trishiadenisse-blog · 3 years
[06-05-21] “weird together”
our dynamic has always been weird
we’re friends but we secretly love each other we’ve broken up but we act like we’re still together we’re besties but actually something greater
it won’t matter what they think about me and you they don’t really know us like we do they couldn’t even if they tried to
and we’ll be in our little house we call “shell” it’ll be just for the two of us and no one else so those other noises will be muted really well
cos we have always been weird it’s the language that we both speak it’s the language that only you and I understand
so let’s continue to be weird and be weird together
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trishiadenisse-blog · 3 years
[03-24-21] “History”
as each droplet of rain falls,  a memory of the past has faded and a new one has formed yet I’m scared to go out and open myself up to the rain I’m afraid that once I get wet I’ll be left there stranded and history will repeat itself
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trishiadenisse-blog · 3 years
[02-10-21] “to love”
being loved isn’t familiar to me I have loved and loved tirelessly despite not feeling it from my family I’ve always wanted to be loved and to love deeply right when I was building myself back up, someone showed me what it feels to be loved I have never felt it before so when it turned up, I didn’t know what I was doing I tried my best to make it perfect, to not ruin it that I lost track of what’s really important when I finally realized, it was already too late she was hurting and I was hurting as well one thing I learned from watching her was being loved doesn’t start from other people it starts with yourself. so I’m starting right now, and I hope one day you do too
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trishiadenisse-blog · 4 years
[11-26-20] “My Boo”
]the world's miserable without my boo there's no sunshine anymore just cold and blue and i keep having these dreams about you like we're talking and chilling in your house too
every second apart feels like im running on nails in every minute, hour, and day this never ending pain i feel on my chest keeps getting stronger as each passing day
i hope whatever you are doing right now you are happy and proud im just right here in the background supporting what you do and love
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trishiadenisse-blog · 4 years
[05-14-20] “The Future”
i used to hate the future. i never know what'll turn up in my doorstep. is it one of those cute little girl scouts trying to sell a cookie? or is it the angry neighbor yelling how loud my music is going?
i used to not bother the future at all. i have too many problems at hand right now, i don't have time to add future problems in my plate.
i used to be afraid of the future. am i doing it right today so i can reach the future that has planned for me? am i strong enough to reach it? would i be able to live the future im trying to reach?
i used to hate the future. i thought it was a bad place full of darkness. not anymore. it's actually full of light, hope, and dreams. it is the light of tomorrow that will lit your darkness of today. it is the hope that one day, you will be able to make it. you can dream of any life and every life you can dream of until in the future, you will not just dream of it but live in it.
i used to hate the future but now, im looking forward to it.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 4 years
[04-16-20] “Two of Us”
i always lose track of time when im with you weeks feels like days, hours feel like seconds but every moment is a moment worth capturing for stored in a location only the two of us can access to
and whenever we find ourselves missing each other we just need to close our eyes it'll be just the two of us with the memories we stored in our hearts.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 4 years
[12-01-19] “A Voice”
in a crowded room filled with noisy people everyone's busy doing what they're supposed to do and then, there's me. setting my head down on my desk listening to everything and to everyone but there's this one voice that I couldn't just stop listening to its a voice with a familiar feeling, its like im safe, im protected, and im home that's the voice i want to hear everyday, her voice
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trishiadenisse-blog · 4 years
[11-30-19] “Those Eyes”
those evening eyes with round-rimmed glasses keeps pulling me closer to a world where everything is a work of art, carefully made by the Creator every bit of detail is sophisticated and I just can't help but wonder how is it that those eyes never saw mine like how it saw its lover
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trishiadenisse-blog · 4 years
[11-26-19] “Music in the Rain”
the rain is dancing to the tune of my emotion listening to every beat my heart makes with passion and it is dropping gracefully to the ground as if it wants the whole world to hear the sound the sound of the rain drops falling like the tears in my eyes slowly dropping as my heart aches when I come to realize that I still love you and need you in my life
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trishiadenisse-blog · 5 years
funny how about a month ago, i didnt know your name.
the first time i saw you, we were at your classroom. and what really caught my attention that day was that you were radiating positive vibes all over the room and you didn't care about the people watching you, you were just dancing and enjoying your time.
a few days later, we wanted to know your name (for cheerdance). so, we came by your room. we asked your classmate to call you but we didn't know your name so we just pointed you. you were sitting facing towards the door and your classmate called you. you lifted your head and looked at us, you were so cute hehe. but because we were, basically, strangers, you were confused. you kept on looking around because you thought that it was someone else. but then you finally walked towards us. we asked for your name and you answered us, still looking confused.
then, we started practicing for cheerdance. my classmates and i were playing games while waiting for the others to come. i wanted to talk to you and ask you to play with us but i was shy. so, you were just smiling and looking at us having fun. when we were doing a run through on what we practiced, at the very first part, i already made a mistake. every one was laughing at me but my eyes were fixed on you. you were so cute. and even cuter when you laughed.
on the next day, we had our very first conversation. you asked me if i couldn't see well while waving your hand at my face because you wondered that my eyeglasses seemed like it has "dako kayg grado" as you looked at it worn by someone else. and at that simple question, i was already so happy. i didnt have to make the first move. you actually talked to me first. (i was planning on talking to you since the first day of practice but i never really had the guts to do so.)
the night before the contest, we went to the contest area. the group was doing riddles while waiting for Maam Almeda and Maam Enad. and suddenly, we just vibed. nag-akbay2 na gani ta ato. after that, we were always around each other. gaakbay2 gihapon. after the awarding on the contest day, everyone was kissing each other on the cheeks because of how "red" the lipstick was and how it would make a mark. nag-akbay gihapon ta ato and i was shocked because you kissed my hand, right hand to be exact haha. [naa nakoy memory nimo yiee]
we went back to school after the contest and we were still hanging around each other. you were answering the worksheets Sir Amancio gave, and based it from my answers. i was beside you, also, doing the worksheets from Sir Amancio.
later that night, i received a notification. believe me or not, i felt like i was on cloud nine. you added me on facebook and i accepted it. then, you chatted me first, sending the picture that we took that day and chatted "yieee ahahah". (gikilig jd ko ato hahaha)
at first, you were just a crush, someone whom i found cute, but as we frequently talked, and got to know each other more, my feelings for you got a little bit deeper.
before, you were just someone whom id pass by the hallway. but now, every time someone would pass by it, id always hope that it would be you.
and before, i didn't know your name. now, your name is my favorite thing to say. especially, when im talking to God.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 5 years
[03-26-19] "In a Field"
You were playing with a ball by yourself. Until such time, you kicked the ball accidentally to a boy. Then, you were both playing. You had fun. And although there were times when you fell down, you scraped your knee, and you got hurt, but you still continued playing despite the wounds that you got. You endured all the pain. You kept on playing mindlessly so you couldn't notice that your wounds got worse. Little did you know, you had a hard time catching up with him. Your wounds took a toll on you already. And when he knew you couldn't keep up anymore, it was about time when he got a new playmate. That's when he left you. All alone. In a field.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 5 years
[03-26-19] "Moments"
Hanging out with you feels like we're in a rollercoaster ride. One minute, we are arguing over something so small. And the next minute, we are already jamming to our favorite song.
You can be so silly at times, And sometimes, you can be pretty annoying. You are either super jolly Or really unapproachable.
Nonetheless, every moment with you is my favorite moment. Because whatever your mood is, I always have the best time. With you.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 5 years
[03-26-19] "Imagine"
Imagine, you're with your favorite person. You are sitting beside each other on a bench in a park. In a cold breeze of air, you felt warmth as your shoulders touched.
It was the overrated comfortable silence. You were already fidgeting with your fingers. Your heart was beating so fast. And all you could hear was the leaves of the trees rustling.
You were both looking at the sun. And as the sun touches the horizon, as the sun sets, you hear a voice saying, "I love you."
You were imagining him, didn't you? Well, I was imagining you.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 6 years
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trishiadenisse-blog · 6 years
your hands feel like home.
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trishiadenisse-blog · 6 years
She was portraying Marilyn Monroe but I think Marilyn Monroe was portraying her
from a crowd on our cosplay of prominent people
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trishiadenisse-blog · 6 years
[02-24-19] You were the rose and I was your thorn. They saw no value in me, I was just an ugly thing who does harm. But, I have protected you from all those who want to hurt you. You were the damsel-in-distress and I was your knight in shining armor. I was just a knight who will never be your prince charming. But, I was the one who rescued you when you needed help. You were the beautiful swan and I was the ugly duckling. That's why, I can never be good enough for you. But, my love is greater than the love of all men combined. I may not sound and look much, But I have loved you and still loving you with all my heart, mind, and soul.
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