clonewarsarchives · 1 year
Hello. Do you have any information about unproduced TCW comic stories. I once came across a comic artist's blog who claimed to have sumbitted a pitch about Anakin and Boba Fett teaming up on Mos Eisley for a joint investigation. The story would have seen Anakin confess to Boba about killing the Tusken Raiders as they both discussed respectivly wanting to avenger a parent. I lost track of the blog and the comicbook artist's name but maybe you also stumbled on the same pitch.
Sorry, I've never heard of it. Sounds like a cross between Boba and Anakin's meeting in the Legends young reader novel Boba Fett: Pursuit and the Boba-Bane Tatooine arc. But that pitch sure is interesting!
if anyone knows anything, please reply/reblog with comments!
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