#2 now i know he got married before me. tch. the audacity.
nishikitty · 6 months
oomf posting about tommyinnit despite my intense beef w him tch i see how it is
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prorevenge · 6 years
Entitled parent steals from student fund, gets sued over corruption
Hello lads,
I wanted to share a story with you. I'm a 23 YO university student in Slovakia, so please keep in mind English is my 3rd language.
The story evolves around our prom night and our funds (2014 - 2015). In my secondary school of business (commercial academy), we used to pay 50 € into the fund each year to save up for the prom. We had 29 students and accumulated 5 800 € over the period of 4 years. The last year, we had to appoint a parent, who will take care of the finances (managing the account, paying for the things we need, handling the alcohol etc.). Unfortunately, EM "nominated" herself. Other parents were just like "meh, I don't want to do that".
This is where the story begins. EM (Mother) was also a mayor in the small village I live in ( My school was only about 5 min drive from my house to my school in a town nearby). I had also been a really good friend with her son (John) when we were younger. John changed and became unbelievably spoiled over the years. When we entered our new school, he started rubbing his "high life" and how rich he is in everybody's face. Standard rich spoiled a**hole. He was the first to get his new car, always the new iPhone, going on expensive vacations, etc. Simply, nobody could be better or richer than him.
As we come close the the prom night, we quickly find that our funds are almost drained out. The girls in our class were really shocked. They had planned the prom to the smallest detail with every cent put to use. We even had to end with 600 € at the end of the prom. Suddenly we had last 50 € in the bank account. Back then, we didn't really care, EM just took more money than she should and she will return it later. We asked the EM, where she spent the money. She just replied "I had spent it where you told me to, the rest I will put back".
I didn't believe a single word, but since it was a night before the prom, we didn't care. The prom was nice, we had lots of fun, inviting parents and teachers alike. With best possible food and alcohol for the evening.
The next day we went over our account and found out we were actually 600 € in debt. WTF just happened?! We first checked with the EM. She gave 200 € to the photographer. Paid him even 200 € for the job well done (really stupid) and even another 200 € to get "bluray" discs instead of regular DVDs or CDs. We bought her BS, for a time. We called the photographer. LO and BEHOLD, he only received 200 €. Question was, where did the rest of the money ended up? You guessed it right, in EM's pocket. It was not only that, a couple of 100 € here and 100 € there and you get the picture. WE estimated that out of the 5800 € we have originally had, she "borrowed" 1200 €.
We told our class-teacher and our parents about that. They were all furious at her. She was asked to present cash register receipts to see where the money went. She was red the whole day as she was trying to falsify the receipts. Eventually nobody bought into her lies anymore. She was asked multiple times to cover the losses, but she had always found an excuse (couldn't press charges, as the fund was rather voluntary, and we had no official documents, plus we gave her all the info how to withdraw the money and the credit card). Eventually our graduation came along (Maturita in Slovakia). We had no more money to make a small feast for the teachers before the graduation, as we would never see each-other again. Some of the parents volunteered to bake a cook something for the teachers. The EM came as well, and she even had the courage to eat from the tables our parents voluntarily made, free of cost. She was even asked to stay outside and was not allowed to enter until she pays her debt.
A few day after a get a FB notification from John...and boy..the audacity!
"If everyone in the class would give 20 € more, we would cover the expenses". Suddenly a rich brat turns into a choosing beggar. I told him no. He had a party in the evening since it was his B-day, so I went there. I handed him a bottle of Jack Daniels (because he gave it to me on my B-day, saying I could never afford it myself) and told him "We're done, I'm not your friend".
I couldn't let it slide. Her husband had covered the expenses eventually but it wasn't good enough. She stole from her son and from his classmates. From what I know she is a fraud (tax evasion, accountancy fraud, falsifying documents and even extortion). What we did is, we rounded up what evidence we had on her (for stealing from our fund) and we handed all the to the prosecutor, who was investigating her case (working on her corruption charges at that time, it would give a great profile of the person, who steals from her son). The trial was delayed several times ( due to her knowing "some people"). But we eventually, we put her under so much stress, she couldn't even think straight. We sometimes wrote messages on her FB page asking for her confession to the police and even sending emails to her detailing her "SCAM".
After a while she was making even bigger mistakes. She was trying to avoid this trial, as much as possible. She wouldn't want to be confronted by "stealing from a prom fund, from her son". Her actions got to her fast. There are still ongoing corruption investigations (3 I know of) as well as abuse of powers as a public official. There is also a warrant to arrest her (don't know if they really did). Since the last trial of another scam, she even had to pawn her house, sell her car even her son's motorcycle. She's now in hiding.
John didn't make it far either. As a spoiled brat he was unable to find a steady job (had like 8 Jobs in 2 years, and dropped out of college after only one winter semester). Rumors have it he deals in pot nowadays. The only person I pity, is EM's husband, John's father. He was the only actual nice guy in their family, even stood up for me once in primary school. EM didn't want to pay money she borrowed from a bunch of other people on HIS name, so she made him announce bankruptcy and possible insanity. To this day, he is still married to her (as far as I know). As I remember him, he once told me "family is the most important thing a man can look up to, to make him feel proud, to fell like you a part of something". Now, I feel like, he has nowhere else to go, but to stay with her.
Long story short; EM steals money from our fund, we put pressure on her and give up evidence in court to show what b*tch she is in court, EM tries to avoid everybody.
(source) story by (/u/TDuranteTech)
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