#10th anniversary tour concert
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operafantomet · 2 months
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The Romanian / Norwegian / Greek / Middle East + European Tour version is really starting to hit many countries and cities now. Along with some photos of the current cast (from the respective webpages I have linked to underneath), here's a complete overview to where it has played so far, and where it will play in 2024-2025 (*):
JAN 2015: Teatrul National de Opereta, Budapest, ROMANIA. This was the prototype, directed by Stephen Barlow and designed by Andrew Riley. Leading trio was Adrian Nour, Irina Ioana Baiant and Florian Ristei, and it was performed in Romanian.
SEPT 2018 - MARCH 2019: Folketeateret, Oslo, NORWAY. This was a much updated version of the original Romanian production, with new costumes, and revamped sets and effects. Leading trio was Espen Grjotheim, Mira Ormala / Astrid Giske and Carl Lindquist, and it was performed in Norwegian.
JAN - MAR 2020: Thessaloniki Concert Hall and Christmas Theatre in Athens, GREECE. This was pretty much the Oslo production, but with some changes for tourability. From Greece on it has only been performed in English, regardless of the location. The original leading trio in Greece was Ben Forster, Celinde Schoenmaker / Amy Manford and Nadim Naaman. The production closed earlier than announced due to Covid.
FEB - MARCH 2023: Christmas Theatre in Athens and Thessaloniki Concert Hall, GREECE. Back in Greece, still in English, still an international cast, even more set and costume changes. This time the leading trio was Tim Howar, Harriet Jones / Georgia Wilkinson and Nadim Naaman.
OCT - DEC 2023: The Arena, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Continuing most of what was the case in Greece, except Nadim Naaman took over the role of the Phantom from Tim Howar, and Dougie Carter took over as Raoul. Was now dubbed "The Middle East Tour". It was the first time a full-scale production of Phantom of the Opera was done in Saudi Arabia.
FEB - MARCH 2024: Dubai Opera, Dubai. Same cast and overall set-up as Riyadh. This production followed in the footsteps of the World Tour (original version), visiting Dubai in 2019.
APRIL 2024: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, BULGARIA. Same cast and overall set-up as Riyadh and Dubai. This was, I think, the first time a city has housed two different non-replica productions. Not at the same time, mind you, as this version touring has meant the local productions are now allowed to perform for some time. This was at least what was announced from the producers in Bulgaria, Serbia and the Czech Republic. Curious.
AUG - SEPT. 2024: National Palace of Culture, Sofia, BULGARIA. The production has announced its return to Sofia this autumn. This due to the sold-out initial run.
OCT 2024: Sagros Campo Pequeno, Lisbon, PORTUGAL. The production has announced a run there from October 15-27, 2024. A concert version has previously been performed in Portugal, but it will be the first time a full-scale production is done.
NOV - DEC 2024: Musical Theater Basel, Switzerland. The production has announced a run there from Nov. 6 to Dec 22, 2024. The original Swiss production 1995-1997 did a hardcore thing of perfoming in both German and English. It will therefore not be the first time POTO is performed there, nor the first time it is performed in English. But it is the first time this exact version visits, and the 1995-1997 one was the original version.
FEB - MARCH 2025: Stadsschouwburg, Antwerp, Belgium. The production has announced a run there from Feb. 6 to March 7, 2025. The original Belgian production ran from 1999-2000, and was performed in the local language, but it will be the first time it is performed in English. It will as such also be the 10th anniversary for this specific touring version, as it premiered in Romania in January 2015.
MARCH 2025: Kongresove Centrum, Prague, Czech Republic. The production has announced a run there from March 19-27, 2025. This means the local production 'Fantom Opery' at Goja Music Hall has been paused. According to the official website the Phantom will be Nadim Naaman, the role of Christine will be shared between Georgia Wilkinson and Bridget Costello, and Raoul will be Dougie Carter.
(*) More dates will likely follow. Kuwait was announced some time back, but cannot be found anywhere now. Also, the local Serbian production announced a break because another version was visiting, so I won't be surprised if Belgrade is added to the list later on.
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usedpidemo · 5 days
a tale of two (concert) halves... (storytime!)
I've made it clear over the past few updates that my real life struggles have really backed us into a corner. If the first half of 2024 was on hard difficulty, the second half has so far been on brutal. Personal relationships are falling apart, our physical health has been going through hell, and our finances are struggling to keep up with ever increasing debts. As much as I am a man of faith, I do struggle with maintaining such devout trust on the daily, because I am afraid of the worst.
But even during these tough times, it's comforting to know I won't be left for dead, and I can still find enjoyment in them.
Not gonna lie, I thought I would never attend a concert this year. IVE was coming back after a little over a year, but I didn't have money for it (and is something I still struggle to move on from). ITZY was coming back less than eight months when I saw them, but no Lia, and the ticket selling was insanely early (fuck you Live Nation). The only other girl group I think came here was fromis_9, which I still would love to see, but that was for a festival, so the setlist was extremely limited—and it was during finals week, so that was not gonna happen. There's just been an overall downturn of concerts compared to last year, so whether or not this is a good thing, you decide. (Seriously, no aespa, no (G)I-DLE, no NMIXX, etc.)
However—here comes Red Velvet, one of the holy trinity of 3rd gen girl groups (TwicePinkVelvet), celebrating their 10th anniversary with an Asia tour. By some miracle, I got a stimulus check two months ahead of my birthday, and yet it was still a hard decision, because I wasn't sure if other girl groups would also tour near the end of the year. Looking at what's to come for the last quarter of the year, I highly doubt it and 2025 is sure to be stacked, so it all paid off in retrospect.
It was a completely different experience than the first two outings. For one, it was fucking standing floor over seated, so I knew my body would be put through the torture rack. Second was the unpredictability of where I would end up—thankfully it wasn't first come first serve where I would be forced to camp early (which by the way, concert campers are disgusting and should be arrested). Still, my positioning would depend on my queuing number (which in itself was dependent on when you would buy your ticket, and obviously unless you got into the site as soon as it loaded up, the earlier), and while it wasn't completely shit—it still meant that a majority would get their preferred spot over mines.
Cut to the actual concert day and it was a tale of two halves. The first was the pre-concert, which wasn't all bad at the start—but then there was the queuing before entering the venue. I could have easily waited and taken my sweet time exploring and doing other shit, but I was pressured to queue early out of fear of not getting a good spot. I forgot that since it was queuing numbers, they would rearrange the line anyway, so I never really had a chance lmao. I really shot myself in the foot quite literally by adding an extra two hours standing around.
Everyone in VIP was given a bonus member card, and I didn't end up getting my bias. I tried bartering with other fans, but I absolutely failed. To add insult to injury, everyone else were able to trade and/or get theirs, so that fucking sucks.
It was also the first time I was forced to wear some kind of noise control for my ears. Didn't really have earplugs but Airpods were certainly a nice alternative. Fucking hell—this was the loudest of the three crowds I've ever been a part of, and it doesn't help that the audience would screech and shout out of tune. It was so goddamn annoying. Then you get to the ments/speeches, and they would just fucking bark and make monkey noises while the members were talking, and after performances. I counted a total of 12-14 times this happened throughout, and it never got any better. If the members weren't encouraging the audience, I'd probably have socked someone in the nose out of annoyance at some point.
As for the overall concert itself, I had a blast! I'm not that familiar with Red Velvet's colorful discography, but they performed most of their hits and title tracks (ripperoni Russian Roulette and Chill Kill). Not only that, but the set ran for almost 3 hours (2 hours 50 minutes as they did start like 10 minutes past schedule), and the energy persisted all throughout. Wendy was constantly flaunting her vocals, but Joy. Joy was absolutely fucking insane. Also, the fucking Zimzalabim encore is something everyone needs to experience once in their lifetime.
I wish I could say the pain was all worth it—but of course, life being life, it decides to fuck with me one more fucking time with the middle finger. After the show ended, we were all told to stay in our spots for the send-off event as everyone else were escorted out and the raffle winners from lower seating tiers were pulled in. We waited for 40 minutes, and then the members come out. It should be a cool moment! Except they were led by staff straight to the extended stage for a bit and then they'd get off, completely neglecting the sides, where me and a few others were. They would eventually go around the venue, but by the time we realized what has happening, it was too late—we never got to see them up close properly.
I'll be honest, while I don't feel as bothered thinking about it a few days on, when it happened, it almost ruined the entire experience for me. The organizers/staff had misdirected us and didn't organize properly, so some of us got a lesser experience than those who won the raffle, which is worse for us since we paid more. The send-off treatment here was way—way worse than in Bangkok and Jakarta, and it fucking pisses me off. We can't have shit in this country. I don't blame the girls for it; they were just following instructions and they had a flight to catch shortly after (not to mention they were tired as fuck). Still, the fact I paid so much for that underwhelming send-off experience just reinforces my opinion that hi-touches are simply better. At least everyone gets a fair shot, even if it was very brief. You can't win them all, I guess. I also do believe that it was bound to happen, the first two experiences were near-perfect and flawless in execution, so something had to give to bring me back down to earth.
Nevertheless, even if for just a few hours, it's nice to find some comfort and enjoyment despite the world around me crumbling down. To think that they're 10 years on and still as active as their younger contemporaries in K-pop is astounding. I can see why they're among the most beloved girl groups ever; there's only a handful with equal the talent and discography to match. This was also my first outing with a new camera, and when it was hitting, the shots were fucking hitting.
I really wish Bamboleo was part of the set tho.
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pretty-idol-hell · 5 months
The PriPara 10th Anniversary video and Tweet is up again! I believe this information wasn't supposed to be released until after the concert, but someone released it early. Oops.
I also noticed that the official Idol Land Twitter name and avatar has been changed. The name of the Twitter is now "Idol Land PriPara and PriPara 10th Anniversary", the new avatar features the 10th Anniversary logo, and the description explains that this account will be covering both Idol Land and the 10th Anniversary while it is ongoing.
(It's hard to imagine Idol Land ending during the 10th Anniversary, but having the official account being used for something else and the lack of a season 2 announcement today is a little concerning I have to admit.)
Okay, so about the actual announcement:
There will be a PriPara exhibition held this August 9th-25th 2024 in Tokyo, specifically Shibuya. They are also planning to bring the exhibition to Fukuoka and Osaka as well.
Having been to the Rainbow Live 10th Anniversary exhibition this past March, this honestly sounds very similar. They mention displaying PriPara's chronology (the Rainbow Live one had an episode-by-episode guide on the wall) and photo spots of Making Dramas and other scenes (same, we got a Prism Jump and Prism Stone shop as well as a bunch of mini ones), as well as stage costumes (well, we didn't get that at the RL one, instead we got merch and a guitar). The Rainbow Live one was cute, but very small. I was curious if this one might be bigger since they are taking it on tour but looking up the venue (地下1階, where it says "Event Space") this one looks equally small. So, perhaps not worth flying to Japan for, but be sure to check it out if you'll already be there!
Now, she's already made the rounds but the video also announced a brand new character. Not just for the 10th Anniversary, but the 1000th Anniversary!
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Laalulu! She is a transfer student from the future, come to study about PriPara at the exhibition.
So... This is very funny for several reasons.
First of all, celebrating the 1000th Anniversary at the same time as the 10th is very on brand for PriPara considering it's long been canon that PriPara has existed for thousands of years, so why wouldn't it exist for thousands more?
And of course, although they don't acknowledge it directly, Laalulu is very clearly a fusion of Laala and Falulu.
Thus suggesting that Laala and Falulu's families become... intertwined at some point, somehow.
But at the same time, they are safeguarding themselves from suggesting she's a direct descendant since she's from so ridiculously far in the future. Yes, I know that vocal dolls, if she is one, can live for thousands of years. But, if she was already a thousand years old, why would she need to study PriPara in our age? So, I think she must be relatively young.
Or is she even a vocal doll at all? Because... not sure how that would be possible either.
My personal headcanon on this would be that perhaps Falulu or a Falulu clone becomes a real girl at some point, and meets up with a descendant of Laala.
Which, if true, would mean that they not only stole @moonlit-angel-serenity 's OC but mine as well, since that's what happens to Hinode in my canon LOL.
Haha, who knows. I'm pretty sure they will never explain it.
But, it seems to me this character is a character specifically made for the exhibition (especially since the logo features Laala and Falulu). Unless a voice actress is announced for her soon, I don't think they will be doing much of anything else with this character.
(In the video, Laala speaks to her and Laalulu replies back with text only, so it seems that she does not have one at this point.)
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Tumblr anniversary
It's been TWO years since I chose to take up residence here on this hellsite/app.
Last year, when I posted about my Tumblr anniversary, Jungkook had just dropped his thirst trap birthday greeting to Jimin. And Yet to Come Busan had not happened yet. No one was enlisted yet. We had no idea that we were about to have our hearts ripped out by Jin's enlistment announcement.
My, what innocent babes we were.
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So much has happened since last October other than the afore mentioned Yet to Come Busan concert and Jin's enlistment announcement.
We watched the members emotional sendoff to Jin in December. We watched them do it again for Hobi in April. We didn't see but we know Yoongi has begun his service. We don't need to see it. We are pretty certain within the next two months we will be sending another 2 or 3 or maybe even the rest of them off to do theirs as well.
We got The Astronaut, Dreamers, Indigo, a Christmas song from Tae, Vibe, Face, D-Day (and a tour and I saw Yoongi!!), Angel Pt. 1 & 2, The Planet, another version of Jack-in-the-Box, Take Two, Seven, Layover, 3D and we anxiously anticipate Golden. What am I missing? More collabs that Namjoon did with others. We got so much music I can't remember it all.
We've seen the clothing come off of every member. Some more than others. But still. Chapter Two is not about taking their shirts off, as Tae said...yeah, whatever Tae... it is about transitioning to a more mature image including taking control of their professional and personal images, their bodies, their autonomy, their maturity and sexuality. And boy howdy...
We got a very complex and far-reaching BTS 10th Anniversary Festa celebration that took place across the world.
We got Kook Cooks, Flying Yoga, Wootteo, Suchwita, Namjoon on Big Brains and Many of them Sitting at the Same Table Talking (or whatever the name of that show was), Dior Jimin, Tiffany Jimin, Calvin Klein Jungkook, Valentino and NBA Yoongi, Louis Vuitton Hobi, Bottega Veneta Namjoon, Cartier and Celine Taehyung, dance challenges.
We inadvertently got Jungkook's TikTok through his own error and now we are pretty sure the other members INCLUDING JIMIN are lurking on all the soc med platforms.
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We got so much Jungkook being himself. And we watched him go from being fine with his couch potato cushion existence to being Mr. World Traveler who can't stay in one place for more than a few days before he's off again to who knows where and adding to Jimin's list of things to fret over.
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We got a nice quantity of sweet quality interaction of Jimin and Tae just yesterday. This healed me.
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We have heard over and over how each member is anxiously excited to get back and hurry up and show us they still have it.
There has not been any lack of things to talk about. There has not been any lack of controversy. We've seen things we probably weren't meant to see and we've seen things that are dubious as to their authenticity and things that were obviously made for us to see.
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Like one of those of flying bird flock murmurations, the fandom is shifting and changing, spreading out and coalescing and doing all this repeatedly as we navigate this period of time before they get back together in 2025.
I hope we don't run off the rails this next year and that we all can find some common ground so we can stand together at the threshold of 2025 in anticipation of their comeback.
And sooooo many more of you have chosen to follow my weird ramblings, rantings and odd posts. Thank you for taking time to give my blog any consideration.
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leejieun · 1 year
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10th anniversary concert tour "dlwlrma" photobook scan by: more than one name
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louisupdates · 1 year
IQ 123: Tour promo and production interviews
Louis’ care for his fans
26 May - Mohegan Sun Arena, UNCASVILLE, CT
27 May - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, GILFORD, NH
29 May - Place Bell, LAVAL QC
30 May - Budweiser Stage, TORONTO ON
1 Jun - Blossom Music Center, CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH
2 Jun - Michigan Lottery Amphitheater, STERLING HEIGHTS, MI
3 Jun - The Icon Festival Stage, CINCINNATI, OH
6 Jun - Kemba Live! Outdoor, COLUMBUS, OH
7 Jun - TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park, INDIANAPOLIS, IN
9 Jun - Saint Louis Music Park, ST. LOUIS, MO
PORTRAITS, 1st set [10.6.2023]
IG stories and selfies [10.6.2023]
10 Jun - Starlight Theatre, KANSAS CITY, MO
13 Jun - BMO Pavilion, MILWAUKEE, WI
15 Jun - Huntington Bank Pavilion, CHICAGO, IL
16 Jun - The Armory, MINNEAPOLIS, MN
17 Jun - Harrah’s Stir Cove, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA
19 Jun - Denny Sanford Premiere Center, SIOUX FALLS, SD
21 Jun - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, MORRISON, CO: CANCELLED 😪
24 Jun - Wamu Theater, SEATTLE, WA
26 Jun - Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center, VANCOUVER BC
27 Jun - McMenamins Edgefield Concerts, TROUTDALE, OR
29 Jun - The Greek Theatre, BERKELEY, CA
PORTRAITS, 2nd set [29.6.2023]
PORTRAITS posted 30.6 [x]
30 Jun - Louis Instagram recap
30 Jun - The Hollywood Bowl, LOS ANGELES, CA
1 Jul - The Chelsea at the Cosmopolitan, LAS VEGAS, NV
3 Jul - Arizona Financial Theatre, PHOENIX, AZ
6 Jul - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, IRVING, TX
7 Jul - Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, AUSTIN, TX
8 Jul - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, THE WOODLANDS, TX
PORTRAITS, 3rd set [9.7.2023]
9 Jul: Louis Instagram recap
10 Jul RTL Radio Interviews
11 Jul - St. Augustine Amphitheatre, ST. AUGUSTINE, FL
13 Jul - Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD, FL
14 Jul - Yuengling Center, TAMPA, FL
15 Jul - Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park, ATLANTA, GA
18 Jul - Ascend Amphitheater, NASHVILLE, TN
19 Jul - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, CHARLOTTE, NC
21 Jul - Red Hat Amphitheater, RALEIGH, NC
22 Jul - Merriweather Post Pavilion, COLUMBIA, MD
PORTRAITS, 4th set [23.7.2023]
24 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON1, MA
25 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON2, MA
27 Jul - TD Pavilion at the Mann, PHILADELPHIA, PA
28 Jul - Stone Pony Summer Stage, ASBURY PARK, NJ
29 Jul - Forrest Hills Stadium, NEW YORK, NY
PORTRAITS, 5th set [31.7.2023]
North America FAN EDIT
AUGUST 2023 GAP 1 recap
19 Aug - Parco Bussoladomani, LIDO DI CAMAIORE, Italy
AUGUST 2023 GAP 2 recap (including the 28 launch)
29 Aug - Barclays Arena, HAMBURG
31 Aug - Royal Arena, COPENHAGEN
1 Sep - Spektrum, OSLO [Bigger Than Me anniversary content]
PORTRAITS, 6th set [2.9.2023]
2 Sep - Hovet, STOCKHOLM
4 Sep - Ice Hall, HELSINKI
5 Sep - Saku Arena, TALLINN
7 Sep - Arena Riga, RIGA
PORTRAITS, 7th set [8.9.2023]
8 Sep - Zalgiris Arena, KAUNAS
10 Sep - Tauron Arena, KRAKOW
11 Sep - Atlas Arena, ŁÓDŹ
13 Sep - Wiener Stadhalle D, VIENNA
14 Sep - Stozice Arena, LJUBLJANA
15 Sep - Budapest Arena, BUDAPEST
PORTRAITS, 8th set [16.9.2023]
17 Sep - Arenele Romane, BUCHAREST
18 Sep - Arena Armeets, SOFIA
20 Sep - Plateia Nerou, ATHENS w/ links to AOTV announcements
SEPTEMBER 2023 GAP recap
1 Oct - Bilbao Arena Miribilla, BILBAO (VIZCAYA)
3 Oct - Altice Arena, LISBON
5 Oct - Wizink Center, MADRID
6 Oct - Palau Sant Jordi, BARCELONA
PORTRAITS, 9th set [7.10]
8 Oct - Pala Alpitur, TURIN
9 Oct - Unipol Arena, BOLOGNA
11 Oct - Rockhal, ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE
12 Oct - Sportspaleis, ANTWERP
14 Oct - Accor Arena, PARIS
15 Oct - Ziggo Dome, AMSTERDAM
17 Oct - Lanxess Arena, COLOGNE
19 Oct - O2 Arena, PRAGUE
20 Oct - Mercedes Benz Arena, BERLIN
PORTRAITS, 10th set [21.10]
22 Oct - Olympiahalle, MUNICH
23 Oct - Hallenstadion, ZURICH
FITFWT23: LATAM promo begins [28.10]
Twitter spree: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 Hall Of Fame, [31.10]
IGTV [1.11]: transcript, gifs [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
8 Nov - 3Arena, DUBLIN
10 Nov - Utilita Arena, SHEFFIELD
11 Nov - AO Arena, MANCHESTER
12 Nov - Ovo Hydro, GLASGOW
14 Nov - Brighton Center, BRIGHTON
15 Nov - International Arena, CARDIFF
17 Nov - The O2, LONDON
18 Nov - Resorts World Arena, BIRMINGHAM
FITFWT23 has come to an end!
23 Nov - Camden Roundhouse, LONDON
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sunyr · 2 years
lil secret
summary: jack drops his new album. you were in a secret relationship with him for two years now so he showed you knew every single track and were by his side through the entire process of creating the album, but when it drops there is a lil surprise waiting.
warnings: i don’t think there are any
genre: fluff
requests are open!
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a loud ringing filled your apartment. you got up from your couch and walked into the kitchen to find your phone on the counter. you picked it up and as soon as you did, your best friends voice sounded through the speakers: “y/nnn i heard jacks album drops tomorrow?”
you and jack have been in a relationship for two years now and its been really great, the only thing that makes it a little bit complicated is, that. nobody knows about you. jack likes to keep his private life private, therefore you kept your relationship a secret. he always said that your relationship was the only thing in his life, he could keep private and brought him joy and he wouldn‘t let some journalists ruin this. it was fun in the beginning, but now its really annoying.
you didn’t like being the center of attention and it was never in a million years your intention to be with jack just for his fame and followers, but you would like to support him on his concerts. you were desperate to do thing that normal couples do, like going on walks together or having a date night out. you couldn‘t even hug or really touch him when you were out with friends. your close family and best friends with jacks team members were the only people who knew about the two of you.
your best friend sarah (change name if your name is sarah :) always supported you. she knew jack was a good guy and only wanted best for you, but she still wasn‘t holding back to tell you what she thought about this whole undercover thing. she thought that jack should make your relationship public. she just didn‘t get it in her head that there weren‘t only people who adored and loved yours and jacks relationship, but also awful people who hated and would start rumors and god knows what to break you up. as though you knew her opinion about that you were thankful, that she accepted it and wasnt‘t always vocal about it.
„yees, it‘s been such a long process and it‘s finally out tomorrow. i‘m kinda sad it‘s over i mean now he‘ll have 5 interviews a day and the tour starts soon as well. i hope i‘ll even see him once a week“ you told her about your concernes
„y/n you know how i think about that, he should take you with him to this kind of appointments.“ sarah answered. „you know that doesn‘t work out, what if somebody sees us? the rumors would start in no time.“ you whined
„and? what about it? you two have been together for years. omg y/n isn‘t your anniversary in like a week? do you think he‘ll get you something special?“ sarah suddenly got excited. you chuckled, you were so thankful how supportive she was, in spite of her thoughts about the whole secret thing.
„like what? he‘ll just get me some flowers and chocolate like the years before. it‘s our third anniversary not our 10th“ you laughed. „oh y/n you‘re so young and dumb. hopefully he‘ll get you a ring, stupid“ sarah told you.
„a ring? we can‘t even get groceries together, i don‘t think he‘ll get down on a knee then.“ you doubted. „don‘t think so negatively. this anniversary will be special i just feel it and i don‘t care what you say.“ sarah said determined.
„okay okay whatever you say. listen i gotta go now, i‘m meeting jack in like 30 minutes.“ you answered with a smile. „alright, have funnn, but not too much fun“ she said. you laughed, you shouldn‘t even laugh anymore, she always said this when you told her that you met up with jack. „haha, bye now, love you“ you hung up laughing.
next day
you were getting ready for jacks release party. you were doing your make up, while jack was waiting for you in the living room. you choose a natural makeup look and a rather basic black dress, it did have glitter all over it, so you would shine through the entire night.
you were lucky, you could even attend. when you two started dating jack was strict and didn’t want the two of you to be seen together, but after a few months he suggested to go out in public, never alone though, his team or your friends always joined in.
„y/n you ready?“ you heard jacks voice from the living room. „yees, just a minute“ you yelled back. you looked into the mirror one last time. you touched up your lips and left the bathroom. as soon as you stepped into the living room and jack took notice of your presence, his attention left his phone and was on you. he looked you up and down, while a smile curled on his lips. he got up and walked towards you.
„you look phenomenal mamas“ he said while pulling you to his side by your waist. you returned the smile and mumbled a quiet mm„thank you“ before kissing him. after you broke the kiss you took notice of his all black suit, it made him look so mature. „you don‘t look bad yourself, harlow“ he chuckled and pulled you in in embrace again.
the two of you left to drive to the party and met the rest of pg and the crew there. „there they aree! jack man you hyped?“ urban greeted you and jack, when you got into the club. „yeah, dude this is so crazy“ jack answered and was immediately wrapped up in a conversation with urban. after you greeted everyone else, you and jack went to a small room in the back of the club, because jack was told he had go go on stage soon. „jack, you‘ll be on in five“ one of his team members told him, before shutting the door behind him.
he nodded and turned his attention back on you. were thankful you could have even a tiny bit of privacy before the big night. you fixed jacks suit jacket and brushed a few curls out of his face. „you‘ll do amazing jack“ you broke the silence. he looked you in the eyes. „thank you baby. thank you for supporting me like this.“ jack said to you. you smiled at him. „always“ you gave him a quick peck and patted his chest. „now go rockstar, i don‘t want you to miss your moment“ he kissed you one last time, before leaving the room.
you made your way to the table, infront of the stage, where the rest of jacks team and friends were sat, while jack was getting ready for his performance . jack wouldn‘t tell you what song he was performing tonight and you didn‘t get to listen to every single finished studio version, so you were really curious on what song he chose to present the album.
you were just catching up with neelam when the lights were dimmed and the spotlights drew the light and attention to the stage. jack was getting on. he searched for your face in the crowd and smiled at you when he spotted you. he winked at you, before an unfamiliar beat started rushing through the speakers
„i know that you sick of bein my lil secret
„i know that you hate the fact that i‘m famous
i know that you sick of bein my favorite“
jack started rapping. you were rather confused, you went through the process of the whole album with him but this was the first time you heard this song.
„spend the time with somebody else and i get the wishing, that she was you
any girl can be beautiful but not any girl can just be in tune“
after he was half through with his song something in your mind clicked, it was about you. your eyes got wide, you couldn‘t believe jack actually wrote a song about you and that he was very much performing it in front of a crowd with cameras all around him. he performed the whole song without taking his eyes off of you.
„cause you confident that we soulmades
i told my therapist about you
she always takes your side
ain‘t nobody i love more
i just need more time“
when the music was fading, the loud sound of applause filled the club. you gathered yourself and also started to applause for jack. a big smile was plastered over his face. when the loud sounds slowly grew faint, jack brought the mic to his mouth again and started speaking.
„this was lil secret, it’s a song from my new album come home the kids miss you, wich drops tonight. this album means so much to me and i‘m so thankful for everyone who was a part of creating this. i wanna say a special thank you to a very special girl though, who is actually sitting right in front of me.“
your jaw dropped. he couldn’t possibly-
„my girlfriend y/n was the inspiration for lil secret. i‘m so grateful to have her by side for the last years . she supports me every single day and i don‘t know how i could ever thank her for that nor how i deserve her. i‘m confident that we are soulmates too. i love you y/n“
tears were welling in your eyes, daring to fall any second. where you dreaming? this had to be a dream. you couldn’t believe what just happened. never in your entire life had somebody said something so touching to you. you were shaking. the entire clubs eyes were on you, but you couldn‘t care less. as soon as jack left the stage and came towards your table, you got up, pulled him to you and gave him the most loving kiss he ever got. he pulled you in his embrace and kissed you like it was the last time, he had the chance to.
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liked by urbanwyatt and 753 784 others
jackharlow: three years of being my lil secret
view 3564 comments
urbanwyatt: damn yall cute
neelamthathani: babys 🥹
y/n: 🤍
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diamondsandpebbles · 2 months
homebody finally leaves the house | eras tour, royal blood, normani & new skincare | byalicexo
as someone who doesn’t tend to leave the house (or even do that much in life in general), this week was a particularly out-of-character one for me.
in my latest youtube video, i’m vlogging through one of my most fun, most busiest weeks of the year so far. kicking things off with the 10th anniversary royal blood concert at the o2, i had such a blast reliving through tracks i obsessed over in my early 20s.
like i said, the week was very eventful (i’m talking invisalign updates, TAYLOR SWIFT, unboxings, new skincare and so much more), so make sure you watch the full video to see everything i got up to during the week.
i hope you enjoy the video! don’t forget to like, comment, SUBSCRIBE (turn on your notifications) and share with your friends. and in the meantime, i’ll catch you in the next one.
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Crystal Kay Live in NHK Hall: 10th anniversary tour concert
December 2nd, 2009
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marleneoftheopera · 3 months
Who was the phantom when they were making the 2004 movie and do you think Gerard Butler's interpretation was similar to? I know that stage and screen acting are different but do you think whoever was in the role would have done the movie?
The movie began development in December 2002 and casting was finalized in June 2003, so the Phantom in London would have been John Owen Jones. There were of course several other productions running during that time, but since casting and filming seemed to be centered in London, we'll stick to that production.
Overall, I think Gerard Butler and JOJ Phantom's are quite different. Some of that definitely comes from completely different directing from stage to screen. The Phantom inevitably becomes angry/aggressive/violent, as it's scripted into the show, but Gerard's Phantom has always come off to me as more on the neutral/softer side. Sometimes I found him to be very tender and gentle, sometimes right in the middle. I don't think JOJ ever got to the level of aggressive that you see in the Restaged Tour, but he definitely made his Phantom an intimidating presence.
I've seen the last question a bit over the years, with the movie and the 25th anniversary. Which funny enough, JOJ was the Phantom during both of them. In this article, ALW notes that he and Joel Schumacher wanted a young and virtually known cast. And Schumacher seemed to have been selected as director as early as 1989 when the movie first was set in motion. So even if ALW was JOJ's number one fan, I still don't think he would've been cast in the movie. They really seemed to have wanted people who had never been involved with the show before, perhaps so that there would be minimal connection to the stage version.
I think it is good to also note that just because an actor is doing a part at a certain time on the stage doesn't guarantee they're a candidate for a movie/filmed version. Principal casts for movies or special concerts like the 25th anniversary are always hand-picked and often include actors that were previously in the show. Great example is the Les Miserables Dream Cast recording for the 10th anniversary.
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cometomecosette · 11 months
Because Tumblr polls have become my hyperfixation, I thought I'd ask this question out of curiosity.
I didn't include the 25th Anniversary Concert because its soundtrack hasn't been released on CD or vinyl.
I've only included the recordings that are widely available in English-speaking countries. If anyone's first recording was a foreign language version other than the Original French Concept Album, then please reblog and say which one.
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sarahalainn · 2 years
【TV】いよいよだ #One ! ☝️
2022年最後に!大晦日のイブに!紅白の前に! 🤣
SARAH ÀLAINN 10th Anniversary
『サラ・オレイン コンサート “One” 2022 10th Anniversary』
BSフジ 12:45~14:00
Thrilled to end 2022 by having my 10th anniversary Tokyo concert aired on TV. Enjoy! Happy New Year!!
10th Anniversary Tour 2022 Tokyo
Pieces going OA
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1. Once Upon A Time In The West
2. 言葉にできない
3. Beyond the Sky 
4. Csardas + 「男はつらいよ」寅さん口上
5. The Winner Takes It All 
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6. Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen)
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7. Speechless 
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8. Diva Dance
9. ひこうき雲
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10. Schindler’s List
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11. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Somewhere Far Away) 戦場のメリークリスマス
12. Comme d’habitude/My Way
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13. Sunbreak 「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク」(Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak)
14. Nessun Dorma
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Really hope you can see the performance live one day. Nothing can still beat the atmosphere and energy of a live show!
Please take care, and give yourself a big hug for living and surviving 2022. You are ENOUGH! You are The One.
Love, Sarah
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cliozaur · 1 year
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Philip Quast in 1996: 'My Jean Valjean, Colm Wilkinson, rang me up the other week to ask whatever was I doing going to the RSC in Stratford when I could be in Les Miserables all the time, or touring in musical shows? But I don't want that, Les Miserables has been a big part of my life, but I've tried to be shrewd about it, not stay in it too long at any one time.’
It's adorable that out of a dozen of Valjeans Philip performed with during his long career as Javert, he singled out Colm Wilkinson as his Valjean. Given, they shared the stage together only once (prior to the 1998 Hey, Mr. Producer event). Perhaps it had to do with the unique and exceptional experience of their ideal singing and performance in the 10th anniversary concert.
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suuho · 1 year
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honeymoons went to see junho’s 10th anniversary tour concert today!
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꧁༺ Nikki’s Diary ༻꧂
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꧁༺ Nikki’s Diary ༻꧂
[[ Garden ]]
[ Nikki 10th Anniversary Concert ]
I want to string those cherished moments into a bright and melodious melody 🎵🎶🎶
When the music sounds, the memories will also stretch gently with the flower buds 💐💐
On December 3rd, our garden tour will start.
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[ คอนเสริ์ตครบรอบ 10 ปี เกมส์ซีรีย์นิกกี้ ]
ร้อยช่วงเวลาที่แสนหวงแหนเหล่านั้นให้เป็นท่วงทำนองที่สดใสและไพเราะ 🎵🎶🎶
เมื่อเสียงเพลงนั้นดังขึ้น ความทรงจำก็ยืดออกไปอย่างแผ่วเบาราวกับดอกไม้ที่เบ่งบาน 💐💐
วันที่ 3 ธันวาคม 2022 ทัวร์สวนของเราจะเริ่มต้นขึ้น
[ 03.11.2022 ]
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