#22-spot ladybird
onenicebugperday · 1 year
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22-spot ladybird, Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata, Coccinellidae
Found throughout Europe
Photo 1 by rasmuscool99, 2 by azph, 3 by tivanik, 4 by berzou, 5 by denis_m, 6 by nakarb, 7 by claudekolwelter, 8 (pupae) by esant, and 9-10 (larva) by krylenkosl
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todaysbug · 6 months
December 23rd, 2023
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22-Spot Ladybird (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata)
Distribution: Found in disjointed populations throughout Europe; most common in the northern half of Europe, including the Czech and Slovak Republics, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and the U.K. Has also been reported in the United States, but populations do not seem to have spread significantly.
Habitat: Prefers open habitats, such as forest borders, grasslands, parklands, wastelands and roadsides.
Diet: Fungivore; feeds primarily on the mildews and molds, especially on low-growing shrubs and plants of the Apiaceae family. Commonly found on hogweed, ragwort, creeping thistle, oak and birch.
Description: 22-spot ladybirds are fairly unique among ladybugs due to their fungivorous diet; most ladybugs are carnivorous, feeding on small arthropods like aphids, small spiders, mites and mealy bugs. These insects mainly graze on powdery mildew, a pathogenic fungus that infects plant leaves, causing ailments such as molding and rusts. Though it feeds on a common pathogen, these insects have little use as biological control agents, as they will inoculate new leaves by spreading spores.
A common myth about this insect states that the number of spots it has reflects its age, but this is unfortunately false. The number of spots varies between individuals, but does not vary between years—you'd have a lot of trouble finding a 22-year old ladybug!
Images by Olaf Leillinger (adult) and Gilles San Martin (larva).
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darkestmad-er · 12 days
🐞Ladybugs, also known as lady beetles or ladybird beetles, are beneficial insects with about 5,000 species worldwide and 150 in the U.S. They're gardeners' allies, preying on pests like aphids, mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. A single ladybug can eat up to 5,000 aphids in its lifetime, offering eco-friendly pest control.
Besides being pest controllers, ladybugs are pollinators, feeding on pollen and nectar, and aiding in plant fertilization for increased crop yields. They also help control populations of other potentially harmful insects like caterpillars, whiteflies, and leaf beetles, contributing to a balanced ecosystem.
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Here are some common ladybug types:
1. Rhyzobius chrysomeloides (Fuzzy brown)
2. Convergent (Most common in North America)
3. California Beetle (Spotless red)
4. C-7 (Seven-Spotted, most common in Europe)
5. 22-Spot (Bright yellow)
6. Cardinal (Black body with red markings)
7. Pink Spotted Beetle (Oblong pink)
8. Hadda Beetle (Yellow-orange potato pest)
9. Two-Spotted (Red with two spots)
10. Twenty-Spotted (Cream-colored)
11. Orange-Spotted (Black with orange spots)
12. Three-Banded (Tiger-like)
13. Eye-Spotted (With eye-like spots)
14. Fifteen-Spotted Beetle (Unusual white)
15. Twice-Stabbed (Black with red spots)
16. Pine (Black with comma-shaped spots)
17. Heather (Black with red row)
18. Larch (Brown with M mark)
19. Painted (Mottled brown and gray)
Each species has unique characteristics and roles in the ecosystem, with most being beneficial due to their diet of crop-damaging pests.
Image credit: Animal Spot / Text credit: Earth Unreal
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abearthatwrites · 7 months
we have identified that they are likely 22 spot ladybirds (Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata)
but they are still in the Coccinellidae family
so they are still ladybugs
@chocolate-chip-tikki watch your back
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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06/08/22-Shipton Bellinger: Part 1 of 2: The wildlife and story of the day 
We came to this rich bit of grassland and well vegetated habitat where we saw our first ever Brown Hairstreaks last year this afternoon on a hot and sunny day as we had seen they had been seen here the other day by someone we know on Facebook.  We didn’t see any today and will aim to try again. But it was something of a butterfly bonanza with a lot of species and individuals seen, possibly as many as eleven species in total which was nice.
This was headlined by a few Wall Browns in this fairly dry habitat that they like, getting exiting glimpses of this exotic and flamboyant species for a second Saturday running after Durlston last week. We heard this was a good spot for them last year but didn’t see any here then, they’re a species we’re used to seeing on the coast so this was only my second inland sighting of one after the River Breamish in Northumberland in 2019. It was great to be captivated by them today, strong summer memories. I took the fourth picture in this photoset a record shot of one. Meadow Browns were about in big numbers with some great views of this warm coloured stalwart of summer. I added up all my Big Butterfly Counts so far this year and ranked the species both in my Lakeside counts and overall towards the end of it and among many observations was that Meadow Brown a consistent star throughout is way out in front as the butterfly I saw most with over two hundred spotted in my counts. It dominated another Big Butterfly Count today with fourteen seen, alongside five Small White, a Common Blue, a Holly Blue, a Gatekeeper and a Brimstone. I got fabulous views of Brimstone as shown in the eighth picture in this photoset and Common Blue as shown in the fifth picture in this photoset I took today this afternoon, stunning and colourful butterflies to see.
One I recall seeing here last year Small Heath were out well today seeing lots of these coin sized species I have had a great year for bringing sunset orange colour to the afternoon. I also saw a Brown Argus and possibly another Purple Hairstreak this year. A Bird-cherry Ermine moth flew into me at one point an intimate moment with a moth year tick a fascinating one I saw for the first time ever here last year. Shining scarlet in the sunlight Seven-spot Ladybird as the second picture in this photoset shows, bees including Common Carder bumble bees which I took the sixth picture in this photoset of and hoverfly made great insect sights today too.
It was a good afternoon for birds headlined by extremely yellow Willow Warblers seen a shining gem today which was lovely to see, and possibly Chiffchaff and Blackcap. A Red Kite soared high in the blue sky above, with a smart Kestrel seen lower down. Magpies and Carrion Crow with their bills shining nicely in the bright sunlight providing a memorable corvid presence on the walk.
It was a great afternoon of flowers with species I hadn’t seen that much of so far this year common toadflax which the third picture in this photoset shows and harebell looking nice and me taking a nice chance to enjoy self-heal again one I have had a good year for. Lots of wild parsnip with their firm plants that the Willow Warbler/Chiffchaff perched on at times, ragwort and lots of pretty St. John’s-wort brought a great yellow theme. I also enjoyed seeing two that were stars here last year big bright purple woolley thistle I saw the carder bees on some of this and also wild basil which I took the first picture in this photoset of. Other highlights included scabious, mallow, knapweed, agrimony another nice yellow one, bird’s-foot trefoil which a Common Blue looked nice on, possible chervil looking nice together with pink wild basil behind I took the seventh picture in this photoset of this, beautiful viper’s-bugloss looking quite isolated in the middle of tracks at times a flower I do like that I’ve had a good year for seeing and hawksbeard.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: My first Bird Cherry Ermine moth of the year, two of my favourite butterflies the Wall Brown and Brown Argus and possibly a third in Purple Hairstreak, one of my favourite birds the Red Kite, Small White, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Small Heath, Small Skipper, Brimstone, Woodpigeon seen well including feeling and hearing the weight of one as it took off from a bush, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Kestrel, Willow Warbler, possible Chiffchaff, Blackcap I believe, Seven-spot Ladybird, hoverfly and bee.
I was excited to see a Meadow Brown in the buddleia of the back garden this morning in the bright sun as the ninth picture in this photoset shows, like the two Gatekeepers I saw emerging from the buddleia in the front garden a few weeks ago a from home butterfly tick and great to get during the Big Butterfly Count. I also enjoyed seeing House Sparrow, Starlings, Collared Dove, bright purple hebe looking nice in the sun, sedum, fuchsia, bright red and pink geraniums some red ones shown in the tenth picture in this photoset that I took today, dahlia just hanging on some mixing well with a white wilder flower also chervil I believe funnily enough, sweet William, sunflowers and the large black-eyed Susan I am enjoying lately in the back garden today. I saw a couple of nice moths in the living room tonight, a lovely Mother of Pearl identified thanks to the kind help of MOTHIDUK on Twitter a pretty one and our third Double-striped pug of the year a key one seen this year. I also enjoyed seeing a crane fly before bed in the kitchen in a top night of moths and other insects coming in the house a staple of late summer for me the last few years. 
Part 2 of today’s posts about the landscape with landscape photos I took will be up shortly. 
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idiosyncraticrum · 4 months
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22 spot ladybird
Instagram: @crwlrs.photography
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natureliz · 8 months
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22 spot ladybird
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velveteenshadow · 1 year
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Here’s the next in my new series of drawings!
Scarlet Morningstar with the Ladybug Miraculous
Inspiration/Facts: Her design is a mashup of multiple types of Ladybugs/Lady beetles. The main suit is the Steel Blue Ladybird, boots are the Pink Spotted Lady Beetle, hat/glasses for the seven-spot Ladybird, gloves are the nine-spotted Lady Beetle, hair is the Ashy-Grey Lady beetle, and her flannel is the 22-spot Ladybird. Minus the 7 spot, all the others have the exact amount of spots in their name.  The only other fact is the background is based off of the ladybug/beetles she has on her design. The only exception is the red side which has outlines to match the Eyed Ladybug. It made the background look cooler to me so that’s why I kept it
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pogomcl · 1 year
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22-spot Ladybird, Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/2.8 1/125 iso: 800 Srbsko, CZE 8/15/2010
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playtwewy · 2 years
A nice ladybug
She may not be the best shape or the prettiest but she is nice :)
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Steamy Waters — Jimin
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Pairing: Jimin x reader (nicknamed Princess)
Wordcount: 7.1k (to be edited when my eyes aren’t bleeding)
Genre: NSFW, pwp, smut, slightest crack. Established relationship, Idol!AU
Rating: so 18+ I feel bad at age 22. 
Hello ladybirds! Welcome to the Steamy Waters scenarios. 
Let me move very quickly to the plot (I’m super late in publishing this — yes, it’s 7am, I stayed up all night but I was having fun🤭🥴). Well, it’s been a while since Jimin has returned from the tour. Princess is supposed to meet with Vixen and Lace — Girls’ Night squad is back — for dinner and is missing only a few details before leaving when Jimin presents his counterarguments. Too benevolent to leave him sulking — and too vulnerable to his charms — Princess decides she has enough time to indulge him. Of course she ends up being late to the appointment, but she’s not the only one. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: well. Swearing/slurs (used between girls who are joking among each other) Also, there’s a generic mention of drinking wine and tipsiness at the end of the piece. Hard dom!Jimin (Sir), bratty sub!reader; use of non-verbal safewords; very mild degradation (mostly patronising acts and hinted objectification — Jimin calls reader ‘doll’; very, very mild dumbification); masturbation, both male and female, clitoral vibrator; oral, male receiving, brief female receiving; the oral male receiving is pretty intense (includes ruined makeup, gagging, tearing up, wrist pinning and wrist bondage), facefucking; plenty of voyeurism (mirrors. Mirrors everywhere); marking (with lipstick) female and male (milder) receiving; lipstick and make up fetish; spanking with a hairbrush; partly accidental exhibitionism through phonecall (the girls are telling each other they’re gonna be late but a bunch of things go wrong so all the phonecalls end up exposing the characters and their current debauchery); playful mention of foot fetish (licking, it’s contained in a joke). FINALLY, AS USUAL, UNPROTECTED SEX WITHIN AN ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP! NO, DON’T DO IT UNLESS YOU AND YOUR PARTNER(S) ARE TESTED AND CLEAN. 
Features: Namjoon x Vixen; Taeyhung x Lace. Yes. The Girls’ Night squad is back and this time it’s not Vixen’s turn to cause trouble.
Here is my masterlist!
Jimin was sulking.
Old news.
That brat is a professional sucker… ahem, sulker.
Anyway, he was sulking in the bathtub, the lower part of his face hidden under the bubbles, his stare so vicious he could have probably thrown very sharp daggers with it.
“It’s just one dinner.”
“It’s Saturday night! What about you join me in the tub we do our full skin care ritual and I fuck you senseless on our bed.”
“Please, the girls have been so kind to me. We have planned this dinner weeks ago.”
“I am less important than your friends?” Jimin opposed, sitting up and crossing his arms.
Dammit, you were walking in very dangerous territory. “In this moment you are a tiiiny millimeter less important than them. Very tiny millimeter.”
“Are you serious?”
“Jimin,” you begin to say, trying to make him understand. “We have the rest of the week. I owe them.” You told him. “We are always so busy, we can never meet up, plus with you guys’ crazy schedule we need our own debriefing. Let me have my time, baby.”
“So you prefer staying by yourself rather than spending time with me?” He said.
“That is not what I mean and you know it.” You replied, frowning, sitting at the vanity.
You opened a small drawer.
Oopsie. Wrong one.
You checked your watch noticing that you had an hour left. You could make it a quick thing. Something to make Jimin quiet and willing to let you leave the house with the excuse that ‘the sooner I leave, the sooner I’ll be back’.
Sure, your brain might have been slightly confused by the thought of him naked in the bathtub, and the scent of his body wash, and the sexy way his elbows were propped on top of the edges of the tub, the water sliding down his perfectly toned, smooth chest, his head thrown back, wetness glittering on his plump, luscious lips.
His eyes opened. “Fine. Go.” He said, and his voice was grumpy and sad.
You couldn’t leave him like this. Still, it wasn’t important what he said specifically. The only thing you noticed was his dulcet timbre, like a siren calling you.
Without even precisely knowing what you were doing exactly, you took the small seat in front of the vanity and the tiny, powerful toy inside your drawer; you walked to the side of the tub, placing the chair there and tugging your pencil skirt up, exposing your panties. The mirror behind the tub offered your reflection to your unsure gaze, making you move your eyes away.
Of course Jimin noticed. Of course he stayed quiet.
He’d much rather watch you undisturbed as you bent forward, pulling down your panties and sitting down, your skirt bunched up in your lap as you spread your legs and propped your feet against the edge of the tub, dragging your toes against his elbow to catch his attention. He would boost your confidence later, when it mattered the most to you.
“What is it?” He called, pretending he hadn’t seen what you were doing.
“You’re not interested?” You asked, switching on your finger vibrator, a tiny device with a silicone band that wrapped around the back of your digit and a thick, bulbous head on the other side, a vibrator embedded in the thicker part, with the specific aim of making the ridges and patterns on the head repeatedly stimulate your clit.
The sensation was immediate, rubbing it up and down your slit a couple times, you managed to capture Jimin’s ears — and eyes, soon after.
“Princess?” He called, staring at you, your hand wandering and finding purchase on the bathroom counter.
“Yes?” You moaned sultrily.
“Don’t you need to go out with the girls?” He asked, his eyes hypnotised by the motion of the toy moving back and forth from your clit to your hole and back up.
“I thought I could give you this, as a treat.” You said, licking your lips.
“A very generous one.” He replied, licking his lips, bracing his forearms on the edge of the tub, settling between your open legs and placing his cheek on the back on his hands, staring, completely mesmerised.
Your breath was becoming irregular. “How close?” He asked.
“Not too much.” You replied, removing your hand on the counter and placing it on your chest, palming it heavily.
His gaze climbed up to watch your flesh swell as you squished it. “Does it feel good?” He asked, untucking one of his hands to remove the cover blocking the drain of the tub.
Water started to rush out, his hand going from the drain to your ankle, drawing patterns up your calf, the other one lazily reaching for his length, tugging it a couple times.
Your eyes closed as you started feeling the edge of your high, the image of Jimin kneeling before you filling your senses, imagining him everywhere, all over you, his mouth on your nipples, between your legs, his hips smashing against your ass as he slammed inside you from behind, and his deliciously candy-pink cock in your mouth.
“I’m close.” You murmured.
His hand slowed down between his legs. As if it could go any slower.
“Cum for me, Princess.” He ordered. Still, siren voice.
A pattern of quick circles on your clit possessed your digit, your brain going on autopilot to the fastest way to pleasure. “Jimin, please.”
“What, Princess?” He replied flirtily, gleaming in cockiness as you were begging him without him even putting his hands on you.
“Please.” You called again, as pleasure overthrew you, your lips parting in one long, purring moan, first very high-pitched and then descending all the way down to your normal voice as you calmed down, focusing on chasing your high until it became too much, your eyes closing completely, your free hand reaching behind your, holding you up since the stool couldn’t be trusted much.
As you removed your finger — and the adjoined vibrator — you felt something wet and soft part your folds and titillate the tight ring of muscles at your entrance, still quivering with your fresh climax.
Your eyes opened, blinking a few times before you spotted Jimin’s wet hair below you, his head between your legs, body tucked in the small space between your body and the tub.
“Put that finger back on your clit. We’re not done here.” He said, placing one of his hands on your spine, on the small of your back, holding you up while his other arm went to his thick shaft. You loved looking at it, at how deliriously pretty it looked. You would gladly print a very big picture of it. Hang it in your closet. Stand there and look at it every now and then, with a glass of wine. Get inspired by the shape, length and colour. Find new ways to please him and torture him. Study every small vein on it. Every tiny detail. The small mole at the base — God only knows how a mole can end up there. And how it can make a cock look so insanely, unfairly pretty.
You felt crazy for it, completely devoid of your own will. And the way his hand left your back and caught your wrist, placing your buzzing finger on your clit made you even wilder.
“Jimin.” You called, your other hand ending in his hair and tugging him closer.
He chuckled mischievously. “Needy.” He said simply, before fighting against you trying to remove his head. You were too close.
It was all too much.
“Jimin!” You called again, desperate and embarrassed.
“Oh, no.” He said, moving his fingers away from your wrist and crooking his arm at the right angle before sliding two of his fingers inside you, his digits just the perfect measurement to reach your g-spot.
“Feels too good.” You mewled, removing your finger from your clit. Too much stimulation.
“Put that finger back in place.” He growled, his hand moving angrily on his own sex.
“Please!” You said, whining and whimpering.
“Back in place, Princess.” He said sharply.
Without room for opposition, you did as he ordered.
“Good girl.” He murmured as you cried out at your finger and his working you towards your second high. “You’re doing so well for me.” He added.
“I can’t.” You said, feeling your pleasure amplify in your abdomen. Suddenly your ears zeroed on the nasty, squelching sound coming from between your legs.
“Oh, you can, Princess. Keep going, sweetie. Sir’s waiting for you.”
He had entered dom zone.
Well, fuck.
You were officially done for the night. Especially when he pressed his chin to his hand, his tongue devilishly playing with your sensitive hole while his fingers stimulated your pulsating walls.
You came undone. His moaning turned in loud, thin moans, open mouthed breathing as he finally reached his high with a tight squeal that undid a knot in his throat.
You removed the toy almost immediately, the filling sensation inside your cunt definitely too much for your nerve endings.
He didn’t even notice, and when he did, he let it slip. You were deep in your second climax, making you sensitive and vulnerable, and he had no intention of overstepping any boundaries. Yet. His fingers slowed down, his mouth parting from you; his hand stopped at his base, giving a slow, strong tug at his shaft, milking out the last few droplets of his release.
“There you go. Has your treat been satisfactory, Princess?” He asked with a saccharine voice, most definitely trying to tease you with his bratty ways, or maybe gloating about him getting what he wants. As usual.
“Very.” You replied, pressing down the button on the ring and removing the toy from your finger.
He unhooked his fingers from your sex, sliding them out and licking one gingerly. “Nice.” He grinned in a dangerously endearing way. “Let’s clean up, yes? Can you stand?” He asked, gentle as always, standing up and quickly moving to the sink, washing up the remnants of your shared debauchery on his hands.
“I hope so.” You replied, grabbing a small towel and running it under the tap before cleaning yourself, drying your skin with an unused corner. You wore your panties and tugged your skirt down next.
“Would you like me to do your make up?” Jimin asked, looking at you in the mirror. “I’d like to repay you for the sweet treat. And I don’t want you to think I don’t support you going out.” He turned towards you, completely comfortable in his naked state. “Consider it my way of blessing your plans.”
And maybe bless your face when you come back home later and drool on my cock.
You smiled. “That’s nice of you, Jimin.”
“I’m always nice.” He said, rubbing a towel wildly against his hair before wrapping it around his waist, grabbing the small bench and putting it close to the vanity, strategically placing you so the light would hit your face enough for him to properly do your make up. “Sit, darling.” He said, patting the seat.
You followed his direction, checking your watch. Twenty-five minutes until you needed to head out.
“You already did toner, serum, lotion, all of that?” He asked, making sure that the canvas was at its best.
“Yeah.” You confirmed, wearing the small necklace he had gifted after coming back from the tour.
“You already wore your cream?”
“Yes!” You repeated, playfully cocky.
He swatted at your calf. “Don’t play cocky with me.” He reprimanded, matchingly playful.
“Primer.” He said, standing up, his perfect chest right in front of your eyes for the briefest of seconds. Then he walked behind you, removing the whole small drawer and bringing it with him as he kneeled down again, pouring a small amount of concoction on the tip of his index and middle finger. “It’s summer so I bet you’d like to stay light.” He said, touching the two digits with their twins on the other hand, only to draw tiny dots all over your face, and then using his devilish hands to spread the lotion. “Sorry, I prefer using these rather than sponges and stuff.” He said, but it was actually simply an excuse to touch your face.
The more touching he could do the better.
His goal was getting you going and any kind of touching on your face felt intimate enough to be more powerful than a booty grab or a whole body slam all over you at the moment. He just knew.
With his pinkie, he pushed back the small hair on your forehead. “You know what? Fuck beauty standards. Out there is damp like a swamp today, you should just wear some BB cream and stay fresh.” He said, kissing your head. “You’re perfect anyway.”
“Jimin.” You said, a tad emotional.
“And I don’t want men staring at you. You’d look too pretty with full makeup.” He said, leaving a ginger kiss on your lips. “I want you to shine as you are.” He said, grabbing a small compact hand mirror containing a cushion imbued with light foundation. He took a small puff and pressed it twice against the cushion before placing his left index under your chin, directing your face as he patted the puff against your face, distributing the lotion evenly.
“It contains mother-of-pearl powder. It will make you glitter like the princess you are.” He said, with a kind smile. “You already look like a diva, babygirl.” He said, twisting your head to the side before noticing a small blemish.
He stretched to the table behind you, your gaze focusing immediately on the small, solitary droplet of water rolling down his chest. A bit hesitant, you collected it with your tongue.
“Princess,” he warned before grinning. 
You were slowly, very slowly surrendering. He just needed to play the last few cards right.
With your concealing pen in hand, he fixed the red spot on your cheek, and another smaller one on your chin, blending them with the slightly damp tip of his pinkie.
You smiled and caught his hand, kissing the small digit before smiling. “Your hands are absolutely lovely.” You said. This kind of small reassurance was something you offered him daily, and even though he played tough and acted as if he wasn’t bothered by those details he so stubbornly called flaws, you still made sure his self esteem could always thrive.
“I assumed so, considering what they did earlier.” He stood up and — maybe — accidentally the towel fell, his cock standing proud in front of your eyes.
May goodness help you and God protect you.
You reminded yourself of dinner, of the girls waiting on you. I mustn’t. You told yourself. Still a part of your brain told you you’d be a fool if you didn’t took your chance.
But your chance had already disappeared behind the towel once more. “Sorry.” He said, standing straight after bending down to grab the cloth and fixing it back in place. He collected the small wooden drawer too, putting it back in place in the vanity.
Next he took your beauty case, making sure that it contained exactly what he was looking for.
This time he stood in place in front of you, his navel perfectly in front of your face. He found a small box and opened it, fishing out a miniature brush and running it against white, glittering powder. “Just a faint sparkly effect on your lids. Close your eyes.” He whispered sweetly, putting the powder in place, on one eyelid. Then the other. And then every touch disappeared. Before you felt his fingers tracing your collarbones. “Just for the extra sparkles.” He said, grinning viciously once you opened your eyes. It was indeed his fingers. Not the brush. He took his chance to widen the neckline of your white chiffon blouse.
“Tip your head back.” He said, this time more commanding.
A shiver ran down your spine.
You obeyed.
He took a dark eye pencil. It was something you hadn’t used in a while, preferring lighter make up, usually using simply dark eyeshadow to trace the line of your eyelid.
“Black pencil?” You asked.
“Be quiet. It looks so good on you.” He said, focusing on applying it evenly on both lids. “Look down.”
Right at his abs. Fantastic.
You prayed the other girls were being tempted just like you. Knowing Vixen and Namjoon, he was probably already halfway up her panties. And Lace… well. She’d probably had to change her outfit at least three times to hide Taehyung’s marks. You hoped they were late too.
There was no way you could arrive at the appointment in time with Jimin in this mood. And with your blood roaring in your veins, cursing you for each second you let him stand untouched before your eyes it was all a matter of time before it all went to hell.
“Eyes to the ceiling.” He said, “I’ll do your lower inner lid.”
“Jimin, that’s a bit aggressive...” You replied, trying to keep his hand from going anywhere close to your eye.
“You look so intense with the lower line too, though.” He teased, already tracing the corner with a slow, light-handed touch. “Just a bit. Come on, make me happy.” He said. And with that you knew precisely he was in the mood. Just like you were.
At this point there was no fucking way you could make it in time.
You stood perfectly still, the pencil too near to your eye, too dangerously close to stabbing it. “Jimin,” you called, as he moved to the other eye. “I’m gonna be late.”
“Don’t worry about that.” He already knew there was no way the other men weren’t in a similar situation. Knowing Taehyung, he probably still had Lace naked. Especially after what he’d told him about their sexy weekend.
“Jimin, please.” You said, exasperated.
“Baby, I know you’ll be the first one there, as usual, and you’ll have to wait for them all dressed up and pretty.” He said. “Chill. You can be fashionably late.”
He put down the eye pencil and picked up the silvery tube of your mascara.
“Just a teensy, tiny bit.” He said, “Look straight ahead.”
You mean at your hard on peaking from under your towel?
Your lips twitched nervously as you tried to look away.
“What is it?” He asked.
“I’m gonna put my mouth on it.” You said in warning.
“Don’t,” He replied, fixing the upper lashes on your left eye. He applied way more mascara than necessary before moving on to the other eye.
“Don’t bat your lashes,” he said with a focused tone as he applied the finishing touches, giving quick, teasing flicks to the lower lashes and came back to the left side, making the two match.
“Lipstick.” He said.
You huffed out a stressed breath.
“Lip liner to make sure your lipstick doesn’t smear at dinner.” He said, tipping your chin up and drawing his face dangerously close to yours, his hot, quick breath fanning over your face. “Stay still.” He said, tracing your cupid bow first, then covering all the way from the peak to the angle, mirroring the gesture on the other side.
Your lower lip was tricky. From the middle he drew the left arc, then the right one. No matter how hard he concentrated there was something harder calling his attention.
And the situation worsened when he felt your hand timidly brush the back of his thigh.
“No.” He said harshly, cupping your jaw and squishing it, making sure that you opened your eyes and looked at him.
“Why?” You asked, your hand still climbing up.
“You need to go.”
“You said the girls will be late too. And I should be fashionably late.”
“Princess.” He said, his voice growling in a harsh warning.
“Jimin.” You warned, mocking his tone.
“Stay put. Let me finish my work here.” He said, a bit frustrated.
Your lips were tempting him. And his brain was telling him to claim, claim, claim.
For the umpteenth time, he closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled slowly and calmly.
He completed the weak spots on your liner before he inspected it.
He placed down the lip pencil.
He found your Chanel lipstick, uncapping it and focusing before placing the perfectly shaped tip against your upper lip, following the liner before completing the other half.
“Almost done, Princess.” He spoke gently. But his hand shook. Especially when he felt your nails tease his skin again.
“Princess.” He scolded eloquently.
“Jimin.” You called again.
“What.” He replied drily.
“I wanna be late.” You said, your palm climbing higher up under the towel and landing on his ass, squeezing a glute seductively.
“Let me finish.” He said, giving up.
You smiled before relaxing your lips, making them extra pillowy as you offered the lower one to him.
He tapped the red paste against the inner flesh before drawing half a line, then the other half.
“Pop them.” He said, as you started pressing your lips together lightly and making them sputter.
“Am I ready?” You asked.
Jimin smirked before his eyes turned sultry.
Looking him in the eye when he had that expression was too dangerous. He held too much power.
He stared at the upper hem of your blouse, at the way it let your collarbones show with an expensive, classy bateau neckline.
Jimin stared at the front buttons. He placed down the lipstick. And started undoing the buttons.
You grinned. “Are you gonna make me get there late?” You asked expectantly.
You obeyed. Not like you had much choice.
He reached the lace of your bra, then undid more buttons, until he reached the waistline of your skirt.
“Arms out.” He said, making the delicate fabric of the shoulders slip past your wrists, letting the blouse fall around your waist.
“From now on, not a word. Are we clear?” He asked, making you look him in the eye. “Answer.”
“Yes, sir.” You said, obediently.
“Excellent. You move when I tell you. You move how I tell you. Yes?”
“Yes, sir.” You replied again. You were salivating at the idea of what he was going to do, how he was going to use you.
His hands moved to your bra, pushing the cups under your heavy breasts. “You’re my little doll, aren’t you? Sir wants you and your nipples pop up. I bet you’re wet between your legs without me even touching you. Are you wet, Princess?” He asked.
“I’m always wet for you, sir.” You said, offering him extra praise. Not like the statement wasn’t true.
He smirked and moved to the vanity once more, letting the towel fall for real. “It was an accident.” He said, mocking you, raising an eyebrow and shrugging. “Not like you mind staring at my cock, do you, Princess?”
“I love staring at your cock, Sir.” You replied, giving him absolutely no reason to complain about you or punish you.
“So hungry for it, little doll.” He snorted.
Once more the lipstick was in his hand.
“Who do you belong to, Princess?” He asked, stroking himself as his sweet, poisonous voice enchanted your ears.
“To you, sir.” You said, sitting with your back straight, your knees pressed together, your thighs squeezing in helpless arousal, your hands laying flat on your legs.
“What’s my name?” He said, licking his lower lip as a droplet of pre-cum appeared on his tip.
“Park Jimin, sir.” You answered, sharp and refined as he wanted you.
“Just my name, Princess. Say it.”
“Jimin.” You kept your eyes on your lap, not yet sure you were allowed to look at him.
“That’s right, Princess. Good girl.” He said, voice disturbingly neutral as he bent down.
He let go of his length, running his hand under the tap and drying it, oh-so-slowly, before he cupped your breast and stared at it, his expression focused and meditative.
He placed the tip of the lipstick on the left side of your breast, drawing an horizontal line. Two curled ones. A straight one. He moved to the other side. A rectangle. Another straight line. An L-shaped one.
“There. Stand up.” He said, placing down the lipstick and offering you his hand, helping you on your feet, making you stand in front of the mirror. “Who do you belong to, my beautiful princess?” He asked, standing behind you, his lips moving sensuously at your ear.
Right there, spelled on your chest in expensive, rouge Chanel lipstick, you found your answer, just like it was indented in your heart, mind and soul. “Jimin.” You read.
“That’s right, ____. Excellent job, doll.”
He turned you towards him and placed a gentle kiss on your lip.
“Now, kneel.” He ordered, smiling gently, however the command in his voice was icy and sharp.
You smiled shyly and obeyed. Once on your knees, you waited for his hands to feed you the tip of his cock, his precum making your lipstick glisten and stain his spongy head. You opened your mouth wider, lolling your tongue out in invitation, but he refused.
“Kiss it. I want it covered in lipstick.” He ordered. “Kiss it like it’s my face. I want imprints all over it.” He ordered.
And just like that it stood in front of you, exposing all the underside to your feverish and reverent kisses.
You were ready to beg for him to push it down your throat, desperate to feel the taste of him, to feel him there; then you remembered you weren’t allowed to speak unless he asked you.
You tried to talk the only way you could. Your eyes connected with his as you gave a gentle lick.
He snorted. “Want it in?” He asked, biting his lip and placing his hand on your head.
“Please, sir.” You begged: the easiest way to get what you want. You would never, ever beg for anything in your life. But for Jimin? You would lick the soles of his feet if he asked you to. Thank goodness he was too ticklish for that.
“Open up.” He said, grinning.
You assumed your position and waited for him to slide in. Holding your head, you felt his tip on your tongue, his hand feeding his cock into your mouth.
“That’s it, Princess.” He said, pushing inside.
Your hands naturally moved to his butt, leading him further in. You wanted to take him all the way, watch your lips print a nice red ring at his base.
“Hands in place, Princess.” He scolded.
You placed them lightly on your knees.
“Yes. Good girl.” He spoke through gritted teeth. He started thrusting in, your eyes watering as you felt your throat close up, hitting your knee noisily, twice, letting him know you needed to breathe.
“Okay.” He slid out, giving you some time to catch your breath. His fingers wrapped around his length, thumb, index and middle finger forming a ring sliding up and down the tip.
“Ready?” He asked.
You simply nodded and he let the small misbehaviour slip. He just wanted to sheath himself in the warm velvet of your cheeks, tongue and throat.
Once he bottomed out a new set of prints began forming on his pelvis, your hands coming for his hips, trying to slow him down as you began tearing up.
“Hands. Princess.” He roared.
You drew them back, shaking, trying to bob your head on him, wet droplets leaving your eyes and rolling down your cheeks.
And now the black eye pencil and mascara make sense. He wanted this from the very beginning.
Your hands pressed against his abs.
“Silent. Safeword. ____.” He ordered aggressively with a growl.
No. You didn’t want him to stop. You wanted him to snap.
You made to remove your hands, but instead you cupped his balls with your right one.
He drew out. “That’s it. Brat.” He walked to the shower wall, where your bathrobe was hanging. He tugged at the tie, whipping it out of the small hooks in anger.
“Lay down.” He said, minaciously as he walked to the vanity, picking up the lipstick again.
You crawled to the carpet in the middle of the room and did as he told you. At least you wouldn’t be met with the cold of the tiles.
“Ungrateful brat.” He said, placing two fingers under your chin and straddling your chest with his legs. “I let you go out. I made you cum. I did your makeup. I offered you what you wanted. And you disrespected it, and disobeyed me.”
He caught your wrists and pinned them over your head. “But maybe I didn’t offer you what you wanted.” He said, wrapping the soft tie around your wrists, making sure it wasn’t too tight, even though he was furious. He took two deep breaths before securing the knot with a flowery bow. “Maybe this was what you wanted, uh? Answer me, Princess.” He encouraged you.
“I want what is best for you, sir.” You replied, eyes imploring as his cock laid on your chest.
“If you really did that, I would already be done fucking your mouth and I could be slamming my cock in your disobedient, tight, creamy cunt.” He said, applying more lipstick on your lips.
“You better make me cum quick, brat.” He spat the words at your face, his legs moving to bring his hips closer to your mouth. He lifted his ass and propped himself on one forearm, his hand holding his cock before offering it to your lips for small kisses. “Your non-verbal safeword is snapping your fingers. Any number of snaps will mean ‘stop immediately’. I will slide out and let you breathe, then I’ll ask you if you want to keep going.” He said, using his tip to draw your lips, just like a tube of lipstick. “Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” You replied.
“Make me proud, Princess.” He said, before accompanying his shaft into your mouth and looking down, into your eyes, before he started thrusting. The movement was identical to that he uses to fuck you nice and good on your bed, his hips usually slapping against the back of your thighs, while now they met the skin of your cheeks, the blurred mascara coming down in thicker rivultets, making your eyes redden.
You were definitely a mess.
Jimin tried to stay focused on your hands, feeling pleasure but ready to ignore it or your safety.
His thrusts became more intense, your throat producing thin, panicked whimpers before he felt your fingers snap, two, three times.
He pulled out.
You gasped for air, your eyes immediately connecting with the black stains on his pelvis. Your mascara. Or eyeliner.
And the red on his sex. All over it. Staining his balls too. It was undoubtedly your lipstick. No natural blushing could do that.
“Are you okay, ____?” He asked, and you could tell he was out of his dommy character.
“Yes.” You replied simply.
“I’m almost there, love. Can you take it, baby?” He asked, worried.
“I can. I want to.” You said, nodding and reassuring him.
“Then let’s go, Princess.” Back in the game.
He was back in your mouth in a second, and this time you were sure you wanted him to dissolve in pleasure like sugar in coffee.
You used all your tricks, swallowing once he settled in, pumping him with your cheeks until you saw him lift on his tiptoes, needing closer, giving up on the fine grip of his knees to plank on top of you and properly stroke inside you as his head rolled back in a very improper, very loud yoga position, making his mouth spill a divine moan while his orgasm spilled inside you.
He gave a small series of the tiniest thrusts before going perfectly still, his moaning stopping. It was smart of him to own a house rather than an apartment. Way more feasible in terms of… disturbing noises.
He slid out of you quickly once he realised you were there, perfectly still, trying to save your oxygen and prolong his bliss.
“Oh, Princess, angel.” He said, quickly undoing the ribbon, descending down your body, straddling your hips and touching your face. “Can you stand up?” He asked, trying to fix the smudged line around your mouth.
“Maybe.” You said, hesitant.
“Come on, let’s try.” He said, helping you up.
“I want more.” You said, kneeling on the carpet, flinching at the sensation.
“That flinch is a reply enough. And you’re messed up. And late for the meet up.”
You checked your wrist. “Lace is always twenty minutes late. Please, one last thing.” You begged, looking at his sex, half hard. “Please.”
“You want to fuck or make love?” He asked, already touching himself. He could do one more. And it was you. All he needed to do was bend you over and watch your tits move as he ground his hips against yours.
“Fuck me.” You said.
He grinned sadistically. “In front of the mirror. Bend over and spread.” He ordered drily.
You smirked back at him and turned into his doll, becoming exactly what he had asked of you, your panties soaked by now, the only protection your skirt.
You were a mess as you looked at yourself in the mirror. His name barely smeared on your breasts, your cheeks made of tens of dark, dried-up rivulets, your mouth a ridiculous attempt at a clown look.
He tugged the hem of your skirt up, exposing your ass before slipping his fingers into the see-through, fine net of your panties, his fingers digging until the fabric ripped offering your slick, honeyed entrance to his eyes.
He stood behind you, the reflection intoxicating as he showed you a wooden hairbrush.
It was that wooden hairbrush. It was the one he liked being used on himself when the roles reversed.
It was extremely fitting of him to want to use it right in that moment, on you.
“Ten. If you don’t cum on my cock all you’ll have is your fingers while I touch myself. Clear?”
“Yes, sir.” You replied.
“Ready. Count.” He said, rubbing the smooth wood against your lower glute.
The smack was harsh. Violent. The sound was scary but the pain was divine.
“One.” You called.
He slammed inside you, his thighs hot with boiling blood as he thrusted in harder before delivering another smash.
“Two!” You almost screamed.
“That’s right, doll.” He said, bending down, teasing your ear. “How pretty my name looks on those tits.” He said, slamming into you, a few more times, the various objects laying on the bathroom counter shaking as he pushed into you.
What you didn’t expect was for your phone to shake that hard.
The screen lit up.
Jimin noticed it immediately.
“Oh. It’s Vixen.” He said. “Maybe she’s worried about you.” He panted at your ear.
No. No, no, no. You thought.
“Come on, answer, Princess.” He said, vicious and petty as usually. “You love your friends so much.” He smacked your ass, just with his hand, almost playfully. “You wouldn’t want her to worry. Answer.” He ordered.
Your hand shook as it reached the phone. Jimin stilled inside you.
You picked up the call. “Hi.” You said.
“Hi bub, lovely to hear you. I might be late.” She said, straight to the point, her voice way higher than usual.
“Late?” You asked, trying to speak as little as possible.
Jimin started to move behind you.
You shook your head. NO. No, please, no.
“Forty minutes. Also, tell Lace. She’s not—” squeal “—answering.”
A dark voice behind her murmured something. “Only forty minutes?” He teased.
Namjoon, of course.
“I’m… busy?” You said, just as Jimin pulled out and smashed the hairbrush against your right asscheek. “Three.” You said under your breath.
“Didn’t catch that.” Jimin said teasingly.
You tried to cover the microphone. “Three. Sir, I said three.” You knew you were very likely putting yourself in trouble.
“Joon, why am I not getting spanked?” Vixen asked on the other end of the phone.
“Brat.” He snarled before his voice disappeared again.
“____, dearest. My boyfriend is threatening me with his ten inch cock. I can’t make that call, sweetie. Please, call her.”
“She will.” Jimin answered on your behalf.
“Thanks, Min. Enjoy.” A final squeal echoed down the line before it fell.
Another smash.
“Four, Sir.” You said, feeling Jimin stroke in while sneering, his lips parted as your wet, slippery walls welcomed him with a rich, squelching sound.
“Call Lace.” He ordered at your ear, sweet like a mermaid.
You shook your head in denial, but at the same time you searched for her contact on your phone. The sooner, the better. You would be done embarrassing yourself, and he would simply focus on torturing you until you reached your orgasm.
You pressed ‘call’ and Jimin’s ears tuned in to the sound of the phone, making sure that he began to truly fuck you only once Lace picked up.
The calling sound went on forever. “Let me… She’s not answering. Please.” You said, looking at Jimin’s reflection in the mirror.
The line went silent for a second. “Vixen, for fuck’s sake, she’s sucking my cock, stop fucking calling.” Taehyung roared.
“It’s me, Princess?” You said, using the nickname that all the boys used. Sometimes it felt ridiculous. Like in that precise moment, when your boyfriend’s dick was buried inside you.
“Princess, what is— mh… Yes.” Taehyung stopped for a second. “Sorry. Lace is busy. Might be late.”
Jimin stretched to the mic. “I knew it.” He said, talking to Taehyung.
“Jimin, get out of my ears.” He joked with his friend. “Can I please… Twenty minutes. She’ll be there in twenty. Thirsty— Thirty at worst.” He spoke before a low rumble came from the line.
You blushed.
Jimin started pushing inside you, trying to get a moan out of you.
“Mh—Meet in forty. Vixen late. Bye.” You said before closing the call, Jimin using that precise moment to start hammering into you.
“Let’s make this quick. We need to make you presentable again, doll.” He said, picking up your knee and propping it up on the counter. You were so wide open for him, his hips smacking lewdly against your ass. To go the extra mile, he grabbed your waist with one forearm and used the hairbrush again.
“Five? Is it… Five?”
“Yes, Princess.” You weren’t sure he was saying yes to the counting or your inner walls squeezing him.
His cock touched your cervix repeatedly with a neat pattern, two fingers reaching your clit. “Quick.” He said.
You managed to push back only three times before your vision went blank, your upper body collapsing against the bathroom counter, your hand pressed against the mirror as you tried to find purchase to keep you upright, to no avail.
Jimin whimpered a few times before he went silent and collapsed on top of you.
His cock twitched twice inside you, weakly. He was probably drained.
“Jimin. Thirty-five minutes.” You called. He slipped out, immediately trying to clean you up.
“You shower, I get an outfit for you. Try to save your hair. Make up remover in the shower.” He said. “I’m driving you.” He said, helping you unglue yourself from the bathroom counter. “Do you need something special, love?” He asked, stopping you a second to hold your face and kiss your mouth, no matter how messy it was. “Aftercare, baby.”
“Just help me get ready.” You said, kissing him again. “I love you. You’re fantastic. The best.”
His ego exploded. “Love you too. Let’s make Stickerella ready for the ball.” He grinned before rushing to the closet.
Forty minutes later, you, Lace and Vixen met in front of a classy, sleek restaurant.
“Did you pre-party, Vixen?” Lace asked as the three entered the place, Vixen leading the way to the table. Her legs were wobbly. Very.
“You’re so much fun.” She replied with a fake laugh. Namjoon’s habits were starting to rub off on her. Not the only stuff being rubbed, you thought mischievously.
“Seriously, did you swap your left shoe with your right one?” Lace asked as the tiny woman showed them the table for three. She took a seat on the closest chair, biting her lip as she lowered her bottom. Her eyes closed and she swallowed noticeably.
You smirked, right before sucking your own lips, your ass hurting with the leftovers of the spanking. “You are both two nasty bitches and I am so proud of you.” Lace said with a wide grin.
“Fix your neckline, you classy whore. I can see your boyfriend’s marks from here,” Vixen seethed, still smiling, no offense in her words. Still, she ran her tongue against the edge of her teeth, taking a calming breath as she fixed her position on the seat.
You chuckled at their scene before clearing your throat.
They both turned toward you, waiting for you to speak before realising that you simply had a sore throat. Yeah.
“Please. let’s order wine. You both sound like Marge’s sisters in The Simpsons.” She said, laughing and shaking her head.
“You’re just envious because your gag reflex sucks.” Lace said, clicking her tongue before shaking her head herself in faux disapproval.
You snorted and tried to cover your mouth.
“Glad I’m everyone’s laughing stock.” Vixen said, fixing her hair.
“Your neckline, slut.” Lace said, once more addressing Vixen with a whisper, acting with the posed mannerism of a lady from a Jane Austen novel.
Vixen laughed herself this time. “How did you get out?” Vixen asked her.
“Baby boy fell asleep like a puppy.” Lace said, a dreamy look on her face. “You?”
“Something along that line.” She replied. “What about you, sweetie?” She said turning towards you.
“Jimin brought me.” You said, smiling serenely.
“He’s such a sweetheart.” Vixen said, smiling with her whole face, her eyes turning into pure affection. Again, she looked like Namjoon.
You clicked your tongue. “Everyone’s a sweetheart when they’re getting fucked right.” You said quietly.
Both women laughed.
“I’m just sorry Yoongi’s girl couldn’t come.” Lace said, a bit sad.
“Oh, don’t worry about her. She’s fine. Coming. In… other ways.” Vixen — her neighbour — quipped.
“My god, we’re nymphos.” Lace said, covering her face with her hands.
You shrugged. “Again. That’s the magic.”
By the end of the night, the three of ended up happily tipsy, toasting to your boyfriends and ‘doing things right’.
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
Twenty-four-year-old Lauren Mestas was already having a bad day when she noticed a cop car tailing her northbound on Interstate 35, headed into downtown Austin. She wasn’t overly concerned at first, as she wasn’t breaking any laws, but the patrol vehicle remained on her tail as she exited onto Riverside Drive, headed west. She started to suspect that it might have something to do with the slogans soaped all over the windows of her 2001 Toyota 4Runner. In addition to “BROWN PRIDE” and “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” written across the rear window were the words “FUCK THESE RACIST POLICE.”
Two days earlier and not even a mile away, a few blocks south of the Texas Capitol in the center of Austin, Mestas had witnessed an off-duty Army sergeant named Daniel Perry shoot and kill an Air Force veteran named Garrett Foster, who had been at a BLM protest with an AK-47 slung across his chest, pushing his quadruple-amputee fiancée in a wheelchair. At the sound of gunfire, Mestas and two other young women had fled across Congress Avenue, the main downtown boulevard, and hidden behind a column of the Frost Bank Tower. In the process, she had accidentally lost her cell phone, as well as the remote control to open the gates of her apartment complex.
That night, on arriving home, she’d parked in an ungated portion of the sprawling, 42-building apartment complex, located in far South Austin. Badly shaken by the shooting, she must have confused the spot, because when she went out the next morning, a Sunday, she couldn’t seem to find the 4Runner anywhere. “I was not in a good headspace,” she told me. “I thought somebody had stolen my car.”
She called the city’s non-emergency line to report the suspected theft. Eight hours later, she stumbled across the 4Runner while walking her dog, a chihuahua named Optimus Prime, and redialed 311 to retract the stolen vehicle report. The operator, Mestas told me, assured her that the 4Runner’s vehicle identification number and license plate number would be removed from the police department’s stolen vehicle list, and gave her a confirmation number for verification, should she happen to get pulled over.
Monday morning, she went to her job at Planet K, the longtime Austin smoke shop where she was employed as a shift lead. She had yet to recover, emotionally, from witnessing Foster’s murder. “I spent two hours on my shift sobbing,” she told me. “I had just seen somebody get shot and killed. I was pretty much catatonic.” A little after 10 a.m., her manager sent her to the bank to break $200 into small bills and coins. She took Optimus Prime with her for company.
It was on the way to the bank that the cop car picked up her tail. The officer, a state trooper from the Texas Department of Public Safety, or DPS, later filed an incident report which made clear that his reason for running a license plate check was that, in his words, “the vehicle had anti law enforcement rhetoric scribble [sic] all over the outside.” He followed her for a mile on Riverside Drive along the south shore of Ladybird Lake, and waited a full five minutes to hit the siren and lights.
“Oh my God,” Mestas thought, surmising what must have happened. “They think I stole my car.”
She panicked, and instead of pulling over, she came to a dead stop in the middle of the First Street Bridge, blocking the inside lane. The spot where she braked to a halt might well have been the precise geographic center of Austin, with Ladybird Lake flowing beneath her toward Longhorn Dam, Auditorium Shores and all of South Austin to her rear, and City Hall directly in front of her. It was 10:40 on a weekday morning, and normally the bridge would have been packed with traffic, but four months into the pandemic, there were hardly any other cars.
The state trooper, Garrett Ray, was joined by a second DPS officer, Jason Melson. Instead of approaching the 4Runner, they drew their service weapons and took cover behind the open doors of their patrol vehicles. According to Ray’s incident report, it was an “HRS,” or high-risk stop, also known as a felony stop: a procedure employed when an officer believes that someone in the car has committed a serious crime and could be dangerous.
The tactical terminology is worth noting because earlier that very same morning, the Austin Police Department had released damning dashcam footage of officers shooting and killing an unarmed man named Michael Ramos in a high-risk or felony stop that, like this one, had been based on faulty dispatch information. A 911 caller reported that Ramos and a woman had been using drugs in a parked car, and that he was holding a gun. Ramos had been spooked by the sight of eight armed officers pointing weapons and screaming at him to get his hands up. When he tried to flee, one of the officers opened fire with an assault rifle. APD later confirmed there was no gun in Ramos’s possession.
One hour after Mestas was pulled over, at 11:40 a.m., I happened to come across the scene by accident. I was riding my bike around Ladybird Lake, and I counted at least 40 DPS vehicles blocking the south end of the First Street Bridge. There had to be 80 cops on scene by that time, if not 100. The emergency vehicles included a fire truck, an ambulance, and two BearCat armored personnel carriers.
Every minute or so, a mechanical RoboCop-like voice repeated, “Driver, exit the vehicle with your hands up.” The dystopian intonation sounded over Auditorium Shores, where a crowd of people who had been exercising or playing with their dogs had gathered on the sidewalk to watch the spectacle unfold.
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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3/9/22-Brown Hairstreak and more at Shipton Bellinger and bits at home 
We had a third visit this summer to Shipton Bellinger today once again coming two weeks after we were last here the place that we saw our first ever Brown Hairstreak last year to see if we could see one. And I am so pleased to say we did see one along a wooded track as the sun came through the cloud well for a minute. We saw another nearby possibly the same one and earlier in the visit in the field we saw one in the hedgerow flying going out of view quickly that was the right shape, size and colour for one we couldn’t quite be sure but I fancy it was one too. An extraordinary butterfly that I was over the moon to see, such an exciting richly marked warm butterfly to see it felt like a late slice of summer bliss in an amazing wild one I have had. Last year we saw our first ever of this species here we didn’t know if we’d emulate it this year and what to expect with that but we have done which feels smashing. It’s my second latest butterfly year tick in a year ever behind my late September first Clouded Yellow of 2018 at Farlington Marshes.
Exactly the same as last year it’s butterfly species number 45 of my year, making my year list my joint highest ever. It’s amazing to have my 2019, 2021 and 2022 tied at the summit of my butterfly year list league table. This year I have had a fantastic year of butterflies getting so many big and precious moments, and I have been so pleased with the numbers of species seen when comparing to my other years many I’m so proud of too at different stages. There were those crucial could-go-either-way as to if we would see species, this being one, and of course a new one for me the Essex Skipper giving me that unique edge over all my previous years as well as every species I saw from that Red Admiral at Backley Bottom in the New Forest on a sunny January day to Brown Hairstreak today that all played their part to help me level my highest ever total for butterflies seen in a year. I feel so happy to have got here, to think there are only three butterfly species I’ve seen in my life that I didn’t see this year and two of them we didn’t really go anywhere we could see them, butterflies have captivated and enriched me this spring and summer again.
It was gonna be our last go at trying to see a Brown Hairstreak here this year no matter what so after the trip today  it was always gonna feel somewhat like the moment our butterfly year is reaching its end with a few sightings of some of the all season ones to come I hope and a few species still out but this is surely the last species we will see this year and it has been a phenomenal butterfly year for me again which I feel so lucky to have had. It’s a unique form of sadness to think it’s not long until you won’t see many or any butterflies anymore given what a big part of your life and a constant they become. We did see other butterflies well today though with a fair few Meadow Browns still about and Small Heath too in the field, with Speckled Wood seen well along the lane too. An interesting black ladybird with red spots which I took the sixth picture in this photoset of, hoverfly and mossy rose galls again after last time I took the fourth picture in this photoset of a pretty looking one were nice sights here today too.
Rose hips, blackberries, some blackthorn sloes what the Brown Hairstreaks like and other berries possibly dogwood were great seasonal sights here today. St. John’s-wort, red bartsia, wild basil, gorgeous viper’s bugloss which I took the first picture in this photoset of, shadows of rosebay willowherb, plantain I believe, melilot and bramble flower were great plants to see here today.
Bird wise a stunning view of a Kestrel and Swallows and House Martins in the sky which I made the most of late in the season of them being here were lovely moments. There were beautiful views here this afternoon which it was nice to see again including great panoramic ones and there was also a pretty sky with nice clouds scenes, broken sometimes as sun came through with it glowing nicely at the edge of the clouds well. I took the second, third, fifth, seventh and eighth pictures in this photoset of views here today. 
At home this morning Robin and Blue Tit were brilliant birds to see in the garden, with sunflower, borage, possible cress, roses, sedum, black-eyed Susan, fuchsia and hebe enjoyable to see in the back garden. It was good to see nice yellow flowers on the way to and home from Shipton Bellinger today on road sides. I had a great session of watching and photographing birds out the front when home this evening, seeing masses of Starlings, Goldfinch, House Sparrows and Collared Dove come onto the balcony to feed with the unique sight of a Magpie on a street light I do like looking at and photographing birds on street lights. I took the final two pictures in this photoset of House Sparrows and the Magpie. There were some interesting sky scenes tonight with nice layered clouds at dusk. I enjoyed seeing a pretty Small Blood-vein on a cupboard in the kitchen tonight, following the recent Blood-vein it was nice to contrast it. I recognised this Small Blood-vein straight away as one of the first moths I liked having in when I got interested in them a lot again was a Small Blood-vein I had in my room in 2018 over the summer. Another one where the date of this in 2018 is a recent one - 30th August - and it stayed around for a few days that one so its a similar time of year to seeing this one. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Shipton Bellinger: My first Brown Hairstreak of the year, Meadow Brown, Small Heath, Speckled Wood, I seem to recall Small White butterfly too, Swallow, House Martin, Carrion Crow or may have been Rook I didn’t quite see enough of it to confirm, Kestrel, the ladybird, possible flies and hoverfly.
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ao3feed-romione · 3 years
22 Spot Ladybird
22 Spot Ladybird by HildaCobble
A post-Hogwarts, pre-epilogue slice of life. Precocious five year old Rose Weasley decides she wants to learn to ride a bicycle.
Words: 4384, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Rose Weasley, Albus Severus Potter, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31680266
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Twice-Stabbed Ladybird Beetle - Chilocorus stigma
Earlier this month I updated the first post featuring this diminutive member of the Ladybug family. I don’t see them too often, so I though that might be the end of it for the month, but lo and behold, I’m happily incorrect. As these new pictures will show, it never hurts to look under leaves and in other strange places to find some little insects, hiding from the world. In this case, concealing oneself is definitely the way to go. While removing weeds from the patio I noticed some strange objects beneath the leaves, covered in spiky protrusions. Nearby, the adult Twice-Stabbed Ladybugs nearby remaining motionless as if adjusting to the outside world, hardening in the summer air. Some may have also been feeding, but compared to other Ladybugs, their mouthparts are much smaller, and their prey even smaller making it harder to tell. For instance, Ladybugs of this size seem to prefer smaller plant-dwelling insects such as Scale Insects and (of course) smaller species of Aphid. Getting back to the matter at hand, the spiky casings left on the leaves near the fresh adults are used pupal casings. 
Similar to other Ladybug pupae, when it’s time to shed the young Ladybug finds a safe spot to hide and attach, sheds its shell once more and pupates for a few days. Those large spikes would probably discourage other predators or pests from interrupting the process. This is even more handy for deterring other Ladybugs that hatch before you can and are feeling hungry, as there is documentation of Ladybugs being somewhat cannibalistic. It’s more so eggs and larvae that get eaten as a result, but it seems to only happen to those that can’t hatch fast enough. Whether adults undergo a similar fate, I’m not sure of, but the spikes help a great deal I’m sure. They carry those spikes over from their days as a larva, which definitely help deter attackers. Good thing too! Ladybug larvae may be built like 6-legged alligators with spines, spikes and long bodies, but they’re soft and squishy. The adults gain their armor (and their wings) after emerging and drying. Eventually, they’ll gain the 2 characteristic spots that give them their name, prominent and red! To identify them though, make sure you flip one over and double-check the underside too. 
Pictures were taken on August 22, 2021 with a Google Pixel 4.
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yellowcf · 3 years
yellow beetle
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22-spot ladybird beetle, with almost impossible to remember Latin name Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata, which leads many people to naughtily refer to it as Psyllobora 22-punctata.
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