#2.12 - sins of the fathers
spoilertv · 6 months
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pistol247 · 2 years
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I write to you, little children, Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake. I write to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, Because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, Because you have known the Father. I have written to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one. I John 2:12‭-‬14 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/1jn.2.12-14.NKJV https://www.instagram.com/p/CloB3GyuLZY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cookiedoughmeagain · 6 years
Excerpt from the Eric, Lucas and Emily commentary to the season two finale, Sins of the Fathers. As Nathan is telling Audrey about the fight he had with Duke that triggered his Trouble, this conversation happens:
Lucas: “No but this speech, this story changed like 90 times in the last 7 hours before we shot it. Remember?” Emily: “Oh my gosh, that’s right! You had a whole page of dialogue and it got changed, and finally it was at the point where you were just like, it needs to be this, cut it to what you need it to be.” Lucas: “My tiny brain can only handle five changes.” Emily: “You did a great job.” Lucas: “Well and I think the story itself, the last one that was decided upon, was great. But it’s just funny how such a linchpin piece can be changed so many times right up to the moment.”
And I’m basically screaming at the TV because I want to know what all of the other versions were. Anyone know? Anyone remember hearing about alternative possibilities before?
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SPN Casting Sides (usually 3-10+ pgs from script):
1.10 Asylum (Kat, Gavin)
1.13 Route 666 (Audrey Robinson, Cassie Robinson, Harold Todd, Jimmy Anderson)
1.14 Nightmare (Alice Miller, Max Miller)
1.15 The Benders (Deputy Kathleen Hudak, “Abraham Bender”)
1.17 Hell House (Craig Thursten, "Ernie”, “Harold”)
1.18 Something Wicked (Michael, Young Dean)
1.19 Provenance (Sarah Blake)
1.20 Dead Man's Blood (Beau, Kate, Luther)
1.21 Salvation (Tom)
1.22 Devil's Trap (Bobby Singer)
2.01 In My Time of Dying (Tessa, “Janitor”)
2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown (Ellen, “Miles”, “Alex” 12 July 2006, “Alex” 14 July 2006)
2.03 Bloodlust (Gordon Walker, Lenore)
2.04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (Angela Mason, Neil)
2.05 Simon Said (Andy Gillette)
2.07 The Usual Suspects (Detective Pete Sheridan)
2.08 Crossroad Blues (Crossroads Demon, George Darrow, Robert Johnson)
2.09 Croatoan (Dr. Lee, “Vargo”)
2.10 Hunted (Ava)
2.11 Playthings (Susan)
2.12 Nightshifter (Agent Henriksen, Ronald)
2.13 Houses of the Holy (Father Thomas Gregory, Father Reynolds)
2.15 Tall Tales (Frat Boy, “Janitor”)
2.16 Roadkill (David McNamara)
2.18 Hollywood Babylon (Director, Tara Benchley)
2.19 Folsom Prison Blues (Deacon Kaylor, Mara Davis, Randall)
2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One (Jake Talley, Lily)
3.01 The Magnificent Seven (Isaac, Walter Rosen)
3.02 The Kids Are Alright (Ben Braeden)
3.03 Bad Day at Black Rock (Bela Talbot, Creedy, Kubrick)
3.04 Sin City (Father Gil, “Iggy”, Ruby)
3.05 Bedtime Stories (Crossroads Demon, Dr. Garrison)
3.06 Red Sky at Morning (Gertrude Case)
3.07 Fresh Blood (Dixon)
3.08 A Very Supernatural Christmas (Young Dean, Young Sam, Edward, Madge)
3.09 Malleus Maleficarum (Elizabeth, Renee, Tammi Benton)
3.10 Dream a Little Dream of Me (Dream!Dean, Jeremy Frost)
3.12 Jus in Bello (Deputy Phil Amici, Nancy Fitzgerald, Sheriff Dodd)
4.01 Lazarus Rising (Castiel, "Kristy”, Pamela Barnes)
4.03 In the Beginning (Young Mary, Young John, Deanna Campbell)
4.04 Metamorphosis (Michelle Montgomery, Jack Montgomery, Travis)
4.05 Monster Movie (Jamie, Dracula)
4.06 Yellow Fever (Luther Garland, Sheriff Ed Britton, John Garland)
4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester (Tracy Davis, Don Harding, Uriel)
4.08 Wishful Thinking (Wes Mondale, Hope Lynn Casey)
4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer (Alastair, Anna Milton)
SPN Misc. Crew Documents:
8.10 Torn and Frayed (one line schedule)
14.05 Nightmare Logic (longform breakdown)
14.07 Unhuman Nature (technical package)
14.13 Lebanon (technical package)
15.04 Atomic Monsters (prep memo)
SPN Scripts (in all stages):
1.01 Pilot (lavender revisions)
1.03 Dead in the Water (production draft)
1.04 Phantom Traveler (yellow revisions)
1.10 Asylum (blue draft)
1.12 Faith (production draft)
1.13 Route 666 (studio draft)
1.14 Nightmare (production draft)
2.03 Bloodlust (production draft)
2.11 Playthings (production draft)
2.12 Nightshifter (blue draft)
2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One (blue revisions)
3.15 Time Is on My Side (production draft)
4.11 Family Remains (studio story arena, yellow revisions)
4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag (network arena pitch)
4.13 After School Special (studio story arena)
4.14 Sex and Violence (network arena pitch)
4.17 It's a Terrible Life (blue revisions w/director’s notes)
4.20 The Rapture (outline)
5.09 The Real Ghostbusters (production draft w/director’s notes)
5.10 Abandon All Hope... (goldenrod revisions)
5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (network draft)
5.22 Swan Song (production draft)
6.13 Unforgiven (green draft)
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl (production draft)
9.07 Bad Boys (2nd writer’s draft)
9.20 Bloodlines (2nd network draft)
9.22 Stairway to Heaven (production draft)
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles? (pink pages)
10.23 Brother's Keeper (production draft)
11.20 Don't Call Me Shurley (production draft)
13.04 The Big Empty (blue draft; missing Act 5)
13.06 Tombstone (blue pages only)
13.08 The Scorpion & the Frog (production draft)
13.10 Wayward Sisters (2nd writer’s draft)
13.19 Funeralia (studio/network draft)
13.21 Beat the Devil (studio/network draft)
14.13 Lebanon (yellow draft, green pages)
14.14 Ouroboros (blue draft)
14.17 Game Night (studio/network draft)
SPN Storyboards:
3.05 Bedtime Stories (Scenes 1-4)
9.03 I'm No Angel (Scenes 1-37)
11.11 Into the Mystic (Scenes 1-5; 37)
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thotsonthebible · 5 years
Nahum 3.7
And all who look at you will shrink from you and say, 'Wasted is Nineveh; who will grieve for her?'
Recently, I heard a teacher cite a verse from Nahum and mention that most of us probably had never read the book of Nahum and weren't familiar with its contents.
I wasn't sure that I was familiar with it.  I'm certain that I'd read it at some point, but it was years ago.  Curious, I turned to the book and found its three chapters were a recounting of the vision of Nahum regarding the destruction of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, which is now part of Mosul in present-day Iraq.
But, wait. . . Didn’t God send Jonah to Nineveh to warn of the pending judgment of God?
'Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.'  —Jonah 1.2 (ESV)
True, God had to drag Jonah kicking and screaming to warn the people of Nineveh, but eventually he obeyed God.
And didn't the residents of Nineveh repent in sackcloth and ashes, thus averting the wrath of God?
The word reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes.  And he issued a proclamation…, 'By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything.  Let them not feed or drink water, but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them call out mightily to God.  Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands.  Who knows? God may turn and relent and turn from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish.'  When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God relented of the disaster that He had said He would do to them, and He did not do it. —Jonah 3.6-10 (ESV)
When God saw that the people of Nineveh had repented and turned from their sin, He did not destroy the city.  In fact, He has given us that same promise.
'When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.'  —2 Chronicles 7.13-14 (ESV)
So what happened? Why do we read about the destruction of Nineveh in the book of Nahum?  Did God not honor His promise?  That's not possible, for God is perfect and righteous.
'God is not a man, that He should lie…' —Numbers 23.19 (ESV)
A little investigation reveals that there was a span of 150 years between the time Jonah warned Nineveh to repented and the destruction of the city in 612 BC.  That would indicate that subsequent generations forgot the example of their forefathers and returned to their sinful ways, once again drawing the wrath and judgment of God.
The Bible tells us that all Scripture is useful for teaching (2 Timothy 3.16).  Perhaps we can learn a lesson from the example of Nineveh.
We cannot rely on the godliness of our fathers and forefathers to save our nation from the judgment of God.  We need to sound the alarm in our cities and let the people know that the corruption of our decadent society will not be tolerated by a holy God but will result in judgment and destruction!
'Yet even now,' declares the LORD, 'return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping, and mourning; and rend your heart and not your garments.'  Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil. Who knows whether He will not turn and relent and leave a blessing behind Him….  —Joel 2.12-14 (NASB)
Where there is repentance and a return to the Lord, there is hope that judgment might be averted.
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sovereignhumanity · 5 years
El Fluido Amniótico de La Vida
Mi Espíritu de la Verdad es el Fluido Amniótico de la Vida ... que os nutre, nutre vuestro crecimiento hacia la Verdad en todos los niveles de vuestra personalidad.
Mi Espíritu de la Verdad, cuando es invitado y recibido humildemente por vosotros, fortalece vuestra mente perspicaz mientras renueva a la mente para hacerla evolucionar hacia la vestimenta de la mente del alma, que es más capaz de comprender la visión y el plan de Dios, percibiendo correctamente a vuestra personalidad y a su lugar en el Universo, ampliando la perspectiva de vuestra mente para que pueda evolucionar dentro del plan a largo plazo y no simplemente quedar atrapada en las gratificaciones a corto plazo de los sentidos y las apariencias efímeras.
La Madre del Universo y Yo ... os hacemos evolucionar hacia los valores trinitarios y las virtudes cardinales de la vida.
Mi Espíritu de la Verdad os renueva mental, emocional y físicamente ... a medida que os volvéis más valientes para tomar las más elevadas elecciones y las decisiones más éticas.
En nuestra relación con el Espíritu Santo de la Verdad, del Santo Consolador vosotros sois sostenidos para entrar a la gran procesión de cada ciudadano cósmico que busca conocerse a sí mismo y aventurarse hacia adentro ... hasta que un día ... en un futuro muy lejano ... pararse ante la Santa Presencia de la Persona del Espíritu Infinito, la Persona de la Madre Hijo Eternos y la Persona del Padre Universal.
Y en el camino hacia una Vida más grandiosa, se os dan las oportunidades de servir a la actualización expansiva del Dios de la Supremacía, quien es vuestro destino, y desde el cual florece y madura vuestro propio Ser.
194:2.2 (2060.7) La primera misión de este espíritu es, por supuesto, fomentar y personalizar la verdad, puesto que la comprensión de la verdad es lo que constituye la forma más elevada de libertad humana. En segundo lugar es propósito de este espíritu destruir la sensación de orfandad del creyente. Siendo que Jesús estuvo entre los hombres, todos los creyentes experimentarían una sensación de soledad de no ser por el advenimiento del Espíritu de la Verdad, destinado a morar en el corazón de los hombres.
194:2.3 (2061.1) Este otorgamiento del espíritu del Hijo preparó eficazmente a la mente de todos los hombres normales para el otorgamiento universal subsiguiente del espíritu del Padre (el Ajustador) sobre toda la humanidad. En cierto sentido, este Espíritu de la Verdad es el espíritu tanto del Padre Universal como del Hijo Creador.
194:2.4 (2061.2) No cometáis el error de esperar que tendréis intelectualmente una poderosa consciencia del Espíritu de la Verdad derramado. El espíritu no crea nunca una consciencia de sí mismo, sino tan sólo una consciencia de Micael, el Hijo. Desde el principio, Jesús enseñó que el espíritu no hablaría de sí mismo. La prueba, por lo tanto, de vuestra asociación con el Espíritu de la Verdad no se puede encontrar en la consciencia de este espíritu sino más bien en vuestra experiencia de una asociación enaltecida con Micael.
194:2.5 (2061.3) El espíritu también vino para ayudar a los hombres a recordar y comprender las palabras del Maestro, así como también para iluminar y volver a interpretar vuestra vida en la tierra.
194:2.6 (2061.4) También, el Espíritu de la Verdad vino para ayudar al creyente a atestiguar las realidades de las enseñanzas de Jesús y de su vida tal como la vivió en la carne, y tal como él ahora nuevamente la vive otra vez en cada creyente de cada generación de hijos de Dios llenados del espíritu.
194:2.7 (2061.5) Así pues es evidente que el Espíritu de la Verdad viene en realidad para conducir a todos los creyentes a toda la verdad, al conocimiento cada vez más amplio de la experiencia de la conciencia espiritual viva y creciente de la realidad de la filiación con Dios eterna y ascendente.
194:2.8 (2061.6) Jesús vivió una vida que es una revelación del hombre sometido a la voluntad del Padre, no un ejemplo que cada hombre deba intentar seguir al pie de la letra. Su vida en la carne, juntamente con su muerte en la cruz y subsiguiente resurrección, terminaron por transformarse en un nuevo evangelio del rescate pagado como precio para liberar al hombre de las garras del malvado —de la condenación de un Dios ofendido. Sin embargo, aunque el evangelio fue grandemente distorsionado, sigue siendo un hecho que este nuevo mensaje sobre Jesús conllevaba muchas de las verdades y enseñanzas fundamentales de su previo evangelio del reino. Tarde o temprano, estas verdades ocultas de la paternidad de Dios y de la hermandad de los hombres emergerán para transformar eficazmente las civilizaciones de la humanidad entera.
194:2.9 (2061.7) Pero estos errores del intelecto no interfirieron de modo alguno con el gran progreso del creyente en crecimiento espiritual. En menos de un mes después del advenimiento del Espíritu de la Verdad, los apóstoles progresaron espiritualmente como individuos, más que durante los casi cuatro años de asociación personal y amante con el Maestro. Tampoco interfirió en modo alguno esta sustitución del evangelio salvador de la verdad de la filiación con Dios por el hecho de la resurrección de Jesús, con la rápida difusión de sus enseñanzas; al contrario, el hecho de que las nuevas enseñanzas sobre su persona y resurrección opacaron el mensaje de Jesús, pareció facilitar grandemente la predicación de la buena nueva.
194:2.10 (2061.8) El término «bautismo del espíritu», cuyo uso comenzó a generalizarse alrededor de esta época, significó simplemente la recepción consciente de este don del Espíritu de la Verdad y el reconocimiento personal de este nuevo poder espiritual, como acrecentamiento de todas las influencias espirituales previamente experimentadas por las almas conocedoras de Dios.
194:2.11 (2061.9) A partir del envío del Espíritu de la Verdad, el hombre está sujeto a la enseñanza y guía de una triple dote espiritual: el espíritu del Padre, el Ajustador del Pensamiento; el espíritu del Hijo, el Espíritu de la Verdad; el espíritu del Espíritu, el Espíritu Santo.
194:2.12 (2062.1) En cierto modo, la humanidad está sujeta a la doble influencia del llamado séptuplo de las influencias espirituales del universo. Las primeras razas evolucionarias de los mortales están sometidas al contacto progresivo de los siete espíritus ayudantes de la mente del Espíritu Materno del universo local. A medida que el hombre progresa hacia arriba en la escala de la inteligencia y de la percepción espiritual, ulteriormente llegan a él y moran en él las siete influencias de los espíritus superiores. Y estos siete espíritus de los mundos en avance son:
194:2.13 (2062.2) 1. El espíritu otorgado por el Padre universal —los Ajustadores del Pensamiento.
194:2.14 (2062.3) 2. La presencia espiritual del Hijo Eterno —la gravedad espiritual del universo de los universos y el canal certero de toda comunión espiritual.
194:2.15 (2062.4) 3. La presencia espiritual del Espíritu Infinito —el espíritu-mente universal de toda la creación, la fuente espiritual del parentesco intelectual de todas las inteligencias progresivas.
194:2.16 (2062.5) 4. El espíritu del Padre Universal y del Hijo Creador —el Espíritu de la Verdad, generalmente considerado el espíritu del Hijo del Universo.
194:2.17 (2062.6) 5. El espíritu del Espíritu Infinito y del Espíritu Materno del Universo —el Espíritu Santo, generalmente considerado el espíritu del Espíritu del Universo.
194:2.18 (2062.7) 6. El espíritu de mente del Espíritu Materno del Universo —los siete espíritus ayudantes de la mente en el universo local.
194:2.19 (2062.8) 7. El espíritu del Padre, los Hijos y los Espíritus —el espíritu de nuevo nombre de los mortales ascendentes de los reinos después de la fusión del alma mortal nacida del espíritu con el Ajustador del Pensamiento del Paraíso, y después del subsiguiente alcance de la divinidad y la glorificación del estado del Cuerpo de Finalistas del Paraíso.
194:2.20 (2062.9) Así pues, el don del Espíritu de la Verdad trajo al mundo y a sus pobladores el último de los dones espirituales, cuyo propósito es ayudar a la búsqueda ascendente de Dios.
Michael Of Nebadon
My Spirit of Truth is Amniotic Fluid of Life .. nourishing you, nurturing your growth into all Truth on all levels of your personhood.
My Spirit of Truth, when invited and humbly received by you, strengthens your discerning mind while renewing mind to evolve into the soul mind vesture which is more capable of understanding God’s vision and plan, perceiving rightly your personality and its place in the Universe, broadening your mind’s outlook so that you can evolve within tbe long term plan and not merely become caught in the shorter term gratifications of the senses and ephemeral appearances.
The Universe Mother and I .. evolve you into the trinitarian values and the cardinal virtues of life.
My Spirit of Truth renews you mentally, emotionally, physically .. as you are growing more courageous to make the higher choices and the more ethical decisions.
In our Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter relationship, you are supported to enter the great processional of every cosmic citizen who seeks to know themselves and to venture inwards .. to one day .. in the far distant future .. stand in the Holy Presence of the Person of the Infinite Spirit, the Person of the Eternal Mother Son, and the Person of the Universal Father.
And along the way into greater Life, you are given the opportunities to serve the expansive actualization of God the Supremacy who is your destiny, and out of which your own Selfhood blossoms and Matures.
(2060.7) 194:2.2 The first mission of this spirit is, of course, to foster and personalize truth, for it is the comprehension of truth that constitutes the highest form of human liberty. Next, it is the purpose of this spirit to destroy the believer’s feeling of orphanhood. Jesus Michael having been among men, all believers would experience a sense of loneliness had not the Spirit of Truth come to dwell in men’s hearts.
(2061.1) 194:2.3 This bestowal of the Son’s spirit effectively prepared all normal men’s minds for the subsequent universal bestowal of the Father’s spirit (the Adjuster) upon all mankind. In a certain sense, this Spirit of Truth is the spirit of both the Universal Father and the Creator Son.
(2061.2) 194:2.4 Do not make the mistake of expecting to become strongly intellectually conscious of the outpoured Spirit of Truth. The spirit never creates a consciousness of himself, only a consciousness of Michael, the Son.
From the beginning Jesus Michael has always taught that the spirit would not speak of himself. The proof, therefore, of your fellowship with the Spirit of Truth is not to be found in your consciousness of this spirit but rather in your experience of enhanced fellowship with Michael.
(2061.3) 194:2.5 The spirit also came to help men recall and understand the words of the Master as well as to illuminate and reinterpret his life on earth.
(2061.4) 194:2.6 Next, the Spirit of Truth came to help the believer to witness to the realities of Jesus’ teachings and his life as he lived it in the flesh, and as he now again lives it anew and afresh in the individual believer of each passing generation of the spirit-filled sons of God.
(2061.5) 194:2.7 Thus it appears that the Spirit of Truth comes really to lead all believers into all truth, into the expanding knowledge of the experience of the living and growing spiritual consciousness of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God.
(2061.6) 194:2.8 Jesus lived and Michael lives a life which is a revelation of man submitted to the Father’s will, not an example for any man literally to attempt to follow. This life in the flesh, together with his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, presently became a new gospel of the ransom which had thus been paid in order to purchase man back from the clutch of the evil one — from the condemnation of an offended God. Nevertheless, even though the gospel did become greatly distorted, it remains a fact that this new message about Jesus carried along with it many of the fundamental truths and teachings of his earlier gospel of the kingdom. And, sooner or later, these concealed truths of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men will emerge to effectually transform the civilization of all mankind.
(2061.7) 194:2.9 But these mistakes of the intellect in no way interfered with the believer’s great progress in growth in spirit. In less than a month after the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, the apostles made more individual spiritual progress than during their almost four years of personal and loving association with the Master. Neither did this substitution of the fact of the resurrection of Jesus for the saving gospel truth of sonship with God in any way interfere with the rapid spread of their teachings; on the contrary, this overshadowing of Jesus’/Michael's message by the new teachings about his person and resurrection seemed greatly to facilitate the preaching of the good news.
(2061.8) 194:2.10 The term “baptism of the spirit,” which came into such general use about this time, merely signified the conscious reception of this gift of the Spirit of Truth and the personal acknowledgment of this new spiritual power as an augmentation of all spiritual influences previously experienced by God-knowing souls.
(2061.9) 194:2.11 Since the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, man is subject to the teaching and guidance of a threefold spirit endowment: the spirit of the Father, the Thought Adjuster; the spirit of the Son, the Spirit of Truth; the spirit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
(2062.1) 194:2.12 In a way, mankind is subject to the double influence of the sevenfold appeal of the universe spirit influences. The early evolutionary races of mortals are subject to the progressive contact of the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe Mother Spirit.
As man progresses upward in the scale of intelligence and spiritual perception, there eventually come to hover over him and dwell within him the seven higher spirit influences. And these seven spirits of the advancing worlds are:
(2062.2) 194:2.13 1. The bestowed spirit of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjusters.
(2062.3) 194:2.14 2. The spirit presence of the Eternal Son — the spirit gravity of the universe of universes and the certain channel of all spirit communion.
(2062.4) 194:2.15 3. The spirit presence of the Infinite Spirit — the universal spirit-mind of all creation, the spiritual source of the intellectual kinship of all progressive intelligences.
(2062.5) 194:2.16 4. The spirit of the Universal Father and the Creator Son — the Spirit of Truth, generally regarded as the spirit of the Universe Son.
(2062.6) 194:2.17 5. The spirit of the Infinite Spirit and the Universe Mother Spirit — the Holy Spirit, generally regarded as the spirit of the Universe Spirit.
(2062.7) 194:2.18 6. The mind-spirit of the Universe Mother Spirit — the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe.
(2062.8) 194:2.19 7. The spirit of the Father, Sons, and Spirits — the new-name spirit of the ascending mortals of the realms after the fusion of the mortal spirit-born soul with the Paradise Thought Adjuster and after the subsequent attainment of the divinity and glorification of the status of the Paradise Corps of the Finality.
(2062.9) 194:2.20 And so did the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth bring to the world and its peoples the last of the spirit endowment designed to aid in the ascending search for God.
Michael Of Nebadon
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excalibur · 5 years
fave merthur centric eps?
i have so many get ready!!
1.04 (the poisoned chalice)
1.10 (the moment of truth)
1.11 (the labyrinth of gedref)
2.04 (lancelot and guinevere)
2.08 (the sins of the father)
2.13 (the last dragonlord)
4.01/4.02 (the darkest hour)
4.05 (his father’s son)
4.06 (a servant of two masters)
4.12/4.13 (the sword in the stone)
5.01/5.02 (arthur’s bane)
5.03 (the death song of uther pendragon)
5.12/5.13 (the diamond of the day)
honorable mentions to 2.12 (the fires of idirsholas), 3.12/3.13 (the coming of arthur) 4.04 (aithusa), and 4.10 (a herald of the new age)
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ljones41 · 6 years
Controversial Finale: "BOARDWALK EMPIRE" (2.12) "To the Lost"
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CONTROVERSIAL FINALE: "BOARDWALK EMPIRE" (2.12) "To the Lost" The Season Two finale of "BOARDWALK EMPIRE", (2.12) "To the Lost" has been viewed as an end of an era for a good number of the series' viewers and television critics. It marked an event that left some fans satisfied and others in a state of anger and resentment. But one cannot deny that this event – along with a few others – allowed the series to enter a new phase for its third season.
One of the changes that materialized in "To the Lost" turned out to be the marriage between Atlantic City's re-installed political boss, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson and his Irish-born mistress, the widowed Margaret Schroeder. Although both harbored feelings for each other, their marriage obviously seemed like one of convenience. Margaret had received a summons from Federal prosecutor Esther Randolph as a possible witness against Nucky for her husband’s murder back in Season One. By "To the Lost", Margaret had embraced religion as a reaction to her daughter becoming a victim of the polio outbreak. When Nucky learned about her summons, he asked her to marry him in order to prevent her from testifying against him and to avoid serving time in prison. Margaret agreed. But she had also hoped to convince Nucky to do the same – before and after the charges against him were dropped. To her disappointment, Nucky revealed no interest in embracing religion. Worse, he had signed over a piece of valuable property to Margaret, when he feared that the Federal government might confiscate his possessions. When Margaret learned about the murder of Alderman James Neary – an enemy of Nucky's – she immediately assumed he was behind the crime. As it turned out, she was wrong. Nucky's former protégée, Jimmy Darmody, committed the deed with friend Richard Harrow’s help, in an effort to win the political boss' forgiveness for his betrayal. However, Margaret went ahead and signed over Nucky’s land to the Catholic Church. The ironic aspect of Margaret’s reasoning behind her actions was that she harbored a secret of her own. In the season’s seventh episode, (2.07) "Peg of Old", she had sex with Owen Sleater, Nucky’s new bodyguard. This happened at a time when Nucky was facing an assassination attempt arranged by Jimmy. Margaret eventually found the nerve to confess her infidelity to the local priest and to God. Margaret seemed willing to judge Nucky for his lies – real and imagined. Yet, she failed to find the courage to confess her sin of infidelity to Nucky. Albert "Chalky" White, the unofficial leader of Atlantic City’s African-American community, had to endure numerous difficulties during Season Two. The Ku Klux Klan attacked his bootleg operation in the season’s premiere episode, (2.01) "21", resulting in the deaths of several of his men. Chalky managed to kill one of the Klansmen during the attack. He ended up being charged with murder. Nucky's attorney managed to get him out of jail on bail, but Chalky still faced a trial. This ended when Jimmy managed to get the State Attorney’s office to drop the murder charges. Jimmy, along with Richard’s help, attacked a Klan gathering at gunpoint, shot two men and demanded the men who had attacked Chalky’s warehouse in "21". After delivering the men to Chalky and the latter’s new right-hand man, former jail cell nemesis Dunn Purnsley, Jimmy asked the former to contact Nucky on his behalf. This arrest would lead to the first of two meetings between Jimmy and Nucky and the former's controversial death that ended Season Two. Like many other fans of "BOARDWALK EMPIRE", I had made the mistake of assuming that Nucky would eventually forgive Jimmy for his Season Two transgressions. After all, the Jimmy Darmody character was the second lead in the series. After watching "To the Lost", I realize that I had been living in a fantasy. So had Jimmy. The deaths of his wife Angela and father, the Commodore, in (2.11) "Under God's Power She Flourishes" had left him shaken to his core. I suspect this also led him to realize it would be in his best interest to seek forgiveness from Nucky. Jimmy engaged in a campaign to make up for his past transgressions – which included a murder attempt on Nucky. With Richard’s help, he nabbed the Klansmen who was responsible for the attack on Chalky’s bootlegging operation; set up both Alderman Jim Neary and Eli Thompson for election fraud, before faking Neary’s death as a suicide; and claimed that Eli was responsible for introducing the idea of a hit on Nucky. But all of this did not work. It was Richard who pointed out that no matter what Jimmy did, Nucky would never forgive him. Now that I think about it, I found myself wondering why Jimmy never considered the possibility that Nucky was not the forgiving type . . . until it was too late. Surely he must have remembered Nucky's reaction when he and Al Capone had stolen Arnold Rothstein's whiskey shipment in the series' premiere, (1.01) "Boardwalk Empire". Nucky had been so angry that he fired Jimmy as his driver and demanded that the World War I veteran pay $3,000 as compensation for committing the robbery in his town and without his consent. Jimmy was forced to flee from Atlantic City to Chicago, when a witness to the heist reappeared. And even though Nucky asked Jimmy to return to help him deal with his war against Rothstein, he remained angry over the heist. Now if Nucky was unable to completely forgive Jimmy for the whiskey heist in Season One; his chances of forgiving the younger man for an attempted murder seemed pretty moot. And no one - including myself - seemed to realize this. I am not condoning Nucky's murder of Jimmy. I believe that what he had done was wrong. But I must admit that I found some of the outraged reactions against the crime rather puzzling. Although some had expressed disappointment over Jimmy's sanction of the murder attempt on Nucky in "Peg of Old", the level of anger toward Jimmy seemed particularly mute in comparison to their anger toward Nucky for his actions in "To the Lost". This same television season also saw the death of lead actor Sean Bean in another HBO series, "GAME OF THRONE". Some had expressed surprise at the turn of events, but not anger. Some fans might point out that it was Nucky's younger brother and Atlantic City's sheriff, the resentful Eli Thompson, who had initiated the idea of killing Nucky. Jimmy even told Nucky of Eli's participation in the hit. I suspect that Nucky suspected that Jimmy had told the truth. But he had considered two things. One, Eli was his brother. And two, it was Jimmy who gave the final decision to have Nucky killed. In the end, even Eli failed to completely escape Nucky's wrath. Although his life was spared, the political boss forced him to plead guilty to the corruption charges and face at least two years in prison (or less with parole). Something tells me that Eli's career as Sheriff of Atlantic County had ended permanently. Jimmy had also been wrong to order the hit on Nucky. Yet, the level of anger toward his act was barely minimal. Were these fans upset that Nucky had succeeded, where Jimmy had failed? Or was their anger due to the loss of the younger and good-looking Michael Pitt, who had NOT been the series' lead? Because no one had expressed similar sentiments over the older Bean's departure from "GAME OF THRONES". Was this major outrage over Jimmy's death had more to do with superficial preference than moral outrage? It is beginning to seem so to me. I had enjoyed Michael Pitt's portrayal of the troubled Jimmy Darmody, during his two-year stint on "BOARDWALK EMPIRE". But unlike many other fans, I could never accept the views of some that the series had jumped the shark with his character's death. I had been right not to make that assumption.  Granted, the series’ final season proved to be disappointing, “BOARDWALK EMPIRE” still managed to provide excellent television during its third and fourth seasons . . . with the very talented Steve Buscemi in the lead as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson and creator Terence Winter as its guide.
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If we put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit, then it is not by our own power but the guiding, leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit. When we quench the Spirit’s fire in us we have left out an important part of our decision-making process. We have the Holy Spirit in us so that we may exhibit the qualities of Jesus is our life. We no longer live by the flesh because the flesh as gotten us into a broken relationship with God, we live by the Spirit to restore our relationship with God the Father. “But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭59:2‬ ‭HCSB‬‬ https://www.bible.com/72/isa.59.2.hcsb “And now, why delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins by calling on His name.’” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭22:16‬ ‭HCSB‬‬ https://www.bible.com/72/act.22.16.hcsb “I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus’ name.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2:12‬ ‭HCSB‬‬ https://www.bible.com/72/1jn.2.12.hcsb “Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You. Reveal to me the way I should go because I long for You.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭143:8‬ ‭HCSB‬‬ https://www.bible.com/72/psa.143.8.hcsb Our part is the listen to the spirit when He says that what we just did was sin, this is called guilt. We then need to get our sins washed away, this is repentance and baptism. If you feel it is necessary to be rebaptized go for it. There is no punishment for getting baptized again. And now we can stand up and proclaim that our sins are forgiven. Now the Spirit will let us know before we sin to save us from having to repent. it is up to us to obey. The more we obey the Spirit the more we put to death the deeds of the body. 
Do we long for God so much that we seek Him in the mornings? Here is another way we put to death the deeds to the body. We seek God in the mornings through prayer and reading His Word, the Bible. If we know that Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak then we seek to satisfy the Spirit. The Spirit is satisfied when we seek after God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and not the flesh. https://www.instagram.com/p/B26cXyeH4sE/?igshid=jko6depm1evn
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kingmakings · 7 years
just a random question out of random curiosity. i know you love both iris west and arthur pendragon, and they're my all-time fave characters, so i was wondering if you could name your top five episodes for their characters (as in which episodes you think were best for their character development/arcs/etc.)
Aw, well I’m flattered you want to know my opinion on this, anon! 
Iris West: (1) 3.11, “Dead or Alive,” (2) 1.21, “Grodd Lives,” (3) 3.21, “Cause and Effect.” (4) 2.21, “The Runaway Dinosaur,” (5) 1.11, “The Sound and the Fury”
Additionally, I’d rank 2.12, “Fast Lane” as a super close runner-up.
Arthur Pendragon: (1) 3.13, “The Coming of Arthur Part II,” (2) 3.02, “The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part II,” (3) 4.13, “The Sword in the Stone Part II,” (4) 2.08, “The Sins of the Father,” (5) 4.05, “His Father’s Son”
Again, I’d rank 2.02, “The Once and Future Queen” as a runner-up.
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bareilles-tveit · 8 years
Entertainment 2017
Mainly for myself but I’m going to keep track of all the books, movies, tv shows, youtube series, plays, and audio dramas I consume this year.  I’ve tried it in the past but I want to actually keep it up this year so I can look back on it at the end of the year.
Books 1.  Scrappy Little Nobody: Anna Kendrick 2.  The Gargoyle Gets His Girl: Kristen Painter 3.  The Professor Woos the Witch: Kristen Painter 4.  The Witch’s Halloween Hero: Kristen Painter 5.  THe Last Anniversary: Liane Moriarty 6.  The Werewolf’s Christmas: Kristen Painter 7.  Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children: Ransom Riggs 8.  Kill The Father: Sandrone Dazieri 9.  Behind Her Eyes: Sarah Pinborough 10.  Where the Wild Things Bite: Molly Harper 11.  BIg Vamp on Campus: Molly Harper 12.  Woman No. 17: Eden Lepucki 13.  Behind Closed Doors: BA Paris 14.  All the Missing Girls: Megan Miranda
Movies 1.  La La Land (2016) 2.  Sing (2016) 3.  Annie (2014) 4.  XXX (2002) 5.  XXX: State of the Union (2005) 6.  John Wick (2014) 7.  Constantine (2005) 8.  Doom (2005) 9.  Race To Witch Mountain (2009) 10.  Newsies: Live (2017) 11. Rio 2 (2014) 12.  Trolls (2016) 13.  Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find THem (2016) 14.  The Last Witch Hunter (2015) 15.  The Pacifier (2005) 16.  Moana (2016) 17.  Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 (2017) 18.  National Treasure (2004) 19.  National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) 20.  Dirty Dancing (2017) 21.  Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 (2017)
Plays 1.  An American in Paris 2.  The Little Mermaid (Ballet) 3.  Hedwig and the Angry Inch 4.  The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Nighttime 5.  Something Rotten 6.  Matilda
Radio Dramas 1.  Carmilla 2.  Torchwood: Broken 3.  Torchwood: Forgotten Lives 4.  Torchwood: More than This 5.  Ninth Doctor Chronicles: The Bleeding Heart 6.  Ninth Doctor Chronicles: The Window on the Moor 7.  Ninth Doctor Chronicles: THe Other Side 8.  Ninth Doctor Chronicles: Retail Therapy
TV Shows
The 100: 4.01: Echoes The 100: 4.02: Heavy Lies the Crown The 100: 4.03: The Four Horsemen The 100: 4.04: A Lie Guarded The 100: 4.05: The Tinder Box The 100: 4.06: We Will Rise The 100: 4.07: Gimme Shelter The 100: 4.08: God Complex The 100: 4.09: DNR The 100: 4.10: Die All, Die Merrily The 100: 4.11: The Other Side The 100: 4.12: The Chosen The 100: 4.13: Praimfaya 2 Broke Girls- 6.12: And the Riverboat Runs Through It 2 Broke Girls- 6.13: And the Stalking Dead 2 Broke Girls- 6.14: And the Emergency Contractor 2 Broke Girls- 6.15: And the Turtle Sense 2 Broke Girls- 6.16: And the Tease Time 2 Broke Girls- 6.17: And the Jessica Schmessica 2 Broke Girls- 6.18: And the Dad Day Afternoon 2 Broke Girls- 6.19: And the Baby and Other Things 2 Broke Girls- 6.20: And the Alley-Oops Arrow- 5.02: The Recruits Arrow- 5.03: A matter of Trust Arrow- 5.04: Pennance Arrow- 5.05: Human Target Arrow- 5.06: So it Begins Arrow- 5.07: Vigilante Arrow- 5.08: Invasion (3) Arrow- 5.09: What We Leave Behind Arrow- 5.10: Who are You? Arrow- 5.11: Second Chances Arrow- 5.12: Bravta Arrow- 5.13: Spectre of the Gun Arrow- 5.14: Sin Eater Arrow- 5.15: Fighting Fire with Fire Arrow- 5.16: Checkmate Arrow- 5.17: Kapiushon Arrow- 5.18: Disbanded Arrow- 5.19; Dangerous Liasons Arrow- 5.20: Underneath Arrow- 5.21: Honor Thy Fathers Arrow- 5.22: Missing Arrow- 5.23: Lian Yu Baby Daddy- 6.01: To Elle and Back Baby Daddy- 6.02: Pro and Con Baby Daddy- 6.03: Ben Rides a Unicorn Baby Daddy- 6.04: A Mother of A Day Baby Daddy- 6.05: When Elle Freezes over Baby Daddy- 6.06: Third Wheeler Baby Daddy- 6.07: The Sonnymoon Baby Daddy- 6.08: You Cruise You lose Baby Daddy- 6.09: The Rebound Baby Daddy- 6.10: What’s In the Box Baby Daddy- 6.11: Daddy’s Girl The Bachelor- 21.01: Season 21 Premier The Bachelor- 21.02: Wedding Photo Shoot The Bachelor- 21.03: Episode 3 The Bachelor- 21.04: Episode 4 The Bachelor- 21.05: Week 5: New Orleans The Bachelor- 21.06: Week 6 The Bachelor- 21.07: Week 7 The Bachelor- 21.08: Hometown Dates The Bachelor- 21.09: Week 9: Finland The Bachelor- 21.10: Week 10: Finland The Bachelor- 21.11: The Women Tell All The Bachelor- 21.12: The Final Rose The Bachelor 21.13: After the Final Rose The Bachelorette- 13.01: Episode 1 The Bachelorette- 13.02: Week 2 The Bachelorette- 13.03: Episode 3 The Bachelorette- 13.04: Week 4 The Bachelorette- 13.05: Week 5: Part 1 The Bachelorette- 13.06: Week 6 The Bachelorette- 13.07: Week 7 The Bachelorette- 13.08: Week 8 The Bachelorette- 13.09: Week 9: Overnight Dates The Bachelorette- 13.10: Men Tell All The Bachelorette- 13.11: Week 9: Season 13 Finale Bachelor In Paradise- 1.01: Week 1, Part 1 Bachelor in Paradise- 1.02: Week 1, Part 2 Bachelor In Paradise- 1.03: Week 2, Part 1 Bachelor In Paradise- 1.04: Week 2, Part 2 Bachelor In Paradise- 1.05: Week 3, Part 1 Bachelor In Paradise- 1.06: Week 3, Part 2 Backstage- 1.01: The First Day Backstage- 1.02: Groups of Two Backstage- 1.03: The Brightside Backstage- 1.04: Take Me Out Backstage- 1.05: Stand Tall Backstage- 1.06: Dig Deeper Backstage- 1.07: In Their Shoes Backstage- 1.08: On Deck Backstage- 1.09 Sotto Voce Backstage- 1.10: The Understudy Backstage- 1.11: Lose Yourself Backstage- 1.12: Plays Well WIth Others Backstage- 1.13: Hold On Backstage- 1.14: Twelve Hours to Showtime Backstage- 1.15: Showtime Backstage- 1.16: Restart Backstage- 1.17: Juggle Backstage- 1.18: Eyes Forward Backstage- 1.19: Once in a lifetime Backstage- 1.20: Da Capo Backstage- 1.21: Friend or Foe Backstage- 1.22: Verite Backstage- 1.23: Step Up Backstage- 1.24: Ensemble Backstage- 1.25: After the Flood Backstage- 1.26: Try Again Backstage- 1.27: Fallout Backstage- 1.28: Lead the Way Backstage- 1.29: Me Backstage- 1.30: We Best Friends Whenever- 2.01: Princess Problems Best Friends Whenever- 2.02: Worst Night Whenever Best Friends Whenever- 2.03: Epic Girl’s Day Best Friends Whenever- 2.04: Girl Code Best Friends Whenever- 2.05: Derby Little Secret Best Friends Whenever- 2.06: Night of the Were-Diesel Best Friends Whenever- 2.07: The Friendship Code Best Friends Whenever- 2.08: The Lying Game Best Friends Whenever- 2.09: Working Nine to Fudge Best Friends Whenever- 2.10: Its not Ye Its Me Best Friends Whenever- 2.11: The Christmas Curse Best Friends Whenever- 2.12: Revenge of the Past Big Brother- 19.01: Season Premier (Part 1) Big Brother- 19.02: Season Premier (Part 2) Big Brother- 19.03: Den of Temptation Big Brother- 19.04: Power of Veto #1 Big Brother- 19.05: Live Eviction #; Head of Household #2 Big Brother- 19.06: Hoh #2; Den of Temptation #2, Nominations #2 Big Brother- 19.07: Power of veto #2 Big Brother- 19.08: Live Eviction #2 Big Brother- 19.09: Head of Household #3, Nominations #3 Big Brother- 19.10: Power of Veto #3 Big Brother- 19.11; Den of Temptation #3, Live Eviction #3 Big Brother- 19.12: Battle Back Big Brother- 19.13: Head of Household #4, Nominations #4 Big Brother- 19.14: Power of Veto #4 Big Brother- 19.15: Live Eviction #4, Head of Household #5 Big Brother- 19.16: Nominations #5 Big Brother- 19.17: Power of Veto #5 Big Brother- 19.18: Live Eviction #5, Head of Household #6 Big Brother- 19.19: Nominations #6 Big Brother- 19.20: Power of Veto #6 Big Brother- 19.21: Live Eviction #6 Head of Household #7 Big Brother- 19.22: Temptation Competition #3, Nominations #7 Big Brother- 19.23: Power of Veto #7 Big Brother- 19.24: Double Eviction Big Brother- 19.25: Special Friday Night Big Brother- 19.26: Head of Household #9, Nominations #9 Big Brother- 19.27: Power of Veto #9 Big Brother- 19.28: Live Eviction #9 Big Brother- 19.29: Head of Household #10, Nominations #10 Big Brother- 19.30: Power of Veto #10 Big Brother- 19.31: Live Eviction #10 Broadchurch- 3.01: Episode 1 Broadchurch- 3.02: Episode 2 Broadchurch- 3.03: Episode 3 Broadchurch- 3.04: Episode 4 Broadchurch- 3.05: Episode 5 Broadchurch- 3.06: Episode 6 Broadchurch- 3.07: Episode 7 Broadchurch- 3.08: Episode 8 Bull- 1.10: EJ Bull- 1.11: Teacher’s Pet Bull- 1.12: Stockholm Syndrome Bull- 1.13: The Fall Bull- 1.14: Its Classified Bull- 1.15: What’s Your Number Bull- 1.16: Free Fall Bull- 1.17: Name Game Bull- 1.18: Dressed to Kill Bull- 1.19: Bring it On Bull- 1.20: Make Me Bull- 1.21: How to Dodge a Bullet Bull- 1.22: Dirty Little Secrets Bull- 1.23: Benevolent Deception Bunk’d- 2.01: Griff is in the House Bunk’d- 2.02: Dance In My Pants Bunk’d- 2.03: Zuri has a Little Lamb Bunk’d- 2.04: Weasel Out Bunk’d - 2.05: Queen of Screams Bunk’d- 2.06: Luke Out Below Bunk’d- 2.07: Camp Kiki-Slasher Bunk’d- 2.08: Treehouse of Terror Bunk’d- 2.09: Tidal Wave Bunk’d- 2.10: Fog’d In Bunk’d- 2.11: How the Griff Stole Christmas Bunk’d- 2.12: Food Fight Bunk’d- 2.13: Mother May I? Bunk’d- 2.14: Mud Fight Bunk’d- 2.15: Dog Days of Summer Bunk’d- 2.16: Bad Dog! Bunk’d- 2.17: Camp Stinky Waka Bunk’d- 2.18: Cabin vs. Cabin Bunk’d- 2.19: Dreams Come True Bunk’d- 2.20: We Didn’t Start the Fire Bunk’d- 2.21: The great Escape
The Catch- 2.01: The New Deal The Catch- 2.02: The Hammer The Catch- 2.03: The Dining Hall The Catch- 2.04: The Family Way The Catch- 2.05: The Bad Girl The Catch- 2.06:  The Hard Drive The Catch- 2.07: The Birthday Party THe Catch- 2.08: The Knock-off The Catch- 2.09: The Cleaner The Catch- 2.10: The Mockingbird Class- 1.01: For Tonight We Might Die Conviction- 1.10: Not Okay Conviction- 1.11: Black Orchid Conviction- 1.12: Enemy Combatant Conviction- 1.13: Past Prologue and What’s to Come Crazy Ex-Girlfriend- 2.01: Where is Josh’s Friend? Crazy Ex-Girlfriend- 2.02: When Will josh See How Cool I am Crazy Ex- Girlfriend- 2.03: All Signs Point to Josh or Is It Josh’s Friend? Crazy Ex-Girlfiend- 2.04: When Will Josh and His Friend Leave Me Alone Crazy Ex-Girlfriend- 2.05: Why is Josh’s Ex Girlfriend Eating Carbs Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.06: Who Needs Josh When you Have a Girl Group?Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.07: Who’s the Cool Girl Josh Is Dating? Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.08: Who is Josh’s Soup Fairy? Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.09: When Do I get to Spend Time With Josh? Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.10: Will Scarsdale Like Josh’s Shayna Punim? Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.11: Josh is the Man of My Dreams Right?
Crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.12: Is Josh Free In Two Weeks? crazy Ex Girlfriend- 2.13: Can Josh Take A Leap of Faith Criminal Minds- 12.01: The Crimson King Criminal Minds- 12.02: Sick Day Criminal Minds- 12.03: Taboo Criminal Minds- 12.04: Keeper Criminal Minds- 12.05: The Anti-Terror Squad Criminal Minds- 12.06: Elliott’s Pond Criminal Minds- 12.07: Mirror Image Criminal Minds- 12.08: Scarecrow Criminal Minds- 12.09: Profiling 202 Criminal Minds- 12.10: Seek and Destroy Criminal Minds- 12.11: Surface Tension Criminal Minds- 12.12: A Good Husband Criminal Minds- 12.13: Spencer Criminal Minds- 12.14: Collision Course Criminal Minds- 12.15: Alpha Male Criminal Minds- 12.16: Assistance is Futiel Criminal Minds- 12.17: In the Dark Criminal Minds- 12.18: Hell’s Kitchen Criminal Minds- 12.19: True North Criminal Minds- 12.20: Unforgettable Criminal Minds- 12.21: Green Light Criminal Minds- 12.22: Red Light Dancing With the Stars- 24.01: Premier Dancing With the Stars- 24.02: Week 2 Dancing With the Stars- 24.03: Week 3: Vegas Week Dancing With the Stars- 24.04: Week 4: Most Memorable Year Dancing With the Stars- 24.05: Week 5: Disney Night Dancing With the Stars- 24.06: Week 6: Boy Bands vs. Girl Groups Dancing With the Stars- 24.07: Week 7: A Night at the Movies Dancing With the Stars- 24.08: Week 8: Trio Night Dancing With the Stars- 24.09: Week 9: Semi-finals Dancing With the Stars- 24.10: Week 10: Season-Finale Part 1 Dancing With the Stars- 24.11: Week 10: Season Finale Part 2 DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.01: Out of Time DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.02: The Justice Society of America DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.03: Shogun DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.04: Abominations DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.05: Compromised DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.06: Outlaw Country DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.07: Invasion DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.08: The Chicago Way DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.09: Raiders of the Lost Art DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.10: The Legion of Doom DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.11: Turncoat DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.12: Camelot/3000 Dc Legends of Tomorrow- 2.13: Land of the Lost DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.14: Moonshot DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.15: Fellowship of the Spear DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.16: Doomworld DC Legends of Tomorrow- 2.17: Aruba Designated Survivor- 1.11: Warriors Designated Survivor- 1.12: The End of the Beginning Designated Survivor- 1.13: Backfire Designated Survivor- 1.14: Commander in Chief Designated Survivor- 1.15: One Hundred Days Designated Survivor- 1.16: Party Lines Designated Survivor- 1.17: The Ninth Seat Designated Survivor- 1.18: Lazarus Designated Survivor- 1.19: Misalliance Designated Survivor- 1.20: Bombshell Designated Survivor- 1.21: Brace for Impact Doctor Who- Christmas Special: The Return of Doctor Mysterio Doctor Who- 10.01: The Pilot Doctor Who- 10.02: Smile Doctor who- 10.03: Thin Ice Doctor Who- 10.04: Knock Knock Doctor Who- 10.05: Oxygen Doctor Who- 10.06: Extremis Doctor Who- 10.07: The Pyramid at the End of the World Doctor Who- 10.08: The Lie of the Land Doctor Who- 10.09: Empress of Mars Doctor Who- 10.10: The Eaters of Light Doctor Who- 10.11: World Enough and Time Doctor Who- 10.12: The Doctor Falls Fear the Walking Dead- 1.01: Pilot Fear the Walking Dead- 1.02: So Close, Yet So Far Fear the Walking Dead- 1.03: The Dog Fear the Walking Dead- 1.04: Not Fade Away Fear the Walking Dead- 1.05: Cobalt Fear the Walking Dead- 1.06: The Good Man Fear the Walking Dead- 2.01: Monster Fear the Walking Dead- 2.02: We all Fall Down Fear the Walking Dead- 2.03: Ourboros Fear the Walking Dead- 2.04: Blood in the Streets Fear the Walking Dead- 2.05: Captive Fear the Walking Dead- 2.06: Sicut Cervus Fear the Walking Dead- 2.07: Shiva Fear the Walking Dead- 2.08: Grotesque Fear the Walking Dead- 2.09: Los Muertos Fear the Walking Dead- 2.10: Do Not Disturb Fear the Walking Dead- 2.11: Pablo and Jessica Fear the Walking Dead- 2.12: Pillar of Salt Fear the Walking Dead- 2.13: Date of Death Fear the Walking Dead- 2.14: Wrath Fear the Walking Dead- 2.15: North The Flash- 2.07: Gorilla Warfare The Flash- 2.08: Legends of Today (I) The Flash- 2.09: Running to Stand Still The Flash- 2.10: Potential Energy The Flash- 2.11: The Reverse Flash Returns The Flash- 2.12: Fast Lane The Flash- 2.13: Welcome to Earth-2 The Flash- 2.14: Escape From Earth-2 The Flash- 2.15: King Shark The Flash- 2.16: Trajectory The Flash- 2.17: Flash Back The Flash- 2.18: Versus Zoom The Flash- 2.19: Back to Normal The Flash- 2.20: Rupture The Flash- 2.21: The Runaway Dinosaur The Flash- 2.22: Invincible The Flash- 2.23: The Race of His Life The Flash- 3.01: Flashpoint The Flash- 3.02: Paradox The Flash- 3.03: Magenta The Flash- 3.04: The New Rogues The Flash- 3.05: Monster The Flash- 3.06: Shade The Flash- 3.07: Killer Frost The Flash- 3.08: Invasion (2) The Flash- 3.09: The Present The Flash- 3.10: Borrowing Problems From the Future The Flash- 3.11: Dead or Alive THe Flash- 3.12: Untouchable The Flash- 3.13: Attack on Gorilla City (1) The Flash- 3.14: Attack on Central City (2) The Flash- 3.15: The Wrath of Salvitar The Flash- 3.16: Into the Speed Force The Flash- 3.17: Duet (2) The Flash- 3.18: Abra Kadabra The Flash- 3.19: The Once and Future Flash The Flash- 3.20: I Know Who You Are The Flash- 3.21: Cause and Effect The Flash- 3.22: Infantino Street The Flash- 3.23: Finish line The Fosters- 4.11: Insult to Injury The Fosters- 4.12: Dream a Little Dream The Fosters- 4.13: Cruel and Unusual The Fosters- 4.14: Doors and Windows The Fosters- 4.15: Sex Ed The Fosters- 4.16: The Long Haul The Fosters- 4.17: Diamond in the Rough The Fosters- 4.18: Dirty Laundry The Fosters- 4.19: Who Knows? The Fosters- 4.20: Until Tomorrow Fuller House- 2.09: Glazed & Confused Fuller House- 2.10: New Kids in the House Fuller House- 2.11: DJ and Kimmy’s High School Reunion Fuller House- 2.12: Nutcrackers Fuller House- 2.13: Happy New Year Baby Game of Thrones- 6.01: The Red Woman Game of Thrones- 6.02: HOme Game of Thrones- 6.03: Oathbreaker Game of Thrones- 6.04: Book of the Stranger Game of Thrones- 7.01: Dragonstone Game of Thrones- 7.02: Stormborn Game of Thrones- 7.03: The Queen’s Justice Game of Thrones- 7.04: The Spoils of War Game of Thrones- 7.05: Eastwatch Game of Thrones- 7.06: Beyond the Wall Game of Thrones- 7.07: The Dragon and the Wolf Gilmore Girls- 1.01: Pilot Gilmore Girls- 1.02: The Lorelais’ First Day at Chilton Gilmore Girls- 1.03: Kill Me Now Gilmore Girls- 1.04: The Deer Hunters Gilmore Girls- 1.05: Cinnamon’s Wake Gilmore Girls- 1.06: Rorys Birthday Parties Gilmore Girls- 1.07: Kiss and Tell Gilmore Girls- 1.08: Love and War and Snow Gilmore Girls- 1.09: Rory’s Dance Girlmore Girls- 1.10: Forgiveness and Stuff Gilmore Girls- 1.11: Paris Is Burning Gilmore Girls- 1.12: Double Date Gilmore Girls- 1.13: Concert Interruptus Gilmore Girls- 1.14: That Damn Donna Reed Gilmore Girls- 1.15: Christopher Returns Gilmore Girls- 1.16: Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers Gilmore Girls- 1.17: The Breakup Part 2 Gilmore Girls- 1.18: The Third Lorelai Gilmore Girls- 1.19: Emily in Wonderland Gilmore Girls- 1.20: PS I love You Gilmore Girls- 1.21: Love, Daisies, and Troubadours Gilmore Girls- 2.01: Sadie Sadie Gilmore Girls- 2.02: Hammers and Veils Gilmore Girls- 2.03: Red Light on the Wedding Night Gilmore Girls- 2.04: The Road Trip to Harvard Gilmore Girls- 2.05: Nick & Nora/Sid & Nancy Gilmore Girls- 2.06: Presenting Lorelai Gilmore Gilmore Girls- 2.07: Like Mother, Like Daughter Gilmore Girls- 2.08: The Ins and Outs of Inns Gilmore Girls- 2.09: Run Away Little Boy Gilmore Girls- 2.10: The Bracebridge Diner Gilmore Girls- 2.11: Secrets and Loans Gilmore Girls 2.12: Richard in Stars Hollow Gilmore Girls- 2.13: A Tisket a Tasket Gilmore Girls- 2.14: It Should’ve Been Lorelei Gilmore Girls- 2.15: Lost and Found Gilmore Girls- 2.16: There’s the Rub Gilmore Girls- 2.17: Dead Uncles and Vegetables Gilmore Girls- 2.18: Back in the Saddle Again Gilmore Girls- 2.19: Teach Me Tonight Gilmore Girls- 2.20: Help Wanted Gilmore Girls- 2.21: Lorelai’s Graduation Day Gilmore Girls- 2.22: I Can’t Get Started Gilmore Girls- 3.01: Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days Gilmore Girls- 3.02: Haunted Leg Gilmore Girls- 3.03: Application Anxiety Gilmore Girls- 3.04: One’s Got Class and the Other One Dyes Gilmore Girls- 3.05: Eight O’Clock at the Oasis Gilmore Girls- 3.06: Take the Deviled Eggs... Gilmore Girls- 3.07: They Shoot Gilmores Don’t they Gilmore Girls- 3.08: Let the Games Begin Gilmore Girls- 3.09: A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving Gilmore Girls- 3.10: That’ll Do Pig Gilmore Girls- 3.11: I Solemnly Swear Gilmore Girls- 3.12: Lorelai Out of Water Gilmore Girls- 3.13: Dear Emily and Richard Gilmore Girls- 3.14: Swan Song Gilmore Girls- 3.15: Face-Off Gilmore Girls- 3.16: The Big One Gilmore Girls- 3.17: A Tale of Poes and Fire Gilmore Girls- 3.18: Happy Birthday Baby Gilmore Girls- 3.19: Keg! Max! Gilmore Girls- 3.20: Say Goodnight Gracie Gilmore Girls- 3.21: Here Comes the Son Gilmore Girls- 3.22: Those are Strings Pinocchio Gilmore Girls- 4.01: Ballrooms and Biscotti Gilmore Girls- 4.02: The Lorelai’s First Day at Yale Gilmore GIrls- 4.03: THe Hobbit, the sofa, and digger stiles Gilmore Girls- 4.04: Chicken or Beef Gilmore Girls- 4.05: The Fundamental Things Apply Gilmore Girls- 4.06: An Affair to Remember Gilmore Girls- 4.07: The Festival of Living Art Gilmore Girls- 4.08: Die, Jerk Gilmore Girls- 4.09: Ted Koppel’s Big Night Out Gilmore Girls- 4.10: The Nanny and the Professor Gilmore Girls- 4.11: In the Clamor and the Clangor Gilmore Girls- 4.12: A Family Matter Gilmore Girls- 4.13: Nag Hammadi is Where they Found the Gnostic Gospels Gilmore Girls- 4.14: The Incredible Sinking Lorelais Gilmore Girls- 4.15: Scene In A Mall Gilmore Girls- 4.16: The Reigning Lerelai Gilmore Girls- 4.17: Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin’ the Twist Gilmore Girls- 4.18: Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom Gilmore Girls- 4.19: Afterboom Gilmore Girls- 4.20: Luke Can See Her Face Gilmore Girls- 4.21: Last Week Fights This Week Tights Gilmore Girls- 4.22: Raincoats and Recipes Gilmore Girls- 5.01: Say Goodbye to daisy Miller Gilmore Girls- 5.02: A Messenger Nothing More Gilmore Girls- 5.03: Written in the Stars Gilmore Girls- 5.04: Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too Gilmore Girls- 5.05: We Got us a Pippi Virgin Gilmore Girls- 5.06: Norman Mailer, I’m Pregnant! Gilmore Girls- 5.07: You jump, I Jump, Jack Gilmore Girls- 5.08: The Party’s Over Gilmore Girls- 5.09: Emily Says Hello Gilmore Girls- 5.10: But not as Cute As Pushkin Gilmore Girls- 5.11: Women of Questionable Morals Gilmore Girls- 5.12: Come Home Gilmore Girls- 5.13: Wedding Bell Blues Gilmore Girls- 5.14: Say Something Gilmore Girls- 5.15: Jews and Chinese Food Gilmore Girls- 5.16: So... Good Talk Gilmore Girls- 5.17: Pulp Friction Gilmore Girls- 5.18: To live  and Let Diorama Gilmore Girls- 5.19: But I’m A Gilmore! Gilmore Girls- 5.20: How Many Kropogs to Cape Cod? Gilmore Girls- 5.21: Blame Booze and Melville Gilmore Girls- 5.22: A House Is Not A Home Gilmore Girls- 6.01: New and Improved Lorelai Gilmore Girls- 6.02: Fight Face Gilmore Girls- 6.03: The Ungraduate Gilmore Girls- 6.04: Always a Godmother, never a god Gilmore Girls- 6.05: We’ve Got Magic to Do Gilmore Girls- 6.06: Welcome to the Dollhouse Gilmore Girls- 6.07: Twenty-one is the Loneliest Number Gilmore Girls - 6.08: Let Me Hear You Balalaikas Ringing Out Gilmore Girls- 6.09: The Prodigal Daughter Returns Gilmore Girls- 6.10: He’s Slippin’ em bread dig? Gilmore Girls- 6.11: The Perfect Dress Gilmore Girls- 6.12: Just Like Gwen and Gavin Gilmore Girls- 6.13: Friday Nights Alright For Fighting Gilmore Girls- 6.14: You’ve Been Gilmored Gilmore Girls- 6.15: A Vineyard Valentine Gilmore Girls- 6.16: Bridesmaids Revisted Gilmore Girls- 6.17: I’m Ok, You’re Ok Gilmore Girls- 6.18: The Real Paul Anka Gilmore Girls- 6.19: I Get a Sidekick Out of You Gilmore Girls- 6.20: Super Cool Party People Gilmore Girls- 6.21: Driving Miss Gilmore Gilmore Girls- 6.22: Partings Gilmore girls- 7.01: The Long Morrow Gilmore Girls- 7.02: That’s what you get folks, for makin whoopee Gilmore Girls- 7.03: Lorelai’s First Cotillion Gilmore Girls- 7.04: ‘S Wonderful, ‘S Marvelous Gilmore Girls- 7.05: The Great Stink Gilmore Girls- 7.06: Go Bulldogs! Gilmore Girls:- 7.07: French Twist Gilmore Girls- 7.08: Introducing Lorelai Planetarium Gilmore Girls- 7.09: Knit People Knit! Gilmore Girls- 7.10: Merry Fisticuffs Gilmore Girls- 7.11: Santa’s Secret Stuff Gilmore Girls- 7.12: To Whom It May Concern Gilmore Girls- 7.13: I’d Rather Be In Philadelphia Gilmore Girls- 7.14: Farwell My Pet Gilmore Girls- 7.15: I’m A Kayak Hear Me Roar Gilmore Girls- 7.16: Will You Be My Lorelai Gilmore Gilmore Girls- 7.17: Gilmore Girls Only Gilmore Girls- 7.18: Hay Bale Maze Gilmore Girls- 7.19: Its just Like Riding a Bike Gilmore Girls- 7.20: Lorelai? Lorelai? Gilmore Girls- 7.21: Unto the Breach Gilmore Girls- 7.22: Bon Voyage
Girl Meets World- 3.01: Girl Meets high School (1) Girl Meets World- 3.02: Girl Meets High School (2) Girl Meets World- 3.03: Girl Meet Jexica Girl Meets World- 3.04: Girl Meets Permanent Record Girl Meets World- 3.05: Girl Meets Triangle Girl Meets World- 3.06: Girl Meets Upstate Girl Meets World- 3.07: Girl Meets True Maya Girl Meets World- 3.08: Girl Mets Ski Lodge (1) Girl Meets World- 3.09: Girl Meets Ski Lodge (2) Girl Meets World- 3.10: Girl Meets I Do Girl Meets World- 3.11: Girl Meets the Real World Girl Meets World- 3.12: Girl Meets Bear Girl Meets World- 3.13: Girl Meets the Great Lady of New York Girl Meets World- 3.14: Girl Meets She Don’t Like Me Girl Meets World- 3.15: Girl Meets World of Terror 3 Girl Meets World- 3.16: Girl Meets Her Monster Girl Meets World- 3.17: Girl Meets Hollywood Girl Meets World- 3.18: Girl Meets a Christmas Maya Girl Meets World- 3.19: World Meets Girl Girl Meets World- 3.20: Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen Girl Meets World- 3.21: Girl Meets Goodbye Girls- 6.01: All I Ever Wanted Girls- 6.02: Hostage Situation Girls- 6.03: American Bitch Girls- 6.04: Painful Evacuation Girls- 6.05: Gummies Girls- 6.06: Full Disclosure Girls- 6.07: The Bounce Girls- 6.08: What Will We Do This Time About Adam? Girls- 6.09: Goodbye Tour Girls- 6.10: Latching The Good Fight- 1.01: Inauguration The Good Fight- 1.02: First Week The Good Fight- 1.03: The Schtup List The Good Fight- 1.04: Henceforth Known as Property The Good Fight- 1.05: Stopable: Requiem For An Airdate The Good Fight- 1.06: Social Media and its Discontents The Good Fight: 1.07: Not so Grand Jury The Good Fight: 1.08: Reddick v. Boserman The Good Fight: 1.09: Self Condemned The Good Fight- 1.10: Chaos The Good Place- 1.10: Chidi’s Choice The Good Place- 1.11: What’s My Motivation The Good Place- 1.12: Mindy St. Claire The Good Place- 1.13: Michael’s Gambit The Great Indoors- 1.09: The Mediocre Outdoors The Great Indoors- 1.10: The Explorers Club The Great Indoors- 1.11: Mason Blows Up The Great Indoors- 1.12: Paul’s Surprise The Great Indoors- 1.13: DTR The Great Indoors- 1.14: Friends Like These The Great Indoors- 1.15: Friendship Jack The Great Indoors- 1.16: Aaron Wolf The Great Indoors- 1.17: Cubicles The Great Indoors- 1.18: Party Paul The Great Indoors- 1.19: Ricky Leaks The Great Indoors- 1.20: The Heartbreaker The Great Indoors-  1.21: Roland’s Secret The Great Indoors- 1.22: The Company Retreat Grey’s Anatomy- 13.10: You Can look (But You’d Better not Touch) Grey’s Anatomy- 13.11: Jukebox Hero Grey’s Anatomy- 13.12: None of Your Business Grey’s Anatomy- 13.13: It Only Gets Much Worse Grey’s Anatomy- 13.14: Back Where You Belong Grey’s Anatomy- 13.15: Civil War Grey’s Anatomy- 13.16: Who is He (And What is He To you) Grey’s Anatomy- 13.17: Til I Hear it From You Grey’s Anatomy- 13.18: Be Still, My Soul Grey’s Anatomy- 13.19: What’s Inside Grey’s Anatomy- 13.20: In The Air Tonight Grey’s Anatomy- 13.21: Don’t Stop Me Now Grey’s Anatomy- 13.22: Leave it Inside Grey’s Anatomy- 13.23: True Colors Grey’s Anatomy- 13.24: Ring of Fire Haven- 5.14: New World Order Haven- 5.15: Power Haven- 5.16: The Trial of Nathan Wuornos Haven- 5.17: Enter Sandman Haven- 5.18: Wild Card Haven- 5.19: Perditus Haven- 5.20: Just Passing Through Haven- 5.21: Close to Home Haven- 5.22: A Matter of Time Haven- 5.23: Blind Spot Haven- 5.24: The Widening Gyre Haven- 5.25: Now Haven- 5.26: Forever How to Get Away With Murder- 3.10: We’re Bad People How to Get Away WIth Murder- 3.11: Not Everythign’s About Annalise How to Get Away With Murder- 3.12: Go Cry Somewhere Else How to Get Away With Murder- 3.13: Its War How to Get Away With Murder- 3.14: He Made a Terrible Mistake How to Get Away With Murder- 3.15: Wes I-Zombie- 3.01: Heaven just Got A Little Bit Smoother I-Zombie- 3.02: Zombie Knows Best I-Zombie- 3.03: Eat, Pray, Liv I-Zombie- 3.04: Wag the Tongue Slowly I-Zombie- 3.05: Spanking the Zombie I-Zombie- 3.06:Some Like it Hot Mess I-Zombie- 3.07: Dirt Nap Time I-Zombie- 3.08: Eat a Knievel I-Zombie- 3.09: Twenty-Sided, Die I-Zombie- 3.10: Return of the Dead Guy I-Zombie- 3.11: Conspiracy Weary I-Zombie- 3.12: Looking For Mr. Goodbrain (1) I-Zombie- 3.13: Looking for Mr. Goodbrain (2)
Liv and Maddie- 4.01: Sorta-Sisters-a-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.02: Linda and Heather-a-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.03: Scare-a-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.04: Sing It Louder-a-rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.05: Slumber Party-a-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.06: Cali Christmas-a-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.07: Stand-Up-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.08: Roll Model-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.09: Falcon-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.10: Ex-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.11: Tiny House-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.12: Big Break-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.13: Sing it live!!-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.14: Voice-A-Rooney Liv and Maddie- 4.15: End-A-Rooney Lucifer- 2.12: Stewardess Interruptus Lucifer- 2.13: Love Handles Lucifer- 2.14: A Good Day To Die Lucifer- 2.15: Candy Morningstar Lucifer- 2.16: Deceptive Little Parasite Lucifer- 2.17: God Johnson Lucifer- 2.18: Sympathy for the Goddess Lucifer- 2.19: The Good, the Bad, and the Crispy Madam Secretary- 3.11: Gift Horse Madam Secretary- 3.12: The Detour Madam Secretary- 3.13: The Beautiful Game Madam Secretary- 3.14: Labor of Love Madam Secretary- 3.15: Break in Diplomacy Madam Secretary- 3.16: Swept Away Madam Secretary- 3.17: Convergence Madam Secretary- 3.18: Good Bones Madam Secretary- 3.19: Global Relief Madam Secretary- 3.20: Extraordinary Hazard Madam Secretary- 3.21: The Seventh Floor Madam Secretary- 3.22: Revelation Madam Secretary- 3.23: Article 5 Man With a Plan- 1.09: What About Bob? Man With a Plan- 1.10: A Dinner Gone Wrong Man With a Plan- 1.11: The Talk Man With a Plan- 1.12: The Three Amigos Man With a Plan- 1.13: Valentines Day Man With a Plan- 1.14: Kate’s First Date Man With a Plan- 1.15: Assisted Living Man With a Plan- 1.16: The A Team Man With A Plan- 1.17: Doctor No Man With A Plan- 1.18: The Blame Game Man With A Plan- 1.19: Spring Fling Man With A Plan- 1.20: Dirty Money Man With A Plan- 1.21: Operation False Freedom Man With A Plan- 1.22: Buzer beater Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.01: The H Word Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.02: Mean Right Hook Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.03: Worst Behavior Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.04: Royal Dragon Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.05: Take Shelter Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.06: Ashes, Ashes Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.07: Fish in the Jailhouse Marvel’s The Defenders- 1.08: The Defenders Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.01: Snow Gives Way Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.02: Shadow Hawk Takes Fight Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.03: Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.04: Eight Diagram Dragon Palm Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.05: Under Leaf Pluck Lotus Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.06: Immortal Emerges From Cave Marvel’s Iron Fist: 1.07: Felling Tree with Roots Marvel’s Iron Fist: 1.08: The Blessings of Man Fractures Marvel’s Iron Fist: 1.09: The Mistress of All Agonies Marvel’s Iron Fist: 1.10: Black Tiger Steals Heart Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.11: Lead Horse Back to Stable Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.12: Bar the Big Boss Marvel’s Iron Fist- 1.13: Dragon Plays With Fire Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.04: Step Into the Arena Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.05: Just to Get A Rep Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.06: Suckas Need Bodyguards Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.07: Manifest Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.08: Blowin’ Up the Spot Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.09: DWYCK Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.10: Take It Personal Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.11: Now You’re Mine Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.12: Soliloquy of Chaos Marvel’s Luke Cage- 1.13: You Know My Steez Midnight, Texas- 1.01: Pilot Midnight, Texas- 1.02: Bad Moon Rising Midnight, Texas- 1.03: Lemuel, Unchained Midnight, Texas- 1.04:  Sexy Beast Midnight, Texas- 1.05: Unearthed Midnight, Texas- 1.06: Blinded by the Light Modern Family- 8.10: Ringmaster Keifth Modern Family- 8.11: Sarge and Pea Modern Family- 8.12: Do You Believe in Magic Modern Family- 8.13: Do It Yourself Modern Family- 8.14: Heavy is the Head Modern Family- 8.15: Finding Fizbo Modern Family- 8.16: Basketball Modern Family- 8.17: Pig Moon Rising Modern Family- 8.18: Five Minutes Modern Family- 8.19: Frank’s Wedding Modern Family- 8.20: All Things Being Equal Modern Family- 8.21: Alone Time Modern Family- 8.22: The Graduates Nashville- 5.02: Back In Baby’s Arms Nashville- 5.03: Lets Put it Back Together Again Nashville- 5.04: Leap of Faith Nashville- 5.05: Love Hurts Nashville- 5.06: A little Bit Stronger Nashville- 5.07: Hurricane Nashville- 5.08: Stand Beside Me Nashville- 5.09: If Tomorrow Never Come Nashville- 5.10: I’ll Fly Away Nashville- 5.11: Fire and Rain Nashville- 5.12: Back in the Saddle Again Nashville- 5.13: ‘Til I can Make it on my own Nashville- 5.14: (Now and Then There’s) A Fool Such as I Nashville- 5.15: A Change Would DO You Good Nashville- 5.16: Not Ready to Make Nice Nashville- 5.17: Ghost In This House Nashville- 5.18: The Night Before (Life Goes On) Nashville- 5.19: You Can’t Lose Me Nashville- 5.20: Speed Trap Town Nashville- 5.21: Father On Once Upon A Time- 1.01: Pilot Once Upon a Time- 1.02: The Thing You Love Most Once Upon a Time- 1.03: Snow Falls Once Upon a Time- 1.04: The Price of Gold Once Upon a Time- 1.05: That Still Small Voice Once Upon a Time-1.06: The Shepherd Once Upon a Time- 1.07: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter Once Upon a Time- 1.08: Desperate Souls Once Upon a Time- 1.09: True North Once Upon a Time- 1.10: 7:15 AM Once Upon a Time- 1.11: Furit of the Poisonous Tree Once Upon a Time- 1.12: Skin Deep  Once Upon a Time- 1.13: What Happened to Frederick Once Upon a Time- 1.14: Dreamy Once Upon a Time- 1.15: Red-Handed Once Upon a Time- 1.16: Heart of Darkness Once Upon a Time- 1.17: Hat Trick Once Upon a Time- 1.18: The Stable Boy Once Upon a Time- 1.19: The Return Once Upon a Time- 1.20: The Stranger Once Upon a Time- 2.01: An Apple Red as Blood Once Upon a Time- 2.02:Lady of the Lake Once Upon a Time- 2.03: The Crocodile Once Upon a Time- 2.04: The Doctor Once Upon a Time- 2.05: Tallahassee Once Upon a Time- 2.06: Child of the Moon Once Upon a Time- 2.07: Into the Deep Once Upon a Time- 2.08: Queen of Hearts Once Upon a Time- 2.09: The Cricket Game Once upon a Time- 2.10: The Outsider Once Upon a Time- 2.11: In The Name of the Brother Once Upon a Time- 2.12: Tiny Once Upon a Time- 2.13: Manhattan One Day at A Time: 1.01: This is It One Day at A Time: 1.02: Bobos and Mamaitas One Day at A Time: 1.03: No Mass One Day at A Time: 1.04: A Snowman’s Tale One Day at A Time: 1.05: Strays One Day at A Time: 1.06: The Death of Mrs. Resnick One Day at A Time: 1.07: Hold Please One Day at A Time: 1.08: ONe Lie at A Time One Day at A Time- 1.09: Viva Cuba One day at A Time- 1.10: Sex Talk One Day at A Time- 1.11: Pride and Prejudice One Day at A Time- 1.12: Hurricane Victor One Day at A Time- 1.13: Quinces Orange is the New Black- 5.01: Riot FOMO Orange is the New Black- 5.02: Fuck, Marry, Frieda Orange Is the New Black-  5.03: Pissters! Orange is the New Black- 5.04: Litchfield’s Got Talent Orange is the New Black- 5.05: Sing it, White Effie! Orange is the New Black- 5.06: Flaming Hot Cheetos Literally Orange Is the New Black- 5.07: Full Bush, Half Snickers Orange is the New Black- 5.08: Tied to the Traintracks Orange is the New blak- 5.09: The Tightening Orange is the New Black- 5.10: The Reverse Midas Touch Orange is the New Black- 5.11: Breaking the Fireboard Ceiling Orange Is the New Black- 5.12: Tattoo You Orange is the New Black- 5.13: Stormy Weather Powerless- 1.01: Wayne or Lose Powerless- 1.02: Wayne’s Dream Team Powerless- 1.03: Sinking day Powerless- 1.04: Emily Dates a henchman Powerless- 1.05: Cold season Powerless- 1.06: Ima Friend You Powerless- 1.07: Van V Emily: Dawn of Justice Powerless- 1.08: Green Furious Powerless- 1.09: Emergency Punch Up Powerless- 1.10: Win Luthor Draw Preacher- 1.01: Pilot Preacher- 1.02: See Preacher- 1.03: The Possibilities Preacher- 1.04: Monster Swamp Preacher- 1.05: South Will Rise Again Preacher- 1.06: Sundowner Preacher- 1.07: He Gone Preacher- 1.08: El Valero Preacher- 1.09: Finish the Song Preacher- 1.10: Call and Response
Pretty Little Liars- 7.11: Playtime Pretty Little Liars- 7.12: These Boots Were Made For Stalking Pretty Little Liars- 7.13: Hold Your PHone Pretty Little Liars- 7.14: Power Play Pretty Little Liars- 7.15: In the Eye Abides the heart Pretty Little Liars- 7.16: The Glove that Rocks the Cradle Pretty Little Liars- 7.17: Driving Miss Crazy Pretty Little Liars- 7.18: Choose or Loose Pretty Little Liars- 7.19: Farewell, My Lovely Pretty Little Liars- 7.20: Til DeAth do us pArt Quantico- 2.09: Cleopatra Quantico- 2.10: JMPALM Quantico- 2.11: ZTORCH Quantico- 2.12: Fallen Oracle Quantico- 2.13: Epicshelter Quantico- 2.14: LNWILT Quantico- 2.15: Mockingbird Quantico- 2.16: MKTOPAZ Quantico- 2.17: OKIDOKE Quantico- 2.18: KUMONK Quantico- 2.19: MHORdER Quantico- 2.20: Globalreah Quantico- 2.21: RAINBOW Quantico- 2.22: Resistance Reign- 4.01: With Friends Like These Reign- 4.02: A Grain of Deception Reign- 4.03: Leaps of Faith Reign- 4.04: Playing With Fire Reign- 4.05: Highland Games Reign- 4.06: Love & Death Reign- 4.07: Hanging Swords Reign- 4.08: Uncharted Waters Reign- 4.09: Pulling Strings Reign- 4.10: A Better Man Reign- 4.11: dead of Night Reign- 4.12: The Shakedown Reign- 4.13: Coup de Grace Reign- 4.14: A Bride, A Box, A Body Reign- 4.15: Blood in the Water Reign- 4.16: All it Cost Her Riverdale- 1.01: Chapter One: The Rivers Edge Riverdale- 1.02: Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil Riverdale- 1.03: Chapter Three: Body Double Riverdale- 1.04: Chapter Four: The Last Picture Show Riverdale- 1.05: Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness Riverdale- 1.06: Chapter Six: Faster Pussycats! Kill! Kill! Riverdale- 1.07: Chapter Seven: In a Lonely Place Riverdale- 1.08: Chapter Eight: The Outsiders Riverdale- 1.09: Chapter Nine: THe Grande Illusion Riverdale- 1.10: Chapter Ten: The lost Weekend Riverdale- 1.11: Chapter Eleven: To Riverdale and Back Again Riverdale- 1.12: Chapter Twelve: Anatomy of a Murder Riverdale- 1.13: Chapter Thirteen: The Sweet Hereafter Royal Pains- 8.01: Stranger Danger Royal Pains- 8.02: Palpating the Orbital Rim Royal Pains- 8.03: Fly me to Kowtown Royal Pains- 8.04: Doubt of Africa Royal Pains- 8.05: Saab Story Royal Pains- 8.06: Home Sick Royal Pains- 8.07: The Good News Is.. Royal Pains- 8.08: Uninterrupted
Sense8- 1.07: W. W. N. Double D? Sense8- 1.08: We Will All Be Judged By the Courage of Our Hearts Sense8- 1.09: Death Doesn’t Let You Say Goodbye Sense8- 1.10: What Is Human Sense8- 1.11: Just Turn the Wheel and the Future Changes Sense8- 1.12: I Can’t Leave Her Sense8- 2.01: Happy Fucking New Year Sense8- 2.02: Who am I  Sense8- 2.03: Obligate Mutualisms Sense8- 2.04: Polyphony Sense8- 2.05: Fear Never Fixed Anything Sense8- 2.06: Isolated Above, Connected Below Sense8- 2.07: I have No Room In My Heart for Hate Sense8- 2.08: All I want Right Now Is One More Bullet Sense8- 2.09: What Family Actually Means Sense8- 2.10: If All the World’s a Stage Identity is Nothing But a Costume Sense8- 2.11: You Want a War? Sleepy Hollow- 4.01: Columbia Sleepy Hollow- 4.02: In Plain Sight Sleepy Hollow- 4.03: Heads of State Sleepy Hollow- 4.04: The People vs. Ichabod Crane Sleepy Hollow- 4.05: Blood From a Stone Sleepy Hollow- 4.06: Homecoming Sleepy Hollow- 4.07: Loco Parentis Sleepy Hollow- 4.08: Sick Burn Sleepy Hollow- 4.09: Child’s Play Sleepy Hollow- 4.10: Insatiable Sleepy Hollow- 4.11: The Way of the Gun Sleepy Hollow- 4.12: Tomorrow Sleepy Hollow- 4.13: Freedom So You Think You Can Dance: 14.01: Los Angeles Auditions #1 So You Think You Can Dance: 14.02: Los Angeles Auditions #2 So You Think You Can Dance: 14.03: New York Auditions #1 So You Think You Can Dance- 14.04: New York Auditions #2 So You Think You Can Dance- 14.05: Academy Week #1 So you Think You Can Dance- 14.06: Academy Week #2 So you Think You Can Dance- 14.07: Academy Week #3 So You Think You Can Dance- 14.08: Top 10 Perform, Part 1 So you Think You Can Dance- 14.09: Top 10 Perform, Part 2 So You Think You Can Dance- 14.10: Top 9 Perform So You Think You Can Dance- 14.11: Top 8 Perform Stranger Things- 1.01: Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers Stranger Things- 1.02: Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street Stranger Things- 1.03:  Chapter Three: Holly Jolly Stranger Things- 1.04: Chapter Four: The Body Stranger Things- 1.05: Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acroba Stranger Things- 1.06: Chapter Six: The Monster Stranger Things- 1.07: Chapter Seven: The Bathtub Stranger Things- 1.08: Chapter Eight: The upside Down Supergirl- 2.09: Supergirl Lives Supergirl- 2.10: We Can Be Heroes Supergirl- 2.11: The Martian Chronicles Supergirl- 2.12: Luthors Supergirl- 2.13: Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptik Supergirl- 2.14: Homecoming Supergirl- 2.15: Exodus Supergirl- 2.16: Star-Crossed (1) Supergirl- 2.17: Distant Sun Supergirl- 2.18: Ace Reporter Supergirl- 2.19: Alex Supergirl- 2.20: City of Lost Children Supergirl- 2.21: Resist Supergirl- 2.22: Nevertheless, she persisted Supernatural- 11.12: Don’t You Forget about Me Supernatural- 11.13: Love Hurts Supernatural- 11.14: The Vessel Supernatural- 11.15: Beyond the Mat Supernatural- 11.16: Safe House Supernatural- 11.17: Red Meat Supernatural- 11.18: Hell’s Angels Supernatural- 11.19: The Chitters Supernatural- 11.20: Don’t Call me Shurley Supernatural- 11.21: All in the Family Supernatural- 11.22: We Happy Few Supernatural- 11.23: Alpha and Omega Supernatural- 12.01: Keep Calm and Carry On Supernatural- 12.02: Mamma Mia Supernatural- 12.03: The Foundry Supernatural- 12.04: American Nightmare Supernatural- 12.05: The One You’ve Been Waiting For Supernatural- 12.06: Celebratin the Life of Asa Fox Supernatural- 12.07: Rock Never Dies Supernatural- 12.08: LOTUS Supernatural- 12.09: First Blood Supernatural- 12.10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets Supernatural- 12.11: Regarding Dean Supernatural- 12.12: Stuck in the Middle (with You) Supernatural- 12.13: Family Feud Supernatural- 12.14: The Raid Supernatural- 12.15: Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell Supernatural- 12.16: Ladies Drink Free Supernatural- 12.17: The British Invasion Supernatural- 12.18: The Memory Remains Supernatural- 12.19:  The Future Supernatural- 12.20: Twigs and Twine and Tasha Banes Supernatural- 12.21: There’s Something About Mary Supernatural- 12.22: Who We Are Supernatural- 12.23: All Along the Watchtower   Survivor- 34.01: The Stakes have Been Raised Survivor- 34.02: Survivor Jackpot Survivor- 34.03: The Tables Have Turned Survivor- 34.04: Dirty Deed Survivor- 34.05: Vote Early Vote Often Survivor- 34.06: What Happened on Exile Stays On Exile Survivor- 34.07: There’s a New Sherrif In Town Survivor- 34.08: A Line Drawn in Concrete Survivor- 34.09: Reinventing How the Game is Played Survivor- 34.10: Its Not a High without a Low Survivor- 34.11: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow Survivor- 34.12: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Survivor- 34.13: Reunion Special Switched at Birth- 5.01: The call Switched at Birth- 5.02: This Has to do With Me Switched at Birth- 5.03: Surprise Switched at Birth- 5.04: Relation of lines and Colors Switched at Birth- 5.05: Occupy Truth Switched at Birth- 5.06: Four Ages In Life Switched at Birth- 5.07: Memory (The Heart) Switched at Birth- 5.08: Left in Charge Switched at Birth- 5.09: The Wolf is Waiting Switched at Birth- 5.10: Long Live Love This Is Us- 1.11: The Right Thing To Do This is Us- 1.12: The Big Day This Is Us- 1.13: Three Sentences This Is Us- 1.14: I Call Marriage This Is us- 1.15: Jack Pearson’s Son This Is Us- 1.16: Memphis This is Us- 1.17: What Now? This is Us- 1.18: Moonshadow Time After Time- 1.01: Pilot Time After Time- 1.02: I Will Catch You Time After Time- 1.03: Out of Time Time After Time- 1.04: Secrets Stolen Time After Time- 1.05: Picture Fades Timeless-  1.11: The Worlds Columbian Exposition Timeless- 1.12: The Murder of Jesse James Timeless- 1.13: Karma Chameleon Timeless- 1.14: The lost Generation Timeless- 1.15: Public Enemy No. 1 Timeless-1.16: The Red Scare Trial and Error- 1.01: Pilot Trial and Error- 1.02: A Wrench in the Case Trial and Error- 1.03: The Other Man Trial and Error- 1.04: An Unwelcome Distraction Trial and Error- 1.05: Right Hand Man Trial and Error- 1.06: Secrets and Lies Trial and Error- 1.07: A Change in Defense Trial and Error- 1.08: Opening Statements Trial and Error- 1.09: A Hostile Jury Trial and Error- 1.10: An unusual Suspect Trial and Error- 1.11: The Defense Rests Trial and Error- 1.12: The Verdict Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.01: Kimmy Gets Divorced? Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.02: Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.03: Kimmy Can’t Help You! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.04: Kimmy Goes to College! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.05: Kimmy Steps on a Crack! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.06: Kimmy is a Feminist! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.07: Kimmy Learns About Weather! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.08: Kimmy does a Puzzle! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.09: Kimmy Goes to Church! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.10: Kimmy Pulls off a Heist! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.11: Kimmy Googles the Internet! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.12: Kimmy and the Trolley Problem! Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- 3.13: Kimmy Bites an Onion! The Walking Dead- 7.09: Rock in the Road The Walking Dead- 7.10: New best Friends The Walking Dead- 7.11: Hostiles and Calamaties The Walking Dead- 7.12: Say Yes The Walking Dead- 7.13: Bury Me Here The Walking Dead- 7.14: The Other Side The Walking Dead- 7.15: Something they Need The Walking Dead- 7.16: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life World of Dance- 1.01: The Qualifiers 1 World of Dance- 1.02: The Qualifiers 2 World of Dance- 1.03: The Qualifiers 3 World of Dance- 1.04: The Duels 1 World of Dance- 1.05: The Duels 2 World of Dance- 1.06: The Duels 3 World of Dance- 1.07: THe Cut 1 World of Dance- 1.08: The Cut 2 World of Dance- 1.09: Divisional Final World of Dance- 1.10: World Final Young & Hungry- 5.01: Young & Punch Card Young & Hungry- 5.02: Young & Vlaentines Day Young & Hungry- 5.03: Young & Kiki Young & Hungry- 5.04: Young & Josh’s Dad Young & Hungry- 5.05: Young & Softball Young & Hungry- 5.06: Young & Couchy Young & Hungry- 5.07: Young & Bridesmaids Young & Hungry- 5.08: Young & Vegas Baby Young & Hungry- 5.09: Young & Hold Young & Hungry- 5.10: Young & Amnesia
Youtube Series Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 1: My Name is Lizzie Bennet Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 2: My Sisters from Problematic to Practically Perfect Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 3: My Parents: Opposingly Supportive Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 4: Bing Lee and his 500 Teen Prostitutes Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 5: The Real Bing Lee Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 6: Snobby Mr. Douchey Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 7: The Most Awkward Dance Ever Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 8:  Charlotte’s Back Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Questions and Answers 1 (ft. Lydia Bennet) Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 9: Single and Happyish Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 10: Cats and Chinchillas Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 11: The Charming Mr. Lee Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 12: Jane Chimes In Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 13: Bing! Its time for Dinner Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 14: I Really Suck at Video Games Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 15: Lizzie Bennet is in Denial Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 16: Happiness in the Pursuit of Life Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 17: Swimming with Scissors Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 18: 25 Douchebags and a Gentleman Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 19: The Green Bean Gelatin Plan Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 20: Enjoy the Adorbs Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 21: The Semester is Over Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 22: The Unavoidable Invitation Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 23: One Sister Behind Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 24: Jane’s Back and Mom Isn’t Happy Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 25: Vidcon Interruption Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 26: Mom’s Convoluted Plan Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 27: Welcome to Netherfield Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 28: Meeting Bing Lee Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 29: Ethics of Seing Bing Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 30: Ticking Clock Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 31: Convertible Carpool Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 32: Turn About the Room Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 33: Nope He Doesn’t Like Me Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 34: Lizzie, Come Home Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 35: Home Sweet Home Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 36: Mr. Collin’s Returns Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 37: Lydia vs. Mr. Collins Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 38: Tale of Two Gents Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 39: The Insistent Proposal Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 40: Proposal Fallout Lizzie Bennet Diaries- Episode 41: Your Pitch Needs Work
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pistol247 · 2 years
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I write to you, little children, Because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake. I write to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, Because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, Because you have known the Father. I have written to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, Because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, And you have overcome the wicked one. I John 2:12‭-‬14 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/1jn.2.12-14.NKJV https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7jXe6Or-3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cookiedoughmeagain · 6 years
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Costume Design planning; episode 2.12 - Sins of the Fathers. 
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thotsonthebible · 6 years
True Religion
James 1.27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
And you thought it was about social justice, voting rights, and Black Lives Matter.  Or did you think you were fulfilling God's will by attending Sunday services and placing a sawbuck in the offering plate?
God has more to say about it through the prophet Micah:
With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the exalted God?  Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings…?  Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgressions, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?  He has shown you, O man, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.  —Micah 6.6-8 (NIV)
So simple, yet so profound.  God does not require animal sacrifice, for His Son gave His life as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins; He requires from us mercy and justice and humility.
Jesus taught the same thing.
And He said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments depend all the Law and the prophets.'  —Matthew 22.37-40 (ESV)
If you truly love others, you treat them with justice and mercy and in your own life, you will be a humble servant to your God, setting an example that will draw others to the Father.
I once knew a man who was very active in his church.  He was there every time the doors were open.  He was elected to the church board.  He served on multiple committees.  He was a door greeter.  He even taught Sunday School on occasion.  And during the week, he beat his wife and abused his children.  That man was responsible for turning his children away from God, for they looked at the example he set and thought, 'If that's Christianity, I want no part of it!'
That's not what God desires of us.  That's not what He has called us to.  That's religiosity.  That's hypocrisy.  That's the charge that has so recently been laid at the feet of so many Catholic priests: playing at religion and wearing all the trappings of religious authority, while preying upon those whose souls they were called upon to guide.  Judgment is harsh for such people.
'And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.'  —Matthew 18.6 (NASB)
We are not to allow our behavior to become a stumbling block to others.
Let us therefore cease judging one another, but rather make this simple judgment: that no obstacle or stumbling-block be placed in a brother's way.  I am absolutely convinced, as a Christian, that nothing is impure in itself; only, if a man considers a particular thing impure, then to him it is impure.  If your brother is outraged by what you eat, then your conduct is no longer guided by love. Do not by your eating bring disaster to a man for whom Christ died! —Romans 14.13-14 (NEB) (italics mine)
Paul continues:
What for you is a good thing must not become an occasion for slanderous talk; for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but justice, peace, and joy, inspired by the Holy Spirit.  —Romans 14.16-17 (NEB)
I'll offer this practical example.  On most days, I have a glass of red wine in the afternoon.  I take it for my cardiovascular health and, for me, it's a good and healthy thing. Yet to many Anabaptist denominations—Amish, Mennonite, Brethren—as well as Baptists, drinking any alcoholic beverage, even wine, is considered sinful and is forbidden.  (I have no idea how they explain Jesus' first miracle, when He turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana. . .)  So for me to flaunt my casual acceptance of wine as healthy and good would deeply offend them.  Therefore, I do not drink wine in their presence, nor do I offer the verboten substance to them; I simply avoid the subject altogether, so as not to offend a fellow Christian for whom the Messiah gave His life.
Some new believers, especially those who have come out of a life of drug abuse, go to the opposite extreme and adhere to what they consider a healthy diet: no salt, no meat, etc.  To me, that is unnecessary, but to them it is useful and necessary and, indeed, if their conscience requires it of them, then they must satisfy their conscience, and I should not be judgmental about their choice but rather support them in love.
We must never be a stumbling block for our fellow believers, but accept them in love and treat them with respect, even though the dictates of their conscience may differ from ours.
That is not to say that we should view sinful or perverse choices as acceptable.  Of course not!  But we should not judge others by the dictates of their conscience.  The only determining factor should be this: Is their behavior in agreement with the Word of God or in opposition to it?
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day He visits us.  —1 Peter 2.12 (NIV)
Jesus said that all the Law and the prophets can be summed up in love—love for God and love for our neighbor.  Let us set such an example of love and justice and humility that people are drawn to our Lord and glorify our God, for that is what God desires of us.
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michaelofnebadon · 5 years
Sermon on the Good Shepherd
Sermon on the Good Shepherd
(1818.2) 165:2.1 A company of over three hundred Jerusalemites, Pharisees and others, followed Jesus north to Pella when he hastened away from the jurisdiction of the Jewish rulers at the ending of the feast of the dedication; and it was in the presence of these Jewish teachers and leaders, as well as in the hearing of the twelve apostles, that Jesus preached the sermon on the “Good Shepherd.” After half an hour of informal discussion, speaking to a group of about one hundred, Jesus said:
(1818.3) 165:2.2 “On this night I have much to tell you, and since many of you are my disciples and some of you my bitter enemies, I will present my teaching in a parable, so that you may each take for yourself that which finds a reception in your heart.
(1818.4) 165:2.3 “Tonight, here before me are men who would be willing to die for me and for this gospel of the kingdom, and some of them will so offer themselves in the years to come; and here also are some of you, slaves of tradition, who have followed me down from Jerusalem, and who, with your darkened and deluded leaders, seek to kill the Son of Man. The life which I now live in the flesh shall judge both of you, the true shepherds and the false shepherds. If the false shepherd were blind, he would have no sin, but you claim that you see; you profess to be teachers in Israel; therefore does your sin remain upon you.
(1818.5) 165:2.4 “The true shepherd gathers his flock into the fold for the night in times of danger. And when the morning has come, he enters into the fold by the door, and when he calls, the sheep know his voice. Every shepherd who gains entrance to the sheepfold by any other means than by the door is a thief and a robber. The true shepherd enters the fold after the porter has opened the door for him, and his sheep, knowing his voice, come out at his word; and when they that are his are thus brought forth, the true shepherd goes before them; he leads the way and the sheep follow him. His sheep follow him because they know his voice; they will not follow a stranger. They will flee from the stranger because they know not his voice. This multitude which is gathered about us here are like sheep without a shepherd, but when we speak to them, they know the shepherd’s voice, and they follow after us; at least, those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness do. Some of you are not of my fold; you know not my voice, and you do not follow me. And because you are false shepherds, the sheep know not your voice and will not follow you.”
(1819.1) 165:2.5 And when Jesus had spoken this parable, no one asked him a question. After a time he began again to speak and went on to discuss the parable:
(1819.2) 165:2.6 “You who would be the undershepherds of my Father’s flocks must not only be worthy leaders, but you must also feed the flock with good food; you are not true shepherds unless you lead your flocks into green pastures and beside still waters.
(1819.3) 165:2.7 “And now, lest some of you too easily comprehend this parable, I will declare that I am both the door to the Father’s sheepfold and at the same time the true shepherd of my Father’s flocks. Every shepherd who seeks to enter the fold without me shall fail, and the sheep will not hear his voice. I, with those who minister with me, am the door. Every soul who enters upon the eternal way by the means I have created and ordained shall be saved and will be able to go on to the attainment of the eternal pastures of Paradise.
(1819.4) 165:2.8 “But I also am the true shepherd who is willing even to lay down his life for the sheep. The thief breaks into the fold only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; but I have come that you all may have life and have it more abundantly. He who is a hireling, when danger arises, will flee and allow the sheep to be scattered and destroyed; but the true shepherd will not flee when the wolf comes; he will protect his flock and, if necessary, lay down his life for his sheep. Verily, verily, I say to you, friends and enemies, I am the true shepherd; I know my own and my own know me. I will not flee in the face of danger. I will finish this service of the completion of my Father’s will, and I will not forsake the flock which the Father has intrusted to my keeping.
(1819.5) 165:2.9 “But I have many other sheep not of this fold, and these words are true not only of this world. These other sheep also hear and know my voice, and I have promised the Father that they shall all be brought into one fold, one brotherhood of the sons of God. And then shall you all know the voice of one shepherd, the true shepherd, and shall all acknowledge the fatherhood of God.
(1819.6) 165:2.10 “And so shall you know why the Father loves me and has put all of his flocks in this domain in my hands for keeping; it is because the Father knows that I will not falter in the safeguarding of the sheepfold, that I will not desert my sheep, and that, if it shall be required, I will not hesitate to lay down my life in the service of his manifold flocks. But, mind you, if I lay down my life, I will take it up again. No man nor any other creature can take away my life. I have the right and the power to lay down my life, and I have the same power and right to take it up again. You cannot understand this, but I received such authority from my Father even before this world was.”
(1819.7) 165:2.11 When they heard these words, his apostles were confused, his disciples were amazed, while the Pharisees from Jerusalem and around about went out into the night, saying, “He is either mad or has a devil.” But even some of the Jerusalem teachers said: “He speaks like one having authority; besides, who ever saw one having a devil open the eyes of a man born blind and do all of the wonderful things which this man has done?”
(1819.8) 165:2.12 On the morrow about half of these Jewish teachers professed belief in Jesus, and the other half in dismay returned to Jerusalem and their homes.
Michael Of Nebadon
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cookiedoughmeagain · 7 years
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Simon Crocker
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