goddess1111sblog · 2 years
I manifested not getting hormonal acne anymoreeee yayyyy.
I used to get a lot of hormonal acne and sometime back I made up my mind and started to affirm that I never get hormonal acne. (Which used to increase when my periods were near) AND ITS BEEN TWO MONTHS AND I'VE NOT GOT A SINGLE HORMONAL ACNE ON MY FACEEE.
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
Don't forget to think in your favour and keep a good mental diet. You have nothing to lose loveeee.❤️❤️
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
Happy New year LOA lovelies 🥰❤️🌟 hope you all have a wonderful year ahead, full of new manifestations and good memories.🪄
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
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I posted 5,196 times in 2022
That's 4,303 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (1%)
5,141 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 61 of my posts in 2022
#law of assumption - 54 posts
#neville goddard - 52 posts
#manifest - 50 posts
#loa - 50 posts
#manifestation advice - 49 posts
#self concept - 48 posts
#111talks - 47 posts
#affirmation - 46 posts
#sp manifest - 46 posts
#manifestations - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#i definitely manifested that lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Red String of persistence.
( A method for manifesting a sp.)
(This is kind of inspired from the "red string of fate" in Chinese and Japanese mythology.
Fate has always been in our hands and under no circumstances I would believe that everything is predestined or anything. I just find this string of fate to be a lovely concept of feeling attached to the person you love and also I'm a hopeless romantic so with that being said, let's go into the details.❤️) This method is here to help you but the real power and God lies within you.
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Visualise a red string tied around your pinky finger whose's other end is tied to your lover's pinky finger. This string is a proof that your lover is yours and nothing can stop you from being with them. Regardless of circumstances or anything, you will end up with them. That string is a reason you shouldn't give up when you see something in 3d which does not sit in your favour. The string strengthens itself everyday and nothing can sever it apart other than you, only you have the power to cut that string.
That string also represents all the work that is being done behind the scenes, you may not see but that string keeps getting shorter in length, making you and your lover closer each day. It's just asking you to keep believing in your 4d. The string is paving a way to your lover, so you don't have to worry about the "How", it's like a subordinate of your subconscious hehe.
Loving yourself acts as a booster to this string. ;)
I hope this method can help ease your anxiety and make your doubts dissappear. ❤️
See the full post
604 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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See the full post
656 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
I'm going to live my dreams and so are you. Nothing is out of reach in this world. Nothing.
735 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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Sometimes l really love Twitter LOA.
1,046 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This is gold.
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1,725 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
This is gold.
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
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Sometimes l really love Twitter LOA.
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
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Why intrusive thoughts don't manifest.
They don't, because random thoughts don't manifest, your state does, your dominant believe does.
Lemme just break this down a bit more.
So I was watching a psychology video sometime back and the dude in the video asked us to look at the ceiling above us and think that it's going to fall and asked us to hold that thought for 5 seconds, and it did not fall of course and so he concluded "thoughts don't create anything." For a moment my mind was boggled because I could only think of LOA at that time but then I self-speculated, those 5 seconds my main focus was on the fear of the ceiling falling, I did not want it to fall, it was just a thought that it might fall, heavily emphasising on the word "might". Thoughts come with certain emotions and uncertainty, we are not sure whether the ceiling would fall or not but we're scared, there is zero conviction. An intrusive thought comes out of a spontaneous fear which lasts for like a minute or so and then you get distracted and you forget.
Conciously manifesting something, is more of a mindset than thoughts. Even though you don't have to take any steps in 3d, you still have to work for it mentally, and by that I mean, maintaining a good mental diet, persisting, having a consistent faith in the law and the unseen. It is a whole change of mental state that you had before discovering the existence of this law. The kind of thoughts you get just tells you your mental state, if your thoughts are desperate and full of anxiety that just means that you're not living in the end, they are just there to notify you, to remind you, to affirm and persist in the new story, to change your mindset, to acquire the Godly state. So in conclusion, your thoughts don't matter, they are harmless, all you gotta do is flip and get back in the powerful state. In your mind's garden, these intrusive thoughts are like weeds near your favorite plant, telling you to focus on the planttt itself and take care of it so that it can bloom properly, you gotta take them weeds out because they are of no use, you gotta take care of your plant for it to grow well. (You get it!? right. Lol hope this weed and plant analogy fits lmao). Focus on what you want, focus on persisting on the new story, focus on yourself.
Hope this post helped lol.
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
Law of assumption is a LAW, not a theory. It has to work and it always works.
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goddess1111sblog · 3 years
I'm going to live my dreams and so are you. Nothing is out of reach in this world. Nothing.
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
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How I manifested getting offers from all the universities that I applied to.
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So after I applied I literally told myself that I have gotten offers from all of them. I used to see videos of my desired university and I used to comment on them saying that I'll be joining in September. I used to think that all of them are impressed by my application and that I'm someone who is wanted very badly. It took sometime to get their decisions but in a span of 3 months I got all of them. I applied for 5 universities through a common application and I wrote my personal statement on linguistics and out of 5 in one of the universities I chose an English literature course about that I was a bit skeptical cause my whole application was about linguistics but I got an offer from that university too. Even if I had doubts and fears I still got my manifestation, circumstances did not matter at all. The thing that kept me going was that I wanted nothing else but the thing I desired. I knew it was mine, I was stubborn, I used to talk as if it was mine, I kept daydreaming about all the things I'd take to uni. I literally did not care about anything. When I was going somewhere I was cherishing that moment, saying that I'll be in that uni by September.
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Key takeaways:-
When I was going somewhere with my family I was enjoying that moment, while in my head I was reminding myself I'll be in my desired university by September so I should definitely cherish what I have right now.
I lived in the end and yet I lived in the present too, its a mixture of knowing and living in the end. (This works pretty good lol).
I did not lose faith myself when I was not getting offers for sometime, while others that I know were getting. You see 3D is your mirror of what you have inside and sometime back on a website I read that "You get offers till May." So in my mind it was engraved that it'll come by May but somewhere I read that if they have to accept they do it by end of Feb or just a little time after you have applied so I got a bit sad when I didn't get offers but I still told myself "why would I wait for offers if I have got them all". Flipping your thoughts is a freakin game changer.
The reason why I was manifesting getting into all of them was because all my life I had been a loser, that dumb quiet kid who did not achieve anything, so I wanted to basically do something cool like getting into every university that I applied to even though I had one desired university which is a pretty good university btw (won't mention cause I wanna be a bit private here). Even my parents were not expecting this to happen.
Now bacc to the topic lol.
There was one uni where I was doubtful that I'd get into it because my whole application was about Linguistics and the course I applied to that uni was literature lol but guess what circumstances did not matter at alllll like I got an offer from that uni with a scholarship toooo. I manifested even with doubts.
I did not use any techniques other than visualization (and that too was just me daydreaming). I just lived in the end. So pls don't rely on the void, because sometimes you start keeping those techniques on pedestal which in turn makes you feel chained like you start feeling as if you cannot get your manifestation if you cannot do this technique. So know that sometimes the simplest way is the best way.
I did not obsess over my manifestation. Even though it was a big thing for me. I did not abandon the thoughts of it too I just changed the pov.
I made things about myself by telling myself that the university is dying to have me there (Yea I'm a bit dramatic💀lol). I did not say "I want that university" all I knew was that uni wants me. Why? cause I'm perfect and who tf wouldn't want me?
The main takeaway is that I stopped thinking of myself as a loser. I started loving myself more and more everyday, I knew I was smart, beautiful and that I am capable and deserving of everything.
So I'd just say that if I can do this definitely you can do too. Persistence is everything, persisting in what you want, not settling for anything other than that. No matter what happens in your 3d, you should NOT fall back to your old self.
Yk once I was spiraling and I was having doubts and stuff I literally said "fck you, you don't get to decide what happens to me, I fcking do. " to my bad thoughts and the way things got better was shocking lmao. 💀😂
Hope this helped :) 💙
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
Whenever you spiral, go to your phone notes and write down the root of your spiral, now below that reply to those reasons as if they never mattered at all.
For example :-
"I just saw a pretty person and I feel so envious and sad."
>>> OH wait no I'm the prettiest /handsomiest (if that's a word lol) / loveliest person on earth, I literally look like a dream why would I "want" to look like them when I'm already so heavenly.
It's like you're talking back to your intrusive thoughts, it's a way of flipping thoughts but it works better when you're aware of the roots from which the negative thoughts arise. When you know that, you know exact words to help you feel better.
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
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credits :- @fairylov3rs on twitter
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goddess1111sblog · 3 years
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Keeping yourself on pedestal, and dealing with Ungodly /intrusive thoughts.
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The thing is, we are really used to think that we aren't deserving of our desires and it is one of the top reasons why your manifestations fail to show up in your 3d. It is normal to have a negative view of life because that is what is engraved in us since the start but slowly you need to get out of that in order to take charge of your reality, and believe me anything is possible, manifestation is super easy once you start actually get out of the phase where you feel like your desires are unattainable or that you aren't made for the things you desires.
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How to deal with ungodly thoughts.
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(Ungodly thoughts:- The thoughts that tell you that you're not enough. We're going to learn how to kick them away! Because we are bad bitches and ain't nothing is gonna stop us from getting our desires! )
Whooshing your ungodly thoughts is the first step to get yourself on the pedestal.
Lets say you're manifesting your sp and you check their instagram just to see them with an undesired third party and you get all disheartened and discouraged about your manifestation. You start drowning in your thoughts, "They are probably better off without me", "The 3p is better looking than me why will my sp ever like me for me," "They look happier without me." etc etc.
Now when this happens let those thoughts pass through you, write them down on a paper and burn that paper or do anything but make sure they don't stay in you. (P. S - Don't judge yourself on those thoughts. You're still as precious as a diamond. ❤️) Take a deep breath, drink some water or tea or anything warm or anything that feels nice.
Now once that "sinking feeling" is gone, look up and tell yourself that feeling is gone forever and that it will never reach back to you. (it is okay if it comes back after a few days or sometime. We are not suppressing it we are making it go away forever so it is fine if that feeling comes back as well. ) Now think completely the opposite of those ungodly thoughts. Think that your sp is so madly in love with you and that they cannot stop thinking about you no matter where they are or whomever they are with.
An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.
(Neville Goddard)
Imagine strongly. Imagine that your sp is the one who can do anything to be with you. Heck! leave that! literally everyone who knows you wants to be with you, you are the most good looking person anyone has ever seen, everything you want is already dying to be with you, you're the one with a crown on your head and you are the one who will be served. Write these things down physically or mentally and the next time you feel down, do it all over again until that royal feeling gets as natural as breathing to you. When you completely unleash your Godly side those intrusive thoughts won't really come back, even if they come back, let them in and accept them, make sure to make them realize that you're a God and that they can do nothing to you and they will get scared and go away, because you're literally a God and nothing has power over you, without any fights with your intrusive thoughts they will leave you. Gradually, you will stop giving any fcks about those intrusive thoughts and you will not settle for breadcrumbs, you'll shed your older self that way and get used to your new God mindset. (The fun begins from this point lol). For things to change in your 3d, everything needs to upgrade in your 4d. Remember everyone is you pushed out, so consider yourself a majesty for others to treat you like that.
"Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change."
-Neville Goddard // Your Faith is Your Fortune
(Everything above I mentioned is literally using the law of assumption, by telling yourself the new story you're persisting in the assumption that those intrusive thoughts are gone forever.)
Every speck of your being deserves each and everything you desire don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ❤️
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goddess1111sblog · 3 years
Red String of persistence.
( A method for manifesting a sp.)
(This is kind of inspired from the "red string of fate" in Chinese and Japanese mythology.
Fate has always been in our hands and under no circumstances I would believe that everything is predestined or anything. I just find this string of fate to be a lovely concept of feeling attached to the person you love and also I'm a hopeless romantic so with that being said, let's go into the details.❤️) This method is here to help you but the real power and God lies within you.
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Visualise a red string tied around your pinky finger whose's other end is tied to your lover's pinky finger. This string is a proof that your lover is yours and nothing can stop you from being with them. Regardless of circumstances or anything, you will end up with them. That string is a reason you shouldn't give up when you see something in 3d which does not sit in your favour. The string strengthens itself everyday and nothing can sever it apart other than you, only you have the power to cut that string.
That string also represents all the work that is being done behind the scenes, you may not see but that string keeps getting shorter in length, making you and your lover closer each day. It's just asking you to keep believing in your 4d. The string is paving a way to your lover, so you don't have to worry about the "How", it's like a subordinate of your subconscious hehe.
Loving yourself acts as a booster to this string. ;)
I hope this method can help ease your anxiety and make your doubts dissappear. ❤️
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P. S- Your sp is already wildly in love with youuu. They adore you, they are ready to give you all the world, they just want you to stop repeating the old story.
The thing about persisting is believing in your power, this string is there to help you realise your power, cause this string is also your own creation. It wants you to start *feeling* happy and excited about your sp.
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The red strings tells you that your beloved is already yours, you have to trust yourself, trust your subconscious, have faith in the law because it never fails. You're no longer in the yearning phase.
"You cannot persist in wanting what you already have. If you assume you are what you desire to be to the point of ecstasy, you no longer want it. Your imaginal act is as much a creative act as a physical one wherein man halts, shrinks and is blessed, for as man creates his own likeness, so does your imaginal act transform itself into the likeness of your assumption. If, however, you do not reach the point of satisfaction, repeat the action over and over again until you feel as though you touched it and virtue went out of you."
-Neville Goddard
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goddess1111sblog · 2 years
Stop worrying about the "how" and the "when" of your manifestation. It is NOT your problem.
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It's like when you sit on a train you know that it is gonna reach you to your destination, you do not sit and think "okay but how will this train reach me there huh? 🤨 What if it doesn't reach me??! And leaves me somewhere halfway?!?" Lol. You don't right? Rightttt!!?? You just sit back and enjoy the scenery you don't map out the route in your head cause that shit is none of your business brooo. So that way sit back and enjoy what is happening in 3d right now and keep persisting because you will reach your destination no matter what. When I didn't know about conscious manifestation and used to have problems, in my mind I used to tell myself "oh I'll find a solution to it, I always do." That's it and I'd just say this affirmation once and I used to find a solution to it in no time and it still works for me regardless of the how and the time it occurs. It just happens out of nowhere and sometimes in miraculous ways. So you see you just have to put your intention to it that's all and it happens and sometimes when it happens you don't even realise it. Don't go hard on yourself and go about micromanaging things to get to your manifestation, leave everything up to your subconscious and dwell in the end state. Whenever I see something undesirable in 3d or get intrusive thoughts I simply stop thinking for a minute, I either play a mobile game or just go straight to the end in my imagination and I drown myself in my imagination and keep telling myself ain't nothing gonna stop this from happening, it's my reality, I'm the painter of this beautiful painting that I'm making.
Get your chin up and take a deep breath and just don't think too much for sometime. You don't have to think, it's not worth thinking about ways to quench your logical mind's thirst. If you wanna quench it just do a math problem I'm pretty sure it'll stop nagging you lol. I'm not kidding also just go pick up a math problem and let your logical mind take care of that.
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goddess1111sblog · 3 years
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Reminder:- Your fears, negative emotions, doubts, anxiety have NO power over you neither your manifestations. ♥️
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