livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 29 Leap Day! Intention for the next 4 years Leap Forward The Chariot just like a. salmon swimming upstream to spawn you intend to move forward with momentum and a single minded goal..Be mindful of the dangerous along the way and don’t forget to find wonder and beauty in the world 2 of Pentacles there is transformation and rebirth happening here, you are hatching a plan, to grow into your abundance into prosperity. #wayhometarot @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #thechariottarot #movingforwardalways #2ofpentacles #tranformation #rebirth #iamabundant #tarotforinsight #tarotforpersonalgrowth https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JtW_yHebn/?igshid=rghyjw9j84u9
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 28 Theme for Next Month A Lesson to be Learned Four of Swords nurture and protect you inner hatchlings, there is something you want to communicate that is sleeping inside nurture it and let it grow.. A Lesson Father of Cups You are made of all the same things, elements as everyone and everything else in nature. Feel and connect with that. Allow your feelings to reside with it and also know that you are more.. @owlandbonestarot #thewayhometarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #swords #cups #tarotforgrowth #tarottribe #tarotlover https://www.instagram.com/p/B9G77GenBzz/?igshid=g0q6tt5whg11
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 27 Brag Be humble Three of Swords - things feel broken or you may feel broken , maybe you are in physical pain, maybe it’s mental .. The thing is this is not the first time you have hurt. You are so strong, don’t forget that, you have magic within. You will get through this. And the only way to get to the sunrise is to stay where you are and feel it. But remember this place is not you, it’s only temporary. Brag bc you know, know deep down how strong and resilient you are. Brag bc you know that you are a child of the universe and you have been given this pain bc the universe knows you can get through it. Brag bc you Will come out the other side. Child of Cups- find the wonder, take time to see the miracle in every thing. Open your heart to life as a child does. Open yourself to the inner knowledge that is within. This is a place of quiet of turning inward. Insights you receive are for you. Be humble here. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #thespacioustarot #spacioustarot #threeofswords #youarenotbroken #childofcups #pageofcups #connectwithintuition #tarotforpersonalgrowth #tarotforinsight #taroteveryday #tarotdaily #tarotforinspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EW41EHu6A/?igshid=odq54xyrsh6r
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 26 Absorb Take Action Explorer of Wands (Knight of Wands) you may feel like when you speak your truth that it is THE truth, but remember we all have different perspectives. Choose your words carefully.. Three of Swords There are cracks and you may feel broken. Sometimes all we can feel is the pain of right now. Know that we all have struggles, you are not alone. The dawn is coming , things will get better. Don’t be afraid to take the action of reaching out to others. Share how you are feeling and it may ease some of the ache. #thespacioustarot @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #painistemporary #weallareone #swordstarotsuit #wordsarepowerful https://www.instagram.com/p/B9BxSEWn7em/?igshid=idghfzdjq8jf
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 25 Using #thespacioustarot Let it go Care Bear Stare (omg hahaha) make it yours Ace of Wands the fire of creativity burns within you, you have all these ideas for projects/ things not brought to full form yet. Let go of your judgment of what others will think, let go of what you should do..let go of fear.. The Sun -there’s a place in the sun just for you, where you feel the warmth on your face and you feel safe and nourished. This is the place where you can bloom. Find it, Make it yours. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #indietarotdeck #indietarot #thesun #aceofwands #theresaplaceinthesun #growyourself #tarotforselfdiscovery https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_M3qjHbJB/?igshid=1ahfk7ni0yms9
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 23 Wash Away Invigorate Wash away Child of Wands (Page of Wands) you are full of enthusiasm and zest for life. Wash away any doubt that all will be well, wash away any restrictions that you put upon yourself and allow the child within you to come and play. Invigorate -Eight of Pentacles , focused work towards your goals will bring you far. “There is magic in good old fashioned work” says the Guidebook for #thespacioustarot so settle down and focus out live into all you do. Put positive energy into your work and you will get positive energy back. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #childofwands #pageofwands #eightofpentacles #8ofpentacles #goodenergy #newmoonpread https://www.instagram.com/p/B86XFK0H3wI/?igshid=ekaabgm71vs2
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 22 Where are you a fish out of water? Where are you in your element? The Tower things come crashing down sometimes it’s ok to feel like a fish out of water during this time period, know that it’s temporary. King of Coins you are the provider and caretaker and do well and are comfortable in that role. This is your element. How can you draw upon this to create more abundance. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #whisperingspiritstarot #whisperingspirits #kingofcoins #kingofpentacles #thetower https://www.instagram.com/p/B83yGc7H2_Z/?igshid=1v0mj2aq0j6ej
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February 2 Card Challenge By Owl and Bones Tarot Where is there static in your life? What do you need to tune in to? The Devil - there are darker parts of you inside, tendencies towards too much of something be it negativity, mindless shopping, drinking, gossiping.. when you allow yourself to get led astray it creates static. This is not the station you are looking for. Five of Wands sometimes in healthy competition we get inspired to be better or do better. When we are competitive it can bring energy. Get inspired by this energy, tune into it and use it to propel you farther down your path. @owlandbonestarot #modernwitchtarot #modernwitchtarotdeck #thedevil #fiveofwands #tunein #tarotforpersonalgrowth #tarotforinsight #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B8yVXyfnR-_/?igshid=1owmsl7el6vwj
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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Day 19 Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Where can you be more creative? Where are you being deluded? Five of Wands chaos reigns but does it? Are you fighting for position? Is there a lot of competition in your life at the moment? Ask yourself how is that serving you? Can you find a more creative way to find your place? The Tower change is a coming..You may feel like you know this and are ready but maybe this is delusion. Or maybe the change you have been warned of is not at all what is really happening.. @owlandbonestarot @lisasterle #modernwitchtarot #modernwitch #tarotgoodness #bedotarot #taroteveryday #tarotismyjam #moderntarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/B8vv3fAH-nL/?igshid=wqqju7ff7p2j
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 18 Plant Seeds Dig Up Two of Wands - actions you take now have the ability to grow into bigger things, you may be thinking on which actions to take. Look around and see what is and then choose what seed to plant. Page of Pentacles you are fascinated by an idea you have about your career, work, home, so you have been doing much research and studying up on it . Dig that up, let go and surrender to the flow of what comes.. Let go of the idea that you need to have a certificate that says you can do the thing, just do it instead. @owlandbonestarot #modernwitchtarot #modernwitchtarotdeck #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #dailyinspiration #connectwithspirit #dailyguidance #expandyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/B8tLHhBnsAs/?igshid=kdtvbqcera0n
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 17 Pay attention to this.. Revisit this Seven of Pentacles you are busy growing your wealth, nurturing your career but it may be time to step back and take stock. Are you putting your energy into the right things for you? Are you on the path you want to be on? Now is the time to take stock to pay attention.. Ten of Pentacles..Because you need to think about your end game , what is your goal? Where are you wanting to end up? Are you taking steps towards or away from the goal? It’s time to revisit this.. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #pentacles https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rGP_znDR7/?igshid=1k55mc829u94j
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 16 Communicate about this /Keep this to yourself Seven of Wands you may be feeling like it’s you against the world don’t be afraid to ask for help, notice when you are open vs feeling defensive. Two of pentacles sometimes when you have a decision to be made all you wanna do is talk about that decision. Sometimes you need to focus on your intuition and listen to that rather than focusing on everybody else’s opinions. #modernwitchtarot #modernwitchtarotdeck @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #decklust #moderntarot #tarotfun #tarotforinspiration #dailythoughts #connectwithspirit https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oT_prHHoj/?igshid=1kc642d7u29cm
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 15 Self-love guidance Self care suggestion The Fool you are infinite potential , you have all paths before you. Take a leap of faith do something new and possibly out of your comfort zone. The High Priestess fund your connect to your spiritual side. Within you the universal consciousness resides. Connect with it. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #marjorarcanacards #thefool #thehighpriestess https://www.instagram.com/p/B8lv_4DnQF5/?igshid=5o07ryoecu77
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Valentines Day Day 14 1-How to better love yourself.. 2-How to let it trickle down to others.. 9’s! 9 of Disks take a moment to experience the wonder of nature, take a walk outside. Experience the beauty and peace there is in nature and know that you are part of it. You have a divine spark with in you. Allow yourself a moment of awe for the amazing ness of you. 9 of Cups find compassion with in yourself and spread it throughout your day. Allow yourself to find some stillness or meditation and practice spreading compassion in this place. Let it surround you like a bubble and then go forth from this place of peace. @owlandbonestarot #Februarychallenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #valentinereading #practicecompassion #findnature #9ofcups #9ofdisks #9ofpentacles #tarotlove #tarotlover #tarotreadersofig #patchtarot #neverenoughtarot #decklist https://www.instagram.com/p/B8i3WPLHAaQ/?igshid=16f8hqbx99srt
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 13 Make peace with this Forgive this 7 of Swords: sometimes it feels like it’s you against the world and you are out on an edge alone, but is that the truth? Can you make peace with the part of yourself that got you there? Can you find some connection? 4 of Wands - success and victory - sometimes we go for the outward appearance of success but is that deep down serving you? Are you using the success to make you feel good about yourself, notice that is a fleeting feeling .. it is temporary..Forgive yourself for looking for it and then look within for validation instead. Self love is what it’s all about. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #patchtarot #decklust #nevertoomanydecks #tarotlove @spiritscienceofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gTL8MnYM3/?igshid=4t8tzew5y5tg
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livehappyashley · 4 years
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February Owl and Bones Tarot 2 Card Challenge Day 12 What makes you want to scream? What makes you content? Knight of Swords charging forth with single focus and determination may be a bit scary.. knights are all about action and movement taking actions themselves towards an ambitious goal . Taking the leap.. 8 of cups release and let go what no longer serves you walk away and move towards the light. Once you let go of distraction and negativity you will feel more at peace. @owlandbonestarot #February challenge #february2cardchallenge #2cardtarotprompts #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotofinstagram #taroteverydamnday #taroteveryday #tarottribe #dailytarotreading #tarotoftheday #tarotdaily #tarotinspiration #decklust #deckcollector #2cardreading #2cardchallenge #kightofswords #8ofcups #thelightseerstarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dtz3hnVRi/?igshid=2jnu4jmw3tu5
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