joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 months
I want to watch Yuru Camp now but I'm going camping this weekend and I've decided to watch the new episode then since that'll be my one chance to do something like that and yk hype cool whatever but also god I wanna watch it now you know?
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cellbitupdates · 5 months
🟥 Cellbit ended stream! Here is the vod link/🟩 Cellbit terminou a live! Aqui está o link do vod/🟨 ¡Cellbit terminó el directo! Aquí está el link del vod:
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🟩 Próxima Live: Sexta-Feira às 17h! 🎨
🟨 Próximo Directo: ¡Viernes a las 17h! 🎨
🟥 Next Stream: Friday at 17:00! 🎨
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dietcokelover1 · 5 months
Breakfast: 75 kcal
-café latte: 44 kcal
-bite of cake: 31 kcal
Lunch: 117 kcal
-granola bar: 117 kcal
Dinner: 101 kcal
-potatoes: 101 kcal
Burned: 572 kcal (17.4k steps)
Total: -279 kcal
My friends made me eat more today sadly. I wanted to starve :(
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nightcall99 · 5 months
Dreams from 25.4.24
Dream 1 I got woken up at 4am by a possum running across our roof so I could remember this dream. It's about SM.
I was waiting for you. Every so often, you would come over and we would link fingers affectionately. It felt nice. More than nice. Honestly, it was everything. It was like you couldn't help it, you had to be near me. We were at work and you got really close to me so that no one would see or hear, and you said something and then you used your pinky finger to hold my pinky finger. Was it a promise? I don't know what. Every time you got close, there was this intense energy that seemed to both radiate and envelop both of us inside, like a force-field. A very strong and intimate connection. You whispered something. I could feel your energy, it was you. We wanted to do more than these fleeting touches and soft words, but it had to wait. We were working. At one point, I asked you what was wrong because you seemed overwhelmed by something. Then in another scene, I was in the bedroom of our old house. I was in bed waiting for you. I got the sense that EA was around too, somewhere. But I was there waiting for you to come and hold me but you weren't here yet. It's like we were secret lovers who both wanted to return to that easy intimacy.
Dream 2 Someone, I think it was Mort, held three mice to my face. I was absolutely petrified of these mice, and also completely revulsed by them. This person had me in a position where they were using their body strength so that I couldn't move. I kept trying to scream but no sound came out. I kept trying to move but I couldn't. This person was torturing me, not with pain but with fear. I was trying to escape with all my might but it was no use.
Another scene, where I am sleeping in my bed and I was wondering if the mice had gotten inside of the mattress. If perhaps they were nesting underneath where I lay. The thought made me extremely uncomfortable and anxious, I couldn't sleep.
Dream 3 Weird sex dream with Con (the junkie). We were in my room and he had a huge dick, wtf. We didn't end up doing it because it wasn't going in. I was not turned on. I didn't like him. I wasn't into it at all, I don't know how I even got here. After he left, I was afraid that he would tell people at work but at the same time, I was pretty confident that people would dismiss it. They'll never believe it and will probably just chalk it up to him being crazy. In this dream there was the feeling that I had gotten into this situation because I was traumatised from the energy of what happened with Mort (or whoever it was) and this was the continuation of the energy. I was numb and was just letting stuff happen to me.
Dream 4 There was this weird looking animal pet thing that I always kept in a pot plant upon the window sill of my bedroom. That was it's 'spot' and it never really left there. One day, I decided to let it chill from it's 'cage', I suppose, and let it play in a bucket of water. It looked like a very small hedgehog. I thought, What if I left it on its own? Would it run away or stay put? I asked my brother, who had nothing to say. I ended up forgetting about it because I had to go do something else and when I came back, I saw it was standing near the fence and staring at the space beneath it. It could have easily escaped if it wanted to. It didn't seem to know what to do, perhaps deciding. I called to it and it walked back toward me. I didn't want it to leave.
Dream 5 I had ordered a pizza on the phone at some Italian joint and was told it would take 10 minutes. I didn't believe that it would be so quick. On my phone, I saw that the GPS app had opened itself up and was counting down the minutes, 4 minutes had already passed. I knew that it would already take me 10 minutes to drive to the restaurant and I hadn't even changed yet. In fact, I was still in my pyjamas. I thought I would have more time. I kept thinking somehow, that I would have ample time to mosey around and still be able to collect my pizza on time.
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dailytextprompt · 5 months
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force5mcc · 4 months
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There was 3 pillboxes quite together
Posted by Sherry
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renklirenksizz · 5 months
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2o2a · 5 months
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norise-feliceserino · 5 months
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me-henry-blog · 5 months
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Arni, Region Emmental, 25.4.24
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 months
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Completely incidental piece of lore established in this episode is that the isekai our mains are reverse isekai'd from is an alternate timeline Japan caused by Oda Nobunaga which is kind of hilarious when presented so matter-of-factly as this show does.
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letterswithumlauts · 5 months
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mzaghi · 5 months
#Oportunidades abiertas #comercializadora #integradora #Guatemala al 25.4.24
#Oportunidades abiertas #comercializadora #integradora #Guatemala al 25.4.24 En unos minutos inicia el evento virtual de SIT / UIT  de niñas y tecnologia de Guatemala el 25 de abril.  Aca va el link donde se ve y quedara grabado:  https://www.mzaghi.com/convocatoria/girlsinict-guatemala-via-sit-uit-2024/ Mañana viernes 26 de abril 9am es el evento virtual de ONU de Innovacion de Guatemala…ojala…
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nightcall99 · 5 months
Soul writing from 25.4.24
Nothing to say?
Nothing to say
Say something, still
You were told that you were about to be very happy
I am
What if we told that it could expand 10-fold?
And after that?
And then?
*the energy smiles*
What else?
Aren't you glad to know you will continue as this NPC on the NE, at least for awhile?
Yes. I am. It makes sense. But that was a change from before. It wasn't spoken about like that before
Yes, we're changing the rules. And yet that is not the case, because we're not there and the game hasn't even been played yet. So we make it up as we go long, of course.
Other me and I both had dreams where we are in a hurry, or like the time snuck up on us?
That is the energy that is percolating through now. You're living in the moment and so you don't know it yet. But you will, this is the start of the 'you will'.
Am I to start getting ready then? I don't want to miss my flight or eat cold pizza
You have been lulled into a state of peace and have been enjoying taking your time and now the next part comes... as it does and when it should and this happens by itself. We're showing you how the energy will progress. There is no fear, nothing to worry about. There is no 'late', there is no 'hurry', there is only what you want to feel because you're ready to feel it now. And in this specific way, because that's what's been chosen.
I went with the flow completely today. It was good. I don't feel myself skipping like a CD, skipping on thoughts that come, on experiences. Resistance is gone. I like it.
We like it too. We're so happy. You're going to be so, so happy.
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force5mcc · 4 months
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Dunmill pillboxes
Posted by Sherry
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renklirenksizz · 5 months
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