#2) my cosmetics are mostly from season of performance
andmaybegayer · 5 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-04-15
alright everyone gather round the kringlefucker and let's get this over with
Listening: A while ago I asked about who TMBG was and I think @sybilius recommended starting with Flood. I would not say I'm up to actually liking this yet but I can see myself getting there if I stick with it.
Watching: I stopped midway through The Mandalorian Season 2 so I picked that back up. Just met Ahsoka for the first time in a while. I continue to be glad that they're doing things in Star Wars that don't necessarily involve the Skywalkers all the time, I really do need to read the Thrawn books at some point. They should make a movie with the Yuzhan Vong (they should not make a movie with the Yuzhan Vong.)
Reading: Got Piranesi by Susannah Clarke from the library over the weekend, and a Blake poetry collection. About ¼ of the way into Piranesi and as a big fan of Piranesi-esque Big Fucking Spaces this is great. I love the idea of the tides holy shit. Perfect imagery.
Playing: Back at Dark Souls, killed Seath the Scaleless and now I'm trying to make my way into the New Londo Ruins, I got a good way in and then got kicked off a ledge by a ghost.
Making: Fidgeting with different approaches to scripting for the RGB LED project, finally figured out why my Lua performance was shit and fixed that, so I think I'll just do Lua scripting, just need to make sure you can access data from Lua into C fast enough to make it worth it. Should be fine.
This project has been fun even if it has been mostly dead ends, I have gone from writing a scripting Lisp in Rust to trying to wrangle some expression evaluators to shooting instructions directly into RAM to embedding Lua.
Tools and Equipment: cosmetics things! I have spates of really annoying acne and the only thing I have ever found that reliably deals with that is benzoyl peroxide cream. You just dab or wipe some over the affected regions and it'll dry up pimples in a few hours.
The only thing to watch out for is that it is an extremely strong bleach so you can't sleep with it, and you also don't want it on your clothes., usually what I do is put it on when I get back from work and keep it on until I shower at night. One to two days of that and pretty much any acne is gone.
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averageskyplayer · 2 years
Here's one of my sky characters (made using this picrew)
my outfits change a lot but this is the one i wear the most
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quickspinner · 4 years
Second Chance - Ch 7 Why Wait
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
“Wake up so I can kiss you goodbye, you jerk.”
“It’s the weekend, where are you even going?” he mumbled. 
“Brunch with my parents. Are you sure you don’t want to come?”
“Marinette,” he moaned. “Your parents are amazing, you’re amazing, you’re gorgeous, I’m so in love with you, but that concert last night killed me. I’ll beg their forgiveness later, but please, please, please just let me sleep.”
He couldn’t see her pouting, but somehow he knew she was. Too tired to question whether one could hear a pout, Luka raised up with only one eye open, pressed a kiss in the general vicinity of her mouth, and then buried his face in the pillow with a groan. Even so, he smiled as he felt her soft lips on his bare shoulder.  
“I love you too, vampire boyfriend,” she teased. 
“Love you,” he muttered as he pulled the blanket over his head to hide his grin. He was too tired to be this happy, damnit.
Having Marinette there when he woke was one of Luka’s favorite things about the weekend, so he may have done a little pouting himself when he dragged out of bed. Luka had tried adjusting his hours a bit to make more time with her, and had been moderately successful until his next round of scheduled performances, which quickly put him back on night owl hours. 
Still, they made it work, and the last few months had seen a great deal of improvement in Luka’s life, even with Marinette now working more standard hours. She’d declined to work with Adrien at Gabriel, and had negotiated a very favorable contract with another major design house, but she still had to work when everyone else was working. Luka had plenty to fill his time when she wasn’t around, especially with tour season quickly approaching, but he’d also taken Marinette’s advice and devoted more time to his personal life outside of her.
He’d started getting together with Ivan every few weeks, and he’d been drawn into Marinette’s circle of friends as well. Adrien has been by to see them a few times with minimal awkwardness. They’d had dinner several times with Alya and Nino, and as Nino also had a career in music that frequently meant he worked odd hours, he and Luka had struck up the beginnings of a friendship outside of their girls. Anarka was back in Paris, and she always had time to see him when he was bored or frustrated, or when he just wanted to get away from the reporters who’d been dogging him ever since his relationship went public. Luka secretly loved watching his mother tell off the paparazzi who had the audacity to set up around her boat, just before she cast off and left them on the bank as she sailed them out of reach, her booming laugh echoing across the water. 
He’d found more of a balance, just as Marinette had suggested, and Luka felt much better for it. Lucille took the dip in his efficiency in stride, even though it made managing his schedule more work. “You couldn’t keep the pace you were on forever,” she’d said briskly when he’d apologized. “It’s fine for you to be human, especially if it means you’re writing more songs.”
He was, he had almost a full album’s worth of tracks at least partially written, and the ones he’d demoed for the producers had been well received. At home, Marinette had helped him turn his apartment into something more personal and comfortable for them both. The windows now sported curtains Marinette had sewed herself, dark blue in his bedroom and cheerful red in the living room. There were throw pillows on the couch and leafy, living plants here and there (Marinette promised to help him keep these alive). A knit blanket lay over the back of the couch whenever they weren’t wrapped in it. Framed prints of Luka’s album covers were artfully hung in the living room, and pictures of friends and family were scattered on the walls of the hallways and bedroom. 
Technically, Marinette didn’t live with him, but the distinction at this point was a fine one. His spare bedroom was littered with her projects. The clothes she wore most often were in his closet and dresser. Her cosmetics competed for space with his in the vanity and there was a neat row of sweet-smelling bottles with pictures of flowers and fruit on them lined up along his bathtub. His kitchen cabinets housed at least half her collection of mugs that she had picked up in the various places she had visited, most handmade or hand painted and all far more colorful than anything he owned.
Most importantly, Marinette slept in his bed almost every night, allowing them to take advantage of every mutually convenient moment in their very different schedules. Maybe he couldn’t wake up with her and maybe she was almost always asleep when he came to bed, but Lucille worked his schedule to keep their overlapping hours open, or at least booked with tasks he could do at home. 
Luka sank down on the couch, leaning back into the soft blanket, and tried really hard not to think about the tour starting in...crap, it was barely a month now. He sighed and let his head fall back with a little groan. He got homesick on tour at the best of times. It was going to be even harder now. He smiled at the ceiling. At least he’d have something really worth coming home to.
Luka perked up at the sound of a key in the door.
“You haven’t even gotten up the energy to make coffee yet?” Marinette teased when she saw him. “You really are tired. Fear not, your savior has arrived.” She waggled a large to go cup at him.
“God, I love you,” Luka sighed, reaching his arms toward her. She came to him and perched on his knee, kissed him, and offered him the coffee. 
“I have pastries too if you’re hungry.”
“Mm,” Luka took the coffee, but nuzzled into her neck. “I’d rather have woken up with you, but I’ll take it.”
“I gave you the chance to wake up with me and you begged me to let you sleep.”
“You know what I meant. How are your parents?”
“Same as always,” she smiled brightly. “How was the show? You were too wiped out when you got home to tell me. This was the benefit show for the children’s hospital, right? The one Rose works with?”
“Yeah. It was amazing,” Luka shook his head. “So much energy in the crowd, it felt fantastic. Pretty emotional, though, with the speakers and all, so I really just had nothing left when it was over.” He sighed. “Those people are amazing. There was so much strength—“ he stopped, choked up, and cleared his throat. “It was a lot,” he finished thickly.
Marinette kissed him softly, giving him a tender look, and then got off his lap, heading for the kitchen. “We can take it easy today if you want. Do you have to work?” 
“First weekend of the month is fan mail weekend,” he reminded her, accepting the plate and napkin she brought him. “So, yes, but I can work around whatever else we decide to do.” Marinette put the box of pastries on the coffee table near him, and then pulled out her sketchbook. She settled with her back against the arm of the couch and her feet in his lap. 
“I don’t mind. You know I think it’s great that you make time to answer your fan mail.”
How is this my life? Luka wondered as he selected a pastry and put it on his plate. It was good, it was comfortable, it was right, and Luka was suddenly struck by the thought that he never wanted it to end. 
Luka didn’t realize how he was staring at her until Marinette spoke. 
“What are you thinking about so hard?” Marinette asked him without looking up from her sketchbook.
“I want to marry you.”
Marinette straightened and set her pencil down to look at him. She didn’t whip her her head up and stare wide-eyed, which he took as a good sign, so he set his plate down on the coffee table and continued.
“I love you and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re the one I want to be with. I want this—“ he motioned between them, “—all the time, forever. So I’d like to know how you feel about it. If it’s something you think you might want someday too.”
Marinette rapped a fingernail on her sketchbook. “Someday?”
“Or today.” Luka quipped with a shrug. “I’m sure we could make that happen.” He was mostly kidding, but his eyes widened slightly as Marinette frowned and pulled out her phone. He waited, a weird feeling curling in his stomach as she swiped and scrolled and chewed her lip. 
Then she looked up at him and his pulse shot up so rapidly that he nearly didn’t hear her over the pounding. 
“I’m sorry, can you say that again?” he managed. 
“I said I don’t think today will work, but we can do next Friday. I think everyone we’d need is free.”
Luka could barely breathe as he stared at her. “You want to get married next Friday?”
Marinette smirked at his expression. “Yep.”
Her smirk softened at the smile that bloomed on his face. Luka leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “Who are you and what have you done with Marinette queen-of-overthinking Dupain-Cheng?”
She mimicked his pose, leaning in until her nose was nearly brushing his. “She doesn’t live here anymore. Meet the new resident, Marinette not-stupid-enough-to-miss-her-second-chance Couffaine.” 
He nearly tackled her in his enthusiasm to kiss her. Marinette shoved him off, laughing. “We don’t have time for kissing, we’ve got phone calls to make.”
“Right.” He whipped out his phone. “Lucille! Hey, listen, Marinette and I are getting married next Friday. Call her in an hour and whatever she wants, you make it happen. If you get stuck on anything, call Penny. In fact, call Penny anyway and tell her she and Jagged are invited.”
“Oh,” Lucille said blankly, and then “Oh! Yes, okay. Um, budget?”
“Break the bank, I don’t care. Just don’t kill anyone, don’t get anyone fired, and try not to make too many threats. Okay?” He grinned at Marinette, who had her own phone to her ear but still heard enough to wrinkle her nose at him.
“You take all the fun out of everything.” Lucille drawled.
“You’re the best, Lu, I’ll call you later and check in.”
“How much does she hate me?” Marinette asked in a whisper, holding her own phone at arm’s length while Alya screamed. 
“She wasn’t even phased. She lives for stuff like this.” Luka grinned. “It’s good for her resume. And I’ve been so low maintenance that I’ve earned a few outrageous demands.” He kissed her temple. “I’ve gotta go.” 
“What? Where are you going?” 
“Gonna grab Juleka and go find a ring.”
“What? Luka, you don’t have to do that, it’s barely two weeks, I don’t need a ring.”
He leaned in and kissed her, caressing her face tenderly. “I’m gonna do it anyway. Unless you want to come pick it out?”
“No,” Marinette said faintly, “No, whatever you pick is fine, just—don’t go overboard.”
He kissed her again. “Okay. But when Lucille calls, you tell her what you want and don’t worry about the money.” Another kiss, and Luka giggled against her lips. “I’ve never been able to say that before. I want you to have the wedding of your dreams even if it is on short notice.”
“Isn’t there anything you want?” Marinette asked, looking concerned.
“I want you, Marinette,” he breathed, and then grinned. “I want to dance with you. I want my guitar and an amp handy. I’d really like to not wear a tie, I hate those things. But mostly I just want you there and as happy as you can possibly be. Everything else is negotiable.”
“Oh my God, girl,” Alya screeched over the phone. “I take back everything I just said, marry that boy pronto.”
Luka laughed. “Hi Alya! Bye Alya!” He kissed Marinette one more time, grabbed his jacket, headed out of his door and straight over to Juleka’s, and pounded a little more forcefully than was probably necessary. Rose opened the door, looking surprised. 
“Luka, what's going on? Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine, Rose,” he said, smiling like his face would split. He leaned past her and hollered, “Jules! Get decent and get out here, I need to go buy Marinette a ring and you’re coming with me.”
Rose squealed, covering her mouth with her hands. Luka winked at her. “You’re welcome to come too, Rose.”
“That’s amazing Luka, I’m so happy for you!” She threw her arms around his neck. “Oh! Have you planned how you’re going to ask her?”
“Already did. We’re getting married next Friday.” His brow furrowed. “Shit, I better call Maman.”
Rose just gaped at him with her mouth open. Then she screeched and ran back into the apartment, screaming for Juleka. Luka chuckled and stepped inside, shutting the door. He pulled out his phone and called his mother. Anarka sounded simultaneously exasperated and delighted, but she promised to be there and that was all Luka cared about. By the time he was off the phone with her, Juleka had emerged, dressed in nondescript black without her usual lace accents, her hair pulled back in a knot that hid most of the color and her purple tipped bangs tucked under a hat. She said nothing, just wrapped her arms around him. He folded around her and returned the hug. When they separated, she reached up and smacked the back of his head, then walked out the door without looking back to see if he and Rose were following.
“The press is going to be all over you,” Juleka mumbled as they got in the car. “They’ve been staking out the building ever since that premier. They’re going to follow us.”
Luka made a face. “Yeah, I know. I’m hoping we can make it look like we’re shopping for you, but if they do, they do. Lucille will have to find a way to keep them off my back.”
“With the tour about to kick off, they’re going to say it’s a publicity stunt,” Juleka persisted, looking sideways at him.
“I don’t care what they say, never have.”
“They’ll probably dig up whatever they can about Marinette. Probably your old girlfriends, too.”
Luka shrugged. “Everyone has a past, it doesn’t matter. As long as none of them show up at the wedding I couldn’t care less.”
“Marinette might care.”
“I’ll talk to her about it when we get home.” He hesitated. “Although I guess we didn’t really talk about—” he stopped and pulled out his phone.
Marinette picked up immediately. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he replied, unable to help smiling at the sound of her voice. “Listen, before I do this I just wanna make sure, you know the press is going to get wind of this right? Even if I manage to cover up what I’m doing, something is bound to leak if we do this in a hurry.”
“I suppose you’re right, but at least they’ll only have a couple weeks to freak out. Better than planning a wedding for months under that kind of scrutiny.”
“You’re right. We should probably just make a statement,” Luka mused. “I’ll talk to Lucille about putting one out once you’ve talked to everyone you need to. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with everything because the second I walk into a jewelry store, there are going to be rumors, even if we try to make it look like we’re shopping for Juleka.”
“I told you you didn’t have to.”
“You’re not cheating me out of getting to do this just because you’re impatient,” Luka told her, laughing. 
“I didn’t expect you to be so traditional,” Marinette giggled. 
“I’m not,” Luka chuckled. “Keep the traditions that make you happy, throw the rest out, I don’t care. But this one makes me happy, so I’m doing it and you can’t stop me. I mean, I guess you could decide not to wear it, I’d survive. But I still want to pick one out and give it to you. If you don’t want to wear it I guess we could frame it and hang it on the wall or something.”
Marinette’s laugh was rich and full and brought a dopey grin to his face that he knew he would catch hell for later. “I’ll wear it,” she giggled. “I will. Whatever makes you happy, Luka.”
“You make me happy,” he told her, ignoring his companions as Juleka made gagging noises and Rose shushed her, giggling.
When Luka got home carrying a tiny pretentious bag full of fancy tissue paper, he found Marinette waiting on him with a strange looking box on the coffee table and a “we need to talk” expression. His excitement turned to ice in his stomach and he came into the room a little warily. “Hey. Something up?” 
Marinette smiled tightly. “Nothing disastrous. Just a conversation we need to have before we go through with this whole thing. I figured we’d better do it now before we let Lucille loose on Paris.”
Luka frowned. “Okay. You know, I’m ready any time, but I can wait, we don’t have to rush into this if you’re not—”
“I am,” Marinette interrupted him. “But I need to make sure you are too, and that can’t be true until we’ve talked about this. Come sit down.” She patted the couch next to her.
Luka sat, eyeing the box on the table. “Please tell me these aren’t the ashes of your enemies. That would be a little creepy.”
Marinette laughed and patted his hand. “Not hardly.” Marinette leaned forward and did something to the box. A series of compartments opened seemingly on their own, revealing...jewelry? He glanced at her, still puzzled, until she lifted a familiar green bracelet from the box and his eyes widened.
It had been nearly seven years since the defeat of Hawkmoth—not a terribly long time in the span of global history, but Luka found now that trying to remember those days was like trying to remember a dream. The bracelet Marinette held was the one point of clarity. Luka remembered what it was and what it did, but had a hard time remembering why it mattered.
“The Miraculous magic,” Marinette told him matter-of-factly, watching his expressions shift. “It doesn’t actually erase anything that happened, or any record of it happening, it just makes it hard to think about. If you tried hard enough, and long enough, you would still remember everything.You’d just be easily distracted and constantly wondering what the point is of trying to remember. It’s been a real blessing for people whose akumatizations were especially difficult, and even more so for Adrien.”
Luka blinked at her for a moment, and then gasped. “Adrien’s father was Hawkmoth.” 
Marinette nodded, and then shrugged. “Thanks to the magic, people forget. Or rather, as I said, they just don’t think about it. He hasn’t faced nearly as much persecution as he would have otherwise. Here, it’ll be easier to have this discussion once I give you this.”
She put the bracelet in his hand and he was nearly blinded by a flash of blue-green light. The slight fog in his mind cleared instantly, the clarity suddenly flooding back into his thoughts. Luka remembered everything now. He blinked away tears from the light and the rush of memories and stared into familiar yellow eyes. “Sass,” he breathed.
“Ssssalutationsss, Luka,” the snake kwami smiled, showing his tiny fangs. “My how you’ve grown. Humansss change ssso quickly.” He put his flipper hands on Luka’s finger. “It isss good to sssee you, my friend.” 
“Luka Couffaine,” Marinette intoned quietly. “I present to you the Miraculous of the snake, which gives the power of Second Chance. You will use it for the greater good, and for the protection of the Miracle Box and its Guardian.” She smiled and shrugged. “That would be me.” 
Luka looked up from the bracelet in his hand. “Thank you, Ladybug.”
Marinette’s smile widened. “You knew the whole time, didn’t you?” 
“I guessed,” he admitted. “I wasn’t ever totally sure, but I figured it was safer that way.” He rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know how I’d forgotten until now.”
Marinette raised her hands slightly. “Magic.” 
“Right.” Luka shook his head. “Weird.” He slid the bracelet over his arm, watching in mild surprise as it flashed and turned into a silver band decorated with Celtic knotwork. “It’s different,” he observed.
“The disssguise adaptsss,” Sass agreed. “You are different now, so the disssguise isss different.”
“Huh. That design, though, it’s almost as if—.” Luka reached into the little bag full of tissue paper he’d left at his feet, and pulled out a small box. Marinette’s eyes widened, and, regaining some of his earlier enthusiasm, Luka felt a goofy, lovesick smile spread over his face as he opened the little box, and held the wrist bearing the snake Miraculous up next to the ring. The little platinum ring had a repeating Celtic knot pattern around the band and a small but beautiful channel-set sapphire in the center. The Miraculous bore a similar knot pattern repeating across the bracelet.
“Oh,” Marinette gasped lightly. Luka took the ring out of the box and took Marinette’s hand. 
“May I?” he asked tenderly, and she beamed at him. 
Luka slid the ring on her finger. “I thought you would prefer something flat.” He grinned at her. “See, I’m not as traditional as you think. I liked it so much that I had them reserve the matching wedding bands for us, but you don’t like them, we can go pick something else together.”
“It’s perfect, I love it,” Marinette breathed, smiling up at him. “And this is a good thing,” she added, picking up his arm to look at the bracelet, and then holding her own hand next to it to compare it to her ring. “Since it matches, if anyone asks, it was my engagement gift to you. That gives you an excuse to always have it on you.” She smiled. “It’s sort of true, anyway.”
“Sort of true?”
“Well, like I said, I figured I needed to talk to you about this before we really went through with things,” Marinette sighed. “And Tikki and I agreed that if we’re going to make a home and a family together, you should be protected, and empowered to protect us, so...” She waved a hand at the bracelet.
“Tikki?” Luka asked, feeling rather overwhelmed.
“Tikki,” Marinette called, and a tiny red kwami zipped up from her side to haven between them. “Luka, meet Tikki, the kwami of creation,” Marinette gestured. “She’s the source of that energy you kept noticing, by the way.”
“That’s only partially true,” Tikki interjected. “Marinette has a strong creative spirit on her own, which makes her very well suited to be Ladybug. The resonance you feel is because we’re so closely attuned.” She smiled, zipping close to examine Luka’s face. “You wouldn’t be able to sense it at all if you weren’t a true creative spirit too.”
Sass hissed a quiet laugh and perched on his shoulder, tail curling around Luka’s neck. “Don’t get greedy, Tikki. Thisss one isss mine.” Tikki rolled her eyes, giggling, and zipped back to Marinette.
“So, if you haven’t changed your mind after learning about all this unexpected craziness that comes attached to me,” Marinette was trying to be positive, he could tell, but there was still an edge of apprehension in her smile. “The bracelet is yours.” 
“Of course I haven’t,” Luka exclaimed, putting his hand on hers. “I mean, I’m not saying this all isn’t kind of heavy, and it makes me nervous that we’re—that I’m in the public eye so much. But if you’re okay with this, then so am I. I trust your judgement.”
Marinette flipped her hair. “I plan to be famous with or without you, mister rock star, so don’t go playing the martyr.” She smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “We’ll make it work. Just like everything else. The butterfly and the peacock have been recovered and repaired, there’s no reason for anyone to come after the Miraculous now that the magic is nudging people’s thoughts away from it, and no one but Adrien knows I was Ladybug, so no one would even know where to start looking. We should be fine, this is just a precaution.”
Luka blinked at her for a moment, putting things together. “Adrien is Chat Noir,” he said after a moment. Sass chuckled from his shoulder. 
“Yep,” Marinette smiled. “It’s the only Miraculous not in my possession. I couldn’t bear to take Plagg from him after everything that happened. Most of the kwamis prefer to stay in the Miracle Box unless they have a bearer, but sometimes they like to come out and have a chat and they’ll probably all want to meet you sooner or later, so just be prepared and try not to scream.” She narrowed her eyes slightly and pointed a finger at Sass and Tikki. “And you tell them the bedroom is a kwami-free zone, got it? Divine being or not, the first kwami that interrupts us is going to find themselves sealed in their Miraculous and dropped to the bottom of the Seine.”
Luka blushed as the kwamis tittered.
“So, uh…” Luka rubbed a hand through his hair, dropping his chin to his chest as he tried to process. “You got any more bombs to drop on me?”
“This was the big one,” Marinette giggled. “Nothing else but the usual stuff left. Money, living arrangements, future plans, kids.” She paused. “You’re okay with kids, right?”
Luka’s head snapped up and he stared at her, wide-eyed. “You want to have children...with me?”
Marinette sat back slightly and she blinked at him. “I mean, not right now, but in a few years, yeah. Is that...not something you want?”
Luka was having trouble processing. “It’s...honestly not something I thought I could have.”
She tilted her head. “Why not?”
“I’m...I didn’t...I mean, I haven’t exactly had the best example. Or...any example, really.” Luka rubbed a hand through his hair sheepishly. “I mean it sounds kind of stupid when I say it out loud, but I guess that’s always how I felt in the back of my mind. I guess I’ve never been serious enough with anyone to give it any real thought.” 
Marinette relaxed a little, and though there was still tension in her forehead, her eyes were soft. “Why wouldn’t anyone think you’d make a great dad? You’re kind, thoughtful, committed, gentle, respectful, supportive, protective. I could go on. Any daughter would be lucky to have you for a father,” she said, taking his hand and squeezing it. “And I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have teaching my sons how to be kind, compassionate, respectful men.” 
Shit, he was going to cry and he still couldn’t look away from her. 
“And if it helps, you’ll have a father now. My father. I know he’d be thrilled if you asked his advice. Most importantly,” she said, leaning in, “You have a huge heart and so much love to give. I know you’ll be fine. And when the time comes, we’ll figure it out together.”
Luka was reminded of his own words to Ivan and smiled faintly.
“But is that what you want, Luka?” Marinette squeezed his hand. “That’s kind of an important question.”
“I—yes, absolutely,” he breathed. A little girl with his eyes and Marinette’s smile and a too-big guitar in her arms, or a little boy covered in flour as he learned how to make bread from his grandparents—he’d never thought about it before but now that he had, he absolutely wanted it. 
Marinette relaxed, and her smile turned blinding. “Good.”
For a moment, they just looked at each other, and then Luka took her face in his hands and kissed her—or started to, before realizing his abrupt movement had tumbled Sass off his shoulder. Luka had completely forgotten the kwamis were there. He’d also forgotten they could float, he nearly knocked Marinette in the face as he scrambled to catch Sass, who caught himself and levitated, chuckling at Luka’s floundering and apologies.
“He’s fine,” Marinette reassured Luka, laughing, and then she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him back to her lips. “And so am I. Come back here, already.”
The tittering kwamis made a discreet retreat as the newly engaged couple embraced.  
The rest of the day was consumed with phone calls and a lot of screaming. The next day, Marinette wasted no time getting moved in for good. Luka had a stupid grin on his face the whole day and didn’t make even the slightest effort to hide it.
“I don’t know why you’re so excited,” Marinette giggled. “I practically lived here anyway. The only real difference is now I have to find somewhere to put all my crap.”
“It’s an important difference,” Luka protested. “And I know even though I told you to feel at home, you still think of this as my place.”
“It is—was your place.”
“And now it’s really our place, and that’s why it matters,” Luka told her, and then he sighed. “I almost wish we could get a new place that we picked out together,” he mused. 
“Luka, this apartment is amazing, it’s perfect for what you need, and you love it,” Marinette said practically. “I’ll fit myself in, you’ll see.”
“You shouldn’t have to fit yourself in around me, though.” Luka rubbed the back of his neck. “It doesn’t seem fair.”
“Stop worrying about it, Luka,” Marinette told him, picking up a pile of clothes and carrying them into the bedroom. “You’ll be gone on tour for months, remember? That’s plenty of time for me to get rid of your stuff.” 
Luka huffed a laugh at that. Nope, there was no wiping the stupid grin off his face and it was pointless to try.
A knock on his door startled him, and he and Marinette looked at each other. 
“Juleka?” Marinette suggested.
Luka shook his head and got up to answer the door. “She’s shooting a new cosmetic ad this week, and Rose always goes with her when she’s got to be on camera. Maybe a delivery? Usually security calls me first though.”
Marinette shrugged and picked up another pile of clothes to carry to the bedroom. 
Luka opened the door and blinked, momentarily speechless.
“Hey,” Adrien grinned, hands in his pockets. “I brought Marinette a wedding present.” There was a small knot of people behind him with expressions of longsuffering and a bright red ribbon tied around the whole group with a big bow. Luka glanced over them in puzzlement, and then, recognizing a couple of faces, he turned and called into the apartment.
“Marinette? I think you’d better take this delivery personally.”
“What?” Marinette’s voice came from his bedroom. 
“Come on out here.”
She came, but pouting. “Luka, I still have so much to do.”
Luka just stepped aside and opened the door wide. Marinette stopped and went pale as she took in the scene. Then she looked at Adrien. “What did you do?” she asked flatly.
“A little bird told me you were making an exception on your stupid polciy about wearing your own designs for the wedding,” Adrien said with a flicker of a smile. “I thought you might need a little help with your dress, given your frankly insane timeline.” Marinette stared at him, and Adrien quickly added, “And before you go off on me, I’m paying them, and they volunteered.”
“They won’t even all fit in here!” Marinette gasped, and Adrien chuckled and tossed her a key. Her hand snapped up to catch it, proving her superhero retirement hadn’t diminished her reflexes in the least. 
“They come with a workspace,” Adrien said smugly. He raised a cautionary finger at Luka. “You’re not allowed. No peeking before the big day.”
“I think I can handle it,” Luka said wryly. He smiled at Marinette’s still gobsmacked expression and kissed her cheek. “I’ll go in the bedroom so you can haul out all those supplies I know you bought without me watching.” He held out a fist to Adrien. “Thanks Adrien.” 
“Congratulations, Luka.” Adrien bumped his fist with a bittersweet smile that Luka couldn’t really fault him for.
Luka looked at Francis in the middle of the group. “Make sure she takes breaks to eat for me, okay?” Francis nodded vigorously.
Marinette made a few more inarticulate noises that ended in a huge hug for Adrien and as Luka retreated to the bedroom, he could hear her giving orders to get that stupid ribbon off those poor people, what is wrong with you, you big dork?
The next few days were...weird. Luka was walking on a cloud most of the time, going through the motions of his everyday routine with giddy disregard for what he was actually doing, only really tuning in to answer questions periodically from Marinette and Lucille about wedding arrangements or preferences. Even the press mobs didn’t bother him as much as usual, as tedious as it was to have to have his bodyguards follow him around everywhere he went just so he could get in the door. He made time to have dinner with Marinette and Tom and Sabine, letting the warmth of their happiness flow over him. He took Marinette to have breakfast on the boat with Anarka, too. They got on as well as they ever had in that ‘live and let live’ way that both of them shared. 
However, having little tiny flying creatures pop up at random was a little unsettling even when he knew it was coming. Most of them were perfectly pleasant little...god-things. Some of them were more eccentric than others. The ones who hadn’t gotten out of the box much were zipping all over the apartment, fascinated especially with Luka’s music gear. He shared a cup of tea with Wayzz and Sass, and Wayzz answered some of his questions about what it meant for Marinette to be the Guardian. Trixx was perfectly pleasant to speak to, but rearranged Luka’s pick collection while no one was looking. Duusu popped up in his studio and they had a little jam session, Duusu dancing manically in the air while Luka shredded. Kaalki examined Luka’s album covers and awards and proclaimed him sufficiently exceptional. Sass and Tikki together had to chase Xuppu back into the Miracle Box, and that was a trip and a half, watching them zip around phasing through anything in their way, before Tikki had sufficiently intimidated Xuppu from causing any further chaos. One afternoon he opened his eyes from his meditation and found a small circle of tiny gods gathered around him, mirroring his meditation pose.
“They like you,” Marinette confided in him one night, sliding behind him on the couch and draping herself over his back. “They say you have good energy, and they like your music. Kwamis sing, you know?”
“Really?” Luka lifted his eyebrows slightly.
“Yes, when they’re separated, they do some kind of magic singing to connect with each other.” She nuzzled his neck affectionately. “The novelty will wear off in a while and they won’t be around so much.”
“I don’t mind,” Luka said, picking a few notes thoughtfully on the guitar. “They’re cute, and mostly they’re just...there. It’s a bit strange, but I’ll get used to it.” He leaned his head back to press his cheek against her hair. 
He’d grown to love playing with her wrapped around his back. Sometimes he played whatever she requested. Sometimes he played her the sappiest love songs he could think of, until they lost themselves in laughter and kisses. But her song was still his favorite, being tuned in completely to her, playing for the sheer joy of it, with her pressed close against him, silent and still except for her quiet breath and soft touches against his skin.
“I love you,” he said softly, smiling as he played.
“I love you too.”
“I’m gonna marry you, weird entourage of tiny god-fairies and all.”
“I’m so lucky,” Marinette sighed, and he sensed the shift in her emotion even before he heard her voice go rough and her arms tighten around him. “I’m so lucky, Luka. I love you so much. I almost wish I could just marry you in the morning, but my parents would kill me and Lucille would probably have an aneurysm if we changed the plans at this point.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Luka sighed contentedly, turning his face to nuzzle and kiss her cheek. “We can make it.” 
The next day, Sass was asleep on Luka’s amp in a small nest of soft fiber scraps pilfered from Marinette’s workroom. The snake kwami found the vibrations soothing, which was convenient, Luka thought, since he spent so much time playing. Suddenly Sass stirred and sat up, and gave a smile that was somehow gentle despite the fangs. “Nooroo. Welcome, friend.” 
Luka looked up but saw nothing. 
“There isss no need for fear,” Sass said soothingly. “Pleassse join usss.”
A small purple face peeped around the door frame. The kwami eyed Sass, and then turned his eyes to Luka. He shrank back behind the door when he saw Luka’s gaze on him. The edge of a butterfly wing visible over Nooroo’s shoulder explained a lot, and Luka’s eyes widened slightly.
“Hello,” Luka said as gently as he could. “You can come in if you want. You’re very welcome here.” Nooroo didn’t move, and Luka went back to his guitar, playing something soft and soothing, watching out of the corner of his eye but trying not to be too obvious about it. 
“I know you can sssensse him,” Luka heard Sass say. “You know you have nothing to fear. But if you are not ready, we will not take offenssse.”
Another moment, and the butterfly kwami slipped inside, skirting the wall toward Sass’s nest.
“He feels gentle,” Nooroo said, very quietly, as he settled next to Sass.
“He isss,” Sass soothed, curling his tail protectively around his friend. “Ressst, if you like. You are sssafe here.”
Nooroo cuddled up next to Sass, his tiny expression enough to break Luka’s heart. “Safe,” he murmured, a little doubtfully.
Luka swallowed hard. He couldn’t imagine what the kwami suffered at the hands of Hawkmoth. Luka was empathetic by nature and practice, and that could be painful enough in the wrong situations, but Nooroo literally sensed emotion. To be forced to feel out the worst emotions he could find day after day must have been incredibly painful. Not to mention serving Gabriel Agreste was no picnic. One only had to look at Adrien’s issues to imagine how much worse it would be for a creature Gabriel believed to be nothing more than a tool. No wonder Nooroo had preferred the quiet, passionless world of the Miracle Box for years after Gabriel’s defeat.
Luka wondered if the kwami could feel his pity, and tried to decide what would be the most soothing for him. After a moment of thought, Luka began to play an old Scottish lullaby from his childhood, one that he associated with warmth and safety and his mother’s boundless love. He darted a glance at Sass and the little snake gave a tiny nod of approval. 
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been playing before Marinette appeared in the doorway, looking concerned. “You okay?” she asked softly. “You usually play that when you’re upset.”
“Fine,” Luka smiled at her. “Just felt like relaxing a bit.” He flicked his eyes toward the kwami nest. She followed his gaze.
“Nooroo,” Marinette said, face lighting up. “I’m glad to see you.”
Nooroo shrank into himself a bit. “Thank you, Guardian. I felt it would at least be polite to meet your intended.” He paused, looking between Luka and Marinette with a thoughtful expression. “I have seen great love twisted into selfishness and isolation,” Nooroo said solemnly. “But this is a soft love, a...generous love. It makes room for many. It is...good.”  
Luka smiled. “There’s room for you too, Nooroo, whenever you feel the need of it. You’re always welcome.”
Nooroo nodded. “Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it,” Marinette smiled, and blew him a kiss. Tikki slipped around her to join Sass and Nooroo. Tikki hugged the butterfly and Sass patted his friend gently. Between the two of them, he seemed to relax a bit more. Luka smiled to himself. 
Yeah, it was a little weird, but when in his life had he ever been “normal” anyway?
The two weeks somehow went slow and fast all at once. Luka remembered the feeling well; he’d felt the same in the last few weeks before his first tour. 
Friday morning saw their apartment invaded by a horde of women. Alya, Sabine, Rose, and Juleka took Marinette over to the girls’ apartment to get ready, leaving Luka to the tender mercies of his mother to make sure that he was ready and presentable on time. Luka rolled his eyes and refrained from pointing out that it was Marinette who had the reputation for chronic lateness, and that Anarka was the last person he would have picked to enforce order.
Still, he was glad Anarka was there. She went straight for his music studio and picked up his guitar, playing old tunes he remembered from his childhood. It soothed his jitters a little bit. It wasn’t that Luka was nervous or afraid exactly, he just...wanted to get on with it. He wanted to marry Marinette.
“It’s my wedding day,” he said softly to the mirror, just to make it real. “I’m marrying Marinette today.”
“You are,” Sass agreed, hovering beside him. “Are you ready?”
“So ready,” sighed Luka. “More than ready. Why can’t we already be married ready.”
It still felt surreal as he mechanically dressed himself. His suit had been provided by Marinette’s employer, as a bribe to let Marinette off work early for all the things that had to be done over the last couple of weeks, and for the wedding today, but Marinette had done the fittings herself, so it looked impeccable on him. It included a vest, but as he had requested, no tie. 
“All right, let’s have a look at ye,” Anarka said, stumping around him. “Can’t be having you looking sloppy for yer bride, eh?” When she had circled him twice, brushed some imaginary dust from his shoulder, she sighed and said, “Well, I guess yer grown up after all, me boy.” 
“I love you, Maman,” he said, smiling fondly at her, pretending he hadn’t seen her eyes watering behind her glasses. She returned the smile in kind, and then hugged him tight. 
“Come on,” she said. “Play with yer old Maman for a bit. Those girls’ll be forever getting ready, and you’ll just fret if ye do nothing.”
“That sounds great, Maman,” Luka said with relief, going to retrieve his old guitar.
They played duets until Juleka came to tell them that Marinette and the car were ready. The original Couffaines indulged in a quick group hug, and then Luka hugged them each individually again. 
“You’ll get wrinkled,” Juleka chided in a mumble. She looked up at him and he looked back at her and for a long moment they were silent. She didn’t need to speak for him to know how happy she was for him, and how relieved, and how much she wished for his happiness. He didn’t have to say anything for her to know how much he loved her and that he would always take care of her and that she would always be his sister.
“Come on,” she said at last, voice thick. “Let’s go get you married.”
Lucille took a step forward from where she stood by the door, clipboard in hand. “I sent everybody else down to the cars already so you two can have a moment. We’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”
For practicality’s sake, the couple and their witnesses were all going to City Hall together in the limo, while the others went ahead to the reception. Lucille ushered Juleka and Anarka our and to the elevator, leaving Luka alone. 
Well. Not quite alone. Suddenly there was a small floating rainbow of tiny gods stretched across his living room. “We give you all the blessings we can bestow on this day,” Wayzz spoke for them.
“Oh, it’s so beautiful!” cried Duusu, darting back and forth in her excitement. “Love is so beautiful!”
“Thanks, friends,” Luka smiled. “Really.” Wayzz nodded, and the kwamis zipped back out of the room, except for Sass, who took his place in Luka’s pocket.
Luka crossed the hall to Juleka’s apartment and stood there for a moment, just trying to breathe, outside the door. 
“She isss the sssame woman you loved yesssterday,” Sass said quietly, peeping out from his pocket. 
“Yeah,” Luka said with a lopsided smile. “But now she’s all dressed up and we’re getting married.”
The kwami chuckled. “Indeed.”
“Okay,” Luka said, feeling his breathing speed up in spite of himself. “Okay, here we go.” He knocked on the door, and then let himself in. 
“Marinette?” he called softly.
“In here,” she answered, and he went a little further into the apartment. She was standing in the light of the living room window, nearly glowing in her fitted white dress, her modest train artfully arranged behind her. Her hair was elaborately piled up and adorned with a tiara that he recognized as Rose’s. Her miraculous was in her ears, of course, and the blue seaglass pendant lay against her collarbone. 
Marinette smiled with trembling lips. “They posed me like a statue and made me promise not to move until you came in.”
“You look stunning,” he told her honestly. “I’m almost afraid to touch you.” 
She held her hands out to him and he quickly crossed the room to take them. “You’re shaking,” he observed.
“I’m going to lose my mind if we don’t do this soon,” she admitted, and they laughed together.
Luka raised her fingers to his lips and kissed all of them reverently. “Then let’s go, before we both fall to pieces,” he said, offering her his arm. 
The ride to City Hall was a blur. All he remembered was Marinette’s fingers gripping his as tightly as he held hers. 
Once they stepped inside, everything seemed to go in fast forward until he heard the mayor say, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” 
The words gave Luka a swooping feeling in his stomach and his knees went weak. He looked at Marinette and she met his eyes with the same awed look on her face. Then they both broke into huge smiles and threw their arms around each other. Luka sighed deeply as he hugged her, the butterflies in his stomach disappearing into a profound sense of relief that felt like stepping into his apartment for the first time after a three-month tour. ”I love you,” he whispered into her hair, and felt her snuggle closer. Then she lifted her face and he kissed her reverently. The mayor had to clear his throat before Luka could manage to let her go. As soon as he did, she was enveloped by her parents. Luka wiped his eyes discreetly as Lucille shuffled them off to another room, and chuckled when he saw Juleka doing the same. 
Heaven help them if the world ever found out what a bunch of softies the Couffaines were under their punk-goth-pirate exteriors.
Juleka hugged Marinette and gave Luka a wicked smile over his new wife’s shoulder. “Marinette’s my favorite,” Juleka told him smugly. Luka just laughed and put his arms around the both of them, kissing each on the top of her head, and then turned to give Rose the same treatment. The moment he turned away from her he was caught up into the most epic bear hug of his life courtesy of Tom. He’d have laughed again if he could get enough air. Sabine pounced as soon as Tom set his feet back on the ground, and damn if the small woman didn’t hug him almost as hard as Tom. 
“Whew,” Luka put his hand on his chest when Sabine released him and grinned at Marinette. At his wife. “I’m going to have to step up my hug game now that I’m part of the family.”  
Marinette giggled and moved toward him, but Juleka caught her arm. “Nuh-uh. We’ve got a party to get to and if you go over there now it’ll take a crowbar to separate you.” She spun Marinette towards the door. “Let me remind you that Maman is waiting, and keeping Maman waiting with nothing to entertain her is unwise.”  
Rose gasped and Luka winced. “She’s right, we better go,” he admitted, offering his hand—to his wife.   
“If we must,” Marinette sighed, but she was smiling brightly as she put her hand in his. “I suppose your adoring fans and annoying followers are waiting for us too.”
Luka grinned at her. “Just this once, shall we give them what they want?”
Marinette flashed him a grin. “Lead the way, husband.” He had to grab her up and kiss her for that, much to Lucille’s frustration, and it took another minute to get her smoothed back out and camera ready. 
Luka didn’t make the least effort to hide his joy or his love for Marinette as they emerged from City Hall into the bright morning light and cascade of camera clicks together, hand in hand. He wanted everyone to see it. They smiled and waved, and Luka bent Marinette back (not into a full dip this time, just enough to make the folds of her dress fall in elegant points toward the ground, like they’d practiced) and kissed her tenderly. Then he bent down and she jumped on his back, the two of them laughing as he piggybacked her through the path their security team cut to the limo, trailed by the long-suffering Lucille and the rest of the wedding party. 
Luka waved everyone else into the limo before him, and then turned and waved one more time to his fans, though he couldn’t see much past the cameras. Then he slid into the car next to Marinette and locked their fingers together. 
Somehow Marinette and Lucille had conspired to rent them a boat instead of a party hall. The Liberty was too small to hold all the guests, but Lucille had found them a boat with a stage and a largely flat deck made for dancing. It had the benefit of letting them have their wedding outdoors while keeping them secure from party crashers and reporters. The Seine had always been a huge part of Luka’s life, and he was glad to be on the water for such a momentous occasion. 
Most of the guests were already on the boat, and Luka made his grand entrance over a gangplank decorated in flowers and ribbons with Anarka on his arm, trailed by Juleka and Rose, and then Marinette’s parents escorted her across. 
The ship cast off and everything was a whirl for a while. They exchanged rings on the stage and spoke simple, sincere vows in front of all their gathered friends and loved ones. Luka danced with both his mother and sister, a three-person Scottish reel they’d danced together since he was a child, performed this time with so much gusto and at such a tempo that it left all three of them laughing and breathless (he had no idea where Nino had dug up that track but he was going to have to get a copy). Tom waltzed Marinette around the room with such enthusiasm that Luka wasn’t entirely sure her feet actually touched the floor at any point. 
Then Marinette was in his arms again, and he was so lost in her eyes that he missed Jagged beginning to play at the piano until her smile turned teasing and her eyebrows lifted. Luka wasn’t the best dancer, but it didn’t matter; all he wanted was to hold her close and let the music move them. Marinette seemed to feel the same, resting her head on his shoulder with a little sigh of contentment as the rest of the party was invited to join them on the dance floor. 
Luka gave her up to Adrien for a dance with only a little reluctance. Luka understood now better than he ever had how deep their bond ran. Before Adrien took Marinette to the dance floor, he leaned close to Luka and held open his coat for a moment. “Plagg wants to talk to you,” Adrien whispered, and a black blur shot from his coat to Luka’s. “Better find somewhere private, he’s not patient,” Adrien warned. 
Luka excused himself at the first opportunity to the men’s room, which was thankfully empty, and the black blur popped out of his coat and hovered in front of him, looking unimpressed. “So,” the little cat kwami said, more intimidating than anything that cute had a right to be. “You married my Guardian.”
Luka nodded warily. “I did.”
“I know Sass is all about second chances and that crap,” Plagg said, rolling to float on his back for a moment, and then sitting up to hover right in front of Luka’s eyes, his own cat-green eyes narrowed. “I’m just telling you now, I don’t go for that. I’m destruction, you got it? There won’t be any second chances with me. So you better take care of my Guardian, understand?”
Luka lifted his eyebrows. “Did you have this talk with Adrien?”
“One, that’s none of your business. Two, my kitten has extenuating circumstances. Three, you bet your ass we had words about what went down before. But I like him, so all I did was give him shit luck for a few months. You can ask him how much fun that was.” Plagg narrowed his eyes again. “I don’t like you. I don’t know you. If I hear from Marinette or Tikki that you stepped one single toe out of line—”
“Are you quite finissshed?” Sass popped his head out of Luka’s breast pocket. “Enough posssturing, cat. You made your point. The Guardian isss resssponsssible for much greater decisionsss than this. Do you trussst her judgement so little?” Sass huffed, and Luka would have said the kwami stuck his nose in the air if he’d had one. “Or mine?”
“Yeah well I’ve been around for a few thousand cycles longer than you, fangs, and even smart women can be stupid about the men they love,” Plagg spat. “So there’s no harm in making things clear from the start, right?”
“Fine,” Sass huffed. “You have done ssso. Now return to your bearer and leave mine to me.”
The little cat folded his flipper arms and did stick his nose in the air. Before the cat could say anything else, Luka interrupted. “Plagg—Thanks. For everything you and Chat Noir did back then. For all that I’m sure you do for Adrien now. And especially for looking out for Marinette. I really appreciate it.”
“Didn’t do it for you,” Plagg mumbled. 
“Even so. Come on, let’s get you back to Adrien. I want my wife back. No offense, but I don’t think this was a fair trade.” Luka grinned.
Plagg made a noise that might have been a chuckle if he weren’t trying to act tough, and zipped back under cover.
“Charming friend you’ve got there,” Luka commented as he found Adrien.
“Sorry,” Adrien shrugged. “I hope he wasn’t too awful.”
“It was fine.” Luka stepped close for a moment to let Plagg slip back, and then moved away. “All the same, I think you can keep him and I’ll go find my wife.”
Adrien grinned. “She had her ‘up to something’ grin on, so good luck with that.” 
“Oh boy,” Luka sighed, but he was grinning as he said it. He hunted through the crowd, stopping for handshakes and backslaps and congratulations. Really, considering the short notice they’d given, a surprising number of people had been able to attend. There were a fair number of industry people here that Luka had felt kind of obligated to invite, but the crowd was mostly friends and loved ones of friends, and that was perfect.
He finally found Marinette conspiring with Nino. “Now what are you up to?” Luka asked, slipping an arm around his wife. 
Marinette grinned up at him. “I just think we should take a quick peek back at where all this started.”
“Oh my God,” Luka laughed, as the big screen over the currently empty stage lit up and a familiar kittycorn logo flashed up on screen. “You didn’t.” 
“Of course I did,” Marinette giggled, as Kitty Section’s very first music video played, the one they had sent to Bob Roth’s contest all those years ago. 
“Wow, that brings back memories,” Luka sighed. He looked at the stage, and then spotted Juleka moving through the crowd near him. “Hey Jules,” he bellowed, more than loud enough to get her attention. She turned toward him with an exasperated expression and Luka nodded at the stage with a grin. “What do you think?”
Juleka grinned back. “I’ll get Rose.”
“Nino, tell them to get the mics live up there,” Luka instructed, and then he kissed Marinette’s cheek and headed for the stage. Juleka and Rose were right behind him as he picked up his guitar and slung it over his shoulder. He stepped up to the microphone and tapped it. “Turn me up guys,” he hollered, waving at the sound techs. They jumped to it and the microphone crackled to life. “There we go,” Luka grinned. “Adrien, come on up here. Hey Mylène,” Luka called. “Can I borrow Ivan for a minute?” Mylène smiled and shooed Ivan toward the stage. “Come on up here big guy.” Ivan rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, but the way he spun the drumsticks between his fingers told Luka he wasn’t too out of practice.
“All right,” Luka surveyed his former bandmates, every one of them grinning widely, even Juleka. “You ready, Rose?” At her thumbs up, he grinned back at Ivan. “Count us off, man. No, wait,” he held up a hand, and turned back to the crowd. “We’re still missing somebody. Marinette, get up here, baby.” He grinned. “You’ve always been my unicorn.” There was a chorus of “aww’s” and a few laughing “eews” as Marinette made her way to the stage. She came to stand beside Luka, and he put his arm around her waist and kissed her temple. “All right, let’s do this. Go for it, Ivan.” He released Marinette and slid his guitar into position. 
“YOU KNOW I LOVE UNICORNS,” Rose belted, proving the years had not diminished her lung capacity in the slightest. Luka joined in, improvising a harmony to the old but familiar vocals as he sang to a laughing Marinette. It wasn’t a perfect performance, they were all a little rusty, but it was more fun than Luka had had in years. 
Afterwards, Adrien and Ivan relinquished their places to Luka’s regular backup, and he had someone bring up a stool for Marinette so she could be comfortable. He wanted her close to him. She put her hands over his mouth in surprise as he played the opening riff he’d been working on, and he winked at her as he stepped up to the mic. This was his first ever performance of Lightning on the Water and he wanted it to be perfect. Luka knew how to play an audience, but this one time, he ignored them and sang just for Marinette. The crowd of guests was nearly silent as his guitar mimicked sparks dancing over the water, and he sang in low, smokey tones about the draw of deadly beauty, buzzing over his skin, the desire to dive deep and never come up again.
The silence lasted for a long moment after he finished.
He was still staring into Marinette’s eyes when a whoop came from the crowd that he immediately recognized as Jagged. “Now that’s a hit, kid!” the older rock star hollered. “I’m pissed I didn’t write it myself!”
Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere lightened. “You can go down if you want,” Luka whispered to Marinette, and she shook her head.
“Just this once, I want to stay up here with you for a while,” she whispered back, squeezing his arm. 
“Kiss her!” someone screamed (Marinette’s grandmother, Luka thought), and laughing, Luka did. 
“What do you want me to play next?” he asked her, and she pulled him down to speak in his ear. “Yeah, I can play it,” Luka chuckled. “Too bad Clara couldn’t make it, but we’ll make do.” He stepped back to the mic. “You guys remember this one, right?” He played the opening to Miraculous.
The guests remembered the song and the dance that went with it, and Marinette danced beside him as they belted the lyrics into the microphone together. Luka had to catch the stand once when she knocked into it, but he was well versed in keeping things rolling over those kinds of incidents, so aside from a little laughter, the show went on.
Luka hadn’t planned a set list, hadn’t exactly planned an impromptu concert at all, but this was who he was, and this was what he did. When his heart got too full, it overflowed in music, and it was pouring over today. And this wasn’t like the concerts he was used to playing. This was his friends and the people he loved, a party just like they used to have in the old days. They rolled through song after song, some he’d written and some of their old favorites from other artists, some that came to his mind and others shouted at him from the crowd, and he let his happiness and love shine through in all of them. He bounced with the drumbeat pounded behind him as he belted, “I don’t care what people might think, I got your name in permanent ink—” Marinette leaned up to sing the next line with him. “Baby this ship ain't never gonna sink!” they hollered into the mic together, and he went on as Marinette laughed, dancing with her hands over her head and the beads on her white dress sparkling in the sun, “Just kiss me like nobody’s watching! Yeah people are talking, it doesn’t matter what they say. Just kiss me in the middle of the street to let the whole world see that there’s nobody else for me!” 
Of course Jagged couldn’t stay out of things for long, but by the time he leapt up on the stage, Luka was ready to let him take over. He held his wife’s hand as they went back down for more dancing and hugs and congratulations, but it was all a haze to Luka after that. Playing had finally drained off all that excess buzz he’d been carrying around all day and tucked his soul back into his body, and he just felt...peace. Peace, and maybe a little bit of impatience to be back at home with the love of his life and the weight of this day.
Jagged relinquished the stage at last to Anarka, Juleka, and Rose, who sang a beautiful three part harmony of The Parting Glass as the ship came back into dock, and then it was a long string of goodbyes and la bise before they finally found themselves alone in the car back to Luka’s apartment—their apartment.
It felt intensely quiet after all the excitement, and Luka found himself grateful for it. He slipped his arms around Marinette’s waist and she lay against his chest. They cuddled in silence all the way home. As soon as they were out of the limo, Luka scooped her up. Marinette protested, laughing, as he carried her into the building, up the elevator, and all the way up to the apartment.
“You’re wearing yourself out for nothing,” Marinette told him as she dug through his pocket, looking for his keys. 
“All that time at the gym might as well be good for something,” he said as she unlocked the door for them. “You’re heavier than you look with all that superhero muscle, but you’re still pretty light.” Marinette pushed the door open, and he carried her inside.
Luka set her down gently on the couch, and then sank down beside her, stroking her cheek tenderly. They kissed softly for a moment, and then curled together again. Sass and Tikki zipped out of their hiding places, and with a quick cheek cuddle for each of them and a whisper of congratulations, the kwamis made themselves scarce. The hem of Marinette's dress was grey with dirt, her hair was coming loose, and when she smiled up at him he could see the exhaustion on her face. Luka smoothed the loose hair away from her eyes. “We’re married,” he said softly.
“Yeah,” she smiled up at him.
“Now what?"
“I don’t know,” Marinette put her hands under her chin on his chest and blinked up at him. “Never been married before. It was fun but I’m kind of worn out. Maybe you can help me get out of all this stuff and we can go take a nice warm bath and relax, and we’ll see how we feel after that.”
“That sounds amazing.” He nuzzled her temple. “My wife is a genius.”
Marinette giggled. “My husband is a sweetheart.” 
“God, say that again,” Luka breathed, putting his arms around her. 
“My husband,” Marinette murmured, smiling.
“My wife.” 
“Marinette D.C. Couffaine.”
“I love it.” He kissed her softly, and then couldn’t make himself pull away until he was out of breath. “Let’s get the bath running, and then I’ll help you get rid of all this stuff.” 
Marinette giggled. “I should warn you there are about fifty thousand pins in my hair. It might take a while.”
“Then the bath should be full by the time we’re done.” He cupped her face and kissed her. “I love you so much, Marinette.”
“Don’t make me cry before we get the makeup off, Luka,” Marinette smiled shakily. 
“You know I don’t care,” he scoffed. “Come on.” Luka pulled her up gently.  
Luka sat her down at the vanity, turned on the bath water, and then crouched beside her and helped her clean the makeup from her face. Together they found and removed all of the pins in her hair, and Luka brushed it carefully. One by one he unhooked the seemingly unending line of buttons down the back of her dress and helped her out of it, and he quickly became distracted with kissing and touching her, until she pushed him away, giggling, to turn off the bath before it ran over. Marinette slipped on a robe and left him, pouting slightly, to get undressed on his own. He forgave her though when she came back with two glasses of champagne and slipped into the bath with him. 
“I don’t think I told you with everything else that was going on,” he commented as she leaned back against him, “My album proposal was approved. They loved the demo tracks I did.”
“Of course they did,” Marinette sighed, laying her head back on his shoulder. “What are you going to call it?”
“Second Chance,” he told her with a smile. 
Marinette craned her neck to smile back at him. “Perfect.”
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3  GROUP A/ GROUP 1: (contestants 1 - 6)
EP 3x01: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5: 
Location: Outdoors: “Australia” 
Location: Next to a /in a yard of a “peach coloured” building with arch/vault-style architecture 
Sign: OUTBACK (with the U being in the shape of horseshoe)
Sign: Yellow “road sign” with an arrow pointing down (”spiraling down”) 
MIB as papparazzi/press following her - taking pics, media attention (for “the wrong reasons”) 
Gramophone on a tree branch 
Boxing bag -  the kangaroo boxing/hitting the boxing bag 
Jump rope - the kangaroo jumping over a jump rope (made of a vine...held by MIB)
”Like most of you watching, I’m a survivor.” 
“I recently lost a person, who held my familys heart together. Then, by my own admission, I found myself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.” 
“But I’m here to do what kangaroos do best - bounce back.”
“I have to fight for my family. And show them that bullies never win.”
“I am beyond terrified - I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m not about to lose the chance to realize the dream I’ve always had.” 
“To all the survivors out there -- This one’s for you.” 
Song choice: “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn 
Look/Costume: The kangaroo has a pouch (indicates female), but also has a red/silver boxing outfit & gloves (indicates male). Outfit colours: red & silver. Important: there is a crown on the back of her robe. 
Stage: hexagon-shaped mirrors (5 of  them) surrounding her/behind her [if my other guess is correct, then that stage design is a “clue”] 
Height: Tall-ish...almost the same height as host Nick. A bit shorter, around 175cm, probably.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “One of my greatest fears is being vulnerable. And this year I’ve had no other option than to be vulnerable. But...with this kangaroo costume I feel like I can get my superpowers back.” +  [breathes in/sighs heavily before the song starts]
I HAVE NO NAMES OF MY OWN. -- I thought she was this certain female artist, because the voice kinda seemed familair (sounded like hers to me), but none of the clues and other things seemed to fit. And after checking the clues it seems to confirm it cannot be her, cause nothing matches. Also... to me she doesn’t sound like any of the singers I thoughts she could be based on the clues, so... I havent actually figured her out...
I think people online are correct, and it’s a certain “reality star” (gramophone = reference to her dad being a sound engineer on a well-known past TV show) Though I am considering a few more options - mostly other reality stars/youtubers/family members of celebs... particularily one name. If my guess here is correct, then just like Llama, she would have a connection to a previous TMS contestant...but since I am not that familiar with her singing voice, I cannot be sure. But she has lost family members in the past few years, she has been in a media scandal, and you can even explain the australia thing kinda... so...until I hear more of her, I’ve got one name mainly in mind. But I wont name it until I’ve heard her sing at least once more.
Survivor = the title of a “Destiny’s Child” hit song
Lost a family member recently = either her family member (parent, grandparent?) died or they parted ways (were cut ouf of each others lives)
Gramophone = possibly a reference to a Grammy nomination/win. Or just music/sound/audio
Outback = possible connection to Australia
“spiraling down” road sign + papparazzi following her = she’s been in a media scandal “recently”
Crown = King/Queen 
Location: Radio station/Mixing studio - mixing console (close up) 
Location: Pottery making “class” 
Mixing console - close up of a studio/radio station mixing console 
23.3 The Wool (name of the radio station/show) 
Red lightbulb in the studio 
Photo of a bull (the animal)
Playing cards: Ace of Spaces & Jack of Spades). Two black suit cards showing (Jack Black)
Sounds of Seattle - title of a vinyl album 
Romancing a llama: pottery 
"Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mix it up!”
“Good morning, Nerd herd! You’re listening to The Wool. Where we’re all cool. No Bull.” 
“I’m here for one reason only - to have a laugh. And what’s funnier than a Llama? (laughs at his own joke)”
“You may call me a joker. But I’d like to get serious for a minute. The song I’m singing tonight is my favourite track for celebrating love with that... special someone. There’s nothing like being swept up by it’s deep, profound lyrics. It’s a tune that really gets me in the mood for romance. I can’t wait to sing it for you tonight.”
“Llama out!” 
Song choice: “She Bangs” by Ricky Martin 
Look/Costume: Dressed as a tourist - “hawaiian” style shirt,, photo camera around his neck. Llamas tongue out of his mounth, on the side. 
Height: he is around 180cm - about the same height as host Nick (their shoulders are on about the same height)
Mic hand: Left 
Talking: “umm.. This whole costume just spoke to me... My vibe... I wear digs like this in real life.” (answering the question about his costume & it’s looks) 
Drew Carey (TV host/comedian/actor...)
23.3 Wool = His show (The Drew Carey Show) had, during it’s 9-season long run, a total of 233 episodes. 
Photo canera prop = His hobby is photography. Actually, it’s more than just a hobby - he has been accredited press photographer during many (sports) events.  
Radio = He was a radio operator during the time he served in the Marine Corps. Also..he’s hosted a radio show (radio DJ) during his later career 
Red light in the room = photography reference. In the DarkRoom red light is used when developing photo film/photographs.
Buddha figurine (Dalai Lama/Llama joke) = He is a buddhist. 
Joker = he is a joker aka comedian 
Seattle = He is the co-owner of a Seattle Football Club. 
Playing cards = He took part in the celebrity poker game in 2003, where he did better than Jack Black did (played against Jack Black)
Nerd herd = He did take part in Zack levis (Chuck) “Nerd herd” lightsaber race one time at a Comic-Con convention. 
Nerd herd = his show (DCS) & character were/was about nerds/was a nerd
Llama’s side tongue = early in his stand-up comedy days he had a joke with a side-tie (it looked visually very similar to what the llama’s tongue looks like - he just added some wires & tape to do “the trick” of swinging the tie to the side)
BONUS: He knows last years winner, “The Fox Mask” - they did “Whose Line is it Anyway” together, so... connection... 
SPOILER ALERT: Llama is the mask who will be voted off next - in ep 2 (on Wed, Feb 5th). But while his voice might not be as trained as some other contestants, I loved his stage energy, and the comedy/fun he brought! One more song coming from him! And no, I am not sharing some secret info - they “accidentally” revealed the first two contestants, who get unmasked, so it’s been revealed by the network...for those, who notice small details...
Location: Lady’s restroom/bathroom. The moster getting ready (coming hair, applying hairspray...) 
Location: school hallway - lockers 
Sign:  (image) ladies restroom 
Itmes on the counter in bathroom/dressing room: Furspray (hairsray) can,  pink bottle of some beauty product, three crystals (stones), a piece of sequin fabric 
Key/Keychain: a single (old style) key with a keychain that says “FUN” #FUN #KEY = FUNKY = “QUEEN OF FUNK” 
Purple furry diary/good luck charm/cosmetics bag/pencil box (with a face + kitty ears & unicorn horn) + a glittery pen 
Lockers: Lockers numbered 10 (the ones she opens) & 11 (the one next to it)...with no other lockers having numbers on them 
Miss Monster Locker: filled with images of S1 Monster, scrapbook flowers..etc...
Piece of paper on the locker door: Monster Hits.
Photograph of a cityscape (skyline with many skyscrapers) on the locker door [if I could only see the image better to know which city it is on it, that’d be one more clue]
“When you become famous, people  want you to look or act in a certain way. They forget that you started off as just a shy little monster.” 
“It didn’t take long for me to be misunderstood. So I’m here to set the record straight. Just like my favourite creature in Season 1 did. The Monster. He made me feel. He re-wrote his story. It was fire!" 
“And now this performer in pink wants to follow in his furry footsteps, But darlings... I’m nervous. Will you still love me without knowing my name?”
Song choice: “Something to Talk about” by Bonnie Raitt
Look/Costume: pink & purple/violet furry costume with a bowtie
Height: she is short-ish (shorter than host Nick). She looks very short (barely 5 feet - more Dolly P. height 152cm than Chaka K height 162cm)
Mic hand: Right 
Chaka Khan 
Dolly Parton (since the total number of Grammy noms that the 18 contestants have in combined in 69 & Robot as the first revealed one has had 24-25 of them, that leaves only 44-45 for everyone else, that rules out this person, because she alone has had 46 nominations...compared to C. Khan’s 22 noms)
Number 10 = She has 10 Grammy Awards/wins. (interestinly: both D. Parton & C. Khan have 10 Grammy wins!)
Monster Hits = she has had (many) hit songs during her career 
He made me feel = She has a song by the title “I Feel You” (1984 hit)  
It was fire = She has a song by the title “Through the Fire” (1985)
Will you love me - that is (word for word) the title of of her her hit songs, “Will You Love Me?” (2007)
It was fire = She wrote the hit song “Fule to the Flame” (1967 hit) for Skeeter Davis. 
Will you still love me? = She has/wrote a song titled “I will always love you” 
Furspray/Hairsray = he was/is known for her big hair/haircut (managing that probably takes lots of hairspray)
FUN = FUN(K) #FUN KEY [FUN:KI] - she’s kinda the “queen of funk” (one of her albums is titled “FUNk This” (btw: Pun intended by her!) 
Location: school’s track & field event (Balzano Track Field) - contestants getting ready to run. The slow turtle surrounded by fast bunnies, all preparing for the event. [Slow & steady (turtle) wins the race]
Location: Schools track & field event - BANG! The race begings. The three other contestants (MIB as bunnies - wearing pink bunny ears - starting the race with a head start, all jumping on their blue bouncy balls)
Turtle vs bunnies 
BANG! in comic style - to mark the start of the race 
The others (three bunnies) bouncing on blue balls whe n the race begins 
Surf board - the turtle poliching/cleaning his poink & blue surf board 
Pins on the track...popping the blue jumpy balls 
Grilling burgers on an (outside) grill...on the track field. 
Turtle crossing the finish line first (bunnies just going in circles, being stopped by pins on the way, or other reasons), as he has time to do other things & take it slowly, and then still get there first...with a burger in hand & winning the golden medal.
"At the starting-line of my career I was surrounded by other hungry new-comers. It felt like everyone around me was fighting tooth-and-nail for the dream. And I watched as many of those stars burned too brightly, too quickly, and then fizzled down”
“I’m a turtle, because I’m always taking it step-by-step.”
“Slow and steady wins the race. But now I feel like I’m ready to break out of my shell. After years of preparation I would love to make a big splash. So I don’t want anyone to cross that finish line before me.” 
Song choice: “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal 
Look/Costume: Punk/Rock-style, dressed in leather (pants, jacket), has a spike (hair)
Height: Short-ish (shorter than host Nick) - seems around 175cm. Small in size.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “It’s hot. It’s really hot. And it’s heavy!” (when answering how doesn it feel to be in that costume and perform in it)
Jesse McCartney 
Joey McIntyre  PS. I tried connecting the voice to any boy-bands (of 1990s & 2000s), but I coukdnt. Even after some “research” - listening to each possible candidate...and IMO it’s none of them. The voices dont match, the heights doesn’t match---But it did sound like someone, who for me was a one-hit-wonder. Yeah, I only know that one song (and one more) from him... but voice seemed familiar.
Surf board = that he is a surfer;  that he is from Cali/Australia/somewhere which is known as being popular among surfers; that he has won Teen Choice Award(s) (this award in in the shape of a surfboard)
being surrounded by other new-comers at the start of his career = either he got his start through a (singing) competition and was one of many contestants fighting for the win AND/OR he got his start in a “boy-band” and was one of the youngsters looking for fame...
Surf board = Teen Choice Awards - winning several TCAs for his first/biggest hit song/album in 2005, and more. And he’s played a surfer character on a TV show
BSB references/connection  - he was the opening act in 2005 for BSB during the European part of the tour. 
Dream = he started in a boy-band with the name “Dream Street”
on stage presence/body language (movements) = very similar to J.M. 
Location: Football field. Tiger striking a power/winners pose. 
Location: School hallway, lockers. Tiger walking in, shoving everyone out of his way. 
Locatrion: School library (sitting behind a table, with his legs on the table) 
Location: School hallway, lockers. MIB trying to get him to audition for TMS. MIB (fans) taking selfies with him. 
Golden plate/sign with text: Ultimate champion for clam shucking: 51 clams” (next to a golden clam shell) 
Sign/ad on the wall: “Masked Singer tryouts 5/3.” + images of three past masks included: Eagle, Lion & Raven. Plus the text: “Hurry. Not for long" also written on it. 
Sign on the all with images of past US presidents, including Abe Lincolns & the text/quote “Four Score and Seven Years Ago...” 
The TMS golden mask throphee shown next to the lockers (as Tiger says “let’s party!”)
“Ready to meet your next champion? My entire life I’ve sought out perfection, so choosing a mask with unlimited power like the White Tiger was a no-brainer.”
“I’ve had a giant career full of accomplishments. But when I imagine being on stage (and) singing, I’m a big old scared cat.*
“It’s been a while since I did something that scared me, so I’m here to concour yet anither challenge.”  
“What’s my motivation? My fans! I don’t wanna let them down." 
“So now I’m ready to get in that ring and smash the competition.” 
“Let’s party!” 
Song choice “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice 
Look/Costume: Dressed in “Egyptian style"
Height: very tall & big (much taller than host Nick) - over 190cm, looks about 2m tall
Mic hand: R & L (alternates)
Talking: “It’s the most powerful I’ve ever felt. Like I can concour anything. I never wanna take it off” (when answering what did it feel like when he first put on the costume/mask)
He played during the 51st  (51 clams) & 53rd  (5/3) Super Bowl games. 
The three past TMS masks shown are all animals that are parts of  names of existing football teams: Ravens, Eagles, Lions. Meaning he is an athlete & specifically plays american football (NFL) 
The Lincoln quote translates to “87 years ago...”, so number 87 is the clue here. This could be a reference to player No. 87. 
He has had a very succesful career in his own field (sports). Singing is not his main job.
IF the voice-overs were done later, not during initial filming, then it’s possible that “smash” relates to the person smashing a lego-statue of a TV host during 2019/2020 New Years. Which in itself was supposed to be about his famous “Gronk Spike” during football games. 
A tiger (albeit “regular”, not white) was one of the characters & costumes + name of the sports team in the Katy Perry video “Swish Swich”, where this athlete also appeared. 
The Golden (Golden Mask) trophe - most likely a reference to his many wins (the trophees he/his team has won)
Rob Gronkowski (Gronk, athlete, 198cm) = 99% certain it’s him 
Because of the height alone (seems to be around/almost 2m = 6 feet 5) there are not that many possibilities at all. Even if we don’t listen to that voice or consider the clues. Based on height alone it can basiclaly be only one of these names: Dave Bautista (198cm); The Rock (196cm); Hulk Hogan (201cm); Tyler Perry (196cm); Brad Garrett (204cm); Joe Manganiello (196cm); Jeff Goldblum (194cm); Jason Mamoa (193cm); Tom Brady (193cm)..or the likes...
Even other possible names, like the ones listed by the panel, are not valid guesses, because of their height: John Cena for example is actually only 185cm tall. Also... several of these tall men are bigger/more muscular, so that makes it even easier to determine the name based on only the physical appeance...without even listening to the clues. 
First mask to be voted out in ep 1
Havent listed his clues, cause there’s no use for them anymore, as he was voted off. 
With his 86 tattoos he makes up for about half of all the 160 tattoos the 18 contestants have combined. With his 24-25 Grammy nominations he makes up about 1/3 of all the 69 noms the 18 contestants have combined. And quite many of the 88 gold records the 18 contestants have combined,  belong to him (I don’t know the exact number, but most/all of his 10+ albums have gone gold, I think) - exact number depends on how they count it for this list.
BUT... unless I decide to cut some sleep time to do this again, I am probabky not gonna do this after every episode. Possibly for the first episode of every Group (so beside ep 1, also ep 4 & ep 7)
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Back to the Basics:
Ever since I figured out the difference between slippers and sneakers, I’ve wanted a multi-step skin and makeup routine. I don’t know; it’s something about the elegant/cute/aesthetic packaging drawing me in, and instant gratification after application that always encouraged my unhealthy obsession with skincare products. Something about buying the next new thing and throwing it into my cupboard, always satisfied a little sense of my pride.
Fast forward a couple of years, and I have come to the realisation that less is indeed more. As years passed, and products have lived and perished on my vanity, I have come to the conclusion that no, I do not need 5 products to moisturise my skin. Shocker, right? Especially since I consider myself a young individual, I should be asking myself do I really need this anti-aging serum that just hit the market? I’ve already got a gentle cleanser in the evening, so do I really need another one for the morning? It’s these kind of questions we must be asking ourselves before we make a purchase on the new hottest toner. Because in all honesty, if we strip our skin care routine to the essentials we need cleanser, moisturiser, and protection (for the AM).
I’m aiming this post specifically towards the younger audiences and people who may just be starting to get into skincare. I understand that it’s hard to decipher all this new technology and science that companies have come out with over the recent years- now with the biggest boom of revolutionary cosmetic products since the early 2000s. Statistics have demonstrated that from 2012, the global cosmetic market have seen a shift in the consumer demographic age range from the older to younger audiences. To keep up with the change, companies have changed marketing strategies that would appeal to their new audience through strategies of all natural and readily more acne fighting products. However, encouraging a young and/or uneducated audience to buy unnecessary products can only spell more bad than good.
Role: “A cleanser is a facial care product that is used to remove make-up*, dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other types of pollutants from the skin of the face. This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions such as acne” Cleanser - Wikipedia
It is important to understand that a cleanser’s role is not to solve all your skin’s problems. It’s role is to cleanse the uppermost part of your skin, and that because it is not left on your skin for prolonged periods of time its ingredients cannot reach far into the layers of the skin.
When looking for a cleanser, it is important to understand what your skin needs and what your skin type demands. If you’re dry-sensitive skin is breaking out, and you’ve been doing tons of research on the best acne cleansers but not taking into account your skin type you can cause more trouble than when you started.
Things to look at: pH of your cleanser (this should be in the 5.5-6.5 range), top most ingredients (this determines what ingredients that are going to mostly affect you), and the options available to you. I personally hate the idea that the more expensive a product is, the more time was taken into the formulation. While this is true in SOME cases, spending $50 on a cleanser that does the exact same thing with the exact same ingredients as a cleanser that is $15 will always boggle my balls.
Recommendations: 1. CeraVe Hydrating cleanser 2. COSRX Low pH Good Morning Gel Cleanse (even though it says good morning you can use it at night) 3. klairs Rich Moist Foaming Cleanser 4. Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel 5. Ego Azclear Action Foaming wash - (what I’m using at the moment) 6. Neogen Green Tea Real Fresh Foam Cleanser
* I personally do not rely on my cleanser to remove makeup and sunscreen, as most of my cleansers are extremely gentle and I know the role is more to remove excess sebum and dirt not makeup. I use an oil based cleanser before my water based cleanser to remove the most upper layer of collected oil, dirt, makeup, and sunscreen.
I personally do not enjoy a cleanser completely and unnecessarily stripping my skin of its natural oils. In my opinion, a cleanser should be able to perform its role without having to compromise our natural skin barrier- this means without highly irritating ingredients, leaving a tight and dry feel, and being terribly difficult to remove.
Role: “Moisturizers or emollients are complex mixtures of chemical agents specially designed to make the external layers of the skin softer and more pliable. They increase the skin's hydration by reducing evaporation.” Moisturizer - Wikipedia
THIS IS NECESSARY GUYS. I cannot stress enough that regardless of your skin type if you are not moisturising your skin after cleansing (or in general) that your natural barrier could potentially be suffering immensely! I’m not going to go into the science of moisturisers in this post (maybe another one) but the general idea of a moisturiser is to trap the essential nutrients and moisture or restoring the lost moisture. If you are cleansing (which you should be) you are already washing away a good percentage of your natural moisture, so it is important for you to be restoring the skin’s natural moisture.
Moisturisers can also provide the skin with extra benefits with anti-aging and antioxidant properties.
It is also important to know the fine line between moisturising enough and too much. Too much moisture can unfortunately result in more acne as the thick layer of occlusives/humectants may not allow for the skin to breath. I personally have found myself crossing this line a lot.
Oils are a a quick and light way to achieve a plump and smooth texture. Looking for thin and dry oils specifically aimed towards acne prone skin can help with sebum production and provide the skin with added healing properties.
Recommendations:  1. La Roche-Posay Toleriane Ultra Overnight Moisturiser 2. La Roche-Posay Toleriane Riche (heard amazing reviews about this one, it’s worth a go for those with sensitive/combo/dry-flaky skin) 3. Ego QV Skin Lotion 4. COSRX Advanced Snail 92 All In One Cream 5. Aloe Vera Gel 6. Dr Dennis Gross Hyaluronic Moisture Cushion
Role: Sunscreen, also known as sunblock and suntan lotion, is a lotion, spray, gel or other topical product that absorbs or reflects some of the sun's ultraviolet radiation and thus helps protect against sunburn. Wikipedia
I personally can’t say much about this step other than it is vital to the health and longevity of your skin. I haven’t done too much research on what can happen to you if you don’t use sunscreen, other than darkening your acne scars and skin irritation after treatments if not used. As I live in Australia, it is paramount that I use sunscreen everyday to reduce the chances of developing skin cancer (this applies to all regions of the world too). 
There are two types of sunscreens: physical and chemical. The latter is the one you all probably see the most in stores as it does not leave that greasy white cast that everyone hates. However, I prefer physical sunscreens over chemical ones as instead of absorbing into my skin and causing irritation they sit on top and protect my skin via ingredients that I trust more (i.e zinc and titanium dioxide). 
Recommendations:* 1. COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50+ PA+++ 2. Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Sunscreen SPF 50+ PA+++ 3. Ego Sunsense Sensitive Invisible SPF50+ 4. L’Oreal Dermo-Expertise UV Perfect 12H Longlasting UVA/UVB Protector SPF50+/Pa+++
*I don’t actually have a lot of recommendations, because I find that I breakout from sunscreens very easily. My experiences with both physical and chemical sunscreens have not been the best, and while I do prefer physical they still tend to lean towards the negative effects more.
Now I’m not gonna be some up-herself-messiah that comes raining down with knowledge while simultaneously practising everything that I speak of. No, I don’t only use 2-3 products everyday, how will I satisfy the urge to pour oil all over myself? A bit of an exaggeration, I admit, but after years of products it’s hard to go back. What I want to get across though, is that it is not impossible, and that every once in awhile it is necessary for us to give our skin a break. May it be a reaction from a new product or the seasons playing with your skin, I believe once we strip our skin care regimens down to the basics, we can restore our skin’s natural barrier.
TL;DR: Our skin is smart guys, give it some credit. 
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decodealin · 4 years
7 Top Strategies For Choosing The Perfect Wardrobe
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Possessing appropriate storage is absolutely key to turning your bedroom into a clutter-free sanctuary, along with a carefully selected wardrobe is the thing of furniture most likely to provide scope for more organized living.
Below are some top tips for your most important things to consider when putting together your apparel wish list...
Top Tip 1) Use
There are hundreds of different Wardrobe Accessories Online on the current market, from two-door, three-door, sliding, mirrored, freestanding and fitted. And that's just the frame -- after you open up the doors you will find infinite options regarding the combination and setup of hanging space, drawers, shelves and shoe racks that may be incorporated inside.
So, to start with, the very first question to ask yourself is what type of storage space do you mostly need? Hanging space for clothing, shelves for shoes, drawers for smaller clothes products, cosmetics or other Wardrobe Accessories India, or a mix?
Once you've set out exactly what your wardrobe will be used for, you can consider the functionality it needs to offer, which will help guide both the exterior and interior specification you need it to match.
Top Tip 2) Functionality
Knowing the duration of hanging space you will roughly have to have in proportion to the kind of clothing you have is important. If you are going to store long coats, evening dresses and dressing gowns in the wardrobe rather than elsewhere in the home, you'll almost certainly require accessories which optimise the entire height of the apparel, although suits, short dresses and jumpers can hang comfortably on half-height railings, which instantly doubles the amount of hanging room.
When it has to do with drawers and shelves, again think carefully about everything you will, mostly, be storing on them. Many dividers today offer super-innovative interior designs with built-in shoe racks, jewellery drawers, and adjustable cubbyholes that enhance organisation options, reduce clutter and possibly eliminate the need for additional furniture in the bedroom. And many equipments are easy to buy. Because decodeal are offers Pull Out Pantry, Pull Out Kitchen, etc.
The thickness of shelves is also a consideration -- past a certain stage, having a deeper shelf produces a black hole where clothes disappear, which means that you may struggle to find things right at the back!
Best Tip 3) Size
Consider precisely where on your bedroom the wardrobe is going to proceed, and be very sure of this; a large piece of furniture is often difficult to move around (and impossible if it's a fitted layout -- obviously!) And many rooms only have one suitable location for a product of this size, therefore it ought to match perfectly.
Most manufacturers make wardrobes to get at least 45cm of thickness, that should be enough to give you the choice to possess ample shelf, hanging and drawer space.
If your budget permits, my tip would be to go as large as possible however -- you can never have enough storage space -- but in sensible limitations, so think almost about if there'll be sufficient clearance space to easily open doors, walk around and match your additional items of furniture in comfortably.
Also go as tall as you can towards the ceiling to increase storage. This space can be useful for stashing spare bedding, seasonal or occasional things which don't need daily usage.
Best Tip 4) Forms of Clothing
As soon as you've pinpointed your performance requirements, you should begin considering the varieties of wardrobe which are available.
Fitted designs are fantastic for rooms with strange angles, awkward alcoves, or sloping ceilings; available from specialist suppliers, they are normally custom-made and much more expensive.
Free-standing wardrobes are versatile when considering design and cost; they're often available for quicker delivery and can be moved from room to room, or house to house, if needed. The Principal types to choose from are:
Two-door panel dividers: these generally follow a pretty standard design in which the inside is divided in half with one side as drawers and another with rails.
Three-door panel wardrobes: offering a bit more space, this layout comprises another compartment of railings or shelving.
Hinged doors are more common though, and imply that you could mount a mirror or additional hooks/ racks around the interior.
Doorless: a frame-stand lets you make a display as well as shop clothing. Easily collapsible and movable, standalone rails can be used in addition to a traditional wardrobe, but do appeal to quite a specific,'on-trend', flavor.
Best Tip 5) Design
As a larand dominant piece of furniture, the design of this wardrobe contributes greatly to the overall theme and taste of the bedroom.
The different styles available are endless, from timeless, versatile classics, to high-gloss, slick modern; from ornate French boudoir to minimalist Scandinavian chic.
Little touches like the grips can have an impact on the wardrobe's overall appeal; whether you go for elaborate glass knobs, slim brushed-chrome handles, cupped insets or ring pulls, and these delicate accomplices can be customisable and help to hone the overall stylistics.
Also think about if you would like to match your wardrobe with other pieces of furniture such as a bedside cupboard, chest of drawers or vanity. Should you prefer these to be matching, check if the apparel is part of a suite.
Best Tip 6) Material and Finish
The material, color and surface finish of your wardrobe is a massive contributor to its design and also the amount of practicality it can offer. There are many choices available, such as modular options which means that you can mix and match to create a bespoke look unique to you!
Strong wood: one of the most used materials, strong wood is solid and solid, with each kind bringing a different feel and effect.
MDF or particleboard: common options these days, they're cost-effective, inexpensive and reasonably durable wardrobe materials.
High gloss finish: showcasing a sleek, modern look to your room, this glistening finish is mainly available in either black, white or very light colours.
Glass and mirrors: through reflecting the light, opaque glass or mirror adds an additional dimension to the room, making a glowing impact which complements most interior décor.
Painted finish: readily available in many colours, painted wardrobes can also be treated with different distinct finishes, tailoring it to exude a rustic, refreshing, elaborate or boho look, based upon your design preference.
Top Tip 7) Practicality
As a bulky item of furniture with features that can vary greatly from product to product, there are some other logistical factors on the'ideal wardrobe checklist' that I would highly recommend considering before you make a purchase:
Double check sizes and dimensions: it's very easy to underestimate how much space a bit of furniture like this can take up, therefore check and check again when it comes to measuring measurements and the total amount of clearance space needed. Plotting the shape out on the floor with masking tape is obviously helpful as you want.
Delivery: check with the retailer if shipping costs are included, and that this includes carrying the dresses to the last destination in the area -- you do not need it left unattended when it ought to go into a third-floor bedroom! Quantify halls, stairs and doors to make certain you can fit the wardrobe through comfortably; if the space is quite limited you might have to take into account a flat package.
Meeting: wardrobes are usually heavy and bulky, so you can require assistance (and patience!) To build. Pre-assembled products will save yourself time but are usually pricier, and more challenging to manoeuvre into place.
Safety: as a tall, freestanding item, ensure that you are able to securely fasten the wardrobe to the wall or anchor it to the ground when you've got young kids who are tempted to use it as a climbing frame!
0 notes
titconao3 · 7 years
tagged by @theleafpile & @m0urningd0ves
1. Name? i've been titC in fandom since my first days around.
2. Nickname? None.
3. Height? 1m57/58, so less than 5 ft 2
4. Orientation? oh dear. Mostly ace, more or less aro... not 100% for either but it's just a lot of bother and anxiety for, well, what? it usually feels very fake to me, but apparently i'm in a minority here ;-) i don't "get" it, & it also means feeling estranged from a lot of what seems to obsess everyone. It all seems illogical, frankly ;-) how are you supposed to only show the best part of yourself but not lie about yourself, at the same time? this is really not making sense. At least mating dances in the animal kingdoms don't hide it between so many embellishments. (me: a cold fish.) No, i don't want to bang this or that performer; no, i don't feel anything other than aesthetic appreciation if i see someone pleasing to my eye or ear etc. Like i'd feel for a statue or a beautiful landscape? It makes navigating some fan sites at best annoying and confusing, at worst... ew. And yet i also write romance, go figure. i do believe it informs the way i write these feelings, though - focusing on visible etc, physical manifestations of emotions because that's the St Thomas in me: i don't believe it if it can't be seen / heard / touched. Putting myself in someone else's head makes it easier to understand, perhaps? i'm also one of those people who need a lot of alone, quiet, time; and not just "in separate rooms" alone. That is not alone for me, there's still a need to perform an awareness i can't entirely just, well, be. Yes, that includes friends and family.
5. Nationality? baguette, béret & wine.
6. Favourite fruit? not big on fruit, unless i can add them in a salad or cook them with vegetables like apples.
7. Favourite season? i don't do well when it's hot.
8. Favourite flower? *sneezes*
9. Favourite scent? *sneezes* not fond of smells i associate with food when it's not food (bread baking in the oven, fine; chocolate-scented shower gel: NOPE). I like things that are a bit spicy, not flowery, not too sweet, or like rain in forest things? But scents are like sounds, i am most comfortable with none, except when i specifically go looking for it. For example, i don't wear perfumes, i prefer unscented (or if i must "medically" scented cosmetics etc), i hate Lush shops with a passion, etc.
10. Favourite colour? depends on my mood.
11. Favourite animal? i don't really care? yay, beasties, yay, no beasties.
12. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? all the coffees, all the teas. Most of the time i find hot choc too rich / heavy / sweet.
13. Average hours of sleep? variable. My schedule is a mess.
14. Dogs or cats? both, but i wouldn't have a pet. i don't have the time, space, patience, etc.
15. Favourite fictional character? too many to count (or choose from)!
16. Number of blankets you sleep with? as many as i can get away with, depending on the weather.
17. Dream trip? i'm easy.
18. Blog created? a year and a half ago, i think? i had an LJ back the the early 2000s. Also have another blog on another website, about nail polish mostly.
19. Number of followers? about 100 i guess? i don't even know why they'd follow me, because i actualyl rarely post Lucifer stuff.
20. Random fact? uuuuh... RAM REM rim ROM rum all exist. Pat, pet, pit, pot, put too. that's fun. It's fun, right?
2 notes · View notes
supreme-sep · 7 years
Crystal Harris Pretends To Cry While Explaining Hef Breakup
Tracie Egan Morrissey
6/17/11 11:20amFiled to: WATCH 31.1K 114
Crystal Harris continued her Runaway Bride press tour last night on Entertainment Tonight; it was her first television interview since announcing earlier this week that she would not marry Hugh Hefner as planned on Saturday. While she did try to cry during her interview, Crystal was mostly all smiles as she explained her reasons for calling off the wedding, one of them being the 60-year age difference — you know, that same 60-year age difference that everyone from awards show hosts to blogs to pundits mocked since the couple's December engagement (Crystal pretended to be offended by that mockery during her last interview with Entertainment Tonight). She says that her rumored affair with Dr. Phil's son Jordan McGraw had nothing to do with the breakup and that the two are just friends who have been working on her music career.
And in case you were wondering, Jordan had nothing to do with the dance single Crystal released earlier this week. Reply114 replies
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Burpy Boo Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:49am She's 25, right? So, perhaps I am naive, but why does it seem like she's had some sort of plastic surgery? Her face just doesn't really move when she speaks... or, maybe it's just that she's not particularly emotionally moved by the end of her engagement - so many possibilities! Reply
BlondeGoddess Burpy Boo 6/17/11 12:10pm Botox. Reply
thenumbler Burpy Boo 6/17/11 12:48pm It's like her lips are too huge for her to be able to talk correctly. Kind of sounds like when someone tries to cry and talk. Reply
This is an Awesome Pen Name Burpy Boo 6/17/11 12:54pm A lot of cosmetic surgeons are pushing to have Botox done *before* you get wrinkles so it can prevent wrinkles.
I know because my mother has suggested I do it to my brow-furrow area. Because I tend to furrow my brow. My husband has begged me not to because he said it's the best way to know when I'm really angry. Reply
bitchfacemcsasspants This is an Awesome Pen Name 6/17/11 1:18pm My mom told me this the other day after returning from a Botox session, and I almost laughed. Preventative Botox? Seriously? Dumbest thing I have heard lately. As if injecting bacteria into your face isn't already a dumb enough idea. Reply Show more replies in this thread
missWhaTha Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:32am There's something...off...about her face. I understand that's par for the course when it comes to Playmates/Hef's ladyfriends in general, but she's only how old?! She looks like the next Real Housewife of Orange County. Reply
cefdonnelly missWhaTha 6/17/11 11:42am I thought the same thing..she is 25 yet looks 40. I blame plastic surgery and unhealthy lifestyle. Also I really don't understand what's special about her. Reply
padme cefdonnelly 6/17/11 11:47am She's 25? Here I thought Hef was being more reasonable marrying an older woman. I thought she was in her late 30s at least. Remind me not to get plastic surgery on my face ever. Reply
BoxMeowBox missWhaTha 6/17/11 11:48am Her upper lip appears frozen when she speaks. Maybe she and Hef were experimenting with cryonics together. Reply
Myxomatosis missWhaTha 6/17/11 11:52am Well (and I mean this with the least amount of body snark possible when talking about someone's appearance), it's pretty clear she had her lips done, and the top one especially stretches across her face really tightly when she talks, and it looks super unnatural Reply Show more replies in this thread
lost_grrl Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 9:27pm It seems pretty clear that she planned this since the beginning...she broke it off like the day after that month's magazine went to print or something like that and there are rumors that she had planned all along to leave him at the alter in order to get publicity since the wedding was going to be filmed for a special TV show. She was said to be shopping around for a $500,000 deal for the first "Runaway Bride" interview. Does she really think that the general public is going to believe that she suddenly woke up 5 days before the wedding and realized that Hef was the Crypt Keeper or that there were other women at the Playboy Mansion? I don't know how the whole thing works...if he is really having sex with multiple women or not (I got the impression from something I saw with that Kendra girl that he does not sleep with all of his "girlfriends"...which begs the question why he would call them girlfriends otherwise) but it should have come as no surprise to her that the man she was about to marry was older than her grandfather or that there were other women willing to take her place. Sorry Crystal...I don't buy it for a second.
It makes you almost feel sorry for Hef...almost. Reply
Dumbbutnotblonde lost_grrl 6/18/11 6:03am @lost_grrl: Not to mention it was also the day her single was released.... Reply
welllahdeedah Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:49am The only other woman in Hef's life at this point is probably an at-home nurse, who attends to his daily shots of virgin blood and changes him every so often.
If Crystal was so jealous of the sponge-baths, she should have offered to take a PSW course. Reply
Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 2:13pm I think the interviewer's concern!face is pretty spectacular. Reply
jesbelle Apricot Poodle Riding Eeyore Across a Rainbow 6/17/11 2:41pm Watching this without the sound was really the only way to go. It's like performance art or something. "Smarmy douchebags mime emotions at one another"
Am I the only one who's uncomfortable by the camera constantly zooming in on whomever is speaking? I really don't want to get closer to either of these fools, thanks. Reply
Leahthekid jesbelle 6/17/11 10:32pm i got the feeling he hit on her afterwards. i felt like he was trying to look professional and concerned, but the whole time was thinking, she's a whore-i have an entitlement to tap that Reply
kookla Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 6:07pm If I were Jordan McGraw, I wouldn't want to be associated with that single either. And I'm not talking about the song. Reply
BabyJane Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 3:14pm I hate the fake cry. You know you're not crying. I know you're not crying. So let's just knock it off, shall we. Reply
Jessica Zimmerman Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:37am I use a Mac and all of a sudden over the last few weeks I can't view any of these videos. I use firefox and tried safari, anyone know what to do? Reply
GravityBringsUsDown Jessica Zimmerman 6/17/11 11:46am I use Chrome and I can see all of them on my Mac! Reply
tourist19 Jessica Zimmerman 6/17/11 11:47am I use chrome on my mac, but sometimes have that issue here. If the video doesn't load at all, but the rest of the page does usually a reload will make it appear. If the video does load, but doesn't play I generally hit play, then move the dot on the viewing bar back and forth until it kicks in. Sounds weird, but it works. Reply
Jessica Zimmerman GravityBringsUsDown 6/17/11 11:47am Good to know thanks :) I may have to get that! Reply
Slomo788 Jessica Zimmerman 6/17/11 11:48am Google Chrome. Your Mac's Flash plugin might need updating too. Reply Show more replies in this thread
SittingDuck139 Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:51am Lol, I hate to admit it, but here's a guy who can't help but enjoy how transparently this gal used and then dumped Hef.
Full disclosure: I am, in fact, a Hef-hater. I know, bros before hos, hate the playa not the game, (but REALLY don't really hate the playa, either, cause then you're just a jealous friggin' loser, dude). The whole guy code, I get it, I'm familiar with it, I'm generally on board with it. I usually TRY to comply — sincerely, i do.
But in Hef's case, I've never been strong enough, I guess. I hate the guy. I know what you'll say — I'm just envious of that ridiculous lifestyle of his — and I won't argue the point — I'm sure that it's to some degree true. But frankly, more than the lifestyle itself, I think it's Hef's smug, self-satisfied, flaunting of that lifestyle that really grates... I mean, enjoy, brotha, you're old, decrepit, fading, you might as well enjoy what you can while you can. But can you have the good manners to just do it a little more quietly?
Anyway, I'm kinda cheering Crystal on this one, even though I know she doesn't particularly deserve it. Call me a hata, 'cuz a hata I am. Reply
bitchfacemcsasspants SittingDuck139 6/17/11 1:14pm I don't think you're as alone as you think you are in those sentiments. I know plenty of men who think he's a repulsive old bugger. My dad has two daughters, and his thoughts on the matter pretty much revolve around how he would mutilate Heffner in 10 different ways if he even ever looked at us. Hef's just gross, most people know it, and I doubt very many people genuinely support his lifestyle. I think he's more of a laughingstock at this point than anything else. Reply
Greenspanner-in-the-Works SittingDuck139 6/17/11 1:37pm Makes me wish duck season were here, kinda, sorta, almos'. Reply
Perhaps Not SittingDuck139 6/17/11 3:44pm Um, hallelujah. Reply
bitchfacemcsasspants Greenspanner-in-the-Works 6/17/11 4:10pm Best comment ever. Reply Show more replies in this thread
nyc-caribbean-ragazza Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:40am He has other women in his life? Oh please. The dude can barely walk. My grandfather passed away at 96. During his 90s he seemed a lot more with it than Hef. Reply
expertdabbler nyc-caribbean-ragazza 6/17/11 12:59pm
I'm pretty sure this Anna Berglund chick is the next in line. She's been posing on red carpets with just Hef and Crystal all year even though her issue came out in January. Reply
nyc-caribbean-ragazza expertdabbler 6/17/11 1:27pm Maybe she will have a show with Hef. The one with Crystal and twins didn't do so well. I wonder if Hef still makes his "girlfriends" keep a 10:00 p.m. curfew. Reply
real_recognize_real Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 7:47pm I'm sorry the lip injections, the botox, and plastic surgery... it's too much, and it's really distracting me. She's like my age!! What you need botox and a facelift for? Those lip injections are killing me softly. If you have thin lips, you have thin lips! The lip injections on the upper lip look like she has like a thick slim upper lip. not natural at all.
It's just funny because she got all the botox and what not to look younger, but that stuff really just makes you look SO much older!
oh, beauty standards in this country. When you try to achieve them, you wind up looking worse. Reply
black and tan real_recognize_real 6/18/11 2:14am it really does blow my mind that she is 24. its a combo of the plastic surgery and "the look". it is not flattering for young women. not fresh at all.
i know women in their twenties who have had botox and fillers. they look great; they DO NOT look like this. you would never know. it isn't just the needles, its the "look"/"image" and the lifestyle. very aging. :( Reply
nowmedusa Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:33am No regrets? Not even for that zig-zag part? Reply
gold_gato nowmedusa 6/17/11 1:21pm Hef likes his women in the 90s. Oh, wait! Reply
talithaghetto nowmedusa 6/17/11 7:18pm Just think how much worse her roots would look if her hair had a straight part. Reply
mannequin Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 12:26pm I actually thought she sounded really genuine when she talked about the dynamics of the mansion (jealousy, cattiness, revolving girls, etc). Obviously its ridiculous that this is even this big of a deal, just my 2 cents. Reply
Dr Pamela Isley mannequin 6/17/11 10:55pm I was set to see a gold digger and what i saw was a gold digger who had just enough of something in her that she couldn't go through with it. I also thought she was pretty genuine when she talked about how the mansion works and what she realized she couldn't do or live with. Reply
ApocalypseHow Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:34am Hef and I have the same birthday. I take it as proof that G-d has a sense of humor. Reply
spiraloflife ApocalypseHow 6/17/11 12:02pm We have the same birthday, then! Reply
Dirk Anger ApocalypseHow 6/17/11 2:01pm Different century, though Reply
slowtraincoming Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:53am Wait, when did she try to cry? Reply
BrightSpark slowtraincoming 6/17/11 11:57am Around 00:50 if I would have to guess!? Reply
Leahthekid slowtraincoming 6/17/11 10:34pm oh i geuss they cut that Reply
HopeAngel Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 1:57pm I cannot BELIEVE Hugh Hefner did not tell this innocent girl that not only is he 85 years old, but that he allows other women to venture in and out of the Playboy Mansion. Just to TRICK her into marrying him! The utter nerve! She's lucky she escaped that level of deceit while she still had her integrity intact. Reply
Dumbbutnotblonde HopeAngel 6/18/11 6:06am @HopeAngel: This Reply
Samoonta Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/18/11 12:58am Ahhh, I see. Coco is likable (and she is) so her plastic surgery decisions are OK. But Crystal is unlikable (and she is) so we can all pile on and body snark on her own personal surgery choices. Cool, cool. Reply
black and tan Samoonta 6/18/11 2:11am LOL! yes.
also, how women are designated as "likeable" and "unlikeable", on this site and in the media in general, seems extremely arbitrary to me. and it is really mostly other women doing the judging/designating. Reply
Leahthekid Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 10:30pm How could she not have known about the latest playboy? seriously....besides the fact that she posed for it and was aware of the upcoming release (or possibility of one), why would she not check up on that? Reply
Dr Pamela Isley Leahthekid 6/17/11 10:52pm she didn't know it was going to be labeled "Runaway Bride," not that she was in it. Reply
person9911 Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 1:30pm Is she obliged to cry or something? Am I missing something? Reply
Ignotus person9911 6/17/11 2:54pm It's an odd title but I'm assuming their talking about the lack of emotion coming from Crystal. *shrugs* Reply
Justine Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 3:57pm Do people just say "no regrets" because it sounds badass now, with no regard for context? Reply
Leahthekid Justine 6/17/11 10:31pm because it's become totally fetch to say that. Reply
Ignotus Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 3:02pm Eh. Ever since the beginning this whole marriage and shit always seemed like a set up. I mean, he has to have as many women in that mansion as he is old. And that thing with Holly wanting to get married and have kids with Hef was weird enough. Why get married? Am I missing something. Reply
Her? Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 12:00pm "There's definitely an age difference."
Understatement of the fucking century. This whole mansion thing reeks of Waco Texas to me. The whole family was planning the wedding? Not the only woman. Women in line to be on Hef's arm next.
It sounds like the deprogrammers got to her just in time. Reply
Science and Sex, Bitches Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 12:01pm I guess her Castle of Sin must be the next mansion, just waiting for Hef to kick the bucket. Reply
Papaya432 Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:33am Wow... why did I click on that song? Didn't Heidi Montag already make a whole album like this? Reply
Hotpants-McGee Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 12:47pm OK, maybe the first chick that moved into the mansion could have been taken aback by the Playboy lifestyle, but after like 50 years, I think we all know what it's like there. Jealousy and cattiness will happen, sorry. Reply
helechoanarquista Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 5:37pm I don't even recognize her. Clearly she told them to go heavy on the Botox in preparation for her big media tour. Reply
kaylam89 Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:47am Jesus that song is annoying. Reminds me of Kim Kardashian's failed attempt at making music. Reply
JoeThursday Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 1:57pm I hate how ET uses those little cartoon ribbons to cover her already-covered lady-bits. Reply
allcomingupmilhouse Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:59am Is it wrong that I kinda liked that song? It's fairly reminiscent of Britney. I'm a fan. Reply
bozofish11 Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/18/11 4:52pm I bet Holly is doing her crazy dolphin laugh all over Vegas.
...Or just doing dolphins all over Vegas. Reply
ortcutt Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 7:04pm This is the most brilliant viral marketing campaign of all time. Can you believe how much free publicity Hefner has milked out of this fake romance? Reply
tinfoil-party Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/18/11 1:28pm CALCULATED, CLAIR ST. CLAIR. The word is calculated. Reply
This Lady is Brutal Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 8:46pm There is NO WAY this was ALL PLANNED IN ADVANCE! NO WAY! Reply
Perhaps Not Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 3:46pm All good points, but you know who I don't feel sorry for? Hugh Hefner. Reply
tlong1122 Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:33am She's pretty.
She's skeevy.
She's pretty skeevy. Reply
Proofer Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/18/11 3:03am She sounds overwhelmed. But if I looked that pretty, I'd be overwhelmed all the time. Reply
girl_ninja Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 11:30am Calucltive move? I'm sorry, I don't even know how to spell what she said. Reply
Kelfire Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 12:30pm whats up with the guttural gasping sound at 0:22 ? Reply
YouToldMe Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/18/11 7:35am She's as fake as her tits. Reply
ohmystars Tracie Egan Morrissey 6/17/11 2:03pm holy plastic surgery! Reply
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roidespd-blog · 5 years
Chapter Eleven : RuPaul
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“Hello ! Hello ! Hello !” RuPaul Charles (born November 17, 1960) has been a Pop culture Icon for the past 30 years as a punk rock singer turned dancer turned drag queen turned singer-songwriter turned model turned talk-show host turned occasional actor turned producer turned cosmetic guru turned all-around business powerhouse. Though there doesn’t seem to be any secrets surrounding the most famous drag performer in the world (and I’m not running a investigation blog), I do wish to retrace his steps, pay homage to a singular career as he just launched his new talk show last night (June 10th, 2019), and talk about the mistakes he made along the way as a way of learning from them all together.
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Unless you were alive and moving around Atlanta in the 80s, you probably first put your eyes on RuPaul as an extra dancing on B-52’s “Love Shack”. Yes, he was a drag performer back then too. A starring role on a low-budget film called “Star Booty” here, appearances on a couple of documentaries there. Mostly nightclub work for a true working guuuurl.
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In 1993, He recorded his debut album, Supermodel of the World, clearly stating his ambitions. His first single, “Supermodel (You Better Work)” is actually a masterpiece of dance/house music. The track and album were modest successes but attracted extreme media attention through heavy rotation on MTV. Soon, he became the first drag queen to sign a modeling contract (for cosmetics) and released his (first) autobiography, “Lettin’ It All Hang Out”. Side bar, I do believe that the first time I was made aware of RuPaul was in the 1995 movie ‘To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar”, a suck-my-bone-marrow American imitation of “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”. It’s about three drag queens going on a road trip from New York to Hollywood to participate in the biggest Drag Pageant of America. It’s quite vulgar, not subtle for one second and put three straight male actors into drag in performances that don’t shy away from clichés. In the end, they (SPOILER ALERT) made it to the competition and who’s crowning the winner ? Miss RuPaul, anty. I used to love that movie as a kid. Didn’t get it was about drag queens though. But please, watch Priscilla, instead. End of side bar.
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By 1996, VH1 gave him his own talk show “The RuPaul Show”. For 2 seasons and 100 episodes, RuPaul interviewed celebrity guests (from Diana Ross to Cher) and made history as one of the first openly gay person to host a show on national television. For the rest of the decade, he released two more albums (one being a Christmas record entitled Ho Ho Ho — priceless name) that lead to commercial failure and overall media fatigue. Because it’s fun to see you, but “different” is better in small portions.
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From 1998 to 2004, only one forgettable song from RuPaul was released. This fourth record Red Hot (2004) received little to no coverage — Although the singles kept topping the dance charts. RuPaul admitted to feeling frustrated over the lack of interest in his work during the period, noting the media wasn’t reviewing his records and putting him on magazine covers anymore. Quote “I don’t know what happened. It seemed I couldn’t get press on my album un less I was willing to play in the role that the mainstream press has assigned to gay people, which is as servants of straight ideas”.
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In 2008 however, Logo came to RuPaul with an idea that changed so much lives in the process. The offered him the possibility to host and produced a reality competition program based on his brand name called RuPaul’s Drag Race. For those who still don’t know what Drag Race is (HOW DARE YOU?), the premise of the program has drag queens competing to be selected as “America’s Next Drag Superstar” in a series of mini and maxi challenges, culminating in the end of each episode to the bottom two queens lip-syncing for their motherfucking lives and the elimination of one of them. The (new) drag revolution began on February 2, 2009 with a first season that was a bit disavowed by the host himself but it was successful enough to be renewed for a second season. A then a third. And a fourth and so on. The show just ended its eleventh cycle.
The show itself had a very interesting journey. It debuted on the fringe of entertainment, a fun little anomaly for the “in” people. It developed in its first three seasons into a somewhat very solid shows, powering through better storylines, challenges and candidates. In its fourth season, it started to be critically lauded as an incredible piece of pop culture with a cast of queens out of this world. Creatively, the show peaked from season 4 to 6 (4 having the best queens, 5 the best storylines, 6 the best narrative structure). By season 7, it was a phenomenon that keeps on growing as of today.
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Last September, Drag Race received the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Reality-Competition Program for the first time. RuPaul himself won Outstanding Host for a Reality or Reality-Competition Program three years in a row and each year, the audience gets bigger and bigger. The show (who has already been renewed for a 12th year) has introduced us to almost 150 queens over 145 episodes and spawned a couple of spin-off shows, some successful (Drag Race All Stars — four seasons and counting) some not so much (RuPaul’s Drag U, canceled in 2012 after three pretty uneventful seasons). A few international incarnations were made around the world, most notably the UK edition that’s about to be released in 2019 with RuPaul (and bestie Michelle Visage) returning as judges.
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From that storyline of a Phoenix rising from its ashes, RuPaul developed into you can pretty much describe as an “Empire Incarnate”. He released 10 new albums, 8 of them serving as official and non-official soundtracks for the show (which is made of RuPaul songs from beginning to end — ROYALTIIIIIES, PEOPLE!). He created a podcast called What’s the Tee ? with Michelle Visage in 2014 as a way to revive The RuPaul Show into another form. He developed everything RuPaul from glass wear to cosmetic lines, promoting them all on the show, released 3 more books (the latest being called “GuRu”) and establishing an annual event a few years ago called ‘RuPaul’s Drag-Con’ happening in New York City and Los Angeles with most of the show’s drag queens making appearances. Basically, he’s making so, so, so much money. An impressive feat from someone who came from nothing and did something with what he had.
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Unfortunately, success and worldwide exposure don’t come without their fair share of controversies. First, the fact that everything is about RuPaul, RuPaul, RuPaul (the puns, the challenges, the fact that HE gets to choose who becomes America’s Next Drag Superstar, blablablah) comes to a breaking point in 2019. After eleven years of almost non-stop self promotion, I do feel like I need to take a little break from his sphere. I mean, we had four seasons of Drag Race and Allstars in the spam of 18 months. That’s 44 episodes of intense Queen Dramas and Glitter Balls. I do feel like too much of a good thing harms the quality and appreciation of a program. Drag Race’s latest seasons weren’t as thrilling as the previous ones, mostly due to lack of imagination in challenges, weaker casts and a formula that refuses to evolve with time. As the show went on to become an actual phenomenon, it became a bit too pleasing for all crowds, including straight people. Not that it’s a bad thing that straight people can watch and appreciate the show, but adapting it for their comprehension is kind of fucked up. They should adapt to the show’s (and ours) culture. We open the window and let the song be heard, we don’t blast the door open and give the partition for free. Anyway, just an opinion.
My biggest concern with RuPaul comes from his relationship with the trans community. Drag Race has featured a number of contestants who now identity as trans women (Sonique, Carment Carrera, Jiggly Caliente, Monica Beverly Hillz, Kenya Michaels, Gia Gunn, Peppermint), some of them making their identity public while competing on the show and that’s a good thing for the trans representation around the world.
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In 2014, Carmen Carrera (Season 3) and Monica Beverly Hillz (Season 5) criticized the show’s use of words “tranny” and “shemale”. Well, yes it’s bad but the show is about drag queens and they can call themselves whatever they want, right ? (That’s me trying to come up with excuses for RuPaul back in the day). They also described the announcement phrase ‘You’ve got she-mail’ as transphobic, the same year a mini challenge called “Female or She-male” was used on the show’s sixth season. Hmm, well, the producers removed that phrase and have been careful about their challenges ever since, plus RuPaul released an apology so it’s good, right ? (Me, still finding ways to find peace within myself). In 2018, RuPaul gave an interview to the Guardian in which he states that a post-transition trans woman would ‘probably not’ be accepted on the show, noting that at the time of competition Peppermint (season 9) had not yet had breast implants. Fuck. Ru. RuPaul also compared trans drag queens who had transitioned to athletes who had taken performance-enhancing drugs. Fuck. Ru. Two. He has since expressed regrets for the comments he made but I got to say, regrets won’t totally cut it. For a man who ends every season of Drag Race with a “EVERYBODY SAY LOOOOVE!” and preaches acceptance and self-love and seems to be so involved in his community, his views on the trans community are problematic. The only criteria for contestants are “Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent”, which are qualities you can also find with Trans women. Damn, don’t you know that drag queen is a vocation, NOT an identity ?
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I believe that over exposure and the lack of course correction on some of this opinions could cause RuPaul’s downfall in the near future. He’s a phoenix, he’ll come back I’m sure but if he plays his cards right, he won’t have to DO come back. Last night, his new talk show, RuPaul, aired for the first time for a three-week try basis. I watched it this morning on YouTube and… Why do you have a talk show, man ? What’s in it for me to keep watching it, aside from the fact that you are a pleasant person to see for 40 minutes ? The talk show is a vanity project that probably won’t help with the overexposure I keep talking about. I do hope that in the next three weeks though, you will receive a trans person on the show and face the criticism you’ve been shamelessly ignoring on Drag Race.
From the icon who expressed so eloquently how it’s like to have an inner saboteur, to his “you can call he. You can call she. You call me regis and Kathie Lee, I don’t care ! Just as long as you call me” or his incredible “Unless they’re paying your bills, pay for bitches no mind”, I do hope you’ll reconsider some of your actions. Do a little less Drag Race, a little less self promotion. Go enjoy your ranch with your husband for a year or so, reacquaint yourself with your community and come back.
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This was an homage to you, RuPaul. I do hope I won’t come to regret my words.
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topmodelbarbie · 5 years
FNTM Post #26: Contestant Review
Happy Friday to all! 😉😅
After 8 weeks into the competition and 9 eliminations so far, it is now time for a second progress review of our Top 5 finalists. We are only 3 photo shoots away from crowning the winner of season 10! Isn’t that crazy?!
Anyways, similar to how this was done before, I will start with an analysis of the call-out averages of our Top 5 finalists and will write a short summary on how each of them are doing so far in the competition and what they can do to progress all the way to the Final 2 and hopefully win. 👌
a) Call-out order summary and analysis
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#1 Irina (Average- 3.3)
Once again, Irina ranks at the top of the pack in terms of call-out order average. However, there is a slight dip in her average score compared to her previous one in my first contestant review. I believe this is due to some of her not so stellar moments in the Fallen Angels shoot and at the go-see challenge with Anastasia Fashions, where she ranked at the bottom. However, I was completely blown away by her Jewellery Ad Campaign photo and that totally justified why she is ahead of the pack still. Moving forward, I want Irina to bring the same energy and beauty she possessed in that photo to the upcoming shoots. Because we are approaching the end of the game, there is absolutely no room for her to be complacent at all
#2 Veronica (Average- 4.4)
Veronica jumps three spots from last time to the second highest average score in the bunch. Recently, she stepped up her game and even earned a first call-out in Week 6 for her stellar performance in the Cosmetics Ad Campaign photo shoot. As mentioned before, Veronica has a very ‘modelesque’ look that is very versatile and can be molded to fit all sorts of briefs. I would like for Veronica to fully master her look and embrace the concepts she will have to encounter in future challenges or shoots. The next shoot, which is quite simplistic in its set up should prove to be quite a challenge for her and I hope that Veronica will step up to the plate
#3 Cindy (Average- 4.5)
Sometime during the mid-stage of this competition, Cindy definitely hit a bit of a road bump. Her photographs weren’t up to par with some of the other girls, which was disappointing considering her massive potential. However since then, Cindy has managed to kick it up a notch and found her way to the top of the pack. She solidified her status as a front runner after winning the go-see challenge last week and earning herself best photo in the Fashion Careers Editorial shoot. Cindy has a good chance at winning this competition as long as she stays focused and not let her recent successes get to her head. Lastly, since I will be shooting the girls close-up in the next photo shoot, Cindy needs to do everything in her power to deliver beautiful and strong facial expressions
#4 Whitney (Average- 5.1)
I am so glad that Whitney’s performances in the shoots after winning best cumulative photos in the Catalog Shoot haven’t declined. In fact, Whitney managed to gain another first call-out in Week 7 and she was called 3rd in recent panel. I have much more confidence in Whitney’s ability to perform well in the Wind and Water hair ad campaign shoot compared to her in Week 5. Approaching the upcoming photo shoot where beauty shoots or close-up shoots aren’t really her forte, I want for Whitney to have full command of her angles and bring all the confidence and experience she has to the table
#5 Sasha (Average- 5.9)
Our beautiful Sasha ranks at the bottom this week for her average score. I believe her bottom 2 appearances in Week 5 and Week 8 were mostly the cause of this. Contrary to initial beliefs, Sasha actually has the ability to crossover to high fashion but sometimes, it takes her more time and effort to do so. Her photo with Heidi Klum as well as her Fallen Angels photo conveyed a very editorial appeal and I was impressed with both shots. For future shoots, Sasha needs to avoid overthinking her poses and let everything flow naturally. Also, in the upcoming photo shoot, I have high expectations of Sasha to perform amazingly well. But considering where she stands so far, she has a steep mountain to climb tomorrow for sure
b) Conclusion
That’s the end of my review of our Top 5 girls. They’ve all gone through ups and downs in this competition but I hope that they will bring everything they’ve learned this season to the table both tomorrow and beyond. All 5 of them are gonna have great careers after this.
As a reminder, tomorrow, I will be posting the Wind photos from the Hair Ad Campaign shoot and on Sunday, the Water photos will be posted.
Looking forward to having you guys see the photos soon! Thanks for reading this review and post! 💖
Much love,
FNTMbarbie 💕
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keywestlou · 6 years
Race and sex, negatives where inappropriately applied. For the moment, part of our everyday lives. Political correctness gone amuck. Overwhelmingly so.
Mary Poppins and Tennessee Williams fitting examples.
Mary Poppins a great 1964 movie. Healthful entertainment for children and adults alike. Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke starring.
White persons black faced are a no no.
Julie Andrews was black faced during a portion of the movie. A scene had her dancing on a roof top with Van Dyke and 2 children. She had been performing as a chimney sweep.
She ended up on the roof top after cleaning a chimney. Her face sporadically covered with soot. Rather than wipe it off, she powdered her nose and cheeks with the soot, thereby making her face even blacker.
The New York Times recently ran an op-ed by a Linfield College Professor. Daniel Pollack-Pelzner. Pelzner considered Julie Andrews actions racist.
Come on! Julie Andrews a racist under the circumstances? Mary Poppins likewise a racist? A step too far. Way too far!
Tennessee Williams had his day as a sexist. Though not in today’s time frame.
In 1955, Williams wrote the play 27 Wagons Full. The play was made into a movie in 1956. The movie Baby Doll. Starred Carol Baker, Karl Malden and Eli Wallach. Eli Kazan directed.
The movie received several Academy Award nominations. Kazan won for Best Director. Williams wrote and co-produced the movie.
A hit!
However considered by many at the time as the “dirtiest American made motion picture…..ever…..legally exhibited.” Especially the Catholic Church.
The movie involved 2 southern male rivals seeking the sexual charms of a 19 year old virgin child bride. Carol Baker the 19 year old. A beauty. Sensuous even when not performing.
The denounced portion showed Baker lying in a crib, wearing a short night gown, and sucking her thumb. Another incident showed Wallach with his hands on Baker’s thighs just under the night gown.
Cardinal Spellman denounced the movie from the pulpit of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Twenty million Catholics picketed the movie on its opening weekend in New York and Los Angeles. Three quarters of the theaters pulled the film.
The movie otherwise ran. Was a box office hit. Is considered today one of the 1,000 best movies ever made.
The scenes criticized would not even receive an R rating under today’s standards. The movie would not be condemned by the Catholic Church. The only adverse result was Williams carried the stigma of being a sexist for a short period of time.
Sex condemnations fly easily these days. The woman says, I accuse! The man is automatically deemed a sexist. No due process. The charge being sufficient to attribute guilt.
Not correct.
My yesterday began early evening at Dueling Bartenders. A special treat. Bobby Nesbitt was guest performer. He and Rick Dery mostly sang the songs of yesterday. The “40’s and ’50’s. The audience’s age made it appropriate.
Loved it all! Sang along with most of the tunes!
My dear friend Liz was there with Mary and Josefina. Lynda Frechette came in. Try to make her Aqua Idol Show tonight. A hit this year again!
Donna and Terri arrived later. Terri looked terrific. Her clothes color blended well. Though 100 percent blind, she can select the colors and designs of that which she wishes to wear as if she actually saw them. The Blind Association has provided her with a scanner. She scans the clothes. The scanner’s audio tells her color and design.
Donna had just returned from several days in New York. Her son Brett’s 50th birthday. The whole family made it to New York for the event.
Donna’s trip proved that Terri can function alone for a few days. This was the second trip Donna recently had to make. Terri did alright in each instance. Bear and friends providing some assistance along the way.
Joseph arrived. Love Joseph! A great guy! No St. John the Baptist pole last night. He was walking with a cane.
Joseph shared some bad news with me. Linda died 2 weeks ago. Linda Patchett. I mentioned her frequently when we would run into each other at Dueling Bartenders. Linda had been an optometrist her entire life. As her father before her. I purchased several pair of prescription glasses from her over the years.
I liked Linda. A quiet sweet person. Always with a smile.
I told Joseph I missed her obituary in the newspaper. He said it had not been in. She died in Miami.
The Lord is pretty old. Been around many yeas. I can visualize Linda fitting Him with reading glasses.
Mary stopped in after work. We enjoyed a drink together and then went to La Trattoria for dinner.
Packed! The season is on! People standing everywhere waiting for a table.
Tiffany bartending.
Sitting next to me at the bar was Robert Spottswood. I had not seen him in a couple of years. He and his family own and operate among other properties the Marriott Beachside. It was catch up time.
I came across a December 15th Miami Herald article this morning having to do with the cosmetic shops on Duval. The shops that are troublesome. They have the reputation of ripping off older tourists with age defying cosmetic products.
The elderly purchasers do not realize they have spent thousands of dollars till they arrive home and get a credit card bill.
A local group last Fall began picketing the shops. They appear to be Israeli owned and operated. The group has been somewhat successful. A couple of stores have returned monies to elderly customers.
The group continues to picket and protest, carry signs. Such obviously not good for business.
The Miami Herald article claimed the staff of these stores were hired and trained in Israel. Everything. How to induce the customer into the store, how to handle the sale, etc. The sales team consists generally of sweet lovely young Israeli ladies.
December 15 was Counterprotest International Holocaust Remembrance Day. One of the store owners confronted the pickets with a sign of his own. It said “Nazis.” He was charging those picketing his business with being Nazis because he was a Jew. Turned out 2 of the protesters were Jews. One had lost family in one of the concentration camps.
This mishmash carried into January. The Key West City Commission wanted to pass a set of guidelines by which the cosmetic shops were to operate. It would have passed easily. However a lone Commission person, Sam Kaufman, said wait! There may be an anti-Semitic issue here.
The matter remains up in the air. The shops continue to operate. The pickets continue to picket.
Trump’s State of the Union tonight at 8. Supposedly will be conciliatory. I’ll believe it when I see it.
My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou this evening at 9. A quick hard hitting interesting half hour. Join me. You will enjoy! www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
I close with a Happy New Year! A Happy Lunar New Year! Today is the Chinese New Year. The beginning of the Year of the Pig.
Enjoy your day!
                                    MARY POPPINS RACISM AND TENNESSEE WILLIAMS SEXISM was originally published on Key West Lou
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lotusdentaltravel · 5 years
Thorough guide to Dental Tourism in Da Nang
Located on the coast of the East Sea, embraced by Han River, Da Nang is one of five direct-controlled municipalities, and also an economic center of Vietnam. During the past years, Da Nang has turned into a hotspot for tourism. According to the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, Da Nang has welcomed 3.5 million international tourists in 2019 (increasing by 22,5% over the previous year). There is no surprise when Da Nang has ranked number one in the top 10 trending destinations for international tourists in 2020 according to Forbes. Along with the sharp growth in tourism, Da Nang dental tourism industry has undergone significant development in the past few years. This article is a thorough guide for global patients to plan an amazing dental vacation and provides reviews about Da Nang dentist.
Information about dental tourism in Da Nang 
1. Procedures
Since the significant development of dental tourism, many international dental clinics provide dental tourists with high-quality procedures such as dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and endodontics. Some implantologists in Da Nang, as well as Vietnamese dentist, are members of ICOI (known as International Congress of Oral Implantologists). Understanding the requirements of dental tourists, most international dental clinics such as Dr. Bao dental clinic, Serenity dental clinic, and Paris dental clinic have been upgrading their service quality. 
Most dental procedures in Da Nang are utilized for a detailed and time-saving treatment plan. Since there are plenty of fun activities and popular tourist attractions in Da Nang, most dentists in Da Nang are flexible on paperwork and treatment schedule so dental tourists can spend more time on tourism activities. 
2. Facilities
Taking the quality as the number one cornerstone, most Vietnam dental clinic, especially in Da Nang have updated the latest dental technology. With the support of digital radiography, implant planning system, dentists can make quick diagnoses based on the immediate image preview and perform accurate surgery. Understanding that infection control is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to dental tourism, most international dental clinics in Da Nang strictly follow infection control regulations from US organizations such as the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. 
3. Cost advantage
Da Nang is not only a paradise of tourism but also incredibly affordable dental costs. In general, dental prices of most procedures of Da Nang dentist are more cost-effective than in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. It is understandable since the living cost in Danang is lower than Hanoi and Saigon. Lotus Dental Travel has summarized a quick comparison of dental price among Da Nang, HCMC and Hanoi to highlight the incredible saving when choosing Da Nang as your dental vacation.
Treatment Cost in Da Nang Cost in HCMC Cost in Hanoi Dental implant $1100 $1207 $1207 All-on-4 $7587 $9483 $9483 Crowns $216 $259 $259 Teeth whitening $151 $216 $216 Veneers $259 $302 $302 Root canal $84 $86 $86
  4. Patient’s reviews about Da Nang dentist
Dental services in Danang have received a lot of good reviews from patients, mostly from America, Australia, Russia, China, etc. Most Vietnam dentist reviews highly appreciate courteous professionals and affordable dental costs. Dr.Bao dental clinics – one of the most reliable dental clinics in Danang is highly recommended by many patients:
Patient Ari Cohen said:
“Dr. Bao is honestly the best dentist I think I’ve ever had in my life. He’s incredibly thorough with his work. He is patient and thoughtful to make sure every detail is covered, done perfectly before moving on to the next step. It’s wonderful to have a dentist who’s not only incredibly skilled but who treats your work, with his 100%. I had a lot of work done, and he nailed each part!! I’ve never had such a good experience at a dentist’s. Somehow, even with all the work he did, I don’t think I ever felt any significant pain or discomfort. It was like magic.
I had crowns done, and he made sure I was 100% satisfied with the exact color. His English is GREAT. And he’s happy to communicate and explain everything to you with patience and personal attention.
His prices are very reasonable, and he’s not the type to try and take advantage of you. You can feel the from him, and that’s the most important thing.”
Patient Gareth Turner reviewed: 
“Dr. Bao was excellent. All his team was kind and courteous. Very professional, modern dental practice. Very reasonably priced compared to the traditional western dentist.
I was also given a 7-year warranty on my new crowns. I have already recommended my friends and family to Dr. Bao.”
With the low-cost advantage in comparison to other cities such as Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City as well as owning various attractive destinations for tourists, Da Nang is definitely a perfect city for your Vietnam dental vacation.
If you want to explore the facilities of Dr. Bao, check the link below.
Dr. Bao dental clinic’s Youtube channel 
Travel in Da Nang
1. Weather
In Da Nang, there are two main seasons: a typhoon and wet season from September to December and a dry season from January to August. Temperatures are highest between June and August and lowest between December and February.
2. Tourist attractions 
While waiting for Da Nang dentist to provide treatment, why don’t you take a trip to explore this beautiful place! Da Nang is the perfect combination of manmade structures and natural beauty, ranging from long, beautiful beaches, breath-taking mountains to centuries-old pagodas, gothic cathedrals. Here are 5 of the most alluring destinations in Da Nang that you don’t want to miss out on.
Non Nuoc Beach
Non Nuoc Beach was on the list of the most beautiful and attractive beaches of the planet, according to Forbes. The beach is covered by the long seashore with soft white sands and verdant mountains. With the pristine beach, it’s an ideal place for relaxation like sunbathing or wandering in the sunset. Besides, you can do plenty of other things such as jet-skiing, surfing. 
Non Nuoc beach is just 8 kilometers southeast of the city center of Danang. 
Dragon Bridge
Dragon Bridge in Da Nang is the longest bridge in Vietnam, offering dazzling lights, fires, and water. This impressive bridge is 666 meters in length and constructed in the shape of a golden dragon. The best view is at night when the dragon is lit up. 
Ba Na Hills
Located 35 kilometers away from Da Nang city, Ba Na Hills is a favorite resort and tourist destination for both national and international tourists. There are many things you can do in such a beautiful landscape, some of them are to enjoy the scenery by hopping on the cable, or to visit Dream Spring Waterfall and definitely to walk on the legendary Golden Bridge. What’s more, you’ll fall in love with the French village in Ba Na Hills from first sight. Every corner, every street or house is all designed exactly in French architecture. 
Phap Lam Pagoda
If you worship Buddha, or you want to experience the most popular Vietnamese region, Phap Lam Pagoda is the one you will never wanna miss out. 
Despite its location within the bustling Da Nang city center, Phap Lam pagoda is full of quiet, peaceful and serene atmosphere. The pagoda is also famous for three gigantic Buddha statues in the courtyard.
Hoi An ancient town
Hoi An is a well-preserved ancient town which only takes you 30 minutes drive from Da Nang. Compared to other cities in Vietnam, Hoi An is less crowded and there are more spaces for pedestrians. 
If you visit this heritage in the daytime, you may want to walk, ride a bike or venture around the town to see the people’s daily activities. After the night falls, you definitely have to contemplate the colorful lanterns hung on many buildings. 
3. Local cuisine
Da Nang is a noble city for special dishes. Here are 5 must-try cuisines in Da Nang: Cao Lau, Mi Quang, Banh Xeo, Banh Mi and Nem Lui.
Cao lau seems very similar to Japanese udon and Pho but the texture of it is much firmer and chewer. It is also said that the texture of Cao Lau in Hoi An is more delicious than the others because the noodles here were cooked using water from well-hidden ancient Cham wells.
For lunch you should have a bowl of Mi Quang containing rice noodles, meat and herbs served with a small amount of strongly flavored broth. The meats topping may vary among restaurants but basically, in a standard bowl includes shrimp, pork, chicken or even fish or beef.
Nem lui is a traditional snack that originated from Hue but it can be found in Da Nang’s markets, street vendors and Vietnamese restaurants.
When coming to Hoi An, you should try a loaf of Banh mi. Though you can find Banh Mi in every corner of Vietnam, Banh mi Hoi An still serves the best taste. 
4. Accommodation
Your accommodation also plays an important role as it partially decides your health, both physical and mental, during the dental vacation. Since most of Da Nang’s dental clinics are located in the city center, staying in the city center is the most convenient for you. You could ask Lotus Dental Travel to help with room reservations. We suggest you check out some hotels in Da Nang as below. Their location, in general, is not far away from tourist attractions. Besides, the state-of-art facilities with first-class rooms are promisingly worth your money. For 5-star or 4-star experience, expect to pay $50 – $130 per night on average. However, you can book through platforms like Traveloka or Agoda, which could help you get a good deal. 
Pullman Danang Beach Resort (5-star)
Hyatt Regency Danang Resort & Spa (5-star)
Olalani Resort & Condotel (5-star)
Pavilion Hotel (4-star)
Monarque Hotel (4-star)
5. Transportation
For tourists from Hong Kong and Singapore, there are direct flights to Da Nang. However, if you depart from Australia and Russia, you have to take one transit in Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang. There are many airlines with different services and prices in Vietnam, such as Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airlines, etc. Vietnam Airlines, the first airline in Vietnam, has the best quality in the business with a wide range of both international and domestic flights. Singapore Airlines and Thailand Airways are also good choices for your international flights.
For ground transportation, you could ask the dental clinic receptionist or patient coordinator from a dental travel facilitator in Vietnam to book for local transportation for you. There are some trustworthy with reasonable price taxis in Da Nang, namely Mai Linh, Vinasun Green, Tien Sa, etc. Mai Linh taxi, one of the oldest and most prestigious brands in the industry, is the most popular with dental tourists.
About Lotus Dental Travel
At Lotus Dental Travel, our mission is to connect patients with the best dentists and dental clinics in Vietnam – for free. Through our platform, you may find that dental implants are 70% more affordable abroad than at home, at the same level of care or better. Once you find the clinic you are interested in, contact us for a customized procedure quote and free personal consultation. By reading this post, we hope you could find the best Da Nang dentist. Start planning your dental vacation from now!
The post Thorough guide to Dental Tourism in Da Nang appeared first on Dental.
https://ift.tt/3c2RRVO from WordPress https://lotusdentaltravel.com/danang-dental-tourism-guide/
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componentplanet · 5 years
Frostbite Tech: Good Winter Tires Work Best With Smaller Wheels
Mazda MX-5 - Mazda Ice Academy February 2016 Crested Butte Colorado
Winter may seem one-third done by the calendar. Yet thanks to the variabilities in weather in many parts of the country, we’ve only just begun. Here’s a quick primer on how tire technology has changed and what you can do to get through cold, snowy weather — and also how to survive the winter without losing yet another bleeping $400 alloy wheel to potholes.
The trick is to get a second tire-and-wheel set with winter tires where the road wheel is one, two, or even three inches smaller in diameter. You compensate by getting a tire with a taller sidewall so the overall height is the same. The bonus is that rubber sidewalls are a lot more flexible and pothole-resistant than aluminum alloy, or steel, wheels.
Both the 16-inch winter tire from Michelin (X-Ice 2) and the factory-installed 19-inch all-season tire from Toyo (A36) have the same size as far as the car is concerned: a diameter of about 28.5 inches and 735 revolutions per mile. This “minus-3” winter design (left) has more rubber sidewall to absorb pothole shocks, and less metal wheel to be damaged by potholes.
Do You Need Winter Tires?
If you have a performance car with summer tires, they’re unsafe below 40 degrees because the soft tread compound gets hard–too hard for road grip, once it’s close to freezing. You won’t immediately slide off the road below 32 degrees, but braking and cornering abilities are compromised. At the least, you need to replace them for the colder half of the year with all-season tires. You can search the tire brand and model online; that tells you if they’re summer.
Most new cars come with all-season tires and they’re okay in a couple of inches of snow if you don’t have a steep driveway or street. In really lousy weather, you also have the right to say, “I’m staying in.” And should.
Winter tires – what used to be called snow tires – have a compound that remains soft and pliable well below freezing. But they’re somewhat louder on dry highway pavement and wear faster than all-season tires. They improve traction on snow, ice, and slush. The rubber looks the same – black – as on a winter tire of the early 2000s, but the chemistry and compounding are more advanced.
Studded winter tires are less popular than a generation ago because of the rapid advances made by unstudded winter tires, because of state bans or limits on when studded tires can be used, and because they’re noisy on dry pavement. Studded tires also damage pavement over time. But for stopping and starting on ice, they’re good. In the snow, not much difference.
How Many to Get? 4 Is Always the Right Answer
The first two winter tires have to go on the back of the car. Even if you have front-wheel-drive. Why? Snow tires grip better than all-season, far better than summer tires. Brake hard in a front-wheel-drive car and the rear end with less grip will – might – slide around. If you want the car to steer well in snow, you need winter tires in front, and if you want to not spin the car while braking or suddenly coming off the throttle, you need winter tires in back.
Just remember: No matter what vehicle, what drivetrain, the first two winter tires always go on the back. It’s nice to go. It’s vital to stop.
Does an All-Wheel-Drive Car Need Winter Tires?
All-wheel-drive vehicles have better traction in snow, but AWD and four-wheel-drive (what pickups and big SUVs have) confer no braking advantages over rear-wheel-drive.
In terms of traction, nothing beats all-wheel-drive with four winter tires, followed by front-wheel-drive with four winter tires, followed by rear-wheel-drive with four winter tires. Is rear-drive with winter tires better than AWD with all-season tires? It depends on the situation and road conditions. Anyway, that’s a hypothetical question: Either you have a rear-drive car or an AWD car, and you’re deciding whether to add winter tires, not whether to dump a rear-driver that needs snows and get an AWD car that might or might not need them.
Minus-1 2 3: Smaller Rim, Bigger Sidewall
Over my driving years, about a half-million miles driven, I’ve lost about six wheels or tires and wheels to road damage. Three were in the past three years, all because of potholes. When we moved to a hilly, twisty road 25 miles outside Manhattan (such roads exist) and got an all-wheel-drive SUV, we got by for a year with all-season tires, then decided we wanted even more traction and braking up and down the hills and around the curves the half-dozen times a year we get snow. That after a pothole bent but didn’t break one of the wheels (a $200 repair).
I researched the plus-size, minus-size concept. It’s possible to get a tire-and-wheel package where the road wheel is an inch bigger, say 20 instead of 19 inches, but the aspect ratio (how tall a tire sidewall is compared with the tire’s width, shown as a number such as 50, 60 or 70) adjusts so the sidewall is smaller, and the tire’s overall diameter, top to bottom, is about the same. You can go plus-one, plus-two, sometimes plus-three, meaning 18-inch wheels beget 21-inch wheels. You can also go minus-one, minus-two, or minus-three with winter tires, so a 19-inch summer or all-season tire/wheel package becomes 18, 17 or 16 inches with winter tires. It’s harder to go down in size, 19 to 18 to 17 to 16, because the wheel basket has to be able to fit over the brake components and the basket of a 16-inch wheel is sometimes too small.
Because of the bad experience with the damaged alloy, I didn’t want big, shiny rims in winter months. I decided to see if I could swap out our compact SUV’s 19-inch wheels and 55-series and tires down to 17-, maybe 16-inch rims and tires. 18-inch winter tires were easily found, 17s too, but only a handful of 16s. One that worked for my car, a Mazda CX-5, was the Michelin X-Ice 2 winter tire, sized 225/70R16. It is a close match to the tire diameter of the original-equipment 225/55R19 tires. I chose steel wheels, stronger than aluminum alloy, a little heavier. I first checked via spec sheets to ensure the tires and wheels would for sure fit, and they did. Tire dealers, local or direct, have fitment charts showing which larger or smaller wheels fit without scraping a component or requiring fender flares.
So now we have those minus-threes on our main car. For three years we’ve had Bridgestone Blizzak WS80 winter tires on an old rear-drive sport sedan. The old sedan came with 225/55R16 tires and wheels; I got 225/60R16 winter tires and affordable alloy wheels, again about a $1,000 buy-in by the time they were mounted and bolted to the car.
If the plus/minus concept is confusing, just ask the dealer: Can I get different size wheels with matching-fit tires that wind up having the same outside dimension (diameter) from top to bottom?
How Much?
As a rule of thumb, and as I did above, figure about $1,000 to put four decent winter tires and wheels on your small or midsize car. It’s going to be more if you want high-speed-rated winter tires, or go with fancy alloy wheels. These things add or subtract from what you pay:
Plus-size wheels and tires cost more.
If you get steel wheels, add $25-$50 for a four-pack of plastic wheel covers to improve the cosmetics.
Add $40-$50 per wheel for a tire-pressure monitor.
Add $25-$50 to mount and balance each wheel and tire.
Add $10-25 a wheel to put each wheel on the car and torque (bolt pressure) the wheels (and remove the old set).
Subtract up to $75 per wheel/tire if you buy everything from the same source and you get a tire package ready to bolt on.
Add $40-$60 for a set of four tire bags for off-season storage, mostly so you don’t get dirty rubbing against them in the garage.
Add $50-$75 for a tire storage rack that goes high up on your garage wall.
Figure on a new set of tires after six to 10 years. The rubber deteriorates, especially in sunlight.
Don’t try to uninstall the summer tires, put winter tires on the same wheels, then reinstall winter tires next fall. Each trip to the garage runs $100-$200, so the second set of wheels becomes cheaper after two years.
Bottom line: That second set of winter tires and wheels may seem costly. At the same time, it’s about the same as the cost of your insurance deductible if you’re in a winter accident plus the higher insurance payments for a couple of years.
Beyond the cost, you’re reducing the chances of an accident, you feel safer driving in snow, and you’re more likely to take that weekend trip you’ve been looking forward to even if the weather’s threatening.
Now read:
The 3 Car Types That Demand Winter Tires
2020 Hyundai Venue Subcompact SUV Review: Good Car, Inexpensive
Car of the Year: ExtremeTech’s Best Cars for 2020
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/304999-frostbite-tech-good-winter-tires-work-best-with-smaller-wheels from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/01/frostbite-tech-good-winter-tires-work.html
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eulogy34-blog · 6 years
A Simple Key For natural hair growth Unveiled
Though the hair loss that causes partial or full baldness demands prescribed prescription drugs and surgical treatments, the temporary or seasonal onset of hair loss can be addressed by […] Hi Domen, did you used to recommend ArtNaturals Argan Oil shampoo? I purchased this the opposite day as I lost all my hair as a consequence of chemo and medication and even though it has grown back it is way thinner now. The excellent news is anxiety-linked hair loss is frequently non permanent, as long as the strain event is momentary Just after viewing solution detail pages, search listed here to find an uncomplicated way to navigate back again to webpages you have an interest in. The second critical remedy for hair growth is using a vast-tooth Wooden comb. It’s incredibly relaxing and enjoyable on the scalp and stimulates the hair follicles to awaken and grow new hair. Alternatively, you can also utilize a wooden hairbrush to comb your hair. In truth, a hair regrowth shampoo that actually works may even assistance to reverse hurt and thicken your hair, which could wholly completely transform your overall search and allow you to get the hairstyles you’ve constantly wished. Masterworks allows you to buy and trade shares in high-finish artwork which has continually outperformed the S&P 500. The shampoo has 1% ketoconazole and is the same value as Lipogaine, Utilised every single day, that would manage to eliminate the need for incorporating Nizoral into the weekly routine. Curious to listen to That which you learn about that products. Many thanks yet again!!! Thanks for the excellent write-up. The short article is rather helpul to me. Remember to put up more about this matter. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ is absolutely extremely instructive. Selecting hair loss shampoos is mostly a tricky activity and I always use chemical no cost manufacturers and herbal shampoo simply because too much chemical compounds in the shampoo can result in dry hair. After we work out, it helps to lower stress hormones — that are the bad boys that love to latch on in your hair follicles and injury them. All through a hair transplant technique, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon removes little patches of skin, Every single containing a person to several hairs, with the back again or aspect of your scalp. At times a bigger strip of pores and skin made up of many hair groupings is taken. As a true testomony to the strength of all-natural botanicals and herbs, the corporate even provides a a hundred% cash-back again warranty so there isn't a danger to purchasing and striving this hair growth solution. Regardless that fashionable folklore, and even some constrained scientific scientific studies, have suggested the mom's aspect in the spouse and children is basically liable for a genetic predisposition towards baldness, the reality is balding isn't all our moms' fault.
A Review Of hair growth vitamins
Like a modern well being development, several consider necessary oils for being an overrated treatment. However, there are a variety of evidence-backed vital oils that may be a great addition towards your hair care routine. Even so, I have mentioned many of the most effective natural blockers towards the tip of the guideline if you decide to go down that route. Soon after regaining my senses I reverted back again to my roots – started off oil massaging, implementing hair packs, using an herbal hair rinse in place of the store-acquired conditioner – and the good news is that my hair fall has stopped and I've recovered all my shed hair and texture. As demonstrated below, the Minoxidil-handled group had a better quantity of hair follicles than another 3 treatment techniques. Ketoconazole is the most important component. Of each of the countless elements to search for, make certain your shampoo for hair loss is made up of ketoconazole for the reason that this component combats several of the key problems associated with thinning hair. In fact, my philosophy is the fact hair loss is unnatural (indigenous folks don’t are afflicted by male sample baldness) And so the ‘cure’ have to be some thing natural. Although more investigate is needed to comprehend the exact system improved, PSO shows “constructive anabolic (result) on hair growth … in sufferers with gentle to average male sample hair loss”. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ ’ll also reveal why it’s getting extra frequent, and commencing in a more youthful and younger age for A lot of people. When not a lot of studies are already to the plant’s use – particularly in patients with male-sample hair loss – there happen to be a couple of which provide a glimpse at its effectiveness. I’ve tried out numerous matter’s but I am however unable to control hair loss at this time I am working with peppermint oil and Dermaroller It’s crystal clear the list of microbes killing present day inventions is long. It’s difficult to do something with out functioning into something intended to kill germs in a single type or A different. As time passes, by eradicating the things that damage your micro organism and introducing in things which boost nutritious bacterial growth your microbiome will return to its typical, healthier point out supplying One's body with most of the connected overall health Gains. This can be one of the reasons why the prevalence of pattern baldness in modernised nations is much increased than in establishing international locations the place preservative loaded foods, antibiotics, fluride-ridden faucet water and so on are less popular. Folks have been declaring a ‘cure for hair loss’ is going to be accessible in ‘5 year’s time’ for so long as anyone can don't forget.
hair growth vitamins Secrets
How to get rid of oil from hair I use shikakai shampoo but oil is just not appropriately washed out.Kindly support me With this. It is also practical if as soon as you are performed showering to journey you hair with cold water before you decide to get out. Hello, I have oily scalp. I am a male and i oil my hair ahead of shampooing at times the night prior to. Wil egg shampoo have the ability to clean up all thag oil? Medical doctors refer to prevalent baldness as "androgenetic alopecia" or "androgenic alopecia," which means that a combination of hormones and heredity (genetics) is important to produce the affliction. I do know shampoo only stays inside your hair for a few minutes, but it will make such a huge big difference from the health of the hair. Hair loss with out scarring in the scalp is a very common ailment and influences a lot of people at a while of their lives. Get biotin supplements. Biotin supplements are made up of B vitamins that lead to hair overall health. Vitamin B12 is especially crucial In relation to regrowing hair. Like minoxidil (aka Rogaine), Ketoconazole continues to be identified as a superb hair loss treatment. Ketoconazole is the primary component in lots of anti-dandruff and regrowth shampoos, and investigate through the National Institute of Well being (NIH) has demonstrated which the typical utilization of a 2% Ketoconazole shampoo can result in greater hair density and sizing. https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=hair+growth : Vitamin E can help prevent oxidative tension and Strengthen hair growth. Excellent dietary resources consist of sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados. Iron helps pink blood cells carry oxygen in your cells. This causes it to be a vital mineral For a lot of bodily capabilities, like hair growth. They aren’t raising your total hair count, just shifting round the hair you've got remaining. Moreover, it doesn’t stop upcoming hair loss and at times extra transplants are essential. Swedish company Follicum is accomplishing PhaseIIA clinical experiments on application of their modified peptide formulation specifically injected towards the scalp. Thank you Minaz. Whilst that’s incredibly disheartening. How about the refrigerator? And secondly, how will I convey to if it’s gone terrible? Will or not it's the scent or will it start off wanting unique? I’m asking since I designed several of the egg shampoo applying two eggs, and aside from all the elements pointed out in the primary recipe, I included peppermint vital oil, olive oil, as well as a spoon of almond oil. Here are some well known oils you may check out: Coconut oil. This loaded, emollient oil is great for Your entire body in so many ways, and a few say it can help hair regrowth. Pre- https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/ of coconut oil employing a microwave (fifteen seconds need to be enough to soften the oil) rub it involving your palms, then make use of your fingers to therapeutic massage your scalp
The smart Trick of hair vitamins That Nobody is Discussing
This issue is noticed to run in people and experts feel this situation could be the result of autoimmune disorder, where by the immune method of the body mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. These involve treatable problems like anemia and thyroid disorder and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). These circumstances are diagnosed by blood checks in addition to a historic and Bodily evidence. While a few research have recommended that baldness may very well be inherited with the mom's spouse and children genes, these theories call for additional testing. Existing reports are inconclusive. Although not indicated for woman sample balding, spironolactone (Aldactone) has had some success in managing this situation. Probably read more is alopecia totalis, where your entire scalp goes bald. It is important to emphasize that individuals who've localized hair loss usually Never go on to get rid of hair all over the scalp. Alopecia areata can influence hair on other parts of the human body, too (for example, the beard or eyebrows). Nourish Beaute treatment shampoo is acceptable for every type of hair, and also for the two, Males and women. The shampoo helps make hair much more manageable and easy to brush with no shedding strands. When you've got a medically diagnosed hair loss trouble, then this shampoo may possibly be able to help with it. Learn how aquiring a vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss and what you are able to do to take care of balanced vitamin D degrees in Your system. Throughout the 3-thirty day period telogen interval, the hair root shrivels up into a small "club," then the hair falls out. It can be therefore ordinary to shed about a hundred hairs on a daily basis, far more of these on days when shampooing loosens the hairs that happen to be able to fall out. The body then replaces the hairs. While most of the people who request hair alternative surgical procedures are Adult males, Kaufman claims women make fantastic candidates. A detailed examine these will usually reveal the club at the end, exhibiting that these hairs shed Generally. Typically, about ten% of scalp hairs are during the telogen phase. Vitamin A can even be present in animal merchandise like milk, eggs and yogurt. Cod liver oil is a particularly very good source. Bottom Line: Vitamin D's actual function in hair growth just isn't understood, but a single type of hair loss is associated with deficiencies. You could raise vitamin D concentrations as a result of sun exposure or by ingesting particular foods. Hello sir I am suffering for major hair loss trouble so please give me tips for control hair loss Androgenic alopecia - is actually a genetic condition. Adult men with this condition are afflicted with what is usually often known as male sample balding, which can commence in the course of late teens or their early 20s. Sure. Considering that coconut oil is rich in potassium, it retains the scalp health and fitness, and promotes the growth of new hair, rendering it the top treatment for hair regrowth. Nonetheless, usually there are some anecdotal stories that supplementing with also higher of the dose could also lead to hair loss.
Helping The others Realize The Advantages Of how to grow hair faster
After we exercising, it helps to cut back stress hormones — which can be the negative boys that love to latch on to the hair follicles and destruction them. We’ve reviewed the position of DHT and hair loss On this and various posts; it’s merely that essential. Make sure that whatever nutritional supplement you choose includes DHT blockers. Prevent nutritional deficiencies simply because they usually affect your hair adversely. Such as, vitamin E and zinc deficiencies bring about hair thinning and loss. Recurring publicity can also destruction the hair follicles, likely causing thinning and hair loss. Plant-dependent dyes like henna can generate beautiful hair colours ranging from pink to darkish brown. You might also go with oranges. Vitamin C is likewise needed for your production of collagen which make capillaries that connect with the hair shafts powerful Consequently, making certain frequent provide of nutrients and swift hair growth. The treatment could possibly be rather distressing and may bring about pores and skin thinning from the injected website s. Prednisone, an oral steroid, might be a good treatment for alopecia areata, but its potential Negative effects include things like bodyweight get, metabolic abnormalities, acne, and menstrual complications. Its optimistic effects are frequently only short-term. Biotin has the added moreover of getting balanced in your hair, pores and skin, eyes, nails, and liver. A single review even showed that pregnant women are biotin deficient Which getting a complement might guide in healthy fetal growth. If you are balding or see thinning hair, then getting the very best hair loss shampoo is crucial for regrowth. When there are lots of factors for guys’s hair loss, like genetics, worry, vitamin deficiencies and extra styling, there are many very good hair growth shampoos, conditioners, and products which can avert loss and perhaps aid grow hair back. Amid Manetabolism’s other components are zinc, that is essential for healthier hair and encourages faster hair growth, and folic acid – and that is very good for overall hair top quality (and the general longevity of hair good quality). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GA-ohYGt3c works by renewing the cells that grow hair. Whisk an egg. Blend in four tablespoons of grapeseed oil and some drops of lavender oil. Use it on your hair and scalp and go away it on for 50 percent an hour. Lastly, rinse it out and shampoo your hair as regular. Our group involves licensed nutritionists and dietitians, Accredited well being instruction professionals, and Qualified power and conditioning professionals, personalized trainers and corrective physical exercise professionals. Our staff aims for being not merely thorough with its research, but additionally goal and unbiased. While Propecia has way more regular final results, minoxidil is much more depending on the user. Extraordinary results including new regrowth is usually seen in people who respond perfectly, but These are the minority. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1stclSx8mg , like Propecia, is far better at hair routine maintenance. It will allow you to continue to keep the hair you are doing have for longer, but provided that you use it day by day. But our reviews of the best shampoos for hair growth can provide you with hope and assist you to discover the best solution for you. This shampoo combines the advantages of biotin, zinc, and coconut oil to make the growth of recent hair though fixing skinny, weakened strands. This B-Sophisticated Method stimulates hair follicles in an effort to stimulate your hair to begin growing once more.
5 Essential Elements For hair vitamins
Purchasing the most effective hair loss shampoo for guys and women is usually tough. With a great number of internet marketing ploys and Untrue statements, it may be tough to convey to which items are genuinely effective and which of them are basically a fraud. The very best shampoos for hair growth consist of four vital substances. The subsequent substances have been demonstrated to not merely sluggish or avert hair loss in Adult males and women, but to properly create new growth to prevent thinning and balding. Regardless of what item you select, ensure it is made up of the next factors. Food plan performs a crucial job in hair growth. Protein is important for extended hair so be sure you are acquiring more than enough protein with your eating plan. This is certainly also called platelet loaded plasma therapy. Researchers noted in the British Journal of Dermatology Could 2013 situation that restoring hair growth on bald patches is possible by injecting them with platelet abundant plasma. one. Never heard of more info from stepto remedies , but from your looks of it, it has been obtainable some time and been given mediocre feed-back. Additionally, it lacks The present simplest components. They aren’t increasing your overall hair count, just shifting across the hair you've still left. Moreover, it doesn’t cease foreseeable future hair loss and occasionally more transplants are expected. Is there visit involving hair loss and worry? Equally psychological and Actual physical strain (for example a significant sickness or Restoration from surgical procedures) are actually connected to hair loss. Even though thyroid blood checks and also other lab tests, which include a whole blood rely (CBC), on Individuals who have common hair loss are often usual, it's important to exclude treatable leads to of hair loss. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw has ketoconazole, but only a few other hair thinning/loss relevant ingredients; not readily available on Amazon (only by using Lipogaine Site). The parents at Ultrax Labs are assured more than enough you’ll see success from Hair Surge that they offer a 90-day money back assure. They don’t make a great deal of products – only 3 within their complete portfolio – but they may have a agency perception inside their formulation. Scientists uncovered that the two 2% ketoconazole and minoxidil regimens enhanced hair density, dimension, and proportion of anagen follicles. Ketoconazole is also efficient in managing a fungus named Pityriasis That usually inhabits the scalp. RepliCel is a kind of cell therapy that features a large amount of oldsters energized. This can be often known as RCH-01 and RepliCel is collaborating with world wide cosmetic enterprise Shiseido. RepliCel will be an injectable like Histogen or Botox for instance. It is essentially hair transplants on steroids, but They can be migrating cells as an alternative to hairs. Their intention is to have a seed biopsy then multiply it while in the lab for around three months. You’ll locate ketoconazole in Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo, and preliminary investigate signifies that it could be effective in dealing with hair loss. In the event you’re a man who hasn’t uncovered how to use hair gel nevertheless, it would be a good time to figure out ...
5 Simple Statements About hair fall treatment Explained
Your not long ago considered objects and featured recommendations › Watch or edit your browsing background When you are serious about healing your microbiome, as well as desire to kick-get started the alkalisation process then I'd personally very advocate a vegetable juice rapidly detox. The second analyze, carried out in 2013, was performed on women having a situation named idiopathic hirsutism. This issue triggers too much hair growth to the facial area and/or bodies of women. more info am ninety five% vegetarian and sometimes try to eat some meat. So I get my quota of protein and iron from super healthful and Tremendous yummy lentil (dals) and beans, which I largely sprout. Why you must keep away from hair dyes: Artificial hair dyes have severe chemicals which include ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,  p-phenylenediamine, which can irritate the scalp and induce strain on hair follicles. Amla is probably the Indian berries. Nonetheless it demands a special mention due to the fact this berry is without doubt one of the best sources of vitamin C (ten situations a lot more than an orange). A scientific trial, for being executed in Mexico, that will examine the HSC treatment strategy that's a proposed approach that benefit from stem cells as well as their injection while in the afflicted parts. In this in-depth posting I’m gonna show you each treatment which is even well worth contemplating being a cure And that i’m planning to rank them as a way of how remarkably I rank them. Again, oils like coconut and almond make a wonderful depart-in conditioner. To implement: Take a handful of drops of oil and rub it among your palms and use to damp or dry hair (keeping away from the roots) and leave in. You’re concerned about losing your hair, and you need a simple and easy way to prevent, or maybe reverse your hair loss with a hundred% certainty and achievement rate. This occurs as Component of the Wnt signaling pathway and, in people today with hair loss Ailments, it can cause balding. combination of critical oils, carrier oils, and cleaning brokers to realize the effects you’re seeking. Eliminating these foods teams from a diet regime may assist you to grow again misplaced hair which was due to delayed allergic reactions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5tjLvDdIfA for instance try to avoid gluten in my diet program. Folks have been boasting a ‘cure for hair loss’ are going to be obtainable in ‘5 calendar year’s time’ for so long as anyone can recall.
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The adjective pompous ways packed with pretext, making excessive or baseless insurance claims to become significant or stylish. That person's pompous use of words hides the fact that they perform certainly not have anything of substance to claim. That's considering that today (just like at that time), individuals misusage words pompous" all the damn time. Very first hint that you are not entrepreneur product ... is actually if you are searching for a quick or simple technique to build wealth. The in activity narrative purpose from the island may be had as the literal function of the game, if you want this to possess one. As well as mistreating the word ostentatious" is actually probably among the absolute most pompous traits an individual can do.
That's a means of saying that modern fine art is a downside" and also subtitled films are actually hard" - that they carry out not interest everyone and consequently must be actually intended for the sorts of individuals that believe they are actually better in comparison to everybody else. Take, for example, account on p. 2 along with the engraving The full photo of the carbon dioxide pattern. That is actually an art work of two individuals, that's it. In regards to top quality by just how people were paintinged, you could not necessarily even call this good. If being actually authentic is actually looked at a quality - just what our experts should make every effort to become in society - after that being pompous is actually considered a whitewash, a face-palm to your history. Take pleasure in the clean as well as eccentric visual appeals from Ostentatious Video game and also jump completely right into a poetic and also deeper tale. The daffodil hairstyle blossoms may resist coming from 4 to 8 times, if they are actually properly gone to. They were actually established by ladies in the Heian time frame and also are still considered feminine by Japanese folks. When you were quickly greeted along with product line problems, if the activity was based around stories at that point you will be actually best to expect even more stories and also right to be actually dissatisfied! This is likewise suggested to call Pretentious.install _ watcher early on to be able to produce much better installations. The fifth game ends along with Magenta saying that she'll expect Gray to become complimentary, so she could not have separated him after all. Merely a basic chat between both people influenced me sufficient to compose a post located around it, and I'm only one from plenty of people that he talks to daily. Pretentiousness concerns due to exactly what this reveals concerning just how your identification relates to everybody else's. Most individuals go back to square one, job very hard with the very best of objectives and also inevitably end up being satisfied or even aggravated with their lack from progress. The 5th activity focuses on Magenta's emotions towards Gray, both prior to and also after the contests from the previous activities. I talked to everybody from recent as well as I reached the crack-pipe over a four month period in a manner that would have eliminated many people after a time's session with the sort of misuse I was actually self inflicting. If you have any thoughts relating to the place and how to use mountains in england to climb; http://sejasaude.info/eco-slim,, you can contact us at our internet site. The buyer, which had actually devoted the final 4 hours along with Leo appeared him in the eye as well as exclaimed just how much he loved the product line and also informed Leo that he was the greatest agent he had actually found in a long period of time. Take a good check out the developers you marvel at and also appear around. You'll most likely discover that the majority of the most ideal professionals around don't use pompous labels, however instead utilize headlines that correctly define what they do. Also those who do utilize fun titles typically do this in an incredibly tongue-in-cheek technique and also do this in restricted amounts. The words which can be covered on this post are actually all coming from the lexicon sessions solutions, amount F, system 2. You'll be able to make the most of this content in order to get a definitely taste of their significances and also the examples are going to really receive you started to using the phrases the right way in your on a daily basis life. You may utilize this widget-maker to produce a bit of HTML that can be installed in your site to conveniently make it possible for clients to purchase this activity on Steam. I think that with work we may bring in amazing people like Mike Smiarowski much less of an one of a kind and additional of an daily enjoyment. Last but not least, I am going to point out that I perform take place to assume Blow is a clever fucker, and I presume that if he desired to create an activity everyone adored he could have accomplished this rather quickly. Just because you've eradicated pretentiousness off your lifestyle meanwhile doesn't mean that won't sneak back in. Thus be sure you remain ever-vigilant from it. Given that the in season menu comprised from mostly video game and there was no fish, the response was properly that is going to possess to be the vegetarian alternative. Saying concerning regulations, rules and right or incorrect ways from doing traits is one method of discussing the amateur and also the specialist; social categories that make pretentiousness an even knottier problem. The waitress provided the biggest laminated and also very most complicated menu Leo had ever before observed and then poured 2 huge glasses from recently created icy herbal tea. That corrects - Gal Power": Great in English, but reveal this kanji mixture to a lot of Eastern folks as well as you'll acquire a blank look at best. But naturally the difficulty proceeds, as well as the following 2 phrases in Degree F, Device 2 program to be sufficient for many trainees. Record Repeats: Subverted in Pretentious Activity 4; Magenta's child practically obtains eliminated by an inebriated motorist, which is just how Blue perished in the second video game, however his more mature sibling spares him in the nick of time. My estimate is you were just possessing a jab considering that some individuals talk in a different way to you. The pompous treasure will definitely then analyze what procedures are actually gotten in touch with, exactly how that is actually created and also create exam situations for that. However nearly any person could find the further meaning responsible for this story which's what ceases it from being ostentatious. The impact is to integrate the procedures of set learning as well as game having fun to fix the advertising notification in consumers' minds. The ostentatious defects from others attest your very own mental or cosmetic know-how. I hooked up with everyone off the past and I attacked the crack-pipe over a 4 month period in a manner that would certainly have gotten rid of most people after a time's treatment along with the kind of abuse I was actually self inflicting. The customer, which had spent the final 4 hours along with Leo appeared him in the eye and exclaimed the amount of he loved the product line and also informed Leo that he was the greatest agent he had found in a long time. A scrawny 22-year outdated along with a mustache that he can not very manage does not possess an ostentatious mustache." That very same 22-year old can effortlessly be actually pretentious, however it would need to be actually for his expectations, phrases as well as activities, certainly not the excellence or even breakdown of his flavor-saver. I want to think that all of us possess a specific degree from really good ethical trustworthiness, however individuals typically are actually incredibly susceptible to reliable imperfections. Our team have possessed some terrific specific report purchases due to Nolan Johnson, but we fizzled on our percentage due to the fact that a few people around listed below typically aren't taking their sales extremely truly. They seem to scuff some religious knowledge" coming from this artistic manure completely as a result of that individuals possess the humbleness to presume that this is rich" and also wise even if they do not recognize this. Which's considering that there is absolutely nothing to understand.
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