#31 days of coai
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love🫶🏻
I’m curious to know your personal favorites! I’ll treat it as a fic-rec hehe
You are so cute! I love you! 🩵
Hm… this is a tough question cause I guess it depends on the day and what I’m feeling. I mean all my stories are honestly the same in terms of my ship being together and it ending happily, but the journey and the way I choose to tell it can differ. What exactly are quintessential lots of love fics? I guess currently I will go with these (I’m only doing Det Co ones cause I know you’re in this fandom, plus I don’t write enough for my actual otps in other fandoms)
In no particular order cause I don’t really have a true top five:
I Can Make Your Heart Race: They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so then what’s the way to a woman’s? Obviously you have to get her heart racing. In which scare tactics does little to impress a scientist, instead it backfires on the detective. Well, maybe not completely. Rated G (ShinShi)
It’s really short, but I find myself thinking about this fic some days. Maybe cause it is a fix it fic of sorts since my heart will never keep the canon ship in tact, and it’s fluffy with the potential for more. They’re my most slowburn ship and it kills me
I Hate Accidents, Except When We Went From Friends To This: Post Black Org and Permanent Antidote. A month-long look into the relationship of Shiho and Shinichi. Written with prompts from flufftober on tumblr. Rated T (ShinShi)
I was actually proud of how I was able to follow not one, not two, but 31 whole prompts! Even though every chapter is super short, but still. I’m the worst at following prompts, so I got excited I was able to get through this and keep my brand of fluff
Lo Lo Love Me: The change from fighting to be Shinichi again, to being her Edogawa. Or the fic where Shiho becomes a little delusional.
“You’re not him.”
“I am.”
“No, you’re not Edogawa Conan. You’re Kudo Shinichi.”
Rated T (CoAi but technically it’s ShinShi)
Truthfully my ending for this verse is just the first chapter, this idea wouldn’t die and I still find myself thinking about it some days. I think I ended it too soon but also don’t think I should’ve added to it beyond the first chapter. So yes I still think about revisiting it all the time
You Belong With Me?: It’s a matter of principle. She was here first and they grew up together for goodness sake! Of course people can change their minds, but she waited patiently for two years with the title as his girlfriend, so how can it be over just like that? It’s not fair. Rated T (ShinShi told from Ran’s pov)
Who would I be if I didn’t include a song fic? And yes while I love that this love affair with this fandom began with Folklore Twist, but I really do have some strong feelings for Ran. And it’s all because of projection, so yes I want better for her and I want her to be her own knight in shining armor and let my queen be the one who gets the romance story book ending for once
A Day Out With The Kids: An impromptu date holds no weight against an already established play date with the Detective Boys. It doesn’t stop Kaito from wooing Shiho anyway, even with the children’s attempts at sabotage. Converting these CoAi shippers to board the kaishi ship may not be as difficult as one might think. It’s a good thing Kaito’s great with kids. Rated G (KaiShi)
I couldn’t resist okay, yes I know my most popular fic is probably one that’s rated E or even my fuck the childhood friends to lover fic. And yeah I do sometimes go back to those verses, but some days kaishi owns my entire heart. So yeah, I had to include one even though I know it’s a crack ship
(A bonus/ honorable mention would be the Fleeting Feelings verse. I would be unstoppable as a multishipper, but alas I’m not.)
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akemimiyano · 5 years
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For more information pls follow @coai-week
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multiply014 · 5 years
31 Days of CoAi Prompt Fill 30 of 31:
"What if Shiho was Shinichi's childhood friend?" (from Mizhera)
As Shinichi fawns over his face on the newspaper’s front page, someone pulls on his cowlick, and he knows it’s finally time to go home.
It’s Miyano Shiho, his neighbor and childhood friend, also their classroom representative despite her abrasive personality (only for you, she says, since you’re an idiot). She’s a once-in-a-century prodigy, excelling in science and engineering, but Shinichi will never tell her that to her face, since, damn, that woman can be so thick-skinned at times. They once had a little bet going on to see who gets more newspaper features between the two of them, but the professor made them stop once he discovered that Shiho had been pulling consecutive all-nighters to put out more and more inventions. They did stop the bet… but not that Shinichi ever stopped tracking—he’s behind by just one more newspaper article now.
Shinichi grimaces. Even as he pats down his hair though, he only says, “Took you long enough.” He had been waiting for her to finish her rep duties by the school gates so they can go walk home together, like they’ve always done. She wordlessly falls into step beside him, like she’s always done, and they start walking.
Before they can get outside the school premises though, a soccer ball goes towards them, and Shinichi reflexively kicks it back to the team playing in the field. Shiho chides him, “Showoff.”
“I have to have great reflexes! Sherlock Holmes—”
“—I know,” Shiho cuts him off before he can start his Holmes spiel.
Shinichi just laughs, fully expecting her to stop him. He says, “Yeah, I know you know. Anyway, Hakase told me you stopped by the bookstore yesterday. What did you get? Were there any new mysteries?
“Oh, I don’t know, will you even have time to read a novel when you have all those letters?” Shiho points to the letters in his hands. His grin widens.
“Hah, right? I think I keep on getting more each week!”
Shiho rolls her eyes and just walks faster. Not cute! Shinichi smiles even more, like a dumbass, Shiho would say. Right before he can continue teasing Shiho, she cuts him off—
“I get more letters than you.”
What..? “What?!” Hakase never told me about this!
She looks at him and sticks her tongue out, then looks forward and continues walking, as if she had not said anything at all.
Shinichi runs a short while and catches up to her, calling out, “Hey, woman, tell me about it already! Since when? How many? Who? You know I’ll figure it all out anyway! Hey, let’s have a bet, if I figure it out—”
Suddenly, Shiho stops walking, so Shinichi, too, stops and stares at her. She asks him, “You forgot, didn’t you?”
“—Eh..?” Shinichi is genuinely confused, and Shiho sees that on his face. She narrows her eyes, then sighs. Right before she continues walking, just a bit faster than her usual pace, Shinichi catches the slight pout of her lips. “Nothing,” is what she says.
“H-hey?” Shinichi scrambles his mind for a second, or two, then gets the answer. He almost shouts it out, “Miyano! I remember: Tropical Land, tomorrow, right?!”
Shiho stops walking. She says, her back turned to him, “And you’re paying.”
At that Shinichi nervously chuckles. Shiho’s not really a small spender, and he tries to remember his balance on his bank account…
He grumbles, “...I’m not the one with patents and gigs to a hundred research labs...”
Shiho whips her head to look at him and narrows her eyes again, and Shinichi takes a step back, quickly backtracking, “Y-yeah! I’m paying; I promised you, after all!”
Shiho smiles.
For Shinichi, the majority of the day passed by like any other day with Miyano—a little bit annoying, a little bit amusing, and definitely not boring.
Somehow, though, Miyano starts shaking while on the line to the rollercoaster. Shinichi hands her his hoodie, and she accepts, with a quiet thanks and an even quieter, “There’s something that feels wrong here...”
Shinichi teases how she, devil personified, is scared of heights, even though he knows she’s not, just to test for a reaction, but Shiho doesn’t even look at him. Shinichi frowns.
Shinichi tries to take her attention off whatever’s distressing her by talking about Holmes and rattling off his observations of the people around him. Softly, she says, “Sorry, I’m always like this.” Without looking at him, she whispers, “Let’s just go home..?”
He just holds her hand and smiles at her, as he pulls her to ride the rollercoaster.
After running into an unexpected case—that Shiho argues is certainly expected given that Shinichi is around—Shinichi is glad that they got to solve it quickly. He’s even gladder that, even though Shiho is still not in tip-top shape—her retorts are still lacking their usual barb—she has at least stopped shaking, and had, as usual, helped him with securing the scene, alerting the authorities and delivering his deduction.
Before he can tell Shiho that he had called Hakase over to fetch them, Shiho chuckles and says, “You find those two suspicious, don’t you?”
Shinichi blinks once, twice and thrice, before he grins sheepishly. As usual, Miyano doesn’t let anything get past her.
“Then, I’ll—”
“We’ll go,” Shiho affirms, and Shinichi is relieved to know that Shiho is more and more back to her usual self.
Following the two suspicious men in black, Shiho and Shinichi hide in the cover of the building as they watch the two extort money from the CEO of what they heard is a company engaging in gun smuggling.
When Shinichi turns back to discuss with Shiho if they should get the authorities involved as soon as now, he looks at one of the men in black manhandling Shiho and covering her mouth.
“Let her g—!”
A heavy blow to his neck and he’s down. He can’t move his body and his vision is fading.
“Please, I’ll come with you, please, please, just let him go, please—” is all he hears. His last thought: Don’t cry, Miyano.
When he wakes up, he’s face down on the grass, Hakase and a group of guards from the amusement park hovering over him.
“Shinichi? Where’s Shiho-kun?”
To that, Shinichi has no answer. For now. Only for now.
He promises.
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amor-barato · 2 years
23 Ai de vós, escribas e fariseus, hipócritas! Pois que dais o dízimo da hortelã, do endro e do cominho e desprezais o mais importante da lei, o juízo, a misericórdia e a fé; deveis, porém, fazer essas coisas e não omitir aquelas. 24 Condutores cegos! Coais um mosquito e engolis um camelo.
25 Ai de vós, escribas e fariseus, hipócritas! Pois que limpais o exterior do copo e do prato, mas o interior está cheio de rapina e de iniquidade. 26 Fariseu cego! Limpa primeiro o interior do copo e do prato, para que também o exterior fique limpo.
27 Ai de vós, escribas e fariseus, hipócritas! Pois que sois semelhantes aos sepulcros caiados, que por fora realmente parecem formosos, mas interiormente estão cheios de ossos de mortos e de toda imundícia. 28 Assim, também vós exteriormente pareceis justos aos homens, mas interiormente estais cheios de hipocrisia e de iniquidade.
29 Ai de vós, escribas e fariseus, hipócritas! Pois que edificais os sepulcros dos profetas e adornais os monumentos dos justos 30 e dizeis: Se existíssemos no tempo de nossos pais, nunca nos associaríamos com eles para derramar o sangue dos profetas. 31 Assim, vós mesmos testificais que sois filhos dos que mataram os profetas. 32 Enchei vós, pois, a medida de vossos pais. 33 Serpentes, raça de víboras! Como escapareis da condenação do inferno?
Mateus 23:23-33
Dedicada aos "pastores" et caterva que transformaram seus templos num rendez-vous a serviço de um genoc!$@
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boldlykeenblizzard · 5 years
DoT suspends radiation, subscriber audit; telcos seek suspension till lockdown ends
NEW DELHI: The telecom department has extended compliance and audit deadlines for service providers till March 31 in view of COVID-19 pandemic. But telecom companies said that the deadline should be extended , given the 21-day lockdown which started on Wednesday.
In a letter dated March 23, the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) had said, “Due to unforeseen situation in wake of COVID-19, it has been decided that the audit process conducted by LSA field units in respect of EMR ( electromagnetic radiation) and CAF ( subscriber verification) shall be kept in abeyance till 31.03.2020.”
The letter further said that registration and testing related to roll out obligations of TSPs shall also remain suspended till March 31.
However, the government had announced a nationwide 21-day lockdown on the next day, i.e March 24 , to start at midnight on March 25.
Industry body the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) which represent s the private three telcos- Bharti Airtel, Reliance Jio and Vodafone Idea – has requested DoT to extend the deadline further till the period of lockdown.
“We would also request DoT that any further extensions/ reliefs given by DoT should mention that it would be effective till the period of the lockdown instead of mentioning any specific date,” COAI said in its response.
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The post DoT suspends radiation, subscriber audit; telcos seek suspension till lockdown ends appeared first on Investium.
from Investium https://ift.tt/3amdizX
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ainvestops · 5 years
DoT suspends radiation, subscriber audit; telcos seek suspension till lockdown ends
NEW DELHI: The telecom department has extended compliance and audit deadlines for service providers till March 31 in view of COVID-19 pandemic. But telecom companies said that the deadline should be extended , given the 21-day lockdown which started on Wednesday.
In a letter dated March 23, the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) had said, “Due to unforeseen situation in wake of COVID-19, it has been decided that the audit process conducted by LSA field units in respect of EMR ( electromagnetic radiation) and CAF ( subscriber verification) shall be kept in abeyance till 31.03.2020.”
The letter further said that registration and testing related to roll out obligations of TSPs shall also remain suspended till March 31.
However, the government had announced a nationwide 21-day lockdown on the next day, i.e March 24 , to start at midnight on March 25.
Industry body the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) which represent s the private three telcos- Bharti Airtel, Reliance Jio and Vodafone Idea – has requested DoT to extend the deadline further till the period of lockdown.
“We would also request DoT that any further extensions/ reliefs given by DoT should mention that it would be effective till the period of the lockdown instead of mentioning any specific date,” COAI said in its response.
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The post DoT suspends radiation, subscriber audit; telcos seek suspension till lockdown ends appeared first on Invest Ops.
from Invest Ops https://ift.tt/2UioqrT
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Vodafone Idea says it will pay AGR dues to DoT
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/vodafone-idea-says-it-will-pay-agr-dues-to-dot/
Vodafone Idea says it will pay AGR dues to DoT
Beleaguered telecom firm Vodafone Idea on February 15 said it proposed to clear its Adjusted Gross Revenue-related dues in the next few days. But it warned that the company’s ability to continue as a going concern would depend on a favourable outcome of its modification plea in the Supreme Court.
The statement comes a day after the court asked the managing directors of telecom firms, including Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel, to show cause why contempt proceedings should not be initiated against them for failing to pay even a “single penny” to the government despite an October 2019 judgment.
Following the court order, after U.P. (West) and Rajasthan, the Department of Telecomunication’s (DoT) field offices in circles of Gujarat, U.P. (East), West Bengal and other zones have directed telcos to pay outstanding dues “immediately”, failing which action would be initiated based on the licence agreement.
Responding to the apex court order, Bharti Airtel on February 14 evening committed to deposit a part payment of ₹10,000 crore as part of its AGR dues by February 20, while promising that remaining dues will be cleared “well before” March 17 —the next date for court hearing on the issue.
Industry body Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), however, asserted that the government has “vast powers and options” to address the sector’s issues, even in light of the Supreme Court order on payment of statutory dues.
Citing COAI’s position that the industry has to move quickly to a ₹300 ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) level to maintain its financial health, director-general of COAI Rajan S. Mathews said the Supreme Court order only makes this imperative “more urgent”.
In a filing to the stock exchanges, Vodafone-Idea said that after the February 14 hearing, the company had “received letters from the Department of Telecommunications directing immediate payment”.
Stating that the company was currently assessing the amount that it will be able to pay to DoT towards the dues calculated based on AGR, it said, “the company proposes to pay the amount so assessed in the next few days”.
“As disclosed in the Company’s financial statements for quarter ending December 31, 2019, the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern is essentially dependent on a positive outcome of the application for modification of the Supplementary Order,” it added.
  The dues of Vodafone Idea, which has been the worst hit by the October 24 Supreme Court order on definition of AGR in favour of the government, are estimated to be over ₹53,000 crore, including ₹24,729 crore for spectrum usage charge and ₹28,309 crore in licence fee.
Vodafone Idea earlier this week reported a net loss of ₹6,439 crore for the October-December 2019 quarter. This was preceded by a ₹50,922 crore loss in the September quarter — highest ever by any Indian corporate, due to provisions made for statutory dues following the Supreme Court’s order.
Given the financial position of Vodafone Idea, analysts have raised concerns over India becoming a two private player market with Bharti Airtel and Reliance Jio. COAI Director General, Rajan Mathews added, “…duopoly is not in the best interest of the nation, customers or even the industry”.
  (with PTI inputs)
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i-globalone · 5 years
HighlightsCOAI to write a letter to DoT seeking deadline extensionDoT asked telcos to submit their proposals by January 10 on December 31The government is aiming to conduct 5G trials in India this fiscal The top three telcos in India are now looking to approach DoT seeking deadline extension required to submit their proposals for conducting 5G field trials. The deadline to submit the proposal was January 10, but telcos did not come up with their proposals which will ultimately result in the delay of 5G trials. Reliance Jio, Vodafone Idea Limited and Bharti Airtel will seek more time from the telecom department for submitting their proposals, according to a new ET Telecom report. The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), which represents the telecom operators, will likely write a letter to DoT requesting an extension.5G Field Trials Might Be Delayed in IndiaAs expected, we may not see telcos launching a 5G network in at least one circle in 2020. On December 31, the telecom department or DoT asked telcos to come up with their proposal for conducting 5G trials in the country. And the DoT gave a deadline of just ten days (January 10). As the deadline is already here, telcos are now looking to seek deadline extension from DoT. “There is a lot of documentation and details required to be submitted to the telecom department, which is not possible by January 10,” a senior executive said to ET Telecom.Furthermore, the report also says the COAI will write a formal letter to DoT this week seeking a deadline extension. That said, COAI and the telcos did not yet fix the deadline they will seeking from the DoT. Since it requires a lot of paperwork, we are expecting COAI to look for at least six weeks of the deadline to submit the proposals.“There are three scenarios – rural, semi-urban and urban areas – for which information and a proper plan needs to be submitted including information from each gear vendor and telecom operator. This information gathering will take time, which is why we are seeking an extension,” added Mathews.DoT Will Allocate Trial Spectrum to Telcos After Verifying Their ProposalsOnce telcos submit their proposal to the DoT, it will allocate the trial spectrum and the telcos can choose their vendor to conduct the trials. There has been a huge debate going on whether Chinese telecom gear makers like Huawei and ZTE should be allowed to participate in the 5G trials. The government last month cleared Huawei and ZTE to take part in India’s 5G trials which are expected to happen in the first half of 2020.It is already a piece of known news that Vodafone Idea will pick Ericsson and Huawei as its partners to conduct 5G trials, whereas Bharti Airtel will look after Nokia, Huawei and Ericsson to conduct the same. Reliance Jio Infocomm is expected to carry forward its major partnership with Samsung to test 5G network in India. State-run telco, BSNL, will likely go with ZTE to deploying 5G in the country.5G field trials in India have been delayed for nearly a year now, owing to several issues like pricing and no clarity on Chinese vendors taking part in the trials. Finally, the government has cleared all the issues and asked telcos to come up with the required proposal. But telcos are now looking for more time which will delay the 5G field trials in the country.
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eliseumachado11 · 7 years
Aprendendo o que é o primeiro, o mais alto e o maior
A vida de muitas pessoas é uma confusão. Tudo é aceito sem importar o  valor, e passa a uma massa sem relação e fora de foco. Isto não é   verdadeiro em Cristo. Para ser um cristão a pessoa precisa colocar seus valores em ordem e sua vida em foco. É preciso buscar em primeiro lugar, o reino de Deus e sua justiça (Mateus 6:33), escolher a boa parte, que não será tirada (Lucas 10:41-42) e, esquecendo todas as outras coisas, prosseguir para o alvo "da soberana vocação de Deus em Cristo Jesus" (Filipenses 3:13-14). Tal concentração do coração e da vida é da própria essência do discipulado. Mas se há um foco em Cristo essencial para se tornar um cristão, há também um foco em Cristo que é essencial para o desenvolvimento de uma vida espiritual bem equilibrada. Nem tudo no reino de Deus tem igual importância. Algumas verdades assentam no coração do evangelho e são estas verdades fundamentais que impregnam todo o resto do evangelho com significado. Precisamos portanto encontrar o centro de gravidade do evangelho e fazer dele o foco de nossa pregação e nossa fé.   Jesus, em sua fulminante repreensão dos escribas e fariseus pela hipocrisia deles, ataca seus valores espirituais como completamente fora de condições. "Ai de vós, escribas e fariseus, hipócritas, porque dais o dízimo da hortelã, do endro e do cominho e tendes negligenciado os preceitos mais importantes da lei: a justiça, a misericórdia e a fé; devíeis, porém, fazer estas cousas, sem omitir aquelas! Guias cegos, que coais o mosquito e engolis o camelo!" (Mateus 23:23). Lucas relata: "... ai de vós, fariseus! Porque dais o dízimo da hortelã, da arruda e de todas as hortaliças e desprezais a justiça e o amor de Deus" (Lucas 11:42).   O humor mordaz nas palavras de nosso Senhor não é dirigido ao cuidadoso pagamento do dízimo de ervas miúdas da horta ("Isto devíeis ter feito") mas à grosseira negligência hipócrita deles de coisas imensamente mais importantes. Eles estavam na posição ridícula de um homem que de modo algum comesse uma mosca (imunda), mas desse um jeitinho de comer  camelos (igualmente imundos) sem olhar para trás! Não me diga que o Senhor não tinha senso de humor!   O princípio do foco e do equilíbrio está evidente aqui. Algumas coisas na lei de Deus são mais pesadas do que outras. Não mais necessárias, porém mais pesadas. E a razão do seu peso maior é que elas são atitudes do coração que ficam bem no meio de uma vida devota. Elas são os valores que determinam a atitude de um homem para com o próprio Deus. Uma coisa é ser comprometido com certos mandamentos de Deus e outra ser comprometido com o Senhor.   Não somente algumas coisas na lei de Deus são mais pesadas do que outras, mas alguns dos mandamentos de Deus são maiores do que outros. Quando a Jesus foi perguntado por um certo escriba qual era o "grande mandamento" da lei ou, como Marcos o diz, "Qual é o principal de todos?", Jesus respondeu que era o mandamento para amar a Deus com todo o coração (Mateus 22:36-37; Marcos 12:28-29). E o que torna esse mandamento maior do que "não roubareis" ou "não cometereis adultério," ou "não arredondareis as extremidades de vosso cabelo"? O fato que esse mandamento está no coração da relação de um homem com Deus e determina sua atitude para com tudo que Deus pediu a ele. Um judeu, muito cônscio de não danificar as extremidades de sua barba (Levítico 19:27), provavelmente trataria com indiferença os mandamentos menos atraentes quando não havia nele amor a Deus. Mas o homem que ama a Deus tratará tudo o que ele tem dito com reverência, até mesmo o menor deles (Mateus 5:19). Amar a Deus com todo o coração não é o único mandamento de Deus, mas é o primeiro e o maior, porque nossa atitude para com Deus determina nossa atitude para com sua palavra, toda ela. O mesmo pode ser dito do plano da redenção. Há muitas coisas no Novo Testamento ditas serem essenciais à salvação, mas são certamente de modo nenhum iguais em peso. O batismo não é igual em importância à graça de Deus. A fé não é igual em valor à cruz. A igreja local não está nivelada em importância com a intercessão de Cristo por seus santos. E isso é verdadeiro ainda que a salvação fosse anulada pela rejeição de qualquer destas coisas. Paulo não disse, "Longe esteja de mim gloriar-me, salvo na autonomia das igrejas locais" ou batismo, ou fé, ou a Ceia do Senhor, mas "na cruz de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo" (Gálatas 6:14). Sua fórmula simples era: "Aquele que se gloria, glorie-se no Senhor" (1 Coríntios 1:31; 10:17). Em resumo, o que Deus tem feito e está fazendo em Cristo para nos dar a redenção sempre será enormemente mais importante do que poderíamos fazer para aceitar a redenção que Deus livremente dá em sua misericórdia. O propósito da severa repreensão ao muito arrevesado sistema de valor dos fariseus não foi forçar uma escolha entre "justiça, misericórdia e fé" e "dar o dízimo da hortelã, da erva doce e do cominho". Ele afirma claramente que não era uma questão de "ou isto ou aquilo", mas de "tanto isto quanto aquilo". O que o Senhor queria deles era um reconhecimento de onde o âmago da questão está, para que eles pudessem continuar construindo aquela bela, bem equilibrada integridade espiritual que ele tem desejado para todos os homens. - por Paul Earnhart
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soorasaab · 7 years
The new Reliance Jio Summer Surprise offer will continue to bleed the industry, says cellular operators' body COAI, adding that the impact may even extend to banks and other institutions that have large exposure to the telecom industry. The comments come on the back of Reliance Jio announcing the new Jio Summer Surprise, which provides Jio Prime users with free services for three more months on recharge of Rs. 303 or higher.
COAI said that while the industry moving towards lower pricing is good for consumers, the larger question of whether such pricing conforms to tariff regulations is a matter that needs to be settled by the courts and the telecom tribunal.
The new Reliance Jio Summer Surprise offer, announced on March 31, allows users to sign up for Jio Prime membership till April 15, an extension of 15 days over the original Jio Prime last date. With Jio Summer Surprise, customers will not have to pay until July at least.
"The industry will continue to bleed under this pricing, and there is the risk of cascading impact on the banks, government (accruals from licence fee and spectrum payments made by telcos), and equipment manufacturers," COAI director general Rajan Mathews told PTI.
The telecom industry owes close to Rs. 4.60 lakh crores to various financial institutions and banks.
Mathews refused to comment specifically on the tariffs announced by Reliance Jio.
Billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Jio on March 31 announced it had notched an unprecedented 72 million paid subscribers, and extended by a fortnight its deadline for migrating other subscribers to its paid offer.
It has further sweetened the deal by announcing a 'complimentary offer' for three months to those who pay Rs. 303 prior to April 15, thus offering data at rock-bottom prices.
Put simply, subscribers recharging prior to the said date using Jio's Rs. 303 plan (or any higher value plan) will get services for the initial three months on a 'complimentary basis', and paid tariff plan will kick-in only in July.
"The consumer will have the benefit of the plans but the larger question of whether it is right or wrong, that is, in compliance with regulations, will have to be decided by the courts," Mathews said.
Jio launched the inaugural free voice and data plan in September last year, and in December extended the freebies till March 31, 2017, much to the ire of other operators who alleged that such freebies not only hit their profitability and disrupted the market but were also against the regulations.
Incidentally, the warring sides, Jio and incumbent operators are members of COAI.
Incumbent players such as Airtel and Idea Cellular have moved the telecom tribunal against regulator TRAI for letting the new operator continue the promotional offer beyond the stipulated 90 days. They have also questioned the free offers on the ground that it violates the floor of 14 paise per minute set in the form of call termination charges.
TRAI, however, is of the view that 14 paise cannot be seen as a standard "prescription" for call rates as cellular operators themselves have been offering many plans like unlimited night time calls that breach the so called floor.
Applying 14 paise as a rule, therefore, would mean that many of the plans by cellular operators themselves would not pass muster, the official said.
"Although it is the Interconnect Usage Charge, yet 14 paise cannot be a prescription. To make a bland statement, that any call rate cannot be less than 14 paise per minute is not correct," the official said.
TRAI would place its position before the tribunal as directed, the official said referring to the TDSAT's direction to the regulator to re-examine issues relating to the approval that was granted to Jio on free offers.
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akemimiyano · 5 years
Coai Week 2019: August 25th to 31st
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Follow @coai-week for more information
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akemimiyano · 5 years
X of 31 days of coai
It was a natural action for conan edogawa to seek out her presence, to make sure that she is near him. After all, how could he protect her if he is not by her side.
"Shinichi?" Ran called him
"Are you looking for someone?"
He froze at her question, and remembered; he is no longer conan edogawa and theres no Ai Haibara to protect anymore
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multiply014 · 5 years
31 Days of CoAi Prompt Fill 9 of 31:
There’s only one bed
“...Kudo-kun, when I told you I was fine rooming with you, I assumed you knew I was agreeing to a twin room and not a double—”
“I didn’t book this, ok?! Mom did!!!”
Shiho, snapping out of the shock she had gone into when she saw the only bed in the room, turns to her roommate for the night. She looks at Shinichi, all flustered and still looking at the bed in shock. She sighs. “Let’s just go down to the reception and have this sorted out.”
When Shinichi still doesn’t move, Shiho sighs again. As she turns to leave, she mutters under her breath, “Though if it’s Yukiko-san, I doubt this is going to be that simple...”
And it isn’t—because the hotel is fully-booked because it’s peak season, full of tourists from all over to watch the wonders of spring, or so the receptionist says.
Or, perhaps, it is simple—because this sharing a bed trope just reeks of classic romcom that Shiho has read and watched for far too many times already.
Knowing that Yukiko is involved, though, complicates things. Quite familiar with her own flair for the dramatic, surpassing even her son’s theatrics, Shiho is suddenly apprehensive of this entire trip. Yukiko would never be satisfied with using just one simple trope for her plans.
When they get back to the room, Shinichi is still oddly quiet. Shiho is tired though, and, deciding that whatever Yukiko has planned for the night can just happen since she’s most probably just going to sleep through it because she is just that tired, she announces, “I’ll shower first.”
Shinichi’s head snaps to her direction, cheeks flushed so red it makes Shiho feel secondhand embarrassment even when she didn’t say anything wrong! “You pervert! I’m going to sleep, and I’m not sleeping without showering! How is your mind so dirty, honestly?!”
“W-what, I didn’t say anything!” Shinichi looks away and fiddles with the straps of their luggages.
“Shut up, pervert!” Shiho slams the door to the bathroom.
Shiho curses the pervert detective in her mind as she lets the hot water wash the stress off her… until she realizes she forgot to bring her toiletries with her, and a change of clothes.
Oh, for god’s sake, how many romcom clichés are we going to act out tonight?!
Well, she isn’t going to go out dressed in a towel. “Kudo-kun.”
“Yeah?” When Shinichi looks over, and he sees the bathroom door open just a tiny bit, “—W-what the hell, Haibara?! What the f—close the door!”
“I opened it for a reason, dumbass, and it’s practically—”
“Whatever, close it, close it, I don’t want to see! What are you doing?!”
“—just a centimeter open and what the hell do you think I want you to see?! I just need my bag!”
“Oh, god, which bag, Haibara, I swear, why are you doing this, did my mom put you up to this...”
“Stop muttering and just get me my bag!”
“Which bag?!”
“The purple one!”
“That’s your entire luggage, Haibara.”
“Well, do you think I’d want you to dig through my clothes?”
“It’s just clo—oh, oh, ok, ok.” Shinichi flushes bright red again. When he hands Haibara, or at least, Haibara’s extended arm, her bag, Shiho says, “Thank you. Now turn around or get out of the room, god, you’re annoying!”
“Hey, no, this is my room too! And, just for the record, I did not want to search through your lingerie—”
“Shut up, Kudo!!!”
“I just wanted to make that clear!!!”
“It was, it is, so shut up!!!”
Shiho slams the door again.
This night cannot end fast enough.
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multiply014 · 5 years
#31 Days of CoAi, start!
Happy ShinAi Day (4/1), everyone!
Today marks the first day of 31 Days of CoAi!
If you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about, 31 Days of CoAi is this project spanning April 1, ShinAi Day, up to May 1, CoAi Day, where I (and, hopefully, you, too!) post every day, celebrating our lovely little submarine ship, CoAi!
Thus, I will be spamming your feeds, posting anything CoAi every day from 4/1 until 5/1: one post talking about a fic I’ve written, and another post with a (short) fic for a given prompt. 
Please send me your energy so that I manage to fulfill my promise for these next 31 days, haha!
In addition, since today is a special day (it’s the first day after all!), I’ll share how I started shipping CoAi! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
How did I start shipping CoAi? 
My one-word, catch-all answer would be: Shiho. (≧▽≦)
You know what, the first time I knew of Haibara Ai, I didn’t like her. Seeing how much I adore her to bits now, isn’t this surprising? Still, I don’t think she was likable then, and I think her introduction wasn’t written to be likable anyway, too. She literally scared Shinichi out of his mind, making him think that one of the people he loved most in his life, Agasa, had been killed. All the while, she had been insinuating that it had been because of Shinichi.
How was I supposed to like her? We were given nothing on Haibara Ai. When she confessed that she was Sherry, that she had created the drug that shrank both Shinichi and her, what did she want? She says, “Since I have no place to go, my only hope left was you. Because I thought you could certainly understand me who was sharing the same fate as you.” 
But the title of the chapter where she says this is literally “The Girl Made of Lies”. How are we supposed to believe her, when the first thing she does is lie, and the next thing she does is... lie?
At the end of the university professor’s case, it tells us that there is at least one thing she truly wants, which is what she did: she wanted to ask why Shinichi wasn’t able to save her sister if he was that good... And it is at this moment that Shinichi notes that this is the first time he’d seen her true face.
Perhaps, that point should have humanized her and endeared her to me. But, at that point, I still didn’t like her. 
Then the baseball match happened. Then the castle case. Then—and this is where I just knew I’ve already fallen—the hotel case with the Black Organization. With that, they… they... just… happened.
In short, it was a series of chapters and interactions that made me fall for Shiho and into the doomed rabbit hole that was CoAi. In every chapter that had the two of them, it just brought out such a different and refreshing side to each of them that I can’t help but want to see them more, together, to see what else they could bring out of each other. 
I could probably make a separate post on how each of their interactions are just so nuanced, and so amusing! But, let’s keep it short for now (just a warning, though, the paragraphs below delve into speculative territory and should be treated as a meta or a headcanon, and NOT as canon):
Let’s start from the beginning. Before Shinichi met Haibara, there were four people who already knew of his situation: Agasa, his parents, and Heiji.
On the other hand, Shiho had no one. We were not introduced to any other person she could have gone to. She just lost her sister, who had been her purpose in life. I say this because she drank APTX once she knew her sister had been killed, expecting it would kill her, too. 
But it didn’t. 
And so, she went to the Kudo mansion. 
What did she want to do? As previously quoted, she had said that Shinichi would understand her as they share the same fate.
But we also know that she’s a liar. And from their succeeding interactions, we would know the extent of her uncanny (since they barely know each other!) ability to read Shinichi and how her thoughts and words run deep. We would know how she keeps her emotions in check, and how easily she can cook up half-truths even mixing in outright lies and present them as facts, if she so determines it necessary, or amusing if it’s about something frivolous like her age.
So I can only conclude, that I don’t know for sure what she wanted by running to Shinichi.
Did she want revenge? —She’s always telling Shinichi not to involve himself with the Organization. 
Did she want forgiveness? —Maybe, but if it was something she wanted to do, its priority must not have been high on her list, since she didn’t apologize to him the moment they met, and, she was hot-and-cold in urging him to hate her and drive her away.
Did she want to know why Akemi died?—She did ask why her sister was killed “countless times” before she left the Organization, and she did ask Shinichi why he wasn’t able to help her sister, but... no, the moment she met Gin again there were no questions about her sister at all.
Did she just want to hide? —This is the most logical reason, because Shiho had no one. She might have known of Akemi’s professor’s name and gone there, but it would be very out-of-character for early Shiho to go there, since she is very cautious and would have thought (correctly) that the Organization would clean up that professor asap. And though she could have gone anywhere, create a new life for herself in a town far away from all the cities she had gone to as Sherry, it would be unlikely for her to pull off without alerting the police, who I think she would have known to have connections to the Organization. Besides, going to Shinichi to employ the same methods that he used to cover up that he is someone who had de-aged would certainly up her chances of survival. 
Still, for someone who had taken APTX knowing that it’s poison, would Shiho really prioritize hiding and surviving just because she survived once? Would that be really what she wanted?
I personally think she had been seeking her purpose: Now that my sister is gone, why am I still alive?
Without anyone to ask, she can only set her short-term goal of staying alive for now while she still doesn’t know and doesn’t know how to know, and bet her chances on the best plan of survival: the one person who’s still going through life as a de-aged person, who also happens to be the one person who could have helped her sister.
And, I find it so fitting that Shinichi gave an answer to her: he gave her an immediate purpose, to create an antidote. And as we go on with the story, along the way, Shinichi, Agasa and the kids build on top of that answer that he initially gave her. It helps her find the courage to move forward. And, a new purpose: to protect.
A big part of how I think Shiho reached such a change within her is her relation to Shinichi. Shiho, who had always been surrounded by black, is looking at how someone who has been tainted, who had every right to hate, did not.
I think this is what fascinated her about him: his fascination with mysteries, and his dogged pursuit of the truth, at the same time his unique approach upon finding out these truths, is something that Shinichi kept even as Conan. 
At the same time, I think this is also what frustrates her about Shinichi. At first, I think, she thought he just didn’t get how the Organization was so frightening… But then, after some time, she knew that Shinichi is so intelligent it’s impossible he didn’t understand. It’s more like, he understood, and that’s why, even more so, he fights. You know how the darker, the bigger the shadow, that just means there’s a brighter source of light that makes it so? This frustrates her because he, that fascinates her, would be snuffed out the closer he gets to the shadows.
My shipping lenses say she gets frustrated because she cares.
Anyway, after all that talk that somehow got carried away into a character analysis of some sort, my answer really comes down to one thing: I started shipping Shiho with Shinichi because Shinichi is a major catalyst and component in getting to know who Shiho is, and in accompanying Shiho through her change. When the two of them are together, Shiho’s character unfurls and it’s wonderful seeing such colorful layers of her character, which is just so rare to see.
So, if you noticed, this reason is ridiculously Shiho-centered. 
Well... yes, I am, in fact, a proud Shiho stan. (≧▽≦)
At the end of these 31 days, I’ll talk about my take on the “Shinichi part” of the ship, which is the perfect answer to why I keep on shipping this submarine, sunk into the deep abyss of the ocean as it is.
If you could tell me how and why you started shipping CoAi, that would be great, too!
See you, and I hope you don’t get tired of seeing me every day for the next month, haha! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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multiply014 · 5 years
31 Days of CoAi Prompt Fill 29 of 31:
Shiho creating an antidote for injured, amnesiac Conan
When Shinichi woke up, the first thing he sees is gray. The first thing he hears is the beeping of the machines attached to him.  
He’s lying down on what he can only presume is a hospital bed, looking up at what he thinks would be white ceiling, but with only the lights from the patient monitor and ventilator, he just sees gray.
And then, he remembers. 
He looks around and finds no one. 
He tries to sit up, but an intense pain in his head and stomach brings him back down on the bed. 
He doesn’t care. He tries again and sits up successfully this time, removing the ventilator mask from his face, the IV drip from his arm, and the sensors for the monitor from his chest.
The flat tone of the machine mixes with the echoes of his grunts as he falls on the floor. He attempts to stand up again, but his legs give out, so instead he crawls, shouting, “Haibara! Where are you?!”
When the door finally opens and the lights turn on, the nurse that had been rushing over the moment they received an alert only finds the small body of a boy named Edogawa Conan face down on the floor in front of her, right hand stretched out as if it had been trying to reach for something right before he lost consciousness.
When Shinichi woke up, the first thing he sees is white. The first thing he hears is the beeping of the machines attached to him.  
“What..? Where..?”
He looks to the left and he sees an old man, shock evident on his face. Shinichi immediately scoots to the side farther from the man, and asks, “Who..?” 
When the old man remains silent, his face showing a range emotions from shocked to confused to what he can only call anguished, he knows something is wrong—wrong with him. He can’t help the panic from showing in his voice as he asks, again, “Who are you?!” 
Suddenly intense headache prevents him from taking in his surroundings and he can only ask “Where am I?!” 
Still, right now, to Shinichi, there’s one thing on his mind more important than all the others. He shouts, “Haibara?!” He wills himself to look around the room, and with no traces of Haibara, an ugly feeling in his chest flares up.
His vision blacks out, on and off, and he rests his gaze upon the only other person in the room to quickly assess him. He hopes this old man is at least a neutral party, if not an ally. He can only ask him to go in his stead—for now, because he’ll go to her, sooner than soon, for sure—and his small hands crumple the hem of the old man’s shirt, as he manages to choke out “... Have to… protect… her...”
A short moment after Shinichi passes out, the old man regains his calm and wipes the sweat off the boy’s forehead, tucking him in before he presses the assistance button. He takes off his glasses for a moment before he rubs his eyes, and then the wrinkles on his brow, before he sends a quick message to the woman who had been with him watching over Shinichi just an hour ago.
He gets a reply not even a second after: Coming.
When the boy woke up, the first thing he sees is white. The first thing he hears is the beeping of the machines attached to him, together with the quiet murmur of voices.  
“What..? Where..?”
The voices stop. He looks to the left and he sees an old man, a hopeful look on his face. Beside him is a woman with short permed brown locks, eyes staring straight into him, face devoid of any expression. They are both wearing lab coats, so he can only assume that they are his doctors, attending to him in what he thinks is a hospital room.
The boy tries to think of anything that can help him fill in the blanks in his current situation, but he finds nothing. His eyes widen, and he hears his heart beat quicker and quicker when he slowly realizes that he can’t remember any single thing. His breaths come shallower and shallower, and he attempts to look around the room for anything he can identify, anything that can trigger any memory, but before he can whip his head around for clues, a hand is placed lightly on his shoulder, and he hears a voice telling him, “Breathe.” 
He looks at the hand on his shoulder and traces it back to the body that owns it, and the source of the voice he had just heard—it’s the woman, that woman. Somehow, he calms down a bit, and he does as she said, he breathes.
He looks at her as he focuses on his breathing. There’s nothing familiar about her. Not her hair, not her face, not her eyes, not her voice. “You don’t remember anything,” she says. The certainty in her statement calms him further, and he can feel himself relaxing more and more. Even when he feels he doesn’t need to confirm her statement, he nods anyway, to let her know that he’s fine now.
Somehow, he knows that she understood his gesture perfectly. She lifts her hand off his shoulder, and the room is suddenly too cold for him. He’s still looking at her, though. He finds that she isn’t uncomfortable with his blatant staring, and he wonders if all amnesiacs react the same, which is why she’s used to it.
“Edogawa Conan,” she suddenly says, while still looking straight at him. To the boy, it doesn’t ring any bells.
“A-ah, right,” the old man speaks, and the boy remembers that there’s another person in the room. The old man continues, “Conan-kun, I’m Agasa Hiroshi, your neighbor and friend.”
The boy—his name is Edogawa Conan, apparently—looks at him and doesn’t make any expression of remembrance. The old man, Agasa, takes it as his cue to continue, “This here is Ai-k—ah! Shiho-kun, this is Shiho-kun. She’s a friend of yours, Conan-kun. She’s helped us a lot, and she’ll help you get better...”
At this, Conan looks at the woman named Shiho, and she just looks at him back.
“... Shiho… Shiho-neechan..?” Calling her name doesn’t sound right, nor does calling her neechan... Had he really known this woman before?
Ran-neechan. Now this rolls off the tongue. As he talks about his day, something he must have done a number of times with Ran-neechan, since he just grows more and more comfortable the more he speaks with her, he feels his body relax—until he senses something is off.
He looks around, and Shiho-neechan is nowhere to be found.
His chest tightens, and he looks around. He doesn’t hear Ran asking him if he’s alright. 
He gets up, out of the chair and runs to the WC—she’s not there.
He runs outside, and he instantly spots her talking to two men he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know how he feels. He’s relieved, he’s angry, he’s hurt—
Shiho turns and catches him looking and—he’s embarrassed. 
Then he remembers, he’s a kid, right? So it’s alright to act like this, right?
He runs up to her, as quick as his short legs can take him, and practically jumps up to her arms. He’s a bit giddy when he sees the incredulous look on her face as she opens her arms to catch him. When she catches him, he holds her tight and sneaks a peek at the men she had been talking to, his face wearing what he thinks is a pretty angelic smile to show them just how happy he is right now.
Still, somehow, this feels new. If Shiho-neechan and him were close, why does this feel new? Do they not hug? It wouldn’t be that she doesn’t like kids because she certainly does—she always dotes on Ayumi-chan. Him, too. After all, he’s the only one among the Detective Boys allowed in her lab. She makes him good food, and she gives him novels and books that are actually interesting and not those childish ones. She doesn’t make him feel like a kid when they’re talking, and she always looks out for him.
In any case, this feels right, so it’s probably just a piece of memory he lost. What a pity. He figures he can just do this more often from now on. She’s able to catch him perfectly anyway, and just on their first try!
When the men say their goodbyes to Shiho with an unreadable look on their faces, Shinichi resists the urge to stick his tongue out at them. Shiho turns to nod goodbye, though, so his face wouldn’t be in their view even if he did. 
When they leave, he asks Shiho right away, “Who are they?”
“You’re not a kid. Get down from me.”
Conan just tightens his hold on her more, as he says, “I am a kid! Who are they?”
“Did you tell Ran-san where you are going?”
“I’ll explain when we get back. Who are they?”
“My boyfriends.”
Shiho is able to peel off an unresponsive Conan off her arms and shoulders. She looks at his incomprehensible expression and chuckles. She taps his cheek just as she stands up, and says, “Just kidding. Wipe that expression of your face and let’s get back to Ran-san.”
Having snapped out of his shock from the feel of his neechan’s finger on his cheek, and then hearing her say what she had just said wasn’t true, Conan wails, “Hey, that’s not nice!”
Shiho just throws a smirk at him as she slowly starts walking. He catches up, and they walk side-by-side.
Like this, Shiho suddenly explains, “They’re your friends, actually.”
Ever the curious kid, Conan immediately asks, “Then why did they come for you and not for me?”
Shiho casts him a look, then turns back to look forward. She just says, “Because you don’t remember yet, but I do.”
“Well, I remember enough. I remember you. I remember the important parts just fine, so whoever and whatever that was must have been unimportant.”
He stops walking when he hears his neechan’s footsteps stop from beside him. He sees the unimpressed expression on his Shiho-neechan’s face so he immediately backtracks his words, “Or, it is important, and maybe I’ll remember if they actually talk to me instead, you know, so take me with you next time you talk to them, neechan!”
Shiho smiles a bit, and Conan catches the turned up corners of her mouth before she sets it back when she says, “Maybe.”
They get back to walking, slowly, in silence. Conan’s mind, though, is bombarded with thoughts. With a light shake of his head, and mouthing a silent “Whatever, I’m a kid!” he lifts his hand up... 
When Conan’s small hand reaches Shiho’s, she stops, again, a while. Conan, somehow, feels embarrassed, again, but he’s a kid and this is what kids do, right? He wills his blush to go away, and instead tightens his grip on Shiho’s hand.
Shiho lightly flicks his forehead, and he pouts at the silent admonition, but before he can let go completely, her fingers curl against his hands, and he hears her say quietly, “Just… not so tight.”
He looks at her and he can make out the faint pink on her cheeks and ears. He chipperly answers, “Ok!”
At the front of the restaurant, Ran is waiting for them, waving them over.
“Neechan? What are you doing?”
Conan finds Shiho, her arm over her eyes, head angled up towards the ceiling while leaning back away from her computer. 
A bit worried that Shiho had fallen asleep on her chair, Conan approaches her silently, softly calling out, “Neechan?”
Shiho sighs, and replies without looking at him, “I’m awake, just tired.”
Conan, noticeably more chipper now, energetically offers the things he had brought in the lab as he proudly announces, “I brought coffee!”
Shiho couldn’t keep the smile from her voice when she lightly says, “Little kids shouldn’t drink coffee.”
Conan doesn’t miss a beat as he retorts, “I thought you said I wasn’t a kid?”
Shiho just chuckles, saying, “Well, you’re short.”
Shiho finally turns to look at him, and he offers her one of the mugs, still pouting. She accepts it, and she tilts her head down a bit, seemingly appreciating the coffee and its aroma. Conan doesn’t miss the unfathomable smile that crosses her face, though.
She hasn’t even taken a sip when she starts to say, “Hey, Edogawa-kun—”
He cuts her off. “Why don’t you ever call me Conan, or Conan-kun?”
She looks at him in surprise, and they stare at each other. It annoys Conan that he can’t read her, because there’s definitely something there—is this another one of the pieces he lost from his accident? He hates it. He hates it a lot.
It takes her a moment to reply, and when she does, she does not look away. She quietly replies, “... Because that’s not you.”
Conan still doesn’t understand, but he gets the feeling that he’s so close to what it is that he wants answers to, so he prods further, “And I’m Edogawa-kun?”
She sighs, and, it’s clear that Shiho is uncomfortable with this line of questioning. She breaks their eye contact, and complains to her coffee, “Tantei-kun, would you listen to me for a bit?”
“No,” is Conan’s quick answer.
“... Eh?” Shiho couldn’t prevent a sound of surprise coming out of her, since she didn’t expect that he, of all people, wouldn’t want some answers, any kind of answer, out of her.
He explains, “You sound like you’re going to say something bad. Don’t do it.”
A wry smile comes from Shiho, and she says, “I’m not.”
The unease in his heart has yet to dissipate, and his instincts are rarely wrong. Conan just continues to stare at her.
Seeing that Conan doesn’t intend to let her continue, she continues in a singsong voice, “With you here, I wouldn’t dare do anything bad.”
Frustrated that his neechan doesn’t seem to take him seriously at all, hands clenched into fists, Conan just grits out his suspicion directly, “Are you leaving?”
Shiho looks up from her coffee, all traces of emotion wiped from her face. She looks at him looking at her—the way his eyes narrow a little, the way they shine, the way his lips press together in a straight line, the way his lower lip dips a little to let her know he’s biting it, the way his brows are knit together, the way his voice is solid, absolute, as if stating a fact, as if giving a command when he says, “Don’t leave me.”
Shiho places her coffee on her desk—and Conan’s expression sours more when he thinks she doesn’t feel the gravity of what he’d just said, that she can’t leave—and places her hands on his cheeks. Conan’s eyes widen a little at this, and he feels his cheeks burn, and he wants to will it to go away, but she’s looking at him and he wants to be able to read what she’s thinking, right now, and at every moment. In his lost memories, had he been able to? If he regains what he had lost, can he have this, too?
“Idiot,” she says as she squeezes his cheeks. “I was about to say, I’m done with the research. I can make you well again.”
She retracts her hands from his cheeks, and Conan feels lightheaded. He just says, “Oh.”
Shiho crosses her arms on her chest as she says, “No more headaches. No more sudden dizziness. No more shortness of breath.”
“That’s it?” That’s all you wanted to say? 
Shiho nods. “Yeah.”
Conan’s pulse is still racing. It takes him a moment to collect himself, and he assesses her, tries to trust her and her words, even when he has lingering doubts. He’s about to nod, to let the topic go, but in a moment of hesitation, he’s able to remind himself that he’s a kid so it doesn’t matter if he asks stupid questions. So, he doesn’t nod, and instead looks her straight in the eye and asks her, “You’re not leaving?”
She smiles. She only says, “Sticky kid.”
When she smiled, he relaxed. The relief is written all over his face even as he complains, grinning, “Shut up! Give me back my feelings!”
When Shinichi woke up, the first thing he sees is white. The first thing he hears is the beeping of the machines attached to him.  
“What..? Where..?”
He looks to the left and he sees Agasa-hakase, shock evident on his face. Shinichi makes an attempt to sit up as he asks, “Hakase..? Why am I here?” 
Hakase immediately gets up and hugs the woman beside him, saying, “Ai-kun, it worked..! Ai-kun, you did it!”
Shinichi doesn’t know her. 
Their eyes meet, and the small smile on her face disappears just for a flash before it’s back. 
When the professor releases her from his hug, she cuts off the professor before he can say anything more, saying “Miyano Shiho. One of your doctors. A friend of the professor.”
The professor bewilderedly looks between the two of them before a look of realization sinks in. Shinichi would have noticed, but he isn’t really focusing on anything else right now, other than the woman he doesn’t know right in front of him.
“I’ll be going now. If there’s anything, professor please call me.”
The professor just nods, slowly, silently.
Shinichi doesn’t know if he has anything to say except, “Thank you...”
When she left the room, somehow, there’s a discomfiting feeling at the back of his mind, down to his chest.
He’s just tired, maybe. 
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multiply014 · 5 years
31 Days of CoAi Prompt Fill 11 of 31:
Haibara forgets
“Kudo-san, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Miyano Shiho, but you knew that already didn’t you?”
It took a moment for Shinichi to digest hearing “Kudo-san” from the same mouth that called him corpse magnet, with the same pitch that would have made fun of him, Heisei Sherlock Holmes, working a desk job now, in the same tone that greeted him Kudo-kun after a long day of nothing in Class 1-B.
It took him a moment, but the instant it hit him, he winced.
“Ah, silly me, I guess I should have addressed you as Kudo-tantei, you being the brightest star of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Apologies. These days, I’m just so forgetful.”
Shinichi smiles wryly at that. Haibara telling him herself that she forgot?
—Ah, she goes by Miyano Shiho now. Like she’s always had, in her memories.
“Hakase told me a lot about you.”
Shinichi, of course, can only say, “Hakase told me a lot about you, too.” How else would he be able to explain how he knew her love of dogs, how he knew her brand preferences for bags, how he knew her food selections, how he knew her nervous tics, how he knew her—
Lying to Haibara has never felt this painful.
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