siennadraws · 3 years
30 Days DA Challenge
Day 1: Introduction
Describe your character in 140 characters. Now have your character describe themself in 140 characters. Also provide any of the basic biographical stats you wish: full name, age, pronouns, gender, class/specializations, etc.
I'm gonna do this for my Warden, Hawke and Inquisitor! So, under read more.
Shaera Mahariel Sabrae
Described by herself
I'm Shaera Mahariel, from clan Sabrae, a Grey Warden and veteran of the 5th Blight. I'm also a Warden-Commander, but I'm travelling alone.
Described by me
Shaera is the Hero of Ferelden, a Dalish elf and a dual-wielding warrior. Mahariel's someone who tries her best to see the good in everyone.
Name: Shaera Mahariel Sabrae
Class & Spec: She's a dual-wielding Warrior, but initially she had a sword & shield. She becomes a Champion.
General: Shaera is 19 when she joins the Wardens, and 30 by the time of the Inquisition. She is an orphan, who was raised by her clan. Shaera had a hard time learning about her mother, and was very hurt by her abandonment, she later finds peace remembering her clan, the people she meets during the Fifth Blight and her Warden charges. She's a kind person, who is a bit naive during the Fifth Blight, but hardens after she discovers Harrowmont hasn't done anything to help the castless dwarves and after coming face to face with some of the shadiness of the Grey Wardens.
Mara Hawke
Described by herself
Name's Hawke. I'm the Champion of Shitwall and a mercenary. I'm known around fair Kirkwall by my sense of humor and disregard for authority.
Described by me
Mara is a purple Hawke and a Blood Mage. She's a heretical Andrastian, deeply loyal to her loved ones, who helped Anders in the Final Straw.
Name: Mara Hawke
Class & Spec: Mara is a Blood Mage, who trained a bit in Spirit Healing.
General: Mara is 23 when she flees from Lothering, and 34 when she helps the Inquisition. She's deeply loyal to her family, found or otherwise, much to her detriment, sometimes. She has a very complicated relationship with Leandra, that deteriorates during their time in Kirkwall. Mara was always on the side of the Mage rebellion, having been in hiding from Templars all her life. Because of this, she helps Anders during the Final Straw and Circles in her exile.
Terys Lavellan
Described by herself
My name is Terys Deshanna, a Dalish Elf of Clan Lavellan. I am a hunter in my clan, was trained as an Assassin and follow the elvhen g-ds.
Described by me
Terys is a Rogue and was the Inquisitor. She's a Dalish elf who highly values her people and costumes, and who has a thirst for knowledge.
Name: Terys Deshanna Lavellan
Class & Spec: Terys is a Rogue Assassin, and uses double daggers.
General: Terys is 25 when she goes to the Conclave. Her mothers are Keeper Deshanna and the Halla Keeper, Adasha, and she's the sister of Clan Lavellan's First, Fennas. She's a stoic character, whose trust is hard to gain, but harder to lose, showing her softer and more playful side to her friends and loved ones. She's deeply religious, and highly values redemption, always encouraging, even if reluctantly, her prisoners to help the world. Terys is also someone who loves to learn more, especially about her people.
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enasallavellan · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge: Day Two
Created by @meridok-old
Day 2: Physical Status
Briefly describe your character’s physical appearance. Are they able-bodied or disabled? Are they comfortable with their looks/body, or did they wish their body was different? Do they have any significant scars? How fit are they?
For the Inquisitor: What is their experience with the Anchor? If/when they lose their hand, how does that go? How do they handle it afterwards?
As mentioned the other day (now I’m wondering if I did it right), Enasal is very small with wild and curly red-hair, grey eyes,  She’s an elf, and when she came to the Inquisition she was actually much too thin.  Some time with good food put a little more weight on her and she’s much closer to the average Dalish body type. Enasal doesn’t really have that much of an opinion on herself, except her hair sometimes gets on her nerves.  She really doesn’t even know what she looks like, having never seen a mirror until getting ready for the Winter Palace - and even she was only briefly concerned with realizing what she looked like before she ended up just playing with the mirror until Josephine pulled her away.. 
Enasal has some small scars on her arms and legs from running around in the woods and building small obstacle courses for her to complete when she was small.  She does have a pretty significant scar on her back from getting a rather large rock thrown at her when she strayed too close to their clan’s camp.  Some on her back and ribs, but those are just normal scars you learn from being in a war.
Enasal is a parkour master and trains with Leliana and the chargers everyday - girl’s strong for her size and pretty fit. 
Enasal’s experience with the anchor is pretty divisive. On one hand, it allows her to do some pretty amazing things and being able to do something to help people like closing rifts makes her feel good. On the other hand, it hurts a lot and sometimes puts a lot of eyes on her and makes her nervous. And once she figures out that it was really just some accidental occurrence instead of being chosen for something, it certainly leads to a dip in confidence. 
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tiadres · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
Day 18: Companions
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Josephine: Anwen quickly falls for Josephine and the they are an excellent match for each other. I will talk more about her (and Lace) tomorrow on Day 19: Courtship.
Dorian: Dorian is Anwen’s best friend. There’s something about him that made Anwen have a good feeling about him when they first met, and that feeling was confirmed during their harrowing adventure in the bad future. Anwen thinks that Dorian is incredibly smart and so much fun to have around, and she has learned a lot from him. At first they had some clashing opinions - you know, Dorian having grown up thinking that slavery is just a normal part of life for some while Anwen very much hates the idea -, but their discussions about it were civil and in time, Dorian’s views on certain subjects adapted too. Anwen is very excited for him when he tells that he wants to change his country to better, and very much supports him however she can. 
Cassandra: Cassandra and Anwen had a bit of a rocky start, but by the time they get to Skyhold and the Inquisition starts properly, they have learned to know each other better and have a mutual trust and respect. Over time they become good friends, and they have a little book club where they read romantic literature.
Varric: Anwen and Varric quickly become friends, and she enjoys talking to him a lot. She is happy that Varric wants to stick around and see the whole Corypheus thing trough even if his first loyalty will always be to his best friend Hawke, which Anwen respects and appreciates. Anwen is very touched when Varric as the new Vicount of Kirkwall grants her a title and a property in the city, and goes to see it in person after disbanding the Inquisition. She stays there whenever she visits Kirkwall.
Blackwall: Blackwall is a sort of dad friend to Anwen. She respects him a lot, and thinks that he is what a Grey Warden ideally should be like. When she learned the truth about his past and identity she was shocked, but not even for a second did she consider abandoning him. While she normally thinks that the truth should always come out, in this case she fabricated Thom Rainier’s death and decided that after the war with Corypheus, Blackwall would actually go to the Wardens. He was very happy with this result, and surprised that Anwen was not angry at him for having lied. Solas did not get the same forgiveness later because well, instead of destroying the world Blackwall has been and continues to try to make it a little bit better by helping people. 
Iron Bull: Anwen finds it easy to get along with Bull. She loves hanging out with him and the Chargers, especially Krem. If Anwen knows she’s going to face a dragon in a fight, she always takes Bull with her because she knows how much he enjoys it.  
Sera: Anwen sees Sera as a rebel kid sister. At first she is confused about a lot of things in regards to Sera, but over time learns to understand her better and becomes friends with her. Anwen very much appreciates the whole little people thing. She is disappointed and surprised to hear how Sera feels about her own race, but learns to avoid the subject to keep the peace. Sometimes Sera makes comments about how “elfy” Anwen is, but Anwen lets it go. 
Cole: Anwen loves her adopted spirit son, and defends him from anyone who thinks he’s a demon and danger to everyone. She was a little bit torn on whether to follow the advice of Solas or Varric when Cole was dealing with his identity, but in the end decided to leave the matter to Solas because she trusted his expertise on spirits. So in the end Cole turned out to be more spirit than human, and seemed happy that way. 
Leliana: Leliana and Anwen are good friends, especially after Anwen helped her be inspired in her faith again. Anwen has great respect for Leliana and is overjoyed when she becomes Divine Victoria. The two of them are a very powerful duo: when Anwen was younger she was always focused on preserving the tradition, but with her in charge and her friends by her side, the Inquisition becomes a force that profoundly changes the world. Making those changes and ensuring that they stick would be impossible without Leliana, who is one of the most amazing and inspiring people that Anwen has ever met. 
Cullen: Anwen is initially a little wary of Cullen because he used to be a templar and she was always taught to avoid them, but Cullen is very polite and friendly from the start and makes Anwen feel like she can count on him. Sometimes she ambushes him with questions such as “what would you do if I got possessed?”, which makes him uneasy as he would prefer not to think about such a grim scenario. Anwen recognizes that while Cullen still has some healing and progress to be made, he’s working hard to redeem himself and she fully supports him in this. She is actually a little bit surprised when she realizes that she truly considers Cullen, an ex-templar, her friend. The feeling is probably mutual. 
Solas: Even though Anwen doesn’t like the attitude Solas has towards Dalish elves, they quickly become friends as Anwen loves to hear about his experiences in the Fade and his opinions on matters related to magic and Corypheus. Sometimes she wonders where he came from, as he’s obviously not Dalish but also doesn’t really fit any other backgrounds that she could think of and he’s quite vague when asked about it, but she trusts him and lets the matter be. She is very hurt when the truth about him is revealed, and angry that even after all he’s experienced with them he’s willing to destroy the whole existing world in order to bring back something that was lost a long time ago; a very extreme version of “things were better back then”. Anwen sort of understands why he’d feel like that, but thinks he’s going way too far and should instead just focus on living in the current world and age. Anwen is not a very vengeful person in general, but this is so big that in order to keep everyone else safe, she vows to stop Solas at all costs.
Vivienne: Anwen would love to be able to be friends with everyone in her Inner Circle, but the best she could do with Vivienne was to be civil. While both mages, the two of them come from very different backgrounds and have a great difficulty in understanding why they see certain matters very differently. They’ve argued a lot and when the Inquisition moved to Skyhold, Vivienne’s attitude towards Anwen was hostile. This legit scared Anwen just a little bit, because despite everything she does in a way respect Vivienne and recognizes her strengths, and Anwen certainly didn’t want to have an enemy like her. Over time Anwen was able to mend their relationship so they could be at least on neutral terms, but they never became true friends. It is understandable considering that many of Anwen’s big decisions - such as making the rebel mages full allies and supporting Leliana as the next Divine - basically destroyed the foundation of Vivienne’s political power, which she is definitely not happy about.
Want to do the challenge as well? Here are the prompts
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dinrenan · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge: Dinlin
Day 23: Childhood
What was their childhood like? Who was their childhood best friend? What’s their best memory? Worst memory?
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His childhood as a wisp? Easy, as a wisp e took an interest in Sylaise, and found it sad that she could not make her little ones survive, then he started to form in what the people only assumed to be a spirit of mercy...for he was the one that usually was keeping an eye on the whole thing, he was the one that would end the suffering of the little creature. But what they assumed was mercy, in reality, was Pity.
He could feel the suffering of the young ones, it would always end with their passing at the end of the day, no matter how much Sylaise tried, he would make sure that they passed swiftly and without any pain, taking their little wisp away, to a place where it could grow into a new spirit.
Childhood in body form? None whatsoever, for the simple fact that he formed into a body of a 10-year-old and had to train to become a sentinel, so he did not really make friends nor foes.
Worst memory as a "child"...probably when at the age of 16 he heard the screams of agony and despair coming from one of the rooms while he patrolled a corridor of Sylaise main Temple, he thought that she was being ripped inside out that night when the child died.
Want to do the challenge as well? Here are the prompts!
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themonsterslut · 3 years
Day 1 - Introduction
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Who Are You Again?
Day 1 - Introduction - Fevir Mahariel - Elven Mage Warden who is having none of your bullshit.
{I have issues with the HoF mage origins so I've changed it a little bit}
Fenvir Mahariel is a mage from the Sabrae Clan in training as second to Keeper Marethari, someone he blames for his parents' untimely demise at the hands of city elves and humans. He is a rather restless soul, not fitting in with anyone of his clan aside from his best friend, and secret crush, Tamlen. After discovering the hidden Eluvian and loosing Tamlen, Fenvir found himself with little choice but to accept the offer given to him by the Grey Warden Duncan, with his only friend gone Fenvir had nothing else left to lose and willingly went to fight the Blight  
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Homosexual
Class: Mage
From the 30 Day Dragon Age Oc Challenge by @meridok
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oopsallmabari · 3 years
30 Day DA OC Challenge-Day 2
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(Here’s a link to the prompts in case you want to try this yourself!)
Day 1 | Day 2 |
Day 2: Physical Status
Briefly describe your character’s physical appearance. Are they able-bodied or disabled? Are they comfortable with their looks/body, or did they wish their body was different? Do they have any significant scars? How fit are they?
For the Inquisitor: What is their experience with the Anchor? If/when they lose their hand, how does that go? How do they handle it afterwards?
For the Warden: What is their experience of the Taint? The Joining? Does the Taint affect them physically, either during the Blight or after?
Daithi is on the shorter side of average for an elf, with rich, dark skin, and a thin scar stretching across his right cheek. He wears Dirthamen’s vallaslin, the white ink a stark contrast to his skin tone. He’s kept his hairstyle the same for years- in braids, the ends of which are covered with metal bands. Daithi is mostly made of wiry muscle-built more for speed and high maneuverability, rather than brute strength. Among his clan, he was a particularly talented hunter. With sharp sight, and a knack for climbing, he’s always been able to get the higher ground.
For the most part, Daithi is comfortable with how he looks, though he wasn’t always. When he was younger, he had a lot of chest dysphoria, but Keeper Marethari gave him the magical equivalent of top surgery, which helped things a lot. Though he has a few little scars here and there, the two most significant ones are his chest scars and the scar on his face. The face scar came from a hunting accident-he thought he could get to a rabbit before a wolf did, and paid the price for it. Overall, though? He thinks he’s quite handsome.
The Taint, before he underwent the Joining, felt like severe dehydration. For the most part, he was able to ignore it-so when Duncan first came, Daithi brushed him off. He didn’t think he was dying. The Joining, on the other hand, felt awful- like his lungs were on fire. After seeing what happened to the other two recruits at Ostagar, Daithi felt pretty sure he wasn’t going to make it.
Since becoming a Warden, Daithi gets headaches more frequently-the Blight was just a constant, dull throb in his skull, though it got worse in the Deep Roads. I imagine that if/when he finally feels the Calling, his head will feel fuzzy, but the ultimate tell will be the dry throat and the thirst that comes with it-a thirst that, no matter how much he drinks, settles in his throat and digs in.
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voracusrdr · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age Challenge Masterpost: Garret Hawke
Day 1: Intro Day 2: Physical Status Day 3: Race
Day 4: Mind Matters Day 5: Sexuality
Day 6: Pocketses Precious Day 7: Fighting-Methods
Day 8: Fighting-Morality Day 9: Social Status
Day 10: Politics Day 11: Magic Day 12: Religion
Day 13: Values Day 14: Limits Day 15: Choices
Day 16: Consequences Day 17: Contrition
Day 18: Companions Day 19: Courtship
Day 20: Conclusion Day 21: Coda Day 22: Home
Day 23: Childhood Day 24: Food Day 25: Downtime
Day 26: Skills Day 27: Demons
Day 28: Three Wishes Day 29: Moral Dilemma
Day 30: Free Day
Here's the link to the challenge if you want to try yourself. Cheers!
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aria-i-adagio · 3 years
30 Day DA OC Challenge, Day 23: Childhood
What was their childhood like? Who was their childhood best friend? What’s their best memory? Worst memory?
His childhood was a combination of pastoral and carrying the weight of the flaws in his parents’ relationship.
The official timeline is a little screwy anyway, so I’m going to fudge a few details. Malcolm still worked some as a mercenary after he and Leandra left Kirkwall, so he was absent for several months at a time during Adrian’s early childhood. I also posit that he died when Adrian was around seventeen - a couple of years earlier than in canon and a much harder age to be suddenly in charge of your demanding mother and younger sibling.
Leandra harbored resentment about giving up her life and status in Kirkwall which expressed itself in being unreliably emotionally available and having very high expectations of her children. Malcolm was more steady, but picked up a habit of being stoic in the Circle and wasn’t always the best at dealing with high tempers and emotions, either Leandra’s or the childrens’.
All of this adds up to Adrian has an anxious attachment style and a lot of issues with codependency.
On the other hand, the children were (generally) safe, well-cared, and they were definitely loved. Adrian idolized his father and spent a lot of time with him, even before he was big enough to help much with farming tasks.
Worst memory: Eleven-year-old Adrian was with Bethany when her magic first manifested in a conflict with a bully. And despite parental attempts to shield them, he knew that it meant that Bethany (and his father) was in grave danger. He grabbed her and Carver both, ran them all the way back to the house, then proceeded to mentally check out during the flurry of packing up and getting the hell out of dodge. Malcolm sold Carver on the idea that it was a big adventure, but Bethany started to self-isolate, and Adrian became hypervigilant and anxious.
Best memory: After the family moved to Lothering, Adrian missed a particular pastry from a bakery where they lived before. Leandra knew that it was his favorite and went through iteration and iteration until she learned how to bake it. Adrian still remembers the first time she got it exactly right.
find the original prompts here
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katuary · 3 years
30 Day DA Challenge: Day 11
Day 11: Magic
Elissa grows up with the Chant’s definition of magic, but doesn’t take it very seriously. Surely the templars protect from unsafe magic?
After the Blight, and through her friendships with Morrigan and Anders, she learns what mages outside Circle authority are capable of and just how far the abuses inside the institution span. Magic is a useful tool, and the world would be lesser without it. Punishing the practicers is foolish at best and cruel at worst.
Marian was introduced to the concept of magic nearly before she could walk. Her father made a point of using small spells to entertain her when the small family was somewhere no one else could see, just to teach the baby that it was nothing to fear. When she was older, he made sure to stress that his magic, and later Bethany’s, must be kept secret for fear of the templars. She is told what to do if one of them develops magic, and how to keep a low profile.
Magic as a whole is comforting and familiar—associated with her father, her sister, her partner, her friend—though she recognizes the potential dangers when she fights waves of blood mages as an adult. Despite the dangers, she fights tooth and nail to keep what mages free she can, knowing it is no more evil than a sword or dagger.
Evelyn’s introduction to magic is through the Chant from her tutors, so she is naturally terrified once she realizes she is a mage herself. Over the years, her fear of herself transforms into fear of those who would use her magic as excuse to hurt her. Even as an adult, she finds herself wishing she’d been born without magic, so she could fade to the background rather than live with a target on her back.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
30 Day DA Challenge - Day 18: Companions
Aster Amell
Aster’s first friend among the companions is Alistair. Friendship is different in the Circle - everyone lives together, and it’s a strange cross between roommates and classmates and family. Although Aster includes both Templars and fellow apprentices as “friends,” the relationships are the kind that arise naturally from a bunch of people being stuck together. Alistair is the first person that seemed to really want to get to know him. Technically, although they romance each other, Alistair is still his best friend. Aster dislikes Oghren because he thinks the dwarf is boorish and weird, and for reasons unknown, he can’t seem to get along with Wynne. 
Aster didn’t particularly like Lily very much, but Jowan was a good friend of his. Aster held a platonic crush on him for a while, but never spoke about it, and was saddened to see him turn to blood magic. He was working with the First Enchanter to try and clear Jowan’s name, and if he and Lily should happen to escape the Circle during the event, so much the better. He never thought it would go the way it did.
Morgan Walker
Though he met Morrigan first, their conflicting personalities required time to evolve into like and then love. Instead, Morgan finds himself becoming good friends with Leliana and Zevran, with Zevran just barely inching Leliana out for best friend status. Morgan really doesn’t like Sten because the Qun doesn’t agree with him. When asked, he will claim that Barksy the mabari is his favorite companion.
Tash Adaar
At first, Tash was scared of Cassandra, and Solas seemed a little cold, so obviously Varric became his first friend. He eventually makes friends with all the companions, although Blackwall, Varric and Cole are the best friends, then Solas, Vivienne, and Dorian, then Cassandra and the Iron Bull. Sera is Tash’s least favorite because he hates pranks and thinks Sera is way too careless to be a Red Jenny. They tend to clash, but still, Tash likes Sera enough to consider her a friend.
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jchb32273 · 5 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge - Day 30
Free Day!
So for the Free Day, I decided to do something a little different, I commissioned my amazing friend @ambellinaleander to draw a modern version of Alistair and Kylara... 
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I LOVED it SO much, I wrote a short fic to go along with it!! Here you go!
I slammed the front door, flounced into the living room, and tossed my backpack onto the floor. Then I flopped down onto the couch with a huge groan.
“Bad day at school, love?” I heard Alistair ask from the kitchen of our condo.
“Oh, you could say that,” I muttered as I lay face down on our sofa. “That term paper I worked my ass off for? Professor MacTir only gave me 75% on it!! I need to redo it by next week, or it will pull down my whole GPA! If I lose that second scholarship…”
Alistair came out of the kitchen and leaned over the back of the couch at my prone form. He pinched my butt. I squealed in mock indignation and quickly sat up, leaning back to stare at Alistair’s grinning, upside-down face. He bent over further and gently kissed my lips. “Kylara, MacTir is a complete and utter ass as a professor… but I know my clever girlfriend will figure it out. I fully support you. You’ve got this.” He gave me another gorgeous grin… and I couldn’t help but smile back just a tiny bit.
How did I end up with someone like him? I wondered for what seemed the millionth time. What was the most handsome and popular man on campus – captain of the fencing team, computer gaming whiz, and lead singer of his cover band – doing with someone like me? I was a quiet, bookish nerd who loved Harry Potter, crocheted blankets, and grew plants for a hobby! He came from a wealthy family. I came from a single parent household that was struggling to cover bills and my education. And yet… here we were. Over a year as a couple; now living together under the same roof. We still had a lot of differences, and sometimes I wondered how it was working out.
Alistair, every bit the athletic stud he was, flipped himself over the couch to land next to me.
“Showoff…” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Only for you, love.” He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Now, how can I help?”
I sighed. “I am just so scared about losing that second scholarship! Especially when I have two more years until I graduate! I honestly think MacTir might just be screwing me over. He hasn’t liked me since day one of his class!”
Alistair chuckled. “MacTir doesn’t like anyone! I swear, the man must have a stick jammed so far up his- ”
“This isn’t helping me… I still need his class to pass this semester.”
“All right, all right. I understand.” He grabbed the Xbox One controlled off of the coffee table and then asked, “Do you want to play some Overwatch, love? We could pretend that all of the people on the other team are- ”
I took the controller from him and put in back on the table. Eyebrows raised, I said, “Again… not helping. I need to focus! I need to think about what I can do to fix my paper!”I moaned and placed my hands over my face.
“Do you want me to sing?” he murmured in my ear. “You always seem to love it when I sing to you.” His breath was hot against my neck and I felt him nip my ear with his teeth. “I believe you said it makes your toes curl? Hmm?”
“Alistair!” I growled in frustration, “You said you wanted to help, but all you are doing is distracting me from what I need!” I got off the couch in a huff and went into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me.
Sitting on the edge of our bed, I picked up a framed portrait that our mutual friend, Cullen, had taken of the two of us taken just before Ali had convinced me to move in with him. We were standing shoulder to shoulder, arms entwined together. He was wearing an old Depeche Mode shirt, and I was wearing my Team Ravenclaw Quidditch shirt. Ali had given me a rose and just told me how much he cared for me. We both looked so happy. I put the picture back down and sighed again.
Read it all on AO3 here.
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siennadraws · 3 years
30 Days DA Challenge
Day 2: Physical Status
Briefly describe your character’s physical appearance. Are they able-bodied or disabled? Are they comfortable with their looks/body, or did they wish their body was different? Do they have any significant scars? How fit are they?
For the Warden: What is their experience of the Taint? The Joining? Does the Taint affect them physically, either during the Blight or after?
For the Inquisitor: What is their experience with the Anchor? If/when they lose their hand, how does that go? How do they handle it afterwards?
Shaera Mahariel
Shaera is very muscular with broad shoulders, above average height for an elf (1.60m or 5ft 3in) and with beige skin. She has deep brown downturned eyes, brown hair in a buzz cut and a square-ish face. Her eyebrows give her a constant worried look, and she has Ghilan'nain's Vallaslin, in black ink with blue-ish undertones. Shaera also has a roman nose and pierced ears.
She's able-bodied and her confidence in her looks, especially her body, dwindles from time to time. The most significant scar she has is the one across her left eye, which she gained from fighting the arch demon, but she has some scars across her body from fighting as a Warden.
The Taint affects her as normally as the other Wardens. She needs to sleep less and eat more and she has more stamina.
Mara Hawke
Mara Hawke is muscular and able-bodied, very tall for a human (1.93m or 6ft 4in) and has rosy beige skin. Her eyes are yellow and almond shaped, and her pupil changes into a square shape after being rescued from the Fade and going back to her human shape, her hair is long and black, often put in a bun, with locks framing her oval face. She has thick eyebrows, and after fleeing Kirkwall, she does a black tattoo under her right eye. Her nose has a barely visible bridge and a wide dorsum, her ears are pierced, with two piercings on her right side.
She's very confident in her looks, and she has a lot of scars. A couple of them are on her face (6 when she flees Kirkwall and 7 when she wakes up after her Mythal's Guardian form dies) but the bulk of them on her arms, from performing blood magic.
Terys Lavellan
Terys is lean and fit, of average height for an elf (1.47m or 4ft 9.8in) with tanned skin with a warm undertone. Her eyes are a cool green and with a monolid and upturned, her hair is brown, with a undercut and a thin braid on her right side and her face is square. Her eyebrows are downturned, giving her an apparent frown and she has Dirthamen's Vallaslin in black. She has a large nose, with a deep bridge and a large bump, her ears are pierced.
She's confident in her looks, and has a lot of scars. She gained 5 scars on her face during the Conclave explosion, besides her other scars, one of her most significant is a fading scar on her chest, that she gained when she was a child, shielding her sister from human raiders.
Terys was able-bodied before the Conclave explosion, but the Anchor gave her chronic pains in her hand. She treated the pain by smoking elfroot. After losing her Anchor hand and her forearm, she got phantom pains, and trained to fight with her single arm. Her sister, the clan healer, and the craftmaster built a wooden prosthetic, that is powered by magic or lyrium, and must be recharged frequently.
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enasallavellan · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge: Day Five
Created by @meridok-old
Day 5: Sexuality
Describe how you think about your character’s sexuality. How would they talk about their sexuality/sexual inclinations or lack thereof?
Enasal is straight and is very timid about discussing things associated with sex.  Shiral (her sister) very much skimmed over that part of raising her, so Enasal’s understanding of such things is pretty limited.
But once everything is figured out, she’s very private about such things.  Luckily, Cullen isn’t apt to talk about such things in public, so it's a pretty good match. Her friends sometimes tease her for her naivete, such as taking the phrase, “sleeping with” literally, and answers very truthfully, despite not realizing the innuendo.
Companion (probably Bull, Krem, Dorian): Hey, noticed you haven’t been heading to your own room lately.
Enasal: Yeah?
Companion: Going to the Commander’s room?
Enasal, The Idiot: “Yeah?”
Companion: Sleeping with him?
Enasal, Sweet Summer Child: Yeah, most nights.
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tiadres · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
Day 1: Introduction
It’s finally Anwen’s turn for this challenge! The modded playthrough with her his still a work in progress so we’ll see how much screenshots I have to use for pictures. 
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Name: Anwen Lavellan Age: Anwen was born in 9:17, meaning that she was 24 at the beginning of DAI and 27 during Trespasser. Pronouns: She/her Class: Mage Specializations: Knight Enchanter
Me describing her: Anwen is kind and friendly yet also fiercely proud of her Dalish heritage and the gift of magic, but she understands the need of diplomacy.
Anwen describing herself: I trained my whole life to be the next Keeper of my clan, but one day I found myself leading Inquisition. It's strange, but I'll try my best.
Want to do the challenge as well? Here are the prompts
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dinrenan · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge
Day 18: Companions
Who is their first friend among their companions? Who ends up being their best friend? Who do they hate the most (or like the least)? Is there anyone they don’t recruit?
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Dinrenan is not always ready to meet new people, but she already knew Cullen and Varric from Kirkwall. With the Dwarf she has a great relationship, she was always trotting alongside Hawke and friends after all. With Cullen she does not have the best of relationships, so she tries to avoid him as much as she can. During Inquisition, she becomes friends with Solas, Blackwall, Cole, and Dagna. She is not fond of Vivienne or Sera, not outright dislike but she does not interact much with them, Cassandra is sweet deep down but Dinrenan is outright scared when she raises her voice. With the others, she is polite unless they struck a nerve, and then she just goes silent on them if they are having a discussion.
Want to do the challenge as well? Here are the prompts!
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welcome-to-gaydas · 5 years
Ven Trevelyan 30 day Challenge
Saw someone else doing this and thought it was as good a way to introduce Ven.
Description by me: Impulsive, starry-eyed, curious, dependable, loyal, diligent, affectionate, determined compassionate, stubborn, studious, and clever gay disaster.
Description by Ven: "...Ask me again never. I'm not any good at describing myself in a positive way."
Full Name: Alistair "Ven" Vennor Trevelyan, changed to Vennor Trevelyan after becoming Inquisitior
Nicknames: Ven, Ghost (by Varric), Sparky (by his sister Elowen)
Birthdate/Age: August 1st 9:16 Dragon, 25 yo at the start of Inquisition
Birthplace: Ostwick, Free Marches
Gender/Sexuality: Male (He/him), Gay
Class: Mage
Specialization: Rift Mage
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