#2 grandpas trying to be cute noooooo
justkending · 6 years
Knock, Knock. Part 3.
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Summary: You are a really good friend of the Padaleckis. Your apartment gets infested with all kinds of problems, so you have to move in with your friends for a couples of days. Little did you know who you would run into while staying there.
Pairing: (single) Jensen x Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1880
Part 3:
“Hey, Y/N right?” Jensen asked with a wide smile pointing to you.
“Uhhh, yeah. Jensen Ackles, right?” you said pointing a finger back at him as you moved closer into the room.
“Ha ha! Yeah, but no need for the formalities. Just Jensen is good.” He laughed as he stood up reaching his hand out to shake. “It’s nice to actually meet you. You didn’t seem that interested in the whole introduction thing this morning.”
You looked at his hand then back at him before grabbing and shaking it.
“Oh God,” you groaned, shaking your head remembering the morning. “I’m so sorry if I came off rude. I had a major hangover from the night before and was not happy with all the noise. Really, I promise I’m not that grumpy and short all the time.”
“I don’t know… You seem pretty short to me,” he said turning his head to the side. “I don’t think you’ve grown that much since this morning.”
You were confused at first, but eventually caught on.
“Clever man. I see,” you chuckled. “Nice one smart guy.”
You took this moment to strip off the last bit of layers you had on and hung them across your arm.
“Do you know where Jared is by chance?” you asked, straightening your sweater out and looking around.
This guy was even cuter in person, and even after getting pampered all day and looking done up, you still felt like you had to fix yourself up.
“Umm, he told me he was going to change before dinner, but it’s been a good 10 minutes,” Jensen answered, turning to look where his friend walked out.
“Yeah, and I thought I took forever getting ready, but for all we know he’s been grooming that luscious mane of his this whole time,” you giggled.
Jensen immediately turned to look back at you hearing you laugh. It was the most beautiful sound, and it went with a perfect smile.
“Ha! You’re probably right,” He said looking at you with wonder. “Glad I have someone else to back me up on the hair jokes.”
“Oh, I’m always up for joking around with Jared.” You said with a smirk. “Anyway, I’m going to go get changed into something more comfortable myself. Are you staying for dinner?”
“Um, I wasn’t originally planning on it, but my plans just got canceled.”
If by plans you mean sitting at home and ordering in, then yeah. Count those as canceled.
“Great, I’ll make sure to set an extra plate for you then,” You smiled walking to your room down the hall, giving him a friendly wink on your way out.
Shortly after you left, Jared came into the living room in sweats and a white Henley.
“Hey, dude what are you still doing here? I thought your ride would be here by now.”
“Trying to get me rid of me Jar?” Jensen said jokingly from his seat on the couch.
“No man, you know you’re welcome here all the time, but you said your ride was like 2 minutes out when I went to change. I just thought you would have left by now.”
“Uh yeah, change of plans. I’m staying for dinner, if that’s ok?”
“Um, yeah sure. Fine by me. I know Gen loves having you over,” Jared said plopping on the couch next to his friend. “Plus, I think Thomas has a new toy he was all excited to show you.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Hey Jared! I was wondering where you were!” you said making your presence known.
You had changed into some black yoga pants, a giant grey sweatshirt with red lettering of Oklahoma on it, and some cozy red long socks that you scrunched up over your leggings. You had gotten your hair blown out today with Gen, and it was looking really voluminous and movie star like, so you just let it be. You thought you looked pretty cute for a relaxed at home look. A good hair day always boosted your confidence.
Jared’s head spun around to see you walk in. Then it looked back to Jensen with wide eyes who was just watching your every movement.
“Y/N, I didn’t realize you were home. I thought you and Gen were having a girl’s day out.” He kept looking back and forth from you to Jensen.
You went and sat in the giant single chair that was close to the couch the men were on. You flung your legs over the arm and nuzzled into the back before crossing your arms to get comfortable.
“Yeah, well the day’s almost over, and she had to go pick up the boys,” You said noticing Jensen’s eyes on you. You gave him a subtle smile and he returned it. Making your heart skip a beat. “But we had a good day. Nice to have a day to treat yourself after all the crap that’s going on. You know?”
“For sure. How you doing by the way? Gen told me what was going on before you left last night.”
“Oh, you know. Best that I can be. I drank it out last night, and today, I pampered it out. All that’s left is to fight it out,” You laughed out. “Just kidding. Now it’s time to face the storm.”
Jensen had a look of confusion, but didn’t press. Just listened in and tried to pick up on the details.
“Well, you know you’re always welcome here. Let me know if Gen and I can do anything to help,” Jared said with a grin that brought out his dimples.
“You guys have done enough,” you countered, sitting up. “Which reminds me. I am suppose to be prepping the food for dinner. I’ll see you two in a little bit.”
As you got up to start your way into the kitchen, you heard screaming coming from the entry of the house and turned to see two little boys running in your direction. Tom was about 6 years old and Shep was 4.
“Aunt Y/N! Aunt Y/N!” they shouted as they ran at you with open arms.
“Oh my goodness. My two favorite boys! What are you two rascals doing?” you said getting down to their level as the bulldozed you to the ground.
While going to crouch you didn’t have that much balance, and the boys gave you some powerful hugs that made you tilt backwards falling to the ground. You gave up and just laid there with your legs spread out and held onto them before letting go of their hugs.
“Boy’s be careful! Remember we talked about being gentle,” Jared said once you had fallen down.
“Oh, you know it’s fine Jared. They’re just excited,” you said, waving him off and making him roll his eyes with a smile. “Isn’t that right boys? Just cause I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t play rough.” You ruffled both of their head’s of hair.
That got a laugh out of Jensen, and Gen came and patted you on the head before saying she was going to get started on dinner.
The boy’s nodded their heads at your comment before trying to tell you everything about their day.
“Y/N! Guess what we made at Grandma and Grandpa’s? Guess! Guess!” Tom said jumping up and down.
“Hmmm. Did you make a… birdhouse?”
“Noooooo…” Tom said.
“No birdhouse? Ok. Did you make a… spaceship?”
“No Aunt Y/N/N! Guess again,” Shep chimed in this time.
“Well, I’m all out of guesses, so why don’t you tell me?” You said pulling Shep into your lap on the ground.
“We made pumpkins!” they said at the same time.
“Oh my goodness! Wait a minute, you grew a whole pumpkin while you were there? Are you some kind of garden witch?” you said poking Tom in the stomach making him giggle.
“No, we didn’t grow pumpkins. We carved some for Halloween!”
“You what?! Well, you’re going to have to tell me what you made them look like while I help your mom with dinner,” you said sitting Shep up before you got to your feet. “Why don’t you boys go wash your hands, and I’ll let you mix the batter for the biscuits.”
“YAY!” they shouted as they ran into the bathroom to wash their hands. Only stopping to say hi to Jensen before running off in full speed again.
“Ugh, they make me feel so old,” you sighed dusting your leggings off.
As you went to look up you noticed Jensen had been watching you the whole time with the biggest grin. You were really good with the kids and it was making him even more attracted to you.
“Hope you boys like biscuits and gravy for dinner because I’m pulling out my dad’s recipe,” you said mainly toward Jared knowing his love for that meal, but saw both of the boys perk up.
“Biscuits and gravy? Oh hell yeah! That’s my favorite!” Jared said with a fist pump to the air.
You laughed a loud laugh and crossed your arms.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing Jensen is staying. That way he can experience the heavenly meal himself,” you chuckled, turning back to the kitchen walking away from the boys. “It’ll be out in about 20 minutes ya’ll.”
Jensen watched you walk away and hadn’t realized he was staring until Jared slapped him on the arm.
“Ouch! What the heck dude?”
“You know what the heck! You only stayed cause Y/N was here.”
“What? Noooo. I- I just- “
“No, don’t try to make excuses. She showed up while I was changing and you invited yourself to dinner to talk with her more. Don’t act like I don’t know you Ackles!”
“Ok, ok. So what? Is it really going to hurt me to just learn a few details about her. I mean I just learned she is really good with kids.” He stopped and looked back where you had walked away. “Like really good with kids.”
Another smack to the arm.
“OW! Stop that!”
“It may not hurt you, but it may hurt everyone else.” Jared let out a sigh. “I meant it Jensen. You need to leave her be. She’s going through some stuff that she needs to figure out, and Gen doesn’t need to help her through ANOTHER heartbreak because you just want something casual.”
“Who said I want something casual with her? Maybe, I want something more. You don’t know.”
“I know that you haven’t had something not casual in a while. Don’t get me wrong. I want you to settle down, but if it doesn’t work out… Jens just-“
“Ok, ok. She seems like a cool person to be friends with though. At least let me be friends with her,” Jensen said with his hands up in surrender.
“I don’t know man… Maybe-“
“Come on. I promise I won’t try anything. Please tell me you don’t think that low of me.”
“No man. You know I don’t. Just… Ok, fine. Friends. But JUST friends ok? I mean it.”
“Just friends!” Jensen said heading into the kitchen Jared following close behind. “For now…” he muttered only for him to hear.
Part 4
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fanfics4all · 6 years
The Northside Serpent: Part 8
Request: Yes / no
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night (Request are closed)
Sweet Pea x Keller!Reader
Word count: 3191
Warnings: A few curses
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Summary: You’re Kevin Keller’s little sister when you’re mom left to go to war and your dad started cheating (I’m making it so he’s been cheating since season 1) You started rebelling; dying your hair, getting a nose piercing, tattoo, and hanging out on the southside.
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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A week after the Southsiders transferred to Riverdale High everything was pretty normal but at the same time not normal. I was hanging out with my Southside friends mostly and my Northside friends were starting to worry about me. The Serpents were transitioning well now that they had their own little safe haven in the school. Sweet Pea actually tried out for the basketball team and obviously made it. He was great at it and it made him happy to knock over some Bulldogs during practice, especially Reggie.
Right now Riverdale was getting ready to celebrate its founder General Augustus Pickens. I was in class with Jughead and he was on his laptop working on his book probably. Cheryl was giving a big speech about how it was her great great grandfather that actually discovered Riverdale or something like that I don’t know, tune her out since she does this every year. Thank god the bell rang to save us from this hell. Sweet Pea was at basketball practice and I was going to watch him along with Toni and Fangs.
“Sweets is amazing!” I said with a huge smile.
“Yeah, he’s great now can you please focus on helping us with homework?” Toni asked rolling her eyes.
“Right sorry, I’m just really glad you guys are here.” I said giving them an apologetic smile. During the practice I help the two with their homework making sure they understood what was going on but I also watched Pea practice. Once practice was over Sweet Pea jogged up to us and sat down on the bleachers next to me.
“Hey babe.” He said slightly out of breath.
“Hey, you were great.” I said and kissed his cheek, his skin was salty from the sweat but I didn’t care.
“Stop distracting Quinny! She’s helping us with homework!” Fangs said annoyed at Sweets.
“Relax Fangs, you guys have me till at least eight.” I said looking at my phone. I texted my dad earlier telling him I had to tutor some kids and he said it was fine but I had to be home no later than eight.
“Great! Then let’s go to the Wyrm and you can help all of us, plus we can eat.” Toni said packing up her things.
“Great idea!” I smiled and we all packed up our stuff. We walked out to the parking lot and Kevin was waiting by the car for me, shoot I forgot to text him!
“Y/N!” He called over to me.
“I’ll be right back, sorry guys.” I said and walked over to my brother.
“I’ve been waiting forever, where have you been?” Kevin asked.
“I forgot to text you, I’m sorry but I need to tutor them so I’m going to the Wyrm to help them and eat.”
“Does dad know?”
“He knows I’m tutoring some kids but he doesn’t know their Serpents…” I said playing with my fingers.
“Kev, I’ll be fine. Sweets will drop me off after, dad said to be home by eight so I will, I promise. Please don’t tell him who I’m tutoring.” I begged him.
“He’s going to find out and you know it.” Kevin sighed.
“Then I’ll deal with it when he does but you won’t tell him, right?”
“I won’t tell him.” He finally said and I smiled and hugged him.
“Thanks Kev! I love you.” I said pulling away.
“Love you too sis…” He said and I walked back to my friends.
We drove to the Wyrm and I spent the few hours I had helping them catch up. It was a little hard for them since Southside High didn’t actually do much teaching but they were getting the hang of it and that’s all that matters. I looked down at my phone and noticed it was almost eight.
“Shit, guy I gotta go. If I’m late my dad will kill me.” I said putting my stuff away.
“Aww really? I was just getting the hang of it!” Fangs wined.
“I promise during any free periods tomorrow I’ll help you guys more but I really gotta go.” I said getting up.
“I’ll drive you.” Sweets said also packing up his stuff and getting up. I smiled and grabbed his hand.
“See you guys tomorrow!” I called over my shoulder and the two young Serpents were making kissy faces at us. Sweets and I walked outside and we got on his bike. He drove me to the end of my block just like last time so my dad wouldn’t see and I hopped off. Sweets grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.
“What about my goodnight kiss?” He asked with a pout. I giggled and leaned up to place my lips on his. He pulled me closer and went to deepen the kiss but I pulled away.
“Sweets I love you but I really can’t be making out with you right now, especially when my house is a few feet away.” He groaned and placed his head in my neck and started kissing it.
“Pea, seriously I need to go if you ever want to see me again.” I said trying to push him off.
“Noooooo…” He said like a small child whos toy got taken away. I giggled and pulled it face up to look at me.
“I promise, we’ll have a day all to ourselves soon, okay?” I said with a smile and he nodded.
“I’ll hold you to that.” I smiled and pecked his lips once more before getting out of his grip and walking home.
“You’re late.” My dad said as soon as I walked in the door.
“I know, I’m sorry but I’m not that late! I just lost track of time…” I said placing my bag down.
“Who were you tutoring?” He asked as I walked to the stairs.
“Just some students.” I said with a shrug.
“Southsiders?” He asked and I froze. Did Kevin tell him?
“N-no…” I stuttered a bit. He sighed and shook his head.
“I told you to stay away from them.” He said annoyed.
“They’re my friends! And my teachers asked me to since I am an A+ student!” I said, it wasn’t a lie, every single one of my teachers noticed I hung out with them and they asked me to help them.
“Well as your father, I’m telling you that you can’t.” I rolled my eyes.
“Too bad, they go to my school now dad and I’m not going to just sit there and let my friends fail because they went to a shitty school!” I said crossing my arms.
“Watch your language!”
“Whatever, I’m tried so I’m going to bed.” I said and turned around and walked up to my room.
The next day I woke up and I was feeling like dressing in something really cute. I put on a gray long sleeve shirt with a cute pink cat in a pumpkin wearing a witch hat, a pair of thigh high stocking with a cross on them, a pair of black shorts with crossed on them to hold up the stockings, a pair of pink heels, and I curled my hair a bit and put a black bow in.
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For makeup I did pink and a sparkly purple eyeshadow with a cat eyeliner, and a nice pink lipstick.
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I usually dress in darker clothing but something about today made me really want to dress in something really cute. Kevin drove us to school and I asked him if he told dad that I was tutoring the Serpents and he said no. I’ll believe him for now since I don’t have any proof that Kevin told him.
After school Kevin dragged me into the student lounge where Betty, Veronica, and Jughead were sitting. Betty told us how she found her long lost brother and now he’s living with them. She took out her phone and showed us a picture of him.
“Well, he's very fetching for someone who was living on Skid Row.” Veronica said and handed the phone to Kevin.
“Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way.” Kevin said and handed the phone back to Betty.
“Your adventures in the woods?” Jughead asked.
“I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person.” My brother said with a smiled and I laughed a bit.
“Chic's still acclimating. And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten-year-old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn.” Betty said with a sigh.
“Well, I have an amazing idea.” Veronica said and we all looked at her.
“Bring The Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him. Everyone's coming, right?” She asked with a smile.
“No, because the Serpents weren't invited.” Jughead said.
“The Serpents were specifically asked to come.” Veronica corrected him.
“Yeah, to provide security. It's like we're all on the Snowpiercer train, but the Serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches.” I rolled my eyes at Jughead overdramatic nature.
“You don't have to work if you don't want to.” Veronica said.
“The damage, as they say, has already been done.” Jughead said and grabbed his bag.
“Talk to you guys later.” He said getting up.
“Plans with Toni?” Betty asked with a hint of jealousy.
“Uh, yeah, I'm interviewing her grandfather for my oral history report. The oldest living Serpent.” He said.
“Can I come?” I asked with a smile.
“Sure.” He smiled and I grabbed my bag and the two of us walked to Toni’s grandfather trailer.  
“So you and Toni hooked up?” I asked.
“It was a one time thing…” Jughead said.
“Oh I know, Toni is more into girls so I don’t know why she hooked up with you.” I said with a smirk.
“Hey!” Jughead shoved me a little and we laughed. Once we got there Toni was waiting outside for us.
“You brought Quinny!” She said happily and hugged me.
“And she’s dressed like a fairy threw up on her…?” Toni said confused and looked me up and down.
“Leave me alone, I woke up wanting to wear pink for some reason.”
“I didn’t say I hate it, just use to you wearing dark colors.” She smiled and we walked inside.
“Grandpa, this is Jughead and this is Quinny, or Y/N.” Toni said introducing us.
“It’s nice to meet you.” I said with a smile. The four of us sat down.
“Thanks again for meeting with me. Toni told me that you're one of the founding members of the Serpents.” Jughead asked and Toni and I sat next to him.
“Yes. The snake, the laws, it's all based on Uktena tradition.” Toni’s grandfather said.
“Who were the Uktena?” Jughead asked while writing down notes.
“Uktena is a serpent, a horned serpent, a water serpent. Before there was a Riverdale, all this land belonged to the Uktena.” Her grandfather said.
“How did the Uktena evolve into the Serpents?” Jughead asked and He laughed.
“The Uktena, we didn't evolve. We were all slaughtered.” Jughead and I looked at Toni shocked then back at her grandfather.
“When my grandpa was a baby, there was a raid, and it was led by your hero over there, General Pickens. The battle, if you want to call it that only lasted for 12 minutes, but the slaughter was total and savage.” He explained.
“The General Pickens whose statue stands proudly in Pickens Park?” Jughead asked confused.
“Yes, and every year the Northside honors this man who massacred children. When my grandpa died, we formed the Serpents as a way to keep the family together.”
“How do people not know about this?” I asked confused.
“Well, some do, but-” Her grandfather tailed off.
“t's called the whitewashing of history. What, did you think Jason Blossom was the first person to be murdered in Riverdale?” Toni asked adding her usual sass.
Once Jughead was done with the interview I had to meet Kevin at Pop’s for dinner. We worked on our homework together and it was nice. Until he called Betty to tell her that her brother was a cam-boy. That kind of ruined my appetite. Other than that everything was great. We finished then went home.
“You’re coming to see me wrestle tomorrow before school right?” Kevin asked me and I smiled.
“Of course Kev!” I said and he hugged me. We went upstairs and went to bed.
The next day I had to wake up early and I was still in the mood to wear color. So I put on a black crop top, a mint greenish blueish overall skirt, some skeleton leggings, some turquoise creepers, some cute cross earrings, and finished it off with putting my hair in a bun and putting a big bow on.
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For makeup I did and black and silver sparkly eye with winged liner and a turquoise lipstick.
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I walked down stairs and Kevin and I got in the car while dad got in his police cruiser. We got to school and dad and I walked to the gym and Kevin walked into the locker room to get changed. We bother watched my brother take down Archie a couple of times and it was kind of funny to watch. After dad had to go to work and Kevin and I were meeting Betty in the blue and gold.
“It felt so good, Betty. It's like, yeah, Archie, you have the physique of a 1970s porn star, but that doesn't mean you can wrestle.” Kevin said with a huge smile on his face.
“Speaking of porn stars…” Betty said.
“Did you get lost down a webcam rabbit hole last night?” I smacked Kevin.
“Ew!” I said cringing.
“It's fascinating. I brought Chic home to help my mom without knowing who he was, and now to find out he's actually multiple people, performing online. How do I broach that with him? Do I broach that with him?” Betty asked and before either one of us could answer Jughead knocked on the door and came in.
“Hey, am I interrupting?” He asked.
“Yeah, kinda…”
“No.” The two said at the same time.
“I just wanted to run some stuff by you, but I can come back.” Jug said awkwardly.
“No, no, no, it's fine.” Kevin said getting up.
“I should go find Sweets, have you seen him?” I asked Jughead.
“Uh, yeah, he’s by his locker with Toni and Fangs.”
“Great! Thanks!” I smiled and walked out the room.
“Hey cutie.” I smiled walking up behind Sweet Pea.
“Hey babe.” He smiled pulling me around in front of him.
“Whoa, still in a colorful mood I see.” Toni said with a smirk. I just shrugged with a smile.
“Yeah, don’t really know why but I’m just feeling colorful!”
“Well I think you look great in anything babe.” Sweet Pea said and kissed my head.
“You two are disgustingly cute.” Fangs said in fake disgust.
“Shut up.” Sweet Pea smirked and shoved him.
“So are you guys going to Pickens Day?” I asked.
“We were asked to work, but I doubt we will.” Fangs said annoyed.
“Are you going?” Toni asked.
“Have to, my dad is making me.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Maybe I can meet up with you guys after?” I asked.
“Of course babe.” Sweets said and kissed me while Toni and Fangs made bafing noises.
The rest of the week was interesting with Jughead’s article out about what really happened. But it was finally Pickens Day and I was there with my brother and father. Kevin had gotten us some fair food and I was really happy since fair food is amazing.
“I’m gonna go talk to Cheryl.” I said to my dad and brother.
“Okay, have fun honey.” My dad said with a smile.
“Hey Cheryl!” I said walking up to her.
“Y/N/N! Hey.” She smiled back.
“I would hug you but I don’t want this candy apple to get stuck in you hair or something.” I laughed and nodded. The two of us talked for a bit until Fred Andrews came on stage.
“Hello, Riverdale. Happy Pickens Day. On behalf of Lodge Industries and Andrews Construction, we are thrilled to kick things off with a new twist on an old favorite. So, Veronica and the Pussycats.” He said and Cheryl and I looked at each other confused then looked at Josie. Veronica started singing and during her singing he Serpents walked up holding sighs and some had tape over their mouth. I smiled at them and looked over at Cheryl expecting her to be annoyed but she shoved her candy apple to her mother and grabbed my hand. She dragged me to the front and smiled at the Serpents.
“Toni? Jughead? What the hell is going on?” Veronica asked as the music stopped.
“We're here representing the dead and the silenced. Pickens Day is a lie. General Pickens slaughtered the Uktena tribe, my grandfather's family. And this land, the land that we're standing on, the land that will soon give way to a new Southside, was stolen from them. And we can't bring them back, but we can and we must honor them.” Toni said and Cheryl nodded.
“What gave you a change of heart?” I whispered to her.
“My family did this…” She said and I smiled proudly at her and wrapped my arm around her.
“Hey, folks, hi. Uh I think we can all be proud to live in a Riverdale where young people stand up for justice. Where a young woman can defend the honor and legacy of her grandfather. And where we can celebrate the living legacy of the Uktena, who contribute to the rich tapestry that is Riverdale, that is the Southside and that will be SoDale. So let's hear a round of applause for that, am I right?” Hiram Lodge said and everyone cheered. Toni looked around annoyed and disappointed. After that the Serpents left and I left with them, hopefully without my dad noticing.
“I can’t believe them!” Sweet Pea said pissed and punched a wall.
“Their Northsiders, what do you expect?” Toni said also pissed.
During the next few hours I tried to keep Sweet Pea calm, which was probably the hardest thing to do. Unfortunately my dad noticed I left and said I need to go home now. I sighed and got up.
“I’m sorry but I have to go.” I said sadly.
“I’ll take you home.” Sweets said but I shook my head.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” I said stopping him.
“She’s right Pea.” Toni said backing me up.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I said and they nodded. Sweet Pea walked me outside and pulled me to him.
“I’m sorry you had to see me so angry…”
“I don’t blame you babe.” I said placing my hand on his face.
“I love you.” He said and I smiled.
“I love you you too.” I stood on my tip toes and placed my lips on his.
Tag list: @54fangirl @southsidehufflepuff @xrosesareredx @cvvlxx @skeletalwolfcat @demigodofthesun @depressed-octopods-art @nalayrene @yourfavouritefuckup @staygoldsquatchling02 @sataninsatin @im-socialy-awkward-no-joke @dark-night-sky-99 @aframeofbones @fly-slytherin-queen @jojokoko0717 @nixdunbarhale @wanderlust-and-poetry @theyouthfulmoon  @seasiren96 @nixdunbarhale2 @misskarynie @emo-godess-loves-you  @blueandgoldaus  @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear
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trashglasses · 7 years
Some Things Never Change ch.3
Cross-posted on AO3 as well: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10189937/chapters/22629308
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum and Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
Words: 4175
Chapter Summary: A typical morning in the Lucis Caelum household isn’t the most peaceful.
Nikolas carefully opened his parents door, stepping inside quietly as he continued to cry softly.
“Papa? Daddy?” Nikolas whined, wiping the built up tears from his eyes.
Prompto hears the crying first, sitting up in his spot and rubbing his eyes in order to see the child clearly. He was crying, standing at the foot of their bed in nothing but his new Chocobo underwear and his stuffed frog in his arm. (The boy wasn’t too fond of sleeping in clothes.)
Noctis groaned in his sleep, turning over to look at the time. Its was 2:30 in the morning. He groaned louder and pulled the blanket over his head. Prom could handle it.
“W-what’s wrong Nikky?” Prompto asked, half asleep.
“I had a scary dream...can me and Mr. Froggy sleep with you? Please?” he said quietly, making his way closer to their bed.
“Sure buddy. Come on.” Prompto said, patting the spot in between him and Noct. Nikolas ran over the Prompto’s side and crawled up in the spot, settling into the covers and pulling the stuffed frog to his chest.
“Comfy?” Prompto asked, laying back down on the bed and pulling the covers over his shoulders.
Nikolas nodded and snuggled closer to Prompto, sighing happily. Prompto laid a kiss on his forehead and closed his eyes to head back to sleep.
“Ouch! God damn it Nik.” Noctis groaned, rubbing his aching side.
Nikolas was sprawled out over the bed, one leg over Noct’s stomach, his head on Prompto’s chest, and elbow in Prompto’ ribs.  He had another flailed leg under Noct’s back, kicking him enough to drive him mad. Didn’t help that the boy was sweating like it was a hot day in Lestallum in his sleep. Both men sighed deeply, staring at the ceiling.
“It’s 5 am…” Prompto said in a hushed tone to Noctis who was lying awake next to him.
“I know. Don't remind me.” Noctis whispered back. “Not like I can go back sleep with his foot lodged in my back.”
“At least you don't have a bony elbow in your ribcage. I’m going to be bruised tomorrow.”
“You bruise like a peach Prom.” Noctis said, finally turning to look at Prompto. “He won’t even move. Kid’s like a rock. We knew this was going to happen yet we let him do it every time.”
“You should have seen him Noct. He was all crying and sniffling with his little frog in his hand. I couldn’t say no to him while he looked like that. It's too much. He could get away with murder with a face like that!”
“Next time he asks, just remember his elbow in your ribs. That will make you easily say no to him.” He said, shifting a bit to go back to sleep, that is until Nikolas managed to kick him in the small of his back.
Noctis groaned loudly and Prompto couldn't help but laugh.
“Papa, you look sleepy.” Nikolas said, as he barely peered up from over the table with his mouth full of sugary cereal and milk. He decided he didn't want to use his booster seat, as he was a self-proclaimed “big boy”. Both Prompto and Noctis let it pass this time, not wanting to argue with the 4 year old after the sleepless night they had.
Noct sat at the other end of the table, moving his cereal back and forth in his bowl.
“I'm fine buddy. Don't worry about me.” He said, haphazardly putting a bite of soggy flakes in his mouth.
“Okay.” He said, opening his mouth to get another bite but instead, hitting the spoon against the table and dropping the spoonful all over his lap.
“Seriously Nikky? That's the 2nd time this morning. If you keep spilling, I'm going to have to get your booster seat.” Prompto said, grabbing a napkin to clean the chunks of cereal off his lap.
“Noooooo! Daddy nooo!” The child whined loudly, flailing his legs a little.
“Then be careful Nikolas.” Noctis said sleepily.
The toddler nodded and went to sit on his knees on the chair so he could finally see above the table. He put his head over the the bowl and started to shovel the sugar flakes into his mouth.
Prompto chuckled a bit while he grabbed an apple out the fridge. He took a big bite and looked over at his sleepy husband. “Don't you have a meeting or something at the Citadel today Noct?”
“Hmm?” He said, coming back to reality for the moment.
“Don't you have a meeting today?”
“That's not until Thursday.”
“Today is Thursday.”
“You gotta be kidding me!”
“Wish I was babe.” Prompto said, taking another bite of his apple.
So much for finishing his breakfast.
Noctis let out a loud groan as quickly sat up from the table to find his phone. He scrambled around the house for a moment, unable to remember where he tossed his phone the night before. He heard the quiet vibrating coming from the couch. He grabbed it from in between the couch cushions and tapped the screen to show 5 notifications from Ignis, all reminding him that meeting was this morning starting at 10 at the Citadel.
Noctis looked at the time and practicality yelled. It was 8:30  already and he hadn’t even brushed his teeth or factored in driving time. He sighed deeply and slammed his phone onto the table, causing Nikolas to jump and making the accompanying bowl of cereal to fall into the boy’s lap. Sugary milk and chunks of soggy corn flakes littered the boy’s lap and chest as well as the floor below. Some milk even got on Nik’s precious stuffed frog which was laying on the table next to him.The boy looked down at the mess and started to cry loudly.
“Papa!!! You made me spill!” he sobbed into his hands.
“Noooccctttt!” Prompto whined, grabbing a drying towel from the counter and heading over to calm the crying child.
“Ah...shit!” Noctis stumbles awkwardly towards the mess and tries to pick up the half melted cereal from the boy’s chest and lap. “My bad Nik. I wasn’t paying attention to how hard I hit the table.”
“You scared him Noct. He jumped.” Prompto pointed out as he wiped the milk from the toddler’s body.
“I said I’m sorry.” Noct snapped, taking the handful of mush to the trash can and dumping it in.
“I’m sticky daddy!” Nikolas cried out, unable to stop his tears. “And Mr. Froggy is dirty too!”
“I know. I know. I’ll give you a bath in just a second okay?” Noctis said with a heavy sigh, picking up the remaining flakes off the floor.
“Noctis you have to get to your meeting. It’s already late. I’ll do it.” Prompto said, soaking up most of the milk.
“You sure?” Noctis asked, looking up from the floor. “It will only take a minute for me to toss him in there.”
“I wouldn’t want you to be late to your meeting and have both Ignis and your dad down your throat.” the blond said, picking up the now sticky child and slinging him on his hip.
“Thanks Prom.” Noctis smiled and gave him a quick nod before tossing the cereal in the trash and running to their room.
Nikolas leaned towards Prompto, whispering something in his dad’s ear before pulling away with a tint of red over his dark freckles.
“Yeah, I know it’s sticky in there. Your underwear are soaked with that gross sugar milk dude.” Prompto said, shifting him on his hip a little. “Let’s get you in the bath, my little sticky Chocobo butt.” he joked, patting the kids back and heading to the bathroom.
“I am the king of bubble kingdom!” Nikolas yelled loudly from his mountain of bubbles that was erupting from the sides of the bathtub. He dipped back down into the mound of bubbles around him as Prompto walked in.
“King of what?”
Prompto stopped right in his tracks as he saw the bathtub filled to the brim with bubbles. “What the hell Nikky!?” the older man asked as he looked at the mound of bubbles and the mess on the floor as well. He picked up a near empty bottle of bubble bath and sighed deeply.
He left him alone for 5 minutes so he could mop up the rest of the mess in the kitchen and he managed to make an even bigger mess in the time being. It made him want to call Ignis and apologize for all the messes he and Noctis ever made him clean up.
The boy popped up from his bubble mountain. “Did the bubble king give you peer-mist-ion (permission) to speak?” he asked, running his fingers through his newly formed bubble beard.
Prompto rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “The bubble king isn’t going to be in good graces with his daddy if he is a brat.”
“The bubble king is the ruler of this land. He doesn’t need a daddy to tell him what to do.” he announced, throwing a handful of bubbles in the air.
“That is not a nice thing to say, Nikolas.”
“Kings can’t always be nice.” he said plainly, putting more bubbles on his face to make his beard again.
“Nikolas Lucis Caelum...” Prompto said under his breath, trying to keep himself from getting a headache. At least he had an understanding of his “duty” unlike the royalty that lived in the house with him.
Noctis stepped into the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, turning on the water to start brushing.
“Excuse me sir! No one is allowed in Bubble king’s castle without peer-mist-ion!” Nikky said, gripping the edge of the tub.
“And who’s this bubble king?” Noctis asked, squirting a bit of the paste onto his brush and shoving it in his mouth.
“I am bubble king and no one in here has ree-queest-ed (requested) an aw-dee-dance- (audience) in order to speak to me!” he said, replicating what he heard from his Grandpa Regis once. Noctis busted in a loud laugh.
“Okay, Mr. Bubble king.” he muttered with the brush still in his mouth, laughing a bit.
“Noct! Please don’t entertain him. It will only make it worse.” Prompto said under his breath.
“It’s funny Prompt. He tried to sound like my dad.” he said, going back to brush his teeth. “It’s kinda cute.”
“It’s not funny. He is being a brat.” the blond said, stepping closer to Noct. “Do something! He will listen to you!”
Noctis groaned into his toothbrush.
“Fine.” he said, spitting out the toothpaste foam and rinsing his mouth out a bit. “May I request an audience then? I wish to speak to the bubble king right away.” Noctis said, sounding as formal as he could.
Nikky smiled and sat up straight in the tub. “Wish granted.”
“Thank you your highness.” he said, bowing a little. “It has come to my attention that you, bubble king, have made someone important awfully upset.” he said, nudging Prompto in order to get him to play along. The blond quickly got the hint and pretended to cry into his hands.
Nikolas started to frown.
“I think you should pay attention to your words, your majesty. You have hurt an ally of yours; another king from nearby. This king is much stronger than you and could easily take away your entire kingdom, including your toys and dessert for an entire week.”
Nikolas stiffened up and scooted forward in the tub. “Uhhh…”
“So, your majesty, if your wish to remain on your throne, I suggest you watch your words and pay your respects to people higher than yourself. That is all.” Noctis said with a smirk on his face. Nikolas jaw shut closed, unable to say anything. He slumped down into the bubble mess and pouted.
Prompto looked up and smiled, mouthing the words “thank you” before giving him a quick kiss.
Noctis left the bathroom to finish getting ready and Prompto managed to reach the mass of bubbles to find the washcloth and shampoo.
“Come on bubble king. Time to get you all cleaned up.” he said, squeezing a handful of shampoo into his hand and plopping it on the boy’s messy head.
It wasn’t long before Nikolas came running out of his room in an old t-shirt of Noctis and his arms full of coloring supplies, his hair still dripping wet from his bath. His little arms will filled to brim with crayons, markers, and papers; so much so that he could hardly see over the sea of art supplies.
He ran right into Noct, who was frantically searching for something in the house.
“Sorry Papa.” he said, holding his supplies tightly.
“It’s fine.” he muttered as he searched through the various drawers in the hallway.
The dark haired man was clad in his kingly raiment (minus the knee piece). His hair was styled to perfection and it even look liked he ironed his pants for once. But one thing was missing, the cape.
Noctis was painfully aware that he almost never wore the outfit, seeing as it stayed in the back of his closet. The cape was the only exception, seeing as Nik liked to play superhero with it more often than not. Noctis never really thought about it too much seeing as Nik used it more than he ever did.
But, the one time he did need it, it was nowhere to be found. Not in Nikolas’ room, not in any of his hiding spots, and certainly not in the piles of laundry in the washing room.
“Prompto! Have you seen my cape?! I can’t find it anywhere!” he shouted, now heading to the living room to look under the couches.
“It has been a while since I have seen it. Nikky was using it for something. I can’t remember.” Prompto said, lounging on the couch, his hand deep in a bag of sour cream and onion potato chips.
“Well that was a ton of help Prom.” he groaned, running his fingers through his hair. “Can you at least remember where Nik was playing?”
“Umm...his room I think? Ask him.” Prompto chimed, stuffing another chip into his mouth. “He would know more than me.” he said, mouth full of chip.
Noctis pulled out his phone and looked at the time. It was already 9:30. He needed to leave soon if he was going to make it to the meeting on time. He could already hear Ignis’ voice in the back of his head, chastising him for being late.
“Nikolas.” he said, looking over at this son, who was holding the signature green crayon and drawing another frog.
“Hmm?” he asked, not even looking up from his drawing.
“Where did you have my cape last?”
The child shrugged, filling in the lines with the green marker. “I don’t know.”
“Come on Nik. I am going to be late to my meeting.” he said in a half whine.”Can you try to remember?”
The kid put down his marker and thought for a long second before perking up. “My room! I had it in my room!” he said excitedly.
“Thanks bud!” he exclaimed as he headed to the boy’s room. Little did he know, the boy’s room was just as messy as his own room, littered with toys, clothes, and various art supplies. He wasn’t sure how he was going to find his cape in the mess.
He sighed deeply and proceeded to make his way through the room, digging through toys boxes and piles of rejected drawings. He was just happy there wasn’t any old candy wrappers or empty pudding cups scattered around.
He had searched the entire room and still was empty handed. There was one place he hadn’t checked just yet, underneath the bed. He had vivid memories of what used to be under his own bed, quietly praying that Ignis would clean it out every so often. He didn’t know what old food or slimy creature he would find, after all he was his mini-me.
He laid down on the floor, slowing reaching his hand underneath the frame. He collided with a few loose papers and stuffed animals before he reached a familiar feeling fabric. He pulled the cloth towards him and smiled. He stood up and shook out the piece of fabric, holding it up.
“I found it! It was under Nikolas’ bed!” he shouted to the other in the living room. He came rushing out, trying to hook the cape on his back. Prompto stood up and walked over to the other man, grabbing the cape and helping him hook it on correctly. He went to press a kiss into the back of his neck when he smelled something...interesting.
“Hey, Noct.”
“Yeah?” he said, smoothing down the front of his shirt and looking into the mirror on the other wall.
“You smell like apples...just not like fresh apples. Like...apple juice or something like that.” Prompto said, not completely sure of himself.
“Apple juice?”
“Yeah. The sugary smell is hard to miss.” he pointed out as he looked down the cape and saw a strange looking spot on the back of the cape. He touched it. It wasn't wet but it definitely had a crunchy texture to it. Prompto looked over at the little boy, who was still looking down at his paper.
Nikolas was nervously drawing still, missing the line and messing up his drawing.
“Nikky...did you do something to papa’s cape?” Prompto asked, tilting his head a bit.
The kid shook his head frantically. “No. No. No.” he repeated.
Prompto raised his brows and moved towards the kid. “Nikolas, it’s not okay to lie.”
“But...I didn’t…” he started, getting quiet toward the end of the word.
Noctis turned around and looked at Nikolas, crossing his arms over his chest.. “Nikolas Lucis Caelum. Tell the truth.” he said sternly.
“I didn’t mean it!” he shouted, looking up at the two with tears in his eyes. “I...I didn’t know it was papa’s cape! I-I spilled my juice on the floor and I didn’t want you to yell at me so I tried to clean it up. I thought papa’s cape was a towel but it...I hid it under my bed so no one could find it. I didn’t know Papa had to wear it!” he rambled, the tears starting to freely flow. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
Noctis sighed deeply and shook his head with a little chuckle. “You were right Prom. His crying face could help him get away with murder. I can’t even be mad at him while he crying like that.”
“You don’t have time to get mad at him Noct! It's 9:45. You are already late! You need to leave now!” Prompto said, running to grab the car keys from their room. He handed the keys to Noctis and gave him a quick kiss. “Now go!” he said with a big smile on his face.
Noctis grabbed the keys and gave Prompto another lingering kiss before running out the door.
Nikolas wiped the tears from his eyes and looked up at Prompto with a little pout. “Am I in trouble Daddy?” he asked quietly.
Prompto chuckled lightly and ruffled the boy’s dark hair. “We will talk about it when your Papa gets home. For now, finish up that frog. The fridge needs another drawing.” he said.
Just as Noct imagined, the meeting had already started without him. He could hear the men mumbling from behind the door. He sighed deeply and quietly opened the door to the room. The men stopped what they were doing, looking right at him. Noctis nervously ran his fingers through his hair as he made his way to the empty seat next to Ignis.
“Nice of you to join us Noctis.” Regis said, straightening up in his seat. “We just started. You didn’t miss much. Ignis will catch you up.”
Ignis nodded obediently, pushing his meeting notes over to the young man, pushing his glasses up to his face. Noctis looked over the notes at the other men continued to talk. He still wasn’t used to these things just yet but Regis was slowing prepping him to take the throne from him soon. So, he was coming to more and more meetings lately.
“Noct...you...smell like some sort of fruit juice.” Ignis pointed out, furrowing his brows a bit.
“It’s a long story okay.” he huffed.
“Is that the reason why you were late today? Even after I sent to multiple messages this morning?” he said, quietly, trying to listen to the men speaking around him.
“Something like that.” Noctis replied, still looking over the notes. “A lot happened this morn-”
“Noctis. Ignis. Do you have something to share?” Regis said with a knowing smile. Ignis immediately lowered his head.
“I apologize your majesty. I was asking Noctis about his morning, trying to figure out how he ended up being late. I wanted to make sure I did not need to go start picking him up again to make sure he gets here on time.” Ignis said, his gaze still fixed on the table.
“There is no need Ignis. He is a grown man. I am sure he has a reason to why he was late this morning.” Regis commented, folding his hands on the table in front of him, as if he was asking Noctis to explain himself.
“Uhh..” Noctis stammered, running his fingers through his hair again. “Well...I kinda forgot today was Thursday. Prompto reminded me and I went to get ready when I accidentally scared Nikolas and made him spill his breakfast all over him. He was crying and screaming. It was a mess.” he started, “Then the kid emptied and entire bottle of soap into the bathroom and made a huge mass of bubbles and proclaimed himself as the bubble king.”
Ignis coughed to cover up his laugh. Noctis gave him a quick side eye.
“So I had to shut that down because he was being rude to Prompto. Then I couldn't find my cape and that took a huge chunk of time before I found it under Nik’s bed covered in old apple juice. But it was too late to do anything so here I am with an apple juice covered cape so I wasn’t super late.” Noctis explained, sighing deeply by the end.
The other members of the counsel were laughing by the end of the story, unable to stay so stoic across the table, Regis was letting out a hearty chuckle.
“Goodness. That boy gets more and more like you every day.” he said, still chuckling. “I am sure Prompto has his hands quite full with the both of you under one roof.”
Noctis let out a sigh of relief and let a gentle smile cross his lips. “Yeah.”
Nikolas was back in the bathtub, the mountain of bubble surrounding him once more. “I am bubble king-”
“Bubble prince .” Noctis corrected, sitting the the bathtub next to him, bubbles coating his wet hair. “I am the bubble king. You are my son, thus you are the prince of bubble kingdom.”
“Papaaaa!” he whined, pushing a mound of bubbles into Noctis’ face.
“What? It’s the truth Nik.”
“Then that means Grandpa is the real bubble king. So you are a bubble prince too!”
“Grandpa has all of Lucis to run, he has no time to be bubble king. So I will take his position.” Noctis pointed out, fixing his knees so they wouldn’t bang against the edge of the bathtub again.
“Wish you were that passionate about being the king of what you were supposed to be.” Prompto said, walking into the room with a big smile and snapping a quick picture of the Lucis Caelum duo in the tub.
“Prom…” Noctis grumbled.
“I’m kidding I’m kidding. Relax dude. I didn’t come to ruin that father-son bonding time. Just came to tell you dinner will be done when you get out.”
“You mean the pizza will be here.” Noctis corrected.
Prompto pouted, “and wings.”
“Thanks, Prom.” he said with a gentle smile.
“Yeah! Thanks, daddy! And thanks for washing Mr.Froggy! He doesn’t smell like old milk anymore!”
“No prob. You two enjoy yourselves. Holler if ya need me!” he said, leaving the room with a wave. Nikolas had a devious little smirk on his face as he splashed Noctis with the little bit of water underneath the bubble mountain.
“Hey! No splashing in here! I don’t want to have to clean up the floor after that!” Noctis said with a laugh. Nikolas was laughing loudly, looking at his dad muss of hair, one that resembled his. Noct grabbed the boy and hugged him to his chest.
“Come on bubble prince. Let’s get cleaned up so we can get some pizza.” he said, giving him a gentle kiss on his bubbled cheek.
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