres Aussehen sorgen.
✏️Die volle Wirkung dauert ca. 2-3 Monate. Verwenden Sie nach der Anwendung die von Ihrem ästhetischen und plastischen Chirurgen empfohlenen Medikamente und Cremes!
✏️Wenn Sie möchten, 2.3.4. Es erfolgt in Sitzungen. Der größte Vorteil dieses von der FDA patentierten Lasers sind jedoch weniger Sitzungen und der Übergang ins soziale Leben in kurzer Zeit.
🦋Wo wird der hochfrequente fraktionierte Kohlendioxid (CO2)-Laser eingesetzt?
✏️Aknenarben: der Goldstandard❗️
✏️Wunden, Operationen, Verbrennungen und Rasiernarben
✏️Reduzierung tiefer Falten und schlaffer Haut
✏️Behandlungen gegen Hautunreinheiten: Sonnenflecken (Melasma und Lentigo), Altersflecken
✏️Behandlung von Hautdehnungsstreifen (Bauchdehnungsstreifen)
✏️Entfernung von Muttermalen
✏️Warzenbehandlung (HPV/Kondulom).
✏️Nota: di seguito sono riportate le spiegazioni in turco, inglese, tedesco, italiano e arabo (descrizione in turco, inglese, tedesco, italiano e arabo)❗️
🇫🇷🇫🇷👉Laser a radiofrequenza ad anidride carbonica frazionata (CO2) di nuova generazione; La nostra clinica ha iniziato ad usarlo per la prima volta in Türkiye (è una produzione americana 🇺🇸)
✏️Approvato dalla FDA.
✏️Ha una lunghezza d'onda molto lunga rispetto ad altri laser come 10600 nm.
✏️Con la sua funzione Frazionata e Radiofrequenza, apre fori di 120 micrometri nella pelle e colpisce gli strati profondi.
✏️La nuova pelle guarisce entro 1-2 settimane e colma le lacune nelle colonne, mentre le nuove cellule della pelle forniscono un aspetto più sodo e vibrante.
✏️L'effetto completo richiede circa 2-3 mesi.Utilizza i farmaci e le creme consigliate dal tuo chirurgo estetico e plastico dopo l'applicazione!
✏️Se vuoi, 2.3.4. Si fa in sessioni. Tuttavia, il più grande vantaggio di questo laser brevettato dalla FDA è il minor numero di sedute e il passaggio alla vita sociale in breve tempo.
🦋Dove viene utilizzato il laser ad anidride carbonica frazionata (CO2) a radiofrequenza?
✏️Cicatrici da acne: il gold standard❗️
✏️Ferite, interventi chirurgici, ustioni e cicatrici da rasoio
✏️Riduzione delle rughe profonde e dei cedimenti
✏️Trattamenti contro gli inestetismi: Macchie solari (melasma e lentigo), macchie senili
✏️Riduzione dei pori
✏️Trattamento Smagliature Cutanee (smagliature addominali)
✏️rimozione del nevo (nevo).
✏️Trattamento delle verruche (HPV/conduloma).
‎✏️ملاحظة: الشرح باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والإيطالية والعربية أدناه (الوصف التركي والإنجليزية والألمانية والإيطالية والعربية)❗️
‎‏🇹🇷🦋👉 الجيل الجديد من "ليزر ثاني أكسيد الكربون الجزئي بالترددات الراديوية"؛ بدأت عيادتنا باستخدامه لأول مرة في تركيا (وهو إنتاج أمريكي 🇺🇸)
‎✏️معتمد من إدارة الغذاء والدواء.
‎✏️يتميز بطول موجي طويل جدًا مقارنة بأنواع الليزر الأخرى مثل 10600 نانومتر.
‎✏️بخاصية الفراكشنال والترددات الراديوية، يفتح ثقب 120 ميكرومتر في الجلد ويؤثر على الطبقات العميقة.
‎✏️يتعافى الجلد الجديد خلال 1-2 أسبوع ويغلق الفجوات الموجودة في الأعمدة، بينما توفر خلايا الجلد الجديدة مظهرًا مشدودًا وأكثر حيوية.
‎✏️يستغرق التأثير الكامل حوالي 2-3 أشهر، استخدمي الأدوية والكريمات التي أوصى بها جراح التجميل بعد التطبيق!
‎✏️إذا أردت، 2.3.4. يتم ذلك في جلسات. ومع ذلك، فإن الميزة الأكبر لهذا الليزر الحاصل على براءة اختراع من إدارة الأغذية والعقاقير (FDA) هي عدد جلسات أقل والانتقال إلى الحياة الاجتماعية في وقت قصير.
‎🦋أين يتم استخدام ليزر ثاني أكسيد الكربون الجزئي (CO2) بالترددات الراديوية؟
‎✏️ندبات حب الشباب: المعيار الذهبي❗️
‎✏️الجروح والجراحات والحروق وندبات الحلاقة
‎✏️تقليل خطوط التجاعيد العميقة والترهل
‎✏️علاجات العيوب: بقع الشمس (الكلف والنمش)، البقع العمرية
‎✏️تصغير المسام
‎✏️علاج علامات تمدد الجلد (علامات تمدد البطن)
‎✏️إزالة الوحمة
‎✏️علاج الثآليل (فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري/الورم اللقمي).
#radyofrekanslıfraksiyonelkarbondioksitlazer #radyofrekansfraksiyonallazer #fraksiyonelkarbondioksitlazer #radyofranslıfraksiyonellazeedrazimet #fraksiyonelkarbondioksitlazerdrazimet #lazerleciltgençleştirme #lazerleçatlaktedavisi #lazerlebenaldırma #lazerlekırışıklıktedavisi #lazerleciltgözeneklerinikapama #lasetherapy #karbondioksitlazerdrazimet #lazerleskartedavisi #lazerleiztedavisi #ameliyatizlerininyokedilmesi #yanıksekeli #yanıkizitedavisi #akneskarıtedavisi #kırışıklıktedavisi #opdrazimetozdemir #nilantaşılazerdrazimet #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet #şişlilazerdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #istanbullazerdrazinet #turkey🇹🇷 #turkeyestetiklazer #turkeydrazimet #turkeyaestheticdrazimet
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americanbuildings · 3 years
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4 notes · View notes
Teach Me [M]︳01
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
AU: Greek Mythology (mini-series - 2nd installment)
Genre: Romance/smut
Rating: NSFW
Warning: Dirty talk, rough sex, dom/sub undertones, oral sex (m. receiving), spanking, orgasm denial, unprotected sex (wrap it people!), creampie, public sex (kinda?), very soft humiliation
Words: 10600+
Notes: I present to you the second story of the Greek mythology series! I think I’ve come to the conclusion I like writing rough sex (sue me).
For any new readers - this story is part of a mini-series! Each member has their own story - you don’t have to read each one to understand the general plot. Story order: A Taste of Honey (Jung Hoseok), Teach Me (Kim Namjoon), Flutter (Kim Seokjin).
I hope you all enjoy the story and thank you for all the support - don’t forget to leave a like, comment, or reblog <3
Masterlist ︳Prologue
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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You were everything Namjoon sought after; sexy and intelligent. He watched the way you balanced on your tippy toes, ass sticking out as you placed the dusty books back in their spot one by one. He licked his pouty lips, a grunt leaving him as his hand brushed his growing bulge. He could already see it, the way you squirmed underneath him, your moans. You were stuck up, always acting better than everyone else, but not anymore. He was going to teach you a valuable lesson; you may be the boss of this library but he was the boss of you.
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Teach Me ︳Final
        No amount of words could describe the distaste and annoyance on your face as Athena patted your shoulder with a taunting grin. Eyes narrowed, nose scrunched up as your lips pressed together out of pure revulsion.
         But in all fairness, how else were you expected to react to Athena’s words? You were being forced to teach that God Namjoon, God of that stupid wine grape Agiorgitiko. And to make matters worse, it wasn’t a one-time thing, but a whole week.
         That’s right.
         Another frustrated sigh left you, causing the grin on Athena’s face to largen. “And what do you expect me to teach him? How to party? Or how to have an orgy?” You spat, crossing your arms in frustration as your tone held more venom than even you expected.
         Athena raised a brow at your words before her eyes lit up. As if she finally clued in on something. She stepped forward, crossing her arms as she shook her head, “While he enjoys a good festivity, he’s no fool. He enjoys learning about philosophical topics, even dabbles in literature and mathematics.”
         “Great, so I get to teach a God how to count to five?”
         “I think he knows how to count, he does have to count how many grapes are hanging on a vine after all.”
         Athena’s and your eyes met, a small smile flickering as you laughed at her joke. Athena chuckled, squeezing your shoulders, eyes softening, “You’re my second, the only one I could trust with such a task.”
         “I know…” You huffed.
        It was foolish to put up such a fight, letting such pointless emotions consume you. But you couldn’t help it, you didn’t like Namjoon one bit.  
         “Don’t judge him so easily, my pupil.” Athena’s words brought you back to reality, head snapping as you gazed at her. She picked up one of the books that were in your cart, opening it with ease as her eyes scanned the words, “He’s not what he seems. He’s not like other men.”
         You scoffed, turning on your heel as you started placing the books that laid in your cart on the shelves, “Trust me, child, I wouldn’t give him access to these libraries if he were.”
         She had a point.
        You trusted Athena. She was the logic, reason, in this realm.
        The single word left your lips as nothing more but a defeated whisper, placing the last book away, shoulders slumped as you turned to face her once more, “Do you mind listing some of the works he enjoys so I can start formulating a study chart?”
         Athena smiled, tapping your forehead with a bounce before walking away, “It’s a free week- he’ll come to you with questions, and all I ask of you is you answer those questions of his truthfully.”
         Another tired sigh escaped you, pushing the cart forward as you watched your beloved Goddess walk away. As annoyed as you were, you still moved forward, whisper-shouting, “Safe travels!”
         Athena stopped, looking over her shoulder with a devilish grin, a grin you haven’t seen before, “Have fun and don’t be afraid to indulge - submit.”
         Your mouth dropped, confusion written all over your face. But before you could blurt out a question, Athena was gone like the wind. What in the world is she talking about?
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        You didn’t get a single piece of work done all damn day.
        Your hands shook, eyes continually flickering back and forth between your work and the damn library entrance. It was silly, how nervous you were to see that damn fool walk through those doors.
         But why?
         Why was I so nervous?
         You didn’t like Namjoon, so infatuation was out the window already. But you couldn’t help but let your mind wander…
        Namjoon was handsome.
        You’d give him that.
        But to be fair, their whole family was gorgeous.
         Seven brothers, all Gods of a particular wine grape, all sons to the great God Dionysus. They were initially Demi-Gods, but under Zeus’s authority, he declared them Gods due to their tremendous strength and power.
         You shook your head, huffing as you slammed your pen onto the table. You’re giving Namjoon too much credit. Credit that in your books, he didn’t deserve. All Namjoon did was make wine, what was so noble about that?
         The sound of the grand doors opening, a struggling groan from the wooden panels slowly being opened echoed throughout the library. There wasn’t a single soul here, it was late in the evening. But word had spread that tomorrow God Dionysus would be hosting a festivity, and it seems everyone decided to take the night to prepare rather than learn.
         You pushed yourself back in your chair, walking over to the banister as you looked down at the front entrance. Hands gripped the railing, eyes scanning through the dim light of the candles, he’s here.
         In a heartbeat, you began walking towards the staircase, leaving your books and writings behind. The sound of your gentle footsteps seemed to have caught his attention, his dark coloured eyes flickering to you.
         God, he was good looking.
         Namjoon’s hair was a bit chaotic, a hand gently patting down his lush robes and furs. It must have been windy outside, but your eyes narrowed, spotting something in his hand.
         “Wine?” You blurted, cheeks rosy because you uttered out what had been in your mind.
         The grin he shot to you, nodding, “A gift. For teaching.” Namjoon spoke, walking forward, arms outstretched as he passed you the bottle. Your hands grasped the gift, eyes scanning the dark red liquid.
        You heard about his wine, Agiorgitiko red wine. Rich in flavours with a seamless blend of spice. People would kill to get a sip of such wine, let alone a bottle.
         His eyes narrowed, undoubtedly seeing your unamused expression, “You don’t drink?”
         “It’s a distraction, prevents me from studying.” You scorn.
        And for a split moment, you realized your words may have come across a bit too gruelling. Your mouth opened, ready to apologize and re-word the sentence altogether, you were speaking to a God after all, but his voice stopped you, “We’ll see about that.”
         “What do you mean?”
        God, you hated how smug he was, the damn smirk on his face. Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, nudging his head at a near by table, “Shall we start my lesson?”
         The way those words slipped from the tip of his tongue, a huskiness that had you pushing your legs together in pure delight. You detested how much you found him attractive. He had this roughness to him, voice coarse, an alluring gaze, but you pinched your thigh, focus.
         You merely nodded your head, and turned on your heel, “What piques your interest today?” You asked, but your tone seemed anything but interested. The sound of his heavy feet trailing behind you, his low breathing, “Honey-nymphs.”
         The moment those words left that sinful mouth of his, your feet stopped, grasping the wine bottle tight as you twirled around to face him. And although you were shocked at his response, you were more shocked at how close he was to you. Your body ungracefully bumping into his, the wine swishing obnoxiously loud between your bodies.
         Without realizing you inhaled deeply, taking in his rich, husky scent that would’ve had you moaning if you weren’t in utter shock at the moment. Namjoon’s large hands grasped your shoulders, steadying you as your legs failed to keep you balanced, “Falling for me already?” He chuckled, a tongue-in-cheek smile on his face.
         Your face went red, pulling away and huffing stridently, “Why were you following me so bloody close?”
         “Why did you stop out of nowhere?” He shot back.
         You rolled your eyes, fuming to yourself - I’m going to kill him.
         “Why, honey-nymphs?” You interrogated, trying to divert the conversation to something else. Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, trailing behind you once again as you searched through the library in search of information regarding Goddess Demeter’s followers.
         “My father…he’s throwing a party tomorrow but it’s to mask another objective…”
         You looked over your shoulder, gazing at his expression. His brows were pinched together, lips pulled tight as he thought to himself, “What kind of objective?”
        Although you hated being noisy, you hated being left in a cliff-hanger more.
        There was a reason why you didn’t put a book down until you finished it, or why you always got in trouble with Athena due to your snooping. You loved learning, and that also meant your sense of curiosity bit you in the ass at times.
         Your feet stopped, eyes scanning through the endless rows of books, looking for what you needed, “It seems that my brother’s soulmate is a honey-nymph.”
         The concept was not unfamiliar to you, in fact, you spend years studying the ideology of two beings being linked to one another by a mythical bond – a connection of eros, agape, love. But it always applied to humans, and an unanswered question still laid hidden; whether the same concept of soulmates also applied to Gods. You could’ve asked the Goddess Aphrodite for the answer, but something in you told you she wouldn’t spill her secrets willingly.
         “What does that have to do with the party tomorrow…?” You muttered, fingers trailing along the spines of the books, feeling their smooth edges tainted with golden ink. “It’s a setup, a way for them to meet up. A secret that only my father, you, and I know.”
         The moment your eyes aligned with the book you sought after, your eyes lit up, carefully pulling it off the shelf while balancing the wine, “I believe it to be unwise to tell such an important secret to a mere follower of Athena, don’t you think?” You mused, raising a brow.
         But Namjoon just grinned, “Something tells me you’re much more than just a follower.”
         The book fell on the table with a loud thud, carefully placing the glass bottle off to the side. “Well, what do you wish to know about honey-nymphs, God Namjoon?” You breathed, opening the book wide.
        And just as you turned your back towards him, letting your fingers trail down the inked pages, he pressed himself up against you. His hands firmly planted on the desk on either side of you, acting as if the sudden action was anything but out of the norm.
         The shiver that ran up your spine, feeling him so close, his hot breath ghosting your exposed neck. You found yourself once again pressing your legs together, the same desire that sneaked through from earlier making another grand appearance, but this time stronger.
        “I want to know about their real personalities, what they like, what makes them smile, and what makes them tick.” He grunted, but the way he spoke into your ear, made it seem like it wasn’t so much about honey-nymphs as he was directing the question to you.
         The sound of the light breeze hitting the windows made you wake up, your face rosy as you felt his heat radiating off him. And to make it worse, you relished in it.
        “E-excuse me God Namjoon, with all due respect, you don’t have to be so close to read.” You stuttered, trying to gain control of the situation again. He chuckled, and in a bold move, rested his chin on your shoulder, “I know, but I can see a lot better from here.”
        “Well, I’ve never seen you read like this with Athena.” You shot back. He huffed reluctantly, pulling back and standing beside you. It was crazy how cold you suddenly felt after just a few mere seconds of his body pressed against yours.
        With an excessive amount of force, your hands flipped through the pages of the book, trying to hinder the unnecessary tension that seemingly built out of nowhere. “W-well, honey-nymphs are followers of Demeter-”
        “Not this nymph…” He muttered under his breath, arms crossed as he watched your finger glide across the page. You opened your mouth to question his statement but quickly pushed it aside. As curious as you were, you wanted to kick him out of here as soon as possible before you did something stupid.
        “Their responsibility is to help the bees pollinate. Not many know, but bees are of huge importance in our ecosystem, more than half of our crops rely on bees. If they die…well, I hope Hades’ has enough room for us all.”
        Namjoon nodded his head in understanding, “What about their temperament?”
        “They’re like us, each nymph has their own personality. But there does seem to be a common characteristic between honey-nymphs. They’re shy, but once you get to know them, they’re a literal ball of sunshine and awfully cheery. Easily mistaken as one of Apollo’s followers.”
        Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head as he smiled to himself, “Yeah…I think she’ll be a good match for my brother.”
        A soft smile painted your face, observing the way Namjoon chuckled to himself, “I’m guessing he’s energetic?”
         “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him not smiling.”
         “Any other questions?” You hummed, shutting the book softly. But Namjoon just sighed and shook his head, “Not for today, thank you.”
         You merely nodded at his words, “I assume I won’t see you tomorrow.”
         “And why is that?”
         You raised a brow, nudging at the book, “The party’s tomorrow. Don’t you want to meet your future sister-in-law?”
         “Yes, but I don’t see why I can’t visit you as well.”
         “Because unlike you, I’ll be tucked away in bed.”
         “Then do me a favour, and come to the party.”
         You laughed, shaking your head as you picked up the book and started walking off to place it away. And as expected, you could feel his footsteps, “I don’t do parties. I’m a scholar, not a maenad.”
         And just as you were about to turn on your heel, away from him, he gently gripped your wrist, making you look at him, “Then at least drink the wine.”
         “About that, take it back, give it to someone who would appreciate it. I don’t drink.” You insisted, but Namjoon shook his head. The way his long boney fingers tapped along your wrist, grinning madly as he stepped closer, “Drink it because from now on, you’ll be receiving one every day.”
         “That’s a waste!”
         “Not in my eyes.” He retorted. And just like that, he stepped back, his hand letting go and bowing down. Your eyes widen at his gesture, not once has a God ever bowed down to a mere follower like yourself, and to be fair, a God shouldn’t have to bow down to anyone besides other Gods.
         But Namjoon laid a hand on his chest with a smirk as he watched the way you flushed at his gesture, “I expect to see you, here, in this library, in the night. Till tomorrow.”
         How badly you wanted to bite his ear off, argue that there was no way in bloody Hades you were going to stay up, waiting for him. But Namjoon spun on his heel, opening the doors wide as he shuffled away with ease.
         You eyed the bottle of wine on the desk, and with much annoyance, grabbed it and stormed off to lock up the library doors.
        I hate that man, with a passion.
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         Your eyes felt heavy as you laid slumped against the wooden desk. A small yawn escaping from you as you fidget around in your seat to find a somewhat comfortable position for your head, but of course, how comfortable can a piece of wood be?
        With an internal scream, your head rose, staring aimlessly at the endless rows of books in front of you. Another important note to add to your growing collection of random facts – wooden tables make horrible pillows.
        This was insanity.
        The bloody owls were wide awake, stars twinkling high above you through the windows as another tired yawn escaped you. You hadn’t even bothered putting on decent clothes, wearing your pyjamas with an old nightgown on top.
        You were confident that you wouldn’t dare wait for that ignorant fool to arrive at your library at midnight. Who in their right mind would? But yet here you are, contemplating on whether or not you should try out another stupid hypothesis while you wait for that fool.
        God, you hated him.
        The way he smiled, his dark eyes, that husky voice of his…
        Your eyes widen, nearly jumping out of your seat and heart pounding heavily in your chest. But what ticked you off more was the way Namjoon’s eyes crinkled, entertained at how you cried out in fear at his voice.
        Hands swinging to your chest, trying to calm down your erratic heartbeat as you glared at him with such hatred, you knew the God Ares would’ve been proud.
        “You scared me!” You screamed, ready to slap the man silly, but Namjoon just laughed.
        The way his eyes lit up with delight, cute dimples appearing on his cheeks as he hollered at your mortified expression. You never did notice those dimples of his, and for a split moment, you swear your heart fluttered.
        “You just seemed in such a deep thought. I didn’t want to bother you, so who were you thinking about?”
        The way your cheeks flushed red as you crossed your arms, standing straight and not bothering to put the chair back into place, “W-what makes you think I was thinking of someone?” You blurted, gazing away from him. But it didn’t matter that you weren’t looking at Namjoon, because just hearing him chuckling had you weak in the knees, “I know that look. That’s the look of someone in love.”
        Your head snapped towards him, hands itching to wrap around his neck and strangle him. “You’re wrong. Now, let’s hurry up so I can go to bed.” You huffed, rolling your eyes at him.
        But Namjoon just kissed his teeth, still entertained, “I thought you were already going to be in bed? I didn’t think you’d wait for me.”
        Nostrils flared as you heaved in annoyance, “I swear, if you don’t pick a damn topic I’m going to kick you out.”
        His hands rose upwards, acting as if he surrendered, but the coy grin on his face stayed. “Alright-alright!” Within seconds you turned on your heel, flicking your wrist and beaconing him to speak, “Soulmates.”
        And just like last night, you stopped dead in your tracks.
        With a turn on your heel, you felt his body crash onto yours, but you also felt a coldness grazing your chest, a faint swishing sound to go along with it. Your hands fell upon his torso, falling headfirst into his chest. “Are you alright?” Namjoon gasped out, a grasp of his pulling you back as his eyes frantically studied you.
        But your eyes fell upon his chest once more. He was holding a bottle of wine, how did you not notice before?
        “I-I’m fine, sorry.” You muttered because you were utterly embarrassed. And not so much because of the fall, but because you felt the muscles that lurked underneath Namjoon’s silks and furs as you reached out towards him.
        You felt every divot, every muscle tense as your body collided against his. Not once did it come across your mind that while he had a handsome face, he had a body to go with it.
        Namjoon let out a sigh of relief, taunting slightly as you brushed back your hair into a bun once again, “You really need to stop doing that.” He muttered, head shaking as his eyes still wearily overlooked you.
        But without a second thought, you reached forward and grabbed the bottle from his grasp. The way he held it, it was screaming for disaster, was this man always so clumsy? He held the neck of the bottle like it was a toy, not made out of glass that could shatter into a billion pieces. “It’s for you.” He spoke, and your eyes lined up with his once again.
        “Thanks…” You muttered softly, cheeks still rosy from the whole situation.
        And there you two stood, in awkward silence as you hug the bottle to your chest. The unexplainable euphoria that ran through your body as you held the wine. Were you actually happy that Namjoon gave you a gift? It’s not like you drank anyways, but your fingers anxiously tapped the glass.
        You were tired.
        That’s why your body was seemingly in high alert to his every stare, every touch. You didn’t like him one bit, it was just you being tired…right?
        “S-soulmates. Why do you want to learn about that?” You asked, trying to fill the void of silence with something. As if your words reminded him of the task at hand, he stepped forward, “It’s more of a question than anything.”
        “And that question is…?”
        “Can two people fall in love with the same person?”
        You were in full alert, choking on air at his words. How did this man come up with such questions? Maybe you did judge him a bit too harshly, he was undoubtedly a man with a creative mind. “It’s rare, but not impossible amongst humans-”
        “What about Gods?”
        “What is this about Namjoon?” you asked with narrowed eyes. His questions were too specific. Was he in love with a woman? Suddenly you felt your heart squeeze - an unexplainable pain in your chest at the thought of him liking someone.
        But you pushed the thoughts aside, why am I getting possessive over who Namjoon likes? It has nothing to do with me- “My brothers. It seems they’re both heads over heels with the same woman.”
        A sense of relief but also confusion consumed you, “What is with you and love? Is your whole family on a ‘find my soulmate’ field trip?” You grumbled, crossing your arms tightly with the bottle as you watched him. It was really then you saw how tired Namjoon looked, forgetting that he did stay up all night at a party.
        His hair was messy, faint under-eye circles as he chuckled at your response. His voice was a bit deeper than usual, a certain gruffness that had your heart pounding. His hoarse voice itself was a sin in so many ways.
��       “Soon you’re going to come asking about mermaids.” You scoffed, smiling at how Namjoon laughed. His smile brightens, crossing his own arms as he raised a brow, “I was saving that for day four.” Your mouth dropped, “A mermaid? One of your brothers is in love with a bloody mermaid!”
        “Tomorrow I thought we could learn about Hades-”
        “One of your brother’s is in love with Hades!?”
        This time Namjoon bent over laughing, head flung back as he wiped tears from his eyes at your expression, “Not Hades himself, one of his workers. It’s complicated, I don’t even want to try to explain.”
        You felt your body hitting the bookshelf, an exhausted sigh escaping you. No wonder this man drinks, I would too if I had to deal with a family like that.
        “What about you, were you dreaming about your soulmate?” He teased. Right away the blush you worked so hard on making disappear came fluttering back. “N-no, I told you, I wasn’t thinking about anyone!” You huffed, fingers scratching the glass of the bottle.
        Namjoon chuckled, cracking his fingers as he rolled his shoulders back with a sigh, “Let me guess, were you thinking about me?”
        “The only thing I fantasize is you leaving.” You shot back, frustration eating you away. Because you were fantasizing about him, as foolish as it was. He was a tick, a damn tick that seemed to infest your mind and have thoughts that only followers of Aphrodite would have the nerve to act upon.
        And what made it worse was that Namjoon seemed to see right through your act. He stepped forward leaning, his husky scent engulfing you once more. Your heart fluttered, drunk off his scent alone as he leaned his moist lips towards your ear, “Taste the wine, you’ll enjoy it. I promise.” He purred, only to pull back just as fast.
        You swear you’re surprised that the bottle was still intact, not crumbling away under your tight grasp. With a huff, you walked off in sexual frustration towards the entrance of the library, prying the door open for Namjoon to get the bloody hint, “See you tomorrow!” You shouted, only to hear him laughing from behind you.
        His torso grazed your back, letting his hands wander along your sides gently. Namjoon’s touch alone made your resolve crumble, gasping softly at how delicate his touches were. He hummed in your ear, voice low and sultry, “By the way, your nightgown is see-through, and I must say – I quite enjoy what I see.”
        He didn’t give you a chance to shriek, running off through the open door you held with a light skip.
        Your mind was a mess.
        Torn between chasing after him and murdering him with your bare hands and wanting to kiss the man to death. He was infuriating, but what was more infuriating was you couldn’t get enough of him.
        You slammed the doors shut, locking it before heading to the back of the library, where your quarters lurked. From the corner of your eye, you spotted the other bottle of red wine he left yesterday sitting on your counter, still unopened. You’ve seen Athena drinking plenty of times in the library with Namjoon…And another sigh of frustration left you.
        Damn it.
        You grabbed the nearest glass and pulled the cork from the bottle in your grasp, letting the scarlet liquid fill the cup. But what caught you off guard was the smell.
        It smelt exactly like him, Namjoon in a damn bottle.
        You brought the cup to your nose, sniffling the liquid, and a soft moan escaped you. It was like Namjoon was right here, in your kitchenette. And this time, you let all of those sinful desires of yours bubble up.
        Your legs pressed together, a need consuming you as you took another sniff, aroused just by the scent – his scent. With a gentle tilt, the cold liquid touched your lips, another content mewl fleeing.
        The wine was smooth, going down your throat without any slight burn. So good in fact, that you found yourself taking another swing. The richness of the red liquid, it made your eyes flutter with delight. It wasn’t acidic, but it still held a faint spiciness to it, but the distant flavours of plum helped sweeten it just a tad.
        You let the glass leave your mouth begrudgingly, licking your lips - not allowing a single drop go to waste. And it was after you finally came down from your high, you noticed that half of the bottle was already gone. You flushed, realizing how much you did enjoy Namjoon’s wine - Agiorgitiko.
        A groan of frustration ate away at you as you reluctantly placed the cork back into the bottle. You couldn’t deny it, the wine was delicious. But it also made the itch between your legs worse.
        Everything about him was godly.
        And it rubbed you both the wrong and good way.
        His deep chuckles, alluring eyes, even his long thin fingers. You blew out the remaining candles and stumbled into your bedroom, head spinning.
        Your body fell onto your bed with a soft thud, eyes watching the night sky through your window. The moon was high in the sky, stars twinkling. And it was staring at the beautiful night sky that the realization hit you.
        I like Namjoon….
        This is all your fault, Athena.
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         A soft grunt flew, standing on your tippy-toes as you tried to put the book back into place. The sun was shining brightly, and surprisingly, quite a bit of people arrived today. You figured that after the festivity of Dionysus people would’ve slept in, try to sleep their hangover away.
         Your fingertips pushed the book, and a satisfied sigh left your lips, perfect.
         The sound of your feet hitting the ground firmly resonated, as your eyes shifted once again to the cart beside you. So focused on your work, you failed to notice the set of dark eyes that watched your every move.
         Namjoon smiled softly, watching the way you grabbed another book and struggled to put it away. You were quite tall, but the shelves were higher.
         The way you leaned your body against the bookshelf, breasts squished and ass sticking out as your fingers wiggled to slide the book into place. Namjoon couldn’t help but groan. You were so damn sexy, and it frustrated him to no ends that you didn’t realize it yourself.
         You were maddening, a damn tease and a half.
        And the moment Namjoon remembered that sharp tongue of yours, he groaned once again. He found you tempting, and this was something he figured out the moment he set his eyes on you. But just from these two days alone, he realized he wasn’t just physically attracted to you, but more.
        Namjoon was addicted – to your personality, that shy smile, and the way your skin turned pink under his gazes. His hand brushed his crotch, already feeling a bulge starting to form, and he bit his lips. He wanted you so damn bad. And he knew he would treat you so damn well, have you a moaning mess and put that sharp tongue to good use.
        Because while most men in this God-forsaken realm hated the thought of an independent woman, he loved it. He treasured how smart you were, and struggled to control the urge to pin you up against the bookshelf and take you right then and there whenever you went all teacher on him. You could be talking about dog shit for all he fucking cared - because somehow, you would make that topic seem sexy.
        But the moment he saw you bend over, picking up a book that slipped from your fingers, giving him a perfect view of your perky ass, he lost it. Tonight, he’ll make his final move. And hopefully, it wouldn’t backfire in his face.
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        The book slipped from your fingers, hissing under your breath as the book caused a loud thud to sound off. Talk about listening to the library rules of being quiet.
        Without a second thought, you bent over, huffing in frustration as you grabbed the book that slipped from your fingers. And just as you straighten out, a pair of hands upon your hips caused you to jerk forward, bumping into the bookshelf in surprise.
        “Be careful.” A deep voice droned into your ear, your body pressed against the shelf. But you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was – because the sound and scent alone had your body heating up.
        A soft gasp escaped you, biting your lips as Namjoon’s hot breath hit the back of your exposed neck once again. His scent alone made the thoughts of last night come flashing back. The wine he gave, damn it smelt just like him.
        His hands ran up your back, along your sides, the same gentle touch from last night. “W-what are you doing here so early?” You mewled, struggling to get your voice steady under his caresses. You hated it, how much your body yearned for him.
        To think that this was the same man who you hated with such passion not even two days ago, now the only desire you had was to feel his fingers move downwards to do unspeakable things. The chuckle, the way his chest rumbled on your back as you gasped breathlessly, “I wanted to visit you, make sure you’re ready for tonight’s lesson.”
        Your hands gripped the wooden shelf underneath you, trying to understand his words, “O-of course I’m ready. I’m Athena’s second for a reason.” You spoke, taken pride in your intelligence. But the way Namjoon kissed his teeth into your ear, “Oh no, tonight, I want to teach you something.”
        The shiver that ran up your spine, it was wicked.
        “Teach me what?” You panted, forgetting that you two were out in public, dozens of people who could easily see you pressed up against the bookshelf, Namjoon pressing himself against you. And you swore, you could feel something hard, something throbbing against your ass.
        “Whose boss.” He grunted.
        Your knees buckled.
        Namjoon pulled away, and with a flick of his wrist, spun you around, your back hitting the bookshelf. Seeing his face, his eyes dilated as he licked those plump lips of his, “See you tonight. And wear what you wore last night, I liked it.” He hummed, before walking away.
        Finally, you breathed, observing how he walked away with not a care in the world, as if he didn’t just have you under his finger for a split moment. The gnawing on your lip brought you back to reality, a few innocent bystanders gazing at you and Namjoon with a look of confusion.
        Indulge…suddenly that word made too much sense now.
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         Without realizing it, you found yourself anticipating for Namjoon. The sky was dark, and foolishly, you found yourself twirling the thin fabric of your nightgown in your fingers. It was silly to think that you listened to his words, his plea for you to wear the same lingerie from last night, and a part of you wanted to revolt and wear a suit of damn armour.
         But you would also be lying to yourself because you were eager to know what Namjoon could teach you. You were well educated, a living, breathing compilation of useless facts. Yet the urge to understand what Namjoon could show you, something that you didn’t know excited you.
         This whole time, you viewed Namjoon with tainted eyes.
        You always assumed he would be like every other man who roamed this realm, an absolute sexist jerk. But he wasn’t. He was a flirt, that was for sure, but he did genuinely seem interested in learning, and what was more shocking was he never once undermined you for being a woman with high authority.
         If you said stop, he did, hell you kicked the almighty God out of the library last night when he decided to get a bit too handsy with you. And it was because of that, you found yourself fluttering.
        “Don’t judge him so easily, my pupil.” – That was what Athena said to you before she left. And now you understood why. Maybe…he wasn’t as bad as he seemed. That while he may be the God of wine, he was still powerful and wise. That he did deserve his title of being a God after all.
        Your head fell against the wooden table at which you sat, you were officially crushing on Namjoon. Let Hades take pity over your soul.
        The sound of your fingers patting aimlessly drifted throughout the empty library, your eyes started feeling heavy. When is that bloody man going to-
        “Miss me?”
        Hearing his voice made your body energized, sleepiness disappeared, and suddenly you were on full alert. Your head snapped upwards, looking in front of you to see him with crossed arms, and of course, holding a bottle of wine.
        The thoughts of last night came rushing back, how just a sniff of that wine made you press your legs in desire and a wetness pool. He was so damn addictive and frustrating at the same time, always challenging you, keeping you on your toes – and you loved it.
        A small scoffed escaped your lips, sitting upwards, “Keep dreaming, I didn’t miss you, I saw you this morning.”
        “So I guess I could just leave then-”
        “N-no-” you blurted, the word flying out of your mouth before you could process what you had just said. The cocky smirk on his face, the way he stepped forward, letting the bottle swing between his fingers, “What was that? You don’t want me to go sweetheart?” He mused, raising a brow.
        The way your cheeks turned a bright red, hearing the way he called you sweetheart, but also the way he strode towards you - like he’s getting ready to bounce.
        “W-well why leave when you came all this way already? That would be a waste of time.” You huffed, crossing your arms, keenly walking away from the situation itself, because the itch between your legs was intense.
        You could feel your wetness starting to build, so much it stuck to your inner thighs. The sound of him putting the bottle on the table, his footsteps trailing behind you as you hastily walked to whatever bookshelf was close, trying to look somewhat busy.
        “You wore the nightgown for me?” Namjoon spoke, a hint of pleasure lingering. Your steps stiffen, itching to slap the man behind you silly, “I wore it because it’s late at night, time for bed.” You shot back, finally coming to a complete stop at a bookshelf, your fingers dragging along the spines of the books. And your eyes widen when you realized what section of literature you decided to stop at - ‘erotica.’
        You got to be kidding me.
        Namjoon’s hands fell upon your hips, his long fingers digging into the thin material of your dress, “I warned you, this dress is see-through…” He purred into your ear, pressing himself onto you, caught between his body and the novels. And that alone was enough to cause your head to fall, sighing softly as you bit your lips.
        The way he trailed up your sides, his lips sweeping against your neck and ear, “Did you taste the wine yet?” He buzzed. You closed your eyes, indulging in the sound of his voice so damn close to you, feeling his massive frame, his scent.
        “I-I did.” You moaned breathlessly. Namjoon had this effect, the ability to make you lose all sense of logic. He chuckled deliberately into your ear, his hands moving along your bare arms, goosebumps rising on your skin, “Did you enjoy it?”
        “Do you want another taste?”
        You hesitated - you didn’t just want another bottle, you wanted him.
        “Then turn around.”
        Namjoon’s hands squeezed your arms, flipping you on your back and slamming you against the bookcase. The books shook at the sheer force, but he didn’t give you a chance to lecture him, because he slammed his lips against yours.
        You couldn’t stop the moan that exploded from deep within in, eyes fluttering shut as his hands wrapped around your waist. The way he moved his lips, sloppy and eager, borderline frantic. His wet muscle grazing your lips, urging you to open your mouth and submit, but you weren’t that easy.
        He grunted, pushing you firmer against the books, no longer playing nice and letting his teeth brush against your bottom lip. But as he concentrated on the kiss, your hands wandered his body, wrapping around his neck before letting your fingers run wild in his hair. The animalistic groan that he unleashed as you tugged on his hair, panting slightly as his eyes rolled back.
        And the sight alone made you mewl, pressing your legs together, feeling the way your wetness dripped down, your core clenching to feel him inside you. He swore under his breath, eyes heavy as he gazed at you, “Why do you hate me so damn much woman?” He huffed, and his question caught you off guard.
        Mainly because now that you thought about your reason for disliking him, it was stupid. You bashfully looked away, but he grasped your face with a strength that made your eyes line up, “Because you’re a man.” You blurted.
        He grinned, pushing himself against you, and that’s when you felt it - his manhood pulsing underneath his robes, just missing your own heat. A soft moan left you, and he kissed his teeth, “Good observation, I am a male – a 100% if I do say. Now, what does that have to do with hating me?”
        “I-I thought you would be like the others, as the God of wine. Lustful, a fool.” You spoke truthfully, quivering at the way he watched your lips move because you were flat out insulting a God. Somehow the fact that he was a God slipped out of your mind far too many times, and if you’re being honest, there were many times he could have unleashed his wrath on you based on the way you spoke.
        But instead of getting upset he let out a sigh, “I know…a lot of people think that. Think I’m some lustful man like my father.”
        You frowned, realizing the stigma he carried, his whole family in fact. Dionysus was notorious for sleeping around with men and woman, and to judge a man based on others, even you knew better. “I’m sorry and…”
        He raised a brow, urging for you to finish your sentence, “I don’t hate you…you just drive me up the bloody wall – literally.” The way he bit his lips, looking down at you, “I’m going to be your teacher tonight, sweetheart.”
        And the thought alone made you weak in the knees.
        With ease, Namjoon pushed his legs between yours, grinning at the pathetic whimper that escaped your lips, “I promise, I’ll never try to dominate you if you agree to be mine. I’ll let you roam free, do whatever you please, continue serving my dear friend Athena.”
        He was asking you for your hand, asking you to be his. But you found yourself shaking your head, “No.”
        His eyes narrowed, Namjoon hissing under his breath, “What do you want from me, woman? I’ll do anything-” he groaned, his lips brushing your neck and causing you to shake. You tried helplessly to push your legs together, seeking some sort of relief but his legs prevented such action, “Teach me.”
        The way Namjoon’s eyes darken, a stifling grunt leaving him as he watched the way you squirm, “Teach you what.”
        “Let me have my way, yes. But when it comes to love – devour me. Consume me. Make me yours.” You purred, letting your nails dig into his hair, tugging at his lush locks, and that alone made him snap. He lifted his knee, rubbing it against your core and causing you to whine out in delight.
        Indulge and submit.
        Two words you never understood, until you met him.
        Submitting is not weakness, it’s not you losing control, because you were willingly letting him devour you. You wanted Namjoon too – and that is not a weakness but strength, power. Because with a flick of your wrist you could make Namjoon stop dead in his tracks, ending this.
        That was real power – and he gladly gave it to you.
        Namjoon’s knee rubbed teasingly slow, hissing into your ear, “Your soaking wet, I can feel you dripping on my knee. You like this, huh? Getting off on my fucking knee.”
        The way he spoke, voice low and coarse as he humiliated you just made you whimper. You unknowingly bucked your hips, gasping as you felt your bundle of nerves hit his thigh. Your eyes rolled back, “Fuck, you love this, huh, sweetheart?”
        The way he rubbed his knee got faster, deliberately letting your clit rub against his skin, lips readily nipping at your neck. There was so much stimulation, his hands trailing upwards, cupping your breasts and folding them. Your head swung back, pleasure coursing through your body.
        How you dreamt of this, dreamt of him just pinning you up against this bookcase and fucking you stupid.
        Your cries got louder, grinding your hips harder against his leg, “Namjoon~.” You gasped, not bothering to hush your moans. It was just him and you in this damn library, you would be as loud as you wanted. The way he always managed to get your clit rolling, nails digging into his skin as you felt a pressure so heavy building in your stomach.
        The way your hips bucked, knees giving out and causing you to fall against his knee, “You’re already going to cum for me, sweetheart?” He groaned, enjoying the sound of your whimpers, your weak cries as you shut your eyes. It was everything he fantasized and more, his member getting harder, aching to be inside of you and feel your walls clenching.
        Your mouth parted, whining, “N-Namjoon, I’m so close.” You gasped. Fuck, you couldn’t believe it. A whimpering mess from Namjoon’s thigh alone. Your legs trembled, spots flooding your vision despite your shut eyes as the pressure built to a new peak. You were so close, your cries getting louder, his rubbing more furious.
        “You think I’m gonna let you cum?” Namjoon whispered into your ear, fingers tugging on your perked nipples through your nightgown. Your back arched, your release coming close, but his words dawned on you, “Please, please Namjoon.” You gasped, head shaking as you struggled to open your eyes.
        When your eyes finally did flutter open, and you looked at his face, you almost lost it.
        His heavy breathing, eyes half-lidded and cheeks coloured as Namjoon leaned into your body, lost in ecstasy, “After all the damn trouble you put me though, oh this is just the start of your punishment.”
        He pulled his knee back, leaving you a soaking mess, cheeks glowing, looking at the sticky chaos all over his legs. Sexual frustration took over, hands hitting his chest in defeat, “You asshole.”
        You were so damn close – so bloody close, but Namjoon didn’t seem to care at all. The grip on your breasts became aggressive, puffing as you felt the fabric starting to strain under his touch. “I’m gonna punish you, make sure you learn that I don’t like being teased.”
        And that’s when you heard the rip. Your eyes widen, feeling the cold air on your skin, white fibres floating as your dress ripped in half. “M-my dress!” the words flew, gasping as your boobs bounced and Namjoon hungrily pushed his body forward, “Worry about yourself first.”
        He gripped your wrists, dragging you away from the bookshelf and leading you to one of the many study desks that littered the area. The red tinge that painted your face spread throughout your body, trying helplessly to cover yourself even just a tiny bit. Namjoon was still fully clothed, still wearing the finest of silks and furs and in your eyes, you seemed very underdressed.
        But just as you were about to complain, his lips slammed against yours, shushing your cries for good. He tasted just like his wine, so smooth and addictive – that denied orgasm of yours had you begging already, “Please-please just touch me.” You spoke with jagged breath, struggling to stand up straight as your body leaned against the wooden table.
        “I’ll touch you, alright, teach you your first lesson.”
        “And what’s that?” You kittenishly spoke, a bit more bite in your voice than needed since you were utter putty in his hands.
        “What happens when you tease me – what your punishment is.”
        His body sat on the chair, tugging on your wrist harshly, letting your body fall along his lap. The way your ass stuck out in the air, his member poking your lower stomach, itching to be touched had your pussy throbbing with need.
        It was such a submissive position and something you never in a million years thought you would ever do. But the way his hands ran down your back, grabbing your ass with such vigour and want, “You don’t know how long I’ve stared at this pretty ass of yours.”
        And the thought of him checking you out all this time had your heart fluttering, knowing that he actually sought after you, that you broke this man, a God, and made him work hard. “Are you going to stare at it or punish me?” You huffed, looking over your shoulder and giving him the snarkiest smirk.
        The way he bit his lips, his hand falling down on your ass with a smack that bounced off the walls of this library with such volume. You cried out, not anticipating such strength, Namjoon’s hands running over the spot he just hit softly, “How’s that?” He taunted, this time bearing the smirk.
        You glared harshly, “That’s all you got?”
        Just because you were book smart didn’t mean you knew when to shut your mouth, and this was a perfect example of that. You swore you saw the vein in Namjoon’s neck bulge in infuriation, hand raising high and smacking you once again. You hissed, the pain radiating, but also the pleasure.
        The way his hand rose and fell over and over again, your voice shaky as you whimper out in pure delight and anticipation. It was like Namjoon knew, how hard to spank, breathing heavy as his blows never wavered once.
        How badly you wanted to turn around and look at his face – you could already image the sweat on his forehead, biting his lips as he watched the way your ass jiggled with each slap. And despite the tears that streamed down your face, you loved it. The pain he inflicted, but also the soothingly rubs he did between.
        “Namjoon~.” You whimpered.
        “What’s wrong, is someone tapping out?” He huffed, mocking at the way you trembled over his knees.
        It was shameful how wet you were, and you knew you were leaking down your legs and all over his expensive robes. It wasn’t a matter of your body not being able to handle his punishment anymore, but more so you wanted him to just fuck you already.
        Without realizing, your legs pressed together, seeking temporary relief, and the gesture didn’t go unnoticed. “Look at you, getting punished and your fucking soaking wet.” He grunted, and instead of receiving another slap, his hands ran down your buttock, only to tease your core.
        The sharp gasp that left your lips, eyes fluttering closed as he let his fingers slid over your slit, scooping up all of your wetness. Your hips jumped upwards, squirming, and you could hear him grunt, you’d been teasing his member without realizing.
        “Please, just fuck me.” You cried, hands covering your face in frustration, “You want me to fuck you? Then show me how much you want it.” And you didn’t need to be told twice.
        In an instant, he tugged on your bun, forcing you to sit up and pushing you down to your knees. The way he sighed contently, your wide eyes looking up at him with such desire that he licked his lips, “Convince me.”
        Your hands ran up his legs, feeling the way his thighs tensed, only fueling your urge to make him feel good. Make sure that he realized how good you felt, and how badly you needed him.
        But you couldn’t help but smile softly noticing that he undid the stash that wrapped around his waist, slipping the black furs he wore off his body - helping you undress him. With a final tug of your hands along the hemline, you pulled, exposing him fully.
        Your jaw shamefully dropped, seeing his cock standing proud, fully erect and already oozing pre-cum. “What you waiting for, sweetheart? Do you want me to fuck you or no?”
        And that was all you needed to pounce.
        You hands fell on Namjoon’s thighs, your mouth inches away from his member. The head of his dick red, angry and begging to be sucked. Your fingers wrapped along the base, feeling him pulse underneath you, and you dove.
        Mouth parted, slipping him between your lips hungrily with a deep suck. Cheeks hollowed, making sure he felt every ridge in your damn mouth. And as your head bobbed down him slowly, your eyes rolled back, because you were hit with a familiar taste.
        His bloody wine.
        Memories of the way the cold scarlet liquid ran down your throat, the spiciness and hint of plum, without realizing you bounced your head up and down rapidly, not caring at all at the spit that dripped out of your mouth.
        His hands tangled themselves in your ruined bun, hips bucking to meet your bobs as he grunted, “Fuck, I thought the followers of Athena are chaste.” And with that comment you pulled away, grinning, “Untrue. Athena is pure, but she doesn’t care what we do in our spare time.”
        “So fucking you in her library is okay?”
        “As long as it’s after work hours.”
        “Fuck your dirty.”
        And your lips found it’s way back to him.
        Your tongue lapped the head of his dick, engulfing him as you let your teeth slightly graze him - earning a low groan. Your hand moved up and down his shaft because as much as you tried, you struggled to fully down him.
        He was unquestionably on the longer side, and that only fueled the thoughts of how deep you’ll feel him inside of you. How Namjoon would hit places utterly unknown to you.
        With a deep breath, you swallowed, feeling Namjoon’s legs tense, enjoying the way his cock was clasped in your throat. He moaned, head thrown back and knuckles white as he gripped your hair. His hand shoved your head down on him, pushing himself farther down your throat.
        You groaned, choking on his length, causing pleasurable vibrations to course through him. Another fucked out growl escaped him as he let his hips meet your sucks. “F-fuck. I-if you keep that up I’m gonna explode.” He huffed, and just from the way his voice wavered, he was telling the truth.
        The pool between your legs was slowly eating you away, wanting frantically to slip a finger inside but you could only image what your punishment would be if Namjoon saw you do that, and right now, you couldn’t handle another punishment of his.
        Your tongue licked the head of his dick urgently, loving the way he helplessly bucked underneath you, that a mere follower, was making a God like him come undone.
        His breath hitched, hips raised, and before you could swallow him down your throat once again, he pulled away. The way Namjoon’s chest heaved, face blissed out, cheeks crimsoned as he panted, “Fuck. Get up here so I can fuck you senseless.”
        You scrambled onto your feet, his hands grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him. “Straddle me.”
        With his arms as support, your legs wrapped around his hips, feeling his member lay against your cunt and teasing your clit, “Put it in already.” You moaned, unable to wait any longer.
        You’ve dreamt of this, these past days were driving you absolutely insane with lust, but also because you’ve become fond of this God of wine. Namjoon wasn’t who he seemed, and if only you didn’t let your damn attitude get in the way, maybe you could’ve been fucking him this whole week.
        With hips raised, Namjoon grabbed your waist to steady you, “Take your time, I didn’t get to stretch you out.” He hummed, and you couldn’t help but let your heart waver at how gentle his tone was. With a weak nod, you grabbed his length and slowly started going down on him.
        Your lips parted, a small mewl fleeing as you felt him starting to enter you, stretching you completely. The burning sensation of being spread wide because of him, and you noticed the way Namjoon huffed to himself, seemingly in more pain than you, “What’s wrong?” You gasped, itching yourself on him.
        “Trying not to fuck you senseless at the moment.” He grunted, shutting his eyes close. You grinned, and despite the burning stretch, you let your body fall hard on him, the base of his dick and balls slapping against your skin.
        The way he groaned, biting his lips so hard you thought he drew blood, “You bitch.” He hissed, and you laughed because you knew what you just did. “Punish me?” You purred, wrapping your arms around his neck, and his eyes narrowed, staring at you with such passion and aggravation, “I think you like being punished.”
        “Only if it’s done by you.”
        His hands moved away from your waist, down to your ass, grabbing the flesh harshly. You winced, still sore from his smacks, but Namjoon grinned, “You’re not gonna be able to walk for days.”
        “Good, wasn’t planning on it anyways.”
        And with that, he thrust upwards. You raised your hips up and down to met his jerks, feeling the way he pulled out entirely before slamming back inside of you. Your breath hitched, because fuck. You’ve never felt so damn satisfied.
        You could feel every ridge of his member along your walls, clenching him tightly as you bounced on him. His huffing, hands frantically guiding you up and down, pulling you forward and causing your clit to rub along his pelvis. “Damn, Namjoon.” You gasped, eyes fluttering shut, your legs already trembling from the pleasure.
        He chuckled, his head falling into your neck, biting your skin crudely, “You like it rough, huh?”
        “Fuck, yes.” You mewled, letting your body rest against him weakly as you bounced on him. God, you could feel the way his legs tensed in bliss, fingers digging into your soft flesh and causing bruises to emerge. The lewd sounds of your wetness seeping, his dick slamming back into you.
        Skin on skin – it echoed loudly, and you bet that anyone near this damn library would figure out that you two were fucking. Your eyes rolled back, grinding yourself harder, letting your clit rub along Namjoon’s pelvis, giving you that extra kick to bring you to your impending orgasm. “Harder.” You gasped out, riding him frantically.
        The need to cum, it was driving you insane. That’s all you wanted, was to cum with Namjoon inside you - feel him explode.
        “You’re so damn sexy.” Namjoon panted, and you could tell he was hitting his limit as well. His thrusts become sloppy, huffing into your neck as his hips moved at an inhuman speed. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, a sweaty sheen covering both of your bodies as you rode him.
        The knot in your stomach, the knot that you’ve been denied for far too long -  desperately wanting to snap, “Please-please, I’m so-so close.” You whimpered. Head spinning, mouth hanging open, not caring at all that you looked like such a mess.
        Namjoon groaned watching the way you fucked yourself on him, breasts bouncing, body flushed and twitching. “Fuck look at you-you can’t even open your eyes.”
        His harsh words made the knot tighter, moaning, “I-it’s so good.” Namjoon thrust upwards once more, the angle causing him to brush against a particular spot that made you see stars.
        You screamed, and you could hear him snicker underneath you, “Found it.”
        He didn’t give you a chance to ask what he meant, Namjoon’s hands holding you steady, taking charge and fucking you at such speed and hitting that spot over and over. The way he pounded into you, seeking out his high, chest heaving. Your walls clenched, causing him to grunt passionately.
        Your bun came undone, hair flying everywhere as your head fell into his chest, and the release that you’ve long sought after fast approaching, “Fuck you’re so tight, you’re going to cum aren’t you?” He hissed, his hands letting go to only smack your ass.
        The whimper that left your lips, unable to speak but just nod, “Fuck, I’m going to cum.” He huffed, and at the sound of his words, you gasped, “Cum inside me, please.”
        “You want my cum that bad?”
         “Yes, inside, please~.” You whimpered.
         Your legs stiffen, eyes struggling to keep open, “I’m going to-I’m going to-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, a cry escaping you as you bit his shoulder, legs trembling and your clit rubbing frantically against his pelvis as your orgasm ripped through you.
        Namjoon groaned noisily, feeling the way you tightened, holding him inside of you as he tried to fuck you. His name slipped off your tongue like a song, crying out Namjoon’s name as he thrust, “F-fuck-” he stuttered.
         His hips shot forward, planting himself deep inside as you trembled. A sudden warmth shoot inside of you, a desperate cry escaping his lips, head thrown back, breath hitched.
        You could feel it, the way his hips sloppily fucked you, riding off his high. Long spurts of his seed filled you, and you could only moan in pleasure. Your chest rose up and down, struggling to control your limbs, shuddering as you milked him dry.
        His hands left your ass, still inside of you as he ran his hands up your back - pulling you close. Your face nuzzled his neck. The only thing you could hear was your pants - enjoying his touch, his warmth, his honey skin underneath you as you embraced.
        Namjoon’s hand stroked your back, soothing your quivering body, sighing in pleasure. You could still feel him inside of you, hard in length as your wetness and his cum slowly seeped out of you. And while the thought of him releasing inside of you would have disgusted you last week, you were currently basking in it. Blushing as you never felt so close to someone before as you did now.
        “So…give me two minutes, and I’ll be ready for round two,” Namjoon muttered. You head shot upwards, looking at with wide eyes and a face of disbelief. “I can’t believe you’re still hard.”
        “Are you joking? I have the sexiest woman on my lap, what man wouldn’t be?”
        Your cheeks turned pink at his words, not used to such compliments. He gave you cheeky grin, “You’re crazy we aren’t going for another round.”
        The way Namjoon lifted his hips, causing a bolt of pleasure to run up your back, gasping softly and eyes fluttering. You didn’t have to look at his face to know he was smirking, “You sure about that?” He mused, slapping your ass and grabbing it lustfully.
        You could feel his member twitch inside of you, and you mentally kicked yourself, “…let me lock the library doors at least.” You muttered shyly.
        But before you could process what was happening, he stood.
        Your arms wrapped around his neck frantically, your body falling into him, his dick hitting new spots inside of you that had you moaning. “W-what are you doing?” You gasped out, Namjoon walking with you wrapped around his waist, balls deep, “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m fucking you to the main doors.”
        But he just grinned, every step towards the door causing you to bounce, moaning at the pleasure. And although you wanted to slap the man silly for not being able to wait the five minutes it’ll take you to lock the doors and come back you smiled.
        “How the pupil has become the teacher…” You muttered.
        “Trust me, sweetheart, I have much more to teach you.”
        You smiled, “Teach me.”
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s-j-ace · 4 years
The Same Question
Chapter Five
Characters:  Shuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi
Words: 10600
After Detective Shuichi Saihara encounters mysterious thief Kokichi Ouma  for the first time, a game of cat and mouse ensues as both men ask  themselves the same question. Why exactly does the elusive phantom thief  do what he does?
This is Chapter Five, Here are Chapters One, Two, Three, and Four
Read on AO3
[Log of Text Messages from Maki Harukawa’s Cellular Device]
From: idiot #1
Hey Makiroll <3
How was your flight?
From: Me
You know
I was on an eight hour flight
So that was never going to go well
But I just got to the apartment and I made some tea
So I’m good now
It’s nice to be home
From: idiot #1
Haha I bet
Man I wish I could be home to greet you!
I’d give you a big hug and kiss right now if I could!!!!!!
From: Me
From: idiot #1
From: Me
If you were here right now I’d tell you I love you with my words
Like an adult
From: idiot #1
What no kiss?
From: Me
Maybe a small one
From: idiot #1
From: Me
If you’ve shaved
From: idiot #1
From: Me
I gotta wean you off kisses kaito
That way you won’t have to go cold turkey right away when you go on your big trip
From: idiot #1
My big trip?
Lol, you make it sound like I’m just going overseas or something
From: Me
Well space is treated as international waters by most countries
From: idiot #1
I guess that’s true?
That’s a space fact!
Maki Roll!!!!
From: Me
From: idiot #1
From: Me
Oh hey
Speaking of big trips
Have you heard from Shuichi at all?
I’m concerned that he may be mad at me
From: idiot #1
Why would shuichi be mad at you
From: Me
I didn’t back up his clowns stealing toilets from the louvre thing
And then clowns stole toilets from the louvre
I’m worried he may feel as though I’ve gaslit him
Or something
From: idiot #1
How did you know about the toilets
From: Me
It was in the news?
Wait, so you heard a different way?
From: idiot #1
From: Me
So you have heard from him
From: idiot #1
Oh yeah
I don’t think he’s mad at you
He’s pretty preoccupied with the clowns I think
And besides you know
My sidekick isn’t really the type of guy who like
Gets mad
He’s more likely to like
Think you’re mad at him                                                        
And then be mad at himself for making you mad
From: Me
Shuichi gets mad sometimes
I saw him punch a guy once
And he listens to those songs that are just people screaming endlessly about hating other people
From: idiot #1
Yeah but he cries while doing that
Also I meant like
He wouldn’t get mad at you like that
Because you’re friends
From: Me
You’re probably right
I still want to go visit him tomorrow
Say I’m.. sorry? Or something
Is this the kind of stuff that apologies are for?
From: idiot #1
Well I mean like
If you feel bad like by all means feel free to let him know
But Shuichi probably doesn’t think it’s a big deal
From: Me
Yeah but I still want to
From: idiot #1
Also I don’t think visiting him would be super productive
As far as I can tell he isn’t back from his trip yet
From: Me
But it’s been a month since he left
Isn’t he bored of Paris yet
From: idiot #1
No I think he’s like
Going other places too
From: Me
Like, he’s doing a tour of europe?
That sounds nice
From: idiot #1
No I think it's more like
He’s still on the case
Cuz last week he was in Taiwan
And the week before that he was in Egypt
And some robberies happened there
From: Me
So he didn’t take my vacation advice at all huh
From: idiot #1
Yea I guess not
But hey
Not giving up is a good thing!!
From: Me
But what if you need to give up something that’s hurting you
Like smoking or murdering or drinking or overworking yourself because you equate productivity to self-worth
From: idiot #1
Then don’t give up on trying to get better!!!! You gotta believe in the best version of yourself
From: Me
Is he at least going to take a break long enough to come home and see you off
From: idiot #1
From: Me
Maybe I could text him to remind him and casually slip in the fact that I may be a little bit sorry that I thought he was insane
I mean obviously he’ll want to come see you before you go
You did tell him right
You forgot to tell him
From: idiot #1
Well I don’t know about forgot
It’s more like
There was never really a good time? To tell him?
From: Me
I’m changing your contact back to number one idiot in my phone
From: #1 idiot
Will you change it back if I tell him today?
From: Me
Do you even know where he is?
From: #1 idiot
From: Me
… well you better find him before I change your contact to “best friend loser”
From: #1 idiot
Implying that I’m your best friend and a loser or implying that I lost our best friend to the thrill of chasing a group of fiendish clowns
From: Me
From: #1 idiot
Okay okay I’m already texting him --- Shuichi Saihara spent the start of his day awkwardly trying to fit in with the rest of the people sitting in the front row of the exceedingly fancy audience at the first show of fashion week in Milan, Italy. He knew he should technically feel exceedingly lucky that he even got into the show, let alone that he got one of the very expensive front row seats. The Milan fashion week people were certainly the most cooperative of any potential DICE targets he had tried to warn previously. Probably because Shuichi made sure not to just send the warning through Interpol this time, and the fashion people actually cared about their careers enough to take the threat of a break in seriously. Except, Shuichi wasn't sure all the security should be placed around the stages and dresses like they were. The most typically valuable item on sight was never really DICE's MO.
That's why he was here, wasn't it?
In the front row. With all these strangers. Who were giving him weird looks. Did that lady just whisper to her friend while looking directly at him? Wait no, don't look at them. Or maybe do look at them? What if they were DICE members who only just spotted him? Right, right, all these people were suspects. Job before social anxiety Shuichi.
Refocused, Shuichi made some observations around him. He scanned the crowd, but didn't see any of the DICE members he would recognize. He did see that security guards had been helpfully placed by the doorways. He wondered if any of them were interpol agents. If they were, it wasn’t anyone he knew. Probably for the best anyway. Agent Ishimaru was mostly likely still pretty steamed at him. He hadn’t been letting Shuichi look at the notes DICE sent to Interpol, even though their team didn’t seem to have as much luck translating them as Shuichi had in the past.
Wait, there was one entrance wasn’t there? Maybe he should watch it? After all, there was no guarantee that DICE wouldn't just walk right in. Like they did in Nevada. And Cairo. But weirdly not Taipei? It seemed like they had abandoned whatever they were going to use Doctor Iruma’s EMP bombs for after failing to get them... Or were the bombs the heist after all and DICE had just waited for him to leave Taiwan to carry out the heist and actually weren’t in Milan at all and Shuichi was a big old idiot? No, they had to be in Milan, he had seen the airport tapes and done the research. But were they at the show? If they weren’t that’d be good news for the next season of fashion, but probably not for Shuichi’s case...
Ok, he just had to make sure that even if they were here nothing got stolen. What was he saying? Oh, yeah. Just walking in was probably less likely here, with all the security and all.
But wasn't it just like DICE to pick the path less likely than one would expect?
As the intro music cued in to the beginning of the fashion show and the house lights dimmed, all Shuichi really knew was that he should be ready for anything.
Two spotlights did a bit of a dance on the catwalk before they too faded and the whole room was pitch black.
There was a moment of silence.
And another.
And… another…
People started murmuring in the crowd.
Shuichi heard some English lady say, "What, do they expect us to have night vision?"
"It's all part of the show, dearest," said the woman next to her.
Shuichi thought for a second.
And another.
And a-
They stole the lights didn't they. --- Kokichi Ouma had to be honest with himself, as he continued on his circuitous route throughout the vents which overlooked the first show of fashion week in Milan, stealing all the lights from this year’s venue wasn’t very inspired. He was essentially reusing the Taipei 101 idea that hadn’t come to fruition, but Queen had insisted he needed a powerful light for his next project and the rest of DICE seemed to have formed some sort of blood pact to support whatever his next heist idea was as long as he didn’t make them watch the cinematic masterpiece Cats (2019) at their last movie night.
Kokichi himself hadn’t actually seen Cats (2019) yet. He kept reminding himself to, after hearing of its reported cursedness, but he just hadn’t gotten around to it. DICE had watched it for the first time without him, and now every time Queen brought it up Kokichi felt obligated to shut him down for the sake of maintaining his own authority. “Now Queen, obviously I love Cats (2019) directed by Tom Hooper and starring Franceska Hayward, as a fellow enthusiast of the cinematic arts, but for the sake of everyone else…” Cue eight sighs of relief courtesy of your one and only super awesome boss.
While thinking absentmindedly about his and the cinematic masterpiece Cats (2019)’s passing like two ships in the night, Kokichi checked where all his pieces should be on his internal chessboard. The locations of four fake guards, two fake handymen, and three vent crawlers popped up on the schematics he had memorized of the event hall. All busy dismantling lighting equipment or keeping an eye on a certain detective.
The word detective sent a third train of thought spiraling. Saihara really had shown up, hadn’t he? Kokichi hadn’t even sent a note this time and the detective was already here in the front row of the audience. That was probably the main reason Kokichi felt it was fair to upcycle the same plan from Taipei. Usually he’d get bored of an idea after tossing it around for a bit, so he had to act fast before his own lack of motivation became his undoing, but with Saihara around he didn’t have to worry about entertaining himself with his plans. Whatever the detective would do in response was bound to be far more interesting.
Okay he was almost in position for the first hit, and Ace was about to cause the black out in 5… 4… 3…
Oup, the light already turned off. Now Kokichi was just shuffling through the dark old vent getting ready to drop down and steal the lights from whatever room was beneath him while counting to himself about nothing and having three incongruous trains of thought at the same time.
The reason behind Kokichi’s super special secret ability to be thinking about three things at once was that A) he was a genius and 1) he was still on a sugar high from the gelato that he and his hench people had gotten for breakfast, and everyone knows sugar make brain work good.
Also! Gelato is just like… Ice Cream ++. Just like, better ice cream. It was just smooth and creamy instead of cold and chunky all the time. Kokichi could eat a lot more of it without getting a brain freeze than the regular stuff, and he wanted to get as much of it in him as possible before they left Italy forever. He’d ‘reluctantly’ promised they’d get some more to celebrate after the heist was done, but it was mostly because when they were plotting their escape he didn’t want to deal with a sugar cr-
No, a crash, silly vent making a stupid noise, a sugar cra-
That was the last sound Kokichi heard before the ceiling crumbled beneath him. --- Shuichi Saihara realized that, by all means, the black out was rather clever. It completely stifled any immediate action on the part of an investigator. Even if Shuichi was right and it was the stage lights that were stolen, waiting to confirm the fact would only give the thieves more time to escape. He’d probably be able to bumble around in the dark searching for the entrance, but then what?
   Then his phone buzzed.
   Oh. Duh. He thought.
   Quickly he pulled out his phone, swiping aside whatever thing Kaito had just sent him to access his phone’s flashlight feature.
"Lights!" He shouted. "Use your cellphones as lights!"
He repeated these directions once more in the best Italian he could manage, hoping he sounded authoritative enough to garner a response.
There was a great shuffling all around him as the audience muttered and reached for their phones.
Then, as Shuichi turned on his own phone's flashlight and raised it up, he watched everyone in the audience do the same. Hundreds of little lights flickered on around him, the image of the runway becoming clearer every second.
As if that were their planned cue all along, the first models began to strut down the catwalk, every glitzy gown and sparkly suit seemingly illuminated by a thousand stars in the night sky. The audience oohed and aahed, and maybe Shuichi would've found the sight pretty cool too if he hadn't been looking up at an entirely different catwalk altogether. The lighting deck above had apparently been stripped bare during the black out. Shuichi knew that both sides of that catwalk let out to the heavily guarded backstage area. So where did DICE go?
Wait… were those horizontal air vents over the catwalk?
Shuichi started making his way over to the security guards near the exit.
God, when would architects of security systems ever learn? Why would you ever put a horizontal vent right above whatever it is you're trying to not get stolen? It's child's play! Any thief with at least one limb or a very ambitious set of teeth could steal something with a horizontal vent over it, and yet no one ever thought to check them until it was too late!
When he reached the guards he said hurriedly in a low tone, “We need to check the vents right now.”
Both guards gave him weird looks and Shuichi felt his confidence immediately wither.
“Parla solo italiano.” Said the guard to the right with the long dark brown hair tied in a tight bun. Speak only Italian. Shit.
Uh. Okay. Um.
“I ladri hanno... colpito,” Okay, ladri means thieves. Yeah. Uh. Was colpito the right word? Maybe? It sounded like culprit. What was the word for air vent again... “Controllare l'uscita… dell'aria!” Yeah! It was dell’aria. Okay. Good. Italian spoken.
Except now she was giving him an even weirder look.
“Cosa hai detto signore? Lardo hanno colpito? Qualcuno sta lanciando lardo tra il pubblico? Lardo nelle prese d'aria?”
Ah. Uh. That was a lot of words. Cosa… hai detto… what did you say sir. And then. Something about lard?
“Lardo….” Had she not heard him correctly through the loud music of the show happening behind them? His eyes wandered to the other guard, a man about the same height as the woman with the same dark brown hair color. Both guards were wearing sunglasses, but the man’s face suddenly scrunched with obvious anger.
“Hey! Are you calling me fat?” He accused with no hint of Italian accent.
… What? Why would he… Unless…
The woman cracked her knuckles. “Ti faccio vedere dov'è il lardo, ragazzo duro.”
Before Shuichi could even begin to decipher what that meant, the woman put him in a headlock.
DICE . Shuichi realized as the man took a cloth out of his pocket. Shuichi smelled the sweet, familiar scent of a volatile anesthetic. Probably chloroform or something of the sort….
Luckily this wasn’t the first time Shuichi had been in a headlock, and she wasn’t even holding a knife to his neck. He tucked his chin into the arm restraining him, holding it with his right hand as he brought his left up and over the front of her face. In one smooth motion he flipped her over on her back.
Officer Chabashira had taught him that. Tenko had been one of his better friends on the force. Though she spent most of her time beating up other cops for being misogynist pigs than catching criminals. Then again that strong sense of justice was something Shuichi actually liked about her. He hadn’t seen much of her after she quit the force, though. He heard she opened a studio for something called “neo-aikido” but had been too afraid of too many things, like that she wouldn’t recognize him and that things would be awkward and then she would yell at him for being a degenerate male, to check it out. It was probably for the best anyway. If she were here right now, she’d definitely yell at him for betraying the number one rule of her aikido teachings...
“Shuichi don’t use neo-aikido on girls. If a girl tries to kill you, you deserve it.”
Said “girl” trying to kill him landed in a roll, and probably would have tried to grapple him again if she hadn’t crashed into a nearby audience member.
Shuichi made a break for the exit. He expected to be intercepted by the other guard, but the man turned instead to help up his partner.
“You okay, sis?” He asked concernedly.
“I’d be better if you weren’t letting him get away, lo stupido!” She replied tartly and also, Shuichi noted, without much accent.
He managed to get through the doors and found that the guards that had been assigned to stand outside the entrance were no longer there. That meant that he would most likely have to find his way backstage by going around the building if he wanted back up, so he started running.
   He’d probably have to shake his tails first, he reminded himself as the doors burst open again behind him.
   Shuichi changed course, making a couple of quick turns. Around the corner near the exit he saw the sign for the men’s bathroom. Of course! The bathroom! There would definitely be a vent outlet in the bathroom.
   He opened the door and quickly ducked in. He hoped that the DICE members wouldn’t follow him in before he got to the-
   Shuichi froze.
The scene that lay before him was one familiar to him since childhood, but yet every time he saw it he hoped to never see it again.
A body was sprawled face down on the bathroom tile, blood splattered on the ground all around the head. Shuichi realized that he recognized the blood soaked hair’s strange purple color, although it seemed to be tied back for some reason…  He looked up at what was apparently a hole in the ceiling and deduced that the thief had been crawling through the vents when he fell. The rubble on the ground around him seemed to confirm that. Shuichi…. Shuichi couldn’t tell if he was breathing from here.
What a way to end the thief’s crime spree...
He willed himself to put one foot in front of the other. Then he did so again. Then he got over his shock and walked up to the body. These things get easier, he reminded himself.
Shuichi kneeled down to take a look, careful not to contaminate any of the blood spatter with his shoes. There… really was a lot of blood. There were no obvious signs of breathing…
Okay. Shuichi needed to check the pulse to see if he should call an ambulance. Maybe there was still a chance…
He reached for the man’s wrist-
The man suddenly sprung up, thrusting his huge grinning, and now blood covered, clown mask into Shuichi’s personal space. “It’s a lie!” He exclaimed
Shuichi startled, falling on the floor. Shock ran through him as the thief began to cackle his signature laugh.
“Did I surprise you?” He teased, blood pouring down his mask, “Were you going to scream and cry in terror?”
Shuichi looked at him in shock for a solid ten seconds. The thief in return looked at him, leaning back and forth a little dazedly. Shuichi watched a drop of blood separate itself from the man’s chin, going to join the puddle on the floor.
“Oh, sorry…” The man disrupted the silence. “I should be saying something real witty just about now… I’m just a little light-headed from the blood loss. Yeah. This is. This is real blood.”
Then the shock was over and Shuichi found himself reacting by standing up, grabbing the thief, and putting him in a standard police academy arm lock on the ground. As much as the move required speed, Shuichi tried to be mindful of the head wound. He didn’t want to give the thief the chance to escape like his mistake in Taipei had, but he also didn’t want to further injure him.
The man still made a grunt of pain when he hit the ground. “Wow, detective, you’re a lot better at police brutality than you are at dressing for fashion shows.”
Shuichi remembered the people in the front row of the show who had been giving him odd looks. He frowned. “What’s wrong with the way I dress?” He muttered as he tried to figure out how he could hold this guy down and also grab a bandage from his coat pockets. Which were very functional, thank you very much.
“Well, some people might say that the all dark clothing kind of makes you look like an evil villain.” He said with the same dazed tone in his voice. How much blood was he losing? Shuichi couldn’t tell with the mask still on. He moved to take it off-
The door opened and Shuichi saw two security guards come in and Shuichi turned slighty to look at them. Thankfully they weren’t the two from before. Perhaps they had figured out the vents were the escape route already and had come to investigate?
“Like those guys.” The man beneath him muttered on. “They might think black clothing is kinda.. Villain looking. Not me though, I think you look like a sexy motorcycle.”
Shuichi frowned at him. Wow, he sounded very loopy. He was losing a lot of blood.
Shuichi turned to address the guards, who were seemingly frozen in shock. “Scusa... ma potra-no, uh, tresti, potresti chiamare,”  what was the gender for ambulance again? “a-ambulanza-”
The woman from before burst in, the other DICE member pretending to be a security guard at her heels. She pointed at Shuichi, exclaiming, “L'uomo in cima a quel brutto bambino è colui che ci ha attaccato!”
“Vroom vroom” The man beneath him giggled out before Shuichi was picked up by the two guards and slammed against the wall.
“Sei sicuro che sia lui?” One of them said to the Italian-speaking DICE member. “Quest'uomo sembra molto debole.”
“Quello è lui. Deve essere uno dei ladri.” She was… calling him one of the thieves? “Sono addestrati in aikido, ricordi l'incontro informativo?”
“Certo, certo.” Said the guard in response, obviously lying. If he had been to the l'incontro informativo - the informational meeting - then he would know who Shuichi was.
“Tu non capisci!” Shuichi exclaimed.
“Stai zitto, straniero.” The other guard shoved him up harder against the wall.
“Boss! What happened to you?” The male DICE member exclaimed.
His “boss” propped himself up on his elbow and swung his legs like a tweenager at a sleepover party. “Well, it’s a funny story! But at this rate I’m going to pass out from blood loss before I tell it to you!” His lackey gave him a concerned look. “Neeheehee… just kidding.”
“Wait I-” Shuichi started to say. The guards shoved him harder against the wall and he winced before going on. “I have some bandages and gauze in my pockets somewhere.”
The DICE members all turned to look at him. The man who had dressed as a guard looked at him hopefully, but the bleeding thief only gave him a blank stare and the woman fixed him with a steely glare.
“Aiuteremo questo piccolo bambino straniero.” She said icily. “Voi due potete prendervi cura del criminale.”
“What can I say Saihara?” The thief muttered as his lackeys helped him up. “Ya.. Ya shouldn't've worn all black to fashion week. Yup. That’s the… That’s the moral here.”
As they shuffled away, Shuichi realized there was nothing he could do. Even if he fought both security guards and managed to escape somehow, it would only prove to them that he really was a threat, and that was aside from the fact that he wouldn’t be able to do anything to capture the thieves on his own. He’d have to wait until they brought him to someone who actually recognized him and by then it would be too late.
The impossible is possible, all you gotta do is make it so.
“... I’ll stop you.” The detective said, resolution clear in his voice.
“I’d like to see you try.” The thief muttered in response.
Then the door shut. --- “Man… You’re really bleeding a lot there, boss…” Clubs muttered as Kokichi buckled himself into the seatbelt of their getaway car. After putting him down in the back seat, Clubs got in next to him, taking his usual spot in the middle seat even though there wasn’t really a need yet. Maybe he was anticipating the arrival of the rest of the group. Or maybe he was just being Clubs. And Clubs always sat in the middle seat. Not because of a reason but because he did. People operated from their own internal self as if the person they constructed from their thoughts and actions was more important to maintain than any law in the land.
Italian cars were… really weird huh? Very smooth… Like, like… Gelato.
“I’m fine.” He said. Ugh how unconvincing. “I’m just... pretending to bleed.”
Clubs frowned at him. “How could you possibly pretend to bleed?”
Kokichi was! Going to come up with a very, very good explanation. As soon as he just… sucked that blood back in… yeah… gelato… they were supposed to get gelato…
“He can’t.” Spades ducked her head into the car. “We need to stop it. Do you have a cloth or anything on you?”
“Only the one…” Kokichi muttered. He was thinking about the kerchief he still had in his pocket from the detective. Not that either Spades or Clubs knew that. They probably just thought he was going crazy. Well fine he didn’t want them to know about it anyway. They’d just get blood on it.
“Here,” Clubs took off his own bandana and put it on Kokichi’s head. “He’s still bleeding.” He reported.
“That’s why we’re taking him to a hospital.” Spades replied, now taking her place in the driver’s seat of the gelato car.
   Ugh, what? No.
   “You can’t take me to a hospital. It’s the first place they’ll look.” He wasn’t going to let the detective catch him at a hospital of all places… What kind of Phantom Thief got caught in a hospital… Lame… Lamey-lamey-lamooo….
   Spades put the key in the car and started it. “Fine. We’ll go to a mafia doctor if we have to.”
   Kokichi shook his head and felt the fluids roll around inside and outside of his skull. Part of him wondered if he could just sit in this car forever and bleed out until he died. The other part of him was sure that he was doomed to be immortal. “Nope. You crazy or something? We cannot get mixed up in organized crime. They murder people and we don’t do capitalism. Crime should be disorganized or else-”
   “Okay! Fine! We’ll go to a fucking Farmacia and pray that you don’t have a concussion!”
Kokichi snorted. “I can’t have a concussion. I’m too smart.”
Clubs gave him a look. “Boss, do you know what a concussion is?”
Kokichi squinted. He’d only ever seen the word being used by people making fun of jocks on the internet. “Isn’t it like a sports thing?”
“Well, actually,” Clubs said in an informative tone of voice. “It’s a serious brain injury.”
“You listening to your fortnite buddies again?”
“No, we learned that in junior high.”
Hah. School. Lameass. Kokichi never needed school. Who needs school when you have google, video games, and anime?
“I’m a serious brain injury already, I think I’ll be fine.”
“No, you won’t be, you could die.” Spades was on her phone, probably looking up italian pharmacies.
That would be fine too. Haha. What a good… A good joke… brain…
“I’m just woozy. I need… like a gelato. We’re getting gelato. We gotta wait for the rest of the gang so we can get gelato.”
“No, I texted them, they can all fit in the other car, you need medical attention.
Kokichi frowned. “There’s seven of them. That car’s a five seater.”
“We’re clowns boss.”
Right. Clowns.... Clowns…. Horses.
“Sis, don’t you think we should wait for King? He’s got his nurse certification, so he should be the one to help with injuries.”
“No, this is a different kind of thing Clubs, with head injuries you have to act fast. King can catch up to us with the rest.”
Why weren’t there clown horses?
“Boss, don’t fall asleep. Clubs, make sure he stays awake. See if you can find concussion tests online” She handed her brother her phone.
Kokichi imagined a horse in clown makeup… they’d have to make it a real big red nose. Juicy like gelato…
“Boss, stay with us.”
“Only if we’re going to get… get gelato.” --- Shuichi Saihara was still in police custody, locked alone in one of the back rooms of the fashion week venue and wrestling with his own inadequacy, as he often did, when Agent Ishimaru arrived. He was holding a briefcase.
The interpol agent usually announced himself loudly to whatever room he was in, but today he entered quietly, closing the door in that stiff way of his before sitting down at the interrogation table across from Shuichi.
Shuichi expected him to start yelling again.
He didn’t.
Instead he said, “Mr. Saihara. I am disappointed to see you here.”
“... I am too.” Shuichi said after a moment’s pause. “I almost caught the thief today.”
Kiyotaka looked like he was about to say something along the lines of a reprimand, but he paused and took a breath instead. “Perhaps… perhaps you did.”
Shuichi was still trying to piece this together.  Was Kiyotaka mad at him or not?
“But, Mr. Saihara, I would ask you to consider…” He paused. He put the briefcase on the table, but didn’t open it. “That it is not your job to catch this thief.”
Shuichi felt indignant at that. But clearly Kiyotaka was going somewhere with this. “... as a detective, I often find it is my job to solve crimes.”
“You-” Kiyotaka grimaced. “I must apologize, Mr. Saihara, for speaking so obtusely. Yet there are some matters of rule violation recently brought to my attention that require me to handle this situation with a delicacy I am not known for.”
Oh… was this about…
“Just tell me the truth.” Shuichi said.
Kiyotaka took another breath.
“Shuichi Saihara, it has recently aggrieved me to know that you have recently been impersonating an interpol officer at crime scenes involving the DICE cases to further your vigilante investigations. Is this true?”
Vigilante was a little harsh…
“Yes.” Shuichi replied honestly. “I have been asking local law enforcement for access to flight records and airport security information in order to track down DICE--” Kiyotaka visibly tensed at this admission, but Shuichi kept going, “--but I sent every piece of info I’ve uncovered to your team. I know that it’s against your protocol to respond to them, but I’ve been right every time and-”
“And to some that could be very suspicious.” Ishimaru finished for him.
Shuichi grew wary. “What do you mean?” He asked.
Ishimaru sighed. “Do you know the name Kyosuke Munakata?”
“Yes.” Shuichi replied. “Isn’t he the new Secretary General?”
“Yes. The officer in charge of our day-to-day practice. He is my direct superior.” Ishimaru began opening the suitcase, which had two simple latches sealing it shut. He took out a small white envelope and handed it to Shuichi. “This is from him.”
Shuichi took the envelope and looked it over. There was no address on the outside, or stamp, or anything really. Just a foil laminate seal, with two characters interlaced stylistically in it. “未” and “来.” Future.
“You do not need to open it here.” Ishimaru went on. “But I can tell you what it says, if you want.”
Shuichi set the letter down on the table, “What does it say?” he asked.
“If what my superior has told me is to be believed, it is an offer of employment.”
His disbelief must have shown on his face, because when Ishimaru kept going he acknowledged, “I was just about as surprised as you. To see my superior want to reward a rule breaker such as yourself… but then he explained it to me like this. He said, ‘If that young man was able to use our resources to such consistent efficiency, then he should see no problem with transparently putting his methods towards our cause. But if he is not so transparent and refuses our offer, well then we have reason to suspect his intent in this case.’”
Shuichi blinked. Really?
“You’re saying that… the Secretary General suspects that I’m in league with DICE.”
“That is correct.”
"But I-"
"Frankly I do not agree with Secretary General Munakata's deduction."
That was… some relief at least.
"I think that you will refuse this opportunity because, despite your tendency to believe the law does not apply to you simply because you don't believe in it, you are a good detective."
That was… not not where Shuichi thought that sentence would go.
Ishimaru pulled a chunky manilla folder out of the briefcase next. And then another one. And another. And… yeah he ended up pulling out five overflowing manilla folders.
"Do you know what this is?"
"... No."
"This is a print out of the files we have on you."
"What?" They had files? About him? What was he, an international security threat?
Oh… Maybe that was what Ishimaru had just finished telling him wasn’t it...
"Each of these files is a year since you joined the Towa city police force." Ishimaru gestured towards two slightly thicker files. "And these are the two years after you quit." He riffled the papers coming out of the side of one of the folders with his thumb. "Each packet of paper in these outlines a specific contribution you have made to getting a case solved. Everything from missing kids to the Novoselic Diamond case."
Oy vey...
"There's about forty or so cases in each of these files. That means you solve, on average, forty cases in a year. That's about three cases every month."
That wasn't so much. It  wasn’t uncommon for Shuichi to be looking into more than one case at once. Except this month…
"This month you've solved zero cases.” Ishimaru seemed to read Shuichi’s mind, but the statistics hit him like a knife to the chest when read aloud. “You've been too busy doing what? Chasing a troupe of clowns who nab the occasional toilet or light fixture?"
… ouch.
"I don't mean to be harsh, Mr. Saihara, I really don't. You'll have to forgive my tone. But these DICE guys simply aren't worth your time. A month spent chasing them is a month you could use to much better effect on a different case. One involving the safety of children or national treasures, rather than the carpets of closing museums."
Ishimaru paused, letting Shuichi absorb what he just said. Then he started placing the folders back in the briefcase.
"So, Mr. Saihara, I think that I may be able to get my superior off your back, but only under two conditions."
He closed the lid of the case.
"The first being that you reveal to us in detail whatever method you have used to divine DICE's machinations from airport documents."
He closed the latch on the right of the briefcase.
"And the second being that you return home effective immediately and cut all ties with this case."
He closed the latch on the left.
"Do you find issue with these terms?"
His usually active hands found a resting place atop the case.
Shuichi couldn't quite understand how he had gotten here. In his head, until this moment, it really had seemed like he had been doing the right thing. He remembered that when he first latched onto the DICE case he had managed to keep it on the back burner while he dealt with the cases of clients. It had struck him as odd that a string of high scale robberies such as theirs would go unchecked for so long, going back five years or more. It hinted, to him at least, at a missing factor. Perhaps each hit was a calculated strike paid for by a foreign government, or a scheme funded by an underground criminal organization, or perhaps just another play at developing a network of untraceable capital to benefit a small group of people. Yet when was the last time Shuichi had spent any serious time looking into those connections?
It occured to Shuichi, then, that perhaps his ego was behind the wheel of the past month or so, when he'd spent the majority of his time exclusively tracking down DICE. Instead of actually assessing the threat that DICE posed, if any at all, he wasted time tracking down where they would strike next. To do what, catch them in the act? He didn't have the power to arrest them if he did. Even now, when he was closer than ever, all he had done was worsen his already tenuous relationship with the international police. The only plausible motive behind his own actions was that he investigated DICE simply because he knew that he could and he thought that he could do it better than anyone else.
But that wasn't true, was it?
He might think he was especially clever, but as soon as he revealed his methods that special cleverness would run out.
And he was tired, wasn't he? His head was perpetually sore, his eye sockets ached, and his limbs were weighed down by a the familiar slowness of a confused circadian rhythm anytime he didn't have a cup of coffee in his hand.
What Ishimaru had just done with the case files felt like an intervention. Like when TV nutritionists would show someone how many Coca-Colas they drank a month by building a tower of cans or filling a swimming pool with them in order to stop that person from drinking so many Coca-Colas… except Shuichi's Coca-Colas were investigative contributions to criminal offenses.
Maki had been right. He needed a break from this case. What kind of detective was he anyway…
Shuichi swallowed the lump forming in his throat and started talking.
"Well the only thing from the airport you need are logs of ticket purchases and the security footage from the gates if those aren't enough. DICE is an organization of ten people, so you're always looking for a bulk purchase of 9 to 10 tickets at the same time, although they can be from different airports... It doesn't matter who the tickets are purchased by or what identities are attributed to them, only that they're purchased at the same time. I say 9 or 10 tickets because sometimes DICE members will infiltrate the flight crew."
"Like in Paris."
"Like in Paris." Shuichi confirmed. "From there you can essentially pin down what flight they're on. Then you can figure out the general vicinity of the next crime… and I think from there is mostly luck."
"I don't believe in luck.” Ishimaru pressed on. “I believe in hard work. I think the same can be said for you."
Haha. Maybe.
Shuichi was hard pressed to think of anything that wasn’t already pretty obvious, though.
"... I suppose if you really cared to, I would think up all the possible targets after some preliminary research and try to warn them. You probably know this already… but DICE's targets have a trend of being rather famous or rather high security locations in big cities. Honestly, though, a lot of my encounters with them were due to chance."
He really wasn’t lying about that. The Paris, Taipei, and Cairo encounters were essentially pure coincidence.
Ishimaru paused, seemingly weighing this information for any fraudulence in his head. Then, he simply nodded. "Very well, Mr. Saihara. Thank you for cooperating with our investigation."
The agent stood, picking up his briefcase. "I hear that you've already given your testimony to the Italian authorities. In truth, however, we expect this case to be wrapped up shortly regardless of the details of this particular robbery, considering the substantial forensic evidence left by the perpetrator of these crimes." That was one way to refer to a pool of blood on the bathroom floor... "Is this of any consolation to you?"
"Yes, some." Shuichi felt the untruth of the statement even as he said it. It wasn’t how he would run the case, if he were in charge. Blood tests were highly unreliable for tracking down a criminal that could be from anywhere in the world, especially in a contaminated place like a bathroom. And if that criminal has never been taken into police custody or gotten blood work done before then the test would be completely useless. As a detective, he’d want to do his due diligence at the crime scene anyway…
… But this wasn’t his case anymore, was it?
Ishimaru took him at his word.
"Very well," He said.
The man pulled out of his pocket a phone, which Shuichi realized to be his own, and handed it to him.
"Your coat and other confiscated items are outside. Feel free to leave at any time."
Ishimaru did a quick bow in lieu of a verbal farewell, leaving the room in an orderly fashion.
After the door shut, Shuichi was in silence again.
He turned on his phone. As the screen lit up, he was greeted by a few messages from Kaito. He remembered, guiltily, swiping them aside when he had taken out his phone before his confrontation with DICE.
Now, he opened them. --- [Log of Text Messages from Shuichi Saihara’s Cellular Device]
From: Kaito
Hey Shuichi
How’s it going man
From: Kaito
Are you like chasing clowns right now
Text me when you’re not chasing clowns down
From: Me
I am no longer in the career of chasing clowns down
From: Kaito
Oh shit for real??
Did you catch them?
From: Me
I was just asked not to try to catch them
Very politely
By interpol
From: Kaito
That’s my sidekick
Making the international police scared for their jobs every day of the week
From: Me
That’s a funny way to look at it...
From: Kaito
Hey don’t be blue about it Shuichi
You got off the clown catching clock at a good time
If you catch a flight home sometime this week you could come with us to the open house at JAXA on friday!
From: Me
Oh is that this friday?
Man I totally
On that
From: Kaito
Since when do you do puns
From: Me
I would be fine if you deleted those messages actually
From: Kaito
Too late I already sent that to Maki
From: Me
:( rude
From: Kaito
She says she’s disappointed in both of us now lol
From: Me
Haha that sounds like Maki
why would she be disappointed in you tho lol
From: Kaito
There might be something I forgot to tell you
From: Me
From: Kaito
Do you remember when we were in DC
I had to go to NASA (america’s JAXA basically) and meet with some people
And then I told you I had to tell you something over steak dinner
But then you had to tell me you said you wanted to do a “stake out” not “go out for steak”
And we kind of forgot about it
From: Me
Oh uh
From: Kaito
The thing i was going to tell you and then forgot to tell you
Is that I’m going on my first mission next week
From: Me
A space mission
From: Kaito
Just to the ISS though
I’m gonna be running experiments in the kibo module
For a few months
Maybe a year
From: Me
You’re leaving next week?
How long have you known?
From: Kaito
Like, a few months
From: Me
From: Kaito
Haha yeah
Kinda forgot to tell you
Thats on me
From: Me
Its fine
From: Kaito
Phew glad i got that off my chest
Can you believe Maki Roll thought you’d be mad at me?
From: Me
Haha what
No its fine
Everything’s cool --- [Log of Text Messages from Shuichi Saihara’s Cellular Device]
From: Me
What the hell???
From: Maki
I know right???? --- Shuichi put down his phone, feeling like a plate on a table that just got the table cloth pulled from beneath it and yet some how found itself shockingly sedentary. He internally recalculated his schedule. He'd need to get on the next plane to Japan as fast as he could.
He opened the door. The lights outside the holding room seemed to have been taken as well. There was an officer with a flashlight who helped him grab his stuff.
Weirdly, on the way out, Shuichi looked back through the little window in the door to the holding room. The lights had gone out in it as well. Wait… wasn't there a vent in that room too?
As soon as the thought occurred to Shuichi he forcefully extinguished it.
Not my case. He reminded himself.
Then he turned, nodded to the officer, and walked out the door. --- Kokichi Ouma sat in the back seat of one of DICE's get away cars with a fresh bandage wrap on his head, slurping street vendor Gelato and trying to convince himself this was another win. Sure, the heist went well. Rook, King, and Queen had been on vent duty with him and had managed to sweep up his unfinished light fixture nabbing route. They were actually about to pick Rook up from the final rendezvous point right that second.
Which brought Kokichi to the discrepancies indicating he may be suffering a loss here.
For starters, no one was smiling. They had just pulled off a major haul and nobody was happy about it. Kokichi thought that if he got into the car where no one had seen him go splat from ceiling to floor he wouldn't have to deal with this, but Queen, King, and Bishop were really out here acting like he had died or something. He didn't even have a concussion! They did all the tests! King checked him out like forty times, he just cut himself on the edge of the broken vent!
But Bishop was stone faced behind the wheel and Queen kept pausing the tikkertap of his fingers on the keyboard to look back at Kokichi. Even King was just sitting there trying not to stare at him. Kokichi could tell he was worrying about him because if King wasn't worrying about him then he would be texting Rook. Those two were insufferable. Did he say insufferable? He meant inseparable. Like they always say next to each other when they could and texted each other the entire time they couldn't. If King was texting them it meant he was looking for emotional support because he was worrying about Kokichi but thought that he should try and make sure Kokichi didn’t know he was worrying about him, which was annoying as hell.
They weren't looking at him like their boss right now, they were looking at him like their kid brother.
He tried not to let that turn his stomach. He had gelato left to put in there, after all.
Ok, them thinking he was weak for bleeding out wasn’t the only option here. Maybe they were just antsy to be done with this heist.
Kokichi couldn’t really argue with that sentiment, though. Not because this one was a trash fire, even though it kind of was, but because he wanted to get onto the next one. Once they picked up Rook, they could figure out where they were going next and Kokichi would have another chance to match wits with the detective. With Kokichi's big screw up today it had only been due to Spades and Clubs's intervention that he hadn't gotten caught. Saihara was right on his tail and Kokichi still had no idea how he was doing it. It was like a puzzle, like an actually hard one. Kokichi spent a few moments thinking up possible methods, crossing out a few, and sorting the rest of them into piles based on likelihood in his head.
He only realized he had been silently spacing out for six minutes when the car stopped. He heard the trunk open and close
King scooted over into the middle seat and Rook came in to sit on the right hand side behind Queen. Kokichi thought about that for a second, because King had automatically assumed that he should be the one to move to the middle seat. Did it speak to Kokichi’s authority that it wasn’t even a consideration that he should move over to let Rook into the car, or did it speak to their interpretation of his fragility? Well, Kokichi was never asked to move over in the back seat. Then again, he usually sat in the front. Wait, wasn’t he in the seat behind the driver? There was a gif set online somewhere where two white guys are in a car and one explains to the other how the seat behind the driver’s is the safest seat in the car. Had everyone subconsciously thought of that gif set when they sat down in the car? Or were they merely following a pattern of behavior because Kokichi was never asked to move over when someone got in the car. In fact he was never asked to move over at all, not even when he was taking up a lot of space on the couch. Again, that could be a sign of his inherent authority. Except maybe it didn’t mean anything because DICE members asked each other to move over as a sign of antagonism and they just didn’t antagonize him like that. Were they afraid of him? Or maybe King just scooted over because Rook was coming in on his side-
Wait, rewind. Were they afraid of him?
Kokichi rethought the silence that had encompassed their ride thus far. Now that he reconsidered, the silence had almost seemed anticipatory, as if something were weighing on their minds more pressing than fresh banter or celebration. He had thought they were just anxious to finish off the operation, but now that Rook had stowed the goods and was safely in the car, the tense anticipation of something to come still hung heavy in the air.
As the car started back up, Kokichi noticed Rook and King exchange a glance. Bishop checked the rear view window at a suspicious angle. Rook’s hand went over the shoulder of the passenger seat, obviously palming something they were handing to Queen.
Kokichi spun a wheel in his head. Get out of the car? Confront them? Change the topic? Make them feel so bad for him they have to drop everything? Strike fear into their hearts of what his reaction would be towards untoward news? Maybe he should do a food crime to make them realize he was fine? Except he had finished his gelato, so what was he supposed to do? Eat the paper cup his gelato was-
Oh, oops.
While Kokichi had been considering what to do, it turned out he had also been methodically folding the finished gelato cup in his hands. Now, it was in his mouth.
Wow, he hadn’t thought this out, huh? He was trying to look less like a person with brain damage, not more . Well, too late to take the paper out of his mouth, he had already committed to the bit.
Kokichi pretended not to notice that everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch him with dawning horror as he chewed the former bowl to pulp in his mouth. It still tasted a little chocolatey. Mostly in an unsatisfying way, though. You know how when you eat the last bit off your spoon and you end up tasting mostly the spoon which just leaves you wishing you had more ice cream and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Except instead of a spoon it was this paper bowl. He felt the fibers dampen and rip apart under his teeth. The gnashing filled the car with sound.
Then he swallowed.
The car was once more filled with a petrified silence, this time on Kokichi’s terms.
“You four have been scheming behind my back.” He announced, emptying the car of silence with the sound of his voice.
At Kokichi’s words, everyone in the car flinched into an avoidant position. Bishop took the car out of park and started driving, Queen went back to typing on his computer, and King leaned as far away as he could from Kokichi without unbuckling.
Rook was the last player standing and braved looking Kokichi in the eyes.
“Uh. So.” They started roughly. “We just thought that….”
“I knew what you thought as soon as you volunteered for the last rendezvous point this morning.” Kokichi interrupted, bluffing wildly, “Just show me what you got out of it.”
   “Just one sec, boss I’m uploading it to the computer.” Queen muttered, probably dragging around files from the SD card Rook had handed him. When he finally did turn the laptop around to show Kokichi, an audio player was open. He also noted on the task bar that file explorer,
Mozilla Firefox, and Fieldwire were open but minimized.
Kokichi grabbed the computer and put it in his lap before pressing play.
“Well the only thing from the airport you need are logs of ticket purchases and the security footage from the gates if those aren’t enough.” It took Kokichi a couple seconds to recognize the voice. “DICE is an organization of ten people, so you're always looking for a bulk purchase of 9 to 10 tickets at the same time, although they can be from different airports... ”
Kokichi opened Fieldwire. It was the program that DICE used to share blueprints with one another. Queen had started a new project that had been shared only with Bishop. He opened it.
“It doesn't matter who the tickets are purchased by or what identities are attributed to them, only that they're purchased at the same time.”
It took Kokichi a  few moments to figure out what exactly he was looking at.
“I say 9 or 10 tickets because sometimes DICE members will infiltrate the flight crew.”
They were blueprints for a plane.
“Like in Paris” A new voice cut into the recording.
“Like in Paris” Shuichi replied.
There was a minute left on the recording. That was how long Kokichi had to figure out what the hell was going on here and what his response should be.
Detective Saihara using information from airports had been a possibility that crossed his mind before, but Kokichi hadn’t highlighted it any more than his other theories, which ranged from secret spy gear, to omniscience, or to just plain old random chance.
Obviously the same could not be said for those of his cohort. They had suspected public air transport was the root cause of their encounters with the Detective long enough for Queen to draw up these blueprints and recruit Rook to bring evidence for some sort of pitch they were planning.
They had figured the detective out before him.
Kokichi had thought of the detective’s successes as challenges, exciting roadside attractions to disrupt an otherwise monotonous road trip through life. How had he not stopped himself even once during the past month to ask himself how they looked to the rest of DICE? To his subordinates, Saihara’s successes seemed less like fun interruptions and more like real obstacles towards goals they all commonly held. In other words, setbacks revealing failures in Kokichi’s plans.
The worst thing was that Kokichi wanted to be angry at these four for this intervention bullshit. Angry that they took away some bit of mystery solving fun from him. Angry that they wanted to take away something that he had felt good about. Angry that they were undermining his authority by going behind his back.
But he wasn’t going to be angry. It was a stupid, pointless thing, his anger.
Being a supreme leader of ultimate evil isn’t all tulips and tirades. Everything Kokichi did needed to have a purpose, because he knew that DICE were always watching him, looking to him, making judgements and changing their perceptions of him in their minds.
What would being angry here accomplish? It would only strengthen their impression of his sudden unreasonableness. Even if he explained his motives, they didn’t hold up very well upon inspection. What was that Boss? You’re so bored by us that you feel the need to endanger us by playing mind games with a boot licking private eye while we do all the work? Oh yeah, we totally understand. Wait right there while we never fully trust you with anything ever again.
If anything DICE had a right to be angry at him. What had he been doing these past few weeks? How had they figured out this plane thing before him?
Was there some part of him that was actively sabotaging himself? A part that wanted him to fail just for the thrill of it? Maybe he had known how Saihara was really tracking them, but had just ignored the obvious answer because he didn’t want the mystery to be over yet.
How could his friends trust him if he didn’t even trust himself?
Kokichi had ten seconds to wrap up this train of thought before the recording was finished. No more questions, only answers, lets go.
The plans for the airplane were by all means exactly what DICE would be looking for in a plane. It was small enough as to not require a massive amount of runway space but large enough to house everyone comfortably. There were some rather intricate illustrations of those convertible mechanisms that Queen had gotten really into earlier that year. How long had he been planning thi- no questions. Fold out tables, couches, a TV, things that could turn a vehicle into an on the go hideout in the blink of an eye. Kokichi estimated the total cost of everything to come out to around ¥1,190,401,200. Which is. A lot of money. But most of that money would probably be for the engine, which if you buy legally would be around a billion yen. If he factored out buying legally, the rest of the blueprint would probably cost around ¥1,081,200, a much lower figure. Renting a hangar would cost a little less, but that price was more flexible depending on what Bishop said their monthly earnings were.
Kokichi googled ‘Japan Aerospace.’ He was in luck, the first thing that popped up was an article about a new JAXA mission.
The recording stopped.
Kokichi let them breathe in the silence a bit.
Then, when they were good and nervous, he enacted his plan.
“Bishop, tell Queen how much we earned this month.” He requested calmly.
Bishop replied readily, “About ¥2,000,000, Boss!”
Whoa. What? Were they really making that much a month? Kokichi supposed they had been robbing high security locales on a weekly basis, but somehow he had still viewed their team as barely scraping by. What was even the point of the heists anymore if they-
No time for questions, Kokichi had to use that figure right now.
“Do you know what that figure means, Queen?” Kokichi asked, knowing that Queen never thought about the monetary cost of his projects for more than three seconds.
“Uh… Money?” Yeah, okay, Kokichi needed to remember not to target Queen too much, even though he seemed to be the ringleader of this insurrection. That would only serve to force the other members of DICE to pick a side, which was not the ideal dynamic of a ten person group.
“It’s exactly how much money we would need to rent a hangar and build an airplane covertly in Kagoshima next month.” Kokichi clarified.
“... Uh boss,” Bishop interrupted hesitantly, “I hate to contradict you there, but most airplanes would cost a hundred times that-”    “I’m not talking about how much it would take to build most airplanes.” Kokichi interrupted the interruption he had expected to occur. “I’m talking about how much it would take us to build an airplane.”
Kokichi then turned the laptop back around to show Queen the article about the manned launch to the ISS happening next week. He scrolled down to a picture of the engine taken at the launch site in Tanegashima. When Queen’s eyes lit up and King let out a sigh of relief, Kokichi knew that he had gotten away with it.
He managed to play off this whole month-long debacle as a waiting game, pretending that he had the very same understanding and intentions as the rest of them since the start of the month.
They’d get on different planes, booked at different times to the international airports in Tokyo, and then ship out to the JAXA launch site on Tanegashima, fuck things up a little and steal some rocket level engines. And Kokichi would stuff down the emptiness that curled in his gut at the lost prospect of a very interesting adversary.
… empty, huh?
Why would cutting his losses make him feel empty? Why-
No questions.
He should get some more gelato. Things were good when he was eating gelato.
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digital-planners · 5 years
For just $1.50 Hobonichi Digital Planner 2019 2020 Weeks Daily Weekly GoodNotes Stickers Cover techo iPad pages !!! FOR USE THIS PLANNER YOU NEED NOTES APP - some of this - Noteshelf2, Goodnotes4, Notability, Notes Plus, Zoom Notes This is a Digital Professional Planner with MONDAY start calendar from March 2019 till February 2020 1) Monthly Pages 2) Weekly Pages 3) Daily Pages 4) Year Planner pages 5) Additional pages FOR Goodnotes or Notability or Xodo and Note Plus and Noteshelf2, ZoomNotes Detail • 350 pages in 1 PDF file with Hyperlinks • Optimized for GoodNotes and Notability, Notechelf2, on iPad Pro and Xodo for Android Tablet • Single PDF (digital download) What you will get: A dated planner with over 350 pages and 10600 links, including: - Yearly calendar for 2019 and 2020 - Month Calendar (12 pages) March 2019- February 2020 - Monthly Note: - Daily plan (365 fully dated pages ) - 8 Additional Tabs for you projects VIDEO TUTORIAL How Instal planner from Email or Download Link www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eox1bZVJzZg How Install planner from dropbox www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_aKCnD3Xyo&t=2s HOW USE hyperlinks in Goodnotes www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI92ARaY7Aw&t=14s How sync ipad with iphone for goodnotes www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV_q33EMw5k&t=28s Total Pages: 350 * This planner was designed to work best with Goodnotes. This planner also works on apps that support PDF Annotations such a, Notes, or Notability, etc. This planner and any planner accessories are for personal use only and not intended for print production. Commercial use and resale are prohibited. All sales are final. Digital products are non-refundable. For personal use only. Copyright Andrei Photo Material, 2019.
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zhishibing20 · 2 years
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tomatodeals · 2 years
Timetec 16GB KIT(2x8GB) Appropriate for Apple DDR3 1333MHz PC3-10600 CL9 for Mac E book Professional
Timetec 16GB KIT(2x8GB) Appropriate for Apple DDR3 1333MHz PC3-10600 CL9 for Mac E book Professional
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anqelbean · 3 years
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I posted 10,704 times in 2021
104 posts created (1%)
10600 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 101.9 posts.
I added 369 tags in 2021
#bnha - 75 posts
#bakudeku - 54 posts
#bkdk - 52 posts
#anqels ramblings - 45 posts
#boku no hero academia - 27 posts
#bakugou katsuki - 26 posts
#deku - 26 posts
#all for the game - 25 posts
#midoriya izuku - 20 posts
#izuku midoriya - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#it's cause corporations have discovered that the worse the movie is especially if it's connected to something beloved from our childhoods
My Top Posts in 2021
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Ahh, yes. My favourite ship.
Even greener Luigi and angry blond Princess Daisy.
95 notes • Posted 2021-06-21 15:54:01 GMT
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116 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 14:01:18 GMT
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Hurt/Comfort is such a good trope
118 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 11:06:07 GMT
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270 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 19:24:56 GMT
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Growing up and maturing is realizing that you're the queer cousin.
2678 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 19:51:49 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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colourme-feral · 2 years
Kinnporsche locations IRL
Kinnporsche: Temple date and the Return of the Ex
IRL: Wat Arun, 158 Thanon Wang Doem, Wat Arun, Bangkok Yai, Bangkok 10600, Thailand
Fun fact: They kissed at the temple’s pier in episode 3.
Note: Wat Arun seems to close at 6pm, although the temple remains lit after closing.
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Screenshots taken by me
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antimony-medusa · 3 years
Current letter to Ao3, am I leaving anything out.
I was wondering if it would be possible to fix the situation that is going on with the Video Blogging RPF and the Minecraft (Video Game) tags and the creators who work in that industry? Currently there are a couple of problems with the tags, and the archive is not functioning effectively for these fandoms, specifically as it comes to minecraft content creators.
1) there is no distinction made between character-based roleplay (including scripted roleplay) and rpf of the streamers/content creators doing the roleplay, to the point that character tags are redirected to the performer's real name, even when creators never use their real names in public (Bdoubleo has gone by that name for ten years of content creation, and I only learned his legal name was John from the tag, same thing with Technoblade, who I believe had to be doxxed for his legal name to be released). I am aware that mineraft roleplay is closer to RPF than a lot of other forms of storytelling, but to use Dream SMP as an example (as probably the biggest fandom causing this problem), Philza the character on the dream SMP canonically has wings that were injured in an explosion and is married to a goddess, while Phil Watson is a streamer from the north of England who is married to a fantastic woman who does not raise the dead. Charlie Slimecicle does not have bones and is an ageless being who identifies people via where they're from, while Charles Dalgleish is an american comedian. Tubbo Underscore is a blond married former president of a destroyed country who invented nuclear weapons, while Toby Smith is a brunet 17 year old college dropout who owns a saxophone. These are very different story beats and when I am looking for one or the other the tags are no help whatsoever. Other forms of storytelling are not treated this way, as for example there is a different tag for My Brother My Brother and Me (Podcast) (64), The Adventure Zone (Podcast) (10600), and Polygon/McElroy Vlogs & Podcasts RPF (733), or between 山河令 | Word of Honor (TV 2021) RPF (1488) and 山河令 | Word of Honor (TV 2021) (3616).
2) Everyone in the entire industry is collected into one tag, with no distinction between if the people involved interact at all, in story, in work, or in real life. You have to manually exclude character tags (such as the 20+ popular streamers on the Dream SMP) if you are trying to find stories from other creators, because the tag is so cluttered with the popular people, despite the fact that Last Life SMP has no crossover of creators, much less storyline, with Dream SMP. This is roughly analogous to every Real Play D&D podcast being in the same tag because they're in the same industry of improvised roleplay, and as unsustainable. Even other RPF does not have this issue, as you will note there are different canonical tags for Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown RPF (2) and 
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations RPF (10). Reality TV is not all in the same tag. Cooking With Jack Show (Web Series) RPF  is separate from Bon Appétit Test Kitchen (Web Series) (192). Political RPF is separated by country and era. Broadway Casts are separated by play. The only other RPF category that I can find that works this way is sports, and even those are separated by which league they play in, i.e. American Football RPF (531) vs College Football RPF (27).
3) Creators play different characters across different servers, but the tags mash them all together. Grian (hermitcraft) and Grian (last life) have different lore and different loyalties, but these stories are all collected together (under the creator's real name, along with RPF). Again, I know that the line between characters is thinner than it might be for say, to use the Real Play example again, Marisha Ray's season 1 and season 2 Critical Role characters, but the distinction is important to the creators (for example Scott S Major | Scott Smajor uses different minecraft skins if he's on the Last Life server, the Origins server, or the Empires server, distinguishing his characters) and it is important to the fandom. Fan art for different servers will have radically different designs, characters will have different personalities (Ranboo is a married amnesiac half-enderman on dream smp and a spoiled end prince on origins SMP), lore will follow different plots, and occasionally different names (Ranboo’s regular dream SMP character is named Ranboo, and his Tales From The Smp character is named Ran, uses a different skin, and has a different backstory. They are synned together). The tags, again, actively confuse the issue, and again, other forms of storytelling are allowed to make distinctions between characters, and between character and content creator, for example Master Firbolg (The Adventure Zone) (149), Taako (The Adventure Zone) (6070), and Justin McElroy (81).
4) There is no distinction made between stories using the lore and mechanics of the video game (Steve and Alex, the abandoned mineshafts, the End) and stories using minecraft as a storytelling and acting medium (Dream SMP includes revolution, public executions, mind-controlling eggs and a prison that's a big human rights concern, Last Life SMP has a curse that causes you to kill your friends or die, Empires SMP has a demon who's infested the server who is romancing (or is it) one server member). It is literally almost impossible to find actual video game fic, as you have to manually exclude the dozens or hundreds of creators who have ever told a story in minecraft or publicly played the game. Other video games do not have this issue, as for example there is a canonical tag for 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) (39962), and for Halo (Video Games) & Related Fandoms (1482). 
5. These are huge tags to the point of being unusable, because of all the issues mentioned above. At the time of writing Video Blogging has 158,262 fics and minecraft has 73,087, by far the largest RPF categories other than Real Person Fiction as a major category. The nearest fandom in size is Men’s Hockey, that has only 27,866. It requires a huge amount of work and technical know-how to manually sort these tags for any of the reasons alluded to in other points. The only way to find things in Video Blogging is to search by character, but again, there remains the problem of RPF and character-based fic being synned together, so that for example if I want fic about TommyInnit I have to sort through the 42,147 works in the TommyInnit tag using his Dream SMP character, his Origins SMP character, his 30 Day SMP character, his SMP Earth character, and RPF about Tom Simons the streamer and vlogger. The tag’s aren’t working.
At present the fandom almost exclusively works off of manual fic recs hosted outside of Ao3 and bookmark cruising from trusted archive readers (effectively canonizing taste-makers for the fandom). Ao3 is simply not functioning as a good archive for this fandom. 
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foxla835 · 3 years
Install Os Macbook Pro
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To return your MacBook Pro to factory status, you'd better back it up first. And the final step, re-install the Mac OS, needs the internet connection. If you have any questions about factory reset your MacBook Pro, please leave a message below this post. My MacBook Pro is a 2011 i7 2,7gig dual-core processor, Inted HD 3000 graphic card, 4gb of RAM, 750gb standard harddisk; loads of plug-ins (667 pro audio plug-ins to be exact), heavy profesionnal applications, gamin clients, etc – but the hardisk is hardly two thirds full! I love my old MacBook Pro. It does everything I want for a portable coding, writing and occasional editing device. I’ve had it since 2011 and it’s still going strong. Apple however doesn’t want to suport it anymore. I’m stuck with macOS High Sierra, without an option to upgrade without shadowy patches.
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MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)
Memory specifications
Use the tables below to confirm the memory you're installing is compatible with your MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, mid 2012)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 67.6mm x 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-12800 DDR3 1600 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Late 2011) and MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 67.6mm x 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-10600 DDR3 1333 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010) and MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format -30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-8500 DDR3 1066 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot.
Removing or installing memory
Warning: The internal components of your MacBook Pro can be warm. If you have been using your MacBook Pro, wait ten minutes after shutting down the computer to let the internal components cool before continuing.
Step 1: Remove the bottom case
Shut down your MacBook Pro. Disconnect the power adapter, Ethernet cable, USB cables, security lock, and any other cables connected to the MacBook Pro to prevent damaging the computer.
Turn over your MacBook Pro and remove the ten (10) screws that secure the bottom case. Because the screws are different lengths, note the screw lengths and locations so you can replace the screws correctly. Put them aside in a safe place. Lift off the case and place it to the side.
Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body.
Step 2: Remove existing memory (if present)
Push the levers on the sides of the memory module in an outward direction to release the module from the memory card slot. The memory pops up at an angle. Before removing it, make sure you find the half-circle notches. If you don’t, try pressing the levers outward again.
Hold the memory module by its notches and remove it from the slot.
Remove the other memory module. Important: Hold the memory modules by their edges, and do not touch the gold connectors.
Step 3: Install memory
Align the notch on the gold edge of the module with the notch in the lower memory slot.
Tilt the card and push the memory into the slot.
Use two fingers with firm, even pressure to push down on the memory module. There should be a click when you insert the memory correctly.
Repeat this procedure to install an additional memory module in the top slot. Press down on the module to make sure it is level. Note: Make sure you install the memory according to this illustration, with the gold contacts inserted almost completely into the connector.
Step 4: Replace the bottom case
Replace the bottom case. Replace and tighten the ten screws you removed earlier, making sure to put the different length screws in their proper locations.
Applicable Models
The instructions provided below are for the following MacBook Pro 15-inch models:
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.53GHz Mid 2009)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009)
Memory specifications
Please use the tables below to confirm the memory being installed is compatible with your MacBook Pro.
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MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-12800 DDR3 1600 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011) and MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-10600 DDR3 1333 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010), MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.53GHz Mid 2009), MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-8500 DDR3 1066 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot.
Removing or installing memory
Warning: The internal components of your MacBook Pro can be warm. If you have been using your MacBook Pro, wait ten minutes after shutting down the computer to let the internal components cool before continuing.
Step 1: Remove the bottom case
Shut down your MacBook Pro. Disconnect the power adapter, Ethernet cable, USB cables, security lock, and any other cables connected to the MacBook Pro to prevent damaging the computer.
Turn over your MacBook Pro and remove the ten (10) screws that secure the bottom case. Because the screws are different lengths, note the screw lengths and locations so you can replace the screws correctly. Put them aside in a safe place. Lift off the case and place it to the side.
Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body.
Step 2: Remove existing memory (if present)
Push the levers on the sides of the memory module in an outward direction to release the module from the memory card slot. The memory pops up at an angle. Before removing it, make sure you find the half-circle notches. If you don’t, try pressing the levers outward again.
Hold the memory module by its notches and remove it from the slot.
Remove the other memory module. Important: Hold the memory modules by their edges, and do not touch the gold connectors.
Step 3: Install memory
Align the notch on the gold edge of the module with the notch in the lower memory slot.
Tilt the card and push the memory into the slot.
Use two fingers with firm, even pressure to push down on the memory module. There should be a click when you insert the memory correctly.
Repeat this procedure to install an additional memory module in the top slot. Press down on the module to make sure it is level.Note: Make sure you install the memory according to this illustration, with the gold contacts inserted almost completely into the connector.
Step 4: Replace the bottom case
Replace and tighten the ten screws you removed earlier, making sure to put the different length screws in their proper locations.
Applicable model
The instructions provided below are for the following MacBook Pro 15-inch models:
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2008)
Memory specifications
Please use the table below to confirm the memory being installed is compatible with your MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro (15-inch, late 2008)Number of memory slots2Base memory2 GBMaximum memory4 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 30mm (1.18 inch) - 1 GB or 2 GB - 204-pin - PC3-8500 DDR3 1066 MHz type RAMAdditional notesFor best performance, fill both memory slots and install an identical memory module in each slot.
Removing or installing memory
Warning: The internal components of your MacBook Pro can be warm. If you have been using your MacBook Pro, wait ten minutes after shutting down the computer to let the internal components cool before continuing.
Step 1: Remove the access door
Shut down your MacBook Pro. Disconnect the power adapter, Ethernet cable, security lock, and any other cords connected to the MacBook Pro to prevent damaging the computer.
Turn over your MacBook Pro and locate the latch. Push down to release the latch and remove the access door that covers the battery and hard drive.
The latch must be in its released, open position to remove the access door.
Step 2: Remove the battery
With the latch still in its open position, gently pull up on the tab to remove the battery.
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Step 3: Remove the bottom case
Remove the eight screws that secure the bottom case of your MacBook Pro, and then remove the bottom case. Important: Because the screws are different lengths, note the screw lengths and locations so you can replace the screws correctly. Put them aside in a safe place.
Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body.
Step 4: Remove existing memory (if present)
Push out the ejection levers on the sides of the memory module to release the module from the memory card slot. The memory pops up at an angle. Before removing it, make sure you find the half-circle notches. If you don’t, try pressing the ejection levers again.
Hold the memory module by the notches and remove it from the slot.
Remove the other memory module. Important: Hold the memory modules by their edges; do not touch the gold connectors.
Step 5: Install memory
Align the notch on the gold edge of the module with the notch in the lower memory slot.
Tilt the card and push the memory into the slot.
Use two fingers with firm, even pressure to push down on the memory module. There should be a click when you insert the memory correctly.
Repeat, if necessary, to install an additional memory module in the top slot. Press down on the module to make sure it is level. Note: Make sure you install the memory according to the illustration below, with the gold contacts inserted almost completely into the connector.
Step 6: Replace the bottom case
Replace the bottom case. Replace and tighten the eight screws.
Step 7: Replace the battery
To replace the battery, make sure the latch is in its open position. Hold the battery at an angle and slide the lipped edge of the battery below the brackets on the outside edge of the battery bay. Gently press the battery down.
Step 8: Replace the access door
With the latch in the open position replace the access door, making sure it is level with the bottom case of your MacBook Pro, and press the latch into the closed position.
Applicable models
The instructions provided below are for the following MacBook Pro 17-inch models:
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2011)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2011)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2009)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009)
Memory specifications
Use the tables below to confirm the memory being installed is compatible with your MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2011) and MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2011)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 67.6mm x 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-10600 DDR3 1333 MHz type RAMAdditional notesYou can add two 4 GB memory modules for a maximum of 8 GB of memory. For best performance, fill both memory slots and install an identical memory module in each slot.
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010), MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2009), and MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2009)Number of memory slots2Base memory4 GBMaximum memory8 GBMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 30mm (1.18 inch) - 2 GB or 4 GB - 204-pin - PC3-8500 DDR3 1066 MHz type RAMAdditional notesYou can add two 4 GB memory modules for a maximum of 8 GB of memory. For best performance, fill both memory slots and install an identical memory module in each slot.
Removing or installing memory
Warning: The internal components of your MacBook Pro can be warm. If you have been using your MacBook Pro, wait ten minutes after shutting down the computer to let the internal components cool before continuing.
Step 1: Remove the bottom case
Shut down your MacBook Pro. Disconnect the power adapter, Ethernet cable, USB cables, security lock, and any other cables connected to the MacBook Pro to prevent damaging the computer.
Turn over your MacBook Pro and remove the ten (10) screws that secure the bottom case. Because the screws are different lengths, note the screw lengths and locations so you can replace the screws correctly. Put them aside in a safe place. Lift off the case and place it to the side.
Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body.
Step 2: Remove existing memory (if present)
Push the levers on the sides of the memory module in an outward direction to release the module from the memory card slot. The memory pops up at an angle. Before removing it, make sure you find the half-circle notches. If you can't find the notches, try pressing the levers outward again.
Hold the memory module by its notches and remove it from the slot.
Remove the other memory module. Important: Hold the memory modules by their edges; do not touch the gold connectors.
Step 3: Install memory
Align the notch on the gold edge of the module with the notch in the lower memory slot.
Tilt the card and push the memory into the slot.
Use two fingers with firm, even pressure to push down on the memory module. There should be a click when you insert the memory correctly.
Repeat this procedure to install an additional memory module in the top slot. Press down on the module to make sure it is level. Note: Make sure your memory is installed according to the illustration below, with the gold contacts inserted almost completely into the connector.
Step 4: Replace the bottom case
Replace the bottom case. Replace and tighten the ten screws you removed earlier, making sure to put the different length screws in their proper locations.
Applicable models
The instructions provided below are for the following MacBook Pro 15-inch and 17-inch models:
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2008) and earlier
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2008) and earlier
Memory specifications
Please use the tables below to confirm the memory being installed is compatible with your MacBook Pro.
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2008) and earlier and MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2008) and earlierNumber of memory slots2Base memory512 MB (configure to order)Maximum memoryRefer to the table belowMemory card specifications- Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format - 30mm (1.18 inch) - 200-pin - PC2-5300 DDR2 667 MHz Type RAM
Refer to this table for the maximum amount of memory that can be recognized by these notebook computers:
2 GBMacBook Pro, MacBook Pro (17-inch), MacBook Pro (15-inch, Glossy)3 GBMacBook Pro (15-inch and 17-inch Core 2 Duo) Note: These models will support only 3 GB total memory. If you want to maximize the amount of SDRAM in your computer, install a 2 GB SO-DIMM in one slot and a 1GB SO-DIMM in the other.4 GBMacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2008)
Removing or installing memory
You will need to remove the battery before installing additional memory and reinstall the battery after installing the memory. The following procedure includes all the necessary instructions for both parts of the process.
Install Elementary Os Macbook Pro
Warning: The internal components of your MacBook Pro can be warm. If you have been using your MacBook Pro, wait ten minutes after shutting down the computer to let the internal components cool before continuing.
Step 1: Remove the battery
Shut down your MacBook Pro. Disconnect the power adapter, Ethernet cable, and any other cords connected to the MacBook Pro to prevent damaging the computer.
Turn the computer over.
Locate the battery release latches on each side of the battery.
Slide both latches up. The battery should pop up slightly.
Lift the battery out.
Step 2: Remove the memory door
Using a Phillips size 00 screwdriver, unscrew the memory door and remove it from the battery bay of your computer. Depending on the model of your MacBook Pro, you may have three or four screws.
Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body.
Step 3: Remove existing memory (if present)
If you need to remove a memory card—for example if you are replacing it or if you need to get past the memory in the top slot to access the bottom slot—you can remove the card by spreading the tabs on each side of the card away from the notches in the memory card. The card should pop up slightly. Lift the memory card to about a 25-degree angle and then gently slide the card out of the memory slot. Important: Hold the memory modules by their edges; do not touch the gold connectors.
Step 4: Install memory
Insert the new memory card at a 25-degree angle. Line up the notch in the card with the small tab in the memory slot and slide the card into the slot until the gold edge is almost invisible. Firmly press the memory card into the memory slot. You might feel some resistance.
Gently spread the small tabs in the memory slot away from the notches and push the memory card down until the two tabs on either side of the card lock into place.
Insert any additional memory into the second slot. Note: Make sure you install the memory according to the illustration below, with the gold contacts inserted almost completely into the connector.
Step 5: Replace the memory door
Replace the memory door, and make sure the door is lying flat before you screw it back into place.
Step 6: To insert the battery
Place the bottom edge of the battery into the battery compartment at an angle, as shown below.
Gently press the top edge of the battery down until the battery latch locks into place.
Learn more
Checking that your computer recognizes the new memory
After installing additional memory, you should confirm that the computer recognizes the new memory. To check the computer’s memory:
Start up your computer.
When you see the Mac OS X desktop, choose the Apple () menu from the upper-left menu bar, then choose About This Mac.
Install Ios Macbook Pro
The total memory includes the amount of memory that originally came with the computer plus the new memory you added, or if all the memory has been replaced, the new total for that memory. For detailed information about the amount of memory installed in your computer, open System Profiler by choosing Apple () and then About This Mac. Then, click More Info and then Memory from the Hardware section that appears in System Profiler.
Install Os On Macbook Pro 2010
If your computer doesn’t recognize the memory or doesn’t start up correctly, confirm that the memory you installed is compatible with your MacBook Pro and that it is installed correctly by reseating the memory.
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0 notes
Global NFC Juices Market is expected to Showcase Rampant Growth Over 2028
Market Highlights
The global NFC juices market is projected to be valued at USD 2,510.3 million by 2028, recording a CAGR of 3.58% during the forecast period. Rising demand for natural plant-based ingredients and the growing popularity of convenience food & beverages are driving the growth of the global NFC juices market. Increasing consciousness regarding health among the general population and increasing consumer inclination towards clean label products areexpected to create growth opportunities for the market players. However, the regional availability of fruits is expected to hinder market growth in the coming years.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has lowered the production capacities of NFC juices. Mandatory closure of manufacturing facilities has impacted the entire NFC juices industry since the outbreak. Stringent lockdown restrictions have resulted in transportation woes which have ultimately impacted the availability of adequate human resources and raw materials supply. As a result of increasing panic among consumers for food, stockpile for NFC juices have become a common phenomenon in the last few months across the globe. The supply chain of the NFC juices market comprises manufacturers, distributors, and consumers. Furthermore, the lockdown measures led to the disruption of the global shipping networks. Some port authorities have forced the ships carrying goods to observe a 14-day quarantine period. This measure has significantly increased the overall shipping time and costs for key raw materials used in the production process of NFC juices.
The COVID-19 pandemic has positively impacted the global NFC juices market. Amidst the panic situation of COVID-19, the WHO recommended people to consume immunity-boosting foods. Thus, the NFC juices market witnesses a notable demand due to the presence of fruits that effectively boost human immunity. The demand for NFC juices is expected to increase in the coming days in the future, which would result in a price increase of NFC juices in the upcoming years.
Access full report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/nfc-juices-market-10600
Segmental Analysis
The global NFC juices market has been segmented based on type, category, application, and region.
Based on type, the global NFC juices market has been segmented into orange, lemon, apple, pomegranate, blends, and others. The orange segment accounted for the largest market share of 22.93% in 2020, whereas the blends segment is expected to exhibit the highest CAGR of 3.95% during the review period.Blended juice refers to the blends of fruits, a combination of different fruits. Depending on the nature of the juice, blends are prepared within the processing unit. Blended NFC juices are getting more attention among the end users because of their nutritional profile and quality. Increasing demand for mixed fruit juices among consumers is anticipated to stimulate the blends segment during the forecast period.
Based on category, the global NFC juices market has been segmented into organic and conventional. The conventional segment accounted for a larger market share of 79.56% in 2020, whereas the organic segment is expected to exhibit a higher CAGR of 4.31% during the review period. Organic NFC juice is extracted from fruits that are grown organically without the use of synthetic chemicals. These fruits are chemical-free and cultivated under stringent guidelines and supervision to maintain purity and low/zero chemical concentration. Organically produced NFC juice is relatively costlier and requires high capital investments to cultivate fruits and process the juices. The organic segment is expected to grow with an impressive CAGR during the forecast period owing to the surging demand for organic products.
Based on application, the global NFC juices market has been segmented into non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages, bakery & confectionery, dairy & frozen desserts, and others. The non-alcoholic beverages segment accounted for a major market share of 47.97% in 2020, whereas the dairy & frozen desserts segment is expected to record the highest CAGR of 4.42% during the forecast period.
Regional Analysis
Geographically, the global NFC juices market has been categorized as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa. As per MRFR analysis, Europe constituted a dominant share of the NFC juices market in 2020. North America was the second-largest market in 2020.North America is expected to be a potential market for the producers of NFC juices. With the US being the major contributor to the market growth in this region. The US is expected to maintain its dominance within the regional market during the review period. The increasing awareness about healthy food products and rising consumption of convenience food & beverage products are expected to drive the growth of the market in North America. Organic NFC juices are gaining traction in the European market as the consumption of organic packaged food & beverages is the highest compared to the other regions.The increasing per capita disposable income of consumers has led to the rising sales of fruit juices. China accounted for a major share of 33.32% of the Asia-Pacific NFC juices market.
Key Findings of the Study:
The global NFC juices market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of     3.58%from 2021 to 2028.
The orange segment accounted for the largest market share of 22.93%     in 2020, whereas the blends segment is expected to exhibit the highest     CAGR of 3.95%during the forecast period.
The conventional segment accounted for the largest market share of     79.56% in 2020, whereas the organic segment is expected to exhibit the     highest CAGR of 4.31% during the review period.
The non-alcoholic beverages segment accounted for the major market     share of 47.97% in 2020, whereas the dairy & frozen desserts segment     is expected to record the highest CAGR of 4.42% during the forecast     period.
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NOTE: Our Team of Researchers are Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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fadingfunwasteland · 4 years
16gb Ram For Mac
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Choose your iMac model
If you're not sure which iMac you have, you can identify your iMac and then select it from the list below.
Definitely go with 16GB of RAM. 8GB is the bare minimum for current versions of macOS, who knows how much more newer versions will eat up (especially web browsers, thanks to.
In 2014 I bought two laptops. First was a MacBook Air with 4GB RAM and 128GB SSD. The second was a Dell XPS 15 (for the price of 15-inch MBP) with 8GB RAM and 512GB HDD. A year later, I upgraded my Dell with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD because I wanted to run a SQL Server on it. Now, after 5 years, I have a chance to check a future proof myth.
Today on memory chip retailer Crucial's website you can buy an 8GB kit for £59.99 or 16GB kit for £91.19, (both for the 2012 genertion Mac mini) or a 16GB kit for £92.39 and a 32GB kit for £.
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019)*
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017)*
iMac (21.5-inch, 2017)*
iMac (21.5 inch, Mid 2014)*
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013)*
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012)*
* Memory is not removable by users on iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2014), iMac (21.5-inch, 2017), iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017), and iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019). If the memory in one of these computers needs repair service, contact an Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider. If you’d like to upgrade the memory in one of these models, an Apple Authorized Service Provider can help. Before you schedule an appointment, confirm that the specific Apple Authorized Service Provider offers memory upgrade services.
Memory in iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2015), and iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015) is not upgradeable.
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020)
Get memory specifications for iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020), then learn how to install memory in this model.
Memory specifications
This iMac model features Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory (SDRAM) slots on the rear of the computer near the vents with these memory specifications:
Number of memory slots4Base memory8GB (2 x 4GB DIMMs)Maximum memory128GB (4 x 32GB DIMMs)
For optimal memory performance, DIMMs should be the same capacity, speed, and vendor. Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
If you have mixed capacity DIMMs, see the install memory section for installation recommendations.
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019)
Get memory specifications for iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019), then learn how to install memory in this model.
Memory specifications
This iMac model features Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory (SDRAM) slots on the rear of the computer near the vents with these memory specifications:
Number of memory slots4Base memory8GB (2 x 4GB DIMMs)Maximum memory64GB (4 x 16GB DIMMs)
Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017)
Get memory specifications for iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), then learn how to install memory in this model.
Memory specifications
This iMac model features Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory (SDRAM) slots on the rear of the computer near the vents with these memory specifications:
Number of memory slots4Base memory8GB (2 x 4GB DIMMs)Maximum memory64GB (4 x 16GB DIMMs)
Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
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PC4-2400 (19200)
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
Get memory specifications for iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015), then learn how to install memory in this model.
Memory specifications
This iMac model features Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory (SDRAM) slots on the rear of the computer near the vents with these memory specifications:
Number of memory slots4Base memory8GBMaximum memory32GB
Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
For these 27-inch models
Get memory specifications for the following iMac models, then learn how to install memory in them:
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Mid 2015)
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013)
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012)
Memory specifications
These iMac models feature Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory (SDRAM) slots on the rear of the computer near the vents with these memory specifications:
Number of memory slots4Base memory8GBMaximum memory32GB
Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
Installing memory
The internal components of your iMac can be warm. If you've been using your iMac, wait ten minutes after shutting it down to let the internal components cool.
After you shut down your iMac and give it time to cool, follow these steps:
Disconnect the power cord and all other cables from your computer.
Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or other flat surface to prevent scratching the display.
Hold the sides of the computer and slowly lay the computer face-down on the towel or cloth.
Open the memory compartment door by pressing the small grey button located just above the AC power port:
The memory compartment door will open as the button is pushed in. Remove the compartment door and set it aside:
A diagram on the underside of the compartment door shows the memory cage levers and the orientation of the DIMM. Locate the two levers on the right and left sides of the memory cage. Push the two levers outward to release the memory cage:
After the memory cage is released, pull the memory cage levers toward you, allowing access to each DIMM slot.
Remove a DIMM by pulling the module straight up and out. Note the location of the notch on the bottom of the DIMM. When reinstalling DIMMs, the notch must be oriented correctly or the DIMM won't fully insert:
Replace or install a DIMM by setting it down into the slot and pressing firmly until you feel the DIMM click into the slot. When you insert a DIMM, make sure to align the notch on the DIMM to the DIMM slot. Find your model below for specific installation instructions and notch locations:
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2020) DIMMs have a notch on the bottom, slightly left of the middle. If your DIMMs are mixed in capacity, minimize the capacity difference between Channel A (slots 1 and 2) and Channel B (slots 3 and 4) when possible.
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019) DIMMs have a notch on the bottom, slightly left of the middle:
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012) and iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017) DIMMs have a notch on the bottom left:
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013) and iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014, Mid 2015, and Late 2015) DIMMs have a notch on the bottom right:
After you install all of your DIMMs, push both memory cage levers back into the housing until they lock into place:
Replace the memory compartment door. You don't need to press the compartment door release button when replacing the compartment door.
Place the computer in its upright position. Reconnect the power cord and all other cables to the computer, then start up the computer.
Your iMac performs a memory initialization procedure when you first turn it on after upgrading memory or rearranging DIMMs. This process can take 30 seconds or more, and the display of your iMac remains dark until it's finished. Make sure to let the memory initialization complete.
For these 27-inch and 21.5-inch models
Get memory specifications for the following iMac models, then learn how to install memory in them:
iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011)
iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2011)
iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010)
iMac (21.5-inch, Mid 2010)
iMac (27-inch, Late 2009)
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2009)
Memory specifications
Number of memory slots4Base memory4GB (but is configured to order)Maximum memory16GB For iMac (Late 2009), you can use 2GB or 4GB RAM SO-DIMMs of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM in each slot. For iMac (Mid 2010) and iMac (Mid 2011), use 2GB or 4GB RAM SO-DIMMs of 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM in each slot.
Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
iMac (Mid 2011)iMac (Mid 2010)iMac (Late 2009)PC3-10600PC3-10600PC3-8500UnbufferedUnbufferedUnbufferedNonparityNonparityNonparity204-pin204-pin204-pin1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
i5 and i7 Quad Core iMac computers come with both top memory slots populated. These computers will not start up if only a single DIMM is installed in any bottom slot; these computers should operate normally with a single DIMM installed in any top slot.
Core Duo iMac computers should operate normally with a single DIMM installed in any slot, top or bottom. ('Top' and 'bottom' slots refer to the orientation of the slots in the pictures below. 'Top' refers to the slots closest to the display; 'bottom' refers to the slots closest to the stand.)
Installing memory
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The internal components of your iMac can be warm. If you've been using your iMac, wait ten minutes after shutting it down to let the internal components cool.
After you shut down your iMac and give it time to cool, follow these steps:
Disconnect the power cord and all other cables from your computer.
Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or other flat surface to prevent scratching the display.
Hold the sides of the computer and slowly lay the computer face-down on the towel or cloth.
Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the RAM access door in the bottom of your computer:
Remove the access door and set it aside.
Untuck the tab in the memory compartment. If you're replacing a memory module, gently pull the tab to eject any installed memory module:
Insert your new or replacement SO-DIMM into the empty slot, noting the orientation of the keyway of the SO-DIMM as shown below.
After you insert it, press the DIMM up into the slot. There should be a slight click when you seat the memory correctly:
Tuck the tabs above the memory DIMMs, and reinstall the memory access door:
Place the computer in its upright position. Reconnect the power cord and all other cables to the computer, then start up the computer.
For these 24-inch and 20-inch models
Get memory specifications for the following iMac models, then learn how to install memory in them:
iMac (24-inch, Early 2009)
iMac (20-inch, Early 2009)
iMac (24-inch, Early 2008)
iMac (20-inch, Early 2008)
iMac (24-inch Mid 2007)
iMac (20-inch, Mid 2007)
Memory specifications
These iMac computers have two side-by-side Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory (SDRAM) slots in the bottom of the computer.
The maximum amount of random-access memory (RAM) you can install in each computer is:
ComputerMemory TypeMaximum MemoryiMac (Mid 2007)DDR24GB (2x2GB)iMac (Early 2008)DDR24GB (2x2GB)iMac (Early 2009)DDR38GB (2x4GB)
You can use a 1GB or 2GB RAM module in each slot for iMac (Mid 2007) and iMac (Early 2008). Use 1GB, 2GB, or 4GB modules in each slot for the iMac (Early 2009).
Use Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules (SO-DIMM) that meet all of these criteria:
iMac (Mid 2007)iMac (Early 2008)iMac (Early 2009)PC2-5300PC2-6400PC3-8500UnbufferedUnbufferedUnbufferedNonparityNonparityNonparity200-pin200-pin204-pin667MHz DDR2 SDRAM800MHz DDR2 SDRAM1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
DIMMs with any of the following features aren't supported:
Registers or buffers
Error-correcting code (ECC)
Extended data out (EDO) RAM
Installing memory
The internal components of your iMac can be warm. If you've been using your iMac, wait ten minutes after shutting it down to let the internal components cool.
After your iMac cools down, follow these steps:
Disconnect the power cord and all other cables from your computer.
Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or other flat surface to prevent scratching the display.
Hold the sides of the computer and slowly lay the computer face-down on the towel or cloth.
Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the RAM access door in the bottom of the computer:
Remove the access door and set it aside.
Untuck the tab in the memory compartment. If you're replacing a memory module, untuck the tab and pull it to eject any installed memory module:
Insert your new or replacement RAM SO-DIMM into the empty slot, noting the orientation of the keyway of the SO-DIMM as shown above.
After you insert it, press the DIMM up into the slot. There should be a slight click when you seat the memory correctly.
Tuck the tabs above the memory DIMMs, and reinstall the memory access door:
Place the computer in its upright position. Reconnect the power cord and all other cables to the computer, then start up the computer.
For these 20-inch and 17-inch models
Get memory specifications for the following iMac models, then learn how to install memory in them:
iMac (20-inch Late 2006)
iMac (17-inch, Late 2006 CD)
iMac (17-inch, Late 2006)
iMac (17-inch, Mid 2006)
iMac (20-inch, Early 2006)
iMac (17-inch, Early 2006)
Memory specifications
Number of memory slots2Base memory1GBTwo 512MB DIMMs; one in each of the memory slotsiMac (Late 2006)512MBOne DDR2 SDRAM installed into the top slotiMac (17-inch Late 2006 CD)512MBTwo 256MB DIMMs; one in each of the memory slotsiMac (Mid 2006)512MBOne DDR2 SDRAM installed into the top slotiMac (Early 2006)Maximum memory4GB2 GB SO-DIMM in each of the two slots*iMac (Late 2006)2GB1GB SO-DIMM in each of the two slotsiMac (17-inch Late 2006 CD) iMac (Early 2006)Memory card specificationsCompatible: - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR SO-DIMM) format - PC2-5300 - Nonparity - 200-pin - 667 MHz - DDR3 SDRAMNot compatible: - Registers or buffers - PLLs - ECC - Parity - EDO RAM
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16gb Ram For Mac
For best performance, fill both memory slots, installing an equal memory module in each slot. *iMac (Late 2006) uses a maximum of 3 GB of RAM.
Installing memory in the bottom slot
The internal components of your iMac can be warm. If you've been using your iMac, wait ten minutes after shutting it down to let the internal components cool.
After you shut down your iMac and give it time to cool, follow these steps:
Disconnect the power cord and all other cables from your computer.
Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or other flat surface to prevent scratching the display.
Hold the sides of the computer and slowly lay the computer face-down on the towel or cloth.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the RAM access door on the bottom of the iMac and set it aside:
Move the DIMM ejector clips to their fully open position:
Insert your RAM SO-DIMM into the bottom slot, keeping in mind the orientation of the keyed SO-DIMM:
After you insert it, press the DIMM up into the slot with your thumbs. Don't use the DIMM ejector clips to push in the DIMM, as this might damage the SDRAM DIMM. There should be a slight click when you seat the memory fully.
Close the ejector clips:
Reinstall the memory access door:
Place the computer in its upright position. Reconnect the power cord and all other cables to the computer, then start up the computer.
Replacing memory in the top slot
After you shut down your iMac and give it time to cool, follow these steps:
Disconnect the power cord and all other cables from your computer.
Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or other flat surface to prevent scratching the display.
Hold the sides of the computer and slowly lay the computer face-down on the towel or cloth.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the RAM access door on the bottom of the iMac and set it aside:
Pull the two levers on each side of the memory compartment to eject the memory module that's already installed:
Remove the memory module from your iMac as shown below:
Insert your RAM SO-DIMM into the top slot, noting the orientation of the keyed SO-DIMM:
After you insert it, press the DIMM up into the slot with your thumbs. Don't use the DIMM ejector clips to push in the DIMM, as this might damage the SDRAM DIMM. There should be a slight click when you seat the memory fully.
Close the ejector clips:
Reinstall the memory access door:
Place the computer in its upright position. Reconnect the power cord and all other cables to the computer, then start up the computer.
If your iMac makes a tone after you install memory
16gb Ram For Macbook
iMac models introduced before 2017 might make a warning sound when you start up after installing or replacing memory:
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One tone, repeating every five seconds signals that no RAM is installed.
Three successive tones, then a five-second pause (repeating) signals that RAM doesn't pass a data integrity check.
If you hear these tones, confirm that the memory you installed is compatible with your iMac and that it's installed correctly by reseating the memory. If your Mac continues to make the tone, contact Apple Support.
Confirm that your iMac recognizes its new memory
After you install memory, you should confirm that your iMac recognizes the new RAM by choosing Apple () menu > About This Mac.
The window that appears lists the total memory, including the amount of memory that originally came with the computer plus the newly added memory. If all the memory in the iMac has been replaced, it lists the new total of all installed RAM.
16gb Ram For Macbook Pro Late 2013
For detailed information about the memory installed in your iMac, click System Report. Then choose Memory under the Hardware section in the left side of System Information.
16gb Ram For Mac Mini
If your computer doesn't recognize the memory or doesn't start up correctly, confirm that the RAM you installed is compatible with your iMac and that it's installed correctly by reseating the memory. If you continue to have issues with the memory in your iMac, contact Apple Support.
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