bittwitchy · 1 year
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this just in brinas sleep schedule launches this summer
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artmialma · 1 year
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Soey Milk (Born 1989 ) Korea
‘Emerald Snow’
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fogrealmdream2033hd · 9 months
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hzaidan · 19 days
08 Photographs, Middle East Artists, The Art of War, Mustafa Hassona's photography, with Footnotes #61
Mustafa Hassona, Palestinian Territory13th attempt to break the Gaza blockade by sea, 22 October, 20182019 Sony World Photography AwardsPhotograph Aed Abu Amro (born 1999) is a young Palestinian from Zeitoun, Gaza in the blockaded Gaza strip. He became an iconic figure when a powerful image of him, taken by photojournalist Mustafa Hassona during the Great March of Return protest in Gaza on 22…
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matchalan · 1 year
هاى كورة – في الرابع من يناير العام 2016 اتخذت ادارة نادي ريال مدريد برئاسة فلورنتينو بيريز قرارا فاجئ الجميع و بدا و كأنه غير مدروس و متسرع و النادي سيجني من ورائه نتائج كارثية حيث اسندت مهمة تدريب الفريق الاول للفرنسي زين الدين زيدان في اول تجربة له كمدرب ليحل محل الاسباني رافاييل بنتيز.و  بعد عامين و نصف العام تأكد للمشككين و المنتقدين صحة قرار الرئيس بيريز و فكره المتقد الذي جعله يفكر خارج النص المعتاد  .و حقق زيدان مع ريال مدريد نجاحا باهرا دون ان يكلف الادارة امولا طائلة بعدما فضل العمل مع نفس التعداد الذي وجده عند توليه الجهاز الفني ، و احرز النادي الملكي في موسمه الاول مع زيدان الثلاثية الدولية بعدما توج بلقب عصبة ابطال اوروبا و السوبر الاوروبي و مونديال الاندية و كاد يقطع الطريق على غريمه برشلونة و يحرمه من التتويج بلقب الدوري الاسباني بعدما قهره في اول كلاسيكو له مع مدربه الجديد .و في موسمه الثاني 20162017  تحت امرة زيدان لم يترك ريال مدريد لغريمه سوى لقب كاس الملك حيث تمكن من الفوز بلقب الدوري الاسباني و دوري ابطال اوروبا و السوبر في نسختيه المحلية و القارية و مونديال الاندية .و في موسمه الثالث ركز زيدان على مهمة واحدة و هي الاحتفاظ بلقب دور ابطال اوروبا فنجح في مهمته ليدخل هو و ناديه تاريخ المسابقة بعدما اصبح اول مدرب و اول فريق يحرز تاج صاحبة الاذنين ثلاثة مواسم على التوالي قبل ان ينفصلا مباشرة بعد نهائي دوري الابطال ضد ليفربول اواخر مايو 2018.و بعد اقل من عام عن انفصالهما عاد ريال مدريد و زيدان ليرتبطا مجددا اواخر الموسم 20182019 و بقي معه حتى نهاية الموسم 20202021 و نجح خلال هذه الفترة في استعادة تاج الليغا .و اجماليا بقي زيدان على را�� الجهاز الفني لريال مدريد خلال 263 مباراة في مختلف الاستحقاقات الرسمية محققا 174 فوزا و 53 تعادلا و 36 هزيمة ، و سجل هجومه 605 هدفا و تلقت شباكه 267 هدفا . و يحسب لزيدان انه نجح في كبح جماح الغريم برشلونة و نجح في ترك بصمته على تكتيك و اداء الفريق كما نجح في ترك بصمته على غرف الملابس بعدما تمكن من احتواء جميع اللاعبين بما فيهم غير الاساسيين بعدما جعلهم يشعرون بأنهم اساسيين حتى و هم على دكة الاحتياط لأنه يحتاجهم جميعا  فمنح الفرصة للجميع  دون اقصاء او تهميش . عزيزي الزائر لقد قرأت خبر سبعة أعوام تمر على تعيين  زين الدين زيدان مدربا لريال مدريد في موقع ماتش الان ولقد تم نشر الخبر من موقع Hihi2 وتقع مَسْؤُوليَّة صحة الخبر من عدمه على عاتقهم ويمكنك مشاهدة مصدر الخبر الأصلي من الرابط التالي Hihi2
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greysgenesis · 2 years
Adventure capitalist support codes 2019
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It affords these individuals an occasion for direct response to their cultural context. The PCAS thus offers an opportunity for the coming together of scholars from colleges, universities, community colleges, and the general public, who have something worthwhile to say on matters involving mass society. Send your feedback and questions to adventurecapitalist.
guidebook/page templates, plus some other little codes. Fix for Contact Support connection issue - Update for ad watch services - Other minor bug fixes. Its journal, Studies in Popular Culture, is a firmly established academic publication, and scholars working with topics in popular culture are invited to submit papers for consideration. Tumblr Backup SiteQuickBooks Official Support & Help Site, QuickBooks Online Customer. Young and diverse, this energetic organization has brought together scholars who share an interest in inquiring into all sorts of mass phenomena through a wide variety of disciplines and approaches.
Its activities are financed by conference registration fees and sponsoring institutional support. Members of the organization come primarily from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia. 20182019 Registration Guide NORTHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL. The PCAS, organized in 1971, is the largest, and from the view of those who have visited several regional meetings, the most thriving of the regional associations. Northfield Public Schools prioritizes equitable opportunities and support for. Its contributors, from the United States, Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Israel, Scotland, and Spain, include distinguished anthropologists, sociologists, cultural geographers, ethnomusicologists, historians, and scholars in mass communications, philosophy, literature, and religion. Studies in Popular Culture publishes articles on popular culture however mediated: through film, literature, radio, television, music, graphics, print, practices, associations, events-any of the material or conceptual conditions of life. Formerly triannual, the journal has spun off what was its third issue to become the Popular Culture Association in the South's second journal, Studies in American Culture. Studies in Popular Culture is published biannually, with one issue appearing in the fall and one in the spring. The editor invites the submission of articles dealing with any aspect of American or international, contemporary or historical, popular culture. Studies in Popular Culture is the refereed journal of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association in the South.
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Diego Saldana at the 2018 Autumn Classic International, surely inspired by Adam Rippon's iconic O costume.
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(Sources: David W. Carmichael and Zimbio)
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briefnytw · 5 years
Historical Context: Dionysus & Gender
Dionysus is an ancient Greek deity known as the god of wine, fertility, ritual madness, theatre, and religious ecstasy. His godly jurisdiction made him an essential part of ancient Greek daily life – wine production was a significant source of wealth and a cultural identifier among ancient Greeks. Furthermore, in the city-state of Athens, drama was an integral part of religious and civic life. The second-biggest festival of the year was a theatrical competition in honor of Dionysus.
While real-life theatrical revelry was an important part of Dionysus-worship, the myths about his origins and habits myths were even wilder. In Dionysian myths, the god attracted followers, often women, who left behind their social roles and became utterly entranced. In their trance-like state, these worshippers became filled with ecstasy; they would drink wine, live in nature, and be totally overcome with sexual, violent, and hedonistic urges. In these myths, the tearing apart and eating of a live animal often presents itself, eventually becoming a part of real-life Greek and Roman rituals in honor of Dionysus.
To the Greeks, and later the Romans, Dionysus represented an upending of the social order. In myth, he seduced his devotees into utter wildness and made them forget their human roots. He was associated with sexual freedom, and freedom from social hierarchies based on wealth and status. One of the main social structures Dionysian worship called into question was gender. In myth, the god entranced women away from their heavily-regulated roles and wives and mothers, and made them dangerous, wild, and powerful. His very image and presentation was different from that of other male gods in the Greek pantheon; he often wore clothing associated with women, where other male gods were portrayed nude. According to scholar Eric Csapo, his traditional masculinity is called further into question by his “sleek hair, unfamiliarity with wrestling” and avoidance of outdoor activities. In addition to the tearing apart and eating of live animals, Dionysian worshippers often dressed in the clothes of the other socially-sanctioned gender as part of their rituals. In 692 CE, well after the heyday of ancient Greece, young people cross-dressing and upending rules of gender in Dionysus-worship were still common enough that the church fathers in Constantinople issued a decree outlawing it.
While ancient Dionysus worship allowed for the deconstruction of gender and other social rules within a set length of time or specific religious context, it may have paradoxically served to reinforce these same social strictures at all other times. According to Csapo, publically-sanctioned rituals of status reversal can reaffirm the importance of social rules after. If everyone is allowed to break the rules of society for one day a year, they might be more content to uphold them at all other times. That being said, Dionysus’ reputation as an agent of chaos and revelry was powerful enough that it is still working today.
In Hurricane Diane, Dionysus is a butch permaculture gardener named Diane. She is still gender-nonconforming, just like she was in ancient Greece. As a butch lesbian, her very presence requires some of the women she interacts with to question their notions of what a woman can be, what a woman can look like, and who they can find attractive. In this reimagining of the Dionysus myth, Madeleine George envisions Dionysus not as a tool to reinforce the social order, but as someone who asks humans to question and ultimately leave behind their social comforts, habits and rules, including gender roles and heterosexuality.
Sources: Acting Like Men: Gender, Drama, and Nostalgia in Ancient Greece, "Riding the Phallus for Dionysus: Iconology, Ritual, and Gender-Role De/Construction", and "Performance Beyond The Binary: Towards An Intersectional And Intersexual Theatrical Discourse".
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pushbuttonofficial · 5 years
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floehchencom · 5 years
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fotograffiando · 6 years
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Libertas Moncalieri - Libertas Basket School Udine - 27 settembre 2018 - Moncalieri/PalaEinaudi - Serie A2 5°giornata girone nord - campionato 2018-2019  
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gurxreiten · 6 years
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lilyes1 · 3 years
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Taichiro Yamakuma's free program costume at the 2018 Japanese Championships.
(Source: absoluteskating.com)
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briefnytw · 5 years
Hurricane Diane playwright Madeleine George, performer Becca Blackwell, and playwright/devised theater artist/Trans Lab founder MJ Kaufman have a conversation on the importance of listening for the queer community in terms of navigating relationships and the world.
(New York Theatre Workshop)
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