box-of-chaooos · 7 months
Updated anatomy and heacannons list of frank and len 🤘🏻
Their nervous system is conjoined. Whilst they have their respective sides each will still feel pain if it’s from the others respective side like in sunny daze (days?) len steps onto the hot steps and frank feels it too. Only both feel it if it’s a strong pain, if len bumped his leg or something frank wouldn’t feel that only len and vice Versa hence why they can pinch each other and the other not feel it.
They have 2 stomachs but sometimes still eat for 1 person. Ruby might make a batch of special cupcakes so they’ll halve it between them, but if it’s a normal meal or there’s enough for everyone to have their fill the two will eat as they wish as well, Ruby usually provides more for them both.
Both are technically zombies, as mentioned imo frank died of suffocation and len of Illness so both of them are quite slow, len more so because his brain was shut down so quickly as a baby due to his illness hence why he blinks out of unison a lot or seems to stare out into space alot. Frank also blinks out of unison or can be ditzy but slightly less so.
Frank is nonbinary and bisexual, he doesn’t have a preference
He has one blue (right) eye and one green (left) the blue is more prominently coloured than the green which is a sort of muddy green as opposed to his bright blue eye.
They’re autistic and have a strict routine they follow each day but it’s usually messy due to len (why in lens area)
Do not call him frankie he will actually strangle you.
Whilst he loves rock he typically likes sorts of 80s rock or alternative and they quite likes jazz too.
He has a fear of suffocation due to the way he died as a kid, he constantly has anxiety about how he might stop breathing randomly or even end up drowning.
He is actually more adventurous than len, he loves to get outside (mostly in hopes of finding a talent scout)
Between the two they take the career a little more seriously than len
Assigned female at birth
They’re technically older than len having been born first
Len is trans and gay but he always talks about girls he just appreciates a beautiful or hot lady when he sees one
He’s gay but put a muscular punkish lady infront of him he will say some shit that is straight as.
Autistic and adhd, he struggles to stick with routine and constantly wants to do his own thing which is tricky due to franks routine.
He tattooed himself with a pen and safety pin because he was bored.
To him the music career isn’t as serious and more fun
The better singer of the two (don’t tell Frank)
He has one green eye (right) and one blue (left) his green eye is a very bright green whilst the blue is more greyish which is the opposite to franks
He is a raging insomniac and barely sleeps which ends in him falling asleep through the day all the time randomly.
Loves all rock categories but favours heavy metal and punk rock even death metal, though he loves hairspray/glam metal too.
Assigned female at birth, but doesn’t mind embracing his feminine side E.g wearing eyeliner
The pink parts of his eyes aren’t makeup rather from when he died his skin drooping what you see is his water line.
Has a very server phobia of illness and sick (emetophobia) due to his death as a kid and often avoids eating due to it, checks dates constantly misery helps ease the worries.
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