cosmicdreamgrl · 13 days
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you gave me the best of me, so you'll give you the best of you 🩵 [ cr: namuspromised ]
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Art Prompt! Feel free to decline if you don't want to but... Draw your yandere untraumatized!
✦゜ANSWERED: AAAA I don't have the time do a full piece of UT Ren rn, but I did do a lil 10 min redraw of some of my old art!! It also features (untraumatised) younger Ren and BNHA AU Ren!!
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Yanderen't Ren facts !
He's a soft, quiet boi who prefers it when others talk.
Very owl-like with his wide, inquisitive stare and quiet nature. Sometimes you can't even tell if he's there unless you call for him.
A child genius that grew up with a talent for technology. He graduated university with a PhD in computer science because he thought it was his calling, but got burnt out and eventually found his passion in being a tattoo artist instead.
You can often find Ren on walks with Violet and her plants at night, or helping his other childhood friend Leon with stretches at the beach during the day.
He's in an alt indie band with a few of his close friends and often switches between playing the bass and electric guitar!!
Ren takes his mother to a butterfly conservatory each year for her birthday because she absolutely adores them. She always tells her children that they're lucky to share such beautiful eyes with her loving husband, because they remind her of morpho butterflies.
Often sits and listens to Elanor ramble on and on about her day while he waits for you to finish work. He won't give her much input, but he'll be nodding his head and taking in every word instead.
Owns 14 different hoodies because you always seem to steal them when he's not looking. Sometimes he'll leave your favourite candy in the pockets for you to find.
He likes to pick up Hannah from university every so often, and they usually go on night drives on his motorcycle whenever the stress from exams become too much.
Dyes the ends of his hair blonde to feel closer to his father. Ren hugely admires him for founding his own company at such a young age, and was a big inspiration for him growing up.
Ren also got to marry his beloved childhood friend after you proposed to him in an all-too-familiar playground!!
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pynkchampagne · 3 months
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scriv3lloirl · 12 days
Gen question, why do you hate the 2019 production
Jesus. This is gonna be a really long post. Check under the cut.
Honestly? I'm not quite sure m'self. It's jus.. not good and I don't know how to describe it. No hate if you like it, Anon, but I listened to the soundtrack once n I couldn't get through it. Once 'Dentist!' turned on, I had to shut it off halfway through the song, which I never do, cus it was that bad.
Christian Borle as Orin Scrivello? I despise it. He's not a good Orin, n I will die on that hill. He seemed so.. bored while playin the role n I don't understand how you can be bored playing Orin.
I sat down to actually watched the slime tutorial up on YouTube, cus I wanted to give the show a chance n I hoping it was jus the cast album that was bad, but watchin the video jus made my dislike grow but I stuck it out n watched the whole thing.
There is one thing that I can appreciate bout Borle playin Orin, though, n it's that he's bringin a lot of new fans into the fandom! He's a popular actor n a Tony Award winner; a lot of people know him as Vox from Hazbin plus other roles he's played that I can't think of right now—and ev'ryone wants to check him out in Little Shop!!
Enough of Borle though—Time for Jonathan Groff as Seymour.
I don't have as many problems with him as I do Borle. Jonathan is a fantastic actor, but he's not a good Seymour. When he sings all I can hear is Kristoff from Frozen n it brings me out of whatever song we're in. The way Groff acts as Seymour is.. odd. It jus doesn't feel like Seymour, y'know?
Tammy Blanchard as Audrey? I don't really have words for her, she is awful pretty I gotta say. When I listened to the songs on album, it seemed like she changed actresses halfway through songs. I dunno what's up with that. It was weird.
But in the slime tutorial I saw, Joy Woods played Audrey n—hoo boy. I love Joy Woods. She's a fantastic Audrey (the main inspirations for my black Audrey design) but she really disappointed me in the video.
Feed Me (Git It!) is always a make it or break it song for me—with how almost all of the main cast will be on stage—n ev'ryone was.. eugh. Nobody had any emotion durin the song (especially durin that one part where Orin literally smacks Audrey. Orin sounded so flat.) n Christ, it really pissed me off.
Anyway I have a lot more thoughts on this production but, I don't really know how to continue on with this post.. I jus don't like the cast n they don't sing well t'gether. I dunno.
Thanks for your ask, Anon!
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generallyjl · 1 year
losing my whole mind over this fantasy high: extra credit episode from late 2019 where they take a dive out of nowhere into the characters they'd wanna see in a "haunted fairytale" setting
what if neverafter but pinocchio was actually rip van winkle who was actually rumpelstiltskin (and sleeping beauty was mother goose's son)?? i have many thoughts
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talesfromthecrypts · 3 months
this is a little out of the blue here but do you know of any good Carmilla adaptations? I'm currently reading the book and its immediately making me feel a little unhinged and like, surely there was an ethereal deeply horny 70s film version of this or something
Oh yeah!
Blood and Roses (1961)
The Vampire Lovers (1970)
The Blood Spattered Bride (1972)
Alucarda (1977)
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ihugmomo · 4 months
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Happy 15th birthday Kimura Sakia (木村咲愛)!!~~
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twelverriver · 1 year
i have never understood minimalism and i never will. i put even more stuff on my wall today and on my shelves and on my desk and it fills me with JOY every time i look at it. you can barely see the white poking through anymore. it looks lived in, it looks loved. it's glorious.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 5 months
Had an out of body experience last night scrolling through the Crash wiki and finding this concept art for different Crash costumes in On the Run (the mobile game)
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Which is pretty cool, pretty swag looking, until I sAW THIS
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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BTS_twt 30 ene. 2019 
Jungkook vídeo cantando Promise by Jimin 
그리고 지민씨도 피해갈 수 없습니다.
Y Jimin tampoco puede escapar
BTS_twt 30 ene. 2019 
Jimin En respuesta a Jungkook 
아이 귀여운것 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #JIMIN
Aye lindo kekekeke    el niño es lindo jajajaja
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
14dwy AU where everything is the same except you go back to your tumblr rp roots and let me roleplay with the skrunkly 🔫🥰
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TENDER SIMPER FORMS 'pon alabaster countenance as the pink-haired patron pulls his lover close. Slender digits wrap around their waist &. find comfort 'gainst the warmth it provides, while a tender kiss is placed 'pon a crown of moon-kissed tresses.
❛❛      M-Missed you,      angel. ❜❜ He breathes, ❛❛      So much.      ❜❜
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
relevant to f1 fans everywhere (also LOL @ the thought of daniel ever being good enough to replace max)
I can’t actually read it cause it’s a private form or something BUT the idea that Daniel could match max is so funny to me when you watch back older races and see how close it was between Daniel and Max when Max was inexperienced, a teenager and a car that’s engine was shit.
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scriv3lloirl · 13 days
*pulls up to your blog on a motorcycle* Hey. What is your favourite song from Little Shop of Horrors?
Hey! Nice motor! Cute design. Eye-catching. Big. Uh, n thanks for stoppin by!
I know you probably meant jus, a one song from any musicals.. but you're gettin a damn list cus my favorite song shifts dependin on which production y'ur talkin bout.
I'll do a small list for the 1982, 2003, 2015 Encore!, n 2019 productions. (Normally, I'd put down Dentist or Now (It's Just The Gas) for all of them n call it a day—but I don't wanna be bias jus cus it's me singin.)
1982: Grow For Me. I love the 82' version so much. I love how Seymour goes "ow!! damn roses🤕 damn thorns🤓 clumsy me😓..." Makes me laugh ev'ry single time. Lee Wilkof's delivery of that line is great.
2003: The Meek Shall Inherit. This one was really hard, I'll be honest. All the songs from this production are damn near perfection in my eyes so this was difficult to choose.
2015: Somewhere That's Green. Audrey deserves the damn world n for some reason, this version of the song gets me good.
2019: I hate this fuckin production so much—god um. Mushnik n Son, maybe? I really don't like this production.
Now, from the movie? Damnit. Yeah, so I'm torn between Some Fun Now n Feed Me (Git It!). Might spin a wheel n have it decide cus both songs are absolute bops. Maybe Some Fun Now with Feed Me as a very close second.
Sorry for this lengthy response, nobrain-the-silly LMFAO — I had to give some of these songs a quick listen b'fore givin a proper answer!!
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ohmuqueen · 1 year
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fadingluminaryruins · 2 years
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Sorry, but I had to share my obsession with this photo, for months if not years ! I think I'll never get over it because the emotions are so strong.
I didn't know it was possible to put so much emotion into one look. 😭 He has that "what am I going to do with you ? You, my best enemy." look. 😒
Like a murderous urge with a mixture of passion. ❤️💙
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redxcrackle · 2 years
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🖤Carmen’s Outfits Aesthetic💜
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