#ask hws kingsland
cthulhusleepshere · 3 years
The young Albino wondered about the void, being pestered by the dragon sprite that she was the host for.
"Come on Luka~ I know you want to be my mate~ We can rule the world together~ Or at the very least a good chunk of it." Says the 7'3, purple-black haired male, dragon like purple eyes with black sclera watching her every move. Black horn's protruded from his hair, tattered black wings tucked neatly behind him, his tail lashed with anticipation even though he knew she was going to say no.
"Once again, it's a no, Leviathan." Luka says, she had horn's, wing's and a tail identical to his. But her wings weren't tattered and her tail had three gold stud piercing's and three small hoop pairings, it lashed in irritation.
"Aw, is the youngest princess of Hyperborea getting mad~?" Leviathan says, poking fun at Luka. Though it's clear he has both a romantic and a sexual attraction toward the young girl.
"Fuck off." Luka says.
Soon an aura of darkness and absolute madness came up to them. The power radiating from this being was beyond mortal comprehension, let alone personification comprehension. It was ancient, eons old to say the least.
As the being came toward them the more human it looked, with the exception of dragon like wings and 8 tentacles of an octopus protruding from her back.
"Back of Leviathan. She isn't for you. You are not worthy of her."
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ask-fish-boy · 3 years
Mun: Because i feel like torturing Sebastian, let's have him interact with one of the mer yeah.
Sebastian: AHHHHH! WHERE AM I!
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Alfred: Are.. Are you okay??
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didimentionedapples · 3 years
▲- Lukas Bondevik
"Well you're looking quite nice today. All dressed up I see." He says as he wraps his arms around her waist.
She smiled. "Thanks. It is a World Meeting which I rather not be here, but Alfred needed me. I bet Emil told you about me and Netherlands. And yes to me he used me. I thought he cared. I guess daddy was right not to trust him."
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teableeds · 3 years
Four eighteen year old's, one seventeen and a half year old, five seventeen year old's, five sixteen year old's, four fifteen year old's, four fourteen year old's, four thirteen year old's, three twelve year old's, three nine year old's, a seven year old, and a six year old. I think I'm doing good raising them. None of them have killed each other, life is defiantly not boring that's for sure. I could tell you who their father's are if you want? Might be interest you. -Luka
I'm a bit more concerned as to why you have so many kids to start with.
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Hmm a hatchling and a human? - Ragnar
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Alfred: ‘Scuse you, but I’m waaaay past a hatchling at this point.
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vinlandisanordic · 3 years
✨- Ulfric
She blushed. "Thank you."
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amazing-jubilee · 3 years
Sebastian Myles Beilschmidt.
Aliases: Kingsland and Myles
Codename: Chaos.
A nation, an Immortal nineteen year old mercenary for hire.
Usually has a partner, an immortal 19 year old female nation that goes by Night.
Sources say he's alone this job.
Good luck.
These were the things in sent in an anonymous note to the X-mansion.
Sebastian was currently looking for a place to rest after flying to America from Vittagarðr Island. Unaware that he was being watched, to tired to notice that he was. When he found a nice abandoned were house he set up camp.
Lighting a smoke, he took a puff and let out a sigh. He wished that Night could be here, he hated taking an outside job without her as his partner or at least working a job near his. Lest to say he was not that happy, though he was hungry. He took out a protein bar and bit into it. Worst come's to worst he can just call up Night.
Jubilee watched this guy from afar wondering if she should still approach him, she wasn’t exactly sure it was a good idea in any case.
Still he looked like he needed some help, so being who she was she walked over to him albeit slowly.
“Hey…..are you okay?”
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askfreedumbland · 3 years
Hey! Happy Birthday Alfred!
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Alfred: Thank ya! If you wanna set off some sparklers and fireworks with me, come on over!
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ask-hws-mosiheim · 3 years
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Hey kid. Heard you're new around here. Welcome. My name is Ulfric Valter Friis. The 2p of Vittagarðr Island. The Kingdom of Atosal has come to pay a visit.
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heija Ulfric! welcome to Mosiheim, glad you could come visit
ja im pretty new to this whole thing, i hope you can be forgiving if i make any mistakes with it, haha
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starborn-souls · 3 years
❝ go away . ❞ - Luka Beilschmidt (You chose who responds)
Perdita sat down next to Luka. "Not until you tell me what's been bothering you, sweetie."
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taterswithranch · 2 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨💝
Hmmm lesee..
1. The fact I learned the Minecraft enchantment table language
2. My ability to cook an egg (it’s not very good but I get really proud of myself ÒwÓ)
3. My love for drawing and animating
4. My love for music
5. I can fit 26 Cheez-its in my mouth
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cthulhusleepshere · 3 years
Your mine -Ragnar Lokison
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"Is that so?"
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ask-fish-boy · 3 years
A small boat drifted in the sea, it carried a small blond girl with little horns. She peaked over the edge.
"Hallo?" She said, Her mother said that there were friendly mer people here.
-Kira Beilschmidt
(dont worry, Luka's on the boat watching from the cabin)
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Alfred: Hello??
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vikingdeva · 3 years
"We can do whatever you want, Frau."
-A high and drunk Ulfric
"Oh really. Let's see how well you can handle me bud."
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teableeds · 3 years
Badly Describe Muse- A lady that looks like she would make an awesome sparing partner, that I could also learn a lot from and who I also want to become friends with.
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Oh, that's very sweet of you. But I'm not a fighter.
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Shrieking came from the sky as a black blur fell from it. Luka had once again died and her soul got tossed to another dimension, though this time it was different, she was stuck in her new dragon form. Not knowing how to fly and her magic not seeming to work at the moment so long distance gliding was not an option. She crashed into the ground in a heap. Dazed from the landing.
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Kiku: What was that??
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