#360 field documentation
bimengusllp · 4 months
Revolutionizing Construction: The Power of 360 Field Documentation in Precision, Efficiency, and Collaboration
In the dynamic realm of construction, precision, accuracy, and effective communication are paramount. With the advent of cutting-edge technology, the construction industry has witnessed a revolutionary transformation in the way projects are documented and managed. One such groundbreaking innovation is 360-degree field documentation.
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Definition of 360 Field Documentation in Construction
360 field documentation in construction refers to the comprehensive process of capturing visual and spatial data from all directions, creating a complete immersive view of a construction site or building interior. This is achieved through the use of specialized 360-degree cameras equipped with sensors capable of capturing images and depth information simultaneously. The result is a high-resolution, panoramic image that provides a complete visual record of the site.
Importance of Accurate Documentation in Construction Projects
Accurate documentation lies at the heart of successful construction projects. It serves as the foundation upon which decisions are made, progress is tracked, and issues are resolved. Traditionally, construction documentation involved extensive manual measurements, photographs, and written notes, which were not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Inaccurate or incomplete documentation could lead to costly mistakes, delays, and disputes between stakeholders.
Brief Overview of 360-Degree Technology in Construction
360-degree technology, often associated with virtual reality, has found its application in construction through specialized cameras and sensors. These devices capture not only visual information but also depth data, allowing for the creation of accurate 3D models of the construction site. This technology eliminates the need for multiple photographs or measurements from different angles, providing a seamless and immersive experience for stakeholders involved in the project.
By embracing 360-degree technology, construction professionals can document their projects with unprecedented precision, leading to improved decision-making, enhanced collaboration, and streamlined workflows. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the benefits, working mechanisms, applications, challenges, and future trends of 360 field documentation in construction, shedding light on its transformative potential in the industry.
Benefits of 360 Field Documentation
A. Improved Accuracy and Precision
Reduction in Errors and Rework: Traditional methods of documentation often led to errors in measurements and misinterpretation of data. 360 field documentation eliminates these errors by providing a holistic view of the construction site, enabling stakeholders to make precise decisions based on accurate visual data.
Enhanced Measurement Capabilities: 360-degree technology allows for accurate measurements of distances, areas, and volumes within the captured images. This level of precision is invaluable for tasks such as estimating material quantities, ensuring proper spacing, and validating adherence to architectural designs.
Time and Cost Efficiency
Streamlined Communication: 360 field documentation facilitates seamless communication among project teams. Stakeholders can remotely view the construction site in its entirety, reducing the need for on-site visits. This real-time access to visual data expedites discussions, approvals, and issue resolution, thereby saving valuable time.
Faster Decision-Making Process: Quick access to detailed 360-degree images and 3D models accelerates the decision-making process. Project managers, architects, and engineers can promptly assess project status, identify bottlenecks, and implement corrective measures, leading to faster project progression and reduced delays.
Enhanced Collaboration and Communication
Real-time Data Sharing: 360 field documentation allows stakeholders to share immersive visuals with team members, clients, and investors in real-time. This shared perspective fosters better understanding, enabling everyone involved to visualize the project comprehensively and contribute valuable insights.
Remote Collaboration Possibilities: With the rise of remote work, 360-degree technology enables professionals from different locations to virtually collaborate on projects. Architects can review designs, engineers can assess structural elements, and contractors can validate construction progress, all within a virtual environment, enhancing teamwork and productivity.
By harnessing the power of 360 field documentation, construction projects can significantly benefit from improved accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration, ensuring the successful execution of complex endeavors.
How 360 Field Documentation Works
Explanation of 360-Degree Cameras and Sensors
360-degree cameras used in construction are equipped with fisheye lenses capable of capturing images in all directions simultaneously. These cameras are complemented by advanced sensors, including accelerometers and gyroscopes, which ensure precise orientation data. Some cameras also feature LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors, enabling the capture of detailed depth information, essential for creating accurate 3D models.
Data Capturing Process
Image Capturing: The 360-degree camera captures a series of high-resolution images, covering the entire construction site or interior space. These images overlap, ensuring seamless integration during the stitching process.
Data Stitching and Integration: Specialized software processes the captured images, stitching them together to create panoramic views. The integration of depth data obtained from LiDAR sensors enhances the precision of the resulting 3D models. These immersive visuals provide a comprehensive understanding of the construction site, enabling stakeholders to explore every detail remotely.
Software and Tools Utilized in 360 Field Documentation
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Applications: VR and AR applications allow stakeholders to immerse themselves in the 360-degree images. VR headsets provide an immersive experience, enabling users to navigate the construction site as if they were physically present. AR applications overlay relevant data on real-world views, aiding in on-site decision-making and problem-solving.
Cloud-Based Data Storage and Analysis Tools: Captured 360-degree images and 3D models are often stored in cloud-based platforms. These platforms offer secure storage and easy access to project data from anywhere with an internet connection. Furthermore, cloud-based tools facilitate collaborative analysis, enabling multiple stakeholders to annotate, measure, and comment on specific elements within the visuals, fostering efficient communication and data-driven decision-making.
By understanding the technical aspects of 360 field documentation, construction professionals can harness this technology to its full potential, ensuring accurate data capture, seamless integration, and meaningful analysis for their projects.
Applications of 360 Field Documentation in Construction
Progress Tracking and Monitoring
Visual Project Timeline Development: 360-degree images captured at various project stages provide a visual timeline of construction progress. Project managers can compare these visuals, ensuring that the project adheres to the planned schedule.
Monitoring Construction Milestones: Stakeholders can monitor the completion of significant project milestones, such as foundation laying, structural framing, and finishing touches. This real-time monitoring ensures that the project stays on track and allows for timely interventions if any delays occur.
Quality Control and Assurance
Identifying Defects and Issues: High-resolution 360-degree images enable close inspection of construction elements. Stakeholders can identify defects, structural issues, or deviations from the design plans, allowing for immediate corrective actions, thereby maintaining the quality of workmanship.
Ensuring Compliance with Design Specifications: By comparing the captured visuals with architectural and engineering designs, construction professionals can ensure that the built structures align with the specifications. Any discrepancies can be detected early, preventing costly rework and ensuring compliance with industry standards.
Safety Inspections and Risk Management
Hazard Identification: 360 field documentation aids in identifying potential safety hazards on construction sites. Safety professionals can use immersive visuals to pinpoint risks, plan safety protocols, and ensure that workers adhere to safety guidelines, thereby minimizing accidents and injuries.
Real-time Safety Protocol Monitoring: Construction sites are dynamic environments where safety protocols are crucial. 360-degree technology allows real-time monitoring of safety compliance. Safety officers can remotely observe workers' adherence to safety protocols and intervene promptly if unsafe practices are detected.
Challenges and Limitations
Technical Challenges
Data Storage and Management: Discuss the challenges related to storing and managing large volumes of high-resolution 360-degree images and 3D models. Explore solutions such as cloud-based storage and data compression techniques.
Hardware and Software Compatibility: Address compatibility issues that may arise between different 360-degree cameras, sensors, and software applications. Discuss the importance of standardized formats and interoperability in overcoming these challenges.
Privacy and Security Concerns
Data Privacy Regulations and Compliance: Explore data privacy regulations relevant to construction documentation. Discuss how stakeholders can ensure compliance with these regulations while sharing 360-degree images and project data securely.
Cybersecurity Risks: Highlight potential cybersecurity threats associated with cloud-based storage and data sharing platforms. Discuss encryption methods, access controls, and other cybersecurity measures that can mitigate these risks.
Training and Skill Development for Construction Professionals: Emphasize the need for training programs to educate construction professionals about 360 field documentation technology. Discuss the skills required to capture, process, and interpret 360-degree data effectively.
Future Trends and Innovations
Advancements in 360-Degree Technology
Integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Discuss how AI and ML algorithms can analyze 360-degree images to automate tasks such as defect detection, progress tracking, and safety compliance monitoring. Explore the potential of AI-driven insights in enhancing project management.
Improved Data Processing Speeds: Highlight ongoing developments in data processing technology that enable faster stitching of 360-degree images and real-time rendering of 3D models. Discuss the impact of these advancements on project efficiency and decision-making speed.
Potential Impact on Construction Industry
Increased Adoption Rates: Predict the trajectory of 360 field documentation adoption within the construction industry. Discuss factors driving increased adoption, such as cost-effectiveness, improved project outcomes, and regulatory incentives.
Evolution of Construction Project Management Practices: Envision how 360-degree technology will shape the future of construction project management. Discuss how real-time data insights, immersive collaboration, and remote monitoring will become integral components of construction project management practices.
In conclusion, 360 field documentation stands as a transformative force in the construction industry. Its ability to provide accurate, immersive, and real-time visual data revolutionizes the way construction projects are planned, executed, and monitored.
By overcoming challenges, embracing innovations, and leveraging the full potential of 360-degree technology, construction professionals can enhance project outcomes, improve collaboration, and ensure the safety and quality of built environments. As the industry continues to evolve, the integration of 360 field documentation will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of construction practices.
Visit us: https://www.bimengus.com
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michaeldswanson · 15 days
Apple’s Mysterious Fisheye Projection
If you’ve read my first post about Spatial Video, the second about Encoding Spatial Video, or if you’ve used my command-line tool, you may recall a mention of Apple’s mysterious “fisheye” projection format. Mysterious because they’ve documented a CMProjectionType.fisheye enumeration with no elaboration, they stream their immersive Apple TV+ videos in this format, yet they’ve provided no method to produce or playback third-party content using this projection type.
Additionally, the format is undocumented, they haven’t responded to an open question on the Apple Discussion Forums asking for more detail, and they didn’t cover it in their WWDC23 sessions. As someone who has experience in this area – and a relentless curiosity – I’ve spent time digging-in to Apple’s fisheye projection format, and this post shares what I’ve learned.
As stated in my prior post, I am not an Apple employee, and everything I’ve written here is based on my own history, experience (specifically my time at immersive video startup, Pixvana, from 2016-2020), research, and experimentation. I’m sure that some of this is incorrect, and I hope we’ll all learn more at WWDC24.
Spherical Content
Imagine sitting in a swivel chair and looking straight ahead. If you tilt your head to look straight up (at the zenith), that’s 90 degrees. Likewise, if you were looking straight ahead and tilted your head all the way down (at the nadir), that’s also 90 degrees. So, your reality has a total vertical field-of-view of 90 + 90 = 180 degrees.
Sitting in that same chair, if you swivel 90 degrees to the left or 90 degrees to the right, you’re able to view a full 90 + 90 = 180 degrees of horizontal content (your horizontal field-of-view). If you spun your chair all the way around to look at the “back half” of your environment, you would spin past a full 360 degrees of content.
When we talk about immersive video, it’s common to only refer to the horizontal field-of-view (like 180 or 360) with the assumption that the vertical field-of-view is always 180. Of course, this doesn’t have to be true, because we can capture whatever we’d like, edit whatever we’d like, and playback whatever we’d like.
But when someone says something like VR180, they really mean immersive video that has a 180-degree horizontal field-of-view and a 180-degree vertical field-of-view. Similarly, 360 video is 360-degrees horizontally by 180-degrees vertically.
When immersive video is played back in a device like the Apple Vision Pro, the Meta Quest, or others, the content is displayed as if a viewer’s eyes are at the center of a sphere watching video that is displayed on its inner surface. For 180-degree content, this is a hemisphere. For 360-degree content, this is a full sphere. But it can really be anything in between; at Pixvana, we sometimes referred to this as any-degree video.
It's here where we run into a small problem. How do we encode this immersive, spherical content? All the common video codecs (H.264, VP9, HEVC, MV-HEVC, AVC1, etc.) are designed to encode and decode data to and from a rectangular frame. So how do you take something like a spherical image of the Earth (i.e. a globe) and store it in a rectangular shape? That sounds like a map to me. And indeed, that transformation is referred to as a map projection.
While there are many different projection types that each have useful properties in specific situations, spherical video and images most commonly use an equirectangular projection. This is a very simple transformation to perform (it looks more complicated than it is). Each x location on a rectangular image represents a longitude value on a sphere, and each y location represents a latitude. That’s it. Because of these relationships, this kind of projection can also be called a lat/long.
Imagine “peeling” thin one-degree-tall strips from a globe, starting at the equator. We start there because it’s the longest strip. To transform it to a rectangular shape, start by pasting that strip horizontally across the middle of a sheet of paper (in landscape orientation). Then, continue peeling and pasting up or down in one-degree increments. Be sure to stretch each strip to be as long as the first, meaning that the very short strips at the north and south poles are stretched a lot. Don’t break them! When you’re done, you’ll have a 360-degree equirectangular projection that looks like this.
If you did this exact same thing with half of the globe, you’d end up with a 180-degree equirectangular projection, sometimes called a half-equirect. Performed digitally, it’s common to allocate the same number of pixels to each degree of image data. So, for a full 360-degree by 180-degree equirect, the rectangular video frame would have an aspect ratio of 2:1 (the horizontal dimension is twice the vertical dimension). For 180-degree by 180-degree video, it’d be 1:1 (a square). Like many things, these aren’t hard and fast rules, and for technical reasons, sometimes frames are stretched horizontally or vertically to fit within the capabilities of an encoder or playback device.
This is a 180-degree half equirectangular image overlaid with a grid to illustrate its distortions. It was created from the standard fisheye image further below. Watch an animated version of this transformation.
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What we’ve described so far is equivalent to monoscopic (2D) video. For stereoscopic (3D) video, we need to pack two of these images into each frame…one for each eye. This is usually accomplished by arranging two images in a side-by-side or over/under layout. For full 360-degree stereoscopic video in an over/under layout, this makes the final video frame 1:1 (because we now have 360 degrees of image data in both dimensions). As described in my prior post on Encoding Spatial Video, though, Apple has chosen to encode stereo video using MV-HEVC, so each eye’s projection is stored in its own dedicated video layer, meaning that the reported video dimensions match that of a single eye.
Standard Fisheye
Most immersive video cameras feature one or more fisheye lenses. For 180-degree stereo (the short way of saying stereoscopic) video, this is almost always two lenses in a side-by-side configuration, separated by ~63-65mm, very much like human eyes (some 180 cameras).
The raw frames that are captured by these cameras are recorded as fisheye images where each circular image area represents ~180 degrees (or more) of visual content. In most workflows, these raw fisheye images are transformed into an equirectangular or half-equirectangular projection for final delivery and playback.
This is a 180 degree standard fisheye image overlaid with a grid. This image is the source of the other images in this post.
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Apple’s Fisheye
This brings us to the topic of this post. As I stated in the introduction, Apple has encoded the raw frames of their immersive videos in a “fisheye” projection format. I know this, because I’ve monitored the network traffic to my Apple Vision Pro, and I’ve seen the HLS streaming manifests that describe each of the network streams. This is how I originally discovered and reported that these streams – in their highest quality representations – are ~50Mbps, HDR10, 4320x4320 per eye, at 90fps.
While I can see the streaming manifests, I am unable to view the raw video frames, because all the immersive videos are protected by DRM. This makes perfect sense, and while I’m a curious engineer who would love to see a raw fisheye frame, I am unwilling to go any further. So, in an earlier post, I asked anyone who knew more about the fisheye projection type to contact me directly. Otherwise, I figured I’d just have to wait for WWDC24.
Lo and behold, not a week or two after my post, an acquaintance introduced me to Andrew Chang who said that he had also monitored his network traffic and noticed that the Apple TV+ intro clip (an immersive version of this) is streamed in-the-clear. And indeed, it is encoded in the same fisheye projection. Bingo! Thank you, Andrew!
Now, I can finally see a raw fisheye video frame. Unfortunately, the frame is mostly black and featureless, including only an Apple TV+ logo and some God rays. Not a lot to go on. Still, having a lot of experience with both practical and experimental projection types, I figured I’d see what I could figure out. And before you ask, no, I’m not including the actual logo, raw frame, or video in this post, because it’s not mine to distribute.
Immediately, just based on logo distortions, it’s clear that Apple’s fisheye projection format isn’t the same as a standard fisheye recording. This isn’t too surprising, given that it makes little sense to encode only a circular region in the center of a square frame and leave the remainder black; you typically want to use all the pixels in the frame to send as much data as possible (like the equirectangular format described earlier).
Additionally, instead of seeing the logo horizontally aligned, it’s rotated 45 degrees clockwise, aligning it with the diagonal that runs from the upper-left to the lower-right of the frame. This makes sense, because the diagonal is the longest dimension of the frame, and as a result, it can store more horizontal (post-rotation) pixels than if the frame wasn’t rotated at all.
This is the same standard fisheye image from above transformed into a format that seems very similar to Apple’s fisheye format. Watch an animated version of this transformation.
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Likewise, the diagonal from the lower-left to the upper-right represents the vertical dimension of playback (again, post-rotation) providing a similar increase in available pixels. This means that – during rotated playback – the now-diagonal directions should contain the least amount of image data. Correctly-tuned, this likely isn’t visible, but it’s interesting to note.
More Pixels
You might be asking, where do these “extra” pixels come from? I mean, if we start with a traditional raw circular fisheye image captured from a camera and just stretch it out to cover a square frame, what have we gained? Those are great questions that have many possible answers.
This is why I liken video processing to turning knobs in a 747 cockpit: if you turn one of those knobs, you more-than-likely need to change something else to balance it out. Which leads to turning more knobs, and so on. Video processing is frequently an optimization problem just like this. Some initial thoughts:
It could be that the source video is captured at a higher resolution, and when transforming the video to a lower resolution, the “extra” image data is preserved by taking advantage of the square frame.
Perhaps the camera optically transforms the circular fisheye image (using physical lenses) to fill more of the rectangular sensor during capture. This means that we have additional image data to start and storing it in this expanded fisheye format allows us to preserve more of it.
Similarly, if we record the image using more than two lenses, there may be more data to preserve during the transformation. For what it’s worth, it appears that Apple captures their immersive videos with a two-lens pair, and you can see them hiding in the speaker cabinets in the Alicia Keys video.
There are many other factors beyond the scope of this post that can influence the design of Apple’s fisheye format. Some of them include distortion handling, the size of the area that’s allocated to each pixel, where the “most important” pixels are located in the frame, how high-frequency details affect encoder performance, how the distorted motion in the transformed frame influences motion estimation efficiency, how the pixels are sampled and displayed during playback, and much more.
But let’s get back to that raw Apple fisheye frame. Knowing that the image represents ~180 degrees, I loaded up Blender and started to guess at a possible geometry for playback based on the visible distortions. At that point, I wasn’t sure if the frame encodes faces of the playback geometry or if the distortions are related to another kind of mathematical mapping. Some of the distortions are more severe than expected, though, and my mind couldn’t imagine what kind of mesh corrected for those distortions (so tempted to blame my aphantasia here, but my spatial senses are otherwise excellent).
One of the many meshes and UV maps that I’ve experimented with in Blender.
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Radial Stretching
If you’ve ever worked with projection mappings, fisheye lenses, equirectangular images, camera calibration, cube mapping techniques, and so much more, Google has inevitably led you to one of Paul Bourke’s many fantastic articles. I’ve exchanged a few e-mails with Paul over the years, so I reached out to see if he had any insight.
After some back-and-forth discussion over a couple of weeks, we both agreed that Apple’s fisheye projection is most similar to a technique called radial stretching (with that 45-degree clockwise rotation thrown in). You can read more about this technique and others in Mappings between Sphere, Disc, and Square and Marc B. Reynolds’ interactive page on Square/Disc mappings.
Basically, though, imagine a traditional centered, circular fisheye image that touches each edge of a square frame. Now, similar to the equirectangular strip-peeling exercise I described earlier with the globe, imagine peeling one-degree wide strips radially from the center of the image and stretching those along the same angle until they touch the edge of the square frame. As the name implies, that’s radial stretching. It’s probably the technique you’d invent on your own if you had to come up with something.
By performing the reverse of this operation on a raw Apple fisheye frame, you end up with a pretty good looking version of the Apple TV+ logo. But, it’s not 100% correct. It appears that there is some additional logic being used along the diagonals to reduce the amount of radial stretching and distortion (and perhaps to keep image data away from the encoded corners). I’ve experimented with many approaches, but I still can’t achieve a 100% match. My best guess so far uses simple beveled corners, and this is the same transformation I used for the earlier image.
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It's also possible that this last bit of distortion could be explained by a specific projection geometry, and I’ve iterated over many permutations that get close…but not all the way there. For what it’s worth, I would be slightly surprised if Apple was encoding to a specific geometry because it adds unnecessary complexity to the toolchain and reduces overall flexibility.
While I have been able to playback the Apple TV+ logo using the techniques I’ve described, the frame lacks any real detail beyond its center. So, it’s still possible that the mapping I’ve arrived at falls apart along the periphery. Guess I’ll continue to cross my fingers and hope that we learn more at WWDC24.
This post covered my experimentation with the technical aspects of Apple’s fisheye projection format. Along the way, it’s been fun to collaborate with Andrew, Paul, and others to work through the details. And while we were unable to arrive at a 100% solution, we’re most definitely within range.
The remaining questions I have relate to why someone would choose this projection format over half-equirectangular. Clearly Apple believes there are worthwhile benefits, or they wouldn’t have bothered to build a toolchain to capture, process, and stream video in this format. I can imagine many possible advantages, and I’ve enumerated some of them in this post. With time, I’m sure we’ll learn more from Apple themselves and from experiments that all of us can run when their fisheye format is supported by existing tools.
It's an exciting time to be revisiting immersive video, and we have Apple to thank for it.
As always, I love hearing from you. It keeps me motivated! Thank you for reading.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
A former Oregon Department of Corrections employee who worked as a nurse at Oregon’s only women’s prison has been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for sexually assaulting nine inmates while on the job.
The man, 39-year-old Tony Daniel Klein of Clackamas County, Oregon, worked as a nurse from 2010 until January 2018 at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Wilsonville, Oregon, when he abused his position of power and access to female inmates to engage in “nonconsensual sexual conduct with many female inmates entrusted to his care,” according to court documents per a statement released from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Oregon.
“In his position, Klein interacted with female inmates who either sought medical treatment or worked as orderlies in the prison’s medical unit, aided by his access to the women and his position of power as a corrections employee,” officials said.
Klein, who was often alone with his victims, would “manufacture reasons to get them alone in secluded areas such as medical rooms, janitor’s closets, or behind privacy curtains,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in their statement regarding the case. “Klein made it clear to his victims that he was in a position of power over them, and they would not be believed if they tried reporting his abuse. Fearing punishment if they fought back against or reported his conduct, most of Klein’s victims submitted to his unwanted advances or endured his assaults.”MORE: Girl Scout troop treasurer arrested for stealing over $12,000: Police
A federal grand jury in Portland returned an indictment on March 8, 2022, charging Klein with multiple civil rights crimes. On July 25, 2023, a federal jury in Portland found Klein “guilty of 17 counts of depriving his victims of their constitutional right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment by sexual assault and four counts of perjury.”
Klein was ultimately sentenced to 360 months in federal prison and five years’ supervised release for his crimes on Tuesday.
“Today’s sentence sends a clear message that using a position of authority to prey on individuals in custody will never be tolerated by the Department of Justice. Holding Tony Klein accountable for his crimes would not have been possible without the courage and resolve of the women he abused and the dedication of our partners at the FBI and Civil Rights Division,” said Natalie Wight, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon.
Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division echoed Wight’s sentiments.
“The sentence in this case should send a significant message to any official working inside jails and prisons across our country, including those who provide medical care, that they will be held accountable when they sexually assault women inmates in their custody,” said Clarke. “Women detained inside jails and prisons should be able to turn to medical providers for care and not subjected to exploitation by those bent on abusing their power and position. We will listen to and investigate credible allegations put forward by people who are sexually assaulted and, where appropriate, bring federal prosecutions. The Justice Department stands ready to hold accountable those who abuse their authority by sexual assaulting people in their custody and under their care.”
The case against Klein was investigated by the FBI Portland Field Office and was prosecuted by Gavin W. Bruce, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, and Cameron A. Bell, Trial Attorney for the Civil Rights Division’s Criminal Section.
“We know this prison sentence cannot undo the trauma Tony Klein inflicted on numerous victims, but we hope this brings them one step closer to healing,” said Kieran L. Ramsey, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Portland Field Office. “As a state prison nurse, Klein abused his position and abused multiple women, violating the public’s trust, while doing everything he could to avoid being caught. The investigators and prosecutors should be applauded for their efforts to hold Klein accountable, but we recognize this lengthy sentence is also because of a group of brave women who came forward and helped ensure that Klein was held accountable for being a sexual predator within Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.”
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
In Costa Rica and Latvia today, the Atlantic Council is hosting its 360/OS Summit at RightsCon Costa Rica and NATO’s Riga StratCom. Among other things, the influential think tank will be previewing its “Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web” report, which they hope will “lay the groundwork for stronger cross-sectoral ideation and action” and “facilitate collaboration now between the expanding community dedicated to understanding and protecting trust and safety.”
In human terms, conference attendees are discussing how best to stay on-brand by presenting the Censorship-Industrial Complex as a human rights initiative, and as #TwitterFiles documents show, they have the juice to pull it off.
EngageMedia (which I co-founded and was the long-time Executive Director) co-organized RightsCon in Manila in 2015, and I personally oversaw a lot of the preparations. That looks like a big mistake. I now believe RightsCon represents everything that has gone wrong in the digital rights field. Specifically, it represents the capture of a once-vibrant movement by corporate and government interests, and a broader shift towards anti-liberal and authoritarian solutions to online challenges. I left EngageMedia on good terms, but now have no formal relationship.
In honor of this week’s RightsCon and 360/OS Summit, we dug into the #TwitterFiles to revisit the integration of the Atlantic Council’s anti-disinformation arm, the Digital Forensic Research Labs (DFRLab), while also highlighting its relationship with weapons manufacturers, Big Oil, Big Tech, and others who fund the NATO-aligned think tank.
The Atlantic Council is unique among “non-governmental” organizations thanks to its lavish support from governments and the energy, finance, and weapons sectors. It’s been a key player in the development of the “anti-disinformation” sector from the beginning. It wasn’t an accident when its DFRLab was chosen in 2018 to help Facebook “monitor for misinformation and foreign interference,” after the platform came under intense congressional scrutiny as a supposed unwitting participant in a Russian influence campaign. Press uniformly described DFRLab as an independent actor that would merely “improve security,” and it was left to media watchdog FAIR to point out that the Council was and is “dead center in what former President Obama’s deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes called ‘the blob.’”
What’s “the blob”? FAIR described it as “Washington’s bipartisan foreign-policy consensus,” but thanks to the Twitter Files, we can give a more comprehensive portrait. In the runup to the 360/OS event in that same year, 2018, Graham Brookie of the Atlantic Council boasted to Twitter executives that the attendees would include the crème de la crème of international influence, people he explained resided at the “no-kidding decision-maker level”:
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Similar correspondence to and from DFRLab and Twitter outlined early efforts to bring together as partners groups that traditionally served as watchdogs of one another. Perhaps more even than the World Economic Forum meetings at Davos or gatherings of the Aspen Institute in the US, the Atlantic Council 360/OS confabs are as expansive a portrait of the Censorship-Industrial Complex as we’ve found collected in one place.
In October 2018, DFRLab was instrumental in helping Facebook identify accounts for what became known as “the purge,” a first set of deletions of sites accused of “coordinated inauthentic behavior.” Facebook in its announcement of these removals said it was taking steps against accounts created to “stir up political debate,” and the October 2018 “purge” indeed included the likes of Punk Rock Libertarians, Cop Block, and Right Wing News, among others. Even the progressive Reverb Press, founded by a relatively mainstream progressive named James Reader, found his site zapped after years of pouring thousands of dollars a month into Facebook marketing tools. “That’s what sticks in my craw. We tried to do everything they suggested,” Reader said then. “But now, everything I worked for all those years is dead.”
In the years since, DFRLab has become the central coordination node in the Censorship Industrial Complex as well as a key protagonist in the Election Integrity Partnership and the Virality Project. Its high-profile role at RightsCon, the biggest civil society digital rights event on the calendar, should concern human rights and free expression activists. 
According to their London 2019 event “360/OS brings together journalists, activists, innovators, and leaders from around the world as part of our grassroots digital solidarity movement fighting for objective truth as a foundation of democracy.” Their Digital Sherlocks program aims to “identify, expose, and explain disinformation.” But DRFLabs are more Inspector Gadget (or double agents) than Sherlock Holmes. The Twitter Files reveal DFRLab labeled as “disinformation” content that often turned out to be correct, that they participated in disinformation campaigns and the suppression of “true” information, and that they lead the coordination of a host of actors who do the same.
Twitter Files #17 showed how DFRLab sent Twitter more than 40,000 names of alleged BJP (India’s ruling nationalist party) accounts that they suggested be taken down. DFRLab said it suspected these were “paid employees or possibly volunteers.” However as Racket’s Matt Taibbi noted, “the list was full of ordinary Americans, many with no connection to India and no clue about Indian politics.” Twitter recognized there was little illegitimate about them, resulting in DFRLab pulling the project and cutting ties with the researcher.
Twitter Files #19 further revealed DFRLab was a core partner in the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), which “came together in June of 2020 at the encouragement of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA” in order to “fill the gaps legally” that government couldn’t. As a result, there are serious questions as to whether the EIP violated the US First Amendment.
DFRLab was also a core partner on the Virality Project, which pushed its seven Big Tech partners to censor “stories of true vaccine side-effects.” The Stanford Internet Observatory, which led the project, is now being sued by the New Civil Liberties Alliance for its censorship of “online support groups catering to those injured by Covid vaccines.” Debate as to the frequency of serious adverse events is ongoing, however. The German health minister put it at 1 in 10,000, while others claim it is higher. 
The Virality Project sought to suppress any public safety signals at all. The Stanford Internet Observatory is also at the moment reportedly resisting a House Judiciary Committee subpoena into its activities.
TwitterFiles #20 revealed some of the Digital Forensic Lab’s 2018 360/0S events, which brought together military leaders, human rights organizations, the Huffington Post, Facebook and Twitter, Edelman (the world’s biggest PR firm), the head of the Munich Security Conference, the head of the World Economic Forum (Borge Brende) a former President, Prime Minister and CIA head, intel front BellingCat and future Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa, all to combat “disinformation.” We can now reveal more.
Introducing the Atlantic Council
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The Atlantic Council is a NATO-aligned think tank established in 1961. Its board of directors and advisory board are a Who’s Who of corporate, intelligence and military power, including: 
James Clapper – former Director of National Intelligence whose tenure included overseeing the NSA during the time of the Snowden leaks. Asked whether intelligence officials collect data on Americans Clapper responded “No, sir,” and, “Not wittingly.” Clapper also coordinated intelligence community activity through the early stages of Russiagate, and his office authored a key January 2017 report concluding that Russians interfered in 2016 to help Donald Trump. Clapper has been a 360/OS attendee.
Stephen Hadley, United States National Security Advisor from 2005 to 2009 (also a 360/OS attendee)
Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State who oversaw the carpet bombing of Vietnam, among other crimes against humanity
Pfizer CEO Anthony Bourla
Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder, The Blackstone Group
Meta’s President for Global Affairs, Nick Clegg
Richard Edelman, CEO of the world’s largest PR firm (and 360/OS attendee) 
The Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, Former Secretary General of NATO
Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick, Former President of the World Bank
Leon Panetta, former US Secretary of Defense & CIA Director. Panetta oversaw the US’s massive growth in drone strikes.
John F. W. Rogers. Goldman Sachs Secretary of the Board
Chuck Hagel, chairman of the Council, sits on the board of Chevron and is also a former US Secretary of Defence.
The Atlantic Council raised $70 million in 2022, $25 million of which came from corporate interests. Among the biggest donors were: the US Departments of Defense State, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller Foundation, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, Google, Crescent Petroleum, Chevron, Lockheed Martin, General Atomics, Meta, Blackstone, Apple, BP, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, Raytheon, ExxonMobil, Shell, Twitter, and many more. Ukraine’s scandal-ridden energy company, Burisma, whose links to Hunter Biden were suppressed by the August 2020 table-top exercise coordinated by the Aspen Institute, also made a contribution. You can view the full 2022 “honor roll” by clicking here.
The Atlantic Council is the Establishment, though many suffer from the delusion that in putting on a “Digital Sherlock” cape, they’re somehow with the rebel alliance. The opposite is true. The Atlantic Council and DFRLab don’t hide their militarist affiliations. This week’s OS/360 event at RightsCon Costa Rica runs together with a 360/OS at NATO’s Riga StratCom Dialogue, which DFRLab note they have “worked closely with” “since 2016.” 
The Birth of the Digital Forensic Research Lab
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DFRLab was founded in 2016, and has been a major catalyst in expanding the “anti-disinformation” industry. Among non-governmental entities, perhaps only the Aspen Institute comes close to matching the scope, scale and funding power of DFRLab. DFRLab claims to chart “the evolution of disinformation and other online and technological harms, especially as they relate to the DFRLab’s leadership role in establishing shared definitions, frameworks, and mitigation practices.”
Almost $7 million of the Atlantic Council’s $61 million spent last year went to the DRFLabs, according to their 2022 annual financial report. Through its fellowship program, it has incubated leading figures in the “disinformation” field. Richard Stengel, the first director of the Global Engagement Center (GEC), was a fellow. GEC is an interagency group “within” the State Department (also a funder of the Atlantic Council), whose initial partners included the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, DARPA, Special Operations Command (SOCOM), and others. GEC is now a major funder of DFRLab and a frequent partner:
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In this video, Stengel says, “I’m not against propaganda. Every country does it, they have to do it to their own population, and I don’t think it’s that awful.”
Stengel was true to his word, and apart from DFRLab, the GEC funded the Global Disinformation Index, which set out to demonetize conservative media outlets it claimed were “disinformation.” (See 37. in the censorship list) He thought the now-disgraced Hamilton68 was “fantastic.” In total, GEC funded 39 organizations in 2017. Despite Freedom of Information requests, only 3 have been made public to date. Roughly $78 million of GEC’s initial $100 million budget outlay for fiscal year 2017 came from the Pentagon, though the budgetary burden has shifted more toward the State Department in the years since.
The Global Engagement Center was established in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency, via a combination of an executive order and a bipartisan congressional appropriation, led by Ohio Republican Rob Portman and Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy. The GEC was and remains virtually unknown, but reporting in the Twitter Files and by outlets like the Washington Examiner have revealed it to be a significant financial and logistical supporter of “anti-disinformation” causes.
Though tasked by Obama with countering “foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests,” its money has repeatedly worked its way back in the direction of policing domestic content, with Gabe Kaminsky’s Examiner reports on the GDI providing the most graphic example. 
GEC frequently sent lists of “disinformation agents to Twitter.” Yoel Roth, former head of Trust and Safety referred to one list as a “total crock.” Roth is now a member of DFRLab’s Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web. Let’s hope he brings more trust than Stengel. You can read more on GEC’s funding here.
Other DFRLab luminaries include Simon Clark, Chairman of the Center for Countering Digital Hate (a UK “anti-disinformation” outfit that aggressively deplatforms dissidents), Ben Nimmo (previously a NATO press officer, then of Graphika (EIP and the Virality Project partners) and now Facebook’s Global Threat Intelligence Lead), and Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat. Bellingcat has an ominous reputation, which it’s earned in numerous ways, including its funding by the National Endowment for Democracy (see Glenn Greenwald’s recent report and Aaron Maté’s here). Most recently, Bellingcat assisted in the arrest of the 21-year-old Pentagon leaker, further speeding up the abandonment of the Pentagon Papers Principal where the media protected, rather than persecuted, leakers. Bellingcat was part of 360/OS backroom meetings with former intel chiefs, the head of Davos and the Munich security conference among many others, as we will see soon.
As noted in the introduction, DFRLab itself has made several wrong calls on “disinformation.” In one report they highlighted “outright false narratives,” which focused mainly on the notion that Covid was an engineered bioweapon, but lumped in the “unverified” claim Covid was the “result of a lab accident.” A lab accident is now the preferred hypothesis of the US Department of Energy, the FBI, and many others. To the DFRLab it was “disinformation” and a “conspiracy theory.”
The Election Integrity Partnership and the Virality Project 
DFRLab were core partners on two of the most influential “anti-disinformation” initiatives of recent times.
The Virality Project built on the EIP and had partnerships with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google, TikTok and more to combat vaccine “misinformation.” Stanford and DFRLab partnered with the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, NYU Tandon School of Engineering and Center for Social Media and Politics, and the National Congress on Citizenship. Through a shared Jira ticketing system they connected these Big Tech platforms together, with Graphika using sophisticated AI to surveil the online conversation at scale in order to catch “misinformation” troublemakers.
VP went far beyond any kind of misinformation remit, most infamously recommending to their Big Tech partners that they consider “true stories of vaccine side effects” as “standard misinformation on your platform.”
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A Virality Project partner called the Algorithmic Transparency Initiative (a project of the National Congress on Citizenship) went further. Their Junkipedia initiative sought to address “problematic content” via the “automated collection of data” from “closed messaging apps,” and by building a Stasi-like “civic listening corps,” which in recent years has taken on a truly sinister-sounding mission. The current incarnation might as well be called “SnitchCorps,” as “volunteers have an opportunity to join a guided monitoring shift to actively participate in monitoring topics that disrupt communities”:
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Garret Graff, who oversaw the Aspen Hunter Biden table-top exercise, was chairman of that same National Congress on Citizenship when they collaborated on the Virality Project. Both EIP and VP were led by Renee DiResta of the Stanford Internet Observatory, a former CIA fellow who engineered the now disgraced New Knowledge initiative, which developed fake Russian bots to discredit a 2016 Alabama senate race candidate, as acknowledged by the Washington Post. You can read Racket’s previous work on the Virality Project here.
DFRLab are the elite of the “anti-disinformation” elite. They work closely with a wide range of actors who have participated in actual disinformation initiatives. Here they’re invited to an elite Twitter group set up by Nick Pickles of “anti-disinformation” luminaries First Draft, also participants in the Hunter Biden laptop tabletop, and the Alliance for Security Democracy, part of the RussiaGate Hamilton68 disinformation operation.
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The 360/OS event marries this tarnished record with the financial, political, military, NGO, academic and intelligence elite. Some of this is visible through publicly available materials. Twitter Files however reveal the behind the scenes, including closed door, off-the-record meetings. 
“I’ve just arrived in Kyiv” Brookie notes in 2017, as he seeks to line up a meeting with Public Policy Director Nick Pickles as they discuss Twitter providing a USD $150K contribution to OS/360 (seemingly secured), and to garner high level Twitter participation. 
Pickles is visiting DC and Brookie suggests he also meet with the GEC and former FBI agent Clint Watts of Hamilton 68 renown. “Happy to make those connections,” he chimes.
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360/OS events are elite and expensive — $1 million according to Brookie — so closer collaboration with Twitter, especially in the form of funding, is a high priority.
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Twitter offers $150,000:
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When Brookie mentions the attendees at the “no-kidding decision maker level” he isn’t kidding. Parallel to the 360/OS public program is the much more important off-the-record meeting of “decision makers ranging from the C-Suite to the Situation Room.” Here, he is explicit about a convening of military and financial power. Vanguard 25 is presented as a way to “create a discreet and honest way to close the information gap on challenges like disinformation between key decision makers from government, tech, and media.”
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The document boasts of its high-level participants:
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More are revealed in email exchanges, including Madeleine Albright and the head of the WEF:
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They go on to list a bizarre mishmash of media leaders, intelligence officials, and current or former heads of state:
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It appears Germany’s Angela Merkel was out of reach in the end, but many of the others attended this behind the scenes meeting on “disinformation.” Who are they?
Matthias Dopfner – CEO and 22% owner of German media empire Axel Springer SE, the biggest media publishing firm in Europe 
Borge Brende – head of the World Economic Forum and former Norwegian foreign minister
Toomas Hendrick Ilves – former President of Estonia who co-chairs the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council on Blockchain Technology. Hendrick is also a fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (where the Stanford Internet Observatory is housed) and is on the advisory council of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, of Hamilton 68 renown.
Chris Sacca – billionaire venture capitalist
Mounir Mahjoubi – previously Digital Manager for President Macron’s presidential campaign, and former Chairman of the French Digital Council
Reid Hoffman – billionaire and Linkedin co-founder
Ev Williams – Former CEO of Twitter and on the Twitter board at the time
Kara Swisher – New York Times opinion writer, who founded Vox Media Recode
Wolfgang Ischinger - Head of the Munich Security Conference
Aleksander Kwasniewski – Former President of Poland. Led Poland into NATO and the EU.
Richard Edelman – CEO of the largest PR company in the world
Elliot Shrage – previously Vice-President of Public Policy at Facebook (DFRLab had election integrity projects with Facebook)
Lydia Polgreen – Huffington Post Editor in Chief
Jim Clapper – former US Director of National Intelligence
Maria Ressa – co-founder of Rappler and soon to be winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 
JK Rowling was also invited to give an award, though appears she didn’t make it in the end:
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Why would such a group all gather specifically around the question of “disinformation”? Is disinformation truly at such a level that it requires bringing together the world’s most popular author with military and intelligence leaders, the world’s biggest PR company, journalists, billionaires, Big Tech and more? Or is this work to build the case that there is a disinformation crisis, to then justify the creation of a massive infrastructure for censorship? A glimpse of the agenda offers clues:
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Here the head of the most important military and intelligence conference in the world (Munich) sits down in a closed door meeting with a former Secretary of State and the Executive Vice-Chair of the Atlantic Council.
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Which is followed by a closed door session with the Editor-in Chief of the now-defunct Huffington Post and peace-maker Maria Ressa who presented to the same group of military, intelligence, corporate and other elites. Is the role of a journalist and Nobel laureate to work behind closed doors with militarists and billionaires, or to hold them to account?
At 2022’s OS/360 at RightsCon Ressa conducted a softball interview on disinformation with current US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. In testimony last April 2023, former CIA deputy director Michael Morrell stated that Blinken “set in motion the events that led to the issuance of the public statement” by more than 50 former intelligence officials that the Hunter Biden laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russia information operation.” 
The Twitter Files also revealed that in August 2020 the Aspen Institute organized a table-top exercise to practice how best to respond to a “hack and leak” of a Hunter Biden laptop. The laptop only came to light however two months later. In attendance was First Draft (now the Information Futures Lab), the New York Times, Washington Post, Rolling Stone, CNN, Yahoo! News, Facebook, Twitter and more. Here, DFRLab head Graham Brookie speaks with the Aspen Institute’s Garret Graff, who coordinated the Hunter Biden tabletop exercise.
After it turned out the Hunter Biden laptop was real, and the disinformation operation was more appropriately described as having been led by the likes of Blinken and the Aspen Institute. The appropriate response is apparently for RightsCon, DFRLab, Blinken and Ressa to put on a nice forum to promote these figures as “anti-disinformation” leaders.
Former DFRLab fellow and intel front Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins is also invited to the closed door sessions with a former head of the CIA, a former Prime Minister and a President. How do you keep power accountable when you are in the same cozy club? This theme runs throughout. Bellingcat is featured heavily at the public sessions also:
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Higgins has a unique way of expressing himself online, given the DFRLab emphasis on striking out against divisiveness:
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Would this pass RightsCon’s code of conduct? If not, he appears to be good enough for DFRLab to promote.
On the public side, we see Amnesty International participating to further collapse the distinction between those who are meant to hold power to account, and the powerful themselves. The Iraq war gave us embedded journalists, and the “anti-disinformation” field gives us embedded digital rights activists. 
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The Department of Homeland Security’s Chris Krebs also joined the closed door session. Krebs was Co-Chair of the Aspen Institute’s Commission on Information Disorder. Other members included Prince Harry, the Virality Project’s Alex Stamos (Stanford Internet Observatory) and Kate Starbird (University of Washington and previous 360/OS participant), Katie Couric, and more. Craig Newmark attended as an observer.
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Meanwhile Renee DiResta, former CIA fellow and Stanford Internet Observatory Research Director, presented with the former Prime Minister of Sweden. This was years before she would launch the Virality Project, and take on the bugbear of “true stories of vaccine side effects.”
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The President of the Atlantic Council participated in an “off-the-record, “ behind closed doors conversation on “trust” with the CEO of the world’s biggest PR firm, Edelman.
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“Public relations” and “trust” may well be opposites, and trust is being destroyed not by the disinformation street crime that these groups claim to target, but by the disinformation corporate crime protected by, or in some cases created by these same people. Disinformation is real, but its biggest purveyors are governments and powerful corporate interests.
DFRLab and RightsCon show just how far the capture of civil society by elite interests has come. Again, I made a mistake helping to co-organize RightsCon in 2015. The jumping in bed with the government and Big Tech was arguably there in 2015, though to a much lesser degree. It now partners with militarists in the form of the Atlantic Council and is an enabler of the “disinformation” grift that is so deeply impacting freedom of speech and expression.
The air-gaps that should separate civil society, media, military, billionaires, intelligence and government have collapsed, and many of these actors have formed a new alliance to advance their shared interests. If weapons manufacturers funding human rights is considered legitimate then where is the red line? Effectively, there is none.
This collapse however has also been pushed by funders, who have been proactive in asking NGOs to collaborate more with Big Tech and government - something I successfully resisted for my almost 18 years at EngageMedia, critically RightsCon was the only time I let my guard down.
The RightsCon sponsor matrix wouldn’t be out of place at NASCAR:
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This is the equivalent of hosting a Climate Change conference sponsored by Shell, BP, Chevron, and ExxonMobil. How do you keep power accountable when Big Tech pays your wage? The “let’s all work together” approach has failed. The weakest partner, civil society, got captured and we lost. Many more lost their way and have acquiesced to and often enabled much of the new censorship regime.
A renewed and much more independent digital rights movement, with a strong commitment to freedom of expression, is well overdue.
Note: A previous version of this article mistook Blackstone for Blackwater. This has been corrected.
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my mind looks a lot like a_: a Video Game Playlist
Whether in an abandoned mall or an opulent estate, this playlist is all about embarking on a surreal architectural journey of the psyche. Investigate and explore these vaporwave-influended spaces, witness two speculations on technology of the future, and interrogate your digital reality. It’s Holovista’s mega-mansion house tour internship and the liminal awakening personality profile of Self-Checkout: Unlimited – step on inside.
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Previously covered, Holovista follows Carmen Razo on her newly acquired and direly needed job working for the innovative high class architectural firm Mesmer & Braid. The first task given to her, however, is a strange one – a field assignment to inhabit the firm’s mysterious new project, the autohaus, and to document her experiences by relaying them to her not-Instagram following. In game, this is achieved by taking photos of a number of requested items in a 360˚ scene, and then match appropriate photos to a caption in order to post them, chatting with your friends over DM (and whatever intern is running the Mesmer & Braid account) along the way. The latter gets only more important, as the autohaus’s design, and Carmen’s own mental state, gets more questionable as her residence goes on.
Fine attention to detail in order to spark immersion is the real crux of Holovista – the rendered scenes that you experience strike a delicate balance between striking realistic fidelity and the dreamlike opulence of the game’s low Sci-Fi future. The environments (at least, the non-creepy ones) are something you’d want to just exist in, partially because they feel so believable and possible. The Social Media interface has comments on every post, and profiles for every commenter, and most important of all, top notch Internet writing. Everybody talks like actual internet users, and several conversations between Carmen and her friends that could have come out of me and my friends. Even the basic gameplay loop puts you directly in Carmen’s shoes – you turn around (or swipe on your screen) to take photos of stuff and then post them just as she does.
This immersion is all put to good use in the story itself then, which reflects that immersion back (though I’ll not elaborate, to avoid spoilers), culminating in a game that’s not really like anything else I’ve ever played.
~2 hrs
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Self-Checkout: Unlimited
Self-Checkout: Unlimited, on the other hand, hits upon the environment of slightly oldish an abandoned mall. Starting out with a horror-esque tone as the player character finds themselves in a barely lit hall on a bench, forced to navigate a store housing a terribly unnerving teddy bear before the mall opens up, you are then invited via disembodied intercom to explore various sections and stores of the mall, all with… unusual set-ups focused on psychology. Between children’s rides based off of a fictitious children’s show structured around personality profiles and a clothing store rack with jackets labelled with things like ‘parents’, ‘significant other’, and ‘friends’ on a scale from most to least important, the mall is less a real space to engage in commerce and more a loci for an examination of the self. The surreality is only increased in scenes when the mall fades away in favor of environments with strong vaporwave aesthetics often reflecting other elements of commerce all whilst the interrogation of the self continues on, like a Psych 101 professor giving a lecture over a lo-fi, echoic beat.
Compared to the DM conversations between friends in Holovista, the only form of communication is always faceless – either via seemingly pre-recorded intercom announcements, or by a narrator seemingly talking both to the player character and the player themselves. As the mall is explored further, the unique specifics of the self-examination build towards the context of the mall’s liminality – which I’ll hold back in face of spoilers. The details towards this context are thought-through, perhaps to the point of maybe giving the game away, but in the end it’s a cohesive build that helps take the weight of the philosophizing off a bit.
Windows, Mac, Linux
~1.5 hrs
Sum Specifications
iOS & Windows/Mac/Linux
~3.5 hrs
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collegetour06 · 2 years
Lovely professional university Admission 2022-2023.
In Chaheru, Phagwara, Punjab, India, there is a private institution called Lovely Professional University (LPU). Under the terms of Punjab Act 25 of 2005's The LPU university Act, the university was founded by the Lovely International Trust in 2005 and officially opened its doors in 2006.
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At its Chaheru, Phagwara, Punjab campus, the university has more than 45 teaching and research departments. It also offers more than 360 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs in a variety of fields, including engineering, agricultural science, management, legal studies, computer sciences, education, media studies, animation and multimedia, tourism, biotechnology, architecture, pharma sciences, commerce, liberal arts, and basic science.
LPU admission procedure and eligibility.
By providing your information on the website, you can register.
Choose a course based on your qualifications.:-
To receive a scholarship or to pay the admissions fees directly, submit an application for LPUNEST.
For the LPUNEST, choose the appropriate city and test date.
Show up at LPUNEST.
Wait for your scorecard to receive a scholarship or admittance.
After the outcome, go to online counseling. Once a seat has been assigned, fill out the seat preference field and download the allotment letter.
Making the initial payment online will reserve your spot. upload the required files.
Documents required for LPU admission:-
10th-grade diploma,12th-grade diploma
graduation diploma
Transfer/Character/School Leaving Document
Entrance Exam Score/Rank Card
three images of the student the size of a passport
Evidence of Residence
Aadhar cards for the student's parents and themselves
Anti-ragging affidavit that has been self-attested and is signed by the student's parents
Income Declaration etc.
Eligibility to get enrolled in LPU.
B.Tech. -Graduated with 60% overall in 10+2
BBA passed the 10+2 with a 50% grade.
MBA graduate with a 55% overall score
M. Tech graduate with a 60 per cent overall score
passed the 10+2 with a B.Sc. and a 60% overall.
B.Sc. (Hons) 10+2 passed with a 60% overall score
Courses offered by LPU.
LPU provides conventional and online courses in business, law, pharmacy, and other fields through Lovely Professional University Distance Education (LPUDE). The LPUNEST is used to determine admission to all programs, followed by a personal interview. The test serves as the prerequisite for receiving scholarships worth up to INR 6 lakhs annually. Additionally, the university recognizes a number of results from national entrance exams.
Additionally, LPU provides UG and PG distance education programs through Lovely Professional University. LPUDE offers courses in management, business, computer applications, the arts, library and information sciences, and computer science.
LPU Specialization:-
One of the top private colleges in North India, PU has the best placement rates of any North Indian college. While maintaining the advantages of a general MBA, specialized MBAs teach in-depth expertise in specific niche industry sectors. They concentrate on rapidly developing economic sectors including healthcare, supply chains, financial markets, and so on. Due to their particular skill requirements, these are best suited for students that have a distinct interest in or emphasis on these high-potential domains. The following MBA programs provide specializations in hospital and healthcare management, information technology, international business, tourism and hospitality, financial markets [in partnership with NSE], banking and insurance, and MBA (Supply Chain & Logistics).
LPU MBA admission 2022
Phase 3 LPU MBA Admission 2022 is now accepting applications. Admission to MBA and MBA (Hons.) programs is granted based on performance in the university's LPUNEST national-level management entrance exam. The official website is where aspirants can submit their online applications. Numerous organizations, including NIRF, ARIIA, Times Higher Education, and others rank the LPU Management track. The LPU MBA ranking increased from 37 to 34 in 2022, an improvement over the previous year's 37 ranks.
Two years are required to complete the full-time MBA program at Lovely Professional University. The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs has granted course accreditation (ACBSP). Additionally, LPU provides integrated BBA+MBA, MBA in Business Analytics, and MBA with honors. Additionally, the university provides MBA distance learning through Lovely Professional University Distance Learning (LPUDE). The university offers its students the option of doing a four-week study abroad program in any location, including the United States, Europe, or another continent. To further prepare students for the workforce, LPU hosts workshops in areas such as leadership, business analytics, life skills, digital marketing, and business analytics.
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NASA’s Mars Helicopter Spots Gear That Helped Perseverance Rover Land Eyeing some of the components that enabled the rover to get safely to the Martian surface could provide valuable insights for future missions. NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter recently surveyed both the parachute that helped the agency’s Perseverance rover land on Mars and the cone-shaped backshell that protected the rover in deep space and during its fiery descent toward the Martian surface on Feb. 18, 2021. Engineers with the Mars Sample Return program asked whether Ingenuity could provide this perspective. What resulted were 10 aerial color images taken April 19 during Ingenuity’s Flight 26. “NASA extended Ingenuity flight operations to perform pioneering flights such as this,” said Teddy Tzanetos, Ingenuity’s team lead at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “Every time we’re airborne, Ingenuity covers new ground and offers a perspective no previous planetary mission could achieve. Mars Sample Return’s reconnaissance request is a perfect example of the utility of aerial platforms on Mars.” Entry, descent, and landing on Mars is fast-paced and stressful, not only for the engineers back on Earth, but also for the vehicle enduring the gravitational forces, high temperatures, and other extremes that come with entering Mars’ atmosphere at nearly 12,500 mph (20,000 kph). The parachute and backshell were previously imaged from a distance by the Perseverance rover. But those collected by the rotorcraft (from an aerial perspective and closer) provide more detail. The images have the potential to help ensure safer landings for future spacecraft such as the Mars Sample Return Lander, which is part of a multimission campaign that would bring Perseverance’s samples of Martian rocks, atmosphere, and sediment back to Earth for detailed analysis. “Perseverance had the best-documented Mars landing in history, with cameras showing everything from parachute inflation to touchdown,” said JPL’s Ian Clark, former Perseverance systems engineer and now Mars Sample Return ascent phase lead. “But Ingenuity’s images offer a different vantage point. If they either reinforce that our systems worked as we think they worked or provide even one dataset of engineering information we can use for Mars Sample Return planning, it will be amazing. And if not, the pictures are still phenomenal and inspiring.” In the images of the upright backshell and the debris field that resulted from it impacting the surface at about 78 mph (126 kph), the backshell’s protective coating appears to have remained intact during Mars atmospheric entry. Many of the 80 high-strength suspension lines connecting the backshell to the parachute are visible and also appear intact. Spread out and covered in dust, only about a third of the orange-and-white parachute – at 70.5 feet (21.5 meters) wide, it was the biggest ever deployed on Mars – can be seen, but the canopy shows no signs of damage from the supersonic airflow during inflation. Several weeks of analysis will be needed for a more final verdict. Flight 26 Maneuvers Ingenuity’s 159-second flight began at 11:37 a.m. local Mars time April 19, on the one-year anniversary of its first flight. Flying 26 feet (8 meters) above ground level, Ingenuity traveled 630 feet (192 meters) to the southeast and took its first picture. The rotorcraft next headed southwest and then northwest, taking images at pre-planned locations along the route. Once it collected 10 images in its flash memory, Ingenuity headed west 246 feet (75 meters) and landed. Total distance covered: 1,181 feet (360 meters). With the completion of Flight 26, the rotorcraft has logged over 49 minutes aloft and traveled 3.9 miles (6.2 kilometers). “To get the shots we needed, Ingenuity did a lot of maneuvering, but we were confident because there was complicated maneuvering on flights 10, 12, and 13,” said Håvard Grip, chief pilot of Ingenuity at JPL. “Our landing spot set us up nicely to image an area of interest for the Perseverance science team on Flight 27, near ‘Séítah’ ridge.” The new area of operations in Jezero Crater’s dry river delta marks a dramatic departure from the modest, relatively flat terrain Ingenuity had been flying over since its first flight. Several miles wide, the fan-shaped delta formed where an ancient river spilled into the lake that once filled Jezero Crater. Rising more than 130 feet (40 meters) above the crater floor and filled with jagged cliffs, angled surfaces, projecting boulders, and sand-filled pockets, the delta promises to hold numerous geologic revelations – perhaps even proof that microscopic life existed on Mars billions of years ago. Upon reaching the delta, Ingenuity’s first orders may be to help determine which of two dry river channels Perseverance should climb to reach the top of the delta. Along with route-planning assistance, data provided by the helicopter will help the Perseverance team assess potential science targets. Ingenuity may even be called upon to image geologic features too far afield for the rover to reach or to scout landing zones and sites on the surface where sample caches could be deposited for the Mars Sample Return program. More About Ingenuity The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter was built by JPL, which also manages the project for NASA Headquarters. It is supported by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley and NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, provided significant flight performance analysis and technical assistance during Ingenuity’s development. AeroVironment Inc., Qualcomm, and SolAero also provided design assistance and major vehicle components. Lockheed Space designed and manufactured the Mars Helicopter Delivery System. At NASA Headquarters, Dave Lavery is the program executive for the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter. More About Perseverance A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust). Subsequent NASA missions, in cooperation with ESA (European Space Agency), would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis. The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. JPL, which is managed for NASA by Caltech in Pasadena, California, built and manages operations of the Perseverance rover. TOP IMAGE....This image of Perseverance's backshell and parachute was collected from an altitude of 26 feet (8 meters) by the NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 26th flight on Mars on April 19, 2022. The parachute and cone-shaped backshell protected the rover during its fiery descent toward the Martian surface on Feb. 18, 2021. Engineers working on the Mars Sample Return program requested images be taken of the components from an aerial perspective because they may provide insight into the components' performance during the rover's entry, descent, and landing. CENTRE IMAGE....This image of Perseverance's backshell sitting upright on the surface of Jezero Crater was collected from an altitude of 26 feet (8 meters) by NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 26th flight at Mars on April 19, 2022. Engineers working on the Mars Sample Return program requested images be taken from an aerial perspective of the components because they may provide insight into the components' performance during the rover's entry, descent, and landing on Feb. 18, 2021. The tangle of cables seen streaming out from the top of the backshell, and coated with Martian dust on the surface, are high-strength suspension lines that connect the backshell to Perseverance's supersonic parachute (upper left). The backshell and parachute helped protect the rover in deep space and during its fiery descent toward the Martian surface. LOWER IMAGE....Perseverance's backshell, supersonic parachute, and associated debris field is seen strewn across the Martian surface in this image captured by NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter during its 26th flight on April 19, 2022. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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ifieldsmart · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Top 10 Construction Management Software
 The Ultimate Guide to Top 10 Construction Management Software
Cloud-based and AI-driven construction management software has transformed construction project outcomes through improved data accessibility, real-time collaboration, automation, risk management, document management, and reporting and analytics.
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Construction management entails coordinating and overseeing various project corners including planning, scheduling, risk reduction, collaboration, budgeting, and quality assurance. As the construction landscape continues to pose complexities and challenges, it is critical for construction managers to latch onto cloud-based construction management software to realize projects within schedule and budget, driven by high quality standards.
Traditional processes and tools related to construction management aren’t able to cut it for complex, cost, and time-driven projects. Current construction management software are cloud-based reinforced by advanced AI and ML algorithms to manage the gamut of activities to track and manage construction. A single dashboard with multiple tools pre-integrated within the platform fosters simplicity, visualization, collaboration, and performance to achieve successful construction management outcomes.  
Roadblocks observed with legacy construction management processes and tools.
Without or outdated construction management software, projects can develop complications due to:
Version control issues
Limited document accessibility
Communication setbacks
Data silos
Restricted scalability
Absence of real-time insights
Inefficient workflows
Data-security lapses
With diverse construction management software available in the market, it can be daunting to select the right one for your firm and projects. The following article is an ultimate guide to top 10 construction management software solutions that offer a spectrum of capabilities for diverse project and company needs.
Top 10 construction management software to realize project wins.
1.      iFieldSmart Technologies
iFieldSmart Technologies is an end-to-end construction management platform that supports various teams to manage construction projects from start to finish. With a strong suite of tools for project planning, collaboration, scheduling, document management, analytics, and budgeting, iFieldSmart fosters communication, transparency, and productivity across various building phases to ensure high-impact outcomes.
2.      Procore
Procore is a construction management software that helps project teams simplify tasks from bidding to closeout. With offerings like document management, real-time collaboration, mobile accessibility, scheduling and budgeting, Procore improves communication and efficiency.
3.      Autodesk BIM 360
Autodesk BIM 360 is a cloud-based construction management platform that provides end-to-end solutions for BIM workflows. It supports collaboration between stakeholders, renders real-time model and data access, issue monitoring, clash detection, and document management to augment coordination and efficiency.
4.      PlanGrid
PlanGrid as a construction management software is designed to streamline document management and field collaboration. It offers various features to access, share, and annotate documents and drawings in real-time including offline and online. PlanGrid tools refine productivity and communication to improve project coordination and reduce errors onsite.
5.      Trimble Prolog
Trimble Prolog is an all-inclusive construction management software solution that streamlines project workflows and controls. It provides various tools for managing RFIs, Submittals, schedules, budgets, and a spectrum of other features on a unified platform to manage project data and validate accountability. Trimble Prolog delivers real-time reporting and insights to support informed decision-making.   
6.      Viewpoint Vista
Viewpoint Vista is a fully-integrated construction management software platform that offers simple, yet formidable modules for project collaboration, resource management, job costing, and finance management. Using customized dashboards and reporting features, Viewpoint Vista delivers real-time visualization into project performance to elevate profitability and efficiency for contractors by simplifying resource allocation and improving operations. 
7.      Buildertrend
Buildertrend is again a cloud-based construction management platform customized for firms that specialize in residential construction. It provides tools for document management, scheduling, client management, etc. Buildertrend encourages real-time collaboration between project participants to improve transparency for the entire project lifecycle. With an intuitive interface and mobile app, it augments project efficiency and fosters client satisfaction.
8.      ConstructionSuite
ConstructionSuite built by UDA technologies is a construction management software built for SMB’s with tools like scheduling, estimating, project and client management. Its offerings include tailored templates and workflows to simplify project processes and deliver real-time project reporting and tracking for better profitability and efficiency.  
9.      Jonas Premier
Jonas Premier works as a fully integrated construction management and accounting tool with features like subcontractor management, job costing, financial reporting, and billing. A user friendly dashboard with tailored workflows improve efficiency, standardize operations, and increase project profitability for faster construction management.  
10.  Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate
Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate is an in-depth construction management software built for mid-sized to large developers and contractors. It provides modules for project management, estimation, accounts, and property management. Sage 300 delivers accurate analytics and actionable insights to standardize workflows, fuel informed decisions, and enhance the chances of project success.
Future of construction management software with AI and ML promises unprecedented advancements
AI algorithms are sent to optimize planning, resource allocation, and scheduling to reduce costs and delays. Machine Learning (ML) will continue to improve predictive analytics, preempt potential issues, and recommend real-time solutions. IoT integration will foster smart construction tracking, improve safety, and productivity. Automation within robotics and drones will transform tasks including material handling and site surveying. Ultimately, AI and ML will transform the construction sector to drive efficiency and sustainability for expedited, safe, and cost-effective project handovers.
The construction industry will continue to evolve at every building stage and present challenges for participants including architects, contractors, sub-contractors, project managers, and owners who would need a simple, yet influential construction management software. From the above content piece, it would become clear for you to select an appropriate construction management software that would make the required difference and deliver projects on time, budget enriched by high-quality standards. 
Visit: www.ifieldsmart.com
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hitechno1mobile · 2 months
Top Affordable Laptops That Don't Break the Bank
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In today's digital world, a laptop has become an essential tool for students, professionals, and casual users alike. However, the hefty price tags associated with high-end machines can often be a deterrent for those on a budget. The good news is, you don't need to spend a fortune to get a reliable and functional laptop.
This blog explores some of the top affordable laptops currently available, catering to various needs and budgets. Whether you're a student juggling assignments, a young professional starting your career, or someone who simply needs a device for everyday tasks, this guide will help you find the perfect budget-friendly companion.
Considering a Career in Laptop Repair?
The world of technology is constantly evolving, and the demand for skilled laptop repair technicians is on the rise. If you're interested in a career in this exciting field, consider enrolling in a reputable laptop repairing course in New Delhi. Institutes like Hitech No. 1, with over 20 years of experience and a legacy of training over 3 lakh students in laptop and mobile repair, can equip you with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to succeed in the laptop repair industry. Important to note: Hitech No. 1 focuses on education and does not provide laptop repair services.
Now, let's dive into the world of affordable laptops!
1. The All-Rounder: Acer Aspire 5 (Starting Price: Approximately ₹30,000)
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The Acer Aspire 5 is a versatile laptop that strikes a perfect balance between affordability and performance. It's powered by a capable 10th or 11th Gen Intel Core i3 or i5 processor, offering sufficient processing power for everyday tasks like browsing the web, checking emails, and working on documents. Additionally, you can choose between various RAM configurations (4GB to 8GB), allowing you to customize the laptop to suit your multitasking needs. Storage options range from 128GB to 512GB SSD, providing flexibility for storing files and applications.
The Aspire 5 boasts a sleek and lightweight design, making it highly portable. The Full HD display offers good visuals for everyday use, while the backlit keyboard ensures comfortable typing even in low-light environments. Battery life is decent, lasting around 6-7 hours on a single charge, allowing you to work or browse on the go. This laptop is a great choice for students, young professionals, or anyone looking for a reliable and affordable daily driver.
2. The Chrome Champ: ASUS Chromebook CX1 (Starting Price: Approximately ₹20,000)
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If you're looking for a super affordable and efficient laptop for basic tasks, the ASUS Chromebook CX1 is a compelling option. It runs on Chrome OS, a lightweight operating system designed for speed and security. While Chrome OS doesn't offer the full functionality of Windows or macOS, it excels at basic tasks like browsing the web, checking emails, and using web-based applications. It's perfect for students who primarily need a device for research, writing assignments, and online classes. The CX1 is powered by an energy-efficient Intel Celeron processor and comes with 4GB of RAM, offering smooth performance for basic tasks.
One of the biggest advantages of a Chromebook is its exceptional battery life. The CX1 can easily last an entire workday or school day on a single charge, eliminating the need for frequent power outlets. Additionally, Chrome OS receives regular updates, ensuring a secure and up-to-date system. However, if you require software that isn't compatible with Chrome OS, or need a laptop for more demanding tasks like photo editing or video editing, a Chromebook might not be the best choice.
3. The Convertible Charm: Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 3 (Starting Price: Approximately ₹35,000)
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The Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 3 offers a unique combination of affordability and versatility thanks to its 2-in-1 convertible design. This laptop features a 360-degree hinge that allows you to use it in various modes: laptop mode for traditional use, tablet mode for browsing and entertainment, tent mode for presentations, and stand mode for watching videos. The Flex 3 is powered by a 10th Gen Intel Core i3 or i5 processor, with RAM options ranging from 4GB to 8GB. Storage options come in the form of 128GB to 256GB SSDs, offering flexibility based on your needs.
The touchscreen display provides a seamless experience in tablet mode, making it ideal for taking notes, drawing, or casual gaming. The battery life is decent, lasting around 7-8 hours on a single charge. The Flex 3 is a great choice for students, professionals who need a device for presentations, or anyone who enjoys the flexibility of a 2-in-1 laptop. However, keep in mind that the convertible design and touchscreen functionality might add a slight premium to the price compared to a traditional clamshell laptop with similar specifications.
4. The Gaming Gateway: HP Pavilion Gaming (Starting Price: Approximately ₹45,000)
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For budget-conscious gamers, the HP Pavilion Gaming offers a compelling entry point into the world of PC gaming. While it won't run the latest AAA titles at the highest settings, it can handle many popular games at moderate graphics settings. The Pavilion Gaming is powered by a capable AMD Ryzen 5 or Intel Core i5 processor, coupled with NVIDIA GTX 1650 or AMD Radeon RX 560X graphics for decent gaming performance. RAM options range from 8GB to 16GB, allowing you to optimize multitasking and game performance. Storage options include HDD and SSD configurations, with the SSD option offering faster loading times.
The Pavilion Gaming boasts a vibrant display with a refresh rate of 60Hz, ensuring smooth visuals during gameplay. The keyboard features backlighting, making it ideal for late-night gaming sessions. While the battery life might not be ideal for extended gaming sessions on the go, it's sufficient for casual use. Keep in mind that the gaming capabilities come at the expense of portability. The Pavilion Gaming is slightly heavier and bulkier compared to some of the other laptops on this list. Overall, this laptop is a solid option for casual gamers who prioritize affordability without sacrificing performance entirely.
5. The Apple Alternative: Acer Swift 3 (Starting Price: Approximately ₹40,000)
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For those seeking a sleek and stylish design reminiscent of Apple MacBooks, the Acer Swift 3 is a compelling option. This ultra-thin and lightweight laptop is powered by a 10th or 11th Gen Intel Core i5 processor, offering sufficient performance for everyday tasks and multitasking. RAM options range from 8GB to 16GB, allowing you to customize the laptop to your needs. Storage options include 256GB to 512GB SSDs, providing ample space for your files and applications.
The Swift 3 flaunts a stunning Full HD IPS display with vibrant colors and wide viewing angles, making it ideal for watching movies, browsing photos, or working on creative projects. The backlit keyboard provides a comfortable typing experience, and the aluminum chassis exudes a premium feel. Battery life is decent, lasting around 8-9 hours on a single charge. While the Swift 3 doesn't boast the powerful specifications of some gaming laptops, it's an excellent choice for students, professionals, or anyone who prioritizes portability, style, and everyday performance.
6. The Productivity Powerhouse: Dell Inspiron 3000 (Starting Price: Approximately ₹32,000)
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The Dell Inspiron 3000 series offers a wide range of configurations at various price points, making it a versatile option for budget-conscious users. You can choose between AMD Ryzen or Intel Core processors, with various RAM and storage options to suit your needs. This allows you to find a configuration that strikes the perfect balance between affordability and performance for your specific tasks.
The Inspiron 3000 typically features a sturdy plastic build and a comfortable keyboard. The display quality varies depending on the specific configuration, but most models offer decent visuals for everyday use. Battery life falls within the average range, lasting around 6-7 hours on a single charge. The Inspiron 3000 is a great choice for students, professionals who need a reliable workhorse for basic tasks, or anyone looking for a no-frills laptop that delivers good value for money.
7. The Upgradeable Choice: MSI Modern 14 (Starting Price: Approximately ₹38,000)
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The MSI Modern 14 caters to users who prioritize future-proofing their laptops. While the base model might offer a modest 10th Gen Intel Core i3 processor and 8GB of RAM, the beauty lies in its upgradability. This laptop allows you to upgrade the RAM and storage capacity down the line, potentially extending its lifespan and adapting to your evolving needs. Storage options typically come in the form of 256GB SSDs, but you can consider swapping it for a larger capacity SSD for additional storage space in the future.
The Modern 14 boasts a sleek and lightweight design with a comfortable keyboard. The display offers decent visuals for everyday use, and the battery life falls within the average range, lasting around 6-7 hours on a single charge. This laptop is a great choice for students who anticipate needing more processing power in their later years of study, or budget-conscious professionals who want a reliable laptop with the potential for future upgrades.
The world of affordable laptops offers a plethora of choices for various needs and budgets. By considering your primary tasks, desired features, and portability needs, you can find the perfect balance between affordability and performance. Remember, the most expensive laptop isn't always the best.
Taking Care of Your Affordable Laptop
Even affordable laptops deserve proper care. While some minor repairs might be manageable, for significant issues, consider seeking professional help from a qualified laptop repair technician. laptop repairing Institute in Delhi like Hitech No. 1 can provide the knowledge and skills you need to diagnose and potentially fix common laptop problems. It's important to remember that Hitech No. 1 focuses on education and doesn't offer laptop repair services directly. However, the skills you learn in a reputable laptop repairing course in New Delhi can empower you to understand your laptop's health and make informed decisions about repairs or replacements, potentially saving you money in the long run.
By choosing the right affordable laptop and taking proper care of it, you can ensure a productive and enjoyable computing experience without breaking the bank.
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civilera1 · 2 months
Designing the Future: Harnessing the Autocad Drawing Tool for Civil Engineering Excellence
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Online courses in civil engineering offer comprehensive training in Autocad, a powerful software essential for modern civil engineering practices. Autocad serves as both a drawing and documentation tool, facilitating workflows in building information modeling.
This software is indispensable across various civil engineering applications, enabling rapid and seamless design and detailing of structural elements. Autocad’s versatility makes it a cornerstone in civil engineering drawings.
Autocad, developed by Autodesk in 1982, stands as a leading computer-aided design (CAD) software, renowned for its precise 3D modeling capabilities. Through online civil engineering courses, students establish a solid foundation for utilizing Autocad effectively.
Primarily employed in construction and architecture, Autocad aids in floor planning, interior design visualization, and artistic endeavors. Its robust graphic engine efficiently processes large datasets, ensuring smooth operation even with complex projects.
The software’s significance extends to civil engineering tasks such as designing roads, bridges, and buildings. Its user-friendly interface and diverse toolset empower engineers to create, analyze, and document structures with ease.
Autocad’s advantages are manifold. It streamlines drafting processes, offers 2D and 3D modeling capabilities, and adapts to various platforms, including desktop, mobile, and web-based applications like Autocad 360. Civil engineering students leverage Autocad Civil Engineering to enhance diagrams and excel in assignments.
Key features include architectural planning tools for project development, drafting tools for precise 2D and 3D designs, and graphic design capabilities for space planning and visualization. Autocad’s compatibility with civil engineering formats facilitates seamless integration with 3D printing technologies, enhancing prototyping and visualization.
Moreover, Autocad accelerates project timelines, delivering faster results compared to manual methods. Its extensive library and comprehensive feature set further expedite workflows, ensuring efficient project execution.
In conclusion, civil engineering online courses offer invaluable resources for aspiring engineers, equipping them with essential Autocad skills. Accessible and comprehensive, these courses empower learners to excel in the dynamic field of civil engineering, regardless of their schedule constraints.
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bimengusllp · 4 months
The Evolution of BIM in Fabrication and Prefabrication: A Game-Changer in Construction
In the ever-evolving world of construction, technology has proven to be a game-changer. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one such technology that has revolutionized the construction industry, particularly in the areas of fabrication and prefabrication. This article explores the ins and outs of BIM for fabrication and prefabrication, shedding light on its significance, benefits, and future prospects.
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Understanding BIM: A Brief Overview
Before delving into the specifics of BIM for fabrication and prefabrication, let's grasp the essence of Building Information Modeling. BIM is a digital representation of a building's physical and functional characteristics. It goes beyond traditional 2D drawings by incorporating 3D models and comprehensive data. This approach facilitates better collaboration, decision-making, and efficiency throughout the project lifecycle.
Based on a report by Hourigan, market for prefabricated construction is set to grow at a rate of 6.9%, reaching a value of 153 billion by 2023.
Challenges with Legacy Prefabrication and Fabrication within Construction
The construction industry has long relied on the principles of prefabrication and fabrication to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in building projects. While these techniques have proven to be beneficial, they also come with a set of challenges, especially when dealing with legacy practices. In this article, we will explore some of the key challenges associated with legacy prefabrication and fabrication in construction.
1. Outdated Technology and Equipment
One of the primary challenges of legacy prefabrication and fabrication is the use of outdated technology and equipment. Many construction companies still rely on machinery and tools that are no longer efficient or up to industry standards. This can result in slower production, increased downtime due to maintenance, and higher operating costs.
2. Lack of Integration with Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Legacy practices often do not integrate seamlessly with modern technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM enables a digital representation of the building's design, allowing for better planning, coordination, and visualization. Without BIM integration, there can be gaps between design and fabrication, leading to errors, rework, and delays.
3. Limited Design Flexibility
Traditional prefabrication and fabrication methods may limit design flexibility. Legacy systems often rely on standardized components and processes, making it challenging to accommodate custom design elements or changes in project requirements. This lack of adaptability can hinder innovation and creative design solutions.
4. Quality Control Issues
Maintaining quality control in legacy fabrication and prefabrication processes can be a significant challenge. Outdated equipment may not provide the precision required for modern construction standards. This can lead to inconsistencies in product quality and increased risk of defects, which may only become evident during on-site assembly.
5. Inefficiencies in Transportation and Storage
Transportation and storage of prefabricated components pose challenges, especially in legacy systems where components may not be designed with transportation and storage in mind. Improperly designed or packaged components can suffer damage during transit, resulting in delays and additional costs.
6. Skilled Labor Shortages
Legacy fabrication and prefabrication practices may require specialized skills that are becoming increasingly scarce in the labor market. Finding and retaining skilled workers who are experienced in older technologies can be a challenge, potentially leading to delays and increased labor costs.
7. Environmental Concerns
Many legacy fabrication and prefabrication methods are not environmentally friendly. Outdated practices may involve the use of materials and processes that are not sustainable or energy-efficient. This can conflict with the growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable construction practices.
8. Compliance with Regulations
As construction regulations and codes evolve, legacy fabrication and prefabrication practices may struggle to meet new compliance requirements. This can lead to legal issues, project delays, and costly retrofits to bring components or systems up to code.
9. Resistance to Change
Perhaps one of the most significant challenges is resistance to change within the industry. Companies that have relied on legacy methods for years may be hesitant to invest in new technologies and processes, even if they offer substantial benefits. Overcoming this resistance and embracing modernization can be a significant hurdle.
BIM's Role in Fabrication and Prefabrication
Streamlining Design and Collaboration
One of the foremost advantages of BIM in fabrication and prefabrication is its ability to streamline the design process. Traditional design methods often involve multiple stakeholders working with 2D drawings, which can lead to errors and misinterpretations. BIM, on the other hand, offers a 3D visual representation that enables all parties involved to have a clearer understanding of the project.
Moreover, BIM promotes collaboration among architects, engineers, contractors, and fabricators. It allows real-time sharing of information, which is critical in achieving design accuracy and avoiding costly revisions later in the construction process.
Accurate Quantity Takeoffs and Cost Estimations
Fabrication and prefabrication require precise quantity takeoffs and cost estimations. BIM plays a pivotal role in this aspect by providing accurate data for materials, quantities, and costs. This not only helps in budget planning but also minimizes wastage, making construction projects more sustainable.
Improved Clash Detection
Clash detection is crucial in construction to identify and resolve conflicts or clashes between different building elements. BIM's 3D model allows for automated clash detection, where the software identifies potential clashes between structural, mechanical, and electrical systems. This proactive approach helps in avoiding costly rework and delays during fabrication and assembly.
Enhancing Efficiency in Fabrication
Fabrication involves creating building components off-site, which can be a complex process. BIM simplifies this by providing detailed and accurate fabrication drawings, ensuring that components fit together seamlessly. Fabricators can use the digital model to plan their processes efficiently, resulting in reduced fabrication time and improved quality control.
Prefabrication Precision
Prefabrication, the assembly of building elements in a controlled environment before transport to the construction site, relies heavily on accuracy. BIM helps in creating precise shop drawings and assembly instructions. This precision not only reduces on-site labor but also enhances the quality of the final product.
The Benefits of BIM in Fabrication and Prefabrication
1. Cost Savings
BIM's ability to provide accurate quantity takeoffs, clash detection, and efficient fabrication planning translates into significant cost savings. Projects are completed on time and within budget, minimizing unexpected expenses.
2. Improved Collaboration
Collaboration among various stakeholders is seamless with BIM, leading to better decision-making and reduced miscommunication. Architects, engineers, contractors, and fabricators can work together in real time, resulting in a more cohesive and efficient construction process.
3. Reduced Errors and Rework
BIM's 3D visualization and clash detection capabilities help identify and rectify errors early in the design and fabrication stages, reducing the need for costly rework and delays.
4. Enhanced Sustainability
By optimizing material usage and minimizing wastage, BIM contributes to more sustainable construction practices. The efficient planning it enables also reduces the environmental impact of construction projects.
5. Faster Project Delivery
With accurate shop drawings and assembly instructions, prefabrication and fabrication processes are expedited, leading to faster project completion and earlier occupancy of the building.
Future Prospects of BIM in Fabrication and Prefabrication
As technology continues to advance, the future of BIM in fabrication and prefabrication looks promising. Here are some trends and possibilities to watch out for:
1. IoT Integration
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) with BIM will enable real-time monitoring and control of prefabricated components. This can lead to improved maintenance and performance tracking throughout a building's lifecycle.
2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR technologies can enhance the visualization of BIM models, allowing stakeholders to experience the building in a more immersive way. This can be particularly valuable in design reviews and client presentations.
3. Automation and Robotics
Automation and robotics are likely to play a larger role in fabrication and prefabrication processes, further increasing efficiency and reducing labor costs.
4. Cloud-Based Collaboration
Cloud-based BIM platforms will continue to evolve, making it easier for teams to collaborate remotely and access project data from anywhere in the world.
While prefabrication and fabrication have the potential to revolutionize the construction industry, legacy practices present several challenges that must be addressed. Overcoming these challenges requires a commitment to modernization, investment in updated technology and equipment, integration with digital tools like BIM, and a willingness to adapt to changing construction standards and sustainability requirements. Embracing innovation in prefabrication and fabrication is not just a matter of choice but a necessity for the construction industry to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape
Building Information Modeling has transformed the construction industry, particularly in the realms of fabrication and prefabrication. Its ability to streamline design, enhance collaboration, reduce errors, and improve efficiency has made it an indispensable tool for construction professionals. As technology continues to advance, BIM's role in fabrication and prefabrication is set to expand, further revolutionizing the way buildings are designed and constructed. Embracing BIM is not just a choice but a necessity for those looking to stay competitive and sustainable in the ever-evolving construction landscape.
Visit us: https://www.bimengus.com/bim-coordination-services-sub/bim-for-prefabrication-fabrication
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What can Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales do for you?
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales is a comprehensive CRM solution offering sales automation, marketing integration, and customer service capabilities. It allows businesses to manage sales pipelines, nurture customer relationships, and streamline processes.
How Dynamics 365 Sales can help you:
Capture and access sales data from anywhere.
Take actions based on insights to close deals faster.
Track accounts, contacts, and sales from lead to order.
Create sales collateral and marketing campaigns.
Integrate with other modules like Marketing, Customer Service, and Field Service for collaboration across departments.
For more advanced features, there are different offerings available:
Dynamics 365 Sales Premium: Ideal for organizations needing AI-driven insights and sales automation. It combines enterprise sales capabilities with AI features like guided selling and predictive models.
Dynamics 365 Sales Enterprise: Suited for enterprises requiring contextual insights and advanced customization. It automates sales processes, runs marketing campaigns, and enforces best practices.
Microsoft Relationship Sales: Designed for enterprises integrating LinkedIn data with Dynamics 365 Sales to enhance customer interactions.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Professional: Offers sales automation with a subset of Sales Enterprise features, including visual insights, customer 360° view, and simplified opportunity-to-invoice processes.
The solution equips sales teams with tools for digital selling, relationship building, collaboration, and boosting productivity. It also provides mobile applications for on-the-go access and advanced features like forecasting, real-time performance tracking, and AI-driven recommendations. Integration options with other applications further enhance seller efficiency and customer collaboration.
What are advantages of dynamics 365 sales?
Dynamics 365 Sales provides several benefits for businesses aiming to streamline sales processes and enhance customer relationships:
Microsoft Integration: Seamlessly connects with familiar Microsoft tools like Outlook, Excel, and SharePoint, promoting efficient teamwork across departments.
Unified Platform: As part of Dynamics 365 suite, integrates smoothly with Customer Service, Marketing, and Field Service modules, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of customer data and interactions.
AI-driven Insights: Utilizes built-in AI to analyze data, offering actionable insights for prioritizing leads, spotting trends, and personalizing customer interactions.
Scalability: Highly adaptable to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, accommodating organizational growth and evolving needs.
Mobile Accessibility: Accessible anytime, anywhere via mobile apps, enabling sales reps to stay productive on-the-go and promptly respond to customer inquiries.
Task Automation: Automates repetitive tasks like data entry, email tracking, and reminders, allowing sales teams to focus on fostering relationships and closing deals.
Customization and Extensibility: Offers extensive customization options to tailor the system to specific workflows and requirements, with support for integrating third-party applications for expanded functionality.
Predictive Analytics: Leverages historical data and predictive analytics to forecast sales trends, identify risks, and optimize sales strategies for better results.
Improved Collaboration: Centralizes customer data, communication history, and documents, facilitating collaboration among sales teams, managers, and other departments, promoting better teamwork and goal alignment.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions and preferences, enabling personalized experiences, anticipating needs, and fostering long-term relationships, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
You May like to read this : Top 10 benefits of using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales
How to Get Started with Dynamics 365 Sales?
If you’re wondering to get start with d365 sales, then you’re at right place. Get ready for an exciting journey into Dynamics 365 Sales with confidence! As your trusted Microsoft Solutions Partner for business applications , About The Solution is here to make it easy. We'll customize your setup, ensure smooth integration, and offer continuous support to boost your sales.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales is your go-to powerhouse for turbocharging growth and efficiency in your business. With a variety of options including Sales Premium, Enterprise, Relationship Sales, and Professional, there's something to fit every unique need. Plus, its seamless integration with other modules fosters collaboration across your entire team. And don't forget about the invaluable support from trusted partners like About The Solution—they're here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you achieve nothing less than sales excellence and long-lasting success!
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group15 · 3 months
The Making of the Immersive Experience Environment Project | Idea | Process| Teamwork.
Immersion in an unusual setting is the essence of an immersive experience; this can be achieved through the use of technology such as virtual reality goggles or a multi-media physical attraction.
Working on an interdisciplinary project has allowed me to collaborate with students from other academic fields. By combining these backgrounds, abilities, and knowledge, the first craft game was able to convey the presumptions related to the missions .I am able to lead a team well and I often share ideas in group projects.
I was able to comprehend my personality after taking the Myer-Briggs personality test. I made every effort to make the remaining steps of the procedure as lovely as possible.
After that, I began looking into various concepts. I considered how to provide viewers with a 360-degree immersive experience that meets their needs. Afterwards, I spoke with my buddies, and between us, our combined study produced three distinct concepts. We couldn't decide which side to support because all three were superior to one. But because everyone got along well and worked together, we managed to make the most of it.
As the motif, we decided on a woodland following a forest fire.
It has been attempted to combine a variety of aspects to make it visually appealing to the audience.
Our first choice was to design a realistic woodland. I set up trees and other components for that. After determining that a more stylistic approach would be somewhat better, the processing began with UE5.
The Making time I face a problem, That is the bird animation cycle was one issue I ran into; we intended for the ghost bird to soar across the landscape. tried to do it with a lot of tutorial assistance, but the results weren't good.
When we looked at everything, we encountered a great deal of difficulty with the rendering process. The main issue we encountered during rendering was that numerous elements were missing and the entire image seemed black over the surroundings. We were somewhat disappointed with the finished product. My buddies and I will work to learn more about this and make the necessary corrections.
Team members get together once a week, depending on scheduling, to exchange ideas and feedback. We sent the UE5 document and asset files using Discord, Drive, and WhatsApp. I am happy that my group was able to collaborate right away and that we kept each other informed about our thoughts and solutions as the project progressed.
Submitted By: Sreelakshmi Chendrathil
BFX Factory. (2023, June 5). Unreal Engine 5.2 Realistic Burned Forest tutorial [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfGm-lqFGQA
MAWI United. (2023, May 5). MAWI Burned Dead Forest | Unreal Engine 5.2 | Inferno Preview #unrealengine #UE5 #gamedev [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ8_-PHV1q0
3DRocks! (2014, April 1). Flying birds in Unreal Engine 4 tutorial [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSHlKxqoc9s
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rightserve · 3 months
Benefits of MEP BIM Services For General Contractors
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Progressing from regular techniques to BIM work processes needs efficient key changes, yet the business benefits are significant. General contractors that have stepped up and carried out BIM innovations have seen a lot of benefits all through all phases of MEP construction. Coming up next are a few advantages of MEP BIM administrations for general contractors:
MEP Clash Detection And Solution:
Changing over 2D plans into BIM projects, for example, Revit gives general contractors better control of the venture. Creating composed 3D MEP models at a few degrees of improvement empowers upgraded plan expectation and constructability. what's more, one more high level model reviewing, booking, and route devices help the plan group in distinguishing and settling errors during the pre construction stage. This computerized strategy for clash detection utilizes devices, for example, Autodesk Navisworks or Solibri Model Checker which are a lot quicker and more effective at distinguishing inconsistencies. Furthermore, they additionally give investigates such issues that can be corrected during coordination or answered to the plan audit group.
Real-time 360-Degree Visualization of Service Routings And Connections:
When joined with A360 delivering, engineering representation Revit BIM gives astounding virtual delineation, from fundamental design through material use, lighting, and natural results. Around 60% of engineers guarantee BIM that they use for the greater part of their activities, and this figure is supposed to ascend to 89 percent by 2024. Itemized 3D portrayal of MEP frameworks or parts, as well as ongoing walkthroughs, give worked on aim and lucidity of applicable administrations.
Optimized Operations in The Ongoing And Post-Construction Phase:
Contractors might actually confirm that MEP establishments are done by BIM models during the construction stage. It empowers better situating and planning of BIM components. Likewise, restricting human blunder chances, approving estimating, and forestalling pointless adjust because of mistakes. Further subtleties on the structure, as well as its MEP parts and frameworks, like make, model, guarantee, establishment, etc, are recorded and put away in a brought together data set that contractors might access out of the blue for office upkeep prerequisites. New MEP establishments, changes, remodels, etc are turning out to be more helpful with fast admittance to such information whenever and from any area.
Smooth Onsite MEP System Installation With Little Rework:
With the intensive transformation of 2D drawings to MEP BIM models, contractors can show the specific situating and sequencing of parts. The utilization of 3D perception of MEP parts or frameworks cultivates more straightforward on location activity and more noteworthy field security. Through Revit MEP BIM administrations, proactive struggle detection and goal of hard and delicate questions with fast circle back limits RFIs and plan delays.
3D displaying of MEP frameworks or parts permits partners to acquire refreshed data or documents by transferring expedient changes across the entire model. A visual investigation with right comments and naming supports normalized MEP format plan, which gets a good deal on modify.
Accurate MEP Planning and Budgeting Enable Timely Completion:
3D MEP models with itemized data, right booking, amount departure, and cost expectation assist general contractors with exact and ideal material acquirement and upgraded asset assignment. Precise and intensive 4D booking and 5D expense assessment decline work process clashes, nearby adjust, and material waste. 3D MEP models having point by point data, exact preparation, amount departure, and cost forecast additionally assist general contractors with convenient and precise material buying and upgraded administration arrangement. MEP BIM administrations fueled by Revit convey durable benefits and beat conventional strategies through strong cooperation, plan enumerating greatness, and consistent coordination. MEP BIM coordination administrations can save project time through a fast circle back of great expectations.
MEP BIM administrations and their definitive objective of assisting contractors with working on their work processes, enhance asset designation and save time are what we center around. Our administrations include a few parts, all intended to work on the worth of your task by decreasing plan clashes, nearby revise, and material wastage as well as guaranteeing precise amounts for you to use in your expense assessment processes.
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symetriuk · 4 months
How Oculo Enhances Your Construction Processes with Autodesk BIM 360, Autodesk Construction Cloud, and Viewpoint to streamline workflows?
Oculo is a cutting-edge 360-degree photogrammetry platform which can come into play, effortlessly integrating with industry-standard document and field management tools like Autodesk BIM 360, Autodesk Construction Cloud, and Viewpoint to help customers accomplish their objectives.
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johncharles123 · 4 months
Unlocking Productivity: Field Service Technicians' Use of Mobile ERP Systems
In the dynamic world of field service, where every minute counts, technology integration is redefining how tasks are performed, problems are resolved, and customer satisfaction is achieved. Deploy a mobile enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that's a game-changer for field service technicians who are always on the go. In this blog post, we will discuss how mobile ERP systems can improve the productivity and efficiency of your field workers.
1. Real-time access to important information Field service engineers often face a variety of challenges that require them to make quick, informed decisions. Mobile ERP systems provide these technicians with real-time access to critical information such as customer history, equipment details, and service plans. This instant access ensures technicians always have the most up-to-date data and can resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
2. Seamless communication and collaboration Effective communication is at the heart of successful field service operations. Mobile ERP systems enable seamless communication and collaboration between field teams, dispatchers, and back-office employees. Whether it's updating service status, sharing documents, or getting expert advice, a mobile ERP system eliminates communication barriers and improves overall teamwork.
3. Optimized reservation and route planning In the field service industry, time is money, and inefficient planning can lead to delays, increased costs, and customer dissatisfaction. Mobile ERP systems are equipped with advanced planning and route optimization features. Field technicians receive real-time updates on their schedules so they can plan routes efficiently, minimize travel time, and complete more work in a day.
4. Improving customer interactions Customer satisfaction is a top priority for field service organizations. Mobile ERP systems give technicians a 360-degree view of a customer's history, preferences, and service contracts, allowing them to improve customer interactions. This not only improves service quality, but also allows technicians to provide personalized recommendations and upsell opportunities in the field.
ERP solutions Dubai give field service technicians access to data analytics and reporting tools. This enables personnel to make data-driven decisions, recognize trends, and proactively handle possible concerns.
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