kaiju-krew · 1 year
Are there any other things you are interested in besides Godzilla? A couple that I'm interested in are Metal gear and CoD Zombies, as outside of being so confusing you would need to spend possible hours or days to really get a grasp on what is even going on, the stories in them are really interesting when you are able to get into them.
Quite a lot! those other interests are honestly usually why i end up taking the breaks that i do, when i get burned out on a particular fandom or drawing subject, i like to cycle to others for new inspo
i watch anime/read manga pretty regularly, current favs would be demon slayer, hxh, jjk, mp100, and chainsaw man. (this is obvious if u follow my personal blog lol) next in my queue are gintama & fmab, excited to start themmm. i'm reading jigokuraku too but am still pretty early into it. (it's dope so far)
i am also what the kids call: a Gamer™️ (unfortunately) some favs include Red Dead Redemption 1/2, GOW 2018/GOWR, Mass Effect & Dragon Age series. honourable mentions, aka games i enjoy but wouldn't call favourites, would be Death Stranding, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, & all the brain rotting dinosaur-related games on Steam lmao
I'm a bit of a character & lore addict, so if an IP has lore you can watch 4h youtube breakdowns on, or characters you can deconstruct and pull the layers back on endlessly, IM IN.
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il-predestinato · 4 months
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Max Verstappen talks about the 'inchident' with Charles Leclerc back in go-karting in 2012. 🎥: full Hungarian interview will be on m4sportofficial this Sunday (February 25, 2024 @ 2000h)
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m34gs · 5 months
A Typical Day in the Life of Spud
0400h - wake mother for snuggles
0545h - wake mother again for more snuggles, cry for foods
0615h - why is mother awake but not out of bed? she must feed me and then she must eat.
0630h - at last, she has risen. follow mother to the toilet. wait patiently for foods.
0635h - stare at foods, but do not eat thems. herd mother upstairs and make sure she has foods.
0700h - sit on toilet lid and watch mother do her make ups and debate trying to eat the mascara and makeup brushes
0710h - follow mother to bedroom to make sure she gets dressed. demand snuggles intermittently.
0720h - insist mother give brushes
0730h - follow mother back upstairs and watch her get her things for the day. demand more snuggles.
0735h - follow mother to shoes. stretch right in front of her as she walks to remind her that her life can be ended at any moment.
0738h - go to Special Spot next to the door and await Goodbye Snuggles.
0740h to 1630h - Solo Spud Activities
1630h - go to Special Spot next to the door and await Welcome Home Snuggles.
1635h - stare at food dish with determined but silent gaze until mother fills it with favourite cuts in gravy from Whiskas.
1650h - find mother downstairs lounging on bed. demand Post Work Snuggles. take Post Work Nap together.
1730h - herd mother back upstairs to make sure she has foods.
1830h - make sure mother has not been sitting in one position too long. it is not good for her healths. herd mother downstairs for more snuggles and maybe another nap.
1900h - brood over sidewalk
1915h - cry for treats. cry for brushes. mother will listen. if no listen, crinkle paper. mother finds that noise distasteful and will immediately correct her misconduct by providing treats and brushes.
2000h - demand snuggles
2010h - brood over sidewalk again
2100h - take a nap while mother is in kitchen
2130h - zoomies
2200h - demand more snuggles
2215h - brood over sidewalk once more
2230h - begin Time For Bed Stare-Down
2245h - begin Time For Bed Crying
2300h - stare into mother's soul and urge her telepathically to go to bed
2330h - success. herd mother downstairs. watch her brush teeth and wash her face. make sure she refills kitty crumbles
2350h - Bedtime Snuggles
0000h - purr in an attempt to soothe mother's anxiety so she can sleep.
0015h - patrol rest of home while mother listens to night time music in earphones and tries to sleep
0100h to 0400h - watch over mother as she sleeps
*some times are approximated
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fellasleepinbaltimore · 11 months
I cannot change my mind tho like my other jobs there came a day where I was like I simply cannot convince myself to get up out this bed at 0600h I can't!! but the fact it's at 2000h is like... bro ur already out of bed and also you've eaten like two square meals and allowed urself time to unwind
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wildpeonypetals · 1 day
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Finally I am. Back on MY couch. Not the fake other couch, the one that may look like my couch but isn’t. MY couch. The one makes my back hurt in the correct way. I am dressed up like a traffic cone and I am happy, life is good. Even if I’ve been forced to replace my Pean arterial clamp with scissors.
maybe I will consider dinner briefly before deciding that 29°C at almost 2000h is too warm to eat.
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nocturnalazura · 1 month
2000h?! Lena. I also love that he’s like 900h of Dota and you cutely show that only 500h or stardew valley…….and 2000+ hours of Sims…..
Ok, in my defense I’ve been playing for 8ish years and I only ever worked part time, plus! I was jobless for over a year and am a SAHM. I got a lot of free time lol now I spend free time crocheting or gaming.
I knew whatever game his was would have a crap ton of hours. He was playing dota since it came out lol
I love me some Stardew. I always marry my sweet little Sebastian. But this man knew. He knew I’d have crazy hours on sims. I only had like 400 on sims 3.
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olivalibereo · 3 months
The Legacy of Indian Bomber Aircraft: A Symbol of Strength
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India's aviation industry has witnessed significant advancements in the realm of bomber aircraft, contributing to the nation's defense capabilities and technological prowess. In this blog, we will delve into the world of Indian bomber aircraft and explore the broader landscape of aviation within the country.
Indian Bomber Aircraft: A Historical Perspective
India's journey in developing and deploying bomber aircraft dates back several decades, marked by notable milestones and technological achievements.
HAL HJT-36 Sitara: While primarily a trainer aircraft, the HAL HJT-36 Sitara has also been used in the light attack role. Its versatility and performance make it a valuable asset in India's aviation fleet.
HAL Tejas: Developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), the HAL Tejas is a lightweight, multirole fighter aircraft that has been adapted for ground-attack missions, including precision strikes and air interdiction.
Dassault Mirage 2000: While not indigenous, the Dassault Mirage 2000 has been a key player in India's strategic bomber capabilities. Upgraded versions like the Mirage 2000I and Mirage 2000H have bolstered India's defense capabilities significantly.
Sukhoi Su-30MKI: The Sukhoi Su-30MKI, a Russian-made twinjet multirole fighter, has been modified for long-range strike missions and carries a formidable array of weapons, including precision-guided munitions.
Indigenous Developments: India continues to invest in indigenous bomber aircraft development, with projects like the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) aimed at enhancing the country's strategic air capabilities.
Aviation Industry in India
Beyond bomber aircraft, India's aviation industry encompasses a wide range of sectors, including commercial aviation, aerospace manufacturing, research and development, and aviation services.
Commercial Airlines: India boasts a thriving commercial aviation sector, with airlines like Air India, IndiGo, SpiceJet, and Vistara operating domestic and international flights, contributing significantly to the country's economic growth and connectivity.
Aerospace Manufacturing: Indian aerospace companies like Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), and Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) play a vital role in manufacturing aircraft, avionics, and defense systems.
Research and Development: Institutions like the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) drive innovation and technological advancements in aviation and aerospace.
Training and Education: India has a robust ecosystem of aviation training institutes and academies that produce skilled pilots, engineers, and aviation professionals, supporting the industry's growth and sustainability.
Regulatory Framework: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) oversees aviation regulations, safety standards, and licensing requirements, ensuring compliance and safety across the aviation sector.
Challenges and Opportunities
While India's aviation industry has made significant strides, it also faces challenges and opportunities that shape its future trajectory.
Infrastructure Development: The need for modernized airports, air traffic management systems, and aviation infrastructure is crucial to support the growing demand for air travel and enhance efficiency.
Skilled Workforce: Developing and retaining a skilled workforce across various sectors of aviation, including pilots, engineers, technicians, and air traffic controllers, is essential for industry growth and sustainability.
Technological Innovation: Embracing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, sustainable aviation fuels, and electric aircraft presents opportunities for innovation and efficiency in aviation operations.
Global Collaboration: Collaboration with international partners, aerospace manufacturers, and research institutions can facilitate knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and joint ventures, driving growth and competitiveness in the global aviation market.
Environmental Sustainability: Addressing environmental challenges such as carbon emissions, noise pollution, and sustainable aviation practices is imperative for a greener and more sustainable aviation industry.
Future Outlook
The future of Indian bomber aircraft and aviation as a whole is poised for continued growth, innovation, and strategic relevance on the global stage.
Indigenous Technology Development: Investments in indigenous aircraft development, upgrades, and advanced technologies will strengthen India's defense capabilities and reduce dependence on foreign acquisitions.
International Collaborations: Collaborative ventures with global aerospace giants, joint development projects, and technology partnerships can accelerate innovation, enhance capabilities, and boost competitiveness.
Focus on Sustainability: Embracing sustainable aviation practices, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly technologies will contribute to environmental conservation and align with global sustainability goals.
Enhanced Connectivity: Improvements in aviation infrastructure, regional connectivity, and air travel accessibility will drive economic growth, tourism, and trade opportunities across India and beyond.
Safety and Security: Prioritizing safety standards, regulatory compliance, cybersecurity, and disaster preparedness is paramount to ensuring a secure and resilient aviation ecosystem.
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In conclusion, Indian bomber aircraft and the broader aviation industry are integral components of the nation's defense, economic growth, technological advancement, and global connectivity. With strategic investments, innovation-driven initiatives, and collaborative partnerships, India is poised to chart a path of excellence and leadership in the dynamic world of aviation.
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mahameruputra14 · 7 months
Rubber Fender Type V di Gorontalo Utara
Karet Fender Tipe 300H 1000L – 400H 2000H di Gorontalo Utara. Karet Fender Tipe V adalah salah satu komponen utama dalam dunia maritim yang berperan penting dalam melindungi kapal, dermaga, dan infrastruktur maritim. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan apa itu Rubber Fender Tipe V, keunggulannya, dan peran pentingnya dalam menjaga keamanan serta kelancaran operasi maritim. Apa Itu Karet FenderTipe V…
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orange1896 · 1 year
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29260024001 空调吹风合页PZG30L9(AV13*1170、1245)-001 6264000083 LG955N 轮式装载机 26010011941 脚垫(50周年出口) 4110015577008 垫片LGB303-60*120*0.5 7300001224 连接管组件GKZ33-5.0W-10-20 6410005747 排气歧管 1E013-1231-0 4120007862 标准斗0.9×1120 21733610 29040013191 L975F装载机2000h保养包(L075FW3216A26A7☆) FXG825(高度650) LG956L油缸总成(大理石平叉) 29320000211 雨刮器盖板 11216737 钢管 4043001624 LED组合尾灯PL0506K 29030015472 入口阀 14403893 筋板 F3865312 软管20491-22-06TZ/20411-22-06TZ×FC687-06×1 LG2917002053 离合活塞138983 F29130001211 底板 26361001091 O型圈 4110003073013 铲斗总成BG700 28012000901 停用-气缸套封水圈组件(12件)A3000-1002063B# FXKAH-00660F 弯嘴钳世达70613A 29220016371 弯板 29340031971 接近开关过渡线束 4110004314 副车架支承架 29010039271 网板 29020006841 胶管F462CACA151508-1530 14401528 右上叉 14402381 9200001338 后车架 29170072491 行程开关 LX1-02 26130101181 外协外购件(验证件)检验记录质记26-1号 15419497 叉头 29180009491 夹 F27130102202 垫圈 C3925186 29072003241 主泵盖板 11210133 右反光警示标志 6430000763 上叉 0730.162.301 29120038571 紧急制动动作开关 M017067/100R 6390600079 连接盘毛坯 4120010455013 驾驶室 29240029731 行车按钮COB4-8H双速 11217989 弹簧垫圈Φ24 11212368 阀芯座 28060000031 电饭锅18L 4043017017 半轴 28430002351 不锈钢快换接头 29260103131 二级行星架总成 28300005001 滚动轴承GB297-32026X.XL 6900009915 右大玻璃 3110700006 P-O形圈GB1235-35*3.5 4110000081031 电磁阀线束 29040013171 汽车多嵌带 4110002409376 排气歧管C13AL-13AL601+B 2020900013 活塞 11219273 发动机罩总成 29010033941 台架线束 4190000536159 发动机总成BF6M1013-20T3R-B131(B71-20T3R-B131) 29420002612 TYPE PLATE,FOR RUSSIA L056FW3215A29A3 气缸盖螺栓13054119 4110001060066 中间输出齿轮 29240033861 大臂进油钢管LG6210E2300 29240029601 胶管 28250002021 防护蜡 29010027871 转斗油封.德州 Q150B0835 29050013131 后车架线束 29010059021 停用-铲斗总成 6900018310 加大斗5.0×3170(无耐磨板) 26241006273 回油筒总成 26170011371 导风罩LY-LG968V-1-00-001 4120006309003 停用—螺栓M8X25Q1840825TF2 14400134 活塞24A280190 4130001091 8袋式组合工具腰包(世达 95213) 4474.206.026 2808000066037 P-螺栓GB5782-M20*100EpZn-8.8 4110000047092 木箱 29290029671 电源线 黑色RVV5*1.5mm2 29260027811 支架 D04291765 6320000093 污水泵WQ100-12 7.5KW 4110015976002 弹性挡圈126369 4043000053 机油滤芯P6CTA8.3-215(SO20691)-003 4110000054081 LGS820S2/S3联轴器 29240101501 轮辋LGW22.00/3.0-25 28210015001 液压油箱总成 21908001121 PLATE_MOUNTING_ENGINE BRACKET 4110002606 金属软管 6220001283 传动油散进油胶管 2060900118 装载机 14403601 后桥桥壳358401 1008019-52D 6223000205 密封盖06311-85016 LG9150000084 前部钢管 11213665 轴套LGB302-50*82A2 26160102721 多路阀 杭州4.5吨 26170029041 钢板t2×610×30 4110001592102 护罩盖板 26150002961 轴承 28350004091 变矩器总成 29100031641 划线机针规300 4190001425 SPACER SLEEVE FPC130-KL LG93X侧卸铲斗 GB893.1-130-65Mn FS732-095040F 硬盘 2T希捷ST-32000645NS 4120005533036 支架 4110000129171 ENGINE ASSY(T3/T2) KKZW5301000045 中冷进气钢管 6230000449 加大斗3.6×3016(无耐磨板) 11219971 贴板 FS017-241752 LG968V宣传册 29010053901 TEST 29420003151 内六角圆柱头螺钉90013550024 11222911 行车制动总成 4110000186407 缸筒总成24A139010 6216000530 燃油箱总成 4110000076392 中冷进气胶管 28210010141 轴套LGB302-55*80A2 4110016196086 罩轮 4120006233056 增压器油管总成13039414 4190002204018 齿条LGHD9330011 29090015981 沃尔沃240修理包大臂 6224000420 钎杆销03500FRP 29220001131 动臂油缸 26291006721 台式机主板 Optiplex 790 DELL 29150013841 轮胎轮辋总成 4110000186287 板 M0880WA10 螺栓HA0128 FLG150DC(J) PLATE_WA RH HYD TANK FRONT 4110002354007 BRACKET_WA RH COWL MTG 14542263 29010013741 弹簧R908107833 LGZJ27100107441 仪表台线束 4110016037 支架17002767 14589136 9100001496 支架 8230-15150 4120010160 4节5号电池盒 3214626786-A 29050014771 下架 28131002851 加热管 4120002359031 套筒 8mm 3/8 65815008 霹雳马 4120000554115 中冷进气钢管 4110000367068 螺栓15852-25160 11211662 花键轴 1200*1000 FFCCZRZ 双刃镗刀21CD.40-TS9039-120BF 29290045171 连杆总成 2808000112007 PLATE GB297-32220 9200000999 铁木结合箱-9mm 4190001940 节温器总成NG00550603 29260015581 桥壳半成品 26330040461 LG918多功能铲斗(0.9m3) 14401125 6280000142 方管30*30*3*1100 14402511 FKC4190000797 支架 14402578 29100015481 冷凝器固定板 LG8937003014 原色纸盒 14402848 4110001089291 半轴 14402907 L0360Y3114G29A0 SDLG E6250F GPE Crawler Excavator 14402910 7200000568 LG959CE线束总成 26120104031 护罩底板总成 6410006502 六角头螺栓U311A-1B7182+A 6210000156 安全阀XDY32G02-00A-19.7 14577760 29120018531 空滤器连接胶管640-1109001 329453-04562 F成工30B-SCZ 行灯220V 60W 50HZ 10m 329451-02228 29250011681 三通 29120037381 阀芯组件 F31N6-13080 U型胶条z-07 18387 4120003359 停用-密封件包 20450730 29260031081 LG953标准动臂(2810)模块 21483521 29290020891 公接头 外螺纹、1/4 21801406 2070900035 底板焊接总成 4110003471 过滤接头 22067983 ZJ4110001828007 方向灯前罩--澳柯玛电动车DV32202 20799892 29290064162 接地牌 20700252 29330050521 上盖板 20450997 4190001183 后左下立柱 21063356 4190004412001 板 14562615 4130000971 A35K-1前驱动桥总成 6212000263 销轴 20405714 29380013431 后工作灯安装支架 4110004169003 整体式雨刮37419000030 F04252958 F3863454 胶管F481CACF121206-630 993680 F11EM-22310 散热器至变矩器油管 21184833 4110016463 左连杆 11215078 温湿度计 沈拓G2080C 21317453 4120004407 右前板 20544222 0M080CWA2 操纵软轴 20971248 4110002578063 CHANNEL_WA RH FT E5804213AA6A 储液罐支架 F11NB-13011 LGS822单页 11210823 加高接头 6228000156 G9190平地机零部件图册(英文) 4041015841 筋板 ZL50.5.1-14A 4110004063012 后驱动桥 26130021941 MT76整机 4110003783050 垫板 29170182961 空气滤芯 26180003041 配流盘 4190000945 侧卸斗2.5*3076 29050027801 电瓶负极至开关连接线 26141013041 505门锁外把 26260017701 优先阀进油胶管 6900010336 LG968燃油箱总成 6410004893 标志与标识 26180021471 CURVING PLATE 26141025201 PLATE 14536354--- 4043015920 停用-碗形塞片1002620-52D 8230-25850 29140021241 调整垫片 9112-13001 LG2924003702 1 前钢板弹簧总成第七片 14671632 29010051441 右长拉杆 26030004931 PANEL_RR INNER 26290028871 旋转警示灯支架 29120024171 气动卡箍式球阀(型号为PSRQ681F PN1.6 DN50) 4120003066017 方管 4110000011231 销 26120008551 发动机线束 29260036591 塑料软管φ10×90 29330002351 停用-蒸发器总成GKZ33-5.0H 6900002248 停用-吊环螺栓 29170030491 燃油泵 5303000300 斜丝座2 14563978 4120001969034 盖 14563969 14400105 ROCKER ARM 4110003243010 焊接电缆 4011001468 堵板 14403653 节流器 29050022421 气门摇臂支座(前)1007110-52D 4190004412018 支架 11220893 消声器固定板 26331043961 支腿伸缩梁 3214578192 6900007297 FUSE BOX_ASSY EDB DS RELAY_B_PRIME 9200001376 STRIP_BACK 6(PGP50W1530) 29260017271 粗滤支架 11170016 4110001510 平垫圈B00001275 29370015291 矩形板-45*35*10 6239000041 左支撑板 29030000031 套筒 11mm世达12306 14403344-01 右摇臂 11214643 AC2固定板 LG7300000308B 管 4110000054229 破碎器修理包 4120002027017 胶管JB8406-B16*2500 4110002557003 罩盖 11214509 E6600FB机型标识 29010060141 行走液压系统 26340005731 110*700斗轴 8298835 贴板 29220010801 输出法兰总成 14663419 阀芯 29250012111 TUBE SET: DOOR, LOADER 4190001317 连接胶管9L1794 1690200062 轴承59146613 2040900020 板 4120002078049 齿轮 T612-22575 FHHI25-WP11F 龙工855转向器 14533330 11214081 筋板 26260006531 中冷连接胶管D79 21099793 FLWZG00021 涨紧油缸油封 26331023441 液压油箱滤芯 4120002279102 后车架JR955 26290026951 垫片 6410007409 EGR冷却器进水胶管1207184-1789/B 11412929 8T破碎锤双向管路-经适件 26330039621 加强板 6410006895 钎杆φ210*1800-十字头-经适件 FZ0001281 o 型圈 4110003847011 VRT200变速箱总成 6430000159 定位块 4110000359021 非公路自卸车 0L068FW3215G39GA 左下护罩 28430000832 L952轮胎式装载机操作保养手册 29320011221 内六角圆柱头螺钉1004449738 26260013271 右边齿50F老式12公分 4110003478008 半轴齿轮 11213549 护板 6900009509 动力用押扣开闭器 14401433 山特UPS主机系统 6410004100 齿轮泵JHP3160 6233000133 油气分离器总成612640010085 GB5782-M8*95EpZn-8 29170072521 内饰总成 4110002942 驾驶室总成 YZ18J.9.8 29430000871 山特维克刀片 3214549828--- ZJ4110000186001 门竖梁 26330031441 电气系统 A0-B2390B 29014009611 半轴齿轮 6900020258 主阀杆弹簧 29070020941 密封垫009246059P 29170126601 动臂联大腔三通钢管 28230019262 弯板 29360014381 停用-盖板 2070700036 链轨护板 26010008781 LG936轮式装载机-3601114A29 936.12.5.1-1 29140014821 弹簧DL20-2.04 Φ2.4 *Φ29.2 *76.5 29120021101 销轴 4110000810 轴承(933变矩器) 14509216 4110003226117 FRONT FRAME 5322114Q2901 定位板 6390903788 内固定帽220756 4120008182001 空调接口风道 29340044661 PLATE_WA LH ENGINE FRONT 6900000529 Under cover, lower frame,Standard 4.5t FKC4120000113 收音机总成 932044 29330092411 铸铁涡轮蜗杆减速机 WD-A-33-30-B A入轴在下,轴间距33,速比30: 8230-00580 6264000694 扩张阀E41623-0550b 4110000565178 洗衣粉 LGLG26370005526 飞轮壳1000128165 981056 LG953零部件图册 4110001089016 左挡泥瓦总成 29330106801 后车架 21909002911 铲斗BG200 FKC4120000011 发动机下修包 4120015771 发动机诊断仪sk100 29290011931 套10.2*20*13 26170018421 测压表213.53.063/400G1/4 4120015811001C 主刀板 4190000799015 支架 7200000173 上盖板总成 26240024541 阀 14550452-A 6802213AA9 BOSS_LH BOOM 29020012651 直线行走阀芯总成02.02.10.00315 LG9150000063 轮胎26.5-25-28PRTL-L3   Read the full article
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shopises · 2 years
Ampoule de four G9 40W, 110V/220V, résistant aux hautes températures, lampe pour ventilateurs de fours et réfrigérateurs
Ampoule de four G9 40W, 110V/220V, résistant aux hautes températures, lampe pour ventilateurs de fours et réfrigérateurs
Matériau: Plastique Origine: CN (Origine) Type D’outils de Boulangerie & Pâtisserie: Boulangerie & pâtisserie Numéro de Modèle: 147800537 Certification: CE / UE Caractéristique: Stockés Certification: None Origin: CN(Origin) Model Number: Halogen Bulb Lamp Average Life (hrs): 2000h Color Temperature: <2700K Is Smart Device: no Voltage: Other Color Rendering Index (CRI): Halogen Bulb…
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fellasleepinbaltimore · 8 months
also spent the last two days fucked up I literally left yesterday and haven't come come home til today shit has me fghyjgui like I literally didn't even tell my family vhjui I didn't expect to not get home til 2000h the day after
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reportstore · 2 years
Siemens unveils 838MW thermal plant in Austria
Siemens has disclosed its new 838MW Mellach combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) in Austria.
The venture has been conveyed for Verbund Nuclear energy, an Austria-based power utility. The plant burns normal gasoline and has a proficiency of 59.2% in straight power age.
The Mellach CCPP is supposed to create around 5bn kWh of electric power yearly and around 800m kWh of area heating.
Siemens Chief of Energy Fossil Power Age, Roland Fischer, said: "The Mellach combined cycle power plant fulfills the most elevated guidelines with regards to productivity and adaptability."
For more Austria power industry insights on this report, download a free report sample
Verbund Nuclear energy board part, Walter Mayer, said: "Intensity and-power cogeneration additionally brings a prompt benefit for the Graz metropolitan area, where without dust region heating makes a successful commitment to improving air quality."
Siemens built the plant and gave two SGT5-4000F gas turbines, two SST5-5000 steam turbines, two SGen5-2000H generators and two transformers for the CCPP. Siemens additionally provided all electrical gear, the SPPA-T3000 instrumentation and control framework for the plant and it will maintain every one of the parts.
Siemens planned the plant's two new units ten and 20 as single-shaft plants with significant parts arranged on a similar shaft.
The plant cools unit ten with new water and has a cooling tower for unit 20 to consent to the nearby water contamination control guidelines.
The area heating result of 400 MWth implies over 80% of the energy in the fuel is put to successful use.
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happyoffers · 2 years
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Gardeon Outdoor Lounge Setting Sofa Patio Furniture Wicker Garden Rattan Set Day Bed Grey
Features: Extra-large day bed Modular design 2000h UV-resistant PE wicker – 100% hand woven Heavy-duty powder-coated galvanised steel frame 0-90?? folding canopy Premium water-resistant polyester fabric 5cm extra thick high-density seat cushion Removable and washable cushion cover Four bonus throw pillows
Specifications: Frame: Galvanised steel tube Material: Polyester fabric UV resistance: 2000h Pillows: 4 Pillow size: 45cm x 45cm Cushion thickness: 5cm Weight capacity: 120kg/unit Overall dimensions: 168cm(D) x 180cm(W) x 145cm(H) Cushion colour: Grey Note: Simple assembly is required
Package Content: 1 x Outdoor Day Bed
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mahameruputra14 · 8 months
Rubber Fender 800H 2000L - Fender V 800H 2000H di Lampung
Supplier Karet Fender Tipe V 800H 2000L di Lampung Karet Fender Tipe V 800H 2000L adalah salah satu komponen utama dalam dunia maritim yang berperan penting dalam melindungi kapal, dermaga, dan infrastruktur maritim. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan apa itu Rubber Fender Tipe V 800H 2000L, keunggulannya, dan peran pentingnya dalam menjaga keamanan serta kelancaran operasi maritim. Apa Itu Karet…
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orange1896 · 1 year
4120005488 gear pump SDLG
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4120005488 gear pump SDLG
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11035603 热继电器3UA52 12.5-20A 4110000550 HMIM11383485 29260030551 进气钢管 26130022071 密封件包(更改后) 29240009802 螺母GB6173-M27*2flZnyc-05-480 70369704 软管20411-22-08WZ/20491-22-08WZ×FC687-08×9 29150013241 E7440笔记本电脑电池 26330008331 油封JB/T2600-18*35*10 FE9748 活塞环组1004025-A52/A QSH303064-液力传动油6#- 4110001017064 前桥壳 A51-4110000924 软管20491-18-06TZ/20411-16-06TZ×FC687-06×3 28230020231 螺栓M8X22 Q1840822TF2 3214576618 4043002378 工作装置附件 6212000500 槽螺母94200117 29150013891 限位盘 4120007099 帽 26330029311 锥齿轮 29380007971 前罩锁总成 26031004211 前雾灯翘板开关JK939C 4110015609023 右箱盖 29150027421 垫圈 26330067161 蓄电池6-QW-120B 4120009614 后罩总成 26241038522 定位销 11212075 CAB 29420101974 后桥及附属 11212283 轴5440-0030 14211855 29340013591 弹性垫圈14.2X24.5X3.5 4011001521 内径派尺 ∮20-110mm ±0.03 21909008831 垫片LGB303-85*150*1 C11-LGW6150E 主开关 6410007584 P-螺栓GB5785-M12*1.25*40EpZn-8.8 29281003541 胶管 4190000040002 冷凝风机GKL20-4.5X-10 11103175 11210663 停用-驾驶室总成 11102356 26370004571 SEAT 1524673 4110000561129 左顶盖 13946363 4120002216 扶手500 4110002278019 方孔挂板 184637 16039282 扳手 FR010103 左转斗油缸HSGF-125*70*542-1025 29190011401 筋板 6410005675 铲斗总成 4011000286 上盖板框架 14881387 29220025361 吊带成套索具 ZJ2712011435 停用-上壳体 4120004309 弹簧 14402265 橡胶垫 A30-1007092 6900004931 进气歧管组件1G968-11772 1660600042 ENGINE ASSEMBLY QSB6.7-C133 28809019411 调整垫片 29151002491 油泵 28010007271 停用-垫片 14401549 轴套110*140 C3809215KA6 锁体NBS5530WP005 29431000881 歧管 2907002025021 左侧弯管 4110000076015 仪表台总成 29050026951 非公路自卸车 29240020161 停用-螺栓GB5783-M22*40EpZn-8.8 29330087251 散热器进油胶管 4110004070016 接头GE08R3/8KEGCFX 29370201853 卡板 29290040981 E6210F主线束 6223000208 后车架 4041015838 后罩总成(NBS504S锁) 935016 G1800W3244109A1 P-YB315Z5-09组合密封垫圈30 11223767 长爪 6900004787 管夹 26341004511 泵吸油胶管 4110001005063 六角头螺塞NPT3/8 13020947 7200000118 燃油箱总成 FLG933后挡风玻璃 套筒头 M12 29250016911 BOLT M8×16 Q/YC1820816 1007032-52D 6297000185 环 3110900099 停用-盖板 D04-107-30+A 6900021744 支撑架 20787709 29360021621 防爆急停按钮D2BT6 14550908 59769356 停用-小门 FJJXDZ8K 太阳轮 4110002549019 隔套 29330083301 批头套筒 霹雳马69780U08 14406090 进气接管HA1053 YJHSW315A-2 26350010491 变速阀17202337 4043005110 齿轮室底板垫片HA0173 ZLT15.1.08 4120004762001 FUEL TANK F04298456 6261000348 罩盖 GB16674-M10*65EpZn 26010013311 固定板 3214561400 E675H履带式液压挖掘机 26130007201 停用-密封 26280001871 板 2904634 14403187 传动轴CDZP-986.5 29110009151 BRACKET_WA RH ENG MTG 6410003961 铭牌 11225008 直接头LGB120-23633*70 8320-04230 4110000997312 1013气门 14659390 进气钢管 29050014891 油口护板HSGF-140/80X502-6 26200002461 后传动轴 4110000038223 LG660(655)挖掘机2000h强制保养包 6410007128 E660F/E665F装箱清单 6264000055 气动冲击扳手 世达01131 6410003934 转向油缸HSGL-90*45*360-597-经适件 21897134 弯板 14567848 F11N8-22110 侧板 29340027231 主阀至铲斗胶管2 4041001252 调整垫-喷油泵1111089B52D 11219430 固定板 13022969 29110009971 高温用软接管C12AL-9S9736+A 26130011771 1000/2000小时保养包 29330076162 右支架 4110000560270 前桥总成 6213000048 螺栓M10×80Q1841080TF2 21376721 29260046183 排气波纹管 21314741 4110003022028 滤网支架总成 82269261 26180007321 空心接头 4110002654032 矩形密封圈4110015629-010 943478 4120004094 水冷却器6357.024.2000v1 3214578506 29120032671 钢管 14680525 4110001100334 侧雨刮系统 6212000877 专用工具1899322 29290054271 横坡传感器04-21-20012 9200000698 管 14688862 4190000157 PLATE 14883763 11214374 燃油粗滤芯1000495963 29120027501 胶管 14883762 4110015378 门板 14883771 29260022471 停用-驾驶室 14883776 11210068 翻斗缸后销 14883779 7300000496 凸轮轴09AL601 14883781 9100000506 冲孔模具HHM-70 ¢17.5 14883775 FLWJG L956F线束总成 6394100133 实用刀93443 14573791 29170055111 开口销 21909015291 破碎锤HB85 14641505 29350013551 支重轮 4110000179033 直接头LGB120-23027*70 29360010061 双头螺柱 14550885 6223000074 板 29350012201 接近开关Bi8U-M18-AP6X-H1141 992040 6390100080 张紧轮总成(8槽偏心) 29420001231 前车架JF946 6212001537 四路遥控开关TAD-T50-T-100 29330033851 贯穿螺栓六角螺母08000TBHN-A1 I2-2920000837 壳体-变速箱1701011-1700 26070001461 LG956N线束总成 1677362 26240011161 水泵组件D20-000-50+F F13038398 弹簧圈 9413-11040 4110003210083 防滑板总成 26021001321 90°接头NPT38-FNP3/8 14408084 配油盘XKAH-00527 4110000988039 底板 29070015021 组合接头LGB143-414×16 6410006667 右台架 29170080911 ?调整垫(NB200-700013-000 左边) 29050024701 软管LGB124-005150 4120005020003 刮泥板 29100017431 SDLG ZL20E Compact Wheel Loader 612600090734 11225454 螺栓GB5782-M10*60flZnyc-8.8-480 20999623 26031002081 G9200/G9220平地机操作及保养手册 2810000766101 直接头 4110002409287 R发动机BF4M2012-10T2 26240014101 右护网 4110015194125 直柄钻头GB135.1-8 29060009521 O形密封圈 20005692 29010037771 916H(玉柴 出口)空调系统 4120009792 胶管F481CACF101005-1340 4110000129145 回油钢管总成 26240012982 E6650FB机型标识 14588466 J7200000462S 平垫圈ISO 7349-8,4-ST-A4C 3701036-52D 26110007251 前主传动总成 26341018711 LG968N标准动臂模块 29120010831 胶管F462CACF121206-1150 4190001431 发动机线束 14532128 11224382 轮辋LG19.50/2.5-25.00 F31N6-17410 调整垫圈s=0.6 0730 003 502 5304000211 P-FLOOR PANEL F61500010344 发动机支架结合组 6299000218 前车架附件 11212433 P-传动轴CDZP-770 29170084361 框架 HSGL-90*50*431-A 29160200991 左前支腿 14401278 上盖板 11210674 合金锉世达03801 LGB303-45*90*1 11210585 风扇 29330072061 LG953夹木叉(合叉,宽2238,开口2920) 29310013341 空压机水管总成1006345006 11210819 上架JU60 4120005104 O型圈 29171008412 盘 29330018051 加大斗4.5×3016(快换) 11224948 软管LGB145-206278 13933912 29070008021 LG953线束总成 29170041261 螺母锁紧工装5870 401 139 29030031491 ELECTRIC CABLE 26170047551 密封环YB315Z5-12A 29010068121 齿轮ITX25 M2.5 Z27 3010900290 前车架线束 29070026721 圆柱直线导轨 丽水迪发 WC30长度1100mm(轴端打孔M10*30) 29220009861 喉箍Q/SC1302-52~76 LG29430006011B 防滑板 4120002986 燃油箱总成 4110003577010 卡箍TYYB-18 4120002076011 板 1117633-52D F31Z1-40120 隔热垫 4110002168037 雨刮上限位开关 4110000496003 胶管JB8406-B19*1300 LG8282528 停用-箍带 F71N6-02750F 铲背组件 FXJAU-00489 支架 26121002431 防爆箱400*300*450 4110000562014 泵盖板 11223630 垫片122*230*0.5 6410006607 右防护板 6900021143 BASIC MACHINE FDH225-XD 洋马专用工具 29240102252 P-螺栓GB1228-M20*90EpZn-10.9S 6900013973 软管LGB128-004070 6900019866 空压机至油水分离器气管 4120008271002 上铰接销 6900018044 冷媒开启阀 29370021381 接头 29311003611 销轴 4110000081267 P-橡胶塞 4120017633 主刀板 4120003809001C 液位低指示灯AD16-16DL/R22-YWD WZ25. 26141018621 胶管 6232000097 导管 26340002911 割枪紧固螺母305.07010 29170022891 PLATE_WA RH BATT MTG 29070023771 行车制动总成 6410004371 后车架右侧板 26120009801 放气嘴FY50.12 29150012521 LG660液压挖掘机零部件图册(英) 29110012351 六角头螺栓M8*20 01010-80820 4130002248 T型套筒 霹雳马64822008 4110002354012 钢管 6373402620 PLATE_BOSS 29120037431 LG958N储气罐总成 29340012101 PLATE LGM0830WA01 滚针轴承240121 26291006111 22207世达套筒 14506743 前桥左防护板 LGB002-M30*110 6212001011 O型圈R902600900 29330061231 胶管JB8406-B25*1250 28010008482 连杆 6410005754 履带800×51 4110003285004 平衡铁 4120001019 气缸(SU63*300) 9200000561 热继电器NR2-36 4120002295041 12mm工业相机镜头 理光12mm C卡口 3214509607 28100004781 侧刀片 6900018331 优先阀回油胶管 4120009567 HYDRAULIC CONTROL ASSEMBLY 4120002766 回油接头 6220001167 螺栓 4110000556093 电池 14509364 28330001921 转斗缸大腔胶管 26141020101 中冷进气管 6420001909 黑色电泳漆夹头/HJ-3 29120022921 螺栓GB5783-M8*35flZnyc-8.8-480 6430001264 法兰盖 ERS8200 轮胎26.5-25-28PR-L3 FZ0000815 管夹下片614080061 LG3630000058 VECU FOR SDLG(LG6150E) 6220000634 起吊标志 29370022791 活塞 29340028311 21吨挡板 14405537 仪表盘 29330091781 机罩后框架总成 4011001334 支架 M0860WAT0 回油管 7300000712 橡胶套 4190001310 停用-球轴承0750116104 14734562 下隔板 Read the full article
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