brilag · 1 year
2018-06-09-LaRomieu (10) copie par brigitte lagravaire
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 2 years
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2018 Andy - My Style
20180518 My Style E01 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xoNB1KRaXR8wJZWwOHLVJfAkm6lFLeDp
20180525 My Style E02 https://drive.google.com/open?id=17iDb1Xc_ETtps2WMuYB1xIRvxiGUm7WU
20180601 My Style E03 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RJFYI-9AZuOHyheUSV3Hx0DQv645Ij4a
20180609 My Style E04 https://drive.google.com/open?id=19D6XJQyGh3iVeai57CJUrKWQWExRLNFL
20180615 My Style E05 https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Qc7IJcvUChQzTwVEjw8VarCLRxD1qJA
20180622 My Style E06 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QjGOpZ2pImpnOGYkqgv2L5vT9mpgpHDm
20180629 My Style E07 https://drive.google.com/open?id=13VS3vPMvn7xyHGxJCJ_ujJGaVL4dUwwb
20180706 My Style E08 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xZ-WWD2l9PnlTLT0MDKJdtL6gWc3l7Qy
20180713 My Style E09 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dslHCsvcQ8H5GpNYmq4M4uQ87h7pXMxf
20180720 My Style E10 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NZ4yGN1h6EhS3Pp44ORyT4seSZfvdU5l
20180727 My Style E11 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-Rale2ibG9PMPivskjunQP_P86Dmwc0-
20180803 My Style E12 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1S2wZ3s2L1HxSvu9HrtTatQMsagKFyDyZ
Videos: https://twitter.com/shinhwa_videos
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aprincesadegales · 3 years
Charlotte - Princesinha do Caos | Little Princess of Chaos
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logwire · 6 years
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onotesando  13:09:28
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havethewhitefamgone · 6 years
Day 1248
Larry: Yes
Chrissie: Yes
Lucky: No
Bex: No
Seb: No
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necomatome · 6 years
20180512-0623 皮下補液と薬
20180623 3.40/0609 3.42/0526 3.46/428 3.40/331 3.50/303 3.42/203 3.46/106 3.54/20171222 3.24/926 3.36/916 3.56
20180512/皮下補液、爪切り、鼻顕微鏡検査、抗生剤注射(2週間分) リンパ腺少し腫れている。右鼻の鼻水が若干黄色め。歯茎炎症による赤み、右側は腫れぎみブヨブヨした感じ
20180526/血液検査(腎臓)、皮下補液、薬:甲状腺、腎臓、降圧剤、サプリ2種、胃薬、制吐剤、鼻炎薬 抗生剤2週間結果良好、鼻水減、口臭減、歯茎炎症による赤み減。 血液検査結果→白血球数値217:17200→9500減少(正常値に近い)、他数値増減が有だが目立った悪化ではない、年齢的なものと考えられる
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yumenochou · 6 years
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Jimin's shirt lying on Jungkook's camera bag in the last Bangtan Bomb reminded me of that story Tae told (at some festa or muster) about Jimin throwing his clothes to Jungkook when he comes back to their dorm 😁 (i'm not saying the same happened here, it's just my association).
177 notes · View notes
biot08 · 6 years
The Daedric lords in Skyrim won't let you skip their dialogue, unlike every other NPC in the game.
Everything I know about them tells me that this isn't some in-universe social convention. The Daedric lords know you can skip dialogue, but they've patched that out for themselves.
You -will- listen.
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brilag · 1 year
A La Romieu, pas de meilleur guide qu'un chat. par brigitte lagravaire Via Flickr : La légende en résumé : aux alentours de 1342, famine au village 3 années d'affilée, si bien que les villageois en vinrent à manger les chats. Angeline, enfant au triste passé, tenait à ses chats et ses parents adoptifs l'aidèrent à les cacher et les sauver. Quand la famine prit fin, que les grains remplirent les greniers, les rats étaient à la fête et les villageois pleins de remords ! Alors Angeline avoua, libéra ses chats et leur descendance qui s'attaquèrent aux rats, évitant ainsi aux habitants une nouvelle famine. 2018-06-09-LaRomieu (14n)
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minhoinator · 4 years
not to be who I am as a person but this is the performance where Kibum got his Christmas V-Live thumbnail from. Timestamp is 1:04 when it happens. I still have questions lmao
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kjiaein · 4 years
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han seungwoo - 오월애 (俉月哀) [20180609]
bonus: the most beautiful man
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aprincesadegales · 4 years
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Bisnetxs da Rainha Elizabeth II e do Príncipe Philip
[1/9] Savannah Phillips: nasc. 29 de dezembro de 2010 (10 anos) | Filha de Peter e Autumn Phillips
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jerseydeanne · 5 years
George Soros, the billionaire investor and liberal donor, sat in his hotel suite by Lake Zurich last week, lamenting the turn much of the world has taken in recent years: "Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong."
His favored presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost to President Donald Trump, whose "America First" platform runs counter to the globalism Soros embraces. Trump, he said, "is willing to destroy the world." The European Union, which Soros once hoped would be so successful that he could end his charitable work in the region, is contending with the impending loss of Britain and a rise of anti-immigrant sentiment. And Soros himself has emerged as a political target in elections from Hungary to California, where his donations have been used as a cudgel against the causes he supports.
The 87-year-old Holocaust survivor, who has poured much of his fortune into promoting liberal values around the globe, is now confronting a wave of nationalist sentiment washing against issues he has championed.
But rather than recede from public life in his twilight years, Soros has decided to push even harder for his agenda, he told The Washington Post in a rare interview
"The bigger the danger, the bigger the threat, the more I feel engaged to confront it," Soros said Thursday. Wearing an open-collar shirt, he spoke animatedly for an hour, sitting at a table in his suite after an appearance at a Human Rights Watch conference.
Confronting brick walls
Soros' willingness to remain in the fray comes as he faces renewed vilification from a wide-ranging group of opponents that includes actress Roseanne Barr and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has been accused of being an all-powerful puppet master, a Nazi sympathizer and the person controlling the Democratic Party.
He acknowledges that the attacks can blunt his impact.
"It makes it very difficult for me to speak effectively because it can be taken out of context and used against me," Soros said.
For all the billions of dollars at his disposal, Soros is also being forced to reckon with limits on his political influence in the United States. He acknowledged that he did not see Trump's election coming. "Apparently, I was living in my own bubble," he said.
Soros, who plans to spend at least $15 million in 2018 races, has already faced some setbacks this cycle. His bid to replace several district attorneys in California with challengers seeking changes to the criminal justice system was largely unsuccessful in Tuesday's elections. "We ran into a brick wall in California," he said.
Soros said he is certain in his assessment of Trump, whom he describes as a "narcissist" who "considers himself all-powerful."
But he does not appear settled on the strategy to defeat him. Soros said he disapproves of a campaign by fellow liberal billionaire Tom Steyer to push to impeach the president, saying he would only support such an effort if Democrats retake Congress this year and gain Republican support.
Soros, who said he wants to avoid dividing the party, also refused to pick favorites among the emerging crop of 2020 Democratic presidential contenders. But there is one prospective candidate he said he hopes does not get the nod: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York.
He blames Gillibrand for pushing the resignation of former senator Al Franken "whom I admire," Soros said, "in order to improve her chances."
Franken resigned in January after a number of women alleged that he touched them inappropriately. Gillibrand was a leading voice urging her fellow Democrat to quit.
She declined to comment.
Earlier this year, Patrick Gaspard, the former Obama White House political director who now runs Soros' Open Society Foundations, said he asked the billionaire how he viewed the organization's role at a time when so much of Soros' work is under assault.
"This is the moment we were built for," Soros responded, according to Gaspard.
The Hungarian-born Soros, who became one of the world's wealthiest people by managing hedge funds and betting on currency changes, has given away billions of dollars to groups promoting human rights, democracy and liberal causes.
His New York-based Open Society Foundations now spends $940 million a year in 100 countries, promoting values such as free speech and free elections, according to the group. In the United States, the Open Society spends $150 million a year financing groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood.
For a period of time, Soros was the largest private donor in Russia, funding initiatives such as an anti-torture program, according to the foundation. Two years ago, Putin's government effectively banned Soros' group from distributing funds in the country, calling it "undesirable" and "a threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional system."
Last week, Putin suggested that Soros's spending around the world resembles the kind of political interference that U.S. intelligence officials blame on Russia.
"He intervenes in things all over the world," Putin told Austrian television. "But the State Department will tell you that it has nothing to do with that, that this is the personal business of Mr. Soros."
Elsewhere in Europe, Soros has also come under attack. This year, Viktor Orban, the right-wing prime minister of Hungary, won reelection after charging that Soros wanted to flood Europe with Muslim immigrants. Orban said one of his first efforts would be to pass a "Stop Soros" bill, aimed at cracking down on organizations he views as countering his agenda.
"I'm painfully aware that they are against the ideas that I stand for," Soros said of his critics around the world.
2016 and Trump
In the United States, Soros was initially seen as an ally by Republicans who shared his opposition to communist dictators. He made modest donations to support the GOP in the 1980s and 1990s, according to campaign finance reports.
But he turned decisively against Republicans after President George W. Bush invaded Iraq in 2003 based on faulty intelligence about weapons of mass destruction.
Since then, his political spending - a fraction of the money he gives away every year - has made him one of the Democratic Party's most reliable and generous donors.
In 2016, he poured at least $25 million into mobilizing Democratic voters in an effort to bolster Clinton and other candidates on the left, a Soros spokesman said.
In the final days of the White House race, Trump spoke in his closing television ad about sending a tough message to "global special interests" who wanted to control Washington, as images of Soros and other financial leaders who are Jewish flashed on the screen amid footage of Clinton.
Soros, who describes himself as an agnostic Jew, said he considered the ad "a coded anti-Semitic message."
On Election Day, Soros gathered with friends to watch returns in his Fifth Avenue duplex, overlooking the reservoir of New York's Central Park.
As the returns came in, "the party turned into a wake," said Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU, who was one of the guests.
Soros said he spent months studying what went wrong in the election. He said he concluded that while Clinton would have made a "very good president," she was not a good campaigner. "She was too much like a schoolmarm," Soros said. "Talking down to people . . . instead of listening to them."
But he said he also diagnosed a larger problem: the increasing ease with which people's opinions can be manipulated. "It is so much easier to destroy trust than to build it up," Soros said.
Soros has known Trump for years. Decades ago, the two men dined together several times at the Berkshire estate of a mutual friend, Soros said.
"I had no idea he had political ambitions, but I didn't like his behavior as a businessman," he said.
At one point, he said, Trump asked him to be the lead tenant in a new office building he was developing in New York City.
"Name your price," Trump said, according to Soros. Soros said he declined because he was concerned that being so closely associated with the developer, whose Atlantic City casinos were financially troubled at the time, would hurt "my reputation."
The White House and the Trump Organization did not respond to requests for comment.
Soros said that if Democrats win in a "landslide" and forge a bipartisan relationship with moderate Republicans, as he expects, then he would favor impeaching Trump "because he is endangering the United States and the world."
But even then, there would be a cost, he said: "This would make [Vice President] Mike Pence the president, who is much more competent in representing the far right, whose views with which I disagree, than Trump himself."
Races, donations, defiance
This cycle, Soros has focused his political investments on congressional races and mobilizing voters on the left. His largest donation this year has been $5 million to Win Justice, a voter-mobilization group focused on minorities, women and young voters in Florida, Michigan and Nevada.
He has also continued to invest in district attorney races, saying prosecutors are "the linchpin of the judicial system" and key to his effort to reduce prison sentences. He sent $1.45 million to a group that supported civil rights attorney Larry Krasner in his successful race for Philadelphia district attorney last year. A spokesman said Krasner had never met Soros or anyone in his organization.
Soros' recent efforts in California were not so successful. Three of his candidates for district attorney in California lost their primaries, and a fourth faces a runoff.
His financial support became a political issue in some of the campaigns. Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, who defeated her challenger Tuesday, claimed that the city was "under attack" from the billionaire, "who has brought his war against law enforcement" to Sacramento.
The breadth of Soros' spending has made him a frequent target of critics on the right, who suggest he is secretly backing movements that appear to be driven by the grass roots.
Former congressman Jack Kingston, a Georgia Republican who is a CNN commentator, suggested on Twitter in February that Soros and other activists, rather than students, were behind a protest in the wake of a Florida high school shooting in which a gunman killed 17 people.
A spokesman said Soros had no involvement with the protest.
Kingston said in an interview that he was merely raising the question of whether Soros was involved.
"Some names invoke an emotional outcry from the red-meat crowds, and certainly he is one of them on the right," Kingston said. "The left has theirs. He does get that sort of sinister, that is, that kind of myth about him, that he plays in the shadows. Maybe that's wrong."
Last month, Soros' name went viral again when Barr tweeted that he is "a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews to be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth."
Among those who retweeted her was the president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.
Soros, who said he used false papers at age 13 to survive the Nazi occupation of Hungary, calls such claims "a total fabrication," adding that they "annoy me greatly."
But he is not fazed, he said.
"I'm proud of my enemies," Soros said. "When I look at the enemies I have all over the world, I must be doing something right."
The Washington Post's Alice Crites and David Weigel contributed to this report.
George Soros
Donald Trump
Republican Party
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amhorcrux · 5 years
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20180609 WANG YIBO
( Cr. 限時狂想丨0805x1005 )
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guntotingliberal · 6 years
#20180609 #bodycam #youtube #stabilization #griffithpark dominantly lost through a golf course as I was following google maps to a certain location. (at Griffith Park)
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#20180609 #ecosiasearch #moulinavent #encre #ink #dessindujour
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