#10x as good with nina tho
noblehcart · 2 years
❛   YOU DID THIS TO ME  !  ❜ ( from nina to matthias )
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"ástin mín-" calming soothing words were what were needed right now because she was upset. heavily pregnant and upset. a delicate and dangerous combo. more so to the child, their child, than a danger to him, but he didn't fully trust her with a cleaver just yet till her moods settled. his thicker accent softened as voice sounded low and gentle while he kneeled down to take off the offending shoes that weren't fitting and squeezing her feet. the swelling was to be expected in any pregnancy, but he supposed this wasn't a factor she had considered. of course he remembered how his mother dealt with her pregnancy with his baby sister. a different shoe size for each foot and he prayed that nina didn't have that issue or else he'd never hear the end of it.
"house shoes for now. look. i have some soft ones, very fluffy, i picked up at the store this afternoon. much more comfy. we can...get you different shoes another day."
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goatsandgangsters · 3 years
okay okay okay EPISODE 6. I’m still… out of fucking breath. from the last one.
I didn’t plan on live-blogging because then I’d have to keep pausing to type but actually I’m having too much fun, I guess I’m liveblogging now
my posts just keep getting longer and more and more incomprehensible 
I forgot to mention in my last one, but it was a really good call to include the whole “west ravka wants to secede” plot line. it adds a lot, politically, and also adds a sense of urgency. whereas the book is a little bit like, the darkling is kind of a dumbass if you think about it because ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS WAIT LIKE 50 MORE YEARS, WHICH IS NOTHING IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS, but now there’s definitely like. political urgency and necessity that the books don’t convey to the same degree.  
also adds a lot of dimension to What Happens At The End of The Book. which, I’m not there yet, episode-wise. but liiiiiiiiike.
BEN! BARNES! HAS! THE! RANGE! oh I love that they let him be lovesick and terrifying back-to-back like this, god he’s so fucking good. like, we all knew? we all knew this was a stroke of absolute casting genius? but god I don’t think we were actually capable of realizing To What Degree
oh god Inej looking at Alina I’m gonna CRY I actually got teary-eyed??
poor fedyor. he was planning so many double dates and then darklina had to go and breakup. (side note: I am SO INTRIGUED that the darkling thinks ivan is hilarious, so I just think the two “grumpy one/sunshine one” couples should go on a double date. get ravkan ice cream. why can’t this family ever have a funky fresh good time)
“I’ll never let go, helvar”
yo, real talk, why’s the darkling’s bed so short. dOES HE SLEEP WITH HIS LEGS DANGLING OFF THE END. this furniture is absolutely not proportionate to his height at all.
also it’s interesting how often he calls her “miss starkov” instead of alina, considering in the book he’s like “hello alina, how are you alina, alina how is alina today, alina I’ve seen what you truly are alina, FINE alina MAKE alina ME alina YOUR alina.” I’m pretty sure when I first read shadow and bone, literally the only reason I learned alina’s name is because he kept saying it
FASCINATING, CANON ZOYA/DARKLING???????????? honestly don’t know if I like that??? I prefer to think that he has not gotten laid in a couple hundred years because he’s just bad at being a person and isn’t actually as slick as he thinks he is. I cannot believe they un-canoned Zoya/Mal and canon’d this, UNEXPECTED. feels weird. 
on the plus side, I genuinely want a polycule of a solid half the trilogy characters and I guess it’s getting more canon by the minute! this is zoya and her girlfriend alina and alina’s three boyfriends mal, darkling comma the, and nikolai, who are also or have been zoya’s boyfriends at one point or another plus alina’s girlfriend genya who is also zoya’s girlfriend genya and genya’s boyfriend david” I’m allowed a seven-person polyship right?
fedyor and ivan go on double dates with the seven-person polycule. it’s a really tight booth in restaurants. 
also this is zoya’s ex-girlfriend nina who sometimes visits from ketterdam and brings her boyfriend and her girlfriend, and her girlfriend’s boyfriend, and his boyfriend, and his boyfriend.
baghra can come too but only because she likes getting day-drunk on mimosas with nikolai and bITCHING with him 
god I miss brunch. and friendship. and cocktails. and human contact. 
anyway back to actually watching this episode
I really like that Alina is about 10x more Actively Involved in everything that happens to her vs. in the first book where she’s more along for the ride
it is emotionally a weird experience to see Mal get pelted with a water bottle and go YEAAH followed by aw nah, he doesn’t deserve that. There is A Mal in another universe who deserves to get pelted by 15 water bottles but it is not this Mal. This Mal can stay. Book Mal is on thin fucking ice and will be pelted with water bottles. But Show Mal is Valid and Allowed. god Archie’s SO FUCKING good. I CANNOT BELIEVE I’M HAVING SOFT FEELINGS ABOUT THIS BUT HERE WE ARE, LIFE IS FULL OF SURPRISES, such is archie’s power and he deserves praise
“Your powers don’t scare me” OHHHHHHH SUCH AN IMPROVEMENT THANK GODDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
WHAT the FUCK I am having EMOTIONS over malina scenes
I LOVE NINA SO FUCKING MUCH. I love her endlessly giving Matthias a hard time. he deserves it. god I love HER SHE’S SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
ohhhhhh the MLEMS are FIIIIIGHTING
oh. my god. they stole the fuckin. they. okay but like, his horsies tho :(((((
KHDFGKSJDFHGSKDFJHGKH DAVID!!!!!! hkdfjhgdfkjghsdfhg d a v id. fjkdhgsdkjfhgdfh dddddaaavviiiiiiidddd. DAVID.
I absolutely love the thought of the darkling, ivan, and david hanging out, because it’s like the three least social people in all of ravka. and they absolutely LOVE one another’s company because no one talks, there is no small talk, and they can just SIT in SILENCE and it’s nICE. sometimes they make brief eye contact and nod a couple times and then go back to politely sitting in silence. 
sdfjkghskhdf his disdainful little ~a d o r a b l e~ about mal and alina deeply resonates with my experiences of reading the books. though AGAIN, WEIRD TO BE HAVING FEELINGS NOW. 
BUUUUUUUT I have a busy and hectic week and 7 and 8 would be a really nice treat to have waiting for me NEXT Friday as motivation to get through the week
But that also means I have to keep being vigilant about not looking at Content for another week AND IT’S REALLY HARD TO MAINTAIN THAT RESOLVE NOT TO LOOK
god I don’t know what to do. delayed gratification normally comes so naturally to me, this is an actual struggle. I thiiiiiink I’m gonna try and hold off because future!me will be grateful next friday. but mid-week me who wants to look at gifsets will be mad. 
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SOLEIL alternatively u can do simone and bowie like they r real children, or u know what all three
🌱- When is their birthday? Where were they born? What was the time of day?
Bowie: May 5 -- idk he’s a dog, Simone: June 23 -- idk she’s a dog, Adopted August 15 (unsure of actual birthday.) -- signed papers at exactly 4:32PM in the afternoon on December 13. (They already had Christmas presents picked out).
🔠- Who named them? What does their name mean?
It was a joint effort. Simba wanted something Swahili at first, but also wanted French. So, eventually they settled on Jaramogi (courageous)Soleil (which means sun) Bonfamille-Lyons
Prince David Bowie -- named after Prince and David Bowie
Queen Nina Simone -- named after Queen and Nina Simone
💤- Was it difficult to get them to fall asleep at night?
They adopted Soleil when she was 2(ish). So, yeah, at first she did have trouble sleeping because she was in a new place and she didn’t really understand what was happening. But they would switch off sleeping in her room with her for the first like idk month and then she was alright.
Bowie was pretty good tbh. He whines a bit at the door and then settles down, or sleeps with Kiara. Simone is like 10x more annoying about it.
🌀- Were they a social, giggly baby? Or were they a shy baby who did not like forced socialization?
Soleil had a really hard time adjusting after being adopted. She loved her dads, but introducing her to new people was hard and took a lot of time, but once she warmed up to people, she was very friendly towards them.
🍳- What is their favorite childhood dish?
Anything her daddy makes but she claims papa’s grilled cheese is better, which offends Simba even like 20 years on.
Bowie eats anything.
Simone is picky tbh but she will steal chocolate and will at some point def make herself sick bc of it.
🐻- Did they have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal?
When he first came to meet her Ber was really nervous so Simba took him shopping first and Ber picked out this beautiful little gecko that was all orange and had these pretty shiny scales and that thing went through literally Wars. It Saw Some Shit. And Soleil kept it forever and ever.
Bowie has an elephant named Tembo. He’s in rough shape at this point and Simba has def like sewn him back together a million times and Ber is like “omfg just get him another one he won’t know the difference” and Simba is like “YES HE WILL THIS IS HIS TEMBO”
Simone tries to steal Tembo even tho she has a million toys and it’s the only time Bowie will straight up snap at her.
🏡- What kind of environment did they grow up in? Was it in a rural or farmlike home? Or did they grow up in the cities? Or were they a small town/suburban child?
LA! But, on the outskirts, so she kind of got the best of both worlds. Quiet, secluded ranch life and the city nearby where she went to school and such. Spoiled but well-behaved. Lots of dogs running around, Simone and Bowie included.
👦🏻- What was preschool/kindergarten like?
Struggled a lot. Didn’t participate in classes, even when Simba was her teacher. Had issues with authority. Occasionally threw temper tantrums. Started speaking late, though she was an avid reader.
👧🏻- What was elementary/high school like?
Enjoys music immensely and in middle school this really flourished. Joined band and played a plethora of instruments. Also has a lovely singing voice but is really quite shy about singing and being on stage. Still has outbursts that make it difficult for her to concentrate/make friends.
👱🏻‍♀️- What was high school/college like?
Goes to college three different times. Struggles to get her required classes squared away because she does not care about things she is uninterested in. Once she clears that hurdle though, she goes all the way on to get her PhD in political sciences and is an activist, eventually becomes a state representative of some kind. ALTERNATE ROUTE: becomes an architect, bc she also loves math and art. 
🌋- How often did they get caught doing something bad?
Never. At least, nothing intentionally. There are things that she just socially doesn’t understand sometimes that can get her in “trouble” but her dads are very patient and understanding and will literally murder anyone who is not.
🌡- Did they get sick a lot as a child? Did they ever have to go to the hospital for any reason?
Got sick a LOT. She had a heart condition because she was born prematurely. Has several surgeries as a child and by the time she’s ten, she’s perfectly healthy besides the occasional cold!
Bowie is a healthy pup!
Simone is also a healthy pup but she eats shit she shouldn’t and is sneaky about it so you don’t know until you’re like um where is that string of Christmas lights I laid out this morning oh? wrapped in Simone’s intestines? Great.
🎀- What kinds of games/activities did they like to play?
Loves puzzle books. Loves books in general. Also loves Leggos. Train sets. Anything that you can build. Singing. Playing instruments. Composing. 
Bowie likes to fetch and swim. And cuddle. And hang out. Listen to Ber’s demos. Eat food. 
Simone likes to sleep. That is her favorite activity. And bark at random shit.
🎏- Did they have a lot of friends? Can you describe a few? 
Not really. She made a few friends but none who stuck around long; wasn’t very interested in friends but was FIERCELY loyal to the ones she did make. Not until she was out in the working world. Then she had a good group of coworkers that understood her. 
💢- Did they ever have a rebellious phase?
Nah. Why would she rebel? She loves her dads. (And they let her get away with murder, tbh.)
❓- Did they ask a lot of questions when they were younger? Did they like to explore the world?
Definitely, definitely. She was a curious af child. 
Bowie asked what is love one time.
Simone can’t talk.
🗯- How well did they get along with their siblings?
If she had siblings, she would appreciate them as human beings but not really care to be super duper close with them. Also, tbh, she’s a brat she wants to hog her parents’ affection. She would be insulted like excuse me that are MY dads. Not yours.
Bowie loves his sisters. He was so snuggly with Soleil and he tries so hard to be nice to Simone.
Simone gives Bowie shit all the time but she LOVED Soleil to the point where it was kind of problematic because she wouldn’t let anyone but Simba or Ber get close to her for the first couple of months.
🔷- Free question! 
Fun fact! I hc that Soleil is on the Autism spectrum and Simba figured this out pretty early because he works with children and she/her parents never really let it affect her life, they just go about things as normal. She’ll also probably wind up with her own support dog at some point mostly bc it is family tradition at this point more than like she actually needs it.
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carajay1317 · 7 years
DJ, Turn It Up! 50 Song Shuffle Meme
(This challenge originally belongs to FiretoIce on DeviantArt)
Tagged by @szeherezadaa​ -- thank you!
I’m challenging @gilrael​ @yallmight​ @negare-boshi​ @kevinkevinson​ @katsukiisyuurii​ @the---cc​ @ohprcr​ @rynezion​ and/or anyone else interested!
50 Song Shuffle Meme
[ I’m pulling all these songs from my “unsorted” playlist so they’ll be pretty random! ]
1. I have a fear of…
Be My Baby by Bea Miller
To be fair, I’d probably be a little weirded out if someone randomly told me that
2. I hate…
Du courage by Louane
Bravery...? If you go by the lyrics, though, I definitely do want to change the world. If I didn’t make any difference at all I’d probably hate that
3. I hate you because…
Australian Summer by Govs
the government I whisper (I’m imagining that meme where they pull off the paper and the guy goes “A CHILD”)
4. I love…
Drummer Boy by MisterWives
MisterWives’ latest album is awesome! Very summery ☀
Ironically I used to tell people I liked “invisible drummer boy” when they asked if I had a crush
5. I love you because…
Capsize by FRENSHIP and Emily Warren
too many feels? haha
6. She said…
Lo Que Quieras by Denver
"What you want” I can’t tell if this is more of a “whaddaya want” or “anything you want” vibe, hmm
7. He said…
Insecure by Shane
Well that’s as good of a response as anything 😂
8. We said…
Malibu 1992
A good time and place to be if we went time-travelling, I think!
9. I caught a disease from…
Parallel Lines (Live Acoustic) by Robby Hecht and Caroline Spence
my approximate feelings toward math
10. I would sing … as a love song.
IOU by Annabel Jones
The first lyric is “I make you so sad, I know that I do” so I don’t think that’d go over too well ahahaha
11. I found … in my room.
Hello by Allie X
A hello! Makes me think of that time I cleaned out my closet and I found 3 bags worth of handwritten letters from my first friend :’)
12. I would kill someone if they…
In The Wild by ROMES
This is literally the most chill song ever I would not kill someone to this tune and I don’t know if I’d be killing anyone anyway, haha. I guess in the wild is a good place to get away with a murder though? #strangerthings
13. I would marry someone if they…
Wild One by Lucky Rose, Tep No
If this song was our relationship dynamic I could definitely see why! 
14. I would kill for a…
Sheep In Wolves Clothes by little hurricane
... no comment?
15. Air is really made of…
See You Again, Love Me Like You Do, Sugar (Acoustic Mashup)
"mashup” is pretty accurate
16. I think about…
Move Together by James Bay
uhhhhhh good song, not usually on my mind?
17. I am…
No Average Angel by Tiffany Giardina
my dream future haha
18. The secret ingredient is…
productivity only happens in the wakeful hours! 💪
19. I will dance with my love to…
Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood
I’m not sure what kind of dance it is but clearly it’s quality 😂
20. I have a crush on…
Aeroplane by Holly Throsby
Plane flights are the best 💕
21. I got hurt because…
Vibe by JoJo
someone killed my vibe? true
22. My last words will be…
24K Magic by Bruno Mars
Oh my god, hahaha YES (esp about the intro)
23. The song at my funeral will be…
If This is Love by Ruth B.
Aww :’)
24. I died because…
Beautiful Mess by Kristian Kostov
If you ask @the-wayward-weeaboo​ what my reaction was during Eurovision this year that’s pretty accurate. Very accurate. Really accurate.
25. The story of your life is…
For You by Lucy Rose
26. I like to eat…
The Wave by Colouring
This reminds me of that saying “EAT DIRT” pffft but like 10x more chill?
27. I live because…
Chewing Gum by Nina Nesbitt
Literally in the last tag game I did I think I mentioned that I’m not a fan of gum hahahaha
28. I’m immortal because…
Someone To Stay by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
refer to #25 here for proof of this truth
29. My superpower is…
LÉON’s Lullaby by LÉON
The power of singing? Yesss
30. Tonight I will…
I was planning to watch a new TV show so that’s good news :D
31. They insulted my mother by…
Feel Good Inc. by filous, LissA
32. I will dream of…
I Can Only. (feat. Alessia Cara) by JoJo and Alessia Cara
33. I licked…
Hearts on Fire by Molehill
See this is why I never get a S.O. hahaha
34. My nickname is…
Clash (Slash Remix by Shiny Mob) by Caravan Palace
Oooooh a sICK nickname! I’m taking it
35. My best friend is…
Arrullo De Estrellas by Zoé
A lullaby of stars
36. I would remove … from the world.
Invincible by Two Door Cinema Club
e q u a l i t y GO
37. I wanted to be … as a kid.
Flashlight by Kasia Mos
I’m fairly certain it was ballerina/author/equestrian tho... 😂
38. I wish I could juggle…
Venus by Sleeping At Last
That would be a cool hobby
39. I would bring … with me to a desert island.
La Revolución Sexual by La Casa Azul
Typing this out was difficult because of my laughter OohMYgOsH
on a side note I actually have no idea what this song is about I just liked that it was catchy hahaha
40. In my underwear you will find…
Chambre 12 by Louane
Apparently it’s very roomy down there I’m so sorry
41. Your children are like…
Sweet Madness by Sons of maria, Angelika Vee
That’s a pretty accurate description of kids tho
42. I would trade my soul for…
Just A Little Bit by Kids of 88
Desperate times call for desperate means
43. I think the moon is made of…
Scar by Foxes
Man in the moon’s got it rough
44. I will bask in…
Into The Sunset by Mako
45. I lost THE GAME because…
Bigger Than Me by Katy Perry
a legitimate reason
46. I would lose a fight because…
Rewind by The Undercover Dream Lovers
Let’s not replay my mistakes hahaha it’s like a bad viral video
47. My deep dark secret is…
Move Me by Wet
48. My friends would describe me (as)…
Lost Boys Life by Computer Games and Darren Criss
49. My favorite song is…
Sophisticated Bad Girl by Colby O’Donis
Not my actual fave but a good jam haha
50. This meme was…
Purple Yellow Red and Blue by Portugal. The Man
Definitely pretty interesting! Haha
This was fun! Not the best songs tbh since it’s from my random-maybe-I-like-it playlist, so I’ll definitely have to do it again with a different playlist! Thanks @szeherezadaa for the tag! also Disco Pogo omg haha
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