#2018 Junior Worlds
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Hongyi Chen's bright costume at the 2018 Junior Worlds.
(Photos by David W. Carmichael)
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 5 months
all because baby bro got rocked 🙂‍↔️
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buttercupjosh · 8 months
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In light of everything going on in the hockey world lately (I’m not trying to dismiss the situation, I’m using different words because this post specifically involves the hockey fandom & don’t want to take away from that), some of y’all need to learn how STOP DOING THIS (see photo).
Stop perpetuating this cycle. It’s been proven time and time before that “oh don’t stan him, stan him instead” does not work at all. These guys are not the perfect well put together people that we see portrayed by the media, by their teams and in fanfics. They all have the capacity to disappoint and be horrible. Yes, you are still allowed to like people (there’s still good people in this world and I advise against liking people who are obliviously garbage) but just don’t let your parasocial relationship take so much control in your life.
What these players are being charged for is so much bigger than your fandom and support for them. There was a person who was very likely wrongfully harmed by those players and those allegations should be taken very seriously, even if it hasn’t gone through the legal system yet.
It’s valid and it’s okay if you’re upset/hurt/feel disappointed with all of it right now. It’s a very sad, horrible, and heavy thing. This post is just to help emphasize the concept in the photo because some of yall need to get it through your heads. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk😌
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ouhaika · 8 months
welp just like everyone suspected
praying that girl FINALLY gets justice and a reminder that at the end of the day we support the name on the front of the jersey and not the back.
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offsidenewsco · 8 months
We have compiled details and resources about the 2018 World Juniors sexual assault case in one place to provide access and transparency to this ongoing matter without a paywall. If you are troubled by these events, we encourage you to read.
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mortalfateishard · 8 months
If I'm in the room with the murderer, and I watch the murder, and I see the murder happening, and I don't intervene in the murder, and I don't tell authorities about the murder, and I discuss the murder with the murderer, and I joke about the murder, and I help cover up the murder, and I go on with my life as if I don't know about the murder when I saw the murderer doing the murder, and I deny the murder happened, and I deny I saw the murder commit the murder, and I say I didn't know it was a murder - was I complicit in the murder? Yes.
So why isn't everyone in that room being held accountable.
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toffoliravioli · 8 months
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Note to media - the press conference will be live streamed on Facebook LIVE as per article states
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nolanhattrick · 8 months
hi it is incredibly disingenuous and malicious of you fuckers to be tagging posts about sexual assault and rape charges with names of players when. names have not been released yet. shut the fuck up. shut. the actual fuck up.
i need you to keep your god damn mouths shut until names have been released. no one has been named yet. stop spreading misinformation. y'all are the reason victims like us are not believed. it has literally been like five minutes and y'all are already not acting right.
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Cleo Hamon and Denys Strekalin competing in the free skate at the 2018 Junior Worlds, with a Hunger Games-themed program.
(Sources: David W. Carmichael and Skates U.S.)
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minisodapucks · 8 months
i don't post much, but i've been seeing a lot of responses to the 2018 canada world juniors case development and i don't think i've seen enough saying:
you are allowed to be upset as a fan. you are allowed to feel disgusted, betrayed, angry, disappointed, just plain sad, all of it if you like a team with any of these players.
especially if you have experienced anything similar, it hurts. it hurts a whole fucking lot, to root for these guys and to put so much of yourself into loving their team and to be let down so horribly.
if you're still shocked, still recovering just from learning who it was, nauseous, regretful, down in any way, i understand. i am too. and if anyone needs to talk, needs to just be upset about it with someone else, i'm here.
i sincerely hope the plaintiff gets every bit of justice she deserves. i hope one day we all do.
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travisdermotts · 8 months
FUCK Dillon Dube and the calgary flames for using mental health as a cover up for his leave of absence....fucking vile
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buttercupjosh · 8 months
Another thing I’m going to note is dismissing and invalidating a victim’s experience because it involves someone (ex. a player on a team that you like) is disgusting. Like I’ve said before and will continue to say, you gain nothing by supporting abusers. Think about the people in your life who could be potential survivors of abuse or sexual assault and don’t want to come forward because of they don’t want their experience to be dismissed or invalidated. Believe victims, believe survivors💜
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ouhaika · 8 months
names have been confirmed & i’m seriously praying this woman gets justice. i can’t even imagine the past few years of her life & it breaks my heart knowing these men basically almost ruined it. praying she can find peace after this ღ
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TW sa
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listen here (47:35)
my screen recording w audio not working so here's the transcript:
Frank: One thing to keep an eye on, too. I think we're nearing a conclusion and an announcement on the Hockey Canada 2018 World Junior investigation so stay tuned. It sounds like that is coming down the pike.
Tyler: And are teams bracing for suspensions for current NHLers?
F: I think they are.
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samnotsammy12 · 8 months
…I’m so disappointed in him, I was really hoping he wouldn’t be one of the five
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Tomoki Hiwatashi skating to Emerald Tiger for his short program at the 2018 World Junior Championships.
(Photos by David W. Carmichael)
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