Jackass: 30 Day Challenge
Day 6: Favourite Spin-Off show from Jackass
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No question, Viva La Bam. I love Steve & Chris with my whole soul but Viva La Bam was my entire teenage years, it's so hilarious. Brandon really is at the top of his game during it and he has so many iconic and hilarious moments throughout the entire run that it just has to be my favourite.
+ Side challenge My favourite episodes from Viva La Bam as a whole have to be 'Scavenger Hunt' and 'CKY gets Jobs.'
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maxymylli0n · 2 years
Your choice
Here are photos of me randomly
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it always struck me as kind of hilarious that you have to pass a 30DC check to convince shadowheart not to kill dame aylin but if you're just like "sure do whatever lol" she chooses not to kill her anyway. tsundere ass fuck. killing is bad unless it's out of spite. i have morals unless you try to tell me what to do
but i just got to that scene in my new replay and it made me realize that that's not what's at stake at all
because the persuasion check isn't "don't do this". the persuasion check is, your life is whatever you make of it. you don't have to do something just because your goddess tells you to.
convincing shadowheart not to kill dame aylin is easy. she knows it's wrong, and she doesn't want to, not really. if given the choice, she is literally unable to go through with it even if she clearly wants to, or wants to want to so badly she can't tell the difference
the problem is convincing her she has an option in the first place
the problem is convincing her that her life is her own
shadowheart has never belonged to herself since she was captured. not in body, not in soul, not in mind, not even her memories. she quite literally doesn't know who she is in more ways than one. she doesn't know her past or her family, she doesn't know who her loved ones are (including the sharran loved ones, like nocturne), all she really knows about herself is a fear of wolves that's been implanted into her by lies and an attachment to a flower she can't remember the details of. and a mission. always a mission. the will of someone else she has to carry on, that is not for her to understand or question or think about. she can't even want to serve shar, because she isn't allowed to pursue her intention to become a dark justiciar. she is supposed to be well and truly nothing, empty as the sharran doctrine
(oh, and pain that she doesn't know the reason of. no matter what, she must bear the pain)
how can she see herself as more than her goddess, when she quite literally doesn't know anything about who she is other than her devotion to shar? how can she choose her own destiny, when she couldn't even choose how to devote and give herself over to her?
she can't, which is why, unless you have infinite rizz points and/or roll a nat20, shadowheart attacks you. not dame aylin. you. and she never argues about whether or not it's the right thing, because she knows. what she's rebelling against isn't the idea of letting dame aylin go. what she's rebelling against is the idea that she could leave her cage and belong to no one but herself. because the idea is scary and she quite literally doesn't know where to begin. which is why her obsession becomes to find her parents, even though she doesn't remember them at all. because maybe they can tell her who she's supposed to be, and she can have the comfort of having her path laid out before her again
(which is also why she has to kill them. not because of some hand hurty curse bullshit. but because she just wants them and selûne to become the new shar, and she has to let that go if she truly means to claim herself again)
and now im sad. because it's easier for shadowheart to do turn against shar and everything she's ever had on the grounds of saving someone else than on the grounds that she deserves better than to be a puppet. even if you do nothing, saving dame aylin, to her, is easy. saving herself is a wholly different matter, one she's not sure she has any right to, or wants to, even if it's what she really needs. accepting a selûnite's humanity is easier than accepting her own. losing everything is easier than gaining her own autonomy. and she will fight tooth and nail to be allowed to stay in her own, metaphorical soul cage
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blackjackkent · 5 months
I had to briefly pull Astarion out of camp to bust one of the locks in the southwest corner of Moonrise, which was chilling with a 30DC. Even with his significant bonuses, this was a major challenge (and we need to make a merchant circuit to buy more lockpicks), but it did get us an inspiration from Karlach titled "Never Liked Stairs" for breaking into a restricted area in Moonrise from an outer balcony.
All of this was very worth it, of course, because there is an UNDEAD PUPPY in this room!
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Narrator: Even stripped of flesh, the war-hound is formidable. Spectral eyes meet yours as it growls a challenge. And then it hesitates, gleaming muzzle sampling your scent as if in...recognition?
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Pardon me while I pack bond with this creature instantly.
I had to blow all my inspirations to get Hector to pass this animal handling check, but we did it!
[ANIMAL HANDLING] Lower your eyes - you're no threat.
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Narrator: The hound relaxes, clearly accustomed to this show of deference within its master's chamber. It turns away and utterly ignores you, as it would any lowly foot soldier.
OK, not quite the show of friendship I thought I might get, but we can pet it at least!
Gently reach out to pet the hound.
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Narrator: Warily it watches you approach. There's no flesh or fur to scratch at, only bone and cold metal...but it seems the touch is enough, and for a moment the undead beast is just another dog happily wagging its tail.
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Aw. :D
This will probably go down as the only marginally pleasant thing to happen to Hector anywhere inside this tower, and well worth the ten lockpicks I had to spend to get in here.
There's also a number of interesting documents to read in this room, which seems like it might be Ketheric's office. Interesting bits include:
Gortash - the asshole who sold Karlach to the Hells, among other things - is in communication with Ketheric about the hunt for the Astral Prism. His attitude seems to indicate that he might be higher ranked in the cult than Ketheric, too, although I'm not sure.
A number of maps with invasion plans for various major cities.
An Absolutists uniform that we could use for a camp outfit (but probably won't).
In a locked chest, a very loving letter from Ketheric's wife, apparently written soon before she died. (Hector and Gale both got inspiration for this, and Hector commented, "A letter from Ketheric's wife. It sounds like she loved him very much." Hector is turning into a romantic. ;) )
A book titled "Elder Brain Domination" hidden under a floorboard, which...seems BIG MAJOR.
This latter, the book, is very concerning actually. It is a transcribed dictation by Ketheric, and describes "Gortash's plan to enslave an illithid elder brain and make it our marionette under control of the Crown of Karsus." Is that what the Absolute is? An enslaved Elder Brain?
It goes on to say the plan "has proceeded almost without flaw, barring the slight delay while our Bhaalist allies sorted out their leadership conflict."
???????? WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT ??????????
Oh man it goes on....
"The weak point must surely be the sharing of the Netherstones - it was necessary to secure my engagement and that of the murder cult, but eventually it's certain to fracture our fragile alliance. Clearly, all three Netherstones must be controlled by a single leader - me, by preference - but not until after all the stakeholders have made their essential contribution. Gortash fears that, energized by the dark energies of the Crown, the brain we now call the Absolute will eventually metamorphose into something new and more difficult to control."
asjdf;lajks;dlfjka;sldfjka;lsjkdf;lajsdf;lajsd what the fuck ahhhhhhhh
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spellshite · 2 months
I don't remember that our dear pillow bottom (raphael) spammed incinerate. In Hrodak's run I think he never casted it??? Or idk, I have to check the recording. It took me 3 tries back then, I wonder how many tries it'll take now.
Yes, I have Karlach and Lae'zel for tanking but Xarann and Gale are two squishy and Xarann got killed (like literally, only option was revivify but even Shart kept struggling to stay up). Astarion doesn't count bc a rogue level 12 can dodge a lot of things.
Lae'zel misses so much it's embarrassing tho. I even disabled the weapon master thingy since it gives a bit of malus but DAMN the cambion is right in your face. How can you miss it???
I was planning to keep the arrows of fiend slaying only for Raphy, but I guess I'll have to use them on the cambions right away.
I'll surely waste one banish from Hope for Yurgir bc I can't be bothered to attempt the 30dc check to persuade him. Let's just make him fuck off: he doesn't even have loot since I looted him in the Gauntlet.
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akihikosanada · 3 years
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Haikyuu!! 30 Day Challenge - Day 9
Favorite middle blocker: Aone Takanobu
It isn't always the strong hitters or the big ones that are the hardest to stop
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dinamakan · 2 years
Day 24
Seven things that cross your mind a lot
1. Kesukaan dan ketakutan saya pada dunia desain— sejauh mana pemahaman saya akan desain dan apa yang perlu dikembangkan
2. Buku, musik, film dan serial
3. Rencana untuk masa depan
4. Apa yang sudah dilewati di masa lalu, hingga lumayan heran mengapa masih bertahan sampai sekarang
5. Orang-orang yang tetap ada dan mendukung sekalipun saya pernah berada di titik kehidupan yang serendah-rendahnya
6. Ide-ide untuk self-projects yang (harapannya) menyenangkan
7. Rahasia
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witcherhunterbros · 3 years
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@hmmm-duck‘s Henry Cavill 30 Day Challenge
2. The role which made you fall for him
So I’ve already told you that The Witcher was the first thing I watched with Henry in it. Around a month later, after I had finished the then-current season of Vikings, I was still in the mood for more historic drama shows.
By chance, someone of the peeps I was following posted a gifset of Henry as Geralt, Melot and Charles Brandon on horseback. I think there was a caption or tags that said the Charles Brandon one was from The Tudors.
I remembered that my mom had watched The Tudors when it came out and as she really is into this kind of shows she also got the complete DVD box of the series. So I borrowed the box and watched The Tudors. Initially, I didn’t expect Henry to play such a big part in the show. When I saw that gifset, I expected him to have only a minor part, maybe for one episode and then he probably would be killed off.
Oh Boy, was I wrong! His portrayal of Charles Brandon got to me. I love his character’s development. But mostly what made me like him was that out of all the characters he is the one who mostly stays out of meddling in other’s affairs or striving for power. I also feel like he was one of the few who always was aware of the consequences and who deeply hurt and regreted certain decisions he made. I really fell for his character. And I literally cried when he passed away at the end of the series.
As I usually do, I also watched the behind-the-scenes extras and realized that Henry seemed like a really lovely human being. So I went on YouTube and binged on every interview I could get my grabby hands on, and it hit me what a polite and humble person he is. I realized that I had been wrong about him and that I agreed a lot with what he had to say and that he indeed is a huge nerd and gamer. And as a gamer and nerd myself who shares his love for The Witcher games and fantasy stuff he felt like a familiar soul to me (if that makes sense). So, yeah that’s how I fell down the Henry Cavill rabbit hole and I haven’t recovered since.
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hmmm-duck · 3 years
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30 Day Henry Cavill Challenge
 1. The first role you saw him in.  2. The role which made you fall for him  3. Your favourite character.  4. Your least favourite character.  5. Your favourite photoshoot.  6. Your favourite interview.  7. A scene of his that made you laugh.  8. A scene of his that made you cry.  9. Your favourite character pics. 10. Your favourite body part(s). 11. A habit of his which you find endearing. 12. Something about him you don’t like. 13. A favourite character quote. 14. A favourite personal quote. 15. A role you would love to see him in. 16. A role you would not want him to do. 17. Your favourite romantic pairing. 18. Your favourite platonic pairing. 19. Your favourite bromance. 20. Something you would say if you met him. 21. A role of his you haven’t seen, but would like to. 22. Your least favourite photo. 23. A confession. 24. A cameo role you would like to see. 25. An audiobook you would like him to record. 26. Your favourite website and/or blog. 27. Your favourite gif(s). 28. Your favourite character outfit. 29. Your favourite personal look. 30. Your favourite picture.
BONUS - What are you gonna watch to celebrate the end of the challenge?
Dear all *waves eagerly*
I have decided to try and make this month a bit special. I’ve made this 30 Day challenge for you to enjoy and have fun with sharing your stories and opinions.
I will be happy if you decide to participate ♥ You don’t have to answer all question, nor do you need to be strict and keep up with the tasks for all consecutive days. 
The only rule is to have a good time ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
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garrettministries · 4 years
30 Day Self-Care Challenge
30 Day Self-Care Challenge
For the next 30 days, we’re going to chose 3-5 self-care items and commit to doing them every day. I’ve included a link to a habit tracker below. I’ve also included a list of possible self-care activities you can include.
Some of these items may seem silly at first glance, but–speaking from experience–when you’re struggling with depression or anxiety or you’re totally overwhelmed by life as a…
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Jackass: 30 Day Challenge
Day 5: Favourite song from any of the movies
It has to be a split between "The Best of Times" from the Number Two outro and Memories by Weezer.
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maxymylli0n · 2 years
Highs and lows for this month
I will try my best not to answer the same way I did for the first prompt. Maybe I'll actually answer it, here's a list I guess:
H I G H S:
Loden and Kimo's wedding
Marco bby <3
Samgyup with Noreen
Fair at BGH
L O W S:
I'm about to say that there isn't much shit that had happened, but rest assure that I'm still miserable in general.
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coffee-anddreams · 5 years
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I made a thing :D
So, I was looking for some 30 days challenge and saw this one that made me want to do it. I just changed some days for other stuff to make this one. 
So, yeah ^^ Go for it.
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You can tag me if you do it :)
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happinessevent · 5 years
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a few assorted doodles for my 30 day challenge characters!  in order: lady lillian & captain jack (here), salamander (here & here), and violet (here)
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imaginingbleach · 6 years
So as an Arrancar fucker tm, I gotta ask. How do the espada deal with a smol so who will fight anyone or anything?
Woah now… Calm down.
So, if the s/o is more… confrontational, they might have to go out of their way to get a fight.
Which ends up with him dragging them back ovimagineser his shoulder
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He doesn’t attempt to stop them. If that’s what they want to do, he doesn’t care.
However, is pleasantly surprised whenever they come back alive.
Honestly, he’s unsure how he would feel if they died fighting, so he keeps an eye on them and will send in a subordinate if they’re losing the fight
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She gives them more freedom than her fraccion, however, she does keep the leash a bit short
She knows better than anyone what it’s like to fight off people stronger than you…
She wouldn’t want that to happen to them, so tries to make sure they’re not going into a fight stupidly…
They are the only one that has managed to get her to raise her voice. It was once when they almost got killed, and she was terrified. Thankfully it was mostly in private, so only three sets of ears heard besides the two of them.
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Neliel (Honorable Mention!)-
Nel is a bit used to having people around her fighting, but she keeps an even shorter leash than Halibel would.
It’s well known that she doesn’t like killing unless it’s necessary, so if they try to kill someone outside of a life threatening fight, she will whack them over the head and drag them off.
She knows that they can’t always help themselves, so she does have a certain tone of voice she uses when they’re starting to go overboard
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Confused beanpole is struggling with emotion as it is
He will quietly observe them at first, seeing how things play out for a bit
If he thinks they can’t handle themselves, he’ll quietly stop fights as they break out
If they prove him wrong, he’ll step in only when he needs to
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Nnoitra needs one of two types of possible s/o. Either strong enough to spar with him, but not stronger, or much weaker than him
He’ll never admit it, but depending on who they are, he would actually like being the one who has to protect them.
He’ll say stuff like “I’m only doing this because yer so fuckin’ weak, pet” or “If I wasn’t here, you’d be dead by now”
That’s just how he is in front of others, but it’ll take a bit to get through that hard hierro to find out that he’s scared shitless of them dying
If his s/o is decently strong, he won’t butt in as often in regards to their fights, but he will still worry about them
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He’s similar to Nnoitra in that he likes bragging about being strong, but he’s not as obnoxious surprisingly
He knows his s/o can handle some fights, but he’d prefer them not to fight
He’s not itching to get into a fight at every given chance, so he’ll be a little annoyed if they’re fighting constantly
Specifically if he has to step in to help them
He’ll do it, but he will groan at them
If they get badly injured, at first he’ll flip, but after getting someone to take care of them will tell them to never do that gain
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He’s a bit hard to understand
He’ll never tell them to stop
That doesn’t keep him from grabbing them away from the fight
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Uses their fights to gather information whenever he can
He won’t let them go into a fight that is super out of their league, but anything else is fine
He will thank and reward them for helping him gather this information
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Anyway… they’re curious why they’re so desperate to fight, but won’t say anything
They’ll step in whenever s/o is being stupid, but prefers not to if they can avoid it
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Another one I don’t understand, but you do you I guess
He’s always eager for a fight so would enjoy beating someone up with his s/o
Gets *real* pissy if they get hurt
Won’t step in on their fight unless they’re about to die
Doesn’t stop him from tag-teaming someone though
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movedtoeskew · 5 years
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sketches i made for the 3rd day prompt of the 30 day challenge i’m doing... it’s hard to pick one favorite food but i’m trying ;; v ;;
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