prfm-multiverse · 2 years
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1/30 (Mon.) 22:00 - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Live & Documentary! 
In addition to the performance at Nippon Budokan, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's first performance in 6 years, Special will go behind the scenes exclusively!
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alterin · 10 months
All The GazettE lives/perfomances available
I decided to organize everything I found (mainly for myself). Let me know if something is missing!
Beautifool's Fest 2003.
Tokyo Saiban ~Judgment Day~ 2004.1.16 fri SHIBUYA-AX.
Heisei Banka 2005.
Peace & Smile Carnival Tour 2005.
Maximum royal disorder 2005.
Nameless Liberty Six Guns 2006.
Decomposition Beauty 2007.
Neo Visual Kei - Manatsu no Utage 2007.
Tour 2007-2008 Stacked Rubbish Grand Finale [Repeated Countless Error].
Manatsu no Utage 2008 Live.
Gazerock Festival in Summer 08 [Burst into a Blaze].
Peace & Smile Carnival PS company's 10th Anniversary.
Tour09 - Dim Scene - Final At Saitama Super Arena 2009.
Tour 10 Nameless Liberty Six Bullets -01- 2010.
The 4th J-Melo Awards 2010.
The Nameless Liberty at 10.12.26 Tokyo Dome 2010.
SUMMER SONIC 2011 - 2011.09.16.
Inazuma Rock Festival 2011.
Tour11-12 Venomous Cell Finale Omega At 01.14 Yokohama Arena 2012.
Kishidan Banpaku 2012.
10th Anniversary The Decade Live At 03.10 Makuhari Messe 2012.
the 6th J-MELO Awards Live Special 2013.
Live at SUMMER SONIC 2013.
Kubana 2013.
World Tour 2013 Documentary.
Kishidan Banpaku 2014.
Loud Park 2014.
Japan Night in Taipei 2015.
Tour 15-16 Dogmatic final -Shikkoku 2016.
World Tour 2016 Documentary, Dogmatic Trois.
Knotfest 2016 (I couldn't find the video, but I saw a news report that it was broadcasted on tv, so probably it should be somewhere on the internet).
Kishidan Banpaku 2016.
15th Anniversary Dainippon itangeish [BOUDOUKU GUDON NO SAKURA] 2017.
Rock in Japan 2017.
Spooky Box 2 (ABYSS LUCY).
Countdown Japan 17/18.
Rock in Japan 2018.
Live Tour 18-19 THE NINTH FINAL (Live at 09.23 Yokohama Arena).
World tour 2019 Live in New York.
World Tour19 Documentary THE NINTH [99.999].
Rock in Japan 2019.
20th Anniversary -HERESY- 2022.
Probably I've missed something... And order isn't correct, but still.
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candypalace · 1 year
Translation: Gekirock Magazine Dec 2022 (Kai, Uruha)
the GazettE: the band's potential in a flawless expression. 20th anniversary best-of album drop.
Time flies, and in the course of 20 years, the GazettE has gone through a lot of changes. Their new release, 20TH ANNIVERSARY BEST ALBUM HETERODOXY -DIVIDED CONCEPTS-, is a “best-of” album categorized by three concepts: "SINGLES", "ABYSS" and "LUCY". The band is also taking the opportunity to confront their past albums during [the GazettE LIVE TOUR2022-MASS/PHASE 02 "The Unknown"], which will continue until December 21st. Here, we will ask a few questions to Uruha and Kai, the guitarist and drummer of the GazettE, about the circumstances behind revisiting and bringing the band’s past together.
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ー the GazettE is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary in the midst of the Japan tour MASS / PHASE 02, where in addition to the songs from the latest album MASS (2021 release), past songs are also performed at various venues. Uruha-san, Kai-san, how do you feel about performing at all those shows so far?
KAI: Rather than saying that the reason why the contents of this tour are a close look into our past is because this year is our 20th anniversary, it’d say it’s because MASS is our 10th album, and we’ve been playing shows in different places to combine it with our past works. It’s also because we have not done a tour with a concept like this before, to tell the truth, and it started with us thinking: “Well, this will be interesting!”. Since some of the songs from past albums will be performed live for the first time in forever, it’s also true that the performance aspect was more difficult than I had expected (laughs). However, when we actually tried it, the results were pretty good! We found the differences in the set lists each time very interesting and enjoyed every single live so far.
URUHA: Each album naturally has a different “color”, so when we combine our newest album with songs from our older albums in one show, it’s very important for us to highlight these different “colors”. That being said, the number of albums we’ve released so far is quite big. Realistically, it would be difficult to play every single song in our discography, so we generally play about five songs for each concept. And yet, by playing those five songs at each live show, we’ve been able to create an atmosphere and space on the tour that we haven’t had before. I think there’s a great synergy between the songs on MASS and the songs from each of our past albums.
ー By the way, why did you decide that you will be choosing exactly 5 songs for each live performance?
KAI: When we were discussing this with the members, someone suggested that we exclude the songs that we already had on MASS / PHASE 01. And we also thought we should play songs that express the essence of each album more vibrantly than others.
URUHA: In terms of the melody, we also decided to avoid choosing only those songs where singing is emphasized over the instrumental part, and we tried to balance each block of the set list.
ー In the midst of all this, HETERODOXY will be released to commemorate the band's 20th anniversary, and as you can tell from the title, it is a voluminous three-piece product. It seems that “3 CONCEPTS” means that the songs are categorized as “SINGLES”, “ABYSS”, and “LUCY” and are divided into 3 discs. How did you come up with such a compilation that condenses 20 years of the band in this best-of album?
KAI: I think the fact that best-of albums naturally start with singles is definitely not unusual. But in our case, this alone would not exactly strike home. Doesn’t “best” for the GazettE mean showing all our colors in various forms? With that in mind, we decided to divide the songs into three separate discs: "SINGLES", "ABYSS" and "LUCY". "ABYSS" and "LUCY" in particular have a very familiar ring to them and give you a taste of our two extremes.
URUHA: Right, because for the GazettE, "ABYSS" and "LUCY" mean the duality that has been our definite part since forever.
ー Looking back, in 2011, there was a FC-only 2-day live "LIVE TOUR 2011 TWO CONCEPT NIGHTS ABYSS/LUCY ~Two different faces, decadence and instinct, two polar nights~" and in 2017, Halloween shows called "HALLOWEEN NIGHT 17 THE DARK HORROR SHOW SPOOKY BOX 2 ABYSS-LUCY". So, probably the fact that the keywords "ABYSS" and "LUCY" express stillness and movement is already well known to the GazettE’s fans.
URUHA: In terms of sound differences, generally "ABYSS" is centered on the dark worldview that the GazettE creates, while "LUCY" is more aggressive. Both sides are the essential components of the GazettE, and we wanted to convey that in our best-of album.
ー So HETERODOXY is a flawless selection of songs that combines the catchiness and pop sensibility of the singles with the darkness and intensity at the heart of the GazettE.
URUHA: Yes, exactly (laughs). 
KAI: I guess you could say that it is as "flawless" as it can get (laughs).
"If I didn’t have a strong mentality, it wouldn’t be surprising if I shattered over and over again"
ー The hardest thing must have been choosing entries for "ABYSS" and "LUCY".
URUHA: We had an online meeting with the members about that. We put the songs on a spreadsheet and discussed it like “ahh, right, mmm, maybe this”. I think it felt close to how we decide on a live set list.
KAI: At that time, when we listened to some songs again, we thought, “Is it really so that an intense song = a “LUCY” song?”. Even for “ABYSS”, it doesn’t necessarily mean that if a song is a ballad it’ll be included there. For some of them, there were specific comments such as, “Isn't it too beautiful a song to be included in "ABYSS"?". So the entries for this best-of album were selected not only by their melody, but also by considering the deeper meaning and characteristics of each song.
ー It seems that this best-of album project also involves remastering, so considering that different ages of production had to be put into a single album according to its concept, was there anything that you had to order the band to do?
URUHA: What we mainly focused on was the length of time. This time we were not looking for any particular change in sound quality, and we only made some adjustments to the sound level when all the songs were laid out on each disc, based on our current sensibilities. We didn’t consciously change the songs just because they’re old.
KAI: This time probably all the members were thinking in the same way, and I didn’t really have to say anything. We simply adjusted the acoustic pressure so that no piece feels out of place when you listen to the disc.
ー So when you listened to HETERODOXY after the remastering, did you notice anything that made you realize that you have grown or changed?
URUHA: Huh, did I... When we’re playing songs from the past on the current tour, I feel that how I’m producing the sound is different between now and the past, so there’s no doubt that the quality in all aspects is now better than it was. Of course, that was the best we could do back then, but I can feel the change.
KAI: When I listen to it, I also feel “Oh, this kind of phrase was very characteristic of me at that time,” or “Oh, so this is the kind of sound I used to make at that time”. In the end, I have always aimed to surpass my past self, and when I look back on my work, I can clearly see that trajectory in the sound.
URUHA: It depends on the song, but I feel that the guitars used to be more clunky in the past (laughs). As time goes by, I definitely feel that the band is becoming more harmonious in terms of sound!
KAI: Really, in our early days, we didn’t even do any pre-production before recording. Back then, I often didn't know what the other members were going to play when we were recording the drums (laughs). I think the biggest change was that from a certain point on, I learned how to properly grasp the composer's intentions while also understanding what everyone else was doing and coming up with my own sound.
URUHA: Even though we have our own ideas about what we want to do, the GazettE’s current style is to produce sound while complexly looking at the whole picture from the listener’s perspective of how cohesive we are as a band. I think over the past 20 years the GazettE has gradually learned that sometimes it’s important to cut out unnecessary things.
ー To put it simply, even just comparing DIM (2009 release), which had a particularly dense sound, and your latest release, MASS, you can tell that the sound is very different, right?
URUHA: If we go further back to NIL (2006 release) or STACKED RUBBISH (2007 release), in retrospect it feels that the combination between guitars is “hard to see”. Solos and other interactions are fine, but I feel that there were unexpectedly many small places on the underside where we conflicted.
ー Can I now ask Kai-san, as the drummer of the GazettE, what is your greatest weapon at the moment? 
KAI: It’s difficult to explain in words, but first and foremost, it’s the fact that I’m in a position to create a sense of dynamics in the band's sound. I think this is the role I was meant to take on. Our basic style right now is that the melody, lyrics, and the so-called emotional parts of a song are left to other parts of the band, and I’m in the background supporting them and bringing out the dynamics.
ー Uruha-san, same question for you. What is your greatest weapon as a guitarist of the GazettE?
URUHA: It’s satisfying that the more I pursue the way I use physical equipment, the playing method and technique, the more interesting they become and the more my skill grows, but I feel like it’s not the most important thing here. What I personally want to polish is my sensitivity, and I think it would be ideal if I could use that as a weapon.
ー So it seems that the members have been diligently working on themselves over the past 20 years. If there was anything you have been able to "obtain" in these 20 years, what is it? I am sure the list of those things is long, but I would like you to focus on just one.
URUHA: A strong mentality, I think. It’s something I’ve been able to obtain only because I’ve been in a band for 20 years. If I didn’t have it, it wouldn’t be surprising if I shattered over and over again (laughs). There were a lot of times when I refused to give up.
KAI: To be honest, I’m glad that we became a band where the members are able to discuss things properly with each other. If we didn’t, I think we would have disbanded by now. Discussing solutions to problems is one thing, but in our case, even when something generally bad happens, the five of us complain to each other (laughs). So I think our strength lies in being able to share and confront things together.
ー Were there times when you sublimed the frustration by turning it into a song?
KAI: There definitely were. That's what I call having a strong emotional strength (laughs).
URUHA: In a way, that’s because we are a rock band. Like, if something pisses you off, you turn it into sound. I think that has always been in the foundation of the GazettE.
ー Ah, the fact that HETERODOXY is now being released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the GazettE makes me deeply emotional.
KAI: When you listen to our best songs, I think you can cover the GazettE's past and present at a glance.
URUHA: This is without a doubt a package that will show different people what kind of band the GazettE has come to be over the past 20 years.
ー I can understand that! Finally, please tell us about the GazettE's vision for the year 2023 and the future.
KAI: With the release of our 10th album, MASS, and the band’s 20th anniversary, we have reached a lot of milestones recently. Even though there have been some irregularities because of corona, I think that from 2023 on there won’t be any more special topics in various aspects. For the GazettE, 2023 is the year when we’ll return to our usual business, and our fans may be wondering, “What are you going to do after the 20th anniversary?”. I think we’re entering a period where we need to show our fundamental strength as a band. We want to continue our activities so that everyone can feel what the GazettE is all about, cherish what we’ve been protecting, and challenge ourselves with new things.
URUHA: I think that the process of revisiting past songs live and releasing the best-of album in honor of our 20th anniversary gave us a good impulse for the coming year and beyond. When we faced our past again, we were able to reconfirm and gain a deeper understanding of who we as the GazettE are, and now we are well-prepared to create something new from this point on. Looking forward to moving on to the next project!
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sarahalainn · 2 years
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One 関係者の皆様
Only One のあなたへ
Thank you Japan!
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10th Anniversary Tour Setlist 2022
Vl1: 相川麻里子
Vl2: 柳原有弥
Vla: 菊地幹代
Vc: 井上 雅代
1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Animus
5. Csardas + 「男はつらいよ」寅さん口上
6. Spain 
7. The Winner Takes It All 
8. Breathe In Me 
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 
2. Speechless 
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Dream As One Remix
5. Diva Dance
6. ひこうき雲
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d’habitude/My Way
1. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」
2. Nessun Dorma
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1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Animus
5. Csardas + 六甲おろし🐯
6. Spain 
7. The Winner Takes It All 
8. Breathe In Me 
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 
2. Speechless 
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Dream As One Remix
5. Diva Dance
6. ひこうき雲
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d’habitude/My Way
1. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」
2. Nessun Dorma
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E. Vl:壷井彰久
1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 君をのせて
3. Animus
4. Csardas + ゴジラ + 北の国から + 北酒場
5. Waltzing Matilda
6. Spain
7. The Winner Takes It All
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody
2. Speechless
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Diva Dance
5. ひこうき雲
6. Ave Maria
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d'habitude/My Way
1. 竜とそばかすの姫
2. Nessun Dorma
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E. Vl:壷井彰久
Special Guest:
神楽: 岡新之介
1 . Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 高千穂神楽の音色 + 刈干切唄 (篠笛+民謡アカペラ)
3. 言葉にできない
4. Csardas ~ シャンシャン馬道中
5. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life「MRTテーマ曲」
6. The Winner Takes It All
7. Bohemian Rhapsody
8. Speechless
9. Fantasy On Ice
10. Diva Dance
11. ひこうき雲
12. Schindler’s List
13. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
14. Comme d'habitude/My Way
15. 糸(弾き語り)
16. Beyond The Sky with 神楽
16. Nessun Dorma
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1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Animus
5. Csardas + 「Peach boy」(桃太郎さん、ジャズ+ロック)
6. Spain 
7. The Winner Takes It All 
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 
2. Speechless 
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Dream As One Remix
5. Diva Dance
6. ひこうき雲
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d’habitude/My Way
1. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」
2. Nessun Dorma
1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Animus
5. Csardas + 六甲おろし + そして神戸
6. Spain 
7. The Winner Takes It All 
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 
2. Speechless 
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Dream As One Remix
5. Diva Dance
6. ひこうき雲
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d’habitude/My Way
1. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」
2. Nessun Dorma
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1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Animus
5. Csardas + それ行けカープ + かっとばせ菊池!
6. Spain 
7. The Winner Takes It All 
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 
2. Speechless 
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Dream As One Remix
5. Diva Dance
6. ひこうき雲
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d’habitude/My Way
1. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」
2. Nessun Dorma
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1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Animus
5. Csardas + サラにわか + 博多どんたく
6. Spain 
7. The Winner Takes It All 
2nd stage 
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 
2. Speechless 
3. Fantasy On Ice
4. Dream As One Remix
5. Diva Dance
6. ひこうき雲
7. Schindler’s List
8. Somewhere Far Away (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) 戦場のメリークリスマス
9. Comme d’habitude/My Way
1. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」
2. Nessun Dorma
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enterenews · 2 years
BTS, album activities and records poured out this year
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Group BTS splendidly decorated 2022 with various activities.
BTS filled 2022 with 'BTS' with all-round activity, from team activities to individual activities.
◆ From ‘Proof’ to collaborative songs… music activities without limits
On June 10th, on the 9th anniversary of their debut, BTS released the anthology album ‘Proof’ and wrote ‘The History of Proof’ again. ‘Proof’ sold over 2,153,630,000 copies based on the Hanteo Chart within just one day of its release. ‘Proof’ is the only album in the history of Hanteo Chart that sold over 2 million copies on the first day of release. ‘Proof’ went directly to No. 1 on the US Billboard’s main album chart ‘Billboard 200’ (as of June 25), and with this, BTS has their 6th No. 1 album on ‘Billboard 200’.
In addition, BTS showed a new aspect this year through collaboration with various artists.
Jimin's collaboration song 'With you' (Drama 'Our Blues' OST) with Ha Sung-woon, released on April 24, ranked 1 on the iTunes 'Top Song' chart (as of April 25) in 100 countries/regions. occupied the top On April 29, Suga released the collaboration song 'That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)' with Psy, and this song was named in the 'Best Songs of the Year TOP 100' released by Rolling Stone, gained popularity in the world.
Jungkook won 'Collaboration of the Year' at the '2022 People's Choice Awards' in the US with 'Left and Right (Feat. Jung Kook of BTS)', a collaboration song with Charlie Puth, released on June 24. category, and 'Dreamers', in which he participated in singing, is getting a hot response on various music charts, with the music video reaching 100 million views in just one month after its release.
Jin, Jimin, V, and Jungkook's collaboration song 'Bad Decisions' with benny blanco and Snoop Dogg, released on August 5, topped the iTunes 'Top Song' chart in 74 countries/regions (August As of the 6th), it ranked first, and the music video for this song exceeded 10 million views within 18 hours of its release.
◆ 7-member 7-color solo album start… record march
BTS, which started individual activities in earnest, wrote a new record with the charm of 7 members and 7 colors.
J-Hope, who was the first to release a solo album, took the top spot on major music charts such as Billboard, iTunes, Spotify, and Oricon with his first official solo album 'Jack In The Box' released on July 15, received favorable reviews from
'Jack In The Box' entered the 'Billboard 200' (as of July 30) at No. 17, and the pre-release song 'MORE' entered the iTunes 'Top Song' chart in 84 countries/regions (as of July 2) took first place in The title song 'Arson' newly entered Spotify's 'Daily Top Song Global' chart (as of July 15) at No. 15, and Japan's Oricon 'Weekly Digital Album Ranking' (July 25 Date), it reached the top at the same time as a new entry.
In addition, 'Jack In The Box' received a perfect score of 5 from British music magazine NME and was selected as 'Top 50 Best Album of the Year', and Rolling Stone, a leading American music magazine, 'Best Music of the Year selected by staff' and 'Best Album of the Year'. He picked it as one of the best albums of the year, TOP 50, and praised him, saying, “His talent shines through this album.”
Jin's solo single 'The Astronaut', released on October 28th, ranked first on the iTunes 'Top Song' chart (as of October 29th) in 97 countries/regions, and the physical album sold 700,000 copies based on Hanteo Chart on the day of release alone. It sold 954 copies.
'The Astronaut' was also selected as Rolling Stone's 'Best Song of the Year TOP 100', and ranked 58th on the year-end 'Digital Song Sales' chart announced by the US Billboard. This song was the only solo song by a K-pop artist to rank (45th) in Japan's "2022 Oricon Annual Singles Ranking".
On October 28 (local time), Jin participated in the Coldplay World Tour 'MUSIC of the SPHERES' performance held at the River Plate Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and presented the stage of 'The Astronaut'.
RM is setting various records with his first official solo album ‘Indigo’, released on December 2nd. ‘Indigo’ ranked 3rd, the highest ever for a Korean solo singer, on the main album chart ‘Billboard 200’ on the latest US Billboard chart (as of December 31). Rolling Stone included 'Indigo' as 'Staff-Selected Music of the Year' and said, "This album is a work that richly explores RM's inner world, regrets, and hopes for the future to reflect on his purpose as an artist."
On December 24, V released the Christmas cover song 'It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas' on the official sound cloud and blog as a gift for fans around the world. V, who usually listens to jazz, in this cover song has a rich and deep voice to bring out the unique warmth of jazz, while creating a different atmosphere from the original song and presenting a special gift to fans.
◆ Receive entertainment with a natural sense of entertainment
In 2022, BTS' performance in entertainment programs was also prominent.
V showed an unpretentious appearance through Hive's original content 'The Forest: Friendship Trip' with her best friends Park Seo-joon, Peak Boy, Choi Woo-sik, and Park Hyeong-sik. Jin showed off her passion by appearing in 'Drunken Talk' and SBS' 'Running Man', her own content in collaboration with Baek Jong-won. .
BTS also actively communicated with fans around the world through web entertainment. Jin appeared in 'I'm not wearing anything' and 'Hal Myung-soo', and RM appeared in 'Food Show', giving viewers a big laugh.
Suga is showing an honest image of meeting and talking with people in various fields through alcohol and music through his own talk content called 'Schwita', which started its first episode on December 5th.
In 2022, the various activities of BTS, which have been active in all directions, continue.
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otakusmart · 2 years
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hard-rock-music · 2 years
SID - YOKOHAMA STADIUM 10th Anniversary LIVE + dead stock TOUR 2011-LIVE- Vol .7-9- - 2022
SID – YOKOHAMA STADIUM 10th Anniversary LIVE + dead stock TOUR 2011-LIVE- Vol .7-9- – 2022
Genre: Hard Rock Year: 2022 Country: Japan (more…)
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animemakeblog · 3 years
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“Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love” The Special Commemorates TV Anime's 10th Anniversary
On the first day of the franchise's 7th stage performance on Saturday, a special episode for the Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love anime series was unveiled. The one-hour special marks the tenth anniversary of the television anime as well as the launch of the first STRISH Tours film next year. In 2022, the first film in the Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love STRISH Tours series will be released in Japan. The live performances of the STRISH idol group will be shown in the film series, which is advertised as a fully original production.
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famedexclusive · 3 years
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On the morning of January 19, BC Entertainment held a 2022 corporate briefing for the press to announce their plans for the upcoming year. The briefing was held by BC Entertainment CEO Kim Byungchul.
The briefing started with an acknowledgement of BC Entertainment celebrating their 25th anniversary last year, but then shifted focus to the need to look to the future now. The future was a key component of the briefing, with the CEO going in-depth about his future vision for the company as a whole and each of its groups.
BC Entertainment will release and air its 25th anniversary documentary next month for a limited run in select theaters. A special premiere event will be hosted on January 24 where all of the company’s idols and many of their actors, models, and television personalities who appear in the documentary will be in attendance.
The company’s oldest active group Titan was noted to still have strong album sales after eleven years since debut and there are continued plans for Titan to meet with and provide content for fans through music, concerts, and variety, and they will continue to show their individual charms with individual activities. The solo music careers of members Duri and Taeyong were highlighted. It was also announced for the first time at the briefing that Titan will be making a comeback in February with a new mini-album after eight months since their last comeback.
2022 will bring Lily’s 10th anniversary and Kim Byungchul promised the company has big plans to celebrate the quartet’s successful decade, with the focus being on releasing new music and showing sides of Lily that fans and the public have never seen before. Member Minnie’s recently released first full-length solo album was highlighted as an example of solo activities that can be anticipated from the members. Past activities by Ari in acting, hosting, and music production were also showcased as another way Lily members have proved their individual prowess.
According to the briefing, Cloud will be continuing to rise to their potential as a group. After earning their first #1 single last year, the group has made a name for themselves as a top boy group. They’ll continue to be active this year in music and touring activities in South Korea and Japan. They have also been in high-demand as brand ambassadors for new contracts and have continued loyal contracts with brands such as Adidas and The Face Shop. Members will get to participate in individual activities to highlight themselves as artists and performers. Max’s solo debut last year and Rioh’s stint as an MC on Show! Music Core were brought up as examples of individual activities members have pursued and will continue to pursue.
Lastly, Kim Byungchul proceeded to promise Candy will continue to live up to their title as the Next Generation Nation’s Girl Group as evidenced by their recent cover of Lily’s ‘Way To Go!” on Music Bank. They’re sure to continue to win over hearts in South Korea and abroad in Japan, where they’ve become the stronghold of the Hallyu wave. They have activities planned for 2022 ranging from music to touring to commercials to variety shows and beyond. It was also mentioned that the Candy members have already showed their demand as individuals as well, from Rina’s and Luna’s acting pursuits to Rorin’s past brand deals.
Kim Byungchul closed the briefing by mentioned BC Entertainment’s goals to expand further into the Japanese industry and new global auditions in 2022.
He also teased BC Entertainment’s involvement in several undisclosed base projects.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Here's All the Big News That Was Revealed at Anime Japan 2021
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  This weekend was filled with pretty much nothing but big news from Anime Japan 2021, and unless you were keeping your eyes glued to your screen, you might have missed out on a few key items. With the dust still settling, we decided to round it all up in one handy list, with news pieces separated into a small handful of categories for your convenience. 
  See what went down at this year's big event, and let us know which announcements had you surprised, delighted, or downright flummoxed. 
  Heavy-Hitter Premieres
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    Some of the biggest stories had to do with dates and other announcements regarding hotly-anticipated projects. The whole weekend was sandwiched between JUJUTSU KAISEN and Black Clover movie news, and here's what went down in between both. 
  Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night Anime Film Premieres in Japan in Autumn 2021
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop Anime Film to Finally Release on July 22
My Hero Academia THE MOVIE: World Heroes Mission Reveals August 6 Release in 1st Trailer
World Trigger Season 3 TV Anime to Air in October 2021
Mahouka Spin-Off The Honor at Magic High School TV Anime Reveals July 2021 Broadcast
  New and Updated Projects
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    A few projects were announced for the first time, while others were updated with new details. Here's an overview of what came out over the weekend. 
  Original TV Anime Visual Prison Combines Vampires With Visual Kei
New ETOTAMA Web Anime & Audio Drama Hit ABEMA in May of 2021
Uta no Prince-sama New Concert Film "Maji LOVE ST☆RISH TOURS" Coming in 2022
MUTEKING THE Dancing HERO TV Anime Goes Full Disco in Fall 2021
Blue Reflection Ray TV Anime to Spread Hope Over 2 Cours
DEEMO THE MOVIE Reveals Full Name in New Trailer for CG Anime Film
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S TV Anime Re-Enlists Fhaná for Opening Theme
The Case Study of Vanitas Sinks Its Fangs Into a TV Anime
    Trailer Debuts
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    From a bunch of reels out of Netflix to new promos for some of the biggest upcoming shows, Anime Japan 2021 had no shortage of footage to go around. 
  Netflix Comes in Hot With Anime Announcements at AnimeJapan 2021
The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt Posts Teaser PV with English Narration
Record of Ragnarok Anime Releases Brand New Trailer 
Rom-Com Koikimo TV Anime Previews ED Ahead of April 5 Broadcast
Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song- Anime Reveals 2nd PV Ahead of April 3 Debut
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord Season 2 TV Anime Previews OP in New Trailer
86 EIGHTY SIX TV Anime Releases a Blast of a New Trailer
TV Anime The Vampire Dies in No Time Teaser PV Announces October 2021 Premiere
Fate/Grand Order: Camelot Paladin; Agateram Summons New Trailer and Visual Ahead of Anime Film Release
The Duke of Death and His Maid 1st PV Confirms Its July 2021 Premiere
Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA ILLYA Licht Film Teaser Trailer Foreshadows The Beginning of A New Battle
Original TV Anime Back Arrow TV Anime Gets New Visual and Trailer For 2nd Half
SSSS.DYNAZENON Reveals New Promo and Visual at Anime Japan
Three-Way Relationship TV Anime Series Girlfriend, Girlfriend Reveals 1st Trailer and July Broadcast
Harem TV Anime Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun Gets 1st NSFW Trailer
Historical Romance TV Anime Taisho Otome Otogi Banashi Receives New Visual and Trailer
Meet the Nine Idol Candidates in SELECTION PROJECT TV Anime Trailer
Final Evangelion Film Shares a Pair of 90 Second Clips
NisiOisin's Pretty Boy Detective Club Anime Reveals New Promo, Visual
  Fresh Visuals
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    You want key visuals? Buddy, Anime Japan had 'em up comin' out of its ears. Here are all the KVs we covered that weren't attached to news about a trailer. 
  I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level! Gets New Key Visual Ahead of April Premiere
Kumoko and Humans Feature in New So I’m a Spider, So What? TV Anime Key Visual
Fairy Ranmaru TV Anime Releases Striking New Visual
3rd Key Visual for That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 2 TV Anime Unveiled
Girls are Hockey Idols in PRIDE OF ORANGE TV Anime Visual
Nemo and Faria Get Their Own Seven Knights Revolution Visuals
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Anime Shares Beary Nice Visual
My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission Anime Film Goes Plus Ultra in 1st Poster
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day TV Anime Gets Aged up Key Visual for 10th Anniversary Project
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Visual Hypes Continuing Anime
Gil and a Pair of Jeannes Join Fate/Grand Carnival's Ever-Growing Key Visual
Fruits Basket: The Final Season Gets 12 Ending Illustrations From Manga Author
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    If you're wondering which manga series fans currently want to be adapted into an anime the most, look no further than this year's poll out of Anime Japan.
  Top 10 Manga Fans Want to Be Animated According to Anime Japan Poll
  Some interesting collaborations made themselves known, as well: 
  Battle Athletes Victory ReSTART! Kicks off with Women's Soccer Collaboration
Go on an Onsen Adventure During Golden Kamuy's Latest Collaboration
  Until next year, AJ! 
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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yibuo · 4 years
Hey, I love your blog ❤️. Can I ask for Uniq full story? I've seen a bits of it online but it's such a mess I can't figure out what's truth. Have a nice day 😁
FUNNY how i received this ask when i was crying about wenhan’s baby angel voice in best friend just earlier
tldr if i ever meet du hua it’s on SIGHT
LOL okay idk if this is the FULL story i probably won’t include details and stuff because i didn’t closely follow uniq during their whole hiatus thing (i had the brainpower to stan one group at a time but now look at me TWO kpop groups AND i’m starting to follow a cpop group AND pd camp 2020 AND am constantly fuming at yibo and xiao zhan’s management agencies for ruining their idol groups )
pls correct me if i’m wrong im small brain ok i’m putting this in keep reading bc it’s too long and a ramble
tldr thanks yuehua for messing w/ 5 guys’ dreams.. even though they’re successful they’re not able to do what they originally wanted to
also there’s this legendary video dragging yuehua
also thank u for ur love sweetie i love u too xoxo i hope ur having a wonderful day/evening/night!
LOOL anyway so uniq is a korean-chinese boy group formed under yuehua ent which has korean and chinese management ... you probably know other kpop artists from yuehua like wjsn (co-managed by starship) or everglow... if you’re into cpop there’s next/next7...anyway they have 3 chinese members(yixuan, wenhan, and yibo) and 2 korean members (sungjoo and seungyoun) and they debuted in 2014 with falling in love, promoted btwn china and korea, released a couple of osts (for like, teenage mutant ninja turtles and madagascar lol lol lol) and then in 2015 they came back w/ eoeo (if you’re into kpop you probably know eoeo at least) it’s their most well-known song, and this comeback was w/ their first (and only lol lol) ep/mini album.
they started garnering a good amount of attention and started to appear on more variety shows in korea and china, started promoting in japan, they even went to brazil in a fanmeet that’s pretty cool lol , (but...why didn’t they solidify uniq’s position in kr/ch with their momentum instead of sending them to different countries??? we love money-minded yeehaw entertainment)
and then china’s hallyu ban happened (which is something that i never really understood and never took the time to fully research because it hurt my brain) but essentially chinese govt restricted k-entertainment from profitting in china because politics, for example a lot of kpop tours and fanmeets got cancelled. and this put uniq in a difficult position because they’re split between being based in china and korea, but eventually the ban got lessened (there’s still tension but like, there’s literally adore u playing in the camp of pd camp 2020 ep 2 so like lol) but yeehaw made NO efforts to maintain the group musically b/c they’re money-minded cows and if they split uniq up into a kr and a chinese unit they can’t make as much money as if they sent the members into acting.... (literally there’s an interview from a couple yrs back where xuan talks about how itd be nice to make music but it doesn’t make as much as acting does in china :-(( ) so while they still had events in japan, they didn’t do much together in their main bases, and acted a lot cool cool
one thing i never understood is why yuehua never just pushed them more in the kr market...there are so many groups in the k-industry w/ chinese members (i literally STAN one, my ULT is a chinese member in a kpop group what the HECK)...but making money right lol anyway so xuan, wenhan, and yibo went into acting in china (and yibo is an mc on day day up), and acting takes up sm time, (gonna quote my chinese friend here who’s a sad wjsn ot13 stan who misses cheng xiao, mmq, and wxy, once ur popular in china it’s goodbye kpop) and sungjoo went into acting in korea (if you’ve ever watched my secret terrius or the disaster that was liar and his lover w/ joy, sungjoo is in those lol) and seungyoun continued to produce and release music as woodz and luizy
but it’s sad because they all trained for so long to perform on the stage as 5 but yuehua’s shitty management in the hallyu ban crisis thing really screwed them over...in terms of being on the stage like come on! THEY HAVE TALENT.. ok in early 2018 they released an ep and in dec 2018 they released their single monster (last single together lol), but again, no group promotion, no being able to perform on the stage, no nothing (oh yeah also yibo was a dance mentor on produce 101 china in 2018 nice)
2019 was a good year for most of the members:
-wenhan went on qcyn (youth with you season 1, the second show in the idol producer franchise) and got 1st, debuting in unine which he’s currently a part of, and got to perform on the stage after years of not being able to, thanks yuehua
-yixuan went on all for one (another survival program from youku), also got 1st, and debuted in new storm
-yibo (as we all know) acted in the untamed and became ultra-popular for his well-roundedness
-seungyoun went on the 4th season/spinoff of produce 101 in kr called produce x 101 and got 5th place, debuting in x1, which later disbanded, THANKS MNET THAT’S ANOTHER STORY BUT anyway i don’t think seungyoun was rigged into place, does yuehua even care that much?? lmOA he was so loveable on px101 and i think the move perf rly sealed the deal for everyone
-sungjoo...was done dirty by yeehaw...he’s a MAIN VOCAL he has SOLo potential but yeehaw just put him in the dungeon thanks.. and he recently enlisted in the army not too long ago
oh also sungjoo, xuan, and yibo performed monster + eoeo together at yuehua’s 10 anniversary concert...seungyoun wasn’t there because of x1 and wenhan performed with unine
wow yeehaw really thought they deserved a 10th anniversaryy celebration LMFAO
***the members are still part of uniq though, survival shows are weird
anyway as we can see each member is talented in their own way and uniq is an unfortunate case of yuehua not knowing how to manage people lol but if you watch their shows you know that they’re genuine and tight-knit, and even though they might not be together rn, in their hearts they’re still a part of uniq (cue pics of their weibo usernames having uniq in them, cue wenhan spamming his dad’s video with “UNIQ IS STILL TOGETHER” when his dad talks about how uniq disbanded) and they haven’t forgotten their identity of being part of uniq even as they get older. their contracts expire in 2022 and w/ kim sungjoo in the army, who knows if they actually will make a comeback but this is why everyone hates yuehua and everyone misses uniq bye
again i know they’re successful individually, i know seungyoun’s able to produce his own music, yibo’s able to turn his hobbies into work, wenhan and yixuan are still able to perform on a stage, they came here for uniq and got separated w/o them ever wanting to
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amisbro · 5 years
Alright news time
(And not that the movie killed it at the box office...even though it did and made the equivalent of $2.05 Million USD either) So Friday begins the second weekend for Maji Love Kingdom in Japan...GREAT RIGHT?! Well two things about that 1.  There will be a NEW SONG added to the set list called “Welcome to UTAPRI KINGDOM” (Yeah UtaPri ain’t leaving anytime soon fam) BUT ALSO 2.  During the song STARISH is going to have a special “message”...aight! The interesting thing about this is that they are doing this LITERALLY on the weekend of 9th Anniversary and I don’t want to place bets or try to predict Broccoli at this point...BUT I’M GOING TO! I’m still convinced there is going to be a season 5...I just am and I believe that it is going to happen around 2021...this year is significant and I’ll explain why in a second.  I might be the only one BUT I think that at least the next two years go like this 2020 - The “Mystery game” (which I think is getting announced this year during 9th Anniversary) comes out on whatever system is announced (at this point I’m thinking Switch)...this makes sense because we have to remember that THIS YEAR began “UtaPri’s 3 tens” with this year being the year the series was announced and then 2020 being the 10th Anniversary of the VN series IF I’m right (and God help you all if I am) then the 10th Anniversary season will be in 2021.  Now that is going to be interesting because there are a lot of ways they can do it and I’m THINKING that they would either start a new cast for it (Basically this would be the end for STARISH) OR We begin what I would call the “World Tour Arc” with three groups.  Now that would be a cluster BUT I think it can be done.  Like if I was GOING to do a 5th season for show with 3 units at this point with already having done the Dome you would have to go and do what ever the most historic Arenas in the world and ,if they wanted to make the Arc two parts, they could pick out 13 for Season 5 and then Season 6 is the others with the finale MAYBE in Nagoya! I should explain that part So this movie was done in the Tokyo Dome (or whatever they call it in the UtaPri Movie if they changed the name) right?  Okay Assume that they do a 2 part season again and they come up with the idea to do it between 2021 and 2023 (we’re going back to the 2 year gap here)...well that works out because three years later Nagoya gets the Asian games in 2026! (for anyone curious China gets it in 2022) So what we have here friends is an interesting time because with the newly added song and the message coming like 3 days before 9th Anniversary...I’m gonna be interested to see what they do now.  I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in seeing how HEAVENS gets treated after the movie from the company...are they killed off or what is going to happen! Friends...welcome to the most interesting 72 hours in the UtaPri family and I’m going to be checking for news every chance I get! STRAP IN!
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kei139-line · 2 years
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅが、最新アルバム『キャンディーレーサー』を引っ提げて開催したデビュー10周年記念ツアー「きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ10th ANNIVERSARY JAPAN TOUR 2022 CANDY…
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
I went and got to watch "Juice=Juice CONCERT TOUR ~terzo~ FINAL Inaba Manaka Graduation Special" at Budokan 🌹
Everyone in Juice=Juice, thanks for your hard work
Also Manakan, congrats on your graduation~
At the end, in a dress that looked like it could be pink or red, a dress that looked really cute on a 360 stage even when you saw her back, I was so impressed with her expressions I wondered if she knew everything that was going on,
The unmistakable feeling, that, this is the idol Inaba Manaka! I felt that she really represented that 😋
the tons of goodddd faces, made me kinda happy!
In Hello Pro Academy, we have been in that show together for about 3 years,
Within that show, she was one of the people I overcame lots of things with,
Its pretty hard to believe that, she wont be there for the next recording...... 😕
Um, with memories of the show, in the second half of season 7, I talked with Manakan during her last recording, please wait as I'll write about it! lol
Manakan will still appear in season 7 ❤️
We were even together for both Team Wind tours,
I saw this Ganbarimanakan!
From now on she'll still be Ganbarimanakan, although she greeted us with that, while enjoying various things while doing her best, I want her to Ganbarimanakan 🥺🔥
Also from tonight and tomorrow, eat lots of delicious things Manakan 🥺❤️ lol
Thanks for your hard work, congratulations!
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Morning Musume '22, will have a Nippon Budokan performance on June 20th
I ended up imagining Chii's graduation but,
I really, don't like it-- 😂🤍
But I'll definitely do my best to make it a wonderful day
Thank you very much for supporting us, all of the fans!
⚪ Live Viewing  ⚪   
⚪ Live Broadcast ⚪
Tomorrow is!! May 31st (Tue) 7:57PM~ 🟡 Utacon  🟡 ♪ We’re performing Dai Jinsei Never Been Better 🟡
Its been a while since we’ve been on Utacon, Its been a while since we’ve had a live broadcast, look forward to it 🟡
June 1st (Wed) 12:04AM~ 🔵Da-iCE music Lab 🔵 Dancing and singing to, 🕺  LOVE Machine and Renai Revolution 21 with everyone in Da-iCE-san
Everyone was really cute!
All of the Morning fans, May have their Oshi’s increase...... 😕 lol
This weekend, June 4th (Sat) 11:00PM~ 🔴 Venue101 🔴 Its been decided we’ll be appearing! ♪ Chu Chu Chu Bokura no Mirai  we will cooly perform it--  ⚪
6/8 release 🟠Chu Chu Chu Bokura no Mirai/Dai Jinsei Never Been Better!🟠 Dai Jinsei Never Been Better! Chu Chu Chu Bokura no Mirai I WISH!  Thank you!   September 19th, We'll be performing 🟡Inazuma Rock Fest 2022🟡 It ends June 5th so watch it soon 🔥 🔴 JAPAN JAM 2022 Live Video Streaming 🔴
🟢Morning Musume 9th, 10th Generation 10th Anniversary BOOK🟢
Every Wednesday, Tokyo sports note Series updates 🔵#66 Its A Once In A Lifetime Thing, So Be Conscientious About It 🔵 A place to talk in depth   
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12745620170.html
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gdwessel · 3 years
NJPW New Years Golden Series Nights 9 & 10 - 2/11 + 2/13/2022; NJPW Strong Episode 78 - 2/12/2022; NOAH Step Forward 2022 Nights 3 & 4; Masashi Takeda Auction; ChocoPro Hits 200 Episodes; Dragon Gate, STARDOM, GLEAT, TJPW, DDT Results
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New Japan Pro Wrestling
The tour continued, with two shows that were streamed on NJPWWorld. Title matches featured on these events.
- 2/11/2022, Miyagi Xebio Arena Sendai (NJPWWorld)
Tomoaki Honma d. Ryohei Oiwa (Boston Crab, 7:02)
Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG] d. Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] (Kanemaru > BUSHI, Jackknife Hold, 9:05)
Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] & Hiroyoshi Tenzan d. EVIL, Yujiro Takahashi & Dick Togo [Bullet Club] (Ishii > Togo, Sliding Lariat, 8:35)
Toru Yano [CHAOS], Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi d. Minoru Suzuki, Taichi & TAKA Michinoku [SZKG] (Taguchi > TAKA, Oh My & Garankle, 9:08)
Great O-Khan [United Empire] d. Satoshi Kojima (Eliminator, 11:01)
Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables] d. Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuji Nagata (SANADA > Nagata, Referee Stoppage, 18:06)
Tiger Mask IV d. Gedo [Bullet Club] (Reverse Double Armbar, 15:20)
SHO [Bullet Club] d. YOH [CHAOS] (Shock Arrow, 22:26)
IWGP Juniorheavyweight Championship: El Desperado [SZKG] © d.     Master Wato (Numero Dos, 28:50) - Despy succeeds his 2nd defense
Hirai Kawato? Still can’t beat El Desperado. Post-main, Despy’s partner Kanemaru made a challenge for the title. That could be interesting. Naito attacked Okada post-match. Suzuki handcuffed Yano, and threw Taguchi into the dog cage. Great O-Khan should be getting the rocket strapped to him; instead he keeps having rotten booking luck, surrounded by injuries to teammates and opponents alike, and being saddled with Will Ospreay. Sigh.
Friday was also of course the 10th Anniversary of the Rainmaker Shock, where Kazuchika Okada beat Hiroshi Tanahashi on 2/11/2012 for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. It was a very risky move, one which initially set fandom on fire, and which eventually would lead to a big boom period for NJPW, and wrestling in general. This weekend, Okada is teaming with Tanahashi, but it’s hard to undersell or overstate just how big and important that feud was, and is, to the history of NJPW and wrestling, and the business it generated.
- 2/13/2022, Osaka EDION Arena (NJPWWorld)
Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima & Ryohei Oiwa d. Yuji Nagata, Tomoaki Honma & Kosei Fujita (Tenzan > Fujita, Boston Crab, 11:07)
Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & YOH [CHAOS] d. Yujiro Takahashi, Dick Togo & SHO [Bullet Club] (YOH > Togo, Five Star Clutch, 9:49)
Great O-Khan [United Empire] d. Togi Makabe (Eliminator, 7:15)
Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] d. Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI [SZKG] (Takagi > DOUKI, Pumping Bomber, 10:18)
Toru Yano [CHAOS], Master Wato & Ryusuke Taguchi d. Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado & TAKA Michinoku [SZKG] (Taguchi > TAKA, No.9, 9:17)
Tiger Mask IV d. El Phantasmo [Bullet Club] (DQ, 10:46)
Robbie Eagles [CHAOS] d. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] (Ron Miller Special, 11:10)
NEVER Openweight Championship Lumberjack Match: EVIL [Bullet Club] © d. Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] (EVIL STO, 20:35)
Tetsuya Naito & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] d. Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] & Hiroshi Tanahashi (Naito > Tanahashi, Destino, 33:28)
Post-main, Naito declared 100% victories over the Okada/Tanahashi/whomever tandems so far. For those of you new to NJPW and pro wrestling booking, this 100% means Okada will retain next Sunday. EVIL retains the NEVER belt through fuckery, moving on. Both members of Bullet Club’s Cutest Tag Team returned to the lineups; ELP was not scheduled until today, and Ishimori was out after registering fever last week. They, Taguchi/Wato and Despy/Kanemaru all want a shot at the junior tag belts, so Robbie Eagles suggested a 4-way match for them on Saturday. We’ll see how that plays out.
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Last night’s NJPW Strong continued the matches from The New Beginning USA from Seattle in January.
Hikuleo [Bullet Club] d. Cody Chhun
Josh Barnett [FREE] d. Ren Narita (Armbar)
Juice Robinson & David Finlay Jr. d. JONAH & Bad Dude Tito (Finlay > Tito, Inside Cradle)
I’ve not watched this yet, I have heard very good things about Narita v. Barnett, so I may need to see that one particularly. Cody Chhun is a Seattle-area indie wrestler I am not familiar with.
Tama Tonga has revealed he has re-upped with NJPW, after declaring he was a free agent on 1/30/2022. Good deal. He & Tanga Loa face the Good Brothers for the Impact World Tag Team titles at Impact’s No Surrender PPV on Saturday.
Meanwhile, their stablemate Jay White made another appearance on AEW, as he attacked Trent Beretta post-match from the Young Bucks defeating the reunited Roppongi Vice on Friday’s AEW Rampage, which began with both teams in the ring, so no RPG Vice theme, so BOOOOOOOOO. Jay v. Trent on next week’s Rampage.
The tour resumes on Tuesday, with a show that will be streamed.
- 2/15/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
Yuto Nakashima v. Great O-Khan [United Empire]
Robbie Eagles [CHAOS], Tiger Mask IV, Satoshi Kojima & Kosei Fujita v. Taiji Ishimori, El Phantasmo, Gedo & Jado [Bullet Club]
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tomoaki Honma & Ryohei Oiwa v. SANADA, Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables]
YOSHI-HASHI & YOH [CHAOS] v. Yujiro Takahashi & SHO [Bullet Club]
Tomohiro Ishii & Hirooki Goto [CHAOS] v. EVIL & Dick Togo [Bullet Club]
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] & Togi Makabe v. Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables]
Elimination Match: Toru Yano [CHAOS], Master Wato, Ryusuke Taguchi, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yuji Nagata v. Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Taichi & DOUKI [SZKG]
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Pro Wrestling NOAH
The Cinematic Mode run of shows ended on Friday, with a third consecutive Korakuen Hall date. Matches were changed from the original card, as it appears Seiki Yoshioka was absent, for reasons I’ve not been able to find, so either injury or COVID-19, if I had to guess.
Step Forward 2022 - 2/11/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Daisuke Harada & Hao d. Nio & ALEJA [Kongo] (Hao > ALEJA, Firebird Splash, 12:08)
Kazushi Sakuraba [Sugiura-gun], Muhammad Yone [Funky Express] & Kai Fujimura d. Takashi Sugiura [Sugiura-gun], King Tany [Funky Express] & Junta Miyawaki (Sakuraba > Miyawaki, Modified Heel Hold, 13:29)
Atsushi Kotoge d. Tadasuke [Kongo] (8:52)
Katsuhiko Nakajima & Manabu Soya [Kongo] d. Yoshiki Inamura & Kinya Okada (Nakajima > Okada, PK, 10:15)
HAYATA [STINGER], Yoshinari Ogawa [STINGER], Yuya Susumu [STINGER] & Yasutaka Yano d. NOSAWA Rongai, YO-HEY, Kotaro Suzuki & Super Crazy [Perros del Mal de Japon] (Yano > Rongai, 4:47)
Naomichi Marufuji, Masato Tanaka & Masaaki Mochizuki [M’s Alliance] d. Kaito Kiyomiya, Masa Kitamiya & Daiki Inaba (Mochizuki > Inaba, Dragon Suplex Hold, 18:41)
Kenoh [Kongo] d. Go Shiozaki (PFS, 17:46)
Shiozaki goes 0-3 in his unofficial singles trial series, which really makes me wonder what they are doing here. What’s the end game, besides maybe a redemption run in the N1 later this year? Kiyomiya is going strong in his singles run so far… interesting.
Saturday’s show was also changed.
- 2/12/2022, Shizuoka Shimada City General Sports Center Subarena
Hajime Ohara, Hao & Junta Miyawaki d. Tadasuke, Nio & ALEJA [Kongo] (Ohara > Nio, 9:59)
Takashi Sugiura [Sugiura-gun], King Tany [Funky Express] & Muhammad Yone [Funky Express] d. Masa Kitamiya, Yoshiki Inamura & KInya Okada (Tany > Okada, Funky Press, 13:53)
NOSAWA Rongai, Kotaro Suzuki & Super Crazy [Perros del Mal de Japon] d. Daisuke Harada, Kai Fujimura & Yasutaka Yano (Crazy > Harada, Liger Bomb, 11:00)
Naomichi Marufuji [M’s Alliance] & HAYATA [STINGER] d. Atsushi Kotoge & YO-HEY [Perros del Mal de Japon] (HAYATA > YO-HEY, 403 Impact, 13:01)
Kaito Kiyomiya d. Yoshinari Ogawa [STINGER] (Double Arm Lock, 40:14)
Kenoh, Katsuhiko Nakajima & Manabu Soya [Kongo] d. Go Shiozaki, Daiki Inaba & Akitoshi Saito [Funky Express] (Nakajima > Saito, Vertical Spike, 17:54)
I cannot imagine a house show match, not for a title or to settle a feud, going 40 minutes. That is bonkers. Super Crazy gets a direct win on Harada as he attempts to challenge for the GHC junior title. Super Crazy already was AJPW’s World Juniorheavyweight champion to start 2022, so I guess he’s making the rounds in Japan.
NOAH’s next show is on 2/17/2022, an N Innovation show that will be shown on Wrestle Universe
N Innovation - 2/17/2022, Yokohama Radiant Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Junta Miyawaki v. Kai Fujimura
HAYATA [STINGER] & Yasutaka Yano v. NOSAWA Rongai & Kotaro Suzuki [Perros del Mal de Japon]
YO-HEY [Perros del Mal de Japon] v. Yuya Susumu [STINGER]
Kaito Kiyomiya v. ALEJA [Kongo]
Atsushi Kotoge & Hajime Ohara v. Tadasuke & Nio [Kongo]
Yoshinari Ogawa [STINGER] v. Eita [Perros del Mal de Japon]
Daisuke Harada & Hao v. Super Crazy & Ikuto Hidaka [Perros del Mal de Japon]
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Dragon Gate
DG returned to action Friday, and two house shows Saturday and Sunday. You can see Friday’s on DG Network.
Truth Gate 2022 – Final Burst Out! K-Ness Forever Night 4 - 2/11/2022, Kyoto KBS Hall (Dragon Gate Network)
YAMATO, Ben-K & Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] d. Shachihoko Boy, Riki Iihashi & Ishin Iihashi (YAMATO > Riki, Brainbuster, 9:45)
Jason Lee & La Estrella d. Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria (Estrella > Yosuke, Schoolboy, 9:29)
BxB Hulk, SB KENTo, Shun Skywalker & Diamante [Z-Brats] d. Ultimo Dragon, Strong Machine J, Takuma Fujiwara & Ryu Fuda (KENTo > Fuda, SB Shooter, 10:59)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka d. Dragon Kid [HIGH-END] & Yasushi Kanda (Yoshioka > Kanda, Frog Splash, 10:10)
Kzy & Big Boss Shimizu [Natural Vibes] d. KAI & HYO [Z-Brats] (Shimizu > HYO, Big Boss Press, 14:05)
Naruki Doi, Kota Minoura & Kaito Ishida d. Susumu Yokosuka, U-T & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes] (Minoura > Kamei, RAS, 12:38)
Doi’s Unit With No Name continue their run since forming. Their name and look will be revealed at Korakuen Hall on 3/4/2022.
KAI talked some smack at Big Boss Shimizu about challenging for the Dream Gate title, while Shimizu no-sold it and flashed the challenger’s key at him. Dragon Dia’s former stablemates Jason Lee & La Estrella challenged Dia & Yoshioka for the Twin Gate belts; that will now happen at Memorial Gate in Wakayama which is on 2/23/2022 in, oddly enough, Wakayama. That show will be on DG Network.
Both of DG’s shows at Acros Fukuoka on 2/20/2022, daytime and evening, will be shown on the Network as well. Those shows will feature a one-night tournament to fill the vacant Open The Triangle Gate championship, with the featured teams being:
YAMATO, Dragon Kid & Ben-K [HIGH-END]
Kzy, U-T & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes]
HYO, BxB Hulk & Shun Skywalker [Z-Brats]
Riki Iihashi, Ishin Iihashi & Takuma Fujiwara
Truth Gate 2022 – Final Burst Out! K-Ness Forever Night 5 - 2/12/2022, Hyogo Himeji Miyacoco Minato Dome
Naruki Doi, Kota Minoura & Kaito Ishida d. Riki iihashi, Ishin Iihashi & Takuma Fujiwara (Minoura > Riki, German Suplex Hold, 10:48)
Ultimo Dragon & Shachihoko Boy d. SB KENTo & Diamante [Z-Brats] (Boy > KENTo, DQ, 4:57)
Jason Lee d. Ryu Fuda (Maximum Driver, 8:45)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka d. Ben-K & Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] (Yoshioka > Okuda, Frog Splash, 10:03)
YAMATO & Dragon Kid [HIGH-END] d. Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria (YAMATO > Yosuke, lariat, 10:52)
Kzy, Big Boss Shimizu, Susumu Yokosuka & Genki Horiguchi [Natural Vibes] d. KAI, BxB Hulk, HYO & Shun Skywalker (Shimizu > HYO, Big Boss Press, 13:00)
Truth Gate 2022 – Final Burst Out! K-Ness Forever Night 6 - 2/13/2022, Aichi Tokai Municipal Gymnasium
KAI & HYO [Z-Brats] d. Big Boss Shimizu & U-T [Natural Vibes] (HYO > U-T, Neko Tamashi, 6:40)
Takashi Yoshida d. Takuma Fujiwara (Jackhammer, 11:03)
Jason Lee & Ho Ho Lun d. Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria (Lee > Yosuke, Eita threw in towel, 0:04)
Jason Lee & Ho Ho Lun d. Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria (Lee > Yosuke, Eita low blow on Yosuke, 4:18)
Naruki Doi, Kota Minoura & Kaito Ishida d. Ultimo Dragon, Susumu Yokosuka [Natural Vibes] & Yasushi Kanda (Minoura > Kanda, Engranaje, 8:41)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka d. Kzy & Genki Horiguchi [Natural Vibes] (Yoshioka > Horiguchi, Frog Splash, 8:58)
Dragon Kid, YAMATO, Ben-K & Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] d. BxB Hulk, SB KENTo, Shun Skywalker & Diamante [Z-Brats] (Kid > KENTo, Bible, 11:08)
Dragon Kid gets the win in his main event homecoming match in Tokai. Cyber Kong wrestles his first match since being unceremoniously dumped by Naruki Doi. Eita & Yosuke Santa Maria are a comedy act, at least for now, it would seem.
DG’s next show is Saturday 2/19/2022 from Imari, then the two shows from Acros Fukuoka on Sunday 2/20/2022.
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STARDOM held a fan convention in Osaka on Friday, complete with autograph sessions, followed by Cinderella Journey 2022 in Osaka, which had a bit of a shocker in the main event. Cinderella Journey 2022 in Osaka - 2/12/2022, Osaka EDION Arena 2nd Arena
Saki Kashima [Oedo Tai] d. Hanan [STARS] & Momo Kohgo [STARS] (Kashima > Kohgo, My Emblem, 5:47)
Maika & Himeka [Donna del Mondo] d. Mina Shirakawa & Waka Tsukiyama [Cosmic Angels] (Himeka > Tsukiyama, JP Coaster, 10:25)
Mayu Iwtani, Koguma & Hazuki [STARS] d. Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid & Ruaka [Oedo Tai] (Iwatani > Ruaka, Moonsault Press, 13:44)
Syuri & Natsupoi [Donna del Mondo] TLD AZM & Saya Kamitani [Queen’s Quest] (20:00)
Giulia, MIRAI & Thekla [Donna del Mondo] d. Tam Nakano, Unagi Sayaka & Mai Sakurai [Cosmic Angels] (Giulia > Sakurai, Glorious Driver II, 21:08)
Post-main, after months of taunting from Giulia, Mai Sakurai told Tam and Unagi she didn’t “want to dance,” she wants to wrestle, and defected from Cosmic Angels to Donna del Mondo. One day I just need to do a general post detailing all the stables in all the promotions I cover on this blog.
STARDOM also ran today in Kyoto KBS Hall, which had a title match main event.
- 2/13/2022, Kyoto KBS Hall
Natsupoi [Donna del Mondo] d. Momo Kohgo [STARS] (La Magistral, 10:05)
Hazuki & Hanan [STARS] d. Mai Sakurai [Donna del Mondo] & Waka Tsukiyama [Cosmic Angels] (Hazuki > Tsukiyama, Michinoku Driver II, 10:17)
Saya Kamitani & AZM [Queen’s Quest] d. Starlight Kid & Ruaka [Oedo Tai] (AZM > Ruaka, Numero Uno, 10:59)
Giulia, Maika & MIRAI [Donna del Mondo] TLD Tam Nakano, Mina Shirakawa & Unagi Sayaka [Cosmic Angels] (15:00)
Syuri & Himeka [Donna del Mondo] d. Mayu Iwatani & Koguma [STARS] (Syuri > Koguma, Syu Sekai, 14:17)
SWA World Championship: Thekla [Donna del Mondo] © d. Saki Kashima [Oedo Tai] (Doukugumo Death Drop, 14:11) - Thekla succeeds her 1st defense
There was of course a lot of tension during the second match, as Mai Sakurai defected to DDM on Saturday, and both DDM and Cosmic Angels were in their corner as they lost anyway.
Voting is now going on to determine the main event for the Cinderella Journey 2022 in Nagaoka show on 2/23/2022. You can participate via this tweet to see the match choices.
STARDOM’s next show is on Sunday from Chiba.
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DDT / Tokyo Joshi
TJPW returned with Positive Chain ’22, which you can see now on Wrestle Universe. We have a winner for the Futari no Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022, a final that saw the rubber match between Bakuretsu Sisters (Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino) and Hakuchumu (Miu Watanabe & Rika Tatsumi). There was also a title match on this show, as Maki Itoh defended the International Princess title against Yuki Kamifuku…
Positive Chain ‘22 - 2/11/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Moka Miyamoto d. Arisu Endo (Rashomon, 6:02)
Hyper Misao, Mahiro Kiryu & Ram Kaichow d. Asuka, Haruna Neko & Kaya Toribami (Misao > Toribami, Hypami Returns, 10:36)
Yuki Arai d. Suzume (Finally, 11:14)
Sakisama & Mei Saint-Michel d. Raku & Pom Harajuku (Saint-Michel > Harajuku, La Revolution, 11:54)
Shoko Nakajima, Yuka Sakazaki & Mizuki d. Miyu Yamashita, Nao Kakuta & Marika Kobashi (Sakazaki > Kobashi, Magical Merry-Go-Round, 14:08)
International Princess Championship: Maki Itoh © d. Yuki Kamifuku (Itoh Deluxe, 11:37) - Itoh succeeds her first defense
Futari no Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022 Final: Rika Tatsumi & Miu Watanabe d. Nodoka Tenma & Yuki Aino (Tatsumi > Tenma, Missile Hips, 20:30) - Hakuchumu win the Futari no Princess Max Heart Tournament 2022
Post-main, Hakuchumu said they wanted a shot at the Princess Tag Team belts at TJPW’s Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan show on 3/19/2022. Yuka Sakazaki responded, saying Tatsumi & Watanabe earned the shot, but that the Magical Sugar Rabbits would retain.
Maki Itoh retained her title, after Kamifuku tried to fake out Itoh during a bit where Mahiro Kiryu handed Kamifuku a phone, saying it was Kamifuku’s mother. Kamifuku tried to pass the phone, then tried a Schoolboy on Itoh to get the shock win. It wasn’t to be, and Itoh retained. Kamifuku showed respect, calling Itoh the cutest, but then poked Itoh in the eye, prompting a swearing rant from Itoh, natch. Yuki Arai challenged Itoh for the next defense.
It was also announced on this show at Hikari Noa will get a special singles match at Sumo Hall against AEW’s Hikaru Shida. Former TJPW wrestler (now in Ganbare Pro) Yuna Manase also announced she would be at Ryogoku Kokugikan against a mystery opponent.
TJPW next run on Saturday 2/19/2022 from Tokyo Ryogoku KFC Hall.
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DDT returned with more Ultimate Tag League on Saturday. Chris Brookes was pulled from the show after registering a fever.
DDT Ultimate Tag League 2022 In Osaka!! - 2/12/2022, Osaka Suminoe Maikon Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Yuya Koroku d. Yuki Ishida (Chickenwing, 10:21)
Danshoku Dino & Yuki Iino [Pheromones] NC Antonio Honda & Kazuki Hirata (10:55)
Tetsuya Endo, Jun Akiyama & Yusuke Okada [Burning] d. Toru Owashi, Kazusada Higuchi [Eruption] & Hideki Okatani [Eruption] (Endo > Okatani, Swivel Torture Rack Bomb, 15:22)
Daisuke Sasaki, Minoru Fujita & MJ Paul [DAMNATION TA] d. Akito, Soma Takao & Toi Kojima (Fujita > Kojima, Sayonara, 13:43)
Ultimate Tag League 2022 B Block: HARASHIMA & Naomi Yoshimura [DISASTER BOX] d. Shunma Katsumata & MAO [The 37KAMIINA] (Yoshimura > MAO, Throwaway Powerbomb, 14:41)
Ultimate Tag League 2022 A Block: Konosuke Takeshita & Yuki Ueno [The 37KAMIINA] d. Yuji Hino & Yukio Naya (Ueno > Naya, Inverted Hurricanrana, 18:28)
The main event was apparently sponsored by some local company, and Takeshita/Ueno won a prize from them for winning the match. Hino/Naya are most likely out of the running for making the finals now. HARASHIMA/Yoshimura move up to the top of the B Block table. The second match was “cancelled” mid-match as Pheromones’ antics were too much for the livestream on YouTube.
Current Ultimate Tag League 2022 Standings:
A Block Akiyama/Endo – 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Takeshita/Ueno – 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Hino/Naya – 2pts (1W 0D 2L) Higuchi/Okatani – 0pts (0W 0D 1L) Kondo/Hirata – 0pts (0W 0D 2L)
B Block HARASHIMA/Yoshimura – 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Iino/Imanari – 4pts (2W 0D 0L) Brookes/Takanashi – 2pts (1W 0D 1L) MAO/Katsumata – 2pts (1W 0D 2L) Sasaki/Paul – 0pts (0W 0D 2L)
DDT runs again on Monday, with special guest Jun Kasai. This show will be free on YouTube. Several title matches are on this one, including a Turkish Wrestling rules match for the DDT Extreme title, so expect LOTS AND LOTS OF OIL BEING RUBBED ON BODIES. Chris Brookes is still listed as being on the card in the Ultimate Tag League, but will this happen? Um… who knows!
DDT Ultimate Tag League 2022 In Shinjuku!! - 2/14/2022, Tokyo Shinjuku FACE (YouTube)
Akito & Yuki Ishida v. Yusuke Okada & Yuya Koroku
Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship 5-Way Match: Toru Owashi © v. Danshoku Dino [Pheromones] v. Antonio Honda v. Shunma Katsumata [The 37KAMIINA] v. MAO [The 37KAMIINA]
Saki Akai & Toi Kojima v. Maya Yukihi & Yukio Naya
HARASHIMA [DISASTER BOX], Naomi Yoshimura [DISASTER BOX] & Soma Takao v. Jun Kasai [FREE], Yuji Hino & Yukio Sakaguchi [Eruption]
DDT Extreme Championship Turkish Wrestling Rules Match: Shinya Aoki © v. Yuki Iino [Pheromones]
Ultimate Tag League 2022 B Block: Chris Brookes & Masahiro Takanashi v. Daisuke Sasaki & MJ Paul [DAMNATION TA]
Ultimate Tag League 2022 A Block: Tetsuya Endo & Jun Akiyama [Burning] v. Shuji Kondo & Kazuki Hirata
Ultimate Tag League 2022 A Block: Konosuke Takeshita & Yuki Ueno [The 37KAMIINA] v. Kazusada Higuchi & Hideki Okatani [Eruption]
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GLEAT resumed their G-REX Championship tournament on Friday, with the first two G-REX tournament quarterfinal matches.
GLEAT G PROWRESTLING Ver. 17 - 2/11/2022, Aichi Nagoya Nakatsu Sports Center #2
CIMA, El Lindaman & Issei Onitsuka [STRONGHEARTS] d. Shigehiro Irie [STRONGHEARTS], Keiichi Sato & Jun Tonsho (13:55)
Soma Watanabe d. TiiiDA (8:34)
Michiko Miyagi & Yukari Hosokawa d. Kaho Matsushita & Totoro Satsuki (11:58)
G-REX Championship First Champion Decision Tournament Quarterfinal: Hayato Tamura d. Yu Iizuka (9:22)
Takanori Ito, Kaz Hayashi & Rising HAYATO d. KAZMA SAKAMOTO, Nobushiro Shimatani & Ryuichi Kawakami [BULK Orchestra] (16:23)
G-REX Championship First Champion Decision Tournament Quarterfinal: T-Hawk [STRONGHEARTS] d. Minoru Tanaka (17:20)
T-Hawk advances to the semis, where he will likely lose depending on who he faces, because this is the third or fourth company that has tried to make T-Hawk happen, and T-Hawk will never happen.
 Other News
BJW continued the Ikkitousen Strong Climb tournament on Friday at Tokyo Shinkiba 1st-RING, with wins for Yuji OKabayashi, Kazumi Kikuta and Kota Sekifuda. They also were in Sapporo today for two shows, with Kazuki Hashimoto and Takuho Kato both finally getting on the board, and Takuya Nomura winning as well.
However, I was unaware of the tragedy which befell “Crazy Kid” Masashi Takeda, as his wife passed away suddenly a few weeks ago. I am sure she was far too young to be passing already. GCW’s Alex Colon has been organizing a benefit auction for Takeda to take place on 2/22/2022. You can also donate directly at this link here (put that it’s a donation in the notes). Proceeds are to go directly to Takeda and his family. Our condolences to him, his loved ones, his wife’s family and friends at this time.
Tenryu Project ran a double-header show Osaka Crush Night 2022 from Toyonaka on Saturday. In the main event of the entire series, TORU defeated Kengo in 29:43 to win the Tenryu Project International Juniorheavyweight title, a belt that has been through WAR, Dragon Gate and Tenryu Project now. TORU is the 22nd champion, ending Kengo’s reign at 183 days.
Gatoh Move’s ChocoPro YouTube series, that began during the first days of lockdown, run from what appears to be a daycare play area on mats with no ring, reached 200 episodes this weekend. The main event mirrors recent events of their partner AEW, as Minoru Fujita and Baliyan Akki wrestled as Super Asia Champion v. Interim Super Asia Champion to finally determine the champion. Part 1 is here, Part 2 here. Congratulations to them for reaching this milestone.
New joshi promotion Girl’s Pro-Wrestling Unit COLOR’S ran its debut event, COLOR’S Yes, My Way, Saturday from Tokyo Shinkiba 1st-RING, with Hikari Shimizu & SAKI beating Yumiko Hotta & Riko Kawahata in the main event. Don’t know if this made tape, I can’t imagine it didn’t on some level.
FREEDOMS, SEAdLINNNG, BASARA, Dotonbori Pro, 666, Ice Ribbon, HEAT UP, WAVE, PURE-J and 2AW all ran this weekend as well.
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livegraphy · 3 years
2022.01.08 SAT. @仙台Rensa ANSWER TOUR 2021-22 Nothing's Carved In Stone
2022.01.10 MON. @F.A.D YOKOHAMA THE SUN ALSO RISES vol.116 キツネツキ / avengers in sci-fi
2022.01.23 SUN. @幕張メッセ イベントホール uP!!! SPECIAL LIVE HOLIC extra 2022 supported by SPACE SHOWER TV
2022.02.25 FRI. @豊洲 PIT ANSWER TOUR 2021-22 Nothing's Carved In Stone
2022.03.01 TUE. @豊洲 PIT Live CRUSH! SUPER BEAVER / Nothing’s Carved In Stone
2022.03.04 SAT. @豊洲 PIT HINA-MATSURI 2022
2022.03.12 SAT. @Shibuya Eggman aobozu LIVE 2020 OTOMOTO 〜藤森 NOT DEAD〜 藍坊主
2022.03.13 SUN. @パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホール ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION 25th Anniversary Tour 2021 Special Concert “More Than a Quarter-Century” ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION
2022.03.19 SAT. @水戸ライトハウス a flood of circle "Tour 伝説の夜を君と" a flood of circle
2022.03.26 SAT. @国立代々木競技場第一体育館 My Hair is Bad presents ダイナマイトホームランツアー My Hair is Bad
2022.04.09 SAT. @大阪城野外音楽堂 Bring the Future Nothing's Carved In Stone
2022.04.29 FRI. @下北沢 SHELTER ATTACK FROM LIVEHOUSE fox capture plan / avengers in sci-fi
2022.04.30 SAT. @横浜 BAY HALL a flood of circle "Tour 伝説の夜を君と" a flood of circle w/DOES
2022.05.01 SUN. @千葉市蘇我スポーツ公園 JAPAN JAM 2022
2022.05.04 WED. @KT Zepp Yokohama 「KYO-MEIワンマンツアー」〜アントロギア〜 THE BACK HORN
2022.05.08 SUN. @Zepp DiverCity 8+8 16th ANIVERSARY 第一部 2006~2014「短編映画愛が正しい地球をダウジングで留める故��我あり」 BIGMAMA
2022.05.08 SUN. @Zepp DiverCity 8+8 16th ANIVERSARY 第二部 2015~2022「-11℃で消えた瞬間裸の花嫁はファビュラスレリビー」 BIGMAMA
2022.05.14 SAT. @仙台 PIT DEAD IS ALIVE TOUR 2022 凛として時雨
2022.05.22 SUN. @KT Zepp Yokohama DEAD IS ALIVE TOUR 2022 凛として時雨
2022.05.29 SUN. @三郷市文化会館 ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Tour 2022 「プラネットフォークス」 ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION
2022.06.04 SAT. @豊洲 PIT androp one-man live tour 2022 “effector” androp
2022.06.04 SAT. @Streaming+ aobozu LIVE 2022 OTOMOTO 「10の夜について」 藍坊主
2022.06.05 SUN. @Zepp Nagoya DEAD IS ALIVE TOUR 2022 凛として時雨
2022.06.11 SAT. @日産スタジアム Mr.Children 30th Anniversary Tour 半世紀へのエントランス Mr.Children
2022.06.26 SUN. @幕張メッセ国際展示場9-11ホール King Gnu Live Tour 2022 CLUB GNU EDITION King Gnu
2022.06.29 WED. @国立代々木競技場第一体育館 FREDERHYTHM ARENA 2022~ミュージックジャンキー~ フレデリック
2022.07.03 SUN. @渋谷マルイ8F FIREWORK RECORDS オープン記念 佐々木亮介弾き語りライブライブ 第一部 佐々木亮介
2022.07.14 THU. @豊洲 PIT Big City Small Country TOUR ストレイテナー
2022.08.05 FRI. @F.A.D YOKOHAMA THE SUN ALSO RISES vol.115.5 ASPARAGUS / avengers in sci-fi
2022.08.12 FRI. - 13 SAT. @石狩湾新港樽川ふ頭横野外特設ステージ RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2022 in EZO
2022.08.21 SUN. @Spotify O-WEST aobozu TOUR 2022 OTOMOTO ~金網の向こう側~ 藍坊主
2022.08.26 FRI. @Zepp Haneda DEAD IS ALIVE TOUR 2022 〜竜巻いて延命〜 凛として時雨
2022.09.03 SAT. @日比谷野外大音楽堂 androp one-man live 2022 at Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall androp
2022.09.11 SUN. @梅田 CLUB QUATTRO Tour FUCK FOREVER & I’M FREE a flood of circle
2022.09.17 SAT. @国立代々木競技場���一体育館 J-WAVE presents INSPIRE TOKYO ~Best Music & Market~ 2nd STAGE
2022.09.18 SUN. @渋谷 CLUB QUATTRO Tour FUCK FOREVER & I’M FREE a flood of circle
2022.09.23 FRI. @京都 GATTACA GATTACA 10th ANNIV. [ミタケオアシン] -avengers in sci-fi 強制ワンマン- avengers in sci-fi
2022.09.24 SAT. @日比谷野外大音楽堂 THE BACK HORN「KYO-MEIワンマンライブ」 ~第四回夕焼け目撃者~ THE BACK HORN
2022.10.02 SUN. @Zepp Haneda Walk a Tightrope Tour 2022 9mm Parabellum Bullet
2022.10.21 FRI. @LINE CUBE SHIBUYA Hello, My Name Is BIGMAMA
2022.10.22 SAT. @Zepp Haneda KANA-BOON Jack in tour 2022 KANA-BOON w/ストレイテナー
2022.11.02 WED. @KY Zepp Yokohama Lost Songs Tour 2022 ELLEGARDEN
2022.11.05 SAT. @有明アリーナ Break and Cross the Walls Tour 2022 MAN WITH A MISSION
2022.11.06 SUN. @有明アリーナ Break and Cross the Walls Tour 2022 MAN WITH A MISSION
2022.11.21 MON. @KT Zepp Yokohama Bier Fest Tour 2022 633 w/ストレイテナー、Age Factory
2022.11.26 SAT. - 27 SUN. @さいたまスーパーアリーナ ACIDMAN presents 「SAITAMA ROCK FESTIVAL “SAI”」
2022.12.11 SUN. @Billboard Live TOKYO androp -13th Anniversary Special Live- at Billboard Live / 1部・2部 androp
2022.12.17 SAT. @新代田 FEVER Green or White - ASPARAGUS 20th Anniv. ONEMAN SHOW - ASPARAGUS
2022.12.18 SUN. @仙台 PIT Bier Fest Tour 2022 633 w/ストレイテナー、w.o.d.
2022.12.25 SUN. @ツイキャス aobozu LIVE 2022 OTOMOTO 百景'22@新宿 BLAZE 藍坊主
2022.12.27 TUE. @パルテノン多摩 TK from 凛として時雨 "last death" TK from 凛として時雨
2022.12.29 THU. @新宿 LOFT a flood of circleの大忘年会 a flood of circle
2022.12.30 FRI. - 31 SAT. @幕張メッセ国際展示場1~11ホール、イベントホール COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23
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