cherry-bomb-ships · 6 months
Had an out of body experience last night scrolling through the Crash wiki and finding this concept art for different Crash costumes in On the Run (the mobile game)
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Which is pretty cool, pretty swag looking, until I sAW THIS
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orallech · 10 months
That post about being in transitional periods of your life literally like what do I do I’m just here I’m going to bed I’m waking up I’m waiting to go to bed
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petermorwood · 10 months
Interesting to see this post cross my dash again.
I was watching a movie late last night and, with that post's criticism of unbroken long speeches and suggestions of how to break them, here's an example of how a very famous one was done.
The movie I was watching was "Jaws", and the long speech is The Indianapolis Monologue. There are several YouTube clips, but a couple of them leap straight in at the start of the speech.
The clip below has the lead up to The Speech which, IMO, matters a lot in preparing for what follows; there's not just a Mood Whiplash - cheery drunk to OMG Whut - to make the viewers pay attention, but also what I mentioned in the other post, an entirely legitimate reason for an "As You Know" speech.
One character, Hooper, knows the significance of "USS Indianapolis" - his shocked-almost-sober reaction makes that very plain - but the other character, Brody (and the audience he represents), doesn't know and needs told.
In addition (also as mentioned in the other post) despite being a single-character monologue, the speech is "broken" by cutting away from the speaker, Quint, to reaction shots from the other characters present. Even when Quint is on-screen he isn't centre-screen, Hooper is visible in the background where his silent, apprehensive attention accompanies the story he's hearing.
This can be done in words, too: inserting other actions or reactions by means of paragraph breaks is the equivalent of visual cut-aways, and serve the same functions - making a lot of words from one character into several smaller groups of words, while showing the cumulative effect of all those words on other listeners.
Even a soliloquy with no-one else listening benefits from occasional breaks describing what the speaker is doing, how their emotions show, where they are etc. It's all far better than A Wall Of Text.
The entire speech is 438 words, and Robert Shaw delivers them over 3 min 34 sec.
I've got three PDF versions of the "Jaws" screenplay, all different, and this speech varies in every one but are never what's in the movie, so I constructed mine as a transcript from several listenings, and have used paragraph breaks to try matching Shaw's delivery.
Also, as an Exercise For The Scholar (me, anyway) I've inserted and timed the cuts where Quint isn't on screen or speaking to show how short they can be.
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know ... was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. Huh.
They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it’s ... kinda like old squares in a battle, like you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man, that man he start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin’, an’ sometimes the shark go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then, ah, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in an’ they... Rip you to pieces.
Y’know, by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I dunno how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I dunno how many men, they averaged six an hour.
On Thursday mornin', Chief...
I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Bosun's mate. An’ I thought he was asleep; reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up an’ down in the water, was like a kinda top. Upended... Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist.
CUT TO BRODY (2 sec) then CUT TO HOOPER (2 sec) then BACK TO QUINT
Noon the fifth day, Mister Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us - a young pilot, a lot younger than Mister Hooper. Anyway he saw us and he come in low, and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
For comparison, down below is what it looks like without any paragraph breaks, speech instruction (gravely / incredulous etc.) or screen direction (track right / dolly in / close on / match cut etc.).
(BTW, some of these effects can be used when writing prose, to good effect, but that's for another time.)
This is the Wall of Text effect, and it sometimes turns up on the internet, courtesy of people who don't know how to use Enter except when they're sending a post.
I'm not saying this is how the speech would have looked in the real shooting script, but it might. From my own screenwriting experience, actors don't like being told how to deliver their lines and directors don't like being told how to set up their shots.
There's a bit more flexibility when writing animation, but in both cases crafty writers write so that the way they want a thing done works out as the best way to do it.
Sometimes this trick even works... :->
Here's the Wall Of Text:
Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb. Eleven hundred men went into the water. Vessel went down in twelve minutes. Didn't see the first shark for about half an hour. Tiger. Thirteen-footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the water, Chief? You tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail. What we didn't know was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. Huh. They didn't even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, sharks come cruisin'. So we formed ourselves into tight groups. You know it’s kinda like old squares in a battle, like you see in a calendar, like the Battle of Waterloo, and the idea was, shark comes to the nearest man, that man he start poundin' and hollerin' and screamin’, an’ sometimes the shark go away. Sometimes he wouldn't go away. Sometimes that shark, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about a shark, he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at you, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then, ah, then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the poundin' and the hollerin' they all come in an’ they rip you to pieces. Y’know, by the end of that first dawn, lost a hundred men. I dunno how many sharks, maybe a thousand. I dunno how many men, they averaged six an hour. On Thursday mornin', Chief I bumped into a friend of mine, Herbie Robinson from Cleveland. Baseball player. Bosun's mate. An’ I thought he was asleep; reached over to wake him up. Bobbed up an’ down in the water, was like a kinda top. Upended. Well, he'd been bitten in half below the waist. Noon the fifth day, Mister Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us, he swung in low and he saw us - a young pilot, a lot younger than Mister Hooper. Anyway he saw us and he come in low, and three hours later a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know that was the time I was most frightened. Waitin' for my turn. I'll never put on a lifejacket again. So, eleven hundred men went into the water, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.
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akookminsupporter · 2 months
Oh my God, anon 169 😫 Yes, Jimin said that. Which could've been a joke? I know your group has a low reading comprehension, but the point was you guys keep getting fixated on things that don't even matter.
We don't see 100% of what's happening, so we rely on context (meaning: all the members' interactions w/ each other and not the lies and manipulated clips you lot keep spreading and mindlessly believing).
You guys before that bangtan bomb: cameras = jikook fanservice and now, tkk on clip: cameras = boyfriends. Yes, keep changing that narrative, guys. You guys can do it. Coping is hard, I know 🥺
Anyway, just bec Jimin said that, you guys are celebrating and saying Jikook not boyfriends, or that the other members don't care about him, etc. Like, whut, you've never said anything like that and meant in a joking way w/ your partner or your friends? What happened to humour? Smh.
You camp on jikook accounts all over social media trying to get validation and feeling like not seeing Jikook on that Bangtan bomb meant something and that we're crying about it (meaning: it doesn't and we're not. to you guys, it might cause your ship is based on lies and imagined scenarios).
Jikook traveling and enlisting together was really a slap to your faces, huh. Can't wait for the chaos once the travel show drops 😌
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iveil · 2 years
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{ EP 4: The Seventh Month Game }
"you can't control the cards; you can only control how you play." - Jared Tendler
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4 whole months and 2 weeks, that's how long he had known you. A random girl from a shitty dating app suggested by Jake. Just for a week, he said.
But it was really weird, almost like the girl behind the screen has casted a spell on him, bewitching him with her every words. Sitting inside the class, as Heeseung checks your old chats with a small smile. Multiple texts from him begging you to just give your name, you suggested a game. A little game, huh?
sweetpurpledarling077: let's play a game then, I often play it as a kid. Lemme call it The Seventh Month game, I'll give you hints sometimes for seven months and you'll guess it. If you guessed my name correctly, then I'll give you a reward in the seventh month .. for now just call me Purple <3
It's now the fourth month, and you had given him a fair amount of hints. However, Heeseung still couldn't guess it. But he obviously won't back down, he'll definitely be able to guess your name and take his prize which is you. Ah, he didn't expect himself to fell for you so hard like this.
[ ... flashback ... ]
After texting with you the entire night, getting to know you was fun, he thought. He don't plan to take this any further, but went to sleep with smile on his face which was a rare occurrence. Waking up with Sakura's text but none from you, he frowned a bit, but shrugged it off. Replying to her text he got from last night.
Hee_01: sorry, I was a bit tired last night.
sakuraaa_: np :) party still on for tonight?
Hee_01: ofc :) see u later
Night soon comes, and the party was starting. Putting on his fit for tonight, he glanced at his phone and there was no text from you. Odd, he thought. But he ignored it as he come downstairs, seeing Sakura and his friends.
"Hey babe, looking hot as ever." smiling at his compliments, she move closer hugging him. "And so are you."
"Let's party!!" Jake clinking his glasses, along with his girl in his arms. Heeseung chuckled, bringing his glass into the air along with everyone in sync. While the girl in his arms, were getting intimate with him, as always. Smirking, he whispered "Getting turned on so quick, huh?" caressing her blushing red cheeks, she kissed him bringing their lips together as they kissed passionately in front of everyone. It was not strange to anyone, they knew what Heeseung and Sakura are. A hook up buddies, nothing less and nothing more.
Behind the closed doors, with the blaring noise of the party outside. Making out together was a routine for them both at this point. As Heeseung removed his shirt, the girl above him were kissing her neck like she was so hungry. Moans, and lewd noises filled the room and along with it, was a ting from Heeseung's phone, not once but thrice.
It took his attention, turning his head to the direction of the phone while the girl above him doing the deed.
sweetdarling077: vroom vroom!! wassup bambi
sweetdarling077: gomennn for late reply >_< today was like apocalypse for me haha
sweetdarling077: wyd thoo !
Your texts gave a warm feeling to his heart. However he was too invested with Sakura and therefore he decides to continue it with her. The party lasted the entire night, weekends are going to end once again and everyone's are preparing for another Monday. Taking his phone, he opened your chat from last night, and types..
Hee_01: gomen? what's that lol
Standing up, leaving his phone on the bed to take a shower. After a few minutes, you replied.
sweetdarlingpurple077: it's a Japanese word :3
Coming out from the shower, he sees your text and smiled.
Hee_01: don't tell me ur japanese
sweetdarlingpurple077: I wish I am but unfortunately nope ://
Hee_01: haha , lemme guess an anime fan?
sweetdarlingpurple077: obv I am
Hee_01: how lame 😂
sweetdarlingpurple077: whut- say that again I dare u
Hee_01: I said it's lame , you who r 20s , is watching an anime? Haha how funny
sweetdarlingpurple077: just bcs I'm almost 20s doesn't mean I can't watch anime :/
Hee_01: still lame
sweetdarlingpurple077: I wish a titan would transform and eat u rn
Hee_01: titan what 😂
sweetdarlingpurple077: ereh I hope u ate this mf
Hee_01: bro wtf 😂😂
sweetdarlingpurple077: wait
Hee_01: hmm?
sweetdarlingpurple077: what about ... I'll just eat you instead then >:)
Hee_01: woah woah there , chill.
sweetdarlingpurple077: why not >:)
Hee_01: don't suggest something u can't take later babe
sweetdarlingpurple077: what if I want to, babeee lmao
Hee_01: u sure r brave huh
sweetdarlingpurple077: what if I am :))
Hee_01: if u r that brave then show up today
sweetdarlingpurple077: sus. Who would wanna meet up with a stranger like u that fast blehhh :P
Hee_01: bro. Then don't suggest something like that wtf
sweetdarlingpurple077: safety measures, Bambi.
Hee_01: u stay safe instead, I could appear anytime in front of ur window and u would never know :) and stfu with that Bambi shit
sweetdarlingpurple077: jokes on u my window has metal bars , dream off bambi
Hee_01: istg. And wowww are you a prisoner lmao
sweetdarlingpurple077: maybe or maybe not, but u still can't break in :P
Hee_01: what if I can? What's the prize
sweetdarlingpurple077: prize? then u could eat me instead :)
Hee_01: pffft what a flirty ass
sweetdarlingpurple077: only for u :)
Hee_01: who tf taught u this
sweetdarlingpurple077: I did :)))
Hee_01: stop that smiley asss
sweetdarlingpurple077: don't wanna :)))
Hee_01: bet ur laughing at me rn huh
sweetdarlingpurple077: wanna see?
Hee_01: don't wanna see ur ugly ass :p
sweetdarlingpurple077: how cruel :( but ur still cute bambi doe eyesss
Hee_01: god i'll rip off that smile off ur face
sweetdarling077: wanna bet?
Hee_01: pfft
sweetdarlingpurple077: haha 😂😂
After the second day of knowing you, Heeseung find himself smiling with your silly texts, but keep his cold demeanor only for you to easily break it after a few days. it was something new to him. Ever since knowing you, Heeseung would be spending an alot of time on his phone than usual, whether it be in the party, in the school or at the boy's place. He was always on his phone, blushing and giggling.
In those weeks, your texts pulled strings within Heeseung's heart. Making him giggle and swoon over your little jokes, dirty words and sweet compliments. As days passed, the amount of pictures you both sent to each other increases. You had solved the problem by taking multiple pictures of your older sister with the excuse you gave her "just wanna have an album collection of my pretty sister." But amongst the 'fake pics' you sent, you had also sent a pic of your favourite character's sticker on your hand because why not? Which Heeseung finds cute, and he saved the pic getting an angry emoji from you.
Back in the school, on one table, the boys were chit-chatting with their girls in their arms noticing Heeseung once again on his phone, texting again. Jay shaking his head chuckling at the sight, the older boy was really oblivious to his surrounding. What a lovebird, huh?
"Soooo~ when are you planning to take her to meet us? Hee?" the question took him out of his own world, his smile growing wider, as his cheeks were blushing red. "I'll see." looking sweetly at the texts sent from you. Oh what kind of situation had you put yourself in as you received a text from Heeseung.
Hee_01: :( its been a few weeks now don't u wanna video chat? texting is getting boring
Video chat. The thing you've been avoiding smoothly all this time. You were too smart, so you know what to do but upon reading that text for the first time from him, you kinda felt panic but it's no strange to you as you already did this before, however the only difference was this is a guy who's a few years older than you that you were fooling with. Those 'people' you mainly messed around were mostly around your age, so you didn't really take it into consideration.
sweetpurpledarling077: aren't you satisfied with my pics tho :/
Hee_01: ofc I am but can't we take it a lil bit further?
Smirking, you finally got that word. That magic word. You've finally gotten his heart, finally. There were a mix of feelings inside your heart though, as you were aware that you actually like the boy as well. But you cringe, shaking your head. It was only for fun and also the fact Heeseung was near 20s while you were still in high school was a bit too much. It was just a game, just a game. Few more weeks, and you'll end this soon.
sweetdarling077: remember the game? Let's add that as a prize :)
[ ... End of flashback ... ]
"Wtf, I really hate this phone!!" You hear your older sister groaning so loud the entire house heard her. Going downstairs you see her repeatedly tapping her fingers on her phone, the table with lots of countless papers and notebooks. She's studying so hard, you pouted.
"What's wrong, unnie." Patting her back, you hugged her behind. Taking a deep breath, your sister obviously annoyed by something. "This freakin phone has been acting up all this since two days ago, I can't even fu- call. God."
"It's an old version for a reason, can't you just a buy a new one? "
"Are you kidding me, (name)?" Your sister looks at you with shocked eyes. "This is my first phone since high school, and its a birthday gift from Dad. I even promise him I would use it till I finish college."
"Unnie, you're really a trustworthy person but obviously it's not working already.. So-"
"Screw it, I'll just send it to the phone shop to fix it." sighing, you laughed. Your family was undoubtedly wealthy, and your sister that one rich, gorgeous and popular girl. But if there's one another thing you can describe your older sister; she was someone who holds on to her promises, and that she doesn't break it. She might not be perfect at some things, but you can count on her words once she say it.
"But what you gonna use when you went to college tho, Unnie?"
"Yours." Your sister immediately took your phone in her hands, opening it.
"WHAT!" Your jaw dropped. "Why mineee?" You snatched your phone back, instantly holding your phone closer to your chest. Your sister laughed so hard at your face.
"Just kidding, I'll try to find old phones mom used before." Your sister chuckled. You breathe in relief.
"(Name)! Are you done packing?" You heard your mom asking you while she was on the phone, talking with your grandma.
"Yea! I'm done, mom." You answered back, "Good, remember 8pm tomorrow."
"Yeaaaa, mom." You lazily replied. You look back at your sister who was now writing on her paper, "Unnie, just go with us to Grandma's house." You tugged both her arms pouting.
"I already skipped attending college last year by just taking online class, so this time I want to attend it this year." Your sister patting your head. "But it would be boringgg without you.." Cuddling with your sister brings so much warmth in your heart, you two were not so close growing up together. But after spending an entire year through vacation last year, you two grew closer.
"It's only for 2 weeks, be a big girl okie? And tease our sassy grandma while I'm gone." Laughter filled the room.
"Hmm, when did you grow so big? You were just so short last year.." your sister trying to measure your height.
"Really!?" You beamed up, "Just kidding, you're still short as hell." Hitting your sister on her arm, she laughed at you so hard. "Unnieeee!!"
Going back to your room, checking for any stuff you want to bring to the vacation. Taking your phone, you deleted the dating app. Why? Your grandma, sassy and strict. She won't let you use your phone while on vacation, and sometimes she would check your phone's content which was honestly annoying sometimes. But what can you do, sighing, you can always chat with Heeseung through your laptop though, you thought so it won't be a problem. Opening your phone's gallery which contains of some of Heeseung's picture, you tapped 'Select All' and hid them in a secret folder.
"Just for 2 weeks.." you said as you drifted to sleep leaving your phone, as you shifted your position, your phone fell just under your bed.
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Today was the day of vacation, taking your bag with you as you went downstairs. There your parents were checking their bag for the hundredth time if there was anything missing. "Dad, your bag's gonna get a hole in it the more you check it." Laughing at them, they glared at you and you immediately run outside laughing.
"(name)!" You heard your sister called for you. Today was the day she's going back to college too. "Take care and have fun there okay?" Your sister hugged you.
"You too, unnie! And text me when there's any hot guys in your college okay?" Earning a chuckle from your sister.
"Thanks my sweet little sister~" pinching your cheeks, you pouted. "Bye!" Waving a goodbye your sister's figure grew smaller.
Your sister went upstairs to her room, and she sees your door were wide open. "What a silly girl." She thought, as she closed the door, she saw your phone laying on the floor. Shaking her head as to how clumsy you are, taking the phone in her hand. Face palming herself as she realizes she also forgot to ask for an old phone. Eyes landing on your phone in her hand.
"It won't be so bad to use it for awhile, huh?" The screen of your phone brightening up in front of her.
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"Heyy!" With earphones in his ear but not playing the music, turning his head at the voice whose none other than Sakura taking a seat beside him, "Hey." He replied somewhat coldly, as the girl beside him frown.
"Don't have any questions?" Sakura pouted. "What questions?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Like what did I do? How was I doing today?" .. "You seem really distant these days."
"Oh. Nothing, there's just so many things in my mind right now." Ruffling his hair, he gave a smile to the girl. "You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. How was your day?" Sakura smiled, "Today was the bestest, cuz guess what.."
"My bestie is coming to college today!!" Sakura exclaimed happily, fixing her makeup. "Gotta look good for my bestie." Earning a chuckle from the guy, "You always look good, so don't worry."
After those words came out from his mouth, a loud screams from students can be heard outside the college. Sakura realising who it was stood up so quick motioning Heeseung to follow her outside. His eyes still glued on his phone waiting a text from you, as he walked alongside with Sakura.
"Omg! Chaewon!!" Both girls screaming as they see each other, hugging and crying. Saying how they missed each other so much.
"Omg, Sakura! How have you been!?"
"I'm good, I'm good. College without you is such a pain. But it doesn't matter now since you're here!" Smiling so brightly, Sakura pulled the girl's arms. "Come! The girls would be so excited to see you again."
"And ah, I forgot. Heeseung-ah!" Walking closer to him who was still glued on his phone, "This is Heeseung, the hot popular guy of this college."
"Nice to meet you, Heeseung! I'm Chaewon. You must be Sakura's boyfriend, huh?" Earning a hit from Sakura, "He's not my boyfriend!"
Finally, looking away from his phone. His eyes landed on the short black haired girl in front of him, the sight made his eyes widened.
"You?" He exclaimed. "Purple?"
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Feeling the cool breeze on your face, and your hand chasing the sunlight while you were laying on the grass field. It feels so cozy, you thought. And you wanted it to last forever, as long as it can. A butterfly appeared out of nowhere flying around your finger as it landed on your hand, as you inspected it closer, you saw its left wing were broken as if someone had ripped it apart.
~ To be continued.. ~
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Author's note: I'm sorry for any grammatical errors in advance! Feel free to correct me :) this took me hours to make lmao 😂, the 'dating app' part from this story was inspired from a yandere quotev ff I read years ago. But the difference was I changed the story to a more complicated one ig? Cuz I wanted to practice my English and writing skills more :D I'll post the next ep on weekends since I'm busy at weekdays, but tysm for reading my ff <3 also Fever and Drunk-Dazed was the song inspiration of this ff as well, so try to listen to it while reading :) have a nice day 💫💜
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shummashum · 4 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch12 [1~5]
Previously on Ch11! Liz, who successfully completed her first class, finally confirmed her feelings to Klaus after a series of events! But the flags pile up too much
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and now it's Amel's turn again I gotta say, I'm a bit tired of this dorm scene with her because it's just a series of identical scenes Amel acts like a mere supporting character well she is indeed a supporting character, but she is so unattractive as a character. she doesn't have any noticeable personality at all all she does is tell love stories, give relationship advice, and lament with envy when she sees Liz winning her love. of course I know the character Amel exists as a device to lead that kind of story, but… you know
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Anyway, Liz told Amel everything that had happened between her and Klaus.
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balance, huh all she did was nothing but clowning ← are you meaning like that or what
Anway, as they were laughing and talking like that…
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eh what's up
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it'll be Klaus… right? well if this flow continues, the probability of anyone other than Klaus appearing is low
but Goldstein is not exclusive to Klaus! what if the visitor was Eli plot-twist
So she quickly changed her clothes and headed to the front.
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no reversal why wasn't it Eli no fun~~ anyway what brings you here
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whut right now? but who summoned you guys
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huh it's not polite do they know what time is it now? Prefects are not their employees, and our S6 comrades have no obligation to follow the order just because they were called tell the Ministry fuck off
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and they're asking for that at this late hour it's fucking rude calling them out in the middle of the night without any notice… this happens frequently within the Ministry, huh? well that's why they confidently do this to outsiders too fuck you Ministry I don't think I need to be polite to you
After hearing this news, Liz quietly muttered that she had a bad feeling.
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hah no I'm fucking not that bunch of sick bastards
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+1 flag accumulation simultaneously, +1 rudeness you're saying like this and you expected she looked you as a perfect gentleman where is your conscience
Anyway, they headed to the Headmaster's office while holding hands.
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Just then? oh I know, it's Zeus he'll be yelling like an elementary school kid caught his friend calling another kid of the opposite sex by his or her first name
anyway if S6 comrades found out Liz and Klaus were dating: Al will smile brightly when hiding his feelings Cae will smile as if he knew all the events that happened and tease her Hiro will just watch all of this with "that certain overtime and bullshit blabla look" I can see it
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oh… it really was Zeus (and Hiro)
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but they didn't notice anything at all? huh,,,,,,
Anyway they arrived at the office.
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so are they going to take charge of it from now on? okay let's hand over the investigative authority to them, it was their duty in the first place
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hah I summon you. I don't give a shit about the time. You must come here tomorrow morning no mather what. ← this is……… why? is all social life like this? I really don't like it,,,
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I… thought he would complain about the same thing as me? and what the fuck is right foot it's right hand, you damn idiot…… you need to take elementary school vocabulary class again
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little heavy? little??? I bet the Ministry contacted the Prefects at this hour because they was so excited about finding a doormat to hand over the work to
Well Remb allowed Hiro to accompany them, and so the Prefects, Hiro, and Remb headed to the Ministry.
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dwalendinhetniets · 1 year
Hanmah making a heart in the camera <3
Veggies and pussy guy!
Netherlands 12 points for sweden 👎
Sweden getting so many points from the juries sucks, i knew it is going to happen because i am watching back, but it still sucks
The unicorn gesture looks so stupid
(Yes this list will mostly be me complaining)
Oeh the french lady giving points has a very cool dress
Hahaha hoed gedaan
Belgium giving austria 12 points yeesss
Hannah's dancing haha
The german dude giving points offering hannah a biscuit from a pink box like ted lasso!!!
Even cornald maas and jan smit getting annoyed by all the 12 point going to sweden, woah
Lmao the australians being confused by the 12 points
Amazing outfit and mini performance from the guy giving points from iceland
Who will cyprus give 12 points??? Greece is not in the final 😱 (sweden, hmmm)
Subwoolfer revealed???
Czechia getting 12 points from switzerland? Woah did not expect that
Oeh the dress of the australian lady giving points! Also belgium getting 12 points :)
Hannah and Graham are having so much fun together, its so cute
Love how the public just won't stop chanting cha cha cha cha
Joker out going to sit behind italy when the lady from slovenia was announcing their 12 points to italy <3
Greece not giving cyprus 12 points????
Why was the greek guy speaking french tho?
Hannah waving at everyone giving point is one of my favourite things
Catherine Tate??? Omg (allonsy 😏)
And now for the Real votes!
Germany getting 15 points :|
Croatia not getting much
Poland getting 81, huh a bit too many
Uk getting 9 votes so back to normal
Slovenia only getting 45 points????
Portugal only 16??
What is going on??
216 for norway woah
France only 50 points :(
Spain only getting 5 whuuttt...
Austria only getting 16 points????? Whut??
Belgium and Australia getting under the 200 points total?? What the hell?
(Btw why am i getting so upset, i know all this already. Anyways...)
Oohhh Finland.... 376 points? Omfg yaaaaaasssssssss
Audience you are so great keep chanting cha cha cha cha
Sweden winning :/
Im so sorry finland you were amazing!!
Alright, this was it y'all. Good night! Xx
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dolly-macabre · 2 years
⚙️ Kloktober - Day 5 ⚙️
Nightmare or Fantasy
Fishing? In my goth girl's fantasies? It's more likely than you think..
Did this lil excerpt of Dolly remembering better days with her favorite troublemaker while she's institutionalized.
"Heyy yoohoo! Ya there, Dolls?"
"Huh whut?" I blinked back from a stoned haze as my redheaded partner in crime dangled something squirmy in front of my face. Low and behold it was an earthworm.
"You're sooo funny arentcha?.." i say with a chuckle as I push his hand with the critter away from me.
I remember this summer day all too well. It was the first camping trip we took with aunt Jade after Pickles and i had started "going out". We hadn't even told her yet but looking back.. I'm so sure she knew.
Pickles smirked as he stabbed the unfortunate worm onto his fishing hook and cast his line out into the fishing hole.
"Yew been pretty quiet so far dis weekend... Are yew.. okay?.."
My heart melted at his nervousness.
"Yeah.. I'll be fine.. I guess I just still really miss when mom and dad would come out around this time to camp with us. I know it's been years now but I just miss all the fun we usedta have.." I hugged my knees to my chest as we both kept a steady eye on the bobber on the waters surface.
A concerned grimace crossed his face as we sat there in silence. The bobber started to dip a little but soon steadied once more.
"Yew know... that I-uhh.. gahd I'm sahrry.. I don't..really know what ta say.."
I turned to face him with my head resting against my arms. A small smile flittered across my cheeks, "Don't worry about it.. It's just nice to have someone to listen.."
It was quiet again until suddenly the bobber sunk below pulling the line with it. Pickles reeled in as fast as he could only to be met with abrupt lack of resistance.
"Ahh shit... it took my fuckin bait!"
He finished reeling in the line and tossed the pole off to the side.
"Can't get em all, ding-dong.." I huffed a laugh under my breath, closing my eyes, as I enjoyed the breeze in the air. A pair of arms gently encircled me from behind, pulling me close, his nose nestled in my hair.
"Dat's okay. I got the one dat matters."
I opened my eyes and the comforting warmth that surrounded me was now gone.. i was alone again in this musty clinic room, cold cement wall to my back. I felt the tears well up in my eyes.
"Fuck..I miss you..."
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jackssillystories · 2 years
Bandu x Cameo tickle fic
One day, on the 3D realm, everything was more quiet than usual. Instead of broken phones, the 3D birds and wind could actually be heard! But Cameo was not feeling too good.
"Huh? What's wrong hun?" Said his boyfriend, Bandu. "Idk, I'm juzt not in the mood today,, I woke up and now I feel like zhit for zome reazon."
Bandu looked at Cameo, worried. And then, started to think, and an idea popped on his head.
"Hmm,, I know what could make you feel better" said Bandu with a smile on his face. "Whut???"
Bandu grabbed Cameo's shirt and took it up a little, Cameo look at him, confused. Bandu rapidly placed his hands on Cameo's belly and started tickling him.
"HAHAHADHJWH WH- WHU-" "Ohh I see you smiling! It's working!" Bandu started tickling Cameo, even faster "HAJSHAUSHIWHSISHDIW ZTOHOHOP!!! X3" Bandu stoped tickling Cameo and patted him in the cheek "ya feeling better? Sweetheart?" "Yeah, thanks bae!!" Bandu and Cameo hugged eachother
The end!!!
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Oh my gosh Liz I had a dream involving rockstar Dabi! It wasn’t anything spicy unfortunately but they were playing a concert and dabi was being possessive or some crap. So you know, the norm. The interesting thing was they were performing at a reptile convention! Also there was a penguin for some reason. But this got me thinking, I could totally see Dabi owning a reptile! Any thoughts? I could see him going with a Mexican black king snake, personally.
Haha, that's so funny! A penguin, huh?
It had me genuinely smiling reading this. So cute!
Anyways, I think Dabi would rather be a cat person. Cause cats just love him. He's a meow meow after all, right?
As for reptiles, I cannot see him with something dangerous and venomous. Cause deep down inside he's looking for normality.
So I see him with him:
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Yep, a turtle-dude. And Dabi would talk to him at night. Asking him to bring him a beer. And Lil Dude would look at him like "Whut?!"
They're a team. Him and turtle. Spinner would love Lil Dude as well. When Dabi is gone, he'd attent to that smol bugger.
So, any other Lil Dude stories?
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cherry-bomb-ships · 10 months
There's a Twitter account leaking CTRumble skins and one with Cortex has chest hair showing and I'm
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smashingsire · 2 years
Pokémon Palooza 
@trainer-ryu-challenges-you Currently scouting through the New World was the King of Dream Land, formally a member of the Beast Pack, where he was on the hunt for any lost animals. At this point, after managing to hold his ground against the rural pack of animals that one time, the King wanted to express some help across the forgotten land by helping the residents as much as he could. He spent way too much time wasting away on that bed and being pampered by the servants that he wanted to get out there and assist the heroes. With Kirby on vacation and the Dee's reconstructing some areas of the Natural Plains, the King decided to get out of his comfort zone and do some work for a change. It wasn't long until the King managed to find some lost animals, where with the help of his Waddle Dee scouts, he caught them without any sort of violence. Using a Crystal Shard tool, he sent them back to the Waddle Dee village in order to meet their leaders that was formally the villainous Beast Pack. At this point, the King was wearing the robe he was applied in when allying with the Beast Pack, since it was time to get a new sort of attire. Currently, he was nearing Alive Mall, knowing that some of the animals would be camping out in the corners of the emptied interior.
Very soon, the teen then spotted one… before two and three popped out. As such, he took refugee underneath rubble, some that belonged to the mall once. “There’s a few… hmm… they dun’ look anythin’ I’ve ever seen before… a fluffy blue dawg,… some weird-lookin’ weasel… an’… huh… she dun’ look like ‘un o’ ‘em I’ve come ‘cross before… she looks kinda human for tha most part,… or maybe a fairy… somethin’ tells me that I’ve seen her type in Smash at ‘un point, but I dunno who or whut she’s s’pose t’be…”
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starblubberball · 2 years
Hey Janna. I found this yellow soda can with a P on it. It still cold do you want it?
Janna: “Huh... Well, can't say 'No' to a free drink...”
The poor Janna simply took the can, cracked it open and just sipped down all the liquid of the can in one sitting, and as soon as she was done, she just threw the empty can away.
“Heh, that one felt... Extra fizzy... Not bad tho- HIC!”
Janna started to had hiccups, which would be pretty normal taking in count she drank to fast... But she would realize that with each hiccup, her body was starting to... Blimp up?
“Woah... That's- HIC! Weird... Woah, now I'm feeling- HIC! Bloated as hell... HIC!!”
And in fact, each hiccup made Janna expand, her body starting to puff up, growing rounder and bloated, just like she was slowly turning into a human blimp, her cheeks puffing up, her limbs slowly sinking in, barely able to flab her hands and feet...
“Mmgh- HIC! Whut ish- HIC! Guin onh?... HIC! Mmmgh...”
Filled to the brim with what seemed to be air, simply starting to bloat and bump her now blimpy body against the roof, Janna was now simply a huge fizzy balloon, who could only flap her hands and feet, moan and just hope that the effect from this soda would soon wear off... Hopefully.
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
🥧 Punch and Epel, because Meemaw's pies heal all wounds.
Emoji prompts here!
🥧 I am so sad but this pie you brought me is helping a little let me get two spoons
Epel had to do a double-take when he saw the large figure slumped over at the reading desk in the library. Sure, the broad shoulders and curly hair were as familiar to him as any of the other friends he saw every day, but he had never seen Punch like this before. He walked closer to the desk.
"You okay, pal?" Epel asked quietly as he approached. Punch's shoulders were shaking. Epel gingerly reached out a hand, and patted the other boy on the arm. "What's goin' on?"
Punch raised his head, and turned towards Epel. His freckled face was red, his eyes puffy, and his cheeks were streaked with tears. He wiped his face with the cuff of his jacket and tried to smile at his friend. "Hi, Epel," he managed to say, his voice cracking.
"Whut in tarnation happened ta you?" Epel straightened up, a little shocked. He punched the palm of his left hand. "Anyone I gotta crack open fer ya?"
Punch shook his head. "No, it's not... it isn't like that. I couldn't really...." he trailed off, unfocused, and another tear traced an unsteady line down his cheek. He scrubbed at it with his palm. "I'm not ready to talk about it," he said shakily. "Sorry..."
"What're ya apologizing ta me for, ya lunk?" Epel rolled his eyes. "Well, ain't doin' ya any services to sit here and get yer books all soggy. C'mon with me." He held out a hand to Punch, who hesitated. "Come on, I said! Gosh."
Punch took Epel's hand, and Epel tugged at his arm until he stood up. "I'm up. Now what?"
"Now you're gonna come with me." Epel straightened his jacket and flicked his hair back over his shoulders. "Even if I can't tell what's bothering you - and you don't gotta spill if you don't wanna, that's okay - I can still at least help cheer you up a little." He gestured towards the door. "Let's go, sad sack."
Punch sighed and trudged along behind his shorter friend, who he finally noticed was carrying something. "Um. Where are we going?"
"Headin' to the courtyard. I got something today. I think it'll do you some good."
"I'll try it."
"You better. I don't want you insultin' my Meemaw."
Punch blinked. Epel was throwing him off right and left. "I wouldn't dream of doing that....."
"I know!" They stopped at a bench in the courtyard, and Epel sat down, fussing with the package in his hands. He finally managed to get the knot untied as Punch sat down, and grinned as he opened the box. "Yessss. Meemaw's finest, just like she promised. Look!" He proffered the package to his friend.
"A... a pie?"
"A special Harveston apple pie! Better'n any other one you ever had. And it might not solve your", he gestured vaguely, "whatever you got happening. But it'll at least make right now a little better. Aw, and Meemaw put forks in the box, too!" He beamed at Punch. "Go on. You can have the first bite!"
"I can?" Punch dug a fork through the tender crust, coming away with a load of sweet golden apple and flaky pastry. "It smells great."
"Tastes even better. Go for it!"
Punch took a bite, and managed a genuine smile. "Yes. Wow. Yeah, you're right; it is really good."
"That's the magic of my Meemaw," Epel said, twirling his fork. "Looks like this got to us just on time, huh." He scooped a large bite from the box, and popped the fork into his mouth. "Mmm. Sho, Nmiwhey."
Punch chuckled, and took another bite.
Epel swallowed and made a face. "Sorry. Anyway. What had you blubberin' back there?"
Punch sighed. "Long story, kinda hurts. Can we just eat pie, and patch up my heart later?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I think we can."
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Oh man. WOW. While waiting for tomorrow’s EAW episode, I did a CRAZY fast binge of Ase to Sekken, which I had seen previewed on Twitter in the spring and then promptly forgot about until my kid (I SWEAR) reminded me YESTERDAY that we ran out of their soap, and I was like, SOAP! I GOTTA WATCH THE SWEATY SOAP SHOW. So now my eyes hurt and I’m overtired, but damn it, I finished this super cute show and here are my quick thoughts!
1) I haven’t even dived into this tag from a few months ago, so I am sure a lot of this has been said, but woven into all the metaphorical intimacy scenes is an incredibly cute show about two partners supporting each other through growth!
2) Yeah, those metaphorically intimate scenes. Yeah, so I am THAT PERSON that kept on forgetting that those scenes were METAPHORICAL and I was definitely like, WHY IS THERE FRUIT IN THE BED, and, GET A NEW DEHUMIDIFIER, and FLOATING?, and then I was like, right, they’re metaphors, you idiot. I need more sleep.
But I think they were pretty cutely done! I mean, for sexy midnight doramas, like, you’re always going to expect things to get a little whut whut crazy crazy and those scenes certainly took that cake. 
3) And yeah, the lead-in to their intimacy with a smell/scent obsession and the way in which Natori jumps into Asako’s personal space to start the relationship was also a little like, whoa, my man, fast there, huh? I have to wonder if some viewers were like -- does he like her only for her scent? BUT, I think while the pacing was super fast to start the series, that it actually paced PERFECTLY by the end, and the emotional development of their relationship hit every convincing button for me. 
4) Ohara Yuno was great*, but I have seen Sato Kanta in smaller roles, and I think he’s a FABULOUS and hilarious actor. I want to see him in more lead roles. He was fantastic, he did “weird” perfectly, he was truly and convincingly emotional. I want to read the manga now to understand if he nailed his role, but I am sure he did.
5) I thought the filming of this show was actually superb. It almost looked like to me that they tried to get a “filmed on film” look to the show. I don’t know anything about cinematography, but I felt the way they filmed this show lent an air of studiousness and seriousness to the off-base content. I LOVED how the lighting in Old Fashion Cupcake lent so much to the story, and I felt the same here, too. 
I highly recommend it! For a fast watch, it hit all the right emotional buttons, and I felt totally convinced by their investment in their relationship. Also, now I will buy so much soap.
*So, this show was obviously, in part, a showcase for Ohara Yuno’s physical assets, which, okay, also midnight dorama fare. However -- I didn’t actually think that this element was overblown. I thought it was treated relatively fairly and it didn’t seem overboard. I’ll have to read the manga to better understand the balance there. As a mom who’s nursed her kids a LOT, I have feelings on these physical assets that may be slightly different than your typical progressive mama, which is to say, if Ohara Yuno wants to flaunt ‘em, she should, because they are FABULOUS. Go get yours, girl!
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shummashum · 5 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch1 (11~15)
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ooh… finally the dance time came
Remb asked Liz who she would like as her partner.
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Shall we dance?
for your information, there's no refuse option you said that she could always ask if she had any trouble! don't tell me you're trying to retract what you said
He asked her why she chose him, and she responded that it was because everyone knew he was the best dancer around here.
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so he's good at dancing? like a dance machine? okay! my next drawing theme is Klaus doing Just Dance or Pump It Up
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and another pointing out again sure Klaus, let's get you to bed…
As the music started, the two clasped hands and took the first steps after politely bowing to each other.
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Al taught her… then really, she was able to ask him since he's her practice opponent, wouldn't it have been better to ask him? his moves will be familiar, after all
but! this is Klaus' route so she's supposed to choose him as her partner
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I think so too aren't you busy with with Ministry work
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why do you talk like that she cared about you and is this what she got back oi,,,
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umm no just do your work Ministry work is more important than dance classes which anyone with a certain level of skill can teach…
uh, whatever. anyway, it seems like there is something between the two
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something splendiferous just happened
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erm isn't he being too sincere?! oi calm down go easy on her she's a newbie
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erm,,,,,,, I think he's out of his mind just because seeing a newbie
btw I already felt this during Zeus' route but CG quality has improved, especially in terms of coloring and shadowing I like this new art style!
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spare her ! ! this guy is insane
well but now I get it, he's highly skilled in dancing is dancing one of the virtues of a member of a prestigious family or what…
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yeah yeah I already knew you had no heart for newbies Al over there taught her at her level, moreover he treated her very kindly even though she was a newbie though,,,,,,
A moment later, she spotted Zeus pushing his way toward her through the crowd.
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oh.. he can dance? I can't believe he's willing to do such a classy and authoritative act but I think she needs a break because she was beaten the shit out of Klaus?
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he hasn't changed at all! I've always thought it's good that things don't change but… you said you would change little by little in your happy ending! I trusted you! what is this he hasn't grown at all!
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and they started scratching each other again now it just feels like background music
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and here comes other potential opponents guess a situation is being created where she has to dance with everyone except Hiro oi Hiro you won't dance right? I trust you?
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seems like he doesn't give a shit in any of this right now though that face that of an office worker tired of overtime and bullshit
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huh totally unexpected
and she mentioned Lucious, huh
She recalled what happened with Luci and made up her mind that one day she would find a way to get him out of the labyrinth.
weelll meaningful results might come out during his own route, and this "making a plan to escape the labyrinth" will continue throughout S6 to S7 then, apart from that plan, there must be an incident that runs through S6… the one who manipulate Minotaur? or maybe it has something to do with what Remb wants to ask for this time?
Anyway, the viewpoint moved to Luci.
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don't worry! you'll escape there someday! …maybe.
Then suddenly, a dark figure in the distance caught his attention.
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it's that that… of the killer doll vibe that came out after Zeus failed to summon in his route come to think of it, it ran away while Liz was interrogating whether it was the real Taffy… but how did it get into the labyrinth huh
-Ch1 End-
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