#18mm Zeiss T*
cuprikorn · 1 year
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paxtonequipsin · 3 months
Presenting the Versatile Batis Lens Kit: A Photographic Marvel
In the realm of photography, the tools a photographer chooses can make all the difference between a mediocre shot and a masterpiece. Among the myriad of options available, the Batis Lens Kit stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering photographers a versatile and reliable set of lenses to unleash their creativity. Crafted by the renowned German optical manufacturer Zeiss, the Camera Lens Rental near Me embodies a perfect blend of cutting-edge technology, superior optics, and ergonomic design, making it a favorite among professionals and enthusiasts alike.
At the heart of the Batis Lens Kit lies a commitment to delivering uncompromising image quality. Each lens in the kit boasts Zeiss's renowned T* anti-reflective coating, which minimizes flare and ghosting while enhancing contrast and clarity. This ensures that photographers can capture images with stunning sharpness and rich, true-to-life colors even in challenging lighting conditions.
Autofocus system
One of the standout features of the Lens Rental near Me is its autofocus system, which employs a linear motor for swift and silent focusing. Whether shooting fast-moving subjects or capturing delicate details, photographers can rely on the Batis lenses to deliver precise and responsive autofocus performance, ensuring that they never miss a crucial moment.
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Exceptional build quality
Another feather in the cap of the Batis Lens Kit is its exceptional build quality. Constructed from high-quality materials such as metal alloys and premium-grade glass elements, these lenses are built to withstand the rigors of professional use while maintaining their optical integrity. Furthermore, the lenses are weather-sealed, providing added protection against dust and moisture, allowing photographers to shoot with confidence in any environment.
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Comprises a range of focal lengths
The Batis Lens Kit comprises a range of focal lengths to cater to diverse photographic needs. From the wide-angle perspective offered by the Batis 18mm f/2.8 to the versatile zoom range of the Batis 85mm f/1.8, each lens in the kit offers a unique perspective, allowing photographers to unleash their creativity and capture stunning images across a variety of genres, from landscapes and portraits to street photography and beyond.
Feature Integrated OLED displays
In addition to their exceptional optical performance, the Batis lenses also feature integrated OLED displays, providing photographers with real-time information such as focus distance and depth of field. This innovative feature allows photographers to make quick and informed adjustments without taking their eyes off the subject, enhancing their efficiency and workflow.
To sum up
The Batis Lens Kit represents the pinnacle of optical excellence, combining superior image quality, advanced autofocus capabilities, and rugged build quality in a sleek and ergonomic package. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring enthusiast, investing in the Batis Lens Kit is a decision that is sure to raise your photography to new heights. With its unrivaled performance and versatility, the Batis Lens Kit is not just a tool but a true photographic marvel that empowers photographers to unlock their creativity and capture the world in all its beauty. You can also find this camera for rent.
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wuhajitason · 2 years
Zeiss batis bedienungsanleitung
        zeiss historische objektive beste zeiss objektive batis 135 zeiss camerazeiss batis 1.8 85mm zeiss otus 28mm zeiss zm zeiss ikon objektive
  ZEISS Batis 1.8/85. 04/17 · Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to change. Carl Zeiss AG · zeiss.com/photo. Technische Daten/Technical Specifications.Die ZEISS Batis Autofokus-Objektive wurden speziell für spiegellose Vollformat-Systemkameras von Sony entwickelt. Passend abgestimmt, um zusammen mit der Die ZEISS Batis Autofokus-Objektive wurden speziell für spiegellose Vollformat-Systemkameras von Sony entwickelt. Passend abgestimmt, um zusammen mit der Lesen Sie die Zeiss ZEISS 18mm f/2.8 Sony FE Anleitung gratis oder fragen Sie andere Zeiss ZEISS 18mm f/2.8 Sony FE-Besitzer. ZEISS Batis 2.8/18. Batis Sonnar T* FE 85 mm f/ 1.8 Lens - read user manual online or download in PDF format. Pages in total: 4.
https://wuhajitason.tumblr.com/post/694460959487639552/gigaset-s795-bedienungsanleitung, https://wuhajitason.tumblr.com/post/694460959487639552/gigaset-s795-bedienungsanleitung, https://nawubufax.tumblr.com/post/694461035643617280/traveler-dc-5900-bedienungsanleitung-kindle, https://codifehajit.tumblr.com/post/694460935380795392/beta-r12-bedienungsanleitung-galaxy, https://wuhajitason.tumblr.com/post/694460959487639552/gigaset-s795-bedienungsanleitung.
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issafly · 6 years
Inspirations by Lee Acaster Via Flickr: The old and the new by the Thames
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owls-n-elderberries · 7 years
Footprints by Lee Acaster Via Flickr:
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jollysportingbear · 7 years
Footprints by Lee Acaster Via Flickr: Willy Lott's cottage at Flatford earlier today
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perspect-0graphy · 7 years
Sweep by Lee Acaster Via Flickr: A familiar comp, but would have been rude not to shoot it while I was there and the sky was putting on a show
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Crept out of our accommodation at 7am whilst staying at Bognor Regis. Sun only visible for five minutes before disappearing into cloud.
Nikon D700, Zeiss Distagon T* 18mm.
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photoconcerto · 4 years
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The Imperial Throne and the August Seat of the Empress, Daijokyu, and The Imperial Palace Tokyo   高御座と御帳台、大嘗宮、皇居ライトアップ
"Takamikura and Michodai"  (The Imperial Throne and the August Seat of the Empress)                                                                                                            The "Takamikura", which is the Imperial Throne for the "Sokuirei-Shoden-no-gi", which is ceremony on the enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor at the "Seiden", was placed in the "Seiden-Matsu-no-Ma". Resting on a three-tiered dais of black lacquer, the throne is surmounted by an octagonal canopy. It is decorated with a large phoenix, eight small phoenixes, and several mirrors. 
Her Majesty the Empress's seat, the "Michodai", was placed next to the "Takamikura". The "Michodai" is the same shape as the "Takamikura" but somewhat smaller and differently decorated. Usually the  "Takamikura" and the "Michodai"  are placed at the center of the main rom of the "Shishinden" in the Kyoto Imperial Palace.
"Daijokyu" The "Daijokyu" is the complex specially built for the "Daijosai", a traditional ceremony accompanying the enthronement of the Emperor. The precedents of the ceremony date back at least to the 7th century. Having ascended the Throne on 1 May 2019, His Majesty the Emperor performed the main rituals of the "Daijosai" form the evening of 14 November to the predawn of 15 November.
Imperial Palace, Tokyo The Imperial Palace with its grounds is located on the site of the former residential palace of the successive Tokugawa Shoguns in the Edo Period. Following the Meiji Restoration in 1868, Emperor Meiji moved here from Kyoto which had been the imperial capital for more than a thousand years. Since then, there are the Imperial Residence where Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress reside Imperial Palace, where the various ceremonies and functions are held, the Imperial Household Agency Building, the Momijiyama Imperial Cocoonery and the East Gardens including the Tokagakudo Concert Hall etc. are located.
(from The Imperial Household Agency, Japan)
The Imperial Throne and the August Seat of the Empress, Tokyo National Museum, January 2020, SONY RX1R Zeiss Zonnar T* 35mm F2.0
Daijokyu, East Gardens of the Imperial Palace, December 2019, Leica X Vario  18mm/F3.5~46mm/F6.4
The Imperial Palace, Tokyo,  January 2019,  CONTAX645,  PhaseOne P30+,  Planar T* 80 mm F2.0,  Zonnar T* 210 mm F4.0, T* Mutar 1.4X
We can look at the enlarged images clicking the original ones.
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rickmayphotos · 5 years
What’s in my Bag
This is the most asked question I get. So, I thought that since I recently finished 11 days up in the Canadian Rockies, in the dead of Winter, I’d share what was in my bag, and why. 
First, I needed a bag that I could carry, that would stand up to the rigors of the cold AND would  protect my gear. For these types of trips, my go to is the Tamrac Expedition 9X. No longer made, this is a staple in my collection for the above the reasons.
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Knowing I was going to be doing some heavy astrophotography and landscapes, I took two Sony ar7iii’s, and one Sony a9. 
I always travel with an extra body because you never know what might happen. It’s also nice to have a spare body in case my primary is being used for a time-lapse or video. Additionally, the ability to have a different lens on each is great in rough environments when I would rather not expose my sensor to elements with a lens change (like the snow blown frozen lake for example). The Scout motto still rings true: Be Prepared.
What? An a9? Yup.
As a sports photographer, I always have a fast body\lens combo with me as you NEVER know when you’ll need it. Once, and ONLY once - I traveled and regretted not having the right gear with me. I vowed to never let that happen again.
With the ar7iii, I get incredible resolution, use and functionality. With my a9, I had speed.
Go Pro Hero 6:
I just love having a small, compact video tool that can take a quick snap. During times fo waiting, I can transfer and edit directly on my iPhone, ready to post at days end.
I did some research and made sure I had a great wide open lens for my astrophotography efforts. My Sony 24mm didn’t arrive in time - (it came the day after I left), so I opted for the Zeiss 18mm Batis. Stunningly sharp, this lens never left a body. I had no idea how light this lens was. It feels as if there was nothing there - but oh the images. Simply stunning! 
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I also brought the Sony G Master 16-35mm, which offered flexibility, tack sharp images across the range of focal lengths and was light.
Just as a precaution, I added the Sony 24-105 F/4 to my bag. There is something about having one lens to cover virtually everything. I think  this is a holdover from my days with Nikon. None the less, I enjoyed having it as it provided a small measure of peace of mind.
I mentioned above that I brought the a9. There was no way I was carrying my 400 f/2.8, but I added the 100-400mm, and was I ever glad I did! Compact, light and with incredible reach, I was ready for anything the trip through at us - camera wise.
I gave careful consideration to both my 24-70mm and the 70-200mm, f/2.8’s. Knowing I had a sports event I had to covert the day I returned meant I opted to keep these safe and at home.
The original plan had us heading up to Jasper to shoot the ice caves. Unfortunately, the weather had other pans as we had over 50cm of snow, closing the road after the Saskatchewan crossing. My vision was to use the Sony HVL-F60RM’s, blog with Honl Lighting gels to create an otherworldly scene.
I also brought along the Westcott Ice Light, again planning to use it to creatively add light to the scene.
Honl Light gels, in rool-ups. I have over 64 colors at my disposal in easy to use gels. If you haven’t seen these, visit Honl Lighting.  Dave developed these after his years as a correspondent and it shows. Killer gear, great effects.
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All of my cameras have hand held grips, which allows for dual batteries. Still, being winter, I opted to bring four additional batteries - just in case. You can never be too prepared!
Memory Cards
Sony TOUGH & Sony G SD Memory Cards: I exclusively use the Sony TOUGH and ultra-fast Sony G SD memory cards. I’ve yet to have one fail and the read/write speeds do more than keep up with the demands of my cameras and the environments I use them in.
Extra Batteries: One of my favorite upgrades to the Sony α7R III was the inclusion of the newer Sony Z batteries. I’ll often  be able to get through a whole day of shooting with my α7R III with just one battery, but it’s still always a good idea to bring along a few spares.
GITZO Carbon Fiber Travel Tripod and A Really Right Stuff Ball Head
Any long exposure photography, astrophotography, time-lapses, etc. – they all require a tripod to alleviate camera shake. This one is great because of its compact size and weight, which is important for travel and long carry. When I need extra weight, I’ll hang my bag from the hook below the center column for added stability.
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Assorted Lens Filters from B&W, Hoya and Lee: Primarily polarizing and neutral density filters (and a few step up rings to minimize the number of filters needed for different lens thread sizes) are key ingredients in my kit. These filters help to cut glare, create proper exposures in camera, slow shutter speeds, and so much more.
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Apple 15” MacBook Pro 
Besides my camera and lenses, this is the next most important element in my kit. All of my post-processing is done in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.
Apple iPad Pro (2nd Gen)
On long trips, I load up with movies, music and reading material. It’s lighter, fast and so easy to edit a few images during down time and when I don[t have the space for my MBP.
Lacie Rugged Hard DriveI
 I travel with multiple hard drives that I store my RAW files and  Lightroom catalog on. Even when I’m traveling, I like to keep a backup in case of drive failure. Assuming I have internet access, my computer and drives are also backed up to cloud storage.
Whether it be for lighting a trail, just around camp after dark or helping me find something in my bag when light fades, a headlamp is an integral part of any outdoor photographer’s kit.
Lens Cleaning Kit
Keeping the optics clean is simply essential, especially when I’m subjecting it to some pretty gnarly environments sometimes. I’d much rather spend a few minutes cleaning my lenses and blowing out dust on my sensor ahead of time rather than hours of spot removal in post.
In cold weather, these are key. I actually can recommend the following if you are headed to extreme cold. Not only were my hands warm, but I was able to use my fingers for fine tuning as well. 
Hand Warmers  
I use these for either their intended use (keeping my hands warm) or sometimes to keep my batteries warm, helping to extend battery life in cold climates. I also tape several feet of gaffer tape around my tripod legs, so that I can wrap these around my battery grip.
Bose QC-35 Headphones 
The best headphones I’ve ever owned, hands down. They’re comfortable for extended wear (long flights, for example) and have incredible noise cancellation, which is key to getting some rest or listening to hours of my electronic Jax, chill and ambient tunes on international flights without being interrupted by engine noise or screaming babies.
Like my American Express, I never leave home without it (on a trip). I’m not going far without it.
Not many think of this last pieces  as essential, but I don’t shoot without it - Insurance.
My company, Taylor & Taylor ROCKS! Anytime I am on the road, I let them know and should anything bad happen, I’m covered. No questions asked. Not to mention my liability coverages exceeds most job requests.
Sitting on ice, shooting multiple sports, hiking miles into the backcountry - this helps alleviate the aches and pains.
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nervenkeks · 7 years
Drained von Lee Acaster Über Flickr: Grasses at Thornham the other evening
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cuprikorn · 1 year
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lensinserze · 4 years
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%^ *Near Mint* Contax Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 18mm F/4 AEG Manual CY Lens from JAPAN https://ift.tt/3i8HqTO
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automaticvr · 6 years
An interview from the 2018 National Association of Broadcasters Convention in Las Vegas with Snehal Patel of ZEISS Lenses. Carl Zeiss is one of the oldest existing optics manufacturers in the world and is world renowned for their optical quality. Cinematography lenses from Zeiss have helped to create distinctive images in many famous movies and Camera lenses from Zeiss are used by millions of photographers around the globe. In this interview Snehal talks with us about their longtime coverage for Full Frame Sensor Cameras with the CP.2 Compact Primes & CZ.2 Compact Zooms, as well as the workflow benefits using their new CP.3 eXtended Data Lenses for post-production. Digital technologies have transformed traditional filmmaking and refashioned the market. New and innovative technologies in both production and post-production have paved the way for a more versatile, cost effective and advanced workflow. The ZEISS CP.3 family is the latest contribution from ZEISS to support creative and progressive filmmaking with an affordable, future-proof and premium quality lens set. The ZEISS CP.3 lenses offer the perfect combination of high image quality and reliable usability. They exhibit the clean, crisp characteristics ZEISS is known for, together with an interchangeable mount system and full-frame coverage. The ZEISS CP.3 XD version features innovative and ground-breaking lens data technology to speed-up and simplify the workflow on set and in post-production. Ranging from 15 mm to 135 mm, the ten focal lengths available in the ZEISS Compact Prime CP.3 or CP.3 XD series cover all applications from wide-angle to telephoto. The ZEISS CP.3 lenses feature advanced lens coatings, painted lens rims and special light traps within the barrel to eliminate unwelcome veiling glare and flares. The result is higher contrast, richer blacks and more saturated colors. The standardized positioning of the focus rings and a consistent 95 mm front diameter allows for fast and easy changeover while on set. Consistent T-stops simplifies lighting on set and exposure compensations (T2.9 for 15 to 21 mm and T2.1 for 25 to 135 mm). Currently the 10 focal lengths that are available are, the 15mm, 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 100mm, 135mm. The ZEISS eXtended Data technology adds new opportunities to simplify and increase the accuracy of the image capture and processing workflow. ZEISS eXtended Data unifies two data sets: key lens data based on the open /i Technology standard and supported by a wide range of cameras and accessories, plus ZEISS specific lens data that contains precise lens characteristics. While on set, the ZEISS eXtended Data feature enables members of the crew to monitor lens settings in real-time, pre-visualize modified images and to use new, automated search functions within data wrangling. In post-production, ZEISS eXtended Data offers numerous benefits such as image fine-tuning, editing and color grading, visual effects, virtual and augmented reality, multi-cam live productions, projection or 3-D imaging. An additional plug-in provided by ZEISS allows an easy implementation of ZEISS eXtended Data in a number of leading software tools. The ZEISS Cinema Zoom lenses deliver great flexibility thanks to interchangeable mounts, allowing them to be used with a wide range of cameras from multiple manufacturers. Featuring Full-frame coverage (36 x 24 mm) for focal lengths of 15 to 200 mm, a common aperture of T2.9 through the range, nearly 300 degree focus rotation with no visible focus shift while change of focal length. The ZEISS Cinema Zoom lenses offer the possibility to upgrade to any number of existing or future cine and still cameras while still using the same set of lenses. Additionally, they all cover a full-frame image format without vignetting. For more information please visit: https://ift.tt/2AqPFUi
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owls-n-elderberries · 7 years
Retreat by Lee Acaster Via Flickr:
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schnitzerphoto · 7 years
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Portrait of rancher Grady Grissom. Otero County, CO, May 2017. . Leica SL and Zeiss Distagon T* 18mm f4 ZM . #colorado #leica #leicasl #rangelife #agriculture #conservation
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