#30 minutes to post this clip... smh
royalarchivist · 6 months
Fit: Alright, my name is going to be "Tio Fabio." Tio Fabio. Tio Fabio. Yeah I saw that sht, I can't believe I was on Brazilian news as "Tio Fabio." I can't believe that sht.
Fit: What should I name the farm, though? What should I name the farm? [Laughs] Everyone's spamming "Minas Gerais" ok, hold on... [He types it out] That's how you spell it, right? Ok, ok. What's my favorite thing? What's my favorite thing?
Fit: I mean, "Pac" would be a good choice, let's say "fofoca." [While laughing] Fofoca. [Laughs] Fofoca. Hell yeah.
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esther-ti-designs · 5 years
Hey everyone, uhh so I have some tea for you all.
So I met this guy (I’ll refer to him as J) during the last meeting of the quarter for the graphic design club last fall.  Here’s everything that happened between December 5 through February 22.
December 5
Honestly, I haven’t noticed J at any of the previous meetings, but that one night, he just came up to me out of the blue and complimented me on my cozy winter gear.
So J and I happened to be taking Intro to Design that quarter and we talked about our group projects for the class, which we just turned in earlier that day (I had just pulled two consecutive all-nighters and had just taken a 3-hour nap prior to the meeting, so I was very sleep deprived at this point).  We continued our conversation while walking down some stairs and outside the building, and he asked me about other clubs that I’m involved in, to which I told him that I’m the secretary and Head of Hufflepuff for the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) and that I’m also in the ballroom dance club.  He seemed very interested in HPA.  He mentioned that he played second violin in the video game orchestra (VGO) and that they were having a quarterly concert that weekend.  A friend in HPA had promoed the VGO concert the night before, but I wasn’t really interested, as I had no knowledge of video game music.  J and I exchanged Instagram handles and later that night, I answered all of his questions about HPA.  Then on Sunday, sort of at the last minute, I found out that a few friends from HPA were going to the VGO concert and I went along because $5 for a concert is not bad, and I haven’t been to an orchestra performance in a while.  The concert was so much better than I expected!
December 9
Finals week just started and J randomly asked if I was studying on campus 👀
December 11
We met up at a boba shop near my apartment to study for the Intro to Design final (it was raining pretty hard and J refused to have me bike out to campus in the rain).  We studied off a Quizlet set for about 3 hours until my laptop’s battery was running low, and then we talked for another couple hours!  It turns out we have a lot in common!  We’re both only children, 22 years old, left-handed, design majors (J is actually a design and managerial economics double major), and we play the violin (I used to play violin and cello, but I digress).  Oh and we both have an iNTeResTinG injury story haha.  Then, before we went our separate ways, he gave me a one-armed hug, which I couldn’t reciprocate because I had my arms full with a cup of boba and my umbrella.
December 12
J DM’ed me out of the blue asking for my Spotify wrapped up.  I normally don’t give in to trends easily, and this was something I wasn’t really interested in sharing with the entire world, but I shared it with him anyways (Spoiler: It’s mostly Game of Thrones soundtracks, Taylor Swift, and BTS).  Despite being an orchestra nerd, I find it really difficult keeping up with popular music, and my musical taste stays fairly consistent even several years later.  I was kind of expecting him to laugh at my musical taste, but he actually complimented me for liking dramatic tv/film soundtracks.  And then we arranged another study session right before the design final.
December 13
The Intro to Design final was supposed to be 50 questions, all multiple-choice, no trick questions.  It was supposed to be really easy, and I thought we got almost everything down at the previous study session.  So why were we having another study session right before the exam?  I thought either he really wanted an A in the class, or he wanted to see me again before we went on winter break.  Right before going in for the exam, he asked if I wanted to meet up again for a “post-final celebration” when we were done with the exam.  Okay, now I was really starting to think he wanted to spend some more time with me before winter break 👀
So after the design final, we walked down to one of two boba shops on the edge of campus and downtown.  We both ordered our drinks, he got some popcorn chicken, and we talked for four hours!  I can’t remember everything we talked about, but time really flew by.  And then, before we went home, he gave me a one-armed hug again.
December 14
I had plans to fly home to LA today.  I had spent the previous night cleaning my apartment and packing stuff (I managed to forget to bring a pair of sneakers because, for some reason, dumbass me decided to wear heeled boots to the airport because ~fashion~).  I was sitting in the airport, about to board the plane, when I got a message from J.  He remembered that I was flying that day and was asking if I got home safely.  Aww he actually cares.  I told him that I would be boarding soon and will be offline for the next couple hours.  And then I updated him when I got off the plane, when my parents picked me up at LAX, while we sat in the typical LA traffic, until we all made it home.
December 15 - January 5
Over the next few weeks of winter break, we messaged each other a couple times every day.  We shared pictures of the holiday decorations in our home, and I shared pictures and video clips of my pet bunny too.  On Chistmas Eve, he asked if I had any plans, to which I told him we were going out for dinner to celebrate my mom’s birthday.  He wished my mom happy birthday and I passed the birthday wishes to my mom. “Hey mom, my friend says happy birthday.” “Thank you — who???” And I had to tell my mom about J (whoops).  Her judgmental ass was not exactly happy to hear that J is a Caucasian dude from yeehaw country, and after showing her J’s Instagram feed, she was not a fan of his art style smh.  Anyways, the day I was coming back to Davis, J was like AHHHH you’re back!!!!!!!  Just pure excitement 💖
January 9 - 16
We met up at yet another boba shop after the first week of classes.  Our meeting was shorter than all our previous meetings, because I had to bike back to give an apartment tour later that afternoon.  Two weeks into the winter quarter, we met after our design studio classes and walked to an HPA meeting together.  We also went to a graphic design club meeting together, after which he offered to drive me home so that I wouldn’t have to bike with the cold wind on my face.  I trusted J at this point, so I gratefully accepted.  I think my trust in him went up at least 10 times in this moment, because J managed to secure my small and heavy bike to the bike rack on the back of his car, which already had his bike strapped in.  After dropping me off at my apartment, he invited me out for dinner that weekend (it was also MLK weekend).
January 18
J picked me up at 7.  The restaurant he chose was hella ~ f a n c y ~.  It was an Italian restaurant downtown with dim lighting and pasta priced at $13 - $16.  He said he didn’t know the place would be that fancy and that he trusted Yelp’s description of “casual Italian.”  I told a friend about our sort-of-date night and she thinks J picked a date-y restaurant on purpose 👀  Oh and my mom went the extra mile of writing down J’s name, the place we were going to, and I was to call home at 10 PM (I ended up getting back and called an hour early).
February 14 - Valentine’s Day ❤️
Unfortunately, J never came to another HPA meeting because the campus radio station, KDVS, holds meetings at the same time, and he’s trying to get a job with them.  And we don’t really see each other very often because design classes are usually 3-hours long and J is really busy with 5 classes.  But J has been super excited about Yule Ball ever since he met me.  J came over while I was tabling for ticket sales.  He mentioned that VGO was going to see Sonic that night, and invited me to hang with VGO.  Let me tell you, it was quite an experience and definitely not the typical Valentine’s Day date.
We pulled into a Sonic drive-in for dinner (because gotta get in that Sonic mood lol).  A girl introduced herself as D (name altered to protect identity, of course).  She clearly has some sort of leadership role in the group because everyone pays attention to her, but she constantly makes jokes about being everyone’s daddy.  The jokes are so vulgar and obscene.  It was like weirdest video game nerd and band kid hybrid (J later tells me she’s a violinist.  What?!  Orchestra people are usually super chill lol).  After dinner, we get in our cars and head down the street to the movie theater.  The VGO had reserved seats in Row J.  J and I had just booked our tickets several hours earlier and we were in Row F.  Throughout the movie, someone in the theater yelled at every pivotal moment (including, yes, that Tails reveal in the post credits).  J thoroughly enjoyed the movie and laughed along with whomever was yelling behind us, while I knew absolutely nothing going into it, except that Sonic is a blue hedgehog that can run super fast.  J also gave one additional bit of info before the movie: Sonic really likes chili corn dogs for some strange reason???
So that’s how my Valentine’s Day went lol
February 18
J came by around 3 in the afternoon, right before we were going to pack up for the day, and purchased a Yule Ball ticket.  He’s obviously very excited to go to Yule Ball with me but he says he doesn’t know how to dance.  I told him we have a waltz lesson planned.  He’s like aww and says he wants me to personally teach him (my heart 💕).  And as always, he gave me a hug before leaving to go to class.  Recently, I noticed that J has been giving full hugs instead of his usual one-armed hugs, though it depends on the situation.
February 22
✨❄️ Y u l e   B a l l ❄️✨
J and I arrived separately at Yule Ball because I had to help set up the venue for the event and I had spent the entire day working on an Azkaban wanted poster prop and literally finished it two hours before our meeting time for setting up the venue.  The dance was supposed to start at 7 PM and J got there early enough to help me out with last-minute decorations.  I had signed up to be in charge of the photobooth from 7 to 7:30, but no one came for pictures during that 30-minute period, so I was free for the rest of the night.  J and I had a fantastic time admiring the detailwork in the decorations around the venue and laughing and dancing to the weird selection of 2000s music.  J did pretty okay with learning waltz basics and I gave him tips here and there on standing in closed frame, balance, the slight tension in the left hand, etc.
Sometime towards the end of the night, my ballroom friend pulled me aside for a bathroom chat and asked if we’re dating.  I don’t know???  We haven’t decided to call it official so ??
After helping clean up everything at the end of the night, J dropped off a friend and right before turning to drop me off (I live across the street from that friend), he remembered that I hadn’t had actual food all day prior to Yule Ball (aww he actually cares, and he probably wanted some extra time with me even though my apartment was right there).  So we went downtown for (a very late) dinner.  While we chatted over food and boba, our conversation drifted towards soundtrack music and I mentioned The Theory of Everything soundtrack, my favorite soundtrack besides Game of Thrones.  J immediately searched up The Theory of Everything soundtrack album and streamed it on the way home (that’s some serious dedication right there), and he liked it!
Oh and I forgot to mention that J forgot to bring a jacket and I had a very warm scarf and coat, so we held onto each other with a one-armed hug while we walked to his car.  I really love his hugs, one-armed or full hugs.
I usually post a picture from Yule Ball every year so here’s this year’s!  Yep, that’s J.  And we’re both Ravenclaws :)
I’ll end this post here, so I don’t end up with a romance novel in a single post lol
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lightsandlostbells · 6 years
hachibe replied to your post “are you going to be reacting to skam austin? if not, what are your...”
i totally agree with that addendum. I almost always get distracted by the comments and keep reading then instead of paying attention on whats going on in the clips.
The comments on the clips are fascinating. Plenty of people who’ve clearly seen the original show leaving comments like “Is Shay or Tyler supposed to be Isak?” or “The girl squad is finally together!” but also some people who seem to be just wandering in from the corners of Facebook.
So confused, all I know from watching this is the main girl is attractive and doesn’t deserve to be ignored 😞 I’ll be your friend.
SMH😭 I took the time to watch it...has no ending SMH. He cheating or no? She doing the dance team or what? OMG. I'm done. Is there more haha
Bro what... I thought this was like a motivational or awareness video where like it ends with some great message 
What is everybody talking about when they reference other people or shows it makes no sense
There are a number of comments that are all “That’s 30 minutes of my life I’ll never get back” or “What was the point of this?” but there are also newbies who seem to be getting into the show. A lot of them are invested in whether Marlon is cheating, haha.
I just wanna know if he’s cheating on her. Lol he seems kinda sketchy.
He took some time to answer .. he making me not trust him and he ain’t even my boo, bout to make me slap him. But If I was wrong I’d feel guilty 😪 to many emotions I’ll just stay calm like meg. until the truth come out.
Going to have to keep watching this since I was confuses with the ending lol!
I'm so invested and I found this an hr ago! So great!!!
Me too girl me too !! It was odd to me at first but I can’t get enough. I just wanna know what’s gonna happen 😆 
Don’t quite know what this is but so far I’m in love with this show or whatever it is 😂😭😂
I feel like the comments are going to keep me watching no matter how I feel about the show itself. I think I’ve seen a few new people ask for links to the original show, too, which is cool.
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Stephen Jackson’s Ex-Fiancée Imani Showalter Pops Up With Receipts To Debunk Wedding Story & Responds To His 'Bitter Black Women' Rant
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After former NBA baller Stephen Jackson spoke about why he left Imani Showalter at the alter, the former “BBW” star is now sharing her side of the story. Find out what she had to say inside…
  Well, this escalated quickly.
Former NBA star Stephen Jackson went on IG Live to share why he left his ex-fiancée/former “BBW: LA” star "Melissa" Imani Showalter at the alter.
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Now, she’s sharing her side of the story…with receipts.
In the Live, Stephen mention the San Antonio Spurs had an issue with the way Imani dressed and he claims the organization felt that she wasn’t a good influence on the other WAGS and that's why he didn't re-sign with the team. Well, Imani addressed his claims in an IG post today.
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                  And I had just signed a record deal Via Shakir Stewart with my girl group. I been on. Don't try to minimize me to some gold digger bitch cause we both know I upgraded YOU! Nappy braids and gapped teeth ain't never been hitting. You fixed yourself up and got some big money contracts, but let's not forget what and who you really are. Cosmetic dentistry and new clothes can't disguise how ugly you are on the inside. Now run tell @madamenoire that.
A post shared by Melissa S (@iammelissaimani) on Apr 21, 2020 at 1:12pm PDT
In a nutshell, Imani (who goes by Melissa on IG) said the way she dressed had NOTHING to do with why he didn't sign a new contract with the Spurs. In a series of posts on IG, she said they ended up in Atlanta because of HIS unhealthy habits. It had nothing to do with her like he tried to make it seem in his IG Live.
"And I had just signed a record deal Via Shakir Stewart with my girl group. I been on. Don't try to minimize me to some gold digger bitch cause we both know I upgraded YOU! Nappy braids and gapped teeth ain't never been hitting," she wrote on IG. "You fixed yourself up and got some big money contracts, but let's not forget what and who you really are. Cosmetic dentistry and new clothes can't disguise how ugly you are on the inside. Now run tell @madamenoire that."
Sis always whipped out receipts:
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"Please look at the date sent.... 2 weeks before the wedding (not the 3-4 months you lied about on live this morning) and also take note of who was copied.... I'm assuming that's who sat down with attorneys," she wrote, addressing the prenup Stephen claims he sent her months before the wedding. "Keep lying but I got receipts. YOU never had even had the conversation with me about wanting me to sign a prenup and wouldn't even call the lawyers back trying to avoid disappointing your momma. Keep it for once #Receipts #ALieDontCareWhoTellIt #FakeNews #YouAintGottaLieToKickIt #Fakest'RealNigga'IKnow"
In another post:
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"And yes I did sign after hand writing some things in because I didn't know what was in that mysterious prenup that I got 1 hour before walking down the isle," she wrote in the caption of a what appears to be a photo of the actual prenup. "I didn't ask for much because I had trust and was blinded by love. I asked for bare minimum. I asked for allowance so I wound be at your mercy because you've dogged me before and left me for dead and me and your child had to sleep on a couch and my girlfriend had to send me money to feed your child. I asked for a house In case you choose to throw me and the kids on the street as you had done numerous times and I had to ask a girlfriend who was armed to come with me for you to even allow me back in to get me and my kids clothes. I requested NO MORE kids because YOU asked for these kids and by this time I had seen What kind of father you were. I asked that you stop cheating because after having 2 babies on me I'd had enough. And finally I asked to have legal representation at a later date to look at the prenup at a later date to make sure it would be 2 sided. Period. Keep lying to you fans who have no clue how evil you are but leave me alone," she wrote.
"I have nothing but time (quarantined and bored) and receipts (yes I'm petty and pay for extra cloud storage to hold receipts of everything because I know I need proof to discount your lies against me) I have every text email legal doc that has ever been sent. If I can put my hands on something from 15 years ago like that just think of all the shit I haven't shown. I've been respectful and quiet to cover and protect not just you but my kids... but my patience is wearing thin. Please just leave me alone. #YouAintGottaLieToKickIt"
    Here's more: 
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            ��     So since we want to talk about how your kids don't call you on your birthday ... maybe this is why. You show people how to treat you. This is how my daughter spent her Sweet 16 on her floor crying cause once again you disappointed her and let her down. Take responsibility for the relationship (or lack there of )you have created with your children. You're not the victim here sir they are. #GirlDad #YouAintGottaLieToKickIt
A post shared by Melissa S (@iammelissaimani) on Apr 3, 2020 at 11:47am PDT
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                  So I guess there's more to come. Smh please just grow up and go away. I'm over here battling Corona, raising these kids, working from home and doing my best to stay out the way. This isn't a "GAME" as you say sir it's our real life. There are more productive things to do during this pandemic beside trying to hurt or embarrass me and our kids with your "huge platform on Showtime" is it really that serious for you? Read a book, take a nap, learn a new language, adopt a shelter pet... Do some good during this time. Once again Please leave me alone. #BitterBitches
A post shared by Melissa S (@iammelissaimani) on Apr 4, 2020 at 7:51am PDT
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                  I guess reposting his own words is me "going hard".... I done went from a "bitter black woman" to a "Scam Artist" all in one day without even leaving my house. who knew.... I'm over this, bout to go rewatch Tiger King. Maybe by the time it's over I can go from a "Scam Artist" to a Pet Rescue
A post shared by Melissa S (@iammelissaimani) on Apr 4, 2020 at 8:30am PDT
        Sis said she has TIME, OK?
Earlier this month, Imani (who has give different baby mothers) sat down with Demetria L. Lucas to chop it up about a video Stephen previously posted that went viral. In the clip, he complains about how "bitter black women" are the downfall of successful black men. Check it:
Have several seats sir. You knew what type of women you were dealing with before you laid up with them and impregnated them. After he put up this post, Imani opened up about the video in an interview with Demetria. Start listening at the 30-minute mark below:
We wonder if Stephen shared this "bitter black woman" rant to his black daughter:
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                  All smiles
A post shared by Melissa S (@iammelissaimani) on Dec 28, 2019 at 4:30pm PST
  Photo: Pacific Coast News/Getty
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/04/21/stephen-jackson%E2%80%99s-ex-fianc%C3%A9e-imani-showalter-pops-up-with-receipts-to-share-her-side-of-t
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