astraphone · 2 years
wayfarer microfic challenge, part 1
shoutout to @ghostwise for kicking this off! prompts taken from here. these are the first five, but i am going to be ambitious and try to do them all! 
First meeting. 
Sereia is cold, and tired, and so very far from home. Something in her aches when she thinks of sunlight on the sea and waves lapping at her feet and her sister’s voice. It keeps her up at night, just as much as the uncomfortable cart does. 
It keeps her, too, from introducing herself to the new boy. She knows, somehow, that doing so will be the point of no return. Until now, she has always been Sereia Adanis from Tol Covere. This boy will be the first person to meet the Sereia whose world has changed, and she hasn’t decided who that is yet. 
So they sit in silence, until a rogue tent flap almost sends Sereia sprawling into the night, and the boy reaches out to help. Sereia may not be sure who she wants to be, but she can be someone who accepts offered hands, for a start. 
“I thought you were asleep.” It’s not much of a greeting, but it breaks the ice, and neither of them are ever the same again. 
It’s rare that Sereia, Aeran, and Varyn are all at the Spire these days. When they are, they make an occasion of it. It’s well past midnight, but they’re still reminiscing over a bottle that Varyn pulled from the storerooms. 
“I thought she was going to arrest us for trespassing, for sure,” Aeran is saying, face flushed from alcohol and the fire they’re sitting by, “But then Reia starts talking, and next thing I know we’re all sitting around playing cards.” 
Sereia smirks. “She was nice enough, once I convinced her it was all a misunderstanding. It bought us time for Varyn to find us, at least.” 
Varyn rolls her eyes, but her voice is fond. “All that, when I’d left you alone for two hours. Sometimes I think it’s a wonder that you two survived until graduation.” 
“Well, we had each other. And a great teacher, as much as I hated to admit it sometimes,” Aeran laughs. 
“I’ll drink to that.” Sereia grins as the man who’s like a brother and the woman who raised them raise their glasses to hers. 
It is a privilege, she thinks, to share memories with these people. It’s good to be home. 
The Spire feels like so long ago. 
Sereia is okay, most days; she’s always been good at moving forward in the worst of times. But sometimes, out of nowhere, she’ll remember that she can never go home, that home doesn’t exist anymore, that everyone and everything she loved for so long is dead or gone or both and she wasn’t even there. 
On those days, when the loss of her order aches like a wound that won’t ever close, she digs into her pack for her Wayfarer pendant and holds it like a lifeline. 
It’s gone, but it was real, and it mattered. She clings to that. 
Sereia still hears Varyn’s voice when she fights, even after all these years. 
“Striking when you’re unprepared will lead to careless mistakes,” she remembers, drilled into her over and over again. “Watch your opponent for as long as you’re able before you attack. Learn what you can, and put it to use.” 
Sereia is not a flashy fighter, or a bold one, but she is a smart one. She is shrewd, and quick, and just careful enough. 
“Good, Sereia,” She hears as she dodges a particularly nasty blow. She feints, and her next strike lands. She smiles.   
Sereia’s anger is a quiet, hidden thing. Admitting that she is angry is admitting that someone has gotten to her, and that is admitting defeat. 
Aeran is her best friend, and it will take more than one bad fight to tear him from her. (Never mind that she’s felt him slipping from her for weeks now.) But he tells her she doesn’t care about anyone but herself, tells her she needs him more than he needs her, and she can tell that in that moment he means it. 
Something bitter and angry settles deep inside her. But if he sees her break, he wins, and Aeran certainly doesn’t deserve that right now. So she shoves the feeling away. Veyer is waiting for her in the gallery, and they will allow her to feel something other than anger tonight. 
She’ll worry about Aeran in the morning. 
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actorsawfulbands · 2 years
1Shoutout to @RaeEarl for bringing this cover of Chantilly Lace by Mike Reid (Frank Butcher from EastEnders).
Rae says “From the pronunciation of ‘round’ to the middle monologue and the triumphant finale (NO cover ends better) THIS WILL NOT DISAPPOINT.”
Rae is right.  A triumph.
Mike also had a number 10 hit in 1975 with Ugly Duckling.  I’m shook that there were 9 more popular songs than this.  Also this is pretty fun in a Tom Jones pastiche kind of way.
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spnorwhatever · 3 years
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160 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 07:26:27 GMT
320 whole days since... thinking about supernatural in every single one of them... I SHOULD be entitled to financial compensation, plenty of it
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the very tits of you corrupt
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