#2nd Army Aviation Regiment
armyaviaton · 1 year
Γράφει ο Δημήτρης Σαμπάνης Την Παρασκευή 12 Μαϊ 2023  πραγματοποιήθηκε στο «Στρατόπεδο Δελαπόρτα» – Α/Δ Πάχης Μεγάρων η Παράδοση-Παραλαβή της Διοίκησης του 2ου Συγκροτήματος Αεροπορίας Στρατού. Παραδίδων Διοικητής  o Σχης (ΑΣ) Πασχάλης ΓΚΟΥΤΣΙΔΗΣ και  παραλαμβάνων o Σχης (ΑΣ) Κωνσταντίνος ΜΠΑΚΑΣ. Η τελετή, έγινε παρουσία του Διοικητή της Προϊσταμένης αρχής (1η ΤΑΞΑΣ),  Ταξίαρχου Γεωργίου…
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look-sharp-notes · 5 months
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Наталия Фёдоровна Меклин(Кравцова). Родилась 8 сентября 1922 года в городе Лубны, ныне Полтавской области, в семье служащего. Жила в Харькове и Киеве. В 1940 году окончила среднюю школу и аэроклуб, в 1941 году - 1-й курс Московского авиационного института. С октября 1941 года в рядах Красной Армии. В 1942 году окончила Энгельсскую военную авиационную школу пилотов. С мая 1942 года в действующей армии. К декабрю 1944 года старший лётчик 46-го Гвардейского ночного бомбардировочного авиационного полка (325-я ночная бомбардировочная авиационная дивизия, 4-я Воздушная армия, 2-й Белорусский фронт) Гвардии лейтенант Н. Ф. Меклин совершила 840 боевых вылетов на бомбардировку важных объектов в тылу врага, скоплений его живой силы и боевой техники, нанеся ему значительный урон. Во время Белорусской операции 1944 года бомбила скопления войск противника на реке Проня и Днепр, в районе Могилёва, Минска, Гродно. 23 февраля 1945 года за мужество и воинскую доблесть, проявленные в боях с врагами, удостоена звания Героя Советского Союза. Всего выполнила 982 успешных боевых вылета.
She was born on September 8, 1922 in the city of Lubny, now Poltava region, in the family of an employee. Lived in Kharkov and Kyiv. In 1940 she graduated from high school and the flying club, in 1941 she graduated from the 1st year of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Since October 1941 in the ranks of the Red Army. In 1942 she graduated from the Engels Military Aviation Pilot School. Since May 1942 in the active army. By December 1944, the senior pilot of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment (325th Night Bomber Aviation Division, 4th Air Army, 2nd Belorussian Front) of the Guard, Lieutenant N. F. Meklin, made 840 sorties to bomb important targets behind enemy lines, concentrations of his manpower and military equipment, causing him significant damage. During the Belarusian operation of 1944, it bombed enemy troop concentrations on the Pronya and Dnieper rivers, in the area of ​​Mogilev, Minsk, and Grodno. On February 23, 1945, for courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, she was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, she completed 982 successful combat missions.
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er1chartmann · 7 months
Hermann Goring during WWI
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These are some facts and curiosities about Hermann Goring in WWI:
During the first year of World War I, Göring served with his infantry regiment in the Mülhausen region, a garrison town only a mile from the French frontier. 
His friend Bruno Loerzer convinced him to transfer to the Luftstreitkräfte ("air combat force") of the German army
After completing the pilot's training course, Göring was assigned to Jagdstaffel 5.
He soon became one of the most popular aviation aces, becoming part of the famous fighter squadron of Manfred von Richthofen (the legendary Red Baron), the Jagdstaffel 11 (Jasta 11), which then, together with the Jasta 4, 6 and 10, became part of the elite formation Jagdgeschwader 1, also known as the "flying circus".
On 7 July 1918, following the death of Wilhelm Reinhard, successor to Manfred von Richthofen, Göring was made commander of the famed "Flying Circus"
Because of his arrogance, he was not popular with the men of Jagdgeschwader 1.
In the last days of the war, Göring was repeatedly ordered to withdraw his squadron, first to Tellancourt airdrome, then to Darmstadt.
At one point he was ordered to surrender the aircraft to the Allies; he refused. Many of his pilots intentionally crash-landed their planes to keep them from falling into enemy hands
 In addition to his Iron Crosses (1st and 2nd Class), he received the Zaehring Lion with swords, the Friedrich Order, the House Order of Hohenzollern with swords third class, and finally in May 1918, the coveted Pour le Mérite.
He finished the war with 22 victories.
Wikipedia: Hermann Goring
Military Wiki: Hermann Goring
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Multinational Live Fire Exercise at Noble Partner 18: US Soldiers Train With Georgian Peers A 12th Combat Aviation Brigade AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and a M1A2 Abrams tank belonging to Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division prepare to fire during a a combined arms live fire exercise with U.S. and Georgian armed forces at Vaziani Training Area, Georgia, Aug. 14, 2018. Noble Partner 2018 is a Georgian Armed Forces and U.S. Army Europe cooperatively-led event improving readiness and interoperability of Georgia, U.S. and other participating nations.
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 39 of 2023
Title: First In, Last Out: An American Paratrooper in Vietnam With the 101st and Vietnamese Airborne Authors: John Howard ISBN: 9780811766067 Tags: AC-130 Spectre, AUS ADF AA 1st Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), AUS ADF AA Australian Army, AUS ADF Australian Defence Force, AUS Australia, B-52 Stratofortress, C-130 Hercules, CHE Geneva Conference of 1954 (French Indochina War), Cold War (1946-1991), CUB Cuba, CUB Cuban Missile Crisis, FAC, FRA ADT French Ground Army (Armée de terre), FRA ADT Groupement Mobile 100 (French Indochina War), FRA France, GER Berlin, GER Berlin - Checkpoint Charlie, GER Berlin Wall, GER Germany, GER Munich, KHM Cambodia, KHM Cambodian Incursion (1970) (Vietnam War), KOR Blue House Raid (1968), KOR Camp Greaves, KOR Freedom Bridge, KOR Imjin River, KOR Korea, KOR Korean War (1950-1953), KOR Munsan, KOR President Park Chung Hee, KOR ROK Capital Tiger Division, KOR ROK KATUSA Korean Augmentation to the US Army, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, KOR ROKMC Republic Of Korea Marine Corps, KOR UN UNC United Nations Command, KOR US USFK US Forces Korea, LAO FSB 31 (Lam Son 719) (Vietnam War), LAO Lam Son 719 (1971) (Vietnam War), LAO Laos, M113 APC, O-2 Skymaster, PHL Philippines, PHL US USAF Clark Air Force Base, PRK Kim Il Sung, PRK KPA 124th Army Unit, PRK KPA North Korean People's Army, PRK North Korea, SA-2 Guideline SAM, SA-7 Strela SAM, SAM, THA Bangkok, THA Bangkok - Nick's #1 Hungarian Inn, THA RTAFB Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, THA Thailand, U-2, UN United Nations, US Ambassador Maxwell Taylor, US Martin Luther King Jr (Civil Rights Leader), US MOH Medal of Honor, US MSTS Military Sea Transportation Service, US MSTS USNS General Leroy Eltinge (T-AP-154), US OH Kent State University, US OH Kent State University Shootings (1970) (Vietnam War), US OH Ohio, US President John F. Kennedy, US President John F. Kennedy Assassination - Dallas TX (1963), US President Lyndon B. Johnson, US President Richard M. Nixon, US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 1st Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 3rd Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - Screaming Eagles, US USA 173rd Airborne Brigade - Sky Soldiers, US USA 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, US USA 1st Cavalry Division, US USA 1st ID - 3rd Brigade, US USA 1st ID - Big Red One, US USA 23rd Infantry Regiment, US USA 23rd Infantry Regiment - 3/23, US USA 2nd ID, US USA 2nd Infantry Regiment, US USA 2nd Infantry Regiment - 2/2, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - A (ABU) Co, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - B Co, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - Tiger Force Recon, US USA 38th Infantry Regiment, US USA 38th Infantry Regiment - 2/38, US USA 502nd Aviation Bn, US USA 502nd Aviation Bn - A Co, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment - 2/502, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment - 2/502 - C Co, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment - 1/503, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment - 2/503, US USA 70th Engineer Bn, US USA 7th ID, US USA 8th Army, US USA 937th Engineer Group, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment - 1/9 - F Troop, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment - 1/9 - Headhunters, US USA Col David Hackworth, US USA Col Jack Jacobs (MOH), US USA Fort Benning GA, US USA Fort Benning GA - Airborne School, US USA Fort Benning GA - IOAC Infantry Officers Advanced Course, US USA Fort Benning GA - NCOCC NCO Candidate Course, US USA Fort Benning GA - Ranger School, US USA Fort Benning GA - US Army Infantry School, US USA Fort Campbell KY, US USA Fort Ord CA, US USA Fort Ord CA - USATC US Army Training Center, US USA General Barry McCaffrey, US USA General Charles H Bonesteel III, US USA General Creighton Abrams, US USA General Fred C. Weyand, US USA General Frederick Koresen, US USA General James A. Hollingsworth, US USA General John Guthrie, US USA General John Heintges, US USA General John McGiffert, US USA General John R. McGiffert, US USA General Normal Schwarzkopf, US USA General Ray Lynch, US USA General Thomas Kennan, US USA General Willard Pearson, US USA General William Coleman, US USA General William Enemark, US USA General William Westmoreland, US USA LRRP Team (Vietnam War), US USA United States Army, US USA USSF Green Berets, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USA USSF Team ODA-221, US USA USSF Team ODA-222, US USA Walter Reed Hospital, US USAF 21st TASS - Rash FAC, US USAF 21st TASS - Sundog FAC, US USAF United States Air Force, US USMC 3rd Marines - 3/3, US USMC United States Marine Corps, US USN NPS Naval Postgraduate School CA, US USN United States Navy, US USN USS Newport News (CA-148), US USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USMA West Point, USMA West Point - Camp Buckner, USSR, USSR 1st Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, USSR General Secretary of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM 1972 Easter Offensive / Nguyen Hue (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM An Khe, VNM An Loc, VNM An Ninh, VNM Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem (1963) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of An Loc (1972) (1972 Easter Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Camp Holloway (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dak To (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954) (French Indochina War), VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Ia Drang Valley (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Saigon (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Tan Son Nhut (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Bien Hoa, VNM Binh Dinh Province, VNM Binh Long Province, VNM Buddhist Crisis (1963) (Vietnam War), VNM Cam Ranh Bay, VNM Camp Carroll (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Evans (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Holloway (Vietnam War), VNM Central Highlands, VNM Cham People, VNM Cholon, VNM Cholon - Binh Xuyen (Cholon Mafia), VNM Chon Thanh District, VNM Chu Lai, VNM Cua Viet River, VNM Cung Son Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Dak To, VNM Di An, VNM DMZ Demilitarized Zone - 17th Parallel (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Ba Thin, VNM Dong Ba Thin Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Tre, VNM Dong Tre Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM DRV Ho Chi Minh, VNM DRV NVA 320B Division, VNM DRV NVA 7th Division, VNM DRV NVA 95th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 95th Regiment - 5th Bn, VNM DRV NVA Communist B2 Front, VNM DRV NVA General Tran Van Tra, VNM DRV NVA General Vo Nguyen Giap, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV Party Secretary Le Duan, VNM DRV Politburo Central Military Committee, VNM DRV VC 5th Division, VNM DRV VC 9th Division, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM DRV VM Viet Minh, VNM Emperor Minh Manh, VNM FRA 1st Vietnamese Paratroop Bn (French Indochina War), VNM FRA French Expeditionary Corps (French Indochina War), VNM French Indochina War (1946-1954), VNM FSB Mai Loc (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Sarge (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Than Khai (Vietnam War), VNM Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964) (Vietnam War), VNM Heiu Xuong District, VNM Highway 1, VNM Highway 13 - Thunder Road, VNM Highway 19, VNM Highway 9, VNM Hill 169, VNM Hill 65, VNM Hill 875, VNM Hue, VNM Hue - Le Huan St, VNM Hue - The Citadel, VNM I Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Ia Drang Valley, VNM II Corps (Vietnam War), VNM III Corps (Vietnam War), VNM IV Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Kontum, VNM Kontum Province, VNM Lai Khe, VNM Loc Ninh, VNM LZ Albany (Vietnam War), VNM LZ Sally (Vietnam War), VNM LZ X-Ray (Vietnam War), VNM Mekong Delta, VNM Montagnard, VNM My Canh, VNM My Chanh River, VNM My Lai, VNM My Lai Massacre (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM My Phu, VNM Nha Trang, VNM Nhon Co, VNM Ninh Thuan Province, VNM Operation Arc Light (1965-1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Checkerboard (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Dong Tien (1970) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Flaming Dart (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Hump (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Lam Son 72 (1972) (1972 Easter Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Linebacker I (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Linebacker II (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation MacArthur (1967-1969) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Sayonara (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Silver Bayonet I (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Van Buren (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Phan Rang, VNM Phan Thiet, VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Sen, VNM Phu Yen Province, VNM Phung Ha, VNM Pleiku, VNM Quang Tri, VNM Quang Tri - Citadel, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Qui Nhon, VNM RVN ARVN 11th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 15th Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 18th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 1st ID, VNM RVN ARVN 20th Tank Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 21st ID, VNM RVN ARVN 31st Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 3rd ID, VNM RVN ARVN 56th Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 5th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 5th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 6th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 8th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 9th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 9th ID, VNM RVN ARVN Airborne Division - Su-Doan Nhay Du, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN CIDG Civilian Irregular Defense Group, VNM RVN ARVN General Cao Van Vien, VNM RVN ARVN General Du Quoc Dong, VNM RVN ARVN General Hoang Xuan Lam, VNM RVN ARVN General Le Van Hung, VNM RVN ARVN General Ngo Quang Truong, VNM RVN ARVN General Nguyen Van Minh, VNM RVN ARVN General Vu Van Giai, VNM RVN Madame Nhu (Tran Le Xuan), VNM RVN Marines, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Diem, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Nhu, VNM RVN Nguyen Van Thieu, VNM RVN SVNAF Da Nang Airbase, VNM RVN SVNAF South Vietnamese Air Force, VNM Saigon, VNM Saigon - Missouri BOQ (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon - Pham Van Hai St, VNM Saigon - US Embassy (Vietnam War), VNM Srok Ton Cui, VNM Tan Khai, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base - Camp Alpha (Vietnam War), VNM Thach Han River, VNM Thanh Binh, VNM Thanh Hoi, VNM Tuy Hoa, VNM US MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV AAG Army Advisory Group (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV ADAT Advisory Team 162 (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV ADAT Airborne Division Assistance Team (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Advisory Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV BCAT Battalion Combat Assistance Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV DCAT Division Combat Asisstant Team (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV FRAC First Regional Assistance Command (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV TRAC Third Regional Assistance Command (Vietnam War), VNM US Project 100000 (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 3rd Field Hospital - Saigon (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 85th Evacuation Hospital - Phu Bai (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 8th Field Hospital - Nha Trang (Vietnam War), VNM USA TF Hackworth (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Vung Tau, VNM War Zone D (Vietnam War), VNM Windy Hill Rating: ★★★★ (4 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.ARVN.Airborne Division, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.LRRPs, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Advisor, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Infantry
Description: Fresh out of West Point, John Howard arrived for his first tour in Vietnam in 1965, the first full year of escalation when U.S. troop levels increased to 184,000 from 23,000 the year before. When he returned for a second tour in 1972, troop strength stood at 24,000 and would dwindle to a mere 50 the following year. He thus participated in the very early and very late stages of American military involvement in the Vietnam War. His two tours—one as a platoon commander and member of an elite counterguerrilla force, the second as a senior advisor to the South Vietnamese—provide a fascinating lens through which to view not only one soldier’s experience in Vietnam, but also the country’s. **
Review:   Let me first say that I did enjoy this book - to a degree. That's why it gets 4 stars. But it's important to know that this is not a great book, which with the authors experiences, it really could have been. One of the biggest deficiencies is that he spends more time telling than showing. Good books of this genre give you a first hand view of what happened and what someone experienced. This book is very light on that, especially during his 1965 tour. It gets better with his Korean and Advisor experiences later on, but only just. Instead you get a lot of history of Vietnam, a lot of history of what happened, who went where, what they did. It's all very strategic and 1000 foot level when what this book is supposed to be is very in the weeds at the 1 foot personal experience level. This is a man who participated in a lot of intense operations, worked with incredible people like Foley and Hackworth, and was both a part of ABU and Tiger Recon with the 101st. But you never really get a feel for what it was like to be a member of either. You never get to experience a recon mission, though he was a part of many. You just know that x unit moved to y place, and then this is what happened / this was the outcome. 
You get a good overview of the battles, the war, and even a few of the people, but very little else from his time with the 101st. 
His time in Korea is a bit better and gives you a good understanding of what happened and some incidents and the people. Also his time as an Advisor is also more personal as well. So maybe it's just a memory thing and things from 72 are easily recalled vs 65. 
One thing you'll notice is a lot of ring knocking and naming of generals... so many generals. So just... be prepared for that.  
Overall though, a decent book... he needs to work on the tell vs show more than anything. Up next, going to read Foley's Special Men. I always loved Foley's fictional writing, so I have high hopes for his book about his time with Tiger Recon and other units. I have a feeling it's going to be a good compliment to this book. 
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karagin22 · 2 years
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U.S. Navy aviation boatswain's mate (handling) coordinates the arrival and landing of U.S. Army AH-64E Apache helicopters on the USS Lewis B. Puller during a deck landing qualification training exercise in the Persian Gulf, Nov. 10, 2022. Air crews of two U.S. Army UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters from 3rd Battalion, 142nd Aviation Regiment, Assault Helicopter Battalion, and two AH-64E Apache helicopters from 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, Attack Helicopter Battalion, attached to the 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, conducted deck landing qualifications to learn the operating procedures of the U.S. Navy. 36th CAB, mobilized as Task Force Mustang, currently supports the Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve mission across the Middle East. (U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt. Tiffany Paruolo, 3-142nd AHB Public Affairs Representative)
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nullnvoid911 · 1 month
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Australian Army soldiers from 2nd Commando Regiment fly to a mission in a 6th Aviation Regiment Black Hawk helicopter at Holsworthy Barracks, New South Wales, during "Mars" counter-terrorism training.
CPL Kyle Genner / Australian Army, May 14, 2019
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clipartghosts · 3 months
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8USARMY1.BMF: The insignia of the 8th Army, a field army of the U.S. Army based in South Korea. The emblem shows a white X, outlined in gray, in a red octagon. Below is the 8th Army’s motto, “Pacific Victors.” In the Aviation Unit Maintenance Company of the 2nd Aviation Regiment of the 2d Battalion in the 2d Infantry Divison of the Combat Aviation Brigade of the 8th Army is a corporal named Bill. He can’t figure out where all the black sludge pooling underneath one particular Apache helicopter is coming from. He dips his finger in the sludge, brings it up to his nose for a sniff. Bad move, Bill.
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militaryleak · 7 months
US Army UH-60M Black Hawk Assault Helicopters Conduct Deck Landings on USNS Dahl
Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade (2-2 CAB) conducted deck landings with U.S. Army UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters on prepositioning ship USNS Dahl (T-AKR 312), March 7. Six aircraft crews from Assault Helicopter Battalion 2-2 CAB practiced single-spot deck landings aboard USNS Dahl, about five miles off the coast of Jinhae, South Korea, to certify air crew members and pilots in landing on a ship. The DLQs were conducted through coordination between Military Sealift Command Office-Korea, USNS Dahl, and crews from Assault Helicopter Battalion 2-2 CAB to qualify or reset their crew on single-spot DLQ currency. The training environment was also an opportunity for Army aircrews to ensure maritime air movement capability and readiness. As a secondary training objective, MSCO-K and USNS Dahl aimed to further develop interoperability and joint relationship with 2-2 CAB during ship flight operations.
Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 2nd Aviation Regiment, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade (2-2 CAB) conducted deck landings with U.S. Army UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters on prepositioning ship USNS Dahl (T-AKR 312), March 7. Six aircraft crews from Assault Helicopter Battalion 2-2 CAB practiced single-spot deck landings aboard USNS Dahl, about five miles off the coast of Jinhae, South Korea, to certify air…
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georgemcginn · 1 year
DOD Featured Photos
Saber Silhouette Army Staff Sgt. Justin Gerber, an infantry squad leader assigned to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, talks … Photo Details > Cobra Warrior Air Force Staff Sgt. Jack Peterson, 56th Rescue Squadron special mission aviator, participates in a … Photo Details > Remote Control A Marine assigned to the Battalion Landing Team 1/6, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, pilots an unman… Photo Details…
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cyberbenb · 1 year
CDS Daily Brief. 14.07.2023
Operational situation
General conclusion: 
The Defense Forces continued offensive operations on at least three fronts and achieved success on some of them.
The Defense Forces units achieved tactical advantages in the areas of Krasnopillya and Yakovlivka, where they encircled the enemy and advanced to a distance of 4.5 km to Soledar.
The pace and scope of the offensive operation of the “Tavriya” Operational Grouping have slowed down, although success is still being achieved on all fronts.
The enemy’s command continues active offensive actions simultaneously on three fronts, achieving success on two.
The 7th motorized rifle regiment (the 18th motorized rifle division of the 11th Army Corps of the Baltic Fleet) and the 27th separate motorized rifle brigade achieved success in the direction of Chervonopopivka – Nevske and in the area of Novoselivske, bringing them close to crossing the Kupyansk-Svatove road. Their achievements will constrain the Defense Forces’ command on the Kupyansk direction, limiting their ability to respond to changes in the operational situation on the Lyman direction.
The deployment of the 1430th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Russian Territorial Forces on the Tokmak direction northeast of Robotyne resulted in the enemy losing 4 km² of territory in counter battles east of the village. This development further complicates the situation for the units of the enemy’s 291st Motorized Rifle Regiment.
The tactical position of the 38th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 35th Army of the enemy deteriorated on the Luhovske – Bagate direction. The brigade’s defensive line is divided in half by the T0815 Orikhiv – Polohy road, and the active fire from the “Tavria” Operational Grouping on the northern bank of the Konka River is forcing the enemy to adjust their battle formation due to the gradual encirclement by the Defense Forces from the right flank
Change in the line of contact (LoC):  
There were over 30 combat clashes on various fronts.
On the Lyman direction, the enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive operations east of Nevske in Luhansk Oblast and east of Terniv in Donetsk Oblast. 
The frontline units of the enemy’s 74th separate motorized rifle brigade were reinforced with at least two tank companies. They continued their attacks towards Kreminna – Zarichne, aiming to displace the Defense Forces from the northeastern outskirts of Torske. The enemy has significantly expanded their penetration into Ukrainian defenses in this direction. Southwestern of Spirne village, the Russian 123rd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps made several unsuccessful attempts over the course of several days to attack the Defense Forces’ positions and break through to Ivan-Daryivka village.
The enemy continues to launch constant attacks from the areas of Dibrova and Shypylivka, which further complicates the tactical situation of the Defense Forces in the Serebryansk Forest area. They are making efforts to advance towards Serebryanka – Bilohorivka – Dronivka.
On the Bakhmut direction, under intense enemy aviation and artillery fire, the Defense Forces successfully repelled all enemy attacks in the Berkhivka area. 
On the Krasnopillya – Yakovlivka sector, the 137th Parachute Airborne Regiment of the 106th Airborne Division and detachments of the PMC “Fakel” were unable to eliminate the penetration made by the Defense Forces units in the Yakovlivka village area, and the enemy’s defense was breached to the west of the village. Attempts to counterattack from the direction of Bilohorivka village were also repelled.
South of Bakhmut, the enemy, having deployed reserves, launched an attack with the units of the 124th separate rifle motorized brigade of the 2nd Army Corps in the direction of Klishchiivka-Ivanivske, and with the forces of the 83rd separate airborne assault brigade in the direction of Klishchiivka -Hight 233.3. As a result of the battle, the enemy was forced to abandon Klishchiivka. The Ukrainian Defense Forces gained control over the railway section south of Bakhmut, reached its southern outskirts, and entered Kurdyumivka.
The enemy, with the forces of reserves (217th and 331st parachute airborne regiments of the 98th airborne division), successfully counterattacked the Defense Forces units in the Dubovo-Vasylivka, Berkhivka, and Yahidne areas, completely halting the advance of the Defense Forces.
On the Avdiivka direction, under intense enemy artillery fire, the Defense Forces successfully repelled the attacks of Russian forces in the area of Pervomaiske and continue to contain the Russian advance in the area of Maryinka.
Zaporizhzhia direction: 
Berdyansk direction (Velyka Novosilka): The 136th Separate Motorized Brigade of the Russian 58th Army retreated by 1.5 km in the direction of Rivnopil-Staromayorske. The enemy conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the area of Novomykhailivka.
In the Black Sea-Azov Sea operational area, there were 8 enemy ships on combat duty in the Black Sea and 1 in the Azov Sea. In the Mediterranean, there were up to 8 enemy ships. A total salvo of cruise missiles (Kalibr) is up to 18.
Change in enemy disposition: 
The units of the 59th Separate C2 Brigade and the 179th Signal Brigade of the Central Military District have completed the installation of fiber optic communication lines between the command posts of the 74th Separate Motorized Brigade (located in Krasnorichenske village), the 35th Separate Motorized Brigade (in Kreminna), and the 55th Separate Motorized Brigade (presumably in Rubizhne). These communication lines connect to the communication node of the Command Post of the 41st Army.
The enemy command, intensifying its efforts, has deployed units of the 423rd Motorized Rifle Regiment from the 4th Tank Division of the 1st Tank Army in the directions of Kolomyichikha – Stelmakhivka and Kryvoshiivka – Stelmakhivka. Additionally, the 1431st motorized rifle regiment of the Territorial Forces has been introduced into the operation in the direction of Kuzemivka – Berestove.
On the Kupyansk direction, some batteries of the 9th artillery brigade and the 147th self-propelled artillery regiment have changed their fire positions.
Escalation indicators: 
In the area of Bilohorivka village, the enemy is regrouping the 127th separate motorized rifle brigade of the 2nd Army Corps, preparing to resume attacks on the village from the northeast and southeast directions.
Possible operation situation developments: 
The Defense Forces will continue the offensive in the directions of Stepove – Vasylivka, Orikhiv – Tokmak, Velyka Novosilka – Berdyansk.
As the Defense Forces advance towards the enemy’s main defensive line, the enemy command on the Zaporizhzhia direction will be forced to make a decision regarding the organization of defense either by consolidating the combat formations of the 49th and 58th Armies or by reallocating reserves from other operational zones.
In the event of a successful breakthrough of the enemy’s main defensive line on the Zaporizhzhia direction, the enemy command in the Southwest Operational Theater may launch a main strike on the Kupyansk direction from the Mykolaivka – Nova Tarasivka – Yahidne – Orlianka area towards Stepova Novoselivka – Petropavlivka, and another strike from the Horobyivka – Vilshana – Lyman Pershyi – Masyutivka area towards Synkivka – Kucherivka or Petropavlivka.
To halt the advance of the “Tavria” Operational Grouping on the Tokmak direction, the enemy command may redeploy the 165th and 291st artillery brigades from the Hulyaipole area and the 336th separate marines brigade of the Baltic Fleet from the Volodyne area to the Robotyne region.
The enemy command has deployed the 423rd Motorized Rifle Regiment and the 1431st Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Territorial Forces with the objective of establishing a defensive position along the Lozova – Stelmakhivka axis from the southern direction. This defensive line serves to cover the “Zapad” operational-tactical grouping, which is deployed to the north, and to occupy the area of Lozova – Pishchane – Berestove – Stelmakhivka.
Russian operational losses from 24.02.22 to 14.07.23 
Personnel – almost 236,590 people (+550);
Tanks – 4,097 (+5);
Armored combat vehicles – 8,008 (+9);
Artillery systems – 4,449 (+24);
Multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) – 680 (+2);
Anti-aircraft warfare systems – 423 (+2);
Vehicles and fuel tanks – 7,019 (+24);
Aircraft – 315 (0);
Helicopters – 310 (0);
UAV operational and tactical level – 3,783 (+31);
Intercepted cruise missiles – 1,273 (+2);
Boats/ships – 18 (0).
Centre for Defence Strategies (CDS) is a Ukrainian security think tank. We operate since 2020. We publish this brief daily. If you would like to subscribe, please send us an email at [email protected]
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armyaviaton · 2 years
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dwcnclaser · 1 year
6 people died in a plane crash in California
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A small plane crashes in the United States, killing six people. The accident happened in Murrieta, California early Saturday morning local time.
Citing the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the US media confirmed the news on CNN.
The bodies of six passengers on the plane were found at the crash site, the Riverside County Sheriff's Office in California said. 
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Three people, including two army personnel, have been killed in a small plane crash in France. The accident took place in the southern hilly area of ​​the country on Saturday.
Regional Government Counsel Patrice Camberau said an investigation has been launched into the cause of the accident. Investigation officers went to the accident site and collected evidence.
According to the Army, the two soldiers who died were at the training base of the 2nd Combat Helicopter Regiment.
Local fire service personnel said that trees around the crash site caught fire due to the crash of the plane.
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mainscases · 2 years
Conflict prepo
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Now, inevitably, what you will get is a composition that potentially looks a little bit different than what it is today” when it comes to APS in the Pacific, Daly said. “We have, at AMC, as part of the Army guidance, focused on building and equipping new unit capabilities - the security force assistance brigades, the multidomain task force capabilities - and you layer in modernization efforts like long-range precision fires, etc. The Army is working through a strategy there that requires a great deal of relationship-building with a bigger variety of countries in order to configure APS in the theater. The Pacific stock will have a different flavor. But the European stock might require more tweaking as the Army measures it against what is needed to operate in a competition phase, according to Daly. One of the goals of the exercise was to ensure the Army’s APS had the right equipment in the right places. If this occurs, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: An info-bar may appear on top of the task item you are editing with one of the following messages: This is the most recent.
Conflict prepo full#
Army Europe and Africa.ĭefender Europe, a division-sized exercise that was supposed to kick off in full force in 2020, was dramatically scaled back due to the coronavirus pandemic. Outlook may save multiple drafts of a task if you take a long time editing it. V Corps will assume command and control of Atlantic Resolve rotational units as well as assigned units like the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 12th Combat Aviation Brigade and the 41st Field Artillery Brigade, according to the newly combined U.S. The Army reactivated V Corps earlier this year, which will be based in Poznan, Poland, just an hour away from Powidz. The second is an example, with some enablers in. “We know definitively some things we’re getting added to Europe. On the European front, the Army is “taking an introspective look,” Daly said. The Army is also planning its budget to ensure APS is right-sized for the competition phase of operations in the upcoming five-year budget plan spanning from fiscal 2023 through fiscal 2027, Daly said. Certain details related to APS are classified. We’re on a good glide path in understanding what those requirements are” over the next five to 10 years, Daly said without going into detail. This means the Army will exercise its APS more, according to Daly, and will also consider whether it must reset locations and composition of stock in theater. social conflict, and finally the functional, perspectives on deviance.
Conflict prepo free#
“Now, based on the Army senior leaders’ intent, we want to focus it as much on great power competition, to use those stocks in great power competition as much as we had planned on using those stocks for great power conflict.” Free Essay: Prepositions are one of the basic structures that make up the whole. But the noun conflict can be followed by other prepositions. “We needed to relook the purpose of Army pre-positioned stocks because, in the past, Army pre-positioned stocks were essential and key to great power conflict,” he said. Now grammatically,the verb conflict is always followed by the preposition with.
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Multinational Live Fire Exercise at Noble Partner 18: US Soldiers Train With Georgian Peers A 12th Combat Aviation Brigade AH-64 Apache attack helicopter and a M1A2 Abrams tank belonging to Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division prepare to fire during a a combined arms live fire exercise with U.S. and Georgian armed forces at Vaziani Training Area, Georgia, Aug. 14, 2018. Noble Partner 2018 is a Georgian Armed Forces and U.S. Army Europe cooperatively-led event improving readiness and interoperability of Georgia, U.S. and other participating nations.
(via Multinational Live Fire Exercise at Noble Partner 18: US S… | Flickr)
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 28 of 2023
Title: Naked in Da Nang Authors: Mike Jackson & Tara Dixon Engel & Frank Borman ISBN: 9781616737467 Tags: Aviation, B-52 Stratofortress, CSAR, EB-66 Destroyer, FAC, From LAPL, LAO Laos, LAO Laotian Civil War (1959-1975), LAO USAF Steve Canyon Program - Ravens FAC (Laotian Civil War), O-2 Skymaster, OV-10 Bronco, PHL Philippines, PHL US USAF Clark Air Force Base, SAM, T-33 Shooting Star, T-37 Tweet, T-38 Talon, T-41 Mescalero, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 1st Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 2nd Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 3rd Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - Screaming Eagles, US USA 17th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 17th Cavalry Regiment - 2/17, US USA 5th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 5th Cavalry Regiment - 3/5, US USA 7th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 8th Cavalry, US USA 8th Cavalry - F Troop - Blueghosts, US USA United States Army, US USAF 20th TASS - Bilk FAC, US USAF 20th TASS - Covey FAC, US USAF 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service (ARRS), US USAF 37th ARRS Sqd, US USAF 504th TASG, US USAF 68th TASG, US USAF 704th TASS, US USAF 7th Air Force, US USAF 7th/13th Air Force, US USAF Cannon Air Force Base NM, US USAF Fairchild AFB - SERE School, US USAF Fairchild Air Force Base WA, US USAF Hurlburt Field FL, US USAF JEST Jungle Environment Survival Training, US USAF Lackland Air Force Base TX, US USAF Laughlin Air Force Base NV, US USAF LCol Iceal Hambleton, US USAF Shaw Air Force Base SC, US USAF United States Air Force, VNM 1972 Easter Offensive (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM A Shau Valley, VNM Camp Eagle (Vietnam War), VNM CSAR for Bat 21B (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Da Nang - DOOM Club, VNM DMZ Demilitarized Zone - 17th Parallel (Vietnam War), VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM FSB Bastogne (Vietnam War), VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail (Vietnam War), VNM Hue Phu Bai, VNM I Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Arc Light (1965-1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Quang Tri, VNM Rao Trana, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 547, VNM RVN ARVN 3rd ID, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN SVNAF Da Nang Airbase, VNM RVN SVNAF General Nguyen Kao Ki, VNM RVN SVNAF South Vietnamese Air Force, VNM Song Ho, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM US USMC/USA Phu Bai Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975) Rating: ★★★ (3 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Aviation.USAF.FAC Description: FACs (forward air controllers) in Vietnam flew low and slow, searching for signs of an elusive enemy. Often they trolled themselves as bait for the NVA troops to try to shoot down. When a friendly unit made contact, having a FAC overhead made their day, because the FACs controlled the bomb-, rocket-, and napalm-laden fast movers, fighter jets, and attack aircraft whose ordnance often made the difference between life and death. They were regarded by many of their air force and naval aviator brethren as insane, suicidal, or both. In addition to the perils of enemy fire which ranged from lucky AK-47 shots to .51 caliber machine guns and SA-7 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, they had to watch out to keep from being blown up in a B-52 Arc-Light strike or knocked down by friendly artillery.
Review: Meh
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