artmadval · 7 years
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day 27 - Mistletoe 
cuties having their moment at overwatch public event 
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arthy-arts · 7 years
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Day 2- Cold weather.
Hanzo can’t deal with the cold and his boyfriend is a natural heater. He’s very spoiled.
(Also I won’t do every single day because I don’t have much motivation rip)
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tj3star · 7 years
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Day 2 - Cold Weather
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onlysoulhere · 7 years
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31 days of Mchanzo day #2: Cold Weather
Wanted to draw the boys cozy in ugly Christmas sweaters. I didn’t have a chance to color it yesterday so please take the grey scale version. 
( Click to see in full detail please!) 
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puremchanzo · 7 years
31 Days of McHanzo!!
Hello everyone! It’s your friendly neighborhood gay here and I’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks now (especially now with all that’s happened) I’ve decided to host a cute little mchanzo event (if you couldn’t figure it out by the title).
I’m posting this a few days in advance so y'all can plan it out a little bit.
31 days of Mchanzo is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an event that lasts the entire month of december! You can draw, write, or do whatever to celebrate these wonderful guys and their cute relationship (fitting the prompts of course). You don’t have to do ALL of the prompts so don’t feel pressured to, and be sure to tag your creations with #30daysofMcHanzo so I can see it! If I don’t get it just @ me! Also be sure to tag your nsfw stuff so no accidents happen. Prompts are below! If you have any questions, pm me or send me an ask! Happy holidays!
(DISCLAIMER!! I got a few of these prompts from @xmasprompts so if you see that some of them are similar you know why, they have a lot of great stuff so check em out!!!)
1.Welcome home
2.Cold weather
4.Full moon
6.Winter sports
9.First date
10.Sick at home
11.Sleeping in
14.Snowball Fighting
20. Festival
24.Christmas Eve/Last minute gift
28.Snowed in/Blizzard
29.Bad habits
30.First impressions
31.New years eve
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dabbledrabbleprose · 7 years
5. Pets/Animals
 “So, uh. You didn’t put anything in this eggnog, did ya?”
Hanzo glanced up from his tablet, peering over his reading glasses at McCree. “Hm?”
McCree frowned suspiciously at the glass of eggnog in his hand. “Because I’m pretty sure I’m hallucinating.” He peered back up at the hallucinations in question, two blue translucent creatures that looked uncannily similar to Hanzo’s dragons, only significantly smaller. The hallucinations were currently sniffing under the Christmas tree set up in the main recreation room, and as McCree watched, one reared up on its hind legs to bat at a dangling piece of tinsel.
“Oh,” Hanzo said dismissively and looked back at his tablet. “That happens, on occasion.”
McCree sputtered. “This happens? Just…just goddamn tiny-ass dragons crawl out of who-knows-where and just…just…”
One small dragon climbed atop a wrapped present and sniffed at a star-shaped plastic ornament. It made a small ‘chirrup’ and the second dragon bounded over to see what the fuss was about, the two of them both sniffing at the ornament together.
“…just do weird shit?”
“Yep,” Hanzo scrolled down on his tablet. “They only take this form when they feel safe, around people they trust.”
“Should I be flattered?”
“Then thank y’kindly,” He tipped his hat to the little dragons. One turned back and chirped in acknowledgement, then reached up to bat at the star ornament.
“And these are the same dragons, then?”
“These two. They’re the same dragons I’ve seen on the battlefield and during missions.”
Hanzo glanced over briefly, then returned to his tablet. “Oh, yes. Definitely. But there isn’t any danger to be concerned over, so they’re relaxed.”
The first dragon managed to swat the ornament off the tree, and the second darted down to snatch it, then scampered across the room with the little star in its mouth. The first dragon squawked in protest and gave chase.
“These are the same two dragons who I’ve watched kill a dozen Talon agents who were dumb enough to line up in a narrow alleyway.”
“Yes,” Hanzo looked over long enough to raise an eyebrow at him. “Which is why it’s generally wise to let them have what they want.”
“Like what?”
Hanzo nodded toward one dragon that had climbed to the back of the couch and had just started pawing at Jesse’s serape. Jesse gave a start of surprise.
“Hey, now. You don’t get to carry this away. It’s my favorite.”
The dragon made a keen of distress, latching both front claws into it and tugging.
“Hanzo? A little help?”
Hanzo didn’t even bother to look up. “Nope. You got yourself into this.”
“How in the hell is this my fault?”
The dragon made a hiss and bit the serape.
“Hey!” McCree scolded. He wagged a finger at the little dragon. “You listen here. This is mine, and I ain’t too keen on parting with it. Now, that being said, I was planning on watching a movie here, so if you want to share with me, I’d find that more agreeable.”
He gave the dragon a stern look and the spirit actually seemed taken aback. It gave an inquisitive chirp, then tentatively crept forward, pawing at the serape a bit, then curled up in the fabric, making itself comfortable. There was a chirrup by McCree’s other ear, and the second spirit joined in, still holding the little star ornament in its mouth. Jesse felt eyes on him and glanced over to see Hanzo watching the scene, both eyebrows arched.
“Well,” the archer said, setting his tablet down. “It seems you’ve made friends.”
“I hope so,” Jesse glanced down at the two dragons, curled up on each of his shoulders. “I’d hate for them to hold a grudge. What do you think, sugar? Think I could get one more dragon to squeeze in here?”
Hanzo snorted, but moved to sit by his side anyway. Jesse was careful not to disturb the dragons as he wrapped one arm around him.
That was how Genji found them, two hours later, all four sound asleep as the end credits rolled.
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homovaquero-blog · 7 years
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Welcome Home // 31 Days of McHanzo ( hosted by @puremchanzo​ )
this is really half assed but y’know its the thought that counts.
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oceandrox · 7 years
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31 Days Of McHanzo; Day 3 - Baking 
McCree pls theres a whole kitchen to be mixing that frosting in give Hanzo space.
it’s a prompt entry and a little birthday gift to myself💛
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soft-butch-cassidy · 7 years
@puremchanzo has a 31 days of mchanzo event so naturally I thought I’d do my best to do as many of them as I can~
Day 1: Welcome Home
AO3 -- Buy me a coffee?
McCree woke up warm and cozy. Almost too warm, actually, he thought as he drifted into consciousness. Especially right on his back--there was something very warm, putting pressure on him.
He groaned and shifted his head, noting with mild disgust that he had drooled on his pillow a little bit. He moved his arms.
The thing on his back moved, too, with a grouchy little growl in his ear.
McCree blinked and felt a smile on his face. He chuckled. “Morning to you too, Udon. How long’ve you been here?”
The dragon only huffed softly and curled up tighter.
“Now, hold on, little guy, don’t you get too cozy there, I gotta answer nature’s call,” McCree said. “Sorry about this.” With that, McCree rolled onto his back and caught the noisily protesting dragon in his arm. Udon complained loudly even as it tried to cuddle closer to him.
“I know, I’m so mean to you,” McCree said dryly. He kissed Udon on the top of its head, earning a reluctant chirp, before putting the dragon back down on the bed.
The other side of the bed was relatively neatly made, though McCree moving around as he woke up had messed it a bit. The neatness would have been a major clue to McCree as to who was home, had the dragon not been a dead giveaway itself.
McCree got up with a grunt, and found that outside of the slept-in blankets the house was a bit chilly. He shivered at the cold wooden floor on his bare feet before he found the goofy cactus-themed slippers Genji had gotten him for his birthday. He grabbed a fluffy throw off the end of the bed and wrapped it around his shoulders like a cloak.
Udon, meanwhile, curled up were McCree had been sleeping and promptly went back to sleep.
McCree shook his head and left the dragon be. Clutching his blanket to his collar, McCree shuffled from the bedroom to the bathroom. The shower had been used recently, it seemed; it smelled like shampoo and there was a little dampness to the edges of the mirror and the sink.
When he walked out from the bathroom he had a bounce to his step. Without the pressure of his bladder and the stubborn cling of sleep, McCree was eager to see the dragon’s master.
The hall was much brighter than the bedroom, lit from the open curtains in the living room. McCree ambled out, a small smile growing at the rearranging of McCree’s haphazard placing of Christmas decorations.
An ongoing task, apparently; McCree softened at the sight of Hanzo, back to him, carefully pinning garland around the kitchen entryway.
“Looks great, darlin’,” McCree said. “The decorations do, too.”
Hanzo chuckled without turning around. “Flatterer,” he said. “Good morning.”
From around Hanzo’s neck, another sapphire, reptilian face peered at McCree and chittered at him. McCree crinkled his nose at the other dragon. “When did you get home?”
“Around two thirty,” Hanzo replied, releasing the rest of the garland to drape elegantly along the door frame. “You were sleeping. I did not want to wake you.” He turned and smiled at McCree, a sight that put a warmth through his chest.
“Aw, honey, you know I wouldn’t have minded if it meant I’d get to see your pretty face sooner,” McCree said. He tossed his blanket on the back of a chair and stepped forward to Hanzo with his arm outstretched.
Hanzo met him halfway and buried his face in the crook of McCree’s neck. Somen purred and wiggled, trying to nuzzle McCree’s face. Hanzo squeezed McCree just a little too tight. “You would not have gone back to sleep,” he said into McCree’s shoulder.
McCree gripped Hanzo as tight as one arm allowed. “Don’t matter. You’re home now.”
Both drew back just enough to allow room for a kiss, chaste and tender. It felt like coming home, which was silly in McCree’s mind, because it had been Hanzo who had been gone for three weeks.
Still--home was where the heart was, wasn’t that the phrase?
Hanzo cupped McCree’s face in both hands. “You have not been sleeping well,” he said.
“Do I ever?” he replied dryly. McCree reached up to place his hand on top of Hanzo’s. He felt the thin, hard band of Hanzo’s ring. “Missed you a lot. How did it go? Is everyone okay?”
“Yes, everyone is fine, and it went well. Nothing particularly special. Honestly, it was boring.” Hanzo shook his head. “In better news, however, I will be home for the rest of the month, and Winston said you, as well. Unless there is some huge emergency, we are unneeded until at least January.”
McCree grinned. “Really? We can… Hanzo, we can spend Christmas together, finally!”
“We can, indeed, Jesse. You will have to show me how you celebrate it.”
“Of course, Han. Genji’s told me y’all don’t do Christmas quite like we do. Not that I ever did a traditional Hallmark movie Christmas, either,” McCree said with a snort. “We’ll mash up all our traditions, make somethin’ unique.”
Hanzo’s smile could melt the coldest of ice. “I would love nothing more.”
McCree let go of Hanzo’s hand to scratch under Somen’s chin, earning a contented chirp. “How long until they wreck the tree, you reckon?”
“They are ancient, powerful spirit dragons that have been passed through my family for hundreds of generations,” Hanzo said. “I give them until this evening before they knock it over.”
McCree laughed. “Welcome home, Hanzo.”
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bard--songs · 7 years
thirty one days of mchanzo, day 6: winter sports. @puremchanzo​!
“Honey .... I think I’m getting too old for this.”
Hanzo raises an eyebrow, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His skates scrape the ice. “I am a year older than you.”
“W - Well yeah, but -” Jesse stammers, gaze darting from Hanzo to the young couples behind him gliding effortlessly across the skating rink. His flesh hand grips the barrier separating carpet from ice with a white knuckled grip. “You’ve done this before, and I haven’t!”
Hanzo softens, reaching out to cup Jesse’s cheek in his palm. Jesse immediately leans into it. “If you genuinely don’t want to do this,” Hanzo murmurs, brushing his thumb across Jesse’s stubbled cheek, “Then we will do something else. I will not pressure you.”
Jesse holds his gaze, and Hanzo hopes he can see the truth in his eyes: he does not want Jesse to be uncomfortable. Never for his sake.
Jesse sighs. “No,” He says, and straightens, releasing his grip on the barrier. Then he wobbles, uncertain, and grabs desperately for Hanzo’s jacket. Hanzo laughs, and takes both of his hands instead. “I trust you. Let’s do this.”
“Gonna make a fool of myself,” Jesse grumbles as he sets one foot on the ice. His hands grip Hanzo’s tighter, struggling for balance.
“I am here.” Hanzo reminds him gently. “I will not let you injure yourself.”
Jesse looks like he has something to say about that, but Hanzo pulls him onto the ice and away from the safety of the barrier. Jesse’s balance is poor, as is expected for his first time on the ice, but Hanzo keeps him steady as they glide around the rink.
Jesse seems uninterested in letting go of Hanzo, but he loosens up quickly. He attempts to skate with Hanzo instead of being dragged along, and shoots Hanzo a smile when he is mostly successful.
And Hanzo keeps his word and does not allow Jesse to fall, not even when he shifts him so Jesse can skate alongside him with his arm over Hanzo’s shoulders. It is - nice. Romantic, even.
“You know,” Jesse says, and when Hanzo glances at his face he is pleased to see that Jesse looks like he’s enjoying himself, “This ain’t as bad as I thought.”
“I am glad.” Hanzo says. He pauses, and then, as neutrally as possible, says, “Genji and I used to skate all the time as children. One of the few outside hobbies our family allowed us.”
“Oh, darlin’,” Jesse says, soft. His hand squeezes Hanzo’s shoulder. “Thank you for sharing this with me, then. I’m humbled.”
Hanzo hums. Jesse is a comforting presence at his side, and they move in unison, hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder. The other attendants are barely paying attention to them, too caught up with their own lovers.
Hanzo slows them, and Jesse makes an inquisitive noise as Hanzo shifts them until Jesse is facing him again.
“Can I kiss you, Jesse McCree?” Hanzo asks slyly, unable to stop the smile spreading across his face.
“Well, Hanzo Shimada,” Jesse drawls, smiling back at him, “I think I’d like nothing more.”
So Hanzo kisses him. The other couples skate around them, unperturbed, and Jesse’s gloved hands come to rest under Hanzo’s jaw, and his mouth tastes of peppermint, and Hanzo thinks that he has never been happier.
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headless-thoughts · 7 years
Baking (31 days of McHanzo)
A loud rumble interrupted the silence of the night and with-it Jesse’s sleep. The cowboy threw himself out of bed and immediately grabbed his gun, ready for whatever was the reason for loud noise. He thought his partner would do the same, but he didn’t. He wasn’t even there to do so. With a strange feeling about this whole thing, McCree sneaked around the apartment. The light from the kitchen shone to the hallway. Carefully Jesse spied in to the room.
It was a mess. A big cloud of flower was slowly setting onto every surface in the room, there was dough everywhere but in the bowl, where it originally should be and in the middle of this mess was Hanzo, slowly sinking to the ground and when the archer recognised Jesse, he hid his face in his hands, mumbling apologies after apologies.
“Darlin’ what happened?” “I wanted to surprise you with something.”, Hanzo’s voice was shaking a little, “but I can’t even do a simple task like that.” Jesse walked across the kitchen and kneeled next to the archer, slowly stroking his back. “Hey, you sure as hell surprised me with this.”, the cowboy grinned, but realised it only hurt Hanzo more, since he started muttering apologies again: “I am so sorry. I just wanted to do something nice and bake something for you. I can’t even do that. I can’t do anything. I’m useless.” “Now don’t you dare say that”, Jesse shouted a little too aggressive than he actually wanted to sound, “You are not useless, just because you messed up baking once doesn’t mean anything. Hell, you should have seen my first attempt on making cookies.” McCree desperately tried to make the other man smile a bit, but it was harder than first assumed. Hanzo wasn’t crying. But seconds from it and Jesse knew he had to act fast. He took the archers face between his hands and kissed his forehead. “How about you take a bath, I clean this mess up and in about ten minutes will see each other in bed, cuddle a bit and sleep. Tomorrow we’ll bake some cookies, together. Alright?” Hanzo shook his head: “Why would you want to do such a thing with me? Can’t you see that everything I touch becomes a complete mess?” “We both know, that this is not true. And even if, I don’t love you because of what you can and can’t do. I love you because you’re my Hanzo. And nothing can change that. Now let’s go. I’ll help you stand up.”
Really proud of this story! Again, a shortstory for @puremchanzo #31daysofmchanzo Check out her account and all the other beautiful works for this event!
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artmadval · 7 years
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trying to fight artblock with mchanzo promts by @puremchanzo Day 7 - Alcohol 
bonus hanzo is dead
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caspercryptid · 7 years
Welcome Home
a little christmas ficlet set in the world of Desperado! It’s not necessary to read it, but it’s set in soulmates au where every time a song is stuck in your head it’s stuck in your soulmate’s too.
McCree opened the door to a furious looking Hanzo. Which was not fantastic, but would have been less noteworthy had he not also pulled the armchair in front of the door.
“Uh....Merry Christmas Eve sweetheart?”
“Jesse.” Hanzo had been knitting, and was holding one of the needles in a position that had McCree pulling his head further into his jacket like a turtle.
“Yes, light of my life?”
Hanzo nearly, nearly cracked. His mouth twitched a tiny bit before he set his scowl again and adjusted his grip on the knitting needle.
“We are going to sit down with your sister’s new synth album, and we’re not going to put it down until you get All I want for Christmas out of your head, and for the love of god, out of my head.”
McCree grinned, wincing as Hanzo’s glare only intensified.
“Yes, dear.”
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tj3star · 7 years
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Day 3 - Baking
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heyo! ive decided that im gonna also participate a little in 31 days of mchanzo! im only gonna do a few of the prompts tho, i’ll probably pick 4 or so other prompts :>
so uhh heres a very late day 1: welcome home piece! it was supposed to be a home-y background but i completely went off track
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superboverwatch · 7 years
Ingredients to Change Your Life
I’m hoping I can keep up with these! This is for the 31 days of McHanzo event. <3 http://archiveofourown.org/works/12891690/chapters/29450703
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