#20 american dollars in spices maybe more!)
themanwhowouldbefruit · 10 months
have decided i need to make red lentil dahl or im going to fucking die however i already reached my grocery budget for the month and i have food in the fridge/freezer plus dry goods to get me through to december 1st. so. get hype for december 1st.
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werewolfpropaganda · 4 years
Sébastien - Male Werewolf x Male Reader
not sfw. 4886 words. you meet and fall in love with werewolf and busker, sébastien.
You missed seeing the stars. 
You missed seeing the stars deeply — a horribly indescribable feeling you felt deep in your core everytime you looked up at the night sky — because Manhattan had no stars. It hadn’t had stars for a long time, and it probably never would. 
Growing up in rural suburbia had few pluses, but at the very least there was space. Between the lack of restaurants, idealistic white picket fences, and families with two-and-a-half children, there were glimpses of beauty: picturesque forests, a wide open sky, and the stars. You used to go stargazing just about every week with your father well into adolescence (and partly into adulthood), until he died and left you with this mess. You moved to the city, and, well, here you are.
You looked out onto your balcony. It would have been a good spot for stargazing. Only 22 and you were living the American Dream: renting an apartment with an okay view of the adjacent building and a shittily constructed fire escape. You felt like it could collapse at any moment and you would get to recreate “Fire on Marlborough Street.” Truly the American Dream.
It was time for your daily walk. Despite the fact that you lived in Manhattan, you never left your apartment except for work and this walk. You had no real friends and Upper Manhattan was basically just banks and pharmacies, anyway. 
You lived within walking distance of the park, so your routine was partially through there. You put on a jacket and left, not completely sure that you locked the door. 
There was a guy playing the violin about six feet from where you were sitting, and he looked to be about your age. He was really good at what he did, playing a song that sounded nothing like the Suzuki viola books you played from as a child. You never learned the names of any classical composers so you guessed. Debussy? Bach? Vivaldi? Who knows?
He had an open case next to his boots, with about 20 dollars in various amounts. There was also a small card linking to his social media. You pulled up his Instagram, and, well, you hated to admit it, but he was really attractive. In all the pictures, his hair was styled into a wavy bun, although in real life his hair was down. He was currently wearing a bomber jacket and black jeans, and he was fit. Not fit enough to be gross, but in a casual way where you pretend to not care about how you look but you really do.
You dropped five bucks into his case. He looked at you and smiled a cute smile. You smiled back, and then tried to hide it by speaking. “That’s so beautiful. How long have you been playing the violin?” you asked.
“This is a viola,” He stated back, ceasing the music and holding his viola out. He ran his hand down the back of it like that meant anything to you.
“Shit,” You recalled when you played viola as a teenager. Anger was the only emotion you could feel when people called the instrument the wrong name, even though it was a pretty benign mistake. For a split second, you considered telling this to him, but doing that felt like it would make the situation about you and, subsequently, worse. You decided on a simple: “I’m sorry. Fuck.”
“Hey hey hey, you’re fine, darling,” He responded warmly. No one had called you a pet name in a long time. “Most people don’t apologize. Some people argue with me, as if, no, Sébastien, you’ve lost it and you’re actually playing a violin,” You laughed. “I’m Sébastien, by the way.”
French. That was a gross first thought you had, but he was indeed French. You told him your name.
“Oh, I love that. I’m going to apologize for snapping.”
“Sébastien, it’s so totally fine. I know the feeling of people assuming the instrument you play,” Apparently you were going to tell him. Okay. 
“I must say, it’s always violinists,” Sébastien said. 
“Oh my god, I so fucking know!” You unconsciously stamped your feet into the dirt to let out the emotion you were feeling.
“I hate violinists.”
“Hate ‘em. So stuck up.”
“I know. I actually used to play the violin religiously, but then my teacher told me I would have better luck finding a job if I played viola because there were so many violinists. Guess what, I can’t get an orchestral job anyway,” You both laughed. “I do think viola jokes are funny though.”
“Wait,” You said with a bit too much excitement. “What's the difference between a viola and a coffin?”
You could tell Sébastien knew the joke about halfway through, because he smiled and tried to hide it. “The coffin has the dead person on the inside. I love that one.” He laughed. 
You talked for what felt like an hour — about your musical experiences and upbringings and hobbies and pretty much everything — although it was realistically a lot longer. Sébastien was born in France and moved here when he was young, and has been trying to do music ever since. It was still midday when you went out to walk and it was dark now. You stared at him illuminated by a streetlight that didn’t particularly flatter his face, but he still looked good. 
“Would you…” Sébastien hesitated and spoke quietly. “Would you want to get coffee with me?” 
You smiled. “Hell yes, dude!” Your mind flooded with first date spots. “There’s this really cute place by my apartment we can stop by now and then we could probably go starga-” You abruptly stopped and looked at him. Sébastien’s lips were pursed. Fuck. There aren’t any stars in Manhattan. 
“Sure, darling!” He got down and put the money from his case into his bag. He started to put his viola away. “I’ve been busking for a while now and believe it or not fingerless gloves don’t warm you up all that much.” Sébastien paused. “Although maybe no stargazing.”
You felt the smile on your face start to lower. You hadn’t even noticed you were smiling until now. “Not even for the fuck of looking at an empty night sky except for the moon and the beeps of a satellite?”
“It’s like a metaphor.” He picked the case up and looked up at the sky for slightly too long. “Alright, I’m just gonna say it.” He’s a murderer. He’s already murdered you and you’re a ghost. This is the afterlife: talking to a conventionally attractive viola player.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“I’m a werewolf.” He didn’t necessarily look ashamed but you could tell he wasn’t exactly confident in what he was saying.
You had never actually met a werewolf, because the suburbs had no diversity and you never left your apartment. You actually did quite like werewolf porn, but admitting that you had both never seen a werewolf in real life and fetishized their existence would make you look really weird. “Nice.” You were excited. 
You had been seeing Sébastien for about a week now, and were about to go through with your promise of coffee and shitty stargazing. The coffee place had been closed the first time because it was too late, so you tried again earlier. You deliberately planned this for the full moon, and, although you told yourself you wanted to feel guilty about setting up the date for werewolf sex, you didn’t. You could feel guilty after he pumped his jizz into you for the first time.
“Hey, Yasmeen,” you said. “I love your new hijab.” You really did. Yasmeen’s hijab was eggshell white with small gold stars. 
“Thanks, love. You’re paying for it. Literally. You’re buying my coffee and thus paying my salary.” She chuckled and motioned to Sébastien. “Who’s the piece of ass?”
“Aren’t you in a relationship? And gay?”
“I’m like an illiterate nun, love.”
“I can look at the menu, I just can’t order.” 
“God, Yasmeen.” She laughed at herself again. “Anyway, I’ll have a black coffee and one of those stupid little sandwiches, and Sébastien’s gonna have a pumpkin spice latte.”
“Sébastien? French.”
“I know, right?” You said this a little bit louder than you should have.
“He has some audacity asking for a pumpkin spice latte in early January, especially since this isn’t a Starbucks.”
“Just make it for him.”
“Alright, love.” She put her hands up to indicate innocence. “You’re not normally this snappy.”
“He’s hot. And interesting.”
“Fair enough.” Yasmeen got to work making your drinks, and you sat down across from Sébastien. It was a communal style table, which felt strange for such a small place, and the lighting was slightly too yellow to be flattering. You and Sébastien were probably the last customers. He was typing into a document when you sat down, and promptly put his phone away. 
“Do you know them?” Sébastien asked. 
“Yeah, actually,” you responded. “Yasmeen used to live in the apartment above me and we met like it was La Bohème. I actually used to call her Mimi until she eventually told me she didn’t like it.”
“Huh. Did she need to light a candle?”
“You know it.”
Sébastien gazed down to your chest for a second, before reinstating eye contact. “Wait, am I just being used as cannon fodder to boost the popularity of your friend’s cafe? Do you take men and force them to pay 10 dollars for coffee and a sandwich? Daily? Shame, darling, shame.”
“You aren’t the first man to realize that, Sébastien, although you are the first man to realize that on the third date.”
“And you just tell them when they find out? You must get a lot of wrong numbers.” He laughed a gross laugh — hearty, somehow accented with French, and you felt the vibrations of it just by touching the table — but you enjoyed it nonetheless. 
Yasmeen walked over. “Here is your black coffee,” She said, placing the drinks down. “And here’s your pumpkin latte, love. The sandwich will be out in a bit.” Sébastien looked at you with an empty, but seemingly loving stare, his lips pursed, before turning and thanking Yasmeen. Yasmeen walked away mouthing something to you. You assumed this was her approval, but assuming doesn’t get anyone anywhere. 
“Thank you so much for ordering the coffee, darling,” he said with a smile. The way he said “darling” felt less like a filler pet name tacked on at the end of the sentence and more like a deliberate choice. 
“Hell yeah, dude! It’s payback for the photos you sent me. Also because I love you.” Sébastien had sent you a few pictures of him in his werewolf form before your date with the attached message “I love you!!” That was the first love confession you had received in a while. He used more exclamation marks then you expected, but it was really cute. 
The first thing you noticed when you opened the picture was his sense of aesthetic — sensible, if not a bit too minimalist. The second thing you noticed were his eyes, which were far more yellow than his human form. His fangs protruded out far further than most of the werewolves you’ve seen, his fur was mostly gray except for his white chest and tummy, and he was fluffy as shit. The only thing he didn’t show you was his cock, which you asked him to save for today.
“I love you too,” he said in a soft and light tone, which made you feel one too many emotions. 
“I swear,” You said with a whisper and a lack of inhibition. “When I got to the last photo, the mirror selfie, I literally had to put my phone down because I was just like… that’s so hot.” He was wearing a pair of black boxer-briefs that didn’t do a great job of hiding his erection in the photo. “I saw your bed in the background and it shocked me how huge you were compared to it.”
“I’m not actually that tall in werewolf form, despite being 6 foot in real life. Most werewolves are, say, a foot larger.”
“I… I feel like that’s kinda common knowledge.”
You took a sip of your coffee. It was disgusting. You erred on the side of caution as you said: “What do you mean?”
“Have… have you never seen a werewolf before?”
You laughed, not because anything was particularly funny, or awkward, or even to relieve anxiety. You just laughed to have the noise out there. “Um..”
“Oh, God.”
“WHAT.” Sébastien laughed, not deliriously or angrily but in pity. That isn’t what you were expecting. “How have you not… you did go to a shitty public school, huh?”
You were drinking coffee just to do something, and took a large gulp before speaking again. “I will not blame my upbringing on my ignorance, but yes.”
“Question, when do werewolves come out?”
“The full moon.”
“Really, darling?” He pitied you. “Were you born in the 1800s? How much funding did your health class get?”
“I didn’t have a health class.”
“Okay…” He rubbed his temples light-heartedly, you hoped. “Do you know what a period is?”
“Like… blood?”
“No, a werewolf period.”
“This is common knowledge. This is what you learn when the kid you’re babysitting turns into a werewolf and you don’t realize so you call the hospital.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s my duty to explain this to you. Your information about what werewolves are is really wrong. You’re getting it from, like… fringe articles about the Dendera light bulb. People become werewolves for a few days a month.”
“Like a period cycle.”
You smiled, because you found a way to turn your anti-werewolf slight into horrible flirting. “I don’t think I understand. I might need hands-on experience. With a werewolf.”
Sébastien raised one eyebrow. “...Oh, thank fucking god, you’re just flirting.”
“Yeah. Definitely.”
“Yeah, of course I’ll show you, darling. I’ll do anything if you don’t scare me like that again.”
The full moon was going to come out, but it’s not like that mattered, because apparently werewolves aren’t controlled by the moon. Okay. Whatever. The sky had nothing else to offer you, anyway.
Sébastien put his viola case at the base of your bed and sat down. “I love your place, by the way,” he said. “You have a fire escape?”
“Those things are death traps,” you responded, laughing and putting your black coffee in the fridge. You would never end up drinking it and only through it out 2 months later to make place for Thai food. “I’m way too anxious about it to step on it.”
“You’re not that high up,” Sébastien said with an abrupt pause. He pursed his lips. “Not suggesting you risk your safety if you don’t want to. Just-”
“Nah, I get you.” You sat down next to him and took his hand. “God, I love you.”
“I love you too.” He breathed in a breath deeper than necessary, and stared at the ground. Uh-oh. “...Are we a thing, darling?”
“We’re multiple things: Human beings. Lovers. A French violist werewolf and a poor 1893 poet.” Sébastien glanced at you with an empty stare. “Hell yeah!”
“Just gotta consummate it first,” you said.
“You’re a loser, darling.” 
“Are we not gonna consummate it?”
“No, we will, you’re just a loser that’s bad at flirting.”
“I’ll take it.”
“That’s not the only thing you’ll take.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
Sébastien fell backwards onto the bed with his wonderful, beautiful, gross laugh, feet slightly dangled off. His tank top rose slightly and exposed his navel. “Alright, let me get these off and you can climb on, darling.” Sébastien put his thumbs into the hem of his sweatpants and pulled them to his feet. You were sad to see them go because they did particularly flatter him, but this sadness was replaced with a fluster when you saw his thighs. 
His hips protruded out from his midriff with a strong curve, and his thighs were massive. Sébastien’s thigh and calf muscles were defined in a natural way, from time spent outside and on his feet. Almost his entire thigh was exposed by the short, black briefs he was wearing, and he had a nice amount of hair which grew in thickness as it got closer to the inner of his thigh. You could imagine the feeling of running your hands against it, and it was pure bliss. His bulge was nice and hefty and you just wanted to shove your face into it.
“Alright!” He said. You moved and adjusted yourself to be sitting on his thighs. This was the highest above him you had actually ever been, and you briefly pondered what you looked like from his perspective. 
You reached to grab his hand, but before you could he had already taken your hand and placed it underneath his bulge. You lifted your hand and felt his balls as if trying to determine the weight of a bag of fruit, which was a weird comparison but was also the only thought in your head the entire time, besides: “fuck me.” 
“You like that, huh?”
“It’s like I’m at a farmer’s market,” you said without thinking. He laughed.
“Oh, shut up. You are SUCH a loser.”
He placed his right hand onto the small of your back. You could feel his cock harden in your hand, the tip underneath his balls and lying against your palm. His cock began to stretch out the fabric of his underwear. He began to grind his dick against your hand and it grew even more, to what you estimated to be about eight inches. “Good. Good, good boy,” he said with a gruff voice.
Sébastien fixated his eyes onto yours and used his free hand to pull your head closer to his. “Wait,” he said. You felt Sébastien’s body stiffen and his grinding stop. “Oh, god, this is such a stereotype.” 
You snorted. “What’s happening, dude?”
“I’m transforming.” He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “I swear to God, darling, most werewolves don’t transform on the full moon. My cycle just happened to line up with it.” “I trust you, dude,” you responded back.
Sébastien smiled and pulled you in for a kiss. You closed your eyes and let him do his job. He pushed you down into the bed and climbed on top of you, maintaining a kiss the whole time. You put your hand down the back of his tank top and stroked, feeling the fur of a wolf grow in at a rapid pace. Your heart fluttered and you were almost too in awe of what you were feeling to do anything. It was soft and lovely to touch.
You felt the lips you were kissing become more furry and his tongue longer. His fangs grew in and pushed against the meat of your mouth, which was a foreign, but not painful experience. It became less kissing and more him licking at your mouth and face with a strong passion. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how it felt for him right now. A mixture of both of your spits ran down your face, and you could feel a cock far different from the one you felt before hitting against your midriff. 
Opening your eyes, you saw a werewolf before you. He was much, much larger than you expected, and you didn’t just want to be fucked by this creature, but rather straddled and used as his personal cum dump. Sébastien pulled away from the kiss and you caught a glimpse of his dick, bright red and huge. Just one sight of his knot made you want to scream. 
“How am I?” he said with a gross amount of confidence.
“Sébastien, fuck me.”
He was moving his ass left and right and his cock followed, the tip running against your midriff. His tail was straight in the air, although from where you were you could only see the tip of it. He took his hand, or rather, at this point, paw, and began to unbuckle your belt, careful to not destroy any fabric with his claws. He took your jeans and underwear off with one motion.
You could see his intentions without thought. The tip of his cock was leaking a clear fluid and already at the base of your asshole, just begging to push in and destroy you.
“Ready?” he asked.
“You did NOT lube me up, dude.”
“I- Well.” He stuck his tongue out, and it reached far further down than you expected. “Fine.” He bent down and licked your hole vigorously, lapping in and out as if he were drinking water from a bowl. Sébastien made a mess of spit down there, and you were ready.
The noise you made as he pushed his cock into you was both disgusting and ungodly.
“Are you-”
“Shut up and fuck me.”
He barked, and somehow there was a tinge of French in it. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
“Or what?”
Sébastien responded by pushing his cock a few inches further into you, stretching you out even further and rendering you unable to speak. He licked your nose and woofed. “Good boy.”
Sébastien went at you for the next few minutes, grunting the whole time. He held you down into the bed with his paws and pushed his doggy cock in and out of you, in and out, in and out. You could feel his knot slam against the base of your asshole, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to take it.
His pace quickened and his grunts started to turn into whimpers — desperate whimpers. He needed to dump his load into you and it needed to happen now. Your entire body had turned to nothing and you wouldn’t be able to move for the next several days, but you tried gripping the bed sheets anyway. It didn’t work. 
You heard him howl and you felt his cum enter you. The neighbors would not like that. 
He knotted you and you saw stars. Not in a positive sense, though. You didn’t see the literal stars you saw stargazing growing up, the stars that Manhattan didn’t have and that you so desperately wanted to see. You didn’t see Sirius, or Proxima Centauri, or the Pisces constellation. What you did see was your vision clouding from the pleasure of feeling his jizz fill you, the pain of his knot, and every other emotion humanly imaginable before you passed out. 
You woke up to a tap from a claw and the horrible sensation of Sébastien pulling himself out of you. “Dklfhsdkfshj,” Sébastien said.
“What?” you responded.
“DKLFHSDKFSHJ.” Sure. Whatever. You were barely awake and didn’t care, and somehow managed to take a pillow and bury your face in it. You could feel a wetness on the inner parts of your thighs and the bedsheets below you, as well as your own on your stomach. 
Sébastien took a fabric you were decently sure was his tank top and wiped up the seed he had left on you. It felt good, being pampered. Just the sensation of the touch of a human, or werewolf for that matter, could send you into a frenzy, so you were living the dream right now. 
Sébastien reached over and took the pillow off of your face. “Oh, you did such a good job, darling. You’re such a good boy.”
You groggily smiled. The sun was just about to set and the lighting was actually beautiful for once in your life. An orange and pink glow emanated from Sébastien’s fur. He was still naked, although substantially less horny. The fur on his chest was so thick and furry that you just wanted to shove your face into it. 
More of his nut left your body and he quickly wiped it up. “Yeah,” he said. “That’s not going to be fun.”
“How… how much did you...” you tried to ask.
“I’ve been pent up, alright?”
“I can tell.”
“Do you happen to have some spare… like… everything in my size?”
“You don’t prepare for changing size as a werewolf?”
“I wear elastic clothing before I become a werewolf, because I’m not a loser. Like you.”
“I mean like underwear. And a tank top.”
“You just came so much, huh?”
“Do you want to have to wear clothes covered in massive amounts of dried wolf nut?”
“Fair point.”
You moved your hands to prop your body up, and while you expected to have a difficult time getting up you didn’t expect to yell from the pain.
“Sorry.” Sébastien pretended to be humble.
“You’re proud of this.”
“Yeah,” he snorted. “I know.”
Sébastien wrapped the blanket around you and adjusted you upright. You touched your hand to the bottom of his muzzle, pulled him in, and kissed him.
“I’m going to reheat my coffee from earlier. You want yours, darling?”
“No thanks.”
Sébastien bent over to take his coffee from the fridge, and the one benefit of living in a studio apartment was that you could see his ass as he did it. You couldn’t tell if he was deliberately moving in a promiscuous manner, but the sight of the lighter fur below his tail was wonderful. He put the coffee in the microwave and leaned against the counter, and for the first time you saw just how big he was. Sébastien crossed his arms and stared wistfully at you.
After a moment with only the sound of the microwave, he spoke. “Y’know what, darling, let’s go sit on the fire escape.”
“It’s almost dark. And it’s cold.”
“We can watch the moon come out, and I’m a giant fluffy werewolf if you don’t remember. We can take the blanket out if you want.”
“Oh, god, Sébastien, that would be so nice.”
Sébastien took his coffee out the microwave and picked you up, the blanket wrapped around you, and carried you over to the window. You were surprised by how easy this was for him, considering he was holding a hot coffee as well. 
“You’re not even gonna cover your ass?” you asked. 
“You’ll be covering up anything I can’t show to the public.”
“What if the people below us decide to have a nice, romantic evening on their fire escape, and they look up and see giant wolf butt?”
“If anything, that would be even more romantic.” You both laughed. “Fine.” He took the blanket and wrapped it around himself.
Sébastien opened the window and you felt a cold rush of air on your face. He climbed out, carrying both you and his coffee, and sat down on the ledge. You sat on his lap and could feel his soft member against you, although you definitely were not in the mood to take it. You told yourself you wouldn’t be able to take anybody ever again, although you knew that was a lie. Sébastien wrapped his arms around you, and you felt warmth everywhere except for your face. He put his paw onto the top of your head and started to pet.
“Are you cold, darling?” he asked. You could feel his bottom jaw hit the top of your head as he spoke.
“Nope!” You marveled at the sky in front of you. It was vast and empty except for the tops of buildings, and the sun was just about to go down. You sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, taking in the environment and general feeling of love.
Sébastien moved his paw from your head to your thigh, and continued petting. You broke the silence. 
“Teach me some French.”
“In school, you’d start with the pronouns, so, I guess, ‘Je’ means ‘I.’ ‘Je.’” He said ‘Je’ with such a strong intent. 
“No,” You laughed. “I mean like romantic things.” 
“You don’t know ‘I love you’ already? ‘Je t’aime’?
“Je t’aime.” You spoke. You somehow couldn’t pronounce it correctly. “Je t’aime.”
“I love you too, darling, but the vowel in ‘Je’ is a schwa.” He demonstrated. You tried again and still pronounced it wrong. “You’ll get the hang of it eventually.”
You laughed and stroked your hand against his thigh, just to get to feel his fur even more. You felt him press his chest into your back.
Sébastien woofed a small woof and then you returned to your comfortable silence, watching the sun fall beneath the horizon. You realized you wouldn’t actually be able to see the moon rise if you were currently watching the sun set, but you didn’t want to say this out loud and break the atmosphere.
“I just realized we’re not gonna be able to see the moon.” Thank god Sébastien said it before you did. 
“Hm.” You pushed your head back to be closer to Sébastien. He wrapped his arms around your chest.
“We can still look at the sky, even if it isn’t stargazing, per se.” He adjusted you slightly. “Like, look at the beep of the light on top of that tower. It’s beautiful in it’s own way.” “Yeah.” It really was. You smiled, overwhelmed by everything that was happening. “I love you.” “I love you too, darling.”
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randomvarious · 4 years
S Club 7 - “S Club Party” Now That's What I Call Music! 6 Song released in 1999. Compilation released in 2000. Pop
We love the overly transparent crass commercialism of the 90s and early 2000s, don’t we folks? S Club 7 were the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed septet of British teens and 20-somethings that were concocted in a lab and thrust upon hordes of impressionable tweens across the world. The story of S Club 7 is a rather gross one that consists of young and attractive, moderately talented people being taken advantage of by their manager and his company to churn out gobs of content without just compensation. If you’re an American of a certain age, you probably know a little something about S Club 7. Their ballad, 2000′s “Never Had a Dream Come True,” peaked at #10 and #8 on the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard Mainstream Top 40, respectively. Two of S Club 7′s other biggest global hits, the Jackson 5-inspired “Bring It All Back” and “S Club Party” never charted in the US, but lots of Americans still seem to be familiar with them.
S Club 7 was the brainchild of Simon Fuller, one of history’s most successful music  managers, who had managed the Spice Girls. Fuller was known for manufacturing a bunch of British boy and girl bands throughout his career and, at the time, also managed Annie Lennox of the Eurythmics and athletes, too. After helping the Spice Girls skyrocket into global superstardom as a brand that sold itself on a gimmicky blend of “girl power” and quirky British-ness, Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice) orchestrated his firing. Citing his unbearably controlling nature and his marketing schemes, the Girls decided to proceed without Fuller.
But the day after his firing, Fuller was back at it. This time, he decided he would start a new band, but rather than it being a boy band or a girl band, it would be a boy-and-girl band, modeled after an idea put forth by another British group, Steps. Steps are a quartet, and while they’ve achieved little to no success in the US, they have enjoyed wild success in Europe, especially in the UK. And they’re still around. After a five year hiatus that followed a twelve year hiatus, Steps released an album in 2017 that reached #2 on the UK charts. 
But they weren’t a Fuller group. Fuller seemed to have the connections and gravitas that Steps’ managers didn’t. To start his new group, Fuller held an audition of an astonishing 10,000 people, which eventually was culled down to seven. These seven would then be formed into a group and be dubbed S Club 7. None of the members had known each other prior, but according to all the articles I could find, they hit it off and they all became close friends.
With this crop of kids, Fuller saw dollar (or pound or Euro) signs. S Club 7 were going to be way more than just a pop group; they were going to be a marketable brand. And to achieve that goal, the first thing they were going to do was not get into the recording studio, but instead shoot a fictional TV series to air on CBBC (Children’s BBC) to introduce themselves to British pre-teens. Each character would have their own personality, which would be loosely based on their true selves, and together the group’s adventures would strengthen their bond. And each episode would consist of a choreographed song performance, too. The first season, set in Miami, would depict the seven constantly being exploited by a seedy hotel manager and made to perform housekeeping duties.
Unfortunately, these fictional circumstances were loosely based on their own reality. Over twelve weeks of shooting in Miami, the group worked tirelessly for eighteen hours per day, and after a long day’s work, would have to take care of their own cooking and laundry. Fuller and his company, who were flush with cash, didn’t provide S Club 7 with any of these needed amenities. The S Club 7 TV series would become an immense hit in the UK and ended up being sold to 120 different countries. As a result, each group member pulled in 52,000 Euro; a total pittance compared to the total sum of all the TV contracts the show received.
Seven months after its UK debut, the S Club TV series would make its way stateside on kids’ TV purgatory, Fox Family. Formerly The Family Channel, which was founded by horrible and insane Christian shitbag grifter, Pat Robertson, it would be acquired by NewsCorp. Fox would control the network’s programming, save for some hours in which Robertson’s daily spoonful of Christian conservative nonsense, The 700 Club, would air. Admittedly, for a time, I was an avid viewer of Fox Family (except when 700 Club was on), but I’m pretty sure I was rare. Year after year, Fox Family would try to replenish its lineup with new shows to attract new viewers, but they failed to peel many eyes off of the likes of Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and the Disney Channel.
The release of the S Club TV series in the U.S. coincided with the group’s debut album. And maybe it was the fact that they only managed to get on Fox Family that led to them peaking at an unimpressive #112, but back home, they topped charts. The TV series-first formula more than paid off (for Fuller, though. Not so much for S Club 7). “Bring It All Back,” the group’s first single, which was released two months after the TV show’s debut, went to #1 in the UK. Its follow-up, “S Club Party” topped out at #2. And their debut album reached #2 as well.
And along with the TV show and the music came all the merchandise. Dolls, makeup, perfume, clothes, school supplies, a PC game, you name it. If there was an object that a kid could use, Fuller wanted it to bear the S Club name. There were also more seasons of TV and movies, too. And Fuller would reap great profits from all of it, but once again, S Club 7 saw minuscule returns from their name and likenesses being marketed and sold. 
Fuller’s cartoonishly-evil-yet-real-life-record-executive persona became more than apparent during a meeting between he, S Club 7, and some of the members’ parents. Asking how they could receive such little compensation as Fuller and his company made millions off of their efforts, Fuller told the members that he could replace them on stage with cardboard cut-outs and it wouldn’t make a difference. Fuller would also be publicly shamed by a radio DJ when it was revealed that while the S Club kids were traveling the world and making him literally millions, he flew them in economy class. Only after his miserliness was made public did he bump them up to business class.
And although Fuller knew the right people to get his band spoonfed to British kids, it didn’t mean S Club’s songs were bad for what they were. They were well-produced bubblegum pop. Five songs on the debut album ended up being produced by a Norwegian duo called Stargate. Total unknowns at the time, Stargate went on to write or produce for some of the pop world’s most successful groups and artists, including Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Lionel Richie, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Janet Jackson, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Sam Smith, Mary J. Blige, Ne-Yo, Katy Perry, Coldplay, P!nk, Sia, Kylie Minogue, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Charli XCX. Throughout their careers, Stargate have managed to rack up a whopping seventeen Grammy noms, including four wins  But before building up that long list of accolades, they began with S Club 7. 
The first single Stargate ever produced was “S Club Party”. A piece of sunny and breezy, anthemic kids’ pop, this song is a natural earworm. Underneath mostly loud and shouted vocals, Stargate weave a celebratory, feelgood g-funk whine throughout the choruses as a series of electro-funk synths and string and horn stabs predominate the rest. The first verse, sung solo by member Jo, proceeds from relative sparseness to an addition of hand claps and a simmering choir of backup vocals, before launching into the undeniably catchy chorus. The four female members soothe in unison as the boys contrast with revelrous chants. In the post-chorus, the girls get in on the chanting, too. The second verse, which packs more energy than the one that precedes it because it’s sung in unison, introduces each member of the group with a simple rhyme. Following the bridge, the song undergroes an unexpected key change, which raises the enjoyment, and as the song fades out, Bradley, the group’s lone black member, does some light scatting. 
You know, Fuller admitted that since he was fired by the Spice Girls, there were some ideas he had had for them that he wasn’t able to use, and instead used for S Club 7. Maybe musically, he wasn’t quite finished with that g-funk infused pop sound. The Spice Girls’ “Say You’ll Be There” has that summery g-funk pool party vibe much like “S Club Party” does. Just a thought.
Here’s the music video, which shows the group transporting back to a California desert in 1959 to race a bunch of people. A choreographed song and dance seemingly materialize out of thin air, too: It comes from the movie they shot called Back to the ‘50s.
For the next few years, S Club 7 continued to release high-charting hit after high-charting hit in the UK, but in 2002, band member Paul decided to leave. This ultimately resulted in possibly the worst sentence ever written on Wikipedia:
Talking about his former musical venture three months before he left S Club 7, Paul Cattermole described his school nu metal band — called Skua— as having a "Limp Bizkit vibe" as well as comparing their style to Rage Against the Machine.
Following Paul’s departure, S Club 7 shortened their name to S Club and continued to make hits. However, their star was clearly fading, and in 2003, they agreed to a mutual split. In 2008, some of the members got back together and formed S Club 3. In 2014, they expanded by a member and became S Club Party. Eight months after that, all seven members regrouped for a reunion tour to cash in on some nostalgia. Needless to say, Simon Fuller was involved, and hopefully, the contracts weren’t as exploitative this time around. In the meantime, Fuller would continue unabated, amassing management deals with the likes of Carrie Underwood, Amy Winehouse, and Kelly Clarkson. In 2001, he launched Pop Idol, which would be imported to the States as American Idol.
Now you know more than you thought you’d ever know about S Club 7. It’s tragic how Fuller treated them, but the group is responsible for some great turn-of-the-millennium pop hits, despite how manufactured and seemingly preordained their success was. Oh well, we can’t help what we listened to when we were kids and nostalgia has a way of making us love things we definitely wouldn’t as adults. Nothing wrong with coming to terms and embracing that fact.
Stay the fuck inside you freaks.
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sonicawareness · 5 years
The Best Albums of 2019
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After listening to more than 2000 new albums in 2019, I’ve narrowed my picks down to The 20 Best Records of 2019.
I’ve included 3 essential songs from each pick, as well as a choice lyrical clip and a brief description of the album.
Noting beats actually LISTENING TO MUSIC! So don’t just read my thoughts: follow and listen to the Spotify playlist containing 60 songs from the top 20 albums:
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01: Yung Gravy - Sensational
Aptly titled Sensational, this debut full-length is a thirty minute party that dances between the hottest trap beats, well-placed samples, and the young Minnesota rapper’s braggadocious persona and ridiculous raps
Hey Alexa, how many bitches can we fit in the Tesla?...Pull up in that Model X with your model ex!
“Whip a Tesla” • “1 Thot 2 Thot Red Thot Blue Thot” • “The Boys Are Back in Town”
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02: TWICE - &TWICE • Feel Special EP • FANCY YOU EP
Nine young South Korean women radiate endless energy, bountiful bliss, and some of the catchiest songs to come out not only in 2019 but recent memory 
Even when things go wrong, feelings out of control: lessons, to be sure. Be okay, all right! Even a crying face is glittering, filter and laugh! You can return to invincibility, right? Blow off, and we havin’ fun! [Translated from original Japanese]
“Fake and True” • “Breakthrough” • “Stronger”
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03: Sublime with Rome - Blessings
Frontman, bandleader, multi-instrumentalist, and producer Rome Ramirez delivers his finest record to date: eleven heartfelt reggae-driven songs that are as well-written as they are masterfully recorded and produced
Watching you feel good tonight: it's your song up on the station, and we don't even know no words. I wanna hear you roll your R’s, singing Spanish in the car, “Dime algo hermosa tonight”.
“Wicked Heart” • “Light On” • “For the Night”
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04: Bring Me the Horizon - amo 
Cohesive yet genre-spanning (metalcore, hip-hop, electronic, and pop, to name just a few), the sixth album from the English quintet is an emotional yet insightful rollercoaster masterpiece
Before the truth will set you free, it'll piss you off. Before you find a place to be, you're gonna lose the plot. Too late to tell you now, one ear and right out the other one ‘cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra.
“MANTRA” • “wonderful life” • “i apologise if you feel something”
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05: Weezer - Weezer (Black Album)
Expertly produced and instantly memorable, the long-running Rivers Cuomo-driven California quartet is once again in top form, adding yet another fresh and unique — but distinctly Weezer — record to their extensive discography 
Don't get mad at me, I'm just being honest. I should have lied, now you're mad at me? I'm just being honest. How 'bout from now on you'll write the script, I'll read the lines?
“Can’t Knock the Hustle” • “Zombie Bastards” • “Living in L.A.”
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06: Big Data - 3.0
Like this sophomore album’s lyrical content — exploration of the impact artificial intelligence will have on humans and on the Earth — the latest project from producer, multi-instrumentalist, and mastermind Alan Wilkis is paradoxically dark yet bright; like AI, this album’s execution is equally flawless and Dangerous
I created a monster, it's out of control, it's going to take me...I didn't know what I was making...But now it's coming, coming for all of us!
“Monster” • “See Through” • “Evolution Once Again”
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07: blackbear - ANONYMOUS
Vibrant yet dark, personal yet accessible, the fifth album from Mat Musto is a collection of 18 vulnerable, confessional songs told over slick electronic and hip-hop sounds
You drop the bag and ask me how my weekend was. I love that, though. You laugh when I make stupid jokes, and when I went to rehab, you didn't judge me that bad. I struggle with addiction probs, you always got my back. What am I gonna do the day that my drug dealer moves away? Whatever am I gonna say to my new plug? It just ain't the same.
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08: Denzel Curry - ZUU
Hit-after-hit of hip-hop bangers pack this album’s half-hour runtime, with a plethora of guests joining the fray but never quite knocking it out like the young Miami native, Denzel Curry 
First they mockin', now they hoppin', all on the wave, 'cause they see me poppin'. Big-big-big large pockets, they start flockin'. Here's what I say when they ass keep knockin'...
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09: DaBaby - KIRK / Baby on Baby
On his two 2019 albums, his first proper efforts after countless mixtapes and singles, DaBaby unleashes his signature, incessant vocals over relentless trap and modern hip-hop beats
Prolly heard I was broke from a broke nigga, prolly heard I'm a ho from a ho! I don't know what you know, I ain't runnin' from no nigga, let’s go!
“BOP” • “OFF THE RIP” • “Suge”
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10: Bayside - Interrobang
On their eighth album, the Anthony Raneri-fronted New York natives sound refreshed, focused, and tighter than ever telling their trademark tales of heartbreak and healing
I love that music saved you, and Lord knows it’s saved me too, but songs never love you back, and you never know the person preaching to you...
“Interrobang” • “Prayers” • “Bury Me”
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11: The Hold Steady - Thrashing Thru The Passion
Few frontmen can weave an album’s worth of compelling narratives, yet the Brooklyn band’s Craig Finn finds himself on the seventh The Hold Steady album once again delivering ten more engaging, interlocked tales over his band’s fierce guitar riffs and all-too-catchy choruses
Thanks for listening, thanks for understanding: tequila takeoff, Tecate landing.
“Entitlement Crew” • “Denver Haircut” • “You Did Good Kid”
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12: Electric Guest - KIN
Sugary sweet, the third record from the California duo promptly polishes any rough few rough edges they once had to deliver a perfectly slick yet quirkily heartwarming collection of eleven easy-listening songs
I'm like, “this mothafucka might sue me, and that mothafucka might boo me”. I'ma keep on goin' to a better day, all this other bitterness can fade away.
“Dollar” • “I Got the Money” • “More”
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Part punk energy without sounding even slightly punk, part emo diary without being a dashboard confessional, the debut record from American teenager Billie Eilish craftily bounces between genres, haunting sounds, and strange stories
If you think I’m pretty, you should see me in a crown. I'm gonna run this nothing town. Watch me make 'em bow one by one by one.
“bad guy” • “my strange addiction” • “you should see me in a crown”
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14: The Cat Empire - Stolen Diamonds
The eighth album from Australia’s The Cat Empire is a full-blown dance party packed with catchy, clever songwriting and a room full of drums, horns, strings, keyboards, turntables, and bass
Operator, please, I can’t get out my head. Tell me where I’m going or where I’m being led. Tell me like an order, and order I’ll obey. Maybe I just thought you said, or did I did I hear you say, “We’re going to ([kill a man]) Kilaman-jaro, jaro…”
“KIla” • “Stolen Diamonds” • “Ready Now”
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15: Dirty Heads - Super Moon
Co-frontmen Dirty J and Duddy B return to the beach for the seventh Dirty Heads album, borrowing sounds from across their entire discography of acoustic guitars and witty hip-hop to craft a surprisingly delicate record
I'm a flame, I'm a beacon that won't go out. In the dark, in the rain, I'm your lighthouse. When you can't stand the pain, hope you know now, I'll keep you safe, I'm your lighthouse.
“Super Moon” • “Lift Me Up” • “Tender Boy”
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16: TENDER - Fear of Falling Asleep
Dark and uninviting, the second album from this London duo is an intimidating but rewarding listen delicately spiced with just enough hooks to keep you trapped in its atmospheric dreams 
I’ll be looking for the scent when it goes cold. I’ve been trying to beat the maze with a blindfold on. I’ve been foraging through mud and sticks searching for that power that don’t exist.
“Closer Still” • “Bottled Up” • “Handmade Ego”
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17: Logic - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind / Supermarket Soundtrack
Logic returns once again with countless rhymes delivered over his trademark breathless bars, frequently painting an all-too-vivid picture of a famous rapper struggling to comprehend the world around him
All these comments got me lost in my mind; all these thoughts that I'm having are not mine. I always post that I'm having a good time so my life looks perfect online...
“Homicide” • “Don’t Be Afraid to Be Different” • “Lemon Drop”
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18: Tyga - Legendary
More than just a collection of hits, the seventh album from the Compton rapper is well-sequenced and effortlessly laced with hook-after-hook for Tyga to deliver his signature obscene lines about things he self-admittedly has too many [sic] of: money, cash, hoes, cars, clothes, flows
Hey, shut the fuck up, bitch, you know who I are. Point blank range, and I'm shootin' for the stars. You niggas subpar and I just raised the bar. You got Rollies on your wrist, this is Chopard. Slide on your block like a fuckin' go-kart, my nigga A&R, still got an AR.
“Haute” • “Lightskin Little Wayne” • “On Me”
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19: The Chainsmokers - World War Joy
The third album in three years from Alex Pall and Drew Taggart (and no shortage of guests) is an easy, light collection of ten slick relationship-focused pop songs that find the duo largely eschewing their dance-centric history 
You said, "Hey, whatcha doing for the rest of your life?" and I said, "I don't even know what I'm doing tonight". Went from one conversation to your lips on mine.
“The Reaper” • “Family” • “P.S. I Hope You’re Happy”
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20: Bear Hands - Fake Tunes
Brooklyn’s Bear Hands returns with another collection of bright, bouncy songs that ever-so-slightly conceal the trio’s underlying sadness and struggles  
I don't see how you think you can come to me, and bitch to me, lay out your problems, like ancient history, like I ain't got no other shit to do. I love you, baby, but my lips are turnin' blue.
“Blue Lips” • “Back Seat Driver (Spirit Guide)” • “Mr. Radioactive”
Yung Gravy - Sensational
Sublime with Rome - Blessings
Bring Me the Horizon - amo 
Weezer - Weezer (Black Album)
Big Data - 3.0
blackbear - ANONYMOUS
Denzel Curry - ZUU
DaBaby - KIRK / Baby on Baby
Bayside - Interrobang
The Hold Steady - Thrashing Thru The Passion
Electric Guest - KIN
The Cat Empire - Stolen Diamonds
Dirty Heads - Super Moon
TENDER - Fear of Falling Asleep
Logic - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind / Supermarket Soundtrack
Tyga - Legendary
The Chainsmokers - World War Joy
Bear Hands - Fake Tunes
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led123123 · 4 years
I just came up with some sauce for pasta recipe.
it’s with cheese.
onion, tomatoes, vegetable oil.. spices..
and flour
to thicken it up
i realized that I need to eat food that has enough water
finally a normal squad that doesn’t die
I played.. like.. I think like.. 15 games.. or something.. and I had one normal team..
playing solo ranked is like speed dating.. 99% of the time you don’t get any synergy.. or.. good match
expansive asians.. she married an american to move to america..
co za zjeby.. nie wiem jakim cudem ja mam wytrzymać z tymi zjebami
won kurwy
nie wiem jak ja mam tutaj kurwa wytrzymać
matka ma mie totalnie w dupie. chyba ich zapierdole.. po prostu..
zajebie ich skurwysynów
I ate apples.. and.. there are some really good cookies..
just had a bluescreen
omg these cookes are so good.. with chocolate..
can I buy like..
recura go
like.. these cookies.. are.. like.. with this.. condensed milk.. and.. like.. caramel
damn.. puffed rice..
it’s kinda like.. granola..?? bars or.. these.. you know.. protein bars or something
yes. they have puffed rice in them
puffed rice and caramel
cookie dough.. and dipped in chocolate
I would buy more of these cookies.. I wonder how much they cost
I could make them myself.. but like.. I don’t have a good oven for that..
I cannot bake a lot of cookies at once.. I think
like.. 1$ for 300g box..
I would make own cookies.. butter cookies.. but.. like.. I can’t fit too many cookies at once in my oven.. I think..
I think I can fit like.. 1 tray at once.. I dont’ know
I think I can fit only 1 tray at a time in my oven
trash hoes..
if I put 2 trays.. .. then.. they’re not gonna bake evenly..
puffed rice in chocolate and carmel.. and cookie dough inside
someone said that she’s going bald..
I also noticed that before that person said that
if I would comeback I would.. like.. get high winrate
omg she can speak
everyone speaks arabic in so many countries right?
on main account I have high winrate on many heroes
yes. they have.. good.. matchup
pudge is useless
pudge position 3
lol he dies solo to dw.. lol.. he should go.. like.. blademail or something
damn.. how does he die so fast to dw..
I was making cookies before.. but I didn’t add chocolate.. so.. that was my mistake.. I guess
lol.. this willow wins this game
enemy doesn’t have enough damage..
and.. ember is pos 3.. so.. if they had something else instead of huskar mid.. it could be different..
they’re losing because of huskar
and.. techies..
that’s smart that they go 3 strength against techies
yes.. pa no bkb.. but.. it’s not the problem.. problem is techies huskar
xD belank.. xD
dota is such a mental game. that’s true
this box of cookies.. is 500g.. so like.. damn.. no way it’s that cheap..
these ones have more ingredients.. so.. they probably cost more
wow.. 2$ for 700g??
I would get these. they’re good
damn.. 2.5$ for 500g
damn. I need to just get a lot of them
wow. I didn’t know that kitkats are so cheap
wow really?? these cookes are so cheap??
I don’t like the idea of a backpack.. I would just remove backpack from game completely
lol she started crying because she took spoon from her.. xD
damn.. I wish I had.. usb on monitor.. so I could connect mouse and keyboard.. to a monitor..
because.. I don’t want.. kinda.. more cables.. and I want longer cable to a mouse and keyboard.. longer distance.. but like.. it’s less distance to a monitor than the back of a computer..
there are also.. like.. keyboards with usb ports..
I don’t want more cables..
with there was like.. combo.. or a hub.. for.. audio and usb.. so these cables wouldn’t get tangled together.. I need something like that..
like.. one extension cable.. for audio and usb.. and.. also.. like.. too.. audio on monitor.. and usb on monitor..
people were talking about her lipstick.. matching her sweater.. that’s like.. burgundry color
like.. one cable for everything.. so they don’t get tangly
damn 200 dollars just like that
300 bucks
I don’t wanna have that many cables.. if they were on monitor.. then it would be better.. I don’t want use extension cable for each cable.. because they get tangly..
it would be better if the were connected to monitor..
wish there was just.. one cable.. with usb.. audio.. and.. hdmi.. or dvi or displayport..
hdmi can transfer audio.. but.. not usb of course..
I don’t want these cables.. I mean.. if I pull it.. then.. plug can just break.. and I can’t see them on the back of the computer.. and.. it’s longer distance from a back of a computer than from a monitor..
and on monitor.. they’re connected.. on the bottom. so.. they wouldn’t break if they would get pulled
I have fans on the front of the case.. so.. I don’t have any ports.. on the front..
should I connect mouse and keyboard to one usb port??
or should I get separate cable..
no way it was worth it..
oh wait... I forgot.. that there are.. like.. 8 runes..
they all didn’t understand his genius..
there are 8 runes
jesus christ.. just count one rune as 2 times more value.. because enemy can get it
just simply say that it’s worth 2 times more value.. it’s 2 times higher value.
so it was 800 bucks
tbh I can just use hot glue for that.. I wish I had the black hot glue.. because.. it looks better
my aim is better after playing few times
I was bad at controlling this sensitivity at long range.. but now it’s better
no wait.. that’s.. that’s.. like 20 dollars.. ok then it’s.. like.. what I expected
I didn’t convert it properly last time..
it’s like.. what I would expect..
I was wondering.. why she’s wearing different clothes each time..
on instagram and in videos
she’s promoting clothes
why do they look like humans.. they were supposed to be animated.. and not look like real horror..
he’s moving really fast
yeah. that’s cool. that he could walk on ceiling like in a movie
and he can attack with tail
he has eyes on 2nd head??
do they have any eyes??
they look too much like people.. it’s not realistic
she sounds like
ok.. so it only discards tabs.. that were.. more than.. X amount of time.. ok..
so I can set it to zero actually
damn this part of tooth.. that is left.. is really weak.. I think it will break after some time..
I wonder how it’s gonna be like when it breaks
if I will still be able to.. eat.. or.. idk
or if it’s gonna be painful
if my gums are gonna swell and itch
“they get a lot of views”
lol. I found 600 crafting materials
lol what?? 3080 is.. 12GB.. and.. 3070.. is.. 8GB.. and.. 3060 is 12GB??
3070 is 8GB and 3060 12??
I fell like 3 times off the map in the last 10 games
damn.. 30 minutes..
I would say that she looks young. this instructor
my first impression was.. that she doesn’t look old. but.. someone in comments said that she’s more than 50 year old
“ Born: November 27, 1966 (age 53 years), “
I though like.. 50 something is not maybe that old.. but.. imagine being 70.. you know
66.. I was just checking.. when was born someone 67. almost same year
because she was also looking really young for her age
one year younger
would people have that much energy to still work out like jungdayeon when they’re 53 years old?
like.. 70.. I wouldn’t probably be able to do such long workouts
at 70.. probably
but I don’t know. maybe there are some people like that I don’t know
does she do like. running?? like..
does she do like.. other exercises than what she’s showing on videos
not slept all night.. now it’s time to sleep
0 notes
lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
Hindsight Is At all times 20/20, Right?
When the market began heading south, property appraisals got here in lower than buy costs, and lenders refused to totally fund deals. As the pitch approaches, begin striding in advance roughly a foot so that you have momentum heading to the pitcher. Those who bought homes or renewed mortgages in the final decade have been handled to traditionally low curiosity rates, however as we all know, what goes down must come up (or something to that effect). The tendencies for Toronto properties for sale are definitely offering an interesting studying for the sellers; Look into on-line actual property services, for the latest rates. As a real estate agent, Mr. Pasalis says he often factors patrons towards neighbourhoods they might not have considered previously. Lastly, we made sure that every one the true estate brokers who made it to the ultimate record have nice social media presence based mostly on subjective variables.
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northsyria04-blog · 5 years
How to Cook Tofu: Easy & Delicious Tofu Recipes
Once you learn how to cook tofu you’ll have a whole new appreciation for this ancient food! There are so many ways to make it, but here are 3 easy and delicious tofu recipes to get started with. 
Tofu. Growing up I didn’t like the stuff. It’s one of my dad’s favorite foods, so I could always depend on being served something with tofu when I was at his house. I’d let the sauce soak into my rice and avoid all of the marinated blocks of tofu and most of the veggies. I was such a picky kid. So ungrateful! Here I was being served perfectly prepared tofu made with love, and I couldn’t get past the fact that it had a funny texture and an equally funny name. 
Now as an adult, I can appreciate tofu fully. I still haven’t managed to incorporate it into my diet as much as my dad does, but I’m more fond of it than ever before. Over the years I’ve learned and experienced how truly versatile and nourishing this humble soy bean curd can be. I’ve had it incorporated into the most luxurious vegan desserts, transformed into the crispiest “tenders,” and fermented to umami heaven. I’ve relied on it as a hearty filling breakfast, and the perfect savory late night snack. I’m finally starting to see why my dad is such a fan. 
What is tofu? First created in China over 2,000 years ago, tofu is a bean curd made from soy beans. Soy beans are turned into a milk, then curdled to make all varieties of tofu: silken, soft, firm, or extra-firm. Since its creation all those years ago, tofu has become an important part of many Asian cuisines, and has quite recently become popular around the world. In the United States tofu is almost only eaten for vegetarians and vegans, and thought of as a meat replacement.
However, in Asia tofu isn’t part of a separate culinary category. It became a traditional staple food throughout the region, for all parts of the population, vegetarian or not. Though it is true that Zen Buddhist monks enjoy(ed) tofu as a replacement for meat.
Tofu’s high protein content does make it a perfect dietary alternative to meat. Unlike most beans, soy beans contain all of the different amino acids that the human body must get from food, making tofu a “complete protein.” Tofu is also a fantastic source of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin B. Soy beans, and thus tofu, also contain an impressive variety of phytonutrients that help protect our bodies from diseases like cancer (source). Consumption of soy has been linked to a lower risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer (source).
Soy products like tofu have also been shown to lower cholesterol and heart disease risk. Since heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States, followed by cancer, think of how important those benefits truly are. Imagine the improvement in American health if people replaced meat and dairy products with nutrient-dense, plant-based alternatives like soy. We’d have a very different society, maybe even one in which the fight for basic healthcare isn’t the number one priority and stressor for millions, and in which the medical industry isn’t able to make billions of dollars a year selling us expensive pharmaceuticals and procedures for preventable lifestyle diseases.
So much controversy! You may have heard the never-ending controversy over whether or not soy is a health food or a harmful food. It irks me that this conversation is happening at all given the thousands of years of evidence showing that soy is a healthy part of a balanced plant-based diet. In China and Japan, two countries known for their regular consumption of soy products, rates of cancer and heart-disease have traditionally been very low.
It’s true that traditionally most cultures in China and Japan (and throughout the world) have eaten a plant-based diet (not to be confused with completely vegan), so it’s a given that heart disease and cancer would be a rare occurrence. However, so much of what people currently fear about soy products in the United States is that soy will give them cancer. Where is the scientific evidence of this? In fact, as I discussed above, scientific evidence shows that soy consumption is linked to a lower risk of some cancers.
Another fear people have is that all soy is GMO, or genetically modified. While most soy is genetically modified in the United States, the majority of that soy is used to make processed soy products like soybean oil and soy protein isolates, which are used to make junk food, and for animal feed. Most minimally processed soy products like tofu are non-GMO and often organic. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the labels the next time you’re at the grocery store. Since the impacts of GMO plants are not fully understood yet, I advise avoiding them as much as possible. The best way to do that is to avoid highly processed foods and junk foods (including at fast food restaurants, where they often use soybean oil for frying, among other things).
What about estrogen? The other huge American preoccupation with soy is the fact that it contains phytoestrogens. Some Americans fear that consumption of phytoestrogens will interact adversely with our human estrogen and result in reproductive issues and even cancer. First, it’s important to know that many plants contain this form of estrogen: flaxseed, oats, other beans, lentils, wheat, and more. Common sense tells us that these are all healthy foods, yet soy stands out as the one bad guy.
Studies show that soy products do not cause “man boobs” or reproductive cancers. There may be some concern for women who have had estrogen-sensitive breast cancer, but otherwise moderate amounts of soy are shown to have protective benefits. If you are afraid of the effects of estrogen from outside the body one thing you should make sure to do is to avoid all animal products. Too much mammalian estrogen may lead to reproductive problems and cancer. Obviously you are an animal, not a plant, so it makes sense that adding too much of the type of estrogen you’ve already got can be harmful.
Keep in mind that while the United States is the world’s largest producer of soybeans, Americans on average eat less soy in a year than the Japanese eat in one day. The rate of death from heart disease in the US is about double the rate in Japan. And the US’s rate of cancer is about 50% higher than Japan’s. Meanwhile, in the United States, those who eat a vegan diet have the lowest rates of heart disease and cancer, as well as other common lifestyle disease like type 2 diabetes and obesity, compared to vegetarians and meat-eaters (source). Of course, diet is only one among the many factors that affect these rates, but explain to me how these statistics support the idea that tofu is somehow connected to adverse health outcomes?
We’ve gotten that out of the way, so now we can talk food! Tofu is cheap, readily available, and highly nutritious. Thankfully it’s also very easy to make. Below are 3 simple recipes you should try if you’re new to tofu. 
Easy Tofu Scramble | How to Cook Tofu
Make sure you press your tofu for the best results. To press tofu, simply drain and remove it from the package, wrap it in a couple layers of paper towel or a kitchen towel, put it in a container or plate, and place a heavy object on top (I always use a full tea kettle). Allow it to sit and press for about 1 hour. If you forgot to press it, a quick 20 minute press will do.
Author: Jenné
Serves: 2-4
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil (or other cooking oil)
½ yellow onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ red bell pepper, diced
1 block firm tofu, pressed and mashed
1-2 vegan sausages (I used Field Roast brand), diced
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
½ teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
1 teaspoon black pepper
cayenne pepper to taste, optional
Warm oil in a large skillet or frying pan.
Sauté the onions, garlic, and red pepper on medium heat until onions are translucent.
At the tofu and vegan sausage followed by ½ teaspoon salt and stir well. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring halfway.
Add the nutritional yeast and turmeric, the remaining salt and black pepper (and cayenne if you want), and stir again.
Cook another 5 minutes.
Crispy Tofu Tacos | How to Cook Tofu
Be sure to press your tofu at least one hour for this recipe for maximum crispiness. Notes on pressing tofu scramble recipe above. Feel free to use other spices for this crispy tofu. It's also great with Ethiopian berbere and Indian curry.
2 tablespoon grapeseed oil (or other cooking oil)
1 block extra firm tofu, pressed and cubed
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon salt
8 corn tortillas
4 leaves romaine lettuce, chopped
½ cup salsa
1 avocado, sliced or mashed
¼ cup red onion, thinly sliced (or try pickled red onions)
Place the cubed tofu in a mixing bowl. Sprinkle on the cumin powder, chili powder, and salt, then toss the bowl to thoroughly coat the tofu.
Warm the oil in a skillet or frying pan on medium-high heat.
Add the tofu, then use a spoon to spread the cubes evenly onto the skillet.
Cook for about 5 minutes on medium heat, then flip the tofu.
Continue doing this every 5 minutes, until all sides of the tofu are golden brown and begin to crisp up, about 30 minutes total.
Warm your tortillas over a gas flame or microwave, keeping them warm between the folds of a kitchen towel.
Once ready, fill the tortillas with the crispy tofu, romaine lettuce, salsa, avocado, and red onion.
How to Cook Tofu: Easy & Delicious Tofu Recipes
Total time
1 hour 15 mins
No need to press the tofu for this recipe. It's best with firm tofu, not extra firm, though either works. If you have extra tofu cheese leftover use it as a spread, dip, or in pasta. Note: Be sure to factor in the time it takes for the dough to rise when looking at the cook time. You can premade pizza dough at the store if you'd rather not make your own.
Author: Jenné
Serves: 4-6
Pizza Dough
½ teaspoon sugar
½ envelope active dry yeast
¾ cups water, 110 degrees F
2 cups white whole wheat flour, bread flour, or all purpose flour + more for kneading
1 teaspoons kosher salt
4 teaspoons olive oil
cornmeal, just a little for sprinkling on baking sheet
Tofu Cheese
1 block of firm organic tofu
½ cup nutritional yeast
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1½ tsp sea salt
Pizza dough
Combine the water, yeast, and sugar in a glass bowl, and stir well.
Mix the flour and salt together in a mixing bowl.
Make a well in the center of the bowl and pour in the yeast water.
Stir well with a wooden spoon, and then knead the dough with your hands.
Transfer the dough onto a floured workspace, and knead lightly to form the dough into a ball.
Place the dough ball into another mixing bowl coated in a light layer of olive oil.
Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap, or an equivalent to seal, and set aside for one hour to let the dough rise.
Tofu Cheese & Assembly
While the dough is rising make your tofu cheese: place the tofu in a food processor, along with the nutritional yeast, apple cider vinegar, and salt. Blend until creamy, then set aside until you’re ready to use it for the pizza.
Once the dough has doubled or nearly tripled in size, remove it from the mixing bowl, and knead it into a ball again.
Cut the ball in half or quarter, and form them into smaller balls.
Place each ball onto a plate, and cover with a slightly damp and clean kitchen towel. Allow to set for 10 minutes.
Preheat oven to 500°.
Sprinkle some cornmeal onto a large baking sheet, press your pizza dough directly onto it (to prevent sticking), and flatten the dough into a thin pizza crust shape.
Top with your pizza topping: sauce, of course, always goes first, then tofu cheese, then basil.
Bake for 10-12 minutes. Serve immediately, and enjoy!
  Check out these other amazing tofu recipes on my blog: Broccoli & Crispy Tofu, Sweet Potato & Tofu Curry. And don’t sleep on tempeh––fermented tofu cake––it’s delicious: BBQ Tempeh Sandwich, Maple Mustard Tempeh Salad, Smokey Tempeh & Kale Salad, and Classic Tempeh Tacos .
Source: http://sweetpotatosoul.com/2018/08/how-to-cook-tofu.html
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
GOOOOD AFTERNOON PATRIOTS!I hope everyone is having a TREMENDOUS Thanksgiving weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and speaking of Thanksgiving weekend, I'd like to remind everyone that today is Small Business Saturday! If you're planning on enjoying a day out on the town or doing a little Christmas shopping, remember to support your local small businesses!ALSO!: Don't forget President Trump is holding TWO MAGA rallies this Monday November 26th, both in Mississippi!! We will of course have MAGAthread's up for both rallies so don't miss out on all the HIGH ENERGY FUN!As always, if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!FINALLY, let's get this recap started!Sunday, November 18th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Delivers a Statement from Point Mugu Naval Air Station🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico, just stated that “the City is ill-prepared to handle this many migrants, the backlog could last 6 months.” Likewise, the U.S. is ill-prepared for this invasion, and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems in Mexico. Go home!Catch and Release is an obsolete term. It is now Catch and Detain. Illegal Immigrants trying to come into the U.S.A., often proudly flying the flag of their nation as they ask for U.S. Asylum, will be detained or turned away. Dems must approve Border Security & Wall NOW!From day one Rick Scott never wavered. He was a great Governor and will be even a greater Senator in representing the People of Florida. Congratulations to Rick on having waged such a courageous and successful campaign!I will be interviewed by Chris Wallace on @FoxNews at 2:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Enjoy!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:BREAKING-Brenda Snipes submits her resignation as Broward elections supervisorThis got my blood boilingWife: Why'd you buy another gun? Me: Some schmuck threatened me with a nuke.Mexican protestor today in Tijuana on the caravan: "Donald Trump was right, this is an invasion! What Donald Trump said was correct: this is an invasion!"🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Every President needs a petYep!AOC: Do as I say, not as I doKekCalifornia logicMonday, November 19th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Surveys Damage from Wildfires in CaliforniaPresident Trump and the First Lady Participate in the White House Christmas Tree DeliveryVice President Pence Attends ASEAN 2018 in Singapore - Day 1Vice President Pence Attends ASEAN 2018 in Singapore - Day 2Vice President Pence Attends ASEAN 2018 in Singapore - Day 3Vice President Pence Attends APEC 2018 in Papua New GuineaPresident Donald J. Trump Presents the Medal of FreedomPresident Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Visit the Marine Barracks🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:.@cindyhydesmith loves Mississippi and our Great U.S.A.Of course we should have captured Osama Bin Laden long before we did. I pointed him out in my book just BEFORE the attack on the World Trade Center. President Clinton famously missed his shot. We paid Pakistan Billions of Dollars & they never told us he was living there. Fools!.. ... ....We no longer pay Pakistan the $Billions because they would take our money and do nothing for us, Bin Laden being a prime example, Afghanistan being another. They were just one of many countries that take from the United States without giving anything in return. That’s ENDING!The Fake News is showing old footage of people climbing over our Ocean Area Fence. This is what it really looks like - no climbers anymore under our Administration!(Retweeting The White House) President Trump and the First Lady Participate in the White House Christmas Tree Delivery(Retweeting FLOTUS) The @WhiteHouse is getting ready for the Christmas season! Thank you to the Smith Family & the National Christmas Tree Association for providing this year's tree. And to our @NatlParkService for their hard work in trimming the tree for the Blue Room.I hope the discovery and eventual recovery of the Argentine submarine San Juan brings needed closure to the wonderful families of those brave missing sailors. I look forward to hearing more from my friend President @MauricioMacri in Argentina later this month.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Sarah Sanders releases the new rules for White House reporters: "We have created these rules with a degree of regret … given the position taken by CNN, we now feel obligated to replace previously shared practices with explicit rules."Wow, it's almost like this isn't a race issue, or something.Psycho antifa trigglypuff gets instant karma at #HimToo rally. She gone!BREAKING: Theresa Shook, the founder of the Women’s March, has called on Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory to step down for allowing "anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform"Trump to Chris Wallace: “ I ended aid to Pakistan because they hid Bin Laden and they don’t do a damn thing for US.” Boom. That’s how it’s done. 🇺🇸👍🏼🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Dear Men, Your Contributions Matter, Your Sacrifices Matter & Your Voice Matters. #InternationalMensDay #MensDay19Nov #IMD18CHECK YOUR MALE PRIVILEGE, MISTER!IN 20 YEARS WE WILL LOOK BACK ON THE RUSH TO CHANGE OUR CHILDREN'S SEX AS ONE OF THE DARKEST CHAPTERS IN MEDICINE... - BOB WITHERSThe entrance is over there ————> Bring identity!Tuesday, November 20th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day, 2018President Trump and the First Lady Receive the 2018 White House Christmas TreePresident Trump & The First Lady Participate in the Presentation of the National Thanksgiving TurkeyPresident Trump Delivers a Statement Upon Departure🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:President @realDonaldTrump, joined by @FLOTUS, has officially pardoned this year's National Thanksgiving Turkey, Peas—and his alternate, Carrots!So-called comedian Michelle Wolf bombed so badly last year at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that this year, for the first time in decades, they will have an author instead of a comedian. Good first step in comeback of a dying evening and tradition! Maybe I will go?AMERICA FIRST!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Mexican Woman says that instead of invading another country illegally, migrants should stay and fight for change in their own country.The Left’s Accusation That The Right Is Fascist Is Simply Psychological ProjectionFLOTUS got GEOTUS’s back and she is looking at you Acosta!!Trump admin to designate Venezuela as state sponsor of terrorism: report🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:President Trump pardons Thanksgiving Turkeys... but he continues “ I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to enjoy those pardons, thanks to the 9th circuit.” 😆Honduras is complaining about the free food and shelter Tijuana is providing for them. Ungratefulness is so attractive from people with their hands out.Am I right or am I right?I was able to get a copy of the answers President Trump sent to Mueller.How Democrats honored Susan B. AnthonyWednesday, November 21st:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Oil prices getting lower. Great! Like a big Tax Cut for America and the World. Enjoy! $54, was just $82. Thank you to Saudi Arabia, but let’s go lower!MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!“‘Trump Imitation Syndrome’ is afflicting the president’s liberal enemies” Thank you @MGoodwin_NYPost!Great new book out, “Mad Politics: Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy” by @RealDrGina Loudon. Go out and get your copy today — a great read!Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have “Obama judges,” and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an “independent judiciary,” but if it is why...... ... .....are so many opposing view (on Border and Safety) cases filed there, and why are a vast number of those cases overturned. Please study the numbers, they are shocking. We need protection and security - these rulings are making our country unsafe! Very dangerous and unwise!“Thank you to President Trump on the Border. No American President has ever done this before.” Hector Garza, National Border Patrol CouncilThere are a lot of CRIMINALS in the Caravan. We will stop them. Catch and Detain! Judicial Activism, by people who know nothing about security and the safety of our citizens, is putting our country in great danger. Not good!“79% of these decisions have been overturned in the 9th Circuit.” @FoxNews A terrible, costly and dangerous disgrace. It has become a dumping ground for certain lawyers looking for easy wins and delays. Much talk over dividing up the 9th Circuit into 2 or 3 Circuits. Too big!Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS - Whatever happened to Global Warming?You just can’t win with the Fake News Media. A big story today is that because I have pushed so hard and gotten Gasoline Prices so low, more people are driving and I have caused traffic jams throughout our Great Nation. Sorry everyone!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:A solemn moment in history tonight Pede’s. Pay your last respects. Til’ ValhallaAvenatti's girlfriend should have waited 35 years to bring these accusations if she really wanted to be believable.Laura Loomer has been PERMANENTLY suspended for criticizing Sharia law.Smokin Hot. Gun Girl Kaitlin Bennett From Kent State Wins Round 1 In Lawsuit Against University. They tried to keep her from speaking by forcing her to pay for security because of threats from anti gun groupsCourt: NRA lawsuit against NY Gov Andrew Cuomo over "blacklist" can go forward - in short fuk Cuomo🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The cycle of western civilizationTo those who will skip the turkey because you have to work (for crumbs?) Pepe salutes you..."Sir, I'm going to need you to step out of the car."For all the first responder Pepes that are missing Thanksgiving with their families. F.Thursday, November 22nd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Participates in a Teleconference with Members of the Military🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“It’s a mean & nasty world out there, the Middle East in particular. This is a long and historic commitment, & one that is absolutely vital to America’s national security.” @SecPompeo I agree 100%. In addition, many Billions of Dollars of purchases made in U.S., big Jobs & Oil!HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!Justice Roberts can say what he wants, but the 9th Circuit is a complete & total disaster. It is out of control, has a horrible reputation, is overturned more than any Circuit in the Country, 79%, & is used to get an almost guaranteed result. Judges must not Legislate Security... ... ....and Safety at the Border, or anywhere else. They know nothing about it and are making our Country unsafe. Our great Law Enforcement professionals MUST BE ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! If not there will be only bedlam, chaos, injury and death. We want the Constitution as written!Will be speaking with our great military in different parts of the world, through teleconference, at 9:00 A.M. Eastern. Then it will be off to see our Coast Guard patriots & to thank them for the great job they have been doing, especially with the hurricanes. Happy Thanksgiving!(Video)This is the coldest weather in the history of the Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC, and one of the coldest Thanksgivings on record!Our highly trained security professionals are not allowed to do their job on the Border because of the Judicial Activism and Interference by the 9th Circuit. Nevertheless, they are working hard to make America a safer place, though hard to do when anybody filing a lawsuit wins!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Historic: at the DMZ South and North Korean soldiers shake handsChik-Fl-A reminds you to be thankful for FreedomTrump Thanksgiving dinnerIs this 2018?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:I'm Thankful This Is Not The PresidentToday I am thankful for this man.55 years ago today, the Deep State assumed full control. FCuck/10. Libs can't handle politics.Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of mashed potatoesFriday, November 23rd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump's 2018 Thanksgiving MessagePresentation of the 2018 National Thanksgiving Turkey🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Republicans and Democrats MUST come together, finally, with a major Border Security package, which will include funding for the Wall. After 40 years of talk, it is finally time for action. Fix the Border, for once and for all, NOW!Really good Criminal Justice Reform has a true shot at major bipartisan support. @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and @SenSchumer have a real chance to do something so badly needed in our country. Already passed, with big vote, in House. Would be a major victory for ALL!I am extremely happy and proud of the job being done by @USTreasury Secretary @StevenMnuchin1. The FAKE NEWS likes to write stories to the contrary, quoting phony sources or jealous people, but they aren’t true. They never like to ask me for a quote b/c it would kill their story.SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Hopefully the apology was to herpes.The God-Emperor Marches OnWhen your child goes to Hollywood and all she wants to go see is her Presidents star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!! 👍🇺🇸👍Secretary Mattis paid a surprise visit to the 113th Aerospace Control Alert facility to thank the men and women who stand alert 24/7, 365 days a year.MUST WATCH: Dan Bongino lays out SpyGate🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:wall kicks won't workGuess Who's Back?What if Melania Trump met with Bob Mueller on a tarmac in Arizona, and then a few days later, Mueller cleared Trump?The "democracy" party.MFW I’m not even a Latino but I think refried beans and tortillas are deliciosoSaturday, November 24th:SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:If you are near Omaha on Tuesday, Nov. 27 @2pm, there is a funeral for a Vietnam War veteran with no known family at the National Cemetery. (x-post from r/Nebraska, r/Navy, r/Army, and r/military)Coach Mike Ditka suffers heart attack. A Trump supporter and coach back when the NFL was manly. Wishing him a speedy recovery.Tijuana Mayor REFUSES to Spend Tijuana Money on Migrants108 caravan migrants arrested for crimes in Tijuana, so far… They've only been in the city for a few days & already they are committing this many crimes? That's a lot of crime from so-called moms & kids fleeing "violence."Never Say No One Told You🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Judicial Activism Is Illegal LegislationHow I Feel When I'm Making America Great AgainSuper Hero ParkingI'M SO THANKFUL FOR THIS DOMREDDIT AND ALL YOU GLORIOUS PATRIOTS!some tunes to help you go through all this WINNING:Hey JudeAmerican PieUsing YouBrooklyn BabyDon't Take The GirlSitting On The Dock Of The BayMAGA ON DEPLORABLES! #robgray
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we-rolling-stones · 6 years
Easy on the Zambezi
Crossing the border into Zimbabwe - like the majority of our crossings, a remarkable and chaotic experience. We've chosen the Mutare/Forbes post which, compared to the Beitbridge post between Zim and SA, is by far not the busiest crossing. Still: overwhelming. On the Mozambique side, 3-4 guys come close up to the car as we park, just about pressing their faces against our windows, and follow us through the immigration office. We're a bit more insistent this time about not needing help, though, and they drop off by the time we leave the Mozambican border and head through the no-man's land. 
On the Zimbabwean side, we face other obstacles: trucks! Trucks everywhere. So many trucks that you can't see the office where we're meant to go. We barely manage to squeeze Stoffel between two of them to park and go into the immigration office. It's packed. We need to fill out forms, and no one has a pen. I run to the car to grab one and on my way back in, a robust older lady demands to know where I bought it. I promise she can use it when I'm done filling my form. She hovers over my shoulder and attempts to grab it every time I pause to read the next section. "I won't take long!" she complains. "It's my pen!" I reply. At last we finish the forms and I hand the pen off to the lady, who doesn't thank me. Believing her claim that she wouldn't take long, I hover for a while hoping to retrieve it from her when she's finished (pens are valuable commodities for occasions like this), but she takes her sweet time and after a while I give up and join Matt in the queue. (Maybe she'll find me when she's done and return the pen?  She doesn't.)
Being a South African, all Matt needs is a stamp in his passport but I, the American, need to buy a visa. I'm pointed to the next window over. He fills out one form and shuffles me back to the first window. She looks over my documents, nods, and shuffles me to another window to pay USD 45 for a double-entry visa. Once that's done I'm shuffled back to the first window, but that lady shakes her head and points me to the second window, where I ultimately get my sticker. Meanwhile, Matt waits in a very long line to fill out customs forms. We forget that we have a document allowing us to bypass import duties on the car and pay USD 50 more than we need to. On the way out our car is searched - they're mainly looking to make sure we're not smuggling in fish from Mozambique, but we are grateful they don't discover the bag of whiskey and wine in the backseat, which is probably more than the letter of the law allows us to bring in. We've been told that wine and spirits are really expensive in Zimbabwe at the moment, so we stocked up at the border's duty free store before leaving Mozambique. 
All told, the process takes around 2 hours before we drive into the sunset into Zimbabwe. We are headed for the Vumba, a lush forest region close by the border where our friend Jamie's mother lives. It's full of steep hills overlooking verdant green valleys, which are stunning against the sunset. We arrive after dark at the house of Jamie's mom Sue and her husband Mal, who live just across the road from the Vumba Botanical Gardens, and are welcomed warmly. We're shown to our own bedroom and bathroom at the back of the house; we sit for a while drinking wine in front of the fireplace and chatting, and Sue+Mal round off the evening with a succulent meal of local tilapia and sweet potato fries. The house has WiFi and, when we wake up the next morning, the most STAHNNANG view of the Vumba. 
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...we decide to stay one more night. We are pampered the whole way by the utmost generosity of the fabulous Sue and Mal, who take us on a hike up Leopard Rock: 
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Treat us to the best cheesecake we've ever eaten at Tony's, a local cake and coffee restaurant:
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And ply us with food and drink. Fry-ups for breakfast, with home-grown eggs and local Vumba honey and coffee. We contribute a bit with some of the giant avocados we bought on the side of the road in Mozambique + steak we picked up while staying at Island Rock. Matt tries out a new recipe: Chinese 5-spice and orange zest to marinate the steaks, which turns out to be a hit. It also turns out that Mal is interested in drones (for animal census and anti-poaching patrol purposes, which he is involved in locally), and so I'm able to give him a whirl with mine, which looks to be the most gleeful 10 minutes Mal's had in a while! All in all, Sue and Mal were the kindest and most accommodating hosts to us - total strangers who are just friends of Sue's daughter - and we leave regretfully the next morning, feeling as if we're driving off from a surrogate home. 
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Leaving the lap of luxury, we head to Nyanga National Park nearby. It is the home of Mutarazi Falls, Africa's second-highest waterfall. It's possible to do a SkyWalk on a bridge spanning the top of the falls, as well as a zipline from one side to the other, but when we discover that these cost USD 40 and USD 70 respectively, we decide that "just a walk along the side of the falls will be really nice, right?  Let's just do a walk."
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Well, of course, the walk along the side of the falls is REALLY NICE. We are the only people there, and we enjoy a beer on the side of a cliff watching the sunset.
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We camp that night at Far n' Wide nearby, and start driving the next morning to Harare: the capital of Zimbabwe. 
At this point I should explain that Zimbabwe, politically, is currently at a crossroads. The county's ruler for the last 3 decades, Robert Mugabe ("Ole Bob", other Zimbabweans later tell us), was deposed in a coup last year. The presidency has been taken over by Emmerson Mnangagwa, a member of Mugabe's old guard who is currently serving on a temporary basis. National elections to chose the next permanent president are being held next month: meant to be free and fair and "harmonised" (peaceful), there are 23 candidates running but only 3 of them (including Mnangagwa) are very well known and the incumbent seems sure to win. 
The overthrow of Mugabe has brought some changes and optimism to Zimbabwe: for the first time in decades, there's opportunity for improvement and in some respects there has been. Zim used to be infamous, for example, for its police roadblocks - every couple of kilometres along any major road you'd be stopped and your car would be searched for some minor vehicle violation (anything from having your headlights too high, having a fire extinguisher that hasn't been tested recently enough, or having your emergency triangles the wrong width) in order for the police to try and extract a bribe of a few USD. Mal tells us there used to be 19 roadblocks on the road between the Vumba and Harare. Mnangagwa has made an effort to clean up police corruption and boost tourism, though, and we don't encounter a single roadblock on our journey. 
But there's still a fair amount of cynicism about the real potential for change, in part owing to Mnangagwa's status as the old guard of Mugabe. How much can the country change when it's still being run by a member of the same group that's run it into the ground over the last several decades?  Every Zimbabwean we ask about it (admittedly a small sample size of about 7) says that they're not actually planning on voting in the election. 
The most immediate problem facing Zimbabwe is its financial system. Zim's own currency collapsed a decade ago and since 2009 the country's been using US Dollars as its official currency. Zim obviously can't print its own US Dollars, so it's introduced another paper note - bond - which is meant to be a USD subsititute. The government can't print too many of these without drastically devaluing them, though, so there is a third tier of exchange - various forms of electronic money, the most popular of which is EcoCash. Officially, 1 USD in cash equals 1 USD in bond and 1 USD in EcoCash; in reality, there is a massive shortage of cash in Zimbabwe and so cash (in bond but especially in USD) trades on the black market at a premium to EcoCash and its other electronic equivalents. This works out well for us: we initially trade some USD into bond notes with a guy on the street outside a Harare mall and get a rate of 1.25 bond to 1 USD. Later, a friend helps us set up an EcoCash account, which - again through unofficial exchanges with "contacts" that all Zimbabweans with access to real USD have developed - can get us a rate of about 1.56 electronic dollars to every 1 USD in cash. It's ridiculous and complicated, but making the effort to convert our cash to electronic money saves us hundreds of dollars over the course of our time in Zim, making what is (on paper) an extremely expensive country a bit more affordable. 
Anyway, once in Harare, we have a blast. We stay at a backpacker's called It's a Small World, where for approximately the same price as roof-tent camping in the parking lot (not too desirable) we stay in a flat-tired camper van parked in the corner. 
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Cozy, our own space, and good WiFi - we loved the van. Even if it was a little tricky to get in and out of...
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We take a walking tour of the city with Lynette, a local whom I found on CouchSurfing. She shows us the sites, explains a bit of the city's history, and takes us out for some local Zimbabwean food after the tour. 
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We are even honoured to be joined on the tour by her mom, Mama Lucie - in the several years that Lynette's been running walking tours, this is the first one she's been on!
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We attempt to have a few beers and watch a World Cup game at the Jam Jar, a popular restaurant, but the place is hit by a power outage in our first 20 minutes (blackouts are still common across Harare) and so we finish our drinks in the darkness. 
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Lynette recommends us a few other things to do, including heading to Mareki, which is a BBQ spot popular with locals at a nearby park. Mareki's set up in a dusty parking lot, lined with bottle stores and butcheries on one end and a line of stalls for cooking meat down the middle. You drive in, buy your meat from the butcher, and for a dollar the ladies working the stalls braai it for you for and give you sadza and tomato-onion salad on the side. Delish. 
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We get our meat braaied by Mai Funghai, a friendly woman who holds my hand and says she'll give me a second salad for free. Sold!
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As the only whities wandering around Mareki we attract a fair bit of attention and we end up being chatted to by Gilbert, a friendly Zimbo who clearly wonders what on earth we're doing there. Gilbert introduces us to his friends Simba and Leo, plus Leo's wife Pride and her sister Dorothy. They invite us to come hang out with them and before you know it, we're hanging out in the parking lot with everyone, eating meat and salad off trays set up on the back of Leo's car, drinking Zambezi beers like no one's business into nighttime. 
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Leo invites us back to his (huge, beautiful) house for drinks (at his in-house bar), where we stay chatting to him and his Zambian friend Jerrick till the early hours of the morning.
We were meant to leave Harare the next day, but our late night has robbed us of the willpower. We end up meeting Leo and Pride for a Nando's lunch before going out to the movies. Leo and Pride spend an hour or so of their time helping us set up our EcoCash account and putting us in touch with their contact to get a good USD/EcoCash exchange rate. When we say goodbye to them, they tell us to call them if we have any problems whatsoever in Zimbabwe, and we are again struck by the friendliness and generosity of the Zimbabweans we've been lucky enough to meet. 
Saying goodbye to Harare, we drive northwest. We spend a few hours at Chinhoyi Caves - a system of caverns hovering above the deepest, most crystal-blue pool you've ever seen in your life. 
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No one knows how deep it is - divers have explored to 80 metres down and been unable to detect the bottom. It's possible to go diving in the pool, which we fully intend to do the next time we're here. 
Our subsequent destination is Mana Pools, a national park on the edge of the Zambezi River between Zim and Zambia where we'll spend three nights. Priced at between USD 90 and 115 per night to camp, plus VAT and conservation fees and a vehicle fee, Mana Pools is a huge splurge for us. But all of the Internet says that it is the best most fantastical Disneyworld of national parks, so - bolstered by the money we've earned by converting to EcoCash - we take the plunge. 
Inside the park, halfway to our first camp, we get our first flat tire. This is a problem for us as a) due to Stoffel's big tires and modified suspension we need to use our Hi-Lift jack to change it, which we have never done before and has a reputation for being really dangerous, and b) like fools we haven't verified before we left Cape Town that the spare tire fits and isn't flat itself!
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We make one attempt to jack up the car, using the center of the back bash plate as our leverage point to lift (essentially, because of the car's suspension) the entire weight of the car onto a three-inch square plate of metal. The jack isn't quite positioned right; it slips out and the car falls. The second attempt works. We can't find the specific allan key needed to get the branded hubcaps off, so we jerry-rig a solution with a Leatherman. We forgot to loosen the wheel nuts before jacking up the car, but with some twisting and turning (very gingerly, because the entire car literally hangs in the balance) we get them off and the spare on.
The spare fits!  It's not flat! Thank God....
We drive the last 40 kms and check in at camp. We're spending two nights at Nyamepi on the banks of the Zambezi. Ten minutes after we arrive, enjoying beers while watching the river go by, we are joined by a male elephant who wanders through the camp tearing leaves off trees, takes a dip in the river, and spends the next few hours grazing the grass growing in the river shallows in front of us. 
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It’s early to tell, but Mana Pools strikes us as a special place. 
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igotthe411 · 6 years
What I Like About Malaysia
Welcome to What I Like About Malaysia!
1.  Affordability
I am paying $600 for a 2-bedroom, one bath apartment with a kitchenette that has a cooker, a refrigerator, and a washing machine.  All bills paid. I recently had internet installed by Time.  The monthly rate for unlimited internet with 100 Mbps is $37.46.  A down payment of  $75 and valid passport information was required.   I ordered the service online, and the service was installed two days later.   It took approximately fifteen minutes for the installation.  The internet is fast, but my kids say that when they are chatting on Xbox, they receive complaints about a lousy ping issue.  Otherwise, it works very well until a month after the installation when we were not able to get a connection.  The installer informed us beforehand that it would happen and for us to call customer service.  That's what I did.  The only problem was that you lose the network name that you created as well as the password you provided.  The network reverts to default settings,  but the password under the modem.  Someone was scheduled to come out and fix it, but they never showed up.  It wasn't a big deal since the internet worked.  The installation was on April 24, 2018, and the first bill wasn't due until June 5th.
For three months, we tried accessing the internet via a portable Wi-Fi device, but it wasn't dependable.  I needed internet to work.  I was unproductive and frustrated.  If I didn't get back to work, we would run out of money.  After receiving dependable Wi-Fi, I worked twelve to fifteen hours a day catching up, and it's paying off.  I've added more content to my online stores, and I am now selling eBooks.  I'm more active on social media to help boost my brand.
So, my expenses are $600 for rent and $37.46 for the internet.  The total cost is $637.46.  Not too bad, huh?  It would be cheaper if I moved to a different location.  Back in America, I was paying around $1300.
2.  Food
This topic should also go under the affordability category.  I've mentioned this in previous blogs, but it's worth mentioning again.  The price of beef and pork is astronomical.  Before I go further, I want to indicate that pork is sold separately with the liquor, beer, wine, and cold-cuts.  Be warned; if you enjoy pork chops or pork roast, you will not get it here.   If you are looking to purchase large packages of meat, you won't get it here.  For instance, in Texas, I can buy a bag of leg quarters which consists of approximately ten leg quarters for a reasonable price.  In Malaysia, leg quarters come in a small package with one leg quarter (one leg, one thigh).  The price is less than $2.   They also sell whole chickens, but it comes with a price.  The price is that you also get the head and feet!  Oh, gross!  When I saw that, I immediately dropped the bag.  Could you imagine chicken eyes looking at you?  The price of whole chickens with the head and feet is lower.  I think the price is around 14 RM ($3.50 a chicken).   The organic chicken price is about 24 RM ($6).   We typically get the chicken wings.  The bag has three to five pieces for no more than $2.  If you do the math, a family pack of chicken wings in Texas ranges from $12 to $14.  For that price, you get approximately twenty wings.  In Malaysia, twenty wings would cost roughly, $7.  That's a considerable saving.  I recently went shopping.  The total was 127 RM or $32 from Jaya Grocer (see below).
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Chicken ribs are thighs.  They call breast, carcass.  There are two thighs per package. 4.28 RM ($1.08)
The Kleenex bundle was five big boxes for 12.74 ($3.21).  Isn't that amazing!  They do not offer kleenex with lotion.
Eight rolls of paper towels 10.25 RM ($2.58)
The potatoes come in a small satchel bag with approximately 5 in each bag for 5.40 RM ($1.36).  They do not sell potatoes in 5 lb, 10 lb, or 20 lb bags.
A liter of 100% orange juice was on sale for 4.70 RM ($1.18)
100% Honey for 13.68 ($3.44!) for real honey!!!  When my kids first tasted the honey, the first word that came out of their mouth was, "Oooh!"  They fell in love with this stuff. They say it doesn't taste as thick as American honey.
I want to talk about cooking oil. I didn't buy any on this trip, but the price is 2.95 (0.74!!) for a regular size bottle.  Can you imagine cooking oil for less than a dollar?
The examples above prove that food is very inexpensive in Malaysia.  I don't know how they do it.
The Malaysian's think we are rich.  They are bold enough to ask how much are we paying for the apartment.  Maybe people who live in apartments above a mall are targeted as rich.  If they only knew.   The locals are surprised when they hear how much we are paying on rent.  According to the locals, we are spending too much.  I should be paying roughly $450 for a two bedroom, but we like the host.
Here's an example of what a meal costs.  As you can see on the list, I purchased two bags of potatoes.  There are approximately five potatoes in each sack.  I already have a bag in the apartment.  The meal will be potato soup without the bacon, which costs 27 RM or $6.80.  I usually cook three bags of potatoes, add onions, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, cream of chicken instant soup in a package, and cheese.  We are going to do without the cheese this time around.  A container of cheese with twenty-four slices costs $5.  The broccoli and cauliflower are used to make the soup voluminous.  This soup will last two days.  Now, let's break down the cost. Potatoes are $4, broccoli and cauliflower  $2.  Add in another $2 for the extra stuff, and the total for this meal is $8.00 or $4 per day or one dollar each (four of us) per day for all of us to eat.  We couldn't eat for a dollar day in America.   This only for dinner though.
For breakfast, we would eat rice or oatmeal.  Oatmeal is on the list and priced at 15.80 or $4. Add in the butter and sugar for another buck, and you get $5.  The oatmeal usually lasts three days.  If you divide $5 into three days, you get $1.67 a day for breakfast for four.  For $1.67 a day, I can feed four people.  FYI - A thirty count of eggs costs approximately $3.00.  They do not sell eggs by the dozen.  It's either eight or thirty.  They do not have biscuits!
Another meal would be fried chicken, ramen, and broccoli.  On the grocery list, it shows five packages of meat totaling 26.52 RM or $7.  That's pretty darn good for five packages of meat.  The big packet of plain ramen without the spices was 4.24 or $1.   For flavor, we add salt and pepper or use the instant soup mix, which we are going to do with this meal.  The soup mix was 3.62 RM or $1.  I already have the oil and flour.
Chicken $7, ramen, $1, soup mix $1, broccoli $2.  The total is $11.  This meal will feed four people for two days.
3.  Transportation
We are presently living in a rural area where we must depend on taxis or Ubers.   A trip to the airport only costs $10 for the four of us.   Not only is the fare affordable, but they are also quick.  If I had to choose between public transportation and an Uber, Uber will win, even though it would be cheaper with public transit.
4.  Deliveries
I love the options of ordering groceries and fast-food online and having it delivered to you for less than a dollar per delivery.  That's right!  Less than a dollar.  I don't know how these people can survive, financially, for what they offer.  Food is either delivered via truck or scooters. 
Well, that's about it.  I know the list is short, but hopefully, it's informative.  My kids are ready to move to South Korea or China, but the cost of living is too expensive.  Our next big move will be Thailand. First, I need to figure out how we can stay longer than thirty days. 
5.  Convenience
I love the idea that the apartments are above a mall with a grocery store.  I can shop, buy groceries, go bowling, and get an eye exam at one location.  That's a big thumbs up.
Please join me next time for, "Things I Dislike  About Malaysia."
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goldeagleprice · 7 years
Community Voice Responses (Dec. 19, 2017)
From the Nov. 24 Numismatic News E-Newsletter:
Is the bottle cap Coca-Cola coin something you would pay $29.95 for?
Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers to Editor Dave Harper.
  For this price, a medium-priced, low-interest silver dollar makes more sense. After all, between ups and downs, it still wins. I will pick up coins (and a rare bill), and save it for a year. I would have enough for two silver Morgans. I’ll stick with my reliable methods.
Gary Kess Sherman, Texas
  You asked the question about paying US$29.95 for Coca-Cola novelty bottle top coins. I’ll say, personally, no! But there are many others who like novelty and would be just as emphatic with a “yes!”
In Oz, we have already been through this coin diversification nonsense with Non-Circulating Legal Tender (NCLT), and the collecting public are now separating into two distinct camps. Purists and the others.
The price structure could not be sustained by the Royal Australian Mint, who initially began by producing too many of one type of novelty coin in any one year so eventually mintages were limited to prop up demand and more designs were introduced more frequently – in a considered marketing ploy.
As bullion issues, where applicable, it was slightly different, and that is what now appears to be happening to some greater extent. However, due to the plethora of items – even with smaller amounts on offer – fingers may get burnt if these items are being hoarded as investments like art or pretty expensive buttons, as fashions change.
The definition of numismatics is the study of money, plus a few traditional meaningful extras thrown in (and most of us know what they are) broadly speaking. The hobby is still a great one, but it is changing and is under pressure!
If we are kind, we can accept this latest marketing trend and call these items exonumia, medallions, etc., but they are not really the sort of stuff that goes into circulation as spending stuff.
As a separate entity amongst the hobby of collectibles, I have no complaint if we can put an appropriate label on it. Many pieces have ingenious designs, carefully themed. Sometimes they are meaningful mementos. But just because they are given a few of the trappings of coinage does not mean that they really are.
These short-term attention-grabbers – that mean little to this new breed of gatherers as soon as the next overpriced exciting limited edition hits the market-place – still need to be illustrated and detailed as historical mint releases.
Catalog producers, those who still produce printed works, are pulling out what is left of their hair trying to include all the details of commercial NCLT coins that are now being churned out annually.
Graeme E. Petterwood Ravenswood, Tasmania, Australia
  Some people will collect almost anything. At least the Coke coin from Fiji has six grams of silver in it. That should make it worth more than a U.S. circulating coin set. If you are a Coke enthusiast and want to blow $30, why not? Maybe it will become a perfect Skully (Skelzy) cap.
However, as coin collectors we must draw a line.
Over the course of the last couple of years I revised my line and prefer to collect only U.S. or Canadian coins with some silver content that are close to face value in cost. I collect or accumulate not as an investment but as something to have fun with. And only if I can afford it.
For example, Canada issues a $20 face value silver Canadian coin for $20 American money. They even have a Christmas $20 silver coin. A nice silver coin for Canadian face value is a fair deal. And you can always take a trip to Canada to spend it.
I did buy Canadian Superman and Star Trek coins. But nostalgia made me do it. And they do make great conversation pieces.
Of course I splurge and purchase one proof American Eagle and one silver proof set each year if I remember. It becomes an annual donation to the U.S. Mint and ultimately the hobby.
So I guess although I will not be purchasing the Coke cap, some people may. With the right marketing, they may come out with Pepsi and many other caps.
Picture this: You go to a coin show and in the center of the bourse you find a Skully board with coin cap collectors playing a championship game of Skully. The best players including Dave Harper will have sponsors from Coke, Heinekin and so many other beverage companies.
Hey, this might work to spice up the hobby …
Dom Cicio Groveland, Fla.
  Would you buy it? No. I don’t drink Coca-Cola.
Max Stucky Colorado Springs, Colo.
  Canada is slipping. It surprises me that they did not do this first.
William Izzo Address withheld
  Buy it? No! Laugh at it? Yes! This is not a coin. Nobody ain’t never gonna spend one. It is a piece designed to take money out of people’s pockets only. I seem to remember a story something about tulip bulbs? Name withheld
  $29.95? Uh, no. Name withheld
  In short, no. Name withheld
  This article was originally printed in Numismatic News. >> Subscribe today.
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The post Community Voice Responses (Dec. 19, 2017) appeared first on Numismatic News.
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robertsmorgan · 7 years
The 22 Best Laxative Foods for Natural Constipation Relief
Constipation is a taboo subject for many people. If you’re too embarrassed to discuss it, know that you are far from alone. Constipation affects about 14% of adults in the United States and accounts for an astounding 3.2 million medical visits every year. It’s a common and widespread issue. Nobody wants to talk about it, but for the sake of our health, maybe it’s time we opened a dialogue.[1]
Americans spend three-quarters of a billion dollars on laxatives every year, and it’s not helping.[1] Pharmaceutical laxatives and stool softeners often make constipation worse. Laxative overuse can lead to dependency, making it difficult or impossible to have a bowel movement without using strong laxatives.[2] Over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives also tend to produce some serious side effects including abdominal cramps, dehydration, dizziness, low blood pressure, electrolyte imbalance, and bloody stool.[3, 4]
A better plan is to incorporate foods into your diet that have a natural laxative effect. While pharmaceutical laxatives tend to result in explosive emergencies, these foods produce a mild laxative effect. They won’t send you sprinting for the restroom, but if you incorporate a few of them into your daily diet, they should keep things moving so regularly that laxatives become completely unnecessary. Even better, these foods don’t come with the unpleasant side effects that make constipation more miserable than it needs to be.
22 Natural Laxative Foods
High-fiber foods, like fruits, vegetables, and beans, support gut health and promote regularity. In addition to a high-fiber diet, look for foods that can stimulate the digestive system, encourage enzyme activity, or assist in detoxification. When possible, consume foods that are organic, pesticide-free, seasonal, and fresh. Avoid big-box grocery retailers and look to your local farmer’s market or organic produce store for the healthiest raw fruits and vegetables.[5]
Each of the following 15 foods produces a natural laxative effect without the unwanted side effects of OTC laxatives. These foods can help relieve common symptoms of constipation, as well as many other gastrointestinal issues. Before you start taking laxatives or stool softeners, try incorporating more of these laxative foods into your diet. You will be surprised at how well they work. Here is a list of 22 of the best laxative foods and drinks.
1. Prunes and Plums
We might as well start off with the fruit that’s most famous for its laxative properties. Recognized as “nature’s laxative,” prunes and plums are naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, and iron. They are especially high in dietary fiber, which is what gives them their relieving properties. Prunes also promote the health of beneficial bacteria in the gut, making them a great addition to any colon-cleansing diet.[6] Prunes are one of the best laxative foods for babies, but remember that you shouldn’t give solid food to infants under four months old.[7, 8]
You can also try prune juice, but be sure to read the ingredients label and get one that’s made only from prunes and water. Avoid anything with added sugar.
2. Bananas
Bananas are high in pectin, a soluble fiber that normalizes bowel function. This makes them a natural bulk-producing laxative, and a great way to promote easy digestion. Since bananas have a high potassium content, eating a banana a day will help restore valuable electrolytes to your intestinal tract. Bananas also contain a natural compound called fructooligosaccharide, which can help beneficial bacteria proliferate in your large intestine.
Be sure the bananas you pick are fully ripe. Unripe bananas contain heavy starches and can cause constipation.
3. Apples
An apple has as much dietary fiber as a bowl of bran, and it tastes a lot better. The high pectin content stimulates the bowels and provides bulk for breezier bowel movements. If you’re looking for laxative foods for children and toddlers, apples are a good choice. While your little ones might shy away from prunes, a sweet, tasty apple is usually an easy sell.[9]
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Speaking of apples, don’t forget apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV contains acetic acid, which helps food break down more efficiently in your stomach. I recommend only raw organic apple cider vinegar as it still has the “mother of vinegar,” the living nutrients and bacteria that provide the bulk of ACV’s health-promoting properties.[10]
5. Berries
High in antioxidants, berries rank among my favorite foods. They also help relieve constipation with their high dietary fiber content. I recommend consuming the following berries during any colon cleanse and on a daily basis afterwards—blueberries, strawberries, bilberries, cranberries, blackberries, goji berries, and acai berries. If you opt for berry juice, make sure that it contains only natural ingredients and no added sugar.[11]
6. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the oldest and most popular medicinal plants known to man. The bulk of the aloe vera leaf is filled with a gel that contains beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, and enzymes.
Avoid “whole leaf” or “outer leaf” aloe products—these contain aloe latex, a bitter yellow liquid derived from the skin of the aloe leaf. Aloe latex is a very harsh laxative, and can cause cramping. What you want is inner leaf aloe, a much more mild laxative. Inner leaf aloe juice or high-quality supplements are readily available.[12]
7. Ginger
Ginger is one of the best laxative spices and has been an important ingredient in traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Indian medicine (and cuisine) for hundreds of years. The piquant root is known for effectively relieving gastrointestinal distress, which is why many commercial laxatives contain ginger extracts. Dried ginger is also an ingredient in many laxative teas. Ginger works by relaxing the intestinal tract, allowing elimination to proceed smoothly.[13]
8. Turmeric
Like ginger, turmeric has a long history of culinary and medicinal use in many Eastern cultures. It gets both its rich golden color and its healing properties from a natural phytochemical compound called curcumin. Clinical trials have found that curcumin can have a tremendously positive effect on many gastrointestinal issues, including irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.[14]
9. Bitter Melon
Bitter melon, also known as goya, bitter gourd, and balsam-pear, is a vegetable grown in tropical regions around the world and appreciated for its health-boosting properties. It is less known in the United States, but if you can find it, I recommend giving it a try. Loaded with beneficial phytochemicals and nutrients, constipation relief is just one of bitter melon’s many uses. The vegetable is also used for eczema, weight loss, kidney stones, liver issues, and dozens of other applications.[15]
10. Leafy Green Vegetables
When you are ready to detox your body, fill your refrigerator with kale, spinach, dandelion greens, alfalfa, chard, mustard greens, arugula, or other dark leafy greens. Why? They act as natural laxatives and are high in dietary fiber, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and K. These essential nutrients aid your digestion and overall health.[16]
11. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are great laxative foods, rich in fiber and vitamins A, C, and K. Additionally, they are very high in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect you from developing colon cancer and prostate cancer. If possible, I recommend buying locally-grown, organic tomatoes.[17]
12. Avocados
Avocados are packed with beneficial nutrients such as dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin K, and folate. If you eat one avocado a day, it will provide you with approximately 30% of your daily fiber needs. Furthermore, avocados contain an antioxidant called lutein along with vitamin E, magnesium, and healthy monounsaturated fats. Avocado also improves the absorption of nutrients from other foods.[18]
13. Coconut Oil
In animal studies, researchers have discovered that coconut oil may help protect the colon and digestive tract from damage, keeping your primary route of elimination clear and in good health. Look for raw, organic extra virgin coconut oil. This assures that it’s unrefined and contains no harsh chemicals or genetically modified additives.[19]
14. Legumes
Legumes like beans and peas are one of the very best laxative foods. They aid digestion, are high in fiber, and are low in both fat and cholesterol.[2]
15. Raw Seeds and Nuts
Incorporate more raw seeds and nuts into your diet. Not only are they delicious, seeds and nuts are rich in fiber, vitamin E, protein, zinc and other essential nutrients. Flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, cedar nuts, and sunflower seeds are all great choices.[2, 20]
16. Carrots
High in pectin, they add bulk to stool and can stimulate bowel contractions.[2] If you’re eating carrots to help relieve constipation, eat them raw. Raw carrots are more effective at relieving constipation than cooked.
17. Broccoli
Extremely high in antioxidants and fiber, broccoli can help stimulate detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract. Broccoli sprouts are more effective than the fully-grown vegetable, containing a higher concentration of beneficial nutrients.[7, 21]
18. Cauliflower
Eating cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, which supports the production of enzymes in the liver. These liver enzymes help flush carcinogens and other toxins from your body.[21] There are many excellent cauliflower recipes to help you add this great-tasting veggie to your diet.
19. Cabbage
Much like other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps flush out toxins and soften stool for easier bowel movements.[21] To maximize the potential of cabbage, consume it as kimchi or sauerkraut for the probiotic benefits. Speaking of probiotics…
20. Probiotic Foods
Every normal, healthy human gut is home to around 100 trillion beneficial microorganisms. Together, these organisms are called your microbiota, and they are critical to your gastrointestinal system and overall health. Fermented foods help stock your system with these beneficial bacteria. Consuming plenty of probiotic foods keeps your microbiota healthy, aids digestion, and eases constipation. Kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut are all excellent examples of probiotic foods.[22, 23]
21. Watermelon
Watermelon isn’t just a classic summertime treat; it’s a great healing food as well. The large fruit contains high levels of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, and B6. Chinese traditional medicine prescribes watermelon as a mild laxative. Watermelon is also, of course, a great source of water—92% by volume.[24, 25] As for why that’s important, read on.
22. Water
Last, but most definitely not least, don’t forget to hydrate! Drinking plenty of purified water is one of the best natural ways to relieve constipation. Water is vital to all bodily functions and makes up 60-80% of your body weight. It helps moisten the intestines, regulating bowel flow. Imagine going down a waterslide, then imagine trying to go down that same slide dry, and you’ll see how important water is for easy bowel movements.
Drink half your body weight in ounces every day. In other words, if you weigh 180 lbs, you need at least 90 oz of water daily. Be sure to add more if you’re doing anything that makes you sweat.[26] Healthy liquids, like detox water and coconut water count toward this total, but skip soft drinks, energy drinks, alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages, and fruit juice with added sugar—those all dehydrate you.
Foods That Cause Constipation
Now that we’ve gone through such trouble to incorporate all these laxative food into your diet let’s not undo our hard work. There are some foods that cause constipation. If you are prone to irregularity, avoid ice cream, cheese, meat, and processed foods.[27] Caffeine can also trigger constipation in people with irritable bowel syndrome. Those with IBS should avoid caffeinated products like coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate.[28]
A Word of Caution on Laxatives for Weight Loss
Many people ask me about the best laxative foods for weight loss. I would like to remind you that pharmaceutical laxatives, should never be taken for weight loss. They simply don’t work that way, and trying to do so can cause serious issues. Abusing laxatives this way is a type of bulimia.[29, 30]
Supplements for Gentle Colon Cleansing
A healthy diet is the safest, easiest, most sustainable way to prevent constipation and support overall health. However, in extreme cases, supplementation can help.
If you still find yourself constipated, then it’s likely the sign of something else. I recommend a full colon cleanse to improve digestion, support colon health, and relieve occasional constipation. Oxy-Powder® is Global Healing Center’s scientifically formulated, all-natural colon cleansing supplement. It uses the power of oxygen to cleanse and detoxify your entire digestive tract.
How do you avoid occasional constipation? Leave a comment below and share your experiences with us.
The post The 22 Best Laxative Foods for Natural Constipation Relief appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
from Robert Morgan Blog https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/best-laxative-foods/
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Body Transformation Freestyle Story June 20, 2017
Body Transformation Freestyle StoryStart time of Writing Freestyle Story after gathering resources used and story title: 7:54 am to 7:55 a.m.Wrapping Up Time: 9:31 a.m.            Russell Jackson was sponsoring a free movie night showing the films Formula 51 and Tropic Thunder, along with eight other people outside of a park that was free and open to the public. Russell Jackson, and some of his other friends; Herman Kingsley, Ted Hill, Jay Bear, Matthew Spice, Jamie Lewis,and Liam Silver are a conglomeration of  communication directors, cooks, event planners, and caterers from both the Hampton Roads and Washington D.C. Area working together to help set up the event for the summertime. The Formula 51 film is normally too controversial to show, however Matthew Spice was able to convince at least six celebrities such as Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Carlyle, to come down to make an appearance in exchange for a certain amount of money and to meet some of the city’s politicians and military officers.  From the Tropic Thunder film side, Tom Cruise, Jack Black, and Ben Stiller came to visit. Jackson was almost able to convince Robert Downey Jr. to attend, but he had previously promised some officials from a sport event in a neighboring state that he was going to attend their event and the timing cut too close. Many people from the military, government, and even many who work andor volunteer in the private sector came and brought free blankets (some obviously brought their children). After the film, the event was going to be a hybrid of an unofficial party and festival to celebrate the longevity of a housing community in the Norfolk Virginia area. Both civilian and military event planners and cooks were volunteering their skills for the event and there is a scheduled  fashion show featuring people of various ages, physical appearances, and sizes in the north section of the park. The fashion show is being sponsored by Party City, Costco, Giant Grocery Store, and space is being temporarily rented out in the far side of the Norfolk Naval Base.            To be on the safe side and for security reasons, the event/community party organizers kept the celebrities visiting in a separate section to allow ample space for their security team and bodyguards to protect them while still allowing them to interact with the general public in safety. One of the women in attendance Hailey Josh wondered from watching both the Formula 51  and Tropic Thunder films if a similar formula could be used to help some of her friends return to their ideal weight. 44 year old Hailey Josh herself had no problems in that department as she works as a housekeeper for the Naval Lodge on the Norfolk Naval base and works as a model in free time scoring an abundance of modeling job opportunities because of her resemblance to musician Mary J. Blige in her Just Fine music video. As a civilian government employee she is able to enroll in a variety of traditional and online schools that give her a 25 percent discount or more as a government employee.  Currently, Hailey Josh is enrolled in a pilot program for prior military veterans studying to work as a resource analyst for the federal government  (due to Hailey Josh’s experience as an enlisted intelligence specialist for the Navy approximately 15-16 years ago). Josh found out about this program from her friend 50 year old friend Lori Bennett who she met at a Tim McGraw concert during the song performance of For A Little While. Hailey Josh wanted to know how Bennett was able to afford a completely paid for home  and have 2 years of living expenses in her checking account within just 5 years of initially moving to Norfolk Virginia with just 1000 dollars to her name after rent. Bennett admitted that a government social worker referred her to a program training that was currently available in Virginia that would help her to re-enter back in to the federal government as a supply/logistic specialist via free supply training classes (that she was eligible for due to her prior experience as a supply worker for the navy 9 years prior to being referred to the social worker). Hailey Josh’s friend Lori Bennett was also fine in the weight department as Bennett went from a size 14 to a size 2 just a year after moving to Norfolk Virginia. However, Hailey Josh knew some mutual friends of both her and Lori Bennett who were striving to go from sizes 16 to six or smaller that might benefit from someone who knew  chemical  combinations  for quicker weight loss.Haily Josh’s husband Connor Castle resembles one of the men featured in the Amazed music video by Lonestar but would be with Hailey if he could right now. However, his aviation job has him a little tied up in dealing with work that is at least well paid and involving helping out at a Paris Air show in France. This is a big deal as Connor and Hailey have twin 18 year old girls working in California helping out in behind the scenes work for Bravo TV’s new reality tv show Summer House. Additionally, Hailey Josh has two twin 3 year old boys that she adopted from a professor couple that she  met from a Tonic concert (during the performance of Sugar). Tragically, they both unexpectedly passed away together at just 40 years amd 41 years of age in a car crash. Hailey Josh was both sad and happy for them as the same time. Initially sad because she lost two good friends that she and Connor Castle would double date with and trade career stories and talks with. Additionally, the professor couple was finally enjoying for just 6 months the freedom of being debt free and having a paid for home and paid for car. However, Hailey Josh was also happy for the couple because she knew they went on to a better place and are looking after their twin sons from heaven.  Hailey Josh’s 60 year old biological mom Aimee Moore and adoptive mother 65  year old Maya Law help out with the both kids from time to time. Both women are retired and fortunately enjoy financial freedom for different reasons. Maya Law still works part-time flex hours as a professor and is an educational consultant who helps give guidance and advice for online course content for the websites udemy, great courses, masterclass.com,and Lynda.com.  Maya Law usually makes at least 15,000 American dollars each month after taxes for work that  she is highly skilled/talented in. Law has even shared some of that money with Hailey Josh before by paying for nannies at times for the 3 year old twins. Not to be outdone, Aimee Moore and Maya Law have a friendly rivalry with each other when it comes to their daughter. Aimee Moore recently surprised Hailey Josh with a paid for 8000 dollar car for her 44th birthday.  This surprised Hailey Josh as she initially only expected to have a car maybe within 2-3 years after she prayed to God for her request and took as much action as she could towards manifesting a paid for car (a car that is obtained loan-free, paid in cash). Ironically, Hailey Josh surrendered to the idea of giving up her apartment near Old Dominion University and living in a paid for house with at least 10 other married couples known to have wild andor party reputations (some of them child-free and some of them with young children in the house)before she was surprised with a car. Much to Josh’s pleasant surprise, the 10 couples were all understanding when she admitted to them why she was changing her mind about moving into the house with them. Aimee Moore herself was truthfully resigned to working for the rest of her current lifetime on earth until she unexpectedly came into a money windfall of 5 million dollars in today’s money after taxes for writing a story and script similar to It Happens in the Hamptons book. Hailey Josh counts her blessings to have both types of mothers alive and a good/tension-free relationship with both as she is friends with both child-free women and women with children whose mothers already passed away well before they were 40 or 50 years old. As a matter of fact, Maya Law is at the park right now and is about to pay a surprise visit to Hailey Josh.Right as Hailey Josh folds up her blanket to go near the gathering area where many people are at and watching the music group the Cure perform their popular Lovesong tune. She notices another stage area where some chefs are presenting their culinary pop-ups and crowds gathering to try their food. Right as Hailey Josh thinks about going to that stage she sees another area lined with at least 10 picnic tables and hosting an event similar to a grocery store barbecue battle that she saw featured in both the online versions of the Virginian Pilot and Washington Post just two days earlier. Just 40 yards away, surprises Hailey Josh the most. Josh’s friend Hailey Bennett is being interviewed by a Hollywood California newspaper, the Los Angeles Times, and the Virginian Pilot for three females next to her who all went from a size 18 to a size 0 trying the food combinations and combo supplements recommended by Lori Bennett. Hailey Josh realizes that this must be the reason why Bennett herself went from a size 16 to a size 2 in such a short period of time even when others around her questioned if she could make it happen. Hailey Josh is happy for Lori Bennett’s recognition but realizes that her inspiration idea from the Formula 51 film she was picking up on was actually her intuitively picking up on Bennett’s idea before is happened (a prescient circumstance). Hailey Josh sees a throng of crowds gathering around the celebrities who agreed to visit just 200 yards away. However, just as she is about to go join the crowd herself, she is awakened by her mother Law who intuitively and logically noticed that her adoptive daughter unintentionally went to sleep on the blanket  towards the end of the Tropic Thunder film. Time to get up Hailey Dear, Maya gently pulls Hailey up from the blanket to take her towards one of the staging areas that has a hybrid chef cooking show demonstration and five deejays working together on a another stage helping out some of the musicians/music groups who agreed to attend the event. Resources UsedSongs UsedAmazed by LonestarMary J Blige FineSugar by TonicFor A Little While by Tim McGrawLove Song by The CureGiant Barbecue Battle Ad that I had seen in the Washington Post Express advertising the following websitehttp://bbqindc.com/http://bbqindc.com/the-taste-of-giant-sampling-pavilion/WELCOME TO THE WORLD'S LARGEST NAVAL STATIONhttp://www.partycity.com/http://www.military.com/base-guide/naval-station-norfolkhttp://www.partycity.com/product/cars+party+supplies.doAffirmationsMy life is getting better than expected each day.I am undergoing a positive transformation in all areas of my life for both the present and future.I experiment with new methods, ways of thinking and action that are helping to sharpen both my skills pertaining to wisdom, creativity, and imagination in all areas of my life for both present and future.https://www.orindaben.com/pages/rooms/affirmations_room/I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.I picture abundance for myself and others.Paris Air Show: Decades of crazy, cool planesBy Thom Patterson   @CNNMoneyJune 16, 2017: 5:33 PM ET http://money.cnn.com/gallery/news/2017/06/16/paris-air-show-history-unusual-planes/index.html?iid=hp-grid-domTop chefs on tour: 10 culinary pop-ups around the worldChris Dwyer, CNN • Updated 7th May 2017 http://www.cnn.com/travel/article/culinary-pop-ups-around-the-world/index.html https://www.lynda.com/https://www.udemy.com/courses/https://www.masterclass.com/http://www.thegreatcourses.com/It Happens in the Hamptons Will Be Your Juicy Summer Beach ReadWriter Holly Peterson describes it as "Downton Abbey in bikinis." http://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a9655928/holly-peterson-hamptons-novel/The 6 Types of People You Encounter in a Hamptons Summer Share HouseIn honor of Bravo's new reality show Summer House, T&C takes a look at the characters you might meet in a summer share. http://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a9248/hamptons-summer-share-stereotypes/Inspiration from my husband and I shopping at Costco inside of the Westfield Wheaton Mall in Wheaton Maryland this eveninghttp://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/stage-names.php#.WTqvpOvyucw http://www.onlinemilitaryeducation.org/faq/civilian-job-military-intelligence-specialist/
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touristguidebuzz · 8 years
How to Visit Paris on a College Budget
Whether you’re a student studying abroad, or simply an avid TPG reader who’s taken advantage of one of those amazing fare sales to Europe we’ve been seeing recently, Paris is a hot destination. Between the flights, hotels and transportation around the city — oh, and don’t forget the food and drinks — costs can add up pretty quickly. Here, I’ll share several tricks I used while I was studying in Paris for 10 weeks that helped me make sure I was able to do everything I wanted without breaking the bank, as well as a few places that are definitely worth your money.
Start Saving as Soon as You Arrive in Paris
Paris has one of the most thorough subway systems of any major city. 16 Metro lines connect to five RER commuter lines and nine light-rail tram lines, making every block of the city easily accessible via public transit. The paper tickets you can buy at any station are easy to lose and confusingly priced, but if you plan ahead and order a Navigo Pass, you’ll watch your savings rack up — you can put an unlimited one-week pass on this plastic, chip-enabled card for just 22.15 euros (~$23). As a point of comparison, my friend who didn’t have a Navigo Pass spent more than 40 euros (~$42) on Metro tickets over the course of the five days he was there. Just don’t forget that trains stop running around 1:00am, so make sure you have a plan to get home if you’re staying out late, or else you’ll end up emptying your wallet for a cab! And if you do use the paper tickets, don’t toss them out once you’re past the turnstiles — some stations require you to use them to leave as well as enter.
With 30 lines to choose from, you’ll find zipping around Paris to be quite convenient. Image courtesy of the Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens.
Meet the Store That Made Coming Back to the US Nearly Impossible
Fancy meals are fun, and you should take every opportunity to try the exquisite Parisian cuisine. But that doesn’t mean you need to spend big every time you get hungry. Enter Lidl, the German grocery chain that turned into my second home during my study-abroad program in Paris. The ability to buy a week’s worth of groceries for the equivalent of $25 was amazing, but I was usually content to pick up a fresh baguette and a few pastries for about 50 cents each, maybe a one-euro (~$1) bottle of wine and call it a day. It gets the job done, and you’ll learn pretty quickly that there’s no such thing as bad bread in Paris.
Stay tuned: European discount grocery chain Lidl is set to open its first US location in 2018. Let’s just pray they bring the baguettes with them. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
Why Spend $50 on a Steak When You Can Spend $20 for Two?
People give me a funny look when I tell them that my favorite steak place in the world is a Parisian chain restaurant with only one item on the menu, steak frites. But how much do I love Le Relais de l’Entrecote? Enough that I went back to Paris this summer just for a steak — or at least that’s what I told my waitress. Sometimes the best food is the simplest. You walk in, sit down and the server will simply ask you how you want it cooked. There are no menus to distract you, just a wine list — I highly recommend the Relais house label — service is faster than you can imagine and they’ll break out a glorious plate of steak frites covered in a delicious green butter sauce. Wonderful, right?
Sorry to spoil the surprise, but just when you think it’s done, there’s more. Instead of clearing your empty plate, the waitress will bring out the second half of the steak that they’ve been keeping warm for you back in the kitchen. That’s right, 20 euros buys you two full steak dinners for the price of one. Want a drink after dinner? Of course you do, it’s Paris! While it may not be the cheapest place around, stop by La Coupole right across the street from Le Relais de l’Entrecote on Boulevard Montparnasse. Over the years, this bar-turned-restaurant has served as a watering hole for some of the most famous European writers and artists of all time, including Albert Camus, Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso and Jean-Paul Sartre, to name a few.
Meet the Green Fairy
And speaking of famous European artists… So poorly understood by those who’ve never tried it — thanks to the fact that it was long illegal in the US and much of Europe — absinthe is more readily available in Paris. While many places will tout their absinthe cocktails, it’s best experienced by itself. Only a handful of bars serve it the correct way, with a slotted spoon and sugar cube cradled under a tediously slow drip of ice water to create the perfect drink. A few blocks from the Bastille metro stop in the heart of one of the city’s best bar districts, Le Fee Verte will give you the authentic experience you deserve — you can even grab a quick dinner at any of the nearby restaurants and keep hopping around the neighborhood if you’d like. This is the perfect place to start or end your night, or else makes a great stop in the middle of it.
What do Marilyn Manson, Oscar Wilde, and Vincent van Gogh all have in common? A deep, deep, deep love of absinthe. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
The Champ De Mars Will Entertain You for Free
I don’t blame you if you’re standing at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower thinking, “What could I possibly do to save money here?” Aside from scoring a student discount, for which you’d need either an EU passport or a Parisian student ID, there’s not much to it other than buying your ticket and going up to the top. But less than 100 feet from one of the largest tourist traps in the world is my favorite spot in the city. Grab a bottle of wine and a blanket and find a spot on the giant National Mall-like grassy field that stretches southeast from the tower (i.e., the Champ de Mars). Here’s the trick: Dozens of vendors will be wandering around selling wine and beer, and while a 10-euro (~$10) bottle of French wine might sound like a steal to an American tourist, it’s a blatant ripoff in Paris — you can stop by a Lidl store (mentioned above) before you go, or really any other grocery store, and buy 10 bottles for the same price (although if you’re going to do that, I’d suggest sharing).
I’ll take this view over the one from the top any day. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.
No Trip to Paris Would Be Complete Without a Crepe
Or a galette, if you prefer savory to sweet. While there are hundreds of stands ands carts making fresh crepes around the city, the best one I’ve ever had is from a little place housed under a small, nondescript brown awning right next to the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. (If you’ve ever studied in Paris, you’ll be familiar with this collection of international dorms that provide cheap housing to foreign students, and if you haven’t, it’s three stops on the RER B line from the Luxembourg Gardens.)
What really sets these crepes apart is the people who make them. Grab a steaming cup of spiced tea on the house while you wait for your food, and strike up a conversation. Over the 10 weeks that I was fortunate enough to live right next to this stand, I watched the owners help a man fix his bike after it was hit by a car, assist my friend in replacing his phone after it was stolen and find complete strangers places to stay during their travels throughout Europe. It’s easy to see how genuine they are, which is why when I was lucky enough to go back to Paris this summer, my first point of business off the plane — yes, at 8:00am — was a crepe there. Once you grab your food, walk back across the street and check out Parc Montsouris behind the train station. It’s an incredibly underrated patch of greenery, complete with running tracks, a beautiful pond, and plenty of space to relax and step back from the hustle and bustle of the city, if only for a minute.
Do Me a Favor, Would You?
I have a pretty convoluted relationship with the city of Paris. While my program was eye-opening in ways I’m still only beginning to understand, it also coincided with one of the worst terrorist attacks Europe has ever seen. When it was time for me to come home just a few weeks later, the city was still in a state of limbo and I didn’t know if things were going to return to normal or if fear and hatred would fill the void. And while time has done wonders to heal the physical and emotional wounds that were inflicted that day, there’s still a long way to go. So whether this is your first time visiting this magical city, or like me, it feels more like you’re going home than going on vacation, go out of your way to spread some kindness. Do a good deed, help a stranger, buy a homeless child a meal. The city needs more love, and so does the world.
Do you have any tips for saving money in Paris? Let us know, below.
Featured image courtesy of AleksandarNakic via Getty Images.
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