#2017 Autumn Classic International
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Sofia Del Rio competing in the short program at the 2017 Nebelhorn Trophy and 2018 Autumn Classic International.
(Sources: eislauffotos.de and David W. Carmichael)
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What are your personal favorite podcasts?
Mod Nic here, I just got access to the askbox (Thank you Mods Kat and Axe!) and I'll be getting to the asks and submissions in chronological order except I wanted to answer this first.
My top three podcasts I can't rank because they all feel incomparable. They are Welcome to Night Vale, Wolf 359, and Friends at the Table.
Welcome to Night Vale: A classic. I've listened to this at least four times. Of course, 20 new episodes come out a year (plus bonus episodes on Patreon and liveshows on Bandcamp) so I haven't listened to every episode four times, because on each listen it gets longer and longer. I found it summer of 2013 when I was on an international road trip and could only check Tumblr on my iPod Touch when the hostel/motel/airport/ferryport had WiFi. Everyone was talking about it so I used the Apple podcast app (before it was subsumed by iTunes (before it was later rejected by iTunes)) for the first time. I remember coming back to the US and being at my grandparents and excited for a good WiFi connection and a lack of time pressure so that I could reblog Night Vale art like everyone else. My comfort podcast. Despite many people comparing any fiction podcast to Welcome to Night Vale, the first one to feel similar on an emotional level to me is Hello From The Hallowoods. It has the same sense of yes, the world is filled with horrors, but life is beautiful nonetheless. A narrator's gentle voice will tell me the happenings of many people who may or may not know each other but still make up a broader community.
Wolf 359: This is not the first non-Night Vale podcast I listened to, but it was the one that unlocked podcasts for me. The first one that I could track easily and was always eager for the next episode. The first one that was dangerous for my sleep and my homework the way that books are dangerous — once I start I can't put it down. I started it early fall of 2016 at the beginning of my junior year of college. I remember walking around parks playing Pokémon Go and coloring a page of an adult coloring book. I believe I caught up at Memoria, which was amazing timing. Opposite of a comfort podcast. I think I've listened to seasons 1–3 twice, but since the show finished I can't listen to more than an episode without getting devastated by emotions. Second media property I've ever had a fic idea for that I really want to write.... just as soon as I can manage a relisten. Not really comparable except for that it also has a protagonist that is a diagetic narrator closely backed by an ensemble cast and a show-long plot (instead of a season-long plot), but Hi Nay is probably the fastest I've ever gone from hearing a podcast for the first time to backing it on Patreon (but it was more a replacement for The Magnus Archives in my listening schedule, turns out I need to be exercising to listen to horror).
Friends at the Table: An actual play podcast that ruined me for actual play podcasts. Started listening in 2017 after I needed to temporarily withdraw from school due to my health collapsing causing me to fail classes. I had been listening to The Adventure Zone, but I actually started it because so many amazing Wolf 359 fan artists and fic writers were making art and fic for F@tT and I just had to know what that was about. I caught up just in time to start with Spring in Hieron. Due to my personal audio issues, I often have no idea what's going on in the sci-fi seasons, but that hasn't stopped me from crying because of it anyways. I can give personalized recommended starting points if I know someone, but in general I'm a big advocate for starting with the very first episode. My favorite season is probably still Autumn in Hieron, despite the audio quality. The moment when an interpretation of a roll from a player caused the pirates to become undead pirates was probably the moment when I got excited about wanting to play tabletop roleplaying games myself. Since I found it I've bounced off of every single actual play podcast I've tried listening to, until a few months ago when I started the Ruin's Gate season of The Unexplored Places. Ruin's Gate has the distinction of being the first time I've been able to track what the rolls of a Forged in the Dark game mean from a narrative perspective instead of just a mechanics perspective.
—Mod Nic
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redfar · 7 years
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Yuzuru HANYU (NEW WR!) SP - 2017 Autumn Classic International
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ironicbirb · 7 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu at the 2017 Autumn Classic International as told through a meme
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kichessarjilian · 7 years
Just got my ticket for Autumn Classic. Looks like they set a limit on the number of all event tickets and they're currently unavailable, but each individual day is still available for purchase. Not sure if they're going to increase the all-event quantity or not later as selling individual days would probably bet them more money.
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moon-soo-ah · 7 years
Yuzu performing his short program at the 2017 Autumn Classic International
Total Score of: 112.72
4S(+3), x3A(+3), x4T/3T(+3)
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tomorrowt0day · 7 years
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some of my favourite tweets about ACI
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reigensleftasscheek · 7 years
Somebody: what if Yuzu breaks a leg?
Yuzu: what if Yuzu breaks another world record?
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Can we take this moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour Yuzuru Hanyu.
First competition of the season, 'watered - down' skate due to potential knee injury, and still a world record SP score of 112.72.
Records are going to be broken left and right this season, potentially even two more tomorrow!
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ohtheseskaters · 7 years
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Chloe Ing’s short program dress at the 2018 World Juniors, 2018 Four Continents and 2017 Autumn Classic.
(Source: David W. Carmichael)
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birdie02 · 7 years
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[X] Yuzu being Yuzu xD
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yuzuavenue · 7 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu SP ACI 2017
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redfar · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu || season 2017-2018
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nikiforoov · 7 years
that feel when you're in a bar at 3:30am drinking champagne and watching a figure skating stream
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 7 years
Daisuke Murakami's Vlog for Autumn Classics ft. Yuzuru Hanyu, Misha Ge and Javier Fernandez (From Daisuke's Youtubechannel: https://youtu.be/j9sT2zdoYWA)
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