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gojorgeworld · 1 month
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bukkesreeram · 1 year
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Super Smash Bros. Brawl HD - Full Game 100% Walkthrough (Story Mode - In...
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adsens1s · 2 years
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Alethea Tyner Paradis's invitation is awaiting your response
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vampiretunes-blog · 8 years
Shannon DeVault's invitation is awaiting your response
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moya3479-blog · 8 years
Arleen Yolanda Cotto's invitation is awaiting your response
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gojorgeworld · 20 days
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“NO DEBES METERTE” Cuantas veces se oye y escucha la misma frase ¡No te metas¡ Muchas, demasiadas. Reflexionaba sobre el tema. ¿Qué quiere decir no te metas? ¿Acaso que no me incumbe? ¿Acaso que no es mi asunto? ¿Acaso que cada palo aguante su vela? ¿Acaso que los problemas son de cada uno y de nadie más? ¿Acaso que no me busque problemas? Es que amo el "meterme" cuando veo la burocracia, la mentira, el dolor, la tristeza, la soledad, el hambre, la injusticia, el abandono, él desamor, la indigencia, la mentira. ¿De qué te sirve un "no te metas" ante un niño con hambre, un anciano abandonado, una familia sin pan sobre la mesa, un joven sin proyectos, una flor sin agua, un pájaro herido, un perro sin cariño. A veces meterte requiere, escuchar, compartir, apoyar, acompañar, abrazar, besar o simplemente una caricia envuelta en una mirada de paz. Nadie tiene derecho a decirte, "no te metas" . Dr. Jorge Bernabé Lobo Aragón [email protected] #Argentina #Tucumán #España
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bukkesreeram · 1 year
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fullphilosophersuit · 2 years
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midwestcargocult · 8 years
Steve Merrill's invitation is awaiting your response
Steve Merrill would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=-y75so9-iqv45y2e-34&t=ssuw&ek=first_guest_reminder_01&li=14&m=hero&ts=accept_text&sharedKey=8ZP9LAAr&invitationId=6159005658097217536 View Steve Merrill&in.com/e/v2?e=-y75so9-iqv45y2e-34&t=ssuw&ek=first_guest_reminder_01&li=3&m=hero&ts=profile_text&sharedKey=8ZP9LAAr&invitationId=6159005658097217536 You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=-y75so9-iqv45y2e-34&t=lun&midToken=AQFmrFVhGEd36Q&ek=first_guest_reminder_01&li=16&m=unsub&ts=HTML&eid=-y75so9-iqv45y2e-34&loid=AQEPjIdwwJPNJgAAAVYKKh_2e-9-cPjSBNZIl8MXKzbkBr6i_pZEyxuKX0w9cuTVT9fsQ1zk_Hvrj3xvNyM This email was sent to [email protected]. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=-y75so9-iqv45y2e-34&a=customerServiceUrl&ek=first_guest_reminder_01 © 2016 LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View CA 94043. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
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bat-chiquitito-blog · 8 years
O convite de Chico Alexandre está aguardando sua resposta
Chico Alexandre would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=a2ticp-iqv3ni3x-xr&t=ssuw&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=13&m=hero&ts=accept_text&sharedKey=9BBU8xw5&invitationId=6156578246734471168 View Chico Alexandre&in.com/e/v2?e=a2ticp-iqv3ni3x-xr&t=ssuw&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=3&m=hero&ts=profile_text&sharedKey=9BBU8xw5&invitationId=6156578246734471168 Eu gostaria de adicioná-lo à minha rede profissional no LinkedIn. -Chico Você recebeu um convite para se conectar. O LinkedIn utiliza seu endereço de e-mail para fazer sugestões a nossos usuários em recursos como Pessoas que talvez você conheça. Cancelar inscrição: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=a2ticp-iqv3ni3x-xr&t=lun&midToken=AQFmrFVhGEd36Q&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=15&m=unsub&ts=HTML&eid=a2ticp-iqv3ni3x-xr&loid=AQGF7cfvCb9pHQAAAVYKJ43QB025m3ZOAfBLCxYD3waYJRRpVe2VrJDNr4Xnlx6pn3k4Zg9PkuPEAIpXfzwWXA Este e-mail foi enviado para [email protected]. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=a2ticp-iqv3ni3x-xr&a=customerServiceUrl&ek=second_guest_reminder_01 © 2016 LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043. LinkedIn e a logomarca do LinkedIn são marcas registradas da LinkedIn.
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wesellraleigh · 8 years
Phillip Johnson's invitation is awaiting your response
Phillip Johnson would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=s8lqub-iqv3m1gh-dn&t=ssuw&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=13&m=hero&ts=accept_text&sharedKey=d1d_Df6e&invitationId=6156946763841363968 View Phillip Johnson&in.com/e/v2?e=s8lqub-iqv3m1gh-dn&t=ssuw&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=3&m=hero&ts=profile_text&sharedKey=d1d_Df6e&invitationId=6156946763841363968 You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=s8lqub-iqv3m1gh-dn&t=lun&midToken=AQFmrFVhGEd36Q&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=15&m=unsub&ts=HTML&eid=s8lqub-iqv3m1gh-dn&loid=AQGwMrlspW08-AAAAVYKJALC-kI2bkNO6yQQplCOsRd16dQW3gmNYn8Ox-Uhc-DXPKfzpkCS9kq2RhL26ZZ1gQ This email was sent to [email protected]. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=s8lqub-iqv3m1gh-dn&a=customerServiceUrl&ek=second_guest_reminder_01 © 2016 LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View CA 94043. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
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marky7uie · 8 years
Mark McCormack's invitation is awaiting your response
Mark McCormack would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=5lqndk-iqv3mekv-ng&t=ssuw&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=13&m=hero&ts=accept_text&sharedKey=6iDRx_gs&invitationId=6156815074209124353 View Mark McCormack&in.com/e/v2?e=5lqndk-iqv3mekv-ng&t=ssuw&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=3&m=hero&ts=profile_text&sharedKey=6iDRx_gs&invitationId=6156815074209124353 You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=5lqndk-iqv3mekv-ng&t=lun&midToken=AQFmrFVhGEd36Q&ek=second_guest_reminder_01&li=15&m=unsub&ts=HTML&eid=5lqndk-iqv3mekv-ng&loid=AQHG_hMsqEHAfQAAAVYJ6SJCvsO-WJocZMBB_b64BpvDK-WZpcbZFsK77RlAgXScqDHCmjUvEEYrVI0z5Nd1sA This email was sent to [email protected]. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=5lqndk-iqv3mekv-ng&a=customerServiceUrl&ek=second_guest_reminder_01 © 2016 LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View CA 94043. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
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gojorgeworld · 26 days
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“Feliz Día del Abogado”
El origen histórico del término “abogado” tiene sus raíces en la voz latina “advocatus” y en el verbo “advocare” que significa llamar. Siendo el abogado aquel que está llamado a representar a otro, a asumir su defensa y proteger sus intereses. Cuando un abogado asume la representación profesional de un cliente tiene el deber de realizar su labor con diligencia y responsabilidad, empleando para ello su conocimiento y habilidad en beneficio de su representado, sin que esto llegue a significar ni justifique de modo alguno el uso de cualquier medio para que su causa resulte ser la vencedora. El desempeño del abogado debe enmarcarse dentro de la ley, esencialmente en su espíritu y los propósitos que la originaron. Es que sobre el abogado recae el peso de propiciar y mantener un sistema de justicia eficaz y confiable, “ser instrumentos de hacer justicia”. Su labor se prioriza por ser la que se adentra en el ámbito de la justicia, de aquella justicia que más que ciencia de las leyes y de su aplicación es virtud, y nada menos que una de las virtudes cardinales. Un enorme abrazo a todos mis Colegas en su día y a pesar de estos tiempos aciagos, no debemos olvidar los que nos enseñó Juan Bautista Alberdi al decir que tenemos suelo hace más de tres siglos, y solo tenemos patria desde 1810. La patria es la libertad. Feliz día del Abogado.
Dr. Jorge Bernabé Lobo Aragón
#Tucumán #Argentina #España #México #Mundo
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bukkesreeram · 1 year
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