nemo-in-wonderland · 1 month
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SO. Ever since yesterday night, the brain has been braining (as it always does when I get the chance to create a new character), so after sketching Lucanis and Ravenna yesterday, today I had to actually solidifying Ravenna's own design and at least an hint of back story (but please, keep in mind that I am still learning about the lore), and omg I am actually so happy with how she turned out!
As I mentioned in the previous artwork with her, Ravenna is completely blind in her right eye (an unfortunate encounter with a wolf in her youth), and bears scars from the encounter with the wolf. Because of this, she often wears all sorts of half-mask that are as flamboyant as her clothing lolol. She doesn't truly need to, becasue she is not ashamed about her scars, but homegirl got a penchant for THE DRAMA. THE PIZZAZZ. (And if you are wondering, yes ERIK WAS MY INSPIRATION FOR HER LOL), so she likes to wander around wearing masks.
It was my way to pay homage to the Venetian Masks and the Commedia dell'Arte that I love so much (infact, with her personality, I find her particularly akin to Arlecchino lololol).
Also, I kinda HC that, handling Necromantic Magic comes with a price, on the long run, and that is why Ravenna's fingers are blackened.
But here you can see more some of Ravenna's stats (the template is by @riessene)
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I like to imagine that Ravenna's sunny personality is a direct result of her belonging to the Mourn Watch, and the result of having to work every day, all day long, with the dead and their spirits. Like,
I like to imagine that she is Emmrich's Assistant Professor, and the two of them have actually an endearing friendship (which is also the reason why Ravenna dresses all flamboyant and whatnot: it's a bit of a challange between the two of them about who is going to serve the most cunt fml).
I just like to imagine these two scholars just bonding over magic, papers and gossip from Antiva (like Emmrich is totally on board with hearing all the latest news about Ravenna's sister, Inquisitor Velahris, and her attempts to woo Varric).
Well, I hope you will like her!! <3
I honestly had so much fun, and I cannot wait to draw her with Lucanis again <3
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Also, fml, I just decided that my Rook is going to be the younger sister of my Inquisitor, Velahris Lavellan.
Like, I can see Ravenna just poking at her sister to actually spill the beans about Varric (because yes, I ship my Inquisitor with Varric AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME FROM DOING SO LOL.) because SHE KNOWS that her sister is hiding something.
Like, she just cannot stop mentioning him in EVERY SINGLE LETTER they exchange (even if she always refers to him in a professional manner), but Ravenna CAN READ through those lines.
Because yes, I am going with the whole shtick of Stoic sarcastic emotionally constipated older sister vs fun-loving, little ray of sunshine (to hide away the sadness) younger sister.
I mean, this just means that Ravenna is already equipped to deal with Lucanis, considering she had to deal with her sister's grumpiness HER ENTIRE LIFE.
But one thing is for sure: at least Lucanis will make a better coffee lol though, I do envision some rivarly between him and Ravenna because MY GIRL CAN COOK (sorry, but as an Italian, I cannot for the life of me have an Italian-Based Character that has no idea how to cook. It's a matter of personal pride lol).
Like, I have to be honest, from what little I know about Lucaris and his personality, I can see him as a bit of a grouchy sad cat.
So now I want Ravenna to be his safe haven, from when things are so dire that not even a good cup of coffee can chase troubles away.
Now I just have to see how things are going to be in general, considering that I made Ravenna's sister a Mage lololololol
gods am stocked.
This will be running in the back of my mind for a while, I already know that things are brewing.
And now I have basically both that and Mephistea running parallels.
this is going to be FUN.
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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This picrew is literally a godsend!!! If you guys have DA OCs, check it out! Click for better quality ~🌺
I used it for some post-Trespasser looks for my babes(including Avi, ½ of my Surana twins and Nehri’s canon Arcane advisor. We don’t talk about her scars...)
From Left to Right ~ Mithari Lavellan Syrillon ~ Velahris Lavellan ~ Nehriel Lavellan ~ Cassia Cadash ~ Teya Adaar ~ Aviselan Surana
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sasshole-for-rent · 5 years
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"It's really coming down out there, petal... whatever shall we do to wait out the storm?"
"I have a few ideas, ma vhenan..."
Velahris Lavellan & Varric for @lyrium-lavellan
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serpenstoned · 5 years
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when @lyrium-lavellan told me about Vel’s frilly pink undies....i simply could not resist.
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wetheresilientfew · 5 years
Closed RP // teamdestructo
Every night was rough for Velahari and for the most part she was able to though them out, but tonight she was at her limit. No she was past it which is why she found herself dialing Natsu’s number and begging him to come to her home. Hating herself for being so weak, for waking him up in the middle of the night Velahri couldn’t help herself in pressing to his strong reassuring chest as those arms wrapped around her, Natsu made her feel safe and even though she didn’t understand it. Velahari was glad for it as she curled up in his arms and held on tightly.
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big-moodboard · 5 years
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Velahris & Varric - Thoughts
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
@serpenstoned​ @davnwillcome​  So I see y’all are reblogging Vel’s intro but she looks crusty with no mods so let me show you...
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My beautiful, modded, less crusty baby girl!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Cullen: does literally anything
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Red Inside, Eating You Up
It was Vel who heard it first. The low, mournful melody of the stone - eking its way into her brain, corrupting her from the inside out.
“Do you hear it?” She spoke softly, barely a murmur over the noise of the prison. Clanging steel gates, screaming prisoners, the crying of the desperate.
“Hear what?” Varric replied, looking up at her to find her face empty, devoid of emotion. At the corner of her eye was a line of red, just beneath the skin. It glowed inside her, a sickly red warmth.
“The song.” Vel says, eyes blank and drifting into the darkness beyond their cell. “It’s beautiful, but so sad.”
Varric pauses for a moment, looking down at his hands.
“I know, Clover. I know.”
He was glad he couldn’t see himself. Almost a year in a prison had him a little worse for wear - most notably, at least to him, the fact he hadn’t been able to shave. His beard grew in thick and fast, unpleasant and unwanted. Vel didn’t seem to mind, nuzzling her face up against his cheek.
“You look good with a beard, Varric.” Vel added, curling herself up into his lap with practiced ease. It was less difficult to fit her there, now - her frame was bony and pale, sickened and so small. Her tiny, thin hands found their way to Varric’s exposed chest, eventually wrapping themselves around his neck. They were cold and clammy against his skin, but he didn’t care.
He pulled her against his chest, taking off his duster to wrap it around her. She shivered slightly at the flutter of wind created by his movement, and he quickly pulled her in, tucking her head flush against his chest. 
“Really, Clover? Hm. I don’t like it. Isn’t it scratchy?” He huffs, planting his chin on the top of Vel’s head.
“No. It feels like home.” Vel speaks, her voice drifting into a whisper.
“Then I guess I’ll keep it. Just a little longer, though.”
She got worse quicker than Varric thought she would.
“I’m going to die, aren’t I?” She whispered, crawling her way to him in the dark.
“Hey, don’t talk like that. Someone’ll come for us, Clover. There’s... There’s gotta be someone still out there.” Varric wrapped her small, spindly frame in his arms, trying in vain to comfort her.
“Varric, look at me.” Vel tugs his chin down, forcing him to look. Her skin was sunken and grey, lips cracked and eyes starting to crystallize. She hadn’t slept in days- no, weeks. How long had it been since they’d eaten? “I’m dying.”
“If we’re going to die here, tell me the story of her. Of Bianca.” She asked, her voice hoarse with pain. 
“I made a promise, Vel. I can’t just...” Varric starts, before being interrupted.
“The world is gone, Varric. Tell me the story. Please?”
“I... Alright, Petal. I’ll tell you.”
“Petal? That’s new.” Vel’s lips quirked into a tired smile.
“I can’t keep calling you Clover, now can I?”
“Suppose not. And Varric?” Vel mumbles, lifting her head up slightly to meet his eyes.
“Hm?” Varric hums in question before Vel presses her lips to his. It was a long, slow kiss, ending with their foreheads pressed together, sad smiles on both of their faces.
“If I’m going to die, there’s no one I’d rather die with than you, Storyteller.”
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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C R I M S O N  S I L K  &  C L O V E R  F L O W E R S
Vel and Varric are my ultimate OTP and it shows
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
#24 Tender for Vel/Varric please? :)
24. Tender - for Vel and Varric @dalish-rogue
She was nothing like Bianca. She was tender and compassionate, sweet and genuine. She trusted fully, loved without reservation, and Varric fell for her much faster than he should have.
“So, you and the Boss, huh? Lucky.” Bull half-whispers to Varric over a pint of ale in the Herald’s Rest. He seemed almost jealous, but who wouldn’t be? Vel was who she was. Not to mention, she did have a look about her. That sweet, doe-eyed elven face that made his bones turn to jelly.
“Am I? I feel like any minute, the Seeker’s going to come in and lop my head off for getting too close to her.” Varric laughs, only slightly serious. He knew that Cassandra wouldn’t dare. Vel had gone through enough as of late.
“Hey, everyone needs a distraction. Just so happens that yours is Vel.” Bull shrugs, leaning over the table to order another round. Vel walks into the tavern, slipping into the seat next to him and tucking her hand in his under the table.
“Long day?” Varric says, chuckling softly.
“You can say that again.” She smiles slightly, pressing her thumb into his palm. The gentle, affectionate touch made him sigh. “I could go for a drink.”
Send prompts for either Vel/Varric, Nehri/Solas, Ari/Bull or Isolde/Sten!
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
The people have spoken! Vel's gonna romance Josie! The cutest girlfriends EVER 😘💖
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
Thoughts - at the end of Trespasser, just before Solas leaves, Vel begs him to take her vallaslin.
“Never again shall we submit.” She cries, the agony of the Anchor forcing her to her knees. Solas nods sadly, and she feels a wave of relief rush over her.
“For you, lethallan, anything. I would not see you enslaved.” Solas speaks, pressing his hand gently to her forehead. The cool touch of his fingers felt like absolution - release from suffering. After so many years... The magic curled around her in blue, shimmering wisps. It felt like freedom.  
She reaches up to touch her face, her fingers coming away blue as the ink bleeds out of her skin. She winces as she traces over the small cut left just beside her eyebrow, a reminder of what she one was. What she is no longer.
“I won’t move against you, Solas. I only ask that you leave my family be.” Vel places a hand on her stomach, thumbing over the now noticeable swell. She didn’t understand how she could be so attached, so protective, so soon.
“You needn’t ask. I will always protect you, da’len. Even from afar. The healer that cared for you? One of mine.” He confesses, helping her back to her feet. She would have never suspected, but it didn’t matter.
“I don’t suppose you’d be able to attend my wedding? Josephine has been working her fingers to the bone writing invitations. She says it will be the social event of the century.” Vel smiles, a distinct tinge of sorrowful humor in her voice.
“Unfortunately, I cannot. But I wish you and Master Tethras many happy years together. He is a lucky man.” Solas’s voice trembled momentarily, and to the untrained ear it would not have registered at all. But Vel knew better. She knew him better.
“Thank you, Solas. For all that you’ve done. And I’m sorry.” Suddenly, she leans into his chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. The world melts away in that moment - the Crossroads, the armor, the pain of the lonely years they’d endured. Only two things remained - Fen’Harel and the Inquisitor. A God and a Prophet, locked in an embrace, neither wanting to let go. 
It reminded Vel of the weeks after Adamant, the countless hours she spent with Solas in the rotunda learning to control her magic. It was a trying ordeal, and she spent a large part of the sessions accidentally flinging fireballs and mounds of ice at the walls. She’d slump against the chaise, exhausted and miserable, having completely given up.
“Try again, da’len. You will succeed. Remember that.” Solas’ encouraging voice, calm and sure, would spur her on to master her talents. She began to see him less like an ally and more like a friend. Like a brother.
By the time they had defeated Corypheus, she was like a little sister to him. He hadn’t expected anyone to muddle his plans, but if he had to choose someone, it would be her. She was kind, gentle, and just. She made her judgments with care and compassion, but could be firm when circumstances required. She was miraculously intelligent, with a biting wit and could converse about academics and history for hours. She made the Inquisition a beacon of hope in a dark world. She was a shining example of the potential of their People. The Inquisition never knew its luck.
Vel felt Solas’ arms pull her in, linking around her back and pressing into her shoulders. She nestled her face into the soft fur that draped over his shoulder, trying to recall when she first met him. A mysterious apostate, smelling of elfroot and tree bark. He always did remind her of home.
“You will always be my fondest friend, little Clover.“ His tone softened as he spoke, warm breaths fluttering the stray hairs atop Vel’s head. She chuckled, a soft, breathy sound, before pulling back to look at her old friend one last time.
“Don’t forget me.” Vel mutters as he walks towards the Eluvian.
“I could never.” Solas replies, before disappearing into the mirror one final time.
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lyrium-lavellan · 5 years
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She’s babey and she has 3 babies and I love them all!!
Moodboard Request Info
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