#1x17: hat trick
hatterswonder · 7 months
Hc i have for Grace and Jefferson XD
Grace: Papa, let me see your hand for a sec, please? Jefferson: Uh...why? *lowkey confused* Grace: Just do it. Jefferson: O..kay. *holds hand out* Grace: *ties friendship bracelet she made around his wrist.* There! Do you like it? Jefferson: *holding back tears* I..I love it, sweetie. Thank you.
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likehandlingroses · 2 years
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OUAT Rewatch 1x17 - Hat Trick
What’s crazier than seeing and not believing? Because that’s exactly what you’ve been doing since you got to our little hamlet.
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ouatsqincorrect · 7 months
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piracytheorist · 1 year
I recently got access to Disney plus and I just remembered OUAT is in it
So I'm looking through the episode titles and descriptions in Greek and... shit they're bad.
1x8 "The Price of Gold", the title was translated into "The Prince of Gold" for some reason.
The thumbnail for 8 "Desperate Souls" is this??
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Did they mistake thumbnails with OUATIW?? XD
For episode 1x17 "Hat Trick" there's no direct translation in Greek, so instead they named the episode "The Mad Hatter". But then they named 2x11 "The Outsider" as "Yaoguai" because I guess that appears there.
BIG CRINGE they translated 3x17 "The Jolly Roger" as "The Pirate Flag" because yes that is what jolly roger means but it refers to Hook's ship jfc
I should have been the one to translate the titles agdsafddhgx
The description for 3x19 is "Zelena threatens to kill Henry if Hook doesn't kiss Emma" and while it's accurate, it feels so funny to just read this as a description for the entire episode agdsghafdsg
Is this what the episode descriptions are in English too? Cause for 3x20 "Kansas" the description is "Mary Margaret is about to give birth" and that's even funnier XD
4x03 "Rocky Road" is "Dangerous Road" because we don't have that ice cream flavour in Greece -_-
The description for 4x04 "The Apprentice" is "Hook asks Gold to stick his hand back" but the verb used is like... the verb we use for welding metal and idk it looked weird XD
The description for 4x12 "Heroes and Villains" is "Our heroes try to unite the pieces" and I'm like WHAT. WHAT PIECES??
Seriously, I would have done a much better job.
The description for 4x16 "Poor Unfortunate Soul" is "Gold and the Queens of Darkness torture August"??? Like yes they do but that isn't the focus of the episode??
Description for 4x21 "Mother" is "Regina doesn't trust her mother's intentions" and I'm like did they mix Lily's and Regina's names XD
They didn't do the "scary dragon bitch" justice in the translation -_- My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined
5x01 "The Dark Swan" is "The Black Swan" for some reason?? The word we have for "Dark" would have worked, but okay...
The rest of the thumbnails are good, though I guess those were not handled by the translators.
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There's something about seeing this screenshot with the title for "Swan Song" in Greek. It's been nearly eight years and this storyline still pulls at my heartstrings.
5x13 "Labour of Love" is supposed to be connected to Hercules' Labours, but they didn't use the word for that that we use in Greek. It's still a correct word for "labour" but it should have been the word we use for Hercules' Labours. Again! I would've done a better job!
5x18 "Ruby Slippers" is translated as "The Kiss of True Love"??? Like I know the English title was a play-for-words for the Ruby/Dorothy ship but come on!!
6x12 "Murder Most Foul" is translated as "The Real Murderer" and the description says "Regina helps Robin adjust to Storybrooke" and again. Yes that happens there. BUT IT'S NOT THE FUCKING FOCUS.
For three episodes straight, 6x15, 6x16 and 6x17 the descriptions are about what Hook does. "Hook is trapped in another realm with the Nautilus", "Hook bets his most prized possession in a cards game", "Hook and Tiger Lily join forces against the Lost Boys". Like yes that happens but again not the focus?? Was a Hook fan responsible for that because I kinda relate lmao that's all I remember too 🤝
7x14 "The Girl in the Tower" has the description "Ivy tries to reconcile with Anastasia" and I'm like what?? Did they mix things up? And even if that happened in that episode, IT'S NOT THE FOCUS.
Massive disappointment. I should have been hired to write episode descriptions. Hmph.
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wicked-storybrooke · 1 year
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Links to My Recaps
So, I finished 3 year long rewatch of ouat & ouatiw a few weeks ago and I thought I’d post links to my live reaction posts of each episode. If anyone’s interested in anything specific you can find it here. It’s also just to have them all in one place. I would love to see your comments about the episodes or in regards to any questions I raised, or anything really if you would like to add anything! I’d love to talk Ouat with you!
All Episodes Tag
Chronological Order | Last To First Order
Season One
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1x01 Pilot | 1x02 The Thing You Love Most | 1x03 Snow Falls | 1x04 The Price of Gold | 1x05 That Still Small Voice | 1x06 The Shepherd | 1x07 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | 1x08 Desperate Souls | 1x09 True North | 1x10 7:15 A.M. | 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | 1x12 Skin Deep | 1x13 What Happened to Frederick | 1x14 Dreamy | 1x15 Red-Handed | 1x16 Heart of Darkness | 1x17 Hat Trick | 1x18 The Stable Boy | 1x19 The Return | 1x20 The Stranger | 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood | 1x22 A Land Without Magic
Season Two
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2x01 Broken | 2x02 We Are Both | 2x03 Lady of the Lake | 2x04 The Crocodile | 2x05 The Doctor | 2x06 Tallahassee | 2x07 Child of the Moon | 2x08 Into the Deep | 2x09 Queen of Hearts | 2x10 The Cricket Game | 2x11 The Outsider | 2x12 In the Name of the Brother | 2x13 Tiny | 2x14 Manhattan | 2x15 The Queen is Dead | 2x16 The Miller's Daughter | 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke | 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True | 2x19 Lacey | 2x20 The Evil Queen | 2x21 Second Star to the Right | 2x22 And Straight on 'til Morning
Season Three
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3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer | 3x02 Lost Girl | 3x03 Quite a Common Fairy | 3x04 Nasty Habits | 3x05 Good Form | 3x06 Ariel | 3x07 Dark Hollow | 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts | 3x09 Save Henry | 3x10 The New Neverland | 3x11 Going Home | 3x12 New York City Serenade | 3x13 Witch Hunt | 3x14 The Tower | 3x15 Quiet Minds | 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green | 3x17 The Jolly Roger | 3x18 Bleeding Through | 3x19 A Curious Thing | 3x20 Kansas | 3x21 Snow Drifts | 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
Season Four
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4x01 A Tale of Two Sisters | 4x02 White Out | 4x03 Rocky Road | 4x04 The Apprentice | 4x05 Breaking Glass | 4x06 Family Business | 4x07 The Snow Queen | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 1 | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 2 | 4x09 Fall | 4x10 Shattered Sight | 4x11 Heroes and Villains | 4x12 Darkness on the Edge of Town | 4x13 Unforgiven | 4x14 Enter the Dragon | 4x15 Poor Unfortunate Soul | 4x16 Best Laid Plans | 4x17 Heart of Gold | 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil | 4x19 Lily | 4x20 Mother | 4x21 Operation Mongoose, Part 1 | 4x22 Operation Mongoose, Part 2
Season Five
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5x01 The Dark Swan | 5x02 The Price | 5x03 Siege Perilous | 5x04 The Broken Kingdom | 5x05 Dreamcatcher | 5x06 The Bear and the Bow | 5x07 Nimue | 5x08 Birth | 5x09 The Bear King | 5x10 Broken Heart | 5x11 Swan Song | 5x12 Souls of the Departed | 5x13 Labor of Love | 5x14 Devil's Due | 5x15 The Brothers Jones | 5x16 Our Decay | 5x17 Her Handsome Hero | 5x18 Ruby Slippers | 5x19 Sisters | 5x20 Firebird | 5x21 Last Rites | 5x22 Only You | 5x23  An Untold Story
Season Six
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6x01 The Savior | 6x02 Bitter Draught | 6x03 The Other Shoe | 6x04 Strange Case | 6x05 Street Rats | 6x06 Dark Waters | 6x07 Heartless | 6x08 I'll Be Your Mirror | 6x09 Changelings | 6x10 Wish You Were Here | 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest | 6x12 Murder Most Foul | 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns | 6x14 Page 23 | 6x15 A Wondrous Place | 6x16 Mother's Little Helper | 6x17 Awake | 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly | 6x19 The Black Fairy | 6x20 The Song in Your Heart | 6x21 The Final Battle, Part 1 | 6x22 The Final Battle, Part 2
Season Seven
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7x01 Hyperion Heights | 7x02 A Pirate's Life | 7x03 The Garden of Forking Paths | 7x04 Beauty | 7x05 Greenbacks | 7x06 Wake Up Call | 7x07 Eloise Gardener | 7x08 Pretty in Blue | 7x09 One Little Tear | 7x10 The Eighth Witch | 7x11 Secret Garden | 7x12 Taste of the Heights | 7x13 Knightfall | 7x14 The Girl in the Tower | 7x15 Sisterhood | 7x16 Breadcrumbs | 7x17 Chosen | 7x18 The Guardian | 7x19 Flower Child | 7x20 Is This Henry Mills? | 7x21 Homecoming | 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
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1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole | 1x02 Trust Me | 1x03 Forget Me Not | 1x04 The Serpent | 1x05 Heart of Stone | 1x06 Who's Alice | 1x07 Bad Blood | 1x08 Home | 1x09 Nothing to Fear | 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets | 1x11 Heart of the Matter | 1x12 To Catch a Thief | 1x13 And They Lived…
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askstorybrookehq · 7 months
1x17 - Hat Trick.
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Since our group is a canon based roleplay, all characters will be answering questions according to the latest developments that occur in the episode.
Players, please send at least 3 questions to each other based on the new episode we are starting.
You can still answer past questions based on events that have already happened leading up to this point.
Lurkers and future applicants, feel free to look at our follow list and send some questions if you would like to! Happy Once day!
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allaboutjmo · 3 years
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🦢 Jen as Emma Swan on Once Upon A Time episode 1x17 “Hat Trick"
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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onceuponarewatch · 3 years
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Thanks, we hate it!
Once Upon a Rewatch | s1ep17: HAT TRICK
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princess-aziza · 3 years
Jefferson is so precious but he’s also a little shit and a desperate little psycho I love him
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hatterswonder · 7 months
(OUAT spoilers!) If season 7 Henry and Jefferson reunited
*It's night out. The moon is shining down on the pavement. Henry is in his car, driving down the side of the road after having coco at Granny's with his family.* *He's driving, until he sees a figure up ahead illuminated in the headlights-- he swerves, nearly hitting the silhouette as it jumps out of the way.* *Henry exits the car, rushing to the stranger.* Henry: O-Oh my god, I'm so sor- *He pauses, surveying who he almost hit-- It was Jefferson, the mad hatter. He hadn't seen him since he was ten, convincing him to visit his daughter after however many years.* *He groans softly, opening his eyes as he cautiously sat up. He squints.* Jefferson: ...Hen- Henry? Henry: Little bit late for a walk, isn't it? Jefferson: I'm usually alone out here...for the most part. *Henry helps Jefferson to his feet.* Henry: I'm...so sorry. I haven't seen you in 20 some odd years, and-- Jefferson: No, Henry, it's alright...believe it or not, this isn't the first time this has happened. *He'd lightly chuckle, dusting off his lap.* Henry: ...Jefferson, how have you been? Jefferson: ...Henry, thank you. Henry: For what? I just ran you over with my car almost. Jefferson: ...Without you, who knows where I'd be. Henry: *ducks head and chuckles.* No, no, it was all you. I just had to convince you a bit. Jefferson: *laughs softly* Nonsense. How old are you now, kid? You sure as hell got a lot taller since last time I saw you. Henry: *smiles warmly* I'm 30. Sure do feel a lot older, too. *He'd exaggerate his 'back pain' jokingly, causing Jefferson to chuckle.* Jefferson: ...You know, I read it. Good stuff in there. Henry: Read what? Jefferson: Your latest work of fiction. Henry: You actually read it? Jefferson: New favorite book. Henry: Aw, stop it. *He'd softly laugh* Jefferson: ..Ah, well, it's late. You should get home. Say hi to your mother for me, 'kay? Henry: ...I got it. *he'd smile.* Jefferson: ...I'll see you soon, kid. *He'd ruffle Henry's hair, a light smile playing on his lips.* Henry: *Chuckles* ...See you soon, Hatter.
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stahlop · 5 years
Once Upon a Time 1x17 “Hat Trick” Review
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Reviews 1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10 1x11 1x12 1x13 1x14 1x15 1x16
Have I ever voiced my opinion on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and how much I love it? And not only do I love it, but I love most alternative versions of it as well (The Looking Glass Wars book series, the Alice version the SyFy channel put out, not the awful Johnny Depp version), so this episode is definitely up my alley.  Especially because it introduced me to Sebastian Stan!! (And I’ve only seen the first Captain America and really know very little about the rest of the Marvel Universe). And fun fact, Jennifer Morrison and Sebastian Stan started dating sometime after this episode, but then broke up a year later. So on with the actual review.
Summary: While looking for an escaped Mary Margaret, Emma finds herself kidnapped in the home of an eccentric man who claims to believe in the curse. In the EF, the Evil Queen tasks a man with a special hat to help her retrieve something from Wonderland.
Opening: Large mushrooms
New Characters: 
Jefferson/Mad Hatter: I will refer to Jefferson as the Mad Hatter in the EF storyline just for clarification purposes, because otherwise it will get too confusing.
In Storybrooke, Jefferson is a broken man. Regina has made it so that he’ll want for nothing, just like she promised his daughter in the EF, but he doesn’t have his daughter to share it with. Jefferson has a unique curse put upon him. He knows he and the town are cursed but until Emma made time start moving, was only able to observe it from his house above the town. Now that time is moving and things are changing, Jefferson is determined to have Emma work her ‘magic’ and make him another portal hat so he can take his daughter, Grace, and go back home. Now, from what we gather in the EF storyline, it seems Jefferson was not always a good man, so it makes sense that he will do something sinister like kidnap both Emma and Mary Margaret to get what he wants. He’s also pretty desperate. And as we know, desperate souls will do anything to get what they want when there’s nothing to lose. Eventually, Emma and Mary Margaret get the jump on him, but he disappears before Emma can arrest him or take him to the hospital for the amount of times he gets hit and beaten up on.
We find out much more about the Mad Hatter (though not mad yet) in the EF. He is apparently widowed with a little girl, Grace, who is his whole world. They make money by foraging for mushrooms and selling them at the market. We see that the Mad Hatter loves his daughter more than anything and would do anything to make it an easier life for her. From the conversation he has with the Evil Queen, he lost Grace’s mother due to what he used to do with the hat. He doesn’t want Grace to lose her father as well. He tells the Evil Queen that there is nothing more important than family. Unfortunately, he loses his resolve pretty quickly after Grace wants to buy a stuffed bunny at the market and the Mad Hatter can’t afford it. Grace says it’s fine because she just wants her father, but he can’t see that, he just sees what he can’t give her. So, even though Grace begs him not to (listen to your kid Mad Hatter), he sends her to the neighbors so he can work with the Evil Queen. He pulls out a large hat box. At the Evil Queen’s castle, the Mad Hatter brings out the hat and spins it, it creates a portal which he and the Evil Queen jump into together. They go to a doorway that looks like a looking glass. The Mad Hatter remind the Evil Queen of the rules that they both have to enter together and leave together. Same number in as out. He hates Wonderland. For what it’s worth, with the Evil Queen there, she and the Mad Hatter get through to the center of the maze pretty quickly, but of course are caught by the Queen of Heart’s guards right after Regina retrieves the box she is there for.  They manage to out maneuver and out magic the guards and head back to the door. Unfortunately, the Evil Queen’s father was in the box, and she makes him big again with a piece of mushroom. This means the Mad Hatter can’t go back though because there are now too many people. He is devastated when the Evil Queen and Henry, Sr. leave him behind. So devastated he doesn’t even try to run away when the guards come to capture him. He just lets them drag him to the Queen of Hearts. It’s a very creepy court with most people wearing masks and the Queen of Hearts wearing a veil over her face. She wants to know how the Mad Hatter got to Wonderland, he just wants to go back home to his daughter. She orders ‘Off with his head!’. Except in Wonderland, you don’t die when your head is cut off.  Freaky! The Queen’s right-hand man says if he wants to go home he needs to make another hat. And that’s how he becomes the Mad Hatter.
Character Observations:
Evil Queen/Regina: Well the Evil Queen certainly lives up to her name in this episode. She purposefully brings the Mad Hatter to Wonderland knowing full well if she gets what she came for that he won’t be able to come back because of the rules of the hat. And she manipulates him terribly to get what she wants. The Mad Hatter does not want to work for the Evil Queen again, but she puts doubt in his mind about Grace’s happiness. She disguises herself as a toy seller and deliberately won’t sell the Mad Hatter a stuffed bunny Grace wants, which makes him feel like he can’t provide for her well, regardless of Grace saying all that matters is him. But, at the same time, the Evil Queen is trying to get her family back, so we see her confliction when the Mad Hatter is begging her not to leave him there to get back to his Grace. She throws back his earlier statement that you don’t abandon family and also says if he really cared for Grace he never would have left her. I think someone is doth protesting a little too much.
Only a little bit with Regina this time. She is in cahoots with Gold and wanted Mary Margaret to escape. For what reason, we don’t know. She looked so happy when she didn’t see Emma’s car at the sheriff’s station and then absolutely shocked when Mary Margaret is just casually reading the newspaper in her cell.
Emma: She is desperate to find Mary Margaret before anyone finds out she is missing. Regardless of whether Mary Margaret is guilty or not she will be a fugitive of the law. Gold reminds her that Mary Margaret needs to be back in her cell by her arraignment the next morning, so Emma is now working on a timeline. When Gold calls her out for putting her job in jeopardy, Emma says she’d rather lose her job than with her friend. She is so distracted out in the woods searching for Mary Margaret that she accidentally makes Jefferson dive off the road so she doesn’t hit him. Of course she lies to him about why she’s out in the woods, but drives him home because now he’s limping. Emma seems quite impressed by his mansion and comments that he must have a large family, but he tells her it’s just him. Emma looks sad when he says it’s just him. Maybe that’s why she helps him inside and takes the tea he offers. Don’t take food from strangers, Emma! Because, of course, Emma gets drugged. She’s lucky, that Jefferson is shit with picking up after himself, because that drugged teacup is still on the carpet. So Emma uses her ex-con skills, breaks the teacup and uses a jagged piece to break her ties. That must have been some pretty flimsy duct tape there. She attempts to see if she can get out a window, but they don’t open. She finds Jefferson’s telescope and sees that it is pointed directly at the sheriff’s station, so he knew she was coming to the woods. She hears a noise and finds Jefferson sharpening a very large pair of scissors. Emma attempts to sneak out of the house, but hits a squeaky floor panel, and of course the room she decides to hide in holds an also kidnapped Mary Margaret. Seriously, with the amount of rooms this house has, what are the odds she ends up in the one that Mary Margaret is in? So this is the point where Mary Margaret decides to tell Emma about the key in her cell and while they’re distracted trying to figure out who put it there, Emma only looks one way out the door of the room, completely missing the fact that Jefferson is in the opposite hallway with a gun. Emma claims to have called backup (who the hell else works at the sheriff’s station?) but Jefferson knows she’s lying and makes her tie Mary Margaret back up. Emma threatens Jefferson if he hurts Mary Margaret and he says he was just protecting her from trying to cross the town line because of the curse. Emma is, understandably, confused and asks if he’s been reading Henry’s book. Now Jefferson is confused.  He thinks Emma is talking about the Evil Queen’s father, but she informs him that she’s talking about the mayor’s son. Jefferson is pissed off at Emma for ignoring the stories. He tells her she brought magic to Storybrooke and he wants her to get his hat to work again. Emma realizes he thinks he’s the Mad Hatter and they go into a debate about what kind of stories are real (they talk about the Civil War which is funny now because later on Sebastian Stan will be in Captain America: Civil War). He also says that people always want a magical solution to their problems but refuse to believe in magic. Jefferson tells Emma she’s arrogant to think that our world is the only world to exist and tells her about the infinite worlds that are out there. Emma is frustrated trying to make a hat for Jefferson. She wants to know what’s so cursed about his life. He explains about Grace/Paige. Emma thinks he should reach out to her but he doesn’t want her to hold the same burden he does. Emma tells him she knows what it’s like to feel like you’re losing your mind, but he’s not having it, he’s not crazy. Emma almost seems like she’s starting to believe him and mentions that if she believes then Mary Margaret is her mother. She says she’ll try to get the hat to work, but it’s just a distraction. Emma grabs the telescope and whacks Jefferson over the head and then goes to rescue Mary Margaret. Of course Jefferson isn’t down for the count yet. They fight and Mary Margaret shoves him out the window, where he promptly disappears. Emma gives Mary Margaret the keys to her bug to give her the choice whether to leave or not. She tells her she’s family and she can’t lose her (then she backtracks and calls her her friend instead). Emma goes to visit Henry and meets Paige. She asks Henry if she can look at the book and looks up the Mad Hatter’s story. She wants to keep the book for a little bit. Maybe this is her way of believing a little bit.
Mar Margaret: So she has escaped from her jail cell using the key that someone left for her. How does she think this is a good idea. Mary Margaret is a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. Yes, she uses bad judgement sometimes (David), but all in all, the way Mary Margaret is under the curse, she would not take matters into her own hands. So she’s running around in the woods trying to escape.  She is apparently attacked by Jefferson and brought to his house where Emma finds her tied up. And, because they decide to talk about why Mary Margaret ran instead of paying attention while trying to escape, they are caught by Jefferson and Mary Margaret gets tied back up. Eventually, Emma escapes again and partially rescues Mary Margaret before Jefferson comes back to attack them again. Mary Margaret’s quick thinking has her hit Jefferson with a croquet mallet before using some cool ninja move to kick him out the window (prompting Emma to ask if she’s been taking kickboxing). Emma gives Mary Margaret the option to keep running, but she eventually decides to go face the music when Emma calls her family. Somehow, she ends up back in her cell before Regina gets to the sheriff’s station acting as though she’d been there all night.
Gold: He and Regina made some sort of deal that made him put the key in Mary Margaret’s bed. He seems to have a great distaste for Regina, and only made this deal to get something from her. We don’t know what the deal is or what anyone gets from it.
Emma claims she called for back up to Jefferson. Where is there back up? Isn’t Emma the only person who works in the sheriff’s office?
Why is Emma only wearing a tank top and leather jacket? Mary Margaret is in a button up shirt, sweater and peacoat. It’s cold out there as it’s either still winter or closing in on spring (based on the Valentine’s Day episode). It’s not warm enough for tank tops, Emma.
If Jefferson has a clear shot of the sheriff's station from his house with the telescope, how has Emma never noticed the mansion before? It would have to be clear enough that no trees were in the way covering it for Jefferson to have two telescopes set up on two different places in town.
How did Jefferson get caught up in the curse if he was in Wonderland? Did the Evil Queen manage to get him out right before the curse hit?
This is another storyline that leaves a lot up to chance. Even if Jefferson seized and opportunity, how did he know Mary Margaret would come anywhere near his part of the woods? How did he know Emma would come searching there as well? Is there only one drivable road in the woods for Jefferson to have been waiting on? How did he know Emma would offer him a ride? How did Jefferson know she would come inside the house or drink the tea? How long would he have kept Emma and Mary Margaret to try and make the hat work?
Where did Jefferson go? Did the hat work or did he just manage to run off really fast before Emma and Mary Margaret could look out the window?
How did Mary Margaret make it back to the jail so fast? She didn’t even look out of breath when Regina arrived.
At least one of the other doors in the hat goes to Oz.
The door to Wonderland has rules. Only the same amount of people who enter can leave. No more, no less.
The Evil Queen says she has a history with the Queen of Hearts.
The wall of boxes that the Evil Queen retrieves her father from looks very much like Regina’s wall of hearts in her crypt in Storybrooke.
Paige’s family in Storybrooke are the neighbors the Mad Hatter sent Grace to when he went off to Wonderland.
I’m thinking the reason the Queen of Hearts wears a veil is either because they haven’t cast the person in the role permanently yet, or they don’t want the audience to know who she is yet.
Jefferson has a scar around his neck from where his head was caught off in Wonderland.
Mary Margaret uses a croquet mallet to hit Jefferson. Croquet is the game the Queen of Hearts likes to play in the original Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Although she uses flamingos for mallets.
There is a distinct sucking sound about the time Jefferson should land on the ground after Mary Margaret kicks him out the window.
The Storybrooke Daily Mirror headline reads: Heartless! School teacher jailed for murder charge.
Both Jefferson and Grace are named from the band Jefferson Airplane (later Starship) whose lead singer was named Grace Slick. They had a hit song called White Rabbit which references the mushrooms from Wonderland that make you grow bigger and smaller.
I liked this episode, even though we were introduced to a new character so late in the season. Hopefully, we’ll see more of Jefferson because he was kind of cool when he wasn’t drugging Emma or trying to shoot her.  Maybe he’ll have more chill once the curse is broken and he and Grace are reunited. I do wonder what Regina’s end game is with this whole Kathryn thing. Why give Mary Margaret a chance to escape when she obviously wants her locked away for a long time. Was it because she knows Mary Margaret can’t actually leave town? Emma seems to be having a bit more faith after everything, so hopefully she will start to believe soon.
Please leave comments and reblog!
@searchingwardrobes @thisonesatellite @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @laschatzi @profdanglaisstuff @mariakov81
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Ranking Top 5 Once Upon A Time Episodes Per Season
Hi guys! So, I’ve finished my 3 year long rewatch and I thought I’d rank the episodes of every season. I’ll include OUATIW, but it will only consist of my top 4 episodes because there’s only 13 episodes. Next week, or the following week, I will make a post linking each rewatch live reaction post. But please, feel free to tell me your top 5 episodes or episode(s) of certain / all seasons :D!
Season 1
5) 1x15 Red-Handed
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
4) 1x22 A Land Without Magic
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
3) 1x17 Hat Trick
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2) 1x03 Snow Falls
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1) 1x10 7:15 A.M.
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Season 2
5) 2x21 Second Star to the Right
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
4) 2x01 Broken
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
3) 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke
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2) 2x09 Queen of Hearts
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1) 2x16 The Miller’s Daughter
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Continued below the cut...
Season 3
5) 3x18 Bleeding Through
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
4) 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
3) 3x20 Kansas
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2) 3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer
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1) 3x14 The Tower
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Season 4
5) 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
4) 4x17 Heart of Gold
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Link to live reaction recap (x)
3) 4x07 The Snow Queen
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2) 4x20 Mother
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1) 4x08 Smash the Mirror
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Season 5
5) 5x03 Siege Perilous
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4) 5x22 Only You
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3) 5x16 Our Decay
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2) 5x01 The Dark Swan
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1) 5x19 Sisters
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Season 6
5) 6x04 Strange Case
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4) 6x18 Where Bluebird Fly
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3) 6x03 The Other Shoe
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2) 6x20 The Song in Your Heart
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1) 6x17 Awake
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Season 7
5) 7x09 One Little Tear
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4) 7x19 Flower Child
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3) 7x04 Beauty
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2) 7x13 Knightfall
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1) 7x14 The Girl in the Tower
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Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
4) 1x13 And They Lived...
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3) 1x12 To Catch a Thief
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2) 1x08 Home
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1) 1x06 Who's Alice
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13 notes · View notes
wicked-storybrooke · 5 years
Mad Swan- Addicted
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allaboutjmo · 3 years
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🦢 Jen as Emma Swan on Once Upon A Time episode 1x17 “Hat Trick"
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