world-of-wales · 2 years
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29 SEPTEMBER 2020 || The Duchess of Cambridge became the joint President of The Scout Association with The Duke of Kent and visited the 12th Northolt Scouts in west London.
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libzarzar · 2 years
It's time to transfer my old stuff here.
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Khun Aguero Agnis at your service 👐
from 29.09.2020
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abfindunginfo · 4 months
Reinhard Mey & Freunde - Nein, meine Söhne geb' ich nicht [Offizielles Video]
6.504.715 * 29.09.2020 * 27.02.2022 "Wer aber will kann im Namen der Mitwirkenden als Anerkennung die Arbeit von Friedensdorf International e.V. (https://friedensdorf.de) unterstützen." Nachtrag vom 02.06.2024: Am 18. Mai 2025 trat ein neues, verschärftes Gesetz zur landesweiten Mobilmachung der Ukraine in Kraft. „Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat Probleme bei der Armee eingeräumt. Es fehle an Männern und die Moral müsse verbessert werden, sagte Selenskyj. Ein neues Mobilisierungsgesetz soll hier Abhilfe schaffen.“ (SRF1, 18. 05. 2025) Zur Durchsetzung des Gesetzes siehe auch: Notschrei aus der Ukraine Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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hardikbhutiya · 6 months
LGBTQI Community in India :
We all know about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex community and their rights around the world. Also they facing many social difficulties to live.
[History of LGBTQI :]
LGBTQ+ is an umbrella term used to refer to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex. LGBTQI+ people represent a subset of individuals among the broader category of sexual and gender diverse individuals. Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE) is diverse and spans cultures across the world.
Out of all the letters in the acronym LGBTQI, the L was the first to come into existence. LGBTQ+ traces its history since the second century but it started gaining social ground in the 17th century. Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a 19th-century, German lawyer, and writer who may have identified as gay was the first to try to represent his community. The two symbols of the community that are recognized internationally are the pink triangle and the rainbow flag.
[Population in India]
The Registrar General of India (RGI), during Enumeration of Census 2011, for the first time provided three code i.e. Male-1, Female-2 and other-3 for enumeration. This was at the discretion of the respondent. In case the respondent wished to record neither ‘1’ nor ‘2’ then enumerator was instructed to record sex as ‘other’ and give code ‘3’. It is important to note that the Census of India does not collect any data specifically on ‘transgender’. Thus, the category of ‘other’ would not only include ‘transgender’ but also any person who desires to record sex under the category of ‘other’. It is also possible that some transgender would have returned themselves either male or female depending upon their choice. The population of ‘other’ as per Census 2011 is 4,87,803.
[Discrimination against LGBTQ]
LGBTQI+ people are discriminated against in the labour market, in schools and in hospitals, mistreated and disowned by their own families. They are less likely to access health services and engage with healthcare workers due to stigma and discrimination and bear a disproportionate burden of adverse physical and mental health outcomes. As a community, they are more likely to experience human rights violations including violence, torture, criminalization, involuntary medical procedures, and discrimination. In addition, they face denial of care, discriminatory attitudes, and inappropriate pathologizing in healthcare settings.
[Legal provisions in India for LGBTQI Community]
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is the nodal Ministry for Welfare for Transgender Persons. The Ministry enacted the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 and provisions of the same came into force on 10.01.2020. The Ministry has also prepared “The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules, 2020” for effective implementation of the provisions of the Act and the same has been notified in the Gazette of India on 29.09.2020. Further, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, the Ministry, vide notification dated 21.08.2020, has constituted the National Council for Transgender Persons.
This umbrella scheme would cover several comprehensive measures including welfare measures for both transgender persons and persons who are engaged in the act of begging with focus extensively on rehabilitation, provision of medical facilities, counseling, education, skill development, economic linkages etc with the support of State Governments/UTs/Local Urban Bodies, Voluntary Organizations, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and institutions and others.
(1) TG certificate and ID card : A transgender person can apply for certificate and identity card from across the country. The Transgender certificate & identity card are nationally recognised and provided by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. The certificate is a mandatory document to avail the welfare measures being provided under the SMILE scheme. To apply online, click here.
(2)Scholarships : The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is providing scholarships studies in India to Transgender students studying in classes IX and above to provide financial assistance to the Transgender students studying in classes IX and X, and at post matriculation or post-secondary stage and beyond that till post-graduation to reduce the incidence of drop-out and aid the transition from the elementary to the secondary stage. Four Scholarship categories are available:
Scholarships for secondary school (9th & 10th) Transgender students.
Scholarships for senior secondary (11th & 12th) education.
Scholarships for students (Undergraduate/Diploma).
Scholarships for students (Post-graduation).
To know more details and apply online, click here.
(3)Skill Training : There are two types of skill development training programmes that are provided :
Short Term Training Programmes (200 hours to 600 hours and upto 6 months).
Long Term Training Programmes (5 months and above and usually up-to 1 year) (up to 1000 hours).
To know more details and apply online, click here.
(3)Composite Medical Health : The objective of the scheme is to provide health Insurance coverage to all Transgender persons living in India to improve their health condition through proper treatment including sex re-assignment surgeries as well as medical support. The scheme would cover all Transgender persons not receiving such benefits from other centre/state sponsored schemes. To know more details and apply online, click here.
(4)Garima Greh: Shelter Homes : The main aim of Garima Greh is to provide shelter to Destitute & abandoned Transgender persons with basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and recreational facilities. Besides that, it will provide support for the capacity-building/skill development of Transgender persons. To know more details and apply online, click here
(5)Recognition & Appreciation : To encourage online skill training & employment opportunities for transgender persons and provides recognition/incentives to those applicants who have done courses.
[Recent Developments :]
*Decriminalization of Section 377: A historic step toward recognizing dignity and humanity.
*Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination: Constitutional provisions protect LGBTQIA+ individuals.
*Gender Identity and Legal Recognition: The Transgender Persons Act recognizes rights and safeguards.
India’s journey toward LGBTQIA+ acceptance continues, with progress and challenges intertwined.
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mcastradio · 1 year
Roel Funcken
Rowl Funcken – Ambient Mixlr 29.09.2020 play | download | more Roel Funcken · Ambient.Mixlr.29.09.2020
View On WordPress
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gorky-gorod · 2 years
Нижегородский ПФР дал разъяснения по получению пособия по беременности и родам
Отделением ПФР по Нижегородской области с июля 2021 года назначено и выплачено 7 681 пособие по беременности и родам. «Напоминаем, что органы Пенсионного фонда РФ осуществляют установление и выплату пособия по беременности и родам только тем женщинам, которые уволены в связи с ликвидацией организации, прекращением деятельности в качестве индивидуального предпринимателя, полномочий нотариуса, адвоката. Прекращение трудовых отношений по иным причинам не дает права на получение пособия в органах ПФР», — сказано в сообщении. Условия назначения ежемесячного пособия женщине, вставшей на учет в медицинской организации в ранние сроки беременности: увольнение в связи с ликвидацией организации, прекращением деятельности ИП, нотариуса, адвоката; нахождение в отпуске по беременности и родам; наличие статуса безработного. В соответствии с Федеральным законом РФ от 19.05.1995 г. №81-ФЗ «О государственных пособиях гражданам, имеющим детей» и приказом Минтруда РФ от 29.09.2020 г. № 668н пособие по беременности и родам назначается и выплачивается по месту работы (службы, учебы). Одновременное установление пособия и по месту работы и в органе Пенсионного фонда РФ законодательством не предусмотрено.
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taeminrecuerdos · 2 years
Publicación en el canal oficial de SHINee en YouTube, un nuevo TAEMLOG 6v6, en el que nos mostraron el cómo se hizo la sesión de fotos de Taemin para la revista "W" Corea.
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whitneycarter · 4 years
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This is the best day ever.
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liam-93-productions · 4 years
"Painting and drawing are incredible practices. Exploring them lead me to a level of concentration so particular that, if it weren't music, I would probably dedicate myself to it... Both activities manage to liberate me in an amazing way. Recently, they have been the way of placing myself in a parallel and comforting reality."
Liam for Esquire Mexico about drawing and painting - 29.09
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yunusemreeural · 4 years
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‘’...Akşam ezanı gibiydin biraz da, hep içim kararmaya yakın sana sığınmak istiyordum...’’
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desorden-en-letras · 4 years
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Sir. Black Sould
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animasmusicdiary · 4 years
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jisoo-gifs · 4 years
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mor-menekse-93 · 4 years
En çokta adımı söylemesini seviyorum..
Tüm dünya yanlış biliyormuş da tek doğru o biliyormuş gibi..
O seslenince bana..
Sanki ismimi ilk kez duyuyor gibi oluyorum..
Çünkü o herkesten farklı sesleniyor..
Adımı söylerken dahi beni incitmekten korkuyor..
Sesinin içine sevgi katıyor birazcık, bir tutam kadar utanma var, az biraz mutluluk..
Kesinlikle bana seslenirken mutlu oluyor.. sol yanımda hissediyorum..
Çünkü daha önce hiç çalmadığı bir ritim tutturuyor kalbim..
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haraldbulling · 3 years
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Boulevard, 29.09.2020, Berlin
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pestitvunofficial · 4 years
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Czeglédy strómanjai úra a szakmában !
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