#3.2 drip marketing
henkoukazue · 2 years
OMGG!!HSDFSD^$&#Q$%&RTKFF?FE&TR*W&$ ang.... gandaaaaaaa moo ScaRaAAAAaaAAA hfgsdfd my gawdd wthh
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mentheae-vine · 2 years
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How’s the Scara Nation feeling right now?
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milchig-de · 2 years
I want to study you.
Pairing: Scaramouche x Reader (platonic/romantic)
Warnings: Curse words
Summary: You study Scaramouche (he does not take it particularly well).
Notes: I wrote this bc of the new archon quest and scaramouche's drip marketing, but it contains NO SPOILERS for the actual 3.2 update. the only 'spoilers' are for the drip marketing but even then im not sure you can call it that considering its like. one picture thats probably everywhere already. but you have been warned regardless (also sry for bad pic and fic quality. ive gotten out of practice with writing and i didnt want to show the whole picture but it worsens the quality when i cut it) reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!
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"What are you doing here all by yourself?"
Scaramouche turned around to find someone standing behind him. He didn't know this person and they weren't wearing clothing that could point them to a specific nation or organization.
"What do you want?",
He answered with the most malice he could muster. The stranger smiled at him politely.
"I'm just looking out for a fellow traveller. This area is ridden with monsters. You should be careful."
He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Tch. I can handle myself."
Cocking their head, they let their eyes wander over his form. Scaramouche squirmed under their gaze. It felt odd, but nice. Like he was being studied very carefully. It was nothing like the way others had looked at him, apprehensive and cautious. It stirred something in him, like a memory he suppressed.
But when he stared back into their eyes and they met his gaze, suddenly the sensation of being studied became overwhelming, their eyes boring into his own, his skull, his brain, looking much further and deeper than his bones and flesh, opening him as easily as a book, reading his every thought and feeling, he didn't know how much longer he could stand it, roughly being picked up and placed under a microscope, having his very being so exposed- and then they redirected their gaze somewhere else, Scaramouche too busy with this feeling to care.
After a slight pause, which he used to recover, they turned back to him. The same polite smile as before graced their face and it made his heart skip an unsure beat, wondering whether they had really managed to read him completely.
"Would you mind if I stayed here?"
Scaramouche had to swallow hard before he could speak, his throat having dried up completely and still being thrown off a little.
"No. Like I said I can handle myself."
They raised their eyebrows a tad. Did they notice he didn't put as much malice in as before? Or perhaps... Did they think he could not handle himself? Did he look that incompetent? The very thought made him furious. If they really had managed to somehow read his thoughts, they would've known that he may have had his faults, but he was not stupid.
"I'm not asking because of you. I'm asking because of me. It's always safer with someone by your side. Don't you agree?"
He let out a snort.
"Of course it's safe. Until they turn their back on you."
The stranger cocked their head to the side and mustered him again. This time, Scaramouche was wise enough to not look into their eyes so they wouldn't gaze into his like that again. Who knows what they would manage with another chance at reading him.
"Well I'm going to stay here. If you're not comfortable with that, I don't mind going a distance away."
"Tch. Do whatever you want."
He turned his body away from them. A few footsteps were heard before the rustling of equipment sounded. Keeping his eyes firmly stuck on his make-shift tent, which consisted of a blanket pulled on a few smartly arranged sticks, he pondered who they were. If they were any sort of famous person, he was sure he would've found out about them on his travels. Furthermore, if they were just an average traveller, how did they do it?
The rustling behind him had stopped, indicating they had finished setting up. They walked around again.
"Would you mind if I used your fireplace? You can have some food as well, if you want."
"Like I said, do whatever you want."
Taking this as a yes, they started working, presumably preparing food.
Leaning back a bit, Scaramouche looked up to the stars. His hands fiddled with his clothes. He was so confused. Why did he have such an intense feeling before? Were they a magician? Or perhaps an insane scientist such as Il Dottore with some crazy device? There was no way they were just some ordinary human. Maybe he shouldn't have let them stay with him. What if the best course of action was to leave while he still had the chance? There's no telling what they would do while he rested. Desperately searching, he looked to the stars for answers, yet they provided none, as always.
He had been eager to get into astronomy, yet it wasn't as easy as it seemed. Regardless, he would not give up so fast. Maybe if he tried just a little harder, he would finally see what fate had prepared for him. Then he could never be betrayed or used again. He could protect himself from a feeling such as the one he had had before. He would finally be someone with an inkling of power. Maybe some day he could show it to... He shook his head. What nonsensical thoughts. Whatever the reason for this thinking, it didn't matter. He would push on and pursure his goals, he was sure of it.
An exclamation from behind him snapped him out of his thoughts. Turning back to them, he noticed a delicious aroma of soup floating around. It made his stomach growl. Upon hearing it, the stranger gave him a soft smile and offered him a bowl of soup. His stomach growled. Disgruntled that he was hungry enough to accept the stranger's hospitableness, he snatched the bowl, without spilling any soup of course. But he was still distrustful, so he took the time to carefully sniff the soup and test it for any poison. Who knows what they'd do if he gave them the chance. They merely watched with an amused expression while eating their own bowl of soup, as if they knew what was going through his head, which made him even angrier.
After determining that they werent trying to poison him, he relaxed a bit and ate a spoon of soup. It was quite delicious, filling his stomach with warmth and a distinct sense of home. ... Home? He was having the oddest thoughts today. It's a soup, how could it possibly feel like home? Yet he couldn't help but eat more of it, craving the feeling it gave him.
His opposite had already finished their bowl, and now observed him while he was eating. They put their head on their hand. Their gaze bore into him. He didnt like the way they looked at him. It almost felt like they knew something he didn't and were pitying him. He had no need for pity of any sort and especially not from them. They were still a danger to behold, as he still knew nothing about them, yet they seemed to know everything about him.
Suddenly, they spoke to him again.
"How have you survived this long by yourself?"
Scaramouche almost choked on his soup.
They couldn't know... No, there was simply no way. Even if he felt otherwise, there was no logical way for them to have read so deeply into his past. They must instead be talking about his lack of a companion, which made him angry once again. After properly finishing his bite, he snapped at them that he wasn't incompetent.
"Ah, it seems you misunderstood me. I'm not doubting your abilities to survive on a physical level. You're lonely. So much so that even the small kindness of offering you food has made you desperate for more. If the way you've been devouring my soup is anything to go by."
His cheeks warmed and he stumbled over his words, trying to come up with a good comeback. Of course they were wrong, he would never crave anything like human closeness. At the end of the day he wasn't even human. So they had no reason to assume anything like that.
A soft laugh escaped them and he could only marvel at it. It sounded so beautiful........ly stupid. Yes very stupid because they were laughing at him. It's not like they had any right to laugh, they didn't have any companion either. And he told them as such. Stopping their incessant laughter, they nodded.
"It's true I'm on my own myself, but I'm not as lonely as you. I sense that you've been betrayed in your past, which has caused you severe issues, am I right?"
His jaw fell open. What the fuck. He had been hesitant to believe that his feeling from before was correct, yet here they were, talking as if they truly knew him. It seemed they were even more powerful than he had suspected. Even more reason to worry, as now he had to do his best to protect not only his physical form and goods from strangers but also his emotions. Considering this was his first time having his emotions, past and thoughts read, he had a lot ahead of him to work through. It was of the utmost importance that such a thing never happen again, after all he couldn't just spill his secrets to any person he came across who could cross into his mental state and-
"It's okay."
Scaramouche looked up at them. Nothing was okay. This total stranger had just turned out to be a mind-reading freak and he had no way to protect himself from them.
"It was just a guess. And judging from your shocked expression, I was indeed correct. You're quite obvious about it, you know. Although I can't exactly say you're wrong, there are plenty of people out there who would stab you in your back as you sleep. Speaking from experience, by the way."
Oh. So they were just good at reading people. He had worried all about nothing. A certain sense of relief flooded him, yet there was also an anger present. Mostly directed at himself for feeling so exposed by their gaze and thus accidentally exposing himself.
"Hm, if you're worried about being betrayed, why don't we become companions? We could protect each other."
What a stupid idea. They weren't excluded from betraying him, so why would they suggest something like that. Truly one of the dumbest things they had said tonight.
They readjusted their position to be kneeling. Looking up at him, they put their hand on their chest, as if they were making an oath.
"I will stay by your side, I promise."
Scaramouche was confident they were lying but.... They looked at him with such an honesty in their eyes, it felt like they were trying to trying to lay themselves open in the same way he had exposed himself by accident. Perhaps he could learn how to grasp a person just by being around them for a bit by this stranger.
Fully aware of the risk he was taking, he decided to agree.
After all, he wanted to start a new life. He even rid himself of anything that reminded him of his old life, such as the stupid colours he had worn before. There was no way for him to start fresh if he decided to be stuck in his old mindset of violently pushing the people away that came to close to him.
So, after some pondering, he looked them straight in the eyes.
"Okay. But don't you dare break your promise."
They gave him a toothy grin. It was cute.
"I won't. I know it."
The smallest of smiles pulled at Scaramouche's mouth, which he hid by returning to his unfinished soup. While he did as such, the stranger started telling him a story from their last travel. For once, he had gained a semblance of peace and happiness, content in listening to their ramblings.
And so, they would continue their following travels together, wandering the nations of Teyvat, content in being just that: Wanderers.
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larkspurglove · 3 months
I don’t play genshin anymore but man I miss back when Kaveh fans were absolutely desperate for any little Kaveh crumb, like I’m talking 3.0 - right before 3.2 delulu.
Like I remember scrolling through Twitter every other day looking for even one leak about his appearance, and how excited people were when we got a leaked description and then eventually his official model.
And then I remember coping so hard every patch like ‘surely Kaveh’s gonna be drip marketed now’ and then when he DID get a banner, trying so hard to get as many constellations as possible that I pulled a Baizhu.
Just feeling a bit nostalgic I guess.
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sleepyditto · 2 years
Emotion, pretty much a Scaramouche- based fic
So with all the drip that has been happening, it rekindled my spark to write especially for Scara since he has been someone I have want to be writing for for a while but didn't have the time or ideas to before. So here it is, a short fic but I hope it does a bit considering I haven't written in 78 years-
NOTE: This fic is based on my speculation of Scaramouche's new personality, not an accurate representation of it, that will come in 3.2 or 3.3. Also I partially based this prompt on the description given on his drip marketing post-
Genre: idk maybe fluff but im not rlly sure-
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The plains of Tatarasuna had seen its fair share of tragedies, particularly one with an unmarked grave and had been nearly lost to the passage of time. At least not for a certain wanderer, who on his quest to rebuild his identity, decided to pay his respects to one of the few people in his life that he had actually found a way to care for. You being included as one of the few people, for walking together with him to re-discover himself after his failure in Sumeru. Naturally, he brought you along to witness him in a vulnerable moment relating to his past.
A nearby farmer had caught the sight of the wanderer himself and had trembled at his unnatural disposition, but something about your presence there gave a slightly more humane disposition to it.
“Not to fear, for he is only here to wander.”
As you both approached the grave to pay respects, the wanderer himself had contemplated upon the meaning of human emotion, on how he still had retained grief for a long lost friend and love for you despite his lack of such. To give in to such may be inferior, but it also provided him with a different perspective that he craved to be a part of him.
The times you had stuck by him, regardless of his dismissive demeanour. He could have not understood what drove humans to pursue things he initially could not comprehend. Yet now, with a new purpose, maybe he was starting to.
As you two left the grave in night, you decided to hint to your boyfriend on how much he had changed. The Wanderer wasn’t usually fond of your antics, but given it was you and under such circumstances, he simply remarked,
“I probably don’t get what you mean but, if it’s you, I rather have it that way instead.”
And you would rather be it that way too.
A/N: I’ll probably go and write more fics soon, I’m more free with exams over besides
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iwantwater · 1 year
Xingyun and Xiaoven parallels (really cracked)
Ok so I've been thinking recently about my two absolute favourite ships (you don't have to agree with my opinion :D) and I've started to realise they have some (many) things in common.
In this post I'll be drawing similarities between the individuals of the ship (for example similarities between Venti and Xingqiu and similarities between Xiao and Chongyun as individuals. I will also be drawing similarities in the relationships (traits that show up in both Xingyun and Xiaoven)
P.s If I've left anything out please comment it!
P.s.s This is really fucking dumb please don't take this seriously haha
1.Design (outfit+kit) parallels
These parallels are more fun observations than traits I'd genuinely argue
1.1 Someone who is TYPICALLY a dps x someone who is TYPICALLY a support
As for the most part Xiao and Chongyun's kits (cons, scaling, their lower ability to deal dmg off field) cater to their DPS output while Xingqiu and Venti's kits cater to their ability to support other characters (cons, scaling, their lower ability to deal dmg off field, their typical roles in teams)
1.2 Similar TYPICALLY RECOMMENDED artifacts 2.0 to 2.6 (pre Vermillion Hereafter)
This is definitely the weakest argument in this weird af section but I thought it'd be fun. After the release of Emblem of Severed fate, its 4pc became Xingqiu's BiS for his typical role. It's 4pc is also sometimes recommended for Chongyun. Xiao's recommended artifacts before 2.6 were 2pc viridescent and Venti's was 4pc viridescent.
1.3 Complimentive but not BiS kits
Though Chongyun and Xingqiu can work well together, their best teams aren't with each other. Same goes for Venti and Xiao.
1.4 Short shoes x boots
Is this the weirdest similarity ever? Yes.
Chongyun (short shoes) x Xingqiu (long shoes)
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Venti (short shoes) x Xiao (long shoes)
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And I just noticed that both the long shoe boys have something wrapped around their calf
1.5 Poofy pants x shorts
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1.5 Ahodge in x no ahodge (in drip marketing) (though, maybe venti does have one...
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1.5 Cor lapis eyes x cool toned eyes
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1.6 Circular pupils with a big blob of light x diamond pupils
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1.7 Smiling and facing right x not smiling and facing let in drip art (and splash art)
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2. Roles/cliches both ships fit into
2.1 High energy x low energy (aka sun x moon)
Must I say anymore?
2.2 Someone who handles spirits x someone who's artistic
As we know, Xiao conquers demons while Chongyun exorcises spirits. Xingqiu writes books and Venti plays the lyre.
Well known and often interacted with x well known and very rarely interacted with
3. Misc observations
3.1 Both Xingqiu and Venti have secret identities that their partners may or may not know about
It's never clearly stated if Chongyun knows Xingqiu is Zhenyu and he keeps it a secret for the most part. It's also never clearly stated if Xiao fully linked the bard that saved him to Barbatos (though it is hinted he's kinda connected the dots)
3.2 Idk what to title this
Xingqiu and Venti have worked together before (idori festival) while. Chongyun and Xiao might work together in the future as Xiao has worked with exorcists in the past.
3.3 Rant
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bluexiao · 2 years
my friend made a really good point about scara's drip marketing getting delayed..
he said that they might delay it since it might make people disappointed because of the outfit spoiler before 3.2 comes out (or something like that, kinda forgot what he said 💀..)
— dipsy anon
if scara’s drip aint today im rioting
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hematomes · 2 years
imagine if hyv decides not to make scara playable and just kill him off in 3.2 and we get a random 5* drip marketed on the 31st
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c6scaramouche · 2 years
Something I've been curious about is how hyv is going to go about 3.3 drip marketing.
Because, technically, it's very spoilery in a way? I'm assuming his redesign isn't in 3.2, and it will only be used 3.3 and onward.
I'm thinking hyv either 1) won't care at all, "let's watch the chaos", or 2) could/would they censor it in some way? I feel like that's unlikely tho.
I've been thinking this for a hot minute and I'm curious because mihoyo obviously cares a lot about Scara's development and redesign.
But who knows, it'll probably be a normal drip marketing lol
Oooh but what if it's just a silhouette 👀
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lunargrapejuice · 2 years
🍇 anon reminded me of something-don't we usually get drip marketing for characters the patch before they're released? Like how we got Scara's a few days before 3.2? And now 3.3 is tonight and there's...nada. I'm kinda concerned they're breaking the cycle lol. I wonder if it means Hyv is taking another break from updates after this one and we'll have another "240 days" banner. Or I might be over reacting. Thoughts?
yeah it is weird that we haven’t heard anything about the characters for the next patch yet like we have in the past but there might be other factors (like covid or the passing of a chinese leader that happened recently) that may be the reason why it’s delayed. i hope it won’t be another 240 day banner, i thought the last one was due to covid too? i could be misremembering tho but i don’t think this one will be that long. im really hoping we’ll get al haitham next update & hopefully we’ll hear something soon!💖
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
i have some requests finished but i don't think i'm going to post them until wednesday or thursday,,, the main reason being that i actively read leaks and know the entire plot and how the archon quest goes, but i don't want to spoil anyone else on how it's going to end, so i'll keep them in my drafts until then!
while i tag story spoiler, i think it would be unfair of me to post them ahead of the actual 3.2 patch because there are people who don't read the leaks and want to experience the story for themselves.
BUT for the good news, i actually have them all finished because holy mother of christ, looking at scaramouche drip marketing has cured my writers block like immediately; the last time i actually had a lot of ideas for some requests was some time ago💀
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kirishoshego · 3 years
Moneypulated PT.2//Aizawa
!!!MINORS DNI!!! 18+ONLY!!!
Special thanks to Emmie for creating this awesome S&M event and letting me participate and those who requested a part two of my first Aizawa piece x
If you like Sadism and Masochism, BNHA; AOT and Haikyuu the event is definitely for you :)
Pairing: Sadist!Mob-Boss!Dom!Aizawa x Masochist!Sub!femreader Words:3.2+
Summary: When your life is threatened Aizawa realized just how important you are to him. A small fight leaves you bend over the couch, cross eyes and leads to him admitting his feelings for you.
TW: slight mention of torture (a bit more at the end), s&m, controlling Aizawa, calling him sir, knife play (no blood), slight ass and nipple play, orgasm denial, slight oral, biting, spanking, hair pulling, dirty talk, slight bit of degration and teasing
Three month, three weeks and three days. That’s how long it took you to develop positive feelings for him. He gave you everything, but privacy, something you had to learn rather quick because that man was strong and even though he doesn’t look like it, heavy. You told him no twice. The first time left you bruised for at least three days, fucked into oblivion. The second time left you sobbing from his impact play. You hated how little you could control your body, dripping wet before he slipped into you. Something he would love to taunt you with. „Always so quiet and modest. Yet here you are begging to be fucked by a criminal after he spanked you blue and green. Don’t tell me you like that. Tsk, dirty girl,“ he told you with a slight smirk on his face, one hand having a strong hold in your hair to hold you up so he could look at you. The other one pinched and played with clit, milking orgasm after orgasm.
He knew how to work his charm, knew how to impress you. Listened, remembered basically every detail about you. Aizawa wanted to know everything about you, from childhood memories to teenage drama to your goals and dreams. Of course he was genially interested in you, after all he wanted you at his side, but it was also helpful to know one or too secrets. Just in case. It was understandable that he was a bit shocked and also even more alarmed when Shota noticed how fast you adapted to the captive state of yours. There was no attempt of you running away, either because you knew it wouldn’t work with guards everywhere around you, or because you were afraid. So he tested it out. Gave you a car, told you to go enjoy yourself, get pampered for a surprise he had prepared.
First thing you did was getting new underwear because as much as you… appreciated him buying it for you you would like to have a few comfortable pieces that cover more than 3 inches of your skin. You stopped to get a nice drink at a small restaurant, got a small snack before you ended up buying four new plants. A smile creeped up on his face when his phone signaled him he got a new message from Shinso. Attached to it was a picture of you smiling while picking up the most sad looking flower he had ever seen.
It happened while driving back. You realized happiness started to form in your stomach at the thought of seeing him again. Excitement about showing him what you had bought. How could you be happy? After how he treated you in front of so many men, so many strangers. But then again he took care of a man who had sold you for his addiction. You knew he was in the hospital right now, after trying to enter the casino again. At first you thought he was there to get you, to show at least some sort of remorse. Even though their boss told them not to tell you those details Denki let it slip that Kirishima caught him gambling. With that your last string of attachment ripped apart. It wasn’t hard to choose between being left alone with nothing or a slightly questionable man who (as much as you would like to deny it) made you feel good, save and wanted.
That day was the first time he took you to the casino with him, introduced you to a part of his world. The one that was less brutal. He wouldn’t not let you see someone getting tortured. But he knew how gruesome it can get and even though he wouldn’t tell anyone, he threw up after his first time, felt sick the first five. It just made it so much easier to get people to talk. Or make them stop. Sometimes they need to be taught a lesson or too to not put their noses in his businesses.
Rumors started to spread around fast after your first appearance. Shota Aizawa has a trophy wife. Something that made him weak. A pretty one on top of that and she was supposed to be his little lucky charm. Every table you appeared at, the house would win. You didn’t play yourself, you only sat besides your... Well, besides the mob boss himself.
There was no explanation for it really, it wasn’t luck per se. It was math. Some liked math in school, some didn’t. What you liked more though was winning. And games like these were hard to predict, but not impossible. Another aspect were their faces. Everyone focused on their face and those of others, tried to keep cool while detecting a mistake of others that they forgot about other limbs. Some tapped their fingers against the table or cards, others would play with their drink, swirling the ice cubes around without touching it. Some bounced their legs, crossed them, scratched them. Once you caught their mistake it was over for them.
While some got scared because of it, others seemed to find a challenge in it. They wanted to beat you. How could you know that one night you will have the son of another mob boss on the table? He was supposed to be a spy, simply collect information about you and leave. But the opportunity to beat you and therefor Aizawa was too alluring. How could he know that he will lose almost 33 Million yen in one night? And with those 33 Million yen came a big target right on your back.
In less than 24 hours a collection of pictures and informations about you was delivered to Peony. In less than 24 hours your world was turned upside down yet again. The freedom you were given was taken away in order to protect you. His worry for you was understandable but when he decided to have Bakugo and Kirishima on your heels 24/7 you had enough.
„I’m inside the house! The house has walls almost thrice as high as Kirishima’s 7 foot frame, a massive garden with six well trained guard dogs running around. You have the best alarm system there is on the market and still I’m not even allowed to use the bathroom in private. It’s humiliating,“ you explained to him angrily. „I would rather humiliate you than pick up your dead body limp by limp,“ he tried reasoning. „Do you even hear yourself? How can you say something like that? Do you not trust your men? I can defend myself! Eijiro has-„ suddenly you went quiet, realizing too late what gravitating mistake you just that you had just exposed yourself.
„Eijiro has what? Continue doll. I‘m all ears,“ he leaned back against his desk, crossing his arms over his in a black shirt clad chest. „We shouldn‘t be changing the subject now. I need-," „What you need is to tell me what Kirishima did,“ you wouldn‘t be so on edge if he yelled at you, screaming at the top of his lungs, slam his hand on the desk, anything. Instead he was dangerously calm, collected, ready for you to make the next step. Knowing you were trapped like a small mouse between a wall and an awaiting cat, only playing with its fear.
„I will tell you if you promise me he isn‘t going to suffer any consequences. He had no ill intentions,“ you started explaining, making a step forward and trying to look as timid as possible so he will show mercy. „You actually think you‘re in a position to negotiate? Oh darling, it is breaking my heart a tiny bit to see you’re underestimating me,“ he faked a pained expression before closing the gab between the two of you.
You knew better than to relax yourself into his touch as he caressed your cheek, planting a small kiss on your forehead.
„Now,“ Aizawa stood behind you within a second, your wrists in his hand behind your back, something cold against your neck. „Please continue before I lose the small amount of patience that is left inside of me,” he sounded threatening, his voice deep and raspy, mouth dangerously close to your ear lobe. The knife near your aorta send adrenaline through your whole body, your pussy pulsing as you caught sight of your current position in his window.
You noticed his eyes wandering over the curves of your body, as the sound heavy breathing hit your ear. It seems like he was holding back, but be the looks of it all he wanted to do was drag the knife along your clothes and watch it drop to the floor. It wasn’t on purpose, more or less, but your hand brushed against his crotch, hearing him hiss as you touched his hard length for a mere second. The grip on the red handle tightened, pulling your body into his and leading your hand back to his crotch.
Eyes met in the window as he licked his lips. He tilted your head back slightly with the tip of the sharp blade, kissing the spot behind your ear.
„Sorry kitten, but this isn’t the time to play,“ he whispered into your ear while you started massaging him through his suit pants. A smirk appeared on your face as you agreed with him ‚oh I know, sir‘ you basically purred. Within seconds you pulled yourself away from him with your whole strength, bowing as he went to grab your hair and kicking back into his stomach as you turned which send him to the floor as he stumbled. Grabbing the knife from his hand and dropping onto his hips as you held the knife to his throat.
„Eijiro taught me how to defend myself, so I don’t have creepy old men all over me,“ you told him, a sudden wisp of a moan leaving your throat as he grabbed your hips and ground his pelvis against yours. „I didn’t know I’m a creepy old man. Wasn’t it just yesterday that you begged me to stuff you? And wasn’t it you that screamed my name so the whole house could hear who fucks you ‚like a god‘? Hm… I must confuse you with someone else that came cross eyed all over me considering I don’t play with brats,“ as the last word left his mouth he flipped you around, turning you so your stomach was flat against the freshly cleaned floor, hand in between your shoulder blades to hold you down.
He thanked the sun for shining so brightly and the clouds for not appearing, considering it lead to you dressed in the shortest little sundress you could find in your closet. The color suited you so damn well and the dress made it so easy for him to uncover your ass. His hungry eyes starred at it in its full glory, feeling his rock hard cock to twitch in his pants.
The blade was dragged across your skin and he could have fucked you right then and there as he noticed how you tried to clench your legs, goose bumps appearing on your skin. „Don’t tell me you enjoy this, such a dirty girl,“ he stopped right at the hem of your underwear, dragging the flat side across your clit and earning another moan of yours. He chuckled, „I see.“
Suddenly the blade was back at your throat, his other hand massaging your ass. „If you try to move or forget to thank me I might have to use the sharp side next time and we don’t want that do we doll?“ Shota asked you, the tip slightly pressed onto your sweet spot as you took to long to reply for his liking. „No sir,“ your voice was slightly shaky as the anticipation inside of you grew. „Not so tough anymore, thought so,“ he loved your submissive state, every time he thought he went too far you were there dripping wet for him.
Without a warning his hand came down hard on your ass, massaging your cheek before disappearing again. „Thank you sir,“ you moaned, the next slap delivered right after. „Thank you sir,“ you said again, feeling our wetness slowly seeping through the thin fabric covering your cunt. Every once in a while he would dip his fingers between your folds, playing with your clit until you’re about to cum, only to stop and spank you again.
Once your ass was a bright red and noticeable handprints adorned your flesh he decided he had enough. The last few thank you’s gave away that you started crying softly, maybe slightly caused by the pain, but more at fault definitely were the denied orgasms.
„Had time to overthink your statement from earlier?“ Aizawa went down to your ass, pushing your panties to the side and dragging his tongue across your slit, dipping inside for a second to collect some of your juice. Kisses were plastered across your abused skin, bitting down onto it to hear you moan again.
„I give you ten seconds to go over to my couch, get undressed and bend over it,“ if you weren’t so incredibly needy right now you might even had begged for some more spanks.
You could hear him get undressed as you did the same, back turned to him to allow him a nice view on your behind.
You could feel his presence even before he touched you, the smell of his cologne mixed with his sweat hitting your nose. Rough hands collided with your ass once more, before wandering up your back, one finding its way into your hair, the other one holding his thick girth in his hand and dragging it from your clit to your hole. You whined as you noticed him going back down again with his tip, which lead to him plunging into your throbbing pussy all at once. Curses tumbled from the both of you, finally getting what you wanted.
Shota pulled you up by your hair, allowing his hand to play with chest. Cold metal came in contact with your nipples and only now did you realize that he had brought the knife with him. It took maybe a minute for your first orgasm to hit, considering the ones you were denied earlier had you on edge already. „Done already kitten? Does that mean you want me to stop?“ He knew it meant everything but. It’s just, having you beg for more gets him every time and he can’t deny how powerful it made him feel, which he needed now more than ever. „No, fuck. Please sir, need mo-oh, more,“ a moan cut through you as a single thrust hit your g-spot directly.
„Take it then,“ he pulled you down with him on the couch, his back against the backrest as you straddled his legs. Do to the new position his cock was even deeper than before and you were shaking with almost every bounce as you went up and down on him. Black eyes wandered from your face to your tits to your cunt, watching him disappear inside of you over and over again. Aizawa’s arms wandered from its resting place back to your body, one going to your back, the other one staying in the front.
You hissed, eyes growing wide as you felt rough fingers circling your puckering hole, while the other ones drew lazy patterns on your clit. Every now and then he would meet your movements, burying himself even deeper inside of you. By now you were a moaning mess, clenching around him as you could feel another knot building up in the pit of your stomach. „It’s alright, I got you. You can cum, I know you want to,“ Shota groaned, picking up the speed of his fingers and watching in pure bliss as you came undone once again, slowing down and pulling you into a deep kiss.
As you went to get up from him, your body now sensitive he grabbed your hips, pushing you down again. „Just because you’re on top doesn’t mean you get to control when we’re done,“ he said, delivering a harsh slip to the left side of your tits, before grabbing your throat and pushing you down into the mating press. „You have to remember your place doll. I get decide when we’re finished and I’m not done yet,“ he grunted, snapping his hips as the hand around you held you in place firmly. A warning slap heated up your tears stained cheek when you tried to wiggle away from him and he felt you clenching around his dick.
You looked so good with mascara running down your face, he thought, feeling himself getting closer and closer as you moaned his name like some sort of prayer. „Again, please,“ you said, feeling the third high coming. It took him a second to understand what you asked for, but when it finally clicked he cursed under his breath, telling you how perfect you are. As he slapped you again, holding your face in his hand and kissing your lips hotly you were holding onto his arm for dear life. Stars appeared in front your eyes as you came once again. You barely noticed anything but his thrusts turning sloppy before he released himself inside of you, buried deep and painting your insides white.
„I didn’t know pain turned you on so much,“ he said with a lazy smile on his face, looking down on your face, your embarrassed expression hardly hidden. „Me neither to be honest… You know how it went in the past,“ you hinted at your unsatisfied sex life with your ex husband, who thought doggy style was already pretty kinky. No shame to vanilla people, but now you knew it wasn’t what you wanted. „It’s good to know, we will test out more things in the future,“ the thought of it turned you on again already and you kissed his chest, letting him know you like the sound of that idea.
„I love you, you know?“ He mumbled as the two of you laid on the couch while drawing patterns on your back lazily. Your heart skipped a bit, this was the first time Aizawa mentioned his feelings for you. „You don’t gotta say it back, I know it’s all a bit messy,“ he said, kissing your forehead. „No, it’s just… After sex the mind is always bit-,“ „Yours might be after that but mine is as clear as ever,“ he cut you off, making you roll your eyes and laugh gently. „I love you too,“ it was mumbled, almost unnoticeable, but he heard you just fine which was all he needed.
————————————- Extra—————————————-
„I run this town. Piss me off again and your wife will find out about your little affair with your little lover boy. She’s pregnant, right? And you would like to be able to care for her don’t you? If so, I suggest you to never threaten my wife or my men ever again. It won’t just be your finger that I cut off, understood?“ He knew killing him off immediately will only cause war. He would win, of course, but it would be unnecessary and taking too much of his energy. „Yes Mister Aizawa,“ the hatred and fear in his eyes pleased him enough for the day, so he walked out of the room, ordering Bakugo to drop him off a few miles away from everyone. A nice nightly walk might clear his head he explained so the man bound to the chair could hear him just fine. „Don’t worry, I will let you keep your finger, but you should hurry, they turn bad fast,“ with that he went into the dark, ready to get home to you.
©kirishoshego//do not repost on any plattforms
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Live Cell Encapsulation : Analysis of Potential Market Opportunity Worth USD 303 million by 2024
This report aims to provide detailed insights into the global live cell encapsulation market. It provides valuable information on the type, procedure, application, and region in the market. Furthermore, the information for these segments, by region, is also presented in this report. Leading players in the market are profiled to study their product offerings and understand the strategies undertaken by them to be competitive in this market. Don't miss out on business opportunities in Live Cell Encapsulation Market Revenue Growth Analysis: The global Cell Encapsulation Industry is projected to reach USD 303 million by 2024 from USD 250 million in 2018, at a CAGR of 3.2%. Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=218019375 Key Factors Driving Market Growth: The major factors driving the growth of the Live Cell Encapsulation Industry are the rising public awareness related to the clinical role of encapsulated cells in disease management, increasing public-private investments to support product development, and the rising adoption of novel drug delivery systems for disease treatment. Simple dripping segment is expected to account for the largest share of the Live Cell Encapsulation Market, by manufacturing technique, in 2018 Based on manufacturing technique, the Live Cell Encapsulation Industry is segmented into . The instruments segment is expected to account for the largest share of the Live Cell Encapsulation Industry in 2019. The increasing adoption due to the procedural benefits (such as simple process, product biocompatibility, and low particle size distribution) are the major factors driving the growth of this market segment. Alginate polymers segment estimated to be the fastest-growing polymer type segment during the forecast period Based on polymer type, the Live Cell Encapsulation Industry is segmented into alginate, HEMA-MMA (hydroxyethyl methacrylate-methyl methacrylate), chitosan, siliceous encapsulates, cellulose sulfate, PAN-PVC [poly (acrylonitrile vinyl chloride)], and other polymers. The alginate segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period primarily due to the procedural benefits such as uniform cell structures and high mechanical stability. Drug delivery to account for the largest share of the Live Cell Encapsulation Market, by application, in 2018 Based on end user, the Live Cell Encapsulation Industry is segmented into drug delivery, regenerative medicine, cell transplantation, probiotics, and research. Drug delivery are estimated to be the largest application of live cell encapsulation, and this trend is expected to continue during the forecast period. The large share of this application segment can be attributed to the ongoing technological advancements in the field of cell encapsulation and increased product affordability, and usage of biocompatible immobilization or isolation systems. Request Sample Report: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=218019375 North America to dominate the Live Cell Encapsulation Market during the forecast period The Live Cell Encapsulation Industry is segmented into five major regions, namely, North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America is estimated to be the largest regional market for live cell encapsulation in 2019 majorly due to the increasing clinical data for the efficacy of the cell encapsulation technique and the rising adoption of cell encapsulation techniques among medical professionals. Key Players: The major players operating in the Live Cell Encapsulation Industry are BioTime, Inc. (US), Reed Pacific Pty Ltd. (Australia), Viacyte, Inc. (US), Neurotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (US), and Living Cell Technologies Ltd. (Australia) were the top five players in the global Live Cell EncapsulationIndustry. Other prominent players operating in this market include Merck KGAA (Germany), Sigilon Therapeutics, Inc. (US), Encapsys, LLC (US), Evonik Industries (Germany), Lycored
(Israel), MiKroCaps (Slovenia), BÜCHI Labortechnik AG (Germany), Blacktrace Holdings Ltd (UK), Sernova Corporation (Canada), and Balchem Corporation (US), among others.
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
Drip Email Marketing Market Region, Application, Industry Analysis 2021-2027
Drip Email Marketing Market 2021-2027
A New Market Study, Titled “Drip Email Marketing Market Upcoming Trends, Growth Drivers and Challenges” has been featured on fusionmarketresearch.
This global study of the Drip Email Marketing market offers an overview of the existing market trends, drivers, restrictions, and metrics and also offers a viewpoint for important segments. The report also tracks product and services demand growth forecasts for the market. There is also to the study approach a detailed segmental review. A regional study of the global Drip Email Marketing industry is also carried out in North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Near East & Africa. The report mentions growth parameters in the regional markets along with major players dominating the regional growth.
Request Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Global-Drip-Email-Marketing-Market/56507
This report analyses the impact of COVID-19 on this industry. COVID-19 can affect the global market in 3 ways: by directly affecting production and demand, by creating supply chain and market disruption, and by its financial impact on enterprises and financial markets.
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Drip Email Marketing from 2015-2020, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2021-2030 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales volume, price, revenue, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Drip Email Marketing market.
Leading players of Drip Email Marketing including: Automizy Customer.io Get response HubSpot Intercom Mad Mimi MailChimp Moosend Octeth Pabbly Email Marketing Predictive Response Retyp Sendinblue Vision6 Zapier ZOHO
Market split by Type, can be divided into: PC-based Mobile-based
Market split by Application, can be divided into: SMEs Large Enterprises
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: Direct Channel Distribution Channel
Market segment by Region/Country including: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Ask Queries @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/enquiry.php/Global-Drip-Email-Marketing-Market/56507
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Drip Email Marketing Market Overview 1.1 Drip Email Marketing Definition 1.2 Global Drip Email Marketing Market Size Status and Outlook (2015-2030) 1.3 Global Drip Email Marketing Market Size Comparison by Region (2015-2030) 1.4 Global Drip Email Marketing Market Size Comparison by Type (2015-2030) 1.5 Global Drip Email Marketing Market Size Comparison by Application (2015-2030) 1.6 Global Drip Email Marketing Market Size Comparison by Sales Channel (2015-2030) 1.7 Drip Email Marketing Market Dynamics (COVID-19 Impacts) 1.7.1 Market Drivers/Opportunities 1.7.2 Market Challenges/Risks 1.7.3 Market News (Mergers/Acquisitions/Expansion) 1.7.4 COVID-19 Impacts on Current Market 1.7.5 Post-Strategies of COVID-19 Outbreak
Chapter 2 Drip Email Marketing Market Segment Analysis by Player 2.1 Global Drip Email Marketing Sales and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.2 Global Drip Email Marketing Revenue and Market Share by Player (2018-2020) 2.3 Global Drip Email Marketing Average Price by Player (2018-2020) 2.4 Players Competition Situation & Trends 2.5 Conclusion of Segment by Player
Chapter 3 Drip Email Marketing Market Segment Analysis by Type 3.1 Global Drip Email Marketing Market by Type 3.1.1 PC-based 3.1.2 Mobile-based 3.2 Global Drip Email Marketing Sales and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.3 Global Drip Email Marketing Revenue and Market Share by Type (2015-2020) 3.4 Global Drip Email Marketing Average Price by Type (2015-2020) 3.5 Leading Players of Drip Email Marketing by Type in 2020 3.6 Conclusion of Segment by Type
Chapter 4 Drip Email Marketing Market Segment Analysis by Application 4.1 Global Drip Email Marketing Market by Application 4.1.1 SMEs 4.1.2 Large Enterprises 4.2 Global Drip Email Marketing Revenue and Market Share by Application (2015-2020) 4.3 Leading Consumers of Drip Email Marketing by Application in 2020 4.4 Conclusion of Segment by Application
Chapter 5 Drip Email Marketing Market Segment Analysis by Sales Channel 5.1 Global Drip Email Marketing Market by Sales Channel 5.1.1 Direct Channel 5.1.2 Distribution Channel 5.2 Global Drip Email Marketing Revenue and Market Share by Sales Channel (2015-2020) 5.3 Leading Distributors/Dealers of Drip Email Marketing by Sales Channel in 2020 5.4 Conclusion of Segment by Sales Channel
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integraair · 3 years
13 Best Travel Shampoo Bottles of 2021
Are you looking for travel shampoo bottles? If you’re traveling with liquids, you’ll need to buy an airline travel liquid package in order to get them aboard the plane. Whatever airline you like, keep in mind that the rules apply on all airlines, domestic and foreign.
A liquid storage package is extremely useful for avoiding embarrassment in front of the boarding doors. This clear plastic kit’s maximum dimensions are 20 cm long by 20 cm high, with a maximum volume of 1 liter.
This clear bag must hold all of the liquids that are permitted in the cabin. It must be resealable and not contain liquids as excess luggage. It has to be in the cabin luggage.
A liquid package for air travel usually includes many containers with a combined capacity of 100 mL that fit comfortably into the plastic bag.
What are the best travel shampoo bottles?
1. Mylivell Travel Bottles Set
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Mylivell Travel Bottles Set,Leakproof Silicone,TSA-Approved Portable Travel Size Accessories, Squeezable and Refillable Bottle Containers Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion, Toiletries 4 Pack 3 oz
Camping, backpacking, cycling, long-distance flying, airline travel, and even an outdoor picnic will all benefit from the silicone travel conditioner. Each lid has three layers, ensuring that no liquid leaks out even though the product is turned upside down. The travel bottles are equipped with a loop and a suction cup, allowing them to be easily hung or attached to the shower wall. This  travel shampoo bottle is made entirely of BPA-free food-grade silicone, making it food-safe.
2. Dot&Dot 4 Leak Proof Travel Bottles
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Dot&Dot Travel Bottles - 4 Piece Set of 1.25 oz Leak Proof Travel Containers for Travel Size Toiletries (Green, Pink, Purple, Orange)
The contents of soft and squeezable silicone shampoo travel bottles can only be dispensed when the silicone body is squeezed. To secure your personal belongings from leaks, spills, and drops, each bottle jar contains a handy flip cap with three leak-proof walls and a drip-free dispenser valve. With the Right Size And TSA-Approved Clear Zipper Toiletry Bag, you can breeze through airport security. These heavy-duty, space-saving 3oz bottle are perfect for airline travel and satisfy carry-on requirements. Your security check-ins would be stress-free and fast with their see-through quart-sized zip bag. No more scrambling to stuff liquid tanks back into your cabin suitcase while waiting in line. Using travel bottles has never been so fun and fashionable!
3. Oursunshine Travel Bottles
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Oursunshine Travel Bottles, Leakproof Silicone Refillable Travel Containers, Squeezable Travel Tube Sets Cosmetic Toiletry Containers for Shampoo Lotion Soap (3oz or 2oz)
Travel containers with the best sealing triple safety anti-leakage + smooth mouth construction. Leakage is no longer a problem. Because of the big opening when unscrewing the bottle, it’s simple to reload. Soft silicone plastic is BPA-free and food-safe, making it ideal for salad dressing, ketchup, and mustard in lunchboxes. Color aids in the easy sorting of the contents of the bottle.
4. Vonpri Silicone Travel Bottles
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Silicone Travel Bottles, Vonpri Leak Proof Squeezable Refillable Travel Accessories Toiletries Containers Travel Size Cosmetic Tube for Shampoo Lotion Soap Liquids (4pack)
Silicone bottles are BPA-free and airline-acceptable. They’re made to be leakproof, meaning you won’t have to worry about your toiletries spilling in your suitcase. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, sunscreen, or any other required lotion may be stored in the travel-sized silicone containers. If you’re flying, use a 1-quart pack.
5. Amphism Travel Bottles Leak Proof
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Travel Bottles Leak Proof ,3 oz TSA Approved Silicone Squeezable Travel Shampoo Bottles , Refillable Travel Containers Set for Toiletries Shampoo Conditioner Lotion
This silicone shampoo travel bottle has a three-layer leakage structure that is squeezable and has a high level of leak resistance. Many of our travel-size containers are see-through and weigh less than 3.4 lb, making them ideal for flying. Four different colors make it easy to distinguish the liquids, and it’s small enough to bring for company, travel, hotels, swimming pools, outdoor sports, and other activities. Shampoo, mouthwash, liquid soap, sunscreen, lotions, creams, and a variety of other products can be stored in the silicone.
4pcs 3oz silicone makeup containers are included in the Amphism colorful travel bottle package. Pura d’or toiletries, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotions, hand sanitizer cream, hand soap, and other thicker liquids are suitable for these travel pots. The wide opening mouth while unscrewing the cap makes it easy to refill and squeeze out.
6. Klickpick Home Leak Proof Travel Bottles
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Clear Plastic Empty Squeeze Bottles 5 Pack 3.4oz/100ml with Flip Cap TSA Travel Bottle for Shampoo, Conditioner & Lotion (5 Counts)
Bring shampoo, body wash, lotion, and other makeup and bath items for your trip. Shampoo, conditioner, or lotion in a TSA-approved travel tube. It is lightweight and portable, making it ideal for flying, business trips, hiking, and other outdoor activities. A fantastic collection of travel essentials for you. The empty bottle is made of tough plastic and has a screw-on, flip-cap lid.
7. Accguan Plastic Bottles with Flip Cap
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2 oz/60ml Plastic Bottles with Flip Cap, Empty Refillable Bottles for Travel, Shampoo, Cream, Liquid, Lotion, Body Soap, Set of 32(Clear Cap)
The capacity of 2oz/60ml is ideal for travel and business trips. PET is a non-toxic, odorless, and BPA-free stuff. Flip cap  will cover the bottle tightly even after millions of uses. Travel shampoo, massage oil, lotion, skin lotions, and other items can all be included in this bag.
8. Tancano Plastic Travel Bottles
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Tancano Plastic Travel Bottles, Clear 3.4oz/100ml Empty Lotion Bottle Small Squeeze Bottle Containers with Flip Cap for Shampoo Conditioner Toiletries
These travel shampoo bottles are made of high-quality PET acrylic, which gives them a crystal-clear appearance. Each container is the right weight for a travel bottle, so it’s not too bulky or difficult to squeeze. Overall, it’s a fine plastic travel bottle kit for homemade soap, hand sanitizer, and other liquids that you want to take with you everywhere you go for a fair price.
9. TreatMe Silicone Travel Bottles
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Silicone Travel Bottles - 4 Pack Travel Bottles Set Squeezable Leakproof Travel Containers Refillable Travel Bag For Shampoo Conditioner Lotion Toiletries(4PCS)
Non-toxic odor, delivered with no consignment to the aircraft. There are four bottles in this collection, each with a capacity of 89ml. A no-drip valve on the bottle cap avoids leakage and ensures that you can dispense the correct volume. Suit for every occasion, such as a swimming pool, a flight, a visit with friends, a hotel, and so on. It’s easy to bring and it’s fitted with a zippered transparent toiletry bag.
10. Miukada Set of 6 Plastic Empty Bottles with Flip Cap
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Miukada 100ml/3.2 Ounce, Set of 6 Plastic Empty Bottles with Flip Cap, Refillable Cosmetic Bottles, Air Flight Travel Bottles for Shampoo, Liquid, Toner, Lotion and Cream
Miukada 100ml travel shampoo bottles come with flip caps. They are made of sturdy and reusable plastic. A screw-on flip cap will keep water out of your luggage. They are light enough to be carried around on a regular basis. Clear travel bottles are ideal refillable containers for shampoo, toner, lotion, and cream, among other personal or family uses.
11. DDup Travel Bottles Spray Bottle
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Travel Bottles Toiletry Containers Set: 10PCS TSA Approved Traveling Size Bottle and Shampoo Container Kit, 4PCS 3 OZ Squeeze Silicone Bottle for Toiletries 4PCS Scream Jar 2PCS Spray Bottle Men Women
With those travel shampoo bottles, you can unwind on your trip. When unscrewing the cap of those leak-proof 3 oz travel bottles, the large mouth allows for quick refilling and washing. Colorful labels and a little sticker make it easy to sort the contents of the bottle. Condiments, sauces, salad dressing, ketchup, mustard, among other condiments may be filled into the travel size tubes, which are built of food-grade, BPA-free silicone. The best-sealing 3-layer leak-proof cap on the market, without any drip cross valve to avoid liquid leakage.
12. ljdeals 8 oz Clear Plastic Empty Bottles
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ljdeals 8 oz Clear Plastic Empty Bottles with Black Disc Top Caps, Refillable Containers for Shampoo, Lotions, Cream and more Pack of 6, BPA Free, Made in USA
PET plastic bullet bottles, also called Cosmo Round Bottles, have the sleek appearance and feel of glass but at a lower cost. This bullet bottles will add an elegant, modern touch to your stuff. The use of high grade dense plastic means that you get a long-lasting and dependable plastic container. These bottles are manufactured in the United States of America from food-safe PET plastic that is BPA-free. Many items, such as lotions, soaps, and shampoos, can be easily dispensed with these sleek black disk top caps.
13. HNYYZL Travel Bottles Kit
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Sample container
PET plastic is used to make the travel container, which is clean, lightweight, and sturdy. It will not spill or crack easily. Both the super light container and the appropriate bag size help you conserve room and weight. The extra make-up spoon is also useful for removing cream or mixing various liquids. You will have a fantastic experience thanks to the elaborate architecture. Store shampoo, mouthwash, hair spray and gel, lotions, creams, and other items in these travel bottles.
How to choose travel shampoo bottles?
Choose between an empty kit and an all-in-one kit
You may use kits with licensed cabin flasks sold empty if you are completely aware of the regulations surrounding the quantity of aircraft cabin liquid.
As a result, you can fill the tiny bottles and the translucent toiletry bag with whatever items you normally need.
In the other hand, if you’re dead set on avoiding any problems with the cosmetics you’re using, our site recommends opting for a pre-packaged travel kit from one of the big cosmetic brands. The latter already includes all of the required grooming products, such as toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam, deodorant, and so on.
Combine design and resistance 
It’s important to double-check that the travel shampoo bottles you’ve selected are of high quality. To do so, double-check that they are fully sealed to prevent chemical leakage.
Screw caps or retractable lids may be used to seal the bottles or jars. We also recommend that you choose versions that are extremely durable and do not easily get affected.
The clear bag’s closing may be either a zipper or a freezer bag. Finally, on the paint front, you have complete freedom to choose your own.
from Integra Air https://ift.tt/2WHyq1x
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marketreports-world · 3 years
Live Cell Encapsulation Market - Global Forecast Till 2027
Live Cell Encapsulation Market Size, Growth and Trends Analysis By Manufacturing Technique (Simple Dripping, Electrostatic Dripping, & Others), Polymer Type (Alginate, HEMA-MMA, Chitosan, PAN-PVC, & Others), Application (Drug Delivery & Others)-Forecast till 2027
Market Highlights
It is estimated that the Global Live Cell Encapsulation Market is expected to register a CAGR ~ 3.22% during the forecast period of 2018 to 2023, with an estimated market value of USD 249.87 million in 2017.
Numerous factors such as a high level of research activities in live cell encapsulation technologies and the rising awareness programs in various countries are anticipated to fuel the growth of the market. Moreover, the increasing investments by various public and private organizations have created a lucrative option for many companies to invest in providing new encapsulation techniques, leading to the overall growth of the market. Furthermore, the inclination towards novel drug delivery systems for disease management fuels the growth of the market during the forecast period.
However, the lack of skilled technicians, and ethical and legal issues, and unaffordability of various small-scale companies to enter the market due to high product manufacturing costs are expected to curb the growth of live cell encapsulation market. Moreover, the availability of high-quality raw material is also restraining the growth of the market.
The global live cell encapsulation market is currently dominated by many market players. The key players in the market are involved in new product launches and strategic collaborations to strengthen its market position. For instance, in August 2018, Balchem Italia S.r.l., a wholly owned subsidiary of Balchem Corporation, acquired Bioscreen Technologies, S.r.l., a privately held manufacturer of encapsulated and fermented feed nutrition ingredients. With this, the company aims to expand its position in the market.
Regional Analysis
The market in the Americas is expected to dominate the global live cell encapsulation market during the forecast period owing to the increasing per capita healthcare expenditure, and the heavy adoption of new technology in the region. Europe is expected to hold the second largest position in the global live cell encapsulation market. The market growth in this region is because of the presence of a well-established healthcare system and increase in life-threatening diseases. For instance, according to cancer research UK, there were approximately 9,921 cases of cancer diagnosed in 2015. Such high rates of cancer are likely to increase demand for the use of new techniques such as encapsulation as well as an increase in the market demand for cellular research. These factors are expected to have a positive impact on the live cell encapsulation market. Asia-Pacific is estimated to be the fastest growing region in the market due to the huge patient pool of chronic diseases and government initiatives of healthcare reforms. The market in the Middle East & Africa is likely to account for the smallest share of the global live cell encapsulation market. The market growth in this region owes to the low disposable income in the region.
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The Global Live Cell Encapsulation Market has been segmented into manufacturing technique, polymer type, and application. The market, based on manufacturing technique, has been segmented into simple dripping, electrostatic dripping, coaxial airflow, rotating disk atomization, and others. The market, by polymer type, has been further segmented into alginate, HEMA-MMA, Chitosan, silica, cellulose sulfate, PAN-PVC, and others. The market, by application, has been segmented into drug delivery, regenerative medicine, cell transplantation, and others.
Key Players
Some of the key players in the global live cell encapsulation market are Evonik Industries, Balchem Corporation, Biotime, Inc., Blacktrace Holdings Ltd., Sigilon Therapeutics, Inc., BÜCHI Labortechnik AG, Encapsys, LLC, Lycored, MiKroCaps, Living Cell Technologies, Merck KGaA, Reed Pacific Pty Limited, Neurotech Holdings, LLC, Sernova Corporation, and Viacyte, Inc.
Table Of Contents:
Chapter 1. Report Prologue
Chapter 2. Market Introduction
2.1 Definition
2.2 Scope Of The Study
2.2.1 Research Objective
2.2.2 Assumptions
2.2.3 Limitations
Chapter 3. Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Primary Research
3.3 Secondary Research
3.4 Market Size Estimation
Chapter 4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Drivers
4.2 Restraints
4.3 Opportunities
4.4 Challenges
Chapter 5. Market Factor Analysis
5.1 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
5.1.1 Bargaining Power Of Suppliers
5.1.2 Bargaining Power Of Buyers
5.1.3 Threat Of New Entrants
5.1.4 Threat Of Substitutes
5.1.5 Intensity Of Rivalry
5.2 Value Chain Analysis
Browse Detailed TOC with COVID-19 Impact Analysis at: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/live-cell-encapsulation-market-7772
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Related Report:
Live Cell Encapsulation Market Research Report - Global Forecast till 2025
Akash Anand
Market Research Future
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