dreamerofasgard Β· 7 months
Hopes for The Thunderbird & The Dragon
Chapter 1 - House of Ambition
Year 1 Part 1/4 I will try to keep each year to 3-5 parts. Once again if you wish to be tagged leave me a comment or DM me.🐍
Warnings: First-year prick attitude Draco. (self-explanatory) First-year Pansy Parkison (I know some people don't like her) Blood status.
Word count: 1.8k
After the grand tour of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall, and Headmaster Dumbledore took your family and the four students to his office for a private sorting hat ceremony. You remembered that the first years normally got sorted on the first night in front of the entire school but due to you being a transfer, you got a private one.
β€œNow if Ms. Whitlock, if you would kindly take a seat we can get you sorted into your house,” Dumbledore said as he pulled up a chair for you to sit down. As you sit on the dark brown chair you see your mother take hold of your father's hand in excitement which makes you smile a bit as Professor McGonagall puts the Sorting Hat on your head.
" Ah, a transfer from our friends at Ilvermorny eh?" the sorting hat said as it took a moment to think, "You could be like your mother and make Ravenclaw proud you surely have the thirst for knowledge," it said as your mother smiled brightly at you along with Robert Hilliard the prefect for Ravenclaw "Or perhaps you would do best in Slytherin. Their cunning ambition to achieve great things knows no bounds." As the Sorting hat said this you thought it over, you were always an ambitious child and did help your cousins make a band despite their reluctance.
"Ah, I see. Slytherin!" the hat said as Professor McGonagall took the hat offer waving her wand to have your plain Hogwarts uniform transfigured into Slytherin robes. "Congratulations Ms. Whitlock," she said as Gemma Farley and your parents approached you as you stood up.
"I shall show you to our common room and help you get settled, that is if you'll allow Professors," she said looking at Dumbledore and McGonagall.
"I think that's a good idea, Ms. Farley. I believe we will have Ms. Whitlock rooming with Ms. Parkison and Ms. Greengrass" Dumbledore said as he dismissed the three boys from the other houses.
"I'm so proud of you sweetie," your parents said as they brought you in for a group hug before handing back your wand to you before following Gemma to the Slytherin Common room.
Your wand, thirteen inches, maple wood, phoenix feather core, slightly springy. Despite living most of your life in America your mother insisted on getting your wand from Ollivander's in Diagon Alley. When you first picked your wand from the box it made the room almost shake. Mr. Ollivander said that it was a sign of great potential and one's power that goes beyond the wand, whatever that meant you had no idea.
As you made your way to your common room Lux walked next to you careful not to bump into other students who were staring at you, the new kid. You weren't bothered that much by their stares after all you had just arrived during the second week of classes. As you continued onward on the Grand Staircase, Gemma came to a stop allowing other students to make their way to different classes when a girl your age wearing Slytherin robes walked up to her.
"Gemma, I was told by the Bloody Barron that Daph and I would be getting our third roommate today, do you know what time that will happen?" said the girl with a short brown haircut.
"Word does travel fast when you have ghosts in Hogwarts," said Gemma as she motioned for you to step forward, "This Is Y/n Whitlock a transfer student from Ivermorny. She just arrived a few hours ago and got sorted into our house. Please show her to your room while I fill in her parents on a few matters," she said before walking over to your parents.
"So you are the new girl," Pansy said as her eyes lit up, "my name is Pansy Parkison one of your roommates, a pleasure to meet you," she said as she reached out her hand to shake. After shaking hands Pansy led you down the last set of many stairs to the dungeons just outside the Slytherin common room.
"Has McGonagall or Gemma told you the password to get in?" Pansy asked curiously. "I don't think they did," you said trying to remember if McGonagall, Dumbledore, or Gemma said anything about a password.
"I thought so," said a disappointed Pansy as she before walking up to the wall and said "Thestral" Once the word was spoken a snake for the floor curved up and made an archway that revealed a door. "Welcome to your new home," Pansy said as she took your hand and walked carefully down the spiral staircase that oddly enough had a small water fountain at the bottom of it.
"Oh wow" was all you could manage to say as you looked at the Slytherin common room. The stonework was incredible and the windows looking out into the bottom of the Black Lake were gorgeous. The rugs all over the stone floor gave the cool interior a home feel as the fireplace and couches looked so welcoming. You walked further in and saw the skylights of stained glass on the ceiling before looking around more and seeing all the display cases, tapestries, and living portraits. The common room was full of greens and grays giving it a cold look but you didn't mind much. You were under the Black Lake so the structural integrity was more important than if the common room was extremely homie.
Pansy chuckled as she walked up beside you. "It's quite amazing isn't it?" she looks around the room with you as your eyes land on the statue of Salazar Slytherin. "That's one of the founders Sal-"
"Salazar Slytherin, known for his determination and ambitious nature. Valued keeping magic to pureblooded families and left Hogwarts after a disagreement with the other founders about muggle-borns" you said as you looked up at the statue as you recount the history McGonagall told you during the tour. "Sorry that I cut you off Pansy."
"No no, it's fine. I'm just surprised you know some of the history" she said as she took your hand again and started walking towards one of the dorms on the girls' side. "Well, Professor McGonagall did give a detailed history of the castle during the tour with my parents. This place is full of so much history and stories of past adventures, it would be a shame not to explore and learn its secrets" you said as you picked up Lux as Pansy opened the dorm to your dorm room.
"You do have a point, " Pansy says as she walks into the dorm room "Welcome to our room!" she says happily as a girl with Blonde hair looks up from her desk surprised. "Daphne say hello to our new roommate."
"You must be Y/n Whitlock. The Bloody Baron told us that you were most likely going to be rooming with us." Daphne said as she walked over to you. "I'm Daphne Greengrass, we will be in most of the same classes along with Pansy," she says as she shakes your free hand. "And who is this sweet one?"
"This is Lux, my mom gave me her before we left," you say as Lux mews cutely as all three of you smile at the kneazle.
"I believe we should help get you unpacked," said Gemma from the doorway with your trunks and owl as she smiled at the sight of the three girls getting along.
*about 15-30 minutes later*
"I believe that's all of it," you say as you take your owl Ripley out of her cage to let her walk around the room a bit before dinner.
"So what is all this muggle stuff, I thought you were a pureblood," Pansy asked as she went through your stack of records both confused and curious.
"Well, my family has a deep love of music and that extends to the no-mugis aka muggles' music. We are a pureblood family though in America we try to see the no-magis or muggles as just people. My family does know the inherent "value" of blood purity but when it comes to certain things like music" you say as you get up and start flipping through your vinyls.
"I guess when you come from America the stance on muggles is different. My parents, however," Pansy says as she picks up an album by The Rolling Stones, "Don't care for anything Muggle-related, Can we put this one on?" she says holding the record out to you.
"Oh this is a good one and one of my father's favorites," you say putting the record on and adjusting the volume so it's not too loud. Daphne smiled softly as the room was filled with music she never heard before.
After an hour or two of sharing your favorite albums with the girls, it was just about time for dinner. As the three of you made your way to the Great Hall you let Ripley find her way to the Owlery by following the other owls flying overhead. As you made your way into the Great Hall you followed Pansy and Daphne and sat down with four other boys.
β€œAnd who are you I don’t remember you from the sorting ceremony,” said the blonde boy with grey eyes as he looked at you confused why you were sitting with his friends.
β€œI’m Y/n Whitlock, I just transferred from Ilvermorny and got sorted this morning. And you are,” you say as you look at the blonde as well as the three other boys.
β€œMalfoy. Draco Malfoy. These two are Crabbe and Goyle,” the two boys boys across from him nodded as Draco continued, β€œThe quite one is Blaise Zabini” as Blaise looked up and smiled softly at you. β€œSo Whitlock are you by chance related to Frederick Whitlock the new Chief Auror?” He said as he sounded a little excited. Everyone looked at you waiting for your response as being a pureblood meant that your family had wealth and some sway in the ministry but having your parents in important positions meant if anyone messed with you there would be consequences.
β€œThat’s my dad yeah, he just got the promotion last week as well as my mum becoming the Head of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures,” you said as you started to put some food on your plate as you smiled proudly at your parents’ achievements.
β€œMy father was telling me about you folks, apparently your father is one of the best Aurors since Aesop Sharp and Theseus Scamander. Your father will be giving Mad Eye Moody some competition,” Draco said as the tone shifted from slightly uncomfortable to welcoming, β€œAnd your mum is practically set up to be the next Newt Scamander my father heard.”
β€œThat’s my parents for ya. Always dreaming big and aiming for the stars,” you smiled before you started eating as the rest of dinner the group filled you in on what you missed the first week of classes as well as telling you about the Gryffindor trio that was the bane of Draco’s existence.
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villainsblog97 Β· 2 years
Xdinary Heroes in Hogwarts
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So as some of you may know I love Harry Potter, Ive grown up with it and recently I found out Gaon likes Harry Potter as well... I also saw the pics from the fansign. So obviously I had to place the others in hogwarts. Here is what I think each house the members would be in and how they would be in Hogwarts!
Warnings: some mentions of spells and potions.
Scenario: fantasy, Harry Potter AU, headcannon
Gun-il ❀️🦁πŸͺ„
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Obviously our brave leader would be a Gryffindor
Gotta admit
He'd probably be a prefect too
He's also the star of quiditch
Either the Seeker
Or the Keeper
He never loses either
He's loved by all the teachers
I feel like he's very responsible
He's the Hermione Granger of his time
He's gaining all the house points
He's answering every question thrown at him
I think he would possibly be a half blood
So he has experience in the muggle world
And the magic world
He makes his parents very proud either way
Jungsu πŸ’›πŸ¦‘πŸͺ„
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Our sunshine
Need I say more?
Jungsu was tough because he's either a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor
But I ended up going with Hufflepuff
He's such a sweet guy
But I feel like Jungsu is the type of Hufflepuff you should never underestimate
He's smart
And also works hard
He won't let anyone get in his ways of his goals
I feel like he's a master at Herbology
He knows not to stick his finger in a screaming Mandrake
He also knows the specialty of Gillyweed
He's clumsy so Quidditch could end bad
Or it could end with him accidentally nearly swallowing the golden snitch
Who knows
He's definitely a pure blood
Full blown wizard boy!
Making his house proud of him
Gaon πŸ’™πŸ¦…πŸͺ„
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Now this one was tricky
This boy could literally be in ANY house!
I could see the Sorting Hat actual sweat πŸ˜‚
But Jiseok is so smart
So I think Ravenclaw would be a good fit for him
I feel like he would know all the history of his house
Like the Gray Lady Helena
The diadem she posses
Even some of the past students in Ravenclaw
He'd know it all
I also feel like he's a fantastic quidditch player
Definitely a beater
Or a Keeper
He also knows some advanced spells
Like ones you don't learn in your first 3 years
He could also try for the Tri-Wizard Tournament!
He could even win it too!
He's also either a half blood
Or non magic parents (I don't use the MB word 🀨)
But either way he's not all that perfect
You know him and Jooyeon are gonna have some fun around the castle
Keeping the prefects on their toes
O.de πŸ’šπŸπŸͺ„
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The very first time I saw Seungmin
(Yes in a clown nose saying "Weee!!!")
I knew right there
This boy's a Slytherin
You just kind of look at someone and think
"Yeah I bet they're a Slytherin"
Welp that was Seungmin
Now he's like a total flirt
Definitely a bad boy
Yet still manages to get his house some house points
Keep up in all his classes
And pass his owls with a perfect score
Who does he do it?
He's also very skilled in Dueling club
A smirk on his face when he knocks down his opponent
He's definitely a pure blood
I mean not like the Malfoys...
But rich like them
But he loves his friends
And he wouldn't trade them for anything
JunHan πŸ’™πŸ¦…πŸͺ„
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Jun Han was another tricky one
Like Jungsu
He could have either been Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
But I feel like his reserved personality puts him in a better fit for Ravenclaw
Jun Han is shy
But he has his fun side
He would definitely be the focused one in his classes
I feel like he would take a liking to multiple classes like transfiguration, and care of Magical Creatures
So yes
He got a time turner so he could experience multiple classes
He'd definitely enjoy freaking out Gaon
He also looks like the kind to spend his spare time in the astronomy tower
He loves the view from it
He's also a sucker for Hogsmede
Junhan would have non magic parents
It's just how I see it
He also talks to the paintings on the walls as he passes by to get to his common room
(My heart)
Jooyeon πŸ’šπŸπŸͺ„
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Again with Jooyeon
Definitely a Slytherin
His mischievous side
And his fun energetic side
Makes the perfect combination
He probably gets his house, house points without even trying
Now idk why
But the boy looks like a potions master
Like he'd kill it at potions!
As good as the Half Blood prince himself
He loves messing with the prefects
Especially Gun-il
He's always forgetting the password to the common room
He's also always pulling pranks
Like he lives as Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Him and his Nugget Gaon are always messing students
Bullies beware
Jooyeon is afraid of heights
So no quidditch
He likes to stay on the ground
He would also freak out the first time the stairs moved
Another pure blood
His parents might occasionally be disappointed in his decisions
But come on
It's Jooyeon
Hope everyone enjoyed it! Also congratulations to My boys for taking Rookie of the Year and Best Band Performance at MAMA! and thank you Villains for making it possible!! I love you guys so much and I'm so proud of all of you! πŸ₯³
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starstruckwillows Β· 1 year
HERE BAE!!! i am saying as much as i can remember ab myself (this is messy)
i'm a little awkward guy LMFAO, i'm usually in the background a lot πŸ’”πŸ’” i get nervous when all the attention is on me irl (online i love it icl) and i'm really oblivious (i thought all my trauma was normal).. i've got mommy AND daddy issues but i've got an okay relationship with both of them?? i listen to a plethora of genres LMAO, atm my favourites are metal an classical music (i heart kpop though, esp skz). i've watched all of those silly sigma male movies like american psycho and fight club, i loved both of them!! i like shows like the walking dead, the last of us , game of thrones, and house of the dragon as well. i've got about 108 books, and my american psycho era went so bad i even bought the book LMAO. i'm currently getting into classic books as well!! currently reading crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky. ALSO, one of my favourite things i wear daily are my glasses cos they've got square rims!! i watch anime, my favourites atm is attack on titan and devilman crybaby. i think i'm a faily monotone person? i don't think i can express excitement very well even if i wanted to 😭😭 i have horrible memory, i lose my phone easily but i find it pretty easily. i'm desentizised to a lot of things on the internet, say a lot of out of pocket stuff, and i've considered therapy a lot these past few weeks. i leave people on delivered (i respond to close friends dw), the longest so far is a year. at the moment my favourite movies are lord of the rings + the hobbit (all movies), american psycho, fight club, MIDSOMMAR!!!, batman 2022 and joker 2019. i bawl my eyes out when im angry, i'm a picky eater, i've got 0 game and the humour of a 13 year old boy, i am obsessed with hannibal (i havent even watched the show), ozzy osbourne, mads mikkelsen, pedro pascal, and tlou. This might seem really bitchy but favourite moments when im hanging out w friends is when we talk absolute shit LMFAO it's always so entertaining. I feel musicin my body and it's so good!! my favourite bands/artists are kittie, deftones, slipknot, black sabbath, metallica, the smiths, LADY GAGA, arctic monkeys, tyler the creator, lana del rey, RAMMSTEIN, korn, mortician, cannibal corpse, the smashing pumpkins, queen, DAVID BOWIE, mΓΆtley crΓΌe, and megadeth!! i dont care what my family has to say about me LMAO, i aim to be more successful than them!!! (i probs will be tbh) my least favourite moments with my mum is when we argue and she just doesnt stop!! idc what shes saying its just the fact that she still has stuff to say but what shes doing is repeating the same stuff LMFAO, it's always a bit funny but its annoying cos she just doesnt stop. I'm a lesbian AND PROUD!!! been a lesbian for ages, but i'm so down bad for a lot of famous men and fictional characters. i've read fanfiction ab vecna, pennywise and barney. I used to play the violin, i played the piano a bit at school but i wanna play an electric guitar or drums!! also i'm like 5'1 LMFAO, in my defence i'm half filipino. the other half is australian (british). I lose motivation for things easily, my favourite videogame atm is minecraft, i lack empathy and its really awks when i have to comfort somebody LMAO MOST OF THE TIME I KIND OF STAND THERE AND GIVE THEM SPACE ☹️ my personality type is intp and i'm in slytherin if that means anything SORRY THIS IS SO LONG LMAO
- 🐍
it's okay!!<3
i ship you with... nancy wheeler!!
you'd meet during season four events, and she'd approach you, ever more confident. at first, it's to calm you down, having just been exposed to nightmare fuel, but you end up talking to her about music. teaching her different instruments, learning them together. she'll try play video games with you but isn't very good. talking shit about people together in her room, trying not to wake up her parents. friends to lovers trope. she'll try warm up to your family but if you don't get on with them, she'd never push it. similar ambitions in life.
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I think I've just seen a photo of Jer wearing a slytherin face mask?????
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