#13th doctor x dhawan!master
silver-12 · 2 years
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Thoschei episode in a nutshell
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katiegangel · 29 days
Getting outside help
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alexversenaberrie · 1 year
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heyitsspaceace · 5 months
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don't let their seemingly straight-passing tension fool you, they are still very gay and dysfunctional
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tonsillessscum · 3 months
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someonecalledyes · 8 months
Even though the Master said he destroyed Gallifrey out of rage because of his jealousy for the Doctor's past as the Timeless Child, I can't take my mind off the fact that he's obviously done it because he hated the Time Lords for having treated the Doctor with such cruelty.
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frogydoh · 8 months
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sun-archeron · 3 months
seen some people say that after missy's complex arc, dhawan!master's motivation/cruelty feels a little shallow, but i liked it, bc it mirrowed 13th's personality
after what happened with clara, bill and river, 13th ran away from the past more so than the former doctors did. while the others weren't super open, they didn't completely shy away from questions from the companions, and would even give out information unprompted. but not 13th. she refused to answer any questions about her past, refused to let her companions get too involved, bc clara bill and river were the ones who learned the most about him and they had horrible endings, so by withholding information she was protecting them.
but to shut out the past like that she had to shut out her emotions about the past as well. thats why she was so cheery and joyfull. sure, part of it was due to 12th's wish to what kind of person he wanted to be in this next regeneration (laugh hard, run fast, be kind), but another part was just 13th supressing her sadness and trauma as hard as she could, "fake it 'till you make it"
and dhawan!master reflects that. as missy she tried really hard to change, she really had hope of quieting the anger, the drums (that even if they are not there anymore the memory of them will always echo in her head), and she almost made it. but then she was stopped, by herself to make matters worse. and then she died. and regenerated. and after that he thought "well, i tried and look how it ended. its best to just stick to what i know",and he went home, to gallifrey, to snoop around their dirty secrets (their failures) to distract himself from his own. and he discovered the worst possible thing. and that was too much, too soon. so he resorted to the one dimensional "evil for evil's sake" persona. because its easier to just unleash indiscriminated anger and cruelty than to face the vulnerable hurt part of himself.
but the thing is, it can't last forever. not 13th's forced positivity and not the master's forced gleefull madness. and of course, it would fall apart when they faced each other. the master tried to keep up his uncaring mask, but once he started talking he couldn't not be vulnerable with her. and the doctor tried to treat him like she would any other enemy/villain of the week, but when she argued with him she couldn't not take it seriously. because before they were enemies they were best friends. they know each others souls better than anyone else. and they just can't pretend that in their hearts there isn't a part that still bleeds for what they had, what they were.
so, yeah, this is my way of saying i love 13th and dhawan!master and the way their characters were written (even if i dont love the general writing of 13th's seasons)
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fxlling13 · 6 months
Because Of You
Part 2.
Dh!Master x fem reader
Part 1
Synopsis: you finally get away from the doctor.
Warning: bad language. Blood. Pain
(A/N: so I decided to write part 2 haha. And in a different pov. Just ahead of this weekend obviously)
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After another harrowing adventure, it was safe to say you were exhausted. And now the master was banned from tagging along. Apparently he’d become dangerous again. In reality, you knew the doctor was still bitter over your bond. Plus, it gave him alone time to plot an escape. He knew where his tardis was, it was just getting there. Before you had chance to find him, the doc stopped you and announced she had somewhere else to take the two of you. Yaz was thrilled, smiling as the blonde began to ramble.
“I’m tired.” You spoke softly, hoping for some understanding. At that moment, all you wanted was your bed. After spending the past five hours constantly running, that’s exactly what you needed. That and a bath. Instead, the doctor rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“I’m not stupid (y/n). I know that you’re just going to find the master.” You sighed tiredly, rubbing your eyes. Not having the energy to argue, you just shrugged.
“I wasn’t but never mind. Let’s go.”
Oh how you wished you could have stood up for yourself more. As you were hiding behind a large stack of crates, your heart was pounding and your ears ringing. The doctor and yaz were nowhere in sight. They had fled without a second thought. So here you were, listening as heavy footsteps grew louder and you knew you had to get out. Pulling yourself up, you dashed for the door and found a padlock. Great.
“Human life sign detected.” A robotic voice echoed around the metallic room and your blood ran cold. Having no other choice, you smashed the lock with your fists and ran through the door. Sadly, there were armed guards ready which meant your legs carried on. On the other hand, their weapons were knives so easier to evade. Saying that, one managed to snag your shoulder as you rounded a sharp corner. Quite literally. Seeing the tardis, you threw yourself inside with urgency and slammed the door.
“There you are!” Yaz yelled, but not with relief. Turning round, you gaped for air as your lungs were burning.
“The hell did you go! We’ve been waiting here like idiots. Couldn’t you keep up?” The doctor was almost screaming, storming over to you with purpose. Now confused, you rested against the wooden doors to steady yourself.
“We had the right to just fly off and leave you there!”
“Then why didn’t you? It’s not my fault, you abandoned me. I told you I was tired.” You spoke through heavy breathing, adrenaline wearing off. Once again, the doctor rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“You love to make excuses up huh? I hate liars.” Everything caught up to you, your anger becoming too much. Harshly, you shoved the blonde back.
“You think I’m lying? Look at me!” Yaz was quick to go to the doctor, holding her close.
“I’m covered in blood! Because you left me alone with a set of killer robots!” You shouted in a fit of rage. And you were right. Your hand was balled up, each knuckle wounded. Your shoulder had a large gash to go with this, the pain becoming more apparent each second. Huffing, you pushed past them weakly and began to walk up the stairs before stopping. Turning back to the two women, you pressed your lips together before speaking.
“He would never let me get hurt.” Your words hit the doctor hard and Yaz had to keep her restrained as you left. Once around the corner and down the corridor, your lip began to tremble and your body grew weaker. Suddenly, you felt hands land on your shoulders and gazed up only to instantly relax. The master peered down at you with worry. You succumbed to your needs and fell into his chest with ease. Your body wracked with sobs and the man holding you tightened his grip.
“Hey hey. It’s okay sweets.” Hooking his hands under your arms, he picked you up effortlessly. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you clung on weakly.
“I’ve got you now.” The masters voice was low and gentle, his hand running along your back. You faintly heard him mutter ‘hold on’ before your head began to spin. More than it already was. Everything was hazy, falling in and out of consciousness. You barely registered what your body was feeling. But you could make out the press of the masters lips to your temple. Then everything went black.
The doctor stood in the console room, messing around with the controls. She could feel eyes boring into the back of her head and sighed.
“What do you want?” She sounded bored, turning to face the master. He strolled over, jacket long gone and hands tucked into his pockets.
“You haven’t noticed.” Was all he said, standing right in front of her. The doctor furrowed her brows, casting her eyes around.
“What?” He just chuckled at her not knowing and aimlessly walked around the console.
“You and (y/n) had a pretty heated fight I see.”
“Only because you have corrupted her.” Scoffing, the male leant against a pillar and tilted his head.
“No I haven’t. And you know I haven’t. That’s what’s driving you mad.” He slowly took a step towards the blonde with a smile on his lips.
“You can’t stand that she chose me over you.” He chuckled, running his tongue along his teeth. Pulling his hand out, he twirled it round in the air with expression.
“And to make things worse for your overworked brain, it kills you that she loves me. Doesn’t it?” The doctors nostrils flared with rage, nails digging into her palm as the master continued on.
“And I love her. The one human you can’t have. Because she’s mine.” He finished, smiling smugly.
The Doctor went to slap him but he grabbed her wrist with force. They stared each other down, him finding intense joy at her upset. Laughing, the master moved away and head up the steps.
“What is it then? What haven’t I noticed?” The doctor spat, halting the man. Smirking, he turned and looked at her with pity.
“We’ve been gone three days.” He whispered patronisingly, waving at her before pulling out his TCE and disappearing. Leaving the doctor to wallow in her own feelings.
When you awoke, you found yourself in a room you didn’t recognise. What you did know, was you were lying in the most comfortable bed you had ever been in. Purple silk sheets surrounded your body, your head resting on two perfectly fluffed pillows. Gazing around the room, you saw how nicely it was decorated. In front of the newly found four poster bed, was a cracking fire. A beautiful grey tiled mantelpiece encased it with intricate galifreyan carvings. The wall to your left was lined with dark book shelves with the most luxurious books imaginable. There was also a desk slotted between. Slowly, you sat up and looked down at your hands. They were neatly wrapped up, as was your shoulder. Then you realised you were wearing only your bra and a pair of very loose pyjama pants.
“You’re finally awake.” The masters voice greeted you warmly, the door clicking shut behind him. Coming to your side, he perched on the edge of the bed.
“Where am I?” You asked, voice horse. Smiling, he placed his hand in yours and you relaxed immediately.
“On my tardis. In my room to be more specific.” He told you, happy to see the relief on your face.
“You got us out?”
“Of course I did, love. I couldn’t let her treat you like that any more.” Gently, he reached up and stroked your cheek, thumbing the skin with care. His eyes raked over your figure, fingers tracing the bandages.
“I hope you don’t mind your attire. I wanted to make sure I could clean everything.” Blushing, you shivered under his touch but shook your head.
“I don’t mind. How long was I out?”
“Three days, I put your mind in a deep state of rest.” The master moved closer, almost caging you against the pillows. But you didn’t complain, instead you felt comfort. He rested his hand by your waist, your own hand came to hold his arm securely. Almost hugging it.
“I went back to the doctor. Gave it to her straight. I should have hurt her but, I couldn’t leave you for that long.” Smiling at his words, you rested your head on his shoulder and sighed.
“How about my room? Do you like it? It’s much better than the doctor’s tardis right?” You almost giggled at his need of approval.
“I love it. It’s a lot nicer so far. Plus your bed is so comfy.” Leaning back against the pillows, the master helped you to sit straight and get comfortable. Inching closer, the man was still facing you but practically sat on the bed beside you. His hand landed on your clothed thigh, smoothing over the fabric tentatively.
“She hadn’t noticed, by the way. We’ve been gone for three whole days. And the doctor didn’t notice a thing.” He laughed, simpering as he lined the pattern on your pants with his finger.
“Why would she? I’m not important. You on the other hand-“
“Don’t say that ever again.” He spoke sternly, eyes looking straight into your own. Frowning, you cast your gaze down to his hand on your thigh.
“But I’m not important to her. And I don’t care.”
“Well you’re important to me. And I’ll destroy whole galaxies to prove that.” Your heart sped up, swallowing thickly and hoping he couldn’t tell how flustered he was making you.
“Really?” You questioned, causing him to hum in confirmation. Sucking in a breath, the master trailed his hand along your inner thigh and up to your waist.
“Yes. I will burn heaven and earth for you.” His eyes flicked down to your lips briefly, the blush on your face spreading to your ears. You looked up at him shyly, lashes fluttering.
“Stop looking at me like that, (y/n).” The master groaned, leaving you confused.
“Why?” Smirking a little, he cupped your jaw with intention. Without saying another word, he leant forward and pressed his lips to yours. Heat filled your body. You kissed back instantly, ignoring the initial shock. Your arms wrapped around his neck to tug him in closer, the male practically hovering over you by then. He pulled back with caution, smiling down at you.
“That’s why.” Gleefully, you rolled over, successfully pinning him beneath you. The master grinned, holding your waist. He looked proud at your tactical move.
“Hah. Got you.” You giggled playfully, resting your elbow down to get closer to him.
“Only you can get away with man handling me, dear.”
Delicately, he traced along your face before trailing down and leaving his hand to cup the side of your neck. Placing your own free hand on his chest, you sighed.
“How do we get back at the doctor? You must have a trick up your sleeve?” You wondered out loud, hearing him cackle slightly.
“Oh of course I do. And with you by my side? It’ll be easier than ever to get her exactly where she deserves to be.”
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hachinanakomatsu · 4 days
The Master and The Doctor always wanting each other carnally. They're literally married!
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the-patrex · 1 year
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silver-12 · 2 years
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Would totally happens
Credit to @mekare-art xryptiid
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katiegangel · 1 month
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cloudy-pink · 1 year
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whittaker master and dhawan doctor FOR THE W I N
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heyitsspaceace · 5 months
the doctor and the master be like. I need to stop you, there’s no me without you, I want to burn everything dear to you, there’s no you with out me, i have known you for centuries, who am i with out you, i will always fight you, i can’t live without you, i will protect them from you, i’ll give it all up for you, come with me, live with me, run with me, look at me, see me, hear my name and fear, hear my name and rejoice, i will always love you, i will always know you
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tonsillessscum · 2 months
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