basilivo · 2 years
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Biel, 15.03.20 - Photoshooting with the Bros
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natigail · 5 years
Yeah, coronavirus is a thing. I didn't want to get too heavy, you know? On my livestream. But it's hard to ignore that the whole world has changed in the last week. I hope you're all doing okay. It's a weird thing. A lot of people, especially Italy - I think it's the worst in Italy at the moment, so shout out to anyone that's quarantined. Hopefully, this is something for you to do. But then what's strange to me, some governments are like: quarantine everyone, you can't hang out with more than five people. And then other governments are like: you can kind of go on as normal, just wash your hands. That's what Boris [Johnson] is saying at the moment. He's like: just wash your hands and maybe, we'll cancel some big events. But it's strange that the whole world hasn't come together with some set of rules because the media is also sensationalising a lot of what's going on. So, like in the UK, everyone is going to school, everything's fine. And other people are like: No, you shouldn't go to school. But then other people are saying: but if you don't go to school, you're going to be around more elderly people. So I want them to find out the actual facts! And tell us what's going on. But no, I did not stockpile toilet roll. I think there's nothing worse than panicking. I think panicking helps no one, or nothing. I think we should be cautious, but not panic, you know? Because think of the elderly person that can't get any food or groceries 'cause someone else has taken 4,000 toilet rolls. Why is it toilet rolls as well? It's not like it makes you poop loads. Surely, other things are more essential. *giggles*. I don't know, I just bought four toilet rolls when I needed them! Jeez. Anyway. I'm sanitising, I'm washing my hands. I'm doing basically what I'm being told to do. The strange thing is, as well, you might see some people saying: Social distance - you shouldn't leave the house! You're selfish if you go to a restaurant, but then our government is saying go to school, keep going with your life, go on the tube, so it's a confusing thing. I think we need to wait for more information, but I think it's helpful to be cautious. But I wouldn't shame anyone if you see them like, I don't know, going to work because they probably have to.
@amazingphil during his live show on the 15th of March 2020
Quotes from Phil (17/?)
Phil speaking about the coronavirus and how he’d love for the whole world to come up with a set of rules for conduct 
(As someone who’s living in a country where schools/universities have been shut, half the workforce sent home (most working from home) and our borders are closed for a month, I’m slightly worried about UK’s lack of action - but Phil is right that they are only doing as they are told).
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oceano-de-letras · 5 years
— Nada se puede interponer entre nosotros...porque tu no existes.
M Javier
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liamnews · 5 years
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Liam via Instagram Story - 15/03
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sleepsucks · 4 years
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nazenderr · 5 years
“Dedim ya oturuyorum öylece. İyi ki etrafımda kalbimi tanıyanlar yok”
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Courtney was a guest judge on Dancing with the Stars Australia, pt. 2 - March 15, 2020
📹 by neverstopsayin on twitter
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memoriafilmica · 5 years
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(2010) Christopher Nolan.
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odinspattern · 5 years
So in our campaign, there are bad guys who call themselves the seven deadly sins. Our DM has molded them after our characters traits/faults.
We’ve killed Greed, who was molded after our fighter/warlock who was greedy to the point where they thought that if we couldn’t get a higher monetary gain, whatever quest would be forfeit. He also suggested we let a town die.
Lust is a high elf who is a moon elf because our cleric is very gay for moon elves.
Which makes me wonder which sin is molded after my character. I am thinking that it will either be Wrath or Envy. There are two main reasons.
Wrath is a good choice. Luka is a ranger and has a deep seated anger reserved for gnolls. They attacked the town where their family finally settled and was a constant threat in their life in an active war zone. But at the same time, Luka is secretly angry about that they were robbed a normal life due to war and their fathers alcoholism. Luka thinks this is no big deal, it was a war, their mom and sister died, so Luka was busy, and life is better now, so why dwell?
But that is not how it works. Feelings don’t go away just because you’re «busy.» They fester and twist and make you feel shame. One issue that is gnawing at them atm is that despite wishing for a normal life, most of the skills that they are good at is tied to their old life of constantly being on the move, fighting and surviving in the wilderness and avoiding as much conflict as they could, and giving hell if it couldn’t.
So yeah. Wrath is good. But so is Envy. Of the rest of the party who sermingly had a normal life because most are foreigners or lived in zones where the war didn’t hit as hard. Of those who had a home and no alcohol issues in the family. Of their two sisters who transistioned easily into their new life as stationary citizens.
So yeah. These feelings are buried deep. And honestly I feel Wrath is the most likely of the two, but that is where we stand.
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hrep666 · 4 years
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Две жирухи в маске
И вообще love yourself
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leeminholinoing · 5 years
15.03.20: recap
harry is MIA
promo: NZ 
louis is MIA
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dreamings-free · 5 years
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natigail · 5 years
[Someone in chat]: ‘What does a bubble nest mean?’ Basically it means that he would like to breed and make baby Betta fish. I actually looked into it, because I thought: you know what, that could be a fun activity. Get some babies. But they can make up to 150 babies and I figured, I’m not ready for owning 150 fish. I could give them away but they require so much effort. You’d have to separate all of the babies, individually, and have 150 tanks. So good thing I wasn’t just like: lol, chaotic, let’s do that! Because that would have been a huge mistake. [Someone in chat]: 'But Norman is gay’. I mean, if he is gay, maybe he made the nest to adopt a baby fish in it. We don’t know. He does enjoy Riverdale. But that doesn’t mean anything about his sexuality. I said that because someone said: 'He enjoys Riverdale.’ *laughing and unintelligible words*. [Someone in chat]: 'Maybe he’s asexual.’ I don’t know what his sexuality is, 'cause he’s a fish, but I think he might have one because he’s building a nest to make a baby, you know?
@amazingphil during his live show on the 15th of March 2020
Quotes from Phil (18/?)
Phil narrowly avoiding involving Norman in his next breeding hamsters project.
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threecrowsinacloak · 5 years
That moment when u scream "why??? What the fuck is your problem?!" at your laptop in frustration because the stupid formatting won't do what you want it to and you can't even insert any info because WHY IS THERE SO MUCJ SPACE THERE I JUST WANT TO WRITE WITHOUT USING SO MUCH SPACE I DON'T NEED THAT GO AWAY
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mario94world · 5 years
Почему я так сильно стараюсь удержать прошлое, когда прошлое уже на столько искорвекано, что её уже не узнать...
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mxdvs · 3 years
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‘15.03.20 — @uitjas’
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